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Daher Nuclear Technologies Gmbh - Second Supplier for Thermal Insulation Layer of the DN30 PSP
Person / Time
Site: 07109362
Issue date: 07/25/2019
From: Fels S, Hennebach M
Daher Nuclear Technologies GmbH
To: Pierre Saverot
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML19206B043 List:
0023-SVK-2019-013, USA/9362/AF-96
Download: ML19206B045 (1)


DAHER NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, Margarete-von-Wrangell-Strae 7, 63457 Hanau, Germany Telef on: +49 (0)6181 501-0, Telef ax: +49 (0)6181 57 36 92, E-Mail: inf, Internet: Sitz: Hanau, RG: Hanau HR B 4428, USt-Id-Nr. DE113574961, Gerichtsstand: Hanau, Geschftsführer: Olaf Oldiges Bankverbindung: Societe Generale Frankfurt (BLZ 512 108 00), Konto: 1095013031, SWIFT: SOGEDEFF, IBAN: DE 45 5121 0800 1095 0130 31 Auftrge werden aufgrund unserer Allgemeinen Geschftsbedingungen übernommen. Diese stehen Ihnen auf Wunsch zur Verfügung SV-0432/05-F 1/1 DAHER NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, Postbox 1365, 63514 Rodenbach Mr. Pierre M. Saverot Project Manager, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North - Mail Stop T4-B34 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 USA Ihre Zeichen / Nachricht vom Your ref. / message USA/9362/AF-96 Unser Zeichen / Nachricht vom Our ref. / message 0023-SVK-2019-013 Telefon/Fax/E-Mail

+49 (0)6181 501 353

+49 (0)6181 501 266

Hanau, July 25, 2019


Second supplier for thermal insulation layer of the DN30 PSP

Dear Mr. Saverot,

This is to apply for the use of a second source for the microporous insulation material used in the DN30 package between inner shell and foam.

The material of the second supplier is designated WDS Multiflex ST 50 DS hydrophobic. The at-tached report no. 0023-BAW-2019-001-Rev. 0 shows that the material Microtherm Overstitched 1000R HY can be replaced by the material WDS Multiflex ST 50 DS hydrophobic without affecting the safety of the package DN30.

We would be grateful if you could treat our application with priority.
