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Full Action Request Report AR 792215792215 MSLB Calc. Energy Release Error, Redacted
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2008
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17255A838 List:
RS-17-119 AR 792215792215
Download: ML17255A841 (10)


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Braidwood AR Type:

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00 Owed To:

A8952CAP Due Date:

09/29/2017 Aff System:

MS Event Date:

06/30/2008 CR Level/Class:

4/D Disc Date:

06/30/2008 How Discovered:

H02 Orig Date:

06/30/2008 Action Request Details






Supv Contacted:



During the EC 371293 evaluation, an error was discovered in the Unit 1 main steam line break outside containment energy release calculation. This IR is the Braidwood parallel to Byron IR 792213. With the Replacement Steam Generators (RSG), Framatome provided the Mass and Energy (M&E) release calculations which were used as input to the Reference 1 RSG containment evaluation and Main Steam (MS) tunnel evaluations in Appendix B of Reference 2. In EC 371293 it was concluded that the energy release edits used in Reference 2 for Unit 1 were thermodynamic internal energy, not the required edit for enthalpy.

The Reference 2 calculation did not document an evaluation for power uprate. The Reference 1 Framatome calculation was analyzed for 102% of 3411 MWt down to 30% of 3411 MWt for a steam line break inside containment. B/B units 1 and 2 are currently licensed to 3586.6 MWt.

Reference 1 was analyzed to a conservative initial SG pressure of 1131.5 psia which covers the current full power pressure. Hot zero power has higher SG pressure and larger initial water inventory in the SG than full power which was also not evaluated, although it may be non-limiting for peak steam line tunnel pressure depending on the assumptions used.

Therefore, the Reference 2 M&E used for Unit 1 had several items that need re-evaluation and documentation with respect to the current design basis M&E for the short term of a steam line break outside containment.

In addition, while comparing M&E tables in the UFSAR with the M&E tables in Reference 2, it was noticed that the UFSAR Tables 6.2-50 and 6.2-50a have a typo listing Energy Rate units as (MBtu/Lbm) when the values shown should have been labeled (MBtu/sec).


1.FTI Document 32-1239267-00, RSG Evaluation of MSLB inside Containment with CONTEMPT and associated M&E transmittal FTI 32-1258100-00 (SUPERSEDED WITH WESTINGHOUSE POWER UPRATE CONTAINMENT CALC) 2.Design Analysis #3C8-0282-0001, Rev. 3, Main Steam Tunnel Pressure Study for Main Steam Line Break, Page 1 of 10 Full Action Request Report 8/31/2017

Immediate actions taken:

EC 371293 determined best estimate M&E releases for 3586.6 MWt current full power operability under ATI 790428-02. Informed Byron & Braidwood Design Engineering Supervisor and Corporate Design Engineering Supervisor of issue. Byron & Braidwood engineering already had S&L perform an immediate operability evaluation basis under ATI 790428-02 which included the EC 371293 corrected M&E tables.

Recommended Actions:

1.Byron & Braidwood engineering to have Westinghouse or others perform a re-constituted calculation to support a corrected M&E input table and main steam line tunnel pressure calculation to replace 3C8-0282-0001 including power uprate and hot zero power evaluation.

2.Byron & Braidwood regulatory assurance to correct typos in next UFSAR update for Tables 6.2-50 and 6.2-50a to have Energy Rate units labeled (MBtu/sec) 3.Byron & Braidwood engineering to perform a DCR type EC for revisions to the Reference 2 calculations with the new M&Es and power uprate evaluation.

What activities, processes, or procedures were involved?

Corporate performing of EC 371293 to support ATI 790428-02 What are the consequences?

Analytical Unit 1 Main Steam tunnel pressure will increase under steam line break conditions when the error is corrected. There is a consequence to revise calculations.

List of knowledgeable individuals:

Operable Basis:

Unit 1 and Unit 2 steam tunnel and AF tunnel hatches are Operable based on evaluation performed per Op Eval 07-007. The errors in the MSLB calculation have been evaluated/compensated for in this Op Eval.

Reportable Basis:

The EXELON Reportability Reference Manual decision tree was reviewed, and no reportability requirements were identified.

SOC Reviewed by:

07/02/2008 08:39:25 CDT SOC Comments:



Design Eng.

Reviewed by:

07/02/2008 13:22:59 CDT Reviewer Comments:

The following response was provided by the originator of IR 792215:

The energy error only affects calc 3C8-0282-001. The error was only present in Framatome Document Release Notice 32-1258100-00, which was used for Unit 1 in calc 3C8-0282-001, Appendix B. The purpose of the information sent to ComEd B/B Units 1, which contained the energy error, was for SLB steam line break subcompartment analysis following high energy line breaks to be used by Sargent and Lundy for subcompartment analysis. Calc 3C8-0282-001 is the only analysis which accomplishes this purpose.

Correction of the energy error was determined in EC 371293. This EC also determined "best estimate" mass releases to be used for operability. While the energy was increased, a significant reduction in the Unit 1 steam line Page 2 of 10 Full Action Request Report 8/31/2017

break peak mass flows were obtained compared to the mass flows used in calc 3C8-0282-001, Rev.3. The two effects tend to offset each other based on engineering judgment. The increased energy produces more pressure in the MS tunnel; and the lower peak mass release reduces peak pressure in the MS tunnel. The Mass & Energy releases in calc 3C8-0282-001, Rev. 3 for Unit 2 from Westinghouse remain bounding compared to the EC 371293 best estimate mass and energy releases. The peak tunnel pressure of 19.7 psig for Unit 2 in calc 3C8-0282-001 remains bounding for both units, if no other changes to the inputs in calc 3C8-0282-001 are considered. It is not known which structural calcs used the output of the 3C8-0282-001 calc, however, assuming the 19.7 psig was adequate for the tunnel walls on Unit 2, the Unit 1 walls with the same design can likely withstand the same pressure.

The combined effects of the energy error with other issues are addressed in Braidwood Operability Evaluation 07-007 Revision 4 since that operability evaluation used the corrected best estimate mass and energy releases.

Other subcompartment analyses not affected are:

Westinghouse calc CN-CRA-00-16 was performed to address Unit 1 outside containment pressures and temperatures for Power Uprate. Westinghouse developed their own detailed M&E tables for various scenarios and performed the containment analysis. This calc did not use any of the Framatome M&E data.

Westinghouse calc CN-CRA-00-18 was performed to address Unit 2 outside containment pressures and temperatures for Power Uprate. Westinghouse developed their own detailed M&E tables for various scenarios and performed the containment analysis. This calc did not use any of the Framatome M&E data.

Westinghouse calc CN-CRA-00-39 was performed to address peak MS tunnel temperatures for Power Uprate. Westinghouse used the CN-CRA-00-16 and CN-CRA-00-18 mass and energy tables. This calc did not use any of the Framatome M&E data.

UFSAR section based on WCAP-8082, WCAP-8264, and WCAP-8077 (Section 6.2 ref 6,7,8) addressed MSLB in the pipe chase compartments within containment. These WCAPs could not have used any of the Framatome M&E data.

In conclusion, Operability Evaluation 07-007 Revision 4 approved 7/1/08 was not affected by the errors identified in IR 792215. No other operability concerns exist due to the errors identified in IR 792215.

Reviewed by:

07/02/2008 22:34:10 CDT Reviewer Comments:

Create corrective actions for revision of calculations and associated documentation.

Department review performed by:

07/17/2008 15:38:42 CDT Evaluation Comments:

Condition/Problem Statement:

The originator identified an error in the calculation which establishes the mass and energy release to evaluate a high energy line break in the MSIV Rooms Statement of Cause:

Errors and assumptions were not correct in the calculation.

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Extent of Condition:

As discussed in the followup, this item only impacts the mass and energy release used to evaluate a high energy line break in the MSIV Rooms and not any other design basis calculation.

Evaluation of any SOC Comments:

As requested by the Shift Manager, actions need to be developed to correct the calculation, UFSAR, and other supporting documentation. Assign an CA ATI to A8952DER with a due date of 8/13/08 to coordinate with Byron Engineering to develop an action plan on resolving issues with this calculation. This is consistent with the actions initiated by Byron Engineering and discussed in IR 792213.

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Assign #: 01 AR #: 00792215 Aff Fac:

Braidwood Assign Type:

TRKG Status:

COMPLETE Priority:

Assigned To:

Due Date:

07/18/2008 Schedule Ref:

Prim Grp:

ACAPALL Orig Due Date:

Unit Condition:

Sec Grp:

Assignment Details Subject/Description: MSLB CALC ENERGY RELEASE ERROR Assignment Completion In Progress Notes:

Completion Notes:

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Assign #: 02 AR #: 00792215 Aff Fac:

Braidwood Assign Type:

CA Status:

COMPLETE Priority:

Assigned To:

Due Date:

08/13/2008 Schedule Ref:

Prim Grp:

A8952DER Orig Due Date:

08/13/2008 Unit Condition:

Sec Grp:

Assignment Details Subject/Description: Coordinate with Byron Engineering to develop an action pl an on resolving issues with this calculation and other supporting documentation.

Assignment Completion In Progress Notes:

1. Prior to start of work on the completion of any CA, ensure you have reviewed the associated CR, investigation, this assignment, and if necessary contact the originator to ensure a complete understanding of the requested action.
2. Implement the requested actions. (e.g. Procedure should be implemented not submitted for change)
3. Document completion of action by completing each field in the following form or marking NA.
4. Additional guidance is provided by clicking here.. :

Record of Extensions: (Note: Record the date, justification and approval received for each extension)

None Document Corrective Action: (Note: Restate the requested action)

Coordinate with Byron Engineering to develop an action plan on resolving issues with this calculation and other supporting documentation.

Document the Resolution: (Note: Clearly document the implementation of the Corrective Action to the requirements of LS-AA-125 Attachment 2.

"That which is not documented is not done.")

Consistent with Byron ATIs 653093-15 and -16 that will track the formalization of a design analysis for the mass and energy release and steam tunnel pressurization, a Braidwood ATI will track these two actions under a single ATI. Additional action items will be generated to track subsequent documentation changes following the completion of the formal design analyses.

Document any changes to the intent of the original Actions (Include appropriate Department Head Approval): (Note: Document any deviation from the specific action and document the name of the Senior Manager/Director that authorized the deviation)


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Document additional assignment determined during evaluation: (Note(s):

Do not close to a promise - CA Type Assignments can only be closed to another CA Type Assignment on a CR)

CA ATI 792215-03 (due 11/21/08), Track completion of design analyses for the steam line fault mass and energy release and steam tunnel pressurization. Initiate additional actions to revise supporting documentation such as the UFSAR.

Quality Signoff: (Note: Document the name of the person who is accountable for the completion of this assignment.)


Date: 8/7/08 Document Additional Details here:

Completion Notes:

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Assign #: 03 AR #: 00792215 Aff Fac:

Braidwood Assign Type:

ACIT Status:

ACC/ASG Priority:

Assigned To:

Due Date:

09/29/2017 Schedule Ref:

Prim Grp:

A8952MECH Orig Due Date:

11/21/2008 Unit Condition:

Sec Grp:

Assignment Details Subject/Description: Track completion of design analyses for the steam line fault mass and energy release and steam tunnel pressurization. Initiate additional actions to revise supporting documentation such as the UFSAR.

Assignment Completion In Progress Notes:

ATI being extended to September based on technical evaluation related to the issue being expected to be completed in August. Further actions to revise formal calculations will be developed at that time.

This ATI and ATI 1599160-01 are being extended to 8/18/17. Braidwood engineering is currently planning a face to face meeting with Byron Engineering to determine the appropriate course of action for closure of this issue.

ATI is extended to 7/31/2017 due to issues that need to be addressed by Corp and outside expertise.

approved this extension on 6/28/2017.

ATI is extended to 6/30/2017 due to issues that need to be addressed by Corp and outside expertise.

approved this extension on 5/25/2017.

ATI is extended to 2/23/2017 based on the following:

Due to Emergent Issues and the A1R19 Refueling Outage, additional time is needed to review the issue and the extensive analyses. This ATI is being extended to 2/23/2017. (

11/7/2016). The acting manager,

, approves the extension.

Update by

, BRZYP, 8/30/2016 The Responsible Engineer has been transferred to Plant Engineering, Primary Group. This assignment has been re-assigned to Additional time is necessary for to review the issue and the extensive analyses. The due date is extended to 11/18/2016. The Design Engineering Senior Manager has approved this extension.

ATI Assignee Change - 3/1/16 - Re-assigned to based on retirement.

ATI is extended based on the action plan presented below:

ATI extended to 8/31/2016.

Extension concurred with MECH Design Branch Manager MSIV Pressurization issue Closure Plan.

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Action Assigned to: Status Completion date Collect Review Comments from Byron*/Cantera and Sargent & Lundy for In-progress 2/19/2016 EXELON Comment Review meeting 2/29/2016 Exelon/ENERCON comment resolution 3/3/10/2016 Byron/Braidwood OAR BRW:


) 03/17/2016 Revise MECH/Structural Calcs

1. 3C8-0282-001 (MECH)
2. 5.3.2-BRW-13-0206-S
3. 5.6.1-BRW-13-0204-S
4. 5.6.3-BRW-08-0040-S
5. 5.6.3-BRW-08-0045-S
6. 5.6.3-BRW-13-0205-S Address Analysis 5.6.3-BRW-07-0051-S/5.6.3-BYR07-040.

This 2007 calc uses analysis 3C8-0282-001 Rev 3 which has been replaced by Revision 4. Revision 4 will be superseded BRW: TBD BYR: (TBD,

) 07/28/2016 Close ATI 01599160-01 BRW:

07/28/2016 Byron/Braidwood 50.59 Eval Prep:

Review. :

08/01/2016 Byron/Braidwood UFSAR Change (DRP) 08/01/2016 Byron EC 404484 (TBD,

) TBD Braidwood EC 396348 (

) 08/30/2016 Close ATI 00792215-03 BRW:

08/31/2016 Byron Point of Contact (Not officially assigned to the project)

- December 14, 2015 - Moved due date to 2/11/16 - just received product, need to do OAR and get corporate review, booked until that time.

- August 28, 2015 - Amended requested due date to 12/15/15 - no ATIs allowed to be placed between 12/15/15 and 1/15/16 due to being a high vacation use / holiday zone.

08/28/15 The design analyses associated with this action are currently evaluated with respect to the licensing basis of the plant. There are critical parameters (Break type) in the calculation that has significant impact on the results of the calculation. RFPs have been requested and scope is under development to establish a new analysis.

Targeted Completion is expected by December 30, 2015. Extension has been concurred with MECH design supervisor on 8/28/2015 05/20/15 The design analyses associated with this action are currently evaluated with respect to the licensing basis of the plant. There are critical parameters (Break type) in the calculation that has significant impact on the results of the calculation. Review of the licensing basis is in progress and expected to be completed by end of June. Based on the conclusion of the licensing review, the analyses will be revised accordingly and completion is expected by August 28, 2015. Extension has been concurred with MECH design supervisor on 5/20/15 This legacy issue continues to be addressed by AES. The analysis has not Page 9 of 10 Full Action Request Report 8/31/2017

yet been completed. This ATI is extended 3 months to allow tracking of its completion.

10/31/13 This legacy issue continues to be addressed by AES. The analysis has not yet been completed. This ATI is extended 3 months to allow tracking of its completion.


This legacy issue continues to be addressed by AES. The analysis has not yet been completed. This ATI is extended 6 months to allow tracking of its completion.


Moved to accommodate vacation, holidays.

12/20/12 MS tunnel pressurization is considered a legacy issue and is being addressed in conjunction with several other issues. This ATI will remain open to track final disposition and documentation of the solution to this legacy issue. The resolution to this issue is expected this year. Due date of this ATI changed to 12/31/2012.

ATI assignment 01284054-02 was closed to 01284054-03. Due date changed to correspond with the Byron ATI currently tracking this issue (ATI 01284054-03).


Due date changed to correspond with the Byron ATI currently tracking this issue (ATI 01284054-02).


Due date revised to 10/04/2011 to allow tracking of actions documented under Byron ATI 653093-19.


Due date revised to coincide with Byron activity (see XREF ATI's).

Due date extended to 3/31/2017 to allow time to resolve issues with the bases for the MS line break location and size.

Extension concurred by Design Branch Manager on 2/20/2017.

Completion Notes:

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