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IR 1320221; B2F26 2CB025 Air Leak
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2012
Exelon Generation Co
Download: ML12268A161 (4)


AR 01320221 Report Aff Fac:

Byron AR Type:

CR Status:


02 Owed To:


02/29/2012 Aff System:

CB Event Date:

01/30/2012 CR 4/D Disc Date:

01/30/2012 LevellClass:

How H02 Orig Date:

01/30/2012 Discovered:

WR/PIMS Equip Tag:

2CB025-I/A - IAV - AOV HTR 21-24 BYPASS AR:

ISOL VLV Action Request Details


2CB025 AIR LEAK (b)(6)

Description Originator:

Supv Contacted Condition


1) Describe the leak:

Air leak to 2CB025 valve likely a result of severe water hammer from plant trip If answer to Question 2 is a Pressure Boundary - STOP and IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Shift Manager.

2) Component point of leakage:

Pressure Boundary: Pipe Wall/Fitting/Weld:( ) Valve/Pump Body:(x) Vessel Wall:( )

Mechanical Joint: Bolted Connection:( ) Threaded Connection:( ) Valve packing:( ) Pump Seal:( ) Fitting:(


3) Does Insulation or other interference have to be removed to positively idenitfy all sources of leakage? Describe what has to be removed:

Nothing ( x ) or

4) What is the leaking fluid (boric acid, water, oil, steam, air or chemical)?: Air
5) Leak Significance


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B = Impacting personnel safety ( )

C = Degraded; requiring repairs ( x D = Housekeeping impact E = Environmental impact

6) Classify leakage (best guess):

1 = Inactive 2 = <1 drop/ 5 min, weeping 3 = steady drip / small stream 4 = < 0.1 gpm 5 = > 0.1 gpm Leak Rate Classification = -5 Estimated accumulated fluid = <1 gallon ( ) >1 gallon ( ) >5 gallon N/A

7) For a leaking pipe or difficult to locate leak provide a description of the leak location, or identify an upstream reference component, i.e.,

valve, etc.

U2 TB, 426' outside of Chemistry Office If the leak Is not captured by a plant-fluid-collection system, IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Operations Shift Manager or Shift Supervisor.

8) If the leaking liquid or steam is not entering the plant-fluid-collection system, describe where it is going or is gathering.

The concern is the leak may contain tritium or hazardous chemicals and may enter the soil, surface water, or ground water.

N/A Leak is entering the plant fluid collection system ( )Yes ( )No OR If No, fluid is collecting or going to:


9) Is the leak impinging any electrical equipment ( )Yes ( x )No If yes, identify the component(s) and initiate a separate IR for evaluation of the equipment.
10) Identify any target (sprayed or dripped on) component(s), i.e.,

components that are affected by the leakage (use targets EPN or a detailed component description. Include walls, floors grating, valve stems, etc.)

and describe any visible effects of the leakage on the target component(s)

(e.g., rusting, corrosion, pitting, or stalactites):

N/A Items 11 and 13 apply to Boric Acid Leaks Only:

11) Quantify boric acid deposits:

M nIr n-A -m,,

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Heavy accumulation( ) Component encased in boric acid(

12) Boric Acid deposit color:

White Fresh( ) Brown( ) Tan with evidence of corrosion(

13) Was the leakage found on a component that was under going an ASME Section XI pressure test (VT-2)? __

Yes __

No Immediate actions taken:

Consider the following as appropriate:

Is a leak catch container installed?

Actions initiated to mitigate safety concerns?

If a potentially flammable liquid, e.g., Fryquel EHC or oil, impinges on a potentially hot pipe or is absorbed by insulation, then determine if mitigating actions are required to reduce the risk of fire. Fyrquel absorbed by pipe insulation on hot pipes has been shown to cause fires.

Recommended Actions:

NOTIFY the Shift Manager of the condition.

Operations evaluation of leaks should consider:

(1) The potential for a leak to enter the soil, surface water, ground water etc.

(2) If leakage is from a pressure boundary what is the ASME Class (3) If the leaking component is ASME Class 2 or 3 is it a moderate energy leak (max operating pressure < 200psig, and max operating temperature <275 degrees F).

Moderate Energy ( )YES ( )NO Operable Basis:

Reportable Basis:

Functionality Basis:

Assignments Assign #:

Q1 Assigned Status:


Aff Fac:

Byron Prim Grp:


02/04/2012 Assign Type:

TRKG Sec Grp:

Orig Due Date:


Schedule Ref:

Unit Condition:

Subject/Description: 2CB025 AIR LEAK