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Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1978
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/10/1978
From: Miller L
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18078A243 List:
NUDOCS 7810160090
Download: ML18078A244 (15)


{{#Wiki_filter:*-----~ e AVERAGE DAILY UNIT ?C\*,"E~ T ;-1.* D.JCKET NO. 50-272 UNIT Salem # 1 DATE October 10, 1978 CCNPL.t:1ED BY L.K. Miller TELEPHONc 609-365-7000 X507 MONTH September., 1978 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER L::"'VEL (M\lfe-NET) (MWE-NET) 1 1066 17 1084 2 1052 18 1087 3 1062 19 1077 4 1078 20 1089 s 1073 21 1089 6 1095 22 1077 1055 0 7 23 1066 20 8 24 g 980 25 0 1093 614 10 26 11 1113 27 231. 12 1022 28 505 13 1072 29 661 14 1076 30 809

15. 1131 31 16 1065 Pg. 2 of 16 8.1-7. PJ.

7 8" IO I b DO 9 0

  • i:x:o:c::r ro. :. ___s_o_-_2_7_2_ _ __

CAm.: October 10, 1978

                                                                                                                 ~ ~:                  L.K. Miller
                                                                                                                     ~:               609-365-7000 X507
.l. t:!cit. Nam!:.         Salem #1
2. ~ Pe::iai: Septen'ber' 1978 J. t.i..,..,ser:i Ther:::al ~: (Mqt) : _ _...3-.3.... 3.-8_ _ _ _ __

4~ Nam!pl.ate ~ (~ ~).: 1135

s. ces:i;l:1: E'lect:i ca] 3atm;: (Nee' ~) ----------~
_ _1_0;;,;;9;.,;o______

6 *. MaXfmm repar!able.c.apac:i.ty (G.tcss.*Kie) :_ll_*_2_4_ __

7. Maxjmm* rependabJia,Ca;2ci.t"f (Nat~): ___.1...0-.7... 9____
a. !f Q"'l'q!S ec:: in ~tr Pa'd.:11;:s: Citsm* ~ J T!:a:ol;tl n S.illca tast. 3ep0r.: *. Give ?


9. ~-~To~-~ .. u- AaJ: (Net Kie):. _ _ _n-.e____________________

No_, 1.0. 'ReaSl::ml. :or:~ ... u: Anr.* __Non_e____________________________

                                                                                       ~-~                        Year*  to   oats        Qm1lati;ve 720                           6551                 10,992 a::m:s     In ~ 663.6                         3921.4                 6,464.6 Rea:c:cJ: Es:Sa:z:?'E! S ii I I I J Ml Ei:lars..                                     0                                0                      0
14. !!curs Genera.tor On-Lina 657.9 3726.9 6,157.5 tmt ,

I.Se ?Z"Je Shntrb"" Bca:s 0 0 0 l.6. Gm TtermaJ ~ G3:le:ata:iCMml 1,988,978.4 11,146,972.6 17,842,192.6

17. Gress Zlect::icaJ. ~ Gecerat:el (KE)
  • 660,rno 3,744,sio 5,930,820 lS. ~ ::Lect::ical.. ~ Gece:3ted (KiiE) 630,269 . 3,549,560 5,607,778 l.9. am.t ~- ractc:r* 91.4 .56.9 56.0
20. C!nit Awil am 1'~ ty !'ac!:Cr 91.4 56.9 56.0 2l. C!nit capacity Factc:: (Us:iD;;' MCr:: ~) 81.1 50.2 . 47.3 22.. t!ni: Cai;:ac:it'/ Fac:cr (Usin; CER Net). 80.3 49.7 46.8 23 *. am.t rorc:e:i Q:taqe Pate 8.6 43.l 34.07
24. Shntdcwm Sc'"e=fuled ~ Next 5* ~ C'I"iPe* Cate,* m:i Dll:l::at!ca o:f E:adl):

Unit Refueling 3/31/79 - 5/26/79

25. !f Shi: O::WC ~ E::x! o:f ~ Pee.o:i~ !st:mted oats of S~: _N_/_A_______________
26. !Jnits* In Test Status (P:':i.or ~ Cperatioa) : -
  • For!i!C3St ~

ml'mJ.~~ 9730/76' 12/11/76 mrnt. mr;:::mi~ 11/01/76 12/25/76 S-l- 7 .~ f 16 -~~ ~. 3 0 12/20/76 6/30/77

UN11' SlllrtW..tJS l\tRJ l'O-n':R IU:IlX:l'lrn.5 DOCl<ET NO.: 50-272


m-:1.'0m' toml Sept. 1978 UNIT *Nl\ME1 Salem #1 Dl\'rF.1 October _10, 1978 COMPI,ETED DY I L.K. Miller TELEPllONE: 609-365-7000 X507 MrmllO OF s11urrnu Cl\USE l\tll OOltROC'l'IVE

                                                                                           ~7 OOIV\'1'100                                   LICENSE                   CD1l'CtfENl' NO.         Dl\1'E  'l'YPEl    (llX.ITTSt      rtEl\OOrl      IX'l'IN          EVENl'                     O:l>E5                        1\CrIOO 10 rtEl\C'IOR       REPoRT I                                              l'llEVDll' IUOJRru:JCE 78-181       9-9      F            0             (A)       4 (A)              ------           HH     FILTER         Clean Condensate Punp Suction Strainer 78-214       9-23     F        62.1               (A)       3                 ------           HH     PUMPXX         Reactor Trip Due to Failure of #13 Condens?te Punp.

78-221 9-26 F 0 A 4 (A) ----- HH PUMPXX Failure of #12 Condensate Pumi,:>. 78-222 9-26 F 0 A 4 (A) HH PUMPXX Inspection of #13 Condensate Punp I.aver Bearing. 78-223 9-26 F 0 A 4 (A) ------ HH PUMPXX Inspection of #11 Condensate Punp-' Lube Oil. 78-224 9-28 F 0 A 4 (A) ------ HH PUMPXX Inspection of #13 Condensate Punp I.aver Bearing.* 78-225 9-29 F 0 A 4 (A) ----- HH PUMPXX Check #12 Condensate Punp Alignnent. 1 2 J 4 5 F: Forced Reasons Mathod1 Exhibit G - Instructions Exhibit 1-Sane 1-Manual to~ Preparation of Data flource S: Sd1eduled 1\-fl:)ulpient Failure(E><plaJnt

                               &-Maintenance or Teat                                      2-Manuai Scram.                Entty Sheets for Licensee C-11efue1Jng                                               l-1\utauatio Scram.            Event Ieport (LERt File O-llegulatory lleatrlction                    . .          4-0ther (EllplaJn)             (NURm-016U E~rntor Tralnlnq & Ll<Enr~e Examination F-l\dmlnlat1:atlve                                                                    A. I.DAD REDUCTION.

8-l-7.R2 G-{\>erat lona l Error (E><plalnt II-Other (Biiplalnt B. CONTINUATICN OF PREVIOUS OUI'AGE. Pg. 4 - of l'.6

UNIT Sln.tltolNS l\ND PCMER IU!llX:l'IOOS DOCKET N0.1 50-272

  • RF.roRr MJ1m1 September, 1978 .* UNIT 'Nl\ME; Salem #1 DATE: October 10, 1978
                                                                                                       -COMPLETED BY 1_L_._K_._Mi_*1_1_e_r_ __

TELEPllONE1 609-365-7000 X507 ME'l100 OF OORATIOO SllUITIOO LICENSE SY~ cnll'OOENI' CAUSE AW OORROC'l'IVE ti). Dl\'l'E TYPJ- (100118) RF.l\S002 ro'lN EVENT OODE OODE5 1\CT100 'IO WJICIOR REPORr I l'REVENI' ROCURRE?£E 78-228 9-29 F 0 A 4(A) ------* IIll PUMPXX #11 Steam Generator Feed Punp Vibrations. 78-229 9-30 F 0 A 4(A) ---- ~ PUMPXX #11 Steam Generator Feed Purrp Vibrations. 78-232 9-30 F 0 A 4(A) ------ lllI PUMPXX #11 Steam Generator Feed Pump ** Vibrations. 78-233 9-30 F 0 A 4 (A) ------ lill PUMPXX #11 Steam Generators Feed Pump Vibrations. I

                                                                   ;1 Page  5 Of 16 n-1-1.n1


  • NAME:

REPORT MONTH Sept~er, 1978. OctoberlO, 1978 DATE: COMPLETED BY: L.K. Miller TELEPHONE: (609*) 365-7000 X507

        *DCR NO.         PRINCIPLE SYSTEM                      SUBJECT ED-0110      Control Rod Drive Vent Fans Various Structural Improvements.

ED-0281 Circulating Water Install Entrainment Sampling Pipe. ED-0364- Service Water Installed Modified No.13 Pump. 13 l-EC-039S RMS ( l-R-8) Setpoint Change. OD-0011 Component Cooling Header Alarm Setpoint Change. I 1*

                                         *--*- 7.                                                             J:'a g e b OI:  16

MAJOR PLANT MODIFICATIONS ~T NAME: Salem #1 REPORT .MONTH Se~, 1978 ~ DATE: October 10, .1978 COMPLETED BY: L. K. Miller TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 X507

    *DCR NO.                        10CFRSO. 59.               SAFETY EVALUATION ED-0110              An unreviewed safety question is not involved. Safety related equiprrent will not be affected.
  • ED-0281 An unreviewed safety question is not involved. Saftey related equiprrent will not be affected.

ED-0364 A revised seismic analysis has been done on the new aluminum bronze rolumn pipe. The i.Irq;leller mxlification *produced a flatter head-capacity curve without affecting design flCM point. System still perfo:rms original design function. Probability of accidents has not increased, nor has the occurance of new accidents been made possible. The Tech. Spec bases are i.maffected. lED-0300 This ItOnitor and its setting does not affect the safe operation or shutdown of the plant. OD-0011 The Design Change alters a non-safety related function of a circuit which is othawise safety related. The Safety related functions of the circuit remains unm::xilfied. The nav design has been reviewed and determined not to

                        *create new potential malfunctions or increase the probability of previously analyzed malfunctions or accidents.

I I i i I! I

                                                                                                        . i I

I II i ~ _____ ........... , ...... - .... _.................



S~Y OF SAFETY RELA~ MAINTENANCE UN. NAME :. _ _ s_al_em __ #l_ _ _ _ _ __

  .        DEPARTMENT      Perfo:rnance                                DA~:        October 10, 1978

REPORT MONTH September, 1978 COMP LE TED BY: L. K. Miller


TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 X507 WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. PD-4967 Reactor Coolant Recalibrate 12 .Reactor calibrated. System. Coolant I.cop to nf!M l:iT/Tavg values. PD-4964 lBS532 1FC532 out of spec. ~~t~:a i8olator and call-

  • PD-4966 lBS510A Console alann failed to F.epaired carcparator.

reset. OD-9968 #13 Steam GeneratoI High differential level Recalibrated. between Channel 'IV and other channels. PD-4969 F.eactor Coolant Recalibrate 13 Reactor calibrated. System Coolant I.cop to Ilf!M

                                       !:iT/Tavg Values *
~   PD-4973      1BS541B               Out of spec.                      Calibrated.

PD-4974 Nuclear Instru- N43 isolation anplifier

  • Calibrated.

m:ntation System out of spec~ PD-4989 Air Particulate Investigate filter Replaced filter paper and Detection Unit failure alarm. charroal filter. F.epaired capstan shear pins. OD-10441 Valve 13AF11 No closed indication. Adjusted limit switch. PD-5057 Reactor Protection Recalibrate l'R::-505 for Calibrated. nf!M ~avg program. PD-5058 Reactor Protection F.ecalibrate 1.Pl'-505.and Calibrated. l.PI'-506. OD-9084 #12 Steam Generato1 LoN Channel III.pressure

  • Perforned calibration chec.1<..

indication. OD-9295 Valve 1SW169 Failed open. Replaced rontrol air supply solenoid valve SV598. Page 8 of 16 8-1-7. Rl

DOCKET NO.:  ::JU-L. / L. UNI. .AME: Salem #=l SuMMARY OF SAFETY RELA. MAINTENANCE. OEP ARTMENT Perfonnance DA'i'E: October 10, 1978 REPORT MONTH 8epterrber, 1978 COMPLETED BY: L. K. Miller TELEPHONE: (609) 365;,...7000 X507 WORK ORDER EQUIPMEN~ FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. 00-9562 TL6339 .Erroneous reading. Tightened packing nut on root valve. 00-9920 RMS 1Rl7A Channel alann sounded. Detection tube cleaned and channel functionally checked. 00-9934 Refueling Water Erroneous high level over- Calibrated level transmitter. Storage Tank head. annunciator alarm. 00-9966 #11 Steam Genera- High d.ifferential pressure Calibrated. tor betWeen Channels I & II. 00-9986 #: 12 Service Back wash malfunctions Strainer gages recalibrated. Water Pump in... auto rrOae.

                                       "r -~

00-10009 Air Particulate ION flow operation. Gas purrp replaced. Detection Unit PD-4836 ll.Cl02C out of spec *. Calibrated *. P0-4958 Nuclear Instru- Channel N44 NC307 Bistable Replaced bistable.

rrentation System malfunctioning.

PD-4990 Control Bank A L'"lvestigate alarm. Replaced fuse. 00-10330 #=13 'RCP Channel I I Channel out of adjustm:.nt. Recalibrated. 00-10389 1CV172 Valve No open indication. Adjusted limit switch. 00-10134 Shutdown Bank A Urgent alarm sounded. Replaced fuse F3 on rrovable grippes. P0-5053 l'IE431A/B l.B.S432C and l.B.S432D are Adjusted gain and bias I l'IC432C/D out of spec.


of l'IM432A l OD-8166 #11-14 Steam Mismatched readings between calibrated 1.Fr532. Generators steam flow and F.W. flow. Calibrated 13&14 Steam Flow Page 9 of 16 and Feed Flo'1 recorder & IsolaJ I 8-1-7.Rl

DOCKET NO * : 50-272



OF SAFETY RELA- MAINTENANCE UN.NAME: ____s_al_em ___#_l__~--~--~ DEPARTMENT .Maintenance DATE: -----""""" October 1a 1 978


COMP LE TED BY: L. K. Miller REPORT MONTH September, 1978 TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 X507 WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. OD-10281 #12 Service Leak at oottan of strainer Repaired leak by patch weld. Wa~ Punp 00-10357 Boric Acid Leak on condenser head. Replaced plug and tightened Evaporator bolts. .. 00-10363 #11 Service Leak in upper bearing Replaced cooler. Water Punp cooler. MD-2966 #11 thru 15 Weld couplings to nctor Carrplete. Fan Coil units* o::ioler nozzles. 00-8722 #13 and 1¥14 Will not run in auto. Dried and sealed rrotor lead Residual Heat terminations. Rencval Sl.Jrt1? Purrps . -- 00-10052 #12 Residual Overhead Annunciator Rerroved ground and repaired - -- Heat Renova1 Al.arm on. level switch. Sunp Punp MD-2441 Valves 1CV2, 5, Boric Acid around packing. Repacked. 75, and 79. 00-10447 Valve 1CC131 Valve will not close Replaced Aux. contact. electricity. OD-10381 #13 Control Area Auto roughing filter Repaired control and replaced Supply Unit advance control inoperable. filter. Filter.ncves constantly

  • OD-10331 Valve 1CC40 .Leaks. at flange connection Tightened oolts.

00-10202 #12 Boric Acid Seals leaking. Replaced rrechanical seals. Transfer Purcp Replaced inl:oard and outboard l:earings. 00-10099 Valve 13MS168 Valve leaks. -~ , ted valve. Page 10 of 16 8-1-7.Rl

DOCKE'l! NO * :




sal_em_#.....1_ _ _ _ _ __ October 10, 1978 DEPARTMENT Maintenanc~ ~~~~~~---~~~~- REPORT MONTH September, 1~78 COMPLETED BY: L.K. Miller


TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 X507 WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. OD-10179 Valve 12CS1 Flange Ieak Tightened rolts. OD-10203* EL 100 I Cont. High air leak rate. Repaired poor seal.

J?ersonnel Air I.Dck.

OD-10204 #15 Service Backwash pipe leaks. Ten¥;:orary pipe patch. Water Strainer. OD-10243 #16 Service Water Packing gland leaks.* Adjusted packing gland. Strainer. OD-10250 Valve 2SW105 Packing leaks.

  • Replaced lubricator with pipe
                                          . ..                            plug
  • OD-10321 #14RHR Sunp *Punp Fails to start in auto. Cleared ground and cleaned wire tenninals.

OD-10338 Valve 1CC196 Flange leaks. Tightened rolts. MD-2680 #:13 Reactor M:::dify #3 Seal Ring Clanp COnpleted OCR Qx>lant Punp I.A.W. r::cR ED-0146-13 MD-2837 #1 Cask Main r..oist rotor noisy. Replaced wonn gear shaft Handling crane aligned clutch assembly. MD-2895 #ll thru 15 Weld couplings to rcotor COnpleted. Fan Coil Units cooler nozzles. MD-2923 #ll Concentrate Repair heat trace. Insulated exposed conductors. Transfer Purrp. MD-2996 #11 Corrp:ment 4KV M:Jtor !!reaker will Replaced breaker control relays. Cooling Pump not close. OD-10368 #11 Fan Coil M:Jtor Cooler leaks. -Replaced 111otor Cooler. Unit Pagell of 16 8-1-7.Rl

l.JUl.,;.l'i.~.*.J..:. i'IU * : _ _ _.-!:>;;,,;U;...-..;;;~-*/.;;;.~------ UNIWAME :* _ _.__s_al_em __#:_l_ _ _ __ suMMAR.t OF SAFETY RELA. MAINTENANCE DATE: _ _o_c_t_o_b_e_r_*_1_0_,_1_9_7_a___ DEPARTMENT Maintenance REPORT MONTH Septerrber, 1978 COMPLETED BY: L.K. Miller TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 Xs07 WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. OP-0346 #:12 Reactor M'.:xlify #:3 Seal Ring IAW Conpleted OCR. Coo~t Punp CCR ED-0146-12. OD-7992 #:11 Steam Manway leaks. Repaired gasket surface. Generator OD-8529 Valve 11NT22 Threaded a:mnection Replaced gasket. leaking. OD-9488 Containnent _Spray Intennitteit* annunciator Replaced circuit board. System alann. OD-10024 #:11 Gas Stripper ION discr.arge pressure. Disassembled and cleaned. Pump OD-10042 #16 Service Water .Packing gland leaks. Repacked. Purrp OD-10123 lA Vital Blown fuse. Replaced circuit board and Instrum:nt fuses. Inverter OD-10133 #:26 Service Water 4KV Breaker will not rack Racking rrotor repaired. Pump up. OD-10141 ill Service Water Flex Coupling leaks. Replaced flex coupling. Pump OD-10146 #:12 Service Water Flex Coupling leaks. Replaced flex coupling. Pump OD-10147 #:15 Service Water Packing gland leaks. Repacked. Strainer OD-10158 #:14 Fan Coil Unit Motor ccoler ----. leak. Replaced rrotor o::::ioler. OD-10163 Valve llCSl Flange leak. Tightened l:olts. Page 12 of 16 8-1-7. Rl

DUCKET NU.:  ;.iu-..:.1..:..


ON. NAME :. ___ s_al_em ___#_l_ _ _ _ __ SW.MARY OF SAFETY RELA. MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Maintenance DATE: October 10, 1978


COMPLETED BY: L.K.* Miller REPORT MONTH September I 1978 TELEPHONE: (609) 365-7000 X507 WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE ACTION NO. CD-10451 Valve 1CV6 Plug on Valve BOdy is Tightened bolts. leaking. OD-10449 lJ.Rl'D Bypass Flow orifice FE499A Tightened flange. Loop. flange leak. MD-2846 Valve 13C'V78 Bonnet leak. Terrporarily furmanited OD-9071 #11 Boric Feplace nechanical seal. Feplaced seal. Acid Transfer Punp. I j

                                                 --                                                     \

l i I l i Page 13 of 16 8-1-7.Rl



SEPTEMBER, 1978 9-1 The unit remained at full load for the day. thru 9-2 9-3 The unit was at full power until a vacuum leak required the load to be reduced at ~10%/hour to 94% load at 1105. The cause of the vacuum reduction was due to loss of seal water to #11 vacuum pump seals. The seal water was restored and the unit was increased to full load by 1254. The unit remained at full load for the remainder of the day. 9-4 The unit remained at full load for the day. thru 9-8 9-9 At 0035 a load decrease was initiated due to high differ-ential pressure across the condensate strainers. Load was decreased at ~5%/hour to 70%. The condensate strainers were cleaned and the load increased at ~5%/hour starting at 1155. The unit was at full load at 1825 and remained at full load for the remainder of the day. 9-10 The unit remained at full load for the day. thru 9-22 9-23 At 0045 load was decreased with rOds to 76% in an attempt to prevent a reactor trip due to loss of #13 Condensate Pump. At 0046 a Reactor/Turbine trip occurred from 76%. The trip was due to the loss of #11 Feed Pump on low suction pressure resulting in #11 Steam Generator Lo water level with steam flow/feed flow mismatch. Page 14 of 16

9-25 The unit was taken critical at 0904.

  • The delay in going critical was caused by faulty pressurizer spray valve operation, repair on #13 Condensate Pump and other main-tenance oriented repairs. The unit was synchronized at 1448. A load increase was initiated at 1500 and the unit reached 47% at 2400.

9-26 From 0001 to 1300 unit load was increased at 2-3% per hour to 83%. At 1325 unit load was decreased to 69% when #12 Condinsate Pump was taken out of service due to high temperature. A load decrease was initiated at 1506 to 10% per hour and the unit reached 25% at 2010. Load was de-creased to allow taking #11 Condensate Pump out of service for maintenance. 9-27 Commenced load increase at 0005 at 1% per hour to a level of ~32% at 0400. Load was held at 32% while maintenance on #11 and #12 Condensate Pump was performed. 9-28 Commenced load increase at 024*0 from 31% at ~5% per hour to 55% at 0805. Load increase commenced at 1440 from 57% to 65% by 1610. Load remained at 65% for the remainder of the day while maintenance was being performed on #12 Condensate Pump .. 9-29 Load remained at ~65% until 2320 when a load increase was commenced at a rate of ~5% per hour. 9-30 Load was increased at a rate of ~5% per hour.A~ 0300 load was leveled off at 81.5%. Load increase recommenced at 0840 to 85% at 0955. At 1600 #11 Steam Generator Feed Pump indicated bearing temperature problem. Load decrease was commenced at a rate of 5% per hour to a load of 50% at 2315. Page-15 of 16

REFUELING INFORMATI*- DOCKET NO.: 50-272 UNIT: Salem #1 DATE: October 10, 1971 COMPLETED BY: L.K. Miller TELEPHONE: 609-365-7000 X507 MONTH: September, 1978

l. Refueling information. has changed from-last month:


                                                                        ---  X
2. Scheduled date of_ next refueling:- March 31, 1979
3. SCheduled date for restart following- refueling: May 26, 1979
4. A.. Will. TechnicaJ. Specification changes or other license amend.ments be required2 YEs* NO NOT DETERMINED TO-DATE September, 1978 B.. Has- the* reload fuel design. been reviewed by the_ Static~ Operating Review. Committee'? YES NO - x I£ no, when -is it scheduled? __J_a_n_u_a_r...,Y._.c,__1_9_7_9__________
5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action:

February, 1979 if required. 6-. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling: None

7. Number of Fuel Assemblies:

A. In-Core 193 B. In Spent Fuel Storage 0

8. Present licensed spent fuel storage -capacity: _____2_6_4____________

Future spent fuel. storage capacity: 1, 1 7 O

9. Da.te of last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel --------------------

pool assuming the present licensed capacity: April, 1982. Page 16 of 16 8-l-7.R4}}