JAFP-08-0086, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding: Application for Amendment to Technical Specifications Re Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air Consistent with TSTF-501 & Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Consistent.
ML082480300 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | FitzPatrick |
Issue date: | 08/27/2008 |
From: | Peter Dietrich Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Entergy Nuclear Operations |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
JAFP-08-0086, TAC MD7927, TSTF-374 | |
Download: ML082480300 (41) | |
Entergy Nuclear Northeast Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. Fitzpatrick NPP SEntergy P.O. Box 110 Lycoming, NY 13093 Tel 315 349 6024 Fax 315 349 6480 Pete Dietrich Site Vice President - JAF August 27, 2008 JAFP-08-0086 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-333 License No. DPR-59 James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant - Response to Request For Additional Information Regarding: Application for Amendment to Technical Specifications Regarding Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air Consistent with TSTF-501 and Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Consistent with TSTF-374 (TAC No. MD7927)
- 1) Entergy Letter, JAFP-08-0006, Application for Amendment to.Technical Specifications Regarding Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air Consistent with TSTF-501 and Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Consistent with TSTF-374 (TAC No. MD7927), dated January 22, 2008
- 2) Telephone Conference with Robert Wolfgang and Bhalchandra Vaidya on August 7, 2008
- 3) Telephone Conference with Robert Wolfgang, Khris Tarsczewski, and Bhalchandra Vaidya on August 12, 2008
Dear Sir or Madam:
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO), as operator of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (JAF), hereby submits this response to the NRC's Request for Additional Information (RAI) received via teleconferences (References 2 and 3) regarding JAF's Application for Amendment to Technical Specifications Regarding Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air Consistent with TSTF-501 and Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Consistent with TSTF-374 (Reference 1).
There is one new commitment made in this letter and it is summarized in Attachment 4.
This letter does not affect the "No Significant Hazards" determination made in Reference 1.
JAFP-08-0086 Page 2 of 2 Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Gene Dorman, Senior Lead Engineer, at (315) 349-6810.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on the 27Ah-day of August, 2008.
- 1. Response to RAI Questions
- 2. Calculation JAF-CALC-07-00020 Rev. 0, Revised Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)
Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies
- 3. Calculation JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1, EDG Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil Calculations
- 4. List of Commitments Mr. Samuel J. Collins Mr. Bhalchandra Vaidya, Project Manager Regional Administrator, Region I Plant Licensing Branch I-1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .Division of Operating Reactor Licensing 475 Allendale Road Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-8-G14 Office of Resident Inspector Washington, DC 20555-0001 James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. Paul Tonko, President P. 0. Box 136 New York State Energy Research Lycoming, New York 13093 and Development Authority 17 Columbia Circle Mr. Paul Eddy Albany, New York 12203-6399 New York State Department of Public Service 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223-1350
ATTACHMENT 1 to JAFP-08-0086 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Response to RAI Questions
ATTACHMENT I to JAFP-08-0086 Questions from Component Performance and Testing Branch RAI Question:
- 1) "On Page 3 of 9 of Attachment 1, it is stated that "The fuel consumption calculation was performed assuming the worst parameter values allowed by the diesel'fuel oil sampling program." ULSD fuel can have an API gravity as high as 42. What API gravity value was used in your fuel consumption calculation?"
Surveillance Requirement Bases limits API gravity to 39 (range of 27 to 39). The JAF Fuel Oil Program requires sampling of fuel oil at the time of receipt. Portions of the fuel oil analysis are required to be complete prior to allowing fuel to be added to the fuel oil storage tanks. The test for API gravity is one of the initial acceptance tests, fuel oil with an API gravity greater that 39 would be rejected. Therefore, API gravity values of 27 - 39 were used in JAF-CALC-07-00020 Rev. 0.
RAI Question:
- 2) "On Page 5 of 9 of Attachment 1, it is stated that "The 7 day supply was calculated for API Gravity Values over the range allowed by ASTM-D975-95." Please provide a copy of ASTM-D975-95, indicating the specific location of the allowable API gravity range referenced."'
The source of the API Gravity Range was misstated in Reference 1. Appendix C of ANSI/ANS-59.51 provides the API Gravity Range used as acceptance criteria for receiving fuel. This range is also specified in JAF's Technical Specification Bases for Surveillance Requirement
RAI Question:
- 3) "Please submit your fuel consumption calculation and calculation JAF-CALC-07-00020, Revised Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies."
JAF-CALC-07-00020 Revision 0, "Revised Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies" is supplied as Attachment 2 to this correspondence. This calculation includes the information related to fuel consumption.
Page 1 of 4
ATTACHMENT 1 to JAFP-08-0086 RAI Question:
- 4) "On Page 6 of 9 of Attachment 1, it is stated that "The specific volume of lube oil equivalent to a 7 and 6 day supply is based on'the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) manufacturer's consumption values for the run time of the EDG." Please confirm that these volumes are for a lube oil that the EDG manufacturer has confirmed is compatible with ULSD fuel."ý
JAF has confirmed with EMD (the diesel engine manufacturer) that the lube oil in use at JAF is not affected by the use of ULSD fuel oil and the volume for a 7-day and 6-day supply is unchanged.
RAI Question:
- 5) "Tables B3.8.3-1 and B3.8.3-2 provide 7-day and 6-day (respectively) fuel oil storage tank quantities for API gravity values of 27, 30, 33, 36, and 39. If the API gravity of the fuel in a storage tank is in between these values or above 39, how are the 7-day and 6-day storage quantities determined?"
The Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program only allows acceptance of fuel oil with an API Gravity between 27 and 39. Therefore, the API gravity of fuel in the storage tankscannot exceed
.39. Linear interpolation of the information presented in Tables B3.8.3-1 and B3.8.3-2 will be used for determining fuel oil volumes when the actual API Gravity is between the values specified in the tables.
RAI Question:
- 6) "Surveillance Requirement states "Verify each day tank contains 327 gal of fuel oil." Please confirm that the minimum quantity of 327 gallons pertains to ULSD fuel."
The 327 gallons of fuel oil specified as acceptance criteria in SR does pertain to ULSD fuel.
Page 2 of 4
ATTACHMENT I to JAFP-08-0086 Questions from Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Chemical Engineering Branch RAI Question:
- 1) "2.0 Proposed Changes The licensee modified Surveillance Requirement (SR) by changing the maximum amount of fuel in storage tank from volume (in gallons) to the amount required to operate the Emergency Diesel Generators for 7 days and have a 6-day supply in the storage tank. This modification required a revision to the bases of SR by adding the volume equivalent of a 7-day supply, which is tabulated in B3.8.3-1 and was calculated using Regulatory Guide:(RG) 1.137, Rev. 1 (1979) ANIS/ANS-59.51-1997, and JAF-CALC-07-00020. The licensee is asked to [Please] describe the specific methods and procedures used for calculating these values."
The specific methodology used in the calculation is documented in JAF-CALC-07-00020 Rev. 0 (Attachment 2).
RAI Question:
- 2) "TS 5.5.10 and 4.2 Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program Currently, the standard test method for determining free water and particulate contamination in diesel fuel oil is the "Clear and. Bright Method" (ASTM D4176) providing "Iaclear and bright appearance with proper color". However, this method has several disadvantages: it produces only subjective pass/fail results and it cannot be used with fuel oil having low light transmission due to either large amount of contaminants, or tinting used to specify the fuel oil grade (amount of sulfur). In order to overcome these shortcomings, the licensee proposes to modify the procedure by including one of the two additional tests for determining water and sediment content: ASTM D1796 or D2709. The modified procedure "will have a clear and bright appearance with proper color or water and sediment content within limits."
Since the proposed procedure is more complex and requires additional testing, [Please provide the detailed information as to how the procedure would be implemented,] does the licensee plan to use the "Clear and Bright" method only when the anticipated contamination of fuel oil is low, and the modified procedure when the anticipated amount of the impurities is high?"
JAF will continue to use the "Clear and Bright" Test method as the preferred test method during diesel fuel oil receipt testing. The water and sediment testing would be used as a back-up method when a clear and bright test cannot be performed. Since the water and sediment test is not currently an approved test method for JAF, the equipment and procedures necessary to perform the testing are not available. JAF will obtain the appropriate test equipment and develop the necessary procedural guidance as part of the implementation of this amendment if approved. As documented in Attachment 4 to this letter the development of a water and sediment testing procedure in accordance with ASTM-D1796 or ASTM-D2709 is a commitment.
Page 3 of 4
ATTACHMENT I to JAFP-08-0086 RAI Question:
- 3) "3.0 Background In the submittal the licensee made a statement implying that removal of sulfur and aromatics from the fuel oil will have an insignificant effect as long as the API gravity does not change significantly., The licensee is asked to [Please] provide the basis for this statement."
The basis for the statement is documented in Calculation JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1 (Attachment 3).
Page 4 of 4
ATTACHMENT 2 to JAFP-08-0086 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Calculation JAF-,CALC-07-00020 Rev. 0, Revised Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies
[- ANO-1 j] ANO-2 E- GGNS 0l IP-2 [E IP-3
,JAF ! PNPS 0l RBS r VY .OW3 CALCULATION . (1)EC # 3021 (-)Page 1 of 10 COVER PAGE (3) Design Basis Catc. M YES E- NO (4) 0 CALCULATION. E] EC Markup Calculation No: JAF-CALC-07-00020 Revision: 0
Revised Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies (8) System(s): 93 (9) Review Org (Department): Eng. (Design)
Class: .Safety Component/Equipment/Structure Type/Number:. _ .
- Safety / Quality *Related
- .,-,.,- .:
.SftIQuitRladTank'93TK-6A Tank 93TK-6B F-l Augmented Quality Program _"_ _
E- Non-Safety Related Tank 93TK-6C Tank 93TK-6D (12) Document Type: CALC (13) Keywords (Description/Topical Codes):
EDG Fuel Oil Vortex submergence 1REVIEWS (14) Name/SigryVrZ teate ( Name/Sicature/Date (16) Name/Sig aTre/Da tp P. Swinburne/-C.)...-,- D. Burch/ ("* ,*-.3T . I *. 'A Responsible Enginidi Z Design Verifier [ Supervisor/Appro al E- Reviewer
_-0 Comments Attached El Comments Attached NMM EN-DC-126. RO Attachment 9.2 Calculation Cover Page
Sheet 1 of 3 JAF-CALC-07-00020 Page 2 of 10 CALCULATION : CALCULATION NO: JAF-CALC-07-00020 REFERENCE SHEET REVISION: 0 I. EC Markups Incorporated
- 1. None 2.
II. Relationships: Sht Rev Input Output Impact Tracking Doc Doc Y/N No.
- 1. JAF-CALC-07-00019 0 [] 0 Y EC 3021
- 2. 0 0
- 4. "0 0[_ _
5.. 0 0 ____ '_ -
- 1. ASTM 0 975 -06, Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
- 2. ASTM D 4868 -00 (Reapproved 2005), Standard Test Method for Estimation of Net and Gross Heat of Combustion of Burner and Diesel Fuels
- 3. EMD 20-645 E4 Fuel Consumption Curve (vendor data) 4.
N/A Version/Release: Disk/CD No.
N/A Version/Release Disk/CD No.
See Evaluation EC 3021 for other changes as a result of this calculation.
NMM EN-DC-126, RO Attachment 9.3 Calculation Reference Sheet
ATTACHMENT 9.4 RECORD OF REVISION Sheet I of I JAF-CALC-07-00020 Page 3 of 10 Revision Record of Revision',
Initial issue.
0 NMM EN-DC-126, RO Attachment 9.4 Record of Revision
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Table of Contents P u rp o se ................................................... ............................................................................ 4 C o n c lu s io n .............................................. ............................................................................ 4 Input and D esign C riteria .................................................................................................. 4 Assu m ptio ns ........................................................................................................................ 5 Method of A nalysis ........................ ...... ........................................................................ . . 5 C a lc u la tio n s ......................................................................................................................... 5 Attachm ents ......... ... . ............................ ......................................................... 10 Purpose The objective of this calculation is to determine 7 day and 6 day Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)
Fuel Oil Storage quantities in light of the density (API gravity) and vortex critical submergence issues raised with CR-JAF-2007-02392 and CR-JAF-2007-02490. The basic method is similar to that used for the Operability Evaluations prepared for the related CRs except that a more appropriate critical submergence correlation has been e mployed (Attachment 1 provides a comparison of critical submergencecorrelations) and calculation JAF-CALC-07-00019 is used to determine unavailable volume.
Conclusion The following tabulated results for API Gravity values and limiting quantities (page 9) will be used to support the proposed Technical Specification amendment. At limiting fuel conditions (API:39) the new 7-day quantities are 33898, 34226, 34153 and 34197 gallons and the new 6-day quantities are 29260, 29588, 29515.and 29560 gallons for the A, B" C and D EDGs, respectively.
Input and Design Criteria
- 1. Original Specification AP-9, .Emergency Diesel Generator Systems.
- 2. JSEM-90-033, Systems Engineering Memo, Results of EDG Fuel Consumption Test (TST-7),
June 19, 1990.
- 3. JAF Technical Specification Bases B 3.8.3 Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air.
- 4. ASTM D 975 - 06, Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils.
- 5. ASTM D 4868 - 00 (Reapproved 2005), Standard Test Method for Estimation of Net and Gross Heat of Combustion of Burner and Diesel Fuels.
- 6. Crane Technical Paper No. 410, Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings and Pipe
- 7. EMD 20-645 E4 Fuel Consumption Curve and related email from Jack Murray of Engine Systems Inc. (Kirby Corp.) (see attachments)
- 8. Potential Affects of the Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Oil on Engine Fuel Consumption, Revision 1, Fairbanks Morse Owners' Group, May 11, 2007.
- 10. Knauss, J., "Swirling Flow Problems at Intakes," IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manual, 1987.
- 11. EC Markup 551 to Calculation JAF-CALC-06-00114, Rev. 1.
- 14. Drawing FM-93A, Rev. 22, Flow Diagram Fuel Oil Lines Emergency Diesel Generators.
- 15. Calculation JAF-CALC-07-00019, Volume in EDG Underground Fuel Oil Storage Tanks as a Function of Level.
From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 4 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Assumptions
- 1. Assume limiting fuel conditions per D 975 for S500 fuel. EC Markup 551 showed that at the same API gravity S500 (low sulfur fuel oil) actually had a slightly lower heat content than S15 (ultra low sulfur fuel oil). Limiting conditions means the maximum sulfur, ash and moisture/
sediment contents permitted by D 975 as these factors all tend to reduce heat content.
- 2. Assume a temperature of 590 F or 150 C for underground stored fuel. This is the reference temperature for density used in D 4868 and this is reasonable for underground tanks. At depths below four feet ground temperatures stay at a constant 50 to 55' F year-round so density at 590 F is conservative.
- 3. Assume that the ASTM D 4868 method provides a good method to determine heat content in lieu of specific calorimeter testing. The method is supported by the Fairbanks Morse Owners' Group report (input 8).
Method of Analysis This analysis will determine 7 day and 6 day gross volume of EDG diesel fuel based on API gravity with S500 (low sulfur diesel) fuel. The limiting sulfur content for S500 will be used as a conservatism since it will be a long time before existing sulfur levels are diluted to the S1 5 limit. The unusable fuel oil tank volumewill include a vortex prevention submergence using the Chang 1979 correlation (as presented by Knauss). The unusable tank volume will be determined from calculation JAF-CALC-07-00019. The day tank volume will not be credited since the new Technical Specification requires that the entire 7 or 6 day supply be located within the underground storage tanks. The ASTM D 4868 method for heat content estimation will be used but will also include a 95% confidence interval (0.35 MJ/kg). The vendor provided specific fuel consumption curve (EMD 20-645 E4) will be used as basis for fuel consumption rate.
Calculations Density of water (600 . lb
-l 6 Pw :=62.371 Pw = 0.9991 gm Define unit.. MJ : 10 .j oule F), Crane 410 A-6... ,i 3 3 cm Density of oil for TS API Vector for API gravity .Specific gravity from TS API gravity range gravity range (at 60 F)
(over range permitted (from definition of API gravity)...
TS Bases)..
(0.8299 (51.762 7 A36 0.8448 52.69 141.5deg SG := SG 0.8602 po:= SG'PW Po = 53.65 -lb API + 131.5deg 0.8762 54.647 0.8927) ,55.681 )
Limiting sulfur, moisture and ash from ASTM D 975 for S500 (low sulfur diesel). Note that ASTM D 975 specifies moisture in percent volume. ASTM D 4868 requires moisture in percent mass.
s := 0.0500% Sulfur x 0.- Water and sediment y:= 0.01% Ash SG From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 5 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Note that the water and sediment is reported as percent volume vs. percent weight for D4868 thus divided by SG to correct (water has greater density so weight percentage will be greater than volume percentage). This correction effectively considers that the specific gravity of the water and sediment fraction is 1. While this will be true for water "sediment" may have a higher specific gravity. Since the fraction of both water and sediment is generally very low (usually much less than D 975 limit) this is reasonable.
(0.06 "]
0.059 Weight based water and sediment..
x= 0.058 0.057 0.056)
Density (d) in D4868 is at 15' C or 590 F. From Crane 410, A-7 graph there is an approximate 3.9% increase in specific gravity or density for a 100 F° temperature decrease (applies between 0' F and 1000 F). Thus the increase in density from 60' F to 59' F (150 C) is given by..
Relative Density Density d:= I + 100 Po (60/60 deg F) (15 deg C)
(39 g (0.8299) (829.478" 36 0.8448 844.334 API= 33deg 859.733 kg SG 0.8602 d=
I 3 30 0.8762 875.703 m
- 27) 0.8927) 892.278)
Gross heat content or HHV per D 4868 with 0.35 MJ/kg reduction for 95% confidence interval..
Qv5.966M 8.7 2. >m.d MJi MJl 9 kg 8:= kg.d3 ) .[1 -(x+ y+ s)] + 9.420 kg s-0.35- kg NOTE: Arrow in the above expression means to "vectorize" or apply Volume basis operators and functions element-wise to the arrays under the arrow.
(45.466) 45.248 I MJ Qv= 45.019 M Qv vol := (Qv.d) kg 44.776 l(44.519 )
From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 6 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Net heat content or LHV per D 4868 with 0.35 MJ/kg reduction for 95% confidence interval..
3 j-m6 22 ' MJ MJ MJ Qp 46.423.- - 8.792.- .d + 31.70.J. dA[I - (x+ y+s)] + 9.420-.s- 2.449-x- 0.35-S kkg kg 2
) kg kg kg Volume basis (42.605) '126795 "]
42.434 1128548 I Mi I BTU QP = 42.253 42.06 kg Qpvl=(Qp.d) QP_ 0r= 130333 i 132150 gal I41.856) 133997 The rated continuous duty load for an EDG is 2600 kW with generator efficiency of 96.04% (from AP-9 data sheets).
and diesel engine __ elec Pelec:= 2600kW gen :='96.04% Peng Peng = 3630.4hp power is thus.. 11gen conversion used.. .lhp = 0.7457kW This is just slightly greater than the 3600 hp continuous rating.
The vendor data curve (EMD 207645 E4) shows a specific fuel consumption of 0.371 lb/hp-hr. The standard fuel LHV of 18190 BTU/lb is indicated on the vendor curve.
Thus we have..
Vendor standard fuel lb Associated LHV for BTU sfcstd := 0.371 hp. h hr r LHVstd:= 18190 --
consumption standard fuel lb Lower heating value (net) for API range (18316.8 from D4868...
18243.3 Same as the Qp 18165.4 BTU term above..
LHVfuel:= Qp LHVfuel =
lb 17994.8)
From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd IPage 7 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Correcting the "standard "fuel consumption for the Fuel mass flow rate for engine power..
calculated fuel LHV..
(0.368 ") (1337.6 "
LHVstd 0.37Il 1343.0
- = SfCstd LHfued
- mfuel := sfccorrPeng mfuel 1348.7 sfCcorr sfCcor = 0.372 LHVffiel 1354.9 0.373 hphr 0.375 ) 1361.5)
Thus fuel volume flow
- Mfrel Volume required for 6 and 7 days rate is.. vffiel : operation at full power..
V6-day:= vfuel, 6 day V 7 _day:= vfuel- 7 day (3.22 ") 27824) 32462 27445 32019 3 .176 g pm vfuel =1 31133 V 6 _day= 27069 gal V7day= 31580 gal 3.09 26697 31146 t3.047) 26329 ,30717 As noted in CR-JAF-2007-02490, the original JSEM-90-033 evaluation did not include any submergence to prevent vortex air entrainment. The following determines the vortex submergence.
The fuel oil transfer pump flow Q:= 14.5gpm From Vendor Manual R374-C005 rate.. (conservatively neglecting slip)
Inlet pipe is 2" sch 80.. dp := 1.939in Pipe size from tank drawing FV-17A 4Q 2 Ven = 1.575-se ft gravity acceleration Velocity at pipe entrance.. Ven :=
7cp2 sec ft g = 32.174-2 sec Ven Froude number based on pipe diai Fn'--, Fn = 0.691 g
Using the Chang, 1979 correlation (as presented by Knauss) for submergence S for a vertical upward suction..
-- = 1.35Fn S 1.35 Ven or -- -- - g.5 From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 8 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Solving for critical submergence Sch by the Chang 1979 correlation (as presented by Knauss)..
1 3 Ven~dp ~1.809i Sch
= 1.5 9g System Engineering Memorandum JSEM-90-033 determined an unavailable volume of 1447.7 gallons based on a level of 12" from bottom (end of suction line from FV-17A) and calculation [[::JAF-89-031|JAF-89-031]].
This level and associated unavailable volume does not include any allowance for submergence to prevent vortex air entrainment. Calculation JAF-CALC-07-00019 was prepared to provided an improved model of volume as a function of level. This calculation considers the impact of "tank tilt" (as reported in JMD-89-097) as well as addressing the volume impact of the stiffener rings and the spherical dished heads. The previous calculation ([[::JAF-89-031|JAF-89-031]]) modeled the tank as a level flat-headed cylinder with an equivalent length which resulted in a tank volume of exactly 36000 gallons. From JAF-CALC-07-00019 the unavailable volume (level at suction of 13.809 inches or submergence of 1.809 inches) is:
EDG (1436.0 ) ORIGIN := I Set beginning of matrix A
Vunavai1 :=
I1763.9 73.
l al B counter to start at 1 vs. 0 1691.1 C D counter for vector elements n:= 1..4 1735.7)
. While JSEM-90-033 credited additional available fuel for 80% of the volume of the day tank, this is not possible for the new Technical Specification since the entire 7 or 6 day supply must be located in the underground storage tanks. Thus the required quantities are determined from the previously calculated consumption with the addition of the unavailable amounts from calculation JAF-CALC-07-00019.
EDG Required 7 day supply A B C D (n)
Vr7 := V7_day + Vunayailn "33898 34226 34153 34197 33455 33783 33710 33755 Vr7= 33016 33344 33271 33316 gal 32582 32910 32837 32882 32153 32481 32408 32453 EDG Required 6 day supply A B C D V r_6 := V 6 _day + Vunavailn (29260 29588 29515 29560 Vr_6 =
28881 29209 29136 29181 28505 28833 28133 28461 28760 28805 28388 28432 gal API= 39]
36 33 30 del 27765 28093 28020 28064 1 .27 From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 9 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-07-00020, Rev. 0 Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Revised EDG Fuel Oil Storage Quantities for Reviewed by: D. Burch 7 Day and 6 Day Supplies Conversion factors as used by Mathcad BTU = 1.055 x 10 -3 Mi BTU - 3 MJ lb = 0.454kg = 2.326 x 10 -
lb kg lb = 16.018 3 gal = 3.785 liter ft3 = 7.481 gal kg ft ft3 ft gpm = 0.134-m3 min Attachments
- 1. Critical Submergence Correlation Comparison (10 pages).
- 2. EMD 20-645 E4 Fuel Consumption Curve and associated email (2 pages).
- 3. API Gravity (from Wikipedia) (3 pages).
From file: JAF-CALC-07-00020.xmcd Page 10 of 10 Printed: 11/20/2007
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 Required submergence to prevent air-entraining vortex formation as a function of flow velocity can be determined using a number of methods. Among the correlations available for horizontal intakes are:
Reddy, Y.R. and Pickford, J.A., 1972, "Vortices at Intakes in Conventional Sumps,"
Water Power, 24, No. 3; Padmanabhan, M., 1982, "Hydraulic Performance of Pump Suction Inlets for Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Boiling Water Reactors," NUREG/CR-2772, USNRC Knauss, J., 1987, "Swirling Flow Problems at Intakes," IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manual; Sanders, R.C. et al., 2001 , "Air Entrainment in a Partially Filled Horizontal Pump Suction Line," ASME JPGC2001/PWR-1 9010 An available correlation for a vertically upward intake aligned along the axial centerline of the intake structure is provided in Knauss, 1987.
The following sketch defines the length variables used by Reddy and Pickford:
h d Redd4 -Pikkfad De*rifon Sketc~h The Reddy-Pickford correlation is s = d.(1 + Fr)
V Fr =
Where v is velocity in the intake pipe, g is the acceleration due to gravity and length variables are as shown. Test results presented in the Reddy - Pickford paper cover Froude numbers up to 3.4.
From file: critical submergence Page 1 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment I to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 The following sketch defines the length variables used for horizontal suctions in NUREG/CR-2772 (Padmanabhan):
Vkm~.5urce NUIEGT'R-2772 De~finitionSketch The acceptance criterion for acceptable suction performance in NUREG/CR-2772 (i.e., the submergence required to prevent significant air entrainment) is:
Fr_< 0.8 Fr-In this case, u is velocity in the intake pipe, g is the acceleration due to gravity and s is submergence of the pipe centerline to the water surface, as shown. The testing supporting this limit was done with a 24" nominal diameter suction pipe with flow rates between 3000 gpm and 12000 gpm and submergences of 2 ft, 3.5 ft and 5 ft. This corresponds to Froude numbers between 0.29 and 1.15 when pipe diameter is used as the defining length.
The following sketch defines the length variables used for horizontal suctions by Knauss:
-Water Surface In KnoussHazot Suctin DefinitionSktch From file: critical submergence Page 2 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 For suctions elevated off of the floor, the most directly applicable correlation presented in Knauss is:
h=d-3.3J~ F !r-J V
Fr =
As before, v is velocity in the intake pipe, g is the acceleration due to gravity and length variables are as shown. The figure showing the results of this correlation inKnauss covers Froude numbers in the range of 0 to 2.
The following sketch defines the length variables used for horizontal suctions by Sanders, et al.:
- akr-iv-f:e I
Saner*t l:efii~*1Sketd, The Sanders et al. boundirg,~correlations for onset of air ingestion (including measurement uncertainty at the 95% confidence level) is:
S = 2.087Fr0.670 0.5 Fr < 0.35 S = 1.363Fr0.261 0.35 <! Fr <! 1.40 V
Fr =-
ý--D Where V is velocity in the intake pipe, g is the acceleration due to gravity, S=H/D and length variables are as shown. As shown above, the work of Sanders et al. covers the range of Froude number between 0 and 1.40.
From file: critical submergence Page 3 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06AM correlations.xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 The following sketch defines the length variables used for vertically upwards suctions by Knauss:
- Yater Sur [*c*,
h b
Ia Veiical ieri Sucticn Delinifice. Sketch For a suction which is symmetric about the axial centerline, the applicable correlation presented in Knauss is:
h = d-1.35Fr V
Fr-As before, v is velocity in the intake pipe, g is the acceleration due to gravity and length variables are as shown. The figure showing the results of this correlation in Knauss covers Froude numbers in the range of 0 to 2.
To allow comparison between the correlations, the Reddy-Pickford definition sketch is chosen to provide common definitions. Furthermore, the Froude number used in all of the equivalent correlations will use pipe diameter as the length dimension. Using this sketch, the correlations can be transformed to yieldexpressions to determine equivalent critical submergences to allow direct comparison of the correlations. Before this is performed, common constants and the Froude number are defined.
d:= 1.939in d= 0.162 ft ft ft ft v:= 0-,0.125 .. 4-S s S ft g= 32.174 -
2 S
V Fr(v) :=
From file: critical submergence Page 4 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 When transformed, the Reddy-Pickford correlation becomes:
ScRP(V) := ifO _<Fr(v) < 3.4,d-(1 + Fr(v)),0]
The NUREG/CR-2772 acceptance criterion is transformed into a correlation involving suction pipe diameter by setting the critical Froude number (submergence) to 0.8.
Frc = 0.8 U
0.8 =
By comparison of the Reddy-Pickford and NUREG/CR-2772 definition sketches, it is apparent that the submergence in the NUREGICR-2772 is equivalent to the submergence in Reddy-Pickford plus one-half of the pipe diameter. This allows a transformed expression for critical submergence (the submergence resulting in a Froude number of 0.8) to be developed as follows:
V 0.8 =
- g. s+ 0.8 2
g1 S+ )-
2 0.64 d v s+ --
2 0.64g 5=-- d-v2 d 0.64g. d 2 ScN(v) := i 29 < Fr(v) 1.15,d. EFr(v) 0.8) 2 11,01 2J Fr(v Comparing the Reddy-Pickford definition sketch with that of Knauss for horizontal suctions, it can be observed that submergence in Knauss is equivalent to submergence in Reddy-Pickford plus one-half of the pipe diameter.
s+- =d. 3.3 ,Fr--
2 2 ScKh(V) :=i0 < Fr(v) < 2,d.(3.3J,_P - 1),0]
From file: critical submergence Page 5 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 Comparing the Sanders et al. and Reddy-Pickford definition sketches, the submergence in Sanders is equivalent to the submergence in Reddy-Pickford plus one pipe diameter. The transformation is then made as follows:
c2 S = cl(Fr) 2 2
H = D.cl(Fr) 2 s + d = d-cl(Fr)c ScS(v) = d- cI(Fr(v))2 1) where c1=2.087, c 2=0.670 when 0 <= Fr <= 0.35 and c 1=1.363, c2 =0.261 when 0.35 <= Fr <= 1.40:
SCSI(v) := d.(2.087.Fr(v)0670 - )
ScS2(V) d.(1.363.Fr(v)0.261 - 1)
ScS(V) := if(0 < Fr(v) < 0.35,scSl(v),if(0.35 < Fr(v) < 1.40,ScS2(v),0))
No transformation is required for the correlation for vertically oriented suctions, however the equation will be restated in terms of critical submergence:
ScKv(V) := if(0 < Fr(v) < 2,d-1.35-Fr(v),0)
Results of the calculations are shown numerically and graphically on.the following pages.
From file: critical submergence Page 6 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
- Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 V ScKv(V) =
Fr(v) = ScRP(v) = ScN(V) = ScKh(V) Sos(v) =
0 0 0.162 ft 0 ft -0.162 ft -0.162 ft 0 Zt 0.125 0.055 0.17 0 -0.037 -0.113 0.012 0.25 0.11 0.179 0 0.015 -0.085 0.024 0.375 0.164 0.188 0 0.055 -0.061 0.036 0.5 0.219 0.197 0 0.088 -0.04 0.048 0.625 0.274 0.206 0 0.118 -0.02 0.06 0.75 0.329 0.215 -0.053 0.144 -1.486.10-3 0:072 0.875 0.384 0.224 -0.044 0.169 9.943.10-3 0.084 1 0.439 0.232 -0.032 0.192 0.016 0.096 1.125 0.493 0.241 -0.019 0.213 0.022 0.108 1.25 0.548 0.25 -4.91-10-3 0.233 0.027 0.12 1.375 0.603 0.259 0.011 0.252 0.031 0.132 1.5 0.658 0.268 0.028 0.271 0.036 0.144 1.625 0.713 0.277 0.047 0.289 0.04 0.155 1.75 0.768 0.286
- 0.068 0.306 0.044 0.167 1.875 0.822 0.294 0.09 0.322 0.048 0.179 2 0.877 0.303 0.113 0.338 0.051 0.191 2.125 0.932 0.312 0.139 0.353 0.055 0.203 2.25 0.987 0.321 0.165 0.368 0.058 0.215 2.375 1.042 0.33 0.193 0.383 0.061 0.227 2.5 1.096 0.339 0.223 0.397 0.064 0.239.
2.625 1.151 0.348 0 0.411 0.067 0.251 2.75 1.206 0.356 0 0.424 0.07 0.263 2.875 1.261 0.365 0 0.437 0.072 0.275 3 1.316 0.374 0 0.45 0.075 0.287 3.125 1.371 0.3813 0 0.463 0.078 0.299 3.25 1.425 0.392 0, 0.475 0 0.311 3.375 1.48 0.401. 0 0.487 0 0.323 3.5 1.535 0.41 0 0.499 0 0.335 3.625 1.59 0.418' 0 0.511 0 0.347 3.75 1.645 0.427 0 0.522 0 0.359 3.875 1.699 0.436 0 0.534 0 0.371 4 1.754: 0.445 0 0.545 0 0.383 From file: critical submergence Page 7 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations .xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation . Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 Critical Submergence SRPp(v)
C4 ScSh(V)
ScKv(V) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Fr(v)
General figures of merit to ensure that critical submergence is a function of Froude number alone are that the Reynolds number is above 3e4 to assure that viscous forces are negligible and that the Weber number is above 120 so.that surface tension effects are negligible (Sanders, et al.). Using the following diesel fuel oil properties, the EDG fuel oil storage tank suctions may be evaluated.
Ikg p 828 kg j.t 0.00361 kg 0.03180 - d = 0.049 m 3 mIs 2 m S d
2d We(v) p-v G3 From file: critical submergence Page 8 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations .xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 V V
- Fr(v)-- Re(v) = We(v) =
0 ft m 0 0 0 0
0.125 S s 0.055 430.387 11862 0.038 0.25 0.11 860.775 7.446 0.076 0.375 0.164 1.291.103 16.754 0.114 0.5 0.219 1.722.103 29.784 0.152 0:625 0.274 2.152.103 46.538 0.191 0.75 0.329 2.582.103 67.014 0.229 0.875 0.384 3.013.103 91.214 1 0.267 3:443.103 0.439 119.136 0.305 1.125 0.493 3.873.103 150.782 0.343 186.151 1.25 0.548 4.304-103 0.381 1.375 0.603 4.734.103 225.242 0.419 1.5 0.658 5.165-103 268.057 0.457 1.625 0.713 5.595-103 314.595 0.495 364.855 1.75 0.768 6.025-103 0.533 1.875 0.822 6.456.103 418.839 0.571 2 0.877 6.886.103 476.546 0.61 2.125 0.932 7.317.103 537.976 0.648 2.25 0.987 7.747.103 603.128 0.686 2.375 1.042 8.177.103 672.004 0.724
,2:5 1.096 8.608.103 744.603 0.762 2.625 1.151 9.038.103 820.925
- 0.8 2:75 1.206 9.469.103 900.969 0.838 2.875 1.261 9.899.103 984.737 0.876 3 1.316 1.033-104 1.072.103 0.914 3.125 1.371 1.076:104 1.163.103 0.953 3.25 1.425 1.119.104 1.258.103 0.99.1 3.375 1.029 1.48 1.162-104 1.357.103 3.5 1.535 1.205-104' 1.459-103 1.067 3.625 1.59 1.248.104 1.566-103 1.105 3.75 .1.143 1.645 1.291.104 1.675-103 3.875 1.699 1.334.104 1.789.103
. 4 1.181 1.754 1.377.104 1.906103 1.219 Velocity in the EDG fuel oil suction piping is:
Q := 14.5gpm 4.Q ft m Vedg 7t. 2 Vedg = 1.575 - Ved, = 0.48--
S S From file: critical submergence *Page 9 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations:xmcd
Entergy Nuclear Critical Submergence Correlation Attachment 1 to J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. Comparison JAF-CALC-07-00020 This corresponds to the following Froude, Reynolds and Weber numbers:
Vedg Fredg .- Fredg = 0.691 p.Veg. d Reedg 5.424x 103 Red PVedg*d
.edg I' 2
P-Vedg *d Weedg G Weedg = 295.698
While either the correlations of Sanders, et al., or that derived from NUREG/CR-2772 allow less submergence over a suction before air-entraining vortices form, it is questionable whether they provide reasonable results for the EDG fuel oil storage tank suctions and should not be used for the purpose of determining required submergence. This conclusion is based on the lack of geometric similarity compounded by flow conditions.for which viscous, forces may require consideration. While the question of whether viscous forces could affect the result are also S.. applicable to the correlation presented in Knauss for suctions oriented vertically upwardit is the best available information and should be used to evaluate the potential for formation of-;:
air-entraining vortices at the EDG fuel oil suctions. The required submergence at the suctioh using the correlation from Knauss is:
ScKvedg := if(0 < Fredg < 2,d.1.35-Fredg,0)
§cKvedg = 0.151 ft 2 ScKvedg = 1.809 in From file: critical submergence Page 10 of 10 File date: 11/1/2007 File time 11:06 AM correlations.xmcd
0.53 !-1"-:3 - "n -- n' . . . . . -. -. . -
~ 7~I 721i 11 h 0.52 - kr- 4-... -- t ........... - A ' ----- ...- -t- i--4-- --- I-A-A- -i-A--I- -t r-
- . x~. 0.51 --M -4 -. 4 A- .- - 4 . 4-. -
(N, 0.50 AIR IN: 90F BAROMETER: 28.25 IN. HG.
0.49 FUEL LHV: 18,190 BTU/LB 0.48 0.47 z:i_-
0.46 -.- --
. - A-" I- ...-i
~0.45 BSFC 0-44 I- ~X. ~ -
LB/BHP.HR 0.43 0.42 0.41 - ...- I .. - -. " - - .-.-- 1- -t- -
0.40 0.39 -
q -------------------
0.38 0.37 -
0.36 - -I- -- I"-
0.350 - --- I- - --- . i- -. - -I- -i. 4-4--4--4-- I- - I - - - A - A 0.34 -I --
1000 1500 -2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Page 1 of I lq~ctrme-x$T :2 -- o SN~Ar--fC .Y-137CC 0ZL 01r E z 2z Swinburne, Paul From: Jack Murray [Jack.Murray@kirbycorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:36 PM To: Clark, Matthew; Abtey, Robert
Fwd: 20E4 Fuel Curve Attachments: 20E4 Fuel Curve.pdf.
Bob/Mark I have attached the BSFC curve that I received from engineering. Hopefully this will provide the info that you need.
> >> Brad Abernathy 03/06/07 3:20 PM >> >
- Jack, Use the attached BSFC curve for the 20-E4.
It is based on EMD Standard Conditions - diesel fuel with LHV of 18,190 BTU/Lb. From this value, they can calculate the fuel consumption in BTU/BHP-Hr based on the fuel LHV. For information, the EMD standard fuel is based on 28 °API fuel, 7.387 Lb/Gal, 19,350 BTU/Lb HHV, 18,190 BTU/Lb LHV.
B. Aber * ".
API gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 1 of 3
/4 ,, 3 -5To j)Pr-oILC-o07-oOOZL today!
API gravity eP us provideifree content t6 the,orld by donating From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or APIgravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water. If its API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on water; if less than 10, it is heavier and sinks. API gravity is thus a measure of the relative density of a petroleum liquid and the density of water, but it is used to compare the relative densities of petroleum liquids. For example, if one petroleum liquid floats on another and is therefore less dense, it has a greater API gravity. Although mathematically API gravity has no units (see the formula below), it is nevertheless referred to as being in "degrees". API gravity is graduated in degrees on a hydrometer instrument and was designed so that most values would fall between 10 and 70 API gravity degrees.
Contents 1History of development 2 API gravity formulas 3 Classifications or grades
- 4 External links History of development.
'The U.S. National Bureau of Standards in 1916 established the Baum6 scale (see degrees Baum6) as the standard for measuring specific gravity of liquids less dense than water. Investigation by the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences found major errors in salinity and temperature controls that had caused serious variations in published values. Hydrometers in the U.S. had been manufactured and distributed widely with a modulus of 141.5 instead of the Baum6 scale modulus of 140. The scale was so firmly established that by 1921 the remedy, implemented by the American Petroleum Institute was to create the API Gravity scale recognizing the scale that was actually being used.
API gravity formulas The formula used to obtain the API gravity of petroleum liquids is thus:
141.5 API gravity - at 60'F - 131.5 SG Conversely, the specific gravity of petroleum liquids can be derived from the API gravity value as SG at 60 0F-141.5 APIGravity + 131.5 (Further tables give adjustments for temperature).
(See ASTM D1298) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APIgravity 9/20/2007
API gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 2 of 3
- 7-r'9c,*i,," 3 Y*F-cL-o7- oOO Thus, a heavy oil with a specific gravity of 1.0 (i.e., with the same density as pure water at 60'F) would have an API gravity of:
141.5 131.5 = 10.0 degrees API.
1.0 Classifications or grades Generally speaking 40 to 45 API gravity degree oils have a greatest commercial price and values outside this range have lower commercial Price. Above 45 degrees API gravity the molecular chains become shorter and less valuable to a refinery.
Crude oil is classified as light, medium or heavy, according to its measured API gravity.
Light crude oil is defined as having an API gravity higher than 31.1 'API Medium oil is defined as having an API gravity between 22.3 0API and 31.1 'API Heavy oil is defined as having an API gravity below.22.3 AJPI.
Not all parties use the same grading.[l] (http://www.crudemonitor.ca/quickfacts/miscigrades.pdf) The
$JS Geological Society uses slightly different definitions at [2]
. .(http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2006/3133/pdf/FS2006-3133 508.pdf) Simply put, bitumeri, sihksin fresh-water, while oil floats.
Oil which will not flow at normal temperatures or without dilution is named bitumen and the API gravity is generally less than 10 °API. Bitumen derived from the oil sands deposits in the Alberta, Canada area has an API gravity of around 8 'API. It is 'upgraded' to an API gravity of 31 °API to 33 0 API and the upgraded oil is knownas synthetic crude.
External links
" link to hydrometer (http://www.koehlerinstrument.com/productsihydrometer.html)
" ConocoPhillips price adjustment by API gravity (http://www.conocophillips.com/products/buy/gravity/index.htm)
" comments on API gravity adjustment scale (http://dnr.louisiana.gov/sec/execdiv/techasmt/oilgas/crudeoil gravity/comments_1 989.htm) n instructions for using a glass hydrometer measured in API gravity (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fmn'1l0-67-],'APPI.HTML)
" API Degree history (http://www.sizes.com/units/hydrometer-api.htm)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APIlgravity" Categories: Units of density 1Petroleum v This page was last modified 21:41, 7 September 2007.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APIgravity 9/20/2007
API gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 3 of 3 fl,73c N, 2)orT W -CAt-C- 0?7-OC)o2O u ,All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for details.)
Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API gravity 9/20/2007
ATTACHMENT 3 to JAFP-08-0086 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Calculation JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1 EDG Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil Calculations
[E JAF [LPNPS E RBS 0 VY El W3 CALCULATION (1)EC # 551 ( 2)Page 1 of 5 COVER PAGE (3) Design Basis Calc. Z YES [] NO (4) [_ CALCULATION Z EC Markup
! Calculation No: JAF-CALC-06-00114 .. Revision: 1
EDG Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil Calculations I System(s): 93 T ( Review Org (Department): Design Eng.
(10) Safety Class: , Component/Equipment/Structure
.... .. T ype/N um ber: .. .. . .. ... ............
,Z Safety....IQuality
.... Related
.. .. ........ ..... . " ;
- 93T K -6A ,B ,C & D 73K6,, . ,: .. .. ..... '
I- Augmented Quality Program
- Non-Safety Related (121 (12) Document Type: Calculation.
(13) Keywords (Description/Topical I Codes):
EDG Fuel Oil REVIEWS (14) Name/Sfnatur /Dat (15) Name(Si gnature/Date (16) Name/Signature/Date P. Swinburne!l .' ffL~ T. Andersen/.J, "1/, 1 T. Howse~.,
Responsible Engineer Z Design _ erifier "b/z,. Supervisor/Approval IF- Reviewer
____ _i Comments Attached El Comments Attached NMM EN-DC-126, RO Attachment 9.2 Calculation Cover Page
I. EC Markups Incorporated 1.
II. Relationships: Sht Rev Input Output Impact Tracking Doc Doc Y/N No.
- 1. ANSI D4868, Standard Test 2005
- 0 N 'N/A Method for Estimation of Net and Gross Heat of Combustion of-Burnrerand Diesel Fuels.
- 2. ANSI D975, Standard 2006 Ni "7 N/A Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
- 3. 0 0
- 4. 0 0[
N/A Version/Release: Disk/CD No.
N/A Version/Release Disk/CD No.
NMM EN-DC-1 26, RO Attachment 9.3 Calculation Reference Sheet
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1 (EC 551) Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. EC Markup Reviewed by: T. Andersen PURPOSE The purpose of this EC Markup is to replace the 4.5% assumed heat content reduction of calculation JAF-CALC-06-00114 with analysis using ASTM D4868 to show that at the same API gravity, there is no degradation in volumetric heat content associated with a change from low sulfur (S500) to ultra low sulfur (S15) fuel. Technical Specification Bases for SR stipulates an API gravity range at 60 F from 27 degrees to 39 degrees. Thus any change in API gravity (density) associated with a change from S500 to S15 EDG fuel oil will be bounded by existing Technical Specification requirements. The acceptablity of the present Technical Specification EDG Fuel Oil Storage requirements with the permitted API gravity range will be addressed with response to CR-JAF-2007-02392.
- 1. ASTM D4868 - 00 (Reapproved 2005), Standard Test Method for Estimation of Net and Gross Heat of Combustion of Burner and Diesel Fuels, May 2005.
- 2. ASTM D975 - 06, Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils, May 2006.
- 3. Crane Technical Paper No. 410.
- 4. JAF Technical Specification Bases SR
- 5. Fairbanks Morse Emergency Diesel Users Group, PotentialAffects of Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Oil on Engine Fuel Oil Consumption, Final White Paper dated May 11, 2007, Rev. 1.
- 1. Assume that diesel fuel temperature is 600 F or less. Reasonabl1e for underground storage and' for comparison does not really matter.
ANALYSIS Comparison of heat content using ASTM D4868 The TS Bases for SR establishes an API gravity range from 27 deg to 39 deg at 600 F. Thus use this range to calculate heat content range..
lb gm Density of water Pw:= 62.371 --3 Pw = 0.9991 cgm3 API-grav-TS 39 Lge (600 F), Crane 410, ft A-6...
Specific gravity from TS API gravity range (formula from definition of API gravity)...
,0.8927 )
API1gravTS + 131.5deg Density of oil for TS API lb po:= SG.pw P = (51.762 '
gravity range, at 600 F 3 P0<891.93 3
.55.681) fl Limiting sulfur, moisture and ash from ASTM D975 for S15 or ULSD (percent (%) unit is 0.01, see conversions at end) s:= 0.0015% Sulfur x:= 0.05% Water and sediment y:= 0.01% Ash From file: EC 551 Markup.xmcd Page 3 of 5 Printed: 8/6/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1 (EC 551) Prepared by: P. Swinburne J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. EC Markup Reviewed by: T. Andersen Density (d) in D4868 is at 150 C or 59' F. From Crane 410, A-7 graph there is an approximate 3.9% increase in specific gravity or density for a 100 F° temperature decrease (applies between 00 F and 1000 F). Thus the increase in density from 600 F to 590 F (15° C) is given by..
d:= (I + 3.9% I"9Po d=(829.478 d=I892.278 )kg
) m3 100 6
Gross heat content or HHV per D4868 Define unit.. MJ : 10 .joule Qv:= (51.916.J - 8.792. .m6.d2[I - (x+ y+ s)] + 9.420 M-s S kg kg 3 kg (45.839 "MJ 19.707 x 10 3 BTU API 39 v=44.889.) kg API 27 lb 19.299x 10 3 143.706~xo10 Qvol-S15 := (Qv.d)
[Qvol.SI 5 136.419 x 103BTU gal API 27 API 39 Net heat content or LHV per D4868..
MJ... m~3j 'J 1" (' MJ 6 2 Qp:= 46.423.-J 8.792.- m d + 3170.JI.... [ -" + s)] +9.420 -s-2.449-x g k'g3 kg2 ) kg kg (42.976 "] MJ Qp = 18.476x 103 BTU API 39 P= L42.225) kg 3 lb API 27 18.153 x 10)
Qp-vo]-S 15:= (Qp.d) Qp-olS 1 =127.899 x 103 BTU API 39
- 135.177 x 10 3j gal API 27 The heat content per pound is greater at the higher API gravity but the heat content per unit volume is much less because the lower density at higher API gravity is more significant.
For S500 change sulfur content.. s:= 0.05% s = 0.0500 %
Recalculating gross or HHV with D4868 formula..
- 8.792 --- -m .d2"[1 - (x + y+ s)] + 9.420-s Qv:= /51"916"M-k 3 ) kg kg (45.821 mi 19.7x 103 BTU API 39 t44.871) 4 kg Qv= 19.291 x 103 API 27 lb From file: EC 551 Markup.xmcd Page 4 of 5 Printed: 8/6/2007
Entergy Nuclear JAF-CALC-06-00114 Rev. 1 (EC 551) Prepared by: P. Swinbume J.A. FitzPatrick N.P.P. EC Markup Reviewed by: T. Andersen API 39 (Q,.d) Q 500 136.367 x 103BTU Qvol-S500o API 27 143.651 x 103 gal Recalculating net or LHV with D4868 formula..
MJ 3 m Qp'= 46.423. 8.792. *-3 +3170.J. d -[l-(x+y +9.420-ss- 2.449--x kg kg kg 2 ) kg kg Qp= 18.469 x 103 BTU API 39 Q42.209) Mi (42.959 API 27 kg lb 18.146x 10 3 127.85 x 103 BTU API 39 Qp-olS500o:= (Qp.d) Qp-volS500 =
135.126x 103 jgal API27 Change in heating values (per gallon) for change from S500 to S1 5 as determined from D4868 Q volS 15 85 8~
0,g(.03 HHV-chg :=. Q 1 Very slight increase Qvol_S500 .0.03837 1 LH'-chg = 0.0379' 1 LHV-chg .- Very slight increase Qp-vol-S500 ýLHVchg 0.03773 CONCLUSION The observed concern associated with ULSD (S15) lowering the heat content per volume is due primarily to a change in the typical API gravity. When adjusted for API gravity there is virtually no change in heat content associated with a change from S500 to ULSD (S15) fuel. It is incorrect to compare fuels with different API gravity readings and associate a loss of volume based heat content on the change is sulfur content. The primary source of difference is the typical change.in API gravity.
Conversion factors as used by Mathcad BTU = 2.326x 10- 3 -MJ BTU= 1.055x 103 J lb = 0.454 kg lb kg 3 lb kg gal = 3.785 liter ft = 7.481 gal - = 16.018-ft3 m3 percent unit.. I %=0.01 From file: EC 551 Markup.xmcd Page 5 of 5 Printed: 8/6/2007
ATTACHMENT 4 to JAFP-08-0086 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
, ,List of Commitments
ATTACHMENT 4 to JAFP-08-0086 This table identifies actions discussed in this letter for which Entergy commits to perform. Any other actions discussed in this submittal are described for the NRC's information and are not commitments.
Obtain test equipment and develop a X 60 Days After test procedure for water and sediment Receipt of testing in accordance with ASTM-D1796 Amendment or ASTM-D2709 Page 1 of 1