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Data Sheet for River Bend Station, Checklist for Step 1 Review
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2009
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Information Services
Download: ML100220944 (2)



DATASHEET 1 DATASHEET 1: CHECKLIST FOR STEP 1 REVIEW Unit: ,_ (4'o "j Date of submittal: " 0ZL12i= I

1. The minimum financial assurance (MFA) estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) & (c)

Did the licensee identify the amount of estimated radiological funds? Yes KNo___

2. The total amount of dollars accumulated at the end of the appropriate year I ._
3. Schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected
4. Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissionin funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections:
5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying: Yes or NoLL.\
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing decommissioning funding assurance:


  • Yes or No ( -
7. Any material changes to trust agreements: Yes or No_ .

If a change has occurred, the reviewer will document on this sheet that a change has occurred and identify the reviewer who will evaluate the change Review Performed By: Date: 0 '10t3


ti 11I2 Datasheet I -. Atasheet 3 Plant name: River Bend Station (Non-Regulated) 30% Docket Number: 50-458 Month: Day Year:

Date of Operation: 12 31 2008 Termination of Operations: 8 29 2025 I I w 1 986 EC I Base Lx I II L.xI I

Px I

Fx I. I I E- I BWR 1 3091 1 $131,819,000 109.3: 1.98 1 0.65 1 2.16 1.649 1.988 0.13 I 1.805 1 0.22 11.198 1 NRC Mimimunl: $541,100,098 I Licensee: I  % Owned: I Category lAmount of NRC Minimum/Site Specific:* Amount

. Trust Fund: I Entergy Gulf States 30X00% 2 $162,330,030 $169,800,000 Louisiana Licensee 3: $0 Licensee 4: $0 Licensee 5: $0 Licensee 6: $0 Step 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of I Years LeftITotal Real Ratel Trust Fund Balance: Return per year I in License I of Return: I Total Earnines: I Does Licensee Pass: I I $169,800,000 2% I 16.66 I 1.39088 I $236,171,103 1 YES I Step 2:

Accumulation: If annuity is not consistent, go to "Annuity" sheet I I Real Rate of Ntumber of Annual I Value of Annuity per yeah Rea Rat of Return per Iear ........of ....

Payments: Totnual TotAnnuity:

s$o 2% 0o $0 Real Rate of Years remaining after Total Annuity Return per year annuity Total Step 2

$0 2% 0.00 $0 I Total Step I + Step22 Does Licensee Pass: II I , I I I $236,171,103 1 YES [

Step 3:

Decom Period:

[ Total Earinehs: Real Rate of Decein Total Real Rate Total Eain for IReturn nrvear I Period: I nfRe,hl-. flcn, II...........

Toa atiss ....-....-.--f .. I..... ... I . ... I 1 $236,171,103 1 2% 7 1 0.14869 1 $17,557,629 1 I TotalofStens 1 thin3: I Does Licensee Pass: I Shortfall: I I ~ I I 1 $253,728,732 I YES I NO I

.*L Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo and Shawn Htarwell Siayre Simialsire: Date: Formulas verified by: Larry Pitniglio