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Application for Amend to License DPR-65,changing Tech Specs Re ASME Inservice Testing Requirements for Porvs,Main Steam Safety Valves & Pressurizer Safety Valves
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1990
From: Mroczka E
Shared Package
ML20012D456 List:
B13476, NUDOCS 9003270350
Download: ML20012D455 (3)




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General Offices e Selden Street, Berlin, Cor.necticut -

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P.O. BOX 270 kI H ARTFORD. CONNECTICUT o6141-0270 k

L J ZZCC,C (203) 665-5000


March 19, 1990 Docket No. 50-336 B13476 n

L Re:

10CFR50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Change to Technical Specifications Inservice ASME Testina Reauirements Pu'rsuant-to 10CFR50.90, Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (NNECO) hereby


proposes to. amend its Operating License No. OPR-65 by incorporating the changes identified in Attachment 1 into the -Technical Specifications of Millstone Unit No. 2.


.Specifically, the proposed amendment will change the way the Technical Speci -


fications: sections for Inservice Testing (IST) requirements are specified for the power operated relief valves (PORV's) (Section, main steam i

safety valves (Section' and pressurizer safety valves (Section 4.4.2).

l' Instead of. identifying. the specific ASME Section XI Edition, Addenda and Subsection, to which these valves are to be tested, each specification will I

require accordance with Specification 4.05.

Technical Specifica-I tion 4.05 specifies the ASME Section XI Code Edition and applicable addenda as' required by 10CFR50, Section'55a(g).

The proposed change will avoid the need to-identify these details for each Technical Specification that relates to l

'ASME Section XI.

C Sionificant Hazard Considerations y

4 NNECO has reviewed the proposed changes in accordance with 10CFR50.92 and has S $8 conchded that they do not involve a significant hazards consideration in that 581 these ekpges would not:

oo 1.

Involve a significant increase in the probability of occurrence or tad. -

consequences of an accident previously analyzed.

L o


-The change is editorial in nature in that the proposed amendment affects M-a change in the manner in which inservice test requirements are specified gg for the PORV's, main steam safety valves, and pressurizer safety valves.

o ca

'Instead of explicitly specifying the ASME Section XI Edition, Addendum, l

N and subsection, in each individual specification, the proposed change L

will reference Specification 4.05 which provides general inservice test l


' OSM2f HEV. 4 88 Y

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L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13476/Page 2 March 19, 1990 requirements.

As such, the changes are editorial in nature and do not affect the plant's current practices in compliance with the surveillance requirements.

The revised Technical Specification will not adversely affect operability or reliability of the valves mentioned above at L

Millstone Unit No. 2.

No design basis analyses are affected by this change and there is no impact on the consequences of the design basis accidents.

There is no impact on the probability of failure of any L

safety systems due to the changes.

No failure modes associated with the changes are identified.

There is no safety system or impact on the performance of any safety system affected by these changes.


Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed.

Since there are no changes in the way the plant is operated, the potential for an unanalyzed accident is not created.

No new failure modes are introduced.


Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Since the changes do not affect the consequences of any accident previously analyzed, do not impact the protective boundaries, do not affect the safety limits of the protective boundaries, and have no impact on the basis of the Tech-nical Specifications, there is no reduction in a margin of safety.

The Commission has provided guidance concerning the application of standards in 10CFR50.92 by providing certain examples- (51FR7751, March 6,


Although the changes proposed herein are not enveloped by a specific example, the proposed change would not involve a significant increase in the proba-bility or consequences of an accident previously analyzed.

The proposed Technical Specification only affects a change in the iaanner in which inservice test requirements are specified and has no operational or safety impact on Millstone Unit No. 2.

The Millstone Unit No. 2 Nuclear Review Board has reviewed and approved the attached proposed revision and has concurred with the above determinations.

The proposed change is not required to support continued operation.

i Therefore, NNEC0 requests the effective date for the proposed change be 60 days after issuance by the NRC Staff. This will provide adequate time for changes to controlled documents and any applicable training of operational l


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,4. :

e U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B13476/Page 3 March 19, 1990 In accordance with 10CFR50.91(b), we are providing the State of Connecticut with a copy of this proposed amendment.

t Very truly yours,-


  1. dt




Senior Vice President cc:

W. T. Russell, Region I Administrator G. S. Vissing, NRC Project Manager, Millstone Unit No. 2 P. Habighorst, Resident. Inspector, Millstone Unit No. 2 W. J. Raymond, Senior Resident inspector, Millstone Unit Nos.1, 2, and 3 Mr. Kevin McCarthy Director, Radiation Control Unit Department of Environmental Protection Hartford, Connecticut 06116 STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Berlin COUNTY OF HARTFORD Then personally appeared before me, E. J. Mroczka, who being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, a Licensee herein, that he is authorized to execute and file the foregoing information in the name and on behalf of the Licensee herein, and that the statements contained in said information are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, mM<l fh


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