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Tech Spec Pages for Amendments 236 & 218 Regarding Implementation of Alternative Source Term Methodology
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/2006
Shared Package
ML063100392 List:
TAC MC9746, TAC MC9747
Download: ML063610308 (7)


(4) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; (5) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproducts and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and; (6) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 40, to receive, possess and process for release or transfer such byproduct material as may be produced by the Duke Training and Technology Center.

C. This renewed operating license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level The licensee is authorized to operate the facility at a reactor core full steady state power level of 3411 megawatts thermal (100%).

(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 23 6 are hereby incorporated into this renewed operating license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

(3) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report supplement submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21 (d), as revised on December 16, 2002, describes certain future activities to be completed before the period of extended operation.

Duke shall complete these activities no later than June 12, 2021, and shall notify the NRC in writing when implementation of these activities is complete and can be verified by NRC inspection.

The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report supplement as revised on December 16, 2002, described above, shall be included in the next scheduled update to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report required by 10 CFR 50.71 (e)(4), following issuance of this renewed operating license.

Until that update is complete, Duke may make changes to the programs described in such supplement without prior Commission approval, provided that Duke evaluates each such change pursuant to the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 50.59 and otherwise complies with the requirements in that section.

Renewed License No. NPF-9 Amendment No. 236

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(4) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; (5) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproducts and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2; and, (6) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 40, to receive, possess and process for release or transfer such byproduct material as may be produced by the Duke Training and Technology Center.

C. This renewed operating license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:.

(1) Maximum Power Level The licensee is authorized to operate the facility at a reactor core full steady state power level of 341.1 megawatts thermal (100%).

(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 218 are hereby incorporated into this renewed operating license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

(3) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report supplement submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21(d), as revised on December 16, 2002, describes certain future activities to be completed before the period of extended operation.

Duke shall complete these activities no later than March 3, 2023, and shall notify the NRC in writing when implementation of these activities is complete and can be verified by NRC inspection.

The Updated Final Safety Analysis Report supplement as revised on December 16, 2002, described above, shall be included in the next scheduled update to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report required by 10 CFR 50.71 (e)(4), following issuance of this renewed operating license.

Until that update is complete, Duke may make changes to the programs described in such supplement without prior Commission approval, provided that Duke evaluates each such change pursuant to the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 50.59, and otherwise complies with the requirements in that section.

Renewed License NoI-. KIDF-17 Amendment No. 218

Containment Penetrations 3.9.4 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3.9.4 Containment Penetrations LCO 3.9.4 The containment penetrations shall be in the following status:

a. The equipment hatch closed and held in place by a minimum of four bolts;
b. A minimum of one door in each air lock closed; and
c. Each penetration providing direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere either:
1. closed by a manual or automatic isolation valve, blind flange, or equivalent, or
2. exhausting through an OPERABLE Containment Purge Exhaust System HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber.

APPLICABILITY: During movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within I containment.

ACTIONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. One or more A.1 Suspend movement of Immediately containment recently irradiated fuel penetrations not in assemblies within required status. containment.

McGuire Units 1 and 2 3.9.4-1 Amendment Nos. I Amendment Nos. 236, 218

Containment Penetrations B 3.9.4 B 3.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS B 3.9.4 Containment Penetrations BASES BACKGROUND During movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within I containment, a release of fission product radioactivity within containment will be restricted from escaping to the environment when the LCO requirements are met. In MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4, this is accomplished by maintaining containment OPERABLE as described in LCO 3.6.1, "Containment." In MODE 6, the potential for containment pressurization as a result of an accident is not likely; therefore, requirements to isolate the containment from the outside atmosphere can be less stringent. The LCO requirements are referred to as "containment closure" rather than "containment OPERABILITY." Containment closure means that all potential escape paths are closed or exhausting through an OPERABLE containment purge exhaust HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber. Since there is no potential for containment pressurization, the Appendix J leakage criteria and tests are not required.

The containment serves to contain fission product radioactivity that may be released from the reactor core following an accident, such that offsite radiation exposures are maintained well within the requirements of 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 4). Additionally, the containment provides radiation shielding from the fission products that may be present in the containment atmosphere following accident conditions.

The containment equipment hatch, which is part of the containment pressure boundary, provides a means for moving large equipment and components into and out of containment. During movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within containment, the equipment hatch must be held in place by at least four bolts. Good engineering practice dictates that the bolts required by this LCO be approximately equally spaced.

The containment air locks, which are also part of the containment pressure boundary, provide a means for personnel access during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 unit operation in accordance with LCO 3.6.2, "Containment Air Locks." Each air lock has a door at both ends. The doors are normally interlocked to prevent simultaneous opening when containment OPERABILITY is required. During periods of unit shutdown when containment closure is not required, the door interlock mechanism may be disabled, allowing both doors of an air lock to remain open for extended periods when frequent containment entry is necessary. During McGuire Units 1 and 2 B 3.9.4-1 Revision No. I Amendment Nos. 236, 218

Containment Penetrations B 3.9.4 BASES BACKGROUND (continued) movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within containment, containment closure is required; therefore, the door interlock mechanism may remain disabled, but one air lock door must always remain closed.

The requirements for containment penetration closure ensure that a release of fission product radioactivity within containment will be restricted from escaping to the environment. The closure restrictions are sufficient to restrict fission product radioactivity release from containment due to a fuel handling accident involving recently irradiated fuel during refueling.

The Containment Purge Supply and Exhaust is a subsystem of the Containment Purge and Ventilation System. Purge air is supplied to the Containment through two 50 percent capacity fans and their associated filters and heating coils. Purged air is exhausted through two 50 percent capacity fan and filter networks to the unit vent where it is monitored during release to the atmosphere. The purge air supply and exhaust fans and filters are located in the Auxiliary Building.

There are five purge air supply penetrations and four purge air exhaust penetrations in the Containment. These penetrations are in the upper compartment and lower compartment. Two normally closed isolation valves in each penetration provide Containment isolation.

The upper compartment purge exhaust ductwork is so arranged to draw exhaust air into a plenum around the periphery of the refueling canal, effecting a ventilation sweep of the canal during the refueling process.

The lower compartment purge exhaust ductwork is arranged as to sweep the reactor well during the refueling process.

The other containment penetrations that provide direct access from containment atmosphere to outside atmosphere must be isolated on at least one side. Isolation may be achieved by a closed automatic isolation valve, or by a manual isolation valve, blind flange, or equivalent.

Equivalent isolation methods must be approved and may include use of a material that can provide a temporary, atmospheric pressure, ventilation barrier for the other containment penetrations during recently irradiated fuel movements.

APPLICABLE During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment, the SAFETY ANALYSES most severe radiological consequences result from a fuel handling accident involving recently irradiated fuel. The fuel handling accident is a postulated event that involves damage to irradiated fuel (Ref. 1). Fuel handling accidents include dropping a single irradiated fuel assembly and handling tool or a heavy object onto other irradiated fuel assemblies. The requirements of LCO 3.9.7, "Refueling Cavity Water Level," in conjunction McGuire Units 1 and 2 B 3.9.4-2 Revision No.

Amendment Nos. 236, 218

Containment Penetrations B 3.9.4 BASES APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES (continued) with irradiated fuel minimum decay time of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, ensure that the release of fission product radioactivity, subsequent to the limiting fuel handling accident, results in doses that are well within the guideline values specified in 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 4) and Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Ref. 5)

Containment penetrations satisfy Criterion 3 of 10 CFR 50.36 (Ref. 2).

LCO This LCO limits the consequences of a fuel handling accident involving recently irradiated fuel in containment by limiting the potential escape paths for fission product radioactivity released within containment. The LCO requires any penetration providing direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere to be closed except for penetrations exhausting through an OPERABLE Containment Purge Exhaust System HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber.

APPLICABILITY The containment penetration requirements are applicable during movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within containment because this is when there is a potential for the limiting fuel handling accident. Recently irradiated fuel is defined as fuel that has occupied part of a critical reactor core within the previous 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. In Modes 1,2,3, and 4, containment penetration requirements are addressed by LCO 3.6.1. In Modes 5 and 6, when movement of irradiated fuel assemblies is not being conducted, the potential for a fuel handling accident does not exist.

Additionally, due to radioactive decay, a fuel handling accident involving irradiated fuel that has not occupied part of a critical reactor core within the previous 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> will result in doses that are within the guideline values specified in 10 CFR 50.67 even without containment closure capability. Therefore, under these conditions no requirements are placed on containment penetration status.

ACTIONS A.1 If the containment equipment hatch, air locks, or any containment penetration that provides direct access from the containment atmosphere to the outside atmosphere is not in the required status, the unit must be placed in a condition where the isolation function is not needed. This is accomplished by immediately suspending movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within containment. Performance of these actions shall not preclude completion of movement of a component to a safe position.

McGuire Units 1 and 2 B 3.9.4-3 Revision No.

Amendment Nos. 236, 218

Containment Penetrations B 3.9.4 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS This Surveillance demonstrates that each of the containment penetrations required to be in its closed position is in that position. The Surveillance on the open purge and exhaust valves will demonstrate that the valves are exhausting through an OPERABLE Containment Purge Exhaust System HEPA filter and charcoal adsorber.

The Surveillance is performed every 7 days during movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies within containment. The Surveillance interval is selected to be commensurate with the normal duration of time to complete fuel handling operations. As such, this Surveillance ensures that a postulated fuel handling accident involving recently irradiated fuel that releases fission product radioactivity within the containment will not result in a release of significant fission product radioactivity to the environment.

SR This SR verifies that the required testing is performed in accordance with the Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP). The Containment Purge Exhaust System filter tests are in accordance with Reference 3. The VFTP includes testing HEPA filter performance, charcoal adsorbers efficiency, minimum system flow rate, and the physical properties, of the activated charcoal (general use and following specific operations).

Specific test Frequencies and additional information are discussed in detail in the VFTP.

REFERENCES 1. UFSAR, Section 15.7.4.

2. 10 CFR 50.36, Technical Specifications, (c)(2)(ii).
3. Regulatory Guide 1.52 (Rev. 2).
4. 10 CFR 50.67, Accident Source Term.
5. Regulatory Guide 1.183, Rev. 0.
6. PIP M-05-1608 McGuire Units I and 2 B 3.9.4-4 Revision No.

Amendment Nos. 236, 218