ML041260514 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 04/30/2004 |
From: | Abney T Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML041260514 (41) | |
R08040430759 April 30, 2004 10 CFR 50.46 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop: OWFN, P1-35 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:
In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-296 Tennessee Valley Authority )
BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT (BFN) - UNIT 3 - CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR), FOR CYCLE 12 OPERATION AND EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) EVALUATION MODEL CHANGES In accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5.d, enclosed is Revision 0 of the Unit 3 Cycle 12, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR).
BFN Unit 3 Cycle 12 represents the first cycle of operation using Framatome ATRIUM-10 fuel and the first use of Framatome Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) evaluation models at BFN. This letter provides the results of the Framatome LOCA analysis on peak clad temperature (PCT) for the ATRIUM-10 fuel in accordance with 10 CFR 50.46 reporting requirements for changes in ECCS analyses. The calculated Licensing Basis PCT for Atrium-10 fuel is 1866°F.
There are no new commitments contained in this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (256) 729-2636.
Sincerely, Original signed by T. E. Abney Manager of Licensing and Industry Affairs Enclosure cc: See page 2
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 April 30, 2004 Enclosure cc (Enclosure):
Mr. Stephen J. Cahill, Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 NRC Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970 Ms. Eva A. Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North (MS 08G9) 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 April 30, 2004 JWD:BAB Enclosure cc (Enclosure):
A. S. Bhatnagar, PAB 1E-BFN M. J. Burzynski, BR 4X-C D. F. Helms, BR 4T-C R. G. Jones, NAB 1A-BFN J. E. Maddox, LP 6A-C R. F. Marks, PAB 1C-BFN J. R. Rupert, NAB 1A-BFN K. W. Singer, LP 6A-C E. J. Vigluicci, ET 11A-K P. W. Wilson, PAB 1G-BFN NSRB Support, LP 5M-C EDMS-K S:lic\submit\subs\COLR Rev U3C12.doc
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 2 R evision Log Revision D ate D escription A ffected Pages 0 2/25/2004 InitialRelease forN ew Cycle All Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 3
- 1. IN TR O D U C TIO N This Core O perating Lim its Report for Brow ns Ferry N uclear Plant U nit 3 Cycle 12 is prepared in accordance w ith the requirem entsofBrow ns Ferry TechnicalSpecification 5.6.5.
The core operating lim its presented here w ere developed using N RC-approved m ethods (References 2 and 3). O ne exception to thisisan issue w ith the assum ed uncertainty forthe G EX L14 CPR correlation. The N RC has identified that the correlation lacked top-peaked axialpow er shape data in its form ulation and in the calculation of the overall correlation uncertainty. A s an interim action, an increased G EX L14 uncertainty that incorporates a significantpenalty has been calculated and applied to the M CPR Safety Lim it(SLM CPR)for thiscycle.
Results from the reload analyses for Brow ns Ferry U nit 3, Cycle 12 are docum ented in Reference 1.
The follow ing coreoperating and TechnicalSpecification lim itsareincluded in thisreport:
- a. A verage PlanarLinearH eatG eneration Rate (A PLH G R)Lim it (TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.1 and 3.7.5)
- b. LinearH eatG eneration Rate(LH G R)Lim it (TechnicalSpecification 3.2.3,,and 3.7.5)
- c. M inim um CriticalPow erRatio O perating Lim it(O LM CPR)
(TechnicalSpecifications 3.2.2,,and 3.7.5)
- d. A verage Pow erRange M onitor(A PRM )Flow Biased Rod Block Trip Setting (TechnicalRequirem entsM anualSection 5.3.1 and Table3.3.4-1)
- e. Rod Block M onitor(RBM )Trip Setpointsand O perability (TechnicalSpecification Table3.3.2.1-1)
- f. Shutdow n M argin (SD M )Lim it (TechnicalSpecification 3.1.1)
The U nit3 Cycle 12 core iscom posed of Fram atom e-A N P A TRIU M ' -10,G lobalN uclear Fuel G E-14' , and G lobal N uclear Fuel G E-13' assem blies. Throughout this docum ent these are referred to as A 10,G E14,and G E13 w ith the tradem ark im plied.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 4
The A PLH G R lim itis determ ined by adjusting the rated pow erA PLH G R lim itforoff-rated pow er, off-rated flow , and SLO conditions. The m ost lim iting of these is then used as follow s:
A PLH G R lim it= M IN (A PLH G R P ,A PLH G R F,A PLH G R SLO )
where: A PLH G R P off-rated pow erA PLH G R lim it [A PLH G R RA TED
- M A PFA C(P)]
A PLH G R F off-rated flow A PLH G R lim it [A PLH G R RA TED
- M A PFA C(F)]
- SLO _M ultiplier]
The off-rated pow erand flow corrections to the A PLH G R lim itonly apply to the G E13 and G E14 fuelin the Brow ns Ferry U nit3 Cycle 12 core.Forthatreason,thism ultiplierissetto 1.0 as show n below forthe A 10 fuel.
R ated Pow er and Flow Lim its:A PLH G R R A TED The A PLH G R lim itsforfullpow erand flow conditions foreach type offuelas a function of exposure are show n in Figures 1-6.The A PLH G R lim itsprovided in the CO LR figures for the G E13 and G E14 assem blies are forthe m ostlim iting lattice (excluding naturaluranium )
at each exposure point. The specific values for each G E13 and G E14 lattice are given in Reference 4.The A TRIU M -10 values areprovided in Reference 1.
Bundle Type R ated Pow er A PLH G R Lim it G E13-P9D TB400-13G Z1 Figure1 G E13-P9D TB414-15G Z Figure2 G E14-P10D N A B402-15G Z Figure3 G E14-P10D N A B401-14G Z Figure4 A 10-3813B-13G V 80 Figure5 A 10-4077B-15G V 80 Figure5 A 10-4088B-15G V 80 Figure5 A 10-1623B-5G V 80 Figure6 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 5 O ff-R ated Pow er C orrections:A PLH G R P The A PLH G R lim its for the G E13 and G E14 fuel lattices are adjusted for off-rated pow er conditions using the A RTS m ultiplier, M A PFA C(P). The reduced pow er m ultiplier, M A PFA C(P),for both the G E13 and G E14 fuel is provided in Reference 1. N o off-rated pow ercorrection isrequired forthe A10 rated A PLH G R lim its.
ProductLine M A PFA C (P)
G E13 Figure7 G E14 Figure8 A 10 1.0 O ff-R ated Flow C orrections:A PLH G R F The A PLH G R lim its for the G E13 and G E14 fuel lattices are adjusted for off-rated flow conditions using the A RTS m ultiplier, M A PFA C(F). The reduced flow m ultiplier, M A PFA C(F),is the sam e for G E13 and G E14 bundles and is provided in Reference 1.N o off-rated flow correction isrequired forthe A10 rated A PLH G R lim its.
ProductLine M A PFA C (F)
G E13 & G E14 Figure9 A 10 1.0 SLO C orrections:A PLH G R SLO Single Recirculation Loop O peration (SLO ) requires that the rated pow er A PLH G R lim it (A PLH G R rated) be reduced by applying the follow ing m ultipliers. The G E13 and G E14 m ultipliersare provided in Reference 5.The A10 m ultiplierisprovided in Reference 1.
ProductLine SLO M ultiplier G E13 0.84 G E14 0.93 A 10 0.85 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 6 Equipm entO ut-O f-Service (EO O S)C orrections:
The rated A PLH G R lim its in Figures 1-6 are applicable forboth Turbine Bypass In-Service (TBV IS) and Turbine Bypass O ut-O f-Service (TBV O O S) conditions.The off-rated pow er corrections [M A PFA C(P)] in Figures 7 and 8 contain separate lim its to be applied for TBV IS orTBV O O S.The off-rated flow corrections [M A PFA C(F)]in Figure 9 bound both TBV IS and TBV O O S operation.
The A PLH G R lim itsin Figures 1-6 areapplicableforboth End-O f-Cycle Recirculation Pum p Trip (RPT) In-Service (RPTIS)and RPT O ut-O f-Service (RPTO O S).The off-rated pow er
[M A PFA C(P)]and flow corrections [M A PFA C(F)]in Figures 7,8,and 9 bound both RPTIS and RPTO O S operation.N o corrections are required to the A PLH G R lim its for RPTO O S foreitherrated oroff-rated operation.
Single Recirculation Loop O peration (SLO )requires the application ofthe SLO m ultipliers described previously.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 7
The LH G R lim itisdeterm ined by adjusting the rated pow erLH G R lim itforoff-rated pow er and off-rated flow conditions.The m ostlim iting ofthese isthen used,as follow s:
LH G R lim it= M IN (LH G R P ,LH G R F )
w here: LH G R P off-rated pow erLH G R lim it [LH G R RA TED
- LH G RFA C(P)]
LH G R F off-rated flow LH G R lim it [LH G R RA TED
- LH G RFA C(F)]
The off-rated pow erand flow corrections to the LH G R lim itonly apply to the A10 fuelin the Brow ns Ferry U nit 3 Cycle 12 core. For that reason, these m ultipliers for the G E13 and G E14 fuelare setto 1.0 as show n below .
R ated Pow er and Flow Lim its:LH G R R A TED The LH G R lim itisfueltype dependent.The lim itsforthese types aregiven below :
FuelType LH G R Lim it G E13 14.4 kw /ft G E14 13.4 kw /ft A 10 Figure 10 The A10 LH G R lim itisprovided in Reference 6.The G E13 and G E14 LH G R lim itsare provided in Reference 7.
O ff-R ated Pow er C orrections:LH G R P The LH G R lim its for the A10 fuel are adjusted for off-rated pow er conditions using the LH G RFA C(P)m ultiplierw hich is provided in Reference 1.The LH G RFA C(P)m ultiplieris dependent on w hether the Turbine Bypass system is in-service (TBV IS) or out-of-service (TBV O O S).N o off-rated pow ercorrection is required forthe G E13 or G E14 rated LH G R lim its.
ProductLine LH G R FA C (P)
G E13 & G E14 1.0 A 10 Figure11 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 8 O ff-R ated Flow C orrections:LH G R F The LH G R lim its for the A 10 fuel are adjusted for off-rated flow conditions using the LH G RFA C(F) m ultiplier w hich is provided in Reference 1.N o off-rated flow correction is required forthe G E13 and G E14 rated LH G R lim its.
ProductLine LH G R FA C (F)
G E13 & G E14 1.0 A 10 Figure12 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 9 4.O LM C PR (TEC H N IC A L SPEC IFIC A TIO N S 3.2.2,,A N D 3.7.5)
The M CPR O perating Lim it (O LM CPR) is calculated to be the m ost lim iting of the flow-dependentM CPR (M CPR F)and pow er-dependentM CPR (M CPR P).
O LM CPR lim it= M A X (M CPR F ,M CPR P )
w here: M CPR F core flow -dependentM CPR lim it M CPR P pow er-dependentM CPR lim it M CPR F lim itsare provided by fueltype in Figures 13 through 15.M CPR P lim itsareprovided in Tables 1 through 6.
Flow -D ependentM C PR Lim its:M C PR F The M CPR F lim itsaredependentupon:
- Core Flow (% ofRated)
- M ax CoreFlow Lim it(Rated orIncreased Core Flow ,ICF)
- FuelType (G E13,G E14,orA10)
The M CPR F lim its are provided by fuel type in Figure 13 (G E13),Figure 14 (G E14),and Figure 15 (A 10).These lim itsarevalid forallEO O S com binations.N o adjustm entisrequired to the M CPR F lim itsforSLO .The M CPR F lim itsarefound in Reference 1.
Pow er-D ependentM C PR Lim its:M C PR P The M CPR P lim itsaredependentupon:
- CorePow erLevel(% ofRated)
- FuelType (G E13,G E14,orA10)
- Equipm entO ut-O f-ServiceO ptions
The M CPR P lim its(Ref.1)areprovided in the follow ing tables,w hereeach tablecontains the lim itsforallfueltypes and EO O S options(fora specified scram speed and exposure range).
The M CPR P lim its are determ ined from these tables using linear interpolation betw een the specified pow ers.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 10 Exposure R ange Scram Speed M C PR P BO C to N EO C N SS Table1 TSSS Table2 BO C to EO C N SS Table3 TSSS Table4 BO C to CD N SS Table5 TSSS Table6
M CPR P lim its are provided for tw o different sets of assum ed scram speeds. The TechnicalSpecification Scram Speed (TSSS)M CPR P lim its are applicable atalltim es as long as the scram tim e surveillance dem onstrates thatthe tim es in TechnicalSpecification table 3.1.4-1 have been m et.N om inalScram Speeds (N SS) m ay be used as long as the scram tim e surveillance dem onstrates thatthe tim es in the follow ing table are m et(Ref.
N otch N om inalScram Speed Position (seconds) 46 0.42 36 0.98 26 1.60 06 2.90 In dem onstrating com pliance w ith this table, the sam e surveillance requirem ents from Technical Specification 3.1.4 apply, except that the definition of SLO W rods should conform to the scram speeds in the table above. If conform ance to this table is not dem onstrated,TSSS M CPR P lim itsshallbe used.
O n initial cycle startup, TSSS lim its are used untilthe successful com pletion of scram tim ing confirm s thatN SS lim itsm ay be used.
- b. FuelType D ependentLim its Separate M CPR P lim itsareprovided forthe G E13,G E14,and A10 fueltypes.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 11
- c. ExposureD ependentLim its Exposures are tracked on a Core A verage Exposure basis (not Cycle Exposure). The higher exposure M CPR P lim its are alw ays m ore lim iting and m ay be used forany Core A verage Exposure up to the ending exposure.
M CPR P lim itsareprovided forthe follow ing exposureranges (Ref.1):
BO C to N EO C N EO C corresponds to 31,722 M W d /M TU BO C to EO C EO C corresponds to 34,028 M W d /M TU BO C to CD CD corresponds to 35,128 M W d /M TU N EO C refersto a N earEO C exposure point.
The EO C exposure pointis notthe true End-O f-Cycle exposure.Instead itcorresponds to alicensing exposurew indow thatexceeds expected end-of-full-pow er-life.
The CD (CoastD ow n)exposure pointrepresentsa licensing exposure pointthatexceeds the expected end-of-cycleexposureincluding cycleextension options.
In-Service A llequipm entIn-Service(includes 1 SRV O O S)
RPTO O S EO C-Recirculation Pum p Trip O ut-O f-Service TBV O O S Turbine Bypass V alve(s)O ut-O f-Service RPTO O S+TBV O O S Com bined RPTO O S and TBV O O S FH O O S (orFFTR) Feedw aterH eatersO ut-O f-Service(orFinal Feedw aterTem perature Reduction)
Forexposure ranges up to N EO C and EO C,additionalcom binations ofM CPR P lim itsare also provided that include FH O O S. The CD exposure range assum es application of FFTR,so the CD based M CPR P lim itsalready include FH O O S.
- e. Single-Loop-O peration (SLO )Lim its The M CPR P lim itsforSLO areto be increased by 0.02 (Ref.1).
- f. Below Pbypass Lim its Below Pbypass (30% rated pow er),the M CPR P lim itsaredependentupon coreflow .O ne setofM CPR P lim itsapplies ifthe core flow isabove 50% ofrated w ith a second setthat applies ifthe coreflow isless than orequalto 50% rated.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 12 5.A PR M FLO W BIA SED R O D BLO C K TR IP SETTIN G (TEC H N IC A L R EQ U IR EM EN TS M A N U A L SEC TIO N 5.3.1 A N D TA BLE 3.3.4-1)
The A PRM Rod Block trip setting shallbe (Ref.9):
SRB (0.66(W -W )+ 61% ) A llow ableV alue SRB (0.66(W -W )+ 59% ) N om inalTrip Setpoint(N TSP) w here:
SRB = Rod Block setting in percentofrated therm alpow er(3458 M W t)
W = Loop recirculation flow rate in percentofrated W = D ifference betw een tw o-loop and single-loop effective recirculation flow atthe sam e core flow (W =0.0 fortw o-loop operation)
The A PRM Rod Block trip setting is clam ped at a m axim um allow able value of 115%
(corresponding to a N TSP of113% ).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 13 6.R O D BLO C K M O N ITO R (R BM )TR IP SETPO IN TS A N D O PER A BILITY (TEC H N IC A L SPEC IFIC A TIO N TA BLE
The RBM trip setpointsand applicablepow erranges shallbe as follow s (refs.9 & 10):
A llow ableV alue N om inalTrip Setpoint R BM Trip Setpoint (A V ) (N TSP)
LPSP 27% 25%
IPSP 62% 60%
H PSP 82% 80%
LTSP -unfiltered 121.7% 120.0%
-filtered 120.7% 119.0% (1),(2)
ITSP -unfiltered 116.7% 115.0%
-filtered 115.7% 114.0% (1),(2)
H TSP -unfiltered 111.7% 110.0%
-filtered 110.9% 109.2% (1),(2)
D TSP 90% 92%
N otes: (1) These setpoints are based upon an A nalyticalLim itH TSP of 114% (w /o filter) w hich corresponds to a M CPR operating lim it of 1.35(A 10) / 1.32(G E14),as reported in section 5.5 ofReference 1.U nit3 Cycle 12 has had a cycle specific CRW E analysis perform ed and the table provided in section 5.5 ofReference 1 supercedes the O LM CPR values of references 9 and 11.G E13 is non-lim iting forthiscycleand isnotused in RBM setpointdeterm ination.
(2)The unfiltered setpoints are consistentw ith a nom inalRBM filtersetting of0.0 seconds (reference 9.b). The filtered setpoints are consistent w ith a nom inal RBM filtersetting < 0.5 seconds (reference 9.a).
The RBM setpointsin TechnicalSpecification Table areapplicablew hen:
TH ER M A L PO W ER A pplicable N otes from
(% R ated) M C PR (1) Table
> 27% and < 90% < 1.74 (a),(b),(f),(h) dualloop operation
< 1.77 (a),(b),(f),(h) single loop operation
> 90% < 1.43 (g) dualloop operation (2)
N otes:(1) The M CPR values shown correspond to a SLM CPR of 1.09 for dual recirculation loop operation and 1.11 forsingleloop operation.
(2) G reaterthan 90% rated pow erisnotattainable in single loop operation.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 14 7.SH U TD O W N M A R G IN (SD M )LIM IT (TEC H N IC A L SPEC IFIC A TIO N 3.1.1)
The core shall be subcritical w ith the follow ing m argin w ith the strongest O PERA BLE controlrod fully w ithdraw n and allotherO PERA BLE controlrods fully inserted (Ref.7).
SD M > 0.38% dk/k Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 15
- 1. EM F-3019 Rev.1,Brow ns Ferry U nit3 Cycle12 Reload A nalysis,dated February 2004.
- 2. Fram atom e-A N P A nalyticalM ethodology
a) X N -N F-81-58(P)(A )Revision 2 and Supplem ents1 and 2,RO D EX2 FuelRod Therm al-M echanicalResponse Evaluation M odel,Exxon N uclearCom pany,M arch 1984.
b) X N -N F-85-67(P)(A ) Revision 1,G eneric M echanical D esign for Exxon Nuclear Jet Pum p BW R Reload Fuel,Exxon N uclearCom pany,Septem ber1986.
c) EM F-85-74(P) Revision 0 Supplem ent 1(P)(A ) and Supplem ent2(P)(A ), RO D EX2A (BW R)FuelRod Therm al-M echanicalEvaluation M odel,Siem ens Pow erCorporation, February 1998.
d) A N F-89-98(P)(A ) Revision 1 and Supplem ent 1,G eneric M echanical D esign Criteria for BW R FuelD esigns,A dvanced N uclearFuelsCorporation,M ay 1995.
e) X N -N F-80-19(P)(A )V olum e 1 and Supplem ents1 and 2,Exxon Nuclear M ethodology for Boiling W ater Reactors - Neutronic M ethods for D esign and Analysis, Exxon N uclearCom pany,M arch 1983.
f) X N -N F-80-19(P)(A ) V olum e 4 Revision 1,Exxon Nuclear M ethodology for Boiling W ater Reactors:Application ofthe ENC M ethodology to BW R Reloads,Exxon N uclear Com pany,June 1986.
g) EM F-2158(P)(A ) Revision 0, Siem ens Power Corporation M ethodology for Boiling W ater Reactors: Evaluation and Validation of CASM O -4/M ICRO BU RN-B2, Siem ens Pow erCorporation,O ctober1999.
h) X N -N F-80-19(P)(A ) V olum e 3 Revision 2, Exxon Nuclear M ethodology for Boiling W ater Reactors, TH ERM EX: Therm al Lim its M ethodology Sum m ary D escription, Exxon N uclearCom pany,January 1987.
i) X N -N F-84-105(P)(A ) V olum e 1 and V olum e 1 Supplem ents1 and 2,XCO BRA-T: A Com puter Code for BW R TransientTherm al-H ydraulic Core Analysis,Exxon N uclear Com pany,February 1987.
j) A N F-524(P)(A )Revision 2 and Supplem ents1 and 2,ANF CriticalPower M ethodology for Boiling W ater Reactors,A dvanced N uclearFuelsCorporation,N ovem ber1990.
k) A N F-913(P)(A ) V olum e 1 Revision 1 and V olum e 1 Supplem ents 2, 3 and 4, CO TRANSA2: A Com puter Program for Boiling W ater Reactor Transient Analyses, A dvanced N uclearFuelsCorporation,A ugust1990.
l) A N F-1358(P)(A ) Revision 1, The Loss of Feedwater H eating Transient in Boiling W ater Reactors,A dvanced N uclearFuelsCorporation,Septem ber1992.
m ) EM F-2209(P)(A ) Revision 2, SPCB Critical Power Correlation, Siem ens Pow er Corporation,Septem ber2003.
n) EM F-2245(P)(A ) Revision 0, Application of Siem ens Power Corporations Critical Power Correlations to Co-ResidentFuel,Siem ens Pow erCorporation,A ugust2000.
o) EM F-2361(P)(A ) Revision 0,EXEM BW R-2000 ECCS Evaluation M odel,Fram atom e A N P,M ay 2001.
p) EM F-2292(P)(A ) Revision 0, ATRIU M ' -10: Appendix K Spray H eat Transfer Coefficients,Siem ens Pow erCorporation,Septem ber2000.
- 3. G lobalN uclearFuelA nalyticalM ethodology
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 16 a) N ED E-24011-P-A -14,"G eneral Electric Standard A pplication for Reactor Fuel",June 2000.
b) N ED E-24011-P-A U S, "G eneral Electric Standard A pplication for Reactor Fuel (Supplem entforU nited States)",June 2000.
- 4. J11-03963M A PL Rev. 0, "Lattice-D ependent M A PLH G R Report for Brow ns Ferry N uclearPlantU nit3 Reload 10 Cycle11,M arch 2002.
- 5. J11-03963SRLR Rev.0,"Supplem entalReload Licensing ReportforBrow ns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Reload 10 Cycle11,M arch 2002.
- 6. EM F-2971(P)Rev.1,M echanicaland Therm al-H ydraulic D esign ReportforBrow ns Ferry U nit3 Batches BFC-1 and BFC-1A A TRIU M ' -10 FuelA ssem blies,dated January 2004.
- 7. TV A -CO LR-BF3C11 Rev. 0, Brow ns Ferry N uclear Plant U nit 3, Cycle 11 Core O perating Lim itsReport(CO LR),dated M arch 30,2002.
- 8. EM F-2793(P)Rev.1,Brow ns Ferry U nit3 Cycle 12 PlantParam eters D ocum ent,dated June 2003.
- 9. PRN M SetpointCalculation:
a) Filtered Setpoints - ED E-28-0990 Rev.3 Supplem ent E,PRN M (A PRM ,RBM ,and RFM )SetpointCalculations [A RTS/M ELLL (N U M A C)-Pow er-U prate Condition]for Tennessee V alley A uthority Brow ns Ferry N uclearPlant,dated O ctober1997.
b) U nfiltered Setpoints-ED E-28-0990 Rev.2 Supplem entE,PRN M (A PRM ,RBM ,and RFM )SetpointCalculations [A RTS/M ELLL (N U M A C)-Pow er-U prate Condition]for Tennessee V alley A uthority Brow ns Ferry N uclearPlant,dated O ctober1997.
- 10. G E Letter LB#: 262-97-133, Brow ns Ferry N uclear Plant Rod Block M onitor Setpoint Clarification -G E Proprietary Inform ation,dated Septem ber12,1997.
11.N ED C-32433P, M axim um Extended Load Line Lim it and A RTS Im provem ent Program A nalysesforBrow nsFerry N uclearPlantU nit1,2,and 3,dated A pril1995.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 17 Table 1:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to N EO C Exposures - N SS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof31,722 M W d /M TU )
M C PR P Lim it M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) O ption (% R ated) 100 1.35 1.29 1.34 100 1.36 1.30 1.35 60 1.53 1.51 1.56 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.69 1.66 1.75 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 In- 30 2.01 1.96 2.11 30 2.09 2.03 2.19 FH O O S Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.35 1.32 1.35 100 1.36 1.32 1.35 60 1.53 1.51 1.56 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.69 1.66 1.75 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 30 2.01 1.96 2.11 R PTO O S 30 2.09 2.03 2.19 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.39 1.32 1.38 100 1.40 1.33 1.39 60 1.58 1.53 1.60 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.72 1.69 1.77 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 30 2.03 1.99 2.12 TBV O O S 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.39 1.35 1.39 100 1.40 1.35 1.39 60 1.58 1.53 1.60 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.72 1.69 1.77 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 R PTO O S R PTO O S 30 2.03 1.99 2.12 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 FH O O S 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 18 Table 2:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to N EO C Exposures - TSSS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof31,722 M W d /M TU )
M C PR P Lim it M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) O ption (% R ated) 100 1.37 1.30 1.36 100 1.37 1.31 1.36 60 1.54 1.52 1.58 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.70 1.68 1.76 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 In- 30 2.03 1.97 2.12 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 FH O O S Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.37 1.33 1.37 100 1.37 1.33 1.37 60 1.54 1.52 1.58 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.70 1.68 1.76 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 30 2.03 1.97 2.12 R PTO O S 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.41 1.34 1.40 100 1.41 1.35 1.40 60 1.59 1.55 1.62 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.73 1.70 1.78 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 30 2.05 2.00 2.14 TBV O O S 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.41 1.36 1.40 100 1.41 1.37 1.41 60 1.59 1.55 1.62 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.73 1.70 1.78 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 R PTO O S R PTO O S 30 2.05 2.00 2.14 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 FH O O S 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 19 Table 3:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to EO C Exposures - N SS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof34,028 M W d /M TU )
M C PR P Lim it M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) O ption (% R ated) 100 1.36 1.31 1.36 100 1.36 1.31 1.36 60 1.53 1.51 1.56 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.69 1.66 1.75 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 In- 30 2.01 1.96 2.11 30 2.09 2.03 2.19 FH O O S Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.36 1.34 1.37 100 1.36 1.34 1.37 60 1.53 1.51 1.56 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.69 1.66 1.75 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 30 2.01 1.96 2.11 R PTO O S 30 2.09 2.03 2.19 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.40 1.34 1.39 100 1.40 1.35 1.39 60 1.58 1.53 1.60 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.72 1.69 1.77 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 30 2.03 1.99 2.12 TBV O O S 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.40 1.38 1.40 100 1.40 1.38 1.40 60 1.58 1.54 1.60 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.72 1.69 1.77 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 R PTO O S R PTO O S 30 2.03 1.99 2.12 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 FH O O S 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 20 Table 4:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to EO C Exposures- TSSS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof34,028 M W d /M TU )
M C PR P Lim it M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) O ption (% R ated) 100 1.38 1.32 1.37 100 1.38 1.32 1.37 60 1.54 1.52 1.58 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.70 1.68 1.76 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 In- 30 2.03 1.97 2.12 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 FH O O S Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.38 1.35 1.38 100 1.38 1.35 1.38 60 1.54 1.52 1.58 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.70 1.68 1.76 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 30 2.03 1.97 2.12 R PTO O S 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.28 2.20 2.36 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.46 2.39 2.54 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.19 2.06 2.36 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.35 2.18 2.54 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.41 1.35 1.40 100 1.42 1.36 1.40 60 1.59 1.55 1.62 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.73 1.70 1.78 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 30 2.05 2.00 2.14 TBV O O S 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 FH O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.41 1.38 1.42 100 1.42 1.39 1.42 60 1.59 1.55 1.62 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.73 1.70 1.78 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 R PTO O S R PTO O S 30 2.05 2.00 2.14 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.83 2.67 2.83 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 FH O O S 25 (> 50% F) 3.17 3.00 3.17 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.49 2.28 2.62 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.80 2.54 2.97 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 21 Table 5:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to C D Exposures - N SS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof35,128 M W d /M TU )
AllValues Include FFTR/FH O O S and Bound H eaters In-Service M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) 100 1.37 1.32 1.36 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 In-30 2.09 2.03 2.19 Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.37 1.35 1.37 60 1.56 1.55 1.62 45 1.75 1.72 1.81 30 2.09 2.03 2.19 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.41 1.35 1.40 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.41 1.38 1.40 60 1.60 1.57 1.64 45 1.77 1.74 1.82 R PTO O S 30 2.11 2.06 2.20 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 22 Table 6:M C PR P Lim itsfor BO C to C D Exposures - TSSS Scram Tim es (A pplicableup to CoreA verage Exposureof35,128 M W d /M TU )
AllValues Include FFTR/FH O O S and Bound H eaters In-Service M C PR P Lim it EO O S Pow er A 10 G E13 G E14 O ption (% R ated) 100 1.38 1.33 1.37 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 In- 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 Service 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.39 1.37 1.39 60 1.58 1.57 1.64 45 1.76 1.73 1.83 30 2.10 2.05 2.20 R PTO O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.35 2.27 2.43 25 (> 50% F) 2.56 2.48 2.65 30 (< 50% F) 2.25 2.12 2.43 25 (< 50% F) 2.44 2.27 2.65 100 1.42 1.36 1.41 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 100 1.42 1.41 1.42 60 1.61 1.59 1.67 45 1.78 1.76 1.84 R PTO O S 30 2.13 2.07 2.21 TBV O O S 30 (> 50% F) 2.90 2.73 2.90 25 (> 50% F) 3.24 3.07 3.26 30 (< 50% F) 2.54 2.34 2.69 25 (< 50% F) 2.87 2.60 3.06 A dd 0.02 to the above M CPR P lim itsforSLO .
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 23 Figure 1 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE13-P9DTB400-13GZ1 (GE13) 15.00 14.00 13.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 12.00 11.00 10.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
9.00 8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
M ostLim iting Lattice forEach Exposure Point A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 10.61 7.72 11.77 27.56 11.24 0.22 10.64 8.82 11.94 33.07 10.65 1.10 10.72 9.92 12.13 38.58 10.10 2.20 10.87 11.02 12.30 44.09 9.57 3.31 11.05 13.78 12.47 49.60 9.10 4.41 11.26 16.53 12.39 55.12 8.71 5.51 11.46 19.29 12.18 60.63 8.39 6.61 11.61 22.05 11.89 64.61 8.19 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 24 Figure 2 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE13-P9DTB414-15GZ (GE13) 15.00 14.00 13.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 12.00 11.00 10.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
9.00 8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
M ostLim iting Lattice forEach Exposure Point A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 10.40 7.72 11.43 27.56 11.09 0.22 10.46 8.82 11.54 33.07 10.67 1.10 10.56 9.92 11.67 38.58 10.20 2.20 10.71 11.02 11.81 44.09 9.74 3.31 10.88 13.78 11.89 49.60 9.28 4.41 11.04 16.53 11.95 55.12 8.85 5.51 11.18 19.29 11.80 60.63 8.43 6.61 11.31 22.05 11.55 63.72 8.20 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 25 Figure 3 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE14-P10DNAB402-15GZ (GE14) 14.00 13.00 12.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 11.00 10.00 9.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
M ostLim iting Lattice forEach Exposure Point A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 9.57 8.82 10.80 22.05 10.88 0.22 9.61 9.92 10.88 27.56 10.50 1.10 9.68 11.02 10.96 33.07 10.10 2.20 9.82 12.13 11.04 38.58 9.66 3.31 9.99 13.23 11.05 44.09 9.13 4.41 10.18 14.33 11.04 49.60 8.59 5.51 10.38 15.43 11.04 55.12 8.03 6.61 10.58 16.53 11.04 60.63 6.36 7.72 10.72 18.74 11.02 63.75 4.92 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 26 Figure 4 APLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE14-P10DNAB401-14GZ (GE14) 14.00 13.00 12.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 11.00 10.00 9.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
M ostLim iting Lattice forEach Exposure Point A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 9.63 8.82 10.67 22.05 10.87 0.22 9.67 9.92 10.75 27.56 10.50 1.10 9.73 11.02 10.84 33.07 10.10 2.20 9.86 12.13 10.94 38.58 9.64 3.31 10.01 13.23 10.96 44.09 9.11 4.41 10.18 14.33 10.96 49.60 8.57 5.51 10.37 15.43 10.98 55.12 8.03 6.61 10.50 16.53 10.99 60.63 6.30 7.72 10.58 18.74 10.99 63.63 4.93 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 27 Figure 5 APLHGR Limits for A10-3813B-13GV80, A10-4077B-15GV80, and A10-4088B-15GV80 (A10) 14.00 13.00 12.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 11.00 10.00 9.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 12.50 15.00 12.50 67.00 7.30 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 28 Figure 6 APLHGR Limits for A10-1623B-5GV80 (A10) 14.00 13.00 12.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 11.00 10.00 9.00 A PLH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 A verage Planar Exposure (G W D /M TU )
A verage Planar LH G R Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 11.50 15.00 11.50 67.00 6.30 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its are for dualrecirculation loop operation.Single Loop O peration (SLO )adjustm ents are perform ed as described in Section 2 Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 29 Figure 7 GE13 Power Dependent MAPLHGR Multiplier - MAPFAC(P)
N SS/TSSS Insertion Tim es -AllExposures 1.1 1
Turbine Bypass In-Service (TBVIS) 0.9 0.8 Turbine Bypass O ut-O f-Service (TBVO O S)
M A PFA C (P) 0.7 0.6
< 50% C ore Flow
> 50% C ore TBVO O S: < 50% C ore TBVO O S: > 50% C ore Flow 0.3 0.2 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Pow er (% R ated)
Turbine B ypass In-Service Turbine B ypass O ut-O f-Service C ore Pow er C ore Pow er M A PFA C (P) M A PFA C (P)
(% rated) (% rated) 100 1 100 0.98 30 0.53 30 0.53 C ore Flow > 50% rated C ore Flow > 50% rated 30 0.39 30 0.33 25 0.37 25 0.31 C ore Flow < 50% rated C ore Flow < 50% rated 30 0.44 30 0.36 25 0.43 25 0.35 M A PFA C (P)is notdependentupon any Equipm entO ut-O f-Service exceptTurbine B ypass.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 30 Figure 8 GE14 Power Dependent MAPLHGR Multiplier - MAPFAC(P)
N SS/TSSS Insertion Tim es -AllExposures 1.1 1
Turbine Bypass In-Service (TBVIS) 0.9 0.8 M A PFA C (P) 0.7 0.6 Turbine Bypass O ut-O f-Service (TBVO O S)
TBVIS: < 50% C ore Flow
> 50% C ore TBVO O S: < 50% C ore 0.4 TBVO O S: > 50% C ore Flow 0.3 0.2 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Pow er (% R ated)
Turbine B ypass In-Service Turbine B ypass O ut-O f-Service C ore Pow er C ore Pow er M A PFA C (P) M A PFA C (P)
(% rated) (% rated) 100 1 100 1 30 0.58 30 0.57 C ore Flow > 50% rated C ore Flow > 50% rated 30 0.45 30 0.40 25 0.42 25 0.37 C ore Flow < 50% rated C ore Flow < 50% rated 30 0.51 30 0.43 25 0.49 25 0.41 M A PFA C (P)is notdependentupon any Equipm entO ut-O f-Service exceptTurbine B ypass.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 31 Figure 9 Flow Dependent MAPLHGR Factor - MAPFAC(F)
(GE13 / GE14) 1.000 M AX FLO W = 102.5%
0.900 M A PFA C (F).
0.800 M AX FLO W = 107%
0.700 0.600 0.500 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C ore Flow (% R ated)
M ax C ore Flow 102.5% R ated M ax C ore Flow 107% R ated C ore Flow C ore Flow M A PFA C (F) M A PFA C (F)
(% rated) (% rated) 30 0.592 30 0.577 74.8 1.000 78.4 1.000 102.5 1.000 107 1.000 These values bound both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values bound both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
The 102.5% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow .
The 107% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 105% rated flow (IC F).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 32 Figure 10 LHGR Limits for all ATRIUM-10 Fuel (A10) 14.00 13.00 12.00 U N AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 11.00 10.00 9.00 LH G R Lim it(kw /ft).
8.00 7.00 AC C EPTABLE O PER ATIO N 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 PelletExposure (G W D /M TU )
Pellet LH G R Exposure Lim it (G W D /M TU ) (kw /ft) 0.00 13.40 18.90 13.40 74.40 7.10 These values apply to both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values apply to both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These lim its apply to both Tw o Loop O peration (TLO )and Single Loop O peration (SLO ).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 33 Figure 11 A10 Power Dependent LHGR Multiplier - LHGRFAC(P)
N SS/TSSS Insertion Tim es -AllExposures 1.10 1.00 Turbine Bypass In-Service (TBVIS) 0.90 0.80 M A PFA C (P) 0.70 Turbine Bypass O ut-O f-Service (TBVO O S)
TBVIS: < 50% C ore Flow TBVIS: > 50% C ore 0.60 TBVO O S: < 50% C ore 0.50 TBVO O S: > 50% C ore Flow 0.40 0.30 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Pow er (% R ated)
Turbine B ypass In-Service Turbine B ypass O ut-O f-Service C ore Pow er C ore Pow er LH G R FA C (P) LH G R FA C (P)
(% rated) (% rated) 100 1.00 100 1.00 30 0.70 30 0.69 C ore Flow > 50% rated C ore Flow > 50% rated 30 0.59 30 0.49 25 0.55 25 0.44 C ore Flow < 50% rated C ore Flow < 50% rated 30 0.63 30 0.58 25 0.60 25 0.52 LH G R FAC (P)is notdependentupon any Equipm entO ut-O f-Service exceptTurbine Bypass.
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 34 Figure 12 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier - LHGRFAC(F)
(A10 Fuel)
M AX FLO W = 102.5%
1.000 0.950 LH G R FA C (F).
M AX FLO W = 107%
0.900 0.850 0.800 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C ore Flow (% R ated)
M ax C ore Flow 102.5% R ated M ax C ore Flow 107% R ated C ore Flow C ore Flow LH G R FA C (F) LH G R FA C (F)
(% rated) (% rated) 30 0.905 30 0.865 45.3 1.000 52.1 1.000 102.5 1.000 107 1.000 These values bound both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values bound both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
The 102.5% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow .
The 107% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 105% rated flow (IC F).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 35 Figure 13 Flow Dependent MCPR Limit - MCPR(F)
(GE13 Fuel) 1.78 1.73 1.68 M AX FLO W = 107%
1.63 1.58 M C PR (F).
1.53 1.48 1.43 M AX FLO W = 102.5%
1.38 1.33 1.28 1.23 1.18 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C ore Flow (% R ated)
M ax C ore Flow 102.5% R ated M ax C ore Flow 107% R ated C ore Flow C ore Flow M C PR (F) M C PR (F)
(% rated) (% rated) 30 1.73 30 1.77 90 1.21 94 1.21 102.5 1.21 107 1.21 These values bound both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values bound both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
The 102.5% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow .
The 107% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 105% rated flow (IC F).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C12 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 36 Figure 14 Flow Dependent MCPR Limit - MCPR(F)
(GE14 Fuel) 1.68 1.63 1.58 M AX FLO W = 107%
1.53 1.48 M C PR (F).
1.43 1.38 M AX FLO W = 102.5%
1.33 1.28 1.23 1.18 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C ore Flow (% R ated)
M ax C ore Flow 102.5% R ated M ax C ore Flow 107% R ated C ore Flow C ore Flow M C PR (F) M C PR (F)
(% rated) (% rated) 30 1.63 30 1.65 88 1.21 92 1.21 102.5 1.21 107 1.21 These values bound both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values bound both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
The 102.5% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow .
The 107% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 105% rated flow (IC F).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12
TV A N uclearFuel TV A -CO LR-BF3C11 Core O perating Lim itsReport Revision 0, Page 37 (Final)
Figure 15 Flow Dependent MCPR Limit - MCPR(F)
(A10 Fuel) 1.73 1.68 1.63 1.58 M AX FLO W = 107%
1.53 M C PR (F).
1.48 1.43 1.38 M AX FLO W = 102.5%
1.33 1.28 1.23 1.18 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C ore Flow (% R ated)
M ax C ore Flow 102.5% R ated M ax C ore Flow 107% R ated C ore Flow C ore Flow M C PR (F) M C PR (F)
(% rated) (% rated) 30 1.64 30 1.70 88 1.21 92 1.21 102.5 1.21 107 1.21 These values bound both Turbine B ypass In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
These values bound both R ecirculation Pum p Trip In-Service and O ut-O f-Service.
The 102.5% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 100% rated flow .
The 107% m axim um flow line is used for operation up to 105% rated flow (IC F).
Browns Ferry N uclear PlantU nit3 Cycle 12