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Natural Phenomena Hazards Closeout
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/11/2018
From: Jonathan Marcano
Programmatic Oversight and Regional Support Branch
Duvigneaud D
Shared Package
ML18100B106 List:
Download: ML18101A005 (7)


Closure of Generic Letter 2015-01:

Treatment of Natural Phenomena Hazards at Fuel Cycle Facilities Jonathan Marcano, P.E.



(ADAMS Accession No. ML110830824).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML12286A284).

  • Inspections identified potential generic issue.
  • Unresolved items were issued.


Background (Cont.)

- Request information to verify compliance with regulations regarding natural phenomena hazards (NPH).

- Verify that integrated safety analyses (ISAs) address the impacts of natural phenomena events.

- Each licensee shall conduct and maintain an ISA.

- ISA identifies potential accident sequences caused by events internal to the facility and credible external events, including natural phenomena.


Closure of GL 2015-01

  • Evaluation of licensee responses

- Conducted significant interactions with stakeholders.

- Issued request for supplemental information.

- Issued Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs).

- Inspections independently verified compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and license conditions regarding the treatment of NPH as described in the licensees responses and respective ISAs.

  • Issued closure letter to each licensee 4

Closure of GL 2015-01

  • Examples of safety improvements achieved through this effort

- Updates to ISA documentation in order to accurately reflect design and safety information for NPH.

- Adoption of measures in safety programs, like a Configuration Management Program, to carefully evaluate the impacts of facility and design changes on the NPH safety assumptions and items relied on for safety.

- One licensee implemented significant facility modifications for seismic and missile protection.

- Modifications involving piping and equipment supports to improve resiliency against seismic hazards.


Closure of GL 2015-01

  • Additional regulatory activities as a result of this effort:

- Development of Information Notice to inform licensees of recent issues and inspection findings regarding programs and procedures for determining and implementing management measures for isolation controls.

- The staff is in the process of evaluating guidance on seismic hazards. The results of the evaluation will be used to inform the decision to issue or update NRC guidance.



  • GL-2015-01 was an effective mechanism to provide NRC staff the basis for concluding that licensees are in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements related to NPH.
  • Closure of GL-2015-01 is an example of a major regulatory effort that yielded significant programmatic accomplishments for the NRCs Fuel Facilities Business Line.