ML041760179 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 03/15/2004 |
From: | Lanksbury R NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
To: | Nazar M American Electric Power Co |
References | |
50-315/OL04-301, 50-316/OL04-301 | |
Download: ML041760179 (22) | |
DC COOK 2004 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM SUBMITTED OPERATING EXAM COMMENTS ADMlN JPMs NRC COMMENT LICENSEE RESOLUTION A. 1.a (RO) Validation change. Change task briefing to 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> vs.
28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br />; Start new paragraph with directions to operator (You are ...);
Bold current, reorder bulleted items and change to NERDS is NOT available; Body page 1 - A d d Note for evaluator in case candidate expresses concern with >30 hour on previous SDM; Body page 2 - briefing spelling.
A.2 (RO) 1) Include suction/discharge paths and 1) Change to Determine Clearance electrically tag out pump for equipment Boundaries vs. Isolate Leak; Add protection. Electrical Print to reference, Handout and body pages; Add CTs for electrical
- 2) Validation change Switch and Breaker; Change briefing to determine clearance boundaries to isolate leak and protect pump.
- 2) Add page to body to provide cues for locating prints. Provide FDB Screen print option and direction to provide prints when located. Body page 3 correct Breaker # to 1B vs. B1.
A.3 (RO) 1) Need more analysis, diagnosis, or 1) Will change to bring in High alarm, operator action to evaluate applicant require applicant to enter contingency competency, ie, currently RO follows 4.3.3 to secure release.
procedure to align system, lowers containment pressure, then secures 2) Body page 2 - A d d cue for 2-VFS-system. Add a fault or problem that 2521; Body page 4 - A d d Blue requires identification and securing Book/Surv. Book to CPR number step; release. Body page 6 - Delete and holds from 2-VCR-107 step.
- 2) Validation change.
A.4 (RO) 1) Validation change. 1) Add System Malfunction to briefing; Body page 1 - A d d Completion Time blank.
A.1.b (SRO) 1) Validation change. Change briefing to went to failure 5 minutes ago and include required documentation; Body page 8 - A d d Cue for required documentation; Body page 9 - A d d Chemistry Admin time cue; Correct handout package.
A.2 (SRO) Post validation change. Correct Date on Handout due to schedule chanae.
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~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~
A.3 (SRO) 1) SRO only responsible (per procedure) 1) Remove missing initial step and to verify initials, proper signature and leave Chemistry approval blank. Cue performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Add missing "applicant will need to identify who can signature. Require applicant t o identify approve."
signature must be qualified RP or CHEM technician, or Plant Manager. 2) Correct Dates on Handouts and JPM Body pages 3 & 4 due to schedule
- 2) Post validation change. change.
JPM A.4 (SRO) Validation change. Add "Time Critical JPM" to briefing and provide blanks to record Start time (Briefing), Classification time ( p a g e l )
and PAR time (page 5).
SYSTEM JPMs NRC COMMENT LICENSEE RESOLUTION B.1.a (RO) Validation change. Body page 2 - Typo on I"CT "GRC" t o CRC.
Body page 3 -Change last cue to Control Room has placed the breaker in the desired position.
Handout - NIA step 4.2 B.1.b (B.1.a) RO(SR0-I) Va Iidat ion change Add "TC #45 has failed" to briefing.
B.1.c (B.1.b) RO(SR0-I) 1) Remove BOLD, large font "Alternate 1 ) Move Alternate Path to headers JPM" label from JPM cover sheet, move from front page.
to examiner cue page or at start of the "alternate path" part of JPM. 2) Body page 4 - Clarify 1 & 3rdCT to denote Steam Stop Dump Valves (Add
- 2) Validation change. #s) to close S G Stop valves. Add note to provide attachment A.
Body page 6 - Delete 2-URV-140 (doesn't exist)
B.1.d (B.1.e) R O ( S R 0 - I ) Validation change. Body page 1 - Change Cue to read "No Admin limits in effect" B.1.e (B.1.c) RO(SR0-I) Validation change Change 3'dTemp in Setup to 590 vs 490 B.1.f (B.1.d) RO(SR0-I) 1) Remove BOLD, large font "Alternate 1) Move Alternate Path to headers JPM" label from JPM cover sheet, move from front page.
to examiner cue page or at start of the "alternate path" part of JPM. 2) Body page 2 - A d d limit of 3500KW to last CT; Handout page 25 - Speed
- 2) Validation change. setting to 20.4.
- 1) B.1.e (B.1.a) SRO- 1) Could this evolution be inadvertently 1) Change to SRO-Us only will perform I(SR0-U), SIM07, "Dilute performed during any scenario? If so, this JPM.
- 2) Body page 1 -Change Ist Cue to
- 2) B. 1.a SRO-U 2) Validation change. include that Attachment 6 is complete and verified.
Page 2 of 7
B.1.f (B.1.b) SRO-I Validation change Body page 1 - A d d Cue that no (SRO-U) personnel are in containment.
B.1.g ( B . l . g ) [ B . l . c ] , 1) Change Cue and setup to start with 1) Change Cue and setup to start with SIM09 RO(SR0-I) [SRO- DP alarm lit; Remove BOLD, large font DP alarm lit; Move Alternate Path to UI "Alternate JPM" label from JPM cover headers from front page.
sheet, move to examiner cue page or at start of the "alternate path" part of JPM. 2) Body page 2 - Change Fast to "High". Add Cue that US acknowledges
- 2) Validation change DP not lowering and directs operator to perform 12-OHP-4022-057-001,
- 3) Exam administration change.
- 3) Replaced this JPM for first SRO-U because of improper simulator configuration. Ran this JPM for all 12 remaining applicants.
Exam administration This JPM replaced SIM09 for one SRO-U. NRC Rlll management was consulted. New JPM was developed by licensee, and, reviewed and validated by NRC examiners using independent crew.
B.2.a SRO-I Validation change Change Cue to perform Attachment A.
Remove Cues and verifications from page 1 body, page 2 note, and delete page 4. (Attachment A contains steps performed - remainder was verifications)
- 1) Remove BOLD, large font "Alternate 1) Move Alternate Path to headers JPM" label from JPM cover sheet, move from front page.
to examiner cue page or at start of the "alternate path" part of JPM. 2) Change Handout to pages 84-86 (delete 83); Body page 1 - Change 1
- 2) Validation change. Cue to "ON" vs. "UP"; Body page 2 -
Change last Cue to Use indicated inverter readings (if operating) vs. all normal.
B.2.c (B.2.b) SRO-I Validation change Body page 2 - Change Znd Cue to (SRO-U) clarify to cycle valve closed and then back open.
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DC COOK 2004 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM SUBMITTED OPERATING EXAM COMMENTS B.2. b R O Validation change Change reference #s and briefing to reflect Unit 2 operations; Body Page 3
- Change Step and Cue that EPT-200 in locked room and RNO must be performed; Body Page 4 - Change 1
line from "pressure" to "flow"; Change 2ndCue t o "operator checks gage" vs.
monitored locally; Bold Cue and change to another operator is assigned to monitor PRZ level.
B.2.c RO 1) Ensure applicants can read fuse 1) Will give applicant legible, colored nameplate; Make sure cue specifies the picture; Will ensure cue only fits one function to be disabled such that only fuse; Move Alternate Path to headers one fuse is correct one to pull; Remove from front page.
BOLD, large font "Alternate JPM" label from JPM cover sheet, move to examiner 2) Add Picture of Pushbutton/flag to cue page or at start of the "alternate handouts; Body page 2 - A d d Cue that path" part of JPM. Green Lights are Lit and reference picture of flag and pushbutton when
- 2) Validation change checking breaker open.
S C ENARlOS NRC COMMENT LICENSEE RESOLUTION 04-01 Validation change. Add IC # t o Cover and Setup page; Add U 2 Aux Steam to IC; Event #I Page 1 - Change Placing switches to Neutral to 1" action for BOP; Event #2 Page 2 - A d d Dilution Steps to reactivity change; Page 11 -
Terminate scenario after RHR & CTS are aligned to the sump and restarted; Alignment of CVCS & SI on pages 12
& 13 was deleted; Critical Task Summary #2 - Change ECCS t o RHR Setup - A d d EDG Fuel Oil Xfer Pump lights to setup.
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DC COOK 2004 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM SUBMITTED OPERATING EXAM COMMENTS Validation change. Add IC # t o Cover and Setup page; Event # I Page 1 - Corrected (swapped) Middle & North pumps throughout body; Event #2 Page 2 -
Add Boration Steps to reactivity change; Event #3 page 3 Added applicability of TS since EDG is 00s. 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> action; Event #5 page 5 -Added Details for Continuous Rod Motion Procedure Event carried over to page 6 (Renumber pages ); Delete second page 5 - Power reduction; Setup - Add E D G Fuel Oil Xfer Pump lights to setup.
Event 2 - For the #21 S G Level Channel Comment incorporated failure LOW, the applicant would need t o lower the 2-FRV-210 controller output (NOT raiSe the controller output as presently stated).
Event 2 - For the #21 SG Level Channel Comment incorporated failure LOW, the applicant would need to lower the 2-FRV-210 controller output (NOT the controller output as presently stated).
Validation change. Add IC #938 to Cover and Setup page; Change Power to 65% (also on summary page); Event # I Page 1 -
Delete Duplicate BOP actions - A d d C/S t o Manual and the switch t o Opposite strainer; Event #3 Page 3 -
add Optional Steps for RCS Leakage Procedure; Event #4 Page 4 - A d d Boration Steps to reactivity change.
- 1) Event 4 is the only event that requires 1) Replaced Pressurizer Pressure reference t o Tech Specs. Add or change Master Controller Failure (event 4a) an existing event to provide a second with NPP-151 fails low (Actions are entry requirement into Tech Specs. [ROI similar but NPP-151 has TS actions -
2003-16 Draft Rev. 9 clarification 1. Provides two TS for this scenario);
Event ##4Page 4 - Changed "Heates"
- 2) Validation change. t o "Heaters" in Operator Action Heading.
- 2) Add IC # t o Cover and Setup page; Change Event #2 to include 2 minute ramp - Cover and Setup page; Event
- I Page 1 - Add Dilution Steps to reactivity change; Crew Response for Event #3 - A d d "appears to be a breaker problem (Not a bus problem).
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DC COOK 2004 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM SUBMITTED OPERATING EXAM COMMENTS Event 4 - Typo: Under "Event Description Comment incorporated on Form ES-D-2, Changes "PRZ Heates" to "PRZ Heaters".
04-05 1) Event 2 is the only event that requires 1) Replaced #21 FRV Controller reference to Tech Specs. Add or change OscillationlFailure (event 4) with FFC-an existing event io provide a second 210 fails low (Actions are similar but entry requirement into Tech Specs. [ROI FFC-210 has TS actions - Provides 2003-16 Draft Rev. 9 clarification]. two TS for this scenario (Swapped this event from Scenario 6 - Moved FRV to
- 2) Validation change. Scenario #6); Event #4 Page 4 -
Changed "steam" to "feed" in T S actions (Note this event came from scenario #6 - so it was originally listed as Scenario #6 comment).
- 2) Event #2 Page 2 - R O Item 4 - A d d "Adjust RodsILoad for Tave & AFD; Add Steps for SRO and R O to address Continuous Rod Movement Procedure; Event #4 Page 4 - B O P Second Row Change "Raises" vs. "Lowers"; Event
- 6 Page 6 - Add Boration Steps to reactivity change; Event #7 Page 7 -
Removed "Verify Rods in Auto and steam Dump Control" Added Note that previous failure MPC-253 would cause rods and dumps to control incorrectly if in Auto; Crew Response page - A d d Bistables for FFC-510 failure.
04-06 1) To save time, add to the "Turnover" 1) Replaced FFC-210 fails low with that after swapping CCP pumps, want to #21 FRV Controller OscillationIFailure reduce power to 80%. [Crew reactivity (event 4) (Actions are similar but FFC-briefing - do before start of scenario]. 210 has TS actions - Still leaves three TS for this scenario (Swapped this
- 2) Validation change. event from Scenario 5 - Moved FFC-210 to Scenario #5); Cover Page Turnover - Added "then continue power reduction to 80%."
- 2) Add IC # t o Cover and Setup page; Event #I Page 1 - Add bullet to align AES fans; Event #2 Page 2 - A d d bullets to defeat failed RTD; Event #3 Page 3 - Add Boration Steps to reactivity change; Event #5 Page 5 -
Add Letdown restoration steps; Scenario Events Page - Event #2 -
Add "after CCP Swap."; Scenario Events Page - Event #4 - Add "after power change."; Crew response Page
- Delete #I, Swap #3 & #4 responses.
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DC COOK 2004 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM SUBMITTED OPERATING EXAM COMMENTS 04-06 Event 4 - The last sentence on the page Comment incorporated, should be changed to reference a feedwater flow channel failure (NOT a steam channel failure).
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mk. x- --
ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 (R8, S I )
DC Cook March 2004 Review Worksheet
- 3. Psychometric Flaws I 4. Job Content FI ws 5. Other 6. 7.
Back- UIEIS Explanation
-ward -
S Bank.
S #New.
1 U #New. LOD = 1. Knowledgeof lens colors. With a PZR PORV and its block valve open, it is quite logical that this is causing the RCS pressure decrease.
RESOLUTION: Replaced question.
Bank. 1) In distractor B, delete through IMO-910, since other distractors do NOT mention valve numbers. 2) Re-word distractor B to be similar to distractor A: Both operating charging pumps will receive suction flow from the RWST.
RESOLUTION: changed B. to will receive flow and removed through IMO-910.
[Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional informationregarding each of the following concepts.]
- 1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level
- 2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).
- 3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:
The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).
The stem or distractorscontain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc).
The answer choices are a collection of unrelatedtruelfalse statements.
More than one distractor is not credible.
One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstatedassumptions that are not contradicted by stem).
- 4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:
The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid WA but, as written, is not operational in content).
The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed referencetest mode (Le., it is not requiredto be known from memory).
The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).
The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.
- 5. Check questions that are sampled for conformancewith the approved KIA and those that are designated SRO-only (KIA and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
- 6. Based on the reviewersjudgment, is the question as written (U)nacceptable (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactoV
- 7. At a minimum, explain any U ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).
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1 I .
Explanation Bank. 1) Add to distractor B at the end of the sentence: ... and trip the No.
3 RCP after the reactor is shutdown. 2) DistractorC is NOT plausible.
Change to: Do NOT trip the reactor. Trip the No. 3 RCP and be in Hot Standby within one hour. 3) Distractor D -Add: Do NOT trip the reactor as a first sentence.
RESOLUTION: B. added after the reactor is shutdown; C. and D. starts with Do NOT trip the reactor; C. ends with Be in Hot Standby in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
Bank. 1) Change distactor A to be an observable parameter (Le. Charging flow will RISE). 2) Change distractor C to PRZ level will LOWER for symmetry with new distractor A above.
RESOLUTION:A. changed to Charging flow vs. RCS mass; C. changed to PRZ level will lower.
Bank. Distractor C requires knowledge from memory of the conversion of the Boric Acid Storage Tank level from % to gallons as given by an engineering calculation. This knowledge seems too detailed to require an RO to know from memory. Why would the RO be expected to know this from memory3 RESOLUTION: Added 12-Figure 19.17 pt. 1. and 2. as handout. Also capitalized Meets in stem, changed answer to 64 degrees F.
- Bank.
Bank. B. addedpositive reactivity changes.
Bank. 1) Change distractor C from 141% to 140%. 2) Add the Approx. at the beginning of distractorsA, B, and C.
RESOLUTION: Added Approximatelyto A.,B., and C. Changed C. to 140.
Bank. In distractor C, change would to could.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
Bank. In distractor B, add the word the at the beginning to make the English correct.
RESOLUTION:Comment incorporated.
- New. Q # WA. The WA is related to the knowledgeof the interrelationship between an accidental liquid rad release and the radioactive gas monitors. The question asks what actions are required for a high radiation alarm on a gaseous rad monitor for a leak.
RESOLUTION: Re-wordedstem with which is true and modified distractorsto reflect a knowledge requirement instead of an action.
L 1.
E B16
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws I GqT 3ist.
- 4. Job Content Flaws units -
- 5. Other 6.
I Bank.
Explanation B17 S Bank.
B18 S Modified.
B19 820 X E #New. 1) Distractor C is NOT plausible. Change to: Perform a controlled rapid shutdown per -, since RCS leakage is greater than the Tech Spec allowable value. 2) In distractor A, add the word controlled in front of rapid shutdown and state the procedure to be used for the rapid shutdown (Le., per -).
RESOLUTION: A. added procedure number and name. C. changed to rapid shutdown since greater than Tech Spec limit.
821 Modified. In the stem question, delete the word seals, since the correct answer is associated with how the RCP would be affected, not the seals.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
822 B23 B24 X U Modified. 1) DistractorC is NOT plausible, since one would NOT stop CS pumps when containment pressure exceeded a certain pressure (would only stop CS pumps when containment pressurewas less than a certain value). Did you mean to say that: Containment pressure is allowed to rise to 12 psig with NO CS pumps running? 2) Distractor D is NOT plausible, since a ruptured SG would NOT be expected to be addressed in a containment high pressure procedure (since a ruptured SG would NOT be contributing to a containment pressure rise). Change distractor D to: a faulted steam generator is NOT isolated to allow for additional RCS cooldown. 3) In the question stem, delete the word the at the end of the stem, and add the word the to the beginning of distractorsA and D to make the distractorsgrammatically correlate with the stem.
RESOLUTION: Changed C. to 12 psig with NO CTS pumps. Changed D. to faulted from ruptured. Removed the from stem and added to A.
and D.
825 H 3 S New.
826 H 3 S Bank.
827 H 3
S Bank.
- H 3 S #Modified.
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- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other I 6. I 7.
My UlElS I Explanation E Bank. In the question stem, change hot shutdown to hot standby, since the plant would be in hot standby (RCS temperature greater than 350°F) following a plant trip.
RESOLUTION:Comment incorporated.
S Bank.
S Bank.
E Modified. Distractor C is NOT plausible. It is obvious that adding makeup to the RWST and reducing to one train of ECCS has nothingto do with restoringemergency coolant recirculation capability.
RESOLUTION: C. changed to Establish conditionsto restart RCP.
E Modified. 1) Distractor B is ambiguous in that does it mean level in at least one SG, and does it mean total AFW flow? 2) Distractor D has a reason for performingthe action, whereas the other distractors do NOT. Delete the reason in distractor 0.
RESOLUTION:Changed B. to read like C. with condition of at least 1 SG areater than 13%. Remove to reduce cooldown rate from D.
S Modified.
E Bank. Changed protection setpoints to High Power Reactor Trip protection setpoints.
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- 3. Psychometric Flaws
- red.
- 4. Job Content Flaws 3ack-
- 5. Other 6.
Explanation list.
X U #Bank. 1) Distractor B is NOT plausible, since this would imply that the original coincidencewas 114. 2) Distractor C is NOT plausible, since this would imply that the original coincidence was 3/4. Suggest the following new question: PZR pressurechannel - has failed high ( NOTE: This needs to be a channel associated with the low PZR pressure SI). The bistables associated with the failed channel have been tripped per -.
The Unit is now in Mode 3 at full RCS temperatureand pressure. An RCS cooldown and depressurization is about to commenceto cold shutdown.
During the RCS depressurization, what is the REMAINING coincidence associated with P-I 1(with the failed channel deleted) to allow blocking Low PZR Pressure SI?
A. 2 of 3 channels below P-I 1 (NOTE: The applicant may believe this distractor to be true if he thinks that the failed PZR pressure channelwas NOT associated with the Low PZR Pressure SI function. )
B. 1 of 2 channels below P-I 1 C. 2 of 2 channels below P-I 1 ( I believe this is correct answer)
D. Can NOT block Low PZR PressureSI without untripping bistable associated with P-I 1 for the failed channel.
RESOLUTION: Licensee stated that as originally written there was a 50%
failure rate during validation. Changed stem, answer, and distractors to ask for remaining SI and CTS coincidence with 1 containment pressure channel failed (required modification to question 103 to eliminate double jeopardy.
X E Bank. 1) DistractorA - add the following words at the end of the sentence to make this distractor clearer: rods have dropped (and add a period at the end of the sentence).
- 2) To make distractor C more plausible, change distractor C to: An ATWS has occurred, since more than a single dropped rod should have resulted in a reactor trip.
RESOLUTION: Added to A. is providedto determine whether any rods have dropped. Changed beginning of C. to An ATWS condition has occurred since...
S IBank.
H 3 S I New. Changed RCS T-hot to 608 degrees F vs 560 degrees F.
E Bank. Distractor D is NOT plausible, since it has the same temperature of 400°F as in distractor C. Pick new values for distractor D so that all distractors have different values listed. For example, pick 450 psig and 430°F for distractor D, and then switch the order of distractors C and D.
RESOLUTION: Move old C. to D. as new correct answer. Change C. to 450 tlsia and 430 dearees F.
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3 Iw X
m I
m G
m s
- 1. I 2. I 3. Psvchometric Flaws I 4. Job Content Flaws
- 5. Other
- 6. 7.
vlinutia #I SRO UlElS Explanation
-- - units -Only U Bank. 1) Distractor A is NOT plausible, since there would be NO good reason NOT to initiate AFW flow when it became available. 2) Distractor C is NOT plausible, since once bleed is initiated ( by opening the PZR PORVs ), there would be NO good reason NOT to initiate feed until AFW
'became available.
RESOLUTION: Rewrote question to ask if Bleed and Feed required, and if 1 SO. when StODDed.
a51 #New. [ Need to go over this questionwith exam writer to verify
- technicallv what the correct answer is. 1 852 Bank. [ Need to go over this question with exam writer to verify technically what the correct answer is. ]
a53 Bank.
~~ ~-
854 S New. From the Figure on page 144 of procedure 02-OHP-4030-STP-027AB, it appears that an EDG current of 480 amps is too low. [Need to discuss question with exam writer to verify the correct answer.]
RESOLUTION: Verified that 480 amps is the correct value to be specified in the stem; however, raised amps to 610 in stem and updated reference.
- Changed"EDG in distractorsto "Generator."
855 Bank.
856 Bank. Add at the end of distractor A: "for the gas decay tank on fill."
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
857 Bank.
ti 858 E New. To make distractor C more plausible, change to: "The 'ALERT" setpoint has been reached for the monitor during the source check."
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
859 U Modified. 1) Need to list the WA for the question on the "Question Report" sheet. The WA is 073000K1.01. 2) It can be argued that distractor C is also NOT correct and that there is NO correct answer. Unless the operator coordinates with Chemistry and watches the R-19 rad monitor while Chemistry selects individual SGs to sample, R-19 only provides indication that there is a tube leak somewhere in at least one of the SGs.
To resolve this item, add to the end of distractors C and D: "During Chemistry sampling".
RESOLUTION: Added "during Chemistry sampling" to C. and D.
E #New. Added "short term" to stem.
1 I I I 1 E I Bank. In the question stem, change the word "should to "is required."
I 1 I I I RESOLUTION: Comment mcorp&ated.
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W w X X hl N Im 0 LL U LL ILL LL b
0 W
m 2
m v)
W m
8 m
W m
- I
-5) Stem
- 3. Psychometric Flaws
- red.
- 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6.
UIEIS I 7 Explanation
-0cus Dist.
168 H 1 U #New. LOD = 1. Change question so that a large break LOCA has occurred and the crew is implementing ECA-1.I, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation instead of E-I . Then ask which procedure(s) have priority for implementation and why (Le., FR-C.2 (correct answer), FR-Z.l (incorrect), ECA-1.I(incorrect), or ECA-1.1 while also performing FR-Z.l (incorrect).
RESOLUTION: Incorporated comment as described.
169 F 3 E Bank. Distractor D (listed as the correct answer) can be construedto be incorrect, since one does NOT run the second CCP as long as it continues to operate, but it is run until establishment of CVCS crosstie from Unit 1.
Add to stem that the Unit 1 CVCS crosstie for seal cooling is 00s closed.
RESOLUTION: Added to stem that CVCS crosstie is not available.
170 F 1 X U New. DistractorsA and D are NOT plausible. The fact that the Reactor trip breakers indicate GREEN when OPEN and indicate RED when CLOSED is basic knowledgefor any breaker.
RESOLUTION: Changed KA and replaced question.
!71 H 2 Modified.
- - S 172 H 2 S #New.
- H 173 3 S #New.
- F 2 174 S Bank.
!75 E Bank. Typo - In distractor D the word withdrawl should be spelled withdrawal.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
!76 U New. LOD = 1. The RED and GREEN lights are the same for the RCP Oil Pumps as for any pump. Change question to the following: The WHITE light on the RCP Oil Lift Pump will illuminate . Also, during a RCP shutdown while in Hot Standby, the RCP Oil Lift Pump is .
A. after 2 minutes if the RCP Oil Lift Pump has developed sufficient pressure; required by procedure to be started.
B. after 2 minutes if the RCP Oil Lift Pump has developed sufficient pressure; NOT required by procedure to be started.
C. when the RCP Oil Lift Pump has developed sufficient pressure (independent of time); required by procedureto be started.
D. when the RCP Oil Lift Pump has developed sufficient pressure (independent of time); NOT required by procedureto be started.
[NOTE: Need to specify whether distractor A or B is correct for DC Cook]
- RESOLUTION: Rewrote question per NRC suggestion.
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- 3. Psychometric Flaws I 4. Job Content Flaws I 5. 7.
Explanation O t l j 6 S #New. Will loss of 600 volt bus EZC-C affect the opening of control air to containment valves 2-XCR-100, 101, 102, and 103, and thus affect the correct answer (distractor B)?
RESOLUTION: Need to ask the utility this question.
378 F l 3 S Modified.
179 E Bank. To make distractor D more plausible, change to: "Place the PORVs in CLOSE until required for an inadequate core cooling condition."
RESOLUTION:Comment incorporated.
380 S Modified.
R81 S Bank.
- I
?82 S Bank.
383 S Modified.
R84 S #New.
R85 E Bank. Distractor B is NOT plausible (to require a recorder to operate for the Containment Ice Condenser to be operable).
RESOLUTION: 6. changed to "One glycol circulating pump will NOT operate."
R86 F 3 E Bank. Change distractor B to: "Removal of hydrogen in the containment atmosphere is lower due to the higher iodine present", in order to NOT mention explicitly the fact that there has been a reduction in the amount of sodium hydroxide injected.
RESOLUTION: B. changed to "the higher iodine concentration."
R87 H 3 S Modified.
R88 H 3 E New. Distractor B is NOT plausible (to reset the trip and throttle valve by closing and then opening the AFW Pump Turbine steam supply MOVs).
Delete the words : "by closing and then".
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
R89 H 2 S Modified.
R90 F 1 U Bank. LOD= 1. Instead of having distractorsA, C, and D have all incorrect sources of input to the RCDT, have at least one input be to the RCDT in these distractors. Otherwise, LOD= 1.
RESOLUTION:Added 1 RCDT input to each distractor: A. excess letdown HX; C. RCS loop drains; D. Rx Vessel flange UO.
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,! a
- I -
E 2. I 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other I 6. I 7.
- red.
- II
-ink -
inits ward -
J Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= j R 0 U/E/S WA Inly E
- Bank. 1) Change distractor A to 2.0%. 2) Change distractor D to 5.0%
- 3) Fully capitalize HIGHEST in the stem to highlight this key word, RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
R92 F Bank.
R93 F Bank R94 F Bank.
R95 F X U #Modified. 1) Distractor A could also be considered correct, since the action to slowly open the door in case water is above the sill would be a good personal safety practice. 2) The reason given for distractor A being incorrect does NOT fit distractor A.
RESOLUTION: Changed distractor A. to Open 2-DR-271 to drain ESW
-- pipe tunnel to the sub-basement.
R96 H E Bank. Delete the second part of the distractorsthat requires knowledge of Tech Spec actions that are greater than one hour.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
R97 H S Bank.
R98 F E #Bank. Distractor C is NOT plausible since neither item is correct.
Change to: Exceeding tech spec heatup limits and limit the AP across the faulted SG tubes.
RESOLUTION: C. removed DNBR limits and added limit DP across the faulted SG tubes.
[ NOTE: This question was exchangedwith the original question 131, since the original question 98 was an SRO level question. Changed SRO
- - - outline.]
R99 H S Modified.
- 00 H I S 1Bank.
SI 01 F X S #New.
SI 02
- X I S ]#New.
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I -
\ i I 3ack-
- 5. Other 6.
UlElS I 7 Explanation Dist. Link ward S103 X E #New. 1) Reword distractor B to: The Train B Safety Injectionsignal will reset, but the Train B Auto Safety Injection Actuation will NOT be blocked.
- 2) In distractor C, change ECCS to safeguards since safeguards equipment other than ECCS equipment could have been affected (e.g.,
Service Water pumps).
RESOLUTION: Distractor B is correct as written. Changed from Containmentto Pressurizer pressureto avoid double jeopardy with question 37. Changed ECCS to safeguards in C. Changed signal to actuation in stem.
- X S Bank.
S105 X U #New. 1) The question in the stem refers to the I... impact this leak rate
.... This phrase should be reworded to ... impact this seal line resistance
... 2) DistractorsA, B, and C are NOT plausible. 3) In distractor D delete the word Projected. 4) One distractor could be: RCP seal cooling may NOT be sufficient following an RCP thermal barrier rupture event. 5)
Another distractor could be: Auxiliary spray may NOT be available to depressurize the RCS. 6) Another distractor could be: RCP seal cooling may NOT be sufficient following a loss of CC to the RCP thermal barrier.
RESOLUTION:Change stem to seal line resistance. Change A.-
auxiliary spray inadequate; B.- seal injection inadequate during thermal
- barrier rupture; C.- CCP minimum flow in inadequate.
S106 X S #New.
S107 X S Modified.
S108 X E Bank. In distractor A change the word will to could.
RESOLUTION:Comment incorporated.
s109 X S New.
SllO X S New.
SI11 X S New.
SI12 X S Bank.
- ~~
5113 X S I#New.
S114 X E IIModified. Add to stem that both SI DumDs and both CCPs are runnina.
RESOLUTION:Comment incorporated, Added applicable to C. aniD.
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- 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Explanation X E Modified. 1) Reword distractor A to: RCPs shall be restartedeven if any had been previously stopped due to loss of support conditions. 2) In distractor B add the word since before RCP trip criteria.
RESOLUTION: A. changed started immediatelyto restarted; B. added since.
X E kmk Modified. 1) To make distractors C and D more plausible, change the RCS temperature and RCS pressure numbers given so that they are NOT bounded by distractor A (in both RCS temperature swing and by RCS pressure). 2) In the stem add the word potential in front of PressurizedThermal Shock. Also, change the assumptionin the stem to: A pre-existing flaw existed.
RESOLUTION: Changedto Modified. Changed all distracters and answer to eliminate overlap.
2 X E #Modified. In the question in the stem, delete the word containment since PZR level at 0% is also given as a condition.
- RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
3 x u Modified. Distractor A could be consideredcorrect if one assumes the radiation level in containment decreased linearly 950,000Rlhr to 90,000 Rlhr from 20 minutesto 90 minutes, resulting in a total integrated dose of less than 1O6 R. To preclude distractor A from possibly being considered correct, change the stem to state that core damage occurred 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ago instead of 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago.
RESOLUTION: Changed stem to 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> and provided radiation I
- pressuretable to show that levels have been elevated for at least 90 min.
3 X E New. DistractorA is NOT plausible. Change the second sentence of distractor A to say: Pressurizer PORVs NRV-151 and NRV-153 are still OPERABLE for LTOP.
- RESOLUTION: A. included NRV-151.
H 2 X E Modified. In the stem change to: The required response of the control room operators is to ...
RESOLUTION: Changed stem from should to are requiredto.
F 3 x s Modified.
H 3 x s Modified.
H 3 : x s Bank.
F 2 x s New Bank. Changed North SI to East CCP throughout. SI not required in Mode A
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- 3. Psychometric Flaws- -1. I Jobcontent Flaws 5Other I 6 7.
~~ ~~
F 3 Modified.
~ ~
- New. 1) Distractor B is NOT plausible. 2) Change distractor D to delete the words Direct the RO to from the beginning of the second sentence in the distractor.
,RESOLUTION: B. changed to E4...OHP-4022-016-004 is NOTrequired since the EOPs addressthe loss of CCW.
~ ~~ ~ ~~
Modified. [ NOTE: This question was exchangedwith the original question 98, since the original question 131 was an RO level question. Also chanaed the RO outline.1
- 30 question initial review, references verified, licensee generated exam, KAs verified on all quesions.
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