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Final Written Exam Performance Analysis (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2012
From: Caruso J
Operations Branch I
To: Wasong A
Exelon Generation Co
Jackson D
Shared Package
ML120230224 List:
TAC U01858
Download: ML12325A335 (1)


2012 Limerick ILT NRC Written Exam Performance Analysis An exam review was conducted with the entire class on 10122 followed by interviews with the individual candidates on 10122 - 10/23. The following questions were missed by 50% or more of the candidates:

Question #22 -*While the OT for Reactor High Level does not expressly designate the Equipment Drain Tank as the preferred blowdown path for lowering level with a fuel failure, there is a statement in the bases that Reactor Coolant radioactivity should be taken into consideration prior to blowing down to the Main Condenser. The candidates who selected the Hotwell for the preferred RWCU blowdown path had a lack of familiarity with OT -110 Bases. Question determined to be technically accurate and valid.

Question #34 -Most of the candidates who answered incorrectly believed that with the Turbine First Stage Pressure Trip light indications provided, a full scram would occur.

This reveals a knowledge gap in this area. In a discussion with the ILT Lead, the candidates had been trained on this logic and had seen similar questions on other exams.

Question detern1ined to be technically accurate and valid.

Question #38 -Three of the candidates who answered incorrectly interpreted the question differently from which it was intended. These students answered the first part regarding the rod block status for <3 LPRM inputs to APRM 1 on axial level 'C' after the APRM had been bypassed. This should have only applied to the second part of the question regarding the alternate Reference APRM for the RBM once the APRM was bypassed.

Other candidates who answered incorrectly evaluated the LPRM inputs for the RBM, not the APRM. Prior to further use, this question should be enhanced to distinguish that the Rod Block status is evaluated prior to bypassing the APRM. This question was determined to be technically accurate and valid.

Question #78 -Most of the candidates who answered incorrectly had a lack of familiarity with actions directed by T-I00 and didn't recognize that venting the Drywell could not be aligned with a loss of Instrument Air to the dampers. Question determined to be technically accurate and valid.

Question #85 -Most of the candidates who answered incorrectly were unfamiliar with the note in the EAL regarding the use of Dose Assessment results over Rad Monitor readings for declaration purposes. This has been identified as a weakness in the ILT program. Question determined to be technically accurate and valid.

Question #93 -Most of the candidates who answered incorrectly either assumed the failed Narrow Range Level instrument was part of RPS or that the instrument was out of cal. This was identified as an ILT knowledge gap. Question determined to be technically accurate and valid.