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Proposed Changes to App a Tech Specs,Revising Section 3.5.J.2a Re Limiting Conditions for Operation of Plant Svc Water Sys
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1980
Shared Package
ML19339B576 List:
NUDOCS 8011070282
Download: ML19339B579 (2)




ATTACHMENT 2 NRC DOCKET 50-321 OPERATING LICENSE DPR-57 EDWIN I. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 PROPOSED CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The croposed change to the Technical Specifications (Appendix A to Operating License DPR-57) would be incorporated as follows:

Remove Page Insert Pace 3.5-12 3.5-12 8011070 t


1.lMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLUCE REQUIREw NTS 4.5.J Plant Stevice Vzter Svste-3.5.J Plant Service Water Svseca

1. Normal Availability
1. The automatic pump start func-tions 'nd automatic isolation


a The reactor shall not be functions shall be tested once made critical from the per operating cycle.

cold shutdown condition unless the Plant Service Water System (including 4 plant service water pumps and the standby service water pumo) is operable."

2. Inocerable Components
2. Inocerable Co=cenents
a. The standby service water
a. When the standby serv te pump may be inoperable for water pu=p is made e-feun' a period not to exceed 60 to be inoperable, the feur days provided that an alter-remaining PSV pu=ps, both nate Unit 1 plant service PSW divisions, and all three water cooling source to the diesel generators, shall be 1B diesel generator is demonstrated to be operable OPERABLE.


b. One PS"' pu=p be in-
b. When one PS*** pump is made operable for a period not or found to be inoperable,


to exceed 30 days provided the standby service water all diesel generators are pu=p, the three remaining 3(


PSW pumps, both PSW divisior and all three diesel senera-tors, shall be demonstrated to be operable immediately and weekly thereafter.

c. One PSW pu=p and the stand-
c. When one PSW pump and the by service water pu=p =ay standby service water pump be inoperable for a period are made or found to be not to exceed 30 days pro-inoperable, the three re-vided all diesel generators maining PSV pu=ps, both PSW are operable.

divisions, and all three diesel generators, shall be demonstrated to be operable immediately and Geekly there-after.

d. Tvo PSV pumps or one PSW
d. When two PSW pumps or one division may be inoperable for PSW division are made or a period not to exceed 7 found to be inoperable, tSe days provided the diesel standby service water puer generators associated with the

'and all active compe ents operable PS** components are of the operable divisfor e-operable.

divisions and the diesel generators associated with the operable PSW components, shall be demonstrated to be m

~,W 3'

operable immediately 2nd


daily thereafter.

J' Amendment No. 5@ b 3.5-12 b