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E-Mail Ennis, NRR, to Duflucas, Entergy Nuclear Northeast, VY EPU Revised RAIs
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/05/2005
From: Richard Ennis
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Daflucas R
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Download: ML051870433 (5)


Rick Ennis - VY EPU - Revised RAI Draft 5 (Contains Proprietary Information) Page 1 From: Rick Ennis To: Ronda Daflucas Date: 7/5/05 5:43PM


VY EPU - Revised RAI Draft 5 (Contains Proprietary Information)

Ronda, "PR1OFBee~a M 1rJFe Attached is a revised set of VY EPU RAls. These supercede the set I emailed on 6/28/05. The changes since last time are as follows:

1) Added new steam dryer RAls EMEB-120 through EMEB-146.
2) Replaced GE methods RAls SRXB-A-24 through SRXB-A-88 with edited and renumbered RAls SRXB-A-24 through SRXB-A-58. These changes reflect which RAIs the NRC staff believes still apply based on the alternate approach discussed at the 6/30/05 meeting. I've also added double brackets

((abcdefq] to indicate proprietary information.

Entergy actions related to these RAls are as follows:

1) Confirm with your vendors that proprietary information in the entire set of RAls is marked accordingly.
2) Provide a response timeframe so I can issue the RAls formally.

Let me know if you want to set up conference calls on any of questions we have not discussed.

thanks, Rick 301-415-1420 CC: Anthony Ulses; Brooke Poole; Cheng-lh Wu; Comelius Holden; Craig Nichols; Darrell Roberts; Frank Akstulewicz; Gene Imbro; Jared Wermiel; Jennifer Uhle; Jim DeVincentis; John McCann; Kamal Manoly; Len Gucwa; Rebecca Karas; Tad Marsh; Thomas Scarbrough; Zena Abdullahi

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VY EPU - Revised RAI Draft 5 (Contains Proprietary Information)

Creation Date: 7/5/05 5:43PM From: Rick Ennis Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time OWGWPO01.HQGWDO01 Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM FMA CC (Frank Akstulewicz)

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OWGWPOO2.HQGWDOO1 Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM EXI CC (Gene Imbro)

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JXU 1 CC (Jennifer Uhle) owf2_po.OWFN _DO Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM CIWI CC (Cheng-Ih Wu)

KAM CC (Kamal Manoly)

TGS CC (Thomas Scarbrough) owf4jo.OWFNDO Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM CFH CC (Cornelius Holden)

DJR CC (Darrell Roberts)

LBM CC (Tad Marsh)

RLK CC (Rebecca Karas) owf5_po.OWFNDO Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM BDP CC (Brooke Poole) twf5_po.TWFNDO Delivered 07/05/05 05:43PM APU CC (Anthony Ulses) cnichol CC (Craig Nichols) jdevinc CC (Jim DeVincentis) jmccanl CC (John McCann)

LGUCW90 CC (Len Gucwa) rdafluc (Ronda Daflucas)

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