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Williams Q&A - Request #3 Info-Pugh-PART 4
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/2009
Progress Energy Florida
Office of Information Services
Download: ML102730252 (115)


,," PCHG-DESG ENGf tdQgL GE C0000063016R003 Sheet 1 of 1 Record of Lead Review 5

Document: Phase III Test Report Y Revision 0 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are -included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

r-1 Design Verification Review L- Engine ering Review 0 Owner's Review L- Design Review L] Alternate Calculation E] Qualification Testing L- Special Engineering Review rI YES -] N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav 14Zý A-AA . ' il.ii I UIVII nvAi1n/no UUI I UIUO Lead Reviewer Q) (print/sign) I Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.




FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Pagel of42


Mr. John Holliday


15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 June 19, 2009 PREPARED BY: /




All work contained in this report was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the referenced procurement documents and the S&ME, Inc., Knoxville Branch Quality Assurance Manual, Volume I, Revision 4, dated December 5, 2003.

ATTACHMENTS&ME.Z48R3 Page 2 of 42 INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 37777/p 865.9700003 f 865.970.2312 /

I/ PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 PHASE III REPORT- Mix Acceptance Testing June 19, 2009 S&ME Prolect 1439-08-208 BACKGROUND S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) and our subcontractor CTLGroup (CTL) have completed the Phase III Mix Acceptance Testing for the Crystal River Unit 3 Steam Generator Replacement Project.

The testing was performed as outlined in Contract 373812, Laboratory Testing Requirements for Concrete Proportioning Revision 3, and the Phase III Test Plan Rev. 0 dated January 30, 2009 with modifications based upon discussions with Progress Energy (Progress) and Sargent & Lundy (S&L) personnel. The purpose of the testing program was to perform acceptance testing on the selected mix chosen by Progress based upon the results of the Phase II testing program. Phase III testing was performed under our 10CFR50 Appendix B Program. Qualification testing of ingredient materials was performed in Phase I and has already been reported.

MATERIAL PROPORTIONS The ingredient materials and target mixture proportions (on a cubic yard basis) for the Phase III Mix Acceptance Testing program were as follows:

Weight Volume Holly Hill Type I Cement 560 2.86 Class F Fly Ash (Proash) 140 0.93 Maryville #67 Coarse Agg. 1613 9.23 Natural Sand (Lilesville, NC) 1515 9.23 Water 262.5 4.21 Target Air Content (2%) 0.54 Target w/c 0.375 Theoretical unit weight 151.5 pcf ADVA CAST 575 Dosed as required to achieve desired fresh properties Recover Dosed as required to achieve desired fresh properties TESTING/EQUIPMENT Phase II (mix development testing), concluded with performance testing on two concrete mixes. Based on the results of the Phase II testing, Progress selected the mix to be tested in Phase III. Phase III (acceptance testing) included repeating the same performance tests as were performed in Phase II, with the addition of 91 day creep/shrinkage tests and total evaporable water tests. Current approved changes from the project specification that were identified during Phase II, and were in requested by Progress to be implemented for the Phase III testing included the following:

  • The required slump at discharge was to be between 6 and 9 inches.
  • The 0.35 maximum water to cementitious ratio did not apply.

ENT *743R3 ATTACHM .... IVg*V 2of4  ! r* age 3 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 PHASE III REPORT- Mix Acceptance Testing June 19, 2009 S&ME Proiect 1439-08-208

" The mixes were to be performed near laboratory air temperature. No cooling of the ingredients or mix was required.

  • The total mixing time was to be extended by two minutes from that defined in ASTM C 192-06.

Electronic digital scales were used for weighing the materials prior to batching. The mixing was performed using a revolving drum mixer in accordance with ASTM C 192-06, except, as noted above; the final mixing time was extended by two minutes. Standard test equipment was used for the fresh property testing (slump, air content, unit weight, and temperature). The cylinders were cast in 6 x 12 inch plastic single-use, lipped, cylinder molds. The autogenous curing containers specified for the five day accelerated curing were constructed to meet the requirements of ASTM C 684-99, Method C. These containers consisted of metal cans, lined with insulation. The insulation encapsulated a PVC sleeve sized so that the cylinder with mold could be placed into the container. Each container contained "i-button" temperature sensors. Subsequent to the required accelerated cure, the molded, sealed specimens were stored in a moisture cabinet with the exception of the creep and shrinkage specimens. Subsequent storage of the creep and shrinkage specimens is described in the next section. Cylinders for compression testing were capped with sulfur capping compound and tested in a compression machine. Modulus data was obtained using a compressometer with an 8 inch gage length, fitted with a digital dial gage. Thermal diffusivity temperature readings were performed using thermocouples and a digital readout.

Equipment for the total evaporable water test included a boiling water chamber with a calibrated thermometer, a balance, and a laboratory drying oven. Total evaporable water was determined by drying fragments of the tested 5 day compression specimens following the procedure described in section 5.1 (oven -dry mass) of ASTM C 642-06. Evaporable moisture was calculated by dividing the weight of evaporated water by the weight of the dry concrete sample. After obtaining this information the remainder of the referenced test procedure was completed for informational purposes.

The creep and shrinkage specimens were transported to CTL in their autogenous curing containers prior to an age of 5 days. Following the initial 5 day curing period, creep and shrinkage test specimens were removed from the autogenous curing containers and molds while inside the controlled the controlled environmental room where the testing was to be performed. The controlled environment was maintained at 73.4+/-2' F and 50+/-4% relative humidity (See Notice of Anomaly/Corrective Action section). The environmental control system consisted of a chilled water/steam generator, a pneumatic thermostat, and a pneumatic humidistat. The system had independent supply and feedback control. A separate monitoring system was used to provide a record of the environmental conditions. In addition, temperature and humidity was manually recorded concurrent with the creep measurements. The test specimens for basic creep and autogenous shrinkage were sealed to prevent moisture loss immediately after demolding using self-adhesive aluminum tape. The end surfaces of the creep test specimens were prepared by capping with sulfur capping compound to meet the requirements of ASTM C 617-98 (03) immediately after demolding to ensure a uniform load distribution. External strain gage points were instrumented after demolding. The specimens used for total creep and total shrinkage were temporarily wrapped in plastic to prevent drying during the end preparation and gage point installation.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 3 Page 4 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 PHASE III REPORT- Mix Acceptance Testing June 19, 2009 S&ME Prolect 1439-08-208 This wrapping was removed prior to the start of testing.

Creep tests were conducted in loading frames in which springs were used to maintain the required load. Creep load was applied using a portable hydraulic jack equipped with a pressure measuring gage. Creep and shrinkage strains were measured using a portable external strain gage referenced to a constant-length standard bar. A Soiltest. Model CT- 171 Multi-Position Strain Gage equipped with a Mitutoyo digital dial gage with a resolution of 0.00005 in. was used to measure deformation between gage points positively affixed to the specimens. A gage length of 10 inches was used. Brass gage points with suitable seats for the strain gage were affixed to test specimens with rapid-set two-part epoxy adhesive. Three gage lines were used to measure deformation on creep and shrinkage specimens.

All creep specimens were preloaded to produce a stress of 200 psi in the test specimens. The preloading period did not exceed 15 minutes and was used to verify uniformity of load application. A sustained load of 2000 psi was applied at 5 days +/- 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> from the time that the specimens were molded. The sustained load remained applied for 91 days.

Autogenous shrinkage was determined from the two sealed specimens. Total shrinkage was determined from the two non-sealed specimens. Total deformation under sustained load, including instantaneous, basic and drying creep strains, as well as the elastic and creep recovery after creep testing, was determined. Basic creep was determined from the two sealed specimens. Total deformation, including basic and drying creep strains, were determined from the two non-sealed specimens.

The creep and shrinkage deformation measurements for each one of the creep and shrinkage specimens in a test set was as follows:

Before loading:

° Immediately before specimens start drying

  • Immediately before loading During the first day after loading:

° Within 5 minutes

  • At 15 to 20 minutes
  • At- one hour

" At- 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 45 minutes

  • Between 6 and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> First week:

° Daily within +/-1/2 hour of the time of loading After first week:

° Weekly +/-6 hours of the time of loading until 28 days, after which the readings will be taken weekly +/-1 day of the time of loading Measurements with mechanical strain gages were completed along the three gage lengths on each test specimen, before taking the readings on any other specimens in the creep frame.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 4 Page 5 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 PHASE III REPORT- Mix Acceptance Testing June 19, 2009 S&ME Proiect 1439-08-208 The readings on each specimen were taken within two minutes and the time of reading reported for each specimen individually. The time of measurement readings were recorded to the nearest minute, and reported as a fraction of a day. The strain readings were plotted within the hour of measurement and evaluated to detect irregularities or inconsistencies.

Elastic recovery was measured at the time the sustained load was removed. Creep recovery was measured for approximately 8 days after load removal. CTL's test report, the creep and shrinkage data, and recorded temperature and humidity values at the time of creep and shrinkage readings are included in Appendix A.

A list of the Phase III equipment that required calibration is included in Appendix B.

Laboratory accreditation certificates and information on the test personnel are included in Appendix C.

NOTICE OF ANOMALY/CORRECTIVE ACTION During the creep testing program, one Notice of Anomaly (NOA) and two Corrective Action Reports (CARs) were issued.

The NOA was to document isolated instances where the temperature logger showed some readings approximately 0.5 degrees outside specified tolerance and to document some gaps in the continuous recording of the temperature and humidity data. (Continuous recording is not required by the test specification.)

The first CAR was issued to address where the temperature and humidity were temporarily out of specification due to equipment outages. The outages were considered to have had negligible impact on the creep testing for several reasons.

1. It was observed that the test results continued to conform to predicted trend lines that were established before the outages occurred.
2. The outages did not occur on the same days as deformation measurements, and the conditions had returned to normal by the time the measurements were taken.
3. Creep and shrinkage are relatively slow occurring phenomena and short term changes in environment do not significantly effect measurements.
4. The total time the room was out of specification was small relative to the total test time (3 days out of a 91 day test) and occurred near the end of the testing period, when measured behavior is the least sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

The second CAR was issued to address a temporary malfunction of the chart recorder.

According to an internal CTL procedure and the test plan a chart recorder was to be used to document temperature and humidity. During two periods the pen on the chart recorder registering humidity was not marking clearly on the chart and on another occasion the pen/chart stuck in one position. An independent temperature and humidity device had been placed in the room since the beginning of the test as a back-up system. This back-up recorder was calibrated at the end of the project to provide acceptable objective evidence for the environmental conditions for the creep and shrinkage testing.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 5 Page 6 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 PHASE III REPORT- Mix Acceptance Testing June 19, 2009 S&ME Proiect 1439-08-208 A copy of the CARs and the NOA is included in Appendix D.

RESULTS Certified Materials Test Reports (CMTR's) for the ingredient material qualification testing were provided in the Phase I test report. A summary of the results of the Phase III Mix Acceptance Testing is attached.

ATTACHM ENT Z48R3 6 Page 7 of 42


  • S&ME Testing Summary Mix Proportions and Fresh Properties Client: Progress Energy Material: Concrete Mix 1A Project: Crystal River Source: Laboratory Mix S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 4.5 cubic foot Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date / Time Mixed: February 12, 2009, 9:57 am (Eastern)

S&ME Log No.: 09-019-001 Mixture Proportions (calculations based on one cubic yard)

Constituent Materials S&ME Log No. Weight (Ibs) Volume (ft6)

Type 1/11Portland Cement (Holly Hill) 08-040-001 560 2.86 Class F Fly Ash (Proash) 08-034-001 140 0.93 No. 67 Stone (Maryville) 08-037-001 1613 9.23 Natural Sand (Lilesville) 08-032-001 1515 9.23 Water N/A 262.5 4.21 Target Air (2%) N/A --- 0.54 Totals --- 4,090 27.0 Actual Admixture Dosages Constituent Materials S&ME Log No. Dosage Rate (oz/cwt)

ADVA CAST 575 09-012-001 8 Recover 09-004-001 2 Target water/cementitious ratio 0.375 Theoretical Unit Weight (pcf) 151.5 Measured Plastic Properties Property ASTM Designation Result Slump (in) ASTM C 143-05a 8.75 Air content (%) ASTM C 231-04 1.6 Measured Unit Weight (pcf) ASTM C 138-01 153.2 Concrete Temperature (OF) ASTM C 1064-05 75 Air Temperature (OF) N/A 72 Notes Concrete batching performed in accordance with ASTM C 192-06, except that final mixing time was extended by 2 minutes.

Admixtures dosed to achieve desired fresh properties.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 8 of 42 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312


  • S&ME Testing Summary Hardened Properties Client: Progress Energy Material: Concrete Mix 1A Project: Crystal River Source: Laboratory Mix S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 4.5 cubic foot Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date / Time Mixed: February 12, 2009, 9:57 am (Eastern)

S&ME Log No.: 09-019-001 Hardened Properties Property ASTM Designation Result (5-days) Result (28-days) 2 Thermal Diffusivity, (ft /hr) CRD-C 36-73 N/A 0.048 1 Evaporable Water, (%) ASTM C 642-06 4.1 2 N/A Compressive Strength, (psi) ASTM C 39-05el 7,160 1'3 AC~r~A7,030 1.3 61 Modulus of Elasticity, (psi) ASTM C469-02 5.25 x 106 1 ---

Compressive Strength, (psi) ASTM C 39-05 --- ,3 8,230 1061 Modulus of Elasticity, (psi) ASTM C 469-02c' --- 5.80 x 106 Notes: All cylinders cured in autogenous containers (ASTM C 684-99 Method C) for five days.

1 Average of two specimens 2 Evaporable water determined by oven drying portion of ASTM C 642-06 Section 5.1.

3 Cylinders tested for compressive strength following moduli tests.

Hardened Property, Creep Coefficient (ASTM D 512-02)

Creep Coefficient (sealed specimens) 0.698 Creep Coefficient (unsealed specimens) 1.139 Notes: All cylinders cured in autogenous containers (ASTM C 684-99 Method C) for five days then were maintained at 73.4

+/- 2 OF and 50 +/- 4 % relative humidity (See CTL CAR 09-002, CAR 09-003 and NOA-09001) following removal from autogenous containers. A load of 2,000 psi was applied at an age of 5 days and remained on the specimens for 91 days.

Hardened Properties on creep and shrinkage specimens after Creep Recovery (105 day age)

Specimen Identification Compressive Strength (psi) Modulus of Elasticity (psi)

SpecimenIdentification_ ASTM C 3 9 -0 E1 ASTM C 469-02" 5

Sealed Shrinkage Specimen 9,530 ---

Sealed Shrinkage Specimen Modulus Cylinder 9,650 1 6.70 X 106 Sealed Creep Specimen 9,530 ---

Sealed Creep SpecimenModulus Cylinder 9,620 1 6.70 x 106 Unsealed Shrinkage Specimen 8,930 ---

Unsealed Shrinkage Specimen Modulus Cylinder 9,170 1 5.80 x 106 Unsealed Creep Specimen 9,030 ---

Unsealed Creep Specimen Modulus Cylinder 9,230 1 6.10 x 106 Notes: All cylinders cured in autogenous containers (ASTM C 684-99 Method C) for five days then were maintained at 73.4

+/- 2 OF and 50 +/- 4 % relative humidity following removal from autogenous containers through creep recovery readings.

1 Cylinders tested for compressive strength following moduli tests.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 9 of 42 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 Appendix A CTL Test Report with Creep and Shrinkage Data ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 10 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 CTCGROUP Building Knowledge. Delivering Results. June 12, 2009 Mr. John B. Pearson S&ME 1413 Topside Rd.

Louisville, TN 37777 Phase III ASTM C 512 Creep Test Results for Mix 1A - Crystal River Unit 3 SGRP CTLGroup Project No. 109151 S&ME Project No. 1439-08-208 Progress Energy Contract No. 373812

Dear Mr. Pearson:

Attached are the results of ASTM C 512 creep tests for Phase III of the above referenced project. You submitted two sets of five 6x12 in. concrete test cylinders that arrived at CTLGroup on February 16, 2009. The samples, identified as "09-019-001" were received sealed in autogenous curing chambers and sample receiving was overseen by your QA representative, Mr. John Coffey. The mixture was reportedly cast on February 12, 2009. On the morning of February 17, 2009 the samples were removed from the curing chambers in the testing environment, maintained at 73.4+/-2°F (23.0+/-1.1*C) and 50+/-4% relative humidity, and they were instrumented in preparation for testing.

Testing commenced in accordance with ASTM C 512 - 02, "Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression" on February 17, 2009. All specimens were loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi as you requested. Results and calibration documents are attached. In addition to the formal report, we are providing the electronic data file as requested. This data file is intended for use only by personnel affiliated with this project and is not to be distributed.

We appreciate this opportunity to provide specialized testing services for you. Should you have any questions, please contact me.

Sincerely, Matthew D'Ambrosia Project Manager Materials Consulting mdambrosia .ctlq Phone: (847) 972-3264 Attachment(s)

Corporate Office: 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Illinois 60077-1030 Phone: 847-965.7500 Fax: 847-965-6541 Washington D.C. Office: 9030 Red Branch Road, Suite 110 Columbia, Maryland 21045-2003 Phone: 410-997-0400 Fax: 410-997-8480 ATTACHMENT Z48R3 CTLGroup is a registered d/b/a of Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. Page 11 of 42




, Client S&ME CTL Project Number 109151 Project Crystal River Project Manager M. D'Ambrosia Contact John Pearson Technician G. Neiweem Date: June 12, 2009 Approved R. Burg CTLGroup Project #109151 ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete In Compression Mix: 09-019-001-1A, Sealed Cylinders, Loaded at 6 days to 2000 psi Load induced Specific Days Shrinka ge deformation* creep Creep Loaded (pstrainn) (pstrain) (pstrain/psi) coefficient Condition

-0.0306 0 0 No load, out of frame

-0.0188 - 16 0 Immediately before loading

-0.0097 - 17 33 Preload 0.0000 - 20 341 0.000 0.000 Loaded 0.0062 - 16 335 -0.003 -0.020 0.0118 - 20 361 0.010 0.059 0.0431 8 361 0.010 0.057 0.1146 9 383 0.021 0.122 0.2507 - 10 389 0.024 0.140 1.0014 7 398 0.028 0.167 2.0028 11 400 0.029 0.172 3.0028 2 416 0.037 0.219 4.0028 6 434 0.047 0.273 5.0007 16 439 0.049 0.286 6.0125 18 439 0.049 0.287 7.0111 23 451 0.055 0.322 13.9507 45 470 0.064 0.378 20.9361 36 509 0.084 0.492 27.9924 69 514 0.086 0.506 34.9653 48 541 0.100 0.584 42.1951 66 529 0.094 0.549 49.0444 80 535 0.097 0.567 56.2222 69 536 0.097 0.571 62.9847 80 549 0.104 0.607 70.0167 79 552 0.105 0.616 76.6861 92 564 0.111 0.652 84.0076 107 561 0.110 0.644 91.2125 114 580 0.119 0.698 91.2194 113 286 Unloaded 91.2382 108 oao 93.0882 105 312 94.0139 104 283 1. I.

98.0285 103 266 98.9208 96 268 Notes:

  • Adjusted for drying shrinkage Test specimens are 6xl 2-in. cylinders delivered to CTLGroup on February 16, 2009 Compressive strength at the age of loading: Measured by S&ME Applied stress: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)

Age at loading: 5 days Preload environment: 5 days autogenous curinig (ASTM C 684) then 73.4t2'F (23.0+/-1 .1C) and 50t4% RH Loaded environment: 73.4+/-21F (23.0+/-1.1'C) and 50+/-4% RH ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 12 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 CONSIRUVCION TECtmNOLOGY LAIORATORIES CT GROUP B",Lk1A, KrAw C~Eo, 0tirl Rcwhb ENGINEERS a CONSIRUCIlON TECHNOtOGY CONSULTANTS Client S&ME CTL Project Number 109151 Project Crystal River Project Manager M. DAmbrosia Contact John Pearson Technician G. Neiweem Date: June 12. 2009 Approved R. Burg CTLGroup Project #109151 ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete in Compression Mix: 09-019-001-.A, Unsealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi Load induced Specific Days Shrinkage deformation* creep Creep Loaded (pstrain) (pstrain) (pstrainlpsi) coefficient Condition

-0.0292 0 0 Immediately before drying

-0.0174 38 0 Immediately before loading

-0.0083 15 72 Preload 0.0000 51 383 0.000 0.000 Loaded 0.0035 26 391 0.004 0.022 0.0104 53 401 0.009 0.047 0.0424 38 421 0.019 0.099 0.1194 38 462 0.040 0.208 0.2500 44 485 0.051 0.269 1.0000 74 494 0.056 0.290 2.0007 102 507 0.062 0.325 3.0035 118 525 0.071 0.372 4.0069 108 553 0.085 0.446 5.0056 117 570 0.094 0.490 6.0069 119 582 0.100 0.522 6.9986 128 585 0.101 0.530 14.0417 197 626 0.122 0.637 21.0049 220 678 0.148 0.771 28.0667 249 716 0.167 0.871 35.0576 265 729 0.173 0.906 42.2708 281 754 0.186 0.971 49.1201 295 763 0.190 0.994 56.2910 301 775 0.196 1.025 63.0785 319 780 0.199 1.038 70.0896 312 793 0.205 1.073 77.2757 351 795 0.206 1.079 84.0812 347 836 0.227 1.185 91.3083 358 818 0.218 1.139 91.3153 356 521 Unloaded 91.3264 354 511 93.1757 353 483 94.1007 339 486 98.1160 348 473 99.0083 346 469 .


  • Adjusted for drying shrinkage Test specimens are 6x12-in. cylinders delivered to CTLGroup on February 16, 2009 Compressive strength at the age of loading: Measured by S&ME Applied stress: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)

Age at loading: 5 days Preload environment: 5 days aulogenous curing (ASTM C 684) then 73.4+/-2'F (23.0+/-1.11C) and 50+/-.4% RH Loaded environment: 73.4+/-2'F (23.0+/-11.11C) and 50+/-4% RH ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 13 of 42


&An pat ~& CofEWcflor, 0 E%40NMt m m C, z CTLGroup Project #109151 *Y'CONSU.IANS 6=*"*R N ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete in Compression wwwCTG 106 CA)

Mix: 09-019-001-1A, Cast February 12, 2009, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 1100F

-m- Total Creep (with Elastic Deformation) -o- Total Shrinkage

-s- Basic Creep (with Elastic Deformation) -.- Autogenous Shrinkage 900 I m z

G) 700 z m

0 G)

=L (0 500 0 -4 z

m 300 100 0

100 7 1 1 2 3 4 . , , I ...

-u 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 C) 49 56 63 70 77 84 E1 98 )

(0 0 CD Days under load w C0 0


CA r'o

-U 0

M SEvms (1) 9 & C:cwmucwNo m

z CTLGroup Project #109151 INOLMx- COU.TA\T G)

OD ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete in Compression Mix: 09-019-001-1A, Cast February 12, 2009, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 1100

--- Total Creep (with Elastic Deformation) -.-- Total Shrinkage

-n- Basic Creep (with Elastic Deformation) -e- Autogenous Shrinkage 900 M

z 700 z m

m C G) z0

=i a-3 500 k G) 300 h0 C>

100 F - I A

100 i I I I I I t I I I.. . .

0z 10 C

-O 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Days under load 0) 01 03

__ X CD)

Wo CA)

-i-0 G)

Creep Of Conrob In Comprv"ion (ASTM C 512)

Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-19-001, Mx IA, Sealed Cyindem, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 pai 0

m m

z Client Contact J&ME,Pr f~ec*yt Rivr un~t 3SGRP CMOTt.Poje Manager M. Ambrosia G)

John Pearson CPI -Prject Nhster 10516 Technlcians G. Nehiweni N Loading Information Mesureent Information

.4 Specimen inflrmation O -mixtiset 09,0194001, Mix IA Age: _ __ _ 5 days Creep Frame ID: HSPG19 hItensitv. n/a ft 2o00 Strain Maeurinn Device: Softtst with digital gage

  • r17* 10st
Prelad 200 pal L idtv* 10 in.

Loaded: - 2fI 7/09 10:30 AM Com!pressive Strength, fc Measured by S&ME psi I opress factor 146 Gage unit Cre1 p Datf In-) r,-n rl** I. Ay N lm,'r ln*

Days fro loading Date Press, Press, Cylnder. I (chamber "1 :2 (chamber 1010 Cylindler. 3 (ct r#12)~~ 4(chame#1 Read nal Dal sift I. I... Side

.. .de- . .

2 I1 Side 3 90

..... el 1 Id s

I ....

2 1 it3 de3 St" I Side Stde2 1 ZA3 SideI I 51de2EP01 Sd3i 1 In" 4-nit SM fr4 ~ ,~f km n ii -157j 4921 -S31 6 -1281 -323 -25 -202 4 46-1 30 Date & Time = Tue, Feb 17 09 9:50 AM Reading No. 1 4I5 -195 -50 5 -120 -310 -2 -195 -5 -450 -1635 25 GNIMD TemperatureC*F=l 71.8 Reading No.2 -15¶ -185 55 -135 -33 -2 -2 10 -460 -1635 35 GNWD m

RH-(%)=I 51.2 Reading No. 3 -160 -1951 -60 5 -130 -330 -30 -205 -5 -465 -1620 30 GNOMO z 0.188 i.atet..fore loading 0 0 -172.

. -210

.. -57 -20 128] -332 43 493 3 -435 -1802 52 z

Date &Time = Tue Feb 17 '09 10:07 AM Reading No. 1 -1751 -205 -55 . -25 -1351 -320 -15 -185 5 -435 -1800 50 GN/MD m m

Temperature (*F) = 71.8 Reading No. 2 -165i -210 -60 -15 -120 -335 -15 -185 5 -435 -1605 55 GNMD RH (%) = 53.1 Reading No. 3 -175 -2151 -55 -20 -130 -340 -10 -210 0 -435 -1600 50 GNAMD Z

o. n7 300 200 -,r 213 -2371 -645 -172 -362 -2 -195 -3 -433 G)

-15" so Date &Time - Tue,. Fab17.'09 10:20 AM Reading No. 1 -215 -251 -60 -60 -175 -360 5 -185 -5 -435 -1600 55 GNAIO >

z Temperature (F) = 717 Reading No. 2 -215 -225 -W -65 -170 -360 -5 -200 0 -430 -1605 45 GNIMD G)

RH(%)= 50.6 Reading No.3 -210 -235 -70 -70i -170 -385 -5 -200 -5 -435 -1590 50 GN/MD m

0.0000 Loaded 3000 2000 -512 -538 -33 -453. 480 -8__ -207 7 -420 -1600 63 Date &Time : Tue:Feb 170 1034AM Reading No. 1 -515 -535 -32C -450 -455 8665 -15 -210 5 430 -1600 60 GN/MD Temperature ('F)= 71.7 Reading No. 2 -510 -535 -34C -450 -455 -655 -5 -210 10 -415 -1600 6o GNWMD RH (%) = 52.3 Reading No. 3 -510 -545 -33C -450 -450 -48 -5 -200 5 -415 -1600 70 GN/MD 0.0062 3000 2000 -5821 -512 -325 -407 -448 -872 -10 -192 ,3 -433 -11598 50 Date &Time =Tue Feb 17 '09 10:43 AM Reading No. -580 -520 -325 -405 -450 4W -10 -190 -5 -430 -1600 40 GN/MD Temperature (_F) 71.8 Reading No. 2 -560 -500 -325 -410 -445 -675 -15 -196 -10 -435 -1595 55 GNIMD RH (%) 503 Reading No. 3 -565 -515 -325 -405 -450 -675 -5 -190 5 -435 -1800 55 GN/MD C) 3000 200O -3 -525 -M -447 -455 -680 1 -2 1-202 -7 -422 -1585 C0 C3) 0.0118 0 6o

0) Date & Time Tue, Feb 17 '09 10:51 AM Reading No. 1 -590 -520 -350 -4451 -455 -880 -5 -205 -10 -415 -1600 GN/MD ()

Temperature (*F) = 71.9 Reading No. 2 -605 -530 -360 -445 -455 -885 0 -200 5 -425 -1580 45 GN/MD C)

CA) 00

0) -355 -450 -455 -475 0 -200 -15 -425 -1575 45 GN/MD RH () = 53.9 Reading No. 3 -615 -525 C) 0--h CO)

-U 0

0 Creop Of Concrt In Compression (ASTM C 512) 6)

K Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-019-0, Mix IA, Sealed Cyinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 0 Prjec Cnftal River UnIt 3 SGRP 6)

Miiclient_ S&ME, Inc. CTL Profect

.M anager_ _M" D'Amsia_


John Pearson .CT* !ec Number 109161 G. Neiweem

______ Tedhnicans______

Specimen informatlon Loading Inknation Measmt Informaton O0 Max ID/Set # 09-019-001, Mix IA Aoe: 5 days Creep Frame i1): HSF#19 Cng_

cwL. Seawe lntansitv n/a ?c 2000 psi Strain Measuring Devce:

W Specimens cast. 210 9:3AM xq

  • Pmreloa

,v 200PSI loin.

Loaded: 2/17/0910:30 AM COMeM SMt~ren iteasured by S&ME psi *e prea 1.4981 Gage Unit Creep Data I 0.00001 n.) Shrinkae Dat (x 0.00001 In.)

Days from loading Dafte Press, Press, Cv~~d~ I (c #be11 2W 2 (chame #10) ILcylinr. 3 (chamber#12) CyAtr. 4 (J er#11)

Read psi p Sie I Side 2 Side 3 Sde de 2 Si 3 II Side I Side 2 Sde 3 SideI Sise2 Side3 Initial 0.0431 3000 2000 -507 -352 495

.2 . -885 3 -0 -2 -447 -118 40 Dete&Time= Tue, Feb17oV 11:38AM ReadinNo.1 -640 -510 -340 -490 -455 -895 15 -195 5 -440 -1820 35 GNAW Temperature ('F) = 718 Reading No.2 -640 -505 -355 -50 455 -80 -5 -215 -5 -445 -1620 45 GNwMD RH (%) = 3.9 Reading No. 3 -645 -505 -360 -490 -450 -880 -20 -215 1 -5 -455 -1615 40 GNiMD m z

0.1146 3000 2000 -653 -517 -370 -625 -502 -693 -13 _,-207 -22 -435 -1803 48 G)

Date& Tme= PM z

TueLFeb.17_O. 1:_19 ReadingNo. 1 -655 -515 -370 -525 -4951 -690 -15 -200  ; -15 -435 -1600 55 GN#MD m Te ur ('F) = 71.8 Reading No. 2 -655 -515 -375 -525 -505 -890 -10 -200 -20 -435 -1605 45 GN#MD m

RH (%) = 53.9 Reading No. 3 -650 -520 -385 -525 -505 -700 -15 -220 -30 -435 -1605 45 GNAW z G) 0.2507 3000 2000 -878 -538- -358 -535 4*92 -890

-27 -192 .5 -438 -1620 55 Date Tie=_ .rue, Feb 17 '09 4:35 PM Reading No. 1 -675 -535 -360 -540 -495 -690

-25 -190 -5 -435 -1615 55 GNRWID Temperature CF) 71.5 Reading No.2 -80 -540 -360 -535 -490 -890 -25 -200 0 -440 -1620 55 z


RH (%) = 51.5 Reading No.3 -0I -540 -355 -30 -490 -690 -30 -185 -10 -440 -1825 55 GNIMD m 1.0014 3000 2000 1 -7121 -88 - -53 -623.-. -198 -5 -452 -1850 32 Date & Time = WeFeb1809 10:36 AM Reading No. 1 -705 -580 -365 -560 -525 -695 -45 -195 -10 -450 -1655 35 GNAW 0 Temperature (F) = 72.0 Reading No. 2 -710 -590 -365 -565 -525 -700 -45 -205 -20 -455 -1650 30 GNM RH (%) = 53.6 Reading No. 3 -720 -595 -360 -565 -520 -700 -45 -195 -15 -450 -1645 30 GNMID 2.0028 3000 2000 -712b -592 -362 -575 -53 -708 - 197 4675 1.657 20 2 .-

Date & Time = Thu, Feb 19 10:38AM Reading No. 1 -710 -590 -30 -5 -535 -705 -50 -195 -5 -470 -1660 15 GN/MD 0

Temperature (') = 72.6 Reading No. 2 -715 -590 -365 -580 -535 -710 -50 -195 -5 -465 -1655 25 GNID RH (%)= 51.9 Reading No. 3 -710 -595 -360 -580 -535 -710 -45 -200 -5 -465 -1655 20 GNRAD 0

----- 0 3.0028 __________ 3000 2000 -7201 -593 -378 -5851 -535 -713 -32 -190 -13 -453 -1650 40 0 0

Date&Time= FrniFeb20W 10:3 AM Reading No. 1 -7151 -590 -375 -585 -535 -710 -30 -180 -10 -455 -1650 40 GNMD (D 0:)

CA Temperature F) = 74.00 Reading No. 2 -720 -595 -380 -W1 -535 -715 -35 -190 -10 -450 -1650 30 GNAW 0 RH (%) [ 49.00 Re No 3 -725 -595 -380 -585 -535 -715 0)

-30 -200 -20 -455 -1650 50 GNMD 0


> -0 0

0 Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) m Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix 1A, Sealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi rn C,,

z S&ME. Inc.

John Pearson CiT Pr*e P.ect__Cist~alRivr Unit 3 SGRP Nunter 109151 CTL Pj~t M~mc_

Techmclans ana _M.DANIWbS G. Neiweem

__ Cote N

-P Specimen Information Lodn Inforiation Measurement Information CO MixID/Set# 09019-001, Mix 1A 5 days Creen Frame ID: HSF*19 P Curing: Sealed -intensity ya rc 20o0 ips Strain Measuring Device: Sollest witA igital gage SpeciLens Cast 2/12109 9:35 AM Preload 200 psi loin.

Loaded: 2117M010:30 AM Coressive Strengt*h Meesued by S&ME pa 20 press bfa~r 1.4981 Gage Unit Creeo Data ix 0.00001 In.) Shrndkaae Data (x 0.00001 In Days from loading Date Read Press, Dsl res s, f%.N..a.....

ri... - -


A d......L

  • tuUS~U~~J SAt ltM.........

~ 't wn...iS,

£ L.K....b.. Seat nv, 2W: 3F!!rl'er #12) Jhxyi!!nder ~ ~ #1

!ý h2 IM L '"d, 3 1 In" ier Side 3 1 Side 1 1 W 2 1

-197Skis 4.0028 3000 2000 - - 458 -42 -18 -448 1.501 32, Date &Time = Sat Feb 21 '09 10:38 AM Reading No. 1 -75 435 .95 -585 -550 -710 -35 -200 -10 -450 -1645 30 GN/MD Temperature CF) = 71.80 Reading No.2 -770 -635 -410 -585 -545 -710 -45 -195 -25 -445 -1850 30 GN/MD RH(%): 50.30 Reading No. 3 -785 -655 -395 -590 -550 -45 -195 -20 -450 -1855 35 m

-710 GN/MD z

5.0007 3000 2000 -M758i 655 -413 . 13 -5w8 -735 -57 -207 -25 _458 -.1858 27 G)

Date & Time Smu.Feb .22..09 10:35 AM Reading No- 1 z

-780 -650 -405 -610 -570 -740 -55 -205 -25 -455 -1655 25 GNIMD m Temperature (F) 72110 Reading No. 2 -7501 61

-. -415 -615 -570 -735 -55 -200 -25 -460 -1665 30 GN/MD (5) 5520 5H Reading No 3 -735 -6551 -420 -8151 -585 -730 -60 -215 -25 -460 -1655 25 GN/MD zII G) 6.0125 3000 2000 -7 -40 -413 -805 -572 -752 -55 -208 -25 -487 -1880 13 Date&Time= .M*n*Feb 23 '09 10:52AM Reading No. 1 -770 4640 -410 - -565

-05 -750 -45 -210 -20 -460 -1655 10 GNM/D >

Temperature CF) 71.40 Reading No. 2 -780 -640 -410 -810 -570 -60 -205 -25 -470 -1655 15 GN/MD z

-750 RH (/o) =1 54.80 Reading No. 3 -780 -640j -420 -800 -580 -755 -60 -210 -30 -470 -1640 15 GN/MD m

7.0111 3000 20 -788 -6621 -417 - -783 -65 -220 -47 -462 -1655 28 Date & Time Tue Feb 24 '09 10:50 AM Reading No. 1 -790 -660 -415 -635 -580 -785 -65 -210 -45 -465 -1655 25 GN/MD Temperature ('F) = 70.90 Reading No. 2 -785 -6651 -415 -620 -585 -785 -65 -235 -50 -460 -1660 30 GN/MD RH (%)= 52.50 Reading No. 3 -790 -660 -420 4620 -585 -780 -65 -215 -45 -460 -1650 30 GN/MD C:)

13.9507 30D0 2000 ,837 -713 -472 -677 -22 788 -82 -232 -55 -488 -1885 -5 Date & Time: Tue*Mr3 '09 9:23 AM Reading No. 1 840 -710 -470 -880 -25 -790 -85 -235 -50 -485 -1690 -5 GN/MD Temperature (*F): 71,50 Reading No. 2 -830 -710 -475 -680 4620 -790 -80 -230 -60 -490 -1700 -5 G, MD RH (%) = 48.90 Reading No. 3 -840 -720 -470 -670 4M20 -785 -80 -230 -55 -490 -1695 -5 GN/MD 0 200 4 -3000 877 -750 -7 693. -683 -823 -80 -225 -16782 3



0) Date&8 Te= Tue Mar.100'09 9:02 AM Reading No.1 -880 -750 -505 -0901 -635 -820 -80 -220 -25 -490 -1880 5 GN#/D cc 0)

(D C.,

Temperature ('F)= 72.90 Reading NO. 2 -8751 -7501 -505 -69 435 `20 -0 1 -230 -30 -495 -1875 0 GN#AD OD I t + -I~ I I ll~ I GN/MD p0 RH (%) =1 R*9 00 Reading No. 3 -8751 -7501 -510 -6951 -6351 -830 -80 1 -225 -25 -490 -1880 5 0 5290 0) 4.r~ C1A

0I Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) U Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix 1A, Sealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi m r G) o',

z Contactl S&ME, Inc. Pro _ytal River Unit 3 SGRP CTL Pr Maeate MADmo John Pearson CTLn 1 Number 109151 Technician G. Neiweem N

L *Speckimen Information Loading information Measurement Information Co MbxcD/Set # 094019-001, Mix 1A Ae:

~Curnrn Sealed

_iWe na rc 5 days Creep Frame ID: HSF#19 2000 osi Strain Measumn Device: Soiftest with dialtal aaoe SpecamensdCast 2/11209:35 AM Preload 200ps 10 in.

Loaded: __ 2/17/091630-AN Strength, fc Morssv Measured by S&ME Ge pres factor 1.4981 Gage Unit Creep Data (x 0.00001 In.) Shrinkage Dat (xa O M N iN ( h e Days from loading Date Press, Press, C er (chamber #1) CtUrlder. 2 (chamber #10) C OW  : 3(chamber#12) [Cllnd 4 r Read psi psi Sde I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side2 I Side3 1 Side1 I Side2 1 Side3 nal

-80 -27 27.9924 3000 2000 9._6 -798 -522 -738 -6951 B45 46 -1710 _-27:

-265 -80 -525 Date&Time= Tue,Mar17'9 10:23AM Reading No. 1 -915 -795 -520 -740 -695 -845 -95


-525 -1710 -25 GN/AP Temperature ('F) = 72.0 Reading No. 2 -915 -800 -525 -735 -895 -8451 -90 -255 -1710 -25 GN/AP

-80 -1710 RH (%) = -100 -525 47.4 Reading No. 3 -915 -800 -520 -740 -695 -845 -265 -30 GNIAP m

-100 -80 4. 4 4 -30 z 34.9653 3000 2000 -8 -815 -543 -745 -672 -832 -97 -228 -58 -502 -1678 -7 G)

Date & Time = Tue, Mar 24 '09 9:44 AM Reading No. 1 -935 -810 -545 -740 -670 -830 -90 -225 -55 -500 -1690 -5 GN/MD z GN/MD m Temperature (F) = 72.6 Reading No. 2 -940 -820 -540 -745 -670 -835 -100 -230 -60 -505 -1675 -10 RH (%) = 47.0 Reading No. 3 -940 -815 -545 -750 -675 -830 -100 -230 -60 -500 -1670 -5 GN/MD z

G) 42.1951 3000 2000 -940 -797 -54. 4-758 -898 -W45 -118 -257 -75 -515 -1697 -17 0 Date &Time Tue, Mar 31 '09 3:15 PM Reading No. 1 -935 -795 -545 -760 -700 -845 -115 -250 -75 -515 -1700 -15 GN/MD Temperature (*F) = 71.8 Reading No. 2 -120 -260 -515 z

-940 -805 -540 -760 -705 -845 -80 -1695 -15 GNNMD G)

RH (%) = 48.9 Reading No. 3 -945 -790 -545 -755 -890 -845 -120 -260 -70 -515 -1695 -20 GN/MD 49.0444 3000 2000 -970 830 463 -780 -713 -. 47 -128 -272 -78 -530 -1715 -40 Date&Time= Tue, Apr 7'09 11:38 AM Reading No. 1 -970 -825 -560 -780 -720 -850 -130 -260 -80 -525 -1715 -35 GN/MD Temperature CF) = 71.8 Reading No. 2 -970 -830 -565 -780 -710 -845 -125 -280 -75 -535 -1715 -40 GNIMD RH (%) = 50.0 Reading No. 3 -970 -835 -565 -780 -710 -845 -130 -275 -80 -530 -1715 -45 GNIMD C) 56.2222 3000 2000 -957 -818o -547 -775 -712 -838 -118 -263 [ 75_+ -525 j -1080 -37 Date&Time= Tue, Apr14'09 3:54PM ReadingNo. 1 -955 -815 -545 -770 -710 -830 -120 -265 -0 j-520 -1680 -35 SN/MD Temperature CF) = GN/MD 72.0 Reading No. 2 -955 -820 -545 -770 -715 -845 -115 -260 -80 -530 -1680 -35 GNAMD RH (%) = 52.8 Reading No. 3 -960 -820 -550 -785 -710 -840 -120 -265 -75 -525 -1680 -40 62.9847 3000 2000 -9.77 -835 -55 788]

.- -733 -8 -122 -273 KO0 -530 -17I8: -42 U 0)

01) Date&Time= Tue, Apr 21 '09 10:12AM ReadlngNo. 1 -9751 -8301 -550 -7851 -7351 -895 -125 -275 -80 -520 -1715 -45 GNJMD CO CD Temperature ('F) = 72.3 Reading No. 2 -975 -895 -120 -270 -80 -530 -1725 0:)

-8351 -5601 -790 -735 -35 GN/MD 0)

RH (%) = 46.6 Reading No. 3 -98o0 -8401 -5651 -7901 -7301 -895 -120 -275 -80 -540 -1715 -45 GNIMD 0

4) C)



> 0 I

0 Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) G) r Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix 1A, Sealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 0 C',

S&ME. Inc. Proqect: Crystal River Unit 3 SGRP CTL ProiecManaa.w_

z Clinta John Pearson CTL Project Number 10W151 Tec"cans__

M. DYAmbrosia G. Neiweem G)

N 01x Specimen Information Loading Information Measurement Information OD tax tD/St# _ 09-019.001,Mix1A 5 days Creep Frame ID: HSF#19

_C.m'rn Seald____

Intensty. n/a fc 2000 psi Strain Measuring Device: Soiltest with digital gage

_ Cast- 212/09 9:35 AM___ Preload 200 psi 1: 10 in.

Loaded: 2/17/09 1030 AM ComPaesiv Strength. tc Measured by SWE psi toe press factor 1.4981 Gage Unit Creep Data 0.00001 In.) __Dabx_0.0001_In.

Days from loading Date Press, Press, Cylinder: I (chamber #1) Cylinder: 2 Ichamber #10) Cylinder. 3 hber#12) I 4 (chamber #11)

Read psi psi Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side t Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Side 3 Initial 70.0167 3000 2000 41003 -860 -47 -8156 765 -872 -110 -267 -92 -540 -1717 -37 Date & Time = Tue, Apr 28 09 10:58 AM Reading No. 1 -1005 -860 -490 -820 -765 -865 -105 -90 -545 -1720 -40 N2MD Temperature CF) 72.7 Reading No. 2 -1000 -860 -485 -825 -765 -875 -115 -270 -90 -535 -1720 -35 GN/MD RH (%) = 46.7 Reading No. 3 -1005 -860 -485 -800 -765 -875 -110 -265 -95 -540 m

-1710 -35 GNiMD z 76.6861 30O 2000 -995 -872 -580 -816 -778 -908 -133 -293 -106 -545 -1712 -47 G)

Date &Time = Tue, May 5 9 3:02 AM z

Reading No. 1 -990 -870 -580 -820 -775 -905 -130 -295 -115 -545 -1710 -45 GN/MD m Temperature ('F) = 70.8 Reading No. 2 m

-995 -870 -580 -820 -780 -910 -135 -295 -110 -545 -1710 -40 GN/MD RH (%) = 49.7 Reading No. 3 -1000 -875 -580 -815 -780 -910 -135 -290 -100 -545 -1715 -55 GNIMD z G) 84.0076 3000 2000 -890 -583 -837 -803 -883 -158 1 -317 -105 -545 -1733 -70 0 Date & Time =

I Tue, May 12 '09 10:45 AM Reading No. 1 -1020 -885 -585 -835 -805 -875 -160 -320 -105 -545 -1740 -60 GNRMAD Temperature CF) 72.0 Reading No. 2 -1035 z

-900 -585 -835 -805 -885 -155 -310 -105 -545 -1730 -70 GN/MD G)

RH (%) = 46.2 Reading No. 3 -1035 -885 -580 -840 -800 -890 -160 -320 -105 -545 -1730 -80 GNJMD 91.2125 3000 2000 -1052 -9100 .605 -885 -820 -903 -138 -317 -125 -575 -1738 -73 Date &Tire= Tue,May19'09 3:40PM ReadingNO.1 -1050 -905 -610 -885 -820 -900 -135 -310 -120 -570 -1730 -75 GN/MO

-I 4- 4 -II + -l----------------i Temperature ('F) = 71.8 Reading No. 2 -1050 -910 -600 -885 -820 -910 -135 -320 -125 -580 -1745 -75 GN/MD RH (%) 49.4 Reading No. 3 -10551 -915 -605 -885 -820 -900 -145 -320 -130 -575 -1740 -70 GN/M#D 91.2194 3000 2000 -693 .632 -425 -530 450 -680 -140 -313 T -122 -568 -1753 -65 Date &Time= Tue, May 19'09 3:50 PM Reading No. 1 -690 -625 -425 -535 -450 -680 -130 -305 -120 -560 -1760 -60 GNOMD Temperature ('F) 71.9 Reading No. 2 -695 -625 -425 -525 -450 -680 -145 -315 -120 -570 -1750 -65 GNIMD RH (%) = 46.8 Reading No. 3 -695 -645 -425 -530 -450 -6 -145 -320 -125 -575 -1750 -70 GNIM C

91.23821 91.2382 ~~ 3~ ~ ~____*_...,.~ ~ ~ -422

. ~_._.....433

~ - 32_ ------

  • ..* - -153 -317 1-122 -553 -1733 -57 0 o

-0 Date &Time= Tue, May 9'09 4:17 PM Reading No. 1 -690 0:)

0 C:)

-6801 -610 -415 -525 -525 -155 -305 -120 -545 -1730 -60 GN!MD CD Temperature ('F) 72.1 Reading No. 2 -675 -625 -420 -535 -535 -69. -150 -325 -125 -555 -1745 -50 GNUMD 0 C) + 1 +

  • 0' RH (%) = 47.9 Reading No. 3 -675 -635 -430 -540 -5351 -70C -155 -320 -120 -560 -1725 -60 GN/MD
0ft, 0) o~

N) C:)

-U 0

0 G)

Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) r Creep Frame No. HSF#19, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix 1A, Sealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 6) zM GClntt S&ME, Inc. Pma crtttal rover Unit 3 SORP A. DAinbrosia Acomavtw John PearMo CTL PrOJW Number 109161 Technicians G. Nehweem Specimven hnfonuavaon Lodn Information M wme -foration OD Mix OlSet # 09-019401, MIx IA At 5 days

- r- ir Ua C4ft LoCude: Sealed inensitr nda rc 2O00 psI wina Devioe: SoeA wit digital gape Preload 200 psi 10 In.

Loaded: 2117/09 10:30 AM C p Strngth, rc Measured by SWE psi wgepres factor 1.4981

! ,* ,,.v,*.v, ,..! 'yr -r ~ -. . ~ .

Gage Unit mvI, u.,== sit

  • ,,,!=EU 1 5flrfao Lit IX O.ONUJ1 m.)

Days from loading Date Press, Press, Cylinder I (chamber #1) 1CytnderH 2 (chamber #10) Cvlln'w 3 (ch  ; inz!! 4 (chtamber #11)

RPd nai I sl Side I I Sks2I 1id3 1 Sisd1 1 Skis2 1 Side3 Side I Side2 1 Skde 3 1 SideI I Side 2 1 Sde 3 Initial 9308821 93.0882 000 3000 r 2000--.----

oo -

492 -- i---03 --- -463 ---.-.-- 548 .----


-M -158 -303 -127 -538 -1782 -57 Date&Time= Thu, May21 '09 12:41 PM Reading No. 1 -690 -595 -460 -555 -525 -690 -155 -305 -120 -545 -1740 -50 GN/MD Temperature CF) = 71.7 Reading No. 2 -690 -610 -470 -540 -530 -875 -160 -300 -130 -540 -1735 -60 GNRMD RH (%) = 48.7 Reading No. 3 -695 -805 -460 -550 -535 -675 -160 -305 -130 -530 -1720 -60 GNJMD m z

94.01391 3000 2000 - -590 -400 483 -520 .687 -155 -292 -107 -548 -1735 -72 G)

Date & Time = Fri, May 22 '09 10:54 AM Reading No. 1 -655 -585 -155 z

-395 -470 -520 -890 -290 -100 -545 -1730 -70 GNIMD m Temperature (*F) = 72.8 Reading No. 2 -860 -585 -405 -490 -520 -680 -155 -290 -110 -540 -1740 -70 GNOMD m

RH(%)= 49.2 Reading No. 3 -N601 -00 -400 -490 -520 -690 -155 -295 -110 -580 -1735 -75 GN/MD ;0 r) 98.0285 3000 2000 +-633 590 -402" 4 -477 -6 - -148 -282 -115 -575 -1722 -62 Date &nTme= Tue, May 26'09 11:15AM Reading No.1 -M30 -5801 -395 -470 -470 -645 -145 -275 -105 -570 -1715 -85 GN/MD Temperature ('F) = 74.2 Reading No. 2 -635j -590 -410 -485 -480 -650 -285 -120 -575 -1730 -60 GN/MD z

-150 G)

RH (%) = 52.0 Reading No. 3 - -8001 -40C -475 -4801 -850 -285 -120 -580 -1720 -80 GN/MD M 98.9208 3000 2000 -628 -587 -377 -477 -4981 -632 -138 -278 1 -97 -55 -1735 -57 90 Date &Time= Wed, May 27 '09 8:40 AM Reading No.1 -M30 -5 1 -375 -485 -500D -625 -135 -270 -90 -550 -1745 -60 GNIMO Temperature (') = 74.8 Reading No.23w -5 01 -38075 -475 -5W: -635 -145 -280 -100 -560 -1730 -50 GNM_D RHa(%)= 49.8 Reading No.3 -625 -80 -387 -470 -495 -635 -135 -285 -100 -555 -1730 -60 GN/MD 0

"0 (0a) 0 CO 0)



N, 0


-13 0

1 M

Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512)

Creep Frame No. HSF#25, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix MA,Unsealed Cylnders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 0

z Client: S&MEinc.. ProecL Crstal Rie Unit 3 SGRP 109 C151ect Manager GKDMmbosia

-' Conted: John Pearson cTLPoetNrtr1011-Tcncas __ G. Netweemn N

-4 Specimen infonuation Loading Information 11110Uremem infomation Mix ID/Set l___ 019-00!, MIx 1A 9 dayst B

Creep Frame 0. HSF25 ni .JM.IUS5 Curing: Unsealed hnte n/a fc 2000 si Stri M

.. La~V~.o..rn..

A D ioe:

Specimens Cast 2112/ 9:35 AM Preload 200 psi Gaae Lengllw: 10 in.

Loaded: 2117/09 8:45 AM e Strength, rc Measured by SI WE psi UR i7-xý press bow 1.4981 Gage Unit Creep Data x 0.00001 In.) Shrinkade Data (x 0.00001 In.)

Days from loading Date Press, Press, Cylinder: t (chramber3 M od 2 (clI #13) W.3 (chsmber #14) ýCndr 4, rfide 32)

Read Dal asi Side I ISide2 1 Side 3 I Side [ 6ide 2 1 Side3 Side1 I Side2 81" 1 3


-251 8571 .262 Sida 2 I1 5d41l 514d53 S fl flt~fl*I i..L . .L. A.4... I A

  • Ft -257 ,118 4453 -1071 .3 as -' -ias ,1o7 Date &Tinme ._Tu* Feb17'09 7:53AM Reading No, 1 -20 -6551 -265 -280 -120 4450 -1051 -95 -90 -130 -185 -110 GNIO Temperature (F) 71.4 Reading No. 2 -251 -655i -265 -290 -120 4460 -110 -90 -85 -140 -190 -100 GN/M RH (%)= 51.9 Reading No. 3 -30 -6601 -255 2 90

- 1 -115 4450 -105 -95 -80 -135 -180 -110 GNAD m zG)

-0,0174 beore 0 0 -47 - -2" -M30 -127 4443 -153 -125 -138 -172 -210 -140 0

Date & Time = Tue,_Fe._. 8:1.0A ... ReadgNo. 1 -45 z


-20 -0 -130 4445 -155 -130 -145 -165 -215 -150 GNA4D m Temperature (F)= 71.6 Reading No. 2 4

-45 60I -250 -300 -130 4445 -155 -120 -135 -180 -200 -130 GN1M m IM RH(%) .0 Reading No. 3 -50 -670 -250 -310 -120 4440 -150 -125 -135 -170 -215 -140 GNiMD x

-100 -710 -307 -380 -173 4407 -127 -110 -107 -153 !183 -122 0I Date&Time= TuFeb 17 '09 8:23AM ReadingNo' 1 -100 -710 -305 -360 -165 4395 -120 -110 -110 -155 -195 -125 GN&40 G) z Tem a (F)= 715 Reading No. 2 -100 -710 -305 -380 -175 4410 -125 -105 -100 -150 -185 -120 GNA)D RH (N) = 50.1 Reading No. 3 m

-100 -710 -310 -360 -180 4415 -135 -115 -110 -155 -170 -120 GNAW 0.00013 Loaded 3000 2000 -397 -1113 -848 -880 -672 4088 -188 -145 -152 -183 -213 -153 Date & Tim . Tue Feb 17'09 835.AM Reading No. I -390i -1110 -655 -685 -570 4085 -180 -145 -150 -180 -210 -155 GNIM Temperature (1F)= 716 Reading No. 2 0

-400 -1120 -635 -680 -575 4090 -170 -145 -155 -180 -215 -155 GNA40 RH (%) 53.5 Reading No. 3 -4001 -1110 -655 -675 -570 4090 -175 -145 -150 -190 -215 -150 GNAW 3:

0 0.0035 3000 2000 -395 -1103 4620 48 G)

-47 4100 -148 413 -113 -150 -205 -138 Date& = Te Feb '09 8:40AM_ RedVNo 1 -385 -1100 -620 -660 -550 4100 -140 -110 -115 -160 -205 -140 GNAW Temperature (*F) :716 Reading No. 2 -4051 -1105 -620 -670 -54 410 -150 -110 -105 -140 -210 -140 GNAW RH 51.8 Reading No. 3 -3951 -1105 -620 -650 -545 4100 -155 -120 -120 -160 -20 -135 GNW

.14- __ -_ 6171 5 _13 >

0.01041_ __0_.003 -11451 8571 498 50] 4080 46-182 -140 -152-1 77 -35 8 C:)

cc Dat&Twme= Tue. Feb 1709 8:50AM I ReadingNo. 1 -4151 -11401 -M0 -895 -580 4060 -160 -175 -2451 -160 GN#AD

-1351 -160 C0)

0) Temperature (CF) 71 8 Reading No.2 -425 -1140 -6551 -700 -580 406C -160 -180 -2301 -160 GNIMD

- -180 0)

RH (%) = 50.7 Reading No. 3 -4301 -1155 -6551 -700 -5W0 45 -165 -1501 -145 -175 -2301 -170 GNA*D CA)

0 0 Creep Of Concrete in Compression (ASTM C 512) G)

I Creep Frame No. HSF#25, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix IA, Unsealed Cylinders, Loaded at5 days to 2000 psi M cliet S8ME. Inc. ppt__CPy*a c RivUnit3 SGRP CTL Pro Manager M. D'Ambrosla U)

- Contact John

_. asPearoni CTL Project Number 109151 Technicians G. Ne-weem

-Spec*,.n Informakon Loain Information Measurement Information 0O Mix ID/Set # 09.019-401, Mix IA 5 days Creew Frame :ID HSF#25 LCueng: Unsealed lIftelY. nIS tc 1.01iwI I=g 0 LA-ý o~n.

-w, -wu' -WWI.

uu UH~WG SpeatmernsCast: V12VO 9:35 AM Preload 200 psi Gage Lenat: 10in.

Loaded: 21716/9 8:45 AM P ,,."...a

-. c f P,.f U- -...4 1Q A&w - I h* f-Afi-me I AQC4 LL t= tzxx=JC= k=-_

Gage Unit Creep Data ix 0.00001 in.) S e Data (x 0.00001 In.)

Days from loading Date Press, Press, Cider- I (hamber 3 CyInd.j. 2 (chamber #13) Cyluder. 3 (jura.ber#14) 4 tchmber#2)

Read psi psi Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Sides3 Side I I Side 2 Side 3 Initial 00424 3000 2000 -43 -1142 655 -720 -582 4067 .155 -130 -132 -180 -210 -153 Date&Time= Tue Feb.1709 9:36AM Reading No. 1 -440 -1135 -650 -720 -585 4075 -155 -135 -135 -165 -210 -155 GNIMD Temperature ('F)= 716 Reading No. 2 -445 -1140 -655 -720 -580 4060 -155 -130 -135 -150 -210 -150 GNIMD RH (%) = 51.2 Reading No. 3 -445 -1150 -66 -720 -580 4065 -155 -125 -125 -165 -210 -155 GNIMD 0.1194 3000 2000 -490 -1172 -693 -787 -602 40 -137 -127 -122 -177 -210 -168 Date &Time= Tue. Feb 1709 11:27.AM Reading No- 1 -490 -1165 -690 -785 -800 4020 -135 -130 -120 -175 -220 -170 GNIMD Temperature (F) 71.8 Reading No. 2 -490 -1175 -695 -790 -600 4020 -140 -125 -125 -175 -200 -160 GN/MD RH (%) = 51,9 Reading No. 3 -490 -1175 -695 -785 -605 4020 -135 -125 -120 -180 -210 -175 GN/MD 0.2500 3000 2000 -527 -1185 -730 -815 -617 3977 -157 -127 -135 -177 -210 -168 Date&Time= Tue Feb 17,V9 2:35.PM Reading "No 1 -530 -1185 -730 -815 -810 3900 -155 -120 -135 -175 -220 -170 GN/MD Temperature (*F) = 71.4 Reading No. 2 -525 -1185 -730 -815 -820 3970 -155 -135 -135 -175 -200 -160 GNIMD RH(%)= 50.9 Reading No. 3 -525 -1185 -730 -815 -620 3980 -160 -125 -135 -180 -210 -175 GN/MD 1.0000 3000 2000 -553 -1233 -782 845 450 3937 -180 -172 -15 -207 -243 -202 Date &Time Wed Feb 18 '09 8:35 AM Reading No. 1 -550 -1230 -785 -845 -655 3925 -180 -175 -145 -200 -235 -190 GN/MD Temperature CF)= 72.0 Reading No. 2 -555 -1230 -775 -845 -650 3945 -185 -170 -150 -210 -250 -205 GNW RH (%) = 50.3 Reading No. 3 -555 -1240 -785 -845 -645 3940 -175 -170 -155 -210 -245 -210 GNWMO 2.0007 3000 2000 -593, -1278 -815 -688 -707' 3885 -212 -27 -178 -23 -275 -220 Date&Time= Thu Feb 19'09 8:36AM Reading No. 1 -595 -1280 -15 -865 -710 3890 -215 -205 -160 -230 -270 -215 GNIMC Temperature CF)= 72.0 Reading No. 2 -590 -1275 -815 -8M5 -700 3885 -210 -210 -185 -230 -280 -225 GNIAM RH(%)= 53.9 Reading No. 3 -595 -1280 -815 -875 -710 3880 -210 -205 -190 -235 -275 -220 GN/MC 3.0035 3000 2000 46251 -13201 -8351 -922 -7531 3875 -230 -215 -197 -255 -288 .235 Date &Time 9 25 Fi, Feb 20 '09 8:40 AM Reading No. 1 -025 -1320 -835 - 1 -755 3870 -230 -220 -195 -255 -280 -230 GNI'MCf CD Temperature ('F) 71.10 Reading No. 2 -625 -1320 -835 -9201 -750 3870 -230] -210t 195 -25 1 30 -240 GN/MC CA) RH (%) 51.90 Reading No. 3 -625 -1320 -835 -920 -755 3885 -2301 -2151 -2001 -255 -285 -235 GNMCM 0

G) 0 Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) 6)

Creep Frame No. HSF#25, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix IA, Unsealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 0 M Ccnta S&ME, fts. jCrystaI River Unit 3 SGRP CTLPrct Manager M DAndirosla G)

John Pearson CTIL P v NuMber 095 TedhniMans , Neiweem Specimen Inoation Loading Information Measurement inforantion CO PX M/Set # _ 09-019-001, Mix iA Ane: 8 drav Crean Frame 10: HSF#25 HSF*26 C;,l) ________Unsatied___ Intensity. n/a rc 2fWl 5 dava n~,

Crean Frarm ID!

~frak~ Umiv~,n r~a ~IatMh ,friM2I na S3_Mi Cast 2129 -9:35 AM Proad 200 ps Gage Lernt: 10 in.

Loaded: 2/17/09 8:45 AM ?A' v a flU. ILI


II ME ME Unit L-ressgage lless factor 1.4981 Gage Unit creep Data {x0.00001 In.) Shrinkage Data (x 0.00001 In.)

Days from loading Date Press, Press, Cylinder 1(chamber#3) Cylinder: 2(j ber#13) Cylinder 3 (chamber #14) Cytinder. 4 m #2)

Read P si P SI 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Side 3 Side I Side 2 Sides 3 Side I Skid 2 Side 3 Initial 4.0069 3000 2000 -848 -1330 -W7 -945 -750 384 -227 -202 -87 -247 -277 -223 Date & Tme = SatFeb21'09.8:45AM Reading No. 1 -645 -1325 -860 -940 -750 3850 -225 -205 -190 -245 -285 -225 GN/MD Temperature CF) 71.20 Reading No. 2 -50 -1330 -875 -945 -750 3845 -230 -200 -185 -250 -270 -225 GN/MD RH (%) 53.60 Reading No. 3 -50 -1335 -885 -950 -750 3850 -225 -200 -185 -245 -275 -220 GN/MD 5051__________ 3000 2000 -868 -1348 -M -953 -785S 3813 -235 -213 -188 -255 -292 -230 Date & Time = Sun Feb22 '09 8:43 AM Reading No. 1 -660 -1340 -900 -955 -785 3805 -240 -210 -185 -250 -285 -230 GN/WM Temperature ('F) = 71.90 Reading No. 2 -675 -1355 -900 -9501 -785 3810 -230 -220 -190 -265 -300 -230 GNIMD RH (%) = 53.00 Reading No. 3 -670 -1350 -910 -955 -785 3825 -235 -210 -190 -250 -290 -230 GN/MD 6.0069 3000 2000 -4901 -1392 -908 -9621 -798 3818 -230 -215 -190 -257 -298 -237 Date & Time M Fe23,0..8:45AM Reading No. 1 -690 -1385 -910 -960L -805 3815 -230 -215 -190 -245 -295 -230 GN/MD Temperature ('F)= 70.20 Reading No. 2 -6901 -1395 -910 -960 -795 3820 -2301 -215 -190 -265 -305 -240 GN/MD RH(%) 56.80 Reading No. 3 -690 -1395 -905 -965 -795 3820 -230 -215 -190 -260 -295 -240 GN/MD 6.9986 3000 2000 -690 -1385 -90 -993 -817 3788 -235 -232 -213 -262 -297 -240 Date & Time .Tue Feb24 .og 8:33AM Reading No. 1 -690 -1385 -910 -995 -815 3785 -245 -225 -215 -265 -295 -245 GN/MD Temperature (F) = 71.00 Reading No. 2 -690 -1385 -895 -990 -815 3790 -230 -235 -210 -260 -300 -240 GNMMD RH_(%)_= 51.50 Reading No. 3 - - 90 -1385 -910 -995 -820 3790 -230 -235 -215 -260 -295 -235 GN/MD 14.0417 3000 2000 -805 -1483 -1038 -1097 -900 3862 -305 -283 -272 -348 -370 -315 Date & Time = .TueMar3'09 935AM Reading No. 1 -800 -1475 -1045 -1095 -900 3660 -300 -285 -270 -345 -365 -315 GN/MD Temperature (F) 71.30 Reading No. 2 -810 -1485l -1035 -1100 -900 3655 -305 -280 -270 -350 -370 -315 GN/MD RH (%) = 47.70 Reading No. 3 -805 -1490 -1035 -1095 -900 3670 -310 -285 -275 -350 -375 -315 GN/MD 21.0049 3000 2000 -882 -1558 -1107 -1172 -978 358 -330 -307 -288 -375 -393 -340"

-D 0)

(0} Date &Time= -15551 -1110 .1170 -980 3565 -3401 -3101 -2K -370 -390 410GM/M Tue. Marl 0'09 8:42AM Reading No. 1 -875 Temperature (F) = 72 30 Reading No. 2 -8851 -15601 -11001 -11701 -9801 3585 -375 -34C GM/MD

-3251 -305 -290 -395 RH (%) = Reading No. 3 i 0 *i VV -8851 -15601 -11101 -1175 -975 3590 -3251 -3051 -285 -380 -395 -34CJ GNIMD 5450

0 0 Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 612) I Creep Frame No. HSF#26, Mix: 09-019-001, Mix IA, Unsealed Cylinders, Loaded at 6 days to 2000 psi C/)

m C',

m zCcient_t S&ME. Inc. Project crystalRi-er Unit 3 SGRP CTL Proc Manaw M. Neiwbrosle John Pearson CTL PoJect Nwltr_ 109181 Technicans G. Neweem H *clmen kiformation Loading ikformatwo Mmureas a Informadon 09-019401, Mix 1A Age:o_ 5 days Creep Frame ID: HSF#25 Unsea.ed . Intensity n/a fc 2000l --. Stai M..1n, fl.L-_ r.niltaet *4th rli,,ll*l n**m 21 IRM-1 Specimens Cast: 2/12/09 9:35 AM Preload 200 oai GaM Ientd: loin Loaded: 2117/09 8:45 AM Comomenive r

Strenath ft Measured t -wSA&l pa Imu ra.M wmt

- fw- I AOR1 14981 Gage Unit Creep Data (x 0.00001 In.) Srinkage Data (x 0.00001 In.)

Days kom loading Date Press, Press, Cylinder It(1c bar 03) lCv4Ida 2 (chamber #13) Cvnrefr: 3( ,C 01141 C d . 4J 02)

Read psi ps Side1 Side2 Side3 Side1 Side2 Side3 Side1 Side2 Side3 Side1 Sie2 Side3 Initial 28.0667 3000 2000 -912 -155 -1180 .1213 -1070 3517 -348 -328 -318 -415 -430 -37 DateTlme= 1 Tue, Mar17 09 1011AM ReadmngNo. 1 -90 -1855 -1175 -1210 -1070 3515 -350 -325 -315 -415 -435 -360 GNIAP Temperature ('F) = 7200 Reading No. 2 -915 -1655 -1180 -1215 -1070 3520 -345 -335 -320 -415 -425 -370 GNIAP RH (%) 44,10 Reading No. 3 -915 -1655 -1185 -1215 -1070 3515 -350 -325 -320 -415 -430 -370 GN/AP m z

35.0576 3000 2000 -950 -1675 -1205 -1253 -109 3483 -368 -357 -337 -4221 -435 -385 6)

Date &Tme= Tue, Mar2409 958AM Reading No. 1 -950 -1875 -1205 -1255 -1090 3480 -375 -3501 -335 -415 -435 -385 GNIMD z m

m Temperature ('F) = 72.40 Reading No. 2 -950 -1675 -1200 -1250 -1090 3485 -360 -360 -335 -4251 -435 -385 GNIMD z

RH (%)4880 Reading No. 3 -950 -1675 -1210 -1255 -1090 3485 -370 -3601 -340 -425 -435 -385 GN/MO 42.27081 3000 2000 -1012 -1723 -1233 -1305 -1118 3457 -373 -373 -380 -445 -450 -398 0 Data-&T'Te TueMr31r31 .9 3:05PM Reading No. 1 -1010 -1730 -1230 -1305 -1115 3455 -370 -3751 -355 -445 -450 -395 GN/MD Temperature ('F)= 71.60 Reading No. 2 -1015 -1720 -1230 -1305 -1120 3460 -375 -3751 -360 -440 -450 -400 GN/MD z

. . .. ... . _._.. . G)

RH (%) 53.00 Reading No. 3 -1010 -1720 -1240 -1305 -1120 3455 -375 -370 -365 -450 -450 -400 GNIMD m 49.1201 3000 20DO -1023 -1740 -1207 1306 -1153 3420 4397 -383 -362 -457 .4701 -412 Date 8r Tme ATp.7u*9 11:28 AM Reading No 1 -1025 -1735 -1265 -1305 -1155 3420 -390 -385 -365 -450 -485 -405 GN/MD Temperature ('F) = 7160 Reading No. 2 -1025 -1740 -1270 -1305 -1150 3420 -400 -385 -360 -455 -470 -415 GWD RH (%) =50.30 Reading No.3 -1020 -1745 -1265 -1305 -1155 3420 -400 -380 -360 -465 -475 -415 GNIMD 56.2910 3000 2000 -10381 -1745 -1287 -1335 -41170 339 -395 -MI -358 -478 -472 -418 Date& Time= Tue_.14,09 3:3 PM Reading No- 1 -10351 -1735 -1295 -1335 -1170 3395 -395 -395 -360 -470 -470 -415 GNIMD Temperature CF).= 71.80 Reading No. 2 -1045 -1750 -1280 -1335 -1170 3400 -395 -395 -360 -485 -470 -425 GNMD RH (%) = 47.80 Reading No. 3 -10351 -1750 -1285 -1335 -1170 3400 -395 -395 -355 -480 -475 -415 GN/MD 63.0785 3000 2000 -1088 -1772 -1282 -1377 -1168 3372 -422 -4121 -390 -486 -478 -435 cc Date & Time Tue, A2109 10:28AM Reading No 1 -1085_ -1780 -1280 -1375 -1170 3365 -415 -420 -390 -490 -475 -435 GWMD 0)

K.) CA)

(0 Temperatue(2180 Reading No. 2 -1090 -1765 -1285 -1375 -1165 3375 -425 -400 -385 -490 -480 -435 GNIMD 0)

RH (%) =__ 5220 Reading No. 3 -10901 -1770 -1280 -1380 -1170 3375 -425 -415 -395 -485 -0 -435 GNEMD 0



-I 0 m

G) 0I- Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512)

Creep Frame No. HSF#25, Mix: 09-019-001, MWx IA, Unsealed Cylinders, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi C,)

0 m client C)

-z4n Contact SoME. Inmc Prcoa Crystai River Unit 3 SGRP CTL Fet Mnager K D'Ambrosia John Pearsn Cit Proisct wNuber101 Technicians G. Neiweem N

-06 Specimen Intiornaison Loading Information Menl hForneti 0# Mix D/SeIC 09019-1, Mbx IA Ana draw Cree Fr'am I1):

HSF#25 CONded: _:Unseaed 1ntensl n/a rc 2000 psi Strain *:

Measuring Device: Soiteest y u=n C'Specmes Cast:- -2/1 2J9 9: -35AM. Preload 200 psi Gage U*** Lanaft 10in.

Loaded: 2617109 8.45 AM p si Strength, fc Measured by S&ME psi Unit pres/ag pre factor 1.4981 Gage Unit Creea DOatx 0.000W1 in.t stanx 0.000 I lin) flivw 1mm Ilnwfn D-..L.

r-t from-z.: lodh Pro..



Pre C~jllndor I h~honhor ~ JCviiuwlor- 2 ~ghmiw eIu I -

Lt A h.h...i.... eii Read psi P Side 3 Side I side 2 side3 SW I SW 2 S 3 S SideI 2 Sd 3 al 70.0896 _______ __ 3000 2000 .102!j

  • `1 47571 -1283 -13971 -1190 3375 -413 -393 -363 -4871 -490 -437

- Date&Tire Tue. 2'0 10:44AM Reading No 1 -1100 -17551 -1265 -1390 -1190 3375 -415 -395 -360 -480 -490 -435 GN/MA Temperaur 72.80 Reading No 2 -1100 -1755 -1285 -1395 -1185 3375 -410 -390 -360 -490 -490 -440 GNfMC RH (%) = 52.50 Reading No. 3 -1105 -1760 -1280 -1405 -1195 3375 -415 -395 -370 -490 -490 -435 GN/MC 77.2757 3000 2000 -1118 -1813 -1353 -1440 -1218 3343 -445 -4351 -4M -520 -5221 -482 Date & re

=I Tue..May*.5,09 3:12 PM ReadingNo. 1 -1120 I ------------

-18D51 -1350 -1445

-1215 3345

-450 -430 -410

-515 -515 -480 GNAM Temperature F) 71.70 Reading No. 2 -1115 -1815 -1360 -1440 -1220 3345 -445 -435 -415 -520 -525 -485 GNMt)

RH 54.50 Reading No. 3 -1120 -1820 -1350 -1435 -1220 3340 -440 -440 -415 -525 -525 -480 GN/MC 84.0812 3000 2000 -1203 -1863 -1390 -1452 -1247 3333 -447 -432 -407 -530 -510 -470 Date & To ue 120 1032M Reading No. 1 -1195 -1.80 -1385 -1450 -1240 3325 440 -435 405 -530 -515 -470 GNAMf Temperature (F)= 72.00 Reading No. 2 -1205 -1is0 -1395 -1455 -1250 3335 -4501 -425 -410 -535 -510 -470 GNW 52 RH (%) = 48.00 Reading No. 3 -1210 -1870i -1390 -1450 -1250 33401 -450 -435 -405 - 51 -505 -470 GM 301. 11. -1852. -1388 . 1435 .-1253 3305 -4521 443 -52.427 -W3 -477 Date&Time= TtieMay19g 3:59PM Reading No. 1 -1150 -1855 -1380 -1435 -1255 3305 -450 -440 -4201 -5251 -525 -480 GN/MC Tempea-ture 71.90 Reading No. 2 -11601 -1850 -13951 -1435 -1255 3305 -455 -445 -43C -525 -540 -475 GN/MC RH (%) 47.70 Reading No. 3 -1155 -1850} -13901 -1435j -12501 3305 -4M -445 -43C -525 -535 -475 GNOMW 91.3153 0 0 .a68




-942 362- -452 -445 -418 .533 .523 -473 Date&Time= Tue, May1909 4:09PM ReadingNo. 1 -885 -1545 -1080 -1170 -945 3620 -445 -435 -415 -535 -520 -470 GNWM Temperalure jF= 72.10 Reading No. 2 -870 -1560 -1070 -1170 -940 3620 -450 -450 -415 -535 -525 -475 GNIMD RH 47.70 Reading No. 3 -870 -1545 -1075 -1170 -940 3620 -460 -450 -425 -530 -525 -475 GN/MD

- 1 5_-97 -1 13 36 5 0 0.-1560 -462 -442 -412 -522 -513 -487 91.3264 1 ------------

-u Date &Trwm = Tue, May19'09 4:25PM Reading No.1 -8 -1555 -1045 -1130 -940 3635 -460 -435 -415 -520 -505 -480 GNIMD (D Temperature CF) = 72.10 Reading No. 2 870 -1560 -1045 -1145 -935 3635 -460 -445 -415 -525 -520 -490 GNMD 0) 0)

0 RH (N)_=_ 47.90 Reading No. 3 -875 -1 6 -1045 -1140 -935 3635 -465 -445 -405 -520 -515 -490 GNJMD DO1


-0 0

A 0 Creep Of Concrete In Compression (ASTM C 512) G)

Creeo Frame No. HSF#25. Mix: 09-019-001. MIX 1A. Unsealed Cvlnders. Loaded at 5 days to 2000 Dsi Croon Frafne No. HSF#26 Mix: 09-019-001 Mix I Un"aled C-Anders Loaded at 5 dava 2000 nsf m m cHent Z Contact S&ME, Inc. Pr ctytN River Unit 3 SGRP ___ __nC ftLiectMage G)

John Pemon C Ptect Number 10151 TeChnicians G. Nawemim Specimen hifomation Loading Information mesremenat fornialon 00

0 4xiDMoet #

Cng: _09-019-001,MWx IA 5 dmaw Crew Frmea 10, unseele v *lv wdenwt iVa rc 2000 OW Strain Measuring Device: Soiftvks disi ue SSpecens Cast:___2/12099:356.AM Preload 200 psi Ga2 LegM: 10in.

Loaded: 2/17/09 8:45 AM rA-AiWASIPJ Rtironnh fe Unit -reas/gage press factor 1.4901 Ummured hw S&UE rmu Ga1 Unit Creep Dat 0.00001 in.) Siulkfte Dab (x 0.000 kL)

Days from loeding Date Press, Press, W nder: I (chaber"L) - 2 (chamber #13)

Read psi p Side I SiS 2 SVe 3 Side I Side2 Skid 3 SideI Skide2 ISkId3 ISdlIks2ISide. 3 bd_

93.1757 .88 -4921 4023 -1112 -9D71 3648 0 0 . -.-.-..........-- - -4501 -426 4151 -5301 -U 7 Date & Time = Thu. May21 '09 12:48 PM Reading No. 1 -8501 -14951 -10201 -1100 -905 3645 -445 -4351 -415 -5W5 -5151 -48

. . ................---.-..--.- _.-.- I.

Temperature (*F) = I 71.80 Reading No. 2 -8451 -1490 -1025 -1120 -900 3650 -450 -425 -415 -530 .53-W .475

-55 -53t -8 m RH (%))= 47.80 Reading No. 3 -8501 -14901 -1025 -1115 -915 3650 -455 -425 -415 z

94 0 2000 -825T -1493 -1015 -1112 -907 3678 44 -430 -415 -500 -50 _-4 G)

Date&nTime .820 zm Ffi, May22'09 11:00AM ReadingNo. 1 -1495 -1015 -1115 -910 3670 -425 -430 -415 -490 -505 o 450 GHs m

Temperature (*F) = 73.30 Reading No. 2 -830 -1490 -1010 -1110 -900 3680 -445 -425 -410 -505 -505 -4860 GH z

RH (0/6)= 52.60 Reading No. 3 -825 -1495 -1020 -1110 -910 3885 -450 -435 -420 -505 -5054 -465 GNlw 98.1180- 0 0 818 -1487 -1012 -1100 M95 3682 n45 -432 -422 -512 -5151 413 0 I

Date & Time= Tue, May26 '09 11:22 AM Reading No. 1 -810 -1490 -1005 -1100 -895 3655 -455 -435 -425 -505 -515 -455 GNM z Temperature ('F) =74.40 Reading No. 2 -820 -1480 -1015 -1100 M95 3685 -480 -430 -420 -510 -520 -465 GN) m RH(%)=: 54.00 Reading No.3 -8251 -1490 -1015 -1100 -895 3665 -480 -430 -420 -520 -510i -470 GNIM 99.0083 0 0 -820 -1472 -1007 -1095 -92 3876 -442 -427 -415 -523 - -473 Date & Time = Wed, May 27'09 8:47 AM Reading No, 1 -820 -1475 -100 -1095 -895 3675 -440 -420 -415 -520 -505 -465 GNHIi Temperature ('F) = Reading No. 2 -820 -1470 -1010 -1095 -885 3675 -450 -430 -415 -525 W505 -475 GMV RH (%) 4840 Reading No. 3 820 -1470 1010 -1095 -895 3875 -435 -430 -415 -525 -545 48 N 0

0 0:)


CD 0 C)


PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 Appendix B Equipment Calibration Summary ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 28 of 42

Form No:11.1-2 -0 0


$S&ME INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE (The following summarizes the equipment used and their calibration interval while in use.)

Revision 2 Revision Date 11/04/08 90M bC) z Proiect:

--i* 1439-08-208 Activity: Phase III Testinq N


ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 16115 Slump Cone Set Humboldt 10/2/2008 10/2/2009 18312 Pressure Meter Humboldt 1/8/2009 4/8/2009 16219 601b Scale FG-30K 8/21/2008 8/21/2009 18562 Thermometer Humboldt 3/3/2008 3/3/2009 16077 Mallet N/A 3/31/2003 N/A 16233 Stopwatch N/A 12/16/08 06/16/09 1500 Universal Testing Machine 600V 07/11/08 07/11/09 6/25/08 Shipment Sulfur Capping Compound Test Mark 1/9/2009 4/9/2009 z 2044 Temperature Recorder N/A 11/2/2008 5/2/2009 16062 Extensometer N/A 10/6/2008 10/6/2009 zGn 004-820 6" x 12" Cylinder Molds Lot No. 96526 2/12/2009 Each Shipment m 2189 Outside Micrometer N/A 2/4/2009 2/4/2010 16060 T2-1 z Thermocouple Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009 0

~0 16060 T2-4 Thermocouple Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009

0 16060 T1-2 Thermocouple Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009 16060 T1-3 Thermocouple Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009 16561 Vibrator Dewalt DC530 09/16/08 09/16/09 m 16060 Omega Thermocouple Readout HH801 B 11/18/08 11/18/09 B60000001CD6CE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B20000001 CC8FF21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 F90000001CBFAC21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C10000001CC15B21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 950000001 DOD7921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 2C0000001F8B6F21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 BC0000001 D4EA421 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 DB0000001 D47BE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 020000001 E60B521 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 Co 0*)


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-h 4N1 Reviewed By:_ Date: J*N 1 9 2009 1Iof 3 C W,

- 6'_*-

Form No:11.1-2 r

$S&ME INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE (The following summarizes the equipment used and their calibration interval while in use.)

Revision 2 Revision Date 11/04/08

-I Project: 1439-08-208 Activity: Phase III Testina N


ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 9D0000001 D46C021 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 340000001 D315F21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C20000001D361B21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1DC0000001 D4AC821 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 750000001DOAE921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B40000001D33C921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B90000001 D44FD21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1B9000001D44FD21_I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 160000001CFAE421 Ibutton temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 160000001CFAE421 Ibutton temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 8D0000001CC62C21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 940000001F8B3621 Ibutton temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 080000001 F5EAE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1F0000001F39D421 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 970000001F783321 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 2F00000001F3D3621 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 A50000001F9A9221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1F0000001 F609A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 DD0000001 F73DD21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 Fl0000001D209A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 D90000001 F34A221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 790000001 F73BE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 DB0000001F436A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C50000001F6A5121 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 D80000001F304321 button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B0000001F3FF321 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 A10000001F02D921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 o


C) 0W 0) 0 0

Reviewed Bv: Date: JUN 1 9 2009 2of3 0

Form No:11.1-2 -U 0


  • S&ME INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE (The following summarizes the equipment used and their calibration interval while in use.)

Revision 2 Revision Date 11/04/08 m



Z Proiect: 1439-08-208 Activity: Phase Ill Testina N

30D ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 3B0000001F902D21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 9B0000001F830221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 16582 601b Scale EB Series 01/06/09 01/06/10 i-n 1475 Oven

__Blue M 10/07/08 10/7/2009 G) 12543 Scale Mettler 01/08/09 01/08/10 16227 Compression Test Machine F-401 F-Pilot 07/11/08 07/11/09 18466 Reference Thermometer H-2600.113F 01/27/09 01/27/10 12583 Balance Mettler 01/08/09 01/08/10 m z

12730 Straightedge N/A 10/02/08 10/02/09 12682 Feeler Gauges N/A 09/12/08 09/12/09 -zm 18525 Mitutoyo Digital Caliper CD-1 2"PS 02/27/09 02/28/10 m G)

CTL Equipment Summary 0 RAM2 Hydraulic Pressure Gauge RAM Z 06/09/08 6/9/2009 04/17/08 4/17/2009 M024758 Mitutoyo Digital Indicator (with Soiltest CT-171 gauge) 543-180 04/16/09 4/1612010 I

7116253 Chart Recorder Dickson TH803 5/22/2008 5/2212009 zZ HSF#19 Creep Frame #19 2/13/2009 next use m HSF#25 Creep Frame #25 2/13/2009 next use 01/07/09 04/07/09 CYLCAP Sulfur Capping compound 0 9CYLCAP 260000000ADF7241 I button temperature sensor br04/01/09DS1923 06/02/09 07/01/09 06/02/10 NOTHING FOLLOWS *----'

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0ft, Reviewed By: Date 19 2009 3 of3 C De(

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 Appendix C Laboratory Accreditation Certificates Personnel Qualification Summary ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 32 of 42

w American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO Accreditation Program - Certificate of Accreditation This is to signify that S&ME, Inc.

Louisville, Tennessee has demonstrated proficiency for the testing of construction materials and has met the minimum requirements in AASHTO R1.8 set forth by the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials.

The scope of accreditation can be obtained by viewing the AAP Directories of Accredited Laboratories (www.nist.govlamri)

(2 or by contacting AMRL.

I I Ji Executive Director Chair, AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Material IAHT LoljISlllll

4ý G-I"1

--i C-)

Phase III Testing Personnel Table 1 G)

N 0,

Testing Personnel Initials Applicable Technical External Certifications 2 Extent of testing involvement Name ACI Field Testing - Grade I Concrete Batching Operations Jason B. Burgess JBB ACI Concrete Lab Testing - Level 1 Fresh Property Testing ACI Strength Testing Hardened Property Testing ACI Field Testing - Grade I Concrete Batching Operations Tommy Jeff Webb TJW ACI Concrete Lab Testing - Level 1 Fresh Property Testing ACI Strength Testing Fresh Property Testing NICET Concrete Level II Hardened Property Testing m z

Creep Testing - Recording Creep Measurements, C)

Matthew D'Ambrosia MD ACI Field Testing - Grade I z Data Reduction, Reporting m ACI Field Testing - Grade I Creep Testing - Capping Specimens m ACI Strength Testing Taking Creep Measurements zI-Agata Pyc AP N/A Creep Testing - Recording Creep Measurements G)

Fred Blaul FB ACI Field Testing - Grade I Creep Testing - Instrumenting ACI Strength Testing Capping Specimens z

Julia Johnson JJ ACI Field Testing - Grade 1 Creep Testing - Instrumenting G)

ACI Strength Testing Capping Specimens M ACI Field Testing - Grade 1 ACI Concrete Lab Testing - Level I Supervisor, Scheduling and Assigning Tasks, ACI Concrete Lab Testing - Grade II Equipment Calibrations ACI Strength Testing

1. Engineering and supervisory personnel not included in table of testing personnel.
2. Personnel also received internal project and task specific training.

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4 Y PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 Appendix D Corrective Actions Notices of Anomaly ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 36 of 42

4 PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 CTLGroup NOTICE OF ANOMALY DATE: 6/18/09 Skokie, IL 60077 Notice No.: NOA-09001 P.O. No.: Project No.: 109151 Customer/Vendor: S&ME Job No.: 1439-08-208 Notification Made To: John Coffey, S&ME Notification Date: 6-18-09 Notification Made By: M.D'Ambrosia Via: e-mail Category: Specimen Procedure Test Equipment X Other Date of Anomaly: multiple Part Name: ibutton Hygrochron Part No.: DS1923 Test: Creep I.D. No. SN: 260000000ADF7241 Specification ASTM C 512 Paragraph No.

Requirements: Record temperature and humidity Description of Anomaly Temperature readings were anomalous on several occasions, showing deviation from the specified requirements by approximately 0.5°F.

Temperature and humidity record shows several gaps during the history of the project, the longest occurring between 4/1/09 and 4/6/09. During this period, the memory capacity was exceeded on the logger and the oldest datapoints were overwritten with new data for approximately 4 days.

Disposition-Comments-Recommendations Reduce frequency of door opening for controlled room to minimize anomalous temperature readings.

Increase frequency of datalogger downloads to eliminate gaps in data.


PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 CTLGroup Corrective Action Request Client: S&ME CAR No.09-002 Date: 5-11-2009 Project No. 109151 Project


ASTM C 512 Creep testing Responsible Person: R. Burg Initiator: J. Johnson Description of Nonconformance: Room B 132 temperature and humidity temporarily outof specification. See attached sheet for more detail.

Root Cause Analysis: It was determined that the primary causal factor for the compressor malfunction was that the compressor engine was getting flooded with fuel. This prevents the compressor from turning on to cool the water, which in turn humidifies the room.

Recommended Corrective Action: On May 4th, a permanent solution was found. Mr. Liska and Mr. Kerr permanently fixed the problem by retrofitting the natural gas driven engine compressor with an adjustable electric time delay on the fuel valve. This time delay device clears the pistons of any fuel before the compressor turns on and prevents the compressor engine from getting flooded with fuel.


Revi and A . ...

in-e of Corrective Action by QA Manager Date Brief Instructions for completing Corrective Action Request (More detailed information may be found in QP-03 Control of Nonconforming Work.)

Anyone in the Company may initiate a Corrective Action Request.

Initiator shall complete Description of Nonconformance, and pass form electronically to the Project Manager/Responsible Person. A copy of the e-mail shall be sent to the Quality Manager.

Project Manager/Responsible Person shall complete Root Cause Analysis and Recommended Corrective Action sections and forward electronically to Quality Manager.

Quality Manager shall review and accept recommended corrective action. This review does not preclude the Project Manager/Responsible Person from proceeding with the corrective action in an effort to correct the nonconformance in a timely fashion.

QF-03 Corrective Action Request May 18, 2006 Revision 2 Page 38 of 42 ATTACHMENT Z48R3

  1. 4

"' PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 Following implementation of the corrective action, Initiator, Project Manager/Responsible Person, Quality Assurance Manager and other stakeholders as deemed necessary shall sign the Corrective Action Request. In so doing, all are indicating that the nonconformance has been resolved satisfactorily.

Necessary documentation shall be attached.

QF-03 Corrective Action Request May 18, 2006 ATTACHMENT Z48R3 RevisionPage 39 of 42

1 PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 Summary of Conditions Leading to Corrective Action Report 09-002 Room B1 32 temperature and humidity were temporarily out of specification on several occasions between Friday April 24, 2009 and Monday May 4, 2009. Ed Liska, CTLGroup building services, was alerted to a mechanical failure via cell phone at 9:31 P.M. on Friday April 24, 2009. The cooling system chiller motor had ceased to operate when the water temperature exceeded 60 0 F. When Mr. Liska arrived approximately 1-1/2 hours after receiving the alert, he restarted the chiller motor to bring the room back into specification. The problem occurred again on Sunday April 26, 2009, May 2, 2009, and May 3, 2009. After each occurrence, Mr. Liska performed a manual system reboot to bring the system back online. Between April 24, 2009 and May 4, 2009, Mr. Liska and Mr. Steve Kerr worked to determine the cause of these outages and develop a solution.

A detailed description of each period when the room was out of specification is shown in the table below.

The outages are considered to have had a negligible impact on the ASTM C 512 creep testing for several reasons.

1. It was observed that the test results continued to conform to predicted trend lines that were established before the outages occurred.
2. The outages did not occur on the same days as deformation measurements, and the conditions had returned to normal by the time measurements were taken.
3. Creep and shrinkage are relatively slow occurring phenomena and short term changes in environment do not significantly effect measurements.
4. The total time the room was out of specification was small relative to the total test time (3 days out of a 90 day test) and occurred near the end of the testing period, when the measured behavior is the least sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

It was determined that the primary causal factor for the compressor malfunction was that the compressor engine was getting flooded with fuel. This prevents the compressor from turning on to cool the water, which in turn humidifies the room.

On May 4, 2009 a permanent solution was implemented. Mr. Liska and Mr. Kerr permanently fixed the problem by retrofitting the natural gas driven engine compressor with an adjustable electric time delay on the fuel valve. This time delay device clears the pistons of any fuel before the compressor turns on and prevents the compressor engine from getting flooded with fuel.

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 40 of 42

re PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R003 Estimated Times RH out RH in Time Est Peak High or Low Differential 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> average out 4124/09 9:30 PM 4/24/09 11:30 PM 2.0 82.2 high 28.2 0 4/25/09 10:13 PM 4/25/09 11:30 PM 1.3 63.9 high 9.9 0 4/26/09 2:00 AM 4/26/09 4:00 AM 2.0 62.4 high 8.4 0 4/26/09 3:00 PM 4/26/09 10:00 PM 7.0 57.8 high 3.8 0 5/4/09 7:30 AM 5/4109 8:30 AM 1.0 62.7 high 8.7 0 Total Time 13.28 Total Time 0.00 Test time 2376 Test time 2376

% out of spec 0.56%  % out of spec 0,00%

Estimated Times Temp out Temp in Time Est Peak High or Low Differential 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> average out 4/24/09 9:53 AM 4/24/09 9:43 PM 11.8 70.1 low -1.3 12 4/24/09 11:23 PM 4/25/09 2:00 PM 14.6 70 low -1.4 12 4/26/09 8:23 AM 4/26/09 10:03 PM 13.7 79 high 3.6 7.2 4/27/09 2:03 AM 4/27/09 2:53 PM 12.8 70.2 low -1.2 0 5/2/09 4:30 PM 5/2/09 9:00 PM 4.5 77.2 high 1.8 0 5/3/09 6:30 AM 5/3/09 10:30 PM 16.0 79 high 3.6 20.3 5/4/09 11:00 AM 5/4/09 5:30 PM 6.5 69 low -2.4 0 Total Time 73.4 Total Time 51.5 Test time 2376.00 Test time 2376.00

% out of spec 3.09%  % out of spec 2.17%

ATTACHMENT Z48R3 Page 41 of 42

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016RO03 CTLGroup Corrective Action Request Client: S&ME CAR No.09-003 Date: 6-19-09 Project No. 109151 Project


Crystal River Creep Test Responsible Person: M. D'Ambrosia Initiator: J. Johnson Description of Nonconformance: CTLGroup work instruction WI-39012, Section 6.2 states in part a separate monitoring system with a chart recorder is to be used to provide a record of the environmentalconditions of temperature range of 73.40 F +1-20 F and at relative humidity of 20

+/- 4%.

Contrary to this during the creep testing it was observed the pen recording the relative humidity did not mark the readings on two periods (03-11-09 to 03:16-09) and then on (03-16-09 to 03 09). In addition for four days (04-06-09 to 04-10-09) the pen stuck in the same position.

Root Cause Analysis: Preliminary RCA indicates that the frequency of inspection of the recorder was not sufficient to prevent the occurrence of this. issue. An additional internal corrective action and more detailed RCA will be performed by QA to formulate recommendations for prevention of this issue in the future.

Recommended Corrective Action: An independent temperature and humidity recording device, an I-Button ID# 60226389/155550 was put into service at the start of the testing to serve as a backup system. At the end of the testing this I-Button was verified using the CTL reference temperature standard. The results of this verification demonstrated the I-Button was in calibration and produced acceptable objective evidence that the temperature and relative humidity reading were within specification during the performance of the testing activity. No further action on this issue relative to this particular test is required.

[Review and Acceptance of Corrective Action by QA Manager lDate QF-03 Corrective Action Request May 18, 2006 Revision 2 Page 42 of 42 ATTACHMENT Z48R3

PCHG-DESG ENG*NAHPPWL GE 000063016R3 Sheet 1 of 1 Record of Lead Review Document: Phase Ill Test Plan Revision 0 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

ri Design Verification Review [I- Engineering Review 0 Owner's Review E] Design Review Il Alternate Calculation F-- Qualification Testing EI Special Engineering Review LI YES I- N/A Other Records are attached.

John HoIlidav X4¶4*__ * * - v 08/10/09 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer (.3 1ý"

(print/sign) Akv-ntý ýivil John Hollidav (3 Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.




FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 ATTACHMENT Z47R3 Page 1 6:6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 SS&ME S&ME, INC. KNOXVILLE BRANCH ýCelebrating 35 Years 1973.2008 ,



15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 Revision 0 January 30, 2009 WED PREP/ ,RED BY:


BY: 4ný32,¢, ý3 QA BY:


S&ME, INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 37777 /p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312 / ww, ATTACHMENT Z47R3 Page 2 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 PHASE III TEST PLAN - MIX ACCEPTANCE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 January 30, 2009 BACKGROUND This Phase III testing plan was developed based upon S&ME Proposal 3908110R1, Contract 373812 between S&ME and Progress Energy, e-mail and telephone correspondence with Progress Energy and Sargent & Lundy, and the requirements of LaboratoryTesting Requirements For Concrete Proportioningfor Crystal River 3 Steam GeneratorReplacement Restoration of the ContainmentOpening Revision 3 section The purpose of the testing plan is to provide our understanding of the testing to be performed, so that any questions or concerns can be addressed prior to the start of the testing program. Phase III testing is classified as Safety-Related and will be conducted under S&ME's 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program.

MATERIAL PROPORTIONS The ingredient materials and proportions listed below are planned to be used in the Phase III Mix Acceptance Testing program:

Weight Volume Holly Hill Type I Cement 560 2.86 Class F Fly Ash (Proash) 140 0.93 Maryville #67 Coarse Agg. 1613 9.23 Natural Sand (Lilesville, NC) 1515 9.23 Water 262.5 4.21 Target Air Content (2%) 0.54 Target w/c 0.375 Theoretical unit weight 151.5 pcf ADVA CAST 575 Dosed as required to achieve desired fresh properties Recover Dosed as required to achieve desired fresh properties MIX ACCEPTANCE TESTING Phase III testing will include repeating the same tests as were performed on the final mixes in Phase II,with the addition of 91 day creep/shrinkage tests and total evaporable water. As directed by Progress, the mix will be proportioned as Mix 1A, as submitted in the Phase II test report dated January 13, 2009. Admixture dosages will be adjusted as needed to achieve the desired fresh properties. Current approved changes from the project specification that were identified during Phase II, and will be in effect for the Phase III testing include the following:

  • The required slump at discharge is to be between 6 and 9 inches.
  • The 0.35 max water to cementitious ratio will not apply.
  • The mixes will be performed near laboratory air temperature. No cooling of the ingredients or mix is required.
  • The total mixing time will be extended by two minutes from that defined in ASTM C 192.

The mix (approximately 4.5 cubic feet) will be batched and testing will be performed as outlined below:

The temperature test will be begun on the fresh concrete immediately after discharge from the mixer and will be performed using ASTM C 1064-05 Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed PortlandCement Concrete.

2 ATTACHMENT Z47R3 Page 3 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 PHiASE IIl TEST PLAN - MIX ACCEPTANCE TESTING Revision 0 S&MIE Project 1439-08-208 January 30, 2009 Slump of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 143-05a Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete.

Unit Weight of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 138-01 Standard Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric)of Concrete.

Air content of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 231-04 StandardTest Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by PressureMethod.

Cylinders will be cast using ASTM C 192-06 Standard Test Method for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory. A minimum of eighteen 6" x 12" cylinders will be cast from the mix. Plastic, single use molds will be used.

The first five days of cylinder curing will be performed using ASTM C 684-99 StandardMethod for Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens, Method C.

The remaining cylinder curing will be performed following ASTM C 192-06 Standard Test Method for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory, but the cylinders will remain sealed in their molds.

Compressive strength testing will be performed using ASTM C 39-05"' Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. Two specimens will be tested at an age of 5 days and two specimens at an age of 28 days. After the creep recovery readings, compressive strength testing will be performed on the creep and shrinkage specimens.

Modulus of Elasticity testing will be performed using ASTM C 4 6 9 - 02 " Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson'sRatio of Concrete in Compression. Two specimens will be tested at an age of 5 days and two specimens at an age of 28 days. After the creep recovery readings, modulus of elasticity will be performed on the available creep and shrinkage specimens.

Thermal Diffusivity testing will be performed on one cylinder at an age of 28 days following CRD-C-36-73 Handbook of Concrete and Cement Method of Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Concrete.

Total evaporable water will be determined on remnants of specimens tested for compressive strength at 5 days of age using ASTM C 642-06 Test Method for Specific Gravity, Absorption, and Voids in HardenedConcrete.

Creep testing will be performed using ASTM C 512-02 Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression, except as noted otherwise, in accordance with Progress Energy Laboratory Testing Requirements for Concrete Proportioning for Crystal River 3 Steam Generator Replacement, Restoration of the Containment Opening, Revision 3.

The creep and shrinkage specimens will be transported to CTL in their autogenous curing containers prior to an age of 5 days. Following the initial 5 day curing period, creep and shrinkage test specimens will be removed from the autogenous curing containers and molds while inside the controlled the controlled environmental room where the testing will be performed. The controlled environment will be maintained at 73.4+/-20 F and 50+/-4% relative humidity. The environmental control system consists of a chilled water/steam generator, a pneumatic thermostat, and a pneumatic humidistat. The system has independent supply and feedback control. A separate monitoring system with a chart recorder is used to provide a record of the environmental conditions. In addition, temperature and humidity will be manually recorded concurrent with the creep measurements. The test specimens for basic creep and autogenous shrinkage shall be sealed to prevent moisture loss immediately after demolding using self-adhesive aluminum tape.

3 ATTACHMENT Z47R3 Page 4 of 6

SPCHG:DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 PHASE III TEST PLAN - MIX ACCEPTANCE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 January 30, 2009 The end surfaces of the creep test specimens will be prepared by capping with sulfur capping compound to meet the requirements of ASTM C 617-98 (03) immediately after demolding to ensure a uniform load distribution. External strain gage points shall be instrumented after demolding. The specimens used for total creep and total shrinkage will be temporarily wrapped in plastic to prevent drying during the end preparation and gage point installation. This wrapping will be removed prior to the start of testing.

Creep tests will be conducted in loading frames in which springs are used to maintain the required load. Creep load will be applied using a portable hydraulic jack equipped with a pressure measuring gage. Creep and shrinkage strains will be measured using a portable external strain gage referenced to a constant-length standard bar. A Soiltest Model CT-171 Multi-Position Strain Gage equipped with a Mitutoyo digital dial gage with a resolution of 0.00005 in. will be used to measure deformation between gage points positively affixed to the specimens. A gage length of 10 in, will be used. Brass gage points with suitable seats for the strain gage will be affixed to test specimens with rapid-set two-part epoxy adhesive. Three gage lines will be used to measure deformation on creep and shrinkage specimens.

All creep specimens will be preloaded to produce a stress of 200 psi in the test specimens. The preloading period will not exceed 15 minutes and will be used to verify uniformity of load application. A sustained load of 2000 psi will be applied at 5 days +/- 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> from the time that the specimens were molded. The sustained load will remain applied during at least 91 days, or to a later date if necessary, depending on the test results.

Autogenous shrinkage will be determined from the two sealed specimens. Total shrinkage will be determined from the two non-sealed specimens. Total deformation under sustained load, including instantaneous, basic and drying creep strains, as well as the elastic and creep recovery after creep testing, will be determined. Basic creep will be determined from the two sealed specimens. Total deformation, including basic and drying creep strains, will be determined from the two non-sealed specimens.

The minimum number of creep and shrinkage deformation measurements for each one of the creep and shrinkage specimens in a test set will be as follows:

Before loading:

  • Immediately before specimens start drying
  • Immediately before loading During the first day after loading:
  • Within 5 minutes SAt 15 to 20 minutes
  • At one hour At 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 45 minutes
  • Between 6 and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> First week:

4 Daily within +/-112 hour of the time of loading After first week:

  • Weekly +/-6 hours of the time of loading until 28 days, after which the readings will be taken weekly +/-1 day.of the time of loading Measurements with mechanical strain gages will be completed along the three gage lengths on each test specimen, before taking the readings on any other specimens in the creep frame. The readings on each specimen should be taken within two minutes and the time of reading reported 4

ATTACHM ENT Z47R3 Page 5 of 6

PCHG-DESG HAE ENGINEERING TSPLN-M CHANGE 000063016R3 PH1-ASE III TEST PLAN - MIX ACCEPTANCE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME ProJect 1439-08-208 January 30, 2009 for each specimen individually. The time of measurement readings shall be recorded to the nearest minute, and reported as a fraction of a day rounded to the nearest 0.0007 of a day. The strain readings will be plotted within the hour of measurement and evaluated to detect irregularities or inconsistencies. Additional readings will be taken immediately if irregularities or inconsistent readings are detected. Elastic recovery will be measured at the time the sustained load is removed. Creep recovery will be measured for at least a week after load removal.

ATTACHMENT Z47R3 Page 6 of 6

. I PCHG-DESG ENG* IH~NIINGE 0000063016R3 Sheet 1 of 1 Record of Lead Review Document: Phase II Additional Creep Test Report Revision 0 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

FI- Design Verification Review [:1 Engineeringw Review Z Owner's Review

-- Design Review

-I Alternate Calculation M- Qualification Testing E] Special Engineering Review EI YES R- N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav A A . 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer 6 Discipline Date (J (print/sign)

Item Deficiency Resolution No.




FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 7 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

IEGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 I 1 ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 1 of 8



15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 January 21, 2009 PREPARED BY: A'ý REVIEWED BY:

QA BY: -A24 APPROVED BY: , v o 37 1

S&ME, INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 777/p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312 / ,^,w.smeinc.corn ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 2 of 8

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I1- ADDITIONAL CREEP TESTING January 21, 2009 S&ME Proiect 1439-08-208 SCOPE S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) and our subcontractorCTLGroup (CTL) have completed the Phase II Additional Creep Testing for the Crystal River Unit 3 Steam Generator Replacement Project. The testing was performed as outlined in Contract 373812 Amendment 2 and S&ME Proposal for Additional Services dated November 25, 2008. The purpose of the testing program was to provide an indication of how the two Phase II mixes will perform during creep testing and to provide additional information to the project team prior to mix selection. Based upon the performance of the two mixes, one of the mixes, or a modification of one of the mixes will be retested in Phase III under our Appendix B Program.

TESTING Creep tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM C 512. Initial curing was performed in the autogenous chambers for approximately 4 days, and then the specimens were shipped to CTLGroup for scheduled arrival at an age of five days. After the specimens arrived, gage points were installed to measure deformation (three readings per specimen).

Creep specimens were loaded to 2000 psi as requested. Specimens were tested in the drying state only, to measure total creep and shrinkage through 28 days from time of loading.

Two creep specimens and two shrinkage specimens were tested for each mix. In addition, one specimen was tested for compressive strength at 5 days and two specimens were tested for modulus of elasticity at 5 days.

RESULTS A summary of the Phase 1I Additional Creep testing results is included in the Attachmlents.

2 ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 3 of 8

I PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 Phase 11 Additional Testing (Creep Mixes)

Target Mix Option IA Creep Option 2A Creep lb ft3 lb ft3 Holly Hill Cement 560 2.86 600 3.06 Fly Ash (Proash) 140 0.93 200 1.34 Maryville #167 Coarse Aggregate 1613 9.23 1835 10.5 Natural Sand (Lilesville, NC) 1515 9.23 1161 7.07 Water (incl. Admix.) 262.5 4.21 280 4.49 ADVA CAST 575 ( 8oz/cwt for IA ,4.5oz/cwt for 2A)

Recover ( 2 oz/cwt)

Target Air (2%) 0.54 0.54 Totals 4090 27.0 4076 27.0 Target w/c 0.375 0.350 Theoretical Unit Weight (pcf) 151.5 151.0 Actual Admixture Dosages Mix IA Mix 2A ADVA CAST 575 (oz/cwvt) 8 4.5 1 Recover (oz/cwt) 2 2 Measured Properties Mix ]A Mix 2A Slump (in.) 9.0 8.75 Air (%) 1.4 1.6 Measured Unit Weight (pcf) 153.3 153.3 Concrete Temp (F) 74 77 Air Temp (F) 71 71

  • 5-day strength (psi) 8010 7130
  • 5-day strength (psi) modulus cylinders 7910 7310 6
  • 5-day modulus of elasticity (X10 psi) 5.80 5.65 The first five days of curing were in the accelerated curing containers.

ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 4 of 8

PCH ~G ENGINEERING CHANGE ciN.STUCo 0000063016R3 tca(NOL0GY LASOMAvORES kNPINms:& Ocis1wmunoN GRc~A~OUP, R~A TE.HNOOGY CONSUUTANTS Client S&ME CTL Project Number 109151 Project Crystal River Project Manager M. D'Ambrosia Contact John Pearson Technician G. Neiweem Date: January 16, 2009 Aoproved J. Zemaitis CTLGroup Project #109151 ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete In Compression Mixture IA, cast December 4, 2008, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi Load induced Specific Days Shrinkage deformation* creep Creep Loaded (pIstrain) (pstrain) (pstrain/psi) coefficient Condition 0.00 -1 320 0.000 0.000 Instantaneous strain 0.01 2 322 0.001 0.007 0.08 1 371 0.025 0.159 1 31 405 0.043 0.268 2 87 437 0.059 0.368 3 40 451 0.066 0.412 6 102 464 0.072 0.453 8 128 489 0.084 0.528 10 104 541 0.111 0.691 14 118 574 0.127 0.795 20 170 606 0,143 0.896 28 205 600 0.140 0.877 Notes:

  • Adjusted for drying shrinkage Test specimens are 6x12-in. cylinders delivered to CTLGroup on December 9, 2008 Compressive strength at the age of loading (measured by S&ME) 7940 psi (54.7 MPa)

Applied stress 25% of compressive strength: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)

'Age at loading: 5 days Preload environment: 4 days autogenous curing (ASTM C 684), 1 day sealed, then 73.4+/-2*F (23.01.1.C) and 50-+/-4% RH Loaded environment: 73.4*2'F (23.0*1.1 *C)and 50+/-:4% RH ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 5 of 8

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w. CTLGroup Project #1091.;l 1000 Mixture /1A, I cast M C 512 December Concrete

- Creep4,of2008, Loaded in Compression at 5 days to 2000 psi 800 0 Creep (with Elastic Deformation)

- - - AC! 209 Creep Model Fit m

a Shrinkage z i z 6 00 A C! 209 S hrinkage Model Fit m



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  • PCHG;.9ý ENGINEERING CHANGE Co~sTRu~nQ 0000063016R3 TECHNoLo'Y LXAosoToRKIES VNGINETR$ &CO1~141UC11QN 8INOOPUReJOUPvn~R* TjuNo~OY'.CONsuLtrANTs Client S&ME CTL Project Number 109151 Project Crystal River Project Manager M. DAmbrosia Contact John Pearson Technician G. Neiweem Date: January 16. 2009 Aworoved J. Zemaitis CTLGroup Project #109151 ASTM C 512 - Creep of Concrete in Compression Mixture 2A, cast December 4, 2008, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi Load induced Specific Days Shrinkage deformation* creep ,Creep Loaded (pstrain) (pstrain) (pstrain/psi) coefficient Condition 0.00 0 335 0.000 0.000 Instantaneous strain 0.01 - 41 360 0.012 0.075 0.08 - 29 396 0.030 0.181 1 - 20 438 0.051 0.307 2 23 458 0.061 0.366 3 10 469 0.067 0.400 6 42 505 0.085 0.507 8 69 500 0.082 0.490 10 90 529 0.097 0.578 14 113 552 0.108 0.646 20 177 571 0.118 0.703 28 196 613 0.139 0.827 Notes:
  • Adjusted for drying shrinkage Test specimens are 6x12-in. cylinders delivered to CTLGroup on December 9, 2008 Compressive strength at the age of loading (measured by S&ME): 7250 psi (50.0 MPa)

Applied stress 28% of compressive strength: 2000 psi (13.8 MPa)

Age at loading: 5 days Preload environment: 4 days autogenous curing (ASTM C 684), 1 day sealed, then 73.4+/-2"r (23.0+/-1.1°C) and 50+/-4% RH Loaded environment: 73.4+/-2°F (23.0+/-1.1"C) and 50+/-4% RH ATTACHMENT Z46R3 Page 7 of 8

0 G)




CTLGroup Project.#109151 ASTM C 512'- Creep of Concrete in Compression 1000 Mixture 2A, cast December 4, 2008, Loaded at 5 days to 2000 psi 800 B Creep (with Elastic Deformation)

- - - ACI 209 Creep Model Fit m

  • Shrinkage z 6) 600 ACl 209 Shrinkage

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09-17-'07 14:44 FROM- T-801 F001/001 F-628 PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 63016R0

)~~ PSC Machining and Engineering, IPSC MACHINING & ENG. INC.

6672 Melton Road (US20)

Portage, In. 46368 PHONE 219-764-4270 FAX 219-764-4280 September 17, 2007 Precision Surveillance Corp.

3468 Watling East Chicago, In 46312 Attn. Paul Smith Paul we have had our plate suppliers search for A.S.T.M. A514 Type E and came up with only 1 option for your material. We have found out in our search that only 2 domestic steel mills roll this grade. One mill only makes up 3"thick material and the other steel mill had a fire is running a minimum of 3 month delivery. Along with 3 month delivery we must also order 120 ton minimum quantity. The order for the stressing washers would be only be approximately 6 tons of material. We also had our supplier's check any warehouses that may have this in stock by chance and have not found any plate. I asked my supplier if the balance of material would be sellable and they said no as the chemical makeup keeps this grade from being used for most A514 uses. As it stands right now if your customer does not want to purchase 120 tons of plate we stand by our quote for A514 grade Q.

.iltokwelGeneral Manager Z03R0 Page I of I

j,ý PCHG-DESG ENGCH- G0P0061 IGE 0000063016R3 Sheet 1 of 1 Record of Lead Review Document: Phase II Test Report Revision 0 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

F-1 Design Verification Review LI Enginee ring Review [ Owner's Review LI Design Review -

I Alternate Calculation LI Qualification Testing EI Special Engineering Review EI YES 0 N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav Civil 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer () (print/sign) (3 Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.




FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 1(f9




15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 January 13, 2009 PREPARED BY:




1 S&ME, INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 37777 /p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312 / ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 2 of 9

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE IIREPORT- TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING January 13, 2009 S&ME Prolect 1439-08-208 SCOPE S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) and our subcontractor CTLGroup (CTL) have completed the Phase HI Trial Mixture Testing for the Crystal River Unit 3 Steam Generator Replacement Project.

The testing was performed as outlined in Contract 3738121, Laboratory Testing Requirements for Concrete Proportioning Revision 3, and the Phase II Test Plan Rev. 0 dated September 23, 2008 with modifications based upon discussions with Progress Energy (Progress) and Sargent & Lundy (S&L) personnel. The purpose of the testing program was to arrive at two mixes that had the potential to meet the desired physical properties, and to perform the requested tests on the two mixes. Based upon the performance of the two mixes, one of the mixes, or a modification of one of the mixes will be retested in Phase I1I under our Appendix B Program. After the Phase II testing was initiated, short-term creep testing was requested. This short-term creep testing will be included in a separate report.

INGREDIENT MATERIALS The initial ingredient materials used in the Phase II testing were received and tested during Phase 1. Of the materials provided, the following were used during Phase 1I testing.

Natural Sand (Lilesville)

Class F Fly ash (ProAsh-Sep. Tech.)

Rheomac SF 100 Silica Fume No. 67 Stone (Maryville)

Type 1/I1 Portland Cement (1-Holly Hill)

Eucon WR 91 water reducing Admixture Plastol 100 high range water reducer (HRWR)

TEST EQUIPMENT Electronic digital scales were used for weighing the materials prior to batching. All mixes were performed in revolving drum mixers. Standard test equipment was used for the fresh property testing (slump, air content, unit weight, and temperature). The cylinders were cast in 6 x 12 inch plastic single-use, lippped, cylinder molds. The autogenous curing containers specified for the five day accelerated curing were constructed to meet the requirements of ASTM C 684, method C. These containers consisted of metal cans, lined with insulation.

The insulation encapsulated a PVC sleeve sized so that the cylinder with mold could be placed into the container. Each container contained i-button temperature sensors.

Subsequent to the required accelerated cure, the molded, sealed specimens were stored in a moisture cabinet. Cylinders for compression testing were capped with sulfur capping compound and tested in a Satec Universal testing machine. Modulus data was obtained using a compressometer fitted with a digital dial gage. Thermal diffusivity temperature readings were performed using thermocouples and a digital readout. The above equipment and other miscellaneous equipment items that required calibration are included in the 2

ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 3 of 9

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE II REPORT- TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING January 13, 2009 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 attached equipment usage log.

TESTING On September 18, 2008 a conference call was held with representatives from Progress, S&L and S&ME. The discussion centered around the field placement conditions of the mix.

Concerns were voiced by Progress construction personnel concerning slump and mix temperature. Since the mix would likely be pumped, they preferred a slump closer to seven inches. They were also concerned that a mix temperature of 50'F would not be achievable in the field. As a result of the call, Progress made the following decisions concerning the mix testing:

" The 4 (+/-) 1 inch slump requirement could be varied to suit the mix design.

" The 50°F concrete mix temperature requirement could be varied to suit the mix design.

Beginning on October 1, 2008, several trial mixes were batched using varying dosages of the supplied admixtures. The trial mixes were performed in general accordance with ASTM C 192. Initial mixes, approximately 0.75 cubic feet each, were performed in a small revolving drum mixer. Fresh properties were determined for each trial batch. Specimens were also cast on some of the batches for limited compressive strength and modulus of elasticity testing. It was determined during the testing program that the provided admixtures (Plastol 100 HRWR and Eucon WR 91 water reducer produced by the Euclid Chemical Company) in combination with the chosen ingredient materials, would not likely result in a placeable concrete mixture that would also meet the required physical properties. Due to these initial results, a mix was attempted using a polycarboxylate HRWR, ADVACAST 575 by GRACE Construction Products, that was available at our laboratory. This mix resulted in a more workable mixture. It was also noted that the Maryville coarse aggregate was resulting in higher modulus values than the Norcross aggregate. A conference call was held on October 14, 2008 to discuss the results to date and the path forward. The call included representatives form S&L, S&ME and CTL. Progress was not able to attend the call but was provided with a summary of our discussions. The following decisions were made as a result of the call:

  • The Maryville coarse aggregate was to be used in all subsequent trial mixes.
  • The use of the Euclid Plastol 100 and Eucon WR 91 admixtures should be discontinued for this testing program.
  • Samples of polyca.rboxylate based HRWR's from GRACE Construction Products should be obtained to use in trial batches.
  • Progress should be notified as to which admixtures should be considered for procurement for Phase III testing and placement based on the performance of the mixes.
  • Some mixes should be performed with a w/cm ratio of up to 0.40 for consideration.
  • Unless otherwise determined to be necessary, all mixes were to be performed at/near lab temperature.

3 ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 4 of 9

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE IIREPORT- TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING January 13, 2009 S&ME Proiect 1439-08-208 ADVACAST 405 and ADVACAST 575 were selected for potential use as HRWR's for the testing program. Recover, a hydration stabilizer, was also selected for trial batches.

Extended mixing times were used on some of the mixes for better distribution of the admixtures. Based on the trial mixes with these admixtures, it was determined that the ADVACAST 575, with the optional use of the Recover, had the greater likelihood of achieving the desired physical properties. Two mixes were selected for consideration as the final two mixes for Phase II testing (Option 1 and Option 2). In addition, the option of including the Recover admixture in these mixes was also presented to extend the length of time the mix would remain workable (Option 1A and Option 2A). A conference call was held on November 19, 2008 with representatives from Progress, S&L, S&ME and CTL to discuss the proposed mixes. Based on the call, the following decisions were made:

0 The two mixes to be performed for the official Phase II testing should be Option 1A and Option 2A (which includes the Recover admixture).

0 The target slump for the mixes should be between 6 to 9 inches.

  • The mixing time specified in ASTM C 192 was to be extended by 2 minutes as in trials.

RESULTS A summary of the Phase II mix proportions and test results is included in the Attachments.

The results of the additional scope for short-term creep testing will be included in a separate report.

4 ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 5 of 9

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 Phase II Mix Results Target Mix Option 1A Option 2A lb ft3 lb ft3 Holly Hill Cement 560 2.86 600 3.06 Fly Ash (Proash) 140 0.93 200 1.34 Maryville #67 Coarse Aggregate 1613 9.23 1835 10.5 Natural Sand (Lilesville, NC) 1515 9.23 1161 7.07 Water (incl. Admix.) 262.5 4.21 280 4.49 ADVA CAST 575 ( 8oz/cwt for IA ,4oz/cwt for 2A)

Recover ( 2 oz/cwt)

Target Air (2%) 0.54 0.54 Totals 4090 27.0 4076 2Z0 Target w/c 0.375 0.350 Theoretical Unit Weight (pe') 151.5 151.0 Actual Admixture Dosages Mix 1A Mix 2A ADVA CAST 575 (oz/ew.vt) 7.2 4.2 Recover (oz/cwt) 2 2 Measured Properties Mix 1A Mix 2A Slump (in.) 8.0 8.0 Air (%) 2.5 2.1 Measured Unit Weight (pcf) 150.6 152.6 Concrete Temp (F) 73 74 Air Temp (F) 71 71

  • 5-day strength (psi) 7700 6890
  • 5-day strength (psi) modulus cylinders 7740 6840
  • 28-day strength (psi) 9080 8070
  • 28-day strength (psi) modulus cylinders 8950 8190
  • 5-day modulus of elasticity (xl0 6 si) 5.85 5.65
  • 28-day modulus of elasticity (xlO psi) 6.30 6.15
  • Thermal Diffusivity on 28 day cylinder ft2/hr) 0.050 0.046
  • The first five days of curing were in the accelerated curing containers.

ATTACHMENT Z44R3 Page 6 of 9

Form No: 11.1-2

.-H Revision 2 G-0 SS&ME INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE Revision Date 11/04/08 0 0

M rn Project: 1439-08-208 G) z Activity: Phase II Testinq N

N* ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 16115 Slump Cone Set Humboldt 10/2/2008 10/2/2009 18312 Pressure Meter Humboldt 10/6/2008 1/6/2009 0 16219 601b Scale FG-30K 8/21/2008 8/21/2009 18562 Thermometer Humboldt 3/3/2008 3/3/2009 16077 Mallet N/A 3/31/2003 N/A 18512 Stopwatch N/A 01/10/08 01/10/09 1500 Universal Testing Machine 600V 07/11/08 07/11/09 6/25/08 Shipment Sulfur Capping Compound Test Mark 10/9/2008 1/9/2009 2044 Temperature Recorder N/A 11/2/2008 5/2/2009 z 16062 Extensometer N/A 10/6/2008 10/6/2009 G) 4/7/08 Shipment 6" x 12" Cylinder Molds Lot No, 94202 4/21/2008 Next Shipment z 2189 Outside Micrometer m

m N/A 2/9/2008 2/9/2009 16060 T2-2 Thermocouple 0 Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009 z 16060 T2-5 Thermocouple Type T "'t11/18/2008 11/18/2009 m 16060 T1-2 Thermocouple Type T 11/18/2008 11/18/2009 m 16554 Vibrator z N/A 09/16/08 09/16/09 G) 16561 Vibrator Dewalt DC530 09/16/08 09/16/09 0

2044 Chart Recorder Taylor 11/02/08 05/02/09 B60000001CD6CE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B20000001CC8FF21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 F90000001CBFAC21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C10000001CC15B21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 950000001 DOD7921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 240000001CEBD621 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 BC0000001D4EA421 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 DBOOOOO1D47BE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 020000001E60B521 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 0

0 0)

(D 0)

-1 0 Reviewed By:..*_ Date: JAN 1 00 of c C.0 co

Form No:1l1.1-2 -V

.- I


  1. S&ME INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE Revision 2 Revision Date 11/04/08


ra m z O0 Project: 1439-08-208 Activity: Phase 11Testing N

7Oh ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 9D0000001D46C021 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 340000001D315F21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C20000001CD60B21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1D0000001D4AC821 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 750000001 DOAE921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B40000001 D33C921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09118/08 09/18/09 B90000001D44FD21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1BOOO0001CFOF121 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18108 09/18/09 160000001CFAE421 I button temperature sensor DS1921G m 09/18/08 09/18/09 z A30000001CC44E21 I button temperature sensor .S1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 8D0000001CC62C21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 z m

940000001F8B3621 I button temperature sensor DS 1921 G 09/18/08 09/18/09 m 080000001 F5EAE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 1F000"000 F39D421 I button temperature sensor z DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 970000001 F783321 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09118/09 0 2F0000001F003621 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 A50000001F9A9221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09118/08 09/18/09 z 1F0000'001F609A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 m DD0000'001F73DD21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 7E0000001'F95A121 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 D90000001F34A221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 790000001F7BBE21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 DB00'00001F436A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C50000001F6A5121 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 D8000000iF304321 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 B000'001F3FF321 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 A10000001F02D921 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 C

C 0

0 00 Date: JA 1 3 t009 2 or3 Reviewed By:

Form No: 11.1-2 Revision 2 0 H ýacg Mýr. INSTRUMENT AND/OR EQUIPMENT USAGE Revision Date 11/04/08 G) m m M, Project: 1439-08-208 Activity: Phase 11Testing G)

_ _ _ __ _, lJ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

N ID Number Equipment Name Model Number Calibration Date Calibration Due Date 3B0000001F902D21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09118/09 9B0000001F830221 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 F10000001D209A21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 2C0000001 F8B6F21 I button temperature sensor DS1921G 09/18/08 09/18/09 z


z G) m o0 0

0) 00 C)

Reviewed Bv: Date: JAN I 3 2093

_______3 3of 3 0

PCHG-DESG ENGJNxIFft*d 1 GE 0000063016R3 Sheet 1 of 1I Record of Lead Review Document: Phase 11 Test Plan Revision 0 1 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was'performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

L- Design Verification Review El Engineering Rieview [9 Owner's Review LI Design Review L] Alternate Calculation L] Qualification Testing LI Special Engineering Review EI YES nI N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav 1-tr ID,^'Civil -,70 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer (J (print/sign) / Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.




FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-1 0 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 ATTACHMENT Z43R3 Page 1 of 6




15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 Revision 0 September 23, 2008 PREPARED BY:



S&ME INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 37777 / p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312 / ATTACHM ENT Z43 R3 Page 2 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE Il TEST PLAN TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 September 23, 2008 BACKGROUND This Phase II testing plan was developed based upon S&ME Proposal 3908110R1, Contract 373812 between S&ME and Progress Energy, e-mail and telephone correspondence with Progress Energy and Sargent & Lundy, and the requirements of Laboratory Testing Requirements For Concrete Proportioningfor Crystal River 3 Steam GeneratorReplacement Restoration of the Containment Opening Revision 3 section items a and b. Items c through f of section are applicable to the creep testing which will be performed in Phase Ill. The purpose of the testing plan is to provide our understanding of the testing to be performed, so that any questions or concerns can be addressed prior to the start of the testing program. Phase II testing is classifiedas Non Safety-Related and is not requiredto be conducted under S&ME's IOCFR5O Appendix B Quality Assurance Program.

INGREDIENT MATERIALS The ingredient materials listed below are planned to be used in the Phase IITrial Mixture Testing program:

Cement Holcim Type I - Artesia, Mississippi Plant Holcim Type I - Holly Hill, South Carolina Plant Coarse Aggregate Vulcan Materials No. 67 stone, Maryville, Tennessee Quarry Vulcan Materials No. 67 stone, Norcross, Georgia Quarry Sand Vulcan Materials manufactured sand, Maryville, Tennessee Quarry B.V. Hedrick Gravel & Sand natural sand, Lilesville, NC Quarry Fly Ash ProAsh Separation Technologies Class F Fly Ash Silica Fume Norchem's Silica Fume marketed by MasterBuilders/Global Metallurgical Liquid Admixtures EUCON WR 91 water reducing admixture, Euclid Chemical Co.

Plastol 100 high range water reducing admixture, Euclid Chemical Co.

METHODOLOGY Proportioning of the trial mixes will be based upon the absolute volume methodology described in ACI 211.1-91 Standard Practicefor Selecting Proportionsfor Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete.

The following are requirements that are included in the project specification for the concrete trial mix testing, and information on how we propose to address these requirements during the trial mixture testing program.

Maximum temperature as mixed shall not exceed 50OF The mix temperature will be determined immediately after discharge from the mixer. Ingredient materials will be chilled as needed prior to mixing. Crushed ice will replace a portion of the mixing water as needed.

Unit Weight shall be at least 145 pcf Since no air entrainment is specified, the coarse and fine aggregates have appropriate specific gravities and a low w/c is specified, no specific measures are anticipated at this time to meet this requirement.

2 ATTACHMENT Z43R3 Page 3 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE II TEST PLAN TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 September 23, 2008 Air content shall not exceed 2.5%

The only air anticipated in the mixtures is entrapped air, which is typically below the specified 2.5%. No specific measures are anticipated at this time to meet this requirement.

Bleeding shall not be measurable No bleed testing is specified. The proposed use of silica fume and/or fly ash should reduce bleeding. Visual observations will be performed and comments made concerning observed bleedwater.

Slump shall be 4 +1-1 inch Our understanding is that the final trial mixes will be required to have a slump in this range. The low required w/c ratio and high early strength requirement will result in a mix with little or no slump prior to the addition of chemical admixture(s). High range water reducer (Plastol 100) and/or water reducer/retarder (Eucon WR 91) will be used to achieve the required slump in the trial mixes.

Compressive Strength shall be at least 6000 psi at 5 days and 7000 psi at 28 days The above strength requirements are based on an accelerated 5 day cure followed by standard moist curing. We understand these values are the target strength that the trial batch must achieve, however you are not requiring a specific overdesign for the mix.

Maximize the absolute volume of the aggregate, while reducing water content Aggregate selection and proportioning will be evaluated in an attempt to optimize gradation to help reduce water requirements. High-range water-reducer (Plastol 100) and/or water reducer/retarder (Eucon WR 91) will be used to keep total water content down. It is anticipated that fly ash and low percentage of silica fume may also be used, and should allow for the use of lower total water content.

Water-to-cementitious materials ratio shall not exceed 0.35 The mix will be held to a maximum w/cm ratio of 0.35 unless otherwise approved by Progress Energy. The water in the admixtureswill be considered when calculating w/cm.

Maximize the concrete modulus of elasticity We plan to test various aggregate combinations to determine which combinations tested result in the most favorable modulus.

The ultimate creep coefficient shall not exceed 1.5 This requirement is a stringent, but achievable value depending on available mix constituents.

Due to the constituent materials being outside of our control, the achievability of this coefficient for using the ingredient materials that we have been provided is unknown at this time. Since there is not time to perform creep testing on various mixes to directly determine the best achievable creep coefficient for the selected materials, the goal of the trial mixes will be to achieve a concrete mix that has a high modulus of elasticity, while keeping in check factors of the paste that are known to affect creep. We will attempt to keep cement and water contents to a minimum.

TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING The trial mixture testing will be performed in two stages. In the first stage we will cast several small trail batches and perform limited tests to evaluate the different materials, determine the time and sequencing of the admixtures, and to modify the initial proposed proportions to achieve the desired fresh properties and early age strength properties. During this stage we will discuss our findings with Progress Energy and Sargent & Lundy engineering personnel. After some of the mix data becomes available, Progress and Sargent & Lundy may modify the original slump and mix 3

ATTACHM ENT Z43R3 Page 4 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE II TEST PLAN TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 September 23, 2008 temperature requirements. With Progress Energy and Sargent & Lundy input, two mixes will be chosen for larger trial batches (approximately 5 cubic feet), and the required Phase II testing will be performed on each of these two mixes.

The specific testing performed on the initial batches may vary, but will likely include no more than the following tests: slump, temperature, unit weight, air content, 5 - day compressive strength, 5 -

day modulus of elasticity. It is anticipated that the compressive strength and modulus testing will be on specimens that receive accelerated curing.

The proposed (paper) mix proportions that will be used as a beginning for Phase II mixes is provided below. Option A will be an aggressive approach to obtain the best estimated creep and shrinkage performance while attempting to maintain other specification requirements. Option B will be a simplified approach that will use fewer ingredients and should be more "user-friendly" regarding the fresh properties and ease of production. In both mixtures, we are also considering autogenous shrinkage potential and hydration heat evolution, even though it was not a directive and these properties will not be tested. We believe they are important factors that should be considered when developing concrete mixtures for critical applications.

Target Proportions: Option A Option B Total Cementitious Content 600 Ib/yd 3 700 Ib/yd 3 Supplementary. Cementitious Materials 10-20% fly ash 0-20% fly ash 2-4% silica fume w/cm ratio (maximum allowable by spec) 0.35 0.35 Admixtures Plastol 100 HRWR Euclid WR 91 Initial aggregate proportions were estimated based on optimization techniques. The optimization strategy considers particle packing (which should reduce creep) and flowability of the fresh concrete mixture. Based on the optimization, Vulcan crushed granite from Norcross, GA and the natural sand from B.V. Hedrick would make the most desirable two-aggregate blend at a ratio of 60/40 coarse to fine. The actual final two mixes proposed at the end of Phase Ii testing will likely vary from the above, based on the results of the initial Phase II Trial Mixture Testing.

The full Phase II testing on the final Phase II selected mixes is summarized below:

The temperature test will be begun on the fresh concrete immediately after discharge from the mixer and will be performed using ASTM C 1064-05 StandardTest Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed PortlandCement Concrete.

Slump of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 143-05a Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete Unit Weight of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 138-01 StandardTest Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric)of Concrete.

Air content of the fresh concrete will be determined using ASTM C 231-04 StandardTest Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Pressure Method.

Cylinders will be cast using ASTM C 192-06 Standard Test Method for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory. A minimum of eleven 6" x 12" cylinders will be cast for each mix. Plastic, single use molds will be used.

The first five days of cylinder curing will be performed using ASTM C 684-99 StandardMethod for 4

ATTACHMENT Z43R3 Page 5 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE II TEST PLAN TRIAL MIXTURE TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 September 23, 2008 Making, Accelerated Curing, and Testing Concrete Compression Test Specimens, Method C.

The remaining cylinder curing will be performed following ASTM C 192-06 Standard.TestMethod for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory.

Compressive strength testing will be performed using ASTM C 39-0561 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of CylindricalConcrete Specimens. For each mix, two specimens will be tested at and age of 5 days and two specimens at an age of 28 days.

Modulus of Elasticity testing will be performed using ASTM C 469-02c' Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson'sRatio of Concrete in Compression. For each mix, two specimens will be tested at and age of 5 days and two specimens at an age of 28 days.

Thermal Diffusivity testing will be performed on one cylinder from each batch at an age of 28 days following CRD-C-36-73 Handbook of Concrete and Cement Method of Test for Thermal Diffusivity of Concrete.

A report will be generated that details the results of the final two mixes within 2 weeks after completion of Phase II testing.

5 ATTACHM ENT Z43R3 Page 6 of 6

PCHG-DESG ENGN*MNIr 9*4LJGE 000063016R3 Sheet 1 of 1 Record of Lead Review Document: Phase I Test Report Revision 0 j The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer; appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package; the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

E-1 Design Verification Review [- Engineering Review [ Owner's Review I- Design Review LI Alternate Calculation F-1 Qualification Testing L- Special Engineering Review I YES f-] N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav /OCivil 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer C) (print/sign) Y Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.





FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 P

Page 1 ofii14 ATTACHM ENT Z42R3



15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 September 16, 2008 All work contained in this report was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the referenced procurement documents and the S&ME, Inc., Knoxville Branch Quality Assurance Manual, Volume I, Revision 4, dated December 5, 2003.

S&ME, INC. /1413 Topside Road I Louisville, TN 37777 I p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312/ ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 2 of 14

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 PHASE I REPORT- INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING September 16, 2008 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 SCOPE S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) and our subcontractor CTLGroup (CTL) have completed the Phase I Ingredient Materials Testing for the Crystal River Unit 3 Steam Generator Replacement Project. The ingredient material testing was performed as outlined in Contract 3738121, Laboratory Testing Requirements for Concrete Proportioning Revision 3, and the Phase I Test Plan Rev. 0 dated July 3, 2008.

RECEIPT INSPECTION Materials received for testing were inspected and documented in accordance with S&ME Quality Assurance Procedure (QAP) 10.1, "Quality Inspection". The following table provides information on the items received.

Material Quantity Date Inpspection S&ME Received Report Sample I.D.

Natural Sand (Lilesville) 3.00 tons 6-16-08 QA-INSP-08-032 08-032-001 No. 67 Stone (Noreross) 6.57 tons 6-18-08 QA-INSP-08-033 08-033-001 Class F Fly ash (ProAsh-Sep. Tech.) 2, 55-gal. drums 6-19-08 'QA-INSP-08-034 08-034-001 No. 67 Stone (Maryville) 7.42 tons 6-24-08 QA-INSP-08-037 08-037-001 Manufactured Sand (Maryville) 3.25 tons 6-24-08 QA-INSP-08-038 08-038-001 Rheomac SF 100 Silica Fume 8, 25-pound bags 6-26-08 QA-!NSP-08-039 08-039-001 Type I/IH Portland Cement (Holly Hill) 6, 55-gal. drums 6-30-08 QA-INSP-08-040 08-040-001 Eucon WR 91 Admixture 2, 5-gal buckets 7-01-08 QA-INSP-08-041 08-041-001 Plastol 100 HRWR Admixture 2, 5-gal buckets 7-01-08 QA-INSP-08-041 08-041-002 Type I Low Alkaline Cement 8, 55-gal drums 7-01-08 QA-INSP-08-042 08-042-001 TEST RESULTS Certified Materials Test Reports (CMTRs) are included for each material. All tests performed to date meet the specified project requirements with the exception of the Manufactured Sand (Maryville) which did not meet the requirements specified in ASTM C 33-03 for gradation and fineness modulus.

PROPOSED PROPORTIONS The proposed (paper) mix proportions that can be used as a beginning for Phase II mixes is provided below. Option A will be an aggressive approach to obtain the best estimated creep and shrinkage performance while attempting to maintain other specification requirements. Option B will be a simplified approach that will use fewer ingredients and should be more "user-friendly" regarding the fresh properties and ease of production. In both mixtures, we are also considering autogenous shrinkage potential and hydration heat evolution, even though it was not a directive and these properties will not be tested. We believe they are important factors that should be considered when developing concrete 2

ATTACHM ENT Z42R3 Page 3 of 14

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 PHASE I REPORT- INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING September 16, 2008 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 mixtures for critical applications.

Target Proportions: Option A Option B Total Cementitious Content 600 lb/yd 3 700 lb/yd3 Supplementary Cementitious Materials 10-20% fly ash 0-20% fly ash 2-4% silica fume water/cementitious ratio 0.35 0.35 (maximum allowable by spec)

Admixtures Plastol 100 HRWR Euclid WR 91 Initial aggregate proportions were estimated based on optimization techniques. The optimization strategy considers particle packing (which should reduce creep) and flowability of the fresh concrete mixture. Based on the optimization, Vulcan crushed granite from Norcross, GA and the natural sand from B.V. Hedrick would make the most desirable two-aggregate blend at a ratio of 60/40 coarse to fine. The final two mixes proposed at the end of Phase II testing will likely vary from the above, based on the results of the initial Phase II Trial Mixture Testing.

3 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 4 of 14


Woa'gmE Certified Materials Test Report Client
Progress Energy Material: Type I Low Alkaline Portland Cement Project: Crystal River Source: Holcim - Artesia, Mississippi S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Eight 55-gallon drums Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: July 1,2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-042-001 Chemical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 150-07)

Type I Silicon Dioxide (SiO 2) 18.7% ---

Aluminum Oxide (A12 0 3 ) 6.1% ---

Ferric Oxide (Fe 2O 3 ) 2.7%

Calcium Oxide (CaO) 64.7 %

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0.9 % 6.0 % max Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) ASTM C 114-06"1 12% --

Sulfur Trioxide (SO 3) 3.0 % 3.5 3.0% 3.5 %

% max max When C3A is more than 8%

Potassium Oxide (K 2 0) 0.42% ---

Loss On Ignition 2.1% 3.0 % max Insoluble Residue 0.43% 0.75 % max Equivalent Alkalies (Na20 + 0.658K20) 1 0.48 % 0.60 % max Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 150-07)

Type I Air Content of Mortar ASTM C 185-02 6.9 % 12 % maximum Fineness, specific surface ASTM C 204-05 404.4 M2/kg 260 m2/kg min Air permeability test (any one sample)

Autoclave Expansion ASTM C 151-05 - 0.01% 0.80 % max Compressive Strength: 3 days 4,120 psi 1,740 psi min 7 days ASTM C 109-05 5,220 psi 2,760 psi min 28 days 5,620 psi 4,060 psi min Vicat Initial Time of setting (Method A) ASTM C 191-04b 78 minutes not less than 45 minutes not more than 375 minutes Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement ASTM C 451-05 79% 50% minimum Percent Final Penetration Gillmore Time of setting: Initial ASTM C 266-04 105 minutes not less than 60 minutes Final 265 minutes not more than 600 minutes Normal Consistency ASTM C 187-04 25.85 % Not Applicable ASTM C 188-95 3.10 Not Applicable Density Reapproved 2003 Note I The density value was based on an average of three tests.

I C~ . rn' ~rPe ~T DI e correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: Date: SEP 1 6 2008 Quality Assuran 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 5 of 14

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 S=M 0--- E Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: Type 1/11 Portland Cement Project: Crystal River Source: Holcim - Holly Hill, South Carolina S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Six 55-gallon drums Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 30, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-040-001 Chemical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 150-07)

Type I Silicon Dioxide (Si0 2) 18.9% --

Aluminum Oxide (A1203) 5.2 %

Ferric Oxide (Fe 203) 4.1% --

Calcium Oxide (CaO) 64.3%

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 1.4% 6.0 %max Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) ASTM C 114-06"1 7% --

Sulfur Trioxide (SO 3) 3.2% 3.0 %max When C3A is 8% or less Potassium Oxide (K 2 0) 0.53 %

Loss On Ignition 1.4% 3.0 %max Insoluble Residue 0.20% 0.75 % max Equivalent Alkalies (Na2 0 + 0.658K 20) 0.48 % 0.60 % max Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 150-07)

Type I Air Content of Mortar ASTM C 185-02 6.6 % 12 % maximum Fineness, specific surface ASTM C 204-05 432.7 m2/kg 260 m2/kg min Air permeability test (any one sample)

Autoclave Expansion ASTM C 151-05 - 0.02% 0.80 % max Compressive Strength: 3 days 4,580 psi 1,740 psi min 7 days ASTM C 109-05 4,970 psi 2,760 psi min 28 days 5,750 psi 4,060 psi min Vicat Initial Time of setting (Method A) ASTM C 191-04b 84 minutes not less than 45 minutes not more than 375 minutes Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement ASTM C 451-05 73% 50% minimum Percent Final Penetration Gillmore Time of setting: Initial ASTM C 266-04 120 minutes not less than 60 minutes Final 210 minutes not more than 600 minutes Normal Consistency ASTM C 187-04 25.38 % Not Applicable ASTM C 188-95 3.14 Not Applicable Density Reapproved 2003 Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Mortar ASTM C 1038-04 0.00 % 0.020% max at 14 days Bars Stored in Water I Note 1 The Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) percentage exceeded the specified amounts inASTM C 150-07 for a Type I Portland Cement. Progress Energy requested that an ASTM C 1038 test be performed on the material.

Note 2 The density value was based on an average of three tests.

I certify th above res of te and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Sign: De J6 20aB Siged QaltyAssurance orte 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 6 of 14


  • *aME Aft 0%

Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy, Material: Class F Fly Ash Project: Crystal River Source: Pro-Ash, Separation Technologies S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Two 55-gallon drums Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 19, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-034-001 Chemical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 618-05)

Class F Silicon Dioxide (SiO 2) plus Aluminum ASTM C 311-05 86.7 % 70% min Oxide (A120 3 ) plus Iron Oxide ((Fe 203)

Sulfur Trioxide (SO 3) ASTM C 311-05 1.0 % 5.0% max Moisture Content ASTM C 311-05 0.2 % 3.0% max Loss On Ignition ASTM C 311-05 2.3 % 6.0% max Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 618-05)

Class F Percent retained on No. 325 sieve ASTM C 311-05 17.9% 34% max Strength Activity Index 7 days ASTM C 311-05 94 % (7-days) 75% mi (percent of control) 28 days 91 % (28-days) Only one age compliance required Water Requirement ASTM C 311-05 97% 105 % max (percent of control)

Autoclave expansion or contraction ASTM C 311-05 0.00% 0.8% max Density ASTM C 311-05 2.40 Not Applicable Multiple Factor ASTM C 311-05 41% 255 % max Effectiveness in Controlling Alkali-Silica ASTM C 311-05 38% 100% max at 14-days Reaction (15% replacement by weight) ASTMC_311-05 38_% 100%_maxat_14-days Note 1 The density value was based on an average of three tests.

I certify t and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: ___________-_

Date: SEP 1 208 Quality Assurance S up '

1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 7 of 14


WSMME Certified Materials Test Report Client
Progress Energy Material: Rheomac SF100 Silica Fume Project: Crystal River Source: Globe Metallurgical, Inc.

S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Eight 25-pound bags Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 26, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-039-001 Chemical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 1240-05)

Silicon Dioxide (Si0 2) 95.8 % 85.0% min Moisture Content ASTM C 1240-05 0.58 % 3.0% max Loss On Ignition 1.7% 6.0% max Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 1240-05)

Percent Retained on the 325 sieve ASTM C 1240-05 0.4% 10% max Accelerated Pozzolanic Strength Activity Index ASTM C 1240-05 119% 105% min percent of control (7 days) 7 days Specific Surface ASTM C 1240-05 22 m2/g 15 m2/g min Density ASTM C 1240-05 2.21 Not Applicable Note 1 The density value was based on an average of three tests.

to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Date: SEP 1 6 2008 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 8 of 14


  • aagME Aft ft Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: No. 67 Stone Project: Crystal River Source: Vulcan Materials - Maryville, TN S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 7.42 tons Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 24, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-037-001 ASTM C 117-04 and ASTM C 136-06 Sieve Percent ASTM C 33-03 Size Passing No. 67 Stone Specification (%)


1" 100 100 3/4" 91 90-100 1/2" 44 ---

3/8" 27 20-55 No. 4 3 0-10 No. 8 2 0-5 Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 33-03)

ASTM C 142-97 0.1 % 3.0 % maximum Clay Lumps and Friable Particles Reapproved 2004 Material Finer than the No. 200 Sieve ASTM C 117-04 1.4 % 1.0 % maximum Lightweight Particles in Aggregate ASTM C 123-04 0.0 % 1.0 % maximum (Coal and Lignite)

Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM C 131-06 17 % 50 % maximum Grading B Bulk Density of Aggregate ASTM C 29-97 101 pcf Not Applicable Voids in Aggregate by Rodding Reapproved 2003 42 %

Bulk Specific Gravity 2.79 Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) ASTM C 127-04 2.80 Not Applicable Apparent Specific Gravity 2.82 Absorption 0.4%

Note 1 The test properties are compared to specifications for an ASTM C 33-03 Class Designation 2N aggregate.

Note 2 The percent passing the No. 200 sieve may be increased under either of the following conditions: (1) is permitted to be increased to 1.5 if the material is essentially free of clay or shale; or (2) if the source of the fine aggregate to be used in the concrete is known to contain less than the specified maximum amount passing the No. 200 sieve the percentage limit (L) on the amount inthe coarse aggregate is permitted to be increased to L=1 + [(P)/(1 00-P)](T-A), where P = percentage of sand in the concrete as a percent of total aggregate, T = the Table I limit for the amount permitted inthe fine aggregate, and A = the actual amount in the fine aggregate.

Note 3 The specific gravity and absorption values were based on an average of three tests.

I certify or a alyses to becorrect as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: Date: SEP 16 2008 Quality Assurance SupeWpl*ý 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 9 of 14


'I& ' in

WOMME Certified Materials Test Report Client
Progress Energy Material: No. 67 Stone Project: Crystal River Source: Vulcan Materials - Norcross, GA S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 6.57 tons Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 18, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-033-001 ASTM C 117-04 and ASTM C 136-06 Sieve Percent ASTM C 33-03 Size Passing No. 67 Stone Specification (%)

(%)__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1" 100 100 3/4" 97 90-100 1/2" 64 _

3/8" 39 20-55 No. 4 7 0-10 No. 8 3 0-5 Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 33-03)

Clay Lumps and Friable Particles ASTM C 142-97 0.0 % 3.0 % maximum Reapproved 2004 Material Finer than the No. 200 Sieve ASTM C 117-04 0.9 % 1.0 % maximum Lightweight Particles in Aggregate ASTM C 123-04 0.0 % 1.0 % maximum (Coal and Lignite)

Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM C 131-06 46 % 50 % maximum Grading B Bulk Density of Aggregate ASTM C 29-97 103 pcf Not Applicable Voids in Aggregate by Rodding Reapproved 2003 39 %

Bulk Specific Gravity 2.71 Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) ASTM C 127-04 2.73 Not Applicable Apparent Specific Gravity 2.77 Absorption 0.7 %

Note I The test properties are compared to specifications for an ASTM C 33-03 Class Designation 2N aggregate.

Note 2 The specific gravity and absorption values were based on an average of three tests.

I certi e a ove r tot-be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Sianed: Date: SEP1 6 an 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone:865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 10 of 14

$SAME PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: Natural Sand Project: Crystal River Source: B.V. Headrick, LLC - Lilesville, NC S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 3 tons Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 16, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-032-001 ASTM C117-04 and ASTM C1 36-06 Sieve Percent ASTM C 33-03 Size Passing Concrete Sand Specification (%)


3/8" 100 100 No. 4 100 95-100 No. 8 93 80-100 No. 16 75 50-85 No. 30 44 25-60 No. 50 14 5-30 No. 100 3 0-10 Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 33-03)

Fineness Modulus ASTM C 136-06 2.71 Not less than 2.3 nor more than 3.1 ASTM C 142-97 0.4 % 3.0 % maximum Clay Lumps and Friable Particles Reapproved 2004 Material Finer than the No. 200 Sieve ASTM C 117-04 1.4 % 3.0% maximum - Concrete subject to abrasion 5.0% maximum - All other concrete 0.5 % maximum - when surface appearance of Lightweight Particles inAggregate ASTM C 123-04 0.0 % concrete is of importance (Coal and Lignite) 1.0 % maximum - for all other concrete Sodium Sulfate Soundness ASTM C 88-05 1% 10 % maximum Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate ASTM C 40-04 Organic Plate 2 Organic Plate No. 3 or less Bulk Density of Aggregate ASTM C 29-97 100 pcf Not Applicable Voids inAggregate by Rodding Reapproved 2003 38 %

Bulk Specific Gravity 2.62 Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) ASTM C 128-07 2.63 Not Applicable Apparent Specific Gravity 2.66 Absorption 0.6%

Note 1 The specific gravity and absorption values were based on an average of three tests.

Ie result.f tests and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: .. Date: SP 1 6 2009 S Quality Ass ura0%W* e* "~~

1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 11 of 14

PCHq-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 oft IPZOMME Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: Manufactured Sand Project: Crystal River Source: Vulcan Materials - Maryville, TN S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: 3.25 tons Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: June 24, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-038-001 ASTM C 117-04 and ASTM C 136-06 Sieve Percent ASTM C 33-03 Size Passing Concrete Sand Specification (%)


3/8" 100 100 No. 4 100 95-100 No. 8 92 80-100 No. 16 46 50-85 No. 30 22 25-60 No. 50 10 5-30 No. 100 5 0-10 Physical Property Test Designation Results Requirement (ASTM C 33-03)

Fineness Modulus ASTM C 136-06 3.25 Not less than 2.3 nor more than 3.1 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles ASTM C 142-97 0.2 % 3.0 % maximum Reapproved 2004 Material Finer than the No. 200 Sieve ASTM C 117-04 3.2 % 3.0% maximum - Concrete subject to abrasion 5.0% maximum - All other concrete 0.5 % maximum - when surface appearance of Lightweight Particles in Aggregate ASTM C 123-04 0.0% concrete is of importance (Coal and Lignite) 1.0 % maximum - for all other concrete Sodium Sulfate Soundness ASTM C 88-05 1% 10 % maximum Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate ASTM C 40-04 Organic Plate 1 Organic Plate No. 3 or less Bulk Density of Aggregate ASTM C 29-97 110 pcf Not Applicable Voids inAggregate by Rodding Reapproved 2003 36 %

Bulk Specific Gravity 2.76 Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) ASTM C 128-07 2.78Not Applicable Apparent Specific Gravity 2.82 Absorption 0.9 %

Note 1 The percent passing the No. 16 sieve does not meet the ASTM C 33-03 requirements.

Note 2 The percent passing the No. 30 sieve does not meet the ASTM C 33-03 requirements.

Note 3 The fineness modulus result exceeds the ASTM C 33-03 limit.

Note 4 The specific gravity and absorption values were based on an average of three tests.

I ce t of tests and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed- ate: SEP 16 8208 Quality Assuranc 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 12 of 14

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R3 WSM"ME Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: Eucon WR 91 Admixture Project: Crystal River Source: Euclid Chemical, Aubumdale, FL S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Two buckets Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: July 1, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-041-001 Note 1 Chloride was determined by a potentiometric titration according to ASTM C 114-06 Section 19, with the following exceptions to Section 19.5.1: 2 g of liquid admixture was used instead of a 5 g of sample, 50 mL of water was used instead of 75 mL, 3 mL of dilute nitric acid was used instead of 25 mL and the text "breaking up any lumps with a glass rod. If the smell of hydrogen sulfide is strongly evident at this point, add 3 mL of hydrogen peroxide (30% solution)" was ignored as it only pertains to cementitious materials.

I ce .he above ls of tests and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: . Date: SEP 1. 6 2008 Quality Assurance 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 13 of 14


"&ME Certified Materials Test Report Client: Progress Energy Material: PLASTOL 100 Admixture Project: Crystal River Source: Euclid Chemical, Auburndale, FL S&ME Project No.: 1439-08-208 Quantity: Two buckets Contract/P.O. No.: 373812 Date Received: July 1, 2008 S&ME Log No.: 08-041-002 Note I Chloride was determined by a potentiometric titration according to ASTM C 114-06 Section 19, with the following exceptions to Section 19.5.1:2 g of liquid admixture was used instead of a 5 g of sample, 50 mL of water was used instead of 75 mL, 3 mL of dilute nitric acid was used instead of 25 mL and the text "breaking up any lumps with a glass rod. If the smell of hydrogen sulfide is strongly evident at this point, add 3 mL of hydrogen peroxide (30% solution)" was ignored as it only pertains to cementitious materials.

I certiý ý Meresults of tests and/or analyses to be correct as contained in the records of S&ME, Inc.

Signed: Date: SEP 1 6 2008 Quality AssurancAA,%§ýt 1413 Topside Road Louisville, Tennessee 37777 Phone: 865-970-0003 Fax: 865-970-2312 ATTACHMENT Z42R3 Page 14 of 14

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet I of 1 Record of Lead Review Document: Phase I Test Plan Revision 0 The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

El Design Verification Review L- Engineering Review Z Owner's Review

[I Design Review EI Alternate Calculation EI Qualification Testing rI Special Engineering Review EL, YES Fý N/A Other Records are attached.

John Hollidav 08/10/09 Lead Reviewer U) (print/sign) _ Discipline Date Item Deficiency Resolution No.




.1. &

FORM EGR-NGGC-0003-2-10 This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.

Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review is completed.

EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 10 ATTACHMENT Z41 R3 Page 1 0 7




15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 Revision 0 July 3, 2008 PREPARED BY:




ATTACHMENT z 4 Sl&l*% INC. / 1413 Topside Road / Louisville, TN 37777 / p 865.970.0003 f 865.970.2312 / Page 2 of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I TEST PLAN INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 July 3, 2008 This testing plan was developed based upon the S&ME Proposal 390811 OR1, and e-mail and telephone correspondence with Progress Energy and Sargent & Lundy and the applicable requirements of Laboratory Testing Requirements For Concrete Proportioningfor Crystal River 3 Steam GeneratorReplacement Restorationof the Containment Opening Revision 3 section items a and b. Items c through f of section are applicable to the creep testing which will be performed in Phase Ill. The purpose of the testing plan is to provide our understanding of the testing to be performed, so that any questions or concerns can be addressed prior to the start of the testing program.

The testing program will be conducted under S&ME's Quality Assurance Program Manual Dated December 4, 2003, and using subcontractors that are on our Approved Suppliers List (ASL).

The ingredient materials have been shipped to S&ME's laboratory facility located at 1413 Topside Road, Louisville, Tennessee 37777. The aggregates arrived in loose bulk form in transport trucks with dump beds; the cement arrived in 55-gallon drums; the flyash arrived in 55-gallon drums; the silica fume arrived in individual bags as packaged by the manufacturer; and the admixtures arrived in plastic pails as packaged by the manufacturer.

The following materials have been received for testing:

Cement Holcim Type I -Artesia, Mississippi Plant Holcim Type I - Holly Hill, South Carolina Plant Coarse Aggregate Vulcan Materials No. 67 stone, Maryville, Tennessee Quarry Vulcan Materials No. 67 stone, Norcross, Georgia Quarry Sand Vulcan Materials manufactured sand, Maryville, Tennessee Quarry' B.V. Hedrick Gravel & Sand natural sand, Lilesville, NC Quarry Fly ash ProAsh Separation Technologies Class F Flyash Silica Fume Norchem's Silica Fume marketed by MasterBuilders/Global Metallurgical Liquid Admixtures UCON WR 91 water reducing admixture, Euclid Chemical Company Plastol 100 high range water reducing admixture, Euclid Chemical Company The materials were received in accordance with S&ME's documented Quality Assurance Program by our Quality Assurance staff and given S&ME sample identification numbers. Portions of the samples will be sent to CTLGroup (Skokie, Illinois) for testing. QA and engineering personnel will package the sub-samples for shipment to CTLGroup.

QA and engineering personnel at CTLGroup will follow standard procedures for receiving materials and tracking samples as described in the CTLGroup Quality Control Manual.

Coarse Aggregate - Tests on the coarse aggregate will be those as outlined in ASTM C 33-03 StandardSpecification for ConcreteAggregates tables 2 and 3, and additional physical tests to be 2

ATTACHMENT Z41 R3 Page 3 of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I TEST PLAN INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 July 3, 2008 used for mix proportioning calculations such as specific gravity, absorption, and dry rodded unit weight. As determined by Sargent & Lundy, the coarse aggregate will be considered a class 2N.

Alkali reactivity testing, freeze-thaw testing, and soundness testing .(sodium or magnesium sulfate) are not included as part of the scope. The testing will include:

" ASTM C 136-06 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate

" ASTM C 142-97 Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and FriableParticlesin Aggregates

" ASTM C 117-04 Standard Test Method for MaterialFinerthan No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregate by Washing

" ASTM C 123-04 StandardTest Method for Lightweight Particlesin Aggregate o Sample will only be tested for coal and lignite; chert is not required for class 2N aggregate.

  • ASTM C 131-06 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradationof Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine o Grading B will be used for testing
  • ASTM C 29-97 Standard Test Method for Bulk Density ("Unit Weight') and Voids in Aggregate

and Absorption of CoarseAggregate Fine Aggregate - Tests on the fine aggregate will be those with defined requirement limits outlined in ASTM C 33-03 StandardSpecification for Concrete Aggregates, and additional tests to aid in mix proportioning calculations such as specific gravity, absorption, and dry rodded unit weight. Alkali reactivity testing and freeze-thaw testing are not included as part of the scope. The testing will include:

" ASTM C 136-06 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and CoarseAggregates

  • ASTM C 142-97 Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and FriableParticlesin Aggregates

" ASTM C 117-04 Standard Test Method for MaterialFiner than Mo. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregate bys Washing

  • ASTM C 123-04 Standard Test Method for Lightweight Particlesin Aggregate o Sample will only be tested for coal and lignite o Chert content is not required for fine aggregate.
  • ASTM C 88-05 Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate o For this testing program, sodium sulfate will be used.

.ASTM C 40-04 Standard Test Method for OrganicImpurities in Fine Aggregate for Concrete 3

ATTACHMENT Z41 R3 Page 4 of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I TEST PLAN INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 July 3, 2008 ASTM C 87-05 Standard Test Method for Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar o This test will only be performed ifrequested, ifthe aggregate fails ASTM C 40.

ASTM C 29-97 Standard Test Method for Bulk Density ("Unit Weight') and Voids in Aggregate ASTM C 128-07 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity),

and Absorption of Fine Aggregate Cement-The cement will be tested by the test methods outlined in ASTM C 150-07 Standard Specification for PortlandCement tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 for a Type I cement. The tests will be as follows:

Tablel-StandardComposition Requirements

  • ASTM C 1 1 4 - 0 6 " -Standard test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement (Oxide analysis will be by X-ray fluorescence qualified under Section 3.3.2 of ASTM C 114). The test results will include:

o Silicon Dioxide (SiC 2) o Aluminum Oxide (A120 3) o Ferric Oxide (Fe 20 3) o Calcium oxide (CaO) o Magnesium Oxide (MgO) o Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) o Sodium Oxide (Na20) o Potassium Oxide (K20) o Loss on Ignition o Insoluble Residue Table 2-Optional Composition Requirements

  • The only optional property in Table 2 required for a Type I cement is Equivalent Alkalies (Na20 + 0.658K 20). This result will be calculated from the Table 1 results.

Table 3-StandardPhysicalRequirements

" ASTM C 185-02 Standard Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar

  • ASTM C 204-05 Standard Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air PermeabilityApparatus o ASTM C150-07 allows for either this test, or the turbidimeter test (ASTM C 115) to be performed.

o The turbidimeter test will not be performed as part of this scope.

" ASTM C 151- 05 Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Hydraulic Cement

  • ASTM C 109-05 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in or [50-mm] Cube Specimens) o Tests will be performed on 3 and 7 day specimens.

" ASTM C 191-04b StandardTest Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle o Final set is not required and will not be determined as part of this scope 4

ATTACHMENT Z41R3 Page 5 Of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I TEST PLAN INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 July 3, 2008 Table 4-OptionalPhysical Requirements

" ASTM C 451-05 Standard Test Method for Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement (Paste Method)

" ASTM C 109-05 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in or [50-mm] Cube Specimens).

o Tests will be performed on 28 day specimens

" ASTM C 266-04 Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic-Cement Paste by Gillmore Needles Flyash-Flyash testing will be performed to verify the standard physical requirements listed in Tables 1 and 2 of ASTM C 618-05 Standard Specification for Coal Flyash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use in Concrete. In addition the supplementary optional requirements of multiple factor and effectiveness in controlling alkali-silica reaction will be performed. The test methods to be used for the flyash testing will be as described in Requirements ASTM C 311-05 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Flyash or NaturalPozzolans for Use in Portland-Cement Concrete.

Table 1-ChemicalRequirements

  • Moisture Content
  • Loss on Ignition Table 2-Physical Requirements
  • Fineness (325 sieve)
  • Strength Activity Index o 7 day and 28 day specimens will be cast.

.o The requirement in ASTM C 150 need only be met at one of the two ages.

  • Water Requirement
  • A density (specific gravity) will be performed for purposes of mix calculations. Uniformity requirements will not be applicable since we are not dealing with multiple shipments.

Table 3-Supplementary OptionalPhysical Requirements

  • Multiple Factor will be calculated from the results of Table 1 and 2 testing.
  • Effectiveness in Controlling Alkali-Silica Reaction will be performed. This test will be conducted with a fly ash content of 15% replacement by weight of cement unless otherwise directed by Progress Energy. CTLGroup will provide control cement with alkali content as equivalent Na 20 between 0.50 and 0.60 %. The job cement with the highest alkali content of the two submitted for this evaluation will be used as for this test.
  • No other Supplementary Optional Physical tests are to be performed as part of this scope.

Liquid Admixtures - Liquid Admixtures will be tested for chloride content. Chloride (CI) content is determined and reported as weight percentage of the sample following treatment of the admixture for potentially interfering species. Chloride is determined by a potentiometric titration according to ASTM C1 14 Section 19, with the following exceptions to Section 19.5.1: We will use 2 g of liquid admixture instead of 5 g of sample, 50 mL of water instead of 75 mL, 3 mL of dilute nitric acid instead of 25 mL and we will ignore the text "breaking up any lumps with a glass rod. If the smell of hydrogen sulfide is strongly evident at this point, add 3 mL of hydrogen peroxide (30%

solution)" as it only pertains to cementitious materials.

5 ATTACHMENT Z41 R3 Page 6 of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0000063016R3 PHASE I TEST PLAN INGREDIENT MATERIAL TESTING Revision 0 S&ME Project 1439-08-208 July 3, 2008 Silica Fume-Silica fume testing will consist of performing the tests outlined in Tables 1 and 2 of ASTM C 1240-05 with the addition of density (specific gravity) using Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures. Test for the specific parameters listed below will be conducted in accordance with the relevant test standards specified in ASTM C 1240.

" Si0 2

" Moisture Content

" Loss on Ignition

" Percent Retained on the 325 sieve

" Accelerated Pozzolanic Strength Activity Index

" Specific Surface

" Density (specific gravity) 6 ATTACHMENT Z41R3 Page 7 of 7

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 SProgress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 FSAR Change Number: FSAR 2008-0017 Initiating Activity (e.g., AR Number, EC Number, LAR Number, Procedure Revision, etc., which initiates this FSAR Change):

EC 63016 List and Attach any Documentation Supporting the Change (e.g., 10CFR50.59 Screen/Evaluation, etc.):

EC63016 AR 282349282349FSAR Section(s) Impacted (e.g., Section 9.3.6.a, Table 5-9, Figure 8-12, etc.):

5.2,,,,,, (New Section), (New Section),,,,,, .h.6 NOCS review identified commitment impact. (IfYES, CP-252 &REG-NGGC-01 10 complied with) EU YES Z NO This change is associated with an ITS change. (IfYES, provide LAR # _) El YES [ NO This change is associated with an ITS Bases change. (IfYES, provide ITSB,# _) U YES [ NO This change includes deleted FSAR information not being replaced by new information. U YES NO Isthe Initiating Activity a Delayed Implementation? Isthis an Editorial change?

NO['NO pending Initiating plant change.

Activity is complete and not tied to any [ NO 10CFR50.59 Screen Number: AR 2823492823491220/2009 YES Licensing &Regulatory Programs (RF16) (expected date of completion) Concurrence Initials:

Initiating Activity signed-off by Operations:

DATE _______________________________

John Holliday ig ) / it /

Preparer (Name) U (Signature) U Date Signed TCO Review and Approval Dan Jopling - . M/41 I 'l (Name) /(iglature) Date Signed Title Config Mgmt Review and Implementation Config Mgmt Concurrence: FSAR Change Request Package IsComplete and Meets Requirements of 10CFR50.59.

(Name) (Signature) Date Signed FSAR Change(s) Incorporated into Native FSAR file, and printout(s) attached: _ _

Initials Date Final Config Mgmt Approval: FSAR printouts approved for uploading to Living FSAR Revision (Name) (Signature) Date Signed CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 1 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 5.2 REACTOR BUILDING The reactor building is a concrete structure with a cylindrical wall, a flat foundation mat, and a shallow dome roof.

The foundation slab is reinforced with conventional mild-steel reinforcing. The cylinder wall is prestressed with a post-tensioning system in the vertical and horizontal directions. The dome roof is prestressed utilizing a three-way post-tensioning system. The inside surface of the reactor building is lined with a carbon steel liner to ensure a high degree of leak tightness during operating and accident conditions. Nominal liner plate thickness is 3/8 inch for the cylinder and dome and l/4 inch for the base.

The foundation mat is bearing on competent bearing material and is 12-V1/2 feet thick with a 2 feet thick concrete slab above the bottom liner plate. The cylinder portion has an inside diameter of 130 feet, wall thickness of 3 feet 6 inches, and a height of 157 feet from the top of the foundation mat to the spring line. The shallow dome roof has a large radius of 110 feet, a transition radius of 20 feet 6 inches, and a thickness of 3 feet. The reactor building is shown in Figure 5-2, penetration details in Figure 5-3, and personnel and equipment access opening details in Figure 5-4.

The reactor building has been designed to contain radioactive material which might be released from the core following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA). The prestressed concrete shell ensures that the structure has an elastic response to all loads and that the structure strains within such limits so that the integrity of the liner is not prejudiced. The liner has been anchored to the concrete so as to ensure composite action with the concrete shell.

The design and construction of the reactor building has been given a thorough re-evaluation subsequent to the discovery on April 14, 1976, of a delaminated condition in the dome. The upper part (approximately 12 inches thick) of the 3 feet design concrete thickness separated from the lower part of the dome structure parallel to the membrane over an approximate diameter of 105 inches. Extensive analytical and field investigations were conducted to establish an acceptable repair program. This repair program included removal of the upper part of the dome, placement of non-prestressed reinforcing steel mats, installation of radial reinforcement, and placement of concrete to restore the dome to a thickness of 3 feet. Details of the delaminated condition of the dome, re-evaluations of the dome, and the dome repair program are described in the report: "Final Report - Reactor Building Dome Delamination", December 10, 1976.

In several instances, the design criteria and/or construction methods related to the 'repair program have superseded those contained in Chapter 5. In all such cases, the above referenced report is the preferenced authority applied to the, dome repair.

In support of'the steamn enerator replaceinent project (fall 2009) a temporary access opening was created in the post-tensioned, reinforced concrete wall and the interior steel liner plate at azimuth 150 degrees. The concrete openinz measured approximnaelv 25'-0 " wide x 27 '-0 '"high.. and the liner plate opening measured 23 '-6 " wide x 24 '-9'" higLh. The bottoni of[the concrete opening was located at elevation 183"0 ". and the bottom of the liner plate at elevation 184 )-0 ". Creation anti restorationof the access Opening.requiredthe removal and reinstallationof the concrete, rebar, tendons. tendon sheaths and liner plate within the boundaries of the OCpening and detensioning and retensioninfl of selected vertical and horizontal tendons adjacent to the Opening. Additionally, a new reinforcine cage conprisinh of 2 layers o[ 1 I rebars at I1" center to center spacing, in both the hoop and vertical directions was installedin the Openine. Design Loads The design loads for the reactor building have been determined based on operating and accident requirements, as specified below, in addition to the loads as required by applicable codes. These design loads were maintainedduring the evaluation of the SGR access opening.

Scaled plots of stress resultants, stress couples, shear, and deflections for the individual loads are shown in Figure 5-5 through Figure 5-9, and Figure 5-12 for the original containment shell configuration(without the SGR opening). Concrete Structural concrete work was performed in accordance with "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings,"

ACI 301-66 (Ref 7). The prestressed concrete has a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi. The foundation mat also consists of 5,000 psi strength concrete.

CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 2 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 S rPmgress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 Portland cement conforms to ASTM C 150 (Ref 8), Type 11,modified for moderate heat of hydration.

Concrete aggregates conform to ASTM C 33-67 (Ref 9), with minor modification to suit local conditions. The type and size of aggregate, slump, and additives were established to minimize shrinkage and creep. Neither calcium chloride nor any admixture containing calcium chloride or other chlorides, sulfide, or nitrates was used. Mixing water was tested to verify that it did not contain more than 100 ppm of each of the above chemical constituents.

Replacement Concrele for the Steam GeneratorTemporary Access Opening in the Containment Concrete Shell

.4 special high earhi, slrength concrete mix was developed, to enable tendon retensioning as soon as possible a ier concrete placement. The concrete has a specified 5 and 28 day(,mininium compressive strength of'6000 vsi and 7000 psi respectively. Portlandcement confomned to ASTAM C150 Type I. The type and size of aftzrezateshwnp and additivescwere establishedto minimize shrinkage and creep. Concrete Quality Control The following Quality Control measures were followed for the structural concrete: Preliminary Tests

a. The services of a testing laboratory were obtained prior to commencing concrete work. The testing laboratory made controlled mixes, using the proposed materials to consistencies satisfactory for the work, in order to determine the suitable mix proportions necessary to produce concrete conforming to the type and strength requirements specified. Aggregates were tested in accordance with the ASTM Specifications: C 29-69, C 40-66, C 127-59, C 128-59, C 136-63, and C 33-67 as modified for local conditions. The concrete compression tests conform to ASTM Specification C 39-64. The apblicahle ASTM Specification. for the Steam Generator Proiectwere:

C 29-97. C 40-04, C 127-04, C 128-07, C 136-06, C 33-03 arid C39-05.

b. The proportions for the concrete were determined by Method 2 of Section 308 of ACI 301-66, and as herein specified. Proportions for the concrete for the SGR temporary access opening were determined by mtsing the absohlte volhne method describedin ACI 211.1-91R-02 Field Tests During concrete operations, the testing laboratory had inspectors at the batch plant who certified the mix proportions of each batch delivered to the site and periodically sampled and tested the concrete ingredients. These inspectors ensured that a ticket was provided for each batch, documenting the time loaded, actual proportions of the mix, amount of concrete, concrete design strength, identification of transit mixer, and reading of revolution counter at first addition of water. The truck revolution counters, the cleanliness of trucks, and the handling and storage of aggregate were checked by the batch plant inspectors. A concrete batch plant was utilized which complied in all respects, including provisions for storage and precision of measurements, with, ASTM C 94-68 (10) (ASTM C 94-97 fhr the SGR Proiect. The water and ice additions were modified as required by measurements of the moisture content of the aggregates and gradation changes.

The ready-mixed concrete was mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C 94-68 (ISTM C 94-97 for the SGR IProiec:0.Records were maintained as to the time and reading of the revolution counter when concrete was discharged.

Other inspectors at the construction site inspected reinforcing and form placement, made slump tests, made test cylinders, checked air content, and recorded weather conditions. Except as noted hereinafter, test cylinders were molded, cured, capped, and tested in accordance with ACI 301-66 66 (ACI 301-05 for the SGR p.roiect). For the reactor building shell, a set of six cylinders were made for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof placed in any one day. Two cylinders were tested at 7 days, two cylinders at 28 days, and the remaining cylinders at 90 days. A slump test was conducted on each truck load in accordance with ACI and ASTM requirements.

Requirements for placing and consolidating concrete were as detailed in ACI 301-66(4STM C 301-05 for the SGR Proiect). Placing temperatures were limited per the requirements for 5,000 psi mass concrete.

CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40R0 Page 3 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 In the event that concrete was poured during freezing weather or that a freeze was expected during the curing period, an additional cylinder was made for each set and was cured under the same conditions as the part of the structure which it represented. This cylinder was tested at 28 days.

Concrete for the SGR project was sampled and fresh concrete tests perlbrinedat the place of'discharge from the concrete delivery trucky. As a mininwin, concrete saniples were taken from five random/ly. elecled trucks. Sampl/in of/raesh concrete confbrmed to :tSTM C 172-04. Sh/mn and air content. testing was in accordance wiih ASTM C 143-05a and .4STM C231-04 and was perkarmedon each sample of fiesh &!oncrele secured A set of 10 standard6" by 12" cylinder specimens was preparedand cured from each fkesh concrete sample secured in accordance with ASTM C 31-06. Compressionstrength tests were performed in accordance with ASTUI C 39-05 at 3. 5. 28. and 91 days.

Four additionalcylinder specimnens were cast from two randomlv selected samples and cured inside the containment adiacent to the openine as field cured cyinders. Streneth testing was performed on these specimens [br in/brnmation purposes, two at 3 davy and two at 5 din's, in accordance with ASTM C 39-05. Test Evaluation The evaluation of test results was in accordance with Chapter 17 of ACI 301-66 (ASTM 301-05 for 5G;R). Sufficient tests were conducted to provide an evaluation of concrete strength. Deficient Concrete If concrete was found to be deficient because of failure to conform to the project specifications and/or design drawings, the Engineer was notified and requested to make an engineering evaluation. This evaluation was based upon all available data regarding the concrete placement in question (e.g., test reports, photographs, as-built sketches, site visitation by the Engineer S.D., etc.). Where concrete strength levels below project specifications were indicated from field test results of individual concrete pours, the evaluation of concrete acceptability was performed as provided by the ACI-318-71, Paragraph 4.3, code provisions.

If the Engineer determines that the concrete is acceptable as placed, the concrete is left in place.

A repair criteria will be issued and a work procedure will be developed based upon the criteria. The concrete will then be repaired using the repair procedure, and inspected according to the original and repair criteria.

If the Engineer determines that the concrete is not acceptable, a removal criteria is issued and a work procedure is developed based upon the criteria. The concrete is then removed doing as little damage to the surrounding concrete and embedments as possible. After removal of the deficient concrete, the area is thoroughly inspected by the Constructor, and the results of the inspection are evaluated by the Engineer. A replacement criteria is issued and a work procedure is developed based upon the criteria, if no existing procedure is applicable. The concrete is then replaced and inspected according to the original and replacement criteria. Reinforcing Steel The mild steel reinforcing for the reactor building provides capacity in bending and shear only and, therefore, was designed in accordance with ACI 318-63. In addition, mild steel reinforcement (0.15% of the wall section) was placed near the exposed surface of the concrete shell for crack control'.

The mild steel reinforcing was deformed bar conforming to ASTM A 615-68 (Ref 12) Grade 40, except that the replacement bars within the SGR opening placed near the exposedsurl'ce (flSs Q&12 ' c/c) wil/ be ASTMA 615 Grade 60, mechanical/v (cold swaged)spliced to the existing #8 Grade 40 bars. It is to be noted that Grade 40 reinforcing steel is the lowest strength material commonly used for construction. Furthermore, no reliance was placed on special high strength properties and, therefore, any interchange of higher strength material did not jeopardize the strength of the structure. . new reinlorcingcage conlprised of two layers of #11I rebar (,STMA 615 Grade 60) on II " center to centers in both the vertical and hoop directions was installed in the steam generator access opening. This new reinforcingcage was not spliced to any existing rebar.

Splices at points of maximum tensile stress were avoided insofar as possible. Alternate Cadweld splices for concrete reinforcement were staggered, as far as possible, a minimum of 6 feet when the center-to-center spacing of bars was less than 12 inches. Arc welding was not used to splice concrete reinforcement during initial contwruction, Splices for bar sizes larger than #11 were made with Cadweld splices.

CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 4 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 k Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 Reinforcing Steel Quality Control The technical specifications for structural concrete included the following Quality Control measures for reinforcing steel:

a. Testing and inspection of reinforcing steel were performed at the mill to ASTM requirements.

The certified mill test reports were provided for each heat of steel covering chemical composition and specification requirements in mechanical properties. Bars were branded in the deforming process to carry identification as to manufacturer, size, type, and yield strength.

b. User tests were performed on reinforcing steel by a testing laboratory to confirm compliance with physical requirements and verification of mill test results. The frequency of testing was two specimens taken from each heat of material. The tests determined yield, ultimate strength, and elongation.
c. Traceability of the reinforcing steel with regard to mill heat was provided at all stages of fabrication and delivery. Cadweld Splice Quality Control The technical specifications for structural concrete included the following Quality Control measures for Cadweld splices:

Prior to the production splicing of reinforcing bars, each operator or crew prepared and tested a joint for each bar size and position to be used in the production work. These qualification splices were tested to destruction and, in addition, were further examined to establish that each crew performed! reproducible splices of acceptable quality.

The acceptance criteria for Cadweld splices were as follows: ........................................ Cold Swa-ged Splice Quality Control All mechanical splices used [or the restorationof[the SGR ienporaryaccess opening were BarGripXL - Nuclear /

Tipe 25Series cold-swuaged steel couplin.g sleeves for #8 rebar, as manufacturedbi, BarSplice Products, Inc. Daylon OH1..

Durinv,,installation of the mechanical splices contimnous testing o['the splices was requiredto ensure the consistenci, of the cold swaging operatorand that the splice met the specified tensile requirements.Since the swaged couplings were quite close to the ['ce of the concrete in the opening, it was not possible to cut out productionsplices and have a sufficient lenith ofstub reinlbrcingremaining to remake these. Therefore, all testing was done on sister Splices, which were inade next to the productionsplices, under the saonc conditions and used for thei tensile testing.

The mix of sister sn/ice reinforcing grude combinations (Grade 40 to Grade 40 and Grade 40 to Grade 60) was consis.t/nt with that ofthe production splices Each sister splices was tensile tested (only) to destruction and was required to meet 125% of the specified vield strength and a sequential average of 9 splices had to Ineet at least 100% ofthe mninimnum specified ultimate tensile strength. The specified .ield and ultimate tensile strength were based on a Grade 40 bar only, i.e., the lesser of the two grades governed Butt-Welded RebarSplices for SGR As an ah/ernative nt) mechanical splicing of rebar in the SGR access opening. butt-welded rebar splices were allowed that met the iŽ,brication and visual inspection requirements o[':1 WS D1).4-2005 and the Corporate Welding Manual. Post-Tensioning System Genteral The post-tensioning system used on Crystal River Unit 3 was tested and supplied by the Prescon Corporation of Corpus Christi, Texas. Each tendon consisted of 163 7-mm. diameter low relaxation wires and developed a CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 5 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 SProgress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 minimum ultimate tendon force of 2,333.5 kips. The end anchorage of each wire was a "BBRV" buttonhead type.

The details of the tendon system are shown in Figure 5-24 and Figure 5-25. Wire The low relaxation wire conformed to the applicable portions of ASTM A 421-65 (Ref 13), type BA with a minimum ultimate tensile stress of 240,000 psi. The low relaxation wire was produced by the Somerset Wire Co.,

Ltd. process which is patented in the United States by the relevant numbers 3,068,353 and 3,196,052. The method of manufacture increases the resistance to creep under tension of the wire. The method subjects plain carbon steel wire having a carbon content within the range of 0.35% to 0.9% to a cold drawing operation. During the drawing operation, the wire is under a tension to facilitate the drawing operation. After the wire emerges from the drawing, and is still subjected to a tension, it is exposed to a tempering temperature within the range 220 0C to 500 0C.

The tension and temperature that the wire is subjected to is controlled to impart a maximum elongation to the wire of approximately 5%. This process increases the creep resistance of the wire. Relaxation test data available to date is shown in Table 5-1 and Figure 5-26. Present data extrapolated to 40 years indicates that the maximum relaxation is less than 2%, as is shown in Figure 5-26. The design is based on a relaxation of 4%.

The wire [br the now replacement tendons within the SGR access openiny conf!ormed to the applicableportions of ASTM A 421-98a,.tpe BA witih the added requirement that the wires ultimate tensile stress was equal to or gr-eater than 240, 000 si. It was manufacturedb1'ihe Kiswire Company, Busan, Korea. Anchorage Component Materials The dimensions, acceptance criteria, and materials of the post-tensioning system components are as follows:

Component Size fu fu NDTT Location Material (ksi) (ksi) (max) min. min.

Bearing Plate 24" x 24" x 3" 50 90 -15 OF Mat only ASTM A 533 Grade B Class 2 All Others Modified Armco VNT (Proposed ASTM A 633-E) single normalized.

Shims 7" ID x 13.5" OD 50 90 -15 OF All Modified Armco VNT (Proposed ASTM A 633-E) orlike material, 3" plate single normalized, 4" plate double normalized. NOTE I Stressing 10.5" dia. x 6" 60 100 -15 OF All Quenched or End Washer tempered alloy steel forging, chemistry of ASTM A 514 type E

- double quenched and tempered.

NOTE 2 Chemical composition for modified Armco VNT:

Carbon 0.25 % maximum Nitrogen 0.01% to 0.02%

Manganese 1.30% to 1.65% Phosphorus 0.035% maximum Vanadium 0.12% to 0.17% Sulfur 0.04% maximum Silicon 0.15% to 0.30%

V/)Wrl 1 41 . , L;  ; / , 1, .1 . DI I.., V'_ 0 ý1ý I /,,I Q 7K)

.7A". PDK'/c r Ok.Q7 D. ,,;.,

i,, fl

¥t,, ['. I.t"In,,f,,II e s,.

.xi~fl Il1&lCf lI.4 IgiI t Cl 1jIt eL~lI alI . :1,-"(.,. , J,* - Cl.. It. lnmaL.. 7(Ja, docunented the review and approvalof this materialfor use.

NOTE 2: Alternative material ffr the stressing washers may be ASTM A514 Grade 0. Review documented in EC 63016.

CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 6 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 kj Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 Codes The reactor building liner and penetrations conformed in all respects to the applicable Sections of ASA N 6.2-1965 (Ref 17). The personnel access locks, the portion of the equipment access door extending beyond the reinforced concrete shell, and the internal primary pressure boundary of all penetrations conformed to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III Class B. The selection of materials considered a lowest service metal temperature of 120'F within containment and +25 0 F outside containment.

The principal load carrying components of ferritic materials for the reactor building liner, penetrations, and locks were selected and tested to conform to the impact requirements of ASME-ASTM SA-300 Class I and ASME Section III Class B which had a minimum impact test temperature of 00F. (See Note I on Page 5-33.) Quality Control and Nondestructive Testing Butt-welded joints in the main liner shell and in the dome were examined by the following methods:

a. 100% visual inspection
b. 20% liquid penetrant examination
c. 100% vacuum box testing or leak testing
d. 2% spot radiograph examination Butt-welded joints in the personnel access locks and in the penetrations and the reinforcement around the openings were examined by full radiography and other methods called for by ASME Section III Class B and were also vacuum box tested or leak tested.

Non radiographable joint details covered by the ASME Section III Class B requirements and the polar crane support welds were 100% examined by visual and either liquid penetrant or magnetic particle methods.

All other joint details in the liner, sumps, anchors, etc., which were honradiographable were examined by the following methods:

a. 100% visual inspection
b. 20% liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination
c. 100% vacuum box or leak testing Full radiography was in accordance with Paragraph N-1350 of ASME,Section III. The procedures and acceptance criteria conformed to Paragraph UW-51 of ASME, Section VIll.

Spot radiography was in accordance with approved procedures and governed by the acceptance criteria of Paragraph UW-52 of ASME, Section VIIl and porosity charts of Appendix IV of ASME,Section III with the following conditions:

a. Two percent of the welds covered by spot radiography were examined, excluding repairs.
b. The 2% was approximately 2% of welds of each welder.
c. The frequency was 12 inches in every 50 feet of welding.

Liquid penetrant examination methods and acceptance criteria were in accordance with Appendix VIII of ASME,Section VIII.

Magnetic particle examination methods and acceptance criteria were in accordance with Appendix VI of ASME,Section VIII.

Oualitv Control and lmidev'tructive Testing for SGR Af/er the liner plate was welded back to its original configuration. the tollowingA Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE) were perf/rined in accordance with the applicable sections of ASAIf Section VIIk and ASME Section XI Subsections IWA and IWf. on the liner plate butt welds aroundthe perimeter ofthe Opening;:

o 100% visual examination o 100% vacuum box leak testing o /00% Mlagnetic Testing (lDouhle sided welds received Waggeatic Particle Examinations on both sides of the liner shell. Welds with backin! bar received Magnetic Particle Examinations after the first and final Iners.

100% inagnetic particle examination was used as an alternative In the original 014'ner examination requirements..f 2% spot radiographyand 20% liquid penetrantper the recopiciliation evaluation contained in ECED 70586.

CP-216 Rev.7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 7 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 Liquid penetrant exYamination methods and acceptance criteria were in accordance with Append/ix VIII of ASME, Section 1ll.

Magneticparticle examination mnethods and acceptance criteriawere in accordance with /IpendLt V1i of JSA1E.

Section VIII. Reactor Building Concrete Shell Static Solution The static load stresses and deflections that are in a thin, elastic shell of revolution, are calculated by an exact numerical solution of the general bending theory of shells. This analysis employs the differential equations derived by E. Reissner (Ref 23). These equations are generally accepted as the standard ones for the analysis of thin shells of revolution. The equations given by E. Reissner are based on the linear theory of elasticity, and they take into account the bending as well as the membrane action of the shell.

The method of solution is the multi-segment method of direct integration, which is capable of calculating the exact solution of an arbitrary thin, elastic shell of revolution when subjected to any given edge, surface, and temperature loads. This method of analysis was published (Ref 26) and has found wide application by many engineers concerned with the analysis of thin shells of revolution.

The actual calculation of the stresses produced in the shell and foundation was carried out by means of a computer program written by Professor A. Kalnins of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This computer program makes use of the exact equations given by E. Reissner, and solves them by means of the multi-segment method mentioned above. The program can solve up to four layers in a shell and these layers can have different elastic and thermal properties and can vary in thickness in the meridional direction. Applied loads can vary in meridional and circumferential directions. The program does not include the cracked state of the concrete nor the influence of the prestressing tendon holes. Most portions of the shell are uncracked or within the allowable compression or tension stresses for all loading conditions. Cracking will occur at discontinuity points. To balance this condition non-prestressed reinforcement has been provided.

The physical properties of the steel liner and the concrete shell, the geometry of the structure, and the breakdown of the shell into various parts, together with shell type, number of segments, and shell layers per part as used in Kalnin's Program are shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-20 shows the applied loads for a typical loading case that were used as input for Kalnin's Program. The loads shown are those due to dead load, equipment load, prestressing loads, 1.15 times the basic pressure load, and the load attributed to the subgrade.

The analysis of the reactor building for operating condition includes an evaluation of thermal transients for initial start-up, start-up during cold weather, protracted shutdown, and seasonal variations during operating condition.

This static analysis method has been evaluated by H. Kraus (Ref 25).

The method of analysis for thermal loading of the shell at the penetrations and all pipe reactions and moments is as suggested by A. K. Maghdi and A. C. Eringen (Ref 26), and by G. N. Savin (Ref 27). Stress concentration factors used to analyze membrane stresses around the penetration are based upon these references.

With the exception of the openings for the equipment hatch and personnel access lock, the next largest opening is the purge line sleeve which has a diameter of 48 inches. The diameter to wall thickness ratio is about 1:1.4. This opening and other smaller openings are described in Section

Large openings in the reactor building:

I - Equipment Hatch, 22 feet, 4 inches inside diameter I - Personnel Lock, 10 feet inside diameter The equipment access and personnel access openings are designed for the loads and load combinations as specified in Section 1. The analysis of discontinuity stresses resulting from these large openings was performed by the finite-element method. A complete description of the analysis and design as applied to the equipment opening is described in (Ref 28).

Static Solution for Steam generator repjlacement protect - creationand restorationof temporalr access opening.

The finite element computer program (iGTSTRUDL) was used to create and anal*ze three dinensional mnodels representing the containment shell, dome, basemat. and foundation soil springs fbr the fid/l, restored configuration.

CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 8 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 0O0063016R0 Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3 Sinilarto the orizinal analysis, the models utilized thin shell elements that take into account bending and membrane action in the shell. Linear soil svrin6s were also modeled similar to the orighnal analysis to simulate the support provided by the rock 1bundation. Load application to the PEA minodels was performed hi a similar manner to the or~iiinalmodel, except for seismic ORE and SSE loads. This approach utilized element sel[i-weight excitations in the horizontal and vertical direclions to calculate the equivalent seismic forces using Zero PeriodAccelerations. The resulting struituralresponse due to horizonal andvertical excitations was then combined using, the absolhte sum. Design Reactor Building Concrete Shell The reactor building has been designed in accordance with ACI 318-63 to withstand the following load conditions:

a. During construction but prior to prestressing
b. " During prestressing
c. Normal operating conditions
d. Test load conditions The building has been checked for the factored loads and load combinations given in Section, and compared with the yield strength of the structure. The load capacity of the structure is defined for the design as the upper limit of an elastic behavior of the effective load carrying structural materials.

For steels (both tendon wires and mild steel reinforcement), this limit is considered to be the guaranteed minimum yield strength. For concrete, the yield strength is limited by the ultimate values of shear (as a measure of diagonal tension) and bond per ACI 318-63, and the 28 day ultimate compressive strength for flexure (Jf ). A further

.......... I...... ..... ..........................

In summary, the analysis described in the Appendix shows that the stress concentration in the dome and around the tendon conduits is acceptable, as the dome tendon conduit is made from Schedule 40 pipe, not lightweight tube.

Aside from other functions, this relatively heavy conduit acts as additional reinforcement. Thus, the loss-of-gross section resulting from the presence of tendon conduit, does not yield unacceptable stress levels. General Design Criteria for Post-Tensioning System The tendons, including the anchorage zone,. .......................... ............................ conditions was greater at a section than that required for "Ultimate Strength Design" under factored loads, the reinforcement required for "Working Stress Design" governed.

In addition to the load combination described in Section where design is based upon an "Ultimate Strength Design" approach, the reactor building was also designed to accommodate construction and the controlling operating load combinations in accordance with ACI 318-63 "Working Strength Design" and "Prestressed Concrete."

a. Post-Tensioning Tendon Test Program Experimental data have been developed for the anchorage hardware and have been reported by The Prescon Corp (Ref 15). This report indicates that the end anchorages'can satisfactorily resist:
1. Loads equal to and greater than the guaranteed ultimate tendon strength (> 100% GUTS).
2. Dynamic loads.
3. Normal (70% GUTS) tendon loads at temperatures 30'F lower than the service metal temperature.

Dimensions, etc., of the anchorage components are as shown in Figure 5-24 and Figure 5-25.

b. Post-Tensioning Tendon Anchorage Zone Analysis and Design Examples of the analysis and design of the anchorage zones for the prestressed tendons are presented in Reference 19. The factors considered in the design of the anchorage zones were:

I. Bearing stresses CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO FPage 9 of 12

PCHG-DESG ENGINEERING CHANGE 000063016R0 Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3

2. Spalling stresses
3. Transverse tensile splitting stresses in vertical and horizontal direction
4. Transfer of unbalanced tendon forces The reinforcement in the anchorage zone was designed for the most unfavorable condition to control possible cracks in the concrete.

A check of the design was performed utilizing the finite element method (Ref 19). The check design predicted cracking in localized areas during a winter LOCA. For this condition, areas of high tensile stress:

(> 6 .fVFF-' )

have been defined and reinforcement capable of resisting them has been provided. The analysis did not include the tendon holes.

c. Tendon Friction and Efficiency TestsA series of tests have been conducted on curved tendons using the BBRV wire system to evaluate the efficiency of the tendon and the friction factors. These tests are as follows:

Location Frick, Switzerland 1121-7mm wires, 1801 horizontal curvature South Haven, Michigan 90-VA inch wires - approx. 107' horizontal curvature Middletown, Pennsylvania 90-'A inch wires - approx. 300 horizontal and 500 vertical curvature The combined results of the above give a coefficient of friction of 0.1217 and a wobble coefficient of 0.000343. The details of these tests were reported by H. Wahl and T. Brown (Ref 37). The coefficients used for design are 0.16 and 0.0003, respectively.

Three tests from the Frick series were also used to determine the ultimate strength efficiency of the curved tendon. These tests indicate that the tendons had no less than 95% efficiency. This efficiency is based upon 1800 curvature and stressing from one end of the tendon. However, the design of the reactor building does not require that the ultimate strength of the tendon be reached. The load in the tendon will not be greater than 70% of the minimum guaranteed ultimate strength under any combination of loadings.

d. Tendon Redundancy Section states that the load capacity determined for tensile membrane stresses will be reduced by a capacity reduction factor "D" of 0.95 which will provide for the possibility that small variations in material strengths, workmanship, dimensions, and control may combine to result in under capacity. Considering the above "(D" factor, it is possible to have a symmetrical failure of up to 5% of the tendons and meet the design criteria for the factored loads.

A study was performed to determine the effect of the total loss of three adjacent 163 wire tendons either vertically or circumferentially in the cylinder or in the dome. This study indicated that the loss of three adjacent tendons will not jeopardize the capability of the reactor building to withstand the design accident loading condition.

e. Prestress Losses In accordance with ACI 318-63, the design makes allowance for the following prestress losses:
1. Seating and anchorage
2. Elastic shortening of concrete
3. Creep of concrete
4. Shrinkage of concrete CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 10 of 12

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5. Relaxation of steel stress
6. Frictional loss due to intended or unintended curvature in the tendons The above losses have been predicted within safe limits. -The environment of the prestress system and concrete is not appreciably different in this case from that found in numerous bridge and building applications.
f. Prestressing Arrangement The configuration of the tendons in the dome (see Figure 5-2) is based on a three-way tendon system consisting of three groups of tendons oriented at 1200 with respect to each other. A large concrete ring girder is provided at the intersection of the dome and wall. The cylindrical wall is prestressed with a system of vertical and horizontal tendons. The horizontal system consists of a series of rings. Each ring is made up of three tendons, each subtending an angle of 120'. Six buttresses are used as anchorages with the tendons staggered so that adjacent rings do not have tendons anchored at the same buttress. Each hoop and dome tendon is stressed from both ends so as to reduce the friction losses. The vertical system consists of vertical tendons anchored in the foundation mat and ring: girder. For typical tendon arrangement, see Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-4.
g. Prestressing Sequence The dome and wall tendons were installed and tensioned in a prescribed sequence so as to minimize stress concentration in the shell. The stressing operation for the vertical tendons started at four positions approximately equally spaced along the circumference of the cylinder and proceeded in a prescribed sequence.

The hoop tendons were stressed in sets of three tendons comprising a complete 360' band at six positions and proceeded in a prescribed sequence.

The stress-strain curves for the production lots used were reviewed by the Engineer along with the final gauge reading and elongation for each stressed tendon. The loss of prestress force due to failure of wires or buttonheads was maintained at 2% or less, as stipulated by the Engineer.

Force and strain measurements were made by measurement of elongation of the prestressing steel after taking up initial slack and comparing it with the force indicated by the jack-dynamometer or pressure gauge. The gauge indicated the pressure in the jack within plus or minus 2%. Force-jack pressure gauge or dynamometer combinations were calibrated against known precise standards just before application of prestressing forces and calibrations were so certified prior to use. Pressure gauges and jacks so calibrated were always used together. During stressing, records were made of elongations as well as pressures obtained. Dynamometers or force-jack gauge combinations were checked against elongation of tendons.

Any discrepancy exceeding +/-5% of that predicted by calculations (using average load elongation curve) was documented and reviewed. All elongations were corrected to within +10% of predicted.

As a result of the steam &eneratorreplacement outage a new pre-stressins'seouence was developed for the tendons affected in and around the temporrv, access opening. This retensionink' sequence started with the tendons furthest fromn the opening and progressed towards the opening, thereb' ensuring the maximum distribution of prestress to the concrete within the opening. All of the aleted tendons were retensionedto 70% of GUTS (+4%. -0%).

h. Tendon Surveillance An in-service tendon surveillance program has been established which meets the requirements of the ASME boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XL.. Some pertinent aspects of the program are as follows:

I. Twenty-one tendons were selected for each of the first three surveillance periods for inspection, consisting of ten hoop tendons, six vertical tendons, and five dome tendons.

Unless experience shows that there are significant problems with prestressing members in the containment building, eleven tendons shall be selected for each subsequent surveillance period for inspection, consisting of five hoop tendons, three vertical tendons, and three dome tendons.

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  • Progress Energy CR3 FSAR CHANGE REQUEST CP-216, Enclosure 3
2. Lift-off tests for some surveillance tendons shall include essentially complete detensioning.
3. Each surveillance period a previously stressed tendon wire shall be removed from one dome tendon, one vertical tendon, and one hoop tendon and tensile, and elongation tests performed.
4. For the surveillance tendons selected each surveillance period an inspection shall be conducted of the anchorage assembly hardware, anchorage concrete, and conduit grease filler.
5. The surveillance was performed 1, 3, and 5 years 'after the initial containment structural integrity test and is performed every 5 years thereafter. A report of each inspection will be recorded and significant deterioration or abnormal behavior reported to the Commission.
6. The surveillance 16r the affected tendons in and around the temporair SGR access opening and for the reinmaingpopulation is as fullows:

o 2010 - I year repair/replacenmentscope, 4% sample o'fboth the veriical and hoop tendons affected by the repair. However, only the Vertical Tendons are accessible during Plant operation, the Hlorizontal Tendons will be dekr'ed to 2011. Refuel 17.

o 2011 -1 year repair/replacement o/the defirredscope (inaccessibleHorizontal Tendons. Plus 4%

sample of both ihe vertical and hoop tendons af'[lctedl by the repair, phls the normal 2% sanple drawn fiom the population that excludes previously examined tendons and those affected by the SUR.

o 2017 - 4% sanple of both the vertical and hoop tendons affected by the repair, phls the normal 2% sample drawn from the population that excludes previously examined tendons and those affected bv the SGR CP-216 Rev. 7 ATTACHMENT Z40RO Page 12 of 12


Holliday, John; cc:;


Concrete Date:

Friday, September 05, 2008 3:01:37 PM Attachments:

CR3 Answers to Question, Aug. 2008.doc John, Domingo's answers to the outstanding questions are attached. He and I also discussed formwork removal. We will be able to set a time period in the spec after we have completed mix proportioning and testing. He expects that it will be 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or less in that we only need around 500 psi. Early removal however, means a longer period for application of curing methods. Domingo would also like to begin some dialogue on the placement and consolidation methods. CTL may be leaning toward a high slump (6" or so) concrete if the desire is to pump the concrete. If we go with a lower slump we may need to use buckets or conveyors.

Chris Sward Project Manager Sargent & Lundy 312-269-7426 ATTACHMENT Z38R0 Page 1 of 10


Summary of S&L Position on Seven Topics Discussed with Mr. John Holliday

1. Testing for Poisson's ratio of concrete Answer to the question: Why we are not testing for Poisson's ratio?

Testing to determine the concrete Poisson's ratio in accordance to ASTM C469 "Standard Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's ratio of Concrete in Compression," does not require extra test specimens, just the use of an extensometer to measure the transverse strain of the test specimens in addition to the compressometer used for the determination of the elastic modulus.

The Poisson's ratio is used in the computer programs for structural analysis to account for the effect of transversal deformations. The Poisson's ratio in concrete varies within a narrow range such as 0.17 to 0.20. Therefore, the effect of this variation in the results of the structural analysis if any is negligible.

The value of the Poisson's ratio used during the structural analysis of the replacement concrete was the same used in the plant FSAA. That is o = 0.20 which is adequate for the analysis performed.

Poisson's ratio is not a parameter tested for quality control during production and placement of concrete, and it not required to be tested in any structural design code or specification whether it is a structure built of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, or steel.


For these reasons, Poisson's ratio was not included in the testing program for the concrete mixture design program, and will not be included in the testing required for the concrete quality control during construction.

2. Recommendations to prevent mold in the aggregate stock piles Answer to the question asking for recommendations to prevent mold in the aggregate stock piles.

Mold and plants will grow at aggregate stock piles if moisture, temperature and stagnant air are present. Organic impurities in aggregate from mold and plant growing may interfere with the chemical reactions of the cement hydration. The organic matter found in aggregate consists usually of product of decay of vegetable matter including mold.

The fine aggregate is more prone to the development of mold and to have organic matter than the coarse aggregate, because of its higher water and moisture receptivity compared with those of the coarse aggregate.

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Prevention is the recommended solution to this possible contamination. Since there is very little control over the temperature of the aggregates in the stock piles, we shall concentrate on reducing the moisture content and the stagnant air in the stock piles of aggregates. Usually this is not a problem for short-term stockpiling as done in concrete ready mixed plants. The possibility of contamination increases with time of stock piling, and the warm and humid weather in Florida is a cause for concern.

It is recommended that:

First, the aggregates shall be initially stored and continuously keep stored in a dry condition. That is, it is very important that aggregated will be dry at all times, except at the time of their use in concrete. The surface on which they are stock piled must be dry at all the times, and the stock piles protected from rain.

Second, the rain and moisture protection provided to the stock piles should allow the air to circulate around the stock piles, to reduce the possibility of mold and vegetation development.

Third, periodically move the piles to prevent accumulation of moisture and stagnant air inside the plies, and to visually check for mold and vegetation development. In addition to periodical visual inspections, it is recommended to test aggregate samples in accordance to ASTM C 40, "Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete,"

Fourth, if organic impurities are found in the aggregates, samples of the presumed contaminated sand shall be tested in mortar specimens in accordance to ASTM C 87 "Standard Test Method for Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates on Strength of Mortar,"

Washing the aggregates is an effective method to remove organic impurities and may be considered as a solution if the problem develops beyond the control with the solutions proposed. Some chemicals like hydrogen peroxide may be used to eliminate organic material contamination during washing of the aggregates if so required but additional search and testing is required.


Stockpiles of aggregates shall be dry and ventilated to prevent mold and vegetation grows. Periodical inspection to detect mold and vegetation development is strongly recommended with testing to verify organic contamination if any. Washing of aggregates and the use of chemical may be required if mold an organic contamination develops

3. Applicability of ACI 209R-92 (97) report to nuclear containments structures Answer to the question about the applicability of ACI 209R-92(97) report to the concrete replacement in CR3 containment based on its disclaimer in Section 1.1.

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Article 1.1 in ACI 209R-92(97) states "Special structures, such as nuclear reactor vessels and containments, bridges or shells of record spans, or large ocean structures, may require further considerations which are not within the scope of this report."

ACI 209R-92(97) is a five chapter report on the prediction of creep, shrinkage and temperature effects in concrete structures.

At the time the original report was published (written in the 1970's and approved by ACI TAC for publication in 1982), two of the three principal authors of the report were involved in the design of nuclear containments, and other members of the Subcommittee IIwere involved in the design of long span bridges.

The scopes of Chapters 1, 2 and 5 of this report were general, but the scopes of Chapters 3 and 4 were mainly oriented to common reinforced concrete building structures, and to simple span prestressed members used in bridges up to medium spans. It was the opinion of the writers to caution report users of the limitations of this report.

In the case of the CR3 concrete replacement, Chapter 2 of ACI 209R-92(97) was the only portion of this report used as a guide to estimate the creep coefficient and concrete shrinkage strain for the calculations of the stresses and strains in the new replacement concrete after post-tensioning forces were reapplied. The main goal of the analytical studies was to find concrete creep and shrinkage strains that assure the restoration of an acceptable level of prestressing in the wall, and to provide the specific target values required for the concrete mixture design and testing program.

Since an extensive test program is being implemented on the concrete constituent materials as well on the creep and shrinkage of the concrete mixtures to be used in CR3, to applicability of ACI 209R-92(97) is not an issue at all, because this testing program will remove most of the limitations of the prediction models in Chapter 2 of ACI 209R-92(97).

ACI Committee 209, decided to restructure the new revisions to ACI 209R-92(97) as independent reports to avoid conflict of applicability and to facilitate future revisions.

In 2005 ACI Committee 209 published the Report ACI 209.1 R-05 "Guide to factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete in Engineering,"

12pp., which is a new and more complete version of Chapter One in the ACI 209R-92(97) report. This new report is in the process of revision for a new edition.

In 2008 ACICommittee 209 published the Report ACI 209.2R-08 "Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete," 44 pp.

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This report is a new and more complete version of Chapter Two in the ACI 209R-92(97). In Section 1.1 of this report it is stated "For structures where shrinkage and creep are deemed critical, material testing should be undertaken and long-term behavior extrapolated from resulting data. This is precisely was it is being done with the CR3 concrete in the ongoing testing program.

Since, ACI 209.2R-08 is now available and tests are performed to determine the creep and shrinkage strain of the concrete that will be used as well as other properties, it is better to refer to it, instead of the reference to ACI 209R-92(97) that was the only document available from ACI at the time the CR3 analysis was performed in year 2007.


The implementation of the ongoing tests program to determine the concrete creep and shrinkage strains in the concrete to be used in CR3 conforms to the new ACI 209.2R-08 and removes any potential questioning about the applicability of ACI 209R-92(97) to CR3 project. It is recommended to reference ACI 209.2R-08 report instead of the previous reference to ACI 209R-92(97).

4. Concrete Placement Temperature of 50 OF Answer to the question about the applicability of the maximum concrete temperature of 50 OF when compared to the minimum temperature of 50 OF during cold weather concreting in ACI 306R-88.

Section 1.4.3 of ACI 306R-88 "Cold Weather Concreting" (reapproved 2002) states:

"Where a specified concrete strength must be attained in a few days or weeks, protection at temperatures above 50OF (10°C) is required. See Chapters 5 and 6."

Cold weather definition in Section 1.1 of ACI 306R-88(02).

"Cold weather is defined as a period when, for more than 3 consecutive days, the following conditions exist: 1) the average daily air temperature is less than 40'F (50C), and 2) the air temperature is not greater than 50'F (10°C) for more than one-half of any 24-hr period."

Each one of the following eight observations per se will explain the non-applicability of the minimum 50OF recommendation in ACI 306-88(02) to CR3 project. All together reinforce each other on the non-applicability to CR3 project.

  • This definition of cold weather in ACI 306-88(02) hardly applies to Florida even in deep winter.

" The interior temperature of the containment will be all the times at a temperature higher than 50 0 F, even if the replacement work is done during Page 4 of 9 09/05/08 ATTACHMENT Z38R0 Page 5 of 10


the months of January or February. Therefore, more than one half of the new concrete surfaces will be exposed at a temperature higher than 50°F as soon as it is placed, even if the outside air temperature is below 50 0 F.

  • The outside surface of the formwork can be insulated if necessary in the extreme case the cold weather definition applies to the location of CR3 or as a precaution measure if concrete is placed in winter. Further more, the use of insulation initially applied on the formwork is desirable to take advantage of the autogenously curing provided by the cement heat of hydration. During curing, following curing and at the removal of formwork in cold weather, prevent the maximum temperature decrease at the surface of the concrete in a 24 hr period exceeding 30 0 F, (ACI 301-05, Section
  • ACI 306-88R (02) is a committee report with recommendations of good construction practices, but it is not written as specification or code requirements with the purpose of being enforced.

" ACI 318-08 Code and ACI 301-05 Specifications are documents to be enforced legally by the jurisdiction where the work is performed. They do not have this limit of 50°F minimum temperature in their cold weather requirements.

  • Concrete mixtures for CR3 are designed and tested at a mixing maximum temperature of 50°F to reduce the concrete creep and shrinkage, while developing the desired specified strengths. Test results from the ongoing test program are the best way to assure a desired performance. If the goals for the desired creep and shrinkage maximum strains are reached at a higher temperature, the specified 50 0 F may be raised based on the test results.
  • Concrete samples will be secured during concrete placement for testing.

Based on their test results, the performance of the concrete will be evaluated with respect to: a) the specification requirements, b) the laboratory tests results, and c) the parameters and properties of the concrete used in the structural analysis of the containment concrete replacement.

  • The cooler the concrete temperature during mixing, the better the quality of the hardened concrete if proper curing environment is provided.

Controlling the minimum temperature of the concrete curing environment in Florida will be a not to difficult task to enforce in winter. However, controlling the maximum temperature will be more difficult in summer.

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The maximum specified concrete temperature of 50'F as delivered is not of concern when compared to the minimum temperature of 50°F during cold weather concreting in ACI 306R-88. Controlling the minimum curing environment of the concrete in Florida will be a not to difficult task to enforce in winter. However, controlling the maximum temperature will be more difficult in summer.

5. Location where concrete temperature requirement of 50 OF will be tested and enforced Answer to the question: Where the maximum temperature limit of 50°F will be tested and enforced.

Representative samples of fresh concrete are secured at the project site in accordance to ASTM C 172 "Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete" which is the sampling standard referred in ASTM C 94 "Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete," in ACI 318-08 Code and ACI 301-05 Specifications.

Samples of concrete taken at place of delivery are used for the fresh concrete tests and for preparation of the compression test cylinders. One of the fresh concrete tests is the determination of its temperature as delivered.

The concern is the possible difficulty of not meeting the maximum requirement of 50°F at point of delivery if concrete is placed in summer and if the delivery time from the ready-mixed plant is delayed for more than 30 minutes.

Since the mixing plant is close to the project site and the total volume of concrete to be placed is approximately 90 yd 3 , time coordination to avoid delays of more than 30 minutes from batch plant to the site should not be a problem.

Not meeting the maximum 50°F may result in a loss of slump which can be compensated at batch plant by the chemical admixtures used and / or additional vibration during concrete consolidation. Nevertheless, for the approximately 90 yd 3 to be placed in one day, delays should be avoided as part of the QC/QA program.

On the other hand, taking representative concrete temperature readings at the batch plant is not an easy task, unless the mixing drum or the trucks are instrumented. However, meeting the temperature requirement is needed at the location of placement to control the workability and other properties of the concrete, not at the batch plant.


Concrete temperature reading shall be taken on samples at point of delivery, not at batch plant. Delays in the delivery of concrete to the site should be avoided as part of the QC/QA program.

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6. Forms Continually Wet During Hot Weather Curing of Concrete Answer to the question: ACI 305R-99 "Hot Weather Concreting" and S & L specification requirement to keep the forms continually wet during the curing period in hot weather. How does this apply or what other requirements do we need to stipulate if they use metal formwork?

ACI 305R-99 states "Section 4.4.4 of "Curing of concrete in forms-Forms should be covered and kept continuously moist during the early curing period. Formed concrete requires early access to ample external curing water for strength development. This is particularly important when using high-strength concrete having a w/cm less than approximately 0.40 (ACI 363R). The forms should be loosened as soon as this can be done without damage to the concrete, and provisions made for curing water to run down inside them. Cracking may occur when the concrete cools rapidly from a high peak temperature and is restrained from contracting. In more massive members, and if the internal temperature rise cannot be controlled by available means, the concrete should be given thermal protection so that it will cool gradually at a rate that will not cause the concrete to crack."

This recommendation is very good for hot weather concreting and shall be enforced. However, the following observations shall be considered:

0 Hot weather conditions as defined in Section 1.2.1 of ACI 305R-99 were mainly defined for hot weather in semi-desert places like Arizona and Nevada for example, where any combination of the following conditions tends to impair the quality of the freshly mixed or hardened concrete by accelerating the rate of moisture loss and the rate of cement hydration.

That is:

High ambient temperature; High concrete temperature; Low relative humidity; Wind speed; and Solar radiation.

These conditions may not apply in Florida even in summer, since:

  • The ambient temperature in summer seldom exceeds 95°F compared to the common temperatures above 100°F in semi-desert places.
  • The concrete temperature as placed will not exceed 50 0 F. This is another advantage of low initial concrete temperature.
  • The relative humidity in Florida is very high in summer compared with the 30% and lower in the semi-desert places.
  • High wind speeds in Florida are related to hurricanes and summer thunderstorms which are extremely wet rather than dry.

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  • Solar radiation in Florida is attenuated by the high relative humidity in summer, as well by the clouds absent in semi-desert places.

The use of metal formwork is more critical in hot weather concreting than the wood formwork, because of the lesser insolating thermal properties of the metal compared to those of the wood. Therefore, this is another reason to enforce the ACI 305R-99 Section 4.4.4 recommendations.

Providing protection from solar radiation is easy and highly desired. However, the wetting of the formwork is usually avoided as messy, especially if other work is performed in the vicinity of the wetted formwork. In the case of CR3 if the formwork is outside and the water can be drained easily, this wetting should not be a problem.

ACI 305R-99 is a committee report with recommendations of good construction practices, but it is not written as specification or code requirements with the purpose of being enforced. Section 4.4.4 language need to be revised to be incorporated the recommendations as requirements in specification language, and adapted to the climatic conditions in Florida if concrete will be placed in summer.


Specification requirement to keep the forms continually wet during the curing period in hot weather is very good for hot weather concreting and shall be enforced. Providing protection from solar radiation is easy and highly desired.

7. Use of ASTM C150 Type I Cement vs. Type III Cement Answer to the question: Why ASTM C150 Type I cement was specified and used instead of Type III cement, if high early compressive strength is required in the CR3 concrete replacement?

ASTM C150 "Standard Specification for Portland Cement" defines the eight types of cements, (I, IA, II, IIA, III, lilA, IV and V) based on minimum and maximum physical and chemical requirements.

Type IV production was discontinued decades ago, and Types IA, IIA and lilA are not produced since it is easier, more economic and more reliable to introduce air in a concrete mixture using air entraining admixtures rather than using these types of cement.

Type V cement and Type IIcement conforming to the Optional Chemical and Optional Physical requirements are produced in a limited number of plants in the USA and Canada, were local conditions require their use.

At present, most of the cement plants produce only one cement that meet simultaneously the ASTM C1 50 requirements for Types I, Type II (No optional Requirements) and Type Ill.

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The two cements for the CR3 concrete were selected based on their test results, with emphasis on a compressive strength of 3900 psi at 3 days. This strength compares well with the required minimum strength at 3 days of 3480 psi in ASTM C150 for Type III cement, and with the minimum required strength of 1740 psi at 3 days for Type I cement. The cement for CR3 is a Type I cement performing as good or better than a Type III cement, at the price of a Type I cement.

During the cement procurement phase of this project, the required minimum 3 days strength was reduced from 4000 psi to 3900 psi because of the cement availability and the assurance to meet the compressive strength required. Tests performed on the two cements selected exceed procurement requirements.


Results from tests performed on the two cements selected for the CR3 project exceed procurement requirements and Type III cement requirements in ASTM C150.

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