ML20337A106 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Purdue University |
Issue date: | 11/24/2020 |
From: | Purdue University Research Reactor |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML20337A103 | List: |
References | |
PUR-1 | |
Download: ML20337A106 (1) | |
PUR-1 Technical Specifications 18 Amendment No. 16 November 24, 2020 Objective - The objective is to assure that the reactor safety system is operable as required by Specification 3.2 Specification -
- a. A channel calibration of the reactor safety channels as described in Table I shall be performed as follows:
- 1. An electronic calibration shall be performed annually, with no interval to exceed 15 months. The electronic calibration may be deferred with CORO approval during periods of reactor shutdown, but shall be performed prior to startup.
- 2. A power calibration by foil activation shall be performed annually, with no interval to exceed 15 months. The power calibration may be deferred with CORO approval during periods of reactor shutdown, but shall be performed as soon as practicable after reactor startup.
- b. A channel check on the radiation monitoring equipment shall be completed daily during periods when the reactor is in operation. Calibration of the Safety-Related Channels specified in Table II and hand held radiation survey instruments shall be performed annually, with no interval to exceed 15 months.
Calibration may be deferred with CORO approval during periods of reactor shutdown, but shall be performed prior to startup.
- c. Shim-safety rod drop times shall be measured annually, with no measurements interval to exceed 15 months. These drop times shall also be measured prior to operation following maintenance which could affect the drop time or cause movement of the shim-safety rod control assembly. Drop times may be deferred with CORO approval during periods of reactor shutdown, but shall be performed prior to startup.
- d. A channel check of each of the Scram capabilities specified in Table I shall be performed prior to each days startup.
- e. A channel check of the pool top radiation monitoring equipments off-site alarm capability shall be done biannually, not to exceed 7 1/2 months.
- f.
A simulated loss of off-site power shall be performed annually with no interval to exceed 15 months to verify the UPS units are capable of providing Instrumentation and Control power for at least 30 minutes.
- g. Appropriate surveillance testing on any technical specification required system shall be conducted after replacement, repair, or modification before the system is considered operable and returned to service unless reactor operation is required for the performance of the surveillance, whereby it shall be done as soon as practicable after reactor startup.
Bases - A test of the safety system channels prior to each startup will assure their operability, and annual calibration will detect any long-term drift that is not detected by normal intercomparison of channels. The channel check of the neutron flux level channel will assure that changes in core-to-detector geometry or operating conditions will not cause undetected changes in the response of the measuring channels.
Area monitors will give a clear indication when they are not operating correctly. In addition, the operator routinely records the readings of these monitors and will be aware of any reading which indicates loss of function.
Reactor operations are required to perform power calibrations. The Technical Specification requirement as soon as practicable prohibits any other reactor operations other than those to perform the power calibration. This conditional ensures the only operation following replacement, repair, or modification is to perform the power calibration and before continuing normal work.