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AR 00200745 - Feedwater Flow Tracer Test Preliminary Results
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2004
- No Known Affiliation
FOIA/PA-2008-0046 AR 00200745
Download: ML080290206 (6)


01,Glo Back Print, I New Search I kome, Go Back Print.I New Search I Home AR 00200745 Repo t Aff Fac: Byr0o AR Type:. status: H/APPR AfflUniit: NA OWed'To: AcAOALL Due bate:

AfftSystem: ,FW Event.

iOate,0 : 02/06/ý2..1004' CR Disc' Date!: 02/09/2004ý HoW rig Date: 0*2/102004 0101 Discovered:

Action RequestDetails,*


  • FeedwatrFlow eTr-acer Test!.Preliminary.esults Delscripticon:
  • 41 rgiarSeto CR' No:.

'Identifie-d byi'(Name):


,Condition D*escriiti6h:

'Th'T~~erTes'Prlirinai~yresults ~sho6W'that'-the venturi measured- low Is 06% loiwer than -thestracer measured unitv ,*andthe hfiowfo-ui:

measured floW q.2,% lower than the tracer. measured low forý,unit.2. ThefW.

ccrnducted oi*:n '*6,2004.

,Specific Pireliminary*resultsofhe.trace indicat'the following:

Planrit: eeading'r(ntUt-fiYUitC'1 15 96500' lb/hr Un ,it2, 2i158910i 0lbJI/h~r Tracer- result. Unit ,l.16 , 060'644 lb/hr, Unit 1 2' 15,9268S371 lb/1r Stahd. deviationh tracee-Unit 1 0.4,.% Unit 2 0'-3%/o Devl planttr~ager, tnit' -0.6 % Unijt~2. 2`1'%

Preli!ini 'AMAG, drossfl6w hM'easurerni'"e'nts:.'dur"in'g the race- testfunit 1.

a re. 18lWer'fl~pw thahi.invet'uri, and ,on wilt 2are 'P/a 6ibi~etha~nVentn.

'There; is!.,no 'immIediate Ipla.ntiip -Act bdc'a~se:th'e-&r6c~ereul aeti the uncerain6y.ofthe square' rbootsumn bf.:the:'squar-es!'wit. verit~riir.-AMG Crossfl, 'urre ntl *in use): readings'sare .not within ;the uncertainty o:6ftthesquaýre ro~t'sumr of the"sQ'souares ,with:'the ,tracier testý:an~d therefore.

-should not beusedw e A din* tO theudsecision tree thtat .was, developedfor data' comparison, Tracer fellinto case_2., ase 2 state'sitheaith,a'htthue -is* cod'rnE'is;o rrect and&rossflow s*ouid not:

be implemented.

A'preliminay rtnari review (Exe!16n E'ngineer~ing, A.`31B, Westingh'ouse) Ofthe

,tra~er*st~lhs in~ tb~een ii blezt fi nd.,any dijsrepancy-th~t .would invalidatei the. reseiults "of the tra'ce'r ýe A~susch-; n'oftirther'tracer~test' is plannedat Byron.

Final report of iesults1Willrbe by rEC evaluatioh. This, E' will contain final, reports1 informatibn;frorn Tracer TstesEVrnturi Flow da't, and Westinghouse/AM.ýG final report n Crossflow Measurement:

1,rtn :/ccc mvaO.1 :6 l2.3iservler.Reno~rtAR 2/1.0/200'4 h(tr):HcCcmva01-6I B/serviet/ken6ftAR


Uiata:Ta en. during iWtracerSPO-O

'Immediate actions taken:

Perfomed. a team reviewiof the results.

MWestinghou se~isJý, preparingPa n a ction planh to..address ýthe industry`impct.,

Namejl&-o'rga'niz'ation:If'supervis r,,pprs nai ntfied to perfbrrm


~ Optional Setion *****

Whatactivities, processes,-or piroedues were involved?

SPP o4,ýao1:

-:WYhydid the.cdhditi-on happeh?...

Results* 'ere :obtainied 'with'in*tihe b iuhdn .oa 1provel' mrethod of determining.

f.eed'water fl~ow With- Na24, trac'e-..

What aýre the cdnsequenices?:!

Preliminary tracer res'ultsare consistent',with' ven'turi flow measuerements,:

but not AMAG Cros-sflopw mneasuremenlý.,

  • Were-any p~r cepdurialý trequi rerrierntsiýrpacted?'

None Were ihysical eohditibon[ý?

&6hedeanyadve"S Identi, who was.notified?

D.]Spitzer, B. Adarns, D..Eder, T. Printz,. .Drowle'y;, W..Kuba T.a, Drai (B WD)

"Listo, knowledgea6le individuals:-

D- Sp tze B. Adams; D. Eder, T. Printz,:. Drowley, W. Kouba 3..TrauLb (ABB):

Repeat*orsimilar; conditionr?

No. FW "flo'wtracetesiý.(t has "no.tIbeen.perform.ed previously at. Byron .o Braidwood.

    • upe'r.Visoiy Reviewe4r :C~rnr~ient~s S'ection,*****

.Name of(Supervisory, Reviewei: 'Brian Ledger provide~a'clear-statemefit fi the Pro'b15fi afiCoSqpece, .ifnecessary:

No additional information..

Recommendedsig nificane.ILevel ndI~Cl:a, (providi a basis for Level 3'andl Ealbove):


Identify. additional acttions taken teo 6e taken (For' actions not already completed inc ude Action de5scr ption.,'"quired Assignee, ahd-proposeddiIe Formalize the r~esults.

h .tp./cc/Cnva0 l:61 23/servlelt/R epcrtAR 2/10/2004

,SUbje IctlDescriptio n:

Assign #: 06, Assigned, To: StatU!: INPROG Aft Fac: ,Byron Prim:G'rp: ACAPALL Due Pate:

'Assign Type:' CA Sec Grp:T Oig'Date:


Schedule. Ret:,


Subject/Description: Corrective Ac'tio',

Aissign. 67,Asge o Status: IRQG Aff Fac: Byron Prim Grp: AC.AAPALL Due Date:

Assign TyOpe:. EFR Sec Grp: Qrig Date::


.Schedule R-ef:

Unit :Condition:::

,EffectiVeness.Review* (Rev;2) 1Every'CAPR! mst beevaluated by.'its own .EFRs Subject/Description: assignment.. 2'. Collective EFK, revilew requireddisper RC"invetigatidnrvlC approval is equired fo:

........ ectiVe EfRs: ,Extensionst'o.Collective EFRs that have eben,.hallenged 08 MAssign.# Assigned To:- Status: INPROG:

Aft Fac:i Byron Prim Grp: ACAPALLDue'Date:

Assign Type:, OPDB Sec Gr'p orig. ate:


Schedule 1fet:

Unit C6nditiofn:'

Subj6ct/Descriptio n: Opefability Detenffiiriati6h Assignl#:: 'Io Assigned To: Status:, NPROG Aft FaC: Byron Prim Grp: ACAIALL Due Date,:

Asigyp:Atit :Sic Gtp Or- Date:

Pr% i orit'y:

Schedule, Ref:


n Verifyall planned actions -identified in the Seuperviso§R-*'ieviewercomentare

. e. -. addressed priorto, CR closure.,

'Assign #: 141 Assigned'To: Status- INPROG Aft Fac: By~ron Prim Grp: ACAPALL Due Date:

Assign Type:  ::EACE Sec 'Grp: Orig Date':

h.ttp.://cccmvaOI :64123/servlet/ReoiortAR :2/1,0/2004

P riority:


Unit Condition:

,Subjiect/Descriptirn: Equipment Apparent Cause Eva uatidin ý(EACE) (Rev. -37)

Assin g-2n #i AssignediT:: -statUs:  :,INPROG6

'Aft Fac:: BytonFr Prim Grp: ACAPALL., DueDate:

Assign Typ: ACE S~c.,Grp: O1rig Date:


Scheduie Ref:

UnitCondit ion:

SubjectDescription: Performi ACE (Rev. 3 Assign #1 13 Assigned To: Status: INPROG Aft Fac: Byrn Prim Grp: A.APALL Due Date:

Assign Type: RCR Sec Grp: Orig DAte:


Schedule Ref!

Unit Condition:,

Subject/Description: Perform Root:Cause Analysis,0f.Coridition (Rev. 33) Ektensiohnsof -thihs assignimentrequjire b~~j s c d ,Vo :

-,,5c V RC A ppr oval ,

Assign #1 14 AssignedT:: ;StatUSi INPROG Aft Fac: Byron Prim'Grp: ACAPALL 044e6Date:

AssigfiType: CCA SecIGrp: Orig Date:




Perform'a Co6mmon .CausieA'Analis (Rev,,ý.2) Extension~ofi*,this .assinment reqUir-eSMRC Subjet/Decripion:Approval Assign*'#: 15 AssgnddTo: -Sats INPRO Aft Fac: Byo6n Prim Garp: ACAIALL Due&Date:

AssignType: RCCH SecGrp: Orig Date:


.SchedUle ýRef!

Unit Condition:

Subject/Description: Sto Develop;a R6otCause Cha'rfterrev. 3).Completion of a Root Cause Charteris expected be comp.leted within two buisiniess days of ive'6t screening "

htt;p:i/cccmnvao 1::61 23/serviet/ReportAR2/004 2*110/20.04

Assign #6 __ Assigned To: Status,, INPROG AffFac: Byon Prim Grp: ACAPALL Due Date:

Assign Type. ACE Sec Girp: Orig Date:,


Sche~dul!e Ref}.,


Subject/Description: Perfo'rm, ACE (Rev..4)

Assign #: 17 AssignedlT.: Status: , INPROGd Aff.Fac:; Byr n. Prim .Grp: ACAPALL Due Date:

Assign Type: kDt:e ACE Sec Grp: Orig Priority!:


7Urnit 0Condition:

SiubieclD~esc~ription:: *Per*form-Qiu~ic.k AE(Rv E(e* 4)

Assign #-: ý18 Assigned To: Status:: INPROG AftFac:. ByronB Prim Grp: ACAPALL Due.Date:

.AssignrType: EACE Sec Grp: Orig Date:




'Subjet/Description: Perform"EACE (Rev. 4'4)

Assign #i 149 Assigned To: -Status. INPROGý AffFac: BRAOn Prim :hGrpi: AcAPALL Dube a*te:,

Assign Type:. CC . Sec Grp:, Orig.Date Priority:

Schedul. ,Ref:-


SUbject/Descriptibn:: NPe*f*ormCCA(Rev* 3).

Assign§: 20, AssigneddTo:. Status:: INPROG Akff-ac:: Byron Prim Grp:.. ACAPALL Due"Date:

Assign Type: RcRk Orig .Date:

Sec Grp:


Schedule iRef:

Unit Condition:.

http://cccmva. 1:61i23servet!ReportAR2 2/10/2004 0

Subject/Description: Perform-RCA (RepS> 4)

,Assign.#: 21 Assigned To: Status: INPROG Aft Fac: Byron Priim Grp:

t ACAPALL Due Date:

Assign Type: RCCH secGrp: Ori!igDate:


Schedule Ref.


SubjecDescri'ption:; hComplete.Root Ca*ue§ Chae r ,rter,(Rev.

http://cccma0 1:6 1,23/serviet/ReportAR2 /
