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Non-Proprietary Version of GA-ESI Test Report 04508905-QR, Rev. a, Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module & Current-To-Frequency Converter.
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Issue date: 02/10/2011
General Atomics
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
04508905-QR, Rev. A
Download: ML11287A256 (132)


Attachment 9 Non-proprietary version of GA-ESI test report 04508905-QR, "Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter," Revision A




CHANGE RECORD Description Issue Date of Change Rev. - January 2001 Original Issue Rev. A February 2011 Incorporated Customer Comments 04508905-QR (Rev. A)


1. OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
2. EQUIPM ENT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 THE BASIC RM-1000 RADIATION MONITORING PROCESSOR MODULE .................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 PhysicalDescription................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 FunctionalDescription ............................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2 THE CURRENT-TO-FREQUENCY CONVERTER ........................................................................................ 2-2 2.3 NIM BIN ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................................. 2-3 2.4 TEST ARTICLE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 2-3
3. TEST PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 TEST SEQ UENCE ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 FUNCTIO NAL REQ UIREM ENTS ..................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2.1 RM- 1000 Functional Verifications.............................................................................................. 3-4 3.2.2 I/F ConverterFunctionalVerification......................................................................................... 3-5 3.2.3 Other Safety and RG 1.97 FunctionalRequirements ............................................................... 3-7 3.3 SELECTION OF COMPONENTS TO BE AGE CONDITIONED .................................................... 3-12 3.4 DETERM INING REQ UIRED RESPO NSE SPECTRA ................................................................... 3-13
4. TEST SUM MARY ..................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 COMPONENT AG ING ....................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Sixteen Key Matrix Keypad (SE P/N 50015691-534)............................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Gas Plasma Displays (SE PAV GD00640160-01)..................................................................... 4-2 4.1.3 PowerSupply (SE P/N 04502005-001) .................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.4 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors(SE P/N 50015688-001) ................................................. 4-4 4.1.5 Relays (SE PINs DS1E-S-DC24V and DS2E-S-DC24V)......................................................... 4-5 4.1.6 Display/KeypadCable Assembly (SE P/N 88108-701-0)........................................................ 4-7 4.1.7 Test Article Assem bly .......................................................................................................... 4-8 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS ....................................................................................................................... 4-9 4.2.1 Test Setup and Wiring Connections........................................................................................ 4-10 4.2.2 Calibration................................................................................................................................ 4-10 4.2.3 Pre-Environmental FunctionalTest ........................................................................................ 4-10 4.2.4 Power Up and Test Condition.................................................................................................. 4-11 4.2.5 Age ConditioningMargin ......................................................................................................... 4-12 04508905-QR (Rev. A) ii

4.2.6 Environmental Extremes Tests................................................................................................ 4-14 4.2.7 Post Environmental Functional Tests ...................................................................................... 4-15 4.3 SEISM ICTESTS .............................................................................................................................. 4-16 4.3.1 First Seism ic Test Setup and Wiring Connections.................................................................. 4-17 4.3.2 First Seism ic Test Calibration.................................................................................................. 4-21 4.3.3 FirstSeism ic Test Pre-Seismic FunctionalTest ..................................................................... 4-21 4.3.4 First Seism ic Test Resonance Searches................................................................................ 4-22 4.3.5 First Seismic Test PowerUp and Test Condition............................................................... 4-22 4.3.6 First Seism ic Tests (X-Y Axis) ................................................................................................. 4-23 4.3.7 First Seism ic Tests (Z-Y Axis) ................................................................................................. 4-27 4.3.8 First Seism ic Test Post-Seismic .............................................................................................. 4-30 4.3.9 Second Seism ic Test Setup and Wiring.................................................................................. 4-30 4.3.10 Second Seism ic Test Calibration............................................................................................ 4-34 4.3.11 Second Seismic Test Pre-Seismic FunctionalTest ................................................................ 4-34 4.3.12 Second Seismic Test PowerUp and Test Condition............................................................. 4-35 4.3.13 Second Seismic Test Power Up and Test Condition.............................................................. 4-35 4.3.14 Second Seism ic Test (X-Y Axis) .............................................................................................. 4-35 4.3.15 Second Seism ic Test (Z-Y Axis) .............................................................................................. 4-39 4.3.16 Second Seismic Test Post-SeismicFunctionalTest .............................................................. 4-42

5. TEST EQUIPM ENT AND FACILITIES .................................................................................................... 5-1
6. MO DIFICATIO NS ..................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 ECO 17531 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-1 6.2 ECO 17656A ...................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 ECO 17677 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-2 6.4 ECO 17702 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-2 6.5 ECO 17708 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-2 6.6 ECO 17903 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-3 6.7 ECO 17920 ........................................................................................................................................ 6-3
7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL Q UALIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 NMR 15806 Item 0005 Low Temperature Extremes FunctionalTest Discrepancy................ 7-1 7.1.2 NMR 15806 Item 0006 High TemperatureExtremes Discrepancy......................................... 7-1 7.2 SEISMIC Q UALIFICATION ....................................................................................................................... 7-1 04508905-QR (Rev. A) iii

7.2.1 NMRs 15813 Item 0001 and 15813 Item 0002......................................................................... 7-1 7.2.2 NMR 15814 Item 0001............................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.3 NMR 15814 Item 0003............................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.4 NMR 15814 Item 0004............................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.5 No Pre-Seismic FunctionalTest................................................................................................ 7-2 7.2.6 Reverse Order of the OBE and SSE ......................................................................................... 7-2 7.3 MO DIFICAT IONS .............................................................................................................................. 7-2 7.4 N IMB INA SS EM B LIES ..................................................................................................................... 7-2

8. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................... 8-1 APPENDICES APPENDIX A AGE CONDITIONING EVALUATION ...................................................................................... A-i APPENDIX B RM-1000 AND I/F CONVERTER REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRA ................................ B-i APPENDIX C SEISMIC TEST FIXTURE FOR RM2300 SE DRAWING 04619028 ...................................... C-i APPENDIX D TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPLACEMENT PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY .................... D-i APPENDIX E TECHNICAL EVALUATION REPLACEMENT POWER SUPPLY 04502050 ......................... E-i APPENDIX F CLOSED NONCONFORMING MATERIAL REPORTS ........................................................... F-i FIGURES FIGURE 2-1 RM-1000 FRONT PANEL ................................................................................................................. 2-4 FIGURE 2-2 RM-1 000 EXPLODED VIEW .............................................................................................................. 2-5 FIGURE 2-3 RM-1 000 AND I/F CONVERTER PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT ............................................................... 2-6 FIGURE 2-4 AREA RM-1000 WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................... 2-7 FIGURE 2-5 PROCESS RM-1000 WIRING DIAGRAM .............................................. 2-8 FIGURE 2-6 VF CONVERTER WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................... 2-9 FIGURE 3-1 RM-1000 TEST SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................... 3-15 FIGURE 3-2 HORIZONTAL GENERIC SSE REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRUM ..................................................... 3-16 FIGURE 3-3 VERTICAL GENERIC SSE REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRUM .......................................................... 3-17 FIGURE 4-1 AGE CONDITION MARGIN TEST CYCLES ......................................................................................... 4-13 04508905-QR (Rev. A) iv

FIGURE 4-2 AREA RM-1 000 SEISMIC WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................... 4-18 FIGURE 4-3 PROCESS RM-1 000 SEISMIC WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................. 4-19 FIGURE 4-4 SHAKE TABLE WITH TEST ARTICLE (SECOND SEISMIC TEST) .......................................................... 4-20 FIGURE 4-5 X-AxIs SSE TRS VERSUS RRS .................................................................................................... 4-25 FIGURE 4-6 Y-AXIS SSE TRS VERSUS RRS .................................................................................................... 4-26 FIGURE 4-7 Z-AxIs SSE, TRS VERSUS RRS ................................................................................................... 4-28 FIGURE 4-8 Y-AxIs SSE, TRS VERSUS RRS ................................................................................................... 4-29 FIGURE 4-9 AREA RM-1 000SEISMIC WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................... 4-32 FIGURE 4-10 I/F CONVERTER SEISMIC WIRING DIAGRAM .................................................................................. 4-33 FIGURE 4-11 SECOND SEISMIC TEST X-AxIS SSE TRS VERSUS RRS .............................................................. 4-37 FIGURE 4-12 SECOND SEISMIC TEST Y-Axis SSE TRS VERSUS RRS .............................................................. 4-38 FIGURE 4-13 SECOND SEISMIC TEST Z-AxIs SSE, TRS VERSUS RRS ............................................................. 4-40 FIGURE 4-14 SECOND SEISMIC TEST Y AXIS SSE, TRS VERSUS RRS ............................................................. 4-41 TABLES TABLE 3-1 RM-1000 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 3-2 TABLE 3-2 OTHER FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 3-7 TABLE 3-3 LOCATION OF AGED COMPONENTS INTHE RM-1 000 PROCESSOR MODULE ..................................... 3-18 TABLE 4-1 KEYPAD SWITCHES ............................................................................................................................ 4-1 TABLE 4-2 GAS PLASMA DISPLAYS ..................................................................................................................... 4-2 TABLE 4-3 GAS PLASMA DISPLAY TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................... 4-3 TABLE 4-4 Low VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES ...................................................................................................... 4-4 TABLE 4-5 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ............................................................................................ 4-5 TABLE 4-6 RELAY THERMAL AGE CONDITIONING ................................................................................................ 4-6 TABLE 4-7 RELAY MECHANICAL AGE CONDITIONING ........................................................................................... 4-7 TABLE 4-8 DISPLAY/KEYPAD CABLE ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................. 4-8 TABLE 4-9 TEST ARTICLE/AGED PARTS IDENTIFICATION ...................................................................................... 4-9 TABLE 4-10 TEST ARTICLE RM-1 000 CAUBRATION PERFORMED ...................................................................... 4-10 TABLE 4-11 PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL FUNCTIONAL TESTS .................................................................................... 4-11 TABLE 4-12 POWER UP AND TEST CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ 4-12 TABLE 4-13 BASEUNE FUNCTIONAL TEST ......................................................................................................... 4-14 TABLE 4-14 Low TEMPERATURE FUNCTIONAL TEST ......................................................................................... 4-14 04508905-QR (Rev. A) v

TABLE 4-15 HIGH TEMPERATURE FUNCTIONAL TEST ........................................................................................ 4-15 TABLE 4-16 POST- ENVIRONMENTAL FUNCTIONAL TESTS ................................................................................. 4-16 TABLE 4-17 ACCELEROMETER LOCATIONS ....................................................................................................... 4-21 TABLE 4-18 TEST ARTICLE RM-1 000 CALIBRATION PERFORMED ...................................................................... 4-21 TABLE 4-19 PRE-SEISMIC FUNCTIONAL TESTS ................................................................................................. 4-22 TABLE 4-20 FIRST SEISMIC TEST POWER UP AND TEST CONDITIONS ................................................................ 4-23 TABLE 4-21 X-Y AXIS SEISMIC TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................. 4-24 TABLE 4-22 Z-Y AXIS SEISMIC TEST RESULTS .................................................................................................. 4-27 TABLE 4-23 POST-SEISMIC FUNCTIONAL TESTS ............................................................................................... 4-30 TABLE 4-24 SECOND SEISMIC TEST - ACCELEROMETER LOCATIONS ................................................................. 4-34 TABLE 4-25 SECOND SEISMIC TEST - TEST ARTICLE RM-1 000 CAUBRATION PERFORMED ............................... 4-34 TABLE 4-26 SECOND SEISMIC TEST POWER UP AND TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................... 4-35 TABLE 4-27 SECOND SEISMIC TEST X-Y AXIS SEISMIC TEST RESULTS ............................................................. 4-36 TABLE 4-28 SECOND SEISMIC TEST Z-Y AXIS SEISMIC TEST RESULTS ............................................................. 4-39 TABLE 4-29 POST-SEISMIC FUNCTIONAL TESTS .............................................................................................. 4-42 TABLE 7-1 RM-1000 LIMITED LIFE COMPONENTS .......................................................................................... 7-3 04508905-QR (Rev. A) Vi

1. OBJECTIVE The objective of this report is to document the environmental and seismic qualification for the Sorrento Electronics RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-to-Frequency Converter.

The qualification tests were established to demonstrate that the RM-1000 Processor Module, with its associated NIM Bin assembly, and Current-to-Frequency Converter are capable of operating at the extremes of their environmental range and are capable of withstanding seismic events at most nuclear plant sites. The tests were conducted as a functional qualification of the RM-1000 Processor Module with simulated interfaces to typical process and area monitor systems.

The tests included:

" Component age conditioning

  • Age conditioning margin
  • Environmental extremes testing
  • Functional testing

" Generic seismic testing The test articles were:

  • RM-1000 (SE P/N 04501000-001) mounted in a NIM Bin and connected to a remote pulse generator to simulate an area detector.

" RM-1000 (SE P/N 04501000-001) mounted in a NIM Bin and connected to a remote pulse generator to simulate a process detector.

  • NIM Bin assembly (SE P/N 04500801-001 and -002)

" Current-to-Frequency (I/F) Converter Module (SE P/N 04506150-001) mounted in a separate enclosure connected to a remote RM-1000 and a current source to simulate an ion chamber detector.

The qualification program was prepared in accordance with and intended to satisfy the requirements of:

  • IEEE Std. 323-1983 and 323-1974, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 1-1

  • IEEE Std. 344-1987 and 344-1975, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
  • IEEE Std. 381-1977, IEEE Standard Criteria for Type Tests of Class 1E Modules used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

0 SE Document E-115-699, Rev. 3 (June 1986), Class 1E Equipment Qualification and Aging Plan.

This report presents the test results in the following sections:

Section 1. OBJECTIVE. This section defines the reason for the report, an outline of the tests performed, a list of test articles, the standards to which the test articles were qualified, and a description of each section of the report.

Section 2. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION. This section is a detailed description of the test articles. It examines both hardware and software configurations.

Section 3. TEST PROGRAM. This section describes the qualification program and sequence of tests performed. It includes a brief description of the functional requirements, component selection for aging, and seismic spectra determination.

Section 4. TEST


. This section summarizes the results of testing and provides a cross reference to the test data contained in the appendices of this report.

Section 5. TEST FACILITIES. This section contains a brief description of the test facilities used to conduct the tests.

Section 6. MODIFICATIONS. This section demonstrates the qualification basis for modification to the RM-1000, with its associated NIM Bin assembly, and I/F converter that have qualification significance. The section is arranged by Engineering Change Order (ECO) number.

Section 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. This section provides a conclusion, regarding the qualification of the RM-1000, with its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and I/F Converter. It includes a description of deviations and anomalies and reference to their resolution, as well as a listing of limited life components.

APPENDICES. These appendices included as part of this report; are the Age Conditioning Evaluation, the Required Response Spectra, the seismic test fixture, the Technical Evaluation of DC-DC Converter Replacement, and theTechnical Evaluation of Replacement Power Supply.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 1-2

2. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION The RM-1000 Radiation Monitoring Processor Module radiation detectors. The RM-1000 provides The modules are packaged as industry standard Nuclear Instrumentation Modules (NIM), in a double width NIM size. Figure 2-1 is the front view of the RM-1000. This section describes the basic RM-1000 module, its physical arrangement, functionality, and the test article configurations. Figures are located at the end of the section.

The description of the basic RM-1000 module (Section 2.1) includes the physical location of the module subassemblies, their interconnection and functionality. The Current-to-Frequency Converter is used with the RM-1 000 Processor Module for ion chamber detectors. A description of the I/F Converter is provided in Section 2.2. The basic RM-1000 can be used as either an area radiation monitor or a process radiation monitor. The RM-1000 module mounts in a standard NIM Bin assembly that is further described in Section 2.3. Section 2.4 describes the configurations for the test articles, their functionality and the interface to the area and process detectors to simulate connection in an actual monitor installation.

2.1 The Basic RM-1000 Radiation Monitoring Processor Module This section describes the physical and functional arrangement of the basic RM-1000 Radiation Monitoring Processor module configuration. Figures 2-2 through 2-5 identify the major subassemblies of the RM-1000.

2.1.1 Physical Description The module's processing is based on the use of an -

except for the more extensive use of on-chip peripherals. Memory includes oof battery-backed RAM to provide programming and data storage. Counters are used to store pulse outputs and a digital algorithm is applied to produce the measured countrate or dose rate output values. are provided, which allow the implementation of two energy windows. Digital-to-analog converters are used to provide analog outputs to remote meters. Data entry is via a 16-button keypad. Front panel display is provided by a which is programmed to provide a displayed are various operator interface menus and data entry functions. An is used for communications to pair wire. rovided to allow software uploading. Th6 front plate of the module is hinged to allow ready access to test points.

2-1 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

Figure 2-1 is an external front view of the RM-1000. The components shown on the front panel includes the gas plasma display screen, channel status LED indicators, and the operator interface keypad. The display screen presented shows the normal operation display of the bargraph and digital value for the current radiation level, with the two alarm setpoints flagged, Trip 1 and Trip 2.

Figure 2-2 is an exploded view of the RM-1000. The RM-1000 is modular in design. A motherboard contains a backplane with connector sockets in which the CPU, Counter, and Output boards are inserted. A high voltage power supply module is attached internally to the rear panel of the module and connects to the motherboard through a cable harness. A Keypad/Display board is mounted to the front panel and connects to the CPU board by means of a ribbon cable.

2.1.2 Functional Description The RM-1 000 is able to perform nature of its circuitry. These two basic operating modes are selectable using a switch, prior to installation. For area monitor Ihe application type 1 mode is selected, and for process detectors, the application type 2 mode is selected.

The RM-1000 is a pin-compatible replacement for SE's RP-1, RP-2, and RP-30 analog processor modules (and their variations, e.g., RP-1A, RP-2A, RP-30A, etc.). The RP-1 readout module accepts signals from Geiger-Mueller (GM) tube detectors, the RP-2 module accepts signals from ion chambers, and the RP-30 accepts signals from scintillation detectors. The RP-30 contains additional discriminator circuitry to provide 2.2 The Current-to-Frequency Converter The Current-to-Frequency (I/F) Converter is a separate module that converts the current signal from ion chamber detectors into pulses that can be counted by the RM-1000 processor module. The module contains with capability similar to that found in the RM-2000 and RM-80 microprocessors. It is capable of accurately and converting these currents into pulses that can be counted by the RM-1000 in the application type 2 processor mode.

The I/F converter has a signal input connector from the detector and a signal output connector to the RM-1000 processor module. It includes a test circuit that provides a known input current to check the operation of the electronics to provide a specific output.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-2

2.3 NIM Bin Assembly A standard NIM Bin assembly (SE P/N 04500801-001 through -006) is used to mount from one to six RM-1000 modules. The NIM Bin assembly mounts to a standard 19-inch rack or cabinet using four number 10 screws. The NIM Bin assembly includes an interface connector to field wiring as well as a low voltage power supply for each RM-1 000 module.

2.4 Test Article Configuration Two RM-1000 and I/F converter test articles were constructed and configured for qualification testing. One RM-1000 was configured as an area monitor module; the other as a process monitor module. The RM-1000 test articles were installed in a standard NIM Bin assembly. The I/F converter was a stand-alone device mounted, as it would be in service. The I/F converter used a remote RM-1000 configured as an ion chamber area monitor module. The physical arrangements for the RM-1000 and I/F converter assemblies are shown in Figure 2-3. The wiring arrangement for the area RM-1 000 system is shown in Figure 2-4. The wiring arrangement for the process RM-1000 system is shown in Figure 2-5. The wiring arrangement for the I/F converter is shown in Figure 2-6.

Wiring was connected in the same manner as found in a control room cabinet installation. Wiring was connected to plug type connectors that mated with the connectors on the back of the RM-1000s or to the connectors on the I/F converter.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-3

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-4 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-5 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-6 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-7 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-8 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 2-9

3. TEST PROGRAM Figure 3-1 shows the qualification test sequence and identifies the procedures and appendices where the test information may be found. This section describes:
1. The test sequence
2. The functional requirements
3. The rationale for the selection of components to be age conditioned.
4. The rationale for selection of the required response spectra.

The results of these tests are described in Section 4. Figures and tables are located at the end of this section.

3.1 TEST SEQUENCE The test sequence is as follows:

1. Component age conditioning
2. Test article assembly
3. Relay driver age conditioning
4. Pre-environmental functional test
5. Age conditioning margin test
6. Extremes test
7. Post environmental functional test
8. Seismic test set up
9. Pre-seismic functional test
10. Seismic test
11. Post seismic functional test
12. Visual inspection 3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The intention of qualification testing is to demonstrate that the RM-1000 Processor Module (RM-1 000), with its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter are capable of performing their safety functions 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-1

before, during and after the environmental extremes and a seismic event. The following sections describe the functional requirements for the RM-1000 and the I/F converter and present the acceptance criteria to be used to judge the RM-1000's and the I/F converter's acceptability. Generally, the RM-1000 and I/F converter must perform a variety of functions before and after the environmental extremes and a seismic event. During the environmental extremes and the seismic event, the RM-1000 and the I/F converter must maintain their status and not introduce errors or false alarms.

The allocation table of the System Requirements Specification, SE Document 04507000, Appendix B, Revision B, provides a listing of Critical Characteristics, RG-1.97 Functions and Safety Functions. The table further identifies where the requirements are met by Hardware, Software, and/or Operating Procedures.

IEEE-323 qualification requires that safety functions that apply to hardware be qualified in accordance with the standard's requirements. In some cases the software must be functional in order to qualify the hardware. The dividing line is difficult to establish, therefore, as a conservative measure the software must be fully functional. For our purposes, the RG-1.97 functions will also be qualified.

The safety and RG-1.97 functions being qualified by this testing program are described in Table 3-1. They must be met before and after the environmental extremes and seismic events. Other Safety and RG 1.97 functions listed in SE document 04507000, Revision B, Appendix B, are described in Table 3-2. Their qualification is described in Section 3.2.3.

Table 3-1 RM-1000 Functional Requirements FUNCTION SAFETY RG-1.97 REQUIREMENT FUNCTION FUNCTION Analog Output X Analog Voltage X Analog Current X Trip 1 Alarm X X 3-2 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

FUNCTION SAFETY RG-1.97 REQUIREMENT FUNCTION FUNCTION radiation value is equal to or greater than the Trip 1 setpoint, the Trip 1 relay deenergizes and the front panel yellow Alert LED shall come on until the alarm is manually cleared.

Trip 2 Alarm X X RM-1 000 Trip 2 Alarm status shall indicate the channel radiation level has exceeded the alarm setpoint. When the radiation value is equal to or greater than the Trip 2 setpoint, the Trip 2 relay deenergizes and the front panel red High LED shall come on until the alarm is manually cleared.

Loss of Operate X The RM-1000 shall generate a visual loss of operate (fail)

Alarm status alarm indication when a failure occurs. The fail relay shall deenergize when the alarm occurs and shall remain deenergized until the alarm clears.

Alarm State X X The alarm relays shall deenergize when the RM-1000 is During Power powered off.

Failure Front Panel X The front panel shall provide the RM-1000 user interface.

(General The user interface shall acquire information from the system Description)

System Display X And Current Activity Display 10OX Over- X All RM-1000 radiation detection channels shall produce a Range full-scale reading when subjected to radiation fields, as a minimum, 100 times higher than full scale. The channel shall be protected against over-range such that the operation and calibration are unaffected subsequent to an over-range condition. The RM-1000 shall display data that is consistent 3-3 04508905-QR (Rev. A)


Loss of Counts X The channel shall be considered to have a detector failure if no pulses have been detected within a period of time that is a user adjustable parameter. The Operate LED shall be extinguished upon this condition.

Alarm X RM-1000 checks for Trip 1 and Trip 2 alarm shall always be Processing performed, except when a checksource test is in progress Checks when alarm status shall remain unchanged.

Power Fail X X The RM-1000 shall have a capability to preserve user adjustable parameters and calibration data during periods in Recovery which there is a loss of input power and to recover the data when power is restored.

RM-1000 X Accuracy The requirements listed in Table 3-1 were the basis for the Functional Tests performed on the RM-1000 and I/F Converter. It should be noted that the qualification of the I/F Converter is based upon the proper input to the RM-1 000.

The function tests required are divided into the three types of modules being qualified.

3.2.1 RM-1000 Functional Verifications

  • Current activity and system display
  • Analog output current
  • Analog output voltage 3-4 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

" Trip 1 (Alert) and Trip 2 (High) Alarms and indications

" Loss of Operate Alarm

  • Loss of Counts Indications 0 Alarm state during power fail and power recovery
  • 10OX Over-range and over-range indications 3.2.2 I/F Converter Functional Verification
  • Current activity and system display
  • Analog output current
  • Analog output voltage

" Loss of Operate Alarm

" Loss of Counts Indication

  • Alarm state during power fail and power recovery

" 10OX Over-range and over-range indications

  • Accuracy over the activity range During the environmental extremes test, the RM-1000 and I/F converter are required to meet the following acceptance criteria:
1. There shall be no visible damage to the test articles that could affect their operation.
2. The analoa and disolaved outout of the RM-1 000 shall be within I environmental testing.
3. When the current source and pulse generator signal input is above a pre-established setpoint, the RM-1000 front panel indicator displays an alarm status (before and after environmental testing) and the RM-1000 alarm relays deenergize.
4. The RM-1000 front panel switches and indicators shall operate properly before and after environmental testing.
5. The RM-1000 self-test shall function properly before and after environmental testing.
6. The RM-1000 and the I/F converter shall pass post-functional test.

flArAQO M-_no/Maw A% 3-5

  • /'IP*V*.hTV*./-*dl 'i !l t*V. r'lj;
7. The I/F converter module accuracy shall have log conformity During the seismic test, the RM-1000 and the I/F converter are required to meet the following acceptance criteria:
1. No equipment shall generate a missile, which could affect adjacent safety equipment.
2. There can be no visible damage to the equipment, which could affect its operation.
3. Indicated output activities of radiation detector input signals shall not vary more than M f initial reading during or following the seismic tests as viewed on the front panel of the
  • RM-1 000s.
4. The analog activity output shall be within f the equivalent analog full-scale output during and after the seismic tests.
5. When detector signal input is above a preestablished setpoint, the RM-1000 front panel indicator displays an alarm status and alarm output relays deenergize. (This function is not required until after the seismic event has occurred).
6. Front panel switches and indicators to operate properly after seismic event.
7. Self-test to function properly after the seismic event.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-6

3.2.3 Other Safety and RG 1.97 Functional Requirements Table 3-2 Other Functional Requirements FUNCTION SAFETY RG-1.97 REQUIREMENT FUNCTION FUNCTION Conducted X A type test for conducted emissions shall be performed on Emissions the RM-1000 per MIL-STD-461D (CE-1 02) to demonstrate acceptable conducted emissions.

Conducted EMI X A type test for conducted EMI field immunity shall be Immunity performed on the RM-1 000 per MIL-STD-461 D (CS-1 01) and ENV 50141 to demonstrate acceptable immunity to injected, conducted electromagnetic fields.

Electrical Fast X A type test for electrical fast transients shall be performed Transients on the RM-1 000 per EN 61000-4-4 to demonstrate Immunity acceptable immunity to electrical fast transients and bursts on the power input, signal and data leads.

Radiated RF EMI X A type test for RF fields such as those produced by hand Field Immunity held walkie-talkie units shall be performed on the RM-1000 per ENV 50140 to demonstrate acceptable walkie-talkie RF field immunity.

Radiated RF X A type test to demonstrate that the RM-1000 does not Emissions produce unacceptable radiated magnetic and electric fields shall be performed on the RM-1 000 per ENV 55011, Class A and EN 55022, Class B.

Electrostatic X A type test to demonstrate acceptable RM-1 000 immunity Discharge to electrostatic discharges shall be performed per EN Immunity 6100-4-2.

3-7 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

REQUIREMENT Surge Withstand X A type test to demonstrate RM-1000 surge withstand Capability capability shall be performed per EN 61000-4-5.

Magnetic Field X A type test for magnetic fields shall be performed on the Immunity RM-1000 per EN 61000-4-8 to demonstrate acceptable immunity to magnetic fields at the power frequency.

Supply Voltage X A type test for supply voltage dips and variations shall be Dips and performed on the RM-1000 per EN 61000-4-11 to Variations demonstrate acceptable immunity to voltage dips and Immunity variations on the power input.

Checksum X The RM-1000 shall calculate checksums for program and Verification configuration data memories respectively. If neither of the above conditions have been detected, the checksums shall be verified. Either a program checksum verification failure or configuration data checksum failure shall result in an operate failure. To clear the configuration data checksum failure, a configuration data value must be altered causing a new configuration data checksum to be calculated. A program checksum verification failure shall not be cleared without re-loading the program. During normal operation, the RM-1 000 shall verify the checksums periodically and shall report checksum failures as defined above.

Checksum X Checksum failure shall be indicated if there are no counts Failure input to the channel in a specified period of time. The Operate LED shall be extinguished upon this condition.

3-8 04508905-QR (Rev. A) Conducted Emissions Conducted emissions are noise emissions, generated within the RM-1000, conducted on the power lines that could affect other equipment. Generally, other equipment is tested for immunity against a specified level of emissions from any source that may be conducted on the power lines. The RM-1000 must, therefore, have the capability to limit the level of noise transmitted outside the module to within a specified level. This is accomplished by low noise generation circuit design and the use of EMI/RFI filters on the power lines.

The RM-1000 has successfully passed MIL-STD-461D (CE-102) tests at normal laboratory conditions.

Neither the environmental extremes nor the seismic events affect the ability of the RM-1000 to limit these emissions for the following reasons.

Environmentally, the filter system used within the RM-1000 =and is sealed within the The conducted emissions are, therefore, unaffected by the environmental service conditions.

Seismically, the conducted emissions filter, as described above, is a wafer securely held within the connector with no moving parts. It has functioned successfully during seismic testing with no evidence of malfunction. The ability of the filter to limit conducted emissions is, therefore, unaffected by the seismic event.

Since the RM-1000 conducted emissions are unaffected by both environmental and seismic service conditions, conducted emissions during these service conditions are considered acceptable without further testing. Conducted EMI Immunity Conducted EMI Immunity is the ability of the RM-1000 to function properly when electromagnetic interference is present on the incoming power lines. The sources of the EMI may vary widely and are not relevant to the ability of the RM-1 000's immunity when a specified level is present on the power line.

The RM-1000 has successfully passed MIL-STD-461D (CS-101) to demonstrate that it has acceptable immunity to conducted electromagnetic interference. For the same reasons given for conducted emissions (Section the RM-1000 is immune to the specified level of conducted EMI at the environmental extremes and during seismic events. ElectricalFast TransientImmunity Electrical Fast Transients are high frequency electromagnetic interference present on power lines and other signal interface lines into the RM-1000. Sources of the fast transients are generally discharges in the power 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-9

system that can cause a pulse of high frequency EMI to be present on the power lines or through coupling, on signal lines. The RM-1000 is required to be immune to specified frequencies and levels of this type of EMI.

The RM-1000 successfully passed type tests to demonstrate that the module is immune to fast transients per EN 61000-4-4 under laboratory conditions. The results of theses tests are unaffected by the extremes environment or the seismic event for the following reasons.

The methods used for limiting fast transient EMI from entering the RM-1000 circuitry is essentially the same as with conducted EMI described in Section and

The use of a connector interface filter and ferrite beads reduces the conducted EMI to a level that will not affect the performance of the RM-1000 during environmental extremes and seismic events. The reasons are the same as those given for Conducted Emissions, Section Radiated RF EMI FieldImmunity Radiated RF EMI Fields are radio frequency fields present in the air around the RM-1000. The sources of the RF field can be hand held communication devices and other similar sources. The RM-1000 must be immune to specified levels of RF EMI fields and still able to perform its safety functions properly.

Shielding reduces levels of RF EMI fields. The shielding used for the RM-1000 consists of the outer metal cases, as well as, internal shielding around sensitive openings at the rear of the RM-1000 module. These shields are passive structures with no moving parts, that have temperature ratings above the extremes environments and are impervious to moisture.

The RM-1000 has successfully passed Radiated RF EMI Field Immunity tests in accordance with ENV 50140. The shielding has been exposed to extremes environment and seismic event without problems.

The ability of the RM-1000 shielding to reduce the RF level to that which the RM-1000 can tolerate, without anomalous performance, is unaffected by the environmental extremes or the seismic events. Therefore, the RM-1 000 is considered acceptable without further testing. RadiatedRF Emissions Radiated RF Emissions are radio frequency fields present around the outside of the RM-1 000 module. The source of the RF field is the RM-1000 itself. The RF field in the vicinity of the RM-1000 must be within specified levels so that it does not affect other equipment that may be near the module.

As with Radiated RF EMI Field Immunity the RF field emissions are controlled by shielding (See Section for a discussion of the shielding used in the RM-1000).

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-10

The RM-1000 has successfully passed tests in accordance with ENV 55011, Class A and EN 55022, Class B. For the same reasons given in Section the Radiation RF Emissions are unaffected by extreme environments and seismic events. ElectrostaticDischargeImmunity Electrostatic Discharge occurs when an object or person with an electrostatic charge comes in close proximity with the RM-1000 and there is a discharge of that charge to the RM-1000. The RM-1000 must be able to withstand discharges of a specified level without performance being affected.

Electrostatic discharge is dissipated by carrying the charge away from sensitive circuits through the equipment grounding system. The discharge is carried by the outer conductive surfaces connected to grounding wire to the plant's equipment ground system. This equipment grounding system is separated from the instrument grounding system so instrument signals will not be affected by the discharge.

The RM-1000 has successfully passed Electrostatic Discharge Immunity tests in accordance with EN 6100-4-2. The immunity of the RM-1000 to electrostatic discharge is not affected by environmental extremes or seismic events since the ground system pathways are unaffected by these conditions. Surge Withstand Capability Surges can occur on power lines due to disruptive conditions (such as short circuits) elsewhere in the power system. The RM-1000 must be capable of performing its safety functions if a voltage surge of a specified level and wave shape occurs.

The RM-1000 sensitive circuitry is protected from surges bymdevices. The devices used within the RM-1000 are above that specified as acceptable.

The RM-1 000 has successfully passed Surge Withstand Capability tests in accordance with EN 61000-4-5.

The environmental extremes and seismic events do not affect the ability of the devices from performing their function. The devices are solid state encapsulated with no moving parts. They have temperature ratings above the environmental extremes and are unaffected by humidity due to the encapsulation. The~have been successfully tested for functionality in both environmental extremes and seismic events as described in this document. The A M io not have any age related failure mechanisms, therefore, the surge withstand capability of the RM-1000 is unaffected by environmental extremes and seismic events. Magnetic Field Immunity Magnetic fields are fields in the area of the RM-1000 at power frequencies. As with Radiated RF EMI Fields in Section, the RM-1 000 must be immune to specified levels of magnetic fields.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-11

Magnetic fields are diminished by shielding as described in Section

RM-1000 has successfully passed magnetic field immunity tests in accordance with EN 61000-4-8. For the same reasons given in Section the immunity of the RM-1000 to magnetic fields is unaffected by the environmental extremes and seismic events. Supply Voltage Dips and VariationsImmunity Supply voltage dips and variations are rapid changes in supply voltage for short durations as a result of load changes in 'the plant power system. The RM-1000 must be immune to changes of a specified level, duration and rate of change.

Supply voltage dips and variations are handled by the RM-1000 through the power supply. The power supply has been sized to accommodate a derating at the upper extreme of the environmental requirements.

The RM-1000 has successfully passed supply voltage dips and variations immunity tests in accordance with EN 61000-4-11 in accordance with Table 3-2. The power supply has no moving parts and has successfully passed seismic testing as described in this document. Further, the RM-1000, with the power supply, has been age condition while maintaining relative The voltage for each The RM-1000 functioned properly during these cycles. The results of the supply voltage dips and variations are considered unaffected by environmental extremes and seismic events. Checksum Verification and Checksum Failure Checksum verification and checksum failure are strictly software functions and are independent of the environmental extremes and seismic events.

3.3 SELECTION OF COMPONENTS TO BE AGE CONDITIONED An evaluation of components and parts within the RM-1000, its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and I/F converter assembly was made to identify those that required age conditioning prior to environmental and seismic testing. The results of that evaluation are provided in this section.

A review of SE document E-115-699 and EPRI Report NP-3326 was made to identify the types of components that required age conditioning. Each component type listed in E-115-699 is discussed in Appendix A. Failure mechanisms that have significance for either environmental conditions or seismic events were separated from those that do not have significance. EPRI Report NP-3326 was consulted for generic types of components that do not have failure mechanisms with seismic significance.

A multilevel bill of materials was prepared for the RM-1000, and its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and evaluated for the parts and components identified.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-12

Radiation aging was not required, since the RM-1000 modules, its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and I/F converter would be located in nuclear power plant areas with mild environments and radiation dosages less than lx1 03 RADS (total integrated dose).

From this review, the following components were identified to be age conditioned.








Table 3-3 lists the components that were age conditioned for the RM-1000 test articles. Section 4 describes the age conditioning requirements and results.

3.4 DETERMINING REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRA The Required Response Spectra (RRS) for the RM-1000, its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and VF converter seismic test was selected to envelop the requirements of plant locations where SE had available floor response spectra. The RM-1000 and I/F converter should be capable of functioning properly mounted on existing installed equipment.

Appendix B contains the results of a review of previous test reports, as well as the requirements for replacement and new installations.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-13

The generic seismic qualification requirements for the RM-1000 Module for the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) shown in GA-ESI document 04508905-QR, Figures 3-2 and 3-3 The Required Response Spectra (RRS) are provided in Seismic Qualification Test Results, GA-ESI Test Report 04508903-1TR is used for this RRS. The SSE RRS used for seismic tests are shown in Appendix B, Figure B-i.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-14

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-15 Figure 3-2 Horizontal Generic SSE Required Response Spectrum 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-16

Figure 3-3 Vertical Generic SSE Required Response Spectrum 04508905-OR (Rev. A) 3-17

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-18 uqoUtswo-um ti-ieV. A) j-IV 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-20 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 3-21



This section summarizes the tests performed, significant results, anomalies or deviations observed and the results of reviews of anomalies or deviations. The section is organized in the sequence in which the tests were performed. Refer to the flow chart shown in Figure 3-1. Figures and tables for this section are located with the written material.

4.1 COMPONENT AGING This section describes the age conditioning performed on those components identified in Table 3-3. It includes keypad, gas plasma displays, aluminum electrolytic capacitors, power supplies, ribbon cable assemblies, relays, and relay drivers. The detail results of the age conditioning are provided in SE document 04508901-1TR "Age Conditioning Test Results RM-1000 Module".

4.1.1 Sixteen Key Matrix Keypad (SE P/N 50015691-534)

The only manual switches that are actuated a significant number of cycles, are the keypad switches. These were mechanically age conditioned by depressing each switch for the number of cycles expected in service.

hnubr of cycles was based on SE document 04508901-1 TR describes the test procedure followed. Table 4-1 lists the total cycles to which the keypads were aged. The keypad switches were energized with 5 volts dc during the aging. The keypad switches functioned properly during the age conditioning.

Table 4-1 Keypad Switches Age Part S/N Total Cycles K13001 K13002 KB003 4-1 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

4.1.2 ýDisplays (SE P/N GD00640160-01)

Theýisplay has an aging failure mechanism of loss of pixels. In order to place the displays in an end of life condition, two sets of displays used for the test articles were age conditioned at separate times and temperatures. The first set of displays was aged conditioned *h e second set of displays was age conditioned at ýThese temperatures and times are equivalent to nd are based on the age conditioning of the worse case limited life components in radiation monitoring equipment). Table 4-2 lists the Displays that were age conditioned, the temperature at which the displays were age conditioned and the total hours at that temperature.

Table 4-2 Age Part S/N Temperature °C Total Hours D02 M_ _ __

D03 D04 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D05 D07 __

D08__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Before, periodically during, and after the ý Displays were age conditioned, the displays were given visual tests to ensure that there were no missing pixels, there was not any flicker, there were not any shifted pixels and that the displays were capable of displaying the activity screen, the function screen, horizontal and vertical lines, and patterns of dots. Table 4-3 shows the results of these tests.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-2

Table 4-3 3splay Test Results Test Description D02 D03 D04 D05 D07 D08

  • Normal Activity Screen P P P P P P
  • Select Function Screen P P P P P P
  • 10 Thick Horizontal Lines P P P P P P
  • 10 Thick Horizontal Lines (Shifted) P P P P P P
  • 5 Y2Thick Vertical Unes P P P P P P a 5 Thick Vertical Unes (Shifted) P P P P P P 0 3 Thick Vertical Line and 4 Thin Horizontal Lines P P P P P P
  • 20 Dotted Lines P P P P P P

. 4 Dotted Lines P P P P P P

  • 1 Dotted Line P P P P P P
  • No Missing Pixels P P P P P P
  • No Flicker P P P P P P
  • No Shifted Pixels P P P P P P Notes: P = Passed F = Failed NIA = Not Applicable A note is indicated by a number.

4.1.3 Power Supply (SE P/N 04502005-001)

The power supply, mounted on the rear of the NIM Bin Assembly, contains as well as un-encapsulated coils, transformers, and wire. These parts were removed from the two test power supplies for age conditioning to The were age conditioned for The transformers and coils were age conditioned att The wire was age conditioned at Table 4-4 identifies the power supply in which each part is located and shows the results of age conditioning of each part.

AAr.naanrO-flP /Pau Al 4-3

Table 4-4 Low Voltage Power Supplies Component Age Part S/N Location Temperature Time hr Results 0C Capacitor C006 LVPS01 Passed C007 LVPS01 Passed, C008 LVPS01 Passed C009 LVPS01 Passed C010 LVPS02 Passed Col1 LVPS02 Passed C012 LVPS02 Passed C013 LVPS02 Passed Transformers LO01 LVPS01 Passed L004 LVPS02 Passed I Coils L002 LVPS01 Passed L003 LVPS01 Passed L004 LVPS02 Passed LO05 LVPS02 Passed Wire Wool LVPS01 Passed W002 LVPS02 Passed These parts were assembled into the appropriate test low voltage power supply for subsequent qualification testing.

4.1.4 (SE P/N 50015688-001)

The Output PWA (SE P/N 04503010-001) contains two These were age conditioned at The age conditioning included energizing the with rated voltage. and after the age conditioning the was measured, the equivalent series ýcalculated, and the leakage current measured. The results of the testing are provided in Table 4-5. Details of the test are provided in SE document 04508901-1TR Section 4.1.

NAACanOrA-%M tnj, A% 4-4

Table 4-5 f

Age Part SIN Temperature °C Time hr Results I +

cool C002 ___

Passed Passed C003 Passed C004 I I Passed After age conditioning the ý were assembled on the Output PWAs used for the qualification test article.

4.1.5 Relays (SE P/Ns DS1 E-S-DC24V and DS2E-S-DC24V)

Relays used on the output PWA and the counter PWA were given a thermal age conditioning and a consisted of a bum-in at -

mechanical age conditioning for an equivalent life of The thermal age conditioning Before and after the age conditioning the relay normally closed contact resistance was measured, the relays were energized, and the normally open contact resistance was measured. The results of the thermal age conditioning are shown in Table 4-6. Additional test details are found in SE document 04508901 -1TR Section 4.2.

0450890J.5-OR (Rev Al

........... \ ....... I 4-5

Table 4-6 Relay Thermal Age Conditioning Age Part S/N Temr )erature °C Time hr. Results KOO0 Passed K002 Passed K003 Passed K004 Passed K005 Passed K006 Passed K007 Passed K008 Passed K009 Passed K010 Passed K01 1 Passed K012 Passed-K01 3 Passed K014 Passed K015 Passed K016 Passed K017 Passed The above relays were than mechanically age conditioned along with the associated relay drivers on the output PWA and the counter board PWA. The relays were switched on and off forE i n ah relay contact was loaded with__

Wse~hroughout the test. Contact resistance was measured in the same manner as the thermal aging. The results of the mechanical age conditioning are provided in Table 4-7. Additional test details are given in SE document 04508901 -1TR Section 4.3.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-6

Table 4-7 Relay Mechanical Age Conditioning Age Part SIN Nut nber of Cyches Results KOO1 Passed K002 Passed K003 Passed K004 Passed K005 Passed K006 Passed K007 Passed K008 Passed K009 Passed KO1 Passed K01 1 Passed K012 Passed K013 Passed K014 Passed K015 Passed K016 Passed K017 Passed The relays and relay drivers functioned properly after age conditioning was completed.

4.1.6 Display/Keypad Cable Assembly (SE P/N 8810B-701-0)

The Display/Keypad cable assemblies contain PVC insulated ribbon wire that has a 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-7

To simulate the *the ribbon cable assemblies required age conditioning at I The ribbon cables were aged as assemblies to prevent damage to the insulation during termination to the connectors after aging. They were placed in a The cable assemblies passed a visual inspection Table 4-8 lists the results for each part age conditioned. The detail age conditioning results are provided in SE document 04508901 -1TR Section 4.7.

Table 4-8 Display/Keypad Cable Assembly Age Part S/N Temperature °C Time hr Results KC001 __Passed KC002 Passed KC003 Passed 4.1.7 Test Article Assembly When the age conditioning of the components with significant age related failure mechanisms was completed the aged components were assembled into five RM-1000 assemblies. A list of aged parts for each RM-1000 test article is provided in Table 4-9. The NIM Bin Assembly included two low voltage power supplies, aged components numbers LVPS01 and LVPS02.

0450O8905-OR v ,vvvvwv *.

[Rev Al/


Table 4-9 Test Article/Aged Parts Identification Assembly/Part SE Part Number Aging S/N by Test Article S/N 001 002 003 004 005 CPU PWA 04503000-001 019 011 012 009 013 Counter PWA 04503020-001 004 019 001 002 003 Relay K201 DSI E-S-DC24V K005 K001 N/A N/A N/A Output PWA 04503010-001 021 014 016 024 007 Relay K301 DS1 E-S-DC24V K003 K002 N/A N/A N/A K302 DS2E-S-DC24V K015 K014 N/A N/A N/A K303 DS2E-S-DC24V K016 K017 K013 N/A N/A K304 DS1E-S-DC24V K009 K006 K004 N/A N/A K305 DS1E-S-DC24V K010 K012 K008 N/A N/A K306 DS1 E-S-DC24V K011 K007 N/A N/A N/A Capacitor C310 50015688-001 C002 C001 C004 N/A N/A C310 50015688-001 C003 C005 N/A N/A N/A Front Panel Cable 8810B-701-0 KC001 KC002 KC003 KC004 KC005 Display GD00640160-01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D07 Keypad 50015691-534 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 N/A N/A Note:

4.2 Environmental Tests This section describes the environmental tests performed on the area and process RM-1000, their associated NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter test articles. It includes the wiring connections, calibration, test setup, pre-environmental functional tests, power up and test conditions, the age margin conditioning, the environmental extremes tests, and the post environmental functional tests. The results for these tests are provided in SE document 04508902-1TR and are summarized in the following sections.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-9

4.2.1 Test Setup and Wiring Connections The area and process RM-1 000 processors and the I/F converter were arranged as shown in Figure 2-3 for the environmental tests, The NIM Bin Assembly containing the RM-1000 test articles and the I/F converter were installed in an environmental chamber while the rest of the components shown in Figure 2-3 was in the room ambient environment.

The interconnections between the components for each test article are shown in Figure 2-4 for the Area RM-1 000 Processor, Figure 2-5 for the Process RM-1000 Processors, and Figure 2-6 for the I/F Converter.

4.2.2 Calibration Prior to performing the functional and environmental tests, the test articles RM-1000 processors were calibrated. Table 4-10 lists the calibrations performed for each test article RM-1 000 processor.

Table 4-10 Test Article RM-1 000 Calibration Performed Calibration Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 I/F Converter RM-1000 Power Supply Voltage Check Yes Yes Yes Baseline Restorer Adjustment Yes Yes Yes Analog Output Calibration Yes Yes Yes Discriminator and Counter Test N/A Yes No 4.2.3 Pre-Environmental Functional Test After the area RM-1000 processor, the process RM-1000 processor, and I/F converter were set up and calibrated, a pre-environmental functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508902.

The results of the functional tests are shown in SE document 04508902-1TR, pre-environmental functional tests. These results are summarized in Table 4-11.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-10

Table 4-11 Pre-Environmental Functional Tests Description Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 I/F Converter Current Activity System Display Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Current Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Voltage Passed Passed N/A Trip 1 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed Passed Trip 2 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed Passed Loss of Operate Alarm Passed Passed Passed Loss of Counts Indication Passed Passed Passed Alarm State During Power Fail Passed Passed Passed 10OX Overrange Passed Passed Passed Overrange Indication Passed Passed N/A Discriminator and Counter Test N/A Passed N/A Accuracy over the Activity Range N/A N/A Passed The area RM-1000 processor, the process RM-1000 processor, and the I/F converter passed the pre-environmental functional tests.

4.2.4 Power Up and Test Condition Since the test articles were inside an environmental chamber at both low and high temperatures it was not possible to use the front panel to perform functional testing. To ensure that the test articles were functioning properly during the environmental testing the RM-1000 test articles were placed in alert alarm with an activity that could be monitored at a recorder. The I/F converter activity current was also recorded throughout the testing. The power up and test conditions are summarized in Table 4-12.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-11

Table 4-12 Power Up and Test Conditions Description Area RM-1 000 Process RM-1000 IF Converter State of RM-1 000 Alarms Failure Normal Normal Normal Trip 1 (Alert) Alarm Alarm Normal Trip 2 (High) Normal Normal Normal Functions Recorded Failure Record Record N/A Trip 1 Record Record N/A Trip 2 Record Record N/A RM-1 Output Record Record N/A RM-3 Output Record Record Record 4.2.5 Age Conditioning Margin The age conditioning margin test is specified in SE document E-1 15-699. The test is "...designed to add additional stress levels in the form of temperature, humidity and energy source cycling." The test compensates for applying to complex assemblies at the component level. In this regard, it is used to compensate for

  • The age conditioning margin was a

ýfollowing the cycles shown in Figure 4-1. It consisted of hile maintaining the relative humidity between The RM-1000 processors, the NIM Bin Assembly, and I/F converter had power applied with the display in a current activity screen mode.

Prior to the start of the age conditioning margin, the test articles were set up in a POWER UP AND TEST CONDITION.

The voltage applied was set at The test articles were subjected to the age conditioning margin in accordance with SE document 04508902-1TR, Section 4.6, with no adverse effects. SE document 04508902-1TR provides the verification of the voltages applied. Appendix C of this document provides the documentation for the temperature and humidity cycles.

At the end of the age conditioning margin and after cooling to ambient, the status of the front panel display and the analog output were verified to be within the RM-1000 acceptance criteria.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-12

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-13 4.2.6 Environmental Extremes Tests An extremes test was performed to demonstrate the capability of the RM-1000 processor, the NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter at the lower and upper limit of normal temperature range. Prior to the environmental extremes test the test articles were given a baseline functional test in accordance with SE document 04508902 Section 4.7.1. The results of these tests are provided in SE document 04508902-1TR and summarized in Table 4-13. The test articles met the acceptance criteria.

Table 4-13 Baseline Functional Test Test Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 IF Converter Loss of Operate/Loss of Counts Passed Passed Passed Alarm State During Power Fail Passed Passed Passed 10OX overrange Passed Passed Passed Accuracy N/A N/A Passed The test articles were placed in their POWER UP AND TEST CONDITION.

The temperature within the environmental chamber was RH. This condition was held for to ensure that all components stabilized to the ambient conditions.

At the end of the test period, while H a functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508902, Section 4.7.2. The results of the functional tests are provided in SE document 04508902-1TR and summarized in Table 4-14. Appendix C provides the documentation for the temperature and humidity conditions.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-14

Following the low temperature extremes test, the environmental chamber and the relative humidity This condition was t to ensure that all components stabilized to the ambient conditions.

The extremes test was continued by increasing the temperature to The humidity This deviation is recorded in NMR 15806 item 0006. See Appendix F for resolution of this discrepancy. While a functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508902, Section 4.7.3. The results of the functional test are shown in SE document 04508902-1TR and summarized in Table 4-15. Appendix C provides documentation for the temperature and humidity conditions.

Table 4-15 High Temperature Functional Test Test Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 l/F Converter Loss of Operate/Loss of Counts Passed Passed Passed Alarm State During Power Fail Passed Passed Passed 10OX overrange Passed Passed Passed Accuracy N/A N/A Passed The area RM-1000 processor, process RM-1000 processor, the NIM Bin Assembly, and I/F converter passed the High Temperature Extremes Test.

4.2.7 Post Environmental Functional Tests The environmental chamber was returned to ambient conditions and post environmental functional tests were performed in accordance with SE document 04508902, Section 4.8. The results of the functional tests are provided in SE document 04508902-1TR, post environmental functional tests and are summarized in Table 4-16.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-15

Table 4-16 Post- Environmental Functional Tests Description Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 VF Converter Current Activity System Display Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Current Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Voltage Passed Passed Passed Trip 1 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed Passed Trip 2 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed Passed Loss of Operate Alarm Passed Passed Passed Loss of Counts Indication Passed Passed Passed Alarm State During Power Fail Passed Passed Passed 10OX overrange Passed Passed Passed Overrange Indication Passed Passed N/A Discriminator and Counter Test N/A Passed N/A Accuracy over the Activity Range N/A N/A Passed The area RM-1000 processor, the process RM-1000 processor, the NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter passed the Post-Environmental Functional Tesl 4.3 SEISMIC TESTS This section describes the seismic tests performed on the area and process RM-1000 processor, their associated NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter test articles. Two sets of seismic tests were run.

eismic test RM-1000 processor and two I/F converters. The test sets included the pre-seismic test setup, the pre-seismic functional tests (not done for second test set), the seismic tests, the post seismic functional tests, and the final visual inspection. The results for these tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR and are summarized in the following sections.

The generic seismic qualification requirements for the RM-1 000 Module for the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) shown in GA-ESI document 04508905-OR, Figures 3-2 and 3-3 were not attainable for the shake table on which the seismic tests were performed. The Required Response Spectra (RRS) are provided in Seismic Qualification Test Results, GA-ESI Test Report 04508903-1TR is used for this RAS. The SSE RRS used for seismic tests are shown in Appendix B, Figure B-i.

4-16 04508905-OR (Rev. A)

4.3.1 First Seismic Test Setup and Wiring Connections The area and process RM-1000 processors, the NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter were arranged as shown in Figure 2-3 for the seismic tests. The NIM Bin Assembly containing the RM-1000 test articles and the I/F converter were installed in a seismic fixture (SE P/N 04619028) that in turn was installed on the seismic shake table, while the rest of the components shown in Figure 2-3 were setup off the table. The mounting fixture used for the seismic test was rigid angle metal structure, configured to simulate an installation in a standard 19 inch enclosure shown in Appendix C.

Two RM-1000 processors were mounted in a standard NIM Bin, which was mounted in the seismic test fixture using four 3/16-inch long 10-32 screws. The screws were snug wrench tightened not torqued. The I/F converter was mounted to the seismic fixture in a manner similar to the manner it would be installed in an equipment rack.

In addition to the above test articles, "wereinstalled around the display ribbon cable within the RM-1 000 processors, and a cable interface module with its associated mounting hardware was installed on the seismic fixture.

The assembly (two halves held together with tape) to Mthe flat ribbon cable, 0.25 x 1.125 x 2.50 inches long, manufactured by 0 The tape was polyimide film (Kapton), 1.0 wide x 0.012 inches thick, (manufacturer 3M part number 1205(1).

The ribbon cable interface module with mounting hardware was SE P/N 50015724-001. The relay track was SE P/N 03560550-001 and the rail end stop was SE P/N 50015735-001 The interconnections between the components for each test article are shown in Figure 4-2 for the Area RM-1000 Processor, Figure 4-3 for the Process RM-1000 Processors, and Figure 2-6 for the I/F Converter.

The cables were tied to the table and the fixture with tie wraps to prevent relative motion during the test.

Cable bundles were brought from the shake table in a catenary that allowed freedom of movement to the full extension of the table, without stressing the terminations or the RM-1000 processor and I/F converter assemblies. Figure 4-4 shows the test articles and fixture mounted to the shake table.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-17

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-18 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-19 04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-20 Accelerometers were attached to the test articles in accordance with SE Procedure 04508903, Section 4.3.1 in the locations described in Table 4-17.

Table 4-17 Accelerometer Locations Accelerometer Location Accelerometer Number x Y z Table Input 1 2 1 Seismic Fixture Top Front 3 6 3 Back of NIM Bin Center 4 7 4 I/F Converter Mounting Surface 5 8 5 X - Direction is RM-1 000 and I/F Converter side to side.

Y - Direction is RM-1000 and I/F Converter vertical.

Z - Direction is RM-1 000 and I/F Converter front to back.

4.3.2 First Seismic Test Calibration Prior to performing the functional and seismic tests, the test articles RM-1000 processors were calibrated.

Table 4-18 lists the calibrations performed for each test article RM-1 000 processor.

Table 4-18 Test Article RM-1 000 Calibration Performed Calibration Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 IfF Converter RM-1000 Power Supply Voltage Check Yes Yes Yes Baseline Restorer Adjustment Yes Yes Yes Analog Output Calibration Yes Yes Yes Discriminator and Counter Test N/A Yes No 4.3.3 First Seismic Test Pre-Seismic Functional Test After the area RM-1000 processor, the process RM-1000 processor, and I/F converter were set up and calibrated, a pre-seismic functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508904. The 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-21

results of the functional tests are shown in SE document 04508903-1TR, pre-seismic functional tests.

These results are summarized in Table 4-19.

Table 4-19 Pre-Seismic Functional Tests Description Area RM-1 000 Process RM-1000 I/F Converter Current Activity System Display Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Current Passed Passed Passed Analog Output Voltage Passed Passed N/A Trip 1 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed N/A Trip 2 Alarms & Indications Passed Passed N/A Loss of Operate Alarm Passed Passed Passed Loss of Counts Indication Passed Passed Passed Alarm State During Power Fail Passed Passed Passed 10OX Overrange Passed Passed Passed Overrange Indication Passed Passed N/A Discriminator and Counter Test N/A Passed N/A Accuracy over the Activity Range N/A N/A Passed The area RM-1000 processor, the process RM-1000 processor, and the I/F converter passed the pre-seismic functional tests.

4.3.4 First Seismic Test Resonance Searches Before the seismic test, resonance searches were performed in the horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.3.1. The resonance searches were performed at No resonances were found in either the horizontal or vertical axis.

4.3.5 First Seismic Test Power Up and Test Condition With the test articles mounted on the seismic shake table, it was not possible to use the front panel to perform functional testing. To ensure that the test articles were functioning properly during the seismic testing the RM-1000 test articles were placed in Alert alarm with an activity that could be monitored at a recorder. The I/F converter activity current was also recorded throughout the testing. Alarm relays (both energized and contacts deenergized) were monitored for chatter. The power up and test conditions are summarized in Table 4-20.

0450RQA0-nR [Rev Al 4-22 v.vvvvvv *,,*o.v.,,,i

Table 4-20 First Seismic Test Power Up and Test Conditions Description Area RM-1000 Process RM-1000 I/F Converter State of RM-1000 Alarms Failure Normal Normal Normal Trip 1 (Alert) Alarm Alarm Normal Trip 2 (High) Normal Normal Normal Functions Recorded or Monitored Failure Chatter Monitor Chatter Monitor N/A Trip 1 Chatter Monitor Chatter Monitor N/A Trip 2 Chatter Monitor Chatter Monitor N/A RM-1 Output Record Record N/A RM-3 Output Record Record Record 4.3.6 First Seismic Tests (X-Y Axis)

Durina the set un for the first process HM-I000 processor anc the in- converter. (NMH 15813 item 001 and 15813 item 002 describes the problem with the area RM-1000.

The two test articles were subjected to the Required Response Spectra (RRS) for eight OBEs and two Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) tests.

The tests were performed in accordance with SE document 04508903 Section 4.5.1.

The results of the tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR and summarized in Table 4-21. The TRS versus the RRS for the last SSE are shown in Figures 4-5 and 4-6.

04508905-QR (Rev. Al 4-23

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-24 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-25 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-26 4.3.7 First Seismic Tests (Z-Y Axis)

The test articles were rotated 900 on the seismic shake table and given a resonance search test in the horizontal (Z-axis) in accordance with SE document 0458903, Section The resonance search was

_ No resonances were found.

The test articles (process RM-1000 and I/F converter) were placed in a POWER UP AND TEST CONDITION as described in section 4.3.4. The two test articles were subjected to the RRS for six OBEs and one SSE. he SSE enveloped the SSE RRS. The tests were performed in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.5.1. The results of the tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR and summarized in Table 4-22. The TRS versus the RRS for the SSE are shown in Figures 4-7 and 4-8.

(04508905-QR (Rev. Al

. ... * ....... i 4-27

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-28 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-29 4.3.8 First Seismic Test Post-Seismic After the process RM-1000 processor and I/F converter were seismically tested, a post-seismic functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508904. The results of the functional tests are shown in SE document 04508903-1TR, post-seismic functional tests. These results are summarized in Table 4-23.

4.3.9 Second Seismic Test Setup and Wiring A second seismic test was performed to test the area RM-1 000 processor and retest the I/F converter. Two I/F converters were used as test articles. The area RM-1000 processor test article was reconfigured from the process RM-1000 processor used in the first seismic test. One of the I/F converters was the I/F converter used in the first seismic test.

The area RM-1000 processor and the I/F converters were arranged as shown in Figure 2-3 for the seismic test. The NIM Bin assembly containing the RM-1000 test articles and the I/F converters were installed in a seismic fixture (SE P/N 04619028) that in turn was installed on the seismic shake table, while the rest of the 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-30

components shown in Figure 2-3 were setup off the shake table. The seismic test setup was similar to that described in Section 4.3.1 of this document.

Accelerometers were attached to the test articles in accordance with SE procedure 04508903, Section 4.3.1 in the locations described in Table 4-24.

The area RM-1000 processor and the I/F converter RM-1000 processors were connected as shown in Figures 4-9 and 4-10.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-31

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-32 04508905-OR (Rev. A) 4-33 Table 4-24 Second Seismic Test - Accelerometer Locations Accelerometer Location Accelerometer Number x V Z Table Input 1 2 1 Seismic Fixture Top Front 3 6 3 Back of NIM Bin Center 4 7 4 I/F Converter Mounting Surface 5 8 5 X - Direction is RM-1000 and I/F Converter side to side.

Y - Direction is RM-1 000 and I/F Converter vertical.

Z - Direction is RM-1 000 and I/F Converter front to back.

4.3.10 Second Seismic Test Calibration Prior to performing the functional and seismic tests the test article RM-1000 processors were calibrated.

Table 4-25 lists the calibrations performed for each test article RM-1000 processor.

Table 4-25 Second Seismic Test - Test Article RM-1000 Calibration Performed Calibration Area RM-1000 i/F Converter #1 I/F Converter #2 RM-1000 RM-1000 Power Supply Voltage Check Yes Yes Yes Baseline Restorer Adjustment Yes Yes Yes Analog Output Calibration Yes Yes Yes Discriminator and Counter Test N/A No No 4.3.11 Second Seismic Test Pre-Seismic Functional Test 4-34 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

4.3.12 Second Seismic Test Power Up and Test Condition Before the seismic test, resonance searches were performed in the horizontal (X-axis) and vertical Y-axis) in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.3.1. The resonance searches were performed at No resonances were found in either the horizontal or vertical axis.

4.3.13 Second Seismic Test Power Up and Test Condition With the test articles mounted on the seismic shake table, it was not possible to use the front panel to perform functional testing. To ensure that the test articles were functioning properly during the seismic testing, the RM-1000 test articles were placed in alert alarm with an activity that could be monitored at a recorder. The I/F converter activity current was also recorded throughout the testing. Alarm relays (both energized and contacts deenergized) were monitored for chatter. The power up and test conditions are summarized in Table 4-26.

Table 4-26 Second Seismic Test Power Up and Test Conditions Description Area RM-1000 I/F Converters State of RM-1000 Alarms Failure Normal Normal Trip 1 (Alert) Alarm Normal Trip 2 (High) Normal Normal Functions Recorded or Monitored Failure Chatter Monitor N/A Trip 1 Chatter Monitor N/A Trip 2 Chatter Monitor N/A RM-2 Output Record Record RM-3 Output Record Record 4.3.14 Second Seismic Test (X-Y Axis)

The area RM-1000 processor and two I/F converters were subjected to the RRS for five OBE and two SSE tests. All seismic test TRSs enveloped the RRS. The tests were performed in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.5.1. The results of the tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-35

and summarized in Table 4-27. The TRS versus the RRS for the last SSE are shown in Figures 4-11 and 4-12.

Table 4-27 Second Seismic Test X-Y Axis Seismic Test Results Data Item OBE SSE 1 2 3 4 5 Area RM-1 000 Operational Status P P P P P P Failure Relay Chatter P P P P P P Trip 1 Relay Chatter P P P P P P Trip 2 Relay Chatter P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P I/F Converter #1 Operational Status P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P VF Converter #2 Operational Status P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P 4-36 04508905-QR (Rev. A)

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-37 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-38 4.3.15 Second Seismic Test (Z-Y Axis)

The test articles were rotated 900 on the seismic shake table and given a resonance search test in the horizontal (Z-axis) in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.5.1. The resonance search was 4o0resonances were Touno.

The test articles (area RM-1000 and two VF converters) were placed in a POWER UP AND TEST CONDITION as described in Section 4.3.12. The test articles were subjected to the RRS for two SSEs and five OBEs (in that order). The tests were performed in accordance with SE document 04508903, Section 4.5.1. The results of the tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR and summarized in Table 4-28.

The TRS versus the RRS for the SSE are shown in Figures 4-13 and 4-14.

Table 4-28 Second Seismic Test Z-Y Axis Seismic Test Results Data Item SSE OBE 1 2 3 4 5 Area RM-1000 Operational Status P P P P P P Failure Relay Chatter P P P P P P Trip I Relay Chatter P P P P P P Trip 2 Relay Chatter P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P VF Converter #1 Operational Status P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P I/F Converter #2 Operational Status P P P P P P RM-2 Output P P P P P P RM-3 Output P P P P P P Note: 1. P = Passed F =Failed 4-39 04508905-OR (Rev. A)

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-40 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 4-41 4.3.16 Second Seismic Test Post-Seismic Functional Test After the area RM-1000 processor and two I/F converters were seismically tested a post-seismic functional test was performed in accordance with SE document 04508904. The results of the functional tests are shown in SE document 04508903-1TR, post-seismic functional tests. These results are summarized in Table 4-29.

nrnaansz.nO Im,, Ai 4-42

5. TEST EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES All equipment provided during the tests had f the measured parameter requirement and, Manufacturer, model number, serial number, and calibration due date for all pertinent equipment used, were recorded on Test Equipment Record sheets that are included with each test procedure. These items include digital voltmeters, voltage input signal sources, low- and high-voltage power supplies, pulse generators, accelerometers, seismic excitation equipment, temperature controllers, environmental chambers, etc.

The seismic tests were conducted at Wyle Laboratories in Norco, California.

Age conditioning margin and environmental extremes tests were conducted at Teledyne-Ryan in San Diego, California.

All other testing was conducted at Sorrento Electronics in San Diego, California.

04508905-QR (Rev A)

........... \ ....... I 5-1

6. MODIFICATIONS The RM-1000 and its associated NIM Bin Assembly have been enhanced by several modifications, since the qualification tests were performed. This section describes the qualification significant modifications and provides a qualification basis for each. The qualification basis reflects the configuration of the RM-1000 Radiation Monitoring Processor Module on December 21, 2000.

The qualification significant modifications that were made by Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) are:

6.1 ECO 17531 ECO 17531 changed mounting hardware head configuration and star washers to split locking washers. The ECO states that Qualification Documents are affected and refers to QSR 04638901. This change is not significant to the NIM Bin Assembly and, therefore, does not affect the NIM Bin Assembly's qualification.

6.2 ECO 17656A This ECO improved the performance of the RM-1000 when subjected to Electro Magnetic and Radio Frequency Interference. Among the changes made by this ECO the following have significance.

  • The addition of a section of coaxial cable.
  • The addition of an EMI filter for P401 connector.

" The addition of an EMI shield between the motherboard and the High Voltage Power Supply/Module Connector.

The coaxial cable, SE P/N 50000828-001, is a standard PG 174 AU 50 ohm coaxial cable. This coaxial cable is a passive device with a temperature rating of 750C well above the normal and abnormal temperatures of the RM-1000. This cable, therefore, does not have significant thermal related failure mechanisms and is considered environmentally qualified. The cable is approximately 7.6 inches long and connects the High Voltage Power supply connector P2 and the motherboard connector P401. The cable is one of a number of wires bundled together and considered seismically rigid. The added mass of the cable is insignificant to the seismic performance of the cable bundle. The cable is considered qualified seismically. The change to a coaxial cable does enhance the functional performance of the RM-1000 when subjected to either EMI or RFI. This functionality is fully verified as part of the Acceptance Tests for the RM-1000.

The EMI filter, SE P/N 045402035-001, is a thin wafer filter that is placed between the two halves of a mated connector. The filter is low mass without moving parts held securely in place by the connector halves. The wafer is thin enough so that it does not affect the attachment of the connector to the module or the mating of 04508905-QR (Rev. A) 6-1

the connector halves. The wafer does not have any age related failure mechanisms and has been selected to perform properly within the range of environmental extremes. The EMI filter is considered qualified seismically and environmentally.

The EMI shield, SE P/N 04502040-001, is a omponent formed to enclose the compartment behind the motherboard to shield the motherboard and the components within the compartment from external RFI/EMI. The shield is passive and only has seismic significance. The shield is held in place by virtue of its structure and can not cause damage during a seismic event. The shield is considered qualified.

6.3 ECO 17677 ECO 17677 replaces the power supply on the Output PWA with one of a higher current rating. Appendix D provides a technical evaluation of the replacement power supply, SE P/N 04503050-001. As can be seen in Appendix D, the replacement power supply and its standoffs are considered similar to the original converter functionally and environmentally. The standoff for the replacement power supply has a considered structurally sound The replacement power supply is considered qualified.

6.4 ECO 17702 ECO 17702 changes the NIM Bin Assembly's (SE P/N 04500801-001 through -006) power supply from SE P/N 04502005-001 to SE P/N 04502050-001. The ECO also changes the rear NIM Bin plate to accommodate the new power supply.

The replacement power supply's qualification basis is provided in Appendix E, Technical Evaluation Replacement Power Supply 04502050. The new power supply is provided by the same manufacturer and model series, but is somewhat larger and heavier, having a higher current output. The Technical Evaluation compares the new power supply with the original and demonstrates that the supplies are similar. The Technical Evaluation further demonstrates, through analysis, that the stresses on the mounting hardware for the new power supply are well within the material's allowable stresses for ZPA. The new power supply, as with the original power supply, 6.5 ECO 17708 ECO 17708 moved the ý or the display/keyboard cable assembly from one end of the cable assembly to a location approximately halfway between the connectors. This improves the internal clearance in accordance with the seismic test article. Additionally, a neoprene tape was added to improve the clamping between the ferrite bead and the ribbon cable.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) 6-2

This change has only seismic significance since the function has not changed and there are no environmentally significant aging failure mechanisms. (The neoprene tape has a temperature rating of 90 0C). The change improves clearances and does not add mass to the cable harness. The harness is short and the distance the is moved is approximately 1.75 inches. This is not considered significant and is considered qualified.

6.6 ECO 17903 ECO 17903 added an insulator panel between the back of the nd the circuit boards (CPU board, counter board and output board). The insulator panel is a thin low mass rigid organic insulator material. It does not have any age related failure mechanisms and is a passive device. The insulator is held in place with the four mounting screws that hold the

  • to the front plate. The performance of the RM-1000 is verified by Acceptance Testing to demonstrate that the insulator does not impare the function of the RM-1000. The insulator is considered qualified.

6.7 ECO 17920 Among other changes, ECO 17920 revises SE document 04507000 (RM-1000 System Requirements Specification). The changes to SE document 04507000 reflect a revision in the safety and RG 1.97 functions and, therefore, have impact on the RM-1000's qualification.

The changes to SE document 04507000 are:

" Revision of the RM-1000 accuracy requirements to include the acceptance criteria of the qualification program.

  • Deletion of Human Factors Considerations as RG 1.97 function.

These changes have been reflected in Section 3.2 of this document. The changes maintain consistency between the Equipment Qualification Program and the System Requirements Specification.

ri~tmonr-nro Maw* Al 6-3

  • ,I"r*v(t,,W*V-..*IB *1 I *1 l*V. N*
7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The RM-1000 processor module, with its associated NIM Bin Assembly, and the I/F converter are considered environmentally and seismically qualified *This section also contains a list of limited life components and their qualified life. The I/F converter does not contain any limited life components; therefore, 7.1 Environmental Qualification The RM-1000 processor module and the I/F converter are considered environmentally qualified. The See Appendix F for 7.1.1 NMR 15806 Item 0005 Low Temperature Extremes 7.1.2 NMR 15806 Item 0006 High Temperature At the the process RM-1000 processor module

7.2 Seismic Qualification The RM-1000 processor module and the I/F converter are considered seismically qualified.

See Appendix F for 7.2.1 NMRs 15813 Item 0001 and 15813 Item 0002 The area RM-1000 processor The zener diode D317 was and the RM-1000 7.2.2 NMR 15814 Item 0001 The process RM-1000 processo 7.2.3 NMR 15814 Item 0003 The I/F converter S/N 98001 powered up The high voltage 04508905-OR (Rev. A) 7-1 I

7.2.4 NMR 15814 Item 0004 The I/F converter's RM-1000 processor took 7.2.5 No Pre-Seismic Functional Test The second seismic test was performed without the performance of a pre-seismic baseline functional test due to time constraints. Even though procedures were not followed, this is considered acceptable, because the performance of the outputs were being recorded and the functional test was performed after the seismic tests.

7.2.6 Reverse Order of the OBE and SSE In order to save time (shake table availability was limited) the Z-Y axis tests of the second seismic test were performed in reverse order. This is considered acceptable, since the test articles had previously been through five OBEs and one SSE as part of the first seismic test.

7.3 MODIFICATIONS The qualification of modifications is described in Section 6. All modifications made as of December 21, 2000 are considered qualified.

7.4 NIM BIN ASSEMBLIES NIM Bin Assemblies (SE P/N 04500801-001 through -006) are considered qualified both environmentally and seismically. This test program included only the -001 and -002 configurations. Even so, the NIM Bin for the -003 through -006 only differs from the -001 and -002 in the number of RM-1000 modules and Low Voltage power supplies installed. Environmentally there is not a difference in the component types, therefore, any number of the same type are qualified. Seismically the NIM Bin with the test articles is not full and weighs less than a full NIM Bin Assembly. In a number of previous tests the NIM Bin Assemblies have been tested with full assemblies with Test Response Spectra equal to or higher than the Required Response Spectra in this test program. The NIM Bin Assemblies met acceptance criteria and are considered seismically acceptable.

For NIM Bin Assemblies similar to this design and with multiple RM-2300 units mounted and enveloping the same seismic levels tested (Appendix B, Figure B1), see GA-ESI Doc. No. 04619036-QSR.

04508905-OR (Rev. A) 7-2

Table 7-1 RM-1000 Limited Life Components Component SE Part Number Life Years

@ 300C, 86OF RM-1000 Processor Module 04501000-001 Output PWA 04503010-001 50015688-001 Front Plate Assembly 04501060-001 Keypad/Display PWA 04503040-001 Keypad, 16 key matrix 87YY3616A-534 GD00640160-01 Display/Keypad Cable Assy 04502018-001 Low Voltage Switching Power Supply 04502050-001 Transformer Coil LF1 Wire 7-3 04508905-QR (Rev. A)


APPENDIX A AGE CONDITIONING EVALUATION This appendix contains a database of component types described in SE document E-1 15-699. The database was used to identify parts in the multi-level bill of materials that are referenced In E-1 15-699. The database further identifies the parts that require age conditioning.

Each database record consists of the following fields of information:

AGEITEM: A numeric code for the component that can be used in the multi-level Bill of Materials to codify the part.



The generic name for the component as described in SE document E-1 15-699.

Failure Mechanism: The age related failure mechanism described in SE document E-1 15-699.

Remarks: General age conditioning requirements from SE document E-115-699, SE aging practice, and EPRI Report NP-3326.

Requires Aging: Whether the component should be age conditioned or not.

Reason: Supporting information from SE document E-115-699, EPRI Report NP-3326, and SE experience.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) A-i



The generic seismic qualification requirements for the RM-1000 Module for the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) shown in GA-ESI document 04508905-QR, Figures 3-2 and 3-3 n which the seismic tests were performed. The Required Respons~eSpectra (RR) Mare provided in Seismic Qualification Test Results, GA-ESI Test Report 04508903-1TR are used for this qualification. The SSE RRS used for seismic tests are shown in Figure B-1.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) B-ii

DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRA The first step in determining the Required Response Spectra (RRS) is to review the previous test reports for control cabinets and to determine the maximum amplification for the cabinet structure. The reports with useful data are SNUTPPS, Waterford, St. Lucie, Maanshan, and River Bend.

A plot of the amplification for each axis is included below. As can be seen the maximum flexibility is in the x axis. Except for Waterford the z axis and y axis do not have great amplifications.

The Waterford cabinet will not be used for the determining the RRS. With that in mind we can generalize as following:



Using these amplifications, a review of approximately 19 nuclear plant Required Floor Response Spectra was made. The plants reviewed were:

I. Millstone 11. Salem

2. SNUPPS plants 12. Beznau
3. SONGS 13. Peach Bottom
4. La Salle 14. Comanche Peak
5. Byron-Braidwood 15. Yonggwang
6. Maanshan 16. Hope Creek
7. Kori 17. River Bend
8. Kuosheng 18. Waterford
9. Sizewell 19. St. Lucie
10. Watts Bar Amplifying the RRS for these plants resulted in a composite RRS that was greater than the capability of the test facility table. The curves were then readjusted by removing several plants.

The plants removed were Waterford, Maanshan, Kori, Kuosheng, and Sizewell. When the composite RRS was calculated without these plants the resulting RRS was within the capability of the laboratory shake table. The following figures are the resulting composite RRS curves.


REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED SHEET 29 30 31132 33 34 35 36137 38 3940141142 43.44145 4614748 52 554 55356 REV l II - I I 1] I I 1_I I I I i5051 I I I I ].

SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13114 15116 1781 19120 21122123124125 26127 28 REV (,. I


A.BUTTA" 6/24/94 L 4SEISMIC TEST T-XTURE -I ms FOR RM-2300 S04619028 ow so 1,* n . U019Y d vw 1()F3 If



  • Page 2


Purpose The purpose of this technical evaluation is to examine the addition of printed wiring assembly (PWA) 04503050, Power Supply Adapter (PSA), with its DC-DC converter as a replacement for DC-DC converter DR24D15/100G (the original converter). Both DC-DC converters take = The original converter was mounted directly to PWA 04503010, Output, used in the RM-1000Module. The original converter was qualified for as documented in the main body of this report.

During the development of the RM-1000 provided by the original converter The replacement° PWA with its DC-DC converter is mounted to Output wit stan o s an replaces the original converter. It is an alternate item as it is not a like-for-like replacement.

Safety Function The general safety functions assigned to these DC-DC converters are:

Applies to components which Provide Signal generate signal or transmit a process signal used for control or indication purposes Maintain electrical state such that design current flow is Maintain Circuit Integrity accomplished and excess current flow, caused by shorting, does not occur Active and passive components Maintain Structural required to maintain structural Integrity form. Component does not collapse, disassemble, or disintegrate.

The functional mode for these DC-DC converters is passive.

Design Characteristics Critical design characteristics are identifiable and measurable attributes of an item which can be verified. These characteristics are to provide reasonable assurance that the item replaced is as good as the original item. Critical design characteristics address the item's safety functions and the item's interaction with other items The replacement converter uses integrated circuits, diodes, transistors, resistors, inductors and transformer. There are no digital circuits and no aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The replacement converter is encapsulated. So it is not feasible to evaluate at the subcomponent level.

The replacement converter can be evaluated on the basis of performance characteristics shown in Table 1.

Characteristic Manufacturer Part Number Output Voltage Output Voltage Accurcay Output Current Operating Temperature (max) without derating Load Regulation Input Voltage Range Efficiency OvrVoltage Protection

-Weight CaeMaterial Table 1 DC-DC Converter Characteristics It can be seen that the key functional characteristics of output voltage, output voltage accuracy, load regulation, and input voltage range of the replacement converter are as good as or better than the original converter characteristics. The key environmental characteristic of maximum operating temperature without derating is identical.

The replacement converter is manufactured under an ISO 9001 program.

The PSA PWA is mounted on 10 standoffs. Each standoff is 0.050 inch in diameter and 0.42 inch long. The material is tin coated brass. The standoffs are swaged into the PSA PWA and are soldered into the Output PWA.

The analysis is simplified to that of a single standoff with all of the PSA PWA mass located at the far end of the standoff:

Natural Frequency The standoff and PSA PWA are modeled conservatively as a #withPSA PWA mass at the end with the standoff modeled as a uniform load. The natural frequency is calculated from where

The DC-DC converter weighs and the PSA PW`

Thus The diameter of the standoff is This yields a natural frequency of "iTh rpose of this evaluation is to demonstrate that the Since this has been demonstrated, the standoffs an can e treated as a rigid body. This allows the zero period accelerations (ZPA's) from the seismic response spectra to be inputs to the stress analysis of the standoff.

Stresses The stress at the point where the standoffs are soldered to the circuit board is given by where -

The test SSE ZPA's in all directions wer The historical approach has been to take the ýfor the acceleration. The moment o nertia o Then the maximum stress is calculated to be proportional limit for brass.

If the peak acceleration was used and This would result in a Then the maximum stress is calculated to be inroportional limit for brass.

Since stresses are well below allowable levels, the mounting maintains seismic qualification.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) D-i


If the peak accelerati, in all directions.

This would result in a Ssor carbon steel.

Since stresses are below allowable levels, the mounting maintains seismic qualification.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) E-ii

Purpose The purpose of this technical evaluation is to examine power supply 04502050-001 as a replacement for power supply 04502005-001. Both power supplies provide

+24 VDC power for RM-1000 Modules. Power supply 04502005-001 (the original item) was qualified for mild environment applications by test, as documented in the main body of this report.

During the development of applications for the RM-1000 product, it was determined that the for some of the RM-1000 applications. Power supply 04502050-001, with its 1.8 amp rating, was specified as the replacement supply to accommodate the wider range of RM-1000 applications. It is an alternate item as it is not a like-for-like replacement.

Safety Function The general safety functions assigned to these power supplies are:

Applies to components which Provide Signal generate signal or transmit a process signal used for control or indication purposes Maintain electrical state such that design current flow is Maintain Circuit Integrity accomplished and excess current flow, caused by shorting, does not occur Active and passive Maintain Structural components required to Integrity maintain structural form.

Component does not collapse, disassemble, or disintegrate.

The functional mode for these power supplies is passive.

Design Characteristics Critical design characteristics are identifiable and measurable attributes of an item that can be verified. These characteristics are to provide reasonable assurance that the item replaced is as good as the original item. Critical design characteristics address the item's safety functions and the item's interaction with other items It is accepted practice per EPRI guidelines that an alternlte item that is an asssembly of components can be evaluated on the basis of performance characteristics, if it is of the same manufacturer and model series as the qualified original item. This is the case as discussed below, for the power supplies being evaluated. For any other case, it would be necessary to review the characteristics of the individual components making up the assembly.

Both, the qualified, original power supply and the new, alternate supply are available under two different part numbers from two manufacturers (Meanwell and Astrodyne). In each case, the supplies are identical in materials, construction and performance.

bCharacteristic1 Manufacturer Part Number Output Voltage Output Voltage Accuracy Output Current Operating Temperature (max) without derating Load Regulation Input Voltage Range Input Frequency Range Efficiency Over Voltage Protection Weight Dimensions (inches)

Table 1 24 VDC Power Supply Characteristics It can be seen that the key functional characteristics of output voltage, output voltage accuracy, load regulation, input voltage range and input frequency range of the alternate supply are as good as or better than the original supply characteristics.

The key environmental characteristic of maximum operating temperature without derating is identical.

Regarding seismic qualification, it is next necessary to evaluate the larger weight and dimensions of the replacement power supply. The outer cases are identical in

material (perforated steel) and thickness. The printed wiring boards are of the same material and thickness.

The original supply was mounted with two 4-40 screws. The alternate supply is mounted with three 4-40 screws. The seismically induced stress on the alternate supply screws is conservatively estimated by analyzing the two mounting screws.

The vertical seismic loading of 3 g's (ZPA) plus the weight of the alternate supply (equivalent to 1 g) is conservatively assumed to be at the far end of the supply, or 5.08 inches away from the mounting screws. This is to say that the center of gravity location, which is not known, can be enveloped by placing it at its extreme possible location. The vertical separation of the screws is 3 inches. Then the moment balance around the lower screw is yields the seismic force on the upper screw:

The horizontal separation of the two lower (horizontally separated) screws is 0.71 in . Balancing the moments horizontal

" ogdi for thpqw screws yields a tensile stress This stress is well below the allowable stresses for typical carbon steels. The yield strength for typical . The tensile stress limit (80 % of the yield strength) and the [50 % of the yield strength). The shear stress for the alternate power supply screws are lower than the tensile stresses, as there is no moment amplification.

Since stresses are well below allowable levels, the mounted alternate supply maintains seismic qualification.




These NMR items involved separate occurrences of the same observed discrepancy. The periodic checks of the test articles found the RM-1000 for the I/F Converte After each discovery, the RM-1000 Module was returned tFrom the recordings of Converter output, the abnormality causing the Loss of Signal could be seen during the programmed During the the output he RM-1000, then later, the RESOLUTION:

Engineering evaluation determined that the test conditions were not correct during the test chamber rhe atue oftheinside the Convrtin th chamber during the controlled temperature changes. The qualification A separate test of the Converter test article at SE was performed, simulating both

_ýduring a like change in temperature. When known occurred, the Converter With non-the response was normal.

The test article was then re-tested at the environmental test f the temperature ramp cycles, and then the ing the new temperature. This re-test showed normal operation of the Converter, and confirmed that the not the I/F Converter. The Converter subsequently successfully passed its post-environmental functional test. The and successful re-test provide the basis of closing NMR-15806, Items 0001, 0002 and 0004.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-ii



During the functional test with the RM-1000 for the I/F Converter portion of the test, The Loss of Signal RM-1000. A data base item in the RM-1000 is set to a*

where a count rate the RM-1000 to create the RESOLUTION:

Engineering evaluation of the I/F circuit operation determined that the Converter output at its low-end of range provides enough output count rate signal that must be accounted for in the RM-1000 module itself. The remaining output signal from the Converter with no input is low enough for the RM-1000 to process its Loss Of Signal RM-1000data base accordingly.

The above operational design limit is required to be included in technical instructions for the user for the data base. The Scaling Background data base item No. 009 controls the Loss of Signal failure status. Therefore, is listed jin the RM-1000 Data Base Description Document 04507100, for ion chamber applications. No change is required for the I/F Converter. Re-test of the equipment in the RM-1000 was successful, providing the basis for closing NMR-15806 Item 0006.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-fii



The periodic check of the test found the RM-1000 for the process monitor indicating RESOLUTION:

Examination of RM-1000 and continued testing of it he unit continued proper operation through the remainder of the test. Mthis NMR item is thereby closed.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-iv



m During the functional test with the RM-1000 for the area monitor, This condition repeated the next day, and for both occurrences, a repeated power-fail test operated successfully.


Examination of RM-1000 internal boards and relays in the test chamber,ý s discussed for NMR 15806 Items 0001, 0002, and 0004. Therefore, iand the NMR item is closed.

m 04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-v

NMR 15813. ITEMS 0001 AND 0002 RESOLUTION This information is in addition and supplementary for these NMR items that are closed.



Before initiation of seismic testina. the shake table

-HaescnDe:l mat tme internal PWAs of both the area and process RM-1000s After the process RM-1000boards were Sre-instaIled, it was operational. The area RM-1000 D31 7 = item 0002 was written for the area RM-1000 after the seisrmic test RESOLUTION:

Due to the I The Output Board on the area RM-lO000I 04508905-OR (Rev. A) F-vi



When the SN 002 Process Module was tested at SE after the seismic test, the module rocedure 04508904 step The other discriminator tests were passed. The test was RESOLUTION:

This unit operated satisfactorilyý The conclusion was that this was a random failure.

Subsequently, an engineering evaluation failed to identify any cause other than a random failure.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-vii



During functional test after seismic test, the display test for the area RM-1000 RESOLUTION:

Engineering evaluation was made for both the area and process RM-1000s. The conclusion was that the display anomaly was a

ýThe process RM-1000 operated satisfactorily in the post-test functional test. In addition, the area RM-1000 operated satisfactorily following the second seismic test series, which took place for retesting the I/F converter. The area monitor RM-1000M compared to the process unit (Ref. NMR 15813, Items 0001 and 0002).

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-viii



During functional test after the second seismic test series, the S/N 003 RM-1000 powered up with the High Voltage off, instead of on, requiring a manual turn-on in the Calibrate mode.


This unit operated satisfactorily after the first seismic test, as the other RM-1 000 for both tests.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-ix



During the functional test of the RM-1000 o h failure message did not appear at the RM-1 000. A data base item in the RM-1 000 is set to a low count rate value, where a count rate lower than the setpoint causes the RM-1000 to create the Loss of Signal alarm failure message.


Engineering evaluation of the I/F circuit operation determined that the Converter output at its low-end of range provides enough output count rate signal that must be accounted for in the RM-1000 module itself. The remaining output signal from the Converter with no input is low enough for the RM-1000 to process its Loss Of Signal failure, provided the RM-1000 The above operational design limit is required to be included in technical instructions for the user for the data base. The Scaling Background data base item No. 009 controls the Loss of Signal failure status. Therefore, this limit M is listed in the RM-1000 Data Base Description Document 04507100, for ion chamber applications. No change is required for the I/F Converter. Re-test of the equipment using the new trip limit in the RM-1000 was successful, providing the basis for closing NMR-15806 Item 0006.

04508905-QR (Rev. A) F-x