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Cumulative Effects of Regulation
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/11/2018
From: Dylanne Duvigneaud
Programmatic Oversight and Regional Support Branch
Duvigneaud D
Shared Package
ML18100B106 List:
Download: ML18101A002 (23)


Cumulative Effects of Regulation April 11, 2018 DyLanne Duvigneaud 1


  • CATEGORY 2 MEETING The primary discussions are expected to be between the NRC and representatives of licensed fuel cycle facilities. Members of the public will be invited to participate in this meeting at designated points during the meeting.
  • REMINDER The information contained herein is for discussion purposes only and does not represent the final NRC position.

We will not be discussing the merits of the regulatory activities during this meeting.


Updated Integrated Schedule 2018 2019 2020 2021 Comments Febr April July Oct Marc July Sept Febr April July Sept Marc June Dec May April May May April Dec Dec Nov Jan Aug Regulatory Activity Revised Aug Jan Oct Nov Oct Jan Marc June Sept Nov Febr June Aug Nov Jan Marc June Aug Oct Dec Febr May July Sept Part 61 - LLW Disposal Commission directed staff to issue a POC: Gary Comfort 03/29/2018 supplemental rule for comment.

Driver: SRM 90-day comment Part 73-Enhanced Security for SNM Awaiting Commission direction regarding POC: Ed Lohr/Nick Baker 03/29/2018 issuance of proposed and final rule Driver: SRM Enhanced Weapons Rulemaking POC: Robert Beall/Nick Baker 03/29/2018 l l Driver: SRM To Commission Issue final rule Part 73-Cyber Security Rulemaking POC: Gary Comfort/James Downs 03/29/2018 l l l Docket ID - NRC-2015-0179 Driver: SRM-SECY-14-0147 90-day comment To Commission Issue final rule Part 74-MC&A Docket ID - NRC-2009-0096 and Docket POC: Thomas Young/Tom Pham 03/29/2018 l l ID NRC-2013-0195 Driver: SRM To Commission Issue final rule Part 21 - Draft Guidance POC: Richard Jervey 03/29/2018

  • Part 21 rulemaking is terminated.

Driver: Staff ANS 57.11 (ISA)

POC: April Smith 03/29/2018 l Driver: SRM Acute Chem. Exposures (ISG)

Awaiting Commission direction regarding POC: Marilyn Diaz 03/29/2018 issuance of ISG Driver: Staff/SRM Financial Assurance for Material Licensees (ISG) 03/29/2018 l l POC: Kenneth Kline Driver: Staff Issue ISG IN - Unplanned Contamination Events POC: Alayna Pearson 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff Issue IN RG 3.71, Revision 3 POC: Christopher Tripp 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff IN - Adequate Management Measures POC: April Smith 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff IN - Unanalyzed Conditions Involving Long-Term Fissile Accumulation 03/29/2018 l POC: Jeremy Munson Driver: Staff FCIX POC: DyLanne Duvigneaud/Mollie Semmes 03/29/2018 The FCIX will be held biennially.

Driver: Staff FCIX Meeting

= Reg. Basis/Draft Guidance = Proposed Rule/Draft Guidance = Final Rule/Final Guidance = Public Interaction

= Implementation = Non-rulemaking/NRC Activities

= Meeting occurrence l = Marks a milestone with text = Change occurred below arrow V = Site Visit A = ACRS Meeting

Part 61 Proposed Rule: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 2018 2019 2020 2021 Febr June Aug Nov Marc May Sept Febr June Jan Dec May Dec Nov Regulatory Activity Revised May Febr Aug Jan May Nov April Oct April Oct Jan July Dec April Oct Marc Sept Jan Marc July Sept Dec April June Nov Oct Marc Sept Aug July Febr Aug July June Part 61 - LLW Disposal POC: Gary Comfort 12/19/2017 Driver: SRM 90-day comment Part 61 - LLW Disposal POC: Gary Comfort 03/29/2018 Driver: SRM 90-day comment

  • The final rule package was submitted to the Commission on September Key 15, 2016.


  • The Commission issued an SRM on September 8, 2017, directing the staff to issue a supplemental rule for comment.


  • August 2018 day comment period on supplemental propsed rule.



Gary Comfort NMSS/MSTR/RPMB 301-415-8106 4

Part 73 Part 73-Enhanced Security for SNM Part 73-Enhanced Security for SNM POC: Ed Lohr/Nick Baker 12/19/2017 Driver: SRM Part 73-Enhanced Security for SNM POC: Ed Lohr/Nick Baker 03/29/2018 Driver: SRM

  • In April 2016, the Commission directed the NRC staff to suspend efforts on the Enhanced Security of SNM rulemaking. Later, the Commission directed staff to interact with DOE in order to share and discuss Key perspectives and ideas on the material attractiveness approach in the Information Enhanced Security of SNM Rulemaking. This work is on-going. As such, the staff does not anticipate that the rulemaking will resume in FY2018, but could resume in early FY2019.


  • None Scheduled.




Edward Lohr Nick Baker NMSS/DRM/MRPB NMSS/FCSE/FMB 301-415-0253 301-415-7119 5

Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications Rulemaking Enhanced Weapons Rulemaking POC: Robert Beall/Nick Baker 12/19/2017 Driver: SRM Enhanced Weapons Rulemaking POC: Robert Beall/Nick Baker 03/29/2018 l l Driver: SRM To Commission Issue final rule Key

  • The draft final rule is due to the Commission in May 2018.

Information Meeting

  • None Scheduled.




Robert Beall Nick Baker NMSS/DRM/RRPB NMSS/FCSE/FMB 301-415-3874 301-415-7119 6

Part 73 Cyber Security Part 73-Cyber Security Rulemaking POC: Gary Comfort/Matthew Bartlett 12/19/2017 l l l Driver: SRM-SECY-14-0147 90-day comment To Commission Issue final rule Part 73-Cyber Security Rulemaking POC: Gary Comfort/James Downs 03/29/2018 l l l Driver: SRM-SECY-14-0147 90-day comment To Commission Issue final rule

  • The proposed rule package was submitted to the Commission on October 4, 2017, as SECY-17-0099 ML17018A218. The proposed rule package consists Key of the Commission paper, Federal Register notice (FRN), Draft Regulatory Information Analysis, Draft Backfit Analysis, and Draft Environmental Assessment.
  • Summer 2018 day comment period on proposed rulemaking.
  • Fall 2018 - Public meetings to support comment period on the proposed Meeting rulemaking.

Information (Note: These dates are tentative. Additional public meetings will be conducted, as needed).


James Downs NMSS/FCSE/ECB 7


Part 74 Material Control & Accounting of Special Nuclear Material Part 74-MC&A POC: Thomas Young/Tom Pham 12/19/2017 l Driver: SRM Part 74-MC&A POC: Thomas Young/Tom Pham 03/29/2018 l l Driver: SRM To Commission Issue final rule

  • The staff anticipates submitting the draft final rule to the Commission in Key Information early 2019.


  • TBD - Public meeting with Industry to discuss implementation.




Thomas Young Tom Pham NMSS/MSTR/RPMB NMSS/FCSE/MCAB 301-415-5795 301-415-7254 8

Part 21 Draft Guidance Part 21 - Draft Guidance - 3049 POC: Jennifer Fisher 12/19/2017 Driver: Staff Part 21 - Draft Guidance POC: Richard Jervey 03/29/2018 Driver: Staff

  • The Part 21 rulemaking effort was discontinued. As directed in SRM SECY-16-0009, the Commission approved the staffs recommendation to continue with guidance development using the existing regulatory requirements.


  • The staff has decided to discontinue development of draft regulatory Information guidance to non-reactor and non-power reactor licensees on the implementation of Part 21.
  • The staff will determine at a later date, an appropriate vehicle to document Part 21 guidance for fuel cycle facilities (i.e., NUREG-1520, Interim Staff Guidance).


  • None Scheduled.



Rick Jervey NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 301-415-6201 9

ANS 57.11 ISA Standard ANS 57.11 (ISA)

POC: April Smith 12/19/2017 l Driver: SRM ANS 57.11 (ISA)

POC: April Smith 03/29/2018 Driver: SRM

  • On April 3, 2018, the working group chair hosted a conference call to discuss gaining consensus on purpose and eventual approach to Key completing the standard.


  • Based on the discussion, the working group chair committed to developing action items to re-align the working group and consider success paths.


  • None scheduled.



April Smith NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 301-415-6547 10

Acute Chemical Exposures (Dermal and Ocular)

Acute Chem. Exposures (ISG)

POC: Marilyn Diaz 12/19/2017 Driver: Staff/SRM Acute Chem. Exposures (ISG)

POC: Marilyn Diaz 03/29/2018 Driver: Staff/SRM Key

  • The Commission converted the information paper into a vote paper.


  • The staff is awaiting Commission direction regarding issuance of ISG.


  • None scheduled Information


Marilyn Diaz NMSS/FCSE/FMB 301-415-7110 11

Financial Assurance for Material Licensees (ISG)

Financial Assurance for Material Licensees (ISG) 12/19/2017 l l POC: Christepher McKenney Driver: Staff Issue ISG Financial Assurance for Material Licensees (ISG) 03/29/2018 l l POC: Kenneth Kline Driver: Staff Issue ISG Key

  • The draft ISG is scheduled to be completed in June 2018.


  • The final ISG is scheduled to be completed in October 2018.


  • June 2018 day comment period on draft ISG.



Christopher McKenney NMSS/DUWP/PAB 301-415-6663 12

IN - Reporting of Unplanned Contamination Events Issue RIS RIS - Unplanned Contamination Events POC: Alayna Pearson 12/19/2017 l l Driver: Staff Comment period for draft IN - Unplanned Contamination Events POC: Alayna Pearson 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff Issue IN Key

  • An IN is being developed to highlight the staff position on reporting unplanned contamination events.


  • The final IN is scheduled to be issued in June 2018.


  • None scheduled Interaction


Alayna Pearson NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 301-415-1096 13

RG 3.71, Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards for Nuclear Materials Outside Reactor Cores, Revision 3 RG 3.71, Revision 3 POC: Christopher Tripp 12/19/2017 l Driver: Staff RG 3.71, Revision 3 POC: Christopher Tripp 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff

  • Draft RG 3.71, Revision 3 (82 FR 40173) was published in the Federal Key Register for public comment on August 24. 2017, and the comment Information period closed on October 23, 2017.
  • RG 3.71, Revision 3 is scheduled to be completed in May 2018.


  • August 24, 2017 - October 23, 2017 day comment period Interaction


Christopher Tripp NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 301-415-8741 14

IN 2018-06, Adequate Measurement Measures IN - Adequate Management Measures POC: April Smith 12/19/2017 l Driver: Staff IN - Adequate Management Measures POC: April Smith 03/29/2018 l Driver: Staff Key

Information Public

  • August 24, 2017 - October 23, 2017 day comment period Interaction


April Smith NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 301-415-6547 15

IN 2018-06, Unanalyzed Conditions Involving Long-Term Fissile Accumulation IN - Unanalyzed Conditions Involving Long-Term Fissile Accumulation 12/19/2017 l POC: Jeremy Munson Driver: Staff IN - Unanalyzed Conditions Involving Long-Term Fissile Accumulation 03/29/2018 l POC: Jeremy Munson Driver: Staff Key

Information Public

  • August 24, 2017 - October 23, 2017 day comment period Interaction


Jeremy Munson NMSS/FCSE/PORSB 404-997-4732 16

FCIX FCIX POC: DyLanne Duvigneaud/Mollie Semmes 12/19/2017 Driver: Staff FCIX Meeting FCIX POC: DyLanne Duvigneaud/Mollie Semmes 03/29/2018 Driver: Staff FCIX Meeting Key

  • The FCIX is held biennially.

Information Related


  • The next FCIX will be held in June 2019.




DyLanne Duvigneaud Mollie Semmes NMSS/FCSE/PORSB NMSS/FCSE/ECB 301-415-4010 301-415-7486 17


  • Main Integrated Schedule and Supplement
  • CER public website:

  • Next meeting - September 2018 18