MONTHYEARML20126M8141985-05-23023 May 1985 Order Denying Business & Prof People for Public Interest Application for Atty Fees Under Equal Access to Justice Act. Commission FY82 Appropriation Act Prohibited Funding of Intervenors.Served on 850523 ML20058J0861982-08-0606 August 1982 Order Holding Intervenor Business & Prof People for Public Interest Request for Award of Atty Fees & Expenses Under Equal Access to Justice Act Until Question of Availability of Funds Solved.Nrc Will Seek Comptroller General Opinion ML20054J0811982-06-18018 June 1982 Notice of ASLB Reconstitution.H Grossman,Chairman & K Mccollom & Rl Holton,Members ML20054F9471982-06-0707 June 1982 Memorandum Supporting Business & Prof People for Public Interest Application for Award of Atty Fees & Expenses ML20053E6801982-06-0404 June 1982 Application for Award of Fees & Expenses Under Equal Access to Justice Act.Fees Requested for Svcs Re Proceedings on Proposed Amend to CP to Extend Completion Date & Proposed Amend to Allow Foundation of Short Pilings ML20053E6851982-06-0404 June 1982 Memorandum of Law Supporting Application for Award of Fees & Expenses Under Equal Access to Justice Act.Proceedings Pending on Effective Date of Act,Party Prevailed & Amount of Fees & Expenses Compensable.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053E6821982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Rj Vollen Re Costs & Legal Svcs Provided ML20053E6831982-06-0404 June 1982 Affidavit of Jm Vollen Re Costs & Legal Svcs Provided ML20053E6841982-06-0303 June 1982 Affidavit of Rl Graham Re Reasonable & Customary Charges of Attys ML20052F5251982-05-0606 May 1982 Memorandum & Order Granting Util Motion to Terminate Proceeding W/O Prejudice.Application for Extension of CP Deemed Withdrawn W/Listed Conditions ML20052C7281982-04-29029 April 1982 Answer Objecting to & Proposing Mods to ASLB 820412 Memorandum & Order.Objects to Proposed Order Calling for Immediate Termination of Proceedings.No Assurance Util Will Comply If Proceedings Terminated.W/Certificate of Svc ML20052C8431982-04-12012 April 1982 Memorandum & Proposed Order Terminating CP CPPR-104 Extension Proceeding,W/Certain Conditions for Site Restoration ML20050A5201982-03-29029 March 1982 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820323 Pleading.No Legal Authority Shown for Intervenor Attempt to Exercise NRC Responsibility for Monitoring Compliance W/Aslb Orders.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049K0821982-03-23023 March 1982 First Interrogatory Re Site Restoration ML20049K0791982-03-23023 March 1982 Motion for Leave to Take Limited Discovery.Suppls Position Re Timing of Termination of Proceeding.Util Refusal to Supply Intervenors W/Info Re Compliance W/Aslb 820129 Order Illustrates Need for Jurisdiction.W/Certificate of Svc ML20069B8901982-03-0101 March 1982 Response Opposing Util 820210 Motion for Reconsideration of 820129 Order.No Legal Basis Presented for Util Argument That ASLB Exceeded Jurisdiction.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041A4721982-02-16016 February 1982 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 820129 Order Requiring Implementation of Revised Plan.Aslb Course Falls Short of ASLB Responsibility to Issue Timely Rulings,Is Unfair to Util & Exceeds ASLB Authority.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20040D5891982-01-29029 January 1982 Order Approving Util Revised Site Restoration Plan & Directing Implementation of Plan ML20040D4151982-01-28028 January 1982 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820108 Motion for Order Imposing Condition for Withdrawal of Util Application.Commission W/O Authority to Condition Withdrawal Upon Payment of Intervenor Atty Fees.W/Certificate of Svc ML20040C7011982-01-25025 January 1982 Responses Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820108 Motion for Order Imposing Condition of Withdrawal.Nrc Unauthorized to Require Applicant to Pay Intervenors Fees & Expenses.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039G0811982-01-0808 January 1982 Motion for Order Imposing Condition Upon Withdrawal of Util Application.Expenses Incurred by Intervenor Were Substantial & Info Developed in Discovery Cast Doubt on Merits of Util Application.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039C9581981-12-29029 December 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811209 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Site Restoration.Aslb Should Grant Util 810826 Motion to Terminate,Mooting Pcci Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039C2601981-12-22022 December 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811209 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Restoration.Util Will Act When Termination Order Issued, Weather Permitting.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062L9641981-12-0909 December 1981 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Site Restoration.No Valid Reason Exists for Further Delay. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20032E4961981-11-18018 November 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Re Excavation.Portion of Motion That Util Submit Plan Is Moot.Opposes Portion Requesting ASLB to Determine If Plan Satisfactorily Completed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20032E5081981-11-17017 November 1981 Order Granting NRC 811104 Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors Motion Re Excavation. Time Extended Addl 2-wks ML20032B7721981-11-0404 November 1981 Motion for Further Extension of Time Until 811118 to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Re Excavation.Parties Have Reached Agreement on Restoration Plan But Need Time to Execute Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20011A6701981-10-26026 October 1981 Order Granting NRC 811021 Motion for 2-wk Extension to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors Motion Re Excavation ML20031G5391981-10-21021 October 1981 Motion for Extension of 2 Wks to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Concerning Excavation. Extension Would Allow Parties Opportunity to Reach Agreement on Restoration Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031E7151981-10-12012 October 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion for Order Directing Util to Submit Plans Re Site Excavation. Motion Moot Due to Util 811008 Rept on Const & Restoration Work.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20011A2391981-10-0101 October 1981 Motion for Order Directing Util to Submit Plans to ASLB Re Site Excavation.Excavation Should Be Filled W/Matl Comparable to Removed Matl to Preclude Possibility of Harm to Natl Lakeshore.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031A7841981-09-17017 September 1981 Response Opposing ASLB 810901 Order.Withdrawal of Application Should Be Granted W/O Prejudice.No Prejudice to Public Interest or Other Party Shown.Aslb Has Not Identified Basis for Condition & No Condition Apparent from Record ML20030D9191981-09-15015 September 1981 Response to Util 810826 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Aslb Should Not Grant Motion Until Site Restored to Preclude Offsite Impacts.Util Should Be Required to Submit Restoration Plans for NRC Approval.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010G5041981-09-10010 September 1981 Response Supporting Util 810826 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Termination Should Be W/Prejudice to Assure Finality of Util Decision & That Issues Raised Need Not Be Litigated ML20010E4141981-09-0101 September 1981 Order Suspending Proceeding Until ASLB Issues Order Terminating Proceeding.Also Orders Util to Respond within 10 Days Re Objections to Termination W/Prejudice ML20030D2511981-08-28028 August 1981 Motion for Order Postponing Due Date of Any Pending Responses Until ASLB Rules on Util 810827 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030C5531981-08-26026 August 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810810 Motion to Compel NRC Answers to First Set of Interrogatories.Parties Cannot Discover Nonexistent Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030C5791981-08-26026 August 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810731 Motion for Order Compelling NRC Answers to Second Set of Interrogatories.Motion Should Be Denied Re Interrogatories 13 & 16.Question Unclear.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D2571981-08-26026 August 1981 Motion to Terminate All Pending Proceedings Re Facility ML20030C5651981-08-25025 August 1981 Order Extending Until 810930 Time for Noticing Depositions & Until 811030 for Taking Depositions.State of Il & Porter County Chapter Intervenors May Notice No Depositions Until Agreement Reached on Util Deposition of Read & Osann ML20010E0341981-08-25025 August 1981 Response in Opposition to State of Il 810820 Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Requests That Order Be Issued to Compel Response.Related Correspondence ML20010E0331981-08-25025 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810817 Motion to Extend Time for Reply to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Also Submits Motion to Compel Response. Related Correspondence ML20010E0321981-08-25025 August 1981 Motion to Compel Appearance of Ew Osann & Read for Deposition Re Facts Upon Which State of Il Has Based Contentions.Porter County & State of Il Are Attempting to Delay Completion of Proceeding.Related Correspondence ML20010E0171981-08-25025 August 1981 Renewed Motion for Protective Order Providing Hiple & Kulawinski Not Be Required to Appear for Depositions on 810915 & 22,respectively.Refusal to Reschedule Unwarranted. W/Ltrs & Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20030C5581981-08-24024 August 1981 Memorandum & Order Denying Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810511 Motion to Compel Production of Documents by Util Per Intervenors Third Request to Util.Intervenors Failed to Show Relevancy of Documents ML20030C1751981-08-21021 August 1981 Order That Permittee Not Install Piles Pending Completion of Adjudication of Pilings Issue ML20030B8601981-08-21021 August 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810811 Third Application for Order Requiring Attendance & Testimony of Lg Hulman,Lm Bykoski & Wf Lovelace at Deposition. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030B9511981-08-21021 August 1981 Amended Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Re Licensee Plan to Drive Foundation Piles Into Glacial Lacustrine Deposits Underlying Site ML20030B9001981-08-21021 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Porter County Chapter Intervenors (Pcci) 810810 Second Motion to Compel Further NRC Response & Production of Documents.No Deficiency Exists in Response to Pcci Second Request.W/Certificate of Svc ML20030C4361981-08-20020 August 1981 Motion for Extension of Time Until 810928 to File Responses to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence 1985-05-23
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20053E6851982-06-0404 June 1982 Memorandum of Law Supporting Application for Award of Fees & Expenses Under Equal Access to Justice Act.Proceedings Pending on Effective Date of Act,Party Prevailed & Amount of Fees & Expenses Compensable.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20053E6801982-06-0404 June 1982 Application for Award of Fees & Expenses Under Equal Access to Justice Act.Fees Requested for Svcs Re Proceedings on Proposed Amend to CP to Extend Completion Date & Proposed Amend to Allow Foundation of Short Pilings ML20052C7281982-04-29029 April 1982 Answer Objecting to & Proposing Mods to ASLB 820412 Memorandum & Order.Objects to Proposed Order Calling for Immediate Termination of Proceedings.No Assurance Util Will Comply If Proceedings Terminated.W/Certificate of Svc ML20050A5201982-03-29029 March 1982 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820323 Pleading.No Legal Authority Shown for Intervenor Attempt to Exercise NRC Responsibility for Monitoring Compliance W/Aslb Orders.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049K0791982-03-23023 March 1982 Motion for Leave to Take Limited Discovery.Suppls Position Re Timing of Termination of Proceeding.Util Refusal to Supply Intervenors W/Info Re Compliance W/Aslb 820129 Order Illustrates Need for Jurisdiction.W/Certificate of Svc ML20069B8901982-03-0101 March 1982 Response Opposing Util 820210 Motion for Reconsideration of 820129 Order.No Legal Basis Presented for Util Argument That ASLB Exceeded Jurisdiction.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20041A4721982-02-16016 February 1982 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 820129 Order Requiring Implementation of Revised Plan.Aslb Course Falls Short of ASLB Responsibility to Issue Timely Rulings,Is Unfair to Util & Exceeds ASLB Authority.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20040D4151982-01-28028 January 1982 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820108 Motion for Order Imposing Condition for Withdrawal of Util Application.Commission W/O Authority to Condition Withdrawal Upon Payment of Intervenor Atty Fees.W/Certificate of Svc ML20040C7011982-01-25025 January 1982 Responses Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 820108 Motion for Order Imposing Condition of Withdrawal.Nrc Unauthorized to Require Applicant to Pay Intervenors Fees & Expenses.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039G0811982-01-0808 January 1982 Motion for Order Imposing Condition Upon Withdrawal of Util Application.Expenses Incurred by Intervenor Were Substantial & Info Developed in Discovery Cast Doubt on Merits of Util Application.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039C9581981-12-29029 December 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811209 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Site Restoration.Aslb Should Grant Util 810826 Motion to Terminate,Mooting Pcci Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039C2601981-12-22022 December 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811209 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Restoration.Util Will Act When Termination Order Issued, Weather Permitting.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062L9641981-12-0909 December 1981 Motion to Compel Util to Implement Revised Plan for Site Restoration.No Valid Reason Exists for Further Delay. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20032E4961981-11-18018 November 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Re Excavation.Portion of Motion That Util Submit Plan Is Moot.Opposes Portion Requesting ASLB to Determine If Plan Satisfactorily Completed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20032B7721981-11-0404 November 1981 Motion for Further Extension of Time Until 811118 to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Re Excavation.Parties Have Reached Agreement on Restoration Plan But Need Time to Execute Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031G5391981-10-21021 October 1981 Motion for Extension of 2 Wks to Respond to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion Concerning Excavation. Extension Would Allow Parties Opportunity to Reach Agreement on Restoration Plan.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031E7151981-10-12012 October 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 811001 Motion for Order Directing Util to Submit Plans Re Site Excavation. Motion Moot Due to Util 811008 Rept on Const & Restoration Work.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20011A2391981-10-0101 October 1981 Motion for Order Directing Util to Submit Plans to ASLB Re Site Excavation.Excavation Should Be Filled W/Matl Comparable to Removed Matl to Preclude Possibility of Harm to Natl Lakeshore.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031A7841981-09-17017 September 1981 Response Opposing ASLB 810901 Order.Withdrawal of Application Should Be Granted W/O Prejudice.No Prejudice to Public Interest or Other Party Shown.Aslb Has Not Identified Basis for Condition & No Condition Apparent from Record ML20030D9191981-09-15015 September 1981 Response to Util 810826 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Aslb Should Not Grant Motion Until Site Restored to Preclude Offsite Impacts.Util Should Be Required to Submit Restoration Plans for NRC Approval.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010G5041981-09-10010 September 1981 Response Supporting Util 810826 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Termination Should Be W/Prejudice to Assure Finality of Util Decision & That Issues Raised Need Not Be Litigated ML20030D2511981-08-28028 August 1981 Motion for Order Postponing Due Date of Any Pending Responses Until ASLB Rules on Util 810827 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D2571981-08-26026 August 1981 Motion to Terminate All Pending Proceedings Re Facility ML20030C5791981-08-26026 August 1981 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810731 Motion for Order Compelling NRC Answers to Second Set of Interrogatories.Motion Should Be Denied Re Interrogatories 13 & 16.Question Unclear.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030C5531981-08-26026 August 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810810 Motion to Compel NRC Answers to First Set of Interrogatories.Parties Cannot Discover Nonexistent Documents.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E0331981-08-25025 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810817 Motion to Extend Time for Reply to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Also Submits Motion to Compel Response. Related Correspondence ML20010E0321981-08-25025 August 1981 Motion to Compel Appearance of Ew Osann & Read for Deposition Re Facts Upon Which State of Il Has Based Contentions.Porter County & State of Il Are Attempting to Delay Completion of Proceeding.Related Correspondence ML20010E0171981-08-25025 August 1981 Renewed Motion for Protective Order Providing Hiple & Kulawinski Not Be Required to Appear for Depositions on 810915 & 22,respectively.Refusal to Reschedule Unwarranted. W/Ltrs & Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence ML20010E0341981-08-25025 August 1981 Response in Opposition to State of Il 810820 Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Requests That Order Be Issued to Compel Response.Related Correspondence ML20030B9001981-08-21021 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Porter County Chapter Intervenors (Pcci) 810810 Second Motion to Compel Further NRC Response & Production of Documents.No Deficiency Exists in Response to Pcci Second Request.W/Certificate of Svc ML20030B8601981-08-21021 August 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810811 Third Application for Order Requiring Attendance & Testimony of Lg Hulman,Lm Bykoski & Wf Lovelace at Deposition. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030C4281981-08-20020 August 1981 Suppl to 810811 Motion for Extending Time for Taking Depositions.Counsel Has Other Responsibilities,Making Extension Necessary.Related Correspondence ML20030C4361981-08-20020 August 1981 Motion for Extension of Time Until 810928 to File Responses to Util Fourth Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20010D2381981-08-18018 August 1981 Response in Opposition to State of Il 810813 Motion to File Application for Discovery & Interrogatories Instanter & for Protective Order. General Allegations Insufficient to Extend Deadline.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20010D2291981-08-18018 August 1981 Motion to Compel Answers to 810622 Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Porter County Chapter,Concerned Citizens Against Bailly Nuclear Site,Businessmen for Public Interest,Et Al.Related Correspondence ML20010D2341981-08-18018 August 1981 Request for Motion to Compel Response to 810622 Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to State of Il.Answers Were Nonresponsive.Related Correspondence ML20010C8961981-08-17017 August 1981 Motion for Extension of Time Until 810910 to File Answers or Objections to Util 810730 Fourth Set of Interrogatories. More Time Needed for Adequate Preparation.No Party Will Be Prejudiced by Extension.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C8231981-08-17017 August 1981 Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810810 Motion for Extension of Time to Take Depositions.Intervenors Had Ample Opportunity for Discovery.Board Should Not Allow Delaying Tactics ML20010C8251981-08-17017 August 1981 Response Opposing State of Il 810811 Motion for Extension of Time to Take Depositions.Hardships Under Discovery Schedule Are self-imposed ML20010C0741981-08-14014 August 1981 Response in Opposition to Porter County Chapter Intervenors (Pcci) 810731 Motion for Leave to Initiate Further Discovery.Pcci Does Not Identify Specific Interrogatories or Documents Required.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C5031981-08-14014 August 1981 Second Application for Order Requiring Attendance & Testimony at State of Il Noticed Depositions of Lm Bykoski & Lg Hulman.Exceptional Circumstances Exist & Listed Personnel Should Be Required to Appear ML20010C5881981-08-13013 August 1981 Motion for Leave to File Application for Discovery Re NRC Documents,First Set of Interrogatories Directed to NRC & Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util.Discovery Could Not Be Completed by 810811.Related Correspondence ML20010C5181981-08-13013 August 1981 Motion for Protective Order That Ew Osann Deposition Not Be Taken on 810820.Osann Will Be Unavailable for Util Deposition Due to Other Business Commitments.Good Cause Exists to Util Law Firm & Certificate of Svc ML20010C5111981-08-11011 August 1981 Motion for Extension of Time for Taking Depositions.Supports Porter County Chapter Intervenors 810810 Motion for Extension of Deadline Until 810803.Schedule Places Burden on Parties W/O Benifit to Anyone.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C2821981-08-11011 August 1981 Conditional Withdrawal of Motions for Protective Orders Re Hiple & Kulawinski Depositions.If Depositions Rescheduled for Suggested Dates,Util Will Withdraw Objections. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C1591981-08-11011 August 1981 Third Application for Order Requiring NRC to Answer Porter County Chapter Intervenors Third Set of Interrogatories. Related Correspondence ML20010C3261981-08-11011 August 1981 Third Application to ASLB for Order Requiring Attendance & Testimony at Deposition of Lg Hulman,Lm Bykowski & Wf Lovelace.Exceptional Circumstances Exist.Related Correspondence ML20010B2951981-08-10010 August 1981 Second Motion to Compel Further NRC Response & Production of Documents Per Porter County Chapter Intervenors Second Request.Nrc Should Be Ordered to Provide Definitive Response.Related Correspondence ML20010B2961981-08-10010 August 1981 Motion to Compel NRC Answers to Porter County Chapter Intervenors First Set of Interrogatories.Nrc Answers Re Interrogatories 8(f)(ii)(iii) & 9(d) & (F) Were Deficient. Related Correspondence ML20010B3941981-08-10010 August 1981 Response in Opposition to State of Il Refusal to Produce Designated Agent for Deposition.Util Does Not Object to Rescheduling of Deposition.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence 1982-06-04
[Table view] |
"E CNe e,93 [k U"D b i
In the Matter of
h"4 G
Dock'et No. 50-367 b
(Construction 9
(Bailly Generating Station,
Permit ExtensionOp Nuclear-1)
C' In a telephone conference call on August 3, 1981, Chairman of the Licensing Board directed counsel for Porter County Chapter Intervenors ("PCCI") to notice the depositions of those persons for which subpoenas had been applied, and to make a showing of general relevance of the evidence sought, by August 10, 1981.
By a separate document, "PCCI's Notice of Depositions for Which Application Has Been Made for Subpoenas,"
dated August 10, 1981 (" Notice"), PCCI have complied with the direction to notice these depositions. /
By this document PCCI make the required showing of general relevance.
The Commission's regulations with regard to subpoenas, 10 CFR S2.720(a), in pertinent part provides:
- / The Notice has not been serve'd upon the-persons to be deposed
_ as yet.
Inasmuch as all of those persons are non-parties to this proceeding, the Notice would be ineffectual to require their attendance and might cause confusion and inconvenience.
Accordingly, it is our intention to serve the Notice on those persons simultaneously with the service of the. subpoenas for which we have applied.
d 99 8108140326 810810 M{
PDR ADOCK 05000367 C
On application by any party, the designated presiding officer or, if he is not available, the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, the Chief Administrative Law Judge or other designated officer will issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of evidence.
The officer to whom application is made may require a showing of general relevance of the testimony or evidence sought, and may withhold the subpoena if such a
-showing is not made, but he shall not attempt to determine the admissibility of evidence.
r I.
D.L. Leone.
Mr. Leone is the Bailly project director at Sargent & Lundy Engineccs which has been the architect-engineer e
for Bailly since the inception of the project.
As such Mr. Leone can be expected to have knowledge of the facts related to NIPSCO's application for a construction permit extension, the reasons why NIPSCO did not complete construction of the Bailly' nuclear plan.
by September 1, 1979, the estimated cost of building Bailly, NIPSCO's and Sargent & Lundy's competence'to design.and build a nuclear power plant, the reasonableness of the requested extension and virtually all other matters at issue in this proceeding.
His testimony would be directly relevant to the matters in controversy.
G.A. Chauvin.
Mr. Chauvin is an employee.of Sargent;&
Lundy Engineers and has been personally and directly involved in.
its work on the Bailly-plant since at least 1972.
His testimony and knowledge of the facts would be directly relevant in the'same way as that of Mr. Leone.
Richard F. Brissette.
Mr. Brissette 19 the co-author I
of two reports, identified following his name in the Notice.
Those reports deal with the impact of construction dewatering at Bailly on the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, an issue in.
this proceeding.
Mr. Brissette's testimony concerning the basis a
and support for statements in those reports, their implications and significance and their justifi.ation and correctness, is directly relevant to the subject of this proceeding.
NIPSCO has relied on the November 1980 report in stating its position that dewatering would have no effect on the Lakeshore.
See NIPSCO's response to the People of the State of Illinois' First Set of Interrogatories to NIPSCO, dated July 8, 1981, in response to Interrogatories 10 and 16.
Stevo Dobrijevic.
Mr. Dobrijevic is the co-author with Mr. Brissette of the two reports on-dewatering.
His testimony therefore is directly relevant in the same way as
. that of Mr. Brissette.
Eugene'E. Barnett.
Mr. Barnett is the person in charge of the. Bailly proj ect for C.F. Braun & Co., which is the construction manager for Bailly.
As such, Mr. Barnett can be expected to have knowledge of the facts concerning the reasona why NIPSCO did not complete construction of Bailly by September 1,
~ 1979, and the reasonableness of.a latest completion date of 2
. December 1, 1989, for the Bailly plant.
Those~ issues are directly at issue in this proceeding.
k m
i 4.
m.a m.
m -
- i. -m m.
Thomas J. Wysocky is the person at Thatcher Engineering Corporation responsible for the Bailly project.
Thatcher Engi-f neering.is the company which had a contract to do pile driving on the Bailly plant.
Because the inability to install a workable and safe foundation of long pilings is a major' cause of delay, Mr. Wysocky can-be expected to have direct knowledge of the reasons way NIPSCO did not complete construction of Bailly by September 1, 1979, an issue in controversy in this proceeding.
Superintendent, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and 2.
Chief Scientist, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Both the Superi6tendent and the Chief Scientist of the National Lakeshore have ongoing responsibilities for and con-cerns about the preservation, use,-protection and enjoyment of the National Lakeshore.
They can be expected to have knowledge of the potential impacts of NIPS;0's construction of Bailly, particularly the impacts of co.s.caction dewatering and of the
sealing of-the ash ponds on the Bailly site, on the Indiana D2nen National Lakeshore.
These matters are in' controversy in this proceeding'and the testimony of the Superintendent and, Chief
' Scientist would be directly relevant to them.
William Meyer, sm
Patrick Tucci, i
Daniel Gilles, 6.
Mark A. Hardy, 7.
Wayne W. Lapham, and 8.
James Marie.
i Each of these six people is the author or co-author of a U.S. Geological Survey report on an aspect of the impact of NIPSCO's activities in conjunction with Bailly on the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Those reports are identifidd following the names of each of these persons in the Notice.
The tectimony of these persons on the subject matter of those reports will be directly relevant to issues in this proceeding.
I 9.
The person'or persons at Ground / Water Technology, Inc.
responsible for or having input into " Supplementary Information, Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Construction' Dewatering," dated October 27, 1979.
That report is another which deals with the impact of construction dewatering at Bailly upon the Indiana i
Dunes National Lakeshore and the person (s) with knowledge of.
the materi.11 within it can be expected to have information.
relevant to that issue.in this proceeding.
Daniel Willard. ' D',
'w2.llard -is the chairman 'of a panel which issued a report, identified.in the Notice following i'
Dr. Willard's name, on the effects of dewatering on.the Indiana x --
Dunes National Lakeshore.
That report, and the testimony of Dr. Willard concerning the information in it, relate to the impact on the ecology of the Lakeshore of drawdown due to dewatering and thus an, relevant to this proceeding.
CONCLUSION The Commisston's regulations authorize the Board to require a showing of " general relevance" of the evidence sought by way of subpoena.
There is no room for serious doubt that the persons whom PCCI seek to depose have knowledge that isdirec$lyand immediately relevant to the issues in this proceeding.
The standard of a showing of general relevance has been met and the subpoenas sought should be issued.
August 10, 1981 Respectfully submitted, Robert J. Vollen Jane M. Whicher by:
s %- -
\\bk-Jane M. Whicher\\
Attorneys for Porter County Chapter Intervenors Robert J. Vollen Jane M. Whicher c/o BPI 109 North Dearborn Suite 1300 Chicago, Illinois 60602 (312) 641-5570