ML18298A067 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07109196 |
Issue date: | 10/24/2018 |
From: | Mccann J Columbiana Hi Tech |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
Shared Package | |
ML18298A066 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML18298A067 (6) | |
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLC Enclosures transmitted herewith contain SUNSI. When separated from enclosures, this transmittal document is decontrolled.
1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600 Date: October 24, 2018 Attn: Document Control Desk Director, Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
Application for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9196 for the Model No.
UX-30 Transportation Packaging, Docket No. 71-9196
- 1) CHT letter dated June 15, 2018,
Application for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9196 for the Model No. UX-30 Transportation Packaging, Docket No.
- 2) NRC Certificate of Compliance for the Model No. UX-30, USA/9196/B(U)F-96, Rev 29
- 3) Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-30 Package, Revision 3, September 2014
- 4) U.S. Department of Transportation Competent Authority Certification USA/9196/B(U)F-96, Rev. 32.
- 5) Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Endorsement CDN/E150/-96, Rev 23 In accordance with 10 CFR 71.31 and 71.38, Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC (CHT) submitted an application [1] to revise and renew the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) for the UX-30 packaging. The current CoC, Revision 29 [2], references the following supplements:
Columbiana Hi Tech supplements dated: January 6, 2015.
The consolidated application for renewal of the existing Certificate of Compliance is hereby supplemented to incorporates all changes to the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) [3], as incorporated by reference in the existing certificate, into the Revision 4 of SAR, and withdraws the request for Chapter 7-Operating Procedures and Chapter 8-Acceptance Tests and Maintenance to be withheld from public disclosure. This supplement to the application replaces Chapter 7-Operating Procedures and Chapter 8-Acceptance Tests and Maintenance, previously submitted as proprietary with non-proprietary versions. Page changes for Revision 4 of the SAR are summarized in Enclosure 1. These page changes now include only minor editorial changes to Chapter 7-Operating Procedures, and there are no changes to Chapter 8-Acceptance Tests and Maintenance. The consolidated application is provided as Enclosure 2 and 3. Enclosure 2 is the proprietary version of the Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLc 30 Package, Revision 4, June 2018, and Enclosure 3 is a "non-proprietary" version of the SAR with sections previously approved to withhold from public disclosure.
Additionally, CHT requests the package review include consideration of NUREG-1886, "Joint Canada - United States Guide for Approval of Type B(U) and Fissile Material Transportation Packages." The current Canadian endorsement for the UX-30 is CDN/E2150/-96, Rev 23 [SJ.
CHT has a quality assurance program, approved by the Commission, which satisfies the provisions of subpart H (Quality Assurance) of Part 71. Furthermore, CHT complies with the terms and conditions of the applicable requirements of subparts A (General Provisions}, G (Operating Controls and Procedures}, and H (Quality Assurance) of Part 71.
The application documents are prepared in accordance with the Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the NRG, and the consolidated application is submitted via the EIE process.
Columbiana Hi Tech requests that the NRC issue Revision No. 30 of the UX-30 CoC on or before October 31, 2018, to allow sufficient time for approval by validation in other countries prior to expiration of the current CoC, Revsion No. 29. In addition, CHT requests that the NRC issue Coe Revision No. 30 with a condition to allow continued use Revision 29 [21 of the CoC until the expiration on December 31, 2019. This allows for continued use of the UX-30 for international shipments under the current Revision No. 32 of the U.S. DOT Competent Authority Certification (CAC) [41 that references NRC CoC, Revision No. 29 [2] while validations of the CAC in other countries are obtained.
Should the NRC staff require additional information to support review of this application, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Peter Vescovi at 336-420-8325.
Ji Mccann President and COO Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road Kernersville, NC 27284 (336) 497-3601 cc:
Jim Mccann, President and COO, Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Chris White, Director of Sales, Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Robert Glazier, VP EHS and QA, Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Bernard White, Senior Project Manager, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pierre Saverot, Senior Project Manager, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Glenn Mathues, Licensing Engineer, TN Americas LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600 Enclosure(s)
- 1) Summary of page changes for Revision 4 of UX-30 SAR
- 2) Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-30 Package, Revision 4, June 2018 (Proprietary)
- 3) Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-30 Package, Revision 4, June 2018 (Non-Proprietary)
Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) Document Components:
001 NRC UX-30 Renewal Application Supplement Transmittal Letter.pdf 300 KB 002 UX-30 SAR Rev 4 (Proprietary).pdf 28,705 KB 003 UX-30 SAR Rev 4 (Non-Proprietary).pdf 28,705 KB
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600 ENCLOSURE 1 The following list summarizes the changes to the Safety Analysis Report for Revision 30 to Certificate of Compliance No. 9196 for the Model No. UX-30 Transportation Packaging, Docket No. 71-9196 Affected Section or Pages Change Description Reason Justification Front matter Title Pages i - iv Update Title Page, Table of Contents, and Record of Revisions Revision Editorial Section 1.4 Appendix Page 1-12 Corrected engineering drawing numbers Provide index of drawings Editorial Chapter 7-Operation Page 7-1 Requirements for UF6 cylinder.
Clarification of requirements and assumptions for package loading.
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600 ENCLOSURE 2 Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-30 Package, Revision 4, June 2018 (Proprietary) submitted as a Non-Publicly Available document to NRC Electronic Information Exchange.
Includes Appendix 1.4.1-Engineering Drawings and Appendix 8.3 - Polyurethane Foam Specification ES-M-170 as previously approved to be withheld from public disclosure.
COLUMBIANA HI TECH LLC 1621 Old Greensboro Road - Kernersville, NC 27284 336-497-3600 ENCLOSURE 3 Safety Analysis Report for the Model UX-30 Package, Revision 4, June 2018 (Non-Proprietary) submitted as a Publicly Available document to NRC Electronic Information Exchange.
Appendix 1.4.1-Engineering Drawings and Appendix 8.3 - Polyurethane Foam Specification ES-M-170 are redacted as previously approved to be withheld from public disclosure.