MONTHYEARML25056A4302025-02-25025 February 2025 Acceptance Review - Entergy Fleet - Adopt TSTF-589 - CLIIP ML25006A0432024-12-26026 December 2024 Acceptance Review - Entergy Fleet - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology ML21328A0062021-11-18018 November 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) State of Michigan Response - Palisades Nuclear Plant and Big Rock Point Plant - Application for Order Consenting to Transfers of Licenses and Conforming License Amendments ML21309A2982021-11-0505 November 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Palisades Nuclear Plant and Big Rock Point Plant - Application for Order Consenting to Transfers of Licenses and Conforming License Amendments ML19197A1472019-07-0808 July 2019 E-Mail from S. Pyle/Entergy to N. Garcia-Santos/NRC Need Help: Profile of ADAMS Documents: Big Rock Point Exemption Request ML19059A1782019-02-28028 February 2019 Acceptance Review Results for Relief Request No. EN-19-RR-1 to Use ASME Code Case N-831-1 for Entergy Fleet ML18351A2902018-12-17017 December 2018 BRP: CY2019 Integrated Inspection Plan ML17354A9182017-12-20020 December 2017 CY2018 Integrated Inspection Plan ML16013A0642016-01-13013 January 2016 NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Entergy CNRO-2015-00023 - Revision to Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual (Fleet Submittal CAC Nos. MF7086-MF7097) ML13238A1092013-08-23023 August 2013 E-mail from K Yale to P Longmire EA for BRP (DPR-6) in Consideration of an Exemption Request (Docket No. 72-43) ML13238A1102013-08-22022 August 2013 E-mail from P Longmire to K Yale EA for BRP (DPR-6) in Consideration of an Exemption Request (Docket No. 72-43)w/ Attachment: Draft EA and Fonsi ML12278A3862012-10-0404 October 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2, and 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford, Request for Additional Information, Round 2, Amendment Request to Revise QA Program Manual and Staff Qualification TSs ML12243A1572012-08-18018 August 2012 E-Mail Notifying NRC of Error in June 25, 2012, Security Evaluation ML12122A8772012-05-0101 May 2012 E-Mail to R. Vanwagner from W. Allen Exemption Request Questions, Dtd May 1, 2012 ML1209604232012-04-0505 April 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Email, Request for Additional Information, Revise Quality Assurance Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Spe ML1202607432012-01-26026 January 2012 ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2, and 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Acceptance Review Email, Amendment to Revise Quality Assurance Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Speci ML11258A0902010-04-0101 April 2010 Email from R. Walpole, FW: Enne Distribution of Enoc 10-00010 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) ML11258A1192010-04-0101 April 2010 Email from R. Walpole, Subj: FW: Distribution of Fleet Cnro 2010-00001 10 CFR 50.54(w)(3)...(14 Pgs) ML0931703722009-11-13013 November 2009 Acceptance Review of Entergys Request to Extend Orders (TAC ME1515 - ME2522) ML0914704832009-05-27027 May 2009 Acceptance Review for Entergys Request to Extend Effectiveness of July 28, 2008, Orders ML0708109632007-03-22022 March 2007 E-mail from Mr. Thor Strong (MI-DEQ) Stating That the State Does Not Have Comments on the SER for the BRP License Transfer ML0603301312005-03-25025 March 2005 E-mail from C. Craig, NMSS, to D. Darrigo, Nirs, Subject: Info ML0603301192005-03-23023 March 2005 E-mail from S. Klementowicz, NRR, to C. Mckenney and C. Craig, NMSS, Subject: 20.2002s ML0603204072004-12-21021 December 2004 E-mail from S. Burnell, OPA, to D. Darrigo, Nirs, Subject: CT Yankee 20.2002 Request ML0603204042004-12-16016 December 2004 E-mail from D. Darrigo, Nirs, to S. Burnell, OPA, Subject: CT Yankee 20.2002 Request ML0603204012004-12-14014 December 2004 E-mail from S. Burnell, OPA, to D. Darrigo, Nirs, Subject: CT Yankee 20.2002 Request ML0603203932004-12-10010 December 2004 E-mail from D. Darrigo, Nirs to S. Burnell, NRC Subject: CT Yankee 20.2002 Request 2025-02-25
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Allen, William From:
Allen, William Tuesday, May 01,20129:58 AM
'VANWAGNER, ROBERT V' Bowden Berry, Elva; Lipa, Christine Exemption Request Questions In a letter, dated November 30, 2010, Consumers Energy requested an exemption from the following regulations in 10 CFR 73.55:
10 CFR 73.55(e)(8)(C)(iii) All emergency exits in the protected area must be alarmed and secured by locking devices that allow prompt egress during an emergency and satisfy the requirements of this section for access control into the protected area.
10 CFR 73.55(e)(8)(C)(iv) Where building walls or roofs comprise a portion of the protected area perimeter barrier, an isolation zone is not necessary provided that the detection and, assessment requirements of this section are met, appropriate barriers are installed, and the area is described in the security plans.
We were unable to identify the regulations cited during the course of our review. However, the text of the following regulations in 10 CFR 73.55 are identical to those from which an exemption was requested:
10 CFR 73.55(e)(8)(iii) All emergency exits in the protected area must be alarmed and secured by locking devices that allow prompt egress during an emergency and satisfy the requirements of this section for access control into the protected area.
10 CFR 73.55(e)(8)(iv) Where building walls or roofs comprise a portion of the protected area perimeter barrier, an isolation zone is not necessary provided that the detection and, assessment requirements of this section are met, appropriate barriers are installed, and the area is described in the security plans.
Was a (C) inadvertently included in the regulatory citation of the exemption request letter?
Please respond at your earliest convenience in order to facilitate our review of your request.
Chris Allen 1