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Pulstar Nuclear Reactor License Amendment; Receive, Possess, and Use of Byproduct Materials
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 09/21/2005
From: Cook A
Univ of North Carolina
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052690085 (1)



North Carolina State University is a land- Nuclear Reactor Program grant university and a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina

!8 : MI TRB1IM;M:3 Department of Nuclear Engineering Campus Box 7909 Raleigh, NC 27695-7909 919.515.2321 919.515.5115 Ifax)

program.html September 21, 2005 TO. Nuclear Regulatiory Commission Document Control Desk US. Nuclear Re[ ;ulatory Commission Washirnton, DC..20555 RE: PULSTAR Nu clear Reactor License Amendment; Receive, Possess and Use of Byproduct Materials.

License No. R--120 Docket No. 50--297 North Carolina State Uni versity is requesting that the license for the PULSTAR Nuclear Reactor be amended to allow for the receipt, p ossession and use of byproduct material to support the research and development applications of the facilit]yby adding the following condition:

Section 2.b.(4)

"Pursuant of thee Act and 10 CFR Part 30, "Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Mate.rial," to receive for irradiation in the reactor in the amounts as required any byproduct mate.rial without restriction to chemical or physical form having a definite research and development pu rpose."

The purpose of conditior i 2.b.4 is to allow the PULSTAR Reactor to receive byproduct material for irradiation that have definite researcl I and development purposes under the reactor license and not other licenses held by the University This uill eensure that all material to be inserted into the reactor is covered by the reactor license and that intermingling of radioactive material across multiple licenses is avoided.

Licensing guidance in suf )port for this amendment is contained in NUREG- 1537 (1996) GtcddiwsforPnpari,-g am Rezku~gApplkriwj](crtheLimsirgqfNcPwoerRmaus. Specific guidance on the possession and use of byproduct, source and sp ecial nuclear material is contained in Section 9.5, Pcssessinarrd Use j B)proia,Scrza aniSpail NudarMatewiaI and Appendix 9.2 Liekwe GC cnfor B)pwrxbi Materialto tb Inmdiated in a NcmPowrr Reacor.

If you have any question please feel free to call me at (919) 515-4602.

I declare under penalty of *perjurythat the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on 21 September2005.

Andrew T Cook Associate Director, Nuck !ar Reactor Program cc: Daniel Hughes,' US NRA