ML20028F818 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07109167 |
Issue date: | 01/17/1983 |
From: | Bagby L AMERSHAM CORP. |
Shared Package | |
ML20028F819 | List: |
References | |
21848, NUDOCS 8302040450 | |
Download: ML20028F818 (4) | |
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Amersharn CorporCion 2636 South Clearbrook onve Arlington Heights. Ilhnois 60005 C
(O (312) $934300 4
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NU J AN 2 81983 >
Amersham 2
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January 17, 1983
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Mr. Charles MacDonald q"
s8-Transportation Certification Branch Iu.gg201983>1 Division of Fuel Cycle and
.erial Safety, NMS$
U.S. huclear Regulatory Coruission
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Washington, D.C. 20555 ra u Wilsubon Docket No. 71-9167 0ib
Dear Mr. MacDonald:
This letter is in response to the inquiries that were made in your letter dated October 29, 1982. The locations of the responses to each question are indicated below.
Drawings Section Page(s) 1.
The drawings of the packagirg have been revised 1.3 1-7 and some additional detailed drawings have been through added to show the location and construction of 1-33 the lifting devices, locati n and dimensions et 9
all welds, thread sizes on caps and support tubes and complete dimensions of the shielding plugs, support tubes and caps.
The muimum clearance between shield plugs and support tubes and the material of construction of the shielding plug are described in the " Notes on drawings".
The welder qualification criteria and a description 1.3 1-34 of welding procedures has been included in the through
" Notes on drawings".
The WEP specifications have 1-60 also been included in the " Notes on drawings".
The torque required to maintain the cap (s) on the 1.3 1-35 support tube (s) has been specified in the " Notes on drawings".
8302040450 830117 PDR ADOCK 07109167 C
PDR 8N JAN 2 71983
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission January 17, 1983 Page 2 Drawings Section Page(s) 4.
The package drawings have been revised and 1.3 1-7 additional detailed drawings have been included 1-8 which show the location and size of vent holes 1-13 provided to release any gases generat d by the 1-16 t
decomposition of the WEP. One vent is present 1-17 on the front of the keg to relieve pressure in 1-21 the outer packaging. Gases produced in the 1-24 shielding plug would be released througn the vents 1-25 1-27 in the end plates of the plug. Any gases generated in the support tube are expected to diffuse out through the threads of the cap as these are not des!gned to be vapor tight.
The only vent hole that could come into contact with rain water during normal conditions of transport would be the vent hole in the front of the container. This hole is always covered by a metal tag so little if any water would get inside the stainless steel shell.
Structural 1.
A discussion of how the lifting devices comply 2.4.3 2-2 with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.31(c) has been included.
Calculations to show that the tie-down devices 2.10.4 2-43 will comply with the requirements of 10 CFR Part through 71.31(d) have been included.
2-77 3.
The keg design containers that will be manuf actured 2.10.1 2-9 for use will not have a plate welded on the front, so no plate was shown on the drawings. A discussion has been provided to demonstrate that the contents would not be released from a container without a plate on the front if it was subjected to the puncture test.
Shielding The thickness of the shielding plugs for each of the 5.5 5-4 radiation profiles has been indicated.
5-5 The thickness of the shielding plug will oc adequate 5.1 5-1 to ensure that the dose rate on the surface of the through container and at 1 meter will be within regulatory 5-3 limits.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission January 17, 1983' Page 3 J
Operating Procedures Section Page(s)
The operating procedures have been revised to take 7.2 7-1 into account the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20.205 concerning receipt of packages.
In addition to the changes which were made in reply to your questions, there have been some other changes to the submission which may need explanation.
he keg design with a 3" receptacle has been redesignated as design 32278 to indicate a more generic type of container. The keg design containers will no longer be supplied with support legs. Therefore, such a structure will not be available for use as a tie down and the need for an analysis to prove their adequacy has been eliminated.
The keg design container drawings included in this application may be released to the oublic document room by the NRC.
Please insert into your copies of the Safety Analysis Report the enclosed pages which contain the current revisions and additions. Use the following table as a guide.
Remove Old Pages Insert New Pages Title Page Title Page Table of Contents i, ii, iii, iv (unnumbered pages) 1-1 through 1-5 1-1 through 1-5 1-6 1-6 through 1-14 1-7 1-15 througn 1-22 1-8 1-23 through 1-33 1-34 through 1-60 2-1 through 2-3 2-1 through 2-3 2-5 2-5 2-8 and 2-9 2-8 and 2-9 2-38 2-38 2-40 2-40 2-42 2-42 2-43 through 2-77 3-2 3-2 5-1 through 5-5 5-1 through 5-5 7-1 7-1 8-1 8-1 1
U.S. Nuc? ear Regulatory Conmission January 17, 1983 Page 4 I believe that all the required information has now been provided and hope that the application will be approved as soon as possible.
If there is any information that is needed, please contact me at (312) 593-6300.
Sincerely, 0 ht 0< '
l Linda A. Bagoy Manager, Environmental and Safety Regulatory Affairs Enclosures l
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