L-13-057, Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Issuance of Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Order No. EA-12-051)

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Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Issuance of Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Order No. EA-12-051)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Davis Besse, Perry
Issue date: 02/27/2013
From: Sena P
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, Document Control Desk
L-13-057, EA-12-051
Download: ML13059A495 (26)



  • r"ffi 76 South Main Street Akron. Ohio 44308 Peter P. Sena lll President and Chief Nuclear Officer February 27,2013 L-13-057 10 cFR 2.202 ATTN: DocumentControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 DocketNo.50-334,LicenseNo.DPR-66 DocketNo.50-412,LicenseNo.NPF-73 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation DocketNo.50-346,LicenseNo.NPF-3 PerryNuclearPowerPlant DocketNo.50-440,LicenseNo.NPF-58 FirstEnergy NuclearOperatinq Company's(FENOC's) OverallInteqrated Planin Response to March12.2012Commission Orderlssuance of OrdertoModifyLicenses withReqardto Reliable SpentFuelPoolInstrumentation(OrderNumberEA-1?;051)


1. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC)OrderNumberEA-12-051, Order ModifyingLicenseswith Regardto ReliableSpentFuel PoolInstrumentation
2. NRCInterimStaffGuidance JLD-lSG-2O12-03, Compliance withOrder EA-12-051, ReliableSpentFuelPoolInstrumentation, Revision0, dated August29,2012
3. NEI 12-02,IndustryGuidance for CompliancewithNRCOrderEA-12-051 , "To ModifyLicenseswithRegardto ReliableSpentFuelPoolInstrumentation",

Revision1, datedAugust 24,2012

4. FENOCInitialStatusReportin Response to March12,2012,Commission Order ModifyingLicenseswith Regardto Requirements for ReliableSpentFuelPool Instrumentation (OrderNumberEA-12-051), datedOctober26,2412

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-13-057 Page2 On March12, 2012,the NRCissuedan order(Reference 1) to FENOC.Reference 1 was immediately effectiveand imposesadditional requirements to increasethe capability of FENOCto mitigatebeyond-design-basis externalevents.Specific requirements areoutlinedin Attachment 2 of Reference 1.

Reference 1 requiressubmission of an overallintegrated planby February28,201g.

The NRCInterimStaffGuidance(lSG)(Reference 2) was issuedAugust29,2012and endorsesindustryguidancedocumentNEI 12-02,Revision1 (Reference 3) with clarifications andexceptions identifiedin Reference 2. Reference 3 providesdirection regarding the contentof the overallintegrated plan.

Referen ce 4 providedthe FENOCinitialstatusreportregarding requirements for reliable spentfuel pool instrumentation, as requiredby Reference1.

The purposeof this letteris to providethe overallintegrated planspursuantto SectionlV, Condition C.1,of Reference 1. ThisletterconfirmsFENOChasreceived Reference2and hasOverallIntegrated Plansdevelopedin accordance withthe guidance for providing reliablespentfuelpoolinstrumentation thatwillenhancethe abilityto copewithconditions resulting frombeyond-design-basis externalevents.

The information in the enclosures providesFENOC'soverallintegrated plansfor reliable spentfuelpoolinstrumentation pursuantto Reference 3. The enclosedoverall integrated plansare basedon conceptual designinformation.Progressmade, proposed changesin compliance methods, updatesto theschedule and,if needed, requestsfor reliefandthe baseswillbe providedin the 6-monthIntegrated Plan updatesrequiredby Reference 1.

Thereare no newregulatory commitments contained in this letter.lf thereare any questionsor if additional information is required, pleasecontactMr.ThomasA. Lentz, Manager - FleetLicensing, at 330-315-6810.

I declareunderpenaltyof perjurythatthe foregoingis trueandcorrect.Executedon Februaryll ,2013.

Respectfully, fofr'/^

PeterP. Sena,lll

BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation PerryNuclearPowerPlant L-13-057 Page3


1 BeaverValleyPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPoolLevelInstrumentation OverallIntegrated Plan 2 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPoolLevel InstrumentationOverallIntegrated Plan 3 PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuelPoolLevelInstrumentation Overall lntegratedPlan cc: Director,Officeof NuclearReactorRegulation (NRR)

NRCRegionI Administrator NRCRegionlll Administrator NRCResidentInspector (BVPS)

NRCResidentInspector (DBNPS)

NRCResidentInspector (PNPP)




DirectorBRP/DEP SiteBRP/DEPRepresentative UtilityRadiological SafetyBoard

BeaverVatrIeyFowerStation R.eliableSpentFuelPoolLeveltrnsfrumentation OverallIntegratedPlan In response to NRC OrderEA-12-05I Basedon NEI-12-A2,RevisionI andNRC lnterimStaffGuidanceJLD-ISGAU?-03 February2013

'fu/ ^ twn"l*)

Preparedby: ,(- &-u'rq.

Brian J. Mrl'rtagh Date Reviewedby: @e{ktt,*r*

Albert Odluho

. . :rtr/,, Date Approved by:

CarmenMancuso FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany(FENOC)

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan 1 . Introduction On March 12,2012,the NuclearRegulatoryCommission(NRC) issued OrderEA-12-051,Order Modifying Licenseswith Regardto ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation.OrderEA12-051requireslicenseesto 'ohavea reliableindicationof the water level in associatedspentfuel storagepoolscapableof supportingidentificationof the following pool water level conditionsby trainedpersonnel: 1) level that is adequate to supportoperationof the normalfuel pool cooling system,2) level that is adequateto provide substantialradiationshieldingfor a personstandingon the spentfuel pool operatingdeck, and 3) level where fuel remainscoveredand actionsto implementmake-up water additionshouldbe no longerdeferred." OrderEA-12-051alsorequiresall holdersof operatinglicensesissuedunder 10 CFR Part 50 to submitto the Commission for review an overall integratedplan, includinga descriptionof how compliancewith OrderEA-12-051requirementswill be achieved,by February28,2413.

The NRC issuedJapanLessons-Learned ProjectDirectorate,JLD-ISG-2012-03, Compliancewith Order EA-L2-05l, ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation, Revision0, datedAugust 29,2012,that endorseswith exceptionsand clarifications,the methodologiesdescribedin NuclearEnergyInstitute(NEI) NEI 12-02,Industry Guidancefor Compliancewith NRCOrder EA-12-051, "To Modify Licenseswith Regard to ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation," Revision 1, datedAugust 24,2012.

This integratedplan for the BeaverValley PowerStation(BVPS), Unit Nos. 1 and?

providesthe approachfor complyingwith Order EA-12-051usingthe methodsdescribed in NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03.The BVPS integratedplan is basedon evaluationsperformed during developmentof a preliminarydesignthat will be further developedin a detailed designengineeringpackage.Any valuesprovidedwill be confirmedduring the final designprocess.Consistentwith the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051and the guidance of NEI 12-02Rev. 1, six-monthreportswill delineateprogressmade,oty proposed changesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand, if needed,requestsfor relief andthe bases.

2 . Schedule Installationof reliablespentfuel pool (SFP)level instrumentationfor the SFPfor Unit I of BVPS is scheduledfor completionprior to startupfrom refuelingoutage1R23(spring 2015)basedon the end of the secondrefuelingoutagefollowing the submittalof this integratedplan. The following milestonesareplanneddatessubjectto changeas design and implementationdetailsare developed.

o CommenceSFPInstrumentationDesign 4Ql2 (complete)

. CommenceSFPInstrumentationProcurement 2Q13 r CompleteSFP InstrumentationDesign 4Ql3 o SFPInstrumentationDelivery zQr4 o Begin SFPInstrumentationInstallation 3Qr4 o Commissioningof SFPInstrumentation 2Qr5

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan o NRC Order ImplementationDate (basedon the Spring2Al5 scheduledend of the secondrefuelingoutage after ImplementationPlan submittal)

Installationof reliableSFPlevel instrumentationfor the SFPfor Unit2 of BVPS is scheduledfor completionprior to the end of the fourth quarterof 2015 basedon the end of the secondrefueling outagefollowing the submittal of this integratedplan. The following milestonesare planneddatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed.

r CommenceSFPInstrumentationDesign 4Q12(complete) o CommenceSFPInstrumentationProcurement 2Q13 r CompleteSFPInstrumentationDesign 4Q13 r SFPInstrumentationDelivery 3Ql4 o Begin SFPInstrumentationInstallation 4Qr4 o Commissioningof SFPInstrumentation 4Q1s o NRC Order ImplementationDate (basedon the Fall2015 scheduledend of the secondrefuelingoutage after implementationplan submittal)

3. Identification of Spent Fuel Pool Water Levels BVPS dischargesirradiatedfuel to a singlespentfuel storagepool for eachunit. With the exceptionof limited time periodsfor maintenanceor non-refuelingoperations, administrativecontrolsmaintaingatesin the openpositionbetweenthe following pools:

spentfuel pool, fuel transfercanaland caskloadingpit. Thus,thesepools are normally inter-connectedand at the samewater level when the water level in the spentfuel pool is greaterthan 1 foot abovethe top of storedfuel seatedin the storageracks.

The water levelsfor the SFPfor the BeaverValley Stationwill be determinedbasedon the existingdesignattributes,commitments,and licensingbasisof the station. This is alsoconsistentwith the NRC andNEI requirements.Levelsthat areto be determined will be establishedas part of the final designandby the CompleteSFPInstrumentation Designmilestonein Section2, Schedule.The proposeddesignfor BVPS will be based on the following key spentfuel pool water levels:

Level 1 - Level adequateto support operation of the normal fuel pool cooling system Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backupinstrumentchannelfor Unit 1 of greater than a to-be-determined elevationplus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrument channel,which is to be determined.

Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backup instrumentchannelfor Unit 2 of gteater than a to-be-determined elevationplus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrument channel,which is to be determined.

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan Oncethe water level in the Unit I pool dropsbelow a to-be-determined elevation, water will no longer be extractedfrom the pool to be sentto Unit I SFP cooling equipmentto provideheatremovalfrom the Unit I SFP.

Oncethe water level in the lJnit? pool dropsbelow a to-be-determined elevation, water will no longerbe extractedfrom the pool to be sentto Unit? SFPcooling equipmentto provideheatremovalfrom the Unit 2 SFP.

Level2 - Level adequateto provide substantialradiation shieldingfor a person standingon the spent fuel pool operatingdeck Indicated level on either primary or backupinstrumentchannelof Unit I greaterthan 752'-0" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,which is to be determined.This monitoringlevel ensuresthereis an adequatewater level to provide substantialradiationshieldingfor a personstandingon the SFPoperatingdeck.

Indicatedlevel on either primary or backupinstrumentchannelof Unit 2 greaterthan 752'-0" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,which is to be determined.This monitoringlevel ensuresthereis an adequatewater level to provide substantialradiationshieldingfor a personstandingon the SFPoperatingdeck.

This level was selectedbasedon the NEI l2-02 Rev. I guidancefor selectingthe plant specificelevationfor Level 2 given as 10 feet (+/- 1 foot) abovethe highestpoint of any fuel rack seatedin the spentfuel pool.

Level3 - Level where fuel remainscoveredand actionsto implement make-up water addition should no longer be deferred Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backup instrumentchannelof Unit I greater than742'-0" (which is the top of the highestpoint on the spentfuel pool racks)plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentation,which is to be determined.This monitoring level assuresthat there is adequatewater level abovethe storedfuel seatedin the rack.

Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backup instrumentchannelof Unit 2 greater than742'-0" (which is the top of the highestpoint on the spentfuel pool racks)plus the accuracyof the SFPlevet instrumentation,which is to be determined.This monitoring level assuresthat thereis adequatewater level abovethe storedfuel seatedin the rack.

4. Instruments The planneddesignfor the SFPlevel systeminstrumentationsatisfiesthe requirements and guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02Rev. I as discussedbelow.

Both the primary and backupinstrumentchannelswitl consistof fixed components.The plan is for both channelsto utilize guided wave radar,which functions accordingto the principle of time domainreflectometry.A generatedpulseof electromagnetic energy

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan travels down the probe. Upon reachingthe liquid surface,the pulse is reflected and based upon reflectiontimes, level is determined.Guidedwave radarattributes:

Cableassemblyis a fixture locatedcloseto the operatinglevel floor that suspendsa cableinto the pool. The guidedwave radarcableassemblyis smaller, andthereforeeasierto protectfrom eventgeneratedmissilesor falling objects.

Guided wave radar is effectively immuneto interferenceasthe signal staysin the immediatevicinity of the wire antenna.As the cableassemblywill be located closeto the pool wall it is betterprotectedfrom interferencefrom foreign objects.

This technology is immuneto the changesin temperatureor the specific gravity of the SFPwater.

Measuredrangewill be continuousfrom the top of the SFPto the top of the spentfuel racks.

5. Reliability Reliability of the primary and backup instrumentchannelswill be assuredby conformancewith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02,Rev. 01.

Reliability will be ensuredthroughpropermounting,arrangement, qualification,testing, maintenanceand calibrationof the primary and backupinstrumentchannelsas discussed below.

6. Instrument Channel Design Criteria Instrumentchanneldesigncriteriawill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03 andNEI 12-02Rev. l.
7. Arrangement The planneddesignof this systemwill consistof two measurement channels,oneprimary and one backup. Eachchannelconsistsof a level sensor,an electronicsunit and an indicator. The primary and backupinstrumentchannelsensorswould be protected againstmissilesthat may resultfrom damageto the shuctureover the SFP. The sensors will be mountedas closeto the differentSFPcornersas possibleto minimize the possibilityof a singleeventor missiledamagingboth channels.The sensorarrangement hasbeenproposedin a mannerlimiting any interferencewith existingequipmentin or aroundthe SFP. This proposeddesignwould not poseany potentialhazardtopersonnel working aroundthe pool or on the level instrumentationitself.

The proposeddesignlocatesthe electronicsenclosuresin an arearemovedfrom the SFP environment,which would be accessiblein the eventof a beyond-designbasisexternal eventthat would restrict accessto the SFP. The enclosuresfor the two instrument channelswill be separatedto minimize the possibilityof a singleeventdamagingboth

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan channels. Cabling for eachchannelwill be run in separateconduit and/or cabletray to the control room indicators.

8 . Mounting Installed primary and back up SFP level instrumentchannelequipmentwithin the spent fuel pool shall be mountedto retain its designconfiguration during and following the maximumseismicgroundmotion consideredin the designof the spentfuel pool structure in accordancewith NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02Rev. I guidance requirements.

9 . Qualification The primary and backupinstrumentationfor the proposeddesignwill be suitableand reliableat temperature,humidity, and radiationlevelsconsistentwith the SFPwater at saturatedconditionsfor an extendedperiodof time. This reliability will be established through use of an augmentedquality assuranqeprocess. Using the guidanceof NEI L2-02Rev. I andNRC JLD-ISG-2012-03the equipmentdesignwill includereliability againsteffectsof shockandvibration and seismicmotion.

The designwill considerthe environmentalconditionsas discussedby NEI 12-02,Rev. 1 which recommendsconsideringtemperature,humidity, and radiationlevelsduring normal operationand after an extemal beyonddesignbasisevent for no fewer than seven dayspost-eventor until off-siteresourcescanbe deployedby the mitigating strategies.

Conditionsconsideredarethe radiologicalconditionsfor a normal refuelingquantityof freshly discharged(100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />)fuel with SFPwater level at Level 3 as definedby NRC OrderEA-12-051,temperatures of 212"Fand 100%relativehumidity, boiling water and/or steam,and concentratedboratedwater.

The sensorelementsof the guidedwave radarapproachwill consistsolely of special cablethat will not be negatively impactedby the environmentalconditions described.

The electronicenclosureswill be mountedin an areaoutsidethe SFPareathat is accessibleby personnelafter an externalbeyonddesignbasiseventand is expectedto be a mild environment.The analogindicatorwill be mountedin the main control room, and as suchwill be suitablefor the environmentalconditionsof the main control room following an externalbeyonddesignbasisevent.

10. Independence The primary instrumentchannelwill be independentof the backupinstrumentchannel.

The primary and backupinstrumentchannelswill be physicallyand electricallyseparated to maintain channelindependence.The sensorswill be separatedas far apartas practical within the constraintsof existing pool geometryand equipment. Electronicsenclosures will be separatedby a suitabledistanceor may utilize structuralfeaturesof the room in

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan which they are locatedas a barrierto provideprotectionagainsta singleevent(missile, explosion,etc.)from damagingthe electronicsof both instrumentchannels.Powerwill be suppliedfrom two separatepower busesat a minimum, with a preferenceof different power divisionsor channelsas available. Cablingwill be run in separateconduitand/or cabletray. The sametechnologywill be usedfor both the primary and backup instrument channels.

I l. Power Supplies Eachchannelwill normally be poweredfrom independent720VAC power sourcesand will have a dedicatedbattery backup.A minimum battery life of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> will be providedto allow for power restorationfrom portableequipment.

12. Accuracy The guidedwave radardesignprovidescontinuousmonitoringof the SFPwater level.

The accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,from sensorto main control room indicator,will be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02,Rev. 1. Instrumentchannelswill be designedto maintaintheir design accuracywithout recalibrationfollowing a power interruption or changein power source.

13. Testing Testingwill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02,Rev. l. The instrumentchanneldesignwill includeprovisionsfor routine testingand calibration. The instrumentationwill allow for in-situ testingand calibration of the level instrumentationto minimize calibrationeffort and instrumentdowntime.

Calibrationprocedureswill be developedin accordancewith plant proceduresandvendor recommendation.

14. Display The displaywill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI l2-02 Rev. 1. Trainedpersonnelwill, at a minimum, be ableto monitorthe SFP water level from an appropriateand accessiblelocation, and will provide on demandor continuousindicationof SFPwater level. The SFPlevel instrumentationwill providefor displayof fuel pool level using an indicatorlocatedin the main controlroom. The indicatorwill be poweredby the instrumentloop andwill not requireadditionalpower circuits from thosedescribedabove.

BeaverValley PowerStationReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan 15.Instrument ChannelProgram Criteria:

15.1. Training The SystematicApproachto Trainingwill be utilized when developingand implementingtraining. Training for maintenanceand operationspersonnelwill be developedand provided. Trainingwill be providedfor the personnelin the useof and provision of alternatepower to, primary and backup instrumentchannelsin compliancewith the NRC OrderEA- 12-051Attachment2, Section2.1.

15.2. Procedures Procedureswill be establishedand maintainedfor the testing,calibration,operation and abnormalresponseissuesassociatedwith the primary and backupspentfuel pool instrumentationchannels.

15.3. Testing and Calibration PerNRC Order EA-12-051,processes will be establishedand maintainedfor schedulingand implementingnecessarytestingand calibrationof primary and backupSFPlevel instrumentchannelsin orderto maintainthe designaccuracy.

16. Need for Relief and Basis The BeaverValley PowerStationis not requestingrelief from the requirementsof Order EA-12-051or the guidancein NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03at this time.

Consistentwith the requirementsof Order EA-12-051andthe guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. 1, the six-monthreportswill delineateprogressmade,ooy proposed changesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand,if needed,requestsfor relief andtheir bases.

Davis-Besse NluclearPower Station ReliableSpentFuel Pool Level Instrumentation Overall IntegratedPlan to NRC OrderEA-12-051 In response BasedonNEI-lz-}z,Revision 1 andNRC Interim Staff GuidanceJLD-ISG'2012'03 February2013 Preparedby: _khfu

)*t2-/j Steven J. Frouwer Date Reviewedby:

4 nt .at z/zzfnrr ThomasM. Gulvas Approvedby:


Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan l . fnfuoduction On March 12, Zllz,the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission(l.iRC) issuedOrder EA-12-05L, Order ModtfyingLicenseswith Regardto ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation.EA-12-051requireslicenseesto "have a reliableindicationof the water level in associatedspentfuel storagepools capableof supportingidentification ofthe following pool water level conditionsby trained personnel: 1) level that is adequateto supportoperationof the normal fuel pool cooling system,2) level that is adequateto provide substantialradiationshielding for a personstandingon the spentfuel pool operatingdeck, and 3) level where fuel remainscoveredand actionsto implementmake-up water additionshouldbe no longerdeferred." OrderEA-12-051requiresall holders of operatinglicensesissuedunder 10 CFR Part 50 to submitto the Commissionfor review an overall integratedplan, including a descriptionof how compliancewith Order EA-12-051requiiementswill be achieved,by February28,2013.

The NRC issuedJapanLessons-Learned Project Directorate,JLD-ISG'2012'03, Compliancewith Order EA-12-051,Reliable SpentFuel Pool Instrumentation, Revision 0, datedAugust 29,lZ,thatendorses with exceptionsand clarifications,the methodologiesdescribedin Nuclear Energy Institute (NED NEI 12-02,Industry Guidancefor ComplianceWith NRCOrder EA-12-051, "To Modifu Licenseswith Regard to Reliable SpentFuel Pool Instrumentation" Revision 1, datedAugust 24'2012. This integratedplan for the Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation(DBNPS)providesthe approachfor complyingwith OrderEA-12-051usingthe methodsdescribedin NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03. The DBNPS integratedplan is basedon evaluationsperformed during developmentof a preliminary designthat will be further developedin a detailed designengineeringpackage.Any valuesprovided will be confirmedduring the final designprocess.Consistentwith the requirementsof OrderEA-12-05Landthe guidance of NEI 12-02Rev. 1, six-monthreportswill delineateprogrcssmade,any proposed changesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand, if needed,requestsfor relief andthe bases. 2 . Schedule lnstallation of reliable spentfuel pool (SFP) level instrumentationfor the SFPassociated with DBNPS is scheduledfor completionprior to startupfrom refueling outage1R19 (spring 2016)basedon the end of the secondrefueling outagefollowing the submittal of this integratedplan. The following milestonesare planneddatessubjectto changeas designand implementationdetailsare developed. r CommenceSFPInstrumentationDesign 4Q12(complete) r CommenceSFPInstrumentationProcurement 2Q13 r CompleteSFPInstrumentation Design 1Ql4

          . SFPInstrumentation    Delivery                           4Q14
          . Begin SFPInstrumentationlnstallation                     lQls o   Commissioningof SFPInstrumentation                       2Q16 o   NRC Order ImplementationDate (basedon the                Spring2016 scheduledend of the secondrefuelingoutage after implementationplan submittal)

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

3. Identification of Spent Fuel PooI Water Levels DBNPS dischargesirradiatedfuel to a single spentfuel storagepool. With the exception of limited time periodsfor maintenanceor non-refuelingoperations,administrative controls maintain gatesin the openposition betweenthe following pools: spentfuel pool, fuel transfercanaland cask loading pit. Thus, thesepools are nonnally inter-connected and at the samewater level when the water level in the spentfuel pool is greaterthan 1 foot abovethe top of storedfuel seatedin the storageracks.

The water levels for the SFPfor DBNPS will be determinedbasedon the existing design attributes,commitments,and licensingbasisof the station. This is also consistentwith the NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02requirements,The levels that are yet to be determinedwill be establishedby the CompleteSFPInstrumentationDesign milestone definedin Section2, Schedule.The proposeddesignfor DBNPS will be basedon the following key spentfuel pool water levels: Level 1- Level adequateto support operation of the normal fuel pool cooling system Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backupinstrumentchannelof greater than a to-be-determinedelevationplus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrument channel. Oncethe water level in the pool dropsbelow a to-be-determinedelevation,water will no longerbe extractedfrom the pool to be sentto SFPcooling equipmentto provide heatremoval from the SFP. Level2 - Level adequateto provide substantial radiation shielding for a person standing on the spent fuel pool operating deck lndicatedlevel on either primary or backup instrumentchannelof greaterthan 587'-8" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,which is to be determined.This monitoring level ensuresthere is an adequatewater level to provide substantialradiation shielding for a personstandingon the SFP operating deck. This level was selectedbasedon the NEI 12-02Rev. I guidancefor selectingthe plant specific elevationfor Level 2 given as 10 feet (+/- I foot) abovethe highest point of any fuel rack seatedin the spentfuel pool. Level3 - Level where fuel remains coveredand actions to implement make-up water addition should no longer be deferred Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backupinstrumentchannelof greater than 577'-8"(which is the top of the highestpoint on the spentfuel pool racks) plus the accuracyof the SFP level instrumentation,which is to be determined. This monitoringlevel assuresthat there is adequatewater level abovethe stored fuel seatedin the rack.

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

4. Instruments The planneddesignfor the SFPlevel systeminstrumentationwill be consistentwith the guidelinesofNRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02Rev. 1 as discussedbelow.

The instrumentationwill consistof pennanent,fixed primary and backup instrument channels. The plan is for both channelsto utilize guidedwave radar,which functions accordingto thi principle of time domain reflectometry. A generatedpulse of electromagneticenergytravels down the probe. Upon reachingthe liquid surfacethe pulse is reflectedand basedupon reflection times level is determined. Guided wave radar attributes: Cable assemblyis a fixture locatedcloseto the operatinglevel floor that suspendsa cable into the pool. The guidedwave radar cableassemblyis smaller, and thereforeeasierto protect from event generatedmissilesor falling objects. Guided wave radar is effectively immuneto interferenceas the signal staysin the immediatevicinity of the wire antenna.As the cable assemblywill be located closeto the pool wall it is betterprotectedfrom interferencefrom foreign objects. This technologyis immuneto the changesin temperatureor the specific gravity of the SFPwater. Measuredrangewill be continuousfrom the top of the SFPto the top of the spentfuel racks. 5 . Reliability Reliability of the primary and backupinstrumentchannelswill be assuredby conformancewith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG -2012-03and NEI 12-02,Rev. 0l . Reliability will be ensuredthrough propermounting,affangemenl,qualification, testing, maintenanceand calibration of the primary and backupinstrumentchannelsas discussed below. 6 . Instrument Channel Design Criteria Instrumentchanneldesigncriteria will be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03 andNEI l2-A2,Rev.01.

7. Arrangement The planneddesignof this systemwill consistof two measurementchannels,one primary and one backup. Each channelconsistsof a level sensor,an electronicsunit and an indicator. The primary and backup instrumentchannelsensorswould be protected againstmissilesthat may result from damageto the structureover the SFP. The sensors will be mountedas closeto the differentSFPcornersaspossibleto minimizethe possibility of a single event or missile damagingboth channels. The sensorarrangement

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan has beenproposedin a mannerlimiting any interferencewith existing equipmentin or aroundthe SFP. This proposeddesignwould not poseany potentialhazafito personnel working aroundthe pool or on the level instrumentationitself. The proposeddesignlocatesthe electonics enclosuresin an arearemovedfrom the SFP environment,which would be accessiblein the eventof a beyond-designbasisexternal eventthat would restrict accessto the SFP. The enclosuresfor the two instrument channelswill be separated to minimize the possibilityof a singleeventdamagingboth channels. Cabling for eachchannelwill be run in separateconduit and/orcablefay to the controlroom indicators 8 . Mounting Installedprimary and back up SFPlevel instrumentchannelequipmentwithin the spent fuel pool shall be mountedto retain its designconfigurationduring and following the maximum seismicground motion consideredin the designofthe spentfuel pool structure in accordance with NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02Rev. I guidance requirements.

9. Qualification The primary and backupinstrumentationfor the proposeddesignwill be suitableand reliable at temperature,humidity, and radiation levelsconsistentwith the SFPwater at saturatedconditionsfor an extendedperiod of time. This reliability will be established through useof an augmentedquatify assuranceprocess. Using the guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. I and NRC JLD-ISG -2012-03the equipmentdesignwill include reliability againsteffects of shockand vibration and seismicmotion.

The designwill considerthe environmentalconditionsas discussedby NEI 12-02,Rev. I which recommendsconsideringtemperature,humidrty, and radiation levels during normal operationand after.abeyond-designbasisexternalevent for no fewer than seven dayspost-eventor until off-site resourcescan be deployedby mitigating strategies. Conditionsto be consideredarethe radiologicalconditionsfor a normal refueling quantrtyof freshly discharged(100 hours) fuel with SFPwater level at Level 3 as defined by NRC OrderEA-12-051,temperatures of 212"Fand 100%relativehumidity, boiling water and/or steam,and concentratedboratedwater. The sensorelementsof the guidedwave radarapproachwill consistsolely of special cablethat will not be negativelyimpactedby the environmentalconditionsdescribed. The electronicenclosureswill be mountedin an areaoutsidethe SFPareathat would be accessibleby personnelafter a beyond-design basisexternaleventand is expectedto be a mild environment.The analogindicatorwill be mountedin the main control room, and as suchwill be suitablefor the environmentalconditionsof the main control room following a beyond-design basisexternalevent.

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

10. Independence The primary instrumentchannelwill be independentofthe backup instrumentchannel.

The primary and backup instrumentchannelswill be physically and electrically separated to maintain channelindependence.The sensorswill be separatedas far apartas practical within the constraintsof existing pool geometryand equipment. Electronicsenclosures will be separatedby a suitabledistanceor may utilize structuralfeaturesof the room in which they are locatedas a barrier to provide protectionagainsta single event (missile, explosion,etc.) from damagingthe elechonicsof both instrumentchannels. Powerwill be suppliedfrom two separatepower busesat a minimum, with a preferenceof different power divisions or channelsas available. Cabling will be run in separateconduit and/or cabletray. The sametechnologywill be usedfor both the primary and backupinstrument channels. 1 1. Power Supplies Each channelwill normatly be poweredfrom independent120 VAC power sourcesand will have a dedicatedbatterybackup.A minimum battery bfe of 24 hourswill be providedto allow for power restorationfrom portableequipment.

12. Accuracy The guided wave radar designprovidescontinuousmonitoring of the SFPwater level.

The accuracyof the SFP level instrumentchannel,from sensorto main control room indicator,will be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-A3and NEI 12-02Rev. 1. Instrumentchannelswill be designedto maintaintheir design accuracywithout recalibrationfollowittg a power intemrption or changein power source.

13. Testing Testingwill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-ZAI2-C3andNEI 12-02 Rev. l. The instrumentchanneldesignwill include provisionsfor routine testing and calibration. The instrumentationwill allow for in-situ testing and calibration of the.level instrumentationto minimize calibrationeffort and instrumentdowntime. Calibration procedureswill be developedin accordance with plant proceduresandvendor recommendations.
14. Display The displaywill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02Rev. 1. Trainedpersonnelwill, at a minimum,be ableto monitor the SFP water level from an appropriateandaccessiblelocation,andwill provideon demandor continuousindicationof SFPwater level. The SFPlevel instrumentationwill providefor displayof fuel pool level usingan indicatorlocatedin the main control room. The

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReliableSpentFuelPool Level InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan indicator will be poweredby the instrumentloop and will not require additionalpower circuitsfrom thosedescribedabove.

15. Instrument Channel Program Criteria:

15.1 Training The SystematicApproachto Training will be utilized when developingand implementingtraining. Training for maintenanceand operationspersonnelwill be developedand provided. Training will be provided for the personnelin the useof and provision of alternatepower to, primary and backup instrumentchannelsin compliancewith the NRC OrderEA-12-051AttachmentZ,Section2.1. 15,2 Procedures Procedureswill be establishedand maintainedfor the testing, calibration,operation and abnormalresponseissuesassociatedwith the primary and backupspentfuel pool instrumentationchanneIs. 15.3 Testing and Calibration PerNRC OrderEA-12-051,processes will be establishedand maintainedfor schedulingand implementingnecessarytesting and calibration of primary and backup SFP level instrumentchannelsin order to maintain the desiguaccuracy. 16, Need for Relief and Basis The Davis-BesseNuclear Power Stationis not requestingrelief from the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051or the guidancein NRC JLD-ISG-2A1.2-06 at this time. Consistentwith the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051andthe guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. 1, the six-monthreportswill delineateprogressmade,any proposed changesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand, if needed,requestsfor relief andtheir bases.

Perry NuclearPowerPlant ReliableSpentFuelPoolLevelInstrumentation OverallIntegratedPlan to NRCOrderEA-12-051 In response JLD-ISG-2012-03 Basedon NEI-lz-}z,RevisionI andNRCInterimStaffGuidance February2013 Preparedby:  ?,&;/ fr# William S. Howell


Reviewedby: Approved by: FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany(FENOC)

Pery NuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

t. Introduction On March 12,20L2,the NuclearRegulatoryCommission(NRC) issued Order EA-12-05l, Order ModifuingLicenseswith Regardto ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation.Order EAl2-051 requireslicenseesto "have a reliableindicationof the water level in associatedspentfuel storagepools capableof supportingidentification of the following pool water level conditionsby trainedpersonnel: 1) level that is adequate to supportoperationof the normalfuel pool cooling system,2) level that is adequateto provide substantialradiationshieldingfor a personstandingon the spentfuel pool operatingdeck,and 3) level wherefuel remainscoveredand actionsto implementmake-up water additionshouldbe no longerdeferred." OrderEA-12-051alsorequiresall holdersof operatinglicensesissuedunder 10 CFR Part 50 to submitto the Commission for review an overall integratedplan, includinga descriptionof how compliancewith OrderEA-12-051requirementswill be achieved,by February28,2013.

The NRC issuedJapanLessons-Learned ProjectDirectorate,JLD-ISG-2012-03, Compliancewith Order EA-L2-051,ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation, Revision0, datedAugust 29,2012,that endorseswith exceptionsand clarifications,the methodologiesdescribedin NuclearEnergyInstitute(NEI) NEI 12-02,Industry Guidancefor Compliancewith NRC Order EA-12-051, "To Modify Licenseswith Regard to ReliableSpentFuel Pool Instrumentation," Revision 1, datedAugust 24,2012. This integratedplan for the PerryNuclearPowerPlant (PNPP)providesthe approachfor complyingwith OrderEA-12-051usingthe methodsdescribedin NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03.The PNPPintegratedplan is basedon evaluationsperformedduring developmentof a preliminarydesignthat will be further developedin a detaileddesign engineeringpackage.Any valuesprovidedwill be confirmedduring the final design process.Consistentwith the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051andthe guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. 1, six-monthreportswill delineateprogressmade,anyproposedchangesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand,if needed,requestsfor relief andthe bases. 2 . Schedule Installationof reliablespentfuel pool (SFP)level instrumentationfor the SFPassociated with PNPPis scheduledfor completionprior to startupfrom refuelingoutage1Rl5 (spring2015). The following milestonesareplanneddatessubjectto changeas design and implementationdetailsare developed. r CommenceSFPInstrumentationDesign 4Ql2 (complete) r CommenceSFPInstrumentationProcurement 2Ql3 r CompleteSFPInstrumentationDesign 3Q13 o SFPInstrumentationDelivery 2Q14 o Begin SFPInstrumentationInstallation 3Q14

        . Commissioningof SFPInstrumentation                     1Q1s o   NRC Order ImplementationDate (basedon the              Spring2015 scheduledend of the secondrefuelingoutage after integratedplan submittal)

PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

3. Identification of Spent Fuel Pool Water Levels PNPPdischargesirradiatedfuel to a singlespentfuel storagepool. With the exceptionof limited time periodsfor maintenanceor non-refuelingoperations,administrativecontrols maintaingatesin the openpositionbetweenthe following pools: fuel storage&

preparationpool, fuel transferpool, spentfuel storagepool, and caskpit. Thus,these pools are nonnally inter-connectedand at the samewater level when the water level in the spentfuel pool is greaterthan 3.5 feet abovethe top of storedfuel seatedin the storageracks. The water levels for the SFPfor the Peny Stationwill be determinedbasedon the existingdesignattributes,commitments,and licensingbasisof the station. This is also consistentwith the NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02requirements.The proposed designfor PNPPis basedon the following key spentfuel pool water levels: Level 1 - Level adequateto support operationof the normal fuel pool cooling system Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backupinstrumentchannelof greaterthan elevation619'-6" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,which is to be determined.The highestpoint on the spentfuel pool racksis at elevation591'-4". This level is basedon the elevationof the skimmersthat will preventwatertransfer from the SFPto the SurgeTanks that feed normal spentfuel pool cooling. Oncethe water level in the pool dropsbelow elevation619'-6", water will no longerbe extracted from the pool to be sentto SurgeTanks to provide water make up for SpentFuel Pool Cooling. Level 2 - Level adequateto provide substantialradiation shieldingfor a person standingon the spent fuel pool operatingdeck Indicatedlevel on eitherprimary or backupinstrumentchannelof greaterthan6074" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentchannel,which is to be determined.This monitoring level ensuresthere is an adequatewater level to provide substantial radiationshieldingfor a personstandingon the SFPoperatingdeck. This level was selectedbasedon the NEI 12-02Rev. I guidancefor selectingthe plant specificelevationfor Level 2 given as l0 feet (+/- 1 foot) abovethe highestpoint of any fuel rack seatedin the spentfuel pool. This level will provide adequateradiation shieldingfor a personstandingon the spentfuel pool operatingdeck from the fuel in the pool. However,the Perry SFPcontainsothermaterialscapableof providing sufficientdosesuchthat the pool deckwould not be inhabitableshouldthe materialsbe uncovered.The detaileddesignwill updateor developapplicableplant proceduresto addressactionsrequiredto addressradiologicalconditionscreateddue to the stored radioactivematerial.

PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan Level3 - Level where fuel remainscoveredand actionsto implement make-up water addition should no longer be deferred Indicatedlevel on either the primary or backupinstrumentchannelof greaterthan 594'-6" plus the accuracyof the SFPlevel instrumentation, which is to be determined. This monitoringlevel assuresthat thereis adequatewater level abovethe storedfuel seatedin the rack. The top of the highestpoint on the spentfuel racksis locatedat 591'-4'0.The top of the gate seatthat separatesthe two pools containing spentfuel (the fuel storageand preparationpool and the spentfuel storagepool) from the fuel transferpool is at elevation594'-6' . Oncethe water dropsbelow this point, the singleSFPhas effectivelybeensegregated into four separatepits. Consequently,594' -6" is the level at which actionsto initiatewater make-upwill not be further delayed.This settingis in compliancewith the Order; however,it representsa slight variation to the NEI guidance.The NEI guidancerecommendsusingthe top of the highestfuel rack in the spentfuel pool as level 3. The conditionsdescribedabovemakeit undesirableto use top of the highestfuel rack as level 3. This is a conservativedecisionto treat 594'-6" as top of the fuel and necessaryto ensureproper actionsare taken in the event that one of the channelsof SFPlevel instrumentationis lost or in the eventthat level is decreasing due to a hole in one of the pools.

4. Instruments The planneddesignfor the SFPlevel systeminstrumentationsatisfiesthe requirements and guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02Rev. I as discussedbelow.

The instrumentationwill consistof permanent,fixed primary and backup instrument channels.The plan is for both channelsto utilize guidedwave radar,which functions accordingto the principle of time domainreflectometry.A generatedpulseof electromagnetic'energy travelsdown the probe. Upon reachingthe liquid surfacethe pulseis reflectedandbasedupon reflectiontimes level is determined.Guidedwave radar attributes: Cableassemblyis a fixture locatedcloseto the operatinglevel floor that suspendsa cableinto the pool. The guidedwave radarcableassemblyis smaller, andthereforeis easierto protectfrom eventgeneratedmissilesor falling objects. Guided wave radar is effectively immuneto interferenceasthe signal staysin the immediatevicinity of the wire antenna.As the cableassemblywill be located closeto the pool wall it is betterprotectedfrom interferencefrom foreign objects. This technology is immuneto the changesin temperatureor the specific gravity of the SFPwater. Measuredrangewill be continuousfrom the top of the SFPto the top of the spentfuel racks.

PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

s. Reliability Reliability of the primary and backup instrumentchannelswill be assuredby conformancewith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02,Rev. 01.

Reliability will be ensuredthroughpropermounting,affangement,qualification,testing, maintenanceand calibration of the primary and backup instrumentchannelsas described below.

6. Instrument ChannelDesignCriteria Instrumentchanneldesigncriteriawill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02Rev. l.

The fuel storage& preparationpool and the spentfuel storagepool are the only pools that containspentfuel racks.The caskpit andthe fuel transferpool do not hold spentfuel. Additionally, the gatesthat separatethe fuel storageand preparationpool and the spent fuel storagepool from the fuel transferpool havenot beeninstalled in more than 15 years andwill requireevaluationto be re-installed.Therefore,thesepools aretreatedas one pool with regardto this Order. The designof the fuel transferpool and its gatesis suchthat thereis an approximate3.5 foot gap betweenthe top of the fuel racks in the two pools containing spentfuel (the fuel storage& preparationpool and the spentfuel storagepool) and the top of the fuel transfer pool gateseat. As a result,the top of the fuel transferpool gateseat(approximately3 feet abovethe fuel racks)will be usedasLevel 3. This settingis in compliancewith the Order;however,it representsa slight variationto the NEI l2-02, Rev. I guidance(which recommendsusingtop of the fuel racksfor level 3). This is a conservativedecisionand it will ensurethat actionsare taken to preventthe spentfuel from being uncovered.

7. Arrangement The planneddesignof this systemwill consistof two measurement channels,oneprimary and one backup. Eachchannelwill consistof a level sensor,an electronicsunit and an indicator. The primary and backupinstrumentchannelsensorswill be protectedagainst missilesthat may result from damageto the structureover the SFP. The sensorswill be mountedat the westernend of the fuel pool (the fuel preparationand storagepool), but as closeto the adjacentcornersas possibleto minimize the possibilityof a singleeventor missiledamagingboth channels.The sensorarrangement hasbeenproposedin a manner limiting any interferencewith existingequipment in or aroundthe SFP. This planned designis conservativeand is in compliancewith OrderEA-12-051however,it does representa minor deviationfrom the NEI Guidance.The NEI Guidancerecommends putting instrumentationin opposite(diagonal)endsof the spentfuel pool. Due to the limited available locations(causedby interference)for installation,the instrumentation cannotbe installedon opposite(diagonal)endsof the pool. This planneddesignwill also not poseany potentialhazardto personnelworking aroundthe pool or on the level instrumentationitself.

PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan The proposeddesignlocatesthe electronicsenclosuresin an arearemovedfrom the SFP environment,which would be accessiblein the eventof a beyond-designbasisexternal eventthat would restrictaccessto the SFP. The enclosuresfor the two instrument channelswill be separatedto minimize the possibilityof a singleeventdamagingboth channels. Cabling for eachchannelwill be run in separateconduit and/or cabletray to the control room indicators. 8 . Mounting Installedprimary andback up SFPlevel instrumentchannelequipmentwithin the spent fuel pool shall be mountedto retainits designconfigurationduring and following the maximum seismicgroundmotion consideredin the designof the spentfuel pool structure in accordancewith NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03andNEI 12-02Rev. I guidance requirements. 9 . Qualification The primary and backup instrumentationfor the proposeddesignwill be suitableand reliable at temperature,humidity, and radiation levels consistentwith the SFPwater at saturatedconditionsfor an extendedperiodof time. This reliability will be established through use of an augmentedquality assuranceprocess. Using the guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. 1 andNRC JLD-ISG-2012-03,the equipmentdesignwill include reliability againsteffectsof shockandvibration and seismicmotion. The designwill considerthe environmentalconditionsas discussedby NEI 12-02,Rev. I which recommendsconsideringtemperature,humidity, and radiationlevelsduring normal operationand after a beyonddesignbasisexternalevent for no fewer than seven dayspost-eventor until off-site resourcescan be deployedby the mitigating strategies. Conditionsconsideredarethe radiologicalconditionsfor a normal refuelingquantityof freshly discharged(100 hours)fuel with SFPwater level at Level 3 as definedby NRC OrderEA-12-051,temperatures of 2l2oF and 100%relativehumidity,boiling water and/or steam,and concentratedboratedwater. The sensorelementsof the guidedwave radarapproachwill consistsolely of special cablethat will not be negativelyimpactedby the environmentalconditionsdescribed. The electronicenclosureswill be mountedin an areaoutsidethe SFPareathat is accessibleby personnelafter a beyonddesignbasisexternaleventand is expectedto be a mild environment.The analogindicatorwill be mountedin the main control room, and as suchwill be suitablefor the environmentalconditionsof the main control room following a beyonddesignbasisexternalevent. The vendorsuppliedsensorsand associatedelectronicswill be requiredto be testedand qualified for shockandvibration as a result of a beyonddesignbasisexternalevent. Seismicqualificationof equipment will be equivalentto the maximumgroundmotion spectrumfor the areain which it is to be installed.

PerryNuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan

10. Independence The primary instrumentchannelwill be independentof the backup instrumentchannel.

The primary andbackupinstrumentchannelswill be physicallyand electricallyseparated to maintain channelindependence.The sensorswill be separatedas far apartas practical within the constraintsof existingpool geometryand equipment.Electronicsenclosures will be separatedby a suitabledistanceor may utilize structuralfeaturesof the room in which they are locatedas a barrierto provideprotectionagainsta singleevent(missile, explosion,etc.)from damagingthe electronicsof both instrumentchannels.Powerwill be suppliedfrom two separatepower busesat a minimum, with a preferenceof different power divisionsor channelsas available. Cablingwill be run in separateconduitand/or cabletray. The sametechnologywill be usedfor both the primary and backupinstrument channels. I l. Porver Supplies Eachchannelwill normally be poweredfrom independent120VAC power sourcesand will havea dedicatedbatterybackup.A minimum batterylife of 24 hourswill be providedto allow for power restorationfrom portableequipment.

12. Accuracy The guidedwave radardesignprovidescontinuousmonitoringof the SFPwater level.

The accuracyof the SFP level instrumentchannel,from sensorto main control room indicator,will be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02,Rev. 1. Instrumentchannelswill be designedto maintaintheir design accuracywithout recalibrationfollowing a power interruption or changein power source.

13. Testing Testingwill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02,Rev. l. The instrumentchanneldesignwill includeprovisionsfor routine testingand calibration. The instrumentationwill allow for in-situ testingand calibration of the level instrumentationto minimize calibrationeffort and instrumentdowntime.

Calibrationprocedureswill be developedin accordancewith plant proceduresandvendor recommendations.

14. Display The displaywill be consistentwith the guidelinesof NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03and NEI 12-02Rev. 1. Trainedpersonnelwill, at a minimum, be ableto monitor the SFP water level from an appropriateand accessiblelocation,and will provideon demandor continuousindicationof SFPwater level. The SFPlevel instrumentationwill provide for displayof fuel pool level usingan indicatorlocatedin the main control room. The

Pery NuclearPowerPlantReliableSpentFuel Pool InstrumentationOverallIntegratedPlan indicatorwill be poweredby the instrumentloop andwill not requireadditionalpower circuitsfrom thosedescribedabove.

15. Instrument Channel Program Criteria:

15.1 Training The SystematicApproachto Trainingwill be utilized when developingand implementingtraining. Training for maintenanceand operationspersonnelwill be developedand provided. Training will be providedfor the personnelin the useof, and provision of alternatepower to, primary and backup instrumentchannelsin compliancewith the NRC OrderEA-12-051AttachmentZ,Section2.1. 15.2 Procedures Procedureswill be establishedandmaintainedfor the testing,calibration,operation and abnormalresponseissuesassociatedwith the primary and backup spentfuel pool instrumentationchannels. 15.3 Testing and Calibration PerNRC Order EA-12-051,processes will be establishedand maintainedfor schedulingand implementingnecessarytestingand calibrationof primary and backupSFPlevel instrumentchannelsin orderto maintainthe designaccuracy.

16. Need for Relief and Basis The Peny Stationis not requestingrelief from the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051or the guidancein NRC JLD-ISG-2012-03at this time.

Consistentwith the requirementsof OrderEA-12-051andthe guidanceof NEI 12-02Rev. 1, the six-monthreportswill delineateprogressmade,any proposed changesin compliancemethods,updatesto the scheduleand, if needed,requestsfor relief andtheir bases.}}