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Preliminary Request for Additional Information Regarding Digital Systems Attachment
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2010
From: Joel Wiebe
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Wiebe, Joel NRR/DORL/WBSP, 415-6606
Download: ML100200166 (2)


Preliminary Request for Additional Information for Discussion

1. The Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession Number ML080770366) lists changes to the Unit 1 FSAR and depicts how Chapter 7 of the Unit 2 FSAR will appear at fuel load. Have additional changes been made to Chapter 7 of the Unit 2 FSAR beyond those indicated in ML080770366? Which of the changes identified correspond to digital instrumentation and controls (I&C) components and systems that have not been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC?
2. Are there I&C components and systems that have changed to a new or different digital technology without the change being reflected in the FSAR markup? Are there any notredlined I&C components and systems that have been changed or replaced by digital base technology since Unit 1 was approved?
3. Because a digital I&C platform can be configured and programmed for different applications, the review process can be divided between a review of the platform and a review of the application. For planning and scheduling reasons, it is important to know beforehand which platform has been used in each digital component and system. What is the base platform of each unreviewed digital I&C component and system (e.g.,

Common Q)?

4. Identify the documentation that will be submitted for each unreviewed digital I&C system and component and the associated docketing schedule.
5. By letter date February 28, 2008 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Number ML080770366) TVA provided a "red-lined" version of the FSAR for WBN Unit 2. The purpose of this FSAR "red-line" version was to depict how the Unit 2 FSAR will appear at fuel load. This letter identified significant FSAR changes and provided a X-REF number for each.

Change 7.3-1 refers to the following two Summary Reports: TVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated February.9, 1998, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 - 10 CFR 50.59(b)(2), Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report WVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated September 30, 2005, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 - 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report" Submit the 50.59 Evaluations for each of these Summary Reports and identify which parts are relevant to the Unit 2 Setpoint Methodology.

6. Amendment 95 of the FSAR, Chapter 7.3, shows that change 7.3-1 consists of updating a reference from revision 5 to revision 7 and making it applicable to Unit 1 only, while adding a new reference, applicable only to Unit 2. Reagan, J. R., "Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection Systems, Watts Bar Units 1 and 2, Eagle 21 Version," WCAP-12096 Rev. 7, (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2). Unit 1 Only WCAP Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection System, Watts Bar Unit 2, Eagle 21 Version, WCAP-17044-P. Unit 2 Only. Provide both setpoint methodology documents identified above.
7. The setpoint methodology has been reviewed and approved by the NRC staff in Section of NUREG-0847 (ML072060490), NUREG-0847 Supplement No.4 (ML072060524), and NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 15 (ML072060488). Describe all changes from the methodology that has been reviewed and approved by the staff.
8. There are several staff positions that provide guidance on setpoint methodology (e.g.,

Reg Guide 1.105, BTP 7-12, RIS-2006-17 and TSTF-493 Rev. 4). Identify how the Unit 2 setpoint methodology addresses staff guidance.

9. Change 7.3-2, identified in Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (ADAMS Accession Number ML080770366), refers to the following Summary Report: WVA Letter, P. L. Pace to NRC, dated September 20, 2002, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 1 -

10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests and Experiments Summary Report" Provide the 50.59 Evaluation summarized in this Summary Report.

10. The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the scope of the review of FSAR Section 7.3, Engineered Safety Features Actuations System, included:

included single-line, function logic and schematic diagrams, and descriptive information for the ESFAS and those auxiliary supporting systems that are essential to the operation of either the ESFAS or the ESF systems. The review included the applicant's design criteria and design bases for the ESFAS and the instrumentation and controls of auxiliary supporting systems. The review also included the applicant's analyses of the manner in which the design of the ESFAS and the auxiliary supporting systems conform to the design criteria."

Please provide the information referred to in the quotation and include a description of all changes since this information was reviewed and approved by the NRC staff. If some parts of this information is included in the FSAR (e.g., Design Criteria) this information can be explicitly referenced in the response to this question.

11. NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 2 Section 7.3.2 documents an evaluation of a change in containment sump level measurement. Provide documentation to demonstrate that Unit 2 implements the containment sump level indication as described and evaluated in NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 2, Section 7.3.2, for Unit 1.
12. The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the scope of the review of FSAR Section 7.4, "Systems Required for Safe Shutdown," included single-line and schematic diagrams: "The scope of the review of the systems required for safe shutdown included the single-line and schematic diagrams and the descriptive information for these systems and for the auxiliary systems essential for their operation."

Provide the single-line and schematic diagrams for the systems required for safe shutdown that are applicable to Unit 2, and include a description of all changes since these diagrams were reviewed and approved by the NRC staff.

13. Chapter 7 and Chapter 16 of Amendment 95 to the FSAR do not include any Setpoint values. Describe how and when setpoint values (e.g., TS allowable values) will be provided for Unit 2.

Describe the documentation that will be provided to justify the acceptability of these values.