ND-18-0813, Unit 4 - Completion Plan for Uncompleted ITAAC (Index Number 809)

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Unit 4 - Completion Plan for Uncompleted ITAAC (Index Number 809)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/2018
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of New Reactors
Shared Package
ML18191B337 List:
ITAAC, ND-18-0813
Download: ML18191B342 (3)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-18-0813 Enclosure 4 Page 1 of 3 Southern Nuclear Operating Company ND-18-0813 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 3 and Unit 4 Docket No.: 52-025 & 52-026 Completion Plan for Uncompleted ITAAC [Index Number 809]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-18-0813 Enclosure 4 Page 2 of 3 ITAAC Statement Desion Commitment 7.d) Physical separation is maintained between Class 1E divisions and between Class 1E divisions and non-Class 1E cables.

Inspections. Tests. Analvses Inspections ofthe as-built raceways that route Class 1Ecables will be performed to confirm that the separation between raceways that route Class 1Ecables ofdifferent divisions, and between raceways that route Class 1Ecables and raceways that route non-Class 1Ecables isconsistent with the following:

v) Non-Class 1Ewiring thatis not separated from Class1Eorassociated wiring by the minimum separation distance or by a barrier oranalyzed isconsidered as associated circuits andsubject to Class 1E requirements.

Acceptance Criteria Results ofthe inspection will confirm thatthe separation between raceways that route Class 1E cables of different divisions, and between raceways that route Class 1E cables and raceways that route non-Class 1E cables is consistent with the following:

v.a) For areas inside containment, non-Class 1Ewiring thatisnot separated from Class 1Eor associated wiring bythe minimum separation distance or bya barrier oranalyzed istreatedas Class 1E wiring.

ITAAC Completion Description Multiple ITAAC are performed toensurethat physical separation ismaintained between Class 1E divisions and between Class 1E divisions and non-Class 1E cables. Inaccordance with this ITAAC, non-Class 1Ewiring that is notseparated from Class 1Eor associated wiring bythe minimum separation distance andfor which no barrier oranalysis is provided isconsidered as associated circuitsand subject to Class 1E requirements. The subject ITAAC requires inspections of the Class1Eand non-Class 1Eraceways inside containment to confirm that non-Class 1Ewiring that is notseparated from Class 1Eorassociated wiring bythe minimum separation distance orby a barrier oranalyzed isconsidered as associated circuits andsubject to Class 1Erequirements. TheClass 1Ecablesand raceways and non-Class1 Ecables inside containment are designedto be appropriately separated in accordancewith APP-GW-E1-001 (Reference 1). Installation specifications provided totheconstructor identify separation criteria, consistent with the ITAAC commitment.

Class 1E electrical cables and raceways are installed inaccordance with design drawings, installation specifications issued for construction andwork package requirements. Completed raceway installation, in-progress and completed cableinstallation, and completed cable terminations are inspected to ensure the separation installation specifications are satisfied.

Inspections are performed in accordance with the Construction Quality Verification Program 26139-000-4MP-T81C-N7101 (Reference 2). The completed inspection records documentthe

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-18-0813 Enclosure 4 Page 3 of 3 satisfactory separation between racewaystfiat routeClass 1Ecables ofdifferent divisions, and between racewaysthat route Class 1E cables and raceways that route non-Class 1E cables.

CableSeparation Reports XXX (References 3 and 4) identify the inspection reports associated with the raceway separation inspections and confirm that the separation between racewaysthat route Class 1E cables of different divisions, and between raceways that route Class 1E cables and raceways that route non-Class 1E cables is consistent with the following; For areas inside containment, non-Class 1E wiringthat is not separated from Class 1E or associated wiring bythe minimum separation distanceor bya barrier or analyzed isconsidered as associated circuits and subject to Class 1E requirements.

The CableSeparation Reports (References 3 and 4) are available for NRC inspection as partof the Unit3 and Unit4 ITAAC Completion Packages (References 5 and 6, respectively).

List of ITAAC Findings In accordance with plantprocedures for ITAAC completion. Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) performed a review ofall ITAAC findings and associatedcorrective actions.

This review found no relevant ITAAC findings associated with this ITAAC.

References (available for NRC inspection)

1. APP-GW-E1-001, Electrical Systems Design Criteria 2.

26139-000-4MP-T81C-N7101, Bechtel Construction Quality Verification Program 3.

Unit 3 Cable Separation Report XXX 4.

Unit 4 Cable Separation Report XXX 5., ITAAC Completion Package 6., ITAAC Completion Package

7. NEI 08-01, "Industry Guideline for the ITAAC Closure Process Under 10 CFR Part 52"