Information Notice 2018-05, Unanalyzed or Improperly Analyzed Conditions at Fuel Cycle Facilities

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Unanalyzed or Improperly Analyzed Conditions at Fuel Cycle Facilities
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/26/2018
From: Craig Erlanger, Chris Miller
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review, Division of Inspection and Regional Support
Keene T
Download: ML18022A211 (6)










All holders of, and applicants for, a fuel facility license under Title 10 of the Code of Federal

Regulations (10 CFR) Part 70, Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material, and all holders

of, and applicants for, a construction permit or operating license for a production facility, including a radioisotope production facility, under 10 CFR Part 50, Domestic Licensing of

Production and Utilization Facilities.

Although they do not have hazards associated with inadvertent criticality as a result of the

presence of fissile material, this information may also be useful to holders of, and applicants for, a license under 10 CFR Part 40, Domestic Licensing of Source Material.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to inform

addressees of recent operating experience involving unanticipated, long-term accumulation of

fissile material in uncontrolled geometry systems due to improper analysis of credible plant


The NRC encourages recipients to review the information contained in this IN for applicability to

their facilities and to consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar issues. However, no

specific action is required.


At an NRC-licensed fuel cycle facility, fuel is produced through a series of operations in order to

support a variety of research and test reactor product lines. These operations take place in a

glovebox line, which is maintained in an argon atmosphere. This atmosphere is maintained by

an air purification system which removes oxygen and moisture from the process to address fire

safety concerns. For radiation protection purposes, the atmosphere also provides a negative

pressure inside the glovebox line. The system is purified using a desiccant material located

inside two desiccant filters. In July 2017, the licensee performed maintenance on the desiccant

filters to address decreased system performance. Upon removal of the filters from their location

within an equipment cabinet, the licensee discovered unexpected fissile material in both

desiccant filters. The licensee assumed that the system was non-fissile (i.e., non-uranium

ML18022A211 bearing), and therefore had no documented controls to prevent or monitor fissile material

accumulation. Additionally, the system was not routinely surveyed to detect or monitor the

accumulation of fissile material. Due to the unfavorable geometric properties of the filters, the

unknown moderation conditions inside the filters, and the presence of an unknown quantity of

fissile material mass, the licensee declared an alert1 emergency action level (EAL).

The licensee immediately physically separated the two filters to minimize neutronic interaction, isolated the area with personnel access restrictions, suspended work in other areas pending an

extent of condition review, performed non-destructive assay (NDA) measurements to estimate

the fissile mass present, and performed nuclear criticality safety (NCS) calculations to determine

the minimum fissile mass needed for criticality. Upon comparing the measurements to the

calculated minimum critical mass, the licensee determined criticality was not imminent and

terminated the alert EAL.

High-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filters that were installed between the gloveboxes

and desiccant filters as part of a separate ventilation system, were designed to ensure

subcriticality within the HEPA filters themselves. However, the possibility of fissile material

carryover beyond the HEPA filters and into the desiccant system was not considered in the

licensees integrated safety analysis (ISA). From its follow-up investigation, the licensee

identified that this carryover condition had occurred at some previous point in time. The

condition was discovered around 1986, after which the licensee developed an NCS analysis

that identified controls to prevent the unsafe accumulation of fissile material within the desiccant

filters. However, the controls were discontinued, and the accident sequence was not included

or considered during the development of the licensees ISA. The licensee determined that the

desiccant filters were last cleaned and the media was replaced in 1986, allowing material to

accumulate undetected for approximately 30 years.

The licensee identified that the HEPA filter design and installation were inadequate for the

referenced glovebox line. Both the crushing section and the blending section of the glovebox

line had significant gaps between the spacer and the gasket of the filter, allowing for fissile

material carryover beyond the HEPA filters. In addition, the licensee discovered that fissile

material could enter the desiccant system through the air purification systems argon purge lines

when the vacuum pump for the air purification system was operating. The licensee determined

that these issues resulted, in part, from the difficulty in achieving an effective seal during routine

HEPA filter change-outs. The licensee implemented corrective actions to ensure easier and

more consistent HEPA filter change-outs.


10 CFR 70.61(b) requires that the risk of each credible high-consequence event be limited such

that its likelihood of occurrence is highly unlikely. 10 CFR 70.61(d) requires that the risk of

nuclear criticality accidents be limited by assuring that all nuclear processes will be subcritical

under both normal and credible abnormal conditions. These requirements necessitate that, through the ISA, a licensee evaluates all credible pathways that could potentially lead to a

consequence of concern.

1 As defined in 10 CFR 30.4 and 10 CFR 70.4; Alert means events may occur, are in progress, or have occurred that

could lead to a release of radioactive material, but that the release is not expected to require a response by offsite

response organizations to protect persons offsite.


The chronic buildup of fissile material in uncontrolled geometry equipment and areas that are

either inaccessible or difficult to monitor has been a long-standing challenge in the nuclear fuel

cycle industry. Through the review of documented operating experience, the NRC has identified

instances where improper analysis, or in some cases no analysis, of credible events was

performed by certain licensees. Some licensees have based their analyses on incorrect

assumptions which have resulted in the unanticipated buildup of fissile material.

As discussed in IN 2015-082, approximately three ounces of fissile solution were discovered at

an NRC-licensed facility in a junction box during troubleshooting of a resistance temperature

detector in the uranium recovery area. The licensee determined that a thermowell had failed as

a result of pitting corrosion, allowing the solution to leak into the junction box. The electrical

conduit exiting the junction box provided a flow path that could have allowed the solution to

enter an unfavorable geometry electrical box had chronic leakage continued to occur

undetected. In performing the associated analysis, the licensee did not identify this potential

flow path or consider the electrical box.

As also discussed in IN 2015-08, accumulated solids in a catch tray beneath low-level

dissolvers were scraped together into several large piles at an NRC-licensed facility. The catch

tray typically collected small quantities of uranium. In evaluating this process, the licensee

assumed that the material allowed to accumulate in the catch tray was in the form of a solution, which was intended to represent a conservative bounding configuration. Based on this

assumption, the licensee implemented engineered controls to restrict the geometry of any

possible accumulation to a safe slab height. These controls, however, were ineffective at

restricting the geometry of solids to a safe slab height. This was identified after operators

scraped accumulated material in the catch tray into several large piles, which exceeded

established safe slab height limits, in preparation for moving the material into safe volume

containers. Additionally, upon discovery of the piles, the licensee assumed that the uranium

concentration would be low due to the nature of the low-level dissolver process. The licensee

did not have sufficient controls in place to ensure that the uranium concentration of chronic

accumulation was, in fact, low. Furthermore, there were not sufficient controls to monitor the

mass of the fissile material that was allowed to accumulate.

As discussed in IN 2016-133, a licensee discovered an accumulation of fissile material in excess

of established criticality safety limits in a scrubber designed to remove uranium and other

suspended solids. Although the accident sequence of accumulation in the scrubber and its inlet

transition was analyzed by the licensee, the criticality safety analysis was based on improper

technical assumptions, including an assumption that uranium carryover would be low.

Through the review of operating experience, the NRC has identified that similar contributing

factors (i.e., incorrect assumptions and improper analysis of credible events) have been present

when these events have occurred. In the most recent event involving the desiccant filters, the

licensee assumed that the material in the system was non-fissile and therefore no longer

2 Information Notice 2015-08, Criticality and Chemical Safety Event Involving Unanalyzed Conditions and

Unanticipated Unavailability of IROFS [items relied on for safety] at Fuel Cycle Facilities, dated September 2, 2015 (Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML15176A708).

3 Information Notice 2016-13, Uranium Accumulation in Fuel Cycle Facility Ventilation and Scrubber Systems, dated September 28, 2016 (ADAMS Accession No. ML16252A171). included the unfavorable geometry filters in the annual NDA survey. In this scenario, there were

neither controls to prevent, nor routine monitoring to detect, accumulation in the filters. In the

other referenced events, routine monitoring was either not performed or was ineffective at

detecting an unsafe buildup of fissile material because the respective licensees made incorrect

assumptions regarding expected fissile material concentrations.

The desiccant filter and scrubber events both involved the accumulation of fissile material within

process ventilation or air purification systems. However, the concern over fissile material

accumulation in uncontrolled geometry is not limited to material carryover in the gas phase into

ductwork, filter housings, and scrubbers. The thermowell event involved the carryover of

uranium in the form of a solution and the catch tray event involved material in the form of a

solid. Based on this operating experience, the NRC has identified instances where licensees

have underestimated the amount of entrained uranium carryover or distances such material can

travel in ventilation ductwork, even if siphon breaks or air gapswhich are very effective at

preventing backflow of the solution, but may be ineffective for uranium entrained in off-gasare

present. An important part of meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 70.61(b) and (d), involves

ensuring that all credible pathways for fissile material (i.e., either in the form of a solution or a

finely divided solid) to reach uncontrolled geometry are considered.

Following the issuance of IN 2016-13, several licensees performed extent-of-condition reviews

to assess whether their facilities were subject to the conditions described in the IN. At the

facility where unanticipated uranium accumulation was discovered in two desiccant filters, the

licensee had not evaluated the desiccant system because it was not considered a ventilation

system. Licensee extent-of-condition reviews that are too narrowly focused on a particular

system or operation rather than focusing on a holistic review of credible events, may result in

missed opportunities to identify similar issues in seemingly dissimilar processes.

In addition, the use of unverified process assumptions, including those relied on in determining

that an event sequence is not credible, can result in a licensee failing to identify process

characteristics that need to be controlled to ensure subcriticality under all credible abnormal

conditions. These events suggest that areas perceived as low risk, which have no controls

applied (e.g., ventilation and ancillary systems, low-concentration solutions, low-level waste),

may be subject to a higher degree of incorrect technical assumptions. In the most recent

desiccant filter event, the air purification system was considered non-fissile, and the potential for

uranium accumulation in the filters was not considered. The accumulated material in the catch

tray for the low-level dissolvers was assumed to be of low uranium concentration based on the

material type and quantity processed, and the uranium carryover to the scrubber was assumed

to be low without any verification. Narrowly assessing analytical assumptions can result in a

missed opportunity for licensees to detect latent safety issues. Those safety issues may include

the inadequate identification of all normal and credible abnormal conditions, incorrect

conclusions that actually credible conditions are not credible, incorrect assumptions with respect

to technical parameters associated with process operations, and inadequate application of



Recognizing the variability among processes and conditions throughout the fuel cycle industry, the NRC reviewed operating experience and identified that incorrect assumptions have led to

inadequate analysis of credible events and have been a contributing factor in the unanticipated

accumulation of fissile material. The NRC encourages addressees to consider the information in this IN for applicability to their

processes and facilities. The operating experience referenced in this IN suggests that there

may be credible events or conditions whose likelihood has either been underestimated or not

considered, especially those events or conditions involving the potential for long-term fissile

material accumulation. Additionally, recent operating experience suggests that areas perceived

as low risk, which have no controls applied, may be subject to a higher degree of improper

analysis due to unchallenged or unverified assumptions.



This IN requires no specific action or written response. Please direct any questions to the

technical contact listed below.

/RA/ /RA/

Craig G. Erlanger, Director Christopher G. Miller, Director

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, Division of Inspection and Regional

and Environmental Review Support

Office of Nuclear Material Safety Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

and Safeguards

Technical Contact:

Jeremy Munson, NMSS/FCSE

Phone: 404-997-4732 E-mail:

Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site, at, under NRC Library/Document Collections.

ML18022A211; *concurred via email


NAME JMunson * JDougherty * RNease * MKotzalas* TKeene

DATE 01/30/ 2018 01/29/ 2018 02/08/2018 02/09/2018 02/12/2018 OFFICE NRR/DIRS/IRGB/LA NRR/DIRS/IRGB/BC NMSS/FCSE/D NRR/DIRS/D

NAME ELee HChernoff * CErlanger CMiller

DATE 02/12/2018 03/09/2018 03/15/2018 03/26/2018