NRC-10-0064, Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 - Annual Report for Period Ending June 30, 2010

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Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 - Annual Report for Period Ending June 30, 2010
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2010
From: Plona J
Detroit Edison, DTE Energy
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML102510141 (9)


Fermi 2 6400 North Dixie Hwy., Newport, MI 48166 Detroit Edison August 31, 2010 NRC-10-0064 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 NRC Docket No. 50-16 NRC License No. DPR-9


Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 Annual Report Period Ending June 30, 2010 Pursuant to Section F.7 (Reporting Requirements) of the Technical Specifications for Provisional Operating License No. DPR-9, the annual report for the period ending June 30, 2010 for the SAFSTOR Fermi 1 facility is enclosed.

Should you have any questions, please contact Lynne S. Goodman, Manager, Fermi 1 at 734-586-1205.

Sincerely, Joseph H. Plona Site Vice President, Nuclear Generation JHP/CN/ljd Enclosure cc:

NRC Regional Administrator, Region III T. Smith, NRC (Washington, D.C.)

NRC Resident Inspector-Fermi 2 P. Lee, NRC Region III T. Strong (Michigan Dept of Natural Resources and Environment)

A DTE Energy Company

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 1 DETROIT EDISON COMPANY ENRICO FERMI ATOMIC POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 Docket No. 50-16 License No. DPR-9 Annual Report for Period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 Approved by:

Ly ne.


Custodian Date:

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 2 ENRICO FERMI ATOMIC POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 2009 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2010 1.0 PREFACE This report provides a summary of the activities performed and the results of the facility surveillance program of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 Decommissioning Project, during the past twelve (12) months ending June 30, 2010.

In summary, required activities were conducted in accordance with the Operating License and Technical Specifications. Fermi 1 continues decommissioning activities with the removal of contaminated components and commencement of final status surveys to achieve license termination.

2.0 SAFSTOR STATUS 21 Health Physics, 21i.1 Personnel Exposure From July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, all monitored Fermi 1 personnel wore Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) as dosimetry of record. Electronic Dosimeters (EDs) were worn from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 as secondary dosimetry at Fermi 1. All visitors were appropriately escorted and wore EDs as a minimum when entering all Radiologically Restricted Areas (RRA).

The accumulative whole body dose from activities associated with Fermi 1 was 8,884 millirem for this reporting period. This is based on TLD readings for the third and fourth quarter 2009 and the first quarter 2010. Electronic dosimeter readings were used for the second quarter 2010, since TLD readings are not available at the time of this submittal.

2.2 Surveillance Program -

2.2.1 Environmental. Surveys No liquid radiological releases occurred during this period; therefore, environmental monitoring samples were not required.

2.2.2 Weekly Tests and Inspections

  • General area --- The Fermi 1 staff performed walk through and visual inspections as required by Technical Specifications. No significant issues were identified during the inspections.

2.2.3 Monthly Inspections Controlled Area Inspections --- During the specified interval, Fermi 1 staff conducted visual inspections of the fences, gates, and doors and surveyed the sump water levels from the top access of all active sumps. No significant issues were identified during the inspections.

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 3 2.2.4 Quarterly Surveillances Radiological Surveys --- The Radiation Protection technicians checked the Reactor Building and the Fuel and Repair Building (FARB) for presence of gamma radiation, as well as beta, gamma, and alpha contamination. There were no unexpected radiation readings detected. The results of the quarterly contamination surveys indicated general area walkways remain <500-dpm/100 cm2 beta/gamma and <20-dpm/100-cm2 alpha.

3.0 DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT The Fermi 1 Decommissioning Project continued during this period including equipment removal and commencement of final status surveys. Details are discussed below.

The Fermi 1 staff collected groundwater monitoring well samples to obtain information for license termination planning. No plant related, radioactive isotopes were detected above background levels.

3.1 Sodium Buildin The following activities were conducted in the Sodium Building during this period:

" Completed the evaporation of the neutralized processing liquid being stored in the three (3) 15,000 gallon primary sodium storage tanks.

  • Removed sections of cover gas piping in the Primary Sodium Storage Tank room previously connected to the tanks that were used for processing the residual sodium.
  • Completed processing of Sodium Potassium (NaK) from plant instrumentation lines previously removed.
  • Disassembled and disposed of Sodium Building windbox, scrubber system, and associated piping and equipment.

Removed remaining clean argon system piping and disposed of as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) bulk product waste.

3.2 Reactor Building The following activities were conducted in the Reactor Building during this period:

" Completed removal of the majority of bulk graphite and asbestos containing material from around the perimeter of the reactor and the primary shield tank (PST), except the portion under the reactor vessel. Some graphite left in place for personnel shielding for future activities.

  • Completed removal of the 6", 14", and 30" connections to the reactor.

Completed removal and shipment of the three primary sodium pumps and three intermediate heat exchangers.

  • Removed the two primary overflow tank pumps.
  • Removed chiller unit from East yard that was used to support the processing of residual sodium in the Reactor Building.

Removed some miscellaneous support steel from Reactor Building lower level.

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 4 3.3 Tunnels / Annulus The following activities were conducted in the Tunnels / Annulus during this period:

Removed all secondary sodium pipe, supports, and miscellaneous other equipment from the East and West Sodium Galleries. Performed radiological surveys and free-released the majority of steel for recycle.

  • Completed equipment removal from the Fission Product Detector Building.
  • Removed pipe and supports from the Sodium Tunnel. Removed miscellaneous equipment from Sodium Tunnel filter room.

3.4 Fuel and Repair Building (FARB)

The following activities were conducted in the FARB during this period:

  • Removed the FARB Decay Pool bridge crane.
  • Removed three large FARB Cutup Pool roof panels and shipped offsite for recycling.,
  • Setup permanent ladder in Cutup poIol to support pool 'access..Removed majority of stainless steel liner and support beams from the Cutup pool, and all of the Decay pool liner and beams.'Also removed all of the sand from behind the pool liners.

Completed tank and equipment removal in the FARB Waste Tank room, and decontaminated the room. Completed equipment removal in the waste pump and valve room and decontaminated the room. Completed most of the tank and equipment removal from the FARB Dump Tank room. Removed steel shot, asbestos insulation, and pipes penetrating between rooms.

3.5 Radiological Surveys Radiological surveys were conducted in accordance with plant procedures. No unexpected radiological conditions were encountered during this reporting period.

3.6 Radiological Shipments The Fermi 1 team shipped the following materials offsite without incident from Fermi 1 during the reporting period. Tools and equipment shipped to Fermi 2 are not included in this table.

Volume Weight Shipment Material Destination Sategr mciv Gross.

Gross Number Description Category (MCi)



Energy Solutions EFI-09-013 Core Sweep & OHM

CWF, LSA 441 11.18 43,400 Clive UT Energy Solutions EF1-09-017 DAW/Metal Waste
BWF, LSA 21.7 768 39,985 Clive UT EFI-09-018 Contaminated UniTech, Morris IL LQ 2.5 118 3079 Laundry EFI-09-020 Contaminated UniTech, Morris IL LQ 2.49 118 1960 Laundry

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 5

'Shipment Material Shipment Activity Volume Weight Number Description Destination Category (mCi)

Gross Gross Nubrecrpinaegr_(_)



EF 1-9-021 Contaminated EF 1-09-021 UniTech, Morris IL LQ 3.7 118 2,883 Laundry DAW/Metal Energy Solutions EF1-09-022 Waste/Graphite

BWF, LSA 51.4 4830 242,860 Blocks Clive UT Energy Solutions EFI-09-023 DAW/Metal Waste
BWF, LSA 28.2 1266 36,998 Clive UT Energy Solutions EF1-09-024 DAW/Metal Waste
BWF, LSA 8.4 1560 29,665 Clive UT EF1-09-025 DAW/Metal/Graphite Energy Solutions

& Asbestos Waste

BWF, AU 58.4 5520.8 271,620 Clive UT Contaminated EFI-09-026 UniTech, Morris IL LQ 2.8 236 3,699 EF1 9-26..

., Laundry...

Energy Solutions...

EF1-09-027 Sodium Pump #1 BWF, "

AU 31.6 618 56,101 Clive UT Energy Solutions EF1-09-028 Sodium Pump #2

BWF, AU 31.6 618 56,101 Clive UT Energy Solutions EF1-09-029 Sodium Pump #3
BWF, AU 31.6 618 56,101 Clive UT Energy Solutions EFI-09-030 Heat Exchanger #3 BWF,'

AU 89'5 805 196,401 Clive UT Energy Solutions EFI-09-031 Heat Exchanger #2

BWF, AU 89.5 805 196,601 Clive UT Energy Solutions EFI-09-032 Heat Exchanger #1
BWF, AU 89.5 805 197,101 Clive UT EFI-09-033 DAW/Metal/Graphite Energy Solutions AU 52 4830 244,790 Clive UT EFI-09-034 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ 1.IE-3

<1 8.2 Charleston SC EF 1-9-035 Contaminated EFL-09-035 UniTech, Morris IL LQ 2.1 186 2,493 Laundry DAW/Metal/Graphite Energy Solutions, DAW/etalGrapite Bear Creek EFI-10-001 Blocks/Asbestos Oer Oak AU 55.7 4830 256,110 Waste Operations, Oak Ridge TN Energy Solutions EFI-10-002 DAW/Metal Waste

BWF, LSA 4.6 690 32,700 Clive UT

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 6 Shipment Material Shipment ActivityWeight Destination Gross Gross Number Description Category (mCi)



EFI-10-003 Contaminated UniTech, Morris IL LQ 6

310 4,302 Laundry Energy Solutions EFI-10-004 DAW/Metal Waste

BWF, LSA 9.95 1770 44,500 Clive UT EF 1-0-005 Contaminated EFI-10-005 Laundry UniTech, Morris IL LQ 1.38 124 1,878 Energy Solutions EFI-10-007 DAW/Metal Waste
BWF, LSA 4.3 690 26,500 Clive UT EFI-10-008 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ

.044 1.2 17.8 Charleston SC.

Energy Solutions EFI.-l0-9 DAW/Metal Waste

BWF, LSA 5.24 690


_________Clive UT EF1-1-0*:;

Contaminated E--C amnat UniTech, Morris IL LQ 4.1 310

.5,041 Laundry EF I-10-0 11 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ Charleston SC


<1 28 Energy Solutions EFI-10-012 DAW/Metal Waste

BWF, LSA 4.81 690 33,605 Clive UT EFI-10-013 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ 4.42E-02

<1 20 Charleston SC EFI-10-014 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ 2.87E-05

<1 7

Charleston SC EFI-10-015 Contaminated UniTech, Morris IL LQ 5.30 310 5,279 Laundry Energy Solutions EFI-10-016 DAW/Metal Waste

BWF, LSA 4.4 690 30,880 Clive UT EFI-10-017 Samples GEL Laboratories, LQ 6.02E-01 1.5 1.0 Charleston SC BWF - Bulk Waste Facility CWF - Containerized Waste Facility DAW - Dry Active Waste

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 7 3.7 License Termination Plan Final Status Surveys were performed in the following areas:

  • Office Building

" Steam Generator Building

  • Turbine Building (4 th floor and above, including the roofs)
  • Waste Gas Building
  • West Sodium Gallery 4.0 RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENTS There were no unplanned radiological gaseous effluent releases during the reporting period. All measurable releases were associated with the decommissioning project.

The maximum dose to an offsite member of the public from these releases was 9.5 E-6 mrem Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) derived from a total of 19.4 mCi of tritium. The gaseous effluent releases were below the Technical Specification air dose limit of 10 mrrad of gamma radiation and 20 mrad of beta radiation per year. The individual dose calculated due to gaseous effluent releases was below the Technical Specification dose limit of 5 mrem, Total Effective Dose Equivalent.

5.0 50.59 EVALUATIONS, DESIGN CHANGES AND LER's 5.1 10 CFR 50.59 The Fermi 1 team conducted one 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation during this period and made two (2) revisions to one 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluation from the previous reporting period. Screenings determined that 50.59 Evaluations were not required for other activities.

08-050-SE, Rev. 1 50.59 Evaluation for Cutting and Removing the Reactor Vessel 08-050-SE, Rev. 2 50.59 Evaluation for Cutting and Removing the Reactor Vessel Summary:

The 50.59 Evaluation 08-050-SE, Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 addressed changes to the cutting method for cutting the reactor vessel and removing it for shipment and disposal. The impact on the accident analysis was addressed for the changes in cutting methods, including adding an allowance for additional cuts relative to particulates that could be available for release in an accident.

Fermi 1 Annual Report 2010 Enclosure to NRC-10-0064 Page 8 Previously, activated reactor vessel radionuclides were considered immobile and not available for release in any postulated accident. Calculations determined that the existing Fermi 1 Safety AnalysisReport (FISAR), Rev. 5 accident analyses bound the cutting operations' potential for the release of removed contamination and activated material. Lastly, the as-left condition, with the reactor vessel removed, reduces the available source term for a postulated accident and reduces the frequency for an accident involving release of radioactive material.09-011 -SE, 50.59 Evaluation on Postulated Accident Airborne Release Dose Summary:

The consequences of postulated airborne release accidents in the Fermi 1 Safety Analysis Report (F 1SAR) were recalculated in response to a corrective action document that identified it would be more appropriate to use the dose to activity correlation based on the. correlation between effluent concentration and public dose in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, than the correlation between DAC and occupational exposure ino10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 1. The 50.59 Evaluation 09-011 -SE was performed to address the results of the accident analyses change. The consequences of some postulated airborne accident releases increased, but not more than minimally. The consequences remained well below 100 mrem and 10 CFR 100 limits.

5.2 Design Changes The Fermi 1 team implemented Design Change 09-002-DC, which installed an emergency stop function on the Fermi 1 Containment Building crane.

Removal of abandoned systems and components continued using work request documents per the Fermi 1 Quality Assurance Program.

5.3 Licensee Event Reports There were no Licensee Event Reports during this reporting period.

6.0 AUDIT SUBCOMMITTEE The Audit Subcommittee inspected the physical facility and reviewed the Technical Specification surveillance records during the reporting period. No significant problems were identified.

All audit reports are maintained on file.