Category:Legal-Hearing File (For Informal Hearings)
MONTHYEARML0818403132008-07-0101 July 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 24 ML0816908252008-06-17017 June 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 23 ML0815506722008-06-0303 June 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 22 ML0814102292008-05-20020 May 2008 Hearing File Update Supplement 21, No Updates to Hearing File or Mandatory Disclosures in Proceeding at Present Time ML0812707352008-05-0606 May 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 20 ML0809903962008-04-0808 April 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 18 ML0808508482008-03-25025 March 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 17 ML0807105142008-03-11011 March 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Supplement 16 and Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley ML0803805822008-02-0707 February 2008 NRC Staff Hearing File Update 15 and Monthly Status Report ML0800401742008-01-0303 January 2008 Hearing File Update Supplement 14 ML0734006282007-12-0606 December 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 13 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley ML0730601962007-11-0101 November 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty Enclosing Supplement 12 to the Hearing File Index, Privilege Log - Deliberative Process, Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley, and Declaration of Pao-Tsin Kuo ML0727802702007-10-0404 October 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to the Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 11 to the Hearing File Index, Privilege Log - Deliberative Process, Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley, and Declaration of Pao-Tsin Kuo ML0725000702007-09-0606 September 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 10 to the Hearing File Index, Privilege Log - Deliberative Process, Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley, and Declaration of Pao-Tsin Kuo ML0718700592007-07-0505 July 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 8 to the Hearing File Index, Privilege Log, Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley, and Declaration of Pao-Tsin Kuo ML0715900862007-06-0808 June 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to Administrative Judges Re the Staffs 06/08/07 Hearing File Index Which Inadvertently Listed a Document Titled Additional Information as Requested, Dated 05/07/07, as Publicly Available ML0715802382007-06-0707 June 2007 Letter from Mary C. Baty to Administrative Judges Providing the Staffs Monthly Status Report, Supplement 7 to the Hearing File Index, and Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley ML0700500892007-01-0404 January 2007 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Providing Supplement 2 to the Hearing File Index, Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley, and Declaration of Pao-Tsin Kuo ML0634800552006-12-0707 December 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Providing Monthly Status Report and Hearing File Index ML0629703952006-10-23023 October 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Notifying Them of the Availability of the Hearing File Index ML0621901942006-08-0707 August 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Informing That the Staff Has No Updates to Its Hearing File Index ML0617304002006-06-22022 June 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 32 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0616303362006-06-12012 June 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Informing That the Staff Has No Documents to Add to Its Hearing File and No Updates to Its Privilege Logs at This Time ML0615101272006-05-30030 May 2006 Letter from Sherwin E. Turk to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 30 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0613600112006-05-15015 May 2006 Letter from Steven Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 29 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of E. Edward Miller, Jr ML0612201102006-05-0101 May 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 28 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0610905622006-04-17017 April 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 27 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0609402032006-04-0303 April 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 26 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0608200862006-03-20020 March 2006 Letter from Steven C. Hamrick to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 25 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0606601362006-03-0606 March 2006 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 24 to the Hearing File Index and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0605401532006-02-21021 February 2006 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 23 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0603704192006-02-0606 February 2006 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 22 to the Hearing File Index and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0602402572006-01-23023 January 2006 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 21 to the Hearing File Index and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0600904392006-01-0909 January 2006 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 20 to the Hearing File Index, an Update to the Privilege Log, and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0536201232005-12-22022 December 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 19 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0534900422005-12-12012 December 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 18 to the Hearing File Index, an Upgraded Privilege Log, and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0534202022005-11-28028 November 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 17 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0532101102005-11-14014 November 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 16 to the Hearing File Index, Updated Privilege Logs, and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0531404272005-10-31031 October 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 15 to the Hearing File Index, Updated Privilege Logs, and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0527902042005-09-30030 September 2005 Letter from Sherwin E. Turk to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 14 to the Hearing File Index and Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0525500692005-09-0606 September 2005 Letter from Jason C. Zorn to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 13 to the Hearing File Index, an Updated Privilege Log and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0523102982005-08-16016 August 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 12 to the Hearing File Index, an Updated Privilege Log, and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0520900742005-07-27027 July 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 11 to the Hearing File Index and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0519900742005-07-13013 July 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Re Correction to Supplement 10 of the Hearing File ML0518901642005-07-0707 July 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 10 to the Hearing File Index and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0516504622005-06-14014 June 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 9 to the Hearing File Index, an Updated Privilege Log, and the Affidavit of G. Edward Miller, Jr ML0514502542005-05-24024 May 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 8 to the Hearing File Index, an Updated Privilege Log, and Affidavit of John P. Boska ML0512403182005-05-0303 May 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 7 to the Hearing File Index (Parties Only), Privilege Log, and Affidavit of John P. Boska (Parties Only) ML0510302522005-04-12012 April 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 6 to the Hearing File Index (Parties Only), Privilege Log, and Affidavit of John P. Boska (Parties Only) ML0508300312005-03-22022 March 2005 Letter from Brooke D. Poole to Administrative Judges Enclosing Supplement 5 to the Hearing File Index, an Update to the Privilege Log, and Affidavit of John P. Boska 2008-07-01
[Table view] |
June 7, 2007 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin, Chairman Dr. Thomas S. Elleman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop T-3 F23 5207 Creedmoor Road, #101 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, NC 27612 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Dr. Richard E. Wardwell Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 In the Matter of ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC.
(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)
Docket No. 50-271-LR; ASLBP No. 06-849-03-LR
Dear Administrative Judges:
The NRC Staff hereby provides its monthly status report and notice that it has updated the hearing file for this proceeding pursuant to 10 C.F.R. §§ 2.336(d) and 2.1203. An index containing the ADAMS accession number, date, and title or description of each item in the hearing file and disclosures is appended hereto as Attachment 1. The Staff has no updates to its privilege logs at this time. As required by 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), the Affidavit of Jonathan G.
Rowley is attached.
There have been no changes to the Staffs schedule for the issuance of its Safety Evaluation Report and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
Mary C. Baty Counsel for NRC Staff
Hearing File Index Supplement 7 Affidavit of Jonathan G. Rowley cc:
Attached Service List
Accession Number Document Date Title/Description:
07-01 ML071450111 4/23/2007 Document Request for VYNPS.
07-02 ML071450108 4/24/2007 Current NPDES Permit & Fact Sheet.
07-03 ML071150269 4/25/2007 NRC Annual Performance Assessment of Vermont Yankee, 2006 Reactor Oversight Process.
07-04 ML071450241 4/26/2007 ORAU Final Report for VY Fence Line Dose.
07-05 ML071290431 4/26/2007 Vermont Yankee License Renewal Application Annual Update.
07-06 ML070610180 5/1/2007 Trip Report For A Trip Taken To Vermont, Massachusetts And New Hampshire.
07-07 ML071500153 5/7/2007 Additional Information as Requested.
07-08 ML071350551 5/8/2007 Vermont Yankee, License Renewal Safety Evaluation Report Comments.
07-09 ML071300599 5/10/2007 05/24/2007, Notice of Licensee Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., to Inform Licensee of the Results of NRC Team Inspection Covering Scoping and Aging Management Portions of Vermont Yankee Application for a Renewed License.
07-10 ML071450112 5/11/2007 Vermont Yankee License Renewal.
07-11 ML071430101 5/14/2007 Comment (31) of Raymond Shadis on NRCs Environmental Review of Entergy Vermont Yankees License Renewal Application (NUREG-1437, Suppl. 30).
07-12 ML071450110 5/15/2007 Re: The 1991 Study.
07-13 ML071450109 5/16/2007 State of Vermont Press Release.
07-14 ML071370373 5/17/2007 Press Release-I-07-030: NRC to Discuss Preliminary Results of License Renewal Inspection for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant on May 24.
07-15 ML071500496 5/21/2007 Re Nalco H550.
Docket No. 50-271-LR LLC, and ENTERGY NUCLEAR
ASLBP No. 06-849-03-LR
(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)
I, Jonathan G. Rowley, do hereby state as follows:
I am employed as a Project Manager in the Division of License Renewal in the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. I serve as a project manager for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Stations license renewal application (LRA).
I hereby certify that all relevant materials required to be disclosed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 (b) and (c) in the captioned proceeding have been disclosed, and that the disclosures are accurate and complete as of the date of this certification.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Original Signed By Jonathan G. Rowley Executed in Rockville, MD this 7th day of June, 2007
Docket No. 50-271-LR LLC, and ENTERGY NUCLEAR
ASLBP No. 06-849-03-LR
(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the NRC Staff letter dated June 7, 2007, providing notice of the availability of the hearing file, with attachments, together with the affidavit of Jonathan G.
Rowley in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by electronic mail with copies by deposit in the NRCs internal mail system or, as indicated by an asterisk, by electronic mail with copies by U.S. mail, first class, this 7th day of June 2007.
Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: ask2@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Thomas S. Elleman*
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 5207 Creedmoor Road, #101 Raleigh, NC 27612 E-mail: elleman@eos.ncsu.edu Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication Mail Stop: O-16C1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: OCAAmail@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Richard E. Wardwell Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: rew@nrc.gov Office of the Secretary Attn: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff Mail Stop: O-16C1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: hearingdocket@nrc.gov Sarah Hofmann, Esq.*
Director of Public Advocacy Department of Public Service 112 State Street - Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 E-mail: sarah.hofmann@state.vt.us Ronald A. Shems, Esq.*
Karen Tyler, Esq.
Shems Dunkiel Kassel & Saunders, PLLC 91 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 E-mail: rshems@sdkslaw.com Ktyler@sdkslaw.com Jennifer J. Patterson, Esq.*
Peter C.L. Roth Office of the New Hampshire Attorney General 33 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301 E-mail: jennifer.patterson@doj.nh.gov peter.roth@doj.nh.gov Marcia Carpentier, Esq.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop: T-3F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: mxc7@nrc.gov Anthony Z. Roisman, Esq.*
National Legal Scholars Law Firm 84 East Thetford Rd.
Lyme, NH 03768 E-mail: aroisman@nationallegalscholars.com David R. Lewis, Esq.*
Matias F. Travieso-Diaz Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037-1128 E-mail: david.lewis@pillsburylaw.com matias.travieso-diaz@pillsburylaw.com
Mary C. Baty Counsel for NRC Staff