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Acceptance Review of TMI TS Amendment Implementing TSTF-510
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/2012
From: Peter Bamford
Plant Licensing Branch 1
To: Croft W
Exelon Corp
Bamford, Peter J., NRR/DORL 415-2833
Download: ML121070475 (1)



Bamford, Pe Sent:

Monday, Ap To:

'Wendi.Croft Cc:



Acceptance By letter dated March 26, 2012 (ADA dated April 2, 2012 (ADAMS Access submitted a license amendment req (TMI-1), proposing to revise certain proposed changes relate to SG insp changes and clarifications. These c Revision to Steam Generator Progr The purpose of this email is to provid (NRC) staff's acceptance review of t performed to determine if there is su NRC staff to complete its detailed te identify whether the application has characterization of the regulatory req The NRC staff has reviewed your ap provide technical information in suffi technical review and make an indep proposed license amendment in term health and safety and the environme complete its technical review, you w Peter Bamford NRR/DORL/LPL 1-2 Beaver Valley & TMI-1 Project Manager 301-415-2833 eter ril 16, 2012 2:21 PM'' Review of TMI TS Amendment Implementing TSTF-51 AMS Accession No. ML12086A037), supplement sion No. ML12093A366), Exelon Generation Com uest (LAR) for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station steam generator-related technical specifications.

pection periods and also address applicable admi changes are proposed consistent with TSTF-510, ram Inspection Frequencies and Tube Sample Se de the results of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co this amendment request. The acceptance review ufficient technical information in scope and depth echnical review. The acceptance review is also in any readily apparent information insufficiencies i quirements or the licensing basis of the plant.

pplication, as supplemented, and concluded that icient detail to enable the staff to proceed with its pendent assessment regarding the acceptability o ms of regulatory requirements and the protection ent. If additional information is needed for the sta will be advised by separate correspondence.

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