DCL-12-031, Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding PG&E Letter DCL-11-072, License Amendment Request 11-06, Revision to Technical Specification 3.3.5, 'Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation' Dated Octob

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Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding PG&E Letter DCL-11-072, License Amendment Request 11-06, Revision to Technical Specification 3.3.5, 'Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation' Dated October
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2012
From: Becker J
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
PG&E Letter DCL-12-031
Download: ML12093A043 (343)


{{#Wiki_filter:., Pacific Gas and Electric Company James R. Becker Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site Vice President Mail Code 104/6 P. O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 805.545.3462 March 30, 2012 Internal: 691.3462 Fax: 805.545.6445 PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 50.90 ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 - Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-80 Docket No. 50-323, OL-DPR-82 Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding PG&E Letter DCL-11-072, "License Amendment Request 11-06, Revision to Technical Specification 3.3.5, 'Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation'" dated October 10, 2011


1. PG&E Letter DCL-11-072, "License Amendment Request 11-06, Revision to.Technical Specification 3.3.5, 'Loss of Power (LOP)

Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation'" dated October 10, 2011 .

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

In Reference 1, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) submitted License Amendment Request (LAR) 11-06 to revise the Operating Licenses to revise Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.5, "Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation," to correct the nonconservative first level undervoltage relays TS limits contained in the current TS SR On March 1, 2012, the NRC staff requested additional information required to complete the review of LAR 11-06. PG&E's responses to the staff's questions are provided in the Enclosure. This information does not affect the results of the technical evaluation or the significant hazards consideration determination previously transmitted in Reference 1. - PG&E makes no regulatory commitments (as defined by NEI 99-04) in this letter. This letter includes no revisions to existing regulatory commitments._ If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact Tom Baldwin at (805) 545-4720. A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance .~ Ca lla way

  • Coma n c he Pea k
  • Di ablo Ca nyon
  • Pa 10 Verde
  • San 0 n ofre
  • Sou th Texas Proj ect
  • WolfCreek
                                                                                                              .:    I

m Document Control Desk March 30, 2012 , & Page 2 PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 I state under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 30, 2012. Site Vice President dngd/4955 SAPN 50462571 Enclosure cc: Diablo Distribution cc/enc: Gary W. Butner, Branch Chief, California Department of Public Health Elmo E. Collins, NRC Region IV Michael S. Peck, NRC, Senior Resident Inspector Joseph M. Sebrosky, NRR Project Manager A member of the S.TARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Callaway

  • Comanche Peak
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • San Onofre
  • South Texas Project
  • Wolf Creek

Enclosure PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 PG&E Response to NRC Request for Additional Information for DCPP regarding TS 3.3.5 NRC Question 1: Page 2 in Enclosure PG&E Letter DCL-11-072 of LAR states, "The current TS Surveillance Requirement (SR) contains First Level Undervoltage Relay (FLUR) Technical Specification (TS) limits that are non-conservative for protection of engineered safety features (ESF) components during postulated sustained degraded grid voltage conditions in that some ESF equipment could trip on overcurrent and not be able to restart without operator action." Provide a list of ESF components that could trip on overcurrent due to sustained degraded grid voltage conditions and due to the existing nonconservative FLUR TS limits as stated above. Provide a summary of justification on how the proposed changes in TS SR for FLUR setpoint would prevent all ESF equipment from tripping on overcurrent and would prevent loss of ESF function. PG&E Response: The loads determined to be vulnerable to overcurrent tripping prior to actuation of the undervoltage load shed function and the subsequent separation of the onsite electrical distribution system from offsite power were identified in PG&E letter DCL-1 0-115, "Licensee Event Report 1-2010-002-00, Potential Loss of Safety-Related Pumps due to Degraded Voltage During Postulated Accidents," dated May 10, 2010. The specific loads are the component cooling water pump motors and the auxiliary saltwater pump motors. The proposed TS SR FLUR setpoint changes shorten the allowable undervoltage protective function time delay for bus voltages between the Second Level Undervoltage Relay (SLUR) setpoint and the Loss of Voltage setpoint. The resulting delays ensure coordination with existing ESF equipment overcurrent protection, without impacting the Loss of Voltage function, and still allow adequate delay for expected short duration disturbances. See the response to Question 2 for a list of calculations. NRC Question 2: Page 12 in Enclosure PG&E Letter DCL-11-072 of LAR states, "PG&E has analyzed the coordination between motor overcurrent protection settings and 4. 16 kV bus undervoltage protection scheme and verified that the FLUR / Second Level Undervoltage Relay (SLUR) bus undervoltage protection function actuates before individual motor overcurrent protective devices. Thus, a sustained degraded voltage condition will not result in the loss of an ESF function .... " Provide a summary and a copy of coordination study demonstrating that the FLURISLUR bus undervoltage protection device actuates before individual motor overcurrent protective devices and a sustained degraded voltage condition will not result in the loss of an ESF function. Page 1 of 3

Enclosure PG&E letter DCl-12-031 PG&E Response: A coordination study between the motor overcurrent relay settings and the 4 kV bus undervoltage protection scheme was performed to ensure that the bus undervoltage protective function actuates before individual motor overcurrent protective devices. To accomplish this, multiple simulations of low voltage operation were performed with the 4 kV vital busses set to selected fixed voltage levels (i.e. represented as an infinite bus). The simulations consisted of both starting and steady state operation of the ESF motors under the FlURISlUR allowable voltage conditions for the largest brake horsepower loading condition irrespective of the plant mode of operation. Studies at 90 percent and 80 percent voltage were already part of the medium voltage 4 kV motor overcurrent setpoint methodology. These voltage values correspond with the minimum continuous and starting voltage ratings, respectively. Additional studies (both starting and running) were performed down to 60 percent to determine the minimum coordination margin. For voltage levels below 60 percent, the FlUR delay time is at the shortest interval and motor locked rotor currents are sufficiently reduced to ensure coordination. Coordination with the proposed FlUR setpoints was achieved for all motors. Similar to the 4 kV motor overcurrent setpoint methodology, the existing thermal overload (TOl) protection of 460 Volt motors addressed voltages down to 80 percent. Additional studies were performed down to the 60 percent voltage level. For additional margin, the trip time corresponding to lower value obtained from the respective TOl time current curve was reduced by 3.4 seconds (3 seconds account for faster trip due to hot restart, if any) and a coordination margin requirement of 0.4 seconds. The existing fuse selection criteria for fused motor loads require the fuse to be sized to carry motor locked rotor current for 10 t015 seconds for general purpose motors or 20 to 30 seconds for high inertia motors (e.g. period of time at least 1.5 times greater than the motor acceleration time). For fused non-motor chattering loads (e.g. starter coils and solenoids), the existing fuse selection criteria requires the fuse to carry inrush current for at least 15 seconds. Both criteria exceed the maximum proposed FlUR delay of 10 seconds. The coordination studies summarized above are documented in the following calculations and attached to this


Calculation 9000008518-16-1, 4 kV Motors : Calculation 9000041185-1-0, 460 Volt Motors : Calculation 9000032529-0-0, Fuse Adequacy Analysis Methodology Page 2 of 3

Enclosure PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 NRC Question 3: Provide a summary and a copy of the coordination study for the largest load and also the most limiting component to show that starting or running these loads do not actuate protective devices and enough margins exist before any thermal damage occurs. PG&E Response: Both the largest load and the most limiting component was centrifugal charging pumps at 648 bhp. The minimum margin for coordination between the FLUR limit and the motor overcurrent protective device was 0.53 seconds, under accident loading conditions at 66 percent bus voltage (


Derived from Calculation 9000008518-16-1, to this Enclosure). Page 3 of 3

Enclosure Attachment 1 PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 Attachment 1 Calculation 9000008518-16-1, 4 kV Motors

170-DC Revision 16A SAP# 9000008518 Page 1 of 19 DCPP Form 69-20132 (04/13/10) CF3.1D4 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 1 Design Calculation Cover Sheet Unit(s): 1 &2 File No.: SAP Calculation No.: 9000008518-16 Design Calculation: I:8J YES D NO System No.: _63_ _ _ _ _ __ Legacy No.: 170-DC Rev 16A Responsible Group: _E_DE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Quality Classification:

                                                                                                                 -Q- -

Structure,Sy~emorComponent _6_3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Su~ectBasler Class IE 4kV Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints In support of SAPN 50301167 License Amendment Request Computer/Electronic Calculation: I:8J YES D NO Computer 10 Application Name and Version Date of Latest InstaliationNalidation Test 292307 PowerStation, V5.5.6N 9/05/10 Including Review of Error Notices Calculation Page Index Calculation Package Contains pages No. of pages Cover Sheet 1 1 Record of revisions 2 1 Reason for Revision 3-4 2 Table of Contents 5 1 List of Attachments 6 1 Calculation body 7-19 13 Appendices 20-94 75 Attachments 1 thru 20 95-171 77 Attach ments 21 thru 29 172-7208 7037 Calculation Checklist 7209-7211 3 TOTAL .' " " 7211 9000008518-16-1 (170-DC Rev 16A) Cover.DOC 0405.1025

170-DC Revision 16A SAP# 900000 8518 Page 2 of 19 bcP'P t=ortn 69..21457 {()4/07/10) CF3.1D4 Attachm'ellt 5 Page 1 of 1 Design Calculation Record of Revisions SAP Calculation No.: 9000008518-f6~Ol Legacy No.: 170-DC.Rev.16A Rev No.1 I Status I Pages affected Reason for Revision (Requesting Prepared 8y I LBIE AOI I L81E Eval Check Method* L81E Evaluation Approval Checked Supervisor I Professional Registered Owner's Acceptance Ver. Document No.) Screen Engineer per No. CF3.1D17 Yesl Yesl PSRC PSRC Initialsl InitialsI' Signaturel Initialsl Nol No/NA Mtg Mtg LAN 101 LAN 101 LAN 101 LAN 101 NA No. Date Date Date Date Date See Page 3, and SAPN 50301167 License Amendment Request [ ] Yes X No [ ] N/A [ ]Yes [ ] No [ ]Yes X No [ ] N/A [ ]Yes [ ] No XA [ ]8 [ ]C [ ]A [ ]8 N/A N/A HAM8

                                                                                                                          -;::ti.. ....c-5 . 5*loU       a:             ~

SIs ~ N/A [ ] N/A [ ] N/A [ ]C [ ]Yes [ ]Yes [ ]A [ ] No [ ] No [ ]8 [ ] N/A [ ] N/A [ ]C [ ] Yes [ ] Yes [ ]A [ ] No [ ] No [ ]8 [ ] N/A [ ] N/A [ ]C

  • Check Method: A= Detailed Check C =Critical Point Check A. Insert PE stamp or seal below: 8. Insert stamp directing to the PE stamp or seal:
Expires 9/30/2012 9000008518-16-1 (170-DC Rev 16A) Record of Revisions.DOC 0404.1701

170-DC Revision 16A SAP# 9000008518 REASON FOR REVISION Calculation No. 170-DC REVISION DESCRIPTION OF REVISION NO. 0 2/8/90-Initial Issue 1 3112/90-Add Spare GE RHR Motor; Added pages 80A-E and Attachment 24 2 4117/90-Add Spare GE Motors; Added pages 80F-80W; Attachment 25 through 28; corrected typo on pages 44, 67, 72, 75 3 5/30/90-Revised settings for CCW PP motor; Revised Sheets 53-58, 86 & 88; Added Attachment 29 4 5/30/90-Revised settings for Spare AFW12 motor; added sheets 88X-88AB & Attachment 30 &31 5 1I24/92-Revised setting and acceleration time for CCW PP motor, sheets 17-22, 54, 56-58 6 4/21194-Revised pages 31, 33, 34, 35, 88 for ASW motor 12; Added Attachment 32 7 10/4/94-Revised settings for CSP22; Revised page 63, 65, 66 and added page 66A (See AR 0352677); Revised Attachment 9 with 7 pages total 8 2/27/95-Revised calc. per Mech. Eng. Memo CHRON #219798, ASW PP Revised pages 31, 33, 34, 35, 67, 69, 70, 71, 88; Added Attachment 33 9 9/28/95-Completely revised for setting the new Basler Electric Overcurrent Relays. Coordination curves plotted using SKM Power Tools Program CAPTOR Version 4.5. Incorporated Interim Rev. 8A 10 1I10/96-Revised SI PP BHP to 434HP; Revised page 29-33; Added Attachment 11 11 4/11196-Revised CCP 1-2 pump BHP to 620 HP. Revised page # 17, 18, 19, 20 and Attachment# 11. 12 7/25/96-Created new electronic file for this calc. from the hard copy of Rev. 11. Revised calc. per AR# A0337269 and A0404091. Revised pages 9, 10, 11, 17, 18,20,29, 32,33,36,39,47,48,49,50&51. 13 11/4/97-Revised the Time Dial Setting of Unit 2 AFW Pump Overcurrent Relays 51HF9 and 51HH8 per AR# A0446903. Revised Sheets 10,14 and 16. Added Figure 6.1A. 14 3117/98-Revised the Time Dial Setting of Unit 2 AFW Pump Overcurrent Relays 51HF9 and 51HH8 from Time Dial 3 to Time Dial 2 per AR# A0446958. Revised Sheets 8, 10, 14 and 16. Deleted Figure 6.1A and references to Electrical Device Lists. 15 7/27/98-Corrected Unit 1 RHR PP motor BKR and Relay numbers from HG7 and HG9 to HG8 and HH11, respectively; Corrected typo. Error 62HH11 to 52HH11 for HRH PP 2-2; Revised paragraph 6.7.10; Revised RHR PP BHP from 425 to 420 and SI PP BHP from 417HP to 434HP per Attachment 11; Revised sheets 9, 10, 11, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, 44, 47, 48, 49 and 54; Heading of "Device List Input Data" revised to "Component Database Input Data" throughout the calculation; Deleted GE motor data from the Attachments 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 3 of 19

170-0C Revision 16A SAP# 9000008518 16 5/05/11-Calculation is re-formatted and revised in it's entirety per CF3.ID4 Rev. 18, and therefore, no revision bars are shown; Incorporated interim change 15A; Deleted References 4.5, 4.7, 4.8 and 4-18; Added References 12.1.1 f, 12.1.2a, 12.1. 3a; Revised motor models to become the dynamic models presently in references 12.1.2b, 12.1.2c, 12.1.2d and eliminated section related to calculating acceleration time, determining motor short circuit fault contribution and modeling motor as a fixed impedance during acceleration and a constant KV A load during steady state conditions; Expanded motor voltage studies to include motor starting at 75% bus voltage and below; Ran new motor starting cases for all voltage breakpoints and re-plotted TCCs for each voltage studied; Added Assumption 3.4; Added Acceptance Criteria 6.1.4; Added Thermal Limit Curve and Motor Data to Attachment 6; 16A 5/05/11-Calculation is revised to incorporate the impact of changing the existing FLUR bus undervoltage protection scheme In support of License Amendment Request referenced in SAPN 50301167; Added references 12.1.2f, 12.1.4c, 12.1.4d, 12.1.4e 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 4 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (l70-DC) Rev. 16A Unit: 1&2 Table Of Contents 1.0 Purpose 7 2.0 Background 7 3.0 Assumptions 7 4.0 Inputs 8 5.0 Methodology 8 6.0 Acceptance Criteria 13 7.0 Calculation 14 8.0 Results 15 9.0 Margin Assessment 16 10.0 Conclusions 17 11.0 Impact Evaluations 17 12.0 References 18 13.0 Enclosures and Attachments 19 APPENDICES Pages

1. ETAP Time Current Curves (TCC) 54
2. 50/51 Device Setpoint Worksheets 21 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 5 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (l70-DC) Rev. 16A Unit: 1&2 ATTACHMENTS

1. Instruction Manual for Overcurrent Relay BEl-50/51B 6
2. Motor Tested Acceleration Times 1
3. Motor Data-Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 4
4. Motor Data-Centrifugal Charging Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 5
5. Motor Data-Component Cooling Water Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 9
6. Motor Data-Safety Injection Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 7
7. Motor Data-Containment Spray Motor, Units 1 and 2 7
8. Motor Data-Auxiliary Salt Water Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 10
9. Motor Data-Residual Heat Removal Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 5
10. Motor Data-Centrifugal Charging Pump Motor, Units 1 and 2 3
11. Worst Case Brake HP for Class IE Pumps, Chron. No. 164101 2
12. Maximum Brake HP, Memo Dated 5/22/90, Chron. No. 151424 1
13. Brake HP for Auxiliary Salt Water Pumps, Memo from NES-ME to NES-EE Dated 4/21194, Chron. No. 219798 1
14. Test Report for Spare 400 HP Residual Heat Removal Pump Motor 4
15. Motor Data-Spare 400 HP Safety Injection Pump Motor 5
16. Motor Data-Spare 400 HP Containment Spray Pump Motor 4
17. Motor Data-Spare 600 HP Centrifugal Charging Pump Motor 5
18. Motor Data-Spare 400 HP Auxiliary Salt Water Pump Motor 1
19. Motor Data-Spare 400 HP Auxiliary Salt Water Pump Motor 2
20. Motor Data-Spare 600 HP Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Motor 2
21. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-125 780
22. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-110 761
23. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-90 770
24. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF -MTR-75 1083
25. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-68A 640
26. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-67A 640
27. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-66A 639
28. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-66N 640
29. ETAP Motor Starting Run 170-DC-ESF-MTR-60 1083 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 6 of19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 1.0 PURPOSE Provide the setting for the Basler Electric overcurrent relays used in overcurrent protection of 4 kV Class IE (safety-related) motors that meets both the design criteria established in Section 5.1 and the Acceptance Criteria established in Section 6.0.


Prior to Revision 16, the calculation evaluated setting adequacy at 90%, 80%, 110% and 125% of base voltage. Beginning with Revision 16, additional evaluations are performed to determine setting adequacy at degraded voltage values between 75% and 60% in order to ensure coordination with the Vital 4 kV bus undervoltage protection scheme (i.e. degraded voltage). All motor starts are dynamically simulated in PowerStation Version 5.5.6N (ETAP). The resulting motor acceleration profiles are plotted together with the calculated protective relay settings on time current curves (TCC) generated via ETAP software. ETAP Version 5.5.6N is under SQA control. 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 Motor loading shall be equal to brake horsepower (BHP) or motor nameplate data, whichever is higher. Basis: This is conservative for determining overcurrent protection settings. 3.2 Motor Inrush asymmetry factor is assumed to be 1.76 times maximum inrush for the Time Current Curves plotted in Section 8. Basis: This is conservative, as the inrush is already adjusted for voltage in the motor starting TCC's (Ref. 12.1.1b, 12.1.1t). 3.3 Motor fault contribution is assumed to be equal to asymmetrical locked rotor amperage at 125% bus voltage. Basis: These values bound the worst case short circuit contribution for the motors found in Reference 12.1.2c, Design Basis Short Circuit Summary Runs 201 and 204. 3.4 For coordination of FLUR 4 kV Bus undervoltage protection with the 51 device motor overcurrent protection, the FLUR solid state undervoltage relay function is assumed to have the same allowable margin for coordination as the time current range for a standard inverse time overcurrent relay (Ref. 12.1.1f Section 4.4). Basis: This is conservative since both devices are solid state relays. 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 70f19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (l70-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 4.0 INPUTS 4.1 The following design guidelines were considered when setting phase overcurrent relays for Class IE 4 kV motors: 4.2 Long-time minimum trip current should be calculated with the margin from 0% to 15%, preferably 1% to 10% above the maximum possible motor continuous current. Margin of the long-time minimum trip current with respect to maximum motor continuous current should be calculated based on the undervoltage, service factor and taking into account the relay/device curve repeatability tolerances and maintenance relay setting tolerances. 4.2.1 Maintenance relay setting tolerance per Reference 12.1.1e is +/- 5%. 4.2.2 Per Reference 12.1.4, the repeatability of the Basler overcurrent relays is within

                      +/- 2% of setting. Adding 1% margin for design conservatism, makes the repeatability tolerances total to +/- 3%.

4.2.3 Margin of minimum instantaneous trip current with respect to maximum motor asymmetrical short-circuit current should be maintain to at least 1%. Calculate margin per guideline of long-time trip setting. 4.2.4 Motor parameters entered into PowerStation are per (Ref. 12.1.2b) 4.2.5 Motor short circuit contribution is per (Ref. 12.1.2c ). 4.2.6 DCPP electrical system including all of the 4 kV Class IE motors are modeled in ETAP. A common model is used for Load Flow, Short Circuit, Motor Starting, and dynamic analysis of offsite power (230 kV) in References 12.1.2c and 12.1.2d. The same dynamic motor models were used as an input to this calculation for the purpose of computing motor acceleration performance. 4.2.7 The motor damage curves incorporated in this calculation have been added to the common ETAP model. 5.0 METHODOLOGY The settings were calculated in accordance with the design criteria discussed below. Reconciling differences in competing criteria were resolved in favor of completing the safety function of the Class IE equipment. This would include small variations in motor full load ampere requirements resulting from motor repairs / replacements. 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 8 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 5.1 The following design criteria was considered for setting the phase overcurrent relays of Class IE (safety-related) 4 kV motors: 5.1.1 90% of motor kV base shall be used as the minimum steady state voltage at the motor terminals (Ref. 12.1.1a, 12.1.2c, 12.1.2d). 5.1.2 80% of motor kV base shall be used as the minimum starting voltage at the motor terminals during normal operating conditions, excluding degraded voltage conditions that result in separation from offsite power due to actuation of undervoltage protection (Ref. 12.1.1a, 12.1.2c, 12.1.2d). 5.1.3 110% of motor kV base shall be used as the maximum (running and starting) voltage at the motor terminals except during motor starting after bus transfer (Ref. 12.1.2c, 12.1.2d). 5.1.4 125% of nominal bus kV shall be used as the maximum starting voltage at the motor terminals during motor restart under bus transfer condition (Ref. 12.1.1a). 5.1.5 Voltages below 75% of nominal bus kV shall be used to aid in determining that motor overcurrent protection does not trip during short term degraded voltage conditions allowed by the vital bus first level undervoltage protection scheme (i.e. FLUR). 5.1.6 75% of nominal bus kV shall be used to aid in determining margin for the vital bus second level undervoltage protection scheme (i.e. SLUR). 5.1.7 Motor safe operating (heating) curve obtained from the vendor shall be verified to ensure the long-time overcurrent settings are in the safe region. 5.1.8 An overcurrent coordination study between motor overcurrent relay settings and incoming supply breaker relay settings shall be performed to establish coordination adequacy per the coordination time intervals given in (Ref. 12.1.1 b, 12.1.1c, 12.1.1f). For the coordination study, the vendor supplied minimum/maximum protective device's time-current (TCC) curves are used. 5.2 Low Voltage Common Mode Failure: A coordination study between the motor overcurrent relay settings and the 4 kV bus undervoltage protection scheme shall be performed to ensure that the FLURISLUR bus undervoltage protection function actuates before individual motor overcurrent protective devices. This is necessary to preclude a common mode loss of redundant ESF equipment should a low voltage condition be present. To accomplish this, the 4 kV busses were set to several fixed voltage levels (i.e. represented as an infinite bus). Five different "Runs" were done to simulate the motor operating conditions of interest. The runs consisted of both starting and steady state operation of the ESF motors under the FLURISLUR allowable voltage conditions. 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 9 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (l70-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 5.2.1 Run ESF-Mtr-90: Bus voltage was fixed at 90% of motor kV base rating to evaluate worst case steady state conditions where the motor is expected to run continuously. Steady state current was identified to determine margin for the Long Time minimum trip setting. 5.2.2 Run ESF-Mtr-125: Bus voltage was fixed at 125% of nominal bus kV, which is the maximum expected bus voltage under bus transfer conditions. The motors were started to determine margin for motor inrush. After steady state was reached, bus voltage was step changed to 100% of nominal bus kV to determine margin for the Long Time minimum trip setting. 5.2.3 Run ESF-Mtr-ll0 The following motors had damage curves that extended below the 51 device TOC trip value: Unit 1 and Unit 2 CCPl, CCP2, RHRPI and RHRP2. For these motors, bus voltage was set to provide greater than or equal to 110% of motor terminal voltage at the motor terminals. This was done to determine the intersection of the initial symmetrical locked rotor current and the trip curve/damage curve in order to establish margin between the damage curve and locked rotor amperage. 5.2.4 Run ESF-Mtr-75: This run started the motors at 75% of nominal bus kV. Motor starting terminal voltage was verified to be less than or equal to 80% of motor kV base rating. Motor current was identified at 20 seconds, which corresponds to the time the second level undervoltage relay (SLUR) is asserted under these conditions to determine margin for tripping on undervoltage. After steady state conditions were reached, bus voltage was step changed to 65% of nominal bus kV to determine motor performance during degraded voltage conditions. 5.2.5 Run ESF-Mtr-60: This run started and ran the motors at 60% of nominal bus kV. The time to trip was identified, to determine margin for the first level undervoltage relay (FLUR) to operate prior to the motors tripping on the Long Time minimum trip setting. 5.3 Loss of Function (FLUR/SLUR) Margin: The time to trip the First Level undervoltage protection (FLUR) device 27H(F,G,H)Tl(A,B,C) is modeled in Reference 12.1.2f as three discrete bus voltage ranges associated with three fixed time delays. The Second 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 10 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 Level undervoltage protection (SLUR) is a specific bus voltage with a fixed time delay. Margin between the 4 kV bus undervoltage relay actuation and the 50/51 device actuation was determined by comparing specific trip times and bus voltage levels for the motor 50/51 devices with respect to the bus undervoltage curves. The FLUR is modeled in Reference 12.1.2f as described in Table 5.3.1: Table 5.3.1 FLUR 4 kV Bus Undervoltage Function 27 Device ID 4 kV % Bus Voltage Trip Time (~t) IFLUR Function (~v) FLUR Function (~v) > 80% No Trip 27H(F,G,H)TIA 75% < (~v) < = 80% 10 seconds 27H(F ,G,H)TIB 65% < (~v) < = 75% 6 seconds 27H(F,G,H)TIC (~v) < = 65% 4 seconds Bus voltages were obtained at critical times during motor starting and compared to the ~t at that voltage to determine whether the relay was challenged, and if it reset without asserting the FLUR function. A degraded voltage condition coincident with a postulated design basis accident is considered credible and taken to occur at the same time as the design basis accident. In order for this to occur, the degraded voltage event must happen immediately after a successful transfer to offsite power, because the transfer can only take place if offsite power 4 kV source is initially at an acceptable voltage level. All actions the electric power system is designed to automatically initiate are assumed to occur as designed. FLUR trip times for bus voltages between 60% and 75% were calculated in increments of 2%, and the resultant trip times were compared to trip times for estimated motor locked rotor current by using the 60% locked rotor current as the base, and scaling it by the ratio of the change in per unit voltage (e.g., 2% increase in voltage resulted in a 2% increase in locked rotor current). This indicated that margin decreased for bus voltages between 60% and 66%. Therefore, additional ETAP runs were performed to establish margin: 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 11 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 5.3.1 Run ESF-Mtr-66A: Bus voltage was fixed at 66% with design basis accident loading for all ESF motors. TCCs from this Run for Unit 1 CCPl, CCWP3, and RHRP2 were added to Appendix 1 because these 50/51 devices had the least margin from Run ESF-Mtr-60. The results were evaluated in order to determine margin between the 50/51 devices and the bus undervoltage protection (FLURISLUR). 5.3.2 Run ESF-Mtr-66N: Under non-accident conditions, bus transfer will occur with the motors loaded to non accident loading levels, and any running pumps will re-energize at the same time the bus is re-energized from offsite power. The worst case starting transient will occur if the motors came to a stop prior to being re-energized, so the following run was done to start the motors under non accident conditions: Bus voltage was fixed at '66% with non accident loading for all ESF motors. TCCs from this run for Unit 1 CCPl, CCWP3, and RHRP2 were added to Appendix 1 because these 50/51 devices had the least margin from Run ESF-Mtr-60. The results were evaluated in order to determine margin between the 50/51 devices and the bus undervoltage protection (FLURISLUR). 5.3.3 Run ESF-Mtr-67 A: In order to establish that margin is increasing, a run was done at a bus voltage of 67%. Since accident loading and non accident loading were the same for the motor with the least margin (CCWP3), from Run ESF-Mtr-66A(N), only accident loading was considered. Bus voltage was fixed at 67% with accident loading for all ESF motors. TCCs from this run for Unit 1 CCPl, CCWP3, and RHRP2 were added to Appendix 1 because these 50/51 devices had the least margin from Runs ESF-Mtr-66A and ESF-Mtr-66N. The results were evaluated in order to determine margin between the 50/51 devices and the bus undervoltage protection (FLURISLUR). 5.3.4 Run ESF-Mtr-68A: An additional run was done to determine that all motors transitioned from starting to steady state values. Bus voltage was fixed at 68% with accident loading for all ESF motors. TCCs from this run for Unit 1 CCPl, CCWP3, and RHRP2 were added to Appendix 1 because these 50/51 devices had the least margin from Runs ESF-Mtr-66A and 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 12 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (l70-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 ESF-Mtr-66N. The results were evaluated in order to determine margin between the 50/51 devices and the bus undervoltage protection (FLURISLUR). 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The relay settings shall conform to the following: 6.1 Instantaneous overcurrent pickup shall be set so that relay does not trip on the following events (Ref. 12.1.1 b): 6.1.1 During the motor starting inrush period. 6.1.2 When the motor contributes to a fault during an external short circuit condition. 6.1.3 Upon automatic bus transfer. 6.1.4 Prior to FLURISLUR undervoltage protective function actuation (Ref. 12.1.4a). 6.2 The acceptable minimum margin for coordinating inverse time overcurrent relays is 0.3-0.4 seconds (Ref. 12.1.1b, 12.1.1c, 12.1.1f). 6.3 The acceptable minimum margin for coordinating solid state relays for time current ranges is 0.25 seconds (Ref. 12.1.1f and Assumption 3.4). 6.4 As a minimum, 4 kV motor overcurrent relay settings shall meet the following criteria to address margin: 6.4.1 Long Time Settings: Long-time trip current shall maintain at least 1% margin with respect to motor running current under worst BHP and minimum voltage conditions. Basis: Given the maximum continuous steady state current of the motor, relay time overcurrent settings (TO C) should be set so that with the worst possible maintenance tolerance and repeatability error of the device, it will yield at least 1% margin. With 0% margin, the relay will be very close to tripping but will not trip.

              % Margin (TOC) = ((Min. Relay Trip Current I Max. Steady. State Current)-I)xl00 The minimum (TOC) relay trip current shall be determined by the following:

Min. Relay Trip Current (TOC) = (Max. Motor Steady State Current)x(MT)x(RE) Where, 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 13 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 MT = (Maintenance Tolerance) (Ref. 4.2.1) RE = (Repeatability Error) (Ref. 4.2.2) 6.4.2 Instantaneous Settings: Instantaneous trip (IT) current shall maintain at least 1% margin with respect to motor maximum asymmetrical starting inrush current under worst possible maximum voltage conditions Basis: Given the maximum asymmetrical inrush current of the motor, relay instantaneous setting be set so that with the worst possible maintenance tolerance and repeatability error of the device, it will yield at least 1% margin under worst BHP and maximum voltage conditions. With 0% margin, the relay will be very close to tripping but will not trip.

              % Margin (IT) = ((Min. Relay Trip Current / Max. Transient Current)-I)xl00

6.5 Coordination

Coordination between motor feeder breaker overcurrent relay settings and incoming feeder breaker overcurrent relay settings will be based on the highest motor overcurrent trip current for a given bus. This represents the worse case, and if it coordinates, then it is concluded that all other motor overcurrent relays on the subject bus are coordinated. 7.0 CALCULATION Motor starting plots versus relay Time Current Curves (TCCs) used to evaluate the calculated settings were all generated by PowerStation software package. Refer to Appendix 2 for the individual setting calculation worksheets. Both calculated values and dynamic simulations were used to determine the device settings. 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 14 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev. 16A Unit: 1&2 8.0 RESULTS A summary of the device setpoints are contained in Tables 8-1 and 8-2: Table 8-1 Unit 1 4kV Class IE Motor 50/51 Device Setting Summary Basler Model BEI-50/51B-I07 CT Time Dial Inst. Setting Curve ID MotorID 50/51Device ID Tap Setting Ratio Setting (Amps) 1-AFWP3 51HF9 20.0 4.8 2.0 43 L 1-AFWP2 51HH8 20.0 4.8 2.0 43 L 1-CCP1 51 HF11 30.0 3.5 0.9 31 L 1-CCP3 51 HG11 30.0 3.5 1.0 35 L 1-CCP2 51HG9 30.0 3.5 0.9 31 L 1-SIP1 51 HF15 15.0 4.8 1.5 35 L 1-SIP2 51HH15 15.0 4.8 1.5 35 L 1-RHRP1 51HG8 15.0 4.8 1.0 42 L 1-RHRP2 51 HH11 15.0 4.8 1.0 42 L 1-CSP1 51HG7 15.0 4.6 0.8 43 L 1-CSP2 51HH9 15.0 4.6 0.8 43 L 1-CCWP1 51 HF12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 1-CCWP2 51HG12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 1-CCWP3 51 HH12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 1-ASWP1 51HF8 15.0 5.2 1.5 48 L 1-ASWP2 51HG6 15.0 5.2 1.5 48 L 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 15 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 Table 8-2 Unit 2 4kV Class IE Motor 50/51 Device Setting Summary Basler Model BEI-50/51B-I07 CT Time Dial Inst. Setting Curve ID MotorID 50/51Device ID Tap Setting Ratio Setting (Am{!s) 2-AFWP3 51HF9 20.0 4.8 2.0 43 L 2-AFWP2 51HH8 20.0 4.8 2.0 43 L 2-CCP1 51 HF11 30.0 3.5 0.9 31 L 2-CCP3 51 HG11 30.0 3.5 1.0 35 L 2-CCP2 51HG9 30.0 3.5 0.9 31 L 2-SIP1 51HF15 15.0 5.0 1.5 35 L 2-SIP2 51 HH15 15.0 5.0 1.5 35 L 2-RHRP1 51HG8 15.0 4.8 1.0 42 L 2-RHRP2 51HH11 15.0 4.8 1.0 42 L 2-CSP1 51HG7 15.0 4.6 0.8 43 L 2-CSP2 51HH9 15.0 4.6 0.8 50 L 2-CCWP1 51 HF12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 2-CCWP2 51 HG12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 2-CCWP3 51 HH12 15.0 4.9 1.0 43 L 2-ASWP1 51HF8 15.0 5.2 1.5 48 L 2-ASWP2 51HG6 15.0 5.2 1.5 48 L 9.0 MARGIN ASSESSMENT 9.1 Motor Protection (50/51 Device) Margin: Calculated margin is given in Appendix 2. 9.1.1 Margin was also established by comparing the calculated settings to the ETAP simulations contained in Appendix 1 where the selected setting resulted in negative calculated margin (see Sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 for a description of the different simulations). 9.2 FLUR Coordination with Motor Overcurrent Protection 9.2.1 Run ESF-Mtr-60: For this run, Load sequencing timers begin loading the first ESF loads, (Centrifugal Charging Pumps 1 and 2) at 1.5 seconds post-transfer, assuming worst case timer uncertainty of -0.5 seconds (Ref.12.1.1a Table 4.3-3) (nominal sequencing timer setpoint is 2.0 seconds). FLUR time to trip is 4 seconds. Therefore, at 60% bus voltage, the 50/51 device for Centrifugal Charging Pumps 1 and 2 will trip at 8.5 seconds (7+1.5), yielding 4.5 seconds of margin between the FLUR trip time and the motor overcurrent protection trip time. 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 16 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev.16A Unit: 1&2 9.2.2 Run ESF-Mtr-66A: The minimum trip time was for CCP1 at 8.0 seconds (6.5+1.5). For this value, the FLUR trips at 6 seconds yielding 2 seconds of margin between the FLUR trip time and the motor overcurrent protection trip time. 9.2.3 Run ESF-Mtr-66N: CCWP3 had the least margin, with the 50/51 device tripping at 7.4 seconds. For this value, the FLUR trips at 6 seconds yielding 1.4 seconds of margin between the FLUR trip time and the motor overcurrent protection trip time. 9.2.4 Run ESF-Mtr-67A: The results show CCP1 had the least margin tripping at 8.0 seconds (6.5+ 1.5) seconds. The FLUR trips at 6 seconds yielding 2 seconds of margin between the FLUR trip time and the motor overcurrent protection trip time. The CCWP3 had increased margin with respect to the FLUR time to trip. 9.2.5 Run ESF-Mtr-68A: The results show that all 50/51 devices came to steady state at 68% bus voltage and had increased margin with respect to the FLUR time to trip. Between 67% and 68% bus voltage, there is a negligible change in margin. 9 .3 SLUR Coordination with Motor Overcurrent Protection 9.3.1 For sustained degraded voltage below the SLUR trip avoidance limit of 92.55% bus voltage, the SLUR function will terminate the undervoltage in 20 seconds. For a 4kV bus voltage of 75%, all ESF motors are in steady state and will not trip on overcurrent at 20 seconds. There is ample margin for continued steady state operation past 20 seconds to eliminate the need for other than a qualitative statement (Refer to Appendix 1 TCC's for 75% Bus Volts). For voltages above the maximum FLUR trip setting and below the SLUR trip avoidance limit, there will be increased margin above that at 75% bus voltage, and the SLUR will continue to terminate the undervoltage condition in 20 seconds. Thus, all 50/51 devices are coordinated with the SLUR.


S The settings determined in the calculation conform to the design and acceptance criteria. 11.0 IMPACT EVALUATIONS None 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 17 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev. 16A Unit: 1&2


12.1 Input References 12.1.1 DCM / Standards / Maintenance Procedures

a. DCM S-63, 4160 Volt System, Rev. 15A
b. ANSI/IEEE Standard 242-1986, IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial Power Systems.
c. IEEE Paper on "Standardization of Benchmarks for Protective Device Time-Current Curves", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.

1A-22, No.4, July/August 1986

d. EPRI, Power Plant Electrical Reference Series on "Motors", 1987
e. MPE-50.55, "Electrical Maintenance Procedure, Basler Type BEl-50/51B Overcurrent Relay Maintenance, Units 1 and 2
f. DCM T-18, Electrical System Protection, Rev. 11A 12.1.2 Calculations
a. Calculation 9000040769, Rev. 0, (M-1141) Maximum EDG Mechanical Loading
b. Calculation 9000033440, Rev. 6, (357F-DC) Guidelines for Motor Data Entered Into ETAP Database
c. Calculation 9000033359 Rev. 13A, (357A-DC) Units 1&2 Load Flow, Short Circuit and Motor Starting
d. Calculation 9000033535, Rev. 9, (359-DC) Determination of 230 kV Grid Voltage Limits for DCPP System Operating Instruction 0-23
e. Calculation 9000006090 Rev. 8, (114-DC) Protective Relay Settings for 4kV Class IE Bus and Feeders
f. Calculation 9000041128 Rev. 0, (357S-DC) Units 1 & 2 4.16 kV Bus FLUR and SLUR Setpoint Calculation 12.1.3 Component Database / Drawings / Design Change Notices (DDN)
a. SAP Functional Location (FLOC) Component Database 170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 18 of 19

NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION CALCULATION TITLE: 4kV Class IE Motor Overcurrent Relay Setpoints-Basler Electric Calc No.9000008518 (170-DC) Rev. 16A Unit: 1&2

b. Motor Time-Current and Thermal Limit, DC-663210-331-1
c. DDN 2000000113, Replacement of Positive Displacement Pump, Unit 1 12.1.4 Miscellaneous
a. Basler Publication 9 252000991, Rev. 0,663332-80
b. SAPN 50301167, LTCA CDBI: Unanalyzed Condition 230 kV
c. Letter, NRC to PG&E, dated December 14, 2009, "Technical Specification Interpretation of 230 Kilovolt System Operability (TAC Nos. ME0711 and ME0712)"
d. Letter, NRC to PG&E, dated July 7, 2010, "Response to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Request For Diablo Canyon Power Plant Technical Specification Interpretation of the 230 Kilovolt System Operability (TAC Nos. ME3346 and ME3347)"
e. SAPN 50289590, Review of 230 kV Conformance With the Design and Licensing Basis 12.2 Output References 12.2.1 None 12.3 Other 12.3.1 Drawings
a. Single Line Diagram, 4160 Volt System, Unit 1,437533, Rev. 40
b. Single Line Diagram, 4160 Volt System Bus Section F, Unit 2, 441229, Rev. 17
c. Single Line Diagram, 4160 Volt System Bus Sections G and H, Unit 2, 441230, Rev. 26 13.0 ENCLOSURES AND ATTACHMENTS See the Table of Contents.

170-DC Rev 16A.DOC Page 19 of 19

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV                                                                                                                                              ETAP Star 55          ..6N 125% Bus Volts Start                                                                                                       AFW3                                                                                100% Bus Volts Run Project:               Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                                                                    Date:      02/05/2011 Location:              Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                                                              SN:        PACIFICG&E Engineer:              Design Engineering                                                                                                                                                                     Rev:       ESF Motor Start Filename:              S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                                                                          Fault:     Phase Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 1 of 54

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56N 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Start AFW3 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Run Project: Calc 170-DC Rev. 16 Date: 02/05/2011 Location: Diablo Canyon Power Plant SN: PACIFICG&E Engineer: Design Engineering Rev: ESF Motor Start Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Fault: Phase Object: Verify ESF Motors Run Continuously at 90% Mtr. Term. Voltage Without Tripping Run ESF-Mtr-90 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 2 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

        .5                                                3              5           10                         30                50                   100 I

1K I I I 500 I-- 1--" Fm +/-itt 300 +/-+/-+/-+/- 1H:<'-O :l 12)0 [ 50 30 5 - -......-.- ......-..- ......- ...- ..............- ...._ ......... _ .... en '"0 en CD C o o o o

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                                                                                                                                                          . -."".-...- ....... - ............ r---....+-+...+-.-t--.-t---+_**f-******-*********-**+****-                      .05
    .03~44~----+--+-4-+4-HHH-----~-1-4,~~++~----~,,~~-+-+~-h+----4---+-                                                \
                                                                                                                                                                    "'...                             __                                                                      .03
    .01  ~~~____~~~~~~~____~~~~\~1~~____~~~~~~~__~__~~~~~.01
        .5                                                 3             5           10                         30                50                    100                              300           500               1K                              3K    5K          10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .. 6N ETAP Star 55 75% Bus Volts Start                                                                                     AFW3                                                                              65% Bus Volts Run Project:                  Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                                            Date:    02/05/2011 Location:                 Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                                      SN:      PACIFICG&E Engineer:                 Design Engineering                                                                                                                                             Rev:     ESF Motor Start Filename:                 S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                                                                                                                Fault:   Phase Run ESF-Mtr-75 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 3 of 54

Amps X 10@4.16kV

         .5                                                 3              5               10                           30      50    100          300   500       1K         3K      5K              10K
::::::~~~~~:~~:~:~:~::::::~~~~::1~ :~:~ +l i-+- +_H_- j- - - - - +- ~I- - . --t.=

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    .01 ~~~____~__~~~~~~__~~~_~i~~~~~____~~~~~~~____~__~~~~~ .01
         .5                                                 3              5               10                           30      50    100          300 500        1K          3K      5K              10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55 .... 6N 60% Bus Volts Start                                                                                AFW3                           60% Bus Volts Run Project:                 Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                             Date:  02/05/2011 Location:                Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                       SN:    PACIFICG&E Engineer:                Design Engineering                                                                                              Rev:   ESF Motor Start Filename:               S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                    Fault: Phase Run ESF-Mtr-60 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 4 of 54

Amps X 10@4.16kV

          .5                    3          5 10          30     50    100         300  500        1K              3K      5K 500                                                                                                                                 500 300 100                                                                                                                                 100 50 30                                                                                       -+-+-+---~~*---~-----+--+--+-f-+--t---H  30 10                                                                                                                                10

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       .3                                                                                 ---;-;+-,H---~~f---+-i-+-r---j-f-H            .3
       .1                        !
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     .05                                                                                                                                .05
     .03                                                                                                                                .03
     .01   ~~~        ____~__~~~~~____~~~~~~~____~~~~~~~__~__~~~~~ .01
          .5                    3          5 10          30     50     100        300 500         1K              3K      5K         10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                 .. 6N ETAP Star 55 125% Bus Volts Start                         CCP1                          100% Bus Volts Run Project:   Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                           Date:  02/05/2011 Location:  Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                     SN:    PACIFICG&E Engineer:  Design Engineering                                            Rev:   ESF Motor Start Filename:  S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                 Fault: Phase Run ESF Mtr 125 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 5 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

          .S                                            3 S              10                         30         SO    100                          300             SOO                         1K                                3K              SK           10K 1K              ++----~--~+_~~~r_--_r--r_~~~Hrl_r--_+--+_~+_r+~~--_+--~_r~++~                                                                                                                                                                             1K SOO 1--+ --f-f-H--"'-"---'-"-- -+.---.. . . +----+                                                                                                                           .--j-..... j..- j -.....>+-.-.. . . .-'-k:::7'--+.....--..+. .--j..._+--*H-+-l SOO 100                                                                                                                                                                                 ~-+--+--+~-+~~H                                                         100 so                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        50 30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       --j'-+-+"+"'H    30 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10

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     .03 1--+-++++-----+
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     .01   ~~~____~__~~~~~____~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~                                                                                                                                                                                                    .01
          .S                                            3 S              10                         30         SO    100                          300             SOO                         1K                                3K              SK           10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55      ..6N 110% Mtr Term. Volts Star                                                                  CCP1                                                        110% Mtr Term. Volts Run Project:            Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                      Date:             02/06/2011 Location:           Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                SN:               PACIFICG&E Engineer:           Design Engineering                                                                                                       Rev:              ESF Motor Start Filename:           S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                            Fault:            Phase Run ESF Mtr 110 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 6 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

           .5                                            3                 5  10          30     50     100        300   500        1K                                  3K            5K      10K
                                                                                                                         ~T+++~---;---r-+-r~-rH                                                  1K 500 f-*****;**-t-+-H*****-***********_**+***-_**_,**********-+. . . .-j-100                                                                                                                             --t---+---+--+--+-f-1-+-H 100 50                                                                                                                           ~-+---~--+-;--+-r-l-+--H                                     50 30                                                                                                                        ..~I*-~~--_i_---+---t-+*-II*-t*j*-H30 10 W

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        .3                                                                                                                                                                                       .3
      .05   I--t---+-+-++-------j-----j--+---+--+-+_                                                                                +-----t---I---+----j-T++-H                                   .05
      .01   ~~~____~__~~~~~____~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~                                                                                                                                    .01
           .5                                            3                 5  10          30     50     100        300  500         1K                                 3K             5K      10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                                                          .. 6N ETAP Star 55 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Start                                                 CCP1                       90% Mtr. Term. Volts Run Project:               Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                              Date:  02/05/2011 Location:              Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                        SN:    PACIFICG&E Engineer:              Design Engineering                                                               Rev:   ESF Motor Start Filename:              S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                    Fault: Phase Objective: Verify ESF Motors Run Continuously at 90% Mtr. Term. Voltage Without Tripping Run ESF Mtr 90 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 7 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                          3     5       10                                                      30             50              100                     300         500             1K           3K             5K                     10K 1K~44++----~~--~~~~II+---+--+~-+~~~~I--~-+-+~~~+---~--~-+~++~                                                                                                                                                                                 1K I

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .05 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55 6N 75% Bus Volts Start                                                                                 CCP1                                                             65% Bus Volts Run Project:    Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                             Date:       02/05/2011 Location:   Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                      SN:          PACIFICG&E Engineer:   Design Engineering                                                                                                                              Rev:        ESF Motor Start Filename:   S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                                   Fault:      Phase Run ESF Mtr 75 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 8 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                                  3           5           10                             30        50           100                  300  500       1K           3K    5K 500    f- ...+.+..+-;-.+.--..-----,.---..+--j......-..-j ......+-                                                                                                                            500 300    f--+-+-+-++---+-----i-+--l--t-t_

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    .05   ~-+-t--H-----+---+---+-+-+-l-+-H--i--+--ll--l--+-t-
    .03   t--+-+-+-++---i--+----+--+--t--I-
    .01   ~~~_ _~_~~~~~_~~_~~~~~~_~_~~~~~~_~_~~~~~                                                                                                                                              .01
         .5                                  3           5           10                             30        50           100                  300  500       1K           3K    5K         10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                                                          ..6N ETAP Star 55 68% Bus Volts Start                                                                    CCP1                                        68% Bus Volts Run Project:        Calc 170-DC Rev 16                                                                                                  Date:  02/15/2011 Location:       Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                           SN:    PACIFICG&E Engineer:       Design Engineering                                                                                                  Rev:   ESF Motor Start Filename:       S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                                                                     Fault: Phase Objective: Determine Margin Between Motor Protection and FLUR Run ESF Mtr 68A 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 9 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                       3       5        10            30     50       100                 300               500              1K                           3K                 5K             10K 1K       I                                    :1                                1                                                                                                                   1K I                                                                      1

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     .01  ~~I~I~____~~~~~~~____~~~~\~~~~__~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~
         .5                       3       5        10            30     50       100                 300               500              1K                           3K                 5K i


                                                                                                                                                                                                          .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55      ..6N 67% Bus Volts Start                                  CCP1                                                       67% Bus Volts Run Project:    Calc 170-DC Rev 16                                                                        Date:         02/15/2011 Location:   Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                 SN:           PACIFICG&E Engineer:   Design Engineering                                                                        Rev:          ESF Motor Start Filename:   S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                                           Fault:        Phase Objective: Determine Margin Between Motor Protection and FLUR Run ESF Mtr 67A 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 10 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV 100 1 1 "1--- -..--......-.--,.-.-..;.-....--+.......+-..-.J.--J- ... -r---"-------- --- - - ""J ~I_II---t-++-.~-+-o~---+_8-coi_-l--_-+-_=- +- +- +- I= +- H~ 100

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    .01   ~~~_ _~~'--~~~~_ _~~~~~~~~_ _~~~~~~~_~_~~~~~ .01
         .5                                                     3             5                10                      30        50             100                             300          500             1K                        3K           5K              10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55     .. 6N 66% Bus Volts Start                                                                             CCP1                                                                  66% Bus Volts Run Project:                        Calc 170-DC Rev 16                                                                                                                           Date:   02/15/2011 Location:                        Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                   SN:      PACIFICG&E Engineer:                        Design Engineering                                                                                                                          Rev:    ESF Motor Start Filename:                       S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                                                                                              Fault:  Phase Objective: Determine Margin Between Motor Protection and FLUR Run ESF Mtr 66A 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 11 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                                3         5             10                              30                 50         100                    300    500      1K          3K          5K 500 f-+-+-f--H-**-*-**-********_--f---*****_-j---+-++-t-+*- - .--........-._-.. . - .--.. .-.--.- -......-.. - ---.. +-+-+--,-++-.----..--+--.. . . --+- +-                                               500 100                                                                                                                                                                      ===t;=t=t=t=+=t-=t:+1            100 50                                                                                                                                                                   -+---+-+_-+-+_t--++--H 50 30                                                                                                                                                                                                       30 10                                                                                                                                                                                                       10 en     5                                                                                                                                                                                                      5   C/)

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    .03                                                                                                                                                                   ---+-+--+-+-t--++--H .03
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         .5                                3         5             10                              30                 50         100                    300   500       1K          3K          5K         10K Amps X 10@4.16kV
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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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       .3                                                                                                                                                     .3

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     .01   ~~~_ _~_~~~~~_ _~_~~~~~~_~_~~~~~~_~_~~~~~                                                                                                          .01
          .5                             3     5          10          30     50     100         300  500       1K                  3K            5K        10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                       .. 6N ETAP Star 55 60% Bus Volts Start                                CCP1                           60% Bus Volts Run Project:          Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                Date:  02/05/2011 Location:         Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                          SN:    PACIFICG&E Engineer:         Design Engineering                                                 Rev:   ESF Motor Start Filename:         S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                    Fault: Phase Run ESF Mtr 60 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 13 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

        .5                                       3       5              10                                       30             50             100            300         500           1K               3K           5K            10K 10   -

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   .01   ~~~

____ ~_~~~~~ 3 5 10 ___ ~~_~~~}~ 30 50 100 ___ ~~~~~~~ 300 500 1K ____ ~~~~~~ 3K 5K 10K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55   - -6N 125% Bus Volts Start                                                                                  CCP3                                             100% Bus Volts Run Project:             Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                   Date:  02/01/2011 Location:            Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                            SN:     PACIFICG&E Contract:                                                                                                                                                  Rev:   ESF Motor Start Engineer:            Design Engineering                                                                                                                    Fault: Phase Filename:            S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 14 of 54

Amps X 10@4.16kV

         .5                                                      3        5           10                  30       50         100                 300             500        1K               3K      5K         10K I

10 . , r'r'""),

                                -\J\J             - _______________ __

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      .3  I--+-t-t-H-----t---+-__+_-
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    .01   ~~~ ~I__~~~I~I~~____~~__~\_~~I~~____~~~~~~~____~~~~~~
         .5 3        5           10                 30        50         100                 300             500        1K               3K      5K         10K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ..6N ETAP Star 55 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Start                                                                  CCP3                                              90% Mtr. Term. Volts Run Project:                Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                   Date:      02/02/2011 Location:               Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                             SN:        PACIFICG&E Engineer:               Design Engineering                                                                                                    Rev:       ESF Motor Start Filename:               S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI                                                                       Fault:     Phase Object: Verify ESF Motors Run Continuously at 90% Mtr. Term. Voltage Without Tripping Run ESF-Mtr-90 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 15 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5               1                 3       5            10             30        50       100                   300         500           1K                       3K       5K           10K 1K
                                                                                                                                                    . ***-***-**-*_**-**-*t--t--t-  --J- !---f-+-l-l

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          ~~~ ~I__~_~il~~~~__~__~~~~~~~____~~~~~~~____~~~~~~.01 i
     .01                      ____
         .5                                 3        5           10             30        50       100                    300        500           1K                       3K       5K           10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55  - -6N 75% Bus Volts Start                                           CCP3                                                65% Bus Volts Run Project:           Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                              Date:     02/01/2011 Location:          Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                        SN:       PACIFICG&E Contract:                                                                                                            Rev:      ESF Motor Start Engineer:          Design Engineering                                                                               Fault:    Phase Filename:          S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Run ESF-Mtr-75 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 16 of 54

Amps X 10@4.16kV

          .5                     3     5       10           30    50     100         300    500       1K             3K     5K         10K 1K                                                                                              -f------ -+----f---+-I--I-++14      1K 500 300                                                                                                                                   300 100    t=+tttt=====t===1=

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       .5                                                                                                                                 .5
     .01   ~~~____~__~~~~~~__~__~~~~~~__~~~~~~~~____~~~~~~~                                                                               .01
          .5                     3     5       10           30    50     100         300    500       1K             3K     5K         10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55 6N 60% Bus Volts Start                            CCP3                            60% Bus Volts Run Project:  Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                Date:  02/01/2011 Location:  Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                         SN:    PACIFICG&E Contract:                                                                    Rev:   ESF Motor Start Engineer:  Design Engineering                                                Fault: Phase Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Run ESF-Mtr-60 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 17 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

           .5                                                  3            5                    10                                 30            50                   100                               300              500                   1K                           3K     5K                 10K 1K    ~-+-+++-----+---+~~~~H-----~-r-+-!r+I+!+I+I+4!----+---+-~~-rrHl-----r--r-+-r++++1                                                                                                                                                                                                               1K I+~l~~-t----:~----                                                                                                                                 +i-+l~-'-~I-_--~_-*+-:_---_***r-t--_**--I+-i-:::=rr!_-n-+-t-/:-j-t+I\1!=I-__..J-'~"'=llrl~j~I'-\_l+-_:--+:*""_"1-j-Fr-+H-jl-j--"'-+-J

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .03 Iii
     .01 ill
           .5                                                  3            5                    10                                 30            50                   100                               300              500                   1K                           3K     5K                 10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55    ..6N 125% Bus Volts Start                                                                                                  SIP2                                                                                  100% Bus Volts Run Project:               Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                                                         Date:              02/02/2011 Location:              Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                                                  SN:                 PACIFICG&E Engineer:              Design Engineering                                                                                                                                                          Rev:               ESF Motor Start Filename:              S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                                                               Fault:             Phase Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 18 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                                                                        3               5               10                         30           50         100              300        500               1K                3K         5K            10K 1Kr+~~----_r--r-+-H+~~-----r--r-+-~~4+_r--_r--r-+-~~4+-----r--~+-~~~1K I-.-_j_+-- .+.-.j!. . ;.-                          *-f. . .
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    .05          :i,!4 [7.52 s                                        5x =!5.'!.1 : 8,x= 4.51 S
          ~1rt-35(L9arec- fA -

iii \ Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 5.. 5 6N 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Start SIP2 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Run Project: Calc 170-DC Rev. 16 Date: 02/02/2011 Location: Diablo Canyon Power Plant SN: PACIFICG&E Engineer: Design Engineering Rev: ESF Motor Start Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI Fault: Phase Object: Verify ESF Motors Run Continuously at 90% Mtr. Term. Voltage Without Tripping Run ESF-Mtr-90 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 19 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

          .5                                                     3        5             10                 30        50             100                      300                  500             1K                            3K                  5K                 10K
=!:I: I=_=- -~- ~- ~:jl.-. _=~:+- _:I~:+of-_.-+. _f-._-+.-j_H.~f=+-_'_~=-:j=.-W=".\r./_-~n-=)~ri-+ -¥~ R-\ J,-~) ~"'1l:+-:~_:nf~"l'+-lH_~+:k:"f-I~ ~:O 1K 1--

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                                                                                                                                     '"                                                                                                                                   .03 ii                                                                                \
     .01   ~~I~I~I~_~_~~~~~~_~
          .5                                                     3        5             10

__30~~~~~~ 50 __~~~~~~~ 100 300 500 1K __~_~~~~~ 3K 5K 10K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55            , , 6N 75% Bus Volts Start                                                               SIP2                                                                   65% Bus Volts Run Project:                    Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                          Date:            02/02/2011 Location:                   Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                    SN:              PACIFICG&E Engineer:                   Design Engineering                                                                                                           Rev:             ESF Motor Start Filename:                   S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                Fault:           Phase Run ESF-Mtr-75 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 20 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .S                   1                            3               S              10               30      SO        100                         300     SOO                       1K                                  3K              SK                       10K 1K  r-~" l- '-.- ,-. .,. .,.. .~.-~-=-=-,-~.~-~_~- -. .'-
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     .03                    *                                                                         ,                             ............ ___
     .01  ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~
         .S 3              S               10 30      SO        100 300     SOO                       1K 3K              SK                       10K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55          ..6N 60% Bus Volts Start                                                                 SIP2                                                             60% Bus Volts Run Project:                   Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                 Date:           02/02/2011 Location:                  Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                           SN:             PACIFICG&E Engineer:                  Design Engineering                                                                                                  Rev:            ESF Motor Start Filename:                  S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                       Fault:          Phase Run ESF-Mtr-60 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008S18 Appendix 1 Page 21 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                                                       3             5              10                           30              50                100                                300            500                  1K                             3K       5K       10K c~ ~*~F:ii*f-*--*f--'il"'1 -f-I. . *--..                                                                                                                                     u--l+~Hf ~~.                                          =~~r~ ::0 1K f-...- l -
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    .03                 i !!                                                   I


         .5 III

3 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 1K 3K 5K 10K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ..6N ETAP Star 55 125% Bus Volts Start                                                                                       2-512                                                                              100% Bus Volts Run Project:                   Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                                               Date:     02/05/2011 Location:                  Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                                         SN:       PACIFICG&E Engineer:                  Design Engineering                                                                                                                                                Rev:      ESF Motor Start Filename:                  S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                                                     Fault:    Phase Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 22 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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                                                                                                                                                                                   .. 6N ETAP Star 55 75% Bus Volts Start                                       2-S12                                                       65% Bus Volts Run Project:      Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                            Date:         02/05/2011 Location:     Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                      SN:           PACIFICG&E Engineer:     Design Engineering                                                                             Rev:          ESF Motor Start Filename:     S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                  Fault:        Phase Run ESF-Mtr-75 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 24 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

          .5                                3          5              10                       30        50                 100                                 300           500                               1K                            3K               5K                           10K 1K             ! !                                        II                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1K I                                       I I--
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .01 Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55          .. 6N 60% Bus Volts Start                                                              2-512                                                                                          60% Bus Volts Run Project:          Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                        Date:               02/05/2011 Location:         Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                  SN:                  PACIFICG&E Engineer:         Design Engineering                                                                                                                         Rev:                 ESF Motor Start Filename:         S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DOPP20101118.0TI                                                                                              Fault:               Phase Run ESF-Mtr-60 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 25 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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          .5                                                  3              5                10                      30        50        100                  300        500               1K                         3K      5K         10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 5 ..

5 6N 125% Bus Volts Start RHRP2 100% Bus Volts Run Project: Calc 170-DC Rev. 16 Date: 02/05/2011 Location: Diablo Canyon Power Plant SN: PACIFICG&E Engineer: Design Engineering Rev: ESF Motor Start Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI Fault: Phase Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 26 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                                                     3                  5                 10                          30             50                  100                                             300               500                 1K                 3K        5K               10K 1K
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     .01  ~~~____~~~~~~~____~~~~~~~__~__~~~~~____~__~~~~~.01
         .5                                                     3                  5                 10                          30             50                  100                                             300               500                 1K                3K         5K               10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55      .. 6N 75% Bus Volts Start                                                                                            RHRP2                                                                                                   65% Bus Volts Run Project:                  Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                                                                                     Date:          02/05/2011 Location:                  Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                                                                                              SN:            PACIFICG&E Engineer:                  Design Engineering                                                                                                                                                                     Rev:           ESF Motor Start Filename:                  S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                                                                                                                          Fault:         Phase Run ESF-Mtr-75 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 29 of 54

Amps X 10@4.16kV

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                                                                                                                                                                   ..6N ETAP Star 55 68% Bus Volts Start                                           RHRP2                                      68% Bus Volts Run Project:       Calc 170-DC Rev 16                                                                     Date:    02/15/2011 Location:      Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                              SN:      PACIFICG&E Engineer:      Design Engineering                                                                     Rev:     ESF Motor Start Filename:      S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP20101118.0TI                                          Fault:   Phase Objective: Determine Margin Between Motor Protection and FLUR Run ESF-Mtr-68A 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 30 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10@4.16kV

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Amps X 10@4.16kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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    .01  ~~~____~~~~~~____~~~~~~~~____~~~~~~____~~~~~~.01
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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

         .5                               3       5          10                               30           50             100                                       300            500                     1K                   3K          5K              10K j

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55 - .6N 125% Bus Volts Start CCWP3 100% Bus Volts Run Project: Calc 170-DC Rev. 16 Date: 02/01/2011 Location: Diablo Canyon Power Plant SN: PACIFICG&E Engineer: Design Engineering Rev: ESF Motor Start Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\OCPP20101118.0TI Fault: Phase Run ESF-Mtr-125 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 43 of 54

Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV

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Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 5 .. 5 6N 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Start ASWP2 90% Mtr. Term. Volts Run Project: Calc 170-DC Rev. 16 Date: 02/02/2011 Location: Diablo Canyon Power Plant SN: PACIFICG&E Engineer: Design Engineering Rev: ESF Motor Start Filename: S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Fault: Phase Object: Verify ESF Motors Run Continuously at 90% Mtr. Term. Voltage Without Tripping Run ESF-Mtr-90 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 52 of 54

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          .5                                         3          5               10                             30  50   100                        300      500            1K                      3K           5K               10K Amps X 10 @ 4.16 kV ETAP Star 55       .. 6N 60% Bus Volts Start                                                                      ASWP2                                              60% Bus Volts Run Project:           Calc 170-DC Rev. 16                                                                                                    Date:      02/01/2011 Location:          Diablo Canyon Power Plant                                                                                              SN:        PACIFICG&E Contract:                                                                                                                                  Rev:      ESF Motor Start Engineer:          Design Engineering                                                                                                      Fault:    Phase Filename:          S:\ETAP\Calcs\359\359R9\Runs\DCPP201 01118. OTI Run ESF-Mtr-60 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 1 Page 54 of 54

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps BHP=600 (worst case loading) All motors have same characteristics, therefore this setting applies all Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 20 (CT Ratio is 100:5) HP:= 600 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.0 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 600 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom:= 74.7 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA:= FLAnom{ ~) = 74.7 (Brake Horsepower Full Load Amps) LRA:= 422.2 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 83 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRA1:= LRA*1.1 = 464.42 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 527.75 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 89.765

        . TOCmin TAPmm :=              = 4.488            Select TOC set @ 4.8 amps CTR TOC:= CTR4.8 = 96
 %MarginTOC:=       ~( TOC )     - 1J.100 = 15.663 L FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set @ 2.0 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 1 of 21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA1*MT*RE = 803.632 Select ITset@43 amps IT:= CTR*43 = 860 %MarginIT:= [(~)ITmm

                          -  1J.100 = 7.014


Based on the maximum motor BHP, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 15.7%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 7.0%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 2 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Centrifugal Charging Pumps 1 and 2 BHP=648 (worst case loading) All motors have same characteristics, therefore this setting applies for Centrifugal Charging Pumps 1 and 2 for both Untt 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 30 (CT Ratio is 150:5) HP:= 600 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.15 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 648 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom := 75.9 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) = 87.285 (Motor Service Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 399.7 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLAmax:= - FLA)

                  - = 96.983        (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage)

( 0.9 LRA1 := LRA*1.1 = 439.67 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 499.625 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 104.887

       . TOCmin TAPmm:=              = 3.496           Select TOC set @ 3.5 am ps CTR TOC := CTR*3.5 = 105
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - 1J.100 = 8.266 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@ 0.9 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is at motor thermal limit curve.

170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 3 of 21

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these Centrifugal Charging pumps may be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 125% voltage at the motor terminals. Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA2*MT*RE = 864.551 Select IT set @ 31 amps IT:= CTR*31 = 930 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          - 1J.100 = 7.57 Conc Ius ion:

Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 8.3%. Based on 125% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 7.6%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Appendix 1 indicates that the the motor thermal damage curve partially extends below the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay. An additional study was done to determine the intersection of the steady state locked rotor current at 110% of motor terminal voltage with the motor thermal damage curve and 51 device trip curve, which is the maximum expected steady state voltage. This condition could only occur if the motor rotor was prevented from turning with 110% voltage applied, and underthese conditions, the motor would not be capable of performing its safety function. Any condition less severe would result in the motor acceleration curve shifting to the left and would result in daylight between the acceleration curve and the motor damage curve. For the 0.9 Time Dial setting, the intersection of the 110% motor terminal voltage study puts the intersection of the motor LRA, the trip curve and the motor damage curve roughly at the same point. There is daylight between the motor damage curve and the trip curve if the 0.8 Time Dial Setting is used, however lowering the time dial setting would provide less margin for the acceleration transient and would also reduce the margin between the motor 51 device and the bus undervoltage protection by about one second. 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 4 of 21

Providing as much margin as possible between bus undervoltage protection and motor protection ensures that there is no loss of safety function due to tripping the motor on its overcurrent protection prior to seperating from degraded voltage on bus undervoltage protection. Providing as much margin as possible for the motor to successfully accelerate under less than ideal conditions (e.g., off nominal frictional forces, tight bearing) also ensures there is no loss of safety function due to tripping the motor on its overcurrent protection. The selected setting resolves these differences in these conflicting criteria in favor of completing the safety function and therefore is acceptable. Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 5 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Centrifugal Charging Pump 3 BHP=600 (worst case loading) Both motors have same characteristics, therefore this setting applies for Centrifugal Charging Pump 3 for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 30 (CT Ratio is 150:5) HP:= 600 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.0 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 600 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom := 73.8 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA:= FLAnom{B:) = 73.8 (Brake Horsepower Full Load Amps) LRA:= 447.0 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax := - - = 82 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRA1 := LRA*1.1 = 491.7 (LRA@ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 558.75 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref:4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 88.683

         . TOCmin TAPmm :=                2.956            Select TOC set @ 3.5 amps CTR TOC:= CTR*3.5 = 105
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - 1J.100 = 28.049 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@1.0 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor'starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps may be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 125% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 6 of 21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA2*MT*RE = 966.861 Select IT set @35 amps 3 IT:= CTR*35 = 1.05 x 10 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          - IJ.I00 = 8.599 Conc Ius ion:

Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 28.1%. Based on 125% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 8.6%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream-of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calcu lation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 7 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Unit 1 Safety Injection Pumps 1 and 2 BHP=400 (worst case loading) The motors have same characteristics, therefore this setting applies for both Safety Injection Pumps for Unit 1 CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF := 1.15 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 400 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom:= 51.0 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) = 58.65 (Motor Service Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 265.4 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 65.167 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 291.94 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 331.75 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 70.478

         . TOCmin TAPmm :=              = 4.699           Select TOC set @ 4.8 amps CTR TOC:= CTR*4.8 = 72
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 10.486 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@1.5 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 8 of 21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA1*MT*RE = 505.173 Select IT set @35 amps IT:= CTR*35 = 525 %MarginIT := [(~)ITmm

                          -  IJ.l 00 = 3.925 Conc Ius ion:

Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 10.5%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 3.9%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calcu lation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 9 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Unit 2 Safety Injection Pumps 1 and 2 BHP=400 (worst case loading) The motors have same characteristics, therefore this setting applies for both Safety I njection Pumps for Unit 2 CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.15 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 400 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom := 51.9 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) 59.685 (Motor Service Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 280.0 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAm ax := - - = 66.317 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 308 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 350 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 71.721

        . TOCmin TAPmm:=               = 4.781            Select TOC set @ 5.0 amps CTR TOC:= CTR5.0 = 75
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 13.094 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set @ 1.5 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 10 of 21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA1*MT*RE = 532.963 Select IT set @35 amps IT:= CTR*35 = 525 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          -  1J.100 = -1.494


Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 13.1%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides a negative margin of -1.5%. Justification: Refer to Appendix 1 TCC Curve for Unit 2 Safety Injection pumps starting at 125% Bus Voltage. Based on starting inrush of 125% from an infinite bus (worst case transient inrush), the motor model shows that the asymmetry lasts for less than 0.1 seconds and there is considerable margin relative to the instantaneous region of the curve during that period. Further, at greaterthan 0.1 seconds the minimum margin is on the order of 175 amps. Increasing this setting would encroach on the margin for coordination with the upstream breaker which is not desirable, and therefore this setting is acceptable. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 11 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Residual Heat Removal Pumps BHP=424 (worst case loading) All motors have similar characteristics. The worst case brake horsepower and locked rotor amperage was used. Therefore, this setting applies for Component Cooling Water pumps for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.15 (Motor SeNice Factor) BHP:= 424 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom:= 50 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) = 57.5 (Motor SeNice Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 307.6 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 63.889 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 338.36 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 384.5 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 69.096

        . TOCmin TAPmm :=             = 4.606            Select TOC set @ 4.8 amps CTR TOC := CTR4.8 = 72
 %MarginTOC := [( TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 12.696 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@ 1.0 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is at the motor thermal limit CUNeo Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings:

Since these pumps will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 12 of21

ITmin:= Asym*LRA1*MT*RE = 585.498 Select IT set @ 42 amps IT:= CTR*42 = 630 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                         -  IJ.I00 = 7.601


Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 12.7%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 7.6% Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Appendix 1 indicates that the the motor thermal damage curve partially extends below the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay. An additional study was done to determine the intersection of the steady state locked rotor current at 110% of motor terminal voltage with the motor thermal damage curve and 51 device trip curve, which is the maximum expected steady state voltage. This condition could only occur if the motor rotor was prevented from turning with 110% voltage applied, and under these conditions, the motor would not be capable of performing its safety function. Any condition less severe would result in the motor acceleration curve shifting to the left and would result in daylight between the acceleration curve and the motor damage curve. For the 1.0 Time Dial setting, the intersection of the 110% motor terminal voltage study puts the intersection of the motor LRA, the trip curve and the motor damage curve roughly at the same point. There is daylight between the motor damage curve and the trip curve if the 0.9 Time Dial Setting is used, however lowering the time dial setting would provide less margin for the acceleration transient and would also reduce the margin between the motor 51 device and the bus undervoltage protection by about one half second. Providing as much margin as possible between bus undervoltage protection and motor protection ensures that there is no loss of safety function due to tripping the motor on its overcurrent protection prior to seperating from degraded voltage on bus undervoltage protection. Providing as much margin as possible for the motor to successfully accelerate under less than ideal conditions (e.g., off nominal frictional forces, tight bearing) also ensures there is no loss of safety function due to tripping the motor on its overcurrent protection. The selected setting resolves these differences in these conflicting criteria in favor of completing the safety function and therefore is acceptable. Refer to calcu lation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 13 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Unit 1 Containment Spray Pumps 1 and 2 and Unit 2 Containment Spray Pump 1 BHP=440 (worst case loading) The motors have similar characteristics therefore this setting applies for each Containment Spray Pump listed above. CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP := 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF := 1.15 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 440 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom:= 51.6 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) = 59.34 (Motor Service Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 320.4 (Nameplate Locked Rotor amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 65.933 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 352.44 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2 := LRA*1.25 = 400.5 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 71.307

        . TOCmin TAPmm :=              = 4.754            Select TOC set @ 4.6 amps CTR TOC := CTR4.6 = 69
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 4.651 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@ 0.8 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 14 of21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA1*MT*RE = 609.862 Select IT set @43 amps IT:= CTR43 645 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          -  1].100 = 5.762


Based on the motor Service Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 4.7%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 5.8%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calcu lation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 15 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Unit 2 Containment Spray Pump 2 BHP=440 (worst case loading) The existing instantaneous trip setting differs from the other three Containment Spray Pumps and is evaluated for acceptability below. CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) BHP:= 440 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom := 51.6 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA:= FLAnom{B:) = 56.76 (Brake Horsepower Full Load Amps) LRA:= 320.4 (Nameplate Locked Rotor amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 63.067 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 352.44 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2:= LRA*l.25 = 400.5 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 68.207

        . TOCmin TAPmm :=              = 4.547           Select TOC set @ 4.6 amps CTR TOC := CTR*4.6 = 69
 %MarginTOC:=      1(1 TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 9.408
                   ~ FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TOs) set@O.S provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these motors will not be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 110% voltage at the motor terminals. Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 16 of 21

ITmin:= Asym*LRAI*MT*RE = 609.862 Select IT set @50 amps IT:= CTR50 = 750 %MarginIT := [(~) ITmm

                          -  IJ.I 00 = 22.979 Conc Ius ion:

Based on the maximum motor BHP the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 9.4%. Based on 110% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 23.0%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appe ndix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 17 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Component Cooling Water Pumps BHP=424 (worst case loading) All motors have same characteristics with the exception of locked rotor amperage, and so the worst case LRA was used for all settings. Therefore, this setting applies for Component Cooling Water pumps for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.15 (Motor SeNice Factor) BHP:= 424 (Brake Horsepower) FLAnom := 52.8 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA := FLAnom*(1.15) = 60.72 (Motor SeNice Factor Full Load Amps) LRA:= 295.4 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 67.467 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 324.94 (LRA @ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2:= LRA*1.25 = 369.25 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 72.965

        . TOCmin TAPmm :=             = 4.864            Select TOC set @ 4.9 amps CTR TOC := CTR*4.9 = 73.5
 %MarginTOC:= [( TOC ) - IJ.I00 = 8.943 FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@1.0 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit CUNeo Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings:

Since these pumps may be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 125% voltage at the motor terminals. Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 18 of 21

ITmin:= Asym*LRA2*MT*RE = 638.95 Select IT set @ 43 amps IT:= CTR-43 = 645 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          -  IJ.I00 = 0.947


Based on the motor SeNice Factor, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 8.9%. Based on 125% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 0.9%. Justification: Refer to Appendix 1 TCC Curve for Component Cooling Water pumps starting at 125% Bus Voltage. Based on starting inrush of 125% from an infinite bus (worst case transient inrush), the motor model shows that the asymmetry lasts for less than 0.1 seconds and there is considerable margin relative to the instantaneous region of the curve during that period. Further, at greater than 0.1 seconds the minimum margin is on the order of 250 amps. Increasing this setting would encroach on the margin for coordination with the upstream breaker which is not desirable, and therefore this setting is acceptable. Based on the TCC CUNes for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage CUNeo Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 19 of 21

50/51 Device Setting Calculation Auxiliary Saltwater Pumps BHP=464 (worst case loading) All motors have the same BHP. Unit 1 ASWP2 is rated 450 HP Nominal, and the others are rated 400 HP Nominal. Scaling Full Load Amps for the 400 HP motors results in the highest running current, and using Locked Rotor Amps for the 450 HP motor results in the highest starting current, and these values were used in this evaluation. This setting applies for Auxiliary Saltwater pumps for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 CTR:= 15 (CT Ratio is 75:5) HP:= 400 (Nominal Horsepower) SF:= 1.0 (Motor Service Factor) BHP:= 464 (B rake Horse powe r) FLAnom:= 54.0 (Nominal Full Load Amps) FLA:~ FLAnom{B:) ~ 62.64 (Brake Horsepower Full Load Amps) LRA:= 300.2 (Nominal Locked Rotor Amps) FLA FLAmax:= - - = 69.6 (FLA @ 90% Motor Terminal Voltage) 0.9 LRAI := LRA*1.1 = 330.22 (LRA@ 110% Motor Terminal Voltage) LRA2:= LRA*1.25 = 375.25 (LRA @ 125% Motor Bus Voltage During Bus Transfer) MT:= 1.05 (Maintenance Tolerance per Ref. 4.1.1) RE:= 1.03 (Repeatability Error per Ref. 4.1.2) Inverse Time Unit (TOC) Tap Settings: TOCmin:= FLAmax*MT*RE = 75.272

       . TOCmin TAPmm:=              = 5.018            Select TOC set @ 5.2 amps CTR TOC := CTR5.2 = 78
 %MarginTOC:=     '(I TOC )     - IJ.I00 = 12.069 L  FLAmax Based on the Time Current curves generated from the ETAP Runs described in Section 5.1, Time Dial Setting (TDS) set@ 1.5 provides coordination, will not cause nusiance tripping during motor starting and is below the motor thermal limit curve.

Instantaneous Unit (IT) Tap Settings: Since these pumps may be started under bus transfer conditions under any plant operating modes, maximum starting current will be based on 125% voltage at the motor terminals. 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 20 of 21

Asym:= 1.6 (Asymmetrical offset factor for motor starting inrush) ITmin:= Asym*LRA2*MT*RE = 649.333 Select IT set @ 48 amps IT:= CTR*48 = 720 %MarginIT:= [(~) ITmm

                          -  IJ.I00 = 10.883


Based on the maximum motor BHP, the selected time overcurrent element (TOC) setting provides and acceptable margin of 12.1%. Note: Motors are operating over their service factor. However, this is acceptable based on Attachment 13 which states that operation at 465 BHP does not exceed the design limits of the motors. Based on 125% of the motor nameplate voltage, the selected instantaneous unit (IT) setting provides an acceptable margin of 10.9%. Based on the TCC curves for asymmetrical locked rotor current at 125% of bus voltage, the motor will not trip when contributing current to an external fault upstream of the motor feeder breaker. It is concluded from the coordination curves in Appendix 1 that the motor overcurrent relay will not trip during motor acceleration and that this setting will coordinate with the upstream feeder breaker. Additionally, Appendix 1 indicates that the selected setting of the motor overcurrent relay is below the motor thermal damage curve. Refer to calculation 900006090 Rev. 8 (114-DC), Protective Relay Settings for Class 1E 4kV Bus and Feeders for upstream breaker setting calculation. 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Appendix 2 Page 21 of 21


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1 a Baaler Electric 9HIGhland, IUnals t.:i::\




t BE1*50/51B-105

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01144-03 5-11-92 Basler Electric _ _fIIIIIII' Highland, . Illinois Publication: 9252000991 Revision: E 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachme'nt 1 Page 1 of 6

ATTACHM ENT -=IJ: I CALC#- 170 -Dc f2e.v, q l~"". SECTION 1 ?l!tf, 2 ~ (0 (~ GENERAL INFORMATION *

     "DESCRIPTION BE1-50/51B Overcurrent Relays are microprocessor based, non-directional phase or ground relays that monitor the magnitude of a single phase ac current to provide accurate instantaneous and time overcurrent protection for 50 Hz or 60 Hz power systems. One model covers ten popular time characteristics and a wide range of pickup settings.

APPLICATION \ The wide range of pickup settings and front panel selectable time characteristics permit applications involving coordination with fuses, reclosers, cold load pickup, motor starting, and fixed time requirements. BE1-50/518 Overcurrent Relays have the following standard features. CD Independent time and instantaneous elements.

  • A secure method to manually trip the breaker at the relay front panel.
           .,    Direct reading front panel controls.

CD Zero pickup setting for safety during Installation.

  • Time characteristics extend to a pickup multiple of 40.

CD Rugged draw-out construction with steel case. fit Magnetic latching targets retain indication without power. o Built-in accuracy eliminates internal adjustments. o Minimum transient overreach. Individual models a~e available for 1 ampere and 5 amperes sensing input currents and installed in A1 or S1 cases. BE1-50/51BOvercurrent Relays may ,be tested without removing the relay from the case. Shorting contacts are provided fclr. all currerit inputs when the connection plug or relay chassis is removed fror:n the relay case. Figure 1-1 sh?ws the front panel of the BE1-50/518 Over~urrent Relay, in an 81 case. BE1-50/51B Overcurrent Relays have'many advantages over other overcurrent relays. The five primary advantages are:

  • Time characteristics are defined by equations and graphs.
  • Field selectable time characteristics.
  • Very low burden. .
  • Self powered from the sensed current.
  • Continuous automatic calibration.

MODEL NUMBERS Model number variations in the BE1-50/518 Overcurrent Relays are specified by a three digit extension to the model number. Table 1-1 provides model num,ber, case style, and sensing current input ranges for the BE1-50/51B Overcurrent Relays. Jumper placement provides for system operating frequencies of 50 or 60 hertz and selects instantaneous element delays. Additional jumper placement provides for either instantaneous or decaying reset characteristics. The locations and description of these jumpers is provided in Section 2. 1-1 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 6


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *f<ev, q BE1-50/51B General Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '0Vt+, 2> ~ G Table 1-1. BE1-50!51B Overcurrent Relays
    • , * ~?

CT Sensing Input Range (Amperes) Secondary Model Number 50/60 Hz Case Style TIME INST BE1-50/51 B-1 01 1A A1 0.1 - 3.18 0.2 -19.8 BE1-S0/51 B-1 02 1A S1 (Projection Mount) 0.1 - 3.18 0.2 -19.8 0.2 -19.8 BE1-S0/51 B-1 03 1A S1 (Semi-Flush Mount) 0.1 - 3.1'S BE1';'SO/S1B0!105 SA A1 0.5 - 15.9 '1.0 - 99.0 BE1-50/51 B-1 06 5A 81 (Projection Mount) 0.5 - 15.9 1.0 - 99.0 BE1-50/51 B-1 07 5A 81 (Semi-Flush Mount) 0.5 - 15.9 1.0 - 99.0 a S aaalar Electric Hl9hland, Illinois TIME PICKUP o ffiCDmCD

                                                                     + TENTHS                      CURVE                UNITS       + TENTHS n";::M=-E"""";::::;'


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01'44-03 5-11-92 Figure 1-1. BE1-50/51B Overcurrent Relay, S1 Case 1-2 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 6

ATTACH-MENT 4/:- 1 CALO/F J70-1)c BE1-50/518 General Information

                                                                                        °f(e,v. q
                                                                                    ~l1,+. 4    ttf    (0 SPECIFicATIONS BE1-50/51B Overcurrent Relays are available with the following features and capabilities.

Current Sensing Input (1 Ampere Unit) Continuous current: 2.8 amperes. One second current: 80 amperes. (5 Ampere Unit) Continuous current: 14 amperes. One second current: 400 amperes. TIME PICKUP Range Setting the TIME PICKUP below the minimum pickup (0.1 on the 1 ampere unit and 0.5 on the 5 ampere unit), places the relay in the most sensitive state and may be used as a safety setting. (1 Ampere Unit) 0.1 to 3.18 amperes in 0.02 ampere steps. (5 Ampere Unit) 0.5 to 15.9 amperes in 0.1 ampere steps. TIME D~opout Dropout occurs at not less than 95% of pickup value. TIME PICKUP Accuracy +/- 2% at settings of 0.1 amperes or more on the 1 ampere unit and 0.5 or more on the 5 ampere unit. Frequency Response A change of +/- 5 hertz from the nominal 50/60 hertz current causes less than 0.5% change in the current required for pickup. TIME DIAL Range (1 Ampere Unit) 0.0 to 9.9, in 0.1 steps. ° (5 Ampere Unit) 0.0 to 9.9, in 0.1 steps. INST PICKUP Range Setting the INST PICKUP below the minimum pickup (0.2 on the 1 a;"pere unit and 1.0 on the 5 ampere unit) I places the relay in the most sensitive state and may be used as a safety setting. (1 Ampere Unit) 0.2 to 19.8 amperes in 0.2 ampere steps. (5 Ampere Unit) 1 to 99 amperes in 1 ampere steps. INST Dropout Dropout occurs at not less than 9~% of pickup value. ° INST PICKUP Accuracy +/- 2% at settings of o.d amperes or ~ore on the 1 ampere unit and 1.0 or more on the 5 ampere unit.  : Frequency Response A change of +/- 5 hertz from the nominal 50/60 hertz current causes less than 0.5% change in the current required for pickup. INST Transient Response Less than 10% ove~!~ach with system time constants up to 40 milliseconds Burden Burden is non-Iinear~ (Figure 1-2 illustrates the device burden.) (1 Ampere Unit) At 0.1 amperes, Z = 120 ohms. At 1.0 ampere, Z = 5 ohms. (5 Ampere Unit) At 0.5 amperes, Z = 4.8 ohms. At 5.0 amperes, Z = .2 ohms. 1-3 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 6

ATTACHM£NT 41- f CALC#- 170 -Dc BE1-50/51B General Information ~e..v. q Table 1-2. Time Characteristic Curve Constants

                                                                                            &Sht. b        1- (0 Constants                                          f)

Curve Type A B C N K S 0.2663 0.03393 1.000 1.2969 0.028 L 5.6143 2.18592 1.000 1.000 0.028 D 0.4797 0.21359 1.000 1.5625 0.028 M 0.3022 0.12840 1.000 0.5000 0.028 I 8.9341 0.17966 1.000 2.0938 0.028 V 5.4678 0.10814 1.000 2.0469 0.028 E 7.7624 0.02758 1.000 2.0938 0.028 B 1.4636 0.00000 1.000 1.0469 0.028 C 8.2506 0.00000 1.000 2.0469 0.028 F 0.0000 1.0000b 0.000 0.0000 0.000 Curve Type: S= Short Inverse L =Long Inverse D= Definite Time M = Moderately Inverse 1= Inverse V =Very Inverse E= Extremely Inverse F = Fixed Time B= BS142 Very Inverse C =BS142 Extremely Inverse Curves Band C are defined in British Standard BS142 Time characteristic curve equation. T - AD +BD+K MN-C CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Figures 1-6 through 1-14 illustrate the characteristic curves that are programmed into the nonvolatile memory of this relay. To order full-size drawings of these characteristic curves, contact Customer Service Department of the Power. Systems Group, Basler Electric,. and request publication number 9 2520 00 999. . This publication contains nine full size characteristic curves on transparent paper (vellum). 1-8 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 6

ATTACf+Mt=NT #- I CAl-C4f- 170 -J)G BE1 ..50/51B General Information ~e", q

                                                                                                                  ?hf. to tf (0
                .                    I           3          4 1 I 7 ** ,0                          30  40 110 10
          .8 .. '.8.11 1aDO 100 IQO 100 BOO 4CIO
                                   ,    .'                                  0' T

I M 1GO 10 E 10 7D 10 III

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                                                                                             -      r-9'8 9.


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4.0 (f) C Z I 7 a

                                       ,                                 ,...                            3.0 1\                                                         r--...

o (J I.&J (f) fS 4

                                           "                                                             2.0

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~~.G1 J5 ...7 .... 1              2          ~           41171"0                            III
  • 40 110 II)

MULTIPLES OF PICK-UP SElTING Figure 1-7. Time Characteristic Curve L (Long Inverse) 1-12 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 6

650 3 *.23 1.64 9 2.12 L.. V ... 'O' ..L. CONTAINMENT SPRAY WESTINGHOUSE 440 1.64 0.91 0.78 I 0.89

                                                                                                                                 \~~        'J>.

GENERAL ELECTRIC 440 NO START 1.07 NOTE 1 ->() 21,22) WESTINGHOUSE 450 2.18 1.07 0.90 1.07  ;:t. AUXILIARY .SALTWATER (12) WESTINGHOUSE 450 1.3 0.67 ~






2!. nOli LABS lEi UO'i'OR, NO HS'%' DA'i'A ATJAILMlLEI.

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170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1

CALc4f-17CJ -:DC 1<ev. q

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170-0C Revision'16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 3 Page 1 of 6

CALC#- J 7() -J)C

                                                                                                                                                                                             'Rev, q




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 \           ,..If.,...

REPOHl OF TEST -1::iJUGlIOn' rJOYOn (UNWITl~ESSED ) Date of Test 4-21-78

                                       ~ACIFIC ~AS ~

Purchaser~*~~~~----------------------------- ELECTRIC CO. AUXIL.IAtz;t FEESO"WfrTfS\Z. fLlM.P Purchaser;s Order No.hR2511u. Serial No. AR8205900 Rating '-'-' Full-Load Acperu Time

                                           'HP Output     Sp.eod-RPU                ~

Pha ** C,.clea Volta Full Load RatlDc 600 35£0 3 60 4000 75 . Cont. . Temperature Rise .. CoadlUoZUI of T. at Tcmperat\:'O ~ ** - Dec. C ,; Statot ~

                                                                                                                                         -.... -                RotOf' 1itndlnca

(~o . . Out OM) J B,. Car. Whu!ln/t_ Cor. R ** htanco B,. (Cro .. Out Two) 8,. Hethod CooUn& Ther- By Reaidcmc:e Method 'Ther- E, Thcr-HoUMI Line Line' Air mOQeter ~Ibcc!..!_d £,lctccto, 1Il0:=eter III 0 ll:Ietcr CoUecto R~ Volta A::::.,eres Deft_ C method S, ~,cu= __ ctCI ~ Uethod U.thod R1nca 3.0 415'0 72.1 250 35' 0'5'0 59.7° --- --- -- ,.

                                     ~ l-lj tnes~ ed E( e.t Run @ 60C EP.



Rea1atance at 2S C (between lines) Ohms Str.or Rotor Az::;lerea Between Bet ....een Secondll.tJ Volta Seco~ary A:::::perea 'Pet SUp - Per Cent Runnint LiEht Tuminal. R1n~s at Star.dadl1 Rlnlt at Full Lo8d

                                           .44-                17.1
  • 70206 -- ----- ------

Torque and S.tarting Current High-Potential Tests I Sca..-tl~ CI.!..,-e:lt; 'I I Locked ReteI' Tcrc;ue Volta A-c for _ _ Sec BreAk-Down Torque Lba. at 1 ft. r~lua A::::;lcru (locked rotcr) Lba. at 1 ft. r~~s ....ith ~. volta &;::$'Ued ' .... ith ~ volta 1I;:;::!ied I Stator Retor 1035 Ibs.!'t~ ~ 735 Q 2790 voltd 402.8 Efficiencies and Pov;er factor Ert.lclenc1. Per Cent Power Factor. P.r Cent FuU Load ~ Load an Load Fun Loltd %Loed M Load 95.5 95.7 95.3 90.5 89.7 e5.8 Notes: Data from (est on _ _-:-:-t:;.;r.:..:.-=i:..::s~____ motor. (thh or duphcateJ A ........ ~~ ...... ..l t.. ** v-I 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 3 Page 2 of 6

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ATTAc:..rfMSNT 41-:3 (-J \.

                  '.   .. Byron Jackson Pump Division 100 Bush Street, Suite 1910 San Francisco, California 94101 Telephone 4151956-5150 Telex 172-487 15 April 1983 Pacific Gas & Electric
                                        %Bechte1 Power Corporation P.O. Box 3965 San Francisco, Ca1fiornia 94119 Attention:           F.J. Dan


PG&E Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Byrqn Jackson Pump SIN 691-S-0994/5


Your Letter Dated 25 January 1983 Gentlemen: Please find the attached two (2) copies of the 80% and 100% voltage acceleration time current curves .and the

   .   ~
       \l; ....... J..                  thermal limit curves for the motors sold with Byron
   .      ~1                            Jackson's auxiliary feed pumps, SIN 691-S-0994/5
  • M We trust this information will meet your requirements
  • Sincerely, ddpcd,-ha'U--'4.i~

David Falkowski Sales Engineer DF/map Attachments 0° ** DiABLO CArf: :"ii~: 'i5321} t

                                                                                                             --......~. _.. --...---:'.- .. _.,...-,.....

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  • 427 Eaat Seewut Sueec APPiWVEq FOR CO NSTlWCri j": .. '.

Milwaukee WiGcooaio RC:CO'RDED. . -::' .: "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~U~ ~1197q>                          ..*.. ~


                                                                                                                                             ,  . REPORT         ., OF 1~( -:'TINE TESTS IlC1)UCT4 '1 W01'OR WILLA~mTrE.IRqN                   &                                                                        Dace of Test _..::6::.A;/..::6::.A;/...J7I..JO",,'_ __

Manufacturer's STEEL Order No. _ _9;;.&.;-;;,o2 ....6w,9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...1 ;w6....

PW'chaaer'. Order No. _.-:8::.J7L..:;8~2=-_ _ __ IlATmQ


It,. ~ed I'"~ao, Volt. ~aree T.aiP ....!. Tl_ltGtlnc . .'!'~

  • I'I'QIM
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Fre. Kw 1I10Cor Rotor Cln:utt T .. t Volt. kp quene" Speed

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1050 60 1200 3.3 ~.8 -e:s'

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(thl. . . "",,"**1.) Date 6/9/7Q I(ItWA ItlftCfUd U-I40IlI1.

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                                                                            . f                .

THE*LOUfS ALI:<ts co.

  • t,
~ -427 Eaat Stewa" Street' Nilwautcee 0 Wi.eCtasla .. ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                        .. ....                                                        t.


                                                                 '.. f:*.                    Purchuer IKOVctrtbtf MOTOR Date cf Teftt                 6-11,-70
::!:::::!:1;:!;~~:::~~:~:;::~~:::::!h::!t::;;;i:;;:~::l::~:~:!~~:::~ "I, f*.:. ~ NnnuCacturt:r's "
                                                                 . ....-                             WIL'EAME'TTE IRON                  &   S'L'EEiu.                                                             Order No.                    9-269161
                                            . ;":            ***:f * :~'.;'"                                                                                                                                     Purchaser*.

Order No. 8785

                                                                                                                                                  ~'                   ItATlKO
                                                                    '. i~\~':":

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                                                                                         * '.9269161002 ,                                                  'I'£1t1' CHARACTEIUSTlca M             .                                                                            ad.Rtf*

ne.Uett If. Loecf .. e, R..aetenoe (Ob",., at .:21C WotmIf lRotH Open ft'lth-pot.ntlal P .... Btalor lRotot C&rcuJt T **, V.lta ep.ecl CU4lftCr hPIf)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~~~~!!t                         B:~::~            Volto,.

M f-

  • 4300 1025 60 60 1200 1200'
20. 8.8 1.3806 ---_ .. --- ~0~1~ **

3.2 1.8 6

                                                                       .. ,.                               1025             60             Locked                    66.3                 26.8 -

it" J~;~,,~. ;~"'" ~;~ .f"':';:: .: . VIBRATIOl READING FRONT BACK . HORIZONT ~L .00028

  • 0005 VERTICAt .00021' .00041 .


  • 00008 .00006 a e I.

t Note8~ l Data Oft telt 1M ~~t,::;:oh~'.&:Ilo?=S___~__


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                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ev.          q SH- '2...              oF9 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 2 of 9




                                                                                                                                            "27 Eaat Scewau Sueec

~t4¥ft~~l~:~~;"~;:~ ;~;~-: : (\: . &alwaukee WiacoaaiG. (/--"'\)

 .          ./                                                                                                               .*

REPOR.T OF ROUTINE 'rESTS Puteha.u Date of Test __6::::.- ... 1~8_-..L7~Q~~_.__

                                                                    .',    .              WILLAME1'TE IRON & STEEL'                                                               UAnuCactutClr'..

Otdet NO. _ _J.9_-.::::2~6;....9~1~6::.111.....__

                                                                   .:                                                                                                               Order No. _ _. 8785_ _ _ __

Purchaser'. ~~

                                                                                        .~            8pH4         .....        r ........'       V.lto         ~.      Ycsa¢JU .. 'I'.t_Ilau.c       TIP.              Fr_

I 1185 60 588su 400 3 4000 $2.$ 60

                                                                                                                                                                                     - Cont. COGX
  • 9269161003 . '1"&81' CHARACTERIlSTICI
  • cI
                                                                                                                                                             '.                                              Wound ld.fttI.

Ifo LHcI Reol.tWICo (Otuu) at 220 RotCIf' Op.n. Web-ao.u.. ....... It.tOe' Rotot CL-cult pot."Ud T ** t Volte ...ao'.1- leN" k1(J Kw ~!~:~. 11::::~ Volta,* M.

  • 3990 60 1200 1$.8 ( 6.8 1.3662 -_ ... _- --- 9000 tal 1* r d n.

V* 950 60 1200 3.1 1.84 q-....

   .~ ~-----~~~;    ... ;~.~          :::-;' i.".::*:                                              940             60         Locked                  61.           24.   -                                                              i
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                                                                                                                                                   -Appro.cd    b~--;J.1l~ _                      Date          6/22/70 Jf&KA Iteftdard U-I4-I9$1.
                                                                                  . ..11<. WCU.2t.41'*(Mc. lHl)
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110 CS)o~ q SH. 3 0 F9 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 3 of 9

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                                                                                                 ~~".       q SH. 4        or' 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 4 of 9

THE'LOUIS ALLIS CO. 427 Ense Scc"'&\rc Street Milwaukee

  • Wisc:onsin
                                         ..                                                                                               REPO:aT OF ROUTINE TESTS
::;:::;f.~:;:;;::l:l:~:::~:::~:~:~r:':~::::::~:,::::::::::i::: * ~ INDUCTION LtOTOR
                                                                               !5:chllscc                                                                                                                   6_-.::1:.1-:....-"""7...,:;)_ __

D'lle of Test ._........

                                                                              ~        i'lILLAltETTE IRON 6: STEEL                                                                   !.f.st\ut"CLUlCC'.

Orccr No. _ _..z.9_-.:;::2-.6""'91.:.t>.:;. .. 1..:....._ _ c= ffi Purchnser's 8':7 at=: Order No. _ _.--1...-...:;2:..__ _ __

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400 lia5 3 60'  ! '4000 52.5 60 Cont. COGX 588SU

.... -~ 9269161005 TEST CHARACTERiSTICS Velta *
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Data on test (roo. ~_....;;t;..;;.h;;.::1;:.;s__~_ _,.I1Imotor.

                                                                                                     ..        ,:1111. "d1.l;lUcet.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~            ?tf-l1 Datc_--_
                                                                         '..                                                                                                                          N£i!A %i:an4ard U*P.. US7 JlZl.1.A C~t.2:),*41**(Aa;. 1~6l)

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0 r9 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 5 of 9

TJ!lH#ot.as '.LLIS co.

                                                                                                                               '~,27 ~:\st S:c~:\rt Street' Mi-!,,'au!:::c * ';t'isconsin
.   .~. =. .~.'


                                                                                                                                     !:lDUCTION' J.:OTOR Purchaser                                                                                                              Da:e o! Test _....::6..-_1....1~-;;;.7-....z.1_ " __
                                                                                                                                                                                       ~!.1nu!OlC'!I!.Ct'S WILLA~~r~E                IRON & STEEL                                                                            Orue! ~a. _ _ _9.L--.::2:..;:6=-94,:1=.6::;.'=-.....;;..-.

P!:rC~.lscr*s O:acr ~O. _ _...:87::::..I..B~,.,(5:....-_ _ __ RATt~O H; 60 4000 : 52.5

                                                                                                                                                  .                      60                 Cont.

400 3 t COGX '98SSUt

                                                                 ~. 9269161006                                               'TEST CHAn .... CTERlSl'ICS
                                                                     ~.att* t                                          l{o ~CId   .                                  I S,D:","

R ..  :.~&I'.c. (Oho"., &! 25c I ':;~:t fi'cud


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  ......                                                        ::2:                                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING
                                                                ~           DOl!:! on tese !ro:n           thl!:1                   -motet.
                                                                ~                                  -(~Il-u.~o~r~~~up~u-c--.,~.)---~

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ATTf}CHMcJJT :JI~ C! k ~C* l1li 110 em " 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 6 of 9


                                                                            ** t THl5 LOUIS ALLIS A    DIVISION'O' LITTON INDUSTRIES COal [8 REPORT OF TEST -INDUCTION MOTOR,
c. Date of Test Purchaser WILLAMETTE IRON 8; STEEL . . :;.*::.\:;~)l.:~:>~.~ .

Purchaser's Order No. _ ...'378< :.. ' :. '. SERIAL No. 926Cj....61ooi .. Rating


Full-Load ~. Tfmo HP'autput Pilau Crc la* Volt. Full Load . RaUnc

                                                                                                                         &peed-RPM COGX 400               1185             3       ,.60          4~00               5~~*5        ~Cont. ~88St:

Temperature, ~ise . CooclUI__ of T. .t t Tempulllure Rille - Dec. C 8tetOC' . Rot~" 1Ii'lndtac. (Cdo ** Out One) By C'" 1Ii'lnd1ac. Core Re.l.teoc. Hourtl Line LIn. * .t.. Co l1ac BJ' The..- _ t...

                                                                                                                                                           *     * (Cdo. . Out Two)

BJ' R.. l.t_. Method BJ' Embedd.d DeteclOC' BJ' The..- IDOfDeler Method BJ'That-co_ler CoUedoI Run Volt. ~. ,,-,. C tDathod I!t=- I .1.11

  • N<<tbod Method RIfte **

( 4.5 4013 60.3 SERVJ O~ PJ OTOR 23 HE 92 72.6 .*67 . AT RU q @ 463 H.P. Characteristics Rc.1at-=e et28.: (bet_ea Ib. .) Ohm. C Sttltor Rotor Aq.e,... Bet_.n Between SecClftdIlt7 Volt. SecClftd." Ampe,... per SUP-Pet' Cent Runnlnc LIcht T.rtnlaate 1Uftc. at StendRtlU RInc lit Full Load

                                                                                                       .71                    15.6           1.404           --                 .. ,.~--               --_..._...

Torque and Starting Current High-Potential Tests Locked Rotor Torq\HI

                                                                                                                            ~,. lit I It. radlua Startlslc Current Ampere. (loclced rotor)

Volta hc (or .b.O.-s.c Break-Down Torque Lba. at I ft. redlua w~ yoU. appllad. wltb ~ 'I'Olt. appUed Stator Rotor* .

~>;:!:'::: ::~;::.::~ ..:.:.;: .'. :..*. :..! *.. ~ .**** :: :.,.,. *
              ~t                                                                                1308 @2300)                            1590                 268.2               ~

9000 --- o

  • 91.5 Efficiencies and/Power Fac~Qr I!fIlclaDCJ'. Per CeQt Po_r F.ctor. Pet Ceal FuU Load ~Load ~Load Full Load 1'Load ~Lo.d
                                  ...                                                                   94.9                  95.0-               94.4                86.0                  83.0             75.h c
                                                                          -.'. Notes:                                                                               ,..           THE LOU IS ALLIS CO.

Data from test on_--:tE:h::::1=-=S-.--::-~_ _ motor.. MILWAUKEE. WIS. (thiaordupUcllta). (ERTI FI ED .TEST DATA

                                                                                                                                                   ~;/.                                   ~

Approved by~ Date 6-?!>-70 MUI' -It.... 1- 4/70 00#,"' * '.-' .., .,. -.- ... -.. ...*.. -. - NENA Standard NGl-1967 .

                                                                                               '""THI c.outaAUnCQ. ~ ..
                                                                                                                                                   .417ACH f)tE"'tJf                                  41~          -

170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5*Page 7 of 9

                                                                    *t Af7A-CHMENT 4t ~
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170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 5 Page 9 of 9

                                                                                                 . i'~~::~~~~.,,:~ ___ .:~!                  j ....~                                                             *s'_~2.:....I~.-_O_U?_i:                              __'-.!-=-~...::.9.~ I ". . ......                                            ,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                         ' . :IJP'FO_lCC:~EC Rorb:i . . 2(-4*** .. :*

sr~C£;HT.f-:$" TOTAL """.Tn -. j .'. 22' ROT AT;Q;~ * . ' *. ' .

  • R/.ClIAl. r.~~:";.!!;:-I!":"IC;-'-:~l:"r-:':}-'E~*..";'*-=S:J:e:'e:*-.v"--",,e:'-:'-:'~-:'-:'~-:':'::'-:'*:'

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                                                                                           .,. :6 ~~. ao~*lOCATIOH. '"                                  '.                                       -'             . Iter wdenr ;lD.. .' . .2200*..:                                                          .....-
                                                                                                ..21      ~Pl~C£ *tHfl.TfP..l.*VQL T.\CE. PHASE .* None                           '.         ....                  P;L'*coci::sy"i: 1\~Q'o                                                                              ..
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37 sotHLATES. '.

  • o' * '. ** .. 'Olen A~'I\J,!OIE'n TEMP' :'*Pe*t. cus*tC!her, s' s2'ec~~

II rROJ£Cr ELEV** FT.*. "IOTen AT RAT!!O. TO,TI).L TeMP. '. .

                                                                                                  ':l~ ~AFi (HOLLOW, sOL:;:,)                                .' :'                                                  TYf:E S*CI,l.tO l1i!.lJc. 5,'/S: 'M,I:ca                                  epoxy-M                                                                                           ~5 CoVrLi~c (!jELF"U:'LE~sr:)                                                                                   DESCRlp;rICI': OF ,m,uL. ~YSo !'.~ *                                     *
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                                                                                                  '~7' ~v:~t Eo' FlEXleLI!                                                                                         Motor *-:O~u;*t;::";l;-':.::-fn:::"e-=-=ew:...l...lgt..:,::";*~--------~
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sf:s f 1 b.e on the manuf a~tu re r' s d: s::- .

                                                                                                         ~                                                                                                      lana           1 orque~speedCu rves.                                                                                     .- .


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CALC.. :H 170 -DC-


170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 1 of 7

(: O------~~~r_~~~~-f-----r----~----~----~--~~----~--



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                                                    -                            Jii' A1TACt-lME~r.",.~

110 Gi q _.'. 170~DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 2 of 7

                                                                             * ':'.:":~ .ft~~i~~fi ~ ~~ki:~~~d(!Il?,.;;: ;)'; ~':'\
                                                                                                ... '"          '.;' ': ,...~; ~:. 24701 I;uchd Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117 :. .                                                  ,:, ,; ";:,:      . ::'\:":\ "'" :,;, ..


'.            /                                                            ,~

Senal No. 0 ***** l3* *2,P* ............ ' .......... .~. 0_ 0 ".' Purchaser s ...' . 0.. *.*. . ,:* * ;  : .... "


ft, 1 " ,. . ',', 1 1~Ql" ., ':..", "': ' . 0 0 Model No**** n-**** * ::'...., . 0 . "! . . . . . . . . . . . .;" . . ., . "

                                                                                                             , ; , '         :.,      :.'    0    .',      ,    ,  ..


                                                                                                                                                                                          ~      Order No **       f" ..........

Spec. Icatlon I:. -&fU 0 "°

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -o. ..,~ 1 rf 66*':"'n" . "

Attn: Hr. R.O.-'Etzler ",'., ,; ',. Equipment Nos.- SIPP2~li SIPP2-2: Dla

  • b 1a" Canyon' , p ower. o p 1an t 'Nam,ep ate Rating
  • R eport f a Camp 1 e t e Tes t Rated Service. F,~uencr HP" Factor '
                                                                                                                         "    Rated SpHd
                                                                                                                                  ,/min '

Ph... Hz Votu AmperN Type .... Frame

f,oo 1.15 35"6, ,3 60 " "000 53 P E50085 "0 "

Temperature Rise'

                ~,.    ~:::; ..:..... " "'. ,.- ......  't~:.
                                                                                  , , " Concf'rti.'Jns of Tat                                                                      Temperature RiM
                                                                                                             ~.::.:;....    ..':                    , Stator                                        Rotor 0- .


                                                                                                           ,                                   *   'Windings                                             ,0 Windings
                                                                                                                                    '"" -Sr                                                                -Sy.

Cooling "Hours Line Line Air. Resist. Run Volts Ampet'es ,. OC Mnbod Mnhod M.thod,

                                                                          .7.0               39"8 51.9 27                                 .6.1 .                                                    N/A 6 .. 0            3976 59.3                        2S           79                                                       tVA 0'
                                                                                                                                  '                          characteristics Rated Slip, percent ",                         No-Load Line                 '~ncbry Vofts                         s.condary Am".,.. per                    Rnirtanccl at 2SOC etSund,dU .'

Cumtnt,. ampern Ring at Rated Load (be1wtten lines) ohms


Prim* 1.032 1.2 10'.6 ' tllA N/A Sec. N/A

.... "'Torque and Start;n; Current , ' High Potential Tests Srak-Down Torqua Locked*Rotor Torque Starting Cun-ent Voltsa-c:fo~

in Jb-ft . ** In :Jb-ft .- Am~" (Iodcod rotorl with96 " vofts appUIICf Witi1:Si" votu appti.d with..:.9.£." YOlts applied 9000 N/A* Efficiencies and Power Factor Effico.ocy. P.rcent Power Fec:tor. Pen:ent c R.ted Load 75 Pan:ant Load 50 PMcerrt Load R.tttd Load 75 PIlt'Cllnt Load SO f.rcrrrt Load 9".6 9".6 93.8 89.7 88.9 . 85.8

                                                                  .!i     Notes:

Data from test on _ _~_;;.;;.;..;;..;;.._~ this _ _ _ _ motor. ," 'Da~~ta by: K.l. Lechner

                                                                           *'ndicate method as:

Thermometer (.hho. : : : : by_O;';"'l.o'd~-=_"_. .;fl. ; ;. ;.l!J!,w:;:*: :; . =;:_ J-~ _ Date ut Thermocouple "/ ~DULAS a:: Resistance Embedded Detector ArrIltHNt'NT #~ CALC. "iJ 170--~.j R-ev. q SH~ 3 ()F6 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 3 of 7

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GM /1012'-7 Diablo Canyon unit I . Switch No. )-:J-:-/l.E..IS- Equipment s4mxi,yrt*;;'~;;:~~~i*:* J. -I,* ?.1-COJI[liled By E* IIAY-Y/:"s Da.te of Test .f.. ,..... ' * -,' .. , i.. ,:.'. <".: :

                      ....1.           Starting Current:                                            A Phase                   ::U.2                                   B Phase                      J.. '37                            C Phase                   "J..l-r                                                                          .. ' ~'-

2, Time From Start To Steady .Running Curre:::lt: 87,8* cycle.s 1';/ft? 5l::c.. "

3. Running Current: A Phase 2-$" 4 B Ph as e )..8, It C Phase J.;9, g
4. BUs Potential: Before Start ~!j~ During Start !iLl'. ' Running . liz.. '3~- .,

REMARKS: ~t?KP tvt r~ CIl 1 (\ >> ~


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      ~~               E-14 (10-24-74) 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 4 of 7
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I GM lit 7.? ").. 7 Diablo Canyon Unit I Switcl,l. No. £'!:..t!tl I~ Equipment. S~Fffrr I&17vm~ 1'/-i:lI-'- Compiied By  ;:-'./bt+:r:J,. Date of Test :J,.-/'1" 7..)-

                         ...1. Starting Current:                    A Ph as e       1::::3.L           B Phase    ~         C Phase         ,1 31
2. Time From Start To Steady..Rtulning Cur:ront:
3. ,Running Current: A Phase )..)j'c g B Phase 86, " '

2=B,B Cycles C Phase

4. Bus Potential: Before Start _!:I.:~itP v. During Start* 42.~') V. Running '12- 1/&1 vI.
                                                                                                ,"                                                                                                                    .~.
                            ~MARKS :          lfi£caa'f/   .M.?,  .r 2
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Q'\ :z.. () C) o~ ',.0::.. . ""l~~ Q"\0-t o 'Z. t(;~ E-14 ~,10 .. 24-74) 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 5 of 7


          ."                                              Heavy          Indus~ryHo~Qr                        Division.

Round Roek.. Tex.:a..a 78664 1~8S73 LlfDucrIOllM<)TOR. DATA. Shop Ora er :_...;\:..!..7..:;5~6::..::;;2=..;;:;;L;.:..;N______ Cust:otz:.er: 4COO HP: . 400 Voltage: A=peres: -.,;;;5;...;:1:..-.._ Serv'ice Faccor Phases :_5,,--_ p.er~%: _.....;;l-6...----~O_--_-_ " * -FilL. Speed.: Temp. Rise: 70 ~ulacion Class: F Frame: Lockecl 'KV'A Code: F Performance % Efficie.ncy s.

                                                          ~4.0 F. ~ ~~~

84.1 14 . 0

                                                                                                                                         'i3. f Q.25

% Power Fac:.1:or :qo.4-Raced Torq:ue: IS Se lb.-ft:. Starting 'torque: ___7.....3_____  %. B1:'ea!cdo~ Torque: 274 % PulJ.-Up Torqt1&: 73  %@ __O=-_ _%Speed Locked Rotor Current:: 3*10. _ Amps 607 % F. t. Slip: 1.06  % Circuit Constants "transient. lte.a.c:.t.anc:.** X* do : *{ 4'56S- Xli.: Su'b-Trac.=siant R.e~C:Qnce. X" ct : ,,! .6..400 PA..'t.! Motors Oal:.y Cpeu Circuit Ti.l::a. Con~ta:D.t.., T' cia: (.03 S*C SW'it:c.hi:c., 't1::ul Delay Short CirC::uit. T1l::e Const.a.nc.. 1":

  • o~ Low-eo-High Spee<!.: _ _ _ _~
                                                                                                                                    '" Date.:

o c Approval: Revision 0/ '! Dace: rop.,"! U EIMD- 297 [3"5 M/M NEG. I- 2J DC'663216 95 ;(2-fa*3 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 6 of 7 1 of 1

v.m::III}JI;')UI"t1 Ui:llt:UU IUIVler.lll T !ME CURR t;l\I T A;ND T HERM AL L 1M IT CURVES.

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I I 198573

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t 10 O.20~--------------r_------------_,---------~-----~*-------~I--------TI---~----'-----~r_----------- ___r_--_c--~~ __~_ Z CURREN; o 110 220 330 440 550 6SD WESTINGHOUSE MOTOR COMPANY ,ROUND ROCK. TEXAS s I GNRT~RE:: 'T.. n.9-q~ OA7E: 9/ 1/92 CCRVE NO. C1 DC 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 6 Page 7 of 7 1 of 1

                                                                                                       , ;{..
                                                                                                     !'JCTiON MOTOR DATA SHEET.
                                                                                                 , . IItGo'1f'U!>'   'O'LI 54()82                                                   7C*-Z.?OQ52..'7    ..                                                                               .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '. CbIlL:7JS ~ ?vH~*
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( j

                             ..                                                             \(,       TyrE:
                                                                                       ~T~~~v~S.~ L.c.:~nt_~i:.nment,                                 Spray Pumps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~~~E FRAME      ;:;.---------!:~Soo1.s NO. _

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                                                                                          . 10 r!!NCH. SPEED, RPM 2 PGE/2 PEG V.


~':o S I. t.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *PULL..QUT TORQUE," F.L.

EFF.-FULL LOAD, " EFF.-3/.,l.OAD, ,. 271

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~",3....,.S~._I_.._ _ _ _ _ __


                                                                                         ~~IEHTTEM.~P_'~C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~EF~F~'_'l::n~LOAD'"                                                                                                                                                       ~3~.w~~_______________
                                                                                          ~TATOR TE~'~ RISE*C                                                                                                                                       P.F.-FULL LOAD, ~                                                            88.'1 -
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00 I\eEARING THERMOCOUPLE See Appendix "e" P.F.-LOCKEE> RO'rOR '30.7

                                                                                         '-  rr~ALFCoUPL. OR SHEAVE MTD. BY                                                                 _                                                       SPACE              HTfis., TOTAL WATTS                                         N4tJC
                                                                                             ~ ROTATION**                                   .                                                                                                       RADIAL BEARING-TYPE                                                       S"'I..11' SL.eEV6
                                                                                         ~r         WK2 OF DRIVEN EQlijp.                                                                                                                           THRUST BEARING-TYPE                                                             NA BRlCWY. TORQ. DRVH. EQUIP.                                                                                                                      BEARING SERVICE -HR.                                                            Nil
                                                                                         \.~ OVERSIZE CONDo SOX                              Max. OVersize                                                                                         NORMAL BRG. OPER. TEMP*C                                                  /S-<:' l5u                   ~k",1!'    J{,...ku... r 26 COHO. BOX LOCA._T,;..I_O_N_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4-!-!!NET WEIGHT-LB.                                                                                                                                                     k 0,,;+""<
                                                                                         ~ - 'CE HEATERS. VOLTAGE, PHASE                                               None                                                                         OIL COOL. SYS. REQ'D                                                                NA 28 ~.           .r END PJ:I.LS                                                                                                                          SRG. OIl. PRESS. RANGE, PSI                                                         N~
        .                                                                            .      29 TERMINAL LUGS, TYPE                                                                                                                  .'              BRG. OIL REQ'O EA. BRG. GPM
ifc~*~~~j~*::£j*~if:~6::~;.~i:~~~~~#.~;{~<.~:_~,~~* Q =:al~: :L~~: ~!~~~E  :~::I:~:~: ~~::T~EpTETRE:R:


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                                                                                            ,,~ MAX REVERSE SPEED                                                                                                                                    Westin9:1:louse N_.E.S., Penn Center Site, shall A5 DRAIN PLUG AND V E N T ,                                                                                                                              be on the manufacturer's distribution list
                                                                                             ,(6      AIR INTAKE SCREENS                                                                                                                              for Motor Outline Drawings and Torque-Speed A7                                                                                                                                                       Curves.

51 *

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AI1A CHM'tJT 4})f(1 ekt,c. -4f 110 GDJ)G RQV'o CJ 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 7 Page 3 of 7

OCT-03-1994 08:35 FROM PG&E OPEG TO ELECT/9TH P.04 216293 (_'"_ i

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                                                                                             -S~T          (Of- (0 efrLC-' 170-.0 C -                      (2JUV \t::t f~ 4 o-f7
                                                   'rEST REPORT WESTI~HOUSE MOTOR                                                COMPANY ROUND ROCK, TEXAS COORDINA'Tim[J tIC     DISCJPUNE     (XI) BY DATE CSP MOTOR                                  ElECTRICAL          11       :;

s.o. 17564LN1 MECHANICA for I&C Pacific Gas & Electric CIVIL/STR. Diablo canyon Power Plant *CIVll!ARCH. PACIFIC GAS &ELECTRIC CO. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCnON ENGINEER!NG OEPAATMEtn DATE 1-5'./ BY vk..d-The following test report is true and correct record of data obtained from tests made at the Westinghouse Motor Company. Round Rock, Texas. The Data has been reviewed, and compared to both c:useomm: contracted and westinghouse standards. Any discrepancy' from either of these is listed in parenthesis and end noted.. '.\'ha Test data has beQD. evaluated and approved by the '!'est and Design Engineer. . . rH/'i /YJE., .... , N?IJTlJ.d.. H4J H.l&Hi!E~ ~L /tl ~MrAI't.JS...t) 70 rJ-<lli 4)\ l:J r z IV 6 MO To,<.. ~ Z'.z 7 ..s./E r T J.N (;. O)i! UNZT! <- ac ~.6L~y.s ~oIl"R;PS 7U O/$. <:',I4~H6.eD .r..c 7>>J'S ,H?()7"" zS AA/"; /Tt'£A!~ rriZL./i: p~ ~d/ OCT 8 '94 8:42 805 545 6515 PAGE.004 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 7 Page 4 of 7

TO ELECT/9TH P.05 OCT-03-1994 08:36 FROM PG&E OPEG . . IT n f}-cJf P1evJ T t-J 0 .it1) . ~PE-E-M$i~ . A-'1TA-C.~~B ) l wESTINGHOUSE C A-LCp. p~ ~ NO' ;70 -J) C!...( fLSvvl' rf 1 ... MOTOR COMPANY S\t\ -z. OF-- 10 HORIZONTAL INDUCTION MOTOR TEST REPORT PAGE NO. 1 DATE - AUGUST 12 1993 GENERAL ORDER NO. CUSTOMER - PACIFIC GAS << ELECT. S.O. - 17S64LNl FRAME - 5009S TYPE - LF S.F. - 1.15 H.. P. - 400 STATOR NO. - AC5246 ROTOR NO. - AE1328 ENCLOSUREODP VOLTS - 4000 POLES - 4 PHASE - 3 HERTZ - 60 AMPS - 51 '* RPM - 1780 S'l'ATOR RES. AT 2S DEG C AIR GAP MEASUREMENTS (1.2666)':' .. .". 'IIr .. "" .. (1.2~66) 0.037* -0.035 0.035* *0.037 (1.2677) 'It' FRONT ... III' i(E.AR'" STATOR CONN - WYE

  • 0.036 ~
  • 0.037 ...


  • 1Il' 'IIr tr vO.03S 0.03S-tIr e ... ..
                                                                                                                *0.040 SPECIFIED AIR GAP .044 PHASE ROTATION T1 T2 ~              CW PER DRAWING NO.. - 5097119
   ~GNETIC      CENTER -      6.310      FLOAT IN -                      6.210       FLOAT OUT -                  6.460 liZ V 1-2 V 2-3 V 3-1                              Al         A2             A3             K-WATr N.LOAO INPUT 60         4002. 4001. 3996.                             13.3       13.3           13.3             7.0 VIBRATION DATA          DISPLACEMENT - MILS PEAK-TO-PEAK                                   (UNFILTERED)

FRONT BRACKET REAR BRACKET REAR sHAFT H 0.014 ~LS B 0.010 MILS H 0.280 MILS V 0.012 MILS V 0.015 HILS V 0.160 MiLS A 0.008 MILS A 0.004 MILS BEARING TEMP:£RATDRE DATA. DEG C - BEARING SENSOR - TEST FRONT REAR AMBIENT BEARING BEARING 1'IME TEMP TEMP TEMP 1445 23.5 36.4 40.9 1515 23.7 39.8 43.5 1545 24.1 41.1 4S.0 1615 24.6 41~7 45.4 1645 25.0 42.2 45.6 1715 25.3 42.5 46.0 l.745 25.5 42.6 46.2 FINAL BEARING TEKPERATURES, DEG C - nom REAR NEASOBED TEMPERATORB ('IOTAL) 42 .. 6 46.Z

       .AMBIENT AIR TEKPERATOIUS                                          25.5                   25.5 TEKPERA~         IUSE                                              11.1                   ~O.7 ct1STOHER - PACIFIC GAS         ~   ELECT.                                        s.o. -         17554LNl 805        545 6515        PAGE.005 OCT   3 '94     8:42   170-0C Revision 16A SAP#9000085 ~ 8 Attachment 7 Page 5 of 7




  • AMB. TEMP.. (DEG.C) 22.0 .LINE ctnUUm'l' (AMPS) 234.7 POWER. INPUT (KW1 . 375.5 RES., HOT L-L, (OBM) 1.59200 LOCKED .RO'XOa, RATED ~ AT 60.HZ VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 809.

LINE ct1.RRENT (AMPS) 51.0 ~ r'G .. f 78 2.4- (t£va POWER. :INPUT (KW) 3"

  • 3 6 BES., HOT4 L-L, (OHM) 1.5920 I~'"T'TA- ""' M ~NT (G )
                                                                                            <;r\'1 ,. oF- I ()

TEMPERATURE CONSTANTS 234.5 iNPUT STRAY LOAD LOSS' 3.84 KW AT 400. HP Xl = 54.76 PERCENT X2 a 45.24 PERCENT LOCKED REFERENCE VALUES (RES. m OHMS FOR Y CONN.. - PER PRASE - ) HZ AMP Rl It2 Xl Xl n+X2 Xl<< W 15.0 51.0 0.7960 0.6706 4.1093 3.3953 7.5046 170.2618 5058. 60.0 234.70.7960 1.5343 3.472( 2.8690 6.3414 170.a9S~ 5058. 60.0 51.0 0.7960. 3.7934 4.4395 3.6681 8.1015 169 .. 9335 5058. SLIP= 1.11 ~ AT 400.0 HP.AND 105.0 DEQ.C -WMC EXCEPTION TO IEEE S'l'D. 112 R2 FOR THIS SLIP IS 211: 0 .. 5263 Xl. FOR PULL otr1' POIN'1'= 3.2142 X2 i"OR POLL OUT POIN'r= 2.6557 S"l"RAY LD LOSS = 3.84 JeW AT 46. SEC.AMPS.(IT) OR so. . PRl.AMPS. , {Il st1MMM.Y OF CHABACTERISTICS LOAD (~ER UNIT) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 3.27 HORSEPOMm 100. 200. 300. 400 .. 500. 600. 1307. SPEED RPK 1795. 1790. 1785. 1780 .. 1714. 1768. . 1639. LINE CURRENT 18. 27. 38. 50. 62. 76. 266 .. EFFIC:I~' . 90.17 93.98 94.53 94.33 93.78 93.02 13 .. 34 POWER FACTOR , 65.6 83.9 89 .. 6 91.6 92.l. 91.9 72.2 . SLXP (PER UN:t'l') 0.0027 0 .. 005' 0.0082 o.0l.11 0.0143 0.0177 0.0892 OCT 8 '94 8:43 805 545 6515 PAGE.008 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 7 Page 6 of 7

IU . /rTfA-CHJV/cN T Nf)* Jt.1-. 216299

  ~              -o/! ~~Cf                  INDUCTION MOTOR                                    PAGE ~o        5 e4l-LC.* 17 0      '- 7            OD F PER IEEE STO. 112~1984                                      .'
  • p4 7 r.;- ROGRAM HH9702TL, 12/30/86
--CUSroMER PACIFIC GAS & ELECT.                              SHOP ORDER 17S64LNl.

ROTOR SERIAL NO AE1329 STA'roa SERIAL NO AC5246 FRAME S009S TYPE LF HORSEPOWER 400. VOLTAGE 4000. SYN SPEED 1800. RATED SPEED 1780. FREQ. 60. SOLUTION OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PULOAD 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 3.27 SLiP 0.00266 0.00535 0.00816 0.01111 0.01427 0.01771 0.08924 R2 0.5263 0.5263 0.5263 0.5263 0.5263 0.5263 0.5263

  'P.2/S          191.7217 98.3300 64.5281 47.3675 36.8778 29.7119                                         S.897~

Xl 3.395 3.395 3.395 3.395 3.395 3.395 2.656 Z2SQ 39105.41 9680.32 4175.40 2255.21 1371.50 894.32 41.83 G2 0.00506 0.01016 0.01545 0.02100 0.Q2689 0.03322 0.14097 GF2 0'.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 G 0.0054 0.0105 O.Olsa 0.0213 0.0272 0.0336 0.1413

   -B2            0.000087.0.000351 0.000813 0.001506 0.002476 0.003797 0.063479 Bl(               0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.0058S
   -B               0.00597 0.00624 0.00670 0.00739 0.00836 0.00968 0.06936 YSQ             0.000065 0.000149 0.000294 0.000510 0.000811 0.001220 0.024779 RG                83.2923 10.4385 53.6803 41.8477 33.5693 27.5113                                        5.7027 lU                  0.5725     0.5725         0.5725        0.5725        0.5725          0.5125         0.5725 it                83.8647 71.0109 54.2528 42.4202 34.1418 28.0837                                        6.2751 XG                92.2952 41.8672 22.7742 14.4946 10.3098                                 7.9373         2.7993 Xl                  4.1093     4.1093         4.1093        4.1093        4.1093          4.1093         3.2142 X                 96.4045 45.9765 26.8836 18.6039 14.4192 12.0466                                        0.0134 Z              127.7776 84.5955 60.5482 46.3204 37.0618 30.5584                                         8.6913 II                      18_         27.            38.           50.            62.            76.           266.

I2 11. 23. 34. 46. 59. 72. 261. INPUT KW 82.18 158.76 236.78 316.34 397.70 481.19 1329.15 SEC ... KW 76.58 152.49 229.34 307.20 386.25 466.70 1205.05 PRIM I2R KW 0.56 1.28 2.50 4.27 6.67 9.81 121.25 CORE LOSS l(W 5.04 5.00 4.94 4.87 4.78 4.68 2.85 SEC 12R lG1 0.20 0.82 1.87 3.41 5.51 8.21 107.54 F+W LOSS KW 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.S5 1.S5 1.55 1.55 WLL :KW 0.23 0.92 2.11 3.84 6.21 9.31 121.11

   ~ALKW                 7.58       9.56          12.96        17.94           24.72          33.61         354.29 OUTPUT lew           74.60    149.20         223.81        298.39        372.98          447.58          974.85 UF (t)               90.77      93.98          94.53         94.33          93.78          93.02           73.34 PF (t)               65.63      83.94          89.60         91~S8          92.12          91.90           72.20 HP OUTPUT             100.       200.            300.         400.            500.           600.          1301.

SPEED (RPM) 1795. 1790. 1785. 1780. 1774. 1768. 1639.

   'l'ORQ1LB-in         292.7      586.9          882.9      :1180.7         1480.5         1782.8           4188.1 PUL'L OUT 'tORQUE= 3. S5 STATOR l:2R     =     4.27 NO LOAD STAI2R u                 0 .35 llCrrOR 12R =              3.41' ST.AR~ TORQUE AT RATED VOLTS =                      1682. LB FT (142.44 , RONNING 'l'ORQUE) mRUSH CURRENT AT RATED VOLcrs = 382 ~3                            (PER UNIT- 1.50)"

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ATTACHMENT NO .~ CALt!. :# 170 -Pc- Rev, CJ 170*0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 1 of 10

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                                                                                                                                       . '.. ~ ......:,'.
                                                                                                                         ", *   : r *
                                                                                              . ' .*   ,'0 Motors P030333 l7 '"

1S69F4661 2 2S69F46612 lS69F46613 2S69F46613 . BinghamrWillamette Company. Order 46523 . Pumps 290600, 290601; 290602, &290603 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Auxiliary Salt Water Pumps . Diablo Canyon 1 and Diablo' Canyon 2 4QO HP., 3 phase 60 hertz, ~OOO volts' . ( 900 RPM Vertical Solid Shaft 5809P24 frame

~~jJi{~::(~{f;*~:r.(-f~~~?~~~~.f:**:!",:.::-f~:~~                                Stator    RTDJ~pace         Heaters v                                                                          Oversized Main lead Conduit Box With Stand Off Insulators and Busses (69F46612 serial 1 tested as 72l10526)
      ~l                                                                          (6~F46612 serial 2 tested as 72L10525)

(_)j:!~\i-~:: ":;~::::!;:L~,

                                                                          .. O,-4.£/-¥--'*                                                                                  CauUon:

7~: A. Rooks

    .0                                                                            Port~~ .. d r'"fice                                                          Drawings in this manual October 19, 1972                                                                may not ren~cl th~
    .....                                                                                                                                                        I.;;.

Ii.)... BUI'it'"

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( recorded !?;'iUv:ier drawing." A71A.Ci1ME:..tJr ,.,0 .~ CALC. No* 170 cpDG ~ev. q 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 2 of 10

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                                                                                                  * *fI*P.                SPEED       PHASE      FREO.      : VOLTS    :.... .' AU?S.           . TYPE        FRAME           RISE          RATING            (LETTER)    CODE LETT£
                                                                                                  .'                                                       ."                   ."                           5809            80 ,:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .,t.,              '"


                                                                                                 ~:..' 400                  887         3          60         4000: ,                  54      vs~n          P24                              Cont      ':..f L-I
                                                                                                  ",                                                           , , TEST CHARACTERISTICS
                                                                                               ,                                                      NO LOAD                                             LOCKED ROTOR                           OI"I:N CIRCUIT
                                                                                                  }:' , SERIAL f~O.
                                                                                                                                                                                          .,        .                                                VOLTAGE          D I ELECTftJ C TEST VOLTS     FREO. SPEED     AUPS.                      ~OLT$    FREO~      At.u>S.
                                                                                               """- ...                                                                                                                                           'WOUHO ROTOR)

Full t oad h~ at rUl OK .°

                                                                                                                                   'n,      I... S1i      O!{
                                                                                            !~          ..           -

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                                                                                               ~=. :~

Power factOl at 'f' 11 .. 3 4 and 1/2 1( ad m

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.... .. Hiah [ otentl al test OK
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                                                                                         *         ,,~'ESTS           oo.g DUPLICATE MOTOR                                        APPROVED BV_r+Q_"





AT7/tCHMe:7V1" NO.kiJ* SH~ 3 0 F 10 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 3 of 10

            '.                                        .                    i :. ..:: ;:::i;F;}:**,::~(i'i.*:*X~}j                                                                                 . \~~~*in~~*o~~~*. Eip'~trl c.c~~P~fa!!~Q .:::}~~.~1:~.~~:269F~5512
                                           , ",                '"                    ~. .                                  ,.- ... '                          ~.:~.~....,.....       Seri al ..No '            1             ~.xl  .!'     3                          COI::.lEHTS
.' Amp=rcsPorTermtn~I";'i'noload'*.40~*O Volts;; .. '16.17  : .16.7 Stator Res. @ 25°C

~:;:l~;;/l:::::::~:~::?::~[:~~~l:l:::~::~:::l':ll~!~:i:::*l::::::::lf:' ~. tlattslnput at no load . ""/';':'" " .:. " 5088 6458 T1-T2 - 1.683

                                                   . . 'StcitorRos.(T-T)at7~C-ohms                                                                                                                               2.07      e                  T1-T3 - 1.683 StcJ:ing \'Iinding Res. ct, 75"C* ohms'                                                                 ",                              -                    T2 1.682 Rotor Ros. (h~t rlngs) at 7S* C. ohl':ls                                                                     ',                        .~
                                                 -.  :                  .{,,;                                         LOSSES IN WATTS AT FULL LOAD                                                                         '?                  Vibration              ...
. StraY'Lead Los:.! ' ' 3127 fC/) Top' .000~15
                                                                               . S,=t!)r I2 R' Los:; ,                                                                                                         . 8179      ~    c                  Bottom .000023 li .~       ....

R7.0 nt:c I..t: ;:, R4.R 120 Volts 77,,1 2 10 Amos

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       /      .
                                                                            ~~"'da:c. S:lC. Volts Letwoen rings
                                                                           .1= S3C. Am,s p=r t1ng at full load
                                                                            !~ Full Load Tarc;uo (F.L.T.l In lb. ft.                                                                                           2364'
                                                                            ::Mo:c. Torqu!) In,~                                                or       F.L. T.                                            246 2

(~J:hi':;=~; ,~;*~~;U~,*:* .:;: lf~i~!f~.;~n~ ?~ ~ ~'~;*~:~t~l nL. ~ O.f: :=:sF. £l*.£.i~ *T_.___. .;.-_. . ; . .- +~_- -:(1*f:-: *~I:='3O": ;:. ."..'T-----II----t---------------

                                                                              ,,;:SI010r Ins Testod 9000                                                                       V     60                        OK
                                                                          'J f*.Rotcr Ins Testod                                                                               V
             *M                                                             . .t.~ :"                              ** . TEIAFERATURE TESTS
'.Length of Test In h;,urs 5.00 .

M anoo

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              ~                                                                :Tcmp. Rise                                             Stator C~pp:" by                                                        51.5 o
                                                                                ~in          degrees C Stator Iron
Stator . ~~A~t Copp~r bv Rotor Iron tht:

I'~ _. 47 2R Room tcmperahuo In

  • C 27
     ~.~: fO ......... .: ... .

Stator slot thermocouples 1 29 2 44 (L Cu-ry-e-N-o-s-.-----~------~~-~~-~----r----+---------------- 3 4 43 40 5 48

                                                                                                                                                                                             .        6        21           .

The aboyo Is a 'ruo and correot record of c!oto obtainod from tasts mode at tho worS:s of Wctstlns:hausct Electric Corporation.

                                                                                . REPORT OF 'reSTS ON FORU 2933K INDUCTIO~t   MOTORS                                     S!gncd ~-11. /b4{-.v..J..

A 7TAC H111 E tJ r "'0' >;;;;)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <::ALe. No. 170.-l>G                              IZEV. q Sf'{. 4- o f 10 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 4 of 10
                                                                                                 ...':. _.-: ~-:-:--':                              ::. \vill,~L.~GSmJ:hE Em<:lTIUC COll'OWlTioI-r                                                        ~)--
                                                                                                                                                     .               -"1.iOrort DIVISlON, BUFFALO, N.Y.                                                   ~ry ci~*~';~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =~ 1=5~:~:~-=7~l~:~*~.~!=.~1~.-~='~'=*_~:~.~.~-~*: : : : : *f i*_*: : :~*_~: : : : T:.=~ ;=S:_T:S: : 'I~;~ : :~:~ C~ =T~7: =: l~N=7:_M:O:T:O:R:-:':P:U~R_~:H~A_S:£~R_.:S:O:R~D_E~R=.:=:=.~:
               .            .. '.: ........               . ,":".:;', :;:~ .. :>;". !~:=B=i~n~C!=h=am==P=um=.=p=c=o=ffi')==an~Y====*================:===========-===
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                                                                                              ; !I. P
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887 3 60 - , '4000 54 VSHl 5809 P24 80 Cont. v

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 '!"!'                              F
                                                                                              ....                                                                      TEST CHARACTERISTICS
                                                                                              '0    **
                                                                                                        .                                                  NO LOAD                                   LOCKED ROTOR                           OPIlH CIRCUIT 1-----r---r-.....;;.~..__-_....---+---...__-..;......,r---.---...__-__1                                   VOLTAGE      DIELECTRic
. ;'~.:;.:. ::f-'-."::' ~:.~..~~.:A}~~;\:;:~{;+:::.:~.~~: :-..                                          SERIAL      NO.                 VOL.TS    'IIEO. SPEED    AUPS.               VOL T~   FREO. AI-lPS*.                          (WOUND ROTOR)

TEST I. Ful1- oad h.. at rlJ OK Perce: t Sli . OK

                                                                                              ! ..'-.: .                               ~lo 10 d rim i nq c .Irrent            OK
                                                                                           "~                 ., .. - .0.              Pull       ut to "t1ue 01                                                    ~.!::.-=:-:'; :1~;.f."

It oadl=' roto." curn nt OK 01 .. Start nq totoue O.~ Effi c encv t ful .. 3/4 and 1 ~2 loa j OK (""-\ .. ,

\ ..._/) J...::. *i.i'. ~l'~' .&..~~:.:::.<:;,::_.:
                                                                                             ';;:~:;.'!:' '.
                                                                                      ~ *. :"':"~--_.....,7" Pm*,er facto" at f 11 .. 3 4 and                 112    1 lad 0
                                                                                                          * ...:.-----J-I-.l!ll!il.LI-W~~...!:,;!::.....!~...u.~I..:!:..~~..!.L.:=--~~~~-_I--4_--_I_---_+-----

('\.~ ... .,"- -.. ' ...: . .:-~ .. '.. :~.:~~' , Hi'ndi lq res stano meas lremen S OK

                                                                                                ~  ... "   ..

t.ti oh Ini:pni: al te! it OK a -----~-~---_r----~----+----1---~------~r------------

                  ..... . ;. . .::~..:;~';:. .!:..:. . . ,'. ,. .:. . . .;._.........

(, TE~(S ~~ ~ ~OTOR APPROVED BY l)n p;,p~ EHGINEE:I DATE /0 -!, -/1/ DU?LICATE I AT7/irC-HMEiJf 1-10:;:;8) C4t.,~- NO* 17o~~ ~ey. q Sri. ~ OJ=" )0 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 5 of 10

                                                                                                 .' /~*. ~ ;.'~::..~ :'~':':I'~~'~"*"
                                                                                                                                            ~" : .: ........ 1~~\;~.: .'/*L~*             O!-\:'  .
                                                                                                                                                            .._" ~. ~/.~~"aS)I~gi~O~.~~ ~.JeGtfjc ~cq.rpOraiiOn*
  • Vt a:::_ ...J.u *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             " 69'F-i5612 Ser. 1i1 .
         .                 .'.                                                       *.                                  .. .'         ......:.......            ; . ~":# .'                  '.' BUFFALO, tr.Y.
. . . :.~,:. "'~/~~~=~1.;~-~' ;/::-:"'" .' ~'.' .~':':"'. .'~. '. . \.'. :1~ Doto 10/5/72
.': .::~~.~~~~~~~{~~ . ~~ ..*a=or,~B~ln~g~h~~:~~P~u~m~~_C~~~m~.p~a~n~V~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stacie Orc!ar No. 7.2l10526 .

(:;~/~?':\?;:< <: ~. ..~. :~::::~P~a:::~-17 ' ~p~. H:~ 4000 B1 :::::_..:.4.;:;.J(t;(0,O;: .;0::;"1-'-~-87 :h:'~_._...;:3~-6-*°~::~:'C.":T' i.~:.'.tI.~

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~:';:'~':~::~li:~::~~~~~:t~:::11~::*'*:?l:~:-!~:i::::;:;:;::;::{;. ~~: '~!:r~:p:c:tT::;:~1 at no load 4000 Volts 16.52 16.77 Stator ReS. @ 27 Q

C 5188 7374

. . ... ,  !::-. Stator Res. (T-T) at 75"' C- ohms .2.019 T1 T2 - 1.706
                              . .                                            ;.  ~;~Sf~o~rt~in~g~W~I~nd7.i~ng~R~os"';:.~a-t~7~~C~.~0~hm~.-s-------r-~~~r-------~~---+~T=2~T=3~-~1~.~7=0~6~----------------


                                  . *                                             :. Rotor Ros. (bot rrngs) at 75* C
  • ohms . T1 T3 - 1.706 i: . LOSSES 11-1 WATTS AT FULL LOAD or-
                                                                                   .~: Stray Load Loss                                                                                  2401          0,                                  * :'r                 ....
- .StctorI2R Loss en 8267 -cn Vibration
                                                                                    *. Rotor 12 R Lass                                                                       C          3913          ", C*                           Too                -' .00075
                                                                                   ; . Cora Loss'                                                                            s..        3419         ~-~

Bottom - .0001

'~":.:::" .:.~ ::!.:7:;:f lh:*;/t~l}://;.:::t: :.:  ;' ~ Friction and Winc!ago Loss m 900 .s- a; l
f. $ Efficiency* Full Load 94.0 > Current Balance
                                                                                 !~. ~..                          .. ..       * ~ 1.o:Jd                                     cu         Q4.8          c::S-                           No Load "5
                                                                               .!f~:~. ':~." .'. ~                                   Lead Cd         94.9         'r 16.25 - 16.45 - 16.85
                                                                             .' ;.i       ~ power* Factor Full Load
                                                                                                                                                                             ....~                    Cii                          . Full load* (Aoorox.) *
                                                                                   . . ::.; ,.--*.;:                         ..-. ~ Load                                   t; P.7 .. ?

P.4 .. Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                           -                          52.2 - 52.9 - 53.5
                                                                                 ~~ :.::.:..                         _            * ~ Load                                   :a::       77.1          cn+;                          . Heaters
                                                                                 ~}:-; ..'-.             .* -'1-.                                                            c::                     t=k                               120 Volts 2.0 amos.


                                                                                                                                                                              -       B8R.5
                                   ..                                           1:;."... pcrcsFull Load
                                                                                                    'at Pcr T       e:m. at fvn Iced                               fi?;                                   to* --:'">. ...7.:...,.;

i::~:i~.:~1ti~.>;:::;~~~ . .,:~.~.*:.~~":.;~::KW input at full load


0 ~17. ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~> . :..r;::r1Z......


                                                                                   '-"'K'V"nilut ~ Rotor locked '.                                                         ....... fiCif .4
                                                                                   .:.: Max~ Sec. Volts L:meen rings                                                         s..
                                                                                    -: Sec: Amps p~ ring at full load                                                      1:.
                                                                                   *":Fvll Load Torquo (FaL.T.) in lb. ft.
'. Max;Torqu3 in ~ of F.L. T.
                                                                                                                                                                           ...c:: 2364258
                .j~:.~:.*~*~.L~~ ':'::~:'~=;~}:~~;~';~~;:':~':~~" ~;::.. ;:~=0",,~=in.;9==~=0=rq=u=o:;i,n'.~j}".Q'~~~i':;Lr:i~:-T_.----_---------:i;.r---"':';~--1I----:----+-------+----------------------------------

Q; 121 ( , ___) . ~ 1.28

      .~                                          .. _~.: ....... :.             ',' ..Bolcnco Tested.                                                   '.                           OK
                                                                                 .~.: Stet or Ins Tested 9000                                                60 Sec.

V U, OK to:. Rotor Ins Tested V Soc. ~

~':": ......
                                                                                  ';:;Length of Test                               In hours                                         7.00
  .:;.:::!;:::~:::.:::::::::"~}:.::::.:::~::;,;::;:::.:::::::.:: ::'::::;::!:",:. ~:.;.Y..:;.ol:.:;ts.=--_____________________~_-!I--~~:;-+---:                                     4000              _ _--4________-I-_______""'-______________
                                                                                   .:'.~~ Normal Full Load Amp.                                                                    100.4                                               ..
                                                                                   ;:"Temp. Riso Slotor Copper by Rise                                                                 '50
                                                                                   . . . *In    degrees C a.;:S;.:.;ta;;.:.to.::.:r..:l~ro:.::n~____~                               47.5 o                                                                           f~ Stator ~~* Copper by thermocouDle                                                            31 r                                          Rotor Iron                                          27
                                                                                   =[. Room tomperature In
  • C
                                                                                     ~    Stator slot thermocouoles                                                         1       38
                               .:.:~  ,":" ... ~~...                                 ~------------------------------                                                __~2~___38      ~___~________+-_____-4______________________________________

3 55 ( 4 54

                                                                                     " Curve Nos~                                                                           5       45

_ - 6. 55

                                                                                  ~ .,.                                 Tho obovo i:s a tr~o and correct rocord of data obt~in.,d from tosts mado at tho works of Vle:r.!i~~ Electric Corporotion.
                                                                                    " REPORT OF TESTS (m INDUCTION MOTORS
                                                                                  , **. FOR),!               Z9SB K
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -:       Signod~.         n. !:l!:::f~                                  Er.;::-,::.

A.11ACHMcf,)1 NO.,;;i) eAl..c. No* '1~CJ ~414 q 5W~ G0 { /0 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 6 of 10

                                            .:.:~~" 2.:0'*.*. :~~~.                                          -l;.~ST~GEOU£~ EmC~;.IC OOlU'DilATIO~ :.:                                                                                          .: ~.

(~::j~;7~l??}i:~)~Htt;;:: ;;='~=':~= ~=)"=. '=:.=1 *~=*~ =*>= r=:S= T~YL= E=: : :~= O=R T=O F=c o=;M~j=~ =':= : =: : ,:=" ~=L "'I=: r:=.S=CT=: ~=FALO=j~:' =:' =~Y7.: =~ T=I O=N M=IO=T O=_R=. r= := *:'= :' :; ~':=';:= :=r:= :' : :' ,= ~*='.* =,:.='.="..

      ~ .: .....                           * ~1~O/:.;:5f.:/7:-=2:......*_---'___                                                          __..a.....:6;.::..9:-F4:..:.:66::...:1~3_ . , __ _     PO-30333-
""~:"~~t.~¥.-"1~i,,*',.,!.(,;fjf;i,"'1',~~!~=. :=Cp=~~=I~=A:=~=~=C::"s=aS===:&===:E:l:::e:::c::tr=i:::c=============================="'=:====


                                             . : !I.~ *.                SPEED                  PHASE                 FHEQ.                      VOLTS               ~~S.            TYPE      FRM'E          RISE             RATING        (LETTER)    CODE    LETTER
                                             -;. ..                                                                                         ..                                                                    -,f.,
                                             ':'4{\Q                     SB7                    3                         60'                   4000                    54         vstn: .. UI.<':.fn.

M '.: rnnt"* J:'

                                             -':                                                                                                          TEST CHARACTERISTics                                                                               .,. ..

NO LOAD ~x<<~>>nx~ OPEfI.CIRCUIT t----r--.,-....;;..;.....;,r----r---I---r--:.;:.:.::r==~:.:....--.r----1 Val TAGE DI'ELECTRIC

  • TEST" VOLTS 'REO. SPEED ANPS. X~Xa )f)iJ{<< XaYJX:XS r.Il il2 (wounD ROTOR)
.""*1 . . _*....... 'Full OK OK Perce" t s1i. OK OK r,Io.'* -_. *~lo-to d run. inqc Irrent OK OK o -;~. {(. "i'. Check nq of curre,t bal tnce
~~~;~:4~~~>f-;<,,~.j>,-                                  . :-':-'-,:-:---+':'P:":';UT::';l::':'_"-i~:":':!ut:.;l-t':'o.:..r:"o::.:::,ua:':'~':".:::.r~~-ru~-II---r--+----l~~...,;.r.;~'--+-----+-----
                                                                                                                                                                                                        . ilK--- .... OK
                                                                                                                                                                                                        'toOK      .;:j.;';,:., ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * -01(--                                  J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~    :..

locke -roto i" curl"! nt _OK OK --: OK OK OK OK' OK OK

                                           . ". .. .         ~

Hindi Iq Res stancE '*leas remen s OK OK

                                             ':  .-..:.. ..*.                               Hiah             Pt'\-t-':'~O"'J;al           te it                                                         OK          OK
                                            .\:     .
o. A-'
                                            . ~,
                                               ~~~STS oN Y DUPLICATE MOTOR                                                           APPnOVEO BY        Q)1- J.t~
                                                                                                                                                                                        ---r;-          ErIGINf;ER DATE   /o .. I,-7Y
                                         .. : ~

ATiACHmEtJ; {!ALe.. No. 110QJ~ l2ev. q 7 of I ~ 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 7 of 10


                                                                                                                       . v:=:I              VJssiingiious~ ~rectrjG Corporbtion BUFFALO, N.Y*
                                                                    ..                   .Attx           ~ 'f'LltnfS              '
.;. .' .:;*:.:*,i:::.::;;* .,.;;:/;,~ .. f.:,,-hascr. Pad"fj eRas P, ETectri c
   ,:':';.:, :3: :::::'.:.:~':'::~~:           :?,'        *\~~)*N~. PO-30333-l~                                                     400            '. Volts_~.s.==-_
                       . :.                                    Apj:l~*Q!us  . . 5809P24 .... _. .                                                8     PotCli'                              ...          ..                                * ***** "' *******  ,~~' .~ *** ' ' **,-'.,.... ',< ;!', '.  '.~~, -t=;I .. :'

Se ri a1 tJ I.r.nb~-f' 1 ~ 1 .' tt'( 2 2 ' .. *c.**.*;- ." .. : COU!AENTS ... ,'..:.; ,........ ~ ..,'" '." ':;;;i~\<':',

                                                                                                                                                                                           ..                       :  .. .. '.Ser .#1 .~*.r"'. ,..: ... .:....~ '-":-."~~~'..            '            -'

Am .. cros Per Terminal ot no lead 4C::J Volts 17.3 17,,4 *;:~-.B7 16 1 . Stator ~~.@ 27°t- -/:

\'Ialts Input et no lead 6Al7, 7574 ti7R6 7~7~ TlT2 -'-1.705  ;;:.,

S:der Ros. (T-T) ot 75'" C - ohms ?n? ?n;~ T1T2 - 1.706

                                                             'S:arting \'Ilndlng Rcs. ct 75- C
  • ohms c c T1T3 - 1.706 j"

Retor Ros. (bet rinss) ot 75* C - ohms Sfr.zy Load Loss Slator 12 R Loss LOSSES m WATTS AT FULL lOAD en 1977 8362

                                                                                                                                                                ".r; 0


  • 1778
                                                                                                                                                                                      ~ 8529




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~rop Bottom -.00006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -.00026 Ro!or 12 R Loss .                                                            c        3617         ctJc              .Q 3544                 *1tS C                                                                             .r Cora lo::s                                                                            4644                                              ._s-.                                 Current Balance
                                                                                                                                                                 -~                   ". 4049 Friction and Windago loss                                                    (2)
                                                                                                                                              -        800      .~     9!           -a 900                   ~~                               No load                                                   J.
                                                               ~ Efficioncy - Full LO::ld                                                            93.9         >                 r- 94.1                  >                                      7. .. 38-17 .-5-1O.W
                                                                          --         .*        Load                                         (2)      94.5         c~                  C1) 94.5               c~                                Full load (Apllrox.
                                                                                     - Y.. Load                                             its s:::

94.1 C1J

                                                                                                                                                                           .          rg 94 E                      (2)
s 52.6-52.9-53
                                                            ':; Power Factor Full Lead                                                               86.6         1tS_                        87.8           ItS"!;:                          Heaters
                                                                         ..: .... ~ Loc~   -*                                             ';;'       83.9                         . ':f,:i    85.4                                             120 Volts
                                                       -'                                  -   Y.. Load                                    J:       76.1         en+l                J:      77.7           en~                               Z.07Amps.

j, S; I"!"'J: c f-J: ,'- R?J.l at Full Lead 8S9 ..- 890 (" .res Per Torm. at lull load 53. ~2.l3 -;.':':; .\.: . er.'2

                                                    ~ !.                                                                                    o*                                                               ...J.:..'"~       .                 tator Res:# @,-Z7 t                                              Q 4-., .. Ift;lut ot full 'o::ld                                                    317.8,                               o317.~
~~~;~~~~~~} 'Amil~ras'per Teo;f-Rotor Joc!ced ---Y-- ~3.5 ~2'5 - lT2 - 1.735
                                                       " =le',i in;lut .. Rotcr locked                                                           675 .* 6                             N679.6            ..                                     T1T2 - 1.735                                               -
i,ic::. Sec. Volts between rings
                                                                                                                  "                         N
                                                                                                                                            ~                                         S-            .-                   '.,

T2T3 - 1.734

                                                             .S:::. Ar::';'s per ring at lull load                                         .c                                       .c                                                                                    ....                       ... _"

Full Load Torque (F.L.T.) in lb. ft. c

                                                                                                                                                 ' 2362_                              c 2361                                                    Vibration                                                     0 : ... 0'
~.                                                             Max. To:quo In ~ of F.L T.                                                            248'                                        239                                                 Too                            .0013 a;

(~" .:,: ":"':i;~; ':;~:\~ ~;':;: ?c~tf:;: .' S~:rfing Torque in'~ of F.L.T. 124.3 : 0;132.3 Bottom .00011

                                                              ;;~l~x~~XX~~~.(                          %.      SliD                         ItS    1.22                               ~ 1.11 Balanco :rasted St=:or Ins Tested 9000 V                                60 Sec.              en 01<:
                                                                                                                                                    -OK en OK OK Current Balance No Load
                                                           .: Rotor Ins Testod
                                                                 ~     . ,,'               TEMPERATURE TESTS V            Soc.
                                                                                                                                           ~                                         F                                                                     15.85-16-15.75 Full load (A1)pro
                                                   ....... Length of Test in hours                                                                 6'.00                                       7.00                                                        52.3-52.4-52.8
,Volts 4000 4000
                                                             ~,.. Normal Full Load Amp.                                                            99.5                                    100.9        ..                                                 Heaters
                                                            ;:re:n;:._ Rise IStater COj)iler by ReS.                                             51.2°C                                        50.5                                                           120 Volts
                                                              'in degroes C IStalor Iron                                                           46                                          48                                         -,      ---        2.05                   AmES.
.. Statut\:.~~:!!~tXCopper b" the: ftl.lCOUD le 32 ':In
                                                                                                                                                                                               '".- ~


  • I I Rotor Iren Room tomperaturo in
  • C 25 31 Stator slot thermocouoles 1 49 42
                   . -:                                                                            (Ri se)                                2        41                                          41                                         .

3 32 33 4 44 '39 i( .e Nos. 5 42 36 _ 6 48 31

                                                           ,                      Tho      obove i:s a tru~ and con:ct rocord of data obtai nod from tests mado at tho works of \'Iostingh~uso Eloctric Corporation.
                                                          - .!,QRl.I          Z958K                                                                                                                 v                 *

( 4 -

                                                                    '.-;     ."   ~- -:-:,.' -~:_'       .....      '.'.    '.'     ,

AiTA CH f.1 el1 No. ~ eALC,. NO ...'.10 G:'p~ {levo q

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~H.                           g of 10 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 8 of 10
                                                                                                .._ ..    .;.': ... ~....'~."                        .. .. -
                                                                                                                                                   ~     -
                                                             ~~~ :'f~~ii'                                                                                                                                       '-:,.
  . . . .0 .                                  * -: ;';':;'
 ~:' '.      *                   ' .       " .~!;',';;'-;;'"       -;,
                                                                                                                                                                                         ~~     :r             :.       -,;... Ii;.~ ~

i~* ;.~~. +- '" .- (' -,,--'l



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                                                                                                                                                                   , ..........                   ~        , .... _---                    ~O-==_=~
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  • I IT.

i I I TI j !! It)o .'

  • 2.00 300 lfo 0 - Sao PER<ENT OF RATED CuR.R,E~T J. J./,bb~ .

4' . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                                                           )\ 1,1, CH M EdJ'1 "'0,                                           ~

CALC!, No . " ~ E) f{t.Vs c( 5ff,90Flo 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 9 of 10

                                                                                        '. . au..      t.~.     .  :.~'~.:::>.' '.. ;. . ' ....... ~.II!-~ ~a.~.o'~"'.TWX** I.~O"1I0.' '.                . ' ~W'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .::.;.~ ::*IUIT: .*IIII~~ . ' ... '.;

kfaJH. t!JlfrceJ.,euJ dJadtvu; ~2~~ .N. W., FRON'T ~VENU~

  • PORTLANO*.OREGO.N 9~210:~,;;;tJ(:;  :
                                                                                                               . . .:'...::...:.         .::'~: ***:*/:,~*'.*\;:*:~i\~:*:'*: '.:        .                     ';INc;HA=ii:~:i:;l~~~i~~*:
                                                                                     . . . '.:                                            . " ....                               .. . . . "                         nit CANAL BOULEVARD
                                                                                                . '. ."                                                       NOv:ember                *~7. ~972                   "   PHONE ,.an) 232-7500 . .
                                                                                              .' Pacific' ~~.~. ~~ El~~tX:ic: cOmpan~' ' .                                                              .           ..       . ' '.... '. ....               ~

Mr~ D. *V. Kelly,' Chief Mechanical and Nuclear Eng~ g "'l.r: :J 77 *Beale Street . 1\i - . .'. . San Francisco, California. 94106 . ]JOV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .... 211912
                                                                                \                                                                                                 "   eo
                                                                                  \           .*Attention:                               ~.        P. G~ Antiochos
                                                                                                                                     '. Diablo Canyon Site, Units'l and 2                                                  .
                                                                                                                                        'Your'PurChase'Orders 4R-S75S and'4R-875BA e>:ur "Sales 'Orders . 290600/603 Gentlemen:
                                                               -:t'. ~...                .': In +/-espons~ .to,                            Your:        letter: ~o us of A~gust' 23, 1972, relative to t") . .                                                  ' .. ;. I****
                                                                                           " the motqrs" attaqhed. please, find several copies of Westinghouse
  ~¥~!<f.~ .. <."'~~ *f<' ..                                                                   "ea£e='.~~"**curve no. 559390, supplemented by the. '
                                                                                                .follOwing information *obtained from westinghouse relative to
  ..~                                                         ":.'.                         ':v~:ccelerating times:.                                                             ' .
                                                                 .   ~

a* * ,

                                                                                                      .. 'Pump Discharge Valve OPEN ' .
     ~                                                    .   ":.~~{                            j"                                    10'0 )~"" Voltag~                                              ,~seconds.

85 %. Voitage':' . . 1.38 seconds (.<:4 :'-~::~;**:~~:;t:.*. ;~;: !/:j.'

                                                                                                                         .           . 'SO % Voltage '.. '.                                             1.72*seconds
                                                                                    ,f                    Pump D:i,.sCliarge- Valve 'CLOSED" .
                                                                                                             .                    . 100 % ~Voltage                                                      O. 'l!- seconds 85' .% Vol;-tage                                              . 1.09 seconds M                                                        .:::.i
                                                                                                                                        .eo.% Vol:tage.**                                               1.33 seconds In      paiti~l response to *;our.letter t~ us of November 9, 1972" in which you.ask for additional motor in£ormation, we attaCh
copies of Westinghouse letter dated November, 14" ';972;'
                                                          ....                                ',The microfilm negatives of the motor outline. dimension dl:awing o

u~!ifelc.,!lf.t tig:NnlSii$lI'ttfana will be forwarded early next week. PASS D* FILE 0 "ISf-OSIT\OI'll .. { C!sdllD 0 (110. flU: 0

             . :'~E' :.     '. ,-:: ::    :~:                                                               1 yeAR .. tvIC~ 0 I T _                          Very truly yours, I.I'TER 2. :5 ytAIlS            ~

~.' .. :.:'; .J..:~ S~;:~ ..:.~ ....:: _.....:.:.::. ~.:::



                                                                           .I I.                             .NOV20.1972                                        A Division of ,Guy F. Atkinson Company DVK OM flGA v,:~: J~g rgj*


                                                                                                                              ~~: ~~: ~~1't""{'


                                                                                                                                                                                    #      /"'r), .
                                                                                                                                                                   '"t-[,. , Iff L-~CZ" Lf:,,-,(..,~
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .d AfA CPA flcn
                                                                                                   ;"cc . ~J"         ~K 1~:         i:: ::: . David. G..                             Seabury                , ~~


                                                         "~:".. .... . ..... .

ArrA-CHMcN1 No. ~8) CALe# N(f). f70(Sfa ~". q

                                                                                                                                                                                                             .5H, 10 ()~*I()

170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 8 Page 10 of 10

(;,i...."'..,.U,. FO'.

                                                                               / " INDUCTION MOTOR DATA 5h ':E".


!~~~~9~f,!~l~t~~~~~ti~r .... ... NY 31737L7 2 Item E S.O.NO.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ... "'.'::~._'.~:'~ ;.~:~:}~~


                                                                                                                                                                   -                                                                                   69F46S32 DATE.2/2l/69 BY L. E .... Rillggold ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ... :      **~' *** ** *f~ .~.> ... :', . . '! *. ~
                                                                                                                         ,',                PURCHASER'S REQUIREMENTS                                                              "                      DATA FURNISHED BY SELLER'                                                        ..            I I ... '...... ~:.: _.~.
                                                                                                        ~ER':ICE:Residual..c*Hea~~*Removal,; .
                                                                                                                                                                                           <.1         .  ,       ,           MAKE                     Westinghouse                                                                      *.-. .~. :< ..:~~~:~~....!";~::.;
                                                                                                                          .... :.: ... : ...c........    ....... ,        ..... "":~:                                                                                                                                             '. . :..~. < :'~.!.o .:,': .:~.;~

-.-} V', : ~: ~:,',~,:,.'~' ::-:: ~ ,,:. ;:;~:.: . TYPE* .. FRAI.\E NO. ~ 5010P24 ., , '

                                                                                       '., .       7 NO. 'OF: UNITS                       2 PGE/2,PEG                       '1'OTAL 4                                     HORSEPOWER ' . 400,' ,                                                                                               i ;.: ..../.:. *:i"'o.:

"'<-':J i'; - . ':. '8 MOUNTING Horizont'al SERVICE FACTOR 1.15 : .'

                                                  .. , ,                          '"      '.' ,9         ELEC. CHARACTERISTICS 4000 .V. 3                                                . PH, 60               CY            FULL LOAD RPM                            1778
~~'::j:f::!?;l;?-~j$1~:i~';:1:~~~~~:~i::t~~~~;:~ik::':' 'i~ SYNCH. SPEED, RPM FU.LL LOAD AMP '50
.' ..:..,::: HORSEPOWER LO~KED RorOR AMP. 304 '.' .. .'
        ;,                                                                           " . 12 SERVICE FACTOR                                                                                                    :               STARTING TORQUE; ,. F.L.                                           III 1.15 i*...                                                                            .. 13 ENCLOSURE                                Open Drip Proof                                               .  "                   PULL-QVT TORQUEi 50 F.L.                                            238 EFF.*FULllOAD",.                                                    94.0'
                                                                                    -.           14 INSULATION CLASS
                                                                                             '15 INSULATION TREATMENT Thermalastic Epoxy B

EfF.*3/4 LOAD, ~ 94.4:'

                                                                                     . : '16 AMBIENT TEMP* C                                           ..                                                                     EFF.*ll2'LOAD, ,;                                                   94.2*
                                                                              . . ':,. 11 STATOR TEMP Rise-c                                                                                                                  P.F.-FULL LO~. so'                                                  91.6
                                                                                       .' '18 BEARING TYPE '                                                                                                                  P.F.-3/.4 LOAD. ,;                                                  90.9
                                                                                              , 19 SEARING TEMP RELAY                                                                                                         P.F.-ll2 LOAD."                                                      87.3 r.-fO               BEARING THERMOCOUPLE See Appendix nC"                                                                           :    P.F.-LOCKED ROTOR                                   " . 29.4' 21 HALF COUPL. OR SHEAVE MTD. BY                                                                                             SPACE HTRS., TOTAL WATTS                                            None
.'.' ...: . '1.
                                                                                     ... 22              ROTATION*                                                                                                            RADIAL BEARING- TYPE                                                Ball


                                                                              . t=-l4                    BRKy/Y. TORQ. p!tVN. EQUIP*                                                                                          BEARINGSERVICE~liK* Yrs.                                             25 Average 0                                                                   ...
                            ...: ..                                            ,:,~:                     OVERSIZE COHO. SOX

Max .. Oversize NQRlAAl BRG* .oPER. TEMP-C NET WEIGHT,.'LB: ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ..185             *
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ATTACHMENT; 'f r CALC.t 110 C5Dc

                                                ~I+'T.      lor;                          ~ev~  q 164101 Date:            January 17, 1991                File N: . 140.124, 128.160 To:              NECS - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING From:            NECS - NUCLEAR SYSTEMS


Worst Case BHP of Class I Pumps Ref: 1) Memo, T. P. Lee to NECS Electrical, dated" November 14, 1989, CHRON #140288

2) Memo, G. A. Tidrick to NECS Electrical, dated November 1, 1990, CHRON #160228
3) A/R A0211934 T. F. FETTERMAN:

The attached Table summarizes the BHP of all Class I pumps under the Nuclear Group's cognizance and supersedes the Table attached to Reference No.1. This completes our action to provide you with the BHP I s of Class I pumps under our cognizance for your verification of overload setpoints. The BHP of the containment Spray pump which was not provided in References 1 and 2 are now provided in the attached T~ble. The BHP of the Safety Injection Pump is revised, as shown in the attached Table, to account for the higher density of fluid from the Refueling Water Storage Tank as discussed in Refer"ence 3. If you have any questions, please contact Masa Nakao (223-9797) or Kris Narayan (3-9962). J!~O,T~ GARRY A. TIDRICK KNarayan(3-9962):jfm cc: TRaldwin 333/A7101 MBasu 333/A9090 RSBreed 333/A7076 AKar 333/A9088 TPLee 333/A7009 MNakao 333/A7090 BSmith 333/A9090 C1Pmps.BHP '62*6218 (rev. 3*86) 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 11 Page 1 of 3

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170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 11 Page 2 of 3


r'i."". ~~-.. PROCEDURE'EE-3'Rev.1 r~ ATTACHMENT 7.1 SHEET 1 OF2 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT ELECTRICAL LOAD CHANGE'REQUESTFORM (ELCR) (120Vac, 480Vac, 4.16 & 12KVac) Requested By: AJ,f)C. :Li.l-£,y.1 c! Dale:...:i.J..':L.l.1f::.;.; DCN/FCT/AT-MM..AR No.: . 8i ~j II ~ Ai.P3 BLI No.: ~ Unit:_J Voltage:' ,LjKYSystem'No~: .,0'8" Syste~


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_£ 'k}-i¢1fl' " Pl.LCJZ~1'C.f~~la~ CCf'I-~. ~ Lf60 w ~:l..O It,. ,,~O lIP C4 ~;'IO - &f..? NOTES: 1. FOR MOTOR LOADS. COMPLETE THE ATTACHED, MOTOR DATA SHEET.

                                               .. .      .. -ADDITIONAL COMMENTS AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION'"                                                                                                   . ~ ~ f:
   $tls-hCM              ~L'!dz -OJ                      <<       CCe'I-~                ~,.-sf £47e . 8~f                     h>        7f<d           hp".                                                               '.~, ~~

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EOR LOAD TABULATION PERSONNEL ONLY DATERECEIVED:!/::..J..$..J.!li ELC~ ~o.: ?ft:- VAi..- b __ CALCULATION REVISION REQU IREO? .<><J YES (~~ . SE~~~~ET2FORDET~~'*:rt~ .JU;~~tl.Sb). q6<j)C6~Ht'. ,,-?# CJt~f{:":'?f:, 1iKf. ~ tI\ APPLICABLE CALCULATION NO.: ~ (~) YES <J...NO RESPONSIBLE SYSTEM ENGINEER ~ ~ APPROVED: PiA . DATE:h-f....i '16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $:l>J GRP LEADER:                                                                         DATE:-'-'____DIRECTOR:                                            ,,'..                            " . DATE:          I      I

_***, ************* _.A.*A ******* ***_ ********* *A ***** ' ** __ ****** AAAaa *** ' ** AAAAA ******* "Aa ****** '.'."aA.a.aa A.AA'AAAaA.A._ *** A.A.*A'***AA *** ~A* ********* AA ** 'aA'~.**~'A4*'A'**A*"A'A'." ELCR INCORPORATED IN CALC. NO.: REV. NO.: BY: DATE:-'-'_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \ ,

i 170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 11 Page 3 of 3 II


                                                               * ,0.;:.:..;;' *        * .'

Hay.22, 1990 fill: 116.30, 11~.51., 140.063

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             \       **         It CALC. ,NO. 170-bc
                                                    .f"aI:   R. B. Clark                                                                     Rev*.NO. }J '1
                                                     ~       Maximum Break Horsepower AT"t~CHME~T        §
                                                                                                                                            ~f* ~Of D
                                           !l'. F. Fetterman:

In response to your letter regarding the device setpoint calculation, dated September 25, 1989, we completed the requested worst case brake horsepower review. ~e results of the review for the AFW, CCW, and ASW system pumps are included in the tabte below. Equip. Equipment Max. Brk. , ..,

                                           ~                            Description                                        H.P              Reference       ~.

AFWP2 Aux.- Feedwater Pump 600hp calc. M-854-AFWP3 Aux. Feedwater Pump 600hp Calc. H-854 CCWAPl CCW Aux Lube oil Pump O.2hp' Calc. )1-854

  /-'"'!~'"           *.1'.  '     ~ **  ,.CCWAP2            CCW Aux Lube Oil Pump                                         O.2hp            calc. H-854 I\,          J':
                                 ,., .. :"CW,'71.p3
               \ ., "....:.:-..-....;:..-...l.,..., n.       caw Aux Lube oil Pump                                         O.2hp            Calc. H-854
            .                               CCWPl            Component Cooling Water Pump                                  435hp            Ca~c. M-854 CCWP2.           Component Cooling Water Pump                                  435hp            Calc. M-854 CCWP3            Component Cooling water Pump                                  435hp            Calc. M-854 ASPl             Auxiliary Saltwater Pump                                      450hP }          Calc. M-854           .

ASP2 Auxiliary Saltwater Primp 450hp* ~ Calc. M-854 ~ L ~e:E. ATrACft# r; fClR

                                                                                                                                             ~ATG:-5T BI+P fOt< ASW P~;1. ~ Usama Farradj at 3-9726 if you have any questions. ~

Rich Clark DGHowland:wtp cc: UAFarradj 333/A7075 JCKelly 333/A7074 SNSabharwal .333/A7080 BDSmith 333/A9090 RMSweeney 333/A7069 MRTresler 333/A1409 RCWebb 333/A1416 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 12 Page 1 of 1


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'Melnorandu1n .: -' '. ~, ...

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                                                                ~ ENGINEERING                            MXB From:           NES MECHANICAL SYSTEMS
                                                                    ~                                    JCR subject:        Brake Horsepower for Auxiliary                   salt~e~Pff!~1994 ~~~

BKL " RCW MJA Please Handle CGR Comment Router Prepare Repl~ Info Filo lOG :/I: OUE DATE ______ TOM FETTERMAN: The intent of this memorandum is to transmit NES Mechanical reanalyses of the normal operation brake horsepower requirement for the Auxiliary Saltwater (ASW) pumps. The content supersedes the information contained in our letter dated April 17, 1991 (Chron # 169378) in regards to the ASW pumps. The results of the reanalyses are provided below: Auxiliary Saltwater - 465 BHP (


DC 663030-61-1, Calc. M-854, Rev. 2, Chron memo #216543) The ASW pump brake horsepower requirement for normal flow conditions, calculated in M-854, Rev. 2, is approximately 450 HP. This value was calculated using a pump performance curve supplied by the pump vendor, which was not test certified for the DCPP ASW pumps. Verification of the BHP requirements for both normal and maximum flow conditions was performed by ASW motor test data from test procedure TP TB-9409 conducted in February 1994 on all four ASW pumps. The results of these tests indicate that the ASW pumps operate in the range of 440 to 460 HP. As documented in your letter dated February 11, 1994, the test resul ts also .. indicated the ASW pump motors are capable of operating at a brake horsepower;up to 465" HP without exceeding their design limits. The value of 465 HP is the maximum BHP for the ASW pump motors for the configuration of one ASW pump supplying one or two CCW heat exchangers. This value should be used to update electrical design bases documents.

  ~:: ~.:!'::i KSsmith(3-9779):agf cc:   MDare         DCPP/104/4/47C                   CPRhodes          333/A7005 BMGrosse      333/A9073                        DWright           DCPP/116/2 JCKelly       333/A7076 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 13 Page 1 of 1

ATrAcH-MeNT #- (4 ~C1f l70 -DC I <<eVI q

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SJ{-f. ~ Of ~ ~ ~ .. IlF,STINGROUSE ELtCIRIC CORPORATION Heavy Industry Motor D1visiou. 138573 I 2 ~I Round Rock, Texas 18664

                      -S I.J?ll fV\*f M6fl>J2-    INDUCTION MOTOR DATA

( VIH-) Shop Order: \7562. L N General Order :_ _.....1\1_~ ___---.Io4_q_2_2-..;..5_ __ Customer: _ _ _w~es~'-~(N2~.fi()(J~..:.l;;E ___~PI.-.;T....:T...;t);;.z::B~UJ.::R~Gtf~~rvsr=.JD~_ _ _ _ _ _ :..... Rating HP:. 4-00 Voltage: 4COO Amper~s:

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Frame: Locked -KV'A Code: F Performance ....

s. F. ~  !.:..Q9. ~.Q.:1l .---=:.2.:1.Q.
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Breakdown Torque: 214 % Pull.-Up Torque: 73  %@ ___O_____%Speed Loc.ked Rotor Current: 3-10. _ Amp. 607 % F. L. Slip: l. 0 6  % Circuit Constants Per Unit au Ocdrrt' r.vA. Base .... Transient: Re.aceanclt, X' : d

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  • I I 1 I 0 .. 50 ACCELERRT I ON T I ME .1 * * --:------~-----!-----~-----_:

() .. 40 VERSUS CURRENT ------l------:-----t ----j -----! -----:-----t------:------i


(.) 1-1 1).30 J FL TORQUE =1180 LB-FT ------:------t-----:- I I *




I * *

  • t-I D.20 LOCK TORQUE= 1312 LB-FT ------:------(-----f- ----1--- - -:---- -t-----i------I------.

ll\ FL "AMP S =51 AMPS  : ! : : : : : : ,.: .u..;

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  • I I I en LOCK AMPS =335 AMPS  :::::::: Q
                       !l.lO HOTOR WK2                                             =123 LB-FT 2 ------:------i------f--                                                                                                                        t---'--f------I-----~:

Z ci i"- n.oa LOND WK2

             ' 0 0.06
                                                                                   =42 LB-F T 2 -- -- --r -----r-----T-- --.,--- - -r- -- - ,. -----T-----.,------
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o 120 240 360 480 ROUND ROCK, TEXAS CURVE NO. KN032792

CALC'" 17C>-PC }<.eV, q

                                                                              '*T. ~      Of \    ..

(-_._--') \ / CW/-I-) L 'L INDUCTION MOTOR PAGE NO. 5 METHOD F PER IEEE STD. 112-1984 PROGRAM HH9702TL, 12/30/86 CUSTOMER PACIFIC GAS & ELECT. SHOP ORDER 17564LN1 ROTOR SERIAL NO AE1328 STATOR SERIAL NO AC5246 FRAME 50093 TYPE LF HORSEPOWER 400. VOLTAGE 4000. SYN SPEED 1800. RATED SPEED 1780. FREQ. 60. SOLUTION OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PULOAD 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 3.27 SLIP 0.00266 0.00535 0.00816 0.01111 0.01427 0.01771 0.08924

            -*R2            0.5263    0.5263    0.5263    0.5263    0.5263     0.5263    0.5263 R2/S         197.7217 98.3300 64.5281 47.3675 36.8778 29.7.119              5.8977-X2              3.395     3.395     3.395     3.395     3.395      3.395     2.656 Z2SQ         39105.41 9680.32 4175.40 2255.21 1371.50             894.32     41.83 G2            0.00506 0.01016 0.01545 0.02100 0.02689 0.03322 0.14097 GFE           0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033' 0.00033 G              0.0054    0.0105    0.0158    0.0213    o. 0272-- 0
  • 033 6 0.1413
             -B2          0.000087 0.000351 0.000813 0.001506 0.002476 0.003797 0~063479 BM            0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588 0.00588
             -B            0.00597 0.00624 0.00670 0.00739 0.00836 0.00968 0.06936 YSQ          0.000065 0.000149 0.000294 0.000510 0.000811 0.001220 0.024779 RG            83.2923 70.4385 53.6803 41.8477 33.5693 27.5113               5.7027 R1             0.5725    0.5725    0.5725    0.5725    0.5725     0.5725    0.5725 R             83.8647 71.0109 54.2528 42.4202 34.1418 28.0837               6.2751 XG            92.2952 41.8672 22.7742 14.4946 10.3098             7.9373    2.7993 Xl             4.1093    4.1093    4.1093    4.1093    4.1093     4.1093    3.2142 X             96.4045 45.9765 26.8836 , B ~(\~9 1~.~:i.92 12.0466           6.0134
z. 127.7776 84.5955 60.5482 46.3204 37.0618 30.5584 8.6913 I1 18. 27. 38. 50. 62. 76. 266.

i2 11. 23. 34. 46. 59. 72. 261. iNPUT XW 82.18 158.76 236.78 316.34 397.70 481.19 1329".15 SEC .. KW 76.58 152.49 229.34 307.20 386.25 466.70 1205.05 PRIM I2R KW 0.56 1.28 2.50 4.27 6.67 9.81 121.25 CORE LOSS KW 5.04 5.00 4.94 4.87 4.78 4.68 2.85 SEC I2R KW 0.20 0.82 1.87 3.41 5.51 8.27 107.54 F+W LOSS KW 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 WLL KW 0.23 0.92 2.11 3.84 6.21 9.31 121.11

             'roTAL KW        7.58      9.56     12.96     17.94     24.72      33.61    354.29 OUTPUT KW       74.60    149.20    223.81 . 298.39 - 372.98       447.58    974.85
           . EFF (%)         90.77'    93.98     94.53     94.33     93.78      93.02     73.34 PF (%)-         65.63     83.94     89.60     91.58     92.12      91.90     72.20 HP OUTPUT        100.      200.      300.       400.      500.       600. 1307.

SPEED (RPM) 1795. 1790. 1785. ; 1780 *. 1774. 1768. 1639. TORQ1LB-FT 292.7 " 586.9 882.9 1180.7 1480.5 1782.8 4188.1 PULL OUT TORQUE= 3.55 STATOR I2R = 4.27 NO LOAD STAI2R = 0.35 ROTOR 12R = 3.41 STARTING TORQUE AT RATED VOLTS = 1682. LB FT (142.44 % RUNNING TORQUE) INRUSH CURRENT AT RATED VOLTS = 382.3 (PER UNIT= 7.50)

ATTA-CH-Mt=.tJT #- J 7 Cjtl-c1f 170 -:Dc ) R~v. 6J ccp /Y1~fL (W1-t)' £;+l-T* ¥. Of ~ I&. ' DEC 23 '92 10:38 FROM WRCS MARKETING \ PAGE. 002 I WEStINCHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION Heavy In4Ultry Mocor Div1s1oD Round Rock. taxa. 18664 IN"OUCTION MOl01 DATA I I Shop Order :_~17..;...S;....6..;;.,..;;;..3..;:;;L_N~__ Ceneral Otder ' ___Mo.:..;A;....;.-._4:9~:..;;2;....;;25=-_ _ __ I Customer: _~tp:::;::~;;:;::d~J:.&..:fC.=-...:=Gg~2c:.-_i_£.~(e:::::.::c=:;.fvi~*c....:=;,;;,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Itat1nl HP: yolta gez ~Cl . Amperes: ~7_S"' __ Service Factor Phases: 5 Herez: I

  • F. L. Speed:
  • r773 RllK Temp_ Rise: ~~ *C By Ro.s, <if US-Insula tion ClaslI:

I ------- Frame: 580~ Loeked ~A Co-de: Performance I toad ~ 1:.22. 0.7S 2.:12.

      % Efficiency T                     QS.6                          q3.~                    qS. <-}                       Q3.2.
      % Pover Factor I                         ql. I                          clI. S-                   ql.~~                        8'i(*q.

I qo Rated torClue: !177 , I lb.-ft. Start1DS :torque: 5t"eakd O\lQ Torqu~: '230 % Pull-Up Torque: 'f 0  %, 0  % Speed Locked Ro tor cu~re\\t: 4 (6 Amp. ~ _, F. L. Slip: ttl?  % C1rcuit Constant * . I Trauslenc R.e&ct~ea. X'eS' __.:..-..;.,1... 7..;::e;.,;;;s;;,..'1....a.-_ _ __ X/1: R~act.1Ulc **. X .........;;.;;.;...~,;;;...;:;.;;;:::.ow tl Sub-Transient el : _PAH Oper1 C1rcu1c tu.o Constant. tt do' I. 2.0 Sec Shore Circuit t1jma ConstaDt, T': .04-BG.S6c .See. i (0 (lQi'l2... EnS1neer: _ _ _._tV....a91....U11 tT""",,-! _____OM ________ Dat.a: S ,'llf 19: "L: Approval: _ _"'!"-_ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _- - - - R~.J~U~{j) No. Sh. Ch. FOlL'l , HIHD- 297

      ........                                                                                                                                          .d-DC 6 6 3 2 1 0 - 2% -


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170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 17 page 1 of 2 -.. - JAN 1 3 1993


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a.sa MOTOR WK2 ;211 , I I , , I I , 1

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o 100 2QQ 500 X CURRENT

                                                      -       I SOD                             4DQ WESTIN~OUSE                                            MOTOR COMPANY                                                                  ROUND ROCK . TEXRS
        .... SlGN~!UR~1                           or       ~.Nq\U.j~                                            DrmI12/2219~                                                                     CURVE NO. TN1JiSS2
                           -VOd                              ANVtClHO:::a                              ~O-LOK 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 17 Page 2of2 eM)                          Wet I

S<3: ~o APPROVED FOR JAN 1 3 1993

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~s 1;("


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -;:;z *z't

v~ . I / V -v c- f'-~V, -*

   .     ?fA~                  .                                                      GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.


 'j'"                                                                                   .. INDUCTION
                                                                                                  .       MOTOR                :'

4,,' '. ::. _ -..,1-:- Ra t=JENERAL ELECTRIC CO. ~EST RES Qa *** NED-BA-SS-145

                                 . NUCLEAR ENERGV BUS. OP.                                                            REPORT, O: ***** GOOS40S9D .

175 CURTNER AVE. DATE 0 TESTI ** 03/03/Se AN JOSE, CA. 95125 REGIN. NO,'. II * * *

  • 205-S6F4SS COST ORDER NOI.20S-SSF485 MODEL NO: ** ~ *** 5~S311DTe401MHc ERIAL NO.: **** 41-5-!J05
                                          .                  ~
                                       .~~~ "
                                 '\)V                          .
                                                                                                                         '                       __ ~   .._ ......... _,_
                                                                                                                                                                       **._.IIr_._.__ ...........

RATED. HP &4000 AMPERES. 54.2""- SERVICE FACTOR, t 60 TYPE: 1<9

                           -......-.---~   ..............
                                                 .         .....- .... --........-
  • 3 FRAME sL3011VPZ24
   ~ CONDITIONS Or TEST                                                                                 TEMPERATURE RISE HOURS RUNt                                    2.0                          STATO ~ISE BY*RESISTANCEs '75.1.DEG CENT.

LINE AMPS: 56.4 RESIST CE AT 21.7 DEG CENT.s 1.1285 OHMS ( -:OOLI NG AI,R a :25.3 D C

  \-'SLlP(Ye) :                                      2.55                           RESISTANC AT SHUT DOWN:                                              1.50:20 OHMS oVOL.TS:                                          400                            RESISTANCE -T 120 SECt                                               1.4945 OHMS NO LOAD AM"PS:'                              18
   'l\fFREQ. (HZ) I                                        60
   ~HORSEPOWE~&                                        401 a

TORQUE LOCKED R OR TORQUEa 4218.0 LB. FT. STAR ING CURRENT, 321.0~-- BREAKDO TORQUE: 1872.0 LB. FT. AT 2510 V-TE BREAKD WN TORQUE. 4754.0 LB. FT. AT 4000 V~CAL BREA~ OWN TORQUE. 3043.0 'LE. FT. AT 3200 Y-CALC H POTENTIAL TEST 9100 VOLTS FOR 60 SEC. EFFICIENCIES ~ POWER FACTOR 40 ~~ 0 LOAD, P.ERCENT OF RATED 23 50 . 7S 100 EF'F' 1 CI EN_CY (%) 91.4 93.8 93.9 93.3 92.8 92.~

     . POWER FACTOR(Y.)                                                          51. 7      . "72. 1      79. B                      82. G               63.0               82.-3 SPEED (RPM)                                                               B9G         891          887                          BSl               878      .::~        875 r.' t  1 NE CURRENT (AMPS)                                                  23.6         32.6        43.6                       ~6.1                64~3                   0.2

J-v~r/' APPROVED,~ CERTIFIED DATE ********** 170-0C Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 18 Page 1 of 1

CALC 1f 17{) - 'PC)  !<e \/, 4

                                                                       . -~ -*0'-1       eF-*2.:~*-------------------
                           '5fAfLE       A5.W fLfMf IYl1Yf7JtL WESTINGHOUSE MOTOR COMPANY VERTICAL INDUCTION MOTOR TEST REPORT                                  PAGE NO. 1 DATE - JUNE 22 1993                               GENERAL ORDER NO.


                             , POLES - 8 PHASE - 3 HERTZ - 60                           AMPS    -        60 RPM   -      886 STATOR RES. AT 25 DEG C                       AIR GAP MEASUREMENTS 1.7004 .                             * * *                              * *
  • 1.7004 0.047* *0.047 0.047* *0.047 1.7014
  • TOP *
  • 0.047 *
  • 0.047
  • 0.047* *0.047 0.047* *0.047 SPECIFIED AIR GAP .046 PHASE ROTATION T3 T2 T1 CCW PER DRAWING NO. - 5D97103 HZ V 1-2 V 2-3 V 3-1 A1 A2 A3 K-WATT N.LOAD INPUT 60 4001. 4001. 3996. 17.0 16.5 16.4 6.6 VIBRATION DATA DISPLACEMENT - MILS PEAK-TO-PEAK (UNFILTERED)

TOP BRACKET BOTTOM BRACKET H 0.170 MILS H 0.020 MILS A 0.060 MILS A 0.030 MILS BEARING TEMPERATURE DATA, DEG C - BEARING SENSOR - CUST TOP BOTTOM AMBIENT BEARING BEARING TIME TEMP TEMP TEMP 1900 26.2 40.5 42.7 1930 26.9 44.2 50.8 2000 27.0 45.~ 54.4 2030 26.4 45.8 56.4 2100 26.9 46.0 57.5 2130 27.0 46.6 59.5 2200 26.9 46.6 59.5 2230 26.8 46.3 59.8 FINAL BEARING TEMPERATURES, DEG C - TOP BOTTOM MEASURED TEMPERATURE (TOTAL) 46.3 59.8 AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE 26.8 26.8 TEMPERATURE RISE 19.5 33.0 CUSTOMER - WESTINGHOUSE NSD S.O. - 17561LN1 RETEST APPROVED FOR ~I 35 'M/M -NEG. '/ \ I' JU1.2 3 1993 Ji ' (., 6 "Z MICROFILMING DC0 3 0 ::; 0 8 2 170-DC ReviSion 00008518 Attachment 19 Page 1 of 2

CirLC# 17LJ -PC I 'j<IlV, q

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.:-----~-.~ 1_\1

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                                            -5 pAf2. A-5 t.J f £11l1'f             M d'T25t2-INDUCTION MOTOR                                      PAGE NO. 5 METHOD F PER IEEE STD. 112-1984 PROGRAM HH9702TL , 12/30/86
                 !<;'   CUSTOMER WESTINGHOUSE NSD                               SHOP ORDER 17581LN1 RETEST
                 ~      ROTOR SERIAL NO AE1284                          STATOR SERIAL NO AC5244 FRAME 5809P24                        TYPE INDUCTION                               HORSEPOWER         450.

VOLTAGE 4000. SYN SPEED 900. RATED SPEED 886. FREQ. 60. SOLUTION OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PULOAD 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25' 1.50 2.38

                      , SLIP          0.00360 0.00728 0.01122 0.01556 0.02053 0.02658 0.08147 R2             0.6126       0.6126 ' 0.6126             0.6126            0.6126          0.6126     0.6126 R2/S         170.3790 84.2067 54.6187 39.3839 29.8478 23.0464                                        7.5197 X2              4.536        4.536         4.536          4.536             4.536          4.536       3.639 Z2SQ         29049.58 7111.35 3003.78 1571.67                            '911.47          551.72       69'.79 G2            0.00587 0.01184 0.01818 0.02506 0.03275 0.04i77 0.10775 GFE           0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 G              0.0061       0.0121        0.0184        0.0253            0.0330          0.0420     0.1080
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                        -B            0.00763 0.00812 0.00899 0.01036 0.01245 0.01570 0.05962 YSQ          0.000096 0.000212 0.000421 0.000748 0.001244 0.002013 0.015220 RG            63.9278 57.0130 43.8251 33.8349 26.5249 20.8810                                        7.0964 R1             0.7684       0.7684        0.7684        0.7684            0.7684          0.7684     0.7684 R             64.6963 57.7815 44.5936 34.6034 27.2933 21.6494                                        7.8649 XG            79.7613 38.2561 21.3645 13.8535 10.0106                                    7.8006      3.9172 Xl             4.7890       4.7890        4.7890        4.7890            4.7890         4.7890      3.8415 X             84.5502 43.0451 26.1535 18.6425 14.7996 12.5896                                        7.7587 Z            106.4629 72.0526 51.6971 39.3057 31.0476 25.0439 11.0478 11                 22.          32.           45.             59.              74.            92.       209.

12 13. 26. 40. 54. 70. 88. 203. INPUT KW 91.33 178.08 266.97 358.37 453.02 552.29 1031.00 SEC. KW 86.51 172.03 258.76 346.90 436.89 . 529.47 928.09 PRIM 12R KW 1.08 2.37 4.60 '7.96 12.75 19.60 100.73 CORE LOSS KW 3.73 3.68 3.60 3.51 3.38 3.21 2.18 SEC I2R KW 0.31 1.25 2.90 5.40 8.97 14.07 75.61 F+W LOSS KW 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 WLL KW 0.22 0.87 2.03 ' 3.77 6.26 9.82 52.75 TOTAL KW 7.40 10.23 15.19 22.68 33.41 48.76 233.34 OUTPUT KW ~3.93 167.85 25i.78 335.69 419.61 503.52 797.66 EFF (%) 91.89 - 94.26 94.31 93.67 92.62 91.17 77.37 PF (%) 60.77 80.19 86.26 88.04 87.91 86.45 71.19 HP OUTPUT 113. 225. 338. 450. 562. 675. 1069. SPEED (RPM) 897. 893. 890. 886. 882. 876. 827. TORQ1LB-FT 659.1 1323.2 1992.7 2668.4 3352.5 4048.0 6795.8 PULL OUT TORQUE= 2.55 STATOR 12R: 7.96 NO LOAD STAI2R: 0.76 ROTOR I2R: 5.40 STARTING TORQUE AT RATED VOLTS: 2887. LB FT (108.19 % RUNNING TORQUE) INRUSH CURRENT AT RATED VOL~S: 303.9 (PER UNIT: 5.06) AP~~~E; ;~~93 MICROFILMING Er 135 M(M NEG. 0Jt.)\.J

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170-DC Revision 16A SAP#900008518 Attachment 20 Page 2 of 2

DCPP Form 69-21459 (04/07/10) CF3.1D4 Attachment 7 Page 1 of 3 Design Calculation Checklist SAP Calc. No.: ~~~~~~----------- 9000008518 Part. No.: 16 Version No.: 1 Legacy No.: 170-DC Rev 16A Item to Verify Complete (enter N/A if not applicable) Preparer Checker LanlD LanlD Correct calculation number taken out in SAP - document number, part number, version number. Dt\\F {4A,. Originating document is entered in SAP as superior document (e.g., DCP number) and/or on Object Links tab (notification number). 't>B-\f I-tAP' Cover Page Calculation number reflects SAP number and Legacy number. HA/V'l Unit number is entered ~f' r1- 14M Subject clearly stated. \)8\~ 14- AN1 If computer calculation, computer/application/validation information filled in. \).£\A~ I4-A"'" Calculation Page Index completed. Record of Revisions Page Rev No., revised pages and reason for revision clearly identified. Status matches status in SAP (except if it is PI in SAP, status is F here). ~\t=' 14;\1Y1 Prepared by, checked by and registered professional engineer blocks signed (full signature). 1)E\{~ f\AN1 CF3.1D17 block signed if contractor-completed calc. ~I PE stamp block completed. vE1\F Calculation Body Purpose is clear and includes the requesting document reference (e.g., DCP No). ~~ ~A-M


Background is established clearly so that the reader can understand the situation without going back to the author. HA-4\I'\ Assumptions are validated or clearly indicated "Preliminary" if verification is required. If preliminary, SAP Notification No.: ~f- 1414"" Inputs validated or clearly indicated "Preliminary" if verification is required. 11-11-#' If preliminary, SAP Notification No.: l>0\~ As-built configuration is verified as required (steps 5.3.2d.7 and 5.3.2d.9). tJfA tv I Jo/ Methodology described is concise and clear. l)E'rt~ 1+,4 N1 Acceptance criteria provided are clear: OEY~ ',\-(+#1 Body of the calculation is clear so that another person can understand the analysis and the logic without going back to the author. >>&tf' 1+141'1' Results provides a precise solution to the stated purpose. ~~ f.J-J41'" 9000008518-16-1 (170-DC Rev 16A) Checklist.DOC 0307.1033

DCPP Form 69..21459 (04/07/10) CF3.1D4 Attachment 7 Design Calculation Checklist Page 2 of3 Item to Verify Complete (enter N/A if not applicable) Preparer Checker Lan 10 Lan 10 Margin assessment includes affect on existing margin (quantitative) or a qualitative assessment. Margin data recorded using SRM'module Conclusion includes applicability and limitations. '\)(;yl\= H-A-.M Impact on other documents is performed (step 5.3.2k). \)~f A-tVl References are clearly identified as input, output and other references. ~'E'rlf "",4111\ Attachments include references not readily retrievable. f iJl4N'1 All revised pages have the correct calc no, revision/version number (9*xxxx-yyy-zz). 1>Y\~ LBIE AD/Screen completed. t-l / Pt. LBIE evaluation completed, when necessary. Calculation input and output references correctly entered in SAP on Calculation record Object Links tab. Verification Check method A - Independent Review Of Calculation Check method B - Alternate Calculation

  • Comparison to a sufficient number of simplified calculations to support the calculation. '
  • Comparison to an analysis by an alternate verified method.
  • Comparison to a similar verified calculation.
  • Comparison to test results.
  • Comparison to measured and documented plant data for a comparable design.
  • Comparison to published data and correlation confirmed by industry experience.
  • Other (describe)

Check method C - Critical Point Check Approval: Operations concurrence documented for any operator action(s). Eng director approval to issue design with calc in "Preliminary" status. Ref.: Calc Approved/Preliminary has a tracking operation off the closure order and is included on design engineering review requirements. No.: PSRC approval if LBIE evaluation is required. PE stamp current for person signing as PE. Approve as Final. 9000008518-16-1 (170-DC Rev 16A) Checklist.DOC 0307.1033

DCPP Form 69-21459 (04/07/10) CF3.1D4 Attachment 7 Design Calculation Checklist Page 3 of3 Item to Verify Complete (enter N/A if not applicable) Processing Approved Calc: Calc status updated in SAP. Calc Approved/Pending implementation has a tracking operation off the closure order. Working copy of Approved Calculation package is transmitted to document services for G'\P'""'\ fcC filing in Library or if it is not stored in Library, returned to designated storage location. V~ n1 Copy of the approved revision transmitted to engineering department clerk for ~ y transmitting to RMS. 9000008518-16-1 (170-DC Rev 16A) Checklist.DOC 0307.1033 .

Enclosure Attach ment 2 PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 Attachment 2 Calculation 9000041185-1-0, 460 Volt Motors

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 1 of12 DCPP Form 69-21593 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 5 Page 1 of3 Design Calculation Summary Block 1: Cover Sheet Unit(s): 1&2 Legacy No . .;:;..35""-7:.....;;T~-=-D..;:;..C_ __ SAP Calculation No.: 9000041185 Type:_E__ System No . ..;;..6-=-4_ __ Responsible Group: =ED::;.:E""--_ _ _ _ __ Quality Classification: ..::;:Q_____ System, Structure, or Component: vi tal 4 BOVAC Motor Thermal Overload Relays File No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Binder No: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Index No: -----....:....-


480V Motor & MOV Availability Under Degraded Voltage Condition Computer/Electronic Calculation: 0 YES ~NO Date of Latest InstallationNalidation Computer 10 Application Name and Version Test Working Copy Calculation Page Index Calculation Package No. of Pages Cover Sheet 1 Signature Sheet 1 Calculation Checklist Calculation Body 9 R1 Attachments A:1-3, B:1-3, C:1-6, D:1-12, E:l-B, F:1-2 34 Other: TOTAL 46 cover sheet.Doc 0321.1541

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 2 of 12 DCPP Form 69-21593 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 5 Design Calculation Summary Page 2 of3 Block 2: Signature Sheet SAP Calc No. 9000041185 Legacy No. =3..;;.5..;...7T=--=-D;;;...C~_ _ _ _ __ Part NoNersion No 001/00 Status IZJ Final o Superseded 0 Void o Cancelled o History Pages Affected All Requesting Doc No. LAR 11-06, DDP 1*803 (U2) , DDP 1*429 (Ul) LBIE AD/Screen DYes ONo IZJ N/A*" LBIE Eval DYes DNo IZJ N/A

  • Check method* IZJ A = Detailed Check lOB = Alternate Method 10 C = Critical Point Check PSRC Meeting No PSRC Meeting Date

. Prepared By: --;?-?---z..~. / HAM8 Date: 3/22/12 LAN 10 CheckedBy: ________~~~~=_=-----------~/-=H~P~S2~---- Date: 3/22/12 LAN 10 RegisteredPE:_~_' _ _-_~ __ ~ _________~/~HAM~'~8_ _~ Date: 3/22/12 Signature LAN 10 PE Stamp Expirat.ion Date: 12/31/13

                                                                        ~6B Supervisor:        .JlyIt-.             ~~                        I  ~                     Date: 3/22/12 Signature                        LAN 10,Js..   -:(z~ 2.-

Owner's Acceptance per CF3.ID17: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~/ _ _ __ Date: _________ Signature LAN 10 A. Insert PE stamp or seal below B. Insert stamp directing to PE stamp or seal cover sheet.Doc 0321.1541

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 3 of 12 DCPP Form 69-21593 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 5 .Design Calculation Summary Page 3 of3 Block 3: Checklist Complete (enter N/A if not applicable) Preparer Checker Item to Verify LANID Initials LAN ID Initials SAP Entry: Calc number, part number, version number, legacy number, HAM 8 HPS2 superior document or Reason for calc field on add I data tab f+-AJV\ 116v-Calc Cover Sheet: All applicable field entries complete, HAM 8 HPS2 computer/application/validation information filled in for computer calculations and working copy calculation page index completed l+t4,tV\ ~


Signature Sheet: Part number, version number, revised pages and reason HAM 8 14-1\-"", HPS2 for revision clearly identified Calculation Body Purpose is clear and includes originating document (step 5.3.2a) HAM 8 ({It V\ HPS2 ~ Background is established clearly (step 5.3.2b) HAM 8 M-1l-V1 HPS2 ~ Assumptions are validated or clearly indicated Preliminary if verification is HAM8. HPS2 required. SAPN number- (step 5.3.2c) t+tJ.N\


Inputs are validated or clearly indicated Preliminary if verification is HAM 8


HPS2 required. SAPN number. (step 5.3.2d) ~ As-Built Configuration is verified, as required (step 5.3.2d.7 and 5.3.2d.10) HAMS t+!\-M HPS2


Methodology described is concise and clear (step 5.3.2e) HAM 8 1+14.,41 HPS2


Acceptance Criteria is clear - developed from design and licensing basis, HAMS HPS2 N-flM verified against safety analysis criteria and methodology is consistent with licensing basis (step 5.3.2f) Jv Body of the Calculation is clear regarding analysis and logic for anyone H-jt-N)

                                                                                                                     ~r HAM 8                  HPS2 without going back to the author (step 5.3.2g)

Results: Provides a precise solution to the stated purpose and provides HPS2


HAM 8 H-A- N\ I-justification to prepare LBIE for the package (step 5.3.2h) Margin assessment includes quantitative or qualitative assessment on existing margin (step 5.3.2i) HAM 8 r+A-H) HPS2


Margin data recorded using SRM module (step 5.3.2i.4) HAM 8 I+!+M HPS2


Conclusion includes applicability and limitations (step 5.3.2j) HAM 8 t+ /4. A'\ HPS2


it/td'l Impact on other documents determined (step 5.3.2k) HAM 8 HPS2


Referencep: Non-retrievable references attached (step HAM 8 HPS2 AA-IV\

  • Linked input, linked output and unlinked other references identified.
  • Linked references entered on the object links tab (step ~i' and

Attachments for reference only are clearly identified (step 5.3.2m.6) HAM 8 l4-J4 ;fl HPS2

                                                                                                                      ~ Ii All revised pages have the correct calc number, part number, version number (9*xxxxx-yyy-zz) and legacy number (step 5.2.2e)


                                                                                            /'\-t\""   HPS2
                                                                                                                       ~ I----

cover sheet.Doc 0321.1541

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 4 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.ID4 Attachment 6 Page 1 of9 Design Calculation Template SAP Calc. No.: .: . .,9.;:;. .0.: ;,. 00::. .:0:. . :4:. : 1:.: :;:1. .; ;,.8.;: ;,.5_ _ _ _ __ Part No.: 001 Version No. 00 Unit: 1 and 2 legacy No.: .:::..3.:::;..5~7T=_--=D:....:C::...__ _ _ _ _ _ __ Su~ect:480V Motor & MOV Availability Under Degraded Voltage Condition Table of Contents: 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................................................*.*.................................................................. PAGE 5


.........................................*.................................*........................*.............*.......................... PAGE 5 3.0      ASSUMPTIONS ......................................*....................................................................................................... PAGE 5 4.0      INPUTS ............................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 5 5.0      METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 5 6.0      ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................... PAGE 6                      R1 7.0      BODY OF CALCULATION .......................................................................................................................... PAGE 6 8.0      RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 6

9.0 MARGIN ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 11


S ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 11 11.0 IMPACT EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 11


.......................................................................*.............*.................................*...................... PAGE 12 13.0    ENCLOSURES AND ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................................... PAGE 12 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                                  NUMBER NO.                                                                                 TITLE                                                 OF PAGES A.                                       Evaluation of TOl relay heater/FlUR trip time for                                                 3 TMOD 60024240 B.                                      Evaluation of TOl relay heater/FlUR trip time for                                                 3 DDP 1000000429 & 1000000803.

C. Evaluation of MODs operability special cases 6 D. Time Current Characteristics for TOl Relay Heaters 12 IR1 E. Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 8 F. E-mail from TRANE for Control Room Compressors 2 I R1 Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357,T-DC Page 5 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 2 of9


The purpose of this engineering calculation is to demonstrate that Thermal Overload (TOl) Relay Heaters for class 1E 460V Motors and MOVs will not trip prior to First level Under voltage Relay (FlUR) trip during degraded voltage conditions and therefore, will not impact the operability"of 460V Motors and MOVs.


FlUR trip settings were revised under TMOD 60024240 and will be revised again per DDP's 1000000429 (U1) and 1000000803 (U2). This calculation determines that operability of 460V Motors and MOVs is not impacted by these design changes: Assumptions:

1. Motor locked Rotor Amps (lRA) are assumed to be 6XNormai Current unless provided by vendor..
2. At 80% (.8*460=368) voltage Motors will stprt and come to their rated speed & current (see DCM S-64, section 4.3.1.f.2 and PG&E.letter to NRC dated 10/3/1977 RlOC 00262-4727).
3. locked rotor torque values from NEMA standard MG-1 will be used for determining locked rotor torque of motors at degraded voltage conditi6ns. If design class information for motors is not R1 available, then the design. class that produces the lower locked rotor torque will be assumed for conservatism.


1. Calculation 9*9021 (195A-DC), Revision 18, "460V Class 1E Motor Thermal Overload Heater Sizing Calculation"
2. Calculation 9*9093(195B-DC), Revision 20, "Molded Case Circuit Breaker Settings for 460V Class 1E Motors" .
3. Calculation 9*33785(366A-DC), Revision 2, "Guidelines for Selecting/Sizing of MCCBs and TOl Relay Heaters"
4. DCM S-64, Revision 11 E, 11480V System"
5. Procedure AD13.DC1, Revision 35, "Control of the Surveillance Testing Program"
6. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association standard MG1-1998, Revision 2 Methodology:
1. 460V Motors Evaluation:
  • Per OCM 8-64, section 4.3.1.f.2 and RlOC 00262-4727 starting voltage for Motors is 800/0 of the rated voltage of 460V i.e. 76.6% of 480V Bus. At 80%

voltage, motors will accelerate to their rated speed. At rated speed, motors will be at steady state condition. At steady state condition, motor current due to degraded voltage will be 250/0 higher (1/.8) than at 100% motor voltage, but will not trip TOl relay heater ~ince degraded voltage is limited to 20 seconds or less. Therefore, evaluation at 800/0 or higher voltage is not required. Evaluation for voltages less than 80%(76.6% of 480V) is performed as explained below:

  • In this evaluation all 460V Motors are conservatively considered to be in locked rotor condition for voltages up to 79.9% of 460V Le. 76.50/0 of 480V.
  • FlUR trip time used in this evaluation includes instrument uncertainty. Instrument uncertainty for the FlUR trip setting comes from calculation 357R-OC Rev.2 for TMOO conditions and 3578-0C Rev.O for proposed set-point DOP 1*429.

Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 6 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 30f9

  • Calculate lRA at 60 0/0, 650/0, 700/0, 720/0 and 76.50/0 of 480V.
  • Review Time current characteristics (TCC) of TOl relay heaters to determine TOl relay heater trip time based on lRA calculated above. TCC have lower and higher values, conservatively use lower values. TOl relay heater trip time is lower value of TCC curve minus 3 seconds (3 seconds account for faster trip due to hot restart (if any) and coordination margin requirement of 0.4 seconds per OCM T-18).
  • Compare the TOl relay heater trip time with FlUR trip time and document results.
  • If TOl relay heater trip time is less than FlUR trip time, the following evaluation methods are performed for justifying component availability during a degraded voltage event.
1. The motor is shown to not be needed during a DBE. R1
2. A motor that would not be expected to auto start during a OBE would not be in locked rotor conditions during a degraded voltage event. The motor will be evaluated against its running current during degraded voltage.
3. The motor is shown to accelerate by demonstrating that the reduced locked rotor torque at degraded voltage is greater than the torque necessary to accelerate the load and overcome motor losses.

o See attachments A & B for details.

2. 460V Motors Operated Valves (MOVs) Evaluation:

Per procedure AD13.DC1, TOl relays are bypassed for the MOVs which are required to AUTO operate during accident scenarios. Attachment 7.8 of the procedure A013.DC1, lists the TOl*relays for MOVs which are bypassed. Since MOVs which are required to operate on AUTO are bypassed, the remaining MOVs are either not required to operate or manual action is required to operate them. Therefore, operability of the MOVs is not challenged by the FlUR design change and no evaluation is required. Acceptance Criteria: Trip time for TOl relay heater shall be more then the FlUR trip time during degraded voltage condition. Body of Calculation: See attachment A for comparison of TOl relay heater trip with FLUR trip settings established per TMOD number 60024240. See attachment B for comparison of TOl relay heater trip with FLUR trip settings proposed under DOP 1000000429. Results: Evaluation of changes made per T-MOD 60024240: Review of the attachment A indicates that margin between TOl relay heater trip and FLUR trip time increases as voltage decreases. Review of attachment A indicates that TOl relay heater trip time is greater than FlUR trip time and will not result in loss Calc Body.Doc 0322.1559

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 7 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 4of9 of equipment function except the following. These exceptions are evaluated below to ascertain the equipment availability.

1. Component cooling water pump aux lube oil pump motors
  • 49-1F-44 "1-20-E-MTR-CCWAP1"
  • 49-1 H-36 "1-20-E-MTR-CCWAP3"
  • 49-2F-44 "2-20-E-MTR-CCWAP1"
  • 49-2G-41 "2-20-E-MTR-CCWAP2"
  • 49-2H-36 "1-20-E-MTR-CCWAP3" Review of attachment A indicates that Tal relay heaters for these pumps will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 70% of 480V (730/0 of 460V)and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment A, at voltages higher than 73%) the Tal relay heater may trip prior to FlUR trip due to high locked Rotor Amps. However, these pump motors will not be in lRA condition even at 730/0 voltage as explained below:

The pump motor is rated at 0.5HP with an 1800 RPM synchronous speed. NEMA standard MG-1 does not list a minimum locked rotor torque value for this type of motor. Extrapolating the torque values in NEMA MG-1 Table 12-2, locked rotor torque for this size of motor can be conservatively assumed to be 2250/0 *of running torque. At 730/0 voltage locked rotor torque will be (.73)2X225 = 1200/0. Which is more than running torque and fan motor will accelerate at this speed. Motor running current R1 at 730/0 voltage will be 1.37 Amps (normal current 1.010.73). Review of the Tal relay heater curve indicates that Tal relay will not trip in 20s. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of CCW aux lube oil motors and is acceptable.

        '2. Supply Fans Vital 4KV Swgr Bus F & G
  • 49-1 G-63 "1-23-E-MTR-S-68"
  • 49-2F-36 "2-23-E-MTR-2S-69" Review of attachment A indicates that Tal relay heaters for these fans will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 700/0 of 480V (73% of 460V) and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment A, at voltages higher than 73% the Tal relay heater may trip prior to FlUR trip due to high locked Rotor Amps. This fan motor will not be in lRA condition even at 73% voltage as explained below:

The fan motor is rated at 1.5HP with an 1800 RPM synchronous speed, design class B. Per NEMA standard MG-1, locked rotor torque for this size of motor is 250% of running torque. At 73% voltage locked rotor torque will be (.73)2X250 = 133%). Which is more than running torque and fan motor will accelerate at this speed. Motor R1 current at 730/0 voltage will be 3.01 Amps (normal current 2.2/0.73). Review of the Tal relay heater curve indicates that Tal relay will not trip in 20 seconds. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of 4KV swgr room fans and is acceptable. '

3. Spent Fuel Pit Pumps
  • 49-1G-66 "1-13-E-MTR-SFPP1"
  • 49-1 H-47 "1-13-E-MTR-SFPP2" Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 legacy 357T-DC Page 8 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Tem'plate Page 5 of9

  • 49-2G-66"2-13-E-MTR-SFPP1"
  • 49-2H-79"2-13-E-MTR-SFPP2" Spent Fuel Pit Pumps are continuously running and are started manually. Hence these motors would be at running current during a degraded voltage event. Motor current at 73% voltage will be 156 Amps (normal current 114/0.73). Review of the TOl relay heater curve indicates that TOl relay will not trip in 20 seconds. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of Spent Fuel Pit Pumps.'
4. Main Feedwater Pump TurbineTurning Gear Motors
  • 49-1 H-10 "1-03-E-MTR-TG2" ,
  • 49-2F-14 2-03-E-MTR-TG1"
                              /I These main feedwater pump turbine turning gear motors are Non Class 1E. These motors are not required to start on MFW Pump trip and are required to run before starting MFW pump. These motors are not required to start during Design basis event scenarios.
5. Control Room Compressor Units
  • 49-A-4 "1-23-E-MTR-CP-35",
             "   49-8-4 "1-23-E-MTR-CP-36",
  • 49-0-4 "2-23-E-MTR-CP-37"
  • 49-E-4 1I2-23-E-MTR-CP-38".

These are control room air conditioning system compressor units. The compressor motors are rated at 50HP with an 1800 RPM synchronous speed. Per attachment F of this calculation, these compressors start 33% loaded and increase load after motor has started. For conservatism these motors are modeled in Attachment A as 25HP motors starting in locked rotor condition. Attachment A shows that for voltages between 70% nominal bus voltage and 76.5%) nominal bus voltage, the thermal overload relays do not coordinate with the FlUR undervoltage protection relays if the motor is assumed to be in locked rotor condition during the entire duration. R1 Per NEMA standard MG-1., locked rotor torque for this size of motor is 150% of


running torque. At 730/0 voltage locked rotor torque will be (.73)2X150 79.90/0. This value is less than full load running torque, however the compressors do not start fully loaded as described above and in Attachment F. The compressors start only with 330/0 of running load. Assuming an additional 170/0 torque requirement for motor losses, the compressor will still have enough torque to accelerate to rated speed with 29.9%> margin. Motor running current at 73% voltage will be 66 Amps (normal current 48/0.73). Review of the TOl relay heater curve indicates that TOl relay will not trip in 20 seconds. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of 4KV swgr room fans and is acceptable.

6. Control Room Ventilation Motor Operated Dampers
  • 49-A2-3"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOD-18"
              * .49-A2-4 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOD-1 C"
  • 49-82-3 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOD-1" Calc Body.Doc 0322.1559

Cal.culation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 9 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 6of9

  • 49-82-4 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-1A" It 49-02-3 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-18"
  • 49-02-4 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-1 C"
  • 49-E2-3 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-21-MOO-1"
  • 49~E2-4 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-1A" These are control room ventilation motor operated dampers each rated at 0.13HP.

Review of attachment A indicates that TOl relay heaters for these dampers will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 68% of 460V (650/0 of 460V)and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment A, at 73%> of 460V (700/0 of 480V), the TOl relay heater may trip in 8 seconds against FlUR trip of 8.48 seconds due to high locked Rotor Amps. Per attachment C, these damper motors will not be in locked Rotor condition at 73% voltage and this voltage is adequate to produce the required torque in closing & opening cycle of these dampers with 74.60/0 margin. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of MOOs.

7. Control Room Ventilation Motor Operated Dampers o 49-A1-1 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-2A"
  • 49-A1-2"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-3A" o 49-A1-3"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-7A" o 49-A1-4 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-8A"
  • 49-81-1 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-2"
  • 49-81-2"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-3" o 49-81-3"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-7"
  • 49-81-4"1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-8" o 49-E1-1 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-2"
  • 49-E1-2"2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-3"
  • 49-E1-3 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-7"
  • 49-E1-4"2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-8" 49-01-1 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-2A" o 49-01-2 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-3A"
  • 49-01-3 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-7A'l
  • 49-01-4 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-8A" These are control room ventilation motor operated dampers each rated at 1.3HP.

Review of attachment A indicates that TOl relay heaters for these dampers will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 73% of 460V (70% of 480V)and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment A, at voltages higher than 73%) of 460V (700/0 of 480V), the TOl relay heater may trip prior to FlUR trip due to high locked Rotor Amps. Per attachment C, these damper motors will not be in locked Rotor condition ,at 73% voltage and this voltage is adequate to produce the required torque in closing & Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 10 of 12 DCPP Form 69*20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 7 of9 opening, cycle of these dampers with 0.70/0 margin. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of MODs. DDP 1000000429 Changes Evaluation (pending): Review of the attachment B indicates that margin between TOl relay heater trip and FlUR trip time increases as voltage decreases. Review of attachment B indicates that TOl relay heater trip time is greater than FlUR trip time at voltages up to 700/0 of 480V and meets the acceptance criteria. At 76.5% of 480V, TOl relay heater trip time is greater than FlUR trip time except the following: 1'. Component cooling water pump aux lube oil pump motors

  • 49-2F-44"2-20-E-MTR-CCWAP1" Review of attachment B indicates that TOl relay heaters for this pump will not 'trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 700/0 of 480V (730/0 of 460V)and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment B, at voltages higher than 73% the TOl relay heater may trip prior to FlUR trip due to high locked Rotor Amps. However, this pump motor will not be in lRA condition even at 73%> voltage as explained below:

The pump motor is rated at 0.5HP with an 1800 RPM synchronous speed. NEMA standardMG-1 does not list a minimum locked rotor torque value for this type of motor. Extrapolating the torque values in NEMA MG-1 Table 12-2, Locked rotor torque for this size of motor can be conservatively assumed to be 2250/0 of running torque. At 730/0 voltage locked rotor torque will be (.73)2X225 = 120%. Which is more R1 than running torque and fan motor will accelerate at this speed. Motor running current at 73% voltage will be 1.37 Amps (normal current 1.010.73). Review of the TOl relay heater curve indicates that TOl relay will not trip in 20s. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of CCW aux lube oil motor and is acceptable.

2. Supply Fans Vital4KV'Swgr Bus F & G
  • 49-1 G-63 "1-23-E-MTR-S-68" Review of attachment B indicates that TOl relay heaters for these fans will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 700/0 of 480V (730/0 of 460V) and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment A, at voltages higher than 730/0 the TOl relay heater may trip prior to FlUR trip due to high locked Rotor Amps. This fan motor will not be in lRA condition even at 730/0 voltage as explained below:

The fan motor is rated at 1.5HP with an 1800 RPM synchronous speed, design class B. Per NEMA standard MG-1, locked rotor torque for this size of motor is 250 0/0 of running torque. At 730/0 voltage locked rotor torque will be (.73)2X250 = 1330/0. Which is more than running torque and fan motor will accelerate at this speed. Motor R1 current at 730/0 voltage will be 3.01 Amps (normal current 2.2/0.73). Review of the TOl relay heater curve indicates that TOl relay will not trip in 20 seconds. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of 4KV swgr room fans and is acceptable.

3. Spent Fuel Pit Pumps
  • 49-1G-66 "1-13-E-MTR-SFPP1"
  • 49-1H-47 "1-13-E-MTR-SFPP2"
  • 49-2G-66 "2-13-E-MTR-SFPP1" Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 11 of 12 DCPP Form 69-20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 8 of9

  • 49-2H-79 "2-13-E-MTR-SFPP2" Spent Fuel Pit Pumps are started manually. Hence any running motors would be at running current during a degraded voltage event. Motor current at 730/0 voltage will be 156 Amps (normal current 114/0.73). Review of the TOl relay heater curve R1 indicates that TOl relay will not trip in 20 seconds. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of Spent Fuel Pit Pumps.
4. Main Feedwater Pump TurbineTurning Gear Motors
  • 49-1H-10 "1-03-E-MTR-TG2"
               .. 49-2F-14" 2-03-E-MTR-TG1" These are main feedwater pump turbine turning gear motors. These motors are not required to start on MFVV trip and are required to run before starting MFW pump.

These motors are not required to start during Design basis event scenarios.

5. Control Room Ventilation Motor Operated Dampers
  • 49-A2-3 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-18"
  • 49-A2-4 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-1C"
  • 49-82-3 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-1" o 49-82-4 "1-23-E-MTR-VAC-1-MOO-1A"
  • 49-02-3 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-18"
  • 49-02-4 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-1 C" o 49-E2-3"2-23-E-MTR-VAC-21-MOO-1"
  • 49-E2-4 "2-23-E-MTR-VAC-2-MOO-1A" These are control room ventilation motor operated dampers each rated at O.13HP. Review of attachment A indicates that TOl relay heaters for these dampers will not trip prior to FlUR trip for up to 730/0 of 460V (70 0/0 of 480V)and meet the acceptance criteria. Per attachment B, at 79.9% of 460V (76.5% of 480V), the TOl relay heater may trip in 7.5 seconds against FlUR trip of 10 seconds due to high locked Rotor Amps. Per attachment C, these damper motors will not be in locked Rotor condition at 79.9% voltage and this voltage is adequate to produce the required torque in closing & opening cycle of these dampers with 109% margin. Therefore, degraded voltage will not result in loss of MODs.

Margin Assessment: Instrument uncertainty has been conservatively added to FlUR trip time listed in attachments A & B. Margin between TOl relay heater and FlUR trip time for each device is listed in attachments A & B.


FlUR will trip before TOl relay heaters for Motors & MOVs and will not impact the equipment availability for both TMOD and pending design change. Impact on other documents: Per notification 50039118, calculation 366A-DC (9*33785) will be revised to state that TOl relay heater for 480V Motors shall be sized so that it does not trip before FlUR trips under degraded voltage conditions. Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920 .

Calculation 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Page 12 of12 DCPP Form 69..20428 (02/14/12) CF3.1D4 Attachment 6 Design Calculation Template Page 9 of9 Per notification 50467362, DCM T -23 will be revised to incorporate design requirements for ensuring R1 future design of 480VAC thermal overload devices are such that they coordinate with the FlUR undervoltage protection relays.




i. DCM S-64, Revision 11 E, "480V System" ii. Calculation 9*9021(195A-DC), Revision 18, "460V Class 1E Motor Thermal Overload Heater Sizing Calculation" iii. Calculation 9*9093(195B-DC), Revision 20, "Molded Case Circuit Breaker Settings for 460V Class 1E Motors" iv. Calculation 9*33785(366A-DC), Revision 2, "Guidelines for Selecting/Sizing of MCCBs and TOl Relay Heaters"
v. Drawing 437916 Rev. 45 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 1F" vi. Drawing 437542 Rev. 52 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 1Gil vii. Drawing 437543 Rev. 49 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 1H" .

viii. Drawing 441237 Rev. 34 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 2F" ix. Drawing 441238 Rev. 47 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 2G"

x. Drawing 441239 Rev. 43 "Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram 480 Volt System Bus Section 2H" Output


i. DDP 1*429.

ii. DDP 1*803. iii. Calc 366A-DC (9*33785). Other: None Attachments: A. Evaluation of Tal relay heater/FlUR trip time for 3 TMOD 60024240 B. Evaluation of Tal relay heater/FlUR trip time for 3 DDP 1000000429 & 1000000803. C. Evaluation of MODs operability* special. cases 6 D.* Time Current Characteristics for Tal Relay Heaters 12' R1 E .. Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 8 F. E-mail from TRANE for Control Room Compressors 2 I R1 Calc Body.Doc 0322.0920


      ~   POWER             LOCKED        'tWA AMPS       @60%OF @65%OF @70%OF @76.5%OF @60% OF                    @65%OF       @70%OF       @76.5%OF      @60%OF          @65%OF         @70%OF       @76.5%OF @60%           @

LOW VOLTAGE ROTOR CODE HIGH 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V VOLTAGE V P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y

     >>     HP      460 VOLT      340      G    60 AMPS         212.9      230.6     248.3        271.4          28          25           23            19          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y
    >>      HP      460 VOLT      340      G    60 AMPS         212.9      230.6     248.3        271.4          28          25           23            19          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y
    ?      HP      460 VOLT        19     L    2.8 AMPS         11.9       12.9       13.9        15.2          22           18           15           14          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y IP     HP      460 VOLT    1063            169 AMPS        665.5      721.0     776.5        848.6          28          25           21            18           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y P      HP      460 VOLT        70     H    9.8 AMPS         43.8       47.5       51.1        55.9          24          21            19           16          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y 460 VOLT     10.8 **        2.2 AMPS          6.8        7.3        7.9         8.6          63          49           42            35          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y P      HP      460 VOLT        19          2.8 AMPS         11.9       12.9       13.9        15.2          22           19           17           14          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES         Y P      HP      460 VOLT     12.6
  • M 2.1 AMPS 7.9 8.5 9.2 10.1 30 27 25 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y

HP 460 VOLT 145 G 18.5AMP~ 90.8 98.3 105.9 115.7 21 19 16 15 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 12.4 2.2 AMPS 7.8 8.4 9.1 9.9 30 26 23 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 7 H 0.97 AMP~ 4.4 4.7 5.1 5.6 17 15 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y IP HP 460 VOLT 1410 F 220 AMPS 882.8 956.3 1029.9 1125.5 77 62 52 47 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y

> 7.5HP 460 VOLT 106 F 17.6AMPl: 66.4 71.9 77.4 84.6 36 32 28 26 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
> 460 VOLT 69 ... 11.5AMP 43.2 46.8 50.4 55.1 39 36 29 27 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 23 3.1 AMPS 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.4 25 22 20 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
> HP 460 VOLT 528 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 31 27 24 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y 1P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 330 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
   -IP             460 VOLT     1138           208 AMPS        712.5      771.9     831.2        908.4          32          29           26            23          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES        Y
   -IP    100 HP   460 VOLT    2113       F    333 AMPS       1322.9     1433.2    1543.4       1686.7          27          25           23            19          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES        Y iP              460 VOLT     1138           208 AMPS        712.5      771.9     831.2        908.4          32           29          26            23          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES        Y
   ?      7.5 HP   460 VOLT      106      F    17.7 AMPS        66.4       71.9       77.4        84.6          32          27           24           22           5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES        't IP               460 VOLT        75
  • 12.5 AMPS 47.0 50.9 54.8 59.9 37 32 28 25 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't IP HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 18 15 14 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't P HP 460 VOLT 423 F 72 AMPS 264.8 286.9 309.0 337.7 37 32 28 24 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't P HP 460 VOLT 177 F 32.0 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't IP HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 18 15 14 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't IP HP 460 VOLT 16.5
  • 2.75 AMPS 10.3 11.2 12.1 13.2 51 43 39 32 5.76 6.83 . 8.48 12.79 YES 't 460 VOLT 43 6.8 AMPS 26.9 29.2 31.4 34.3 27 23 21 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't
          .5 HP  . 460 VOLT     5.82 "         .97 AMPS          3.6        3.9        4.3         4.6          26          22            19           16          5.76            6.83           8.48       12.79 YES        't 15 HP    460 VOLT    109.8
  • G 18.3 AMPS 68.7 74.5 80.2 87.6 35 31 27 25 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't 7.5 HP 460 VOLT 66 9.8 AMPS 41.3 44.8 48.2 52.7 29 22 20 18 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't 30 HP VOLT 218 F 36.5 AMPS ~36.5 147.9 159.2 174.0 27 24 20 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't I

HP 460 VOLT 12 1.8 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 26 24 20 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't 1P HP 460 VOLT 20 M 2.2 AMPS 12.5 13.6 14.6 16.0 16 14 11 9 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't

 >>         HP      460 VOLT      19.5          3.1 AMPS         12.2       13.2       14.2        15.6          30          28           26           23           5.76            6.83           8.48      12.79 YES        't P        HP      460 VOLT      423           72 AMPS         264.8      286.9     309.0        337.7          33          28           24           20           5.76            6.83           8.48      12.79 YES        't HP         HP      460 VOLT      725       F   114AMPS         453.9      491.7     529.6        578.7          13           11           10          8.5          5.76            6.83           8.48      12.79 YES        ...

iP HP 460 VOLT 6.6

  • M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I HP 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 335 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I HP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I HP HP 460 VOLT 1410 A* F 221 AMPS 882.8 956.3 1029.9 1125.5 77 62 52 47 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ...

IP HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I IP HP 460 VOLT 211 F 36 AMPS 132.1 143.1 154.1 168.4 32 24 22 18 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I IP HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I IP HP 460 VOLT 177 32 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'l

,          HP      460 VOLT         19         1.9 AMPS         11.9       12.9       13.9        15.2          11          9.5            8             7         5.76            6.83          8.48       12.79 YES       'I IP          HP      460 VOLT      444   "   F   74 AMPS         278.0      301.1     324.3        354.4          32          26           23           20           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES       'l HP          HP      460 VOLT          7     H   0.97 AMPS         4.4        4.7        5.1         5.6          17           15          13           11           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES HP          HP      460 VOLT      12.6  "   M   2.1 AMPS          7.9        8.5        9.2        10.1          27          25           23           21           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES 75 HP    VACVOLT        526      G   91 AMPS         329.3      356.8     384.2        419.9          15           13         11.5          10           5.76            6.83          8.48       12.79 YES HP         HP      460 VOLT     1063           169 AMPS        665.5      721.0     776.5        848.6          28          25           21           18           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES HP          HP      460 VOLT      58.8  .,  H   9.8 AMPS         36.8       39.9       42.9        46.9          38          35           29           27           5.76           6.83           8.48       12.79 YES
> HP 460 VOLT 40 6.4 AMPS 25.0 27.1 29.2 31.9 30 27 23 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES

-IP HP 460 VOLT 528 F 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 34 28 23 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP HP 460 VOLT 6.6

  • M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES
                                                                                                                 -           --          ~-           .. ~         t= ..,~        C! 0':)        o Ao       ~') 70 V~Q      ,


                                                        @60%OF @65%OF @70%OF @76.5%OF @60% OF @65%OF @70%OF @76.5%OF @60%OF 480V       480V        480V       480V        480V         480V            480V        480V          480V
                                                                                                                                                                                @65%OF 480V
                                                                                                                                                                                                  @70%OF @76.5%OF @60%

480V 480V VOLTAGE \i IP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y

    ,     HP    460 VOLT      528 ... F    88 AMPS         330.6      358.1      385.7        421.5          34            28             23           21            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES         'Y P     HP    460 VOLT        19           2.8 AMPS         11.9       12.9        13.9        15.2          22            19             17           14            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES          'Y IP    HP    460 VOLT     1057            169 AMPS        661.8      716.9      772.1        843.8          27            25             21           18            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES        '(

HP 460 VOLT 19 1.9 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 11 9 7 6 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES '( P HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y

   ,      HP    460 VOLT      340       G    60 AMPS         212.9      230.6      248.3        271.4          28            25             23           19             5.76             6.83          8.48      12.79 YES          'Y
   ,      HP    460 VOLT      340       G    60 AMPS         212.9      230.6      248.3        271.4          28            25             23           19            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES         'Y P     HP    460 VOLT        62           9.8 AMPS         38.8       42.1        45.3        49.5          32            26             22           21            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES         '(

P HP 460 VOLT 19 2.4 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 17 16 14 12 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES '(

> HP 460 VOLT 100.8 ... G 16.8 AMPS 63.1 68.4 73.6 80.5 33 30 26 22 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'i HP 460 VOLT 12 1.8 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 26 24 20 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 '12.79 YES 'i P HP 460 VOLT 7 H 1 AMPS 4.4 4.7 5.1 5.6 14 13 10.5 9.5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'i
> 7.5 HP 460 VOLT 105.6 ... F 17.6 AMPS 66.1 71.6 77.1 84.3 36 32 28 26 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'i IP 460 VOLT 69 ... 11.5AMPS 43.2 46.8 50.4 55.1 37 32 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't HP 460 VOLT 23 3.1 AMPS 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.4 25 22 20 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't
   ~P    100 HP 460 VOLT     2113       F    333 AMPS      1322.9      1433.2     1543.4       1686.7          27            25             23           19            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES        't
   ~P    100 HP 460 VOLT     1138            208 AMPS        712.5      771.9      831.2        908.4          32            29             26           23            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES        't
   -IP 100 HP   460 VOLT     2113       F    333 AMPS      1322.9      1433.2     1543.4       1686.7          27            25             23           19            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       't
  -lP 100 HP    460 VOLT     1138            208 AMPS        712.5      771.9      831.2        908.4          32            29             26           23            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       't P      7.5 HP 460 VOLT      106       F    18 AMPS          66.4       71.9        77.4        84.6          36            32             28           26            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       't IP            460 VOLT        78 ...       13 AMPS          48.8       52.9        57.0        62.3          32            28             25           23            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES        )
  \P      HP    460 VOLT        19           2.8 AMPS         11.9       12.9        13.9        15.2          22            19             17           14            5.76             6.83           8.48      12.79 YES        'I P      HP    460 VOLT      444 ... F    74 AMPS         278.0      301.1      324.3        354.4          32            26             22           20            5.76             6.83           8.48      12.79 YES        )

P HP 460 VOLT 177 F 32.5AMPt 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ) iP HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I iP HP 460 VOLT 17.22

  • 5.74AMPt 10.8 11.7 12.6 13.7 48 41 37 30 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I iP HP 460 VOLT 6.6 ... M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I 1P HP 460 VOLT 18.78
  • 5.74 AMPS 11.8 12.7 13.7 15.0 42 37 32 29 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I I

460 VOLT 43 6.8 AMPS 26.9 29.2 31.4 34.3 27 23 21 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'I

         .5 HP  460 VOLT          7          1.94 AMPS         4.4         4.7        5.1         5.6          17            15             13           11            5.76             6.83           8.48      12.79 YES       )
 ;P       HP    460 VOLT    108.6 ... G    18.1 AMPS        68.0       73.7        79.3        86.7          36            31             27           25            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       )
 ~P       HP    460 VOLT        70           9.8 AMPS         43.8       47.5        51.1        55.9          24            21             19           16 1-=-*. "- ".5.76             6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       )

HP 460 VOLT 12 1.8 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 26 24 21 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ) 10.5 25 22 5.76 6.83

,~P       HP HP 460 VOLT 460 VOLT 14.4
  • 23 K

l 2.4 AMPS 3.2 AMPS 9.0 14.4 9.8 15.6 16.8 11.5 18.4 31 25 27 22 20 17 5.76 6.83 8.48 8.48 12.79 YES 12.79 YES


IP HP 460 VOLT 423 72 AMPS 264.8 286.9 309.0 337.7 33 28 24 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ) HP HP 460 VOLT 725 114AMPS 453.9 491.7 529.6 578.7 13 11 10 8.8 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ~ HP 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 330 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ~ HP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES , IP HP 460 VOLT 177 32.5 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 34 27 23 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES , rlP HP 460 VOLT 13 1.9 AMPS 8.1 8.8 9.5 10.4 22 19 17 15 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES , iP HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES , iP HP 460 VOLT 444

  • F 74 AMPS 278.0 301.1 324.3 354.4 32 26 22 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ,
         .5 HP  460 VOLT          7          1.94 AMPS         4.4         4.7        5.1         5.6           17           15             13           11            5.76              6.83          8.48      12.79 YES       ,

HP HP 460 VOLT 12.6

  • K 2.1 AMPS 7.9 8.5 9.2 10.1 30 27 25 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 1P HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 150 HP 460 VOLT 1038
  • F 173 AMPS 649.9 704.0 758.2 828.6 29 27 23 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP HP 460 VOLT 64 9.8 AMPS 40.1 43.4 46.7 51.1 28 25 22 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP HP 460 VOLT 6.6 ... M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES

~P HP 460 VOLT 528 F 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 34 28 23 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES ~P HP 460 VOLT 526 G 91 AMPS 329.3 356.8 384.2 419.9 15 13 11.5 10 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES P 460 VOLT 29.7 ... 4.95 AMP 18.6 20.1 21.7 23.7 31 27 22 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP 460 VOLT 59.4

  • 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 34 31 27 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES

-lP 460 VOLT 70.2 ... 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES -IP 460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 9 7 6 5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES HP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 460 VOLT 63

  • 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 37 31 27 22 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES I-IP
                                                                                      - -         --            ..          ,...,.           0          7<::           C; 7(:>.         /::: ~':\      R.dR      1? 7!=1 YF'!=;


  ;EP HORSE            AMPS                                lRA          lRA        lRA       lRA           TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC    TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TRIP TIME T
  ~   POWER            lOCKED        !<VA    AMPS          @60%OF @65%OF @70%OF @76.5%OF @60% OF @65%OF                               @70%OF      @76.5%OF @60%OF          @65%OF      @70%OF      @76.5%OF @60%         @

lOW VOLTAGE ROTOR CODE HIGH 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V VOLTAGE V 460 VOLT 60 .. 10AMPS 37.6 40.7 43.8 47.9 34 31 27 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y

 >>            460 VOLT     70.2 ..           11.7 AMPS            44.0        47.6      51.3          56.0          32            27           24           21        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y

460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 9 7 6 5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 63 .. 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 32 26 22 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y

-1P           460 VOLT      3.5              0.6 AMPS               2.2        2.4       2.6           2.8          11           9.5            8          7.5        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y
-1P           460 VOLT      3.5              0.6 AMPS               2.2        2.4       2.6           2.8          11           9.5            8          7.5        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y 460 VOLT     29.7 ..           4.95 AMP             18.6        20.1      21.7          23.7          32            27           22           19        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y P            460 VOLT       63 ..           10.5 AMPS            39.4        42.7      46.0          50.3          33            28           24           21        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y
> 460 VOLT 70.2 .. A- 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
> 460 VOLT 177 -* 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 9 7 6 5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
;p            460 VOLT        16             2.4 AMPS             10.0        10.9      11.7          12.8          19            16           13           11        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y IP             460 VOLT        16             2.4 AMPS             10.0        10.9      11.7          12.8          19            16           13           11        5.76        6.83        8.48       12.79 YES       Y IP             460 VOLT     59.4
  • 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 35 29 25 20 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y
P 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y 460 VOLT 29.7
  • 4.95 AMP 18.6 20.1 21.7 23.7 31 27 22 19 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 59.4
  • 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 34 32 27 23 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES Y P 460 VOLT 70.2 .. 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y P 460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 17 15 12 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 'Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't lP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't 1P 460 VOLT 63
  • 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 37 31 27 22 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't HP . 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 5.76 6.83 8.48 12.79 YES 't Notes: 1 - MotorrrOL heater data is taken from SAP. Calc. 195A-DC & 195B-DC.

2 ... - Indicates that Motor Locked Rotor Current is assumed as 6XNormal CUrrent.

3. ** -Indicates that Motor Locked Rotor Current in ETAP is used.
4. A*-Indicates that Locked Rotor Amps are assumed to be same as other similar unit 0
5. A--Indicates that data Is not available and is assumed to be same as other similar C(
6. *** - Control room compressors are listed as 50 HP. Per Attachment F these compressors start at less than 50% loading. Hence for starting conditions the compressor motor will be modelled as 25HP motor and associated locked rotor current will be that of a similar 25HP motor. - -- ~


   ,EP HORSE              AMPS                          lRA         lRA           lRA          lRA            TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TIME IN SEC TRIP TIME           T
   ~   POWER              lOCKED        lWA AMPS        @60%OF @65%OF @70%OF @76.5%OF @60% OF @65%OF                                           @70%OF       @76.5%OF @60%OF         @65%OF     @70%OF      @76.5%OF @60%          @

lOW VOLTAGE ROTOR CODE HIGH 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V 480V VOLTAGE V P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P , 460VOlT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

   ,p            460 VOLT     1138           208 AMPS        712.5        771.9         831.2           908.4          32              29               26           23        4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES        Y

HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y


HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y p HP 460 VOLT 19 L 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 18 15 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP HP 460VOlT . 1063 169 AMPS 665.5 721.0 776.5 848.6 28 25 21 18 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 70 H 9.8 AMPS 43.8 47.5 51.1 55.9 24 21 19 16 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y 460 VOLT 10.8 ** 2.2 AMPS 6.8 7.3 7.9 8.6 63 49 42 35 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 12.6

  • M 2.1 AMPS 7.9 8.5 9.2 10.1 30 27 25 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

HP 460 VOLT 145 G 18.5 AMP~ 90.8 98.3 105.9 115.7 21 19 16 15 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 12.4 2.2 AMPS 7.8 8.4 9.1 9.9 30 26 23 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 7 H 0.97 AMP~ 4.4 4.7 5.1 5.6 17 15 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP HP 460 VOLT 1410 F 220 AMPS 882.8 956.3 1029.9 1125.5 77 62 52 47 4.00 4.00 6.00 1.0.00 YES Y

l 7.5 HP 460 VOLT 106 F 17.6 AMPS 66.4 71.9 77.4 84.6 36 32 28 26 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
l 460 VOLT 69
  • 11.5AMP 43.2 46.8 50.4 55.1 39 36 29 27 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 23 3.1 AMPS 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.4 25 22 20 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
l HP 460 VOLT 528 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 31 27 24 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
 -IP   100 HP    460 VOLT     2113      F    330 AMPS       1322.9      1433.2       1543.4         1686.7             27              25               23            19       4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES       Y
 -IP             460 VOLT     1138           208 AMPS        712.5        771.9         831.2           908.4          32              29               26           23        4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES        Y
 -IP   100 HP    460 VOLT     2113      F    333 AMPS       1322.9      1433.2       1543.4         1686.7             27              25               23            19       4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES        Y
 -IP             460 VOLT     1138           208 AMPS        712.5        771.9         831.2           908.4          32              29               26           23        4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES        Y p     7.5 HP    460 VOLT       106     F    17.7 AMPS        66.4          71.9         77.4            84.6          32              27               24           22        4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES       Y IP              460 VOLT        75
  • 12.5 AMPS 47.0 50.9 54.8 59.9 37 32 28 25 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 18 15 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 'f P HP 460 VOLT 423 F 72 AMPS 264.8 286.9 309.0 337.7 37 32 28 24 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 'f P HP 460 VOLT 177 F 32.0 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 'f IP HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 18 15 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 'y IP HP 460 VOLT 16.5
  • 2.75AMPE 10.3 11.2 12.1 13.2 51 43 39 32 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 'y 460 VOLT 43 6.8 AMPS 26.9 29.2 31.4 34.3 27 23 21 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't
       .5HP      460 VOLT      5.82 *        .97 AMPS          3.6           3.9          4.3             4.6          26              22               19            16       4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES       't 15 HP     460 VOLT    109.8
  • G 18.3AMP~ 68.7 74.5 80.2 87.6 35 31 27 25 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't 7.5 HP 460 VOLT 66 9.8 AMPS 41.3 44.8 48.2 52.7 29 22 20 18 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't 30HP VOLT 218 F 36.5AMPE 136.5 147.9 159.2 174.0 27 24 20 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 .10.00 YES 't
,       HP       460 VOLT         12                1.8        7.5 .         8.1          8.8             9.6          26              24               20            19       4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES       't iP     HP       460 VOLT         20     M   2.2 AMPS         12.5          13.6         14.6            16.0           16              14              11'            9       4.00      4.00        6.00        10.00 YES       't
,       HP       460 VOLT      19.5          3.1 AMPS         12.2          13.2         14.2            15.6          30              28               26           23        4.00      4.00       6.00         10.00 YES       't P       HP      460 VOLT       423          72 AMPS         264.8        286.9         309.0           337.7          33              28               24           20        4.00      4.00       6.00         10.00 YES       't HP       HP      460 VOLT       725      F   114AMPS         453.9        491.7         529.6           578.7          13               11              10           8.5       4.00      4.00       6.00         10.00 YES       't
-IP     HP       460 VOLT        6.6
  • M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES )

HP 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 335 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ) HP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ) HP HP 460 VOLT 1410 A* F 221 AMPS 882.8 956.3 1029.9 1125.5 77 62 52 47 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ) IP HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ) IP HP 460 VOLT 211 F 36 AMPS 132.1 143.1 154.1 168.4 32 24 22 18 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ IP HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ IP HP 460 VOLT 177 32 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ ) HP 460 VOLT 19 1.9 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 11 9.5 8 7 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~

  • 278.0 301.1 324.3 354.4 32 26

,p IP HP 460 VOLT 460 VOLT 444 F 74 AMPS 4.7 5.1 5.6 17 15 23 13 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ ,p HP HP 460 VOLT 12.6 7 H M 0.97 AMPS 2.1 AMPS 4.4 7.9 8.5 9.2 10.1 27 25 23 11 21 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 YES 10.00 YES


75 HP VACVOlT 526 G 91 AMPS 329.3 356.8 384.2 419.9 15 13 11.5 10 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ HP HP 460 VOLT 1063 169 AMPS 665.5 721.0 776.5 848.6 28 25 21 18 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~ HP HP 460 VOLT 58.8

  • H 9.8 AMPS 36.8 39.9 42.9 46.9 38 35 29 27 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~
l 460 VOLT 40 6.4 AMPS 25.0 27.1 29.2 31.9 30 27 23 21 HP 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES ~

1P HP 460 VOLT 528 F 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 34 28 23 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 HP HP 460 VOLT 6.6

  • M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES
                                                                  -      . -- - -     ~ _.- ..       .. _-- -           ~ ...          .... ".
                                                                                                                                                        ".,           ~n       Ann       II nn      I'l nn 10.00 YES 10 no  Vl=~


> 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YE HP 460 VOLT 528 ... F 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 34 28 23 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI I

HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P HP 460 VOLT 1057 169AMPS 661.8 716.9 772.1 843.8 27 25 21 18 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 19 1.9 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 11 9 7 6 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI


HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI


HP 460 VOLT 62 9.8 AMPS 38.8 42.1 45.3 49.5 32 26 22 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI


HP 460 VOLT 19 2.4 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 17 16 14 12 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 100.8

  • G 16.8 AMPS 63.1 68.4 73.6 80.5 33 30 26 22 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 12 1.8 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 26 24 20 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI
 ,       HP    460 VOLT           7     H   1 AMPS               4.4         4.7        5.1          5.6           14           13         10.5          9.5          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      YI 7.5 HP  460 VOLT     105.6 ... F   17.6 AMPS           66.1        71.6       77.1         84.3           36           32           28           26          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      YI
 ,             460 VOLT         69
  • 11.5AMPS 43.2 46.8 50.4 55.1 37 32 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI HP 460 VOLT 23 3.1 AMPS 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.4 25 22 20 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P 100 HP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 333 AMPS 1.322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P 100 HP 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI
 ,     7.5HP   460 VOLT       106       F   18AMPS              66.4        71.9       77.4         84.6           36           32           28           26          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      YI
 ?             460 VOLT         78 ...      13AMPS              48.8        52.9       57.0         62.3           32           28           25           23          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      YI
 ?       HP    460 VOLT         19          2.8 AMPS            11.9        12.9       13.9         15.2           22           19           17           14          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      YI

HP 460 VOLT 444

  • F 74 AMPS 278.0 301.1 324.3 354.4 32 26 22 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI

HP 460 VOLT 177 F 32.5AMP~ 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 37 30 27 24 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P HP 460 VOLT 19 2.8 AMPS 11.9 12.9 13.9 15.2 22 19 17 14 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI p HP 460 VOLT 17.22

  • 5.74AMP~ 10.8 11.7 12.6 13.7 48 41 37 30 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P HP 460 VOLT 6.6 ... M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P HP 460 VOLT 18.78
  • 5.74 AMPS 11.8 12.7 13.7 15.0 42 37 32 29 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI 460 VOLT 43 6.8 AMPS 26.9 29.2 31.4 34.3 27 23 21 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI
       .5 HP   460 VOLT           7         1.94 AMPS            4.4         4.7        5.1          5.6            17          15           13           11          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      Yi

HP 460 VOLT 108.6

  • G 18.1 AMPS 68.0 73.7 79.3 86.7 36 31 27 25 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES YI P HP 460 VOLT 70 9.8 AMPS 43.8 47.5 51.1 55.9 24 21 19 16 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y, HP 460 VOLT 12 1.8 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 26 24 21 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 14.4
  • K 2.4 AMPS 9.0 9.8 10.5 11.5 31 27 25 22 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 23 L 3.2 AMPS 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.4 25 22 20 17 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
> HP 460 VOLT 423 72 AMPS 264.8 286.9 309.0 337.7 33 28 24 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y 1P HP 460 VOLT 725 114AMPS 453.9 491.7 529.6 578.7 13 11 10 8.8 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 100 HP 460 VOLT 2113 F 330 AMPS 1322.9 1433.2 1543.4 1686.7 27 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y 1P 460 VOLT 1138 208 AMPS 712.5 771.9 831.2 908.4 32 29 26 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

? HP 460 VOLT 177 32.5 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 34 27 23 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP HP 460 VOLT 13 1.9 AMPS 8.1 8.8 9.5 10.4 22 19 17 15 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 340 G 60 AMPS 212.9 230.6 248.3 271.4 28 25 23 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y p HP 460 VOLT 444

  • F 74 AMPS 278.0 301.1 324.3 354.4 32 26 22 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
        .5 HP  460 VOLT           7          1.94 AMPS           4.4         4.7        5.1          5.6            17          15           13           11          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      Y IP        HP    460 VOLT       12.6 ... K   2.1 AMPS             7.9         8.5        9.2         10.1            30          27           25           21          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      Y P         HP    460 VOLT       340       G   60 AMPS           212.9       230.6       248.3        271.4           28           25           23           19          4.00          4.00        6.00       10.00 YES      Y 150 HP 460 VOLT      1038
  • F 173 AMPS 649.9 704.0 758.2 828.6 29 27 23 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP HP 460 VOLT 64 9.8 AMPS 40.1 43.4 46.7 51. r 28 25 22 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP HP 460 VOLT 6.6 ... M 1.1 AMPS 4.1 4.5 4.8 5.3 27 21 15 13 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 528 F 88 AMPS 330.6 358.1 385.7 421.5 34 28 23 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P HP 460 VOLT 526 G 91 AMPS 329.3 356.8 384.2 419.9 15 13 11.5 10 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

, 460 VOLT 29.7

  • 4.95 AMP 18.6 20.1 21.7 23.7 31 27 22 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 460 VOLT 59.4
  • 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 34 31 27 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 70.2
  • 11.7 AMP~ 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 177 -* 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 17 15 12 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y 1P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y iP 460 VOLT 63 ... 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 37 31 27 22 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
                                                 ...              --         -.         ~  ~         ~  n           AA          nt!           0          7.t::        II nn         Ann         Ann       1n nn  VF~      Y


  • 10AMPS 37.6 40.7 43.8 47.9 34 31 27 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

460 VOLT 70.2

  • 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.5 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y

460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 17 15 12 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 63

  • 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 32 26 22 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y 460 VOLT 29.7
  • 4.95 AMP 18.6 20.1 21.7 23.7 32 27 22 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y P 460 VOLT 63
  • 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 33 28 24 ~1 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
J 460 VOLT 70.2
  • A** 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
J 460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 17 15 12 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y IP 460 VOLT 59.4 ... 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 35 29 25 20 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES Y
P 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't 460 VOLT 29.7
  • 4.95 AMP 18.6 20.1 21.7 23.7 31 27 22 19 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't IP 460 VOLT 59.4
  • 9.9 AMPS 37.2 40.3 43.4 47.4 34 32 27 23 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't P 460 VOLT 70.2 ... 11.7 AMPS 44.0 47.6 51.3 56.0 32 27 24 21 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't P 460 VOLT 177 *** 48 AMPS 110.8 120.1 129.3 141.3 17 15 12 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't IP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't fP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't fP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't iP 460 VOLT 16 2.4 AMPS 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.8 19 16 13 11 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't iP 460 VOLT 63
  • 10.5 AMPS 39.4 42.7 46.0 50.3 37 31 27 22 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't HP 460 VOLT 3.5 0.6 AMPS 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 11 9.5 8 7.5 4.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 YES 't Notes: 1 - MotorffOL heater data is taken from SAP. Calc. 195A-DC & 195B-DC.
2. * - Indicates that Motor Locked Rotor Current is assumed as 6XNormai Current.
3. ** -Indicates that Motor Locked Rotor Current in ETAP is used.
4. A*- Indicates that Locked Rotor Amps are assumed to be same as other similar unit a
5. A**-Indicates that data is not available and is assumed to be same as other similar c(
6. *** - Control room compressors are listed as 50 HP. Per Attachment F these compressors start at less than 50% loading. Hence for starting conditions the compressor motor will be modelled as 25HP motor and associated locked rotor current will be that of a similar 25HP motor.


  'MOTOR RPM                     1700 MOTOR TYPE (AC=1, DC=2)                 1                  ./


  'ACTUATOR OVERALL RATIO        23.3           (SMB RATIO)





                      . 165                 360                 360   (FT..LBS)


Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment C Page 3 of6 Calculation J-42 1/11/2012

                                                                         -Page_ of __


Calc 9000041185-001-00'

                . Legacy 357T-DC    .....

Attachment C "'!..: Page 4 of6

             *Calculation J-42                                                                     1/11/2012 Rev                                                                            Page_ of __




                          . MIN TORQUE'REQD     MAXTST                  MAX COAST 704 '             1170                   1170   (FT-LBS)

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment C Page 5 of6 Calculation J-42 1/11/2012

  'Rev                                                            Page_ of __


         . MAXIMIN                 16                  12 FT-LBS OPERATING TIME (DES/ACT)       15                  15 SEC OPENING ANGLE:                         90    DEGREES VALVE IS SAFETY RELATED (YES=1,NO=2)                     1 (j    DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM ERROR               10    %


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OVDU.OAD RILAY. ..... \- .. . "lIME - CUPJlENI' CHA.ttAcn:tIS"IICS

                                               ,     ~Il~CHOUS£         EUcnIC CORP.
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Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment D ClL"<.:&rAeneJNrs~~~tiOOf TOL Relay Heaters Page 5 of 12 APPENDIX 6D Sheet 2 of 8 Tables 13 Thru 18 I~ M,,*, Motai' Fun LMd Currant ~ ~ U~ rca Lead Cartont (Amo-l

                                                                     'I T. U.      \I T.U.       IT.u..      N~              IT. U.        ZT. U. 1ST. U.               fIlltfi'llW a..2I- U1 OR- U4 a    a.44 B 1L11
                                                                 *o.4J.O,.47 0.4;-0.51 1,..1-0.45    0.40-11.4' 0.42-0.45 A. AI A .14 U1- o..u U1- o.;w ~

U4- O..)S 0..J4.. ~ 0.l2- U4 Uil' \I Ut0064

                                                                                                                                         ...,- ....;;t,.......
                                                                                 ...q....o,JO DJI5o. fUll G..B- t.4S 0.6- Il.54 D U7 D    o.a III &71

D.57-G.M us-o.Gi UI-G.5!


o.a-o.n 0.47-0.51


DJ!B-O,.S:2 A A A


D.S1-0.40 U7- 0.401 D.l1- us 0..1- 0.41 0.6- D.S7 D..tII- 0.4'. a D.Sf B Don Cl.55- rul . Ut 0.'70-0.7iJ o.a-a.n 0.1tJ...U7 0.72-0..1, o.u-a.75 A .liI D..!HI- 0.14 0.!15- D.5I- D.Gl 0.15- D..'ID DoC$- D.'I'D. D.a- OoM I 8.111 G.a-UI U2 o.77-O.JI.& A .M I 0.12 o.g... D.71 1m 0JI5-0.I1 a.82-OJ111 o.7H..a A .J5 0.71- 0..77 0.71- D.!!) 0.117- 0.; S 1.111 D.JG-lUl Q.D.1U4 o.m- 9.I'.lS 1..= U2-1:.Dl


CI..DH.J7 U1I-'LDII 1.m-1.t' 1m-IS U1..Q.ft UlO-'1.Si:2 It. 1'= A 1.'6 At,z o...K-lUt a.,u..; 01 CL7I- o..u 0.71- D.l5: CL7$- U IJlO.. 1.10 . 1.co-,., LIM-,~ U4- U3 II 1.l1 I ,.JO II 1.U u&- U2 1A1 lSi l.'lS-I.2.:J U4-'1.37 1.'11-LS: t.1000U1 1.22-1.21 A U'J A U4 l.n- 1..21 1.2t- u, I.U- ':iaI 1m* t*l~ I':&' 1.41 1.10- i~ II 1m

'Ul- U4 t.:ra- 1.5'
~'I.71 1.11
'40 Ul-l.U t.41-1.H 1,s7-U1 1.:0-1.40 1.41-'.aa lM-1.!O
                                                                                               , . . .,.:17 us-ua         ",.a A t.n 1.42- ,.sa 1.12- ,

IS- uo 1M- ~ , .... , 1.32- 1.4 II I . . II :z.1D B :'40

'L72- t..S3*                                         '-U            l.I8-U7      U1-,.72       1.49-1..511   A 1M         1.51- Ul       U1-              IS- 1JI1 IUS U4- 2.14                                             100 .         1.78-1'=      1.7J-l..D4    10M-In        Al.H         2J)4- 2.25     u.a- ~           1.14- 2.1)01 1iI:UO
~~:.~                                                ~             1.1l-2..O9    1JJS-ZJIO     '.7J-US       A 2.,S       2.2f- LSI      2.2f- 2..511     ~       UI II~

U1- 2.:72 iii ~1D U1-U2 1.a5-2..El$ A 2..l1 ~Ul ~U:J: Ut-2.l!O 2.7.J- :1..15 D 4.11 2,.1J>4,Jl 2.32-:..H :f.2l-2.45 ~ A Z..51 :tI4-Ut ::.B4- ~ u,- :I.,i "e 1.10 c..ll 11!S- 15!5 I 4.e 2..51-~ 1.*"2.D2 2JlO-2.J12 It. Ul l.SO- 3." uo- I. :I.'~ :I.!f S us

,.,... 4JlO                                     9 !.SO           .2.U-:US        2JIl-:J..O/I J.fJ3-VJ04     A    Ul      :l.7G- 4.n ~7&- 4.221 ~co- ~~ II !L!!O
~         ...oeo                                a    ~             1.17-3:"" . 1Of-2.lJ 2Jl5-:LWI          A    :B.es   4.%J.. **M 4.23- U~ 3.~ 4:~
  • B 6.25
                                                                                                                          .us- lUI eM- 5.1614.:21).. C* IlIUO

4a- L,t s.>>- D.7J 4.SI III IUO III 7:70.

                                                \B Ia.=

1.4I-J.13 U4-t.24

1.40-115 ~n-:l.<<S
                                                                                 ~7r4.1t1 4.17-4.11 z,41-Z.B$

U&-C.vs* A A ALlID 02 oU'IJ fL17-1.!l 1.17-:1 UJ.. 1.21 U4-Ut 5.!4-in- !oil' BD..20


an- G:H G.~ 7.13 l!I UD lIS ID.2 iI.Q-.1l32 4.IJl-Ul 4.S2-4.J1l 4..u-5.4B

                                                                                               ...."-<<.41 4.,47-!..CG It. &.78 A IUO 8.1000 CtJU 6.10- UOI fJ.B1- un U1- 7.t1OI
                                                                                                                                                          ~..      LU UIS- ~ B1D.2 IS \",,0 7..'H- 7JSO                                     ra '11.5           5.R-U!        &.!O-5.G7     Ut-U5         AUt          7.S1-1U5 7..11- lUSl            7m-            811.5
rm- ~ B 12J1 5.M-I...K J.Ga-<<.1S ~U2 A 7.55 IU.t- Il.b4 Il.3S- 9.1)01 U&- D...tW DIU Il.!5$- I.5l B 14 U7-1..9t G.11-G.7! ~ A lUI G.o$- .., . US- Dott D.7D-~~ lUG
!l..!!o4-,D.S                                   B 15.5             7.lJ1:1-7JJi7 1S..71-7.oo   U5-U:S         A f1.2$    'OJ) -n.1 10-0 -n.1 Ul-lo.2                     BIU

'0.7 -11.1 '1..!1-U2 D 17.5 B 11.5 7..a-a..15 D.1c-t.cO

                                                                                      .... tLH-7~
                                                                                                    ....      A I..lJ.S AU.o 11.2 -12.31 12.4 -1~7 n.2 -12.0 lD.l -11.3
                                                                                                                                            ....                         BtU 1U-IU                                            B22                                                                      1:L11 -15.4        ....         11.4 -12.0
                                                                                                                                                             ....         BtU 1122

'!.D -'ILl 1U...'J1LD 1lJ 25 Ba.D l!U-11LD .... .... ~l.25 Fcllbing ~1Idi1Jnl 1st $ill , C?tIlJ FoUDwino SaI=U~ lor Sin I 0fII;r

                                                                                                                              ....      n.2-1U ...           ....        D t7aS tH      :lti 11.4'::;:'1      S,U 1D22            T.eb8.J  :a                                              lU'::;7.2
                                                                                                                                        ,U-,5..4 12.4 -IU n.4 -12.'
                                                                                                                                                         ,2.2   -1~7 1111.1 022 1s.i::;u lU..;"l.2 16.7   -,1I.t 15.0 -11.1 12.1 -' ....,
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                                                                                                                               .....         ....        W ..2U          au o..42-C.45    D.3H.4'                      A     .41 D.47-o...!O   0.4'-0.47     0.41-0.... A     .St Ul-4S5        o.~           o...s-o.~      A     ,.95 0.!S-0.El     o..s:s-os     ~              A     .u D.U-O.JS7     ~             o.ss-o..ao    A      .n D.a-o.:n      o.u-o.su      D.111-e.l!i$   A     ~

Mfi:lDiI' Motet IF~ c.rot4 CAmN 'thmnal FClU-LINId ewrant CAIn;l.) ThQfmd 0-74-0..11 D.H-O.77 ~ A Jt,; o.~ UIIIt Unit o..n-o...H O-~ 0-m-0.D4 u!-O.n ~ A A 1m

                                                                                                                    .t!4     1T.U. t   2T.U.            3T.U.        N~

1T.V. I IT.V. IT. V. ~u",\)Ct D.H-1..t2 0..114-,.." ~ A 1.115 It::l~ 1!.5-111.4 11.1-14.1 CC 20.' r~IH cc 1U-17.5 15.';"IU '4"..,504 CC 20.1 1.'3-'.2) 1.1)$-'-11 o.H-,m A 1.25 16.5-17..1 22.1 17.5-11.1 ILl-l7.3 15.5-1L4

                                   '1U-,a.S CC     2'2.1        1.21-1..34    1.t4-,,25 , ....1.'17        A    u,      17.'1-1U      1a..s-,;.4*                    cc     74.1 la.t-;o.!

2aJi-22.2 22.3-21.7 17....'U

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                                  "!.I-II.G CC CC 124.5
5.3 1..>>-1.41 1.42-'..51 1.26-1.33 .1.111-'1.25
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lU.,z,.o 17.5-'U cc au

                                                                                                                                                          'U-ll.t cc :zu 11L1-21.1    CC 28.1 us
~            .       2'2....24.0  21.2-22.7    CC no 1.52-1..S2 1.Q-1.1'l I.4l-UZ 1..34-1.44 1.$3-'.13     1.45-1..51 A

A 'I..DI 22.2-U4 2.l.5-a.1

21.1-22.7 2OA-21.J CC 31.0 22.1-24.2 2U*2:2.9 ce 313 2!.!1-27.3
n.~.l a"'3t.!

24.1-25..7 2!..D-21.5 27.&-2>>.1 22.8-124.4 24-S-H.I 3.2-21.1 CC 31l CC 31.4 CC:l1.I 1.74-'..DS 1.11-2.C2 1.G:.....

                                                                                          '.76  1...54-1.GS l.t.S-l.1'II A 1.19 A 2.1&

a7-27.3 27.~2t.4 1Z4.3-2U :tJ.O...2U CC ... ao-27.1 24.1-21.3 CC Jt.I as-:al.5 27.9-29.1 a,4-2U CC 4U 31..5-31' ~7-21.7 2I.2-:JO.O CC 42.7 2.03-Z.25 ""~IJ 1JlO-1..H A 2.11 JU-lU J'.B-:I1.D 3O.,..:J2,.1 CC 41.1 2..2Go-Z.4& 2.f7.4.."; 2.14-Z.D 2~T.J

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42.4-45.2 i'.~U D.4-40.1 CC 51.4 '-110-1.3 U7-J.14 .,,&...44.1 00115.~ 42.4-M..I 4O.2-42.G CC &4..3 3.27-1.9 '-'5-1.41 31.9-42.3 J7.7-40.o tc CH.l

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42.1-4~D 4~1-41.3 ce Glt..5 4.00-0.42 U4-4.1I U7-l..II3 A I.lI:I 4&.'f-.aO.7 4~4-47.1 42.~U CC 74.5 CC 74.1 1IOJI-!-c.1 <18.0-111.1 45.4-41.1 CCIIU

!!.D lU H.I-I5.4 5I.o-SS.!    411....52.1  cc au               4.43-4.11
                                                                   *.R-Ul 4.17-4.U

A A 1l.7I f1..2O

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_... lJU-,9a.o 7'11!-.2 CClacs BOJJ..U'I n.0-77.9 71.o-'73.:r CCI!5S

    .._....             .....                                                                                              ~s..o         7I..o-ao.I       'I1IJ..7U CC1G7
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           "   ~
           'UQvllll Page 6 of 12
                                                 .. --                                  "4trc    1104°F) Amlmnt                          ~F             RELAY DESIGN:

CcSd S1mrt ~

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                                               .S5:.~m~il-~--AVERAGE                                                                         ~
                                                                                                 ~                           ;;:
                                                                                                                             ;;; ;;; .                  THER'MAl UNIT Il::

TYPE(S): BO. ~ Curves apply only for e{ indicated below: . III AC Magnetic Stan tile Q , o AC Manual Startel Z 0 U W I~ 1*lj 1"- ** 1 o Separate Overload 4!It



                '100 90 8D

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e 71J I':
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Ix) All Other (largerJ QMB, "t.,..LIIME 2

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DflJl!&r RiP e.". I CMICA. elY F\itP Trip ~nt rating can be determined from instructions given with appropriate thermal unit ~1et1ion table. Characteristics shown do OOt necessarily apply to equipment manufactured before date of S£JUARE this dnwnng; eDlS.m&\mltr.t lIB..

  .....Galc .90.00041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-OC Attachment 0 Time Current Characteristics of TOl Relay Heaters l.-:'S                                                                                                                                                                    Page 7 of 12 i~5"1o f ..... '"                                                                                                                CALCULATION 366A-DC
== APPENDlX 6C Sheet 9 of 12 4\ u~ 4lf
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BnaUeiln C!f)3 - SID .'.1." Slow :Trip E'lGtectle

                                                                     . HEA'l~fl COIL SEUl:CI'IQN TA9U::

MOTOR AMPERE. UA.TllIlO IiNtllr ijOif p.,aa!on

                                                                                                                     ..--                        Bul~otin CSO! -

SloW Trip EnteeUc Size '42" I HEAlER Wit iElSmON*TliiiiI" MOTOR AMPERE RATfNB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~ C§O'
r ~ to 3w8 a~8 Ci1-;-i~

0 ..... oCXJ OvedOllil Relay I t.ow Hia'b . Overload Relay H0210r Coil ~Ilfog 01 b

        . .,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~
   '*    C)~. ~

fImUEII.aJlL s~

                              ""tWA) or lWah) abtalbtlcJ tiy** ~ ,btl                  h,.-.

dapn of edj'uatmanl (Jcn:t C'a.. ;stJ HEATER COIl.. SELEc:JION low Hiab b a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~ rn__

coQr. a. Mllf. QoM1ln thG Huster Colt $e1ei:Um TaN** Note! IhsJocII" F~ No;- . This overload relay has two steps. of ad-110m of tho poiadoclilinniql <<PI (110 ft.llf.or eoll. SIIe. on ;ustment (IDw or bigli) obtain~!1 by position... 1\rn,p;. Coli s.iect boatEl'-ClClJs: aCCOtdfrlg 10 (be mDIOr ZlClr.:,U r.u.s. Hole b,'k Sla ~ numlltr and ehe pus: UDD

                                                                    .!!!!-~i           Min M.x _L A
                                                                                        .n6"..i~ 2 '""iOOr ing the beater QJUS as shown 10 the Heater
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~OCII III ~tho OIUsII1IISl bo I'AOUnb:I".
                                                                      .167*~175                                                      Coil Selection Table. Note*the location of the                                     .*

pOinted terminal on the heater Coli.

                                                           *          .t81-.t~7         .19B-..~SI           2        1002 Mount tho- c JlI~ .. tho positIon OOrr.flSpDndlng lin the
                                                                      .'2'1)-,221       .?llhl1'.a3          ?         10[)3                                                                    Min M}lX Min Max                   A column flat IndlOdhs: tJ.ellJOSOlllmPt're        raiiD~   AUlcolls.
                                                                      ..nc".'Z..f7      ,7-18 .'26~          ?    .   .em                  Select heaier coils according to the motor 3.67-3.87
~~              ..
                                                                      ~.".27.50 be cnoUft(etll1lho soma pnsllfon tlJr.n cl#etl over- . :~~::~lg*
                                                                                       .$lh373             ~


                                                                                                             'I lOOS.

toPS 1007 ampere rating. Note both tbe catalog num- 'l~oo-4:23 3..88-3.99 04.~.ol

  • 1021

3 CD tllo ltol!ltal'CofI eeteclloD TabiD h: 10'1 usa wlie. molors ....,15*... 42' j~*:.tn

                                                                     .'27..*.39$                           '1        1008       I*    bar and tbe posilion in which the coils must 4.62'-4.78                  4~             1029                          0
                                                    "'".Ier                                                3         201l9J          bomounted.                                       .          5.-04-5.3S                                                 c:

11IInrlna:. 1.15 SClMce fllctOf" lrta s.,Ject~ formntoqwitll" J o(h:.rvlcolacloruscron.-$ir8smaJla, coUs wiU .1I0w .. clPlJtim Jm ot 125$ of f.tod motor e:urren!. .*&l:F-.5Gl

                                                                     .~J:l-.499 * .SDI) .~JI
                                                                                       .!v.ifJ .!WI
                                                                                       ..s?1-.~1iG 3

J-3 (OJ I) 1011* 1012 I Mountthecoils in.the positioncorreS!lond- 5.60-5.93

                                                                                                                                                                                                               !i34-5.59 ruI4-8.2O 1000 t031                         a a

tsmt10r colilRO tntCII.ln 1ft_ sarno pOSt'IO'Ul~ itle fctlttlN ID'~'()oU.

                                                                                                           !J tOl3 10111 10~
  • Ing to the column thai includes tila motor amp19re raUng_ AU coils must be mounted in 6.21-6.57 6.89-7.30 6.5B-6.6B 7.31-7.00 1032' 1033


r D>

n.a eWfo.l.,et~tIImato IrippinB Wrlel!li. In .. ~octc. £120-.914 1J)2-'~.,

                                                                                     .*'15-1;(11 1.01$-I!H fI
                                                                                                           !i-1014i     ,      the same pOSition foli" a given overload' relay.           7..81-8.27    8.28-8.7'       too.                         @

om1fJ1IOt" eIIn mUm ~<<InI5 b.r "'25. lQ ~oratiMd by mullJplvlna IItt:I min!* 1.15-1.21 1:n*IIW 6 1tJS2 lOllS I

  • The Heater Coil Selection Table 5S for use 8..72-9.24 9.25-9.fi9 1035 ~

l.2lS-1.3S MG-I~'" 7 1DI9,

  • 9.60-10..1 to.2-10.7 103&  :::!.

1_4~1.m J.ti:!'..,.7Q 1.51-I.u1 7 1020 with motorsnavlngal.15service factor. The ~

                                                                                        'l.7'-I.Br;. 10            IU71    *
                         ~EWAt. PMQ'S for cornprou UEDfrmll P~rls;. fnformalil)n. &t)$ Pabo l/'.d)~-:M3 I.tIl-'.'lJB     1.9~:Mll 2....*~.?7   .10 lG
  • tlll?2-selected Healer coils will .aUow a mii)ximum of 125% of rated motor current.. flOr motors 1D..8-11..4 11.5-12.D 1001 "....

(II 0 IicatiDn Het. Gr03001 whIch mDy IMP obtalrHId f~ lIS . ~.23-:r."1 lMNl.51 1&.23 12.1-12.7 12B-13.4 1038 12

                                                                                                                     ~~~             with a 1.0stall'tlh:e factor fDseone slZfJ smsiler                                                                  -I local Cutlor-Hcmnnr Rflpr.1049I1ftlll'C).                            ~~2:a(j&           2.&7-2.5[)                            "-                                                                  13.5-14.2      14.3-14.:9     1039                      0
r..2~-.3.4tJ 2.91J-:t.21 -1U2S ft'aeaten:ol1 mounted ~n the same position a$ 16.00-16.8 16.9-16.6 1040- r g

3.41-3.51 tOfiG- .,AE'ecitor lboa rllll'lbu. ptorBed ~]IW'IbeulafDg l1IU\1f.IeI 3.5~1.72 3.7~;U& 1027 ihe reglllfar larger t:oil.. !G.9-17JJ 17.9-'18.8 1M)

0 CD of "1lIK~ ~n"lllnDono Ctil. OAf., III
flQnY PIca;J1IS lUI thellUDtbC/rG"'OIb~".


                                                                     ...,31.....63 .

4.10-4.3& .U2~ The mpproximate ummale- trtping cur... 18.9-19.9 ~.o--21.1 1042 ('I VI ar

                                                                     ....e...S.!2 4.64-4.t1l                    CD2!'l                                                                                                             ~l:            '<


7.13-&.41 fr.74-6.01 lC\31) 10131
  • rent, in a 40~ C ambJeUli, ~alan be etermlned 2U.2-22.4 22".6-24.1 1M3 :c by mu1UH)ftying ahe minaiBiltlllmD Cllllfrents by M.2-25..5 25.-6-21.3 100 (;'..:.. n CD
.Cltcult Wa-ealQr.; 11\01 be used for Il.... ndt circuli proo (cctlon.                              .

G.O!J.*e.43* G.ST':'7.C6 Ii.05C-S.6S. 7.07-7.~1 .. 0002 1.25*. 27.+-29.0 29.1-31.3 1015 rt


1033 7.~2'-7.9S

                                                                     .a.3~B.6' 7.97-B.31 n.B2-"St.21 11ll.

103& 38..+33.2 33.3-35.6 tow (ri WARmNQ - T~ prcu.kJe continuiCd pr~cdfon ".1:810", flr¢ 9.2lJ..P.1l4 lIM..to.~ 1U!~10.3 i1.D-1a,7 - ., e. . 1036 t031 35.6-37.6 37.7-40.3 10i7 p-m rO.. sfH1tk ,.arald. tiC" cans~fI owel1olld mtay must be

~pl.ec-d     II bur\lOUI of thG     Btel coil occurs.                 n.s-I:M*

13.l-'~6 12.5- 13.<1 la.'Il-1<t.s .. IOD 1i03i

  • RE~EWU\a.. l!%'~~ _ <40.4-42.7 42.8-45..0 1043 Z
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -1 euUer.. Hm"1'lMer ffa..~---

14.-5-1&.3 1&.'4-17.3

                                                                                      -15.-1-1&.3 lM-U1.l      '  ....
e. 2~

for'ccmpiefe ReDI!ew8iI-~is 'GnfQYflIIstlon dEneb oS" alhose nllmbars. ~efixod see Pub canbon ll*

                                                                                                                                                                           - W Ie mCil~IheI' ~y e303J) 1 !f b                     ""_. Is ~he allarog num I of a to lD.2-1~.2'        19.3-20.3 WA-2f.S          21.&023.0                      lOa                                    ~o..                               packl2gG conlafning one ~u. Oldal UJ_

Pub. l0418J \B.eds la 11. S. A. 1216 2".1-'2<1." 26.tJ-~.O~ 2i.5.2QiS

                                                                                        ..... ....     .,..          :8u~      :1 obiaili\e~ ~8'om ell tlDesl CtOR2{lla'-Ili;n!!tJimer .~ asmaey !lac~ qll1 th~ number of ~

resenta[1110. oolas !beaded.' . I

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             . '"  '" "" Calc 9000041185-001-00                       .. '" ....... .

Legacy 357T-DC ...... _. . ...........

       ..... "'-.---Attaehment*f)..*....**** ....._._... __                    .
                                  ..                                         =rllJIe-Current-eharactelistics of 'fO~Fteatern- _ _ _ _-..."..
                  !!.. Ol-!2-~11!1~                           .14 4U 7JU                              . Elf" .mIT-G IA ACCTG                            Page,90f 12 CALCULATION 366A-DC APPENDIX 6C Sheet -l-Q-of 12
                                       *AC*RELAYS                                                                                                 q2~fi4tJ
  • SF! dlZl!ttsU,jI 11M \ j I; iMP;; -= . -- I ~I
                  ,e      ST Standard Trip lind C303..Type                                                                                       '(Su~r~edes I:

D*W T:rip luteal'le G*Y*ef*load elay . (~) datedL~t~tJ U"l..'" . lo'1...r~ I ~. \' ~'1 (). ~ == ~2:T"ry I" *1

                                                                                                             ,CUTL*ER-HAMMER C30.3 lEUr*EtTle ALLOY SL'OW TRIP BAN'C CURVES ..

2~C AMBIENT ,h EOO~~~~--+--+------~----~----- . \ 400~-+~~~~-r~--~--~--r---~ 300*~~~~~T--+------r-----~----- Y) Q Z ~oo*~~~~~~~------~----~~--- Q U w


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( .,. Calculation 9000041017

       ,-.:       1rtiachment 2 P~ge 5 of13 m;;Jl 200                                    BOO LOAD MOTOR CUR'RENT, %
   " .....................*. ,***8alc*9000041185-001-00 2-1~~~~ft~ce3PM                                    FROM                                  .......         " ..................................................................... :....... ~ .................:..... :.:.. :..... :: :.. :.. :.. :..... " ... :...... :........ :..
                                                      "2                                      Time Current Characteristics of TOl Relay Heaters
                         }u. 2. 1997,s I. LPMc                        U4       us           (tOTa                                 EAtON ICD OE\"EL.                                                                                 Page 10of12 CALCULATrON 366A-DC C306 Overload Rela'Ys                                                                             .                                                   APPENDIX 6C Sheet 11 sf Ii 1.15 S.F.                                                                                                                              L{.3 0 f' k.fl{-
          .....                                       Class 20. 3 PI1ElS(l Trip Curve 10000                                                                                                                          .       ;

5000 1'-8_ I 4000 3000 ----

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                                                                                                                                                                                      -.     -1, MINIMUM .

lL. o "J. 20q ill ,I 400 J J J 600 800 1000 I 125 . . I 230. It 250 690 -' ( Perc:ent. of F'Llll L08(1 Motor (~urrcrlt

Page 11 of 12 166 CUTLER*HAMMER CONTROL COMPONENTS ............-" ............. ,............,,-..,.. ,,,._- ....-,.................................................._........... "-_,_ .._............ _. _."...,_.....~ ............"'_~ ..............._, ......_ ........- .._.................- ....,.............__ ..................'" .....-.~ .." ....... ~ ..,....... --......-- 10/28/92 FILE Thermal Overload Relays !6303.:1 AP..P.R.9~~MATs . .r.~nfY1.~~~~QN.~.~.9a~: No.~' 9~0~.! Q301...c~o~ J~omi~~~dL ................ " ............................................. :........................... OPEN TYPE - Mounting Screws #10-32 Dimensions in Inches Ship. Size o Mounting Wt. Wide High Deep Lbs. A B C ri E F G. \ .' .. 1 3-3/8 3-13/16 3-718 2 3-114 1 1-11/i6 1-1/2 2 3-3/8 4-5/16 3-7/8 2*-1/2 3-314 1-114 1-11/16 2 3 5-3/16 5-13/16 3-7/8 1-3/4 3-3/4 1-3/4 3-5/16 3*. 4 5-3/16 6-1/16 3-7/8 1-3/4 3-3/4 1-3/4 3-5/16 4 4} Top mounting hole centered on Size 1-2 and off center on Sizes 3*4. .FILE........................... ', Fast Trip Overload Relay

C3Da 10176: ManuallReset WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY * # * ~., * * #" ** * + * ..... ** -, * * ......... ~ ..... .......... . . . o. , '1 i
  • Catalog number of relay 4  :!

\ . ~ ~atalog number of heater coils or fullloa~. ~.~r~~~.~...........J 300 I~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "'<~ ~

200 Fast Trip Overload Relays - Used primarily with hermetic -.... motors and submersible pumps - Overcurrent protection """" 100 up to 50 amperes - One or three coil- Reset button only o 10 20 :so 40 TRIP '111.1£ It! st;COIIDS - Trip in approximately 3"5 seconds at 6 times full load current - See composite trip curve at right. NOTE: 40°C open coil rating is approximately 1.25 times RELAYS the minimum current listed for that heater coil.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . No. of . Maximum Thermal                                                              .'. Site.' .

EI~ments Amperes HEATER COIL SELECTION Size Table Nos. (See Page 509); ': '., . '.:' 49A 2 51A .'. i. ": .. '::: . "; APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS AND SHIPPING WEIGHTS

.............      _ ......... ,     ....... "0"      ".   **    **    '"    ***** H       .' ....... '   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . *** _ .............. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . _,  .......................   '  ..................., *** ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .:.             2-5/8
           ~D-T A-li!--r--                         c ---l                                                   @Mounting holes 3/16" Dla.

4-1/8.' 2-5/8' 4-118",\ '

  .: : .............. *:"Oalc"g000041185.:.001-00 legacy 357T-DC                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ............ ... _t.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~   :~.;

Attachment 0 Time Current Characteristics of TOl Relay Heaters Page 12 of 12 CALCULATION 366A-DC APPENDIX 6B Sheet 4 of 4 MULTIPLES OF CURRENT RATING (TRIP CURRENT) I, II1II J * '..l.' , ** , . ... , 14'."111

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  • In l1'li t  :

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                                                 'JI a:r::r4C1D                 ,                                                1\       li-Cl2:2AE. F& G I

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                                                                                                              "                           *        .. I . ' * * ""               :I     III  G  No D JlCDII!          I       I I I I lUll MULTIPLES OF CURRan RATING (TRIP CURRENT)

GESERAL $- ELECTRiC ,. 1l4ER.MAL OVERLOAD RELA Y5 TYPE CR224, CR324 I. GES-n021 C- fI:rnaIf~ GAIDa 27D -.-n CR224.C, D, I, F and G CR32.c.c. Dr E. F and G



                                                                                   .....                                                    .Tim.-ament Curvcrl rt_ _ ...,:'CC_t C-- ~:fO" u~

rJ " " - n<mtf ""'""sJ. c.-s sf.- at 100%. GENEIW. ELECTRIC co.. GENERA!.. PURPOSt CONTROL COMPONENTS. BLOOMINGTON. IL G17D1

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 Page 1 of8 Section I MG 1-1998, Revision 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS Part 1, Page 9 1.19 POLYPHASE MOTORS A. Alternating-current polyphase motors are of the squirrel-cage induction, wound-rotor induction, or synchrono~s types. 1.19.1 Design Letters of Polyphase Squirrel-Cage Medium Motors A Polyphase squirrel-cage medium induction motors may be one of the following: Design A A A Design A motor is a squirrel-cage motor designed to withstand full-voltage starting and developing locked-rotor torque as shown in 12.38, pull-up torque as shown in 12.40, breakdown torque as/shown in 12.39, with locked-rotor current higher than the values shown in 12.35.1 for 60 hertz and 12.35.2 for 50 hertz.and having a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent.' A Design B A A Design B motor is a squirrel-cage motor qesigned to withstand full-voltage starting, developing locked-rotor, breakdown, aDd pull-up torques adequate for general application as specified in 12.38,' 12.39, and 12.40, drawing locked-rotor current not to exceed the values shown in 12~35.3 for 60 hertz and 12.35.3 for 50 hertz, and liaving a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent.1 A: Design C A

                           . A Design C motor is a squirrel-cage motor designed to withstand full-voltage starting, developing
                 . locked-rotor torque for special high-torque application up to the values shown in 12.38, pull-up torque as shown in 12.40, breakdown torque up to the values shown in 12.39, with locked-rotor current not to exceed the values shown in 12.34.1 for 60 hertz and 12.35.2 for 50 hertz, and having a slip at rated load of less than 5 percent. A Design D A A Design D motor is a squirrel-cage motor designed to withstand fufF-voltage starting, developing high locked rotor torque as shown in 12.38, with locked rotor current not greater than shown in 12.35.1 for 60 h~rtz and .12.35.2 for 50 hertz, and having a slip at rated load of 5 percent or more. A 1.20                SINGLE~PHASE MOTORS A Altern~ting-Current single-phase motors are usually induction or series-wound although single-phase synchronous motors are available in the smaller ratings.

1.20.1 Design Letters of Single..Phase.Small*MotorS A. Design N A . .. . . . A Design N* motor is a single-phase small motor designed to' withstand full-voltage starting and with a locked-rotor current (')ot to exceed the values shown in 12.33. Design 0 A. A Design 0 motor is a single-phase small motor designed to withstand full-voltage' starting and with a locked-rotor current not to exceed the values shown in 12.33. . 1.20.2 Design letters of Single-Pha;;e Medium Motors A Single-phase medium motors include the following: 1 Motors with 10 or more poles shall be permitted to have slip slightly greater than 5 percent.

                                                            © Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT 2003; NoUonsl Eloe1rlcol Monufoclurnrs A!;socloUon Oueumon! provldod by IHS Ucon~oo=PACIFIC GAS & aECTRlC COI!l9n0131CD. Usor-. 0812812003 14:12:15 MDT QuosUons or commonls abuullhls mescana: plaaso enD Ihe DoctJmonl Policy Group a! 1-a0D-451-1584.

  • Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages frqm NEMA MG-1 Page 2 of 8 PA-G6 1'" .,-b (V -, ION P4 L l '-I

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 Page 3 of8 Section 1\ MG 1-1998, Revision 2 TESTS AND PERFORMANCE-AC MOTORS Part 12, Page 9 12.35.2 50*Hertz Design B, C, and D Motors at 380 Volts.A The locked-rotor current of single-speed, 3-phase, constant-speed induction motors rated at 380 volts, when measured with rated voltage and frequency impressed and with rotor locked, shall not exceed the values shown In Table 12-1. Table 12-1 MAXIMUM LOCKED..ROTOR CURRENT FOR 5000Hz DESIGN B, C, AND D MOTORS AT 380 VOLTS Locked-Rotor Locked-Rotor Current. Design Current. Design Hp Amperes* Letters .Hp Amperes* Letters 314 or less 20 B,D 25 243 I?,C,D 1 20 B,e,D 30 289 B,G,D 1-1/2 27 B,G,D 40 387 B,e,D 2 34 B,G!D 50 482 B,G,D 3 43 B,G,D 60 578' B,G,D 5 61 B,G,D 75 722 B,C,D 7-1/2 84 B,G,D 100 965 B,e,D 10 107 B,G,D 125 1207 B,G,D 15 154 B,e,D ,150 1441 B,G,D 20 . 194 B,G,D 200 1927 B,e

                                       "'The locked-rotor current of motors ~eslgned for voltages other than 380 volts shall be Inversely proportIonal to the voltages.


                             .The values in the previous tables are rms symmetrical values, i.e. average of the three phases.

There will be a one-half cycle instantaneous peak value which may range from 1.8 to 2.8 times the above values as a function of the motor design and switching angle. This j.s based upon an ambient temperature of 25 D C.

                    ~j2.37             TORQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF POLYPHASE SMALL MOTORS
                  '=1         The breakdown~torque of a general-:purpose P9Iyphase.squirrel-cage small motor,.w!th rated vqltage
pnd frequency applied, shall be not less ~han 140'percent of the breakdown torque of a single-phase
                     ~eneral.purpose small motor of the same horsepower and speed rating given in 12,32.
                    .:   NOTE-The speed at brealtdown torque is ordinarily much lower In small poiyphase motors than In small single-phase motors. Higher breakdown torques are required for polyphase motors so that polyphase and single-phase motors wlll have interchangeable running characteristics, rating for rating, when applied to normal single-phase motor loads.

12.38 LOCKED*ROTOR TORQUE OF. SINGLE-SPEED POLYPHASE SQUIRREL-CAGE MEDIUM MOTORS WITH CONTINUOUS RATINGS 12.38.1 Design Aand B Motors The locked.:.rotor torque of Design A and B, 60- and 50-herlz, single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than the values shown in Table 12-2 which are expressed in percent of full-Io~d torque. For applications involving higher torque requirements, see 12.38.2 and 12.38.3 for locked-rotor torque values for Design C and D motors.

                                                           ©'Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT 2003; NDUonol Eloclrlcal Manuracturars AsseclaUon Documonl provldad by IH5 UcansBa=PACIAC GAS & ElECTRIC C01D9nS13100. User=, 0812812003 14:12..15 MOT QuesIJons Dr commonls oboullhls mossago: plonso C<!I! tho Documonl Policy G':!UjloI1-1lDD-451.15B4,

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 LAc.. I  ::---"""J () t'-J **** -rt!'age 4 of 8 (i>r'f;)'6 u.1;;.r(" v t ~ 1/ .~'!) ~c..;;


(llA )10 (,1. &c.rt:-0 t;, '-\ (VP,J'; MG 1-1998, Revision 2 Part 12, Page 10

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TESTS AND PERFORMANCE-AC MOTORS Section II Table 12-2 LOCKED-ROTOR TORQUE OF DESIGN A AND B, 60- AND 50-HERTZ SINGLE-SPEED . POLYPHASE SQUIRREL-CAGE MEDIUM MOTORS, S~nchronous S~eedJ Rl:!m 60 Hertz 3600 *1800 1200 900 720 600 514 HI:! 50 Hertz 3000 1500 1000 750 1/2 140. 140 115 110 3/4 175 135 135 115 110 1 275 ~. 170 135 135 115 110 1-1/2 175 250* 165 130 130 115 110 2 170 '235 160 130 125 115 110 3 160 215 ," 155 130 125 115 110 5 150 185 150 130 125 115 110 7-1/2 140 175 150 125 120 115 110 10 135 165 150 125 120 115 110 15 130 160 140 125 120 115 110 20 130 150 135 125 120 . 115 110 25 130 150 135 125 120 115 110

                       . 30                                                  130                             150             135                   125                   120                115                    110 40                                                 125                             140             135                   125                    120 .              115                   110 50                                                 120                             140             135                   125                    120                115                   110 60                                                 120                             140             135.                  125                    120               115                    110 75                                                 105                             140             135                   125                    120               115                  . 110 100                                                 105                              125            125                   125                    120                115                   110 125                                                 100                             110 .           125                   120                    115                115                   110 150                                                 100                             110             120                   120                    115                115 200                                                 100                              100             120                  120                    115 250 300
                                                 ._-_._.-W-70 80 80 100 100 100                                                                 ---'-

350 70 80 100 : 400 70 80 450 70 80 500 70 80 12.38.2 Design C Motors The locked-rotor torque of Design C, 60- and 50-hertz, single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than the values shown in Table 12-3 which are ,expressed in percent of fun~load torque. Tallie 12-3 LOCKED-ROTOR TORQUE OF DESIGN C MOTORS

                                                                                                               , Synchronous S~eedJ Rpm 60 Hz                                       1800                                    120.0                                   900 HI:!                                         50 Hz                                       1500                                    1000                                    750 1                                                                                       285                                     255                                    225 1.5                                                                                      285                                     250                                    225 2                                                                                       285                                     250                                    225 3                                                                                       270                                     250                                    225 5                                                                                       255                                     250                                    225 7.5                                                                                      250                                     225                                    200 10                                                                                       250                                     225                                    200 15                                                                                       225                                     210.                                   200 20-200 Inclusive                                                                                    200.                                    200                                    200
                                                             © Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT 2003; NnUonal Elaclrlcal ManuraclUmn: A!lsoclollon Doeumonl prollldod by IHS Ucansoa=PACIFlc GAS & ELECTRIC COID9nS131DO. Unor-, DBl28120D314:12!15 MOT QUoGllans or commonls nboullhls mausnge: plaBsa caD Iho Poeumanl Policy Group nI1-llDG-451-1SB4.

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attach~ent ~.ftCl>fl " Page 5 af8

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Section II MG 1-1998, Revision 2 TESTS AND PERFORMANCE-AC MOTORS Part 12, Page 11 12.38.3 Design D Motors The locked-rotor torque .of Design 0, 60- and 50-hertz, 4*, 6*, and B-pole, single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors rated 150 horsepower and smaller, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than 275 percent, expressed in percent of full-load torque. 12.39 BREAKDOWN TORQUE OF SINGLE*SPEED POLYPHASE SQUIRREL*CAGE MEDIUM MOTORS WITH CONTINUOUS RATINGS 12.39.1 Design A and B Motors' The breakdown torque of Design A and B, 60- and 50-hertz, single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than the following values which are expressed in percent of full-load torque: S~nchronous Seeed. Rpm 60 Hertz 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600 514 He 50 Hertz 3000 1500 1000 750 1/2 225 200 200 200 3/4 275 220 200 200 200 .. 300 265 215 200 200 200 1-1/2 250 280 250 210 200 200 200 2 240 270 240 2jO 200 200 200 3 230 250 230 205 200. 200 200 5 215 225 215 205 200 200 200 7-1/2 200 215 205 200 200 200 200 10-125, inclusive 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 175 175 175 175 300-350 175 175 175 400-500, Inclusive 175 175 12.39.2 Design C Motors The breakdown torque of Design C, 60- and 50-hertt, single-speed polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than the following values which are expressed in percent of full-load torque: Synchronous Seeed, Rpm 60 Hz 1800 1200 900 He 50 Hz 1500 1000 . 750 1 200 225 200 1-1/2 200 225 200 2 200 225 200 3 200 225 200 5 200 200 200 7-1/2-20 200 190 190 25-200 Inclusive 190 &Jo 190 190

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                                                           © Copyright by the National Electt1cal Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT20D3: HaUana! Eloc\rlCDl Monurac1uron; Assoclallon Dacuman! provldod by IHS Uc:unaea=PACIFIC GAS & ElECTRIC C0/997761310D, Usar:, DIlI2B1200314:12:15 MDT Quasllans ar cammanls obaullhls mllllSo9a: ploOGS cnll

                                                                                            \he Doc:tJ!'Ionll'aliCY Group al1-800-451-16114.

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 Page? of8 MG 1-1998, Revision 2 Section II Part 12, Page 12 TESTS AND PERFORMANCE-AC MOTORS 12.40 PULL-UP TORQUE OF SINGLE-SPEED POLYPHASE SQUIRREL-CAGE MEDIUM MOTORS WITH CONTINUOUS RATINGS 12.40.1 Des~gn A and B Motors The pull-up torq!Je of Design A. and B, single-speed, polyphase squirrel-cage medium motors, with rated voltage alid frequency applied, shall be not less than the following values which are expressed In percent of full-load torque: Sxnchronous Speed, R~m 60 Hertz 3600 1800 1200 900 720 600 514 H~ 50 Hertz 3000 1500 1000 750 1/2 100 100 100 100 3/4 120 100 100 100 100 1 190 120 100 100 100 100 1-1/2 120 175 115' 100 100 100 100 2 120 165 110 100 100 100 100 3 110 150 110 100 100 100 100 5 105 130 105 100 100 100 100 7-112 100 120 105 100 100 100 100 10 100 115 105 100 100 100 100 15 100 110 100 100 100 100' 100

                          -20                                 100          105          100                      100                     100           100                100 25                                 100          105          100                      100                     100           100                100 30                                 100          105          100                      100                     100           100                100        (

40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 t 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

           "'"             75                                  95          100          100                      100                      100           100               100.

100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 90 100 100 100 '100 100, 200 90 90 100 100 100 250 65 75 90 90 300 65 75 90 350 65 75 90 400 65 75 450 65 75 500 65 75 (

                                                         © Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT 2003; NoUonal,ElocWcal Manufacturers AssoclDU~n Document pm-Mod by IHS UconsDo=PACIF1C GAS & ELECTRIC C01ll9n61310D. USDr:, 081281200314:12:16 MOT QUDSllon~ or commDnls oboullhla mDllSogD: plDDGD can Ihi. nnt:llmnnl Pnlll:ll Gmllb nI1-1101).451.1584. '

Calc 9000041185~001-00 Legacy 357T~DC Attachment E Sel~cted Pages from NEMA MG~1 Page 7 of8 Section \I MG 1-1998, Revision 2 TESTS AND PERFORMANCE-ACMOTORS Part 12, Page 13 ( 12.40.2 Design C Motors The pull-up torque of Design C motors, with rated voltage and frequency applied" shaJl be not less than the following values which are expressed in percent of full-load torque: S~nchronous S(!eed, R(!m 60 Hz 1800 1200 900 He 50 Hz 1500 1000 750 1 195 180 165

                                                                 . 1-1/2                         195                    175                        160 2                           195                    175                        160 3                           180                    175                        160 5                           180                     175                       16P 7-1/2                         175                     165                       150 10                           175                     165                       150 15                           165                     150                       140 20                           165                     150                       140 25                           150                     150                       140 30                           150                     150                       140 40                           150                     150                       140 50                          150                     150                        140 60                          140                     1'40                       140 75                          140                     140                        140 100                          140                     140                        140 125                          140                     140                        140 150                          140                     140                        140 200                          140                     140                        140

(~" ) 12.41 BREAKDOWN TORQUE OF POLYPHASE WOUND-ROTOR MEDIUM MOTORS WITH CONTINUOUS RATING.S The breakdown torques of 60- and 50-hertz, polyphase wound-rotor medium motors, with rated voltage, and frequency applied, shall be not less than the following values which are expressed in percent of full-load torque: Breakdown Torque, Percent of Full-Load Torgue S~nchronous Seeed, R~m 60 Hz 1800 1200 900 H~ 50 Hz 1500 100 750 1 25'0 1% 250 2 275 275 250 3 275 275 250 5 275 275 250 7% 275 275 225 10 275 250 225 15 250 225 225 20~200 Inclusive 225 225 225 (~_,.J

                                                                 © Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT 2003: MoUono! Elactrlcnl Manuroc\urom AssDclaUon Documonl prov/dod by IHS Uconsoa=PAC1FlC GAS & aeCTRIC CO/9977613100. Us or-. 081281200314:12:15 MOT Quosllonll Dr cnmmonlls oboullhlo mossogo: plOOGD can tho Docomanl Polrcy Group 011-800-451*1584,

Calc 9000041185-001-00 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment E Selected Pages from NEMA MG-1 Page 8 of8 MG 1-1998, Revision 3 Section III Part 20, Page 6 LARGE MACHINES-INDUCTION MACHINES 2().9.4 Motors with 60- and 50-hertz ratings shall be marked with a code letter designating the locked"': . , rotor kVA per horsepower on 60 Hertz. 20.9.5 Part-winding-start motors shall be marked with a code letter designating the locked-rotor kVA per horsepower that is based upon *the locked-rotor current for the full winding of the motor. 20.10 TORQUE 20.10.1 Standard Torque The torques, with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall be not less than the following: Torques Percent of Rated Full*Load Torque

                                                                    . Locked-rotor*                                             60 Pull-up*                                                 60 Break~own*                                              175 Pushover~                                               ~75
                                                           *Applies to squirrel-cage induction motors or indu.ction generators when specified for self-starting
                                                           ~Applies ~o squirrel-cage inductlongenerators In addition, the developt3d torque at any speed up to that at which breakdown occurs, with starting conditions as specified in 20.14.2, shall* be higher than the torque obtained from a curve that varies as the square of the .speed and is equal to 100 percent of rated full-load torque at rated speed by at least 10 percent of the rated full-load torque .      *1 20.10.2 High Torque When specified, the torques with rated voltage and frequency applied, shall not be less than the following:*                                                                                                                                             .

Torques Percent of Rated Full-load Torque Locked-rotor 200 Pull-up 150 Breakdown 190 In addition, the developed torque at any speed up to that at which. breakdown occurs, with starting conditions as sRecified in 20.14.2, shall be higher than the torque obtained from a curve that has a constant 100 percent of rated full-load torque from zero speed to rated speed, by at least 10 p~rcent of the rated' full-load torque. . .' 20.11 LOAD WK2 FOR POLYPHASE SQUIRREL-CAGE INDUCTION MOTORS* Table 20-1 lists load Wk2 which polyphase squirrel-cage motors .having perfonnance characteristics in accordance with this Part 20 can accelerate without injurious temperature rise provided that the connected load has a speed characteristic torque according to 20.10.1. For torque-speed characteristics according to 20.10.2 maximum load Wk2 shall be 50 percent of the values listed in Table 20-1. The values ofWk2 of ccinne6ted load given in Table 20-1 were*calculated from the following formula:

                                                           © Copyright by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRlGHT20D3; NnUonol Elaclrlcnl MnnuroctUllltG AssaclnUon Documant plllvJdod by IHS Ucnnsoo=PACIFIC GAS & ElECTRIC C0/9977813100, Usor:. 0Bl2B!200314:12:15 MDT QuosUans arcommonlG about 11119 mossago: plollSo caD tho Dacumonl Policy GIllUp at 1-!!D1J.451*1SB4.

Calc 9000041185-000-00 Page 1 of2 J,.egacy 357T-DC Attachment F Montoya, Ariel From: Farmer, Ronnie [RFARMER@TRANE.COM] Sent: Thursday, February 09,20126:14 AM To: Hantman, David E Cc: Moore, Bobby


RE: Trane Web Site Feedback

David, Suggest you contact Bobby with our QC group.

From: Hantman, David E [1] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 5:00 PM To: Farmer, Ronnie Cc: Montoya, Ariel; Singh, Harinder


RE: Tr'ane Web Site Feedback R1 Ronnie l Thank you for your information. Can you provide me with a contact at the Charlotte location? David From: Farmer, Ronnie [2] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 1:35 PM To: Hantman, David E Cc: Auby, Dick; Foster, Anna; Kotike, Murthy; Moore, Bobby


RE: Trane Web Site Feedback

David, Model and serial numbers are Charlotte remanufactured model F compressors. 13th digit indicates you have standard compressors and they start with 2 cylinders loaded then other 4 load as needed. For your other questions you will need to work with Charlottes QC group. .

From: support@trane.com [mailto:support@trane.coml Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:42 PM To: Trane TCS Customer Service


Trane Web Site Feedback N arne: David Hantman. P .E. Address: Address: City: Avila Beach, State: CA Zip: 93424 COl:U1ty/Parish: Country: USA Daytime Phone: '805 545 6129 Fax: E-mail: dehf@pge.com Modell: CRHF300B4BOP0R2G lBO Serial 1: NOOG05309

 ~1?11?()1 ?

Calc 9000041185-000-00 Page 2 of2 Legacy 357T-DC Attachment F Model 2: CRHF300B4BOP0R2GIBO Serial 2: N06J15106 Model 3: CRHF300B4BOP0R2GIBO R1 Serial 1: N051155 86 Comments: Weare doing a study for operation at degraded voltage for a time limited period to determine the perfonnance (margin to trip) of the thennal overload protection for our HVAC compressors. For the hennetic compressors listed above, (please include additional serial nwnber N02F09244, model nwnber CRHF300B4BOP0R2GIBO), please provide the mass moment of inertia for the rotating element. We David Hantmanalso are interested to mow whether these compressors start unloaded, and what the expected full voltage starting transient time is. The compressors are designated to have HF & HFC Suction unloading, and are not part winding start, (e.g. full winding is energized at t= 0) Please call with comments or questions. Thank you, The information contained in this message is privileged and intended only for the recipients named. If the reader is not a representative of the Intended recipient, any review, dissemination or copying of this message or the information it contains is prohibited. If you have received this message In error. please immediately notify the sender, and delete the original message and attachments. The information contained in this message is privileged and intended only for the recipients named. If the reader is not a representative of the intended recipient, any review, dissemination or copying of this message or the Information it contains is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender, and delete the original message and attachments.

 ":l 11') 1 II') (\ 1 I')

Enclosure Attachment 3 PG&E Letter DCL-12-031 Attachment 3 Calculation 9000032529-0-0, Fuse Adequacy Analysis Methodology

                                                                                                            , Procedure No. 3 Attachment A PAClFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY                    Page 1 of 1
                                                           'DESIGN CALCULATION COVER SHEET File No. :
  • /" ..

Calculation No.: 3~3cDG-;S£C/7t?AJ I_I Preliminary /)57 Final ul)v Project; J):J.,IJ-I3L.o 'CIJ-N,YON' VNIT I 1hfJ,J) ..<, Date Engineering Discipline: Structur,e, Syste1ll OT Ctmrppnent:

                                                     'Calculatio~~ {Gtse. ~/~cftOh C"Y1 t~lIa..

1 Type or Purpose of No. of. Sheets: Computer Program Na~e 'Version PC Model Serial No.

          ....... ll.

X Hard Disk File Name Date of Last


(If Applicable) , File Change Floppy Diskette Control No. Date, of Last

          ~I~                      ,( If Applicable)                  . N/Ir                       Validation

(\1'\8 ( C'\I 0: cU u PREI'ARER Signature Discipline/Dept. 6/65-££ 6'/s/~3 CHECKER ~(I' 23 APPROVAL GROep SUPERV1SOR For civil calculation, enter t e registered engin~er'-s stamp or seal and expiration

        ~-i--f           . date of certificate or authority in this space.'

For other calculation, enter the registered engln~r's full name and registration number, or stamp, or seal in this RECORDS

                            ,Revision I I Number ,

I ,0

                  ~         1_____________
        ,*G       ~         I 1--------      __--- -     - - - -____ - - - - - -___ - - -__

1-------- _____ - ________________________ --____________ ( 1-------- _______________________ ------- -------- ------ 1-------- _____ ------------------- ~----- -------- -------

                           *A    -   Alternate Calculation (Note added pages)

B Detailed Check C Critical Point Check 11 - 9/1/89

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page i




PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 1


Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and.Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/16/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/16/93 FUSE SELECTION CRITERIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE 2 2.0 SCOPE 2 3.0 FUSE CATEGORIES 3 4.0 FUSE TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 4 5.0 LV FUSE (O-600V) CLASSES 6 6.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE (2.4 KV - 34.5 KV) FUSES 8 7.0 TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC (TCC) CURVES 8 8.0 ASSUMPTIONS 9 9.0 BASIC FUSE SELECTION CRITERIA 10 9.1 Quality Class 11 9.2 Protection 11 9.3 Minimum Protection 11 9.4 Fuse Interrupting Rating 11 9.5 Fuse Voltage Rating 12 9.6 Ambient Temperature 12 9.7 Fault Current 12 9.8 Cable Protection 12 9.9 Selective Coordination 14 10.0 SPECIFIC FUSE SELECTION CRITERIA: 17 10.1 Non-motor Loads 17 10.2 Motor Loads 18 10.3 Main Service, Feeder and Branch Circuit Protection 19 10.4 Power Transformer 23 10.5 Control Circuits 24 10.6 Circuit Breaker protection 29 10.7 Instrument Circuit Protection 29 10.8 Appendix 'R' Circuits 30 10.9 Isolation Circuits 31 10.10 Containment Penetration 32 10.11 Battery & Charger Circuit Main Fuses 35 11.0 METHODOLOGY 39 11.1 Adequacy Analysis Procedure 39 11.2 Fuse Adequacy Analysis (Form) 43


45 13.0 ATTACHMENTS 46 CALC333A.ROO 06/16193 7:58am

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 2 S~bject: Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/16/93 Checked 'by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/16/93 FUSE SELECTION CRiTERiA



           ',Based on the existing fuse selection procedures 1 develop formalized fuse selection criteria for Class IE fuses per item (B) applications. Selection criteria will be documented under Section no" (zero) of the calculation.

The DCPP Class 1E systems, as presently configured, contain approximately 5500 fuses. These fuses are listed on a dedicated drawing no. 064740 for Unit # I and 064741 for Unit # 2. Based on the formalized criteria, evaluate adequacy of the existing Class 1E fuses under worst case loads, and voltage (high, and degraded voltage) conditions for the following applications: (1) Control circuits (2) Instrument circuits (3) Cable protection - main, feeder, and branch circuit protection (4) Equipment protection - transformers, motors, breakers, and electrical devices (5) Isolation circuits (6) Containment penetration protection (7) Appendix fiR" circuits (8) Battery and battery charger (UPS system) (C) Per above analysis (item B), where required, recommend replacement fuses. (d) Adequacy analysis for Unit 1 and Unit 2 will be documented under Section I and Section II, respectively. Section III and Section IV will be used to document Coordination Study (fuse/breaker TCe curves) for Unit 1 and Unit 2, respectively. Summary of adequacy analysis for Unit 1 and Unit 2 will be reflected on the updated Fuse List drawings #064740 (Unit 1) and #064741 (Unit 2) .


2.1 All Class 1E fuses shown on fuse list drawings # 064740 and # 064741 (Unit 1, and 2, respectively) will be considered for the adequacy analysis except the following:

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 3


Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K." Roy Date: 06/15/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/15/93 (1) Fuses, which were sized by the vendor for his equipment. These fuses will be categorized as "V". If required, coordination studies will be performed for such fuses. (2) Fuses, which are used for maintenance purpose and do not perform any overcurrent protection function, will be categorized as "Mil. 3.0 FUSE CATEGORIES: The following are the categories and description of the fuse applications which are listed under Section 1.0 (B). (A) CONTROL CIRCUITS: These circuits are used for the control of devices or equipment such as breakers or motors. 120 volt AC control circuits could be with or without transformers. Fuses used for the above circuits including transformer will be categorized as "CC" fuses. (B) INSTRUMENT CIRCUITS: These circuits are used for connecting instruments I computer interface circuits, transducer (I & C) loops, alarms, and electronic/electrical devices for measurement purposes. Fuses used for the above circuits including transformer will be categorized as "I" fuses. (C) CABLE PROTECTION: Fuses used for protection of main, feeder, and branch circuits (cable) will be categorized as neAP" fuses. (D) EQUIPMENT PROTECTION: Fuses used for the protection of the electrical equipment

e. 9 . motors, transformers, generators, will be categorized as "EQP" fuses.

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 4


Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/15/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/15/93 (E) ISOLATION CIRCUITS: These Non-Class lE circuits are connected to Class lE circuits through isolation fuses. Fuses are used to isolate Class lE circuits from the Non-Class lE circuits. Fuses used for the isolation circuits with or without interfacing electrical devices will be categorized as uIson fuses. (F) CONTAINMENT PENETRATION CIRCUITS: Fuses used for the protection of the containment penetration and cable will be categorized as IfCPC" fuses. (G) APPENDIX uR1I CIRCUITS: Circuits which are essential for the operation of a safe shutdown components are identified as Appendix IIR If circuits. Since all safe shutdown circuit fuses will be covered for coordination under categories "AU through "F" Appendix URI! circuit fuses will not be categorized. 4.0 FUSE TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Arcing Time: The arcing time of a fuse is the time elapsing from the melting of the current-responsive element to the final interruption of the circuit. Clearing I 2 t: Clearing r 2t is a measure of the let-through energy in terms of current and time. r 2t is calculated in ampere-squared- seconds. 11111 stands for effective let-through current (RMS), and U t ll stands for the time of opening in seconds. Clearing Time: The total time between the beginning of the specified overcurrent and the final interruption of the circuit at

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision'O Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 5


Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/10/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/10/93 rated voltage. It is the sum of the minimum melting time plus the tolerance and arcing time. For clearing times in excess of half cycle, the clearing time is substantially the maximum melting time for low voltage fuses. Current-Limiting Fuses:

  • Peak let-through current It is the maximum instantaneous current through a current limiting fuse during the total clearing time. This peak let-through current will be less than the peak current available without a fuse in the circuit if the fault level is high enough for it to operate in its current limiting mode.
  • Threshold current The magnitude of current at which a fuse becomes current-limi ting, specifically the symmetrical RMS available current at the threshold of the current limiting range where the fuse total clearing time is less than half cycle at rated voltage and rated frequency. The threshold ratio is the relationship of the threshold current to the fuse/s continuous current rating.

Fuse Classes G, J, L, R, CC , and T are labeled by UL as current limiting fuses, although Class K fuses are, in fact, current limiting. Dual-Element Fuses: A dual-element fuse is a fuse having a current-responsive of two different fusing characteristics in series in a single cartridge. These fuses can carry five times rated current for a minimum of ten seconds for Class H, K, J, and R fuses. The other element of these fuses is designed to carry larger current without intentional time delay. Interrupting Rating: A rating based upon the highest RMS alternating current that the fuse 1S required to interrupt under the conditions specified.

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY CALC. NO. 333-DC, Section 0 Engineering Calculation Sheet Revision 0 Project: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Page 6


Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/10/93. Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/10/93 Melting Time: Melting time of a fuse is time required for the current to melt the current-responsive element. Opening time: Opening time is the total clearing time at reduced voltage. Voltage Rating: The RMS alternating current (or the direct current) voltage for which the fuse is designed to operate. All low voltage fuses will function on any lower voltage but use on higher voltages than rated is hazardous. For high short circuit currents the magnitude of applied voltage will affect the arcing and clearing times and increase the clearing r 2 t values. 5.0 LV FUSE (O-600V) CLASSES: The various UL clarifications for low-voltage fuses (600V or less) are listed below. Class CC Fuses: A very small, high performance, 600 V, _ 200,000 Ampere interrupting rating, branch circuit fuses with overall dimensions of 13/32 11 x 1-1/2 u

  • Their design incorporates rej ection feature that allow them to be inserted into rej ection fuse holders and fuse blocks that reject all lower voltage, lower interrupting rating 13/32 u x 1-1/2 11 fuses. -

Class G Fuses: 300 V, 100,000 ampere interrupting rating branch circuit fuses that are designed with rejecting feature to eliminate overfusing. Class H Fuses: Cartridge fuses were formerly known as "NEC-dimensioned fuses It

  • Class H fuses are tested and listed by UL under their Standard ANSI/UL 198B-1982 in 250 and 600 V ratings

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Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/10/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt .Date: 06/10/93 with interrupting capabilities of 10 ,000 A. Class H fuses are not marked as current-limiting. UL standards for Class H fuses have a time-delay requirement of at least 10 s opening time at five times rating in order to have the words II time. delay" on the label. Class J Fuses: These fuses are rated to interrupt 200,000 A ac and meet the standards of UL for Class J fuses. They are UL-labeled as IIcurrent limiting," are rated only for 600 volt (or less) ac, and of dimensions not interchangeable with other classes. Class J fuses that have a time delay of at least 10 s opening time at five times the rated current may have the words IItime delay" on the label. Class K Fuses: These fuses meet ANSI/UL 198D-1982 of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc, Class K as either K-l, K-5, or K-9. These standards have prescribed values for maximum peak let-through current and I 2 t for each subclass, with K-1 having the lowest (most restrictive) values and Class K-9 having the highest (least restrictive) values. Dimensionally the same as Class H fuses, these fuses have no UL-recognized Urejection feature. If Their ac interrupting rating appears on the labels as 50 000, 100,000 or 200,000 A. They are not labeled as flcurrent limiting." The words ntime delay," "dual element,lJ letter uD, n or phrase of similar significance on the label will indicate the manufacturer has met UL's optional testing for this feature. The use of Class K fuses permits equipment and circuits to be applied on systems having potential fault currents in excess of 10,000 A. Some hazards may exist in that they can be replaced by Class H fuses by uninformed personnel under present standards. Class L Fuses: These fuses meet ANSI/UL 198C-1981 of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc, Class L fuses, have ratings in the range of 601-6000 A, are rated to interrupt 200,000 A ac, are rated only for 600 volt or less, and are of specified dimensions larger than those of other fuses rated 600 V (or less). They are intended to be bolted to bus bars

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Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K*. Roy Date: 06/10/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/10/93 and are not used in clips. UL has no definition of time delay for Class L fuses; however, many Class L fuses have substantial overload time-current carrying capability. Class L fuses do not include 250 V ratings, de testing, or dc ratings. Class R Fuses: These fuses meet ANSI/UL 198E-1981 of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc, for Class R as either RK-1 or RK-S. Their interrupting ratings are 200,000 A ac. The standard prescribed values for maximum peak let-through currents, I 2t and threshold current, with subclass RK-1 having the lowest (most restrictive) values as compared to subclass RK 5. These fuses have dimensions that provide a one-way physical rejection feature, that is, no other class of fuse will fit into equipment designed to employ Class R fuses; however, Class R fuses can be installed in older Class H or Class K equipment as replacement to upgrade these systems to the maximum allowed by other devices in the system. Class R fuses are available with or without time delay. If marked "time delayn or similar phrase, they are required to have a minimum opening time of 10 when subjected to a load of five times rated current. 6.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE (2.4 KV - 34.5 KV) FUSES: As per present design approach, medium voltage fuses are used only in the primary circuits of the voltage transformers. Current limiting power fuses, Types EJ-l and EJO-1 of General Electric are used for the protection of the voltage transformers. These E-rated fuses are classified as*general purpose fuses. Fuses rated 100E or less open in 300 seconds at current between 200% and 240% of their E ratings. Fuses rated more than lODE open in 600 seconds at currents between 220% and 264% of their E ratings. 7.0 TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC (TCC) CURVES: Time-Current Characteristic Curves are intended to show the relationship between various overcurrent values and some opening function of the fuse. Average melting time is assumed to be represented unless otherwise stated. Average current is defined as being subject to a maximum tolerance of plus or minus 10% in current for any given time. Thus, minimum

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Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/16/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt* Date: 06/16/93 melting current is approximately 10% less than average. In times of approximately 0.1 s or more, maximum melting time is virtually the same as total clearing time. For times between 0.1 sand 0.01 s total clearing time is relatively greater than melting time due to greater percentage of arcing time. For period of less than 0.01 s, the melting time may be as little as half the clearing time. In these short time periods, I 2t becomes of increasing importance. (Ref. 2)


8.1 Control circuit conductors are generally lightly loaded (less than 50%). It is assumed, therefore, that conductor temperature inside switchgear/MCC should be 10°C above an ambient of 40°C. 8.2 Based on the Table 4.3-14, DCM T-22 (Ref.lO), a correction factor of 0.80 is assumed for cable ampacity in trays going through fire stop. 8.3 As per ANSI C57-12-0D, 1973, dry type transformer shall be capable of withstanding short circuit without any mechanical or thermal stress provided the magnitude and the duration of the short-circuit current are limited as shown below: A. The magnitude of the RMS symmetrical current in any winding of the transformer does not exceed 25 times the base current of the winding. B. The duration and magnitude of the short circuit is limited *to the time periods shown below. Intermediate value may be determined by interpolation. RMS SYM. CURRENT TIME PERIOD IN ANY WINDING IN SECONDS 25 TIMES BASE CURRENT 2 20 TIMES BASE CURRENT 3 16.6 TIMES BASE CURRENT 4 14.3 TIMES OR LESS TIMES 5 BASE CURRENT

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Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K. Roy Date: 06/10/93 Checked .by: G. Bhatt* Date: 06/10/93 Above criteria is true for power transformer. However this criteria will be used as an assumption for other transformers. (Note: ANSI point as specified in Table 10.4 may be used in lieu of this assumption). 8.4 Existing control transformer loads are within the VA rating of the control transformer. 8.5 For control transformer secondary circuit, as a minimum, consider inrush current of one starter coil along with one auxiliary relay provided no other loads (ie motors, heaters) are part of the circuit. 8.6 Cable 8.6.1 Cable impedance will be assumed per attachment No. 15. 8.6.2 Since nepp uses minimum cable size of #16 AWG, it is assumed per attachment No. 13, that fuse size equal to or less than 6 Amp will provide adequate cable protection to the minimum cable size used in the circuit. 8.7 The fuse-time characteristics shown on the coordination curves are either melting or clearing time curves depending on the availability of the vendor information. Since sufficient margin exists between the fuse and the upstream device curves, the use of fuse melting TCC curve will not jeopardize coordination. 8.8 For inductive load, in lieu of actual data, assume inrush current equal to 10 times full load current at 0.1 second. This assumption is based on the setting of the thermal-magnetic breaker. 8.9 For calculation purpose, where equipment rating can not be obtained either by walkdown or from"the drawings, data available for similar equipment manufactured by the same vendor may be assumed. Calculation will be revised later per actual data. 9.0 BASIC FUSE SELECTION CRITERIA: Fuse selection for the given application shall fulfill the following requirements.

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Fuse Selection Criteria, Adequacy Analysis, and Coordination Study By: S.K.*Roy Date: 06/10/93 Checked by: G. Bhatt Date: 06/10/93 9.1 Quality Class Fuses shall be of quality Class 1E for all Class lE applications or where required by other regulatory requirements. Fuses shall be installed in seismically qualified structures. Commercial grade fuses shall}}