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Corrected & Supplemental Answers by Public Utils Board of City of Brownsville,Tx in Response to Houston Lighting & Power First Set of Interrogatories & First Request for Production of Documents.Contains Info Re Sale of Power
Person / Time
Site: South Texas, Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1979
Shared Package
ML19256F486 List:
NUDOCS 7912190319
Download: ML19256F520 (6)



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In the Matter of



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Do cke t No s. 50-498a et al.


and 50-499A


(South Texas Project, Unit Nos.


1 and 2)





In the Matter of




Docke t No s. 50-445A e' al.


and 50-446A


(Comanche Peak Steam Electric


Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2)


ATTACHMENT A Interrogatory No. 7 7.

Detail every alternative that PUB has con-sidered to meet its maximum load forecast of 163 mi for 1985, including separate identification of: (a) every person that PUB has contacted or contemplated contacting about the purchase of bulk power; (b) the date of each such contact; (c) the response given to PUB; and (d) the identity and loca-tion of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inquired into in this Interrogatory.

Interrogatory No. 8 8.

Identify every electric utility with which PUB has discussed the sale of electric power by such electric utility to PUB since January 1, 1968, and with respect to each such utility separately state:

(a) the date(s) upon which such utility discussed selling electric power to PUB; (b) the terms, if any, upon which such utility offered to sell electric power to PUB on each such date; and (c) the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matter,s,yf h 2 h1' inquired into in this Interrogatory.

7 912190 3/7 Interrogatory :Jo. 9 9.

Identify every electric utility (including affiliated or predecessor companies) from whom PUB has purchased electric power in each year since January 1, 1968, and with respect to each such electric utility for each such year separately state:

(a) the identity of the seller; (b) the type of power purchased, such as firm power, contract power, economy power, emergency power, and wholesale power; (c) the megawatts and megawatt-hours of electri-city purchased; (d) for each type of power purchase identified in (b), the sales price (s) per megawatt-hours and the number of megawatt-hours purchased at each such price; and (e)-

the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inquired into in this Interrogatory.


Interrogatory Nos.

7, 8,

9 A copy of Burns & McDonnell's October 1979-1984 Capital Improvements Program Study of Power Supply and Electric Transmission and Distribution Systems is enclosed.

In August 1979, PUB and Texas Power & Light Company exa-cuted an agreement for the sale to PUB of interruptible off-peak economy energy, as available in an amount not to exceed 45 mw per hour.

Documents relating to this agreement are attached.

Also attached are documents relating to recent PUB inquiries directed to~ other Texas electric utilities con-cerning the purchase of base load capacity in existing or planned coal' nu lear or lignite generating units.

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10 10.

Identify every electric utility (including affiliated companies) to which PUB has sold electric power in each year since January 1, 1968, and with respect to each such utility for each such year separately state:

(a) the identity of the purchaser; (b) the type of power sold, such as firm power, contract power, economy power, emergency power, and wholesale power; (c) the total megawatts and megawatt-hours of electricity sold; (d) for each type of electric power identified in (b), the unit price (s) per megawatt-hour and the number of megawatt-hours sold at each such price; and (e) the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inauired into in this Interrogatory.


During two weeks in July 1979 PUB sold 9 mw of electric power to Union Carbide Corporation under the terms of the April 16, 19.64, Electric Service Contract.between PUB and Union Carbide.

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_4-Interr:3gtory No. 15 15.

Identify every electric utility from which PU3 hac requested transmission services since January 1, 1968, but which has refused or declined to provide any of the transmission services requested, and with respect to each such electric utility separately state:

(a) the type of transmission service requested; (b) the date of the request; (c) the reason (s), if any, given for not providing the transmission services requested; and (d) the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inquired into in this Interrogatory.

Resconse In addition to the requests for and discussions con-cerning transmission services by CP&L in 1973, 1976, 1977 and 1978-1979 described in PUB's Initial Response to Houston Lighting & Power Company's First Set of Written Interrogatories, on information and belief, PUB requested wheeling services from CP&L during 1969 when PUB was con-sidering obtaining an allocation of power from the Falcon hydroelectric project.

PUB has obtained an agreement from CP&L to provide interruptible off-peak transmission service for the interrup-tible off-peak economy energy from Texas Power & Light Company described in its supplemental response to Interrogatory Nos.

7, 8, and 9, above.

This agreement has been filed at FERC as Schedule T to CPL Rate Schedule No. 51,


Interruptible Of f-peak Transmission Service between Central Power & Light Cmpany and the City of Brownsville, and notic%

by the Commission on September 28, 1979 in Central Power &

Light Company, Docket No. ER79-666.

Copies of CP&L's filing and the Commission's notice are attached.

. Interroca tory :!o. 22 22.

Identify every existing industrial customer since January 1, 1968, which is or has been served under a rate or tariff schedule under which it is or has been the only such customer served, and state separately for each such customer:

(a) the identity of the customer; (b) the location of the customer; (c) the principal product of the customer at the location at which it is or was being served; (d) the annual megawatts and megawatt-hours sold to such customer in each year since January 1, 1968; (e) the reasons for establishing the rate or tariff in effect; (f) the identity of all persons having knowledge of any contacts, negotiations or other communications concerning the establishment of the -rate or tarif f under which the customer is or has been served; and (g) the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inquired into in this Interrogatory.


A copy of the Electric Service Contract between PUB and Union Carbide Corporation dated April 16, 1964 is attached.

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d Interrogator / Mo. 32 32.

For each year since January 1, 1968, separa-tely state:

(a) the total amount that PUB has spent on advertising; (b) the total amount that PUB has spent to influence actual or potential customers to locate or expand existing facilities within the service area of PUB; (c) the total amount that PUB has spent to influence actual or potential customers to conserve electric power; and (d) the identity and location of every document referring or relating to or setting forth the matters inquired into in this Interrogatory.


Since January 1, 1968, PUB has annually contributed

$25,000 to the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce.


Since approximately 1974, PUB has annually spent


about $1,000 or less on efforts to encourage its customers to conserve energy.

