ML17309A811 | |
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Site: | Saint Lucie |
Issue date: | 12/20/1995 |
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ML17309A812 | List: |
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L-95-342, NUDOCS 9601020090 | |
Download: ML17309A811 (39) | |
P~CCESSION NBR: 96010.20090, DOC. DATE:~95'~~!/70 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-335 St-;-'ucie Plant, Uni~, Florida Power & Light Co. 05000335 50-389 St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2, Florida Power s Light Co. 05000389.
.Document Control Branch ( ocument I "Control k)
Forwards Rev 29 to "Radiological Emergency Plan for St Lucie Plant." Attachment 1 contains listing of pages w/description of changes made to plan. A DISTRIBUTION CODE: AO'45D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR I ENCL I SIZE: 2, + 17& C T TITLE: OR Submittal: Emergency Preparedness Plans, Implement'g Procedures, E
S cg4f I ,.i',Jj f!f'
Florida Power 5 Light Company, P.O. Box 128, Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0128
,SEC gO iN L-95-342 10 CFR 50.54(q)
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Radiolo ical Emer enc Plan Revision 29 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(q), enclosed is a copy of the St. Lucie Plant Radiological Emergency Plan, as changed by Revision 29. This revision has been reviewed by Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and determined not to decrease the effectiveness of the Plan. As changed, the Plan continues to meet the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirements of Appendix E. Attachment 1 contains a listing of the pages with a description of the changes made to the plan.
The changes made by Revision 29 are from our annual review and include minor format changes which do not decrease the overall effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
If you should have any additional questions regarding the information provided in this response, please contact us.
Ver tr y yo rs, A. Sager ice President St. Lucie Plant DAS/SL Enclosure
'ttachment cc: Stewart D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC (2 copies)
Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, St. Lucie Plant 9601020090 951220 PDR ADOCK 05000335 F PDR t
02002.8 an FPL Group company
ATTACHMENT1 CHANGES TO REVISION 28 Several changes are made to the format of the Plan. Examples of format changes include closing up excess space between paragraphs, adjusting the placement of headers and footers, redesigning the cover page, etc. These changes do not affect the verbage of the text and do not decrease the overall effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
Changes designated as "typographical error" or "editorial change" are grammatical in nature and do not decrease the overall effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
Table of Contents Pg (5) Appendix B, number 15, delete "Physicians'roup (NES), as they no longer exist. The Emergency Room Doctors for Lawnwood Hospital are no longer contracted, but are now a part of the Hospital Staff.
(Renumber as necessary.)
This change yields no net decrease in service or hospital capability.
Therefore, it does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan'.
Pg. (6) Figure 2-2a, delete "Emergency" from the title "Federal Emergency Response" to be consistent with wording in the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Figure 2-2b, delete "Emergency" from the title "Federal Emergency Response" to be consistent with wording in the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease. the effectiveness of the Plan.
Figure 2-4, change the title from "Immediate FPL Response Organization" to "On-Shift Portion of the Immediate Response Organization" to reflect the title change of Figure 2-4 on page 2-19.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrov29.sum 11$ 5
Pg. (7) Table 3-2A&B, separate to reflect two separate tables; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
g (8) Table 6-1 to 6-7, capitalize the word "sample"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 1 Pg. 1-2 Section 1.2, in paragraph 2, for the "Emergency Action Levels" definition...
"Radiological dose rates, specific contamination levels of airborne, waterborne, or surface deposited concentrations of radioactive materials; or specific instrument indications, (including their rates of change)
Replace with:
"Plant specific values (such as radiological dose rates, contamination levels or specific instrument. indications), states (such as containment integrity breached or confirmed hurricane warning), or combinations of values and states.
This change is made to more accurately reflect the design of the EAL's.
The change in itself does not change the actual classification process or Emergency Action levels themselves. Therefore, it does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 1-3 Section 1.2, in the "Emergency Security Manager" definition, correct "manger" to read "manager"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 1-5 Section 1.2, in the "Recovery Manager" definition, correct "Manger" to read "Manager"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 1-5 Section 1.2, in the "Site" definition, capitalize the words "...protected area"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of.
the Plan.
Pg. 1-10 Section 1.4 paragraph 4, change "He/she will provide that protection..." to read "He will provide for protection..." to accurately reflect the statement as written in the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 1.4 paragraph 4, change " his Authorized Representative..."
to read " the Governor's Authorized Representative..." to accurately reflect the statement as written in the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 2 Pg. 2-1 Section 2.1.2, change "State of Florida Response Organization" to read "State of Florida Emergency Response Organization" to reflect wording used in the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-4 Figure 2-1, add "(SNPO)" after Senior Nuclear Plant Operator for consistency of abbreviations shown with other positions.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Figure 2-1, change "First Aid 8 Decontamination" to read "First Aid/Personnel Decontamination" to accurately reflect the title of the team.
(This change is made throughout the text.)
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-4 Figure 2-1, add a new block under Security titled "Other Emergency Responders" to indicate that there are additional responders (such as TSC and OSC responders) who are also a part of the emergency response organization onsite.
The chart was revised to indicate that additional resources are available, for the initial response phase, beyond the emergency teams. This change indicates resources that have been in place historically.
Therefore, it does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-5 Figure 2-2A, change the figure, and add ESF numbers where appropriate, to reflect the current information in the State Plan, Figure 8-page 8-20.
The State is now using the Emergency Response Function logic that is in place in the Federal Response Plan. The figure has been modified to indicate the new ESF's associated with the old departments. There has been no decrease in the state resources identified to respond to a radiological emergency. Therefore, this change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-6 Figure 2-28, change the figure, and add ESF numbers where appropriate, to reflect the current information in the State Plan, Figure 8-2, page 8-21 ~
Figure 2-28, extend a line to the "Host Counties" box to show functional relationship.
The State is now using the Emergency Response Function logic that is in place in the Federal Response Plan. The figure has been modified to indicate the new ESF's associated with the old departments. There has been no decrease in the state resources identified to respond to a radiological emergency. Therefore, this change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-7 Section 2.1.2, make'the following changes to the list of state agencies to reflect those currently listed in the State Plan:
...change "2. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service." to read "2. Department of Military Affairs."
...change "3. Department of Natural Resources, through the Department of Law Enforcement." to read "3. American Red Cross."
...delete and and
The State has reassigned functions associated with the old departments.
There has been no decrease in the state resources identified to respond to a radiological emergency. Therefore, this change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-8 Section 2.1.3, paragraph 2, move the comma in "...Boards of County Commissioners, (of the affected counties) and..." to a position after the word "counties)"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.1.3, paragraph 2, move the comma in "...Board of County Commissioners, (for the respective affected county) or..." to a position after the word "county)"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.1.3, change "Sections IX through XII..." to read "Sections IX and XII..." to accurately reflect information found in the State Plan.
This change corrects a previous misquote. It does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-13 Section 2.2, paragraph 1, make the following change to clarify the difference between the immediate response organization and the expanded response organization....
The "expanded" response organization includes corporate resources which can be made available, if the emergency warrants, to assist in assessment actions, control, and stabilization.
Replace with:
Along with the required shift operations personnel, the immediate response organization includes the personnel necessary to man the TSC, OSC and Emergency Teams. The "expanded" response organization includes other Plant personnel and corporate resources which can be made available, if the emergency warrants, to assist in assessment actions, control, and stabilization. The expanded phase involves the personnel assigned to the EOF and other resources mustered in support of the emergency.
This change clarifies the difference between the immediate and expanded response phase. No change in personnel or positions have taken place within the Emergency Response Organization, and no decrease in effectiveness of the Plan has taken place.
Pg. 2-14 Section 2.2.1, "Site Services Manager" paragraph, add "Management Information Services", as this is also a responsibility of the Site Services Manager.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.2.1, "Operations Manager" paragraph, delete the sentence reading "The Operations Manager assumes all of the Plant General Manager's responsibilities and authority in his/her absence."
Current Plant protocol may involve the Services Manager or Operations Manager assuming the responsibilities of the Plant Manager in his absence. This change does not effect the Emergency Coordinator line of succession protocol which is established elsewhere in the Plan. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-14 Section 2.2.1, "Operations Manager" paragraph, last sentence, delete the word "also"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.2.1, "Operations Manager" paragraph, last sentence, add "Operations Support and Testing (which includes Shift Technical Advisors)," before "...Health Physics", to reflect the current Plant departmental organization.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-16 Section 2.2.1, change the "Technical Manager" title to read "System and Component Engineering Manager", to reflect the current Plant departmental organization.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.2.1, in the Technical Manager paragraph, change "Technical Manager" to read "System and Component Engineering Manager", to reflect the current Plant departmental organization.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.2, in the Technical Manager paragraph, delete the wording
"...the Shift Technical Advisors and other...", to reflect the current Plant departmental organization.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-17 Figure 2-3, make the following changes to reflect the current Plant departmental organization:
...delete the "SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR" block
...make a dotted line from the Vice President to the Site Quality Manager These changes are administrative and do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-18 Last paragraph, second sentence; change ..."During the initial phase, the operating staff..." to read ..."Initially, the operating staff..."
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Last paragraph, last sentence; change .."Figure 2-4 shows the
immediate response organization." to read ..."Figure 2-4 shows the on-shift portion of the immediate response organization." to more clearly define the content of the table.
There has been no change to staff or positions associated with this change. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-19 Figure 2-4, change the title from "IMMEDIATERESPONSE ORGANIZATION"to "ON-SHIFT PORTION OF THE IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ORGANIZATION"to more clearly define the content of the table.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Figure 2-4, change "First Aid/Decontamination" to read "First Aid/Personnel Decontamination" to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-20 Section 2.2.1, in the "Line of Succession" paragraph, capitalize "coordinator"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-21 Section, several editorial changes are made to reflect that the Interim Emergency Teams are plural vice singular.
These changes are administrative and do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, add the word "appropriate" before "...Primary Emergency Team Leader" to account for multiple team leaders.
II ~
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-22 Section, several editorial changes are made to reflect that the Interim Emergency Teams are plural v'ice singular.
These changes are administrative and do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg 2-24 Section, change "...First Aid/Decontamination..." to read
"...First Aid/Personnel Decontamination..." to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg 2-25 Section, first paragraph, delete the first sentence; "Responsibility of the on-site emergency response is centered about the plant organization (including off-duty personnel notified to report to the plant) with backup provided by the off-site organization."
This sentence was originally intended to function as a transition statement from the Initial Response Phase topic to the Expanded Response Phase topic. However, the transition statement is not necessary and could cause confusion. It is deleted to clarify the paragraph such that the Initial Response Phase is no longer addressed under the Expanded Response Phase heading. This change is administrative in nature and does not affect the composition or function of the response organization. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-26 Table 2-1, last sentence, change "may" to "should", to propehy indicate the responsibility of the Operations Manager. This wording change agrees with consistent wording found in other sections of the Plan and in Plant procedures.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-28 Table 2-2a, add "(continued)" to the title to indicate that this page is a continuation.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 2-2a, in the "Note" at the bottom of the page, change "Augment" to "Augmented"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-29 Table 2-2b, in two places in the "Emergency Medical Services" row, change "...First Aid/Decontamination..." to read ". .First Aid/Personnel
Decontamination..." to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team is changed, not the composition nor it' function. The change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-37 Section 2.4.1, second paragr'aph, add a comma after "...Maryland)";
typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.4.1, second paragraph, delete "PAX telephone system," as the system is no longer in operation.
The PAX system was composed of dated equipment and was beyond its useful life. The PAX system and its associated telephones have been replaced by a Southern Bell system. The Southern Bell System provides a superior system in place of the PAX. Additionally, the the plant public address system and trunking radios provide communications throughout the areas that previously housed.PAX phones. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.4.2, make the following changes. to clarify the roles of the TSC and EOF: the first sentence, delete "...and the Emergency Operations Facility..."
,...add a sentence after the first sentence that reads "The TSC interfaces with the EOF regarding those diagnostic and engineering decisions."
This 'change better describes the interface on engineering matters between the EOF and the TSC. This change in wording does not indicate a change in practice or organization, and therefore, does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 2-38 Section 2.4.3, fourth paragraph, change "Service Building" to read "North Service Building" to distinguish between the existing building and the new building, which has been added to the Plant site since the last Plan revision.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 2.4.5, first paragraph, delete "all" in the first sentence to make the statement more correct.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg.2-39 Section 2.4.5, first paragraph, add a space after "Hot Ring Down";
typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-40 Figure 2-6, add the new South Service Building to the figure.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-41 Table 2-3, add "FOR CONTROL ROOMS AND TSC" to the title for clarity regarding the location of the equipment listed in this table.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 2-42 Table 2-4, add "FOR THE OPERATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER" to the title, and delete "OPERATIONAL SUPPORT CENTER", to be consistent with Table 2-3; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 2-4, number 8, change "charges" to "chargers"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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~Cha ter 3 Pg. 3-1 Section 3.1.3, delete the word "periodic"; periodic updates are not required for a Notification of Unusual Event.
This change is administrative and does not'decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 3-3 Section 3.4.8, make "recommendation" plural; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 3-5 (Note: The following changes to the EAL table, pages 3-5 through 3-12 are all administrative changes. They do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.)
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, upper section, 2.a, change "(total whole body)" to "(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, upper section, 2.b, change
"(thyroid)" to "(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, lower section, 1, change
"(confirmed I-131)" to "(confirmed DEQ 1-131)" to be technically correct.
Pg. 3-7 Table 3-1, under General Emergency, 1, change "(confirmed 1-131)" to
"(confirmed DEQ l-131)" to be technically correct.
Pg. 3-8 Table 3-1, under General Emergency, upper section, 2.a, change "(total whole body)" to "(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, upper section, 2.b, change
"(thyroid)" to "(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, lower section, 1, change
"(confirmed !-131)" to "(confirmed DEQ l-131)" to be technically correct.
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l Pg. 3-9 'able 3-1, under General Emergency, 2.a, change "(total whole body)" to
"(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, 2.b, change "(thyroid)" to "(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under Site Area Emergency, 2.a, change "(total whole body)"
to "(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under Site Area Emergency, 2.a, change "(thyroid)" to
"(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under Site Area Emergency, 2.b, change "(total whole body)"
to "(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under Site Area Em'ergency, 2.b, change "(thyroid)" to
"(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Pg. 3-12 Table 3-1, under General Emergency, 2.a, change "(total whole body)" to
"(total dose - TEDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under General Emergency, 2.b, change "(thyroid)" to "(thyroid dose - CDE)" in accordance with 10CFR20 and EPA-400 terminology.
Table 3-1, under Site Area Emergency, 1, change "(RCS I-131)" to
"(RCS DEQ I-131)" to be technically correct.
Table 3-1, under Alert, 1, change "(Indicating l-131)" to "(Indicating DEQ 1-131)" to be technically correct.
Table 3-1, in the "Note" box, change "(activity for 1-131)" to "(activity for DEQ I-131)" to be technically correct.
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Pg. 3-23 The following changes to Table 3-2A are all administrative. They do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 3-2A, remove the underline from the title and bold all of the title; editorial change.
Table 3-2A, change column heading "Type (I)" to Type (1); typ'ographical error.
Table 3-2A, row b, column "RANGE OF MEASUREMENT", add "(3)" to indicate a reference to note 3 on that page.
Table 3-2A, row c, column "TYPICAL ALARM SETPOINT", bottom number, change superscript " - 1" to " 1 "; typographical error.
Table 3-2A, row f, column "LOCATION", change MSVs" to "MSIVs";
typographical error.
Pg. 3-23 Table 3-2A, note 1, change "will"to "with"; typographical error.
Table 3-2A, note 1, change "PIG particulate iodine noble gas" to read "PIG - particulatefiodine/noble gas"; editorial change.
Table 3-2A, note 4, change "Effluent" to lowercase; editorial change.
Pg. 3-24 The following changes to Table 3-28 are all administrative. They do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 3-28, remove the underline from the title and bold all of the title; editorial change.
Table 3-28, change column heading "Type (I)" to Type (1); typographical error.
Table 3-28, row b, column "RANGE OF MEASUREMENT", move the
"(3)" to the end; typographical error.
Table 3-28, row c, column "TYPICAL ALARM SETPOINT", bottom number, change superscript " - 5" to " - 3 " to reflect current alarm setpoint.
Table 3-28, row d, column "TYPICAL ALARM SETPOINT", 3rd number down, change superscript " 5 x 10~ " to " 3 x 10~ " to reflect current alarm setpoint.
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Pg. 3-24 Table 3-2B, row f, column "LOCATION", change MSVs" to "MSIVs";
typographical error.
Table 3-28, note 1, change "will"to "with"; typographical error.
Table 3-2B, note 1, change "PIG particulate iodine noble gas" to read "PIG - particuiatefiodine/noble gas"; editorial'change.
Pg. 3-25 Table 3-3, number 1, add an opening parenthesis before "Mode 5";
typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 3-3, number 2, right column, shift all of the exponents for the E's to lower case; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 4 Pg. 4-1 Section 4.1.1, first paragraph, delete "the PAX system," as the system is no longerin use.
The PAX system was composed of dated equipment and was beyond its useful life. The PAX system and its associated telephones have been replaced by a Southern Bell system. The Southern Bell System provides a superior system in place of the PAX. Additionally, the the plant public address system and trunking radios provide communications throughout the areas that previously housed PAX phones. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 4-9 Section 4.6, second paragraph, after the first'sentence, add "Key personnel on-site are readily accessible, since at any time most or all of these systems are available to contact them." to clarify notification methods.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 4-9 Section 4.6, paragraph under "Public Address System", replace "the Plant General Manager's Office," with "North and South Service Buildings," to reflect actual locations of communications handsets.
Public Address capability exists in the proximity of the Plant General Manager's office. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 4.6, paragraph under "Bell System Telephones", delete "Additionally a full period lease circuit (hot line) connects the Plant Control Room directly to the Eastern Division Load Dispatcher at the Walton Service Center and to the System Operations Power Coordinator in Miami." as this leased line is no longer in use.
. This communication link is currently made via the FPL ITN system with cellular phones as a backup. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 4-11 Section 4.6, paragraph titled "National Warning System (NAWAS); make a second paragraph that reads...
The State of Florida is currently making preparations to replace the NAWAS with a new emergency satellite communication system (ESATCOM). Work is currently in progress to install ESATCOM at the St. Lucie Plant, and in it's associated emergency facilities. The conversion from NAWAS to ESATCOM is expected to occur in late 1995/early 1996 and will take place upon official notification from the Florida Division of Emergency Management.
FEMA is no longer funding repairs to the NAWAS circuit and equipment.
The State of Florida has installed a satellite communications system that links each county warning point, Emergency Broadcast Station, the National Weather Service offices, the National Hurricane Center and the Nuclear Plants. Because this new equipment is not reliant on land lines, it provides an overall increase in the effectiveness in the Plan.
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Pg. 4-15 Figure 4-2, delete "PAX" throughout the figure, as the system is no longer in use.
The PAX system was composed of dated equipment and was beyond its useful life. The PAX system and its associated telephones have been replaced by a Southern Bell system. The Southern Bell System provides a superior system in place of the PAX. Additionally, the the plant public address system and trunking radios provide communications throughout the areas that previously housed PAX phones. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Figure 4-2, add the following to the legend:
HRD - State Hot Ring Down ENS - Emergency Notification System (NRC)
HPN - Health Physics Network ITN - FPL Intelligent Network LGR - Local Government Radio PLT PA - Plant Public Address (Page)
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 5 Pg. 5-5 Table 5-1, delete "West Palm Beach" throughout the table as they are no longer a source of meteorological data to the Plant site.
The National Weather Service Office covering the St. Lucie area is now in Melbourne, FL. The same equipment capability previously located at West Palm Beach is now available from Melbourne. This change does not represent a decrease in the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 5-1, bottom row, third column, change "None Via telephone" to read "None (via telephone)"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 5-7 Section 5.1.6, second paragraph, delete "(e.g., helicopters)", as helicopters are not addressed in the State Plan.
DHRS still has the capability to perform aerial monitoring but does not specify the equipment needed in the Plan. This change does not represent a decrease in effectiveness in the Plan.
Pg. 5-9 Section 5.2.1, first sentence, delete the comma after "area";
typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-10 Section, second paragraph, add a comma after "County Public Safety Departments"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-14 Section, in the Precautions paragraph, change "First Aid and Decontamination" to read "First Aid/Personnel Decontamination" to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, in the "Evacuation Implementation" paragraph, change "foreman" to "foremen"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-16 Section, in the "Evacuation Implementation" paragraph, change "an Owner" to "the Owner"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, in the Evacuation Implementation paragraph, add "North" before "Service Building" to clarify which building; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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Pg. 5-17 Section, first paragraph under "Personnel Accountability, Transportation, and Exit Routes," make the following change to more accurately reflect the Owner Controlled Area population.
The typical population within the Owner Controlled Area is approximately 1000. This consists of workers who may be present at shift change during an outage at one unit.
The population within the Owner Controlled Area is approximately 1000, including workers who may be present onsite at shift change.
This change was made to better word the older phrase. The change in wording does not change any process or practice described in the emergency Plan. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-19 Section 5.2.4, last sentence, capitalize "section 5.2.8"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-21 Section 5.3.1, last paragraph, delete the comma before "(life-saving only)"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-23 Section 5.3.1, subnote (5), make the following changes to make the paragraph technically correct:
...delete "exposure" from the first sentence
...change "exposure" to "dose" in the second sentence These changes are administrative and do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrev29.sum 11I95 20
., Pg. 5-26 Table 5-3, update the table to reflect:the numbers in the 1/1/95 revision of the State Plan.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Table 5-3, change the revision date from "7/1/94" to "1/1/95" to reflect the latest revision.'his change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 5-30 Section 5.4.1, second paragraph, make "organization" plural; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 6 Pg. 6-4 Section 6.2.4, change "appears" to "appear"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 6-5 Second paragraph in the Unusual Event statement, change "date" to "data"; typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
~Cha ter 7 Pg. 7-2 Section 7.1.3, first paragraph, second sentence, change "The Emergency" to "An Emergency"; editorial change. "
J This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.1.3, first paragraph, last sentence, change "Plant Management" to lower case; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrev29.sum 11/95 21
Pg. 7-2 Section, change "...with the Emergency Planning Coordinator and..." to read "...with Site Emergency Planning..." to indicate the coordinating department vice an individual.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, change "Plant Management" to lower case; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-3 Section 7.1.3, first sentence, change "Plant Management" to lower case; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-7 Section, change "First Aid and Personnel Decontamination" to read "First Aid/Personnel Decontamination" to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, make the following change to clarify the drill process...
...and participation by local support services (i.e. ambulance and off-site medical treatment facility), will be conducted, at least once every calendar year.
...will be conducted at least once every calendar year.
Participation by local support services (i.e. ambulance and off-site medical treatment facility), will be tested separately once per year or as part of the annual medical drill ~
pslrov29.s0m 11/95 22
Pg. 7-7 FPL has hospitals and off-site Fire/Rescue support involved in FEMA evaluated drills and Plant support. By separating on-site first aid response from off-site support, excess hospital and fire support participation is avoided (ie. MS-1 and Plant drills could result in as many as four medical drills for a given hospital in a single year). Each organization may be evaluated individually or as a whole. The requirement for evaluating each of these organizations remains intact.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-9 Section 7.1.5, first sentence, add "(or designee)" after "Manager, Nuclear Emergency Preparedness" to indicate the possibility that the EP Manager ~
may designate a staff member to represent him at the exercise evaluation.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.1.5, change "Emergency Preparedness Coordinator," to "Site Emergency Planning," to indicate the department representative(s) vice an individual.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-10 Section 7.2.2, fourth paragraph, change "retaining" to "retraining";
typographical error.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.2.2, after the fourth paragraph, add "The following provides a description of the training provided to personnel filling the indicated positions." as an introductory statement for the subsequent information.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrev29.sum 11/95 23
Pg. 7-13 Section, title, change "First Aid/Decontamination Team" to read "First Aid/Personnel Decontamination Team" to accurately reflect the title of the team.
Only the title of the team has changed, not the composition of the team nor it's function. Therefore, the change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section, delete "the"; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-16 Section 7.3, second paragraph, change "...delegated to a member of his staff who will act as the Emergency Planning Coordinator)." to read
"...delegated to members of his staff who will act as Emergency Planning Coordinators)." to reflect the potential for use of multiple staff members vice an individual.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.3.1, first sentence, change "...the Emergency Planning Coordinator." to read ". .Site Emergency Planning." to indicate the
department representative(s) vice an individual.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrov29,sum 11/95 24
Pg. 7-16 Section 7.3.1, second sentence, delete reference to "Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures"; and add new sentence "The Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures are reviewed during drills, exercises, and actual emergencies and revised as necessary to correct identified deficiencies. The Emergency Plan Implementing procedures will undergo a thorough formal review at least once every two years and be revised as necessary."
A two year revision cycle is extremely sufficient for the following reasons:
- 1) The Emergency Plan is required to be reviewed annually. The direct relationship between the Plan and the EPIP's ensures that a change in the Plan will generate a review of the EPIP's.
- 2) EPIP's are tested at least annually during the plant's scheduled Emergency Plan exercises. These functional reviews provide the best opportunity for procedure improvement.
A 2 year formal review of the EPIP's is supported by the NRC as documented in an NRC internal memorandum (December 21,1992) to the Directors of each NRC Region. The memorandum, concerning Biennial Procedure Reviews, states:
o Non-routine procedures (such as emergency operating procedures, off-normal procedures, procedures which implement the emergency plan, and other procedures whose usage may be dictated by an event) should be reviewed at least every two years and revised as appropriate.
Section 7.3.1, fourth sentence, change the semicolon to a comma; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrov29.sum 11$ 5 25
Pg. 7-16 Section 7.3.1, second paragraph, delete "in accordance with Technical Specifications".
The St. Lucie Technical Specifications have been changed and approved by the NRC, deleting the administrative tasks associated with Emergency Plan review and approval. Those responsibilities are already detailed in Section 7 of the Emergency Plan. The NRC, in a generic letter advised licensees that they may delete the Emergency Plan items from the administrative section of the Technical Specifications. FPL has received NRC permission to do so. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.3.1, second paragraph, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: "Recommended changes to the Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures will be submitted to the Chairperson of the
'Company Nuclear Review Board for review."
This change carries forward the requirement, for CNRB review, that was previously called for in the Technical Specifications. This change does not alter the existing review process, and therefore, does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-17 Section 7.3.3, make "Emergency Plans" singular; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.3.4, first paragraph, second sentence; at the end of the sentence, change "and Technical Specifications." to read "and this Radiological Emergency Plan."
There are no requirements in the Technical Specifications applicable to emergency preparedness which are audited. This change does not effect audit methods or requirements and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.3.4, second paragraph, second sentence, change "will be handled under the Quality Assurance Program, (10 CFR 21), as delineated in the Quality Assurance Manual." to read "will be handled as outlined in the Quality Assurance Program." to more accurately define the EP audit requirements.
psIrev29.sum 11/95 26
Pg. 7-17 10CFR21 is not a federal regulation applicable to corrective action for audits of emergency planning. Corrective action for these audits is handled in accordance with the FPL QA Program. This change does not effect audit methods or requirements and does not decrease the e'ffectiveness of the Plan.
Section 7.3.4, second paragraph, fourth sentence, change "till"to "until";
editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Pg. 7-18 Section 7.3.6, change " Plan preparation, periodic revisions, drills..."
to read " Plan preparation, periodic revisions, and drills..."; editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
A endix B (APP-2) Appendix B, add the following introduction paragraph to clarify the method for tracking Technical Support Agreements...
Agreements with supporting facilities will be confirmed annually (by telephone or in correspondence), with Letters of Agreement being updated every third year in the Emergency Plan. Where a contract or purchase order is in place detailing the services an organization provides in support of the Plant, the contract date or purchase order number will be listed (along with the facility) in place of a Letter of Agreement.
Letters of Agreement are intended to confirm level of support and the associated details. Contract or purchase orders inherently provide that information. The validity of Letters of Agreement, contracts and purchase orders will be verified each year by correspondence, either verbally or in writing, and that verification will be documented. This change does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
pslrev29.sum 11i95 27
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(APP-2) Appendix B, number 1, after "ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power," add "(PO - B99999-09114)" to indicate the number of the existing purchase order.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Appendix B, number 14, after "Lawnwood Regional Medical Center," add
"(September 1995 contract)" to indicate the existing contract number.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Appendix B, number 15, delete "Physicians'roup (NES), as they no longer exist. The Emergency Room Doctors for Lawnwood Hospital are no longer contracted, but are now a part of the Hospital Staff.
(Renumber the remaining titles as necessary.)
This change yields no net decrease in service or hospital capability.
Therefore, it does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
Appendix B, number 16, after "Martin Memorial Medical Center," add
"(PO - B88918-90098)" to indicate the number of the existing purchase order associated with the hospital ~
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
A endix C (APP-4) Appendix C, Procedure C-111, delete the comma after "Laboratory";
editorial change.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan. t A endix D (APP-5) Appendix D, NUMBER 1302, change "PTP/PSL Core Damage Assessment - Off-site Emergency Organization" to read "PTN/PSL Core Damage Assessment" to reflect the title of the procedure.
This change is administrative and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan.
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