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Purdue University - License Amendment Request - Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Purdue University
Issue date: 02/28/2017
From: Townsend C
Purdue University Research Reactor
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17061A265 (37)



C.H. Townsend West Lafayette, IN 47907 February 2017





SAFE1Y LIMIT AND LIMITING SAFE1Y SYSTEM SEl'l'ING......................... 9 2.1 Safety Limit.............................................................. :;:.~*~)..................... :.............. 9 I



2.2 Limiting Safety System Setting.......................... *******,~***'-"~*************.......................... 9 F



8. ~G CONDmONS FOR OPERA.TION ~............. ~.................................... 10 3 1 R

.. Limi' J

f 10 eact:tvity ts..............................-..... ?:... ! ************************** ::.,.-:..~ ** ~ **************

3.2 Reactor Safety System.......................... ::... :............... *;:*;:......................... 'o............. 11 u...:~~~*C 1 C di.*._;'.,'...

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~ 14 3.3

.L uuuuy 00 ant on t:tons........................... ~....................................................

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3.4 Confinement........................ ~..... *.... ::... ;.. :*...................... :*...................................... 14

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\\, -......

3 Limi..



.5 tat:tons on *~penments...... ~... :-............ :...... ::........... '!-......... ~.........................

/*',.. _,r* --,, '*.. *-..,

. \\ \\ \\ *' /.... /

  • -.....,*- '*. ) '-J 3.6 Fuel P~eters........... ~i... \\............. :........ :................. : **,.*,.................................... 16

....... ~







...... ~~... ~......................................................... 17

\\ \\.\\

4.1 /... Reactivity-limits........... ;............. :~..... :.-;.;... :*.. :..................................................... 17




"" \\.

',, '\\.


\\... Re,actor Safety Sy,stem..... ::-..._.. :*..,...................................... ;.................................... 17

'\\.. "




~Coolant Systeih......... ::.... :....................................................................... 19 4.4, Confineln~'rit:***********.,i.... :.................................................................................... 19

  • ...,.,~.

/ / /

45 Exp




20 enments....... :;...... :........................................................................................

-,t 4.6 Fuel Parameters.................................................................................................. 20 4.7 Eflluent;s............................................................................................................. 21


DFSIGN FEA.Tl.JRFS............................................................................................... 22 5.1 Site Description.................................................................................................. 22 5.2 Reactor Coolant System..................................................................................... 23 PUR-1 Technical Specifications 2


5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel....................................................................................... 24 5.4 Fuel Storage................................................................ ~....................................... 24


.AD:MINISmA.TIVE CONTROI.8........................................................................... 26


' \\.





\\ //



PUR-1 Technical Specifications 3



DEFINITIONS The following frequently used terms are to aid in the nnif orm interpretation of these specifications:


' 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Channel - A channel is the combination of sensor, line, amplifier, and output devices that are connected for the purpose of measuring the value of a parameter.

Channel Calibration - A channel calibration is an adjustment of the channel such that its output corresponds, within acceptable range and accuracy, to known values of the parameter which the channel measures. Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, including equipment actuation, alami, or trip, and is deemed to include a channel test


/' /'

Channel Check - A channel check is a qualitative yenfiq.fion of acceptable performance by observation of channel behavior. This verification may.irldude comparison of the channel with other independent channels or methods Qf'me~urlhg,ihe same variable.


Channel Test - A channel test is the ifltro~uction of a simulated,~ignal into a channel to verifythatitisoperable.

\\,< *...



Confinement - Confinement is an enclosure ofthe.,overall facility Clesigned to limit the release of effluents betw~en, the enclo~W-i *'~$I/its external envfr0tlment through controlled or defined pathway~,:\\;-..',**-

Core Configuration - The core iqcli~tiq~'inc,:lude~ th~l!ffiber, type, or arrangement of fuel assemblies *'.(elements), reflect6r elem~ntS;*-.r~flector element configuration, and regulatinglconttol.rods 0c'cupying the. ~ore grid./ '-. '*. *.......


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Core Exoenmenf~-A core ~xP,eriment is-~me placed in the core, in the graphite reflector, or within six inches.(m~asured horizontally)'clthe reflector. This includes any experiment in the *poolditect.J,y abov~ '*<>; b,elow the core. ' '" \\


..,... r


~. \\

'*--~ *..,,~

( Diiect Supervision**.:.. Jn visl1al *;µid audiDle.~ontact

  • ,~...

'1 Excess'reactivity - EXcess reactivitY'~ that amount of reactivity that would exist if all control rods 'wer'e-.moved to tht; maximuin reactive condition from the point where the reactor is exactly d-iti,<:al ( = 1) at reference core conditions or at a specified set of conditions.


Experiment~~y.o~e~tidn, hardware, or target (excluding devices such as detectors, foils, etc.) that is designed to jri~estigate non-routine reactor characteristics or that is intended for irradiation within the*pool, on or in a beam port or irradiation facility. Hardware rigidly secured to a core or shield structure so as to be a part of its design to carry out experiments is not normally considered an experiment Experimental Facility-Experimental facilities are:

a. those regions specifically designated as locations for experiments or
b. systems designed to permit or enhance the passage of a beam of radiation to another location.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 4

I No.14


1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 Experiment With Movable Parts (Secured or N onsecured) - An experiment with movable parts is an experiment that contains parts that are intended to be moved while. the reactor is operating.

Explosive Material -Explosive material is any solid or liquid which is categorized as a Severe, Dangerous, or Very Dangerous Explosion Hazard in "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials" by N. I. Sax, Tenth Ed. (2000), or is given an Identification of Reactivity (Stability) index of 2, 3 or 4 *by the National Fire Protection Association in its publication 704, "Identification System for Fire Hazards of Materials.*

Fueled Experiment - A fueled experiment is any experiment planned for irradiation of



uranium 233, uranium 235, plutonium 239, or plti~~pi/,.,241.

License - The written authorization, by the US *~C;}C>r,an individual or organization to carry out the duties and responsibilities assc;>c~ited'with 'a,{>ersonnel position, material, or facility requiring licensing.

./ /'




Licensed - See licensee.

\\, ( " '*,


Licensee - An individual or organization holding_ a Jice~e.

,.~ *-,


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Measured Value -The meas~ed:~uejs the ~~e~f~_parameter as it appears at the output



of a channel.

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Movable Expe~ent*-.1\\ movable'~ine~'en!. is-<>nt wh~re intended that all or part of the experimen{m~y-be._mo~ed in or,pe~ ~e* c9re_~r'into ~n.d' out of the reactor while the reactor is op~rati.flg.

......\\. \\

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\\ \\


New Experime~t*-~\\,new.kxJeriment i~\\de whose nuclear characteristics have not been


experimentally determined.,. -., *".

\\ \\



\\ **.





( Non-secured Expehment *~ See Unsecure~_Experunent


"\\. '\\

Oberable -A systedi'o.r 'c:ompont;~t* is operable when it is capable of performing its intended function "in a normal manner.

. '* j



Operating ~Asystem or ~orhponent is operating when it is performing its intended function.









Pool Experiment" Aj:mol1experiment is one positioned within the pool more than six inches (measured horizontally) from the graphite reflector.

Power Level - There are three important and separately defined power levels.

a. Instantaneous Power Level shall be the power level of the reactor at any given moment, as indicated by the reactor instrumentation.
b. The Operating Level shall be the power level from which set:points for scram and setback shall be calculated. The Operating power level shall be 10 kW or less.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 5


1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32

c. The Maximwn Power Level shall be the maximwn instantaneous power level allowed by the PUR-1 License. The Maximwn Power Level shall be 12 kW, which shall not be exceeded.

Protective action - Protective action is the initiation of a signal or the operation of equipment within the reactor safety system in response to a parameter or condition of the reactor facility having reached a specified limit Reactivity worth of an experiment - The reactivity worth of an experiment is the value of the reactivity change that results from the experiment being inserted or removed from its intended position.




Reactor Facility -The reactor facility is that portion p(the*bound floor of the Duncan Annex of the Electrical Engineering Building occupie~,oy tye,School of Nuclear Engineering used for activities associated with the reactor.

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,. h d

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eactor peratmg -

e reactor is op~ratll}g w enever it is not secure or s ut own.

Reactor Operator -An individual who~S'-~~~Qlied to rryuijpulate ~~trols of the reactor.



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b" f,.'\\

  • h ls eactor dlety ystem -

e reactor Sdlety system is* u1a,t-com mation o measunng c anne and associated circuitry whic~ '(qrlhs.Jhe autmri.atic(protective system of the reactor, or provides information which req\\fil~s~*m_anu~"a<(tion to be initiated.

Reac~or Secured,-*kreactoris s~~'ed ~~~~-,< __ ~~



"*~ *v

a. Eithe{~er;i~*~cient m~~~'raf~;_ a~Bl:~the reactor to attain criticality or



..... J there is.irlsufficient.fis~ile mateii;tl present in the reactor to attain criticality under optim~"aililable tortditions of riioderation and reflection


  • ~--~



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  • 1.

.,"\\,',~otfl s~~safeties and the regulating rod shall be fully inserted


"""-"', 2.

\\Ei~ctricai'p~)Ver to the control rod circuits shall be switched off


\\ \\

'-..... '3,~ }li. ~ reactor key shall be out of the key switch and under control of

/a licensed operator or locked in an approved location


4. ""*->N~ work shall be in progress involving core fuel, core structure, installed control rods, or control rod drives unless they are physically decoupled from the control rods

No experiments shall be moved or serviced that have, on movement, a reactivity worth exceeding the maximwn value allowed for a single experiment


The control console is placed in a permissions status where the


controls are not operable.

PUR~l Technical Specifications 6


1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37

  • 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 Reactor Shutdown - That subcritical condition of the reactor where the negative reactivity, with or without experiments in place, is equal to or greater than the shutdown margin.

Readily Available on Call - Readily available on call shall mean the licensed senior operator shall be within a reasonable driving time (1/2 hour) or less than 15 miles from the reactor building, and the operator on duty is currently informed, and can rapidly contact the senior reactor operator by phone.

Reference core condition - The condition of the core when it is at ambient temperature (cold) and the reactivity worth of xenon is negligible (<0.003 llk/k).


Removable Experiment -A removable experiment is.. ahY e:4>eriment, experimental facility,



or component of an experiment, other than a p~n'nanehtly attached appurtenance to the reactor system, which can reasonably be anticiptted,to'b~moved one or more times during the life of the reactor.

. ",, _"J "0



Rod, control - A control rod i~ a deviq~* k~rif~d from neutron-absorbing material that is used to establish neutron flux changes.,and to compensate for i'outlne reactivity losses. A control rod can be coupled to its drive ~t

~owing it to*P._erf orm a ~efy,function when the coupling is disengaged.

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Rod. regulating -The regul~*ro~ris.~ low worth cbJ;Itrol rod used primarily to maintain an intended power level that need 'not have scr.ui'ca~ability. Its position may be varied manually or by a 8,~~~-controlleL< \\ "-,<...., '"~"'-





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Rod. Shim-Safetv>:rhe.cdntrol rod~*1used in'PUR:.1,~*desmfied in the definition for Rod, control.



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Secured Experiffieritv AfiyLexperimeilt,. 'experimental facility, or component of an e~eriilleiit~is.. deeme<!_ tb ~e~secured,.<2r iri~ 's~cured position, if it is held in a stationary


{o~ti0n7e1ati~~'~ the -f~a~tor by"~~ch~cal ~eans. T?e res~ forces must ?e suostanttally greater'than thos'e,to which'the experunent rmght be subJected by hydraulic, pn~atic, buoyarlt,.~r,othd{?rc~s which are normal to the operating environment of the exp'eriffient, or by forces' which eari arise as a result of credible malfunctions.

\\ \\


Senior Rea'clor Operator -\\An individual who is licensed to direct the activities of reactor operators. Suih,an indi~dllal is also a reactor operator.




Shall, should, ana may/- The word "shall" is used to denote a requirement; the word "should" is used tc:l~denote a recommendation; and the,word "may" is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation.

Shutdown Margin - The shutdown margin is the minimum shutdown reactivity necessary to provide confidence that the reactor can be made subcritical by means of the control and safety systems starting from any permissible operating condition and with the most reactive rod in the most reactive position, and the nonscramable rods in their most reactive positions and that the reactor will remain subcritical without further operator action.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 7


1.44 Swveillance and Test Inteivals - These are inteivals established for periodic swveillance and test actions. Established inteIVals shall be maintained on the average. Maximum inteivals are allowed to provide operational flexibility, not to reduce frequency.

1.45 Tried Exoeriment - A tried experiment is:

1.46 1.47 1.48

a. An experiment previously performed in this facility, or
b. An experiment of approximately the same nuclear characteristics as an experiment previously tried. These nuclear characteristics include but are not limited to neutron activation cross-sections, absorption cross-sections;,and moderating ability.




True Value -The true value of a parameter is its exaCt v~1.liie at any instant




Unscheduled Shutdown - ~unscheduled s~µ_til~wn is ae.t?ie~ as any unplanned sh~tdown of the reactor by actuation of the system, *qperator error, eqmpment malfunction, or a manual shutdown ~,,t~s:gohse to conditi&is that could adversely affect safe operation, not including shutdowiis, th~t occur during tes~*ofGheckout operations.

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U d, Exp.


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f nse~ure ~e~ent -

,-~ expenment..,,e~~.IJIDer;.i.& ac ty, or~o~pon~nt o. an expenment is considered to,be unsecured when 1t'is not secured as defiried1in this secnon.



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PUR-1 Technical Specifications 8



SAFE'IY LIMIT AND LIMITING SAFE'IY SYSTEM SEl'l'ING 2.1 SafetvLimit Applicability - This specification applies to the temperature of the reactor fuel and cladding under any condition of operation.

Objective - The objective is to ensure fuel cladding integrity.

Specification - The fuel and cladding temperatures shall not exceed 530°C (986°F).


I Basis - Safety limits for nuclear reactors are limits upon nhp9rtant process variables that are necessary to reasonably protect the integrity of certain pliysicil barriers that guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity. The principal physi~al,,b~er is the fuel cladding.

\\.. /.,,

In, the Purdue University Reactor, the first anq,.~ri9ci~al barrier)rotecting against release of radioactivity is the cladding of the fuel plates. f'lie 90'61 aluminum allo~dadding of the LEU fuel plates has an incipient melting temperature of 5.82~C. However, measur}mclits (NUREG-1313) on irradiated fuel plates have shown that fission prdaucts,are first released nea'?-th~blister temperature C 550°C) of the cladding. To ensure_,!!iat the blist'ir-...,~mpc;,rattrr~is never re~ficii., NUREG 1537 concludes that 530°C is an acceptabl~ fuel.3:11d cladcMg*temp~ra"ture limit not to be~dxceeded under any condition of operation.

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2.2 I.imiting Safety System Setting \\ \\\\

~....... '- "* *,,,


Applicability - TIµs,,s1'5ificati~n.-.,~pplies\\o\\:pe... re~~_tor.~~"ower ievel safety system setting for operation.


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Objective - The objectiv),i~o, assui-e that;. the safety 1iµUt is not exceeded.







Soecification."."'-The~as~e<l*~~ of th~*po~ei:1e.~eJ,Scram shall be no higher than 12.0 kW.



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~ LSSS h b'* "h th

~th will b as1s - 'J. ue~

as ee~ c,osen'tp ~sure at e automanc reactor protective system e

actuated iJJ.,stich a manner aitp prevent*the*saf ety limit from being exceeded during the most severe expected abtlorinal condition.\\ \\




l The function of the.._'~ss is t~ pfevent the temperature of the reactor fuel and cladding from reaching the safety limit ~dei:: *any/ condition of operation. During steady-state operation, a power level of 98.6 kW is re~ecl 1:9.*illitiate the of nucleate boiling. This is far higher than the maximum power of 18 kW,.-which-allows for 50% instrument uncertainties in measuring power level.

For the transients that were analyZed, the temperature of the fuel and cladding reach maximum temperatures of 43.20°C, assuming reactor trip at 18 kW after failure of the first trip. This temperature is far below the safety limit of 530°C.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 9



LIMITING CONDmONS FOR OPERATION 3.1 Reactivity Limits Applicability-These specifications apply to the reactivity conditions of the reactor, and the reactivity worths of control rods and experiments Objective - The objective is to assure that the reactor can be shut down at all times, that the safety limits will not be exceeded, and that operation is within the limits analyzed in the SAR.

Soecification - The reactor shall not be operated unless the foll9wiµg conditions exist

a. The shutdown margin, relative to the ref erence'~i:loondition with the most reactive shim rod fully withdrawn, and the regulating,toq,fully,.withdrawn shall be at least 0.010




/.' '-./

// )

b. The reactor shall be subcritical by ffi(;re.than 0.03 Llk/k d~-core loading changes.




'\\. '

c. No shim-safety rod shall be removed**~o'm, the co~e-i( the shutdown margin is less than 0.01 Llk/k with the rem~_shim-safecy*r~'d-!Yllf jth.drawn. "-0

. \\


d. The reactor shall be shutd9~-~the,!11aximu~Ihpositive'excess rea~tivity of the core and any installed experiment exc\\~~s **o.006 ~

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Th b 1

--::::i-*-~ fth

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~rth *f'*.. *h ~~ hallb limi. d fi 11


ea so ute*vi:llue o. e react:Ivity,wo o eac.. expenment s e

te as o ows:








\\,~*\\ ~tihi~Wotth

  • ,Movable i l 0.003 M






Unsemrr.ea. ~-0;003 ~


/-~:=:*,se~eci /*-o:oo4"8k/k\\)




\\f. (The sum J'-~',ab;;;iu~'value :r *th: total worth of all movable and unsecured

"'e'-xperiments shcill,~'6t exc~'ed... 0:003 Llk/k.





\\ \\


g. The'-suin of the absolute value of the total worth of all secured experiments shall not


I i

exceed'0.005 Lik/k. / i


Bases - The shutdown margin Je'quired by Specification 3.1.a assures that the reactor can be shut down from any operating dmdition and will remain shut down even if the control rod of the highest reactivity worth should be in the fully withdrawn position.

Specifications 3.1.b and 3.1.c provide assurance that the core will remain subcritical during loading changes and shim-safety rod maintenance or inspection.

Specification 3.1.d limits the allowable excess reactivity to the value assumed in the SAR.* This limit assures that the consequences of reactivity transients will not be increased relative to transient.S previously reviewed, and assures reactor periods of sufficient length so that the reactor may be shutdown without exceeciini the safety limit PUR-1 Technical Specifications 10 No.14

Specification 3.1.e limits the reactivity worth of secured experiments to values of reactivity which, if introduced as a positive step change, are calculated not to cause fuel melting. 1bis specification also limits the reactivity worth of unsecured and movable experiments to values of reactivity which, if introduced as a positive step change, would not cause the violation of a safety limit The manipulation of experiments worth up to 0.003 ~will result in reactor periods longer than 9 seconds. These periods can be readily compensated for by the action of the safety system without exceeding any safety limits.

A limitation of 0.003 ~

for the total reactivity worth of all movable and unsecured experiments provides assurance that a common failure affecting all such experiments cannot result in an accident of greater consequences than the maximum credible accident atlaIY,zed in the HSR.

  • Specification 3.1.g along with 3.1.a assures that the react6;/~ able of being shut down in the event of a positive reactivity insertion caused by the floc:)~'of,ari-experiment



3.2 Reactor Safety Swrem




Applicability - This specification* ap.plie. s to <~e(.~actor safety system ~~the.r safety-related instrumentation.


"-, ',,'- // /


Objective - The objective is to specify the-lowest accePtaPle level of performance or the minimum

~umber of.acceptable componen~~of ~e*,~c:actor saf~ly., system and other safety related mstrumentatlon.

\\. \\


Soecification - The two'shilli~afeties shall\\~'ot be ~ov~'more th~6 cm from the fully inserted position unless the foll~wirigconditions are in~t: /.,,../~...,"*..,""-.. '-/

\\ <

"\\ \\



a. The reactor~~ty c~~ls and ~~etf related instrumentation shall be operable in accordance with '' I 'and II inchicµtig the minimum number of channels and the

~~(lmaximbm'6r miiiimuni'set p~'ints.

"" (

  • -........... \\/

th shim-saf etY-rods and't!ie regul°'iling 'rod shall be operable.



  • ,\\
c. '~e,time from ili.~ ~tiatioh.,?f,~ s~ram. condition in th~ scram circuit until the shim-safetu'rod reaches the rod lower'limit switch shall not exceed one second.





1 \\

d. The pool t:Op__ radiation ~onitor shall be capable of indicating an alarm to off-site reactor staff whe~ ~)ihnyis reached and the reactor has been secured. The alarm may be out of servic~up to-thirty days. Loss of functionality beyond thirty days shall require a visual pool level'~pection in intervals of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, not to exceed 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 11 No.14

TABLE I. SAFETY CHANNEL'i REQUIRED FOR OPERATION Minimum Number Channel Setooint (c)(d)


... ir-...

1** 1.-:a

  • 2 cps or greater 2 cps rod withdrawal inhibit Channel 1 -

Log 8.69 %/s or less Setback Count Rate and 1(1) 15.35 %/s or less Scram Change Rate 6.89 %/s sec. or less Roo withdrawal inhibit 8.69 %/s or less

  • Setback Channel 2 - Log N 15.35 %/s or less
  • scram l(b) and Change Rate 6.89 %/s sec.. or less, Roo withdrawal inhibit 12kW, 120% O~rarlng Scram power level, or less' 096 Selected Range, or Setbatl.,



'\\ "

11096 Selected Range or.

Channel 3 - Linear 1

Setback less 12996 Selected Rang~,* or

'0 Scram less

.11kW,110% Operatii:ig

.* '.Setback power level; *or les~

Channel 4 - Linear

-1°') '


r 12 kW, 120%.0perai:ing, )Scram


power le_vel, or less Manual,Scrain (console) * * - *.





.. 1 Scram (a) Notr~qUiJ:ed after Log N-Period channel.comes on scale.

(b) Reqwred to-be operable but not on scale at startup.

(c) All perc~n~e- ~ased setpoints shall be tripJ)ed when the measured value is greater than or equal to the specified value. Counts per, second (cps) se~intS are at values less than or equal to the specified value. Exception: Trip point for 0% shall happen as*the Ya:lue goes from the positive to negative value.

(cl) Setbacks shall be set such that thev will be initiated orior to a Scram PUR-1 Technical Specifications 12 No.14



Number Channel Required"'

Setpoint Function Pool top monitor 1

50 mR/hr, 2x full power Scram background, or less than either Water process 1

7 1h mR/hr or less Scram Console Monitor 1

7 *h mR/hr or less '

Scram Continuous air sampler 1

Stated on sampler/

Air sampling (e)

For periods of one week or for the duration of a reactor*run,_.a *~on monitor may be replaced by a gamma sensitive instrument which has its own alarm and is observable by the reactor operator.

' *~

Bases - The neutron flux level scrams provide redundant automatic ~o~'ttj_ve action to prevent exceeding the safety limit on reactor power, and 'the period scram consei:vati~ely limits the rate of rise of the reactor power to periods which are manually controllable without-.r~*aching excessive power levels or fuel temperatures.


The rod withdrawal interlock on the Log Count Rate and Peri.od.. Channel assures that the operator has a measuring channel operating and indica~ 'neutron *fl.µ -levels during the approach 'to

. 'cali cnt:I ty.

  • ., *1



,,,** -,...... °".

The manual scram 'Qutton and i:he ~reactor on" key, switch prqyi<le two methods for the reactor operator to manually shut down the reactor if k ~safe or abnormal condition should occur and the automatic reactor p~o~ction does' not function~ '*.

The u~e.. ~f.the area~radiatjo~* monitors (fable *m will assure that areas of the Purdue University React:tir (PlJR-1) facility,ffi'which *a potential high.radiation area exists are monitored. These fixed monit~rs.._iili~ate a sc~'whenever*~e.preset alarm point is exceeded to avoid high radiation conditions'-~ wt;ll as alert facility personnel when the reactor has been secured and an elevated radiation level'*exis~.

Specification8 3.2.b*arid 3.2.c assure that the safety system response will be consistent with the assumptions used in eValuatjng th~'reactor's capability to withstand the maximum credible accident

. ~,

r In specification 3.2.c. the rod lower limit switches are positioned to measure, as close as possible, the fully inserted position.

Shielding from radiation is one of the primary reasons for the pool's level. An off site alarm from the pool top radiation monitor alerts facility staff of a rising radiation level which must be mitigated or otherwise addressed and this is addressed in 3.2.d.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 13 No.14


3.3 Primacy Coolant Conditions Applicability - This specification applies to the limiting conditions for reactor operation for the primary coolant Objective - The objective is to assure a compatible environment, adequate shielding, 'and a continuous coolant path for the reactor core.

Specification -


The primary coolant resistivity shall be maintained~* a~ue less than 3 µSiemens/ cm.

The primary coolant shall be maintained at least'i3 fe~t above the core whenever the reactor is operating. The primary coolant shall be m~tained at least 13 feet above the top of the core or at a level sufficient for the pool top.,tadiation monitor to indicate less than 1 mRem/hour during non-operational l>eriods. '**,*.... <'.._

The primary coolant (bulk pool volume) *~hall be maintaln~d'at or below 30 °C while the reactor is operating.

The p~ary coolant radiation levels ~haft no~ e~ceed~the levels,f o~"'Water in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table 2.



Bases - Experience at the PUR-1 and otlier*facilities ~

~h~wn that the maintenance of primary coolant system water quality in the ranges specific;tii~n 3.3.a will minimize the amount and severity of corrosion of the aluminuin compon.ents of the prirhcµy coolant system and the fuel element cladding.


~p The height of watet,in '.s*~~c~~ili~~\\ 3.3.b ~' etlo~ t~ ~~};adequate shielding as well as to guarantee a continuous-~?otant path..


.... ~



Maintain~p1(tlie-prim~ cool~t* ~.mperature.. in Sp~c~cation 3.3.c will ensure the margin to the onset 9f'n~cleate"b0~*-is m~t:ai{ied and ~alyse.s *shown in the Safety Analysis Report remain valid I f


~.* ~

J' Limiting fue:iliiount of railioa,ctivity ~ th:~ primary coolant minimizes the health risk to the public as well as to f acilicy personnel. \\.



3.4 Confinemem '...


t Applicability - This spe2ificafi~n ;pplies to the integrity of the reactor room.

Objective - The objective is to limit and control the release of airborne radioactive material from the reactor room.

Specification -

a. During reactor operation and when radioactive material is being handled with potential for airborne release, the following conditions shall be met:
1. The reactor room shall be maintained at a negative pressure of at least 0.05 inches of wa'ter with the operation of the room exhaust fan.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 14 No.14

2. All exterior doors in the reactor room shall remain closed except as required for personnel, equipment, or materials access.
b. All inlet and exhaust air ducts and the sewer vent shall contain a HEP A filter or its equivalent
c. Dampers in the ventilation system inlet and outlet ducts shall be capable of being closed.
d. Concentration of Ar-41 shall not exceed 2.08 X 10-7 µCi/cm3 at the top of the confinement exhaust stack.

Bases - The PUR-1 does not rely on a containment buil~ *;d reduce the levels of airborne radioactive material released to the environment in the event of the maximum hypothetical accident However, in the event of such ari accident, a significant' fraction, of the airborne material will be confined within the reactor room, and the specificatiprn*sj:a~d ~o~'e,will further reduce the release


to the envrronment

/.... * \\

  • .....,.. ~""'

The limit on the concentration of Argon at the tQp of the confinement e,iliaµ'st,stack is the maximum theoretical concentration of the isotope and the~efore a fan malfunction veritil~ the room would be the only way to violate this technical specificati~n.. It is valid~d by the ddse ?e~s obtained through the effluent swveillances in. section 4. 7.

, * ** //


(. '

3.5 I.imitations on li'vn.oriments




'"...... ",_\\

Applicability-This specification,applies to *experiments iiistalled ih,lh'e,reactor and its experimental facilities.





Objective - The objecti~e* i~ to pr~vent damage "to. the reactor or excessive/ release of radioactive materials in the event of*~ experiment failure, an9 to assure the safe operation of the reactor.

-* //

  • ~".

.. - ~......... ~.

Soecification.--The-r~actQr shall not be operatea up.less the following conditions are met:


\\.a.. <All expe~-~ts, ~hall ~

c~'nstructe~,~f ~aterial which will be corrosion resistant for the

-<;lliration of therr residenc~ *ii! the pool.


b. All e~'etjments and,e~erime~~ procedilles shall receive approval by the Committee on Reactpr*Qperations.;



c. Known expfosi~e* ~~terials shall not be placed in the reactor pool.
d. No experiment shall be placed in the reactor or pool that interferes with the safe operation of the reactor.
e. Any f~ure of an experiment shall not have a consequence that could exceed dose limits as set forth in 10 CFR Part 20, as analyzed and approved by the Reactor Supervisor and the Committee on Reactor Operations.

A fueled experiment shall not produce more than 0.5 Curies of radio-iodine.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 15 No.14

Bases - Specification 3.5.a through 3.5.f are intended to reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor components and/or radioactivity releases resulting from experiment failure and seive as a guide for the review and approval of new experiments by the facility personnel and the Committee on Reactor Operations.

Limiting the amount of radio-iodine levels in a fueled experiment will ensure that the Maximum Hypothetical Accident analyzed in the Safety Analysis Report remains the bounding incident which could occur at the PUR-1.

3.6 Fuel Parameters Applicability-1bis specification applies to fuel plates install~d*kftie reactor and in use during the previous sUIVeillance period.



Objective - The objective is to prevent damage to the.rea~~; 'or "e~cessive release of radioactive materials in the event of a fuel cladding failure, and to assure the ilie 'oP.eration of the reactor.

Specification -The reactor shall only be ope,.;.;d wh:n the following ~~Cations have been met


The inspection of fuel assemblies shall be_ pe,fo~ed to ide~y abnormal or

.r previously undocumen~d.def~ct present on.. ~ rue;.piate. These defects.riiay include but are not limited to blistering of ~e cladding ori'the*fuel plate from elevated temperatures beyond the design of the cfa,dding,_ deep scratches or.,gouges on the plate due to debris in the coolant flowing along the fac~, 'sqatch~s on t:'he, e<lges of the plate due to insertion and removal from the assembly, discoloiatioii from th'e-deP.osition of particulates within the coofap.(o~,corro~Fm ~f the pl~ i~elf:./,,-.,...... :.. ---.) 'V'


The reactor sh,~ not opef1Ue with filel plcire,s that have been determined to be unsound for use as outµiied above in 3.6.a. These plates shall be removed from service and the

__ manufacttrrer ~o~ulted ~-deterqiine p<;>ssible causes.



', ___ L

.... ~'

Bases 7'Th,e-fuei-p~eter I..i.Ipiting Conilitipn oi::i 'Operation is intended to limit the possibility radioictivity releases resu!t:ihg fr~mfu~l failure by.icfentifying issues prior to potential release.



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t' PUR-1 Technica) Specifications 16 No.14


-SURVEILI.ANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Reactivicy Limits Applicability - This specification applies to the swveillance requirements for reactivity limits.

Objective -The objective is to ensure that the reactivity limits of Specification 3.1 are not exceeded.

Specification -


a. The shim-safety rod reactivity worths shall be me~1t1"ed and the shutdown margin calculated biennially with no interval to exce~d' 2}12 years and whenever a core configuration is loaded for which shim-safety rod. worths have not been measured. This may be deferred with CORO approval,d~. fuiy extended reactor shutdown.

Additionally, if a new rod is used, its wqith,.n;ustbe "measured on the first start-up following installation. Ill the case of a deferred measurirne'tlt, the measurement must be performed prior to resuming rou~e ."'"" operations.'~.

b. The shim-safety rods shall be visually ir.ispc::cted biepnially with n~terval to exceed 21h years, which may be deferred with CORQ approv3..l diliing any reactoi'shutdown. If the rod is found to be deteriorated, it shall. *be* '~epl(ced with a rod "or> approximately equivalent or greater woftli,:pieeting the limi~ c,:onditions of operation specified in 3.1. In the case of a deferred ineasqjement, the measurement must be performed prior to resuming.'"'.'utine.:eactor cip<~Oiis.,,, '*,~
c. The reactivity worth of experiment:S placed in'th_e PlJ.R-1.shall be measured during the first s~p {ubseq~~Qt\\to the experin).e;;t's inserti_~h and shall be verified if core configuration changes cau~e increases iii experiment reactivity worth which may cause the experimeiit.worth tb exceed the vii.lues specified in Specification 3.1





Bases i/S1>7eification.f.h~. ~, ~s~~ th~t* *s~.;sa\\ety> rod reactivity wo~ are. not degraded ~r changed 'Qy core maii.J.P,ulations *-.;which cause *these rods to operate m regions where therr effectiv~ess,is reduced. "-. \\




The boron s~es~ steel shim~~afety rods *have been in use at the PUR-1 since 1962, and over this period of time, hq 'cracks or other: evidence of deterioration have been observed. Based on this performance and the,_ 'experie~ce _of other facilities using similar shim-safety rods, the specified inspection times are COJ\\Sia~_red adequate to assure that the control rods will not fail.


Reactor Safecy Sys~/

4.2 Applicability - This specification applies to the swveillance of the reactor safety syste_m.

Objective - The objective is to a.Ssure that the reactor safety system is operable as required by Specification 3.2 Specification -

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 17 No.14

a. A channel calibration of the reactor safety channels as described in Table I shall be performed as follows:

An electronic calibrationshall be perfonned annually, with no inteIVal to exceed 15 months. The electronic calibration may be deferred with CORO approval during periods o~ reactor shutdown, but shall be performed prior to startup.


A power calibration by foil activation shall be performed annually, with no inteIVal to exceed 15 months. The power calibration may be deferred with CORO approval during periods of react<;>r'Squtdown, but shall be performed prior to startup.

,, * /

b. A channel check on the radiation monit6ring*~qllipment shall be completed daily during periods when the reactor is in.Ci*pefi.tion~*,Cili.bration of the Safety-Related Channels specified in Table II and'hai)d held radiitio~'-sUIVey instruments.shall be performed annually, with no µife~al' to exceed 15 riiodth~. Calibration may be deferred with CORO approvaLduring periods of reactilr,shutdown, but shall be


d peuorme pnor to s~p.

  • ~.,~. *.. /
  • ~)

. _ ~--

c. Shim-safety rod drop tiines shall be nu;asured annually, with no"hieasurement's inteIVal to exceed 15 *months;*.These dr~p. times shall also be measured prior to operation following ~a#i~nan.~e*. ~hich ~ou!d:*,~ect the drop time or cause movement of the shim-saf efy rod CQ?troJ assembly:..._, Drop times may be def erred with CORO approval during periods~of reactpr shutdown, but shall be performed


  • -~~,.,,,

"V pnor,to startup...








d. A charinei\\*check of each of th'e.Sfram capabilities specified in Table I shall be I

__ perf ormed,prior to' each*day' s st:artt)p~.






( '. e:Ac~el check,?i~e ~ol--~gp ra~afion monitoring equipment's off-site alarm

"- (

capability.. ~haJl be d~ne.b1annually,-not to exceed 7 1h months.

'\\ "'



Bases - A 'k~t hf the safety ~~te~ cha'nn~l.S-prior to each startup will assure their operability, and annual calibdti.Qrt'-will detect any tong-term'drift that is not detected by normal intercomparison of channels. The ch~el check of th~ neutron flux level channel will assure that changes in core-to-detector geometry ar.~Pe,,iditions will not cause undetected changes in the response of the measuring channels. ", * *, * /

Area monitors will give a de3:r indication when they are not operating correctly. In additioii, the operator routinely records the readings of these monitors and will be aware of any reading which indicates loss of function.

The area monitoring system employed at the PUR~l has exhibited very good stability over its lifetime, and annual calibration is considered adequate to correct long-term drift.

The measured drop times of the shim-safety rods have been consistent since the PUR-1 was built An annual check of this parameter is considered adequate to detect operation with materially PUR*l Technical Specifications 18 No.14

changed drop times. Binding or rubbing caused by rod misalignment could result from maintenance; therefore, drop times will be checked after such maintenance.

A daily check of the scram functionality ensures functionality of the system.

4.3 Primacy Coolant System Applicability - This specification applies to the average surveillance schedules of the primary coolant system.

Objective - The objective is to assure high quality pool water, adequate shielding, and to detect the release of fission products from fuel elements.


Specification -

  • /,,,-*" '--.,,

The conductivity of the primary co61¥tt ~h,~i be re~6r~d,,monthly, not to exceed six weeks. This cannot be deferred d~

~eactor shutdown.'--, '~


The primary coolant shall ~e. sam~l-~d ~onthly, not to exc~,~ix~eeks, and analyzed for gross alpha and beta act:lVIty. This Gannot be deferred dunng reactor shutdown.

'*.'. '**., //


~ ""


During reactor shutdo~; *the. primary coolai:irleve!,or radiation level sl@ll be monitored monthly with an interval. not to exceed siX*,~eeks. Primary coolant height shall be measured prior to reactor ophati9n.

. *." "* \\.,


The Primary Coolant tem~ht:Ure.~hall~be*,recorde'd.'rn,the log book at no interval to exceed four,no~-ifany shim-~af~ty or r~ating.rod ls,ata height greater than. 6 cm.

Bases - Monthly s~~~:}p~~l.,water ~~ty'p~oVid~~;; conductivity changes will be detected before signifiqu}Lcorrosiv~ damage could.occur.


'\\. ~....

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When the.rea:ctor**pool w:iter:*is it ~.height.of 13~feet above the core, adequate shielding during operation{ is.-assured>,ExPerience ha,;'sho":wn. th~t)ipproximately 35-40 gallons of water will,"ekly andwe~kly ~ter 'inake-up is'suffl~ient to maintain the reactor pool water height Analy~s.~.shown radia'ii.o_n'l~vel~'to, iemain suffi~iently low with excessive water loss during non-






Analysis of the 'i-e~tto,r water fo;'1giqss alpha and beta activity assures against midetected leaking fuel

"\\ '


1 J


4.4 Confinement

',, __ * /

Applicability - This specification applies to the swveillance requirements for maintaining the integrity of the reactor room and fuel clad.

Objective - The objective is to assure that the integrity of the reactor room and the fuel clad is maintained, by specifying average surveillance intervals.

Specification -

a. The negative pressure of the reactor room shall be recorded weekly.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 19 No.14

b. Operation of the inlet and outlet dampers shall be checked semiannually, with no inteIVal to exceed 7 1/2 months.
c. Operation of the air conditioner shall be checked semiannually, with no inteIVal to exceed 7 1/2 months.

Bases - Specification a, b, and c check the integrity of the reactor room. Based upon past experience these inteIVals have been shown to be adequate for ensuring the operation of the systems affecting the integrity of the reactor room.





Applicability - 1bis specification applies to the surveillanc~16f liniitations on experiments.


.A Objective - To assure compliance with the provis~o~. or' th~'utliization license, the Technical Specifications, and 10 CFR Parts 20 and 50.

/' '...

/.r Specification - No experiments shall be perfohued.'unless:

a. It is a tried experiment




'-, **.,l /

b. The experiment has be~~ p~?i>edy review~u~q approved according to Section 6 of the technical specifications~. \\~'- '**.' *..,



  • '-'\\.



Propose~J~xpeijments sh~ b~ approy~d by __ the G~rirmittee on Reactor Operations






Submi~9"propos,ed\\experini~~ts slial,l Pr~\\iid~ 'a-comprehensive list of steps to be perfrifr\\le'd, quanti~e~, to be n'leastµ"ed, hazardS"fu be considered, limiting initial conditions df the reactbr, and requited available personnel.


'........ * ~,"




  • Bases :)rh~basi~)c>r.~~s *s~cifi_cab.on_*is:io* e~~~! ~e safety of the r~actor and associated compo~ents, personnei, "apd th.~ *public by-~~~cat:Ion of proper reVIew and approval of experiirte~ts as specified\\in Sectiori 6 of.these tecfuiical specifications.

" "'\\.

'\\. ' \\


4.6 Fuel'~.\\\\\\

  • '-.. )

Applicability -TfilsA>ecificatiori a~plies to the surveillance requirements for fuel integrity.

,I Objective -The objective,is*to*~~ilie that the fuel clad remains unblemished and there has been no**

release of radioactivity to *th~.reictor coolant or facility.

Soecification - Representative fuel plates shall be inspected annually, with no inteIVal to exceed 15 months through visual inspection of the assembly. Representative is set forth to mean at least one plate from the assembly expected to have the highest burn as well as a plate from one of the 12 remaining, non-control assemblies.

Bases - Specification 4.6 will ensure reactor fuel integrity is not compromised. The inspection period is set forth to verify the integrity of the fuel cladding thereby ensuring there are no unexpected releases of fission products exposing facility workers or members of the public.

Inspection of an assembly from the highest power region (as outlined in the PUR-1 SAR) ensures PUR-1 Technical Specifications 20 No.14

those plates under the largest thermal stress are considered. Inspection of another assembly ensures that a single plate passing inspection does not provide a single false negative data point representing the entire core. Non-control assemblies are chosen to inhibit undue burden on the facility.

4. 7 Eftluents Applicability - This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for radioactive effluents which may leave the facility through the confinement system.

Objective - The objective is to assure requirements set forth in 10 CFR 20.llO(d) and 10 CFR 20.1301 are not exceeded and public safety is maintained.



Specification -






Dosimetry shall be placed at the folio~.!~#~~*,*~

1. ~e. locati~n inside the ~tta'.c~r/ room. which~ep{esents the hypothetical IIlllllIIlum distance a memoer of the public could reach to the reactor pool.
2. At the exhaust location of ~~~~r fac\\)ify*which ~~e~tative of effluent release from th~.. re~~r facility.'**,'.,',."'/,./






Dosimetry shall be change_d <<;mt according to lhi°gµidance of the Purdue Radiological Management _o_n the s~e\\tl_m.~pe. ~od,_~ facili-\\y~e~onnel or semiannually, not to exceed 71h ~?~~.-~hicheve~,_1 1

's.. l~sser.,) >..,.........




'- '")

Bases - Specificatio~,4: 7 will *ensµre _that the 'qose*m~mber of the public is measured to be below those setfortlHn fo CFR 20.i'lO(d) andiO GFR 20.13()'1..)

  • ,i,.



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PUR-1 Technical Specifications 21 No.14



DF.sIGNFEATURF.s 5.1 Site Description Applicability - This specification applies to the general design and areas under which the PUR-1 Technical Specifications shall have jurisdiction.

Objective - This section is to clarify those areas which are involved with the PUR-1 Facility.

Specifications -



The reactor shall be located on the ground floor 9f th.J'Duncan Annex of the Electrical Engineering Building, Purdue University, West Laf~yette, Indiana.

The School of Nuclear Engineering shall wn'~ol"'ap~'ioxirnately 5000 square feet of the Duncan Annex gro~d floor, which inchid~s-the re~to'?-room. Access to-the Nuclear Engineenng' controlled area shall be re~tric~d except wlle~tlasses are held there.



The licensed areas shall include th~ reactor room, and a fil~l storage room. Both of these areas shall be restricted to authori.Zed personnel, or thosi-es'2orted by authorized




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v I


The reactor room shall-_remam locked at'all.times except for the entry or exit of authorized personnel or\\th'o-se __.escorted by"'a~thorized personnel, equipment, or materials.

\\_1_ -.. *-.....,



\\, "'\\.

The PUR-1 reactor.. room shall,be a closed room desigi).~ to restrict leakage.


v The minifuum'fr~e"*v.~llune of die teae'~r,.f~~,ilian be approximately 15,000 cubic













The ventilati~n.~ysten:1.-~Jii-b~ des~~d'to exhaust air or other gases from the reactor

/foom-tliro1¢1 a!M~XKau,st-vent_a.ea.~Um. of 50 feet above the ground.







Qpenings'into"the reactor. room shall consist of no more than the following

"j L, Three per8omu~l door~'*,,

'\\ '.

i\\~n~'-. door to a\\~~e ro~tn-kth no outside access.

3 Air:--.\\." ~1-I'



/ ';

, '-, /


4. Air exhaust '




5. Sewer vent The bases for the above specifications are the naming of the buildings, city and state at the time of the enactment of this amendment to the PUR-1 Technical Specifications. The access to the restricted areas is controlled to inhibit the removal of materials, information, or other import aspects of the facility to maintain confidence in safe operation under which the Safety Analysis was completed.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 22 No.14

The volume of the reactor room and its leakage properties are,so set forth to further ensure safety to facility workers and the general public is maintained during all operational circumstances.

5.2 Reactor Coolant Svstem Applicability - This specification outlines the make-up and properties of the PUR-1 Reactor Coolant System.

Objective - By outlining the systems which are required to be in place during operations, the validity of the Safety Analysis Report calculations is ensured.




S cifi

./ /

pe canons -



/-., **,,

Primary Cooling System - The PUR-1 pnrr:~uy{oolirlg,;;em shall be a pool containing approximately 6,400 gallons of Water./,




Process Water System - The proi~ss ~ter system shall be'assembled in one unit and contain a pump, ~ter,.demineralizer,.,, flo';/~eters, an~~h~~ e~change~ (see 5.2.~). The dermn~raliz.~~ sh~ con~ **a._r)mo~le cartndge~~ is momtored connnuously for radioacp.vity l?~dup.


1 V

Primary Coolant Makeup.W~'Sy~tem - M~~u~ water for the pool shall be taken batchwise from the Purdue *urn.versify.water line ':md'passed through the demineralizer enrou~ to th~~PP~~.. A v~cu~ b~eak'er"s~ill -~~clude~y._possibili~ of sip~.oning pool water mto,die supply line. 'Fhe\\ pooLmajteup__ water..,.,system, m. addiaon to the deminerafuer(alsoshaiJ.,include ~J;J.6rmfilt~do"sed ~anual shutoff and throttle valve and a check Vhlve~



\\ ** /




    • ~

Primary Coola.I_lf'Ghil!e~ System - Th~ chiller shall be designed with three loops. Pool



,-water shall,pass 'tlµ-oug9..the primary lo<?.p,\\a Freon refrigerant in the secondary loop, and water..from the '*b~~

water-.~llpply shall be used to remove heat, which shall then be discharged, to,_the 'bpi!~ sewer -sy~tem. The heat-removal capacity of the heat xchanger shall" be *10.5 RW bf greater.


Bases - The'bas~ of having a \\e~tor p~ot__}vith the listed volume is to ensure there is an adequate cooling path fdr~e, PUR-1 coi;-e ~ well as providing a shield to direct shine from the reactor's standard operation. 'Ttie mak~-u~ water to the pool has a set of processing and monitoring equipment to ensur\\.,pte, lo~-teirn operation of the facility and fuel integrity by suppressing

  • corrosion and other eff~e~'due)6 submersion in water. This system shall limit, by the use of filters and ion-exchange resin, tlie. aluminum corrosion rate, corrosion product buildup, and neutron activation of impurities in the coolant The chiller system must maintain the reactor pool temperature to be lower than the specified value while operating to ensure the margin to the onset of nucleate boiling does not go beyond the values determined in the PUR-1 Safety Analysis Report It shall be capable of maintain the reactor pool temperature at or below 30°C during steady state operation at 10 kW.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 23 No.14

5.3 Reactor Core and Fuel Aoolicability - 1bis specification outlines the limits on the design and loading of the PUR-1 Core.

Objective - The standard loading, fuel type, and inspection period is given to ensure the shutdown margin, accident analysis, and operational characteristics are maintained and remain valid.

Specifications -


The fuel assemblies shall be MTR type consisting of U3Si2-Al, 6061 Aluminum clad plates enriched up to 20% in the U-235 isotope.


A standard fuel assembly shall consist of up to 1 ~,foe~~lates containing a maximum of 180 grams ofU-235.


. /

A control fuel assembly shall consist of up t<(8 fu8p"iires containing a maximum of 103 grams ofU-235.,

,.*/) **"'

""- \\~

Partially loaded fuel assemblies iiy,,whjch some of th~fuel,plates are replaced by aluminum plates containing no ~um may be used.


The core configuration shall consist 6KJ3.. standa:rcf fuel assemblies as described in b, and 3 control fuel assemrlies,~ describe'Ci*.0'cJ///

The core shall include ~o*.:~Qlln~~~ety rods,~a"one regulating rod placed within a control assembly. The twd\\~hifli-s~etie,s shall D'e.,piade of solid borated 304 stainless steel. The Regulating Rod sh~\\be s~ess,_,steel ill 20.rpposition. Each control blade shall be_pr~tected* al~~

gui~~ plate,_on )a\\~)ide within the control fuel assemblies~

.r~""" *,,_,,

, \\,/


, / " '

\\, /'




Bases - The basis of'enri.cping th~\\MfR fuel up to,20% is to allow a core loading compact enough to fit within existing stru'ttui-es as well a's to contin'ti~ historic operations with approximately the same reactor ch~cteristis_s wrule~k~ep~_~stra~gic s'~cance of the material 3$ low as possible.






\\ _)

Limiting thl amo~of ~s of-!1~235 in eich,pl*' and assembly keeps the expected shutdown

. \\.. (

margm'a,nd-.11-cc1dent analy&es**yalid. '** *,,_..

Those typ~~fuel plate d~;~~-liste~~.~~~specification have been exhibited in other facilities. but the inspector \\Q.~Uld be co~t of ail'y change in plate appearance. Changes in cladding appearance may i>e.~'dicative ofjlarger issues within the core and be precursors to failure of cladding J

I mtegnty.



'*....,,j*. /

Fuel Storage

"""*~.. /

5.4 Applicability - The specification for fuel storage shall apply to the placement of fuel when it is not in the core configuration.

Objective - Ensuring that fuel outside of the highly analyzed reactor core does not go critical is desirable to maintain safety to facility workers and members of the public.

Specifications -

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 24 No.14



All reactor fuel and fueled devices shall be stored in a geometric array where k& is less than 0.8 for all conditions of moderation and reflection.


Irradiated fuel assemblies and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel integrity is maintained per the Safety Analysis Report.

Bases - The requirement to store fuel in such a way that the k& is less than 0.8 will be adequate to provide reasonable certainly that an accidental criticality event is not possible.

Placing fuel in an array which allows for adequate cooling ~

e~ure that those elements which have experienced high burnup and have elevated level~,,6f d{ray heat do not undergo loss of cladding integrity by blistering or other means due to temperature.


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PUR-1 Technical Specificarions 25 No.14


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROI.S 6.1 Organimion The PUR-1 Facility is managed and run by members of the nniversity's College of Engineering, specifically the School of Nuclear Engineering. The Dean of the College of Engineering shall be the final authority on all PUR-1 matters. The Laboratory Director is responsible to the Dean for the administration and proper and safe operation of the facility. Figure 6.1 shows the administration chart for the PUR-1. The Committee on Reactor Operations advises the director of the PUR-1 on all matters or policy pertaining to safety. The Radiological Safety Officer provides advice concerning personnel and radiological safety and 'provides technical assistance and review in the area of radiation protection.





L __

President r - - - - - -

Purdue University I

  • Vice President for Research Radiation Safety Committee

/) Radiation

\\.\\ Safety Officer


Provost Purdue University Dean College or Englneer1ng Level 1 Laboratory Director Level2 Reactor Supervisor Level3 Reactor Operations

--- Primarily Administration Primarily Safety I


I t

Committee On Reactor Operations Figure 6.1: Organiz.ation Chart for Reactor Administratlon

a. Structure PUR-1 Teclmical Specifications


I 26 No.14

1. A line management organizational structure provides for personnel who shall administrate and operate the reactor facility.
2. The Dean and the Facility Director shall have line management responsibility for adhering to the PUR-1 license and Technical Specifications and for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposure.
3. Management Levels:


a) Level 1: Dean of the College of Engineering:_,Respc)nsible for the PUR-1.



b) Level 2: PUR-1 Facility Director: Resp~n(i~.e'for're,_actor facility operation and shall report to Level 1.

_,/**.... '-*


c) Level 3: Reactor Supervisor: Rrspo*sible for the. of the PUR-I including shill operation andS~.~eport to Level 2. ~

d) Level 4: Reactor 01>5~ting Staff:\\:*:ac;:~'n~~d_,{e~or operat~'!t1a., senior reactor operators and trainees. These individucils., shall1eport to Level 3. 'J

\\ *~~*~"'*,,

e) The reporting structure 'ofFjgllre.§':1* is such t:fiat those personnel below shall report up and thpse-personnel li~'ted,abov'e*m~y*cqmm~2ate down.





\\ \\


  • ,,./




\\\\ \\.,,,-


'~,,, ~

4. Comrmttee on Reactor Operat:Ions. (CORO):
  • ,v


\\ \\



The. CORO 'sh.all,be)es~onsible to \\4~'licensee for providing an independent


b.~~'sJl<>nsibility ""-.;'\\ ""<**:-.,

-... j


\\ '\\

    • \\, ~ '**..,

Resp0~ibility for the ~afe,operaiion> of the reactor facility shall be in accordance with the line or~on estabfilhe~ in Section 6.1.a. In all instances, responsibilities of one level may be asslim)d. by desib¥ed alternates or by higher levels, conditional upon appropriate alifi..


I qu canons....,

'..._ /


The reacU?r facility **shhll be under the direct control of the Reactor Supervisor, a Senior Reactor Operator, or Reactor Operator (RO). The RO shall be responsible for ensuring that all operations are conducted in a safe manner and within.the limits prescribed by the facility license, procedures and requirements of the Radiation Safety Officer and the CORO.

c. Staffing
1. The minimum staffing when the reactor is not secured shall be as follows:

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 27 No.14

a) At least two individuals shall be present at the facility complex a.rid shall consist of at least a licensed reactor operator and a second person capable of calling 911.

Unexpected absence for as long as 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to accommodate a personal emergency are acceptable provided immediate action is taken to obtain a replacement. During periods when the reactor is not secured, it shall be under the direct control the of the reactor operator; b) During periods of reactor maintenance the two individuals who shall be present at the facility complex shall consist of a licensed senior reactor operator and a second individual capable of calling 911.

c) A licensed reactor operator or senior reacto,r..~tor shall be in the reactor room; I*'


d) A Senior Reactor Operator shall be readil~ aVi.ilaBle for emergencies or on call (the individual can be rapidly reached by*ph~n~ or radio 'and*is within 30 minutes or 15 miles of the reactor facility); and,./ /)


/ /


e) A list of reactor facility perso~el (y,name and telephone number shall be readily available for use in the reactor rooin. Tue listsh"in include: ~

/ /






. \\



Senior Reactor**~P,era.;~or-c;~~ Call, ',*"..\\_,


Radiation Sat:ety'~fllcer-..... '-,"-..


09.ierqperat:tons p~rspnnel:;-.-¥ C:le~med by, th~ Facility Director


\\ '\\


.... \\


2. Events reqrnpng,tlle presence at the fa~ility' of tKe senior*r~actor operator:

\\. ""







a) Ini "al \\, *,

d I

1 h


ti apptoac to pmrer,

'\\. ',




', '._/

  • ~

" \\


b)-A-S~br !leaito( Operator~s~atl~ec~)my loading or unloading of fuel or control


rods Withjll the reactor, core regioQ, )

.. ~

'\\ '*


c)"'A senior reactor ope~or shall direct the recovery from an unplanned

~hutdown, uns'ch. ~tluled sliutrlown, or unplanned power reduction of more than




)\\ \\


d. Selection and Traiiring of,P~r~onnel

'-*, //

The selection and trainirig of operations personnel shall be in accordance with the following:.

1. Responsibility: The Reactor Supervisor is responsible for the selection, training, and requalification of the facility reactor operators and senior reactor operators.


2. Selection: The selection of operations personnel shall be consistent with the standards related to selection in ANSl/ANS-15.4-2007
3. Training Program: The Training Program shall be consistent with the standards related to training in ~Sl/ANS-15.4-2007.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 28 No.14

4. Requalification Program: The Requalification Program shall be consistent with the standards related to requalification in ANSl/ANS-15.4-2007.

6.2 Review and Audit

a. Committee on Reactor Operations (CORO)

The CORO shall be comprised of at least 3 voting members knowledgeable in fields which relate to Nuclear Safety. One of these members, the Radiation Safety Officer, will serve as the Chair. If the Chair is ilnable to attend one or a numlfe~'ef committee meetings, then the Chair may designate a committee member as Chair/fro tbn. The members are appointed by the Dean of the College of Engineering to se:rye thre~_year terms. It is expected that the members will 'be reappointed each term as !o~ ~/tfrey 'ai:~ willing to serve so that their experi~nce and familiarity with the pas~, his'9cy of th~~UR"l will not be lost to the comrmttee.


,. '\\

CORO Charter and Rules

'<<;'_*.. ~.. ~

// /


The operations of the CORO-shall be in *~cci'rdai;.ce with a written d}Clrter, including fi


provlSlons or:

-... \\,


1. Meeting Frequency: The C~R<? ~haJi i'n.e~t ann~allY'at intervals not to exceed 15 months. (Note:*The....facility liceme req~~s-~meet:illg,.~Neast once per year and as frequently/~ circums~ces ~t c9risistent~~th effective monitoring of facilicy

... )'






activities L







2. Quorum: A "qu6rµm,shail-b.~ compqs~d of not less than one-half of the voting h:

,.,ffiemb~rshi~ whh~the/=>pe~ s~ <lois;not constitute a majority;



oting Ruies:,,?n,mahe~* i:.~~~*a*v~, if ~nly a q~o~ is present a un~ous te of the quohun,shall be tegwred; otheIWise a maJonty vote shall be reqwred;


'\\ '\\



4. Subc'c>mmittees: The ~hair may 1 appoint subcommittees *comprised of members of I

the CQRQ to perforyn ~ertain tasks. Subcommittees or members of the CORO may be auth6riz'ed to acd'or!the committee; and

'*.,_ "'* /


5. Meeting Mintl~s: 'fhe Chair shall designate one individual to act as recording secretary.

It shall be the ~e;ponsibility of the secretary to prepare the minutes which shall be distributed 'to the CORO, including the Dean of the College of Engineering, within three months. The CORO shall review and approve the minutes of the previous meetings. A complete file of the meeting minutes shall be maintained by the Chair of the CORO and by the Facility Director.

c. CORO Review Function The review responsibilities of the CORO or a designated subcommittee shall include, but are not limited to the following:

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 29 No.14

1. Review and evaluation of determinations of whether new tests or experiments and proposed changes to equipment, systems, or procedures can be made under 10 CFR 50.59 or would require a change in Technical Specifications or license conditioru; I
2. Review of new procedures, major revisions of procedures, and proposed changes in reactor facility equipment or systems which have significant safety impact to reactor operations;
3. Review of new experiments or classes of experimen.ts, that could affect reactivity or result in the release of radioactivity;


4. Review of proposed changes to the Tecruycal ~P~Gifications and U.S. NRC issued license;

( /

5. Review of the PUR-1 radiation protetfi~1,1**~rogram;
  • ~~




6. Review of violations of Technical \\~~ijications, U.S. NRC issued license, an:d violations of internal proc~dures or ffii~cti<?;118 _!la~ safety s~dnce;
  • J.. /


7. Review of operating abn&rm.ilities having scrl"ety sikruficance;

\\ \\-, '**..


8. Revi~w o~ reportable occwf~~c.~~-li~d*ID:.. Section~:6~ and 6.6.b of these Technical Specificattons;.and

\\ \\









9. Review qf au,dit report;s.\\

\\ \\_.. " /'











C9-RO*-AudJ!!uncti.~h,.. */ / ---... *-.,___

\\ \\

(~e~dkfun.ti~n,~~~a~~e ':d~:_j)>;.-* co?'preheruive) examinarion of operating rec0rds, logs, and'*otlier documents. Discussions with cogmzant personnel and observation ofe.p'e~ons should*~*u~ed ~so 'iis~ppropriate. In no case shall the individual immediately respC>nsible for an area'pe'rform ctii audit in that area. Audits shall include but are not limited

~ '

to the followipg:

\\ \\

i. Facility '6p~ia.tions,;kd~ding radiation protection, for conformance to the Technical Specificatio'iis, 'aj(plicable license conditions, and standard operating procedures: at least


every 12 montlis.(mterval between audits not to exceed 15 months);

2. The results of action taken to correct those deficiencies that may occur in the reactor facility equipment systems, structures, or methods of operations that affect reactor safety: at least once every 12 months (interval between audits not to exceed 15 months);
3. The retraining and requalification program for the operating staff: at least once every other calendar year (interval between audits not to exceed 30 months);
4. The reactor facility emergency plan and implementing procedures: at least once PUR-1 Technical Specifications 30 No.14

6.3 6.4 every other calendar year (interval between audits not to exceed 30 months); and S. The reactor facility security plan and implementing procedures: at least once every other calendar year (interval between audits not to exceed 30 months).

Deficiencies uncovered that affect reactor safety shall immediately be reported to the Dean of the College of Engineering (Level 1 Management). A written report of the findings of the audit shall be submitted to the Dean of the College of Engineering (l..evd 1 Managemen9 and the review and audit group members within 3 months after the audit has been completed.

e. Audit of AlARA Program


The Chair of the CORO or designated alteffi'~,...(~)~ anyone whose normal job function is within the <:>Pe~ staff) sh~)o~rt9'ric"t an a~0f~e r~actor facility AIARA program annually. The auditor shall trtµisrmt'the results of the audit to the CORO at the next scheduled meeting for its review~~ approval.




Radiation Safety

"'-*, '*,, /


""-, __ / /



The Radiation Safety Office'i\\s4alJ

....... be,responsiSle. for implementing the radiation safety program for the PUR-1. The reg~em~lits,pf the ciwcilion safety program are established in 10 CFR 20. The Program shocld ~,tile*.guidelirte;-bf the ANSl/ANS-15.11-1993; R2004, "RadiationPr0rection at Res~arch R~acto~"Faciliti's.~

(/' /--......*,

'. *,\\-

\\\\ ;\\ _,/',/-..





Procedures "-"-'""'

  • ,) '\\

\\ ('




Written-op_erating)>ro'cedfues.. sliallbe prep~ed, reviewed, and approved before initiating an( ~the.~~Viti~s li)te,~ ii(fhissectj'?n:--. '(h~,p)ocedures shall be reviewed and approved

. /by(the Faciliiy-.,pir<(_~toi~~e: __ CORO;"-Cl!l~shall be d~umented in a timely manner.

\\Procedures shall b.e adequate to ensure tlie safe operation of the reactor but shall not p'iecitide the use ol'indepentlent)udgment and action should the situation require such.

Opeiatjrlg,procedures\\hciu be u~ed.'f or the following items:

\\ \\


Startu~;,operation, and 1shutdown of the reactor;

"\\. '.,

J !

b F 11

,1;~~ -~ 1 /~,l;J~


'thin th ue oau.u16;1't1110~ 16, an movement wi e reactor;


c. Control rod removal or replacement;
d. Routine maintenance of the control rod, drives and reactor safety and interlock systems or other routine maintenance of major components of systems that could have an effect on reactor safety;
e. Surveillance checks, calibrations, and inspections of reactor instrumentation and controls, control rod drives, area radiation monitors, facility air monitors, the central exhaust system and other systems as required by the Technical Specifications; PUR-1 Technical Specifications 31 No.14

6.5 6.6


Administrative controls for operations, maintenance, and conduct of irradiations and experiments, that could affect reactor safety or core reactivity;

g. Implementation of required plans such as emergency or security plans;
h. Radiation protection program to maintain exposures and releases as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA);

Use, receipt, and transfer of by-product material, if appropriate; and



Surveillance procedures for shipping radioactiv~,~~rials.




Experiment Review and Approv.d

(/~' ~

Approved experiments shall be carried/>;;S ;> ~cordan~di estiblished and approved procedures.



a. All new experiments or class of e~~iiiflepts ~hall---be reviewed'bY'the CORO as required by TS 6.2.c and *implementation aJ?~rove&fu writing by th~Fa'iility Director


or designated alternate. \\,._ *,,""-



\\. "'-..

\\ \\

b. Substantive changes to pre~o~'sly ~ppr~'Ved. e~riments shall be made only after review by tl}e*c61lo-and impl~rµ~ntatio~*app~ov~~ in'\\.nkg by the Facility Director




or desigrµited.~cilternate; *\\

\\ \\J/ /"



,. \\



Required Adi \\ ",

~ i

\\ \\

ons, '\\, /


\\ \\

/.A~. ---....... '1:.*~ Tak,,*,, '*:/ th,..-E-........... -......,f.

s~), \\Limi. v* l.


_ coon-to ut:-...

en.pi. e vent.q a i:Uety;-

t lo anon The ~:~~~:~tlt ~~~-J reactor operation shall not be resumed until

'~uthonzed by,the,U.S. N!lG;


\\ \\




2...&i iinmediate n0tification of the occurrence shall be made to the CORO Chair and'-th~*.. Facility.' Director, and reports shall be made to the U.S. NRC in accord!n~~s.!ction 6.7.b of these specifications; and
3. A report shall be prepared which shall include:

a) Applicable circumstances leading to the violation including, when known, the cause and contributing factors, b) Effect of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public, c) Corrective action to be taken to prevent recurrence.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 32 No.14

This report shall be submitted to the CORO for review and then submitted to the U.S. NRC when authorization is sought to resume operation of the reactor.

b. Action to be Taken in the Event of a Reportable Occurrence Other Than A Safety Limit Violation
1. PUR-1 staff shall return the reactor to normal operating via the approved PUR-1 procedure or shut down conditions. ff it is necessary to shut down the reactor to correct the occurrence, operations/shaII not be resumed unless authorized by the Facility Director or a desigrfuted{iternate;



// /' "'-

2. The Facility Director or designated ~tfrn..ate shhli"' &\\notified and corrective action taken with respect to the ~pe~~ns involved;"-.'"-.


3. The Facility Director or designat;ect'altemate shall notify the <SORO Chair who shall arrange for a revi~~ by the Co~,~!,/),. * ~-
4. A report shall be ma,de *to !he CORO wJllch slfall mclude an aruilysi.s of the cause of the occurrence, effi.qicy~cogective acti~fi~,~d recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the,probability pf recurien~e; and

-~ ",


5. A repoJ1.slfall-be.made ~~~1p.s.~~C-ih,'!_ccor<l~ with Section 6.7.b of these

,specific"ati9ns:--, '-\\

"\\ \\ /, /"*--..::'-'-..,

( <

' \\

'>> \\_.



""" \\.





6.7 Reports j )

\\ \\

"'\\ °'



a. Arufu310J>-eratjng Re~~& t'r--;_---~ \\ \\\\ *.


~' "


Ari/al. ---..... "'-,

\\, \\L

"'** ') f th f; cili" d

0 th 0

~ annu rep<'>Q;, co~ermg, u1~ operallon-*o e reactor a ty urmg e previous chle'rtdar year s'ubmitied'tQ the NRC before March 31 of each year providing the

'\\ ~.

. \\


followµig.informallon:\\ \\

'. )

\\ \\

1. A natqtiv~ summary
  • 9f (1) reactor operating experience (including experiments perf ormedt'(~ chak~s in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures '"r~ated ~1reactor safety and occurring during the reporting period, and (3) results of stin:~illance tests and inspections;
2. Tabulation of the energy output of the reactor, hours reactor was critical, and the cumulative total energy output since initial criticality;
3. The number of unscheduled shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including, where applicable corrective action to preclude recurrence;
4. Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effect, if any, on the safety of the operation of the reactor and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required; PUR-1 Technical Specifications 33

. No. 14

5. A brief description, including a summary of the safety evaluations of changes in the facility or in procedures and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to Section 50.59 of 10 CFR Part 50;
6. A summary of the n~e and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge. The summary shall include to the extent practicable an estimate of indivi~ual radionuclides present in the effluent H the estimated average release after dilution or diffusion is less than 25% of the concentration allowed or
  • recommended, a s~ment to this effect is suffic~ept:')

a) Liquid Waste (slimmarized on a monthlyJ>~is)\\,


  • dis h d d
  • th ( /~"'-*oo I.

Total radioactivity rel~as.ed (in Curies),



oactlVIty c arge


~Jeporting ~~rf

  • ~*


The effluent concentration used and,the isotopic comp0sition if greater than 1: x 1o:?*µCi/cc for fis~ion'anl~<;ti,tion produc~


Total ~di~cti~;y'(in Curies):'~le"ed by nuclide during the reporting period based'q_tl,~~r~~hta~ve is~o~C:,analysis, and


IV. /" Xveiage conceniratton at ;91.n~"'of release,(@µCi/cc) during the reporting J

  • ~.




/-, ~

,/ 1pen0d.. \\

\\\\ /







ii. T~')ol_µme (ih ~ons) of\\ffi~ent water (including dilution) during periods f

1 '


,____ o re eas.e. :*, /


' \\


', -~-

/---.... _ --,,,

\\ "

//o)Ai;l>o~~'Was~~"(s~~~d~o~--a'm~~thly basis)


' \\.

"', \\'

"-. __ /

"-~*"'.."-i. Radio~'ti~fy, disch~geq during the reporting period (in Curies) for:

\\\\ I'\\

"<. \\

'" I 1Ar ' d



'an *.

'"n.'\\._".. lP

. *.itlJ


"th half Ii th igh d

  • . ~ " arti5. ~tes wi

- ves greater an e t ays.


c) Solid Wcclte


....... _//

1. The total amount of solid waste transferred (in qibic feet),
u. The total activity involved (in Curies), and
m. The dates of shipment and disposition (if shipped off site).
7. A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including, dates and time where such exposures are greater than 25% of that allowed or recommended; and PUR-1 Technical Specifications 34 No.14
8. A description an,d summary of any environmental swveys penormed outside the facility.
b. Special Reports In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, reports shall be made to the NRC Document Control Desk and special telephone reports of events should be made to the Operations Center as follows:
1. There shall be a report not later than the followipg°"working day by telephone and confirmed in writing by fax or similar conveyance,t6 the)NRC Headquarters Operation Center, and followed by a written report that d{scrilSes the circumstances of the event and sent within 14 days to the U.S. NuclearRegtilatrlry Commission, Attn: Document Control Desk, Washingron, DC 2055~, of).ihy'~f th~f~

a) Violation of safety limit faee Tz::~.'~;


b) Any release of radioactivity from th~ *s~~ abo':,~*al)owed limits;'0and

..,/ /

c) Any of the following:;,.*-.*......._


~ '

\\ \\.,, ~



\\ al.

.:'c fi.

. d 1


peration wi actl\\ \\ Siilety...___ sys~m set:t;mgs or requrre systems ess conserv'ative,than the lirriit;mg saI~ty system }e~ specified in the technical





v s:gec _Fatlo~: *,

\\ \\

/ /' "*-...


\\ \\/


"'-. )




I, ii.

Operation in viol~tion of liinitIQg conditions for operation established in the





*-technicaJ sp~~ifications'-..

\\. \\

/*--...._......._ --.



iii~~,r~ik~?r s'af ~cy*-~ystem to.IJ!i>on~nf malfunction that renders or could render the i'ea~f'or safety ~~tern incapable of penorming its intended safety function. H the m~\\~on 'or, 'cqndition is caused by maintenance, then no report is

. d.....

~requrre. \\; \\

  • ......,_,)

~o~: Wher~ c~pon~ or systems are provided in addition to those required D}\\tfie technitallspecifications, the failure of the extra components or systems is not 'co~ider~cf'reportable provided that the minimum numbers of components or syste~_,stecified or required penorm their intended reactor safety function.


An unanticipated or uncontrolled change in reactivity greater than 0.006 llk/k.


Abnormal and significant degradation in reactor fuel or cladding, or both, coolant bo~dary, or confinement boundary (excluding minor leaks).


An observed inadequacy in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or could have caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition with regard to reactor operations.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications 35 No.14

2. A written report within 30 days to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn:

Document Control Desk, Washington, DC, 20555, of:

a) Permanent changes in the facility organization involving Level 1 and Level 2; and b) Significant changes in the transient or accident analysis as described in the Safety Analysis Report.


~rds Records of facility operations in the form of logs, data ~lfeets, or other suitable forms shall be retained for the period indicated as follows:

,,./ /


a. Records to be Retain~d for a Perio~ of at;_:~~t"F~e~.....

ar.,s or for the Life of the Component Involved if Less Than F1~~,,YJs



1. Normal reactor facility operati9£ (buf not including supp~rtjng documents such'as checklists, log sheets, etc. whi~h... [ha).! be maintained fo'i-a~'J>eriod of at least one year),

'-, ~' /)


"'*- ',/

2. Principal maintenanc~ op'era!!_ons,

'\\, /

\\ \\'*.....

' '\\. *.


\\ "-...

'* ~

3. Reportable occurrences,\\ '<\\ '*-... '*,,
4. Surveillari.c~-;aivities req~~'by th~)r~~hmcal ~cifications,


/~ "*




5 R

f;,/ ili' radi'>;'\\

.* -\\.

d\\ \\,/ /

..... )


. d b licabl eacto{ a~ ty anon an con~ation surveys w ere requrre y app e


) l

\\\\ \\



_,l r __ '--

\\ \\.

......... ' /




/6.......,.,.,.-enmentsperfon&cfWith The. reactor,



\\ /



  • \\..

'..J. Fuel invebtOhes, r~eip~, and shlpnients,


'\\. :\\.., *~,.

8.';1\\.pproved change. s m ope~ procedures, and

\\ \\

9. Records of meetjng\\and audit reports of the CORO.
b. Records to be R~J fo/at Least One Certification Cycle



Records of ret:rainirig and requalification of licensed operations personnel shall be maintained at all times the individual is employed or until the license is renewed.

c. Records to be Retained for the Lifetime of the Reactor Facility
1. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs,
2. Radiation exposure for all personnel monitored,
3. Drawings of the reactor facility, and PUR-1 Technical Specifications 36 No.14
4. Reviews and reports pertaining to a violation of the safety limit, the limiting safety system setting, or a limiting condition of operation.

PUR-1 Technical Specifications No.14