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PBAPS PRA System Importance List
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/2018
From: Bennett Brady
Brady B, NRR-DMLR 415-2981
Download: ML18283B278 (1)


The following table was developed using the current Model of Record (MOR), which is documented in the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) PRA Summary Notebook (PB-PRA-013, Revision 4). The table was developed using the EPRI R&R Workstation SysImp Computer code. It shows the top systems/groups of equipment to the overall CDF by Fussell-Vesely.

SYSIMP Key System/Equipment Contribution to CDF System/Equipment Tag F-V High Pressure Coolant Injection HPCI 15.8%

Condenser Vacuum TCV 11.8%

Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RCIC 10.9%

DC Power DC 10.1%

AC Power AC 10.1%

Emergency Diesel Generators EDG 7.9%

Feedwater FW 7.1%

Reactor Protection System RPS 5.7%

High Pressure Service Water HPSW 4.8%

Main Steam Isolation Valves MSIV 3.8%

Emergency Cooling Tower/

Emergency Cooling Water ECT/ECW 2.2%