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Comment (11) of Richard Wagner Supporting the Extension of Point Beach Operating Permit
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/2004
From: Wagner R
Trega Foods
69FR26624 00011
Download: ML041750364 (1)


I PointBeachEIS - Page Page 1 1 I1 PointBeachElS -

From: "Richard Wagner" <> 1n, I

To: <> .!.Z.

Date: Wed, Jun 16, 2004 9:49 AM . -U Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Division of Administration Services, Office of Administration Mailstop T-6D59  :-_


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ii Washington,DC 20555-0001 .. C7-Jr_

ATTN: Federal Registrar 5.13.04 Pg. 26624-26625

Dear Members of the NRC:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment about the Point Beach Nuclear plant license renewal application from WE Energies!

I am Richard Wagner, Vice President, with Trega Foods, Inc. Weyauwega, Wisconsin. We process the milk from approximately 700 dairy producers in northeastern Wisconsin into a number of cheese and whey products at our three manufacturing facilities at Weyauwega, Little Chute, and Luxemburg Wisconsin. We are in the WE Energies distribution territory, and we rely heavily on their ability to deliver electricity to us at competitve rates.

We herein desire to register our support of the Point Beach license renewal for the following reasons:

-We anticipate that continued operation of the Point Beach facility as a nuclear plant will help keep our electric rates as low as possible given the current uptrend in natural gas prices.

-We need rates to be as low as possible, of course, in order to continue to compete with dairy manufacturing companies throughout the U.S., North America, and even the entire world. We are part of a truly worldwide and very competitive dairy economy.

-Continued operation of this particular nuclear plant as such will enable our utility to have time to obtain newer nuclear technology as it becomes available.

-Continued operation of this particular nuclear plant as such will enable our utility to have some breathing room and transition time as they explore and act to bring much more renewable energy supplies on line.

-Nuclear power will, no doubt, continue to be an important part of a mix of energy sources which our utility (WE Energies) will need in their portfolio to help us as their customer to remain competitive in the future.

-Technically, nuclear energy output comes without any of the environmental impacts to the atmosphere that coal, natural gas, or other fuels have.

Thank you sincerely, Richard Wagner Trega Foods

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