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Final Operating Test Outlines for D.C. Cook Initial Examination - March 2004
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/2004
From: Bailey R
American Electric Power Co
50-315/OL04-301, 50-316/OL04-301
Download: ML041760171 (7)



ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: DC COOK Date of Examination: 03/15/2004 Examination Level (circle one): @/ SRO Operating Test Number: -

Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

TopidSu bject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A. 1 NRC2004-Ala Determination of Reactor Shutdown Margin per Parameter Verification 02-OHP-4021-001-012.

K/A SYS 001 A4.11 (3.5) Classroom / Simulator NRC2004-A1b Perform Unit 1 LTOP Verification per Parameter Verification 01-OHP-4030-114-030.

KIA 2.1.33 (3.4)

Classroom / Simulator A.2 NRC2004-A2 Determine Isolation Boundaries for the Refueling Clearance Permit Water Purification Pump.

KA 2.2.13 (3.6)

Classroom / Simulator A.3 NRC2004-A3 Perform Containment Pressure Relief per Control of Radiation 02-OHP-4021-028-004 Releases KA 2.3.11 (2.7) Simulator A.4 NRC2004d4 Complete EMD-32A Nuclear Plant Event Notification Emergency Communication Form per PMP-2080-EPP-107.

KA 2.4.39 (3.3)

Classroom / Simulator (Rev. 1, 1-5-04)

NUREG-1021Revision 8

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: DC Cook B x a m i n a t i o n : 0311512004 Examination Level (circle one): R Operating Test Number Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Su bject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. MI0 Administrative Questions A.l NRC2004-A5a Calculate Reactor Vessel Void Vent Time per Plant Parameter Verification 02-OHP-4023-FR-1.3.

~ ~ ~ ~

WA 2.1.25 (3.1)

EPE 009 EA2.38 Classroom ISimulator (4.3)

NRC2004-A5b Verify Appropriate LCO Action for Inoperable TS Action Radiation Monitors.

KA 2.1.12 (4.0)

Simulator A.2 NRC2004d6 Perform Screen House Vulnerability Determination Maintenance per 12-OHPS030-057-001.

KA 2.2.17 (3.5)

Classroom ISimulator A.3 NRC2004-A7 Review Waste Gas Decay Tank Release for SRO Control of Radiation Authorization per 12-OHP-4021-023-002.

Releases KA 2.3.6 (3.1) Classroom / Simulator


A.4 NRC2004-A8 Perform an Emergency Plan Classification with PAR EALs &

Classifications per PMP-2080-EPP-101.

KA 2.4.44 (4.0)

Classroom / Simulator NUREG-102 1 Revision 8

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline F o ES-301-1


Facility: DC Cook RaExamination: 0311512004 Examination Level (circle one): Operating Test Number Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions NRC2004-A5a Calculate Reactor Vessel Void Vent Time per Plant Parameter Verification 02-OHP-4023-FR-1.3.

KIA 2.1.25 (3.1)

EPE 009 EA2.38 Classroom / Simulator (4.3\

NRC2004-A5b Verify Appropriate LCO Action for Inoperable TS Action Radiation Monitors.

KA 2.1 .12 (4.0)



NRC2004-A6 Perform Screen House Vulnerability Determination Maintenance per 12-OHP-5030-057-001.

KA 2.2.1 7 (3.5)

Classroom / Simulator NRC2004-A7 Review Waste Gas Decay Tank Release for SRO Control of Radiation Authorization per 12-OHP-4021-023-002.

Releases ~

KA 2.3.6 (3.1) Classroom / Simulator NRC2004-A8 Perform an Emergency Plan Classification with PAR EALs &

Classifications per PMP-2080-EPP-101.

KA 2.4.44 (4.0)

Classroom / Simulator NUREG-1021Revision 8

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: DC COOK Date of Examination: 03/15/2004 Exam Level (circle one): (@I SRO(I) / SRO(U) Operating Test No.:

B . l Control Room Systems System I JPM Title TY Pe Safety Code* Function

a. [NRC2004-SlMOl] Perform Hot Shutdown Panel NS 3 Pressurizer Backup Heater Operability Test per 02-OHP-4030-214-049. K/A SYS 01OA4.02 3.6/3.4
b. [NRC2004-SIM02] Perform Subcooling Margin DS,L 7 Determination per 02-OHP-4023-SUP-001. WA EPE 011 EA1.14 3.9/4.1
c. [NRC2004-SIM03] Isolate Ruptured Steam Generator 4P M,A,S,L per 02-OHP-4023-E-3. WA EPE 038 EA1.32 4.W4.7
d. [NRC2004-SIM04] Place Excess Letdown in Service D,S 2 per02-OHP-4021-003-001. WA SYS 004 A4.06 3.6/3.1
e. [NRC2004-SIM05] Perform Hydrogen Recombiner N,S 5 Functional Test per 02-OHP-4030-STP-013A. WA SYS 028 A4.01 4.0/4.0
f. [NRC2004-SIM06] Synchronize and Load 2AB EDG DAS 6 per 01-OHP-4030-STP-O27AB, WA SYS 064 A4.06 3.9i3.9 (From Cook 2002 NRC exam)
g. [NRC2004-SIM09] Respond to Traveling Screen DP N,A,S,L 8 Alarm per 12-OHP-4022-057-001. WA SYS 075 A2.01 3.0/3.2
a. [NRC2004-INP03] Shift TDAFP Suction to ESW per D 4s 02-4022-055-003. WA APE 054 AA1.01 4.5/4.4
b. [NRC2004-INP05] RCP Seal Injection via CVCS 2 D,R Cross-Tie to Maintain Pressurizer Level per 01-0HP-4025-LS-6. APE 022 AA1.01 3.413.3
c. [NRC2004-INP06] Perform Local Diesel Generator 6 D,A Trip and Isolation per 02-OHP-4025-LTI-3 (DG Fails to Trip with Pushbutton) APE 068 AA1.31 3.914.0 (From Cook 2002 NRC exam)

(Rev. 1 1-5-04)

NUREG-1021,Revision 8

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: DC COOK Exam Level (circle one): RO /@a/ SRO(U)

Date of Examination: 03/15/2004 Operating Test No.:

B.l Control Room Systems System / JPM Title TY Pe Safety Code* Function

a. [NRC2004-SIM02] Perform Subcooling Margin D,S,L 7 Determination per 02-OHP-4023-SUP-001. WA EPE 01 1 EA1 . I 4 3.9/4.1
b. [NRC2004-SIM03] Isolate Ruptured Steam Generator 4P M,A,S,L per 02-OHP-4023-E-3. WA EPE 038 EA1.32 4.6/4.7
c. [NRC2004-SIM05] Perform Hydrogen Recombiner N,S 5 Functional Test per 02-OHP-4030-STP-013A. WA SYS 028 A4.01 4.014.0
d. [NRC2004-SIM06] Synchronize and Load 2AB EDG 6 DAIS per 01-0HP-4030-STP-027A6, WA SYS 064 A4.06 3.9/3.9 (From Cook 2002 NRC Exam) I
e. [NRC2004-SIM04] Place Excess Letdown in Service D,S 2 per02-OHP-4021-003-001. WA SYS 004 A4.06 3.6j3.1
f. [NRC2004-SIM08] Adjust Pressure in an SI DSL 3 Accumulator per 02-OHP-4021-008-006. WA SYS 006 A I .I 3 3.33.7
g. [NRC2004-SIM09] Respond to Traveling Screen DP N,A,S,L a Alarm per 12-OHP-4022-057-001. WA SYS 075 A2.01
a. [NRC2004-INPOI] Locally Restore CR Ventilation per 7 N,

01-0HP-4025-R-14. APE 068 AA1.24 3.0/3.6

b. [NRC2004-INP02] Locally Restore CRlD Inverters per 6 D,A 01-0HP-4021-082-008. APE 057 AA1.01 3.7/3.7
c. [NRC2004-INP04] Local Control of RHR valve for RCS 4P D,R Cooldown. WA SYS 005 A2.04 2.9/2.9 (From Cook 2002 NRC Exam)

(Rev. 2. 3-4-04)

NUREG-1021,Revision 8

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: DC COOK Date of Examination: 03/15/2004 Exam Level (circle one): RO / SRO(I) /@) Operating Test No.:

/I B.1 Control Room Systems System / JPM Title

a. [NRC2004-SIM07] Dilute the RCS per 12-OHP-4021-1 c"d",". 1 Safety Function 1 D,S,L 1 005-001. WA SYS 004 A4.12 3.313.8
b. [NRC2004-SIM08] Adjust Pressure in an SI I Accumulator per 02-OHP-4021-008-006. WA SYS 006 A I . I 3 3.5/3.7 I1 D,S,L


/ c. [NRC2004-SIM09] Respond to Traveling Screen DP Alarm per 12-OHP-4022-057-001. WA SYS 075 A2.01 3.013.2 N,A,S,L

  1. c. [NRC2004-SIMIO] Manually Align CTS and Phase B 5 per 02-OHP-4023-FR-Z. 1. WA SYS SYS 026 A4.01 N,A,S,L 4.514.3 (1 8.2 Facility Walk-Through
a. [NRC2004-INP02] Locally Restore CRlD Inverters per 01-0HP-4021-082-008, APE 057 AA1.01 3.7/3.7

! D,A  ! 6

b. [NRC2004-1NP04] Local Control of RHR valve for RCS 4P D,R Cooldown. WA SYS 005 A2.04 2.912.9 (From Cook 2002 NRC Exam)

(Re\7. 1, 1-26-04)

  1. Replaced SIM09 with SIMlO JPM for first applicant (SRO-U) due to impropcr simulator configuration; however, SIM09 was administered to remaining 12 applicants. NRC RIII managemcnt was consultcd, and SIMlO developed by the licensee. SIMlO was revien.ed, validated, and approved by the NRC examiners using independent cretv.

NUREG-1021, Reirision 8