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Final - Section a Operating
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/2002
From: Alfonso M
Exelon Nuclear
To: Conte R
Conte R
50-277/02-302, 50-278/02-302
Download: ML022970354 (69)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Peach Bottom Unit 2 & 3 Date of Examination: Week of Sept.23, 2002 Examination Level (circle one): RO / SRO Operating Test Number: RO Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A.1 Plant Parameter Verification JPM APRM Scram Margin Check (JPM)

Temporary Procedure Initiate a Temporary Procedure change (JPM)

Change JPM Familiarity and When an instrument is reported damaged, use P&IDs to A.2 Use of P&IDs determine the effect on system operations. (JPM)

JPM A.3 Control of Perform the Plant Reactor Operator (PRO) actions for a Liquid Radiation Radwaste Discharge (JPM)

Releases JPM A.4 Emergency Communication Direct a Site Evacuation for a declared emergency (JPM)



1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. This JPM requires performance using either the Simulator NUMAC drawers or the actual Control Room APRM NUMAC drawers. Due to the electronic displays, this JPM should not be "simulated". Normally, this "Control Room" JPM will be performed in the simulator however this JPM may be performed in the actual Control Room on a real APRM NUMAC drawer with no impact on plant operation under the supervision of the shift.
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.

RO AJPM 1 - Scram Margin Check.doc Page 3 of 6 PerformAPRM Scram Margin Check

5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.
6. This JPM should be performed in the Simulator but may be performed in the actual Control Room with no impact on plant operation. Obtain Control Room Supervisor and Unit RO permission prior to performing this JPM and prior to entering the controls area.
7. The procedure normally requires the operator to perform the scram check on all operable APRMs. For this JPM, only APRM #4 is directed since this task is repetitive.

The evaluator may also select a different APRM if desired (e.g., if APRM #4 NUMAC drawer is out of service).


1. Procedure SO 60A.7.C-2 Rev. 11 "APRM Scram Margin Check" D. TASK STANDARD
1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when the student determines the correct scram margin as recorded on SO 60A.7.C-2 Data Sheet 1
2. Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform necessary steps to perform an ARPM scram margin check for APRM #4 using appropriate procedures. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. Unit 2 startup and power ascension is in progress at approximately 60% power.
2. All APRM Channels are Operable and in service.

G. INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you to determine the scram margin for APRM #4 in accordance with SO 60A.7.C-2 "APRM Scram Margin Check".

RO AJPM 1 - Scram Margin Check.doc Page 4 of 6 Perform APRM Scram Margin Check

H. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEP NO STEP ACT STANDARD 1 Obtain a copy of procedure P A copy of procedure SO 60A.7.C-2 is SO 60A.7.C-2. obtained.

  • 2 Student determines that Step 4.1 is P Student selects Step 4.1 to perform.

applicable for Mode 1 operation.

Step 4.1 directs the operator to determine Scram setpoints for all operable APRMs. For this JPM, APRM #i is the selected. A different APRM may be selected by the evaluator if desired (e.g., APRM #4 NUMAC is out of service). If this JPM is being performed in the Control Room 4 At selected APRM NUMAC display P At APRM #4 NUMAC display, depress (APRM #4), depress the "ETC" softkey the "ETC" softkey to obtain the "SHOW to obtain the "SHOW PARAMETERS" PARAMETERS" softkey.


5 Depress "SHOW PARAMETERS" P Depress "SHOW PARAMETERS" softkey. softkey.

  • 6 Under the "APRM RUN MODE P Record the value of "STP UPSCALE SETPOINTS" section, record the value TRIP (FLOW BIASED)" on Data Sheet 1 of "STP UPSCALE TRIP (FLOW under "APRM SCRAM SETPOINT".

BIASED)" on Data Sheet I under "APRM SCRAM SETPOINT".

7 Depress "EXIT" softkey. P Depress "EXIT" softkey.

8 Record "STP (%)" value on Data Sheet P Record "STP (%)" value on Data Sheet 1 under "APRM CURRENT". 1 under "APRM CURRENT".

Note: Step 4.2 is not applicable for the reactor mode condition.

"*10 Determine SCRAM margin by P Correctly calculates APRM #4 Scram performing the following calculation Margin on Data Sheet 1:

AND recording the value on Data Sheet 1 under "SCRAM MARGIN": SCRAM MARGIN = APRM SCRAM SCRAM MARGIN = APRM SCRAM SETPOINT - APRM CURRENT SETPOINT - APRM CURRENT = = SP -C SP -C RO AJPM 1 - Scram Margin Check.doc Page 5 of 6 Perform APRM Scram Margin Check


13 Inform Control Room Supervisor of P Task completion reported.

task completion.

(Cue: Control Room Supervisor acknowledges report.)

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate TERMINATING CUE When SBGT system is running to support HPCI operation, the Control Room Supervisor should be informed. The evaluator will then terminate the exercise.

RO AJPM 1 - Scram Margin Check.doc Page 6 of 6 Perform APRM Scram Margin Check


1. Unit 2 Startup and power ascension is in progress at approximately 60% power.
2. All APRM Channels are Operable and in service.

INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you determine the scram margin for APRM #4 in accordance with SO 60A.7.C-2 "APRM Scram Margin Check".

EXELON NUCLEAR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE POSITION TITLE: Unit Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator TASK-JPM DESIGNATOR: X K/A: Generic 2.2.11 URO: 2.5 SRO: 3.4 TASK DESCRIPTION: Kfnowledge of the process for controlling Temporary Changes A. NOTES TO EVALUATOR:

1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

, ul I RO AJPM 2 - Initiate a TC.doc rage 3 ol i Initiate a Temporary Procedure Change


1. None


1. AD-PB-101-103, Temporary Changes to Procedures.
2. SO 52A.1 .B, Section 4.1, Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start.
3. ST-O-052-201-2, El Diesel Generator Slow Start and Full Load Test.


1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when Temporary Change has been submitted to the SRO with Attachment 3, Part "A" completed, in accordance with the approved procedure.
2. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform necessary steps to initiate a "single use" temporary change to SO 52A.1 .B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start", step, using AD-PB 101-1003, "Temporary Changes to Procedures". I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. The Plant is operating at full power.
2. A "slow start" of the E-1 Diesel Generator, per ST-O-052-201-2 "El Diesel Generator Slow Start and Full Load Test" and SO 52A.1.B "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start", is required for operability requirements.
3. The E-1 Diesel Generator Coolant Expansion Tank level indicating sightglass has a crack in it. The sightglass is isolated with an Equipment Status Tag (EST), but the tank is still available for use.
4. Maintenance reports that the sightglass will be repaired prior to the next scheduled run of the E-1 Diesel Generator.
5. The Control Room Supervisor has directed that the System Manager will determine and verify Coolant Expansion Tank level, then report it to the Control Room as part of the pre-start check of the E-1 Diesel Generator.

G. INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you to initiate a "single use" temporary change to SO 52A. 1.B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start", step, using AD-PB-101-1003, "Temporary Changes to Procedures".

RO AJPM 2 - Initiate a TC.doc Page 4 of 7 Initiate a Temporary Procedure Change


1 Obtain a copy of the reference P A copy of AD-PB-101-1003, "Temporary procedure and review/utilize the Changes to Procedures" is obtained.

correct section of the procedure.

Initiator responsibility is reviewed.

CUE: Provide the Student with Attachment 2 of this JPM.

2 Determine if a Temporary Change P Uses Attachment 1 of AD-PB-101-1003, is valid for the conditions. "Temporary Changes to Procedures" to determine that temporary change criteria are met.

      • Note***

The Student may not classify the temporary change because "single use" was given to him/her in the initiating cue.

Determine the temporary change P Uses the information provided and determines classification. that this temporary change is a SINGLE USE change.

  • 4 Complete the required mark-up of P Completes the mark-up of SO 52A.1 .B, "Diesel SO 52A.1..B, "Diesel Generator Generator Operations, Slow Start" by performing Operations, Slow Start". the following with BLACK ink:

" Draws a single line through each sentence of step of SO 52A.1.B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start".

" Inserts the following text as close to the NOTE: The exact wording by the affected step as possible; Student may vary from o "The System Manager will verify and that of this JPM step. As report Coolant Expansion tank level to long as the intent is clear the Control Room and will have the exact wording is not coolant added as necessary."


NOTE: The Student may insert anafetdsps)

  • Insert the following in the left margin of the area for SQR/SRO review.

Normally this is performed o Initial/Date of SQR, AND by the SQRISRO. o Initial/Date of SRO.

RO AJPM 2 - Initiate a TC.doc Page 5 of 7 Initiatea TemporaryProcedure Change


  • 5 Complete Temporary Change P Completes the Temporary Change Form, Form, Attachment 3, Part A. Attachment 3, Part A, as follows:

"* Places a check mark next to "Common" in step #1, "Unit Applicability".

NOTE: This Diesel Generator procedure is common to both Units.

"* Places a check mark next to "Single Use (S)" in step #2, "TC Classification".

NOTE: This was determined in step #2 of this JPM from the given information.

"* Inserts SO-54A.1.B and current revision number in step #3, "Procedure Number".

"* Inserts Diesel Generator Operation in step

  1. 4, "Procedure Title".

"* Inserts 3 of 29 in step #5, "Pages Affected".

CUE: Inform Student that NO other Temporary Changes are in affect on this page of SO-54A.1.B.

" Place a check mark next to "NO" in step #6, "Does this TC supersede or replace existing TC's".

"* Inserts System Manager will verify and report Coolant Expansion tank level to the Control Room and will have coolant added as necessary in step #7, "TC Description".

"* Inserts Diesel Generator #1 Coolant Expansion tank level sightglass is broken, valved out and won't be fixed before the Diesel needs to be slow started in step #8, "Reason for TC".

NOTE: The exact wording by the Student may vary from that of this JPM step. As long as the intent is clear the exact wording is not important.

RO AJPM 2 - Initiate a TC.doc Page 6 of 7 Initiate a Temporary Procedure Change

STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO 11 6 Present the temporary change for P Presents Attachment 3 of AD-PB-101-1003, review and approval. "Temporary Changes to Procedures" and the entire Diesel Generator Operation procedure SO 52A.1.B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start" with the marked up step to the SQR and SRO for review and approval.

CUE: Accept Attachment 3 and SO 52A.1.B, Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start" from the Student as the SQR and SRO.

As an evaluator ensure that you P Positive control established.

have positive control of all exam material provided to the examinee (Task Conditions/Prerequisites)

AND procedures.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate TERMINATING CUE:

When Attachment 3 of AD-PB-101-1003, "Temporary Changes to Procedures" and the entire Diesel Generator Operation procedure SO 52A.1.B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start" with the marked up step have been presented to the SQR and SRO for review and approval, the evaluator will terminate the exercise.


None RO AJPM 2 - Initiate a TC.doc Page 7 of 7 Initiate a Temporary Procedure Change


1. The Plant is operating at full power.
2. A "slow start" of the E-l Diesel Generator, per ST-O-052-201-2 "El Diesel Generator Slow Start and Full Load Test" and SO 52A.1..B "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start", is required for operability requirements.
3. The E-1 Diesel Generator Coolant Expansion Tank level indicating sightglass has a crack in it. The sightglass is isolated with an Equipment Status Tag (EST), but the tank is still available for use.
4. Maintenance reports that the sightglass will be repaired prior to the next scheduled run of the E-l Diesel Generator.
5. The Control Room Supervisor has directed that the System Manager will determine and verify Coolant Expansion Tank level, then report it to the Control Room as part of the pre-start check of the E-1 Diesel Generator.

INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you to initiate a "single use" temporary change to SO 52A.1.B, "Diesel Generator Operations, Slow Start", step, using AD-PB-101-1003, "Temporary Changes to Procedures".

ATTACHMENT 2 Provide the student a copy of the latest revision of procedure SO 52A.1..B, Diesel Generator Operations.


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

RO AJPM 3 - PID USE.doc Page 3 of 7 Familiarityand Use of P&IDs


1. M-315 Sheet 1, Rev. 64, "Emergency Service Water and High Pressure Service Water System" print
2. M-315 Sheet 4, Rev. 50, "Emergency Service Water and High Pressure Service Water System" print
3. M-330 Sheet 1, Rev. 33, "Emergency Cooling System" print C. REFERENCES
1. M-315 Sheet 1, Rev. 64, "Emergency Service Water and High Pressure Service Water System" print
2. M-315 Sheet 4, Rev. 50, "Emergency Service Water and High Pressure Service Water System" print
3. M-330 Sheet 1, Rev. 33, "Emergency Cooling System" print D. TASK STANDARD
1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when it has been determined that following any start of the Diesel Generators the:
a. A and B ESW pump will automatically start and continue to run normally.
b. ECW pump will automatically start and shut down after 45 seconds.
c. ECW discharge valve (MO-0841) will remain closed.
2. Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform necessary steps to determine the impact of a damaged instrument on cooling water operation using the appropriate P&IDs. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.

F. TASK CONDITIONS/PREREQUISITES An Equipment Operator reports to the control room that PS-0246B, mounted on the "B" Emergency Service Water Pump (OBP057) discharge pipe has been damaged by scaffolding such that it cannot sense high pressure.

RO AJPM 3 - PID USE.doc Page 4 of 7 Familiarityand Use of P&IDs

G. INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you to use P&IDs to determine the impact of the damaged PS-0246B on the ESW pumps, ECW pump and ECW Pump Discharge valve (MO-0841) during an automatic Diesel Generator start.

RO AJPM 3 - PID USE.doc Page 5 of 7 Familiarityand Use of P&lDs

H. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST "STEP STEP ACT STANDARD 1 Obtain M-315 Sh. 4, "P&I Diagram P M-315 for ESW is located using the Emergency Service Water and High M-300 index. Sheet 4 is located as Pressure Service Water Sys's". featuring the "B" ESW pump.

2 Locate the "B" ESW pump on M-315 Sh. P "B" ESW is located at coordinates A-5 on

4. M-315 Sh. 4.
3. Locate PS-0246B on the discharge pipe P PS-0246B is located at coordinates B-5 of the "B" ESW pump. on M-315 Sh. 4.
  • 4 Determine that the "B" ESW pump will P Diesel Generator start is identified as a start on a Diesel Generator Start. start signal from the logic illustrated on M-315 Sh. 4 coordinates B-5 OR from individuals knowledge base.

5 Determine that if a damaged PS-0246B is P Logical outputs of "LOW" and "NOT unable to sense high pressure it will LOW" are located on M-315 Sh. 4 contribute a "LOW' to the logic, coordinates B-5. A logic output of "LOW" is determined.

6 Trace logic lines to M-315 Sh. 1 G-6. Logic lines are traced to M-315 Sh.1 using continuation identifiers on M-315 Sh. 4 coordinates B-6.

7 Obtain M-315 Sh. 1, "P&I Diagram P M-315 Sh. 1 is located using continuation Emergency Service Water and High identifiers on M-315 Sh. 4.

Pressure Service Water Sys's".

8 Determine that logic lines from M-315 Sh. P Logic lines from M-315 Sh.4 are traced to 4 input to "AND" logic on M-315 Sh. 1 "AND" logic on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates coordinates G-6. G-6.

  • 9 Determine that the "A" ESW pump will P Diesel Generator start is identified as a start on a Diesel Generator start. start signal from the logic illustrated on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates G-5 OR from individuals knowledge base.

10 Determine that PS-0246A will contribute a P Logical outputs of "LOW" and "NOT "NOT LOW' to the logic. LOW' are located on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates G-7. A logic output of "NOT LOW" is determined.

11 Determine that the "AND" logic will not be P Logic lines from PS-0246A are traced to satisfied due to lack of "LOW' from "AND" logic on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates PS-0246A and "LOW" from PS-0246B. G-6. "AND" logic is not satisfied due to lack of "LOW' from PS-0246A.

12 Determine that the "OR" logic will be P Logic lines from PS-0246A are traced to satisfied by PS-0246A "NOT LOW'. "OR" logic on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates G-6. "OR" logic is satisfied by singular input of "NOT LOW' from PS-0246A.

13 Trace logic lines to M-330 Sh. 1 P Logic lines are traced to M-330 Sh. 1 coordinates G-3. using continuation identifiers on M-315 Sh. 1 coordinates G-6.

RO AJPM 3 - PID USE.doc Page 6 of 7 Familiarityand Use of P&lDs

STEP STEP ACT STAN DARD NO I 14 Obtain M-330 Sh. 1 "P&I Diagram P M-330 Sh. 1 is located using continuation FmE.rn*.nov Cnnlina System". identifier on M-315 Sh.1.

15 Determine that the "AND" logic for the P Logic lines from M-315 Sh. 1 G-6 are ECW pump will be satisfied by either traced to "AND" logic on M-330 Sh. 1, ESW pump A or B discharge pressure coordinates G-3. "AND" logic is "NOT LOW" and ECW pump not started determined to be satisfied with inputs manually when an auto start has existed from either the A or B ESW pump for 45 seconds. discharge pressure "NOT LOW" and ECW not started manually when auto has existed for 45 seconds.

"*16 Determine that the ECW pump will trip 45 P Logic line from "AND" is traced to ECW seconds after an ECW auto start signal "TRIP" when auto start signal has existed on Diesel Generator start. for 45 seconds.

"*17 Determine that the "AND" logic for the P Logic lines are traced to "AND" logic on ECW discharge valve MO-0841 will NOT M-330 Sh. 1 coordinates H-3.

be satisfied since ESW A AND B discharge pressure is NOT low. The ECW discharge valve will remain closed following an ECW auto start signal.

18 Control Room Supervisor informed of P Inform the Control Room Supervisor that plant impact of damaged PS-0246B on on a Diesel Generator start, the:

cooling water should a Diesel Generator

  • A and B ESW pumps will automatically start occur. start and continue to run normally.
  • ECW pump will automatically start and shutdown after 45 sec.

o ECW discharge valve (MO-0841) will (Cue: Acknowledge report.) remain closed.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate

1. TERMINATING CUE When the impact of the damaged PS-0246B on ESW and ECW operation following a Diesel Generator start has been determined, the Control Room Supervisor should be informed. The evaluator will then terminate the exercise.

RO AJPM 3 - PID USE.doc Page 7 of 7 Familiarityand Use of P&IDs


1. An Equipment Operator reports to the control room that PS 0246B, mounted on the "B" Emergency Service Water Pump (OBP057) discharge pipe has been damaged by scaffolding.
2. PS-0246B is damaged such that it cannot sense high pressure.

INITIATING CUE The Control Room Supervisor directs you to use P&lDs to determine the impact of the damaged PS-0246B on the ESW pumps, ECW pump and ECW Pump Discharge valve (MO-0841) during an automatic Diesel Generator start.

EXELON NUCLEAR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE POSITION TITLE: Unit Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator TASK-JPM DESIGNATOR: 2730130202 K/A: 2.3.11 URO: 2.7 SRO: 3.2 TASK DESCRIPTION: Ability to control radiation releases.


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

RO AJPM 4 - PRO RAD RELEASE.doc Page 3 of 5


1. Copy of ST-C-095-805-2, Rev. 9, completed through step 6.12.8.


1. ST-C-095-805-2, Rev. 9, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".


1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when section 6.13 has been completed in its entirety.
2. Estimated time to complete: 12 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform the necessary steps to set-up the plant in preparation for a Liquid Radwaste discharge. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. Both units are operating at 100% power.
2. The Floor Drain Sample Tank (FDST) needs to be discharged.
3. Chemistry and Shift Management have completed ST-C-095-805-2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge" through step 6.12.8.
4. Six Circulating Water Pumps are in operation.
5. The discharge Canal-To-Intake Pond crosstie gate is closed.
6. The PRO review and set-up has not been completed.

G. INITIATING CUE You are the PRO. Complete section 6.13 of ST-C-095-805-2 "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".

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-NO 1 Record actual number of operating P Visually verify six Circulating Pumps are Circulating Pumps. operating, record and initial step 6.13.1.

  • 2 Set the HI Trip Setpoint. P Manually adjust the HI Setpoint Pot setting for RIS-0-17-350 to < 4.43, and record and initial step 6.13.2.
  • 3 Set the HI HI Trip Setpoint. P Manually adjust the HI HI Setpoint Pot setting for RIS-0-17-350 to < 4.46, and record and initial step 6.13.3.

4 Review PRO steps. P Visually verify all the PRO steps in section 6.13 are complete, and initial step 6.13.5 SAT.

5 Record your name and initials. P Print your name and initials in Section 10.0.

6 Forward the test. P Forward this test to the Radwaste Operator, and initial step 6.13.6 SAT.

(Cue: Radwaste Operator has received the test.)

NOTE Terminate the exercise when the activities listed above are performed.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate TERMINATING CUE When Section 6.13 of ST-C-095-805-2 has been completed, terminate the exercise.

RO, AJPM 4 - PRO RAD RELEASE.doc Page 5 of 5


1. Both units are operating at 100% power.
2. The Floor Drain Sample Tank (FDST) needs to be discharged.
3. Chemistry and Shift Management have completed ST-C-095-805 2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge" through step 6.12.8.
4. Six Circulating Water Pumps are in operation.
5. The discharge Canal-To-Intake Pond crosstie gate is closed.
6. The PRO review and set-up has not been completed.

INITIATING CUE You are the PRO. Complete section 6.13 of ST-C-095-805-2 "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 3 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)


1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when a site evacuation has been directed.
2. Estimated time to complete: 18 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform necessary steps to direct a site evacuation using appropriate procedures. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.

F. TASK CONDITIONS/PREREQUISITES A Site Area Emergency has just been declared by the Emergency Director.

G. INITIATING CUE The Emergency Director has directed you to implement ERP-1 30, "Site Evacuation" Step 2.2 in order to evacuate the site of non-essential personnel and have them report to the North Substation.

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 4 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)



-NO 1 Obtain a copy of procedure ERP-130. P A copy of procedure ERP-130 is obtained.

  • 2 Activate the Page Alert Tone system. P Station Alert Tone system pushbutton is momentarily depressed at the Plant (Cue: Siren noise audible on Reactor Operator's desk.


  • 3 Make evacuation announcement twice P Depress and hold pushbutton on GAI over the Plant Public Address system. Tronics handset while making evacuation announcement twice over the Plant Public "This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill. Address System.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement.)

  • 4 Rotate "Evacuation Alarm/Mic selector" P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is placed in switch to position 6 (plant). "POSITION 6" at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

  • 5 Sound evacuation siren for approximately P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is PULLED 1 minute by pulling handle out. OUT for approximately 1 minute at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

6 Push switch #43 on Diesel Panel IN. P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is PUSHED IN at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 5 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)

r - --


- *7 Make evacuation announcement twice P Depress the pushbutton on the radio over the PLANT RADIO SYSTEM. system microphone while making evacuation announcement twice over the "This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill. PLANT RADIO SYSTEM.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement)

  • 8 Rotate the "Evacuation Alarm/Mic P Mic/Siren Selector, Switch 43, is placed in selector" switch, (while in the IN mode) to "POSITION 2", THEN handle is PULLED position 2, (microphone river speakers). OUT at panel 00C026B.

Activate microphone by pulling handle OUT.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

  • 9 Make evacuation announcement twice P Key microphone at panel 00C026B while over the Pond Paging system. making evacuation announcement twice over Pond Paging System.

"This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement.)

10 Push switch #43 selector switch on Diesel P Mic/Siren Selector, Switch 43 is PUSHED Generator Panel IN. IN at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 6 ot 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)


  • 11 Activate the Page Alert Tone system. P Station Alert Tone system pushbutton is momentarily depressed at the Plant (Cue: Siren noise audible on Reactor Operator's desk.


"*12 Make evacuation announcement twice P Depress and hold pushbutton on GAI over the Plant Public Address system. Tronics handset while making evacuation announcement twice over the Plant Public "This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill. Address System.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement.)

"13 Rotate "Evacuation Alarm/Mic selector" P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is placed in switch to position 6 (plant). "POSITION 6" at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

"*14 Sound evacuation siren for approximately P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is PULLED 1 minute by pulling handle out. OUT for approximately 1 minute at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

15 Push switch #43 on Diesel Panel IN. P Mic/Siren Selector, switch 43 is PUSHED IN at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 7 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)


-f Make evacuation announcement twice P Depress the pushbutton on the radio over the PLANT RADIO SYSTEM. system microphone while making evacuation announcement twice over the "This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill. PLANT RADIO SYSTEM.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement)

"*17 Rotate the "Evacuation Alarm/Mic P Mic/Siren Selector, Switch 43, is placed in selector" switch, (while in the IN mode) to "POSITION 2", THEN handle is PULLED position 2, (microphone river speakers). OUT at panel 00C026B.

Activate microphone by pulling handle OUT.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

"*18 Make evacuation announcement twice P Key microphone at panel 00C026B while over the Pond Paging system. making evacuation announcement twice over Pond Paging System.

"This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill.

Attention all Personnel. This is a site evacuation notification. All non-essential personnel evacuate to the North Substation. All members of the Emergency Response organization report to your emergency response facility. This is NOT a drill. This is NOT a drill".

(Cue: Acknowledge announcement.)

19 Push switch #43 selector switch on Diesel P Mic/Siren Selector, Switch 43 is PUSHED Generator Panel IN. IN at panel 00C026B.

(Cue: Acknowledge control switch operation.)

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 8 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)

STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO 20 Inform Emergency Director of task P Task completion reported.


(Cue: Emergency Director acknowledges report.)

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate

1. TERMINATING CUE When a site evacuation has been performed per ERP-130 the Emergency Director should be informed. The evaluator will then terminate the exercise.

RO AJPM 5 - Site Evacuation.doc Page 9 of 9 Perform a Site Evacuation (RO Actions)

TASK CONDITIONS/PREREQUISITES A Site Area Emergency has just been declared by the Emergency Director.

INITIATING CUE The Emergency Director has directed you to implement ERP-130, "Site Evacuation" Step 2.2 in order to evacuate the site of non essential personnel and have them report to the North Substation.

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Peach Bottom Unit 2 & 3 Date of Examination: Week of Sept.23 2002 Examination Level (circle one): RO / SRO Operating Test Number: SRO Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A.1 Shift Staffing Evaluate Shift Staffing with the current Shift Lineup (JPM)

JPM Alternate Path Plant Parameter Evaluate a P1 Edit and take corrective action in accordance with Verification JPM GP-13, Resolution of Thermal Limit Violations (JPM)

A.2 Clearance and Review and approve a clearance prior to maintenance - Alternate Tagging JPM Path (JPM)

A.3 Control of Review and approve a Liquid Radwaste Discharge - Alternate Radiation Path (JPM)

Releases JPM A.4 Emergency Make an Emergency Plan Classification based on plant Classification conditions (JPM)


EXELON NUCLEAR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE POSITION TITLE: Unit Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator TASK-JPM DESIGNATOR: X K/A: Generic 2.1.4 URO: 2.3 SRO: 3.4 TASK DESCRIPTION: Kinowledge of shift staffing requirements.


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

SRO AJPM 1 - Evaluate Shift Staffing.doc Page 3 of 7 Shift Staffing Requirements


1. OP-PB-101-111, Peach Bottom Operations Department
2. OP-AA-105-101, Administrative Process for NRC License and Medical Requirements
3. A-C-40, Working Hour Limitations
4. A-C-40-1, Working Hours Limitation Deviation Form
5. OPM-P-40, Peach Bottom Operations Overtime Policy
6. OPM-P-30, Operations Policy Manual Reactor Operator Staffing Policy D. TASK STANDARD
1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when the Shift Manager has chosen an appropriately qualified individual that will not exceed overtime requirements to replace the disqualified operator, in accordance with approved procedures.
2. Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform the steps necessary to ensure that your shift is appropriately staffed. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. The Plants are operating at full power conditions.
2. Unit #2 is expected to do a "load drop" later this morning to facilitate investigation of air inleakage on the Main Condenser.
3. PS06 has just assumed the watch and you, as the Shift Manager, are reviewing the daily line-up Sheet.
4. The Shift is staffed as indicated on the "Shift Lineup Sheet" and the "Shift Attendance Briefing Sheet".

G. INITIATING CUE As the PS06 Shift Manager (SM), using appropriate procedures and Shift Line-up Sheets, determine if Shift manning requirements are being met.

SRO AJPM 1 - Evaluate Shift Staffing.doc Page 4 of 7 Shift Staffing Requirements

H. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO CUE: Provide the Student with the Attachments 2 and 3 of this JPM.

CUE: When the Student has had time to review Attachments 2 and 3 of this JPM, tell him that you are with Regulatory Services and that you have just been informed that D. Paul's NRC Medical examination expired yesterday.

Obtain a copy of the procedure and P Obtains a copy of OP-AA-105-101, review/utilize the correct section of "Administrative Process for NRC License and the procedure. Medical Requirements".

  • 2 Evaluate the impact of D. Paul's P Using OP-AA-105-101, "Administrative Process medical qualification expiring, for NRC License and Medical Requirements",

step 4.5 determines:

"* D. Paul has to be removed from licensed duties, and

"* Remain that way until such time as the medical exam is completed.

  • 3 Determine if Shift Staffing P May refer to OPM-P-30, "Reactor Operator Requirements are met. Staffing Policy" and/or a copy of Technical Specification 5.2.

Directs the fourth RO to relieve D. Paul as the PRO.

Determines the minimum staffing requirements are now met with three (3) Reactor Operators.

CUE: As the Unit #2 CRS state SRO AJPM 1 - Evaluate Shift Staffing.doc Page 5 of 7 Shift Staffing Requirements

STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO that for the impending load drop, four (4) Reactor Operators are needed in the Control Room and no more are available on shift.

3 Call-out of a qualified Reactor P May refer to the following procedures:


  • OPM-P-40, Peach Bottom Operations Overtime Policy.
  • A-C-40, Working Hour Limitations.
  • A-C-40-1, Working Hour Limitation Deviation Form.

Requests from the Shift Clerk a copy of the RO off-shift callout list.

CUE: As the Shift Clerk, hand the Student Attachment 4 of this JPM, the Off-Shift RO call-out list.

available without exceeding A-C-40 limitations. Determines that Booker, T is the only Reactor Operator on the supplied list that can be called out for the full twelve (12) hours without exceeding procedural and Technical Specification limitations.

May also determine that Garlic, T and Hook, U could be called out for up to eight (8) hours each but would have to use them in combination with each other to cover the shift.

As an evaluator ensure that you P Positive control established.

have positive control of all exam material provided to the examinee (Task Conditions/Prerequisites)

AND procedures.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate SRO AJPM 1 - Evaluate Shift Staffing.doc Page 6 of 7 Shift Staffing Requirements


When the Shift Manager determines the status of the individuals on the Call-Out List in respect to the A-C-40 requirements, the evaluator will terminate the exercise.


The following Attachments are provided as described in the above steps:

1. Task Cue Sheet.
2. Shift Attendance Briefing Sheet.
3. Shift Lineup Sheet.
4. Shift Call-Out Sheet.

SRO AJPM 1 - Evaluate Shift Staffing.doc Page 7 of 7 Shift Staffing Requirements


1. The Plants are operating at full power conditions.
2. Unit #2 is expected to do a "load drop" later this morning to facilitate investigation of air inleakage on the Main Condenser.
3. PS06 has just assumed the watch and you, as the Shift Manager, are reviewing the daily line-up Sheet.
4. The Shift is staffed as indicated on the "Shift Lineup Sheet" and the "Shift Attendance Briefing Sheet".

INITIATING CUE As the PS06 Shift Manager (SM), using appropriate procedures and Shift Line-up Sheets, determine if Shift manning requirements are being met.

Shift Attendance Briefing Sheet Monday -July 29,2002 0

Repertl Bate / Time: 9/510211:12 SHIFT UTILITY OTHER Shift Managers C. Bore 2RH4Prep S. Hills OPSSpt SM P. Jones R. Clocks SufiAsmi Shift Supervisors ILT / EOT U2 CRS B. Smith D. Soul SelfAsmt P. Pans 3p-llp U3 CBS J. Johnson H. Hooper SelfAsmt/O4 D. Towers 3P-lip STA T. Olsen R. Rogers 3p-llp WCS T. Olsen T. Sawyer 3p-11P FS W. Thompson J. Wayne V. Shell EOOJT/Bx IA A. Aunts SeltAsmt R. Paper EOOJT/8x Reactor Operators D. Admiral Project P. Show EOOJTl2x Pro D. Paul D. Harris Substation U2 B. Johns D. Hughes Substation U3 M. Life B. Which Labeling/lus 4th M. Marks 630a-230p M. Dew 2114 Prep H. Hooper 230p-630p G. Glass SelfAsmt Staff Scheduler M. Ball selfAsmrt A. Dees lOx Equipment Operators R2 B. King T2 D. Duck R3 S. Clause T3 J. Cats 1W J. Stone WT K. Mart Sub Station O/S T. Bones Sae SlIutdown EO's Extra #8 M. Enam 1 B. King R2 Safe S/B Extra #9 2 S. Clause R3 3 M. Marks 4th HO/ 8x H. Hooper 4th eo/4U FIRE BRIGADE Shift Chemist Adams IC D. Duck T2 BOP Chemist Jefferson 1 K. Mart WT Shift Tech 2 2 J. Cats T3 Shift Tech 1 3 J. Stone RW HP Supervisor 4 M. Enam Etra #8 Attachment 2

SHIFT LINEUP SHEET 93921 93922 93923 93924 93925 SHIFT MANAGER Jones, P.

SSV Smith, B.

[A Qualified JohnsonJ.

    • STA Qualified Olsen, T.**

COIRO Paul, D.*

Johns, B.*

  • WC Qualified Life, M.*

Marks, M.*/

Hooper, H.*


Duck, D.

++HP Qualified Clause, S.

Cats, J.++

Stone, J.++

Mart, K.


Enam, M.

93926: SRO TRNG ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


SERVICES (93905) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


RO Off-Shift Call-out List Work Date: Authorized By:

Work Shift: Date:

Task: Reason:

Call-out Attempt Order Name Phone Made Result I Result II Pay Schedules List Reset Order Phone Result I Result H Pav Schedules 1 Garlic, T (717) 555-1212 2 Booker, T (717) 549-6969 3 Hook, U (410) 111-2222 -F Wi- I D WI I Work Hours for the Last Seven (7) Days:

Call-out Order Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 OFF D2 D2 OFF OFF D4 8x D4 12x 4x 2 D3 D3 D3 OFF OFF DC DC 3 OFF NC NC NC NC 4x OFF D2 LEGEND: N 18:30- 06:30 2 Unit #2 URO D 06:30- 18:30 3 Unit #3 URO 4 Fourth RO C PRO (Chief)

Attachment 4

EXELON NUCLEAR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE POSITION TITLE: Unit Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator TASK-JPM DESIGNATOR: X K/A: Generic 2.2.22 URO: 3.4 SRO: 4-1 TASK DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits A. NOTES TO EVALUATOR:

1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

SRO AJPM 2 - Thermal Limit Violation.doc Page 3 of 7 Administrative actions on a Thermal Limit Violation.


1. GP-13, Resolution of Thermal Limit Violations
2. RE-C-01, Appendix 7, Control Rod Movement and Core Flow Change Guidelines
3. NUREG K/A Generic 2.2.22 D. TASK STANDARD
1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when the SRO has authorized a power reduction using control rods only, in accordance with the approved procedure.
2. Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes Non-Time Critical E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform necessary steps to review the initial 3D P1 edit following the previous shift's power ascension. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. Reactor Power is currently stable at 100%.
2. During the previous shift, Reactor Engineering had requested and received a Reactor Power ascension using Control Rods.
3. Reactor Power was raised from 90% to 100% during this evaluation.
4. Shift turnover has been completed, all required log entries have been completed and you have assumed the duties to the Control Room Supervisor.
5. The official 3D P1 edit is being run at this time to assess the recently completed Reactor Power ascension.

G. INITIATING CUE As the Control Room Supervisor you will the review the official 3D P1 edit to ensure Reactor Core limits have been controlled during the recent power ascension.

SRO AJPM 2 - Thermal Limit Violation.doc Page 4 of /

Administrative actions on a Thermal Limit Violation.



-NO CUE: Provide the Student with the official 3D P1 edit, which is Attachment 2 of this JPM.

      • Note***

The out of limit parameter for this JPM is the Fraction of Limiting Load Line Power (FLLLP). Please note that this is NOT a thermal limit as specified in Technical Specification, however, per GP-1 3, Resolution of Thermal Limit Violations it is to be treated as though it is one.

"*1 Review the official 3D P1 edit to P Observes that the Core FLLLP is outside its ensure Core Thermal Limits. specified limit.

2 Brief the Crew as to the condition of P Informs the Crew of the intention to brief the the Core as indicated on the official Core condition as indicated by the most recent 3D P1 edit. P1 edit.

CUE: Role Play as necessary.

States the following concerning the condition of the Core:

NOTE: The exact wording of the , The Core FLLLP has exceeded the specified brief may vary from that limit.

of this JPM step. As long . All other Core parameters are within their as the intent is clear the specified limits.

exact wording is not . We are entering GP-13 to address the important. thermal limit violation.

CUE: Role Play as necessary.

3 Obtain a copy and enter GP-13. P Reviews GP-13 prerequisites.

Reviews procedure "NOTE" prior to step 3.1 of GP-13.

  • 4 Make immediate notification of Core P Immediately informs the following:


  • Shift Management
  • Reactor Engineers I-aer1 SRO AJPM 2 - Thermal Limit Violation.doc Page 5bOT 7 Administrative actions on a Thermal Limit Violation.

STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO Reports that FLLLP limit has been exceeded and that if it cannot be restored within two (2) hours that Reactor Power will have to be reduced to less than 25 % within the next four (4) hours.

CUE: Role Play as necessary.

Also reports to Reactor Engineering the intent to reduce power using Control Rods ONLY.

CUE: Role Play as necessary. Requests Reactor Engineering assistance with returning FLLLP to below its limit.

CUE: As the Reactor Engineer, provide the Student with Attachment 3 of this JPM.

CUE: As the Reactor Engineer state that: "RE-C-01, Appendix 7 has been completed through step 6.1.4 and I need you to review and approve the rod insertion (RE-C-01, App 7, Attachment 1)."

5 Review and approve the RE-C-01 P Performs the following:

Appendix 7 Attachment 1.

  • Reviews the Control Rod movement recommendation, AND Approves by initialing the appropriate block of RE-C-01, Appendix 7, Attachment 1.

SRO AJPM 2 - Thermal Limit Violation.doc Page 6 of 7 Administrative actions on a Thermal Limit Violation.

STEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO 6 As an evaluator ensure that you P Positive control established.

have positive control of all exam material provided to the examinee (Task Conditions/Prerequisites)

AND procedures.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate I. TERMINATING CUE:

When the CRS has authorized a reduction in Reactor power by Control Rods ONLY in accordance with GP-5 AND RE-C-01, the evaluator will terminate the exercise.


None SRO AJPM 2 - Thermal Limit Violation.doc Page 7 ot /

Administrative actions on a Thermal Limit Violation.


1. Reactor Power is currently stable at 100%.
2. During the previous shift, Reactor Engineering had requested and received a Reactor Power ascension using Control Rods.
3. Reactor Power was raised from 90% to 100% during this evaluation.
4. Shift turnover has been completed, all required log entries have been completed and you have assumed the duties to the Control Room Supervisor.
5. The official 3D P1 edit is being run at this time to assess the recently completed Reactor Power ascension.

INITIATING CUE As the Control Room Supervisor you will the review the official 3D P1 edit to ensure Reactor Core limits have been controlled during the recent power ascension.

ATTACHMENT 2 Official 3D P1 Edit



CORE MWD/ST 27938.9 XE/RATED 1.12 CORE POWER 100.0%

12409.2 100.5%



MFLCPR LOC MFLPD LOC MAPRAT LOC PCRAT LOC 19-20 0.729 25-54-5 0.832 27-52-5 0.695 25-52-5 0.891 29-52 0.724 53-26-5 0.831 51-28-5 0.695 51 6 0.889 25-52 0.720 25-52-5 0.825 17-50-5 0.691 19-50-5 0.888 27-50 0.711 51-26-6 0.824 19-52-5 0.689 49-20-5 0.881 35-26 0.711 19-50-5 0.822 51-20-5 0.683 25-54-5 0.881 25-44 0.707 49-20-5 0.820 49-18-5 0.683 17-52-5 0.879 49-28 0.694 49-28-5 0.804 43-28-5 0.679 35-26-5 0.879 43-30 0.694 35-26-5 0.803 41-26-5 0.678 51-18-5 0.877 51-32 0.694 17-52-5 0.794 49-26-5 0.678 41-20-6 0.875 43-26 0.692 41-20-6 0.788 23-52-5 0.677 53-26-5 0.874 CORE AVE AXIAL SEQ. A-2 C=MFLCPR D=MFLPD M=MAPRAT P-PCRAT *=MULTIPLE NOTCH RELPW LOC 0.147 25 00 0350 24 02 0.679 23 04 0.852 22 L

D 06 0.963 21 55 08 1.067 20 51 10 1-129 19 L

14 36 14 12 1134 18 47 14 1.093 17 43 16 1120 16 L

14 00 14 18 1.114 15 39 20 1.097 14 35 22 1.130 13 L

31 36 00 00 36 24 1.151 12 26 1.156 11 27 28 1.184 10 L

14 00 14 30 1.225 09 23 C 32 1.243 08 19 34 1.235 07 L

36 14 36 1.256 06 15 14 11 38 1.250 05 40 1188 04 L

42 1ý086 03 07 L L L L L L L 44 0.811 02 03 02 06 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 46 0340 01 CORE AVERAGE RADIAL POWER DISTRIBUTION RING # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REL PW 1.020 1.229 1.092 1.261 1.097 1.257 1.070 0.523

ATTACHMENT 3 RE-C-01, Appendix 7, Control Rod Movement and Core Flow Change Guidelines



1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. Ifa "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.

SRO Admin 3 - Review and Approve a Clearance Page 3 of 7 Review and Approve a Clearance


1. Prepare a Clearance Request that is complete but is lacking SRO approval. Include

-J errors associated with the blocking points.

2. Copy of M-314, Sheet 3, Rev. 64, Service Water System, with Clearance Points highlighted.
3. Copy of E-178, Rev. 10, Fuel Pool Booster Pump 480 VAC Starter, with Clearance Points highlighted.
4. Copy of E-1606, Rev 45 Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram with Clearance Points highlighted.


1. Clearance and Tagging Manual, Rev. 6.
2. M-314, Sheet 3, Rev. 64, Service Water System.
3. E-178, Rev. 10, Fuel Pool Booster Pump 480 VAC Starter.
4. E-1 606, Rev 45, Single Line Meter and Relay Diagram.


1. Satisfactory completion of this task is indicated when errors in the Clearance Request

-,have been identified and the request disapproved.

2. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes. (Not time-critical)

E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, review the Clearance Request for approval. I will describe the initial conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. The "A" Service Water Booster Pump is shutdown and requires a Clearance to permit inspection of the pump internals.
2. The "B" Service Water Booster Pump is in service.
3. The "C" Service Water Booster Pump is available.
4. The Work Order, Clearance and Prints will be submitted to you for review.

SRO Admin 3 - Review and Approve a Clearance Page 4 of 7 Review and Approve a Clearance

G. INITIATING CUE The attached clearance request for the 'A' Service Water Booster Pump has just been prepared for emergent work. The Shift Manager directs you, the Work Execution Center (WEC) Supervisor, to review and approve the clearance request for immediate application and inform the Control Room Supervisor (CRS) when complete.

SRO Admin 3 - Review and Approve a Clearance Page 5 of 7 Review and Approve a Clearance




The following steps may be done in a different order as long as all steps are completed prior to placing the APPROVED BY signature on the Clearance. This Clearance should be REJECTED by the candidate.

1 Verify the Component ID, Component P The operator verifies the Component ID, Description and Clearance Description Component Description and the are correct. Clearance Description are correct.

(Cue: Acknowledge verification of the Data.)

2 Check Comment Section to verify impact P The operator checks the Comments of Clearance is accurate and complete. Section and verifies the impact of the Clearance to be the 2A FP Service Water (Cue: Acknowledge Clearance impact.) Booster Pump will be OOS.

3 Verify Instructions are adequate for the P The operator verifies the Instructions to Clearance. ensure 2BP145 and/or 2CP145 in service are adequate for the Clearance.

(Cue: Acknowledge the verification of instructions.)

  • 4 Verify clearance Points to determine if P The operator reviews the adequacy and they are correct and adequate for the accuracy of the Clearance Points and work to be performed under this identifies the valves identified for the 'B' Clearance. pump:

0 HV-2-30-21818B Discharge Valve (Cue: Acknowledge the verification of 0 HV-2-30-21816B Suction Valve Clearance Points and the identification of 0 HV-2-30-21819B Drain Valve HV-2-30-21818B and HV-2-30-21816B 0 HV-2-30-21817B Vent Valve as incorrect points.)

are INCORRECT Clearance Points for the 'A' Pump.

5 Notify the Control Room Supervisor of the P The operator notifies the Control Room incorrect Clearance Points and the return Supervisor of the incorrect Clearance of the Clearance without Approval. Points and of the return of the Clearance without Approval.

(Cue: The Control Room Supervisor acknowledges the report.)

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate SRO Admin 3 - Review and Approve a Clearance Page 6 of 7 Review and Approve a Clearance


When the tagging request review is complete, inform the Control Room Supervisor. The evaluator will then terminate the exercise SRO Admin 3 - Review and Approve a Clearance Page 7 ot 7 Review and Approve a Clearance


1. The "A" Service Water Booster Pump is shutdown and requires a Clearance to permit inspection of the pump internals.
2. The "B" Service Water Booster Pump is in service.
3. The "C" Service Water Booster Pump is available.
4. The Work Order, Clearance and Prints will be submitted to you for review.

INITIATING CUE The attached clearance request for the 'A' Service Water Booster Pump has just been prepared for emergent work. The Shift Manager directs you, the Work Execution Center (WEC)

Supervisor, to review and approve the clearance request for immediate application and inform the Control Room Supervisor (CRS) when complete.

PECO NUCLEAR PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE POSITION TITLE: Unit Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator TASK-JPM DESIGNATOR: 27301300202 K/A: 2.3.6 URO: 2.1 SRO: 3.1 TASK DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of the requirements for reviewing and approving release permits.


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.

SRO AJPM 4 - Radwaste Liq Disch.doc Page 3 of 6 Review and Approve a Liquid Radwaste Discharge

5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be given to the examinee.


1. Calculator
2. Copy of ST-C-095-805-2 "Liquid Radwaste Discharge", Rev. 9, completed through step 6.11.
3. A calculation error made in step


1. ST-C-095-805-2, Rev. 9, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".


1. Satisfactory task completion of this task is indicated when the Shift Management review has been completed, the errors in the procedure have been identified and the release is disapproved pending resolution of the problems.
2. Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes Non-Time Critical DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE When given the initiating cue, perform the necessary steps to review a Liquid Radwaste discharge, using appropriate procedures. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.


1. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power.
2. The Floor Drain Sample Tank (FDST) needs to be discharged.
3. Chemistry has completed ST-C-095-805-2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge" through step 6.11.
4. RIS-0-17-350 "Radwaste Effluent" Radiation Monitor is operable.
5. FS-0-20-493 "RWS Low Purity Waste" High Flow Trip Set Pot and the associated flow control valve are operable.
6. The discharge Canal-To-Intake Pond crosstie gate is closed.
7. The Shift Management review and approval has not been completed.

SRO AJPM 4 - Radwaste Liq Disch.doc Page 4 of 6 Review and Approve a Liquid Radwaste Discharge

G. INITIATING CUE As the Control Room Supervisor, complete Section 6.12 of ST-C-095-805-2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".

SRO AJPM 4 - Radwaste Liq Disch.doc Page 5 of 6 Review and Approve a Liquid Radwaste Discharge

H. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST TEP STEP ACT STANDARD NO 1 Review ST-C-095-805-2 for P Visually verify all CT actions in steps 6.1 completeness. through 6.11 have been completed satisfactorily and initial step 6.12.1 SAT.

2 Verify calculations. P Perform all calculations that were done in section 6.8 and 6.10 and verify they are correct and recorded on Data Sheet 3 &


  • 3 Recognize Calculation error. P Recognize error in step for High Flow Discharge setting. Initial step 6.12.2 UNSAT.
  • 4 Disapprove the Radwaste Discharge. P Disapprove the discharge and return the paperwork to the Chemistry Department.

Cue: Acknowledge the disapproval.)

      • NOTE
  • Terminate the exercise when the activities listed above are performed.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate I. TERMINATING CUE When the review of ST-C-095-805-2 has been completed, and the release is disapproved, terminate the exercise.

SRO AJPM 4 - Radwaste Liq Disch.doc Page 6 of 6 Review and Approve a Liquid Radwaste Discharge


1. Unit 2 is operating at 100% power.
2. The Floor Drain Sample Tank (FDST) needs to be discharged.
3. Chemistry has completed ST-C-095-805-2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge" through step 6.11.
4. RIS-0-17-350 "Radwaste Effluent" Radiation Monitor is operable.
5. FS-0-20-493 "RWS Low Purity Waste" High Flow Trip Set Pot and the associated flow control valve are operable.
6. The discharge Canal-To-Intake Pond crosstie gate is closed.
7. The Shift Management review and approval has not been completed.

INITIATING CUE As the Control Room Supervisor, complete Section 6.12 of ST-C-095-805-2, "Liquid Radwaste Discharge".


1. An asterisk (*) before the step number denotes a CRITICAL STEP. CRITICAL STEPS are those steps which when not performed correctly will prevent the system from functioning properly or prevent successful task completion.
2. System cues included in the performance checklist are to be provided to the examinee when no system response is available.
3. JPM Performance
a. "Control Room" JPMs are designed to be performed in the simulator. If a "Control Room" JPM is to be performed in the Control Room all perform steps (P) shall be simulated (S).
b. When performing "In-Plant" JPMs, no equipment will be operated without Shift Management approval.
4. Satisfactory performance of this JPM is accomplished if:
a. The task standard is met.
b. JPM completion time requirement is met.
1) For non-time critical JPMs, completion within double the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is acceptable provided the evaluator determines that the progress to completion is acceptable.
2) For time critical JPMs, completion within the estimated time (listed in paragraph D.2) is required.
5. The estimated time to complete this JPM, though listed in the task standard, is not to be

- given to the examinee.

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 3 of 9 Reactor PowerEAL Classification

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 4 of 9 Reactor Power EAL Classification


1. ERP-101, Rev. 23, "Classification of Emergencies" Table 2
2. ERP-200, Rev. 18, "Emergency Director (ED)"
3. ERP-200, Appendix 1, Rev. 6, "Emergency Director Checklist (MCR)"
4. ERP-200, Appendix 3, Rev. 4, "Event Notification Form" D. TASK STANDARD
1. Satisfactory task completion is indicated when plant conditions have been classified as a Site Area Emergency in accordance with ERP-1 01 Table 2.2.3, and the appropriate steps of ERP-200, Appendix 1, "Emergency Director Checklist (MCR)" have been completed.
2. Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes -Time Critical (To classify the Event) 15 minutes - Non-Time Critical To complete ERP-200, Appendix 1 actions)

E. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE This is a 2-part JPM. When given the first initiating cue, perform necessary steps to classify the event using appropriate procedures. When the event is classified, I will give you an additional cue to perform Emergency Director actions for the same event. I will describe initial plant conditions and provide you access to the materials required to complete this task.

F. TASK CONDITIONS/PREREQUISITES An open SRV resulted in a attempted manual reactor scram. The following is the current plant status:

1. RPS failed to generate an automatic scram.
2. The manual scram pushbuttons and ARI failed to insert control rods.
3. Reactor power is 35% and steady.
4. Torus temperature is 160 degrees F.
5. Torus level is 15 feet.

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 5 of 9 ReactorPower EAL Classification

7. Reactor pressure is 1000 psig and steady.
8. RPV level is being controlled between -120 inches and -150 inches.
9. There is NO radioactive release in progress and NO indication of fuel damage.
10. The TSC and EOF are not yet activated.

G. INITIATING CUE As the Emergency Director, classify the event in accordance with ERP-1 01, "Classification of Emergencies" NOTE: When the event has been classified, give the following cue.

As the Emergency Director, complete the INITIAL ACTIONS of ERP-200 Appendix 1 "Emergency Director (ED) Checklist".

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 6 of 9 Reactor PowerEAL Classification


"*NO SACT NO I I A TI Note the time when the Emergency Director receives the Task Conditions/Prerequisites. Step 1 and 2 below must be completed within 15 minutes.

1 Obtain a copy of procedure ERP-101. P A copy of procedure ERP-1 01 is obtained.

  • 2 Classify the event. P ERP-101 Table 2.2.3, "Reactor Power" is referenced. The event is classified as a (Cue: Classification is acknowledged.) Site Area Emergency.
      • NOTE***

Ensure that Step 2 is completed within 15 minutes of the start of the JPM.

Hand the Emergency Director the second Task Conditions/Prerequisites Sheet.

3 Obtain a copy of procedure ERP-200. P A copy of procedure ERP-200 is obtained.

4 Obtain copies of procedure ERP-200 P Copies of procedure ERP-200 Appendix Appendix 1 and Appendix 3. 1 and Appendix 3 are obtained.

  • 5 Perform the ED Initial Actions using the ERP 200 Appendix 1 Checklist:


"* NOTE: Classification steps have been performed previously in part 1 of this JPM.

"* Call the SAS Operator (Security) and S Call the SAS Operator (281 or 4277) and direct activation of the ERO per ERP- direct activation of the ERO per ERP-140.


"* Refer SAS Operator to the S Refers the SAS Operator to Emergency Emergency Notification Binder. Notification Binder (Cue: The SAS Operator acknowledges the direction.)

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 7 of 9 ReactorPower EAL Classification


  • 6 Complete the ERP-200, Appendix 3, "Event Notification Form",

"* Emergency Classification. P "Site Area Emergency" box checked.

"* Unit, Time, Date. P Unit, "2", Current Time and Date.

"* Initial Declaration. P "Initial Declaration" box checked

"* Brief Non-Technical Description. P Any paraphrase of conditions is acceptable.

"* Non-Routine Radiological Release in P "NO" Box checked.


P Wind Direction 0

"* Wind Direction and Speed.

Wind Speed 10 (Cue: Acknowledges completion of Annendix 3.)

  • 7 9 Fax Completed Appendix 3 to the S Fax Appendix 3 to the SAS at 3228.

SAS Operator.

  • Phones the SAS operator to confirm S Phone the SAS Operator at 281 or 4277.

receipt of fax.

(Cue: The Fax has been sent to the SAS operator. SAS Operator confirms receipt of fax.)

8 Continues ERP-200 Appendix 1 ED Checklist:

  • Evaluates necessity to relocate the P Determines there is no need to relocate TSC per Appendix 9 or the OSC per TSC or OSC.

Appendix 10.

  • N/A step for GE and PAR. P Determines no GE and no PAR required.

Directs NRC communicator actions.

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 8 of 9 Reactor Power EAL Classification

Directs NRC Communicator actions per II *9 " Appoints NRC Communicator to: P checklist.

- Complete ENS Worksheet.

- Activate ERDS.

- Call the NRC on ENS phone.

(Acknowledges NRC Communicator actions directed.)

P Directs PA Announcement.

" Directs the PA Announcement for Site Area Emergency per Appendix 4.

(Acknowledges PA Announcement.)


  • Evaluates the need for Dose P Determines no need for Dose Assessment. Assessment.
  • Include Accident Assessment in MCR P Directs Accident Assessment information logs. in logs.

(Acknowledges accident information to be recorded in control room logs.)

"*11 Directs Site Evacuation per ERP-1 30. P Directs personnel to perform a Site Evacuation per ERP-1 30.

(Acknowledges direction to perform a Site E v a c u a t io n ) **_O T ***

NOTE Terminate the exercise when the activities listed above are performed. A dose assessment, use of SAMPs and completion of the Turnover/Briefing form (App 7) are NOT required.

Under "ACT" P - must perform S - must simulate I. TERMINATING CUE When the event is classified, the Station Public Address Announcement is directed, the NRC Communicator has been assigned, and the Site Evacuation has been directed, the evaluator will then terminate the exercise.

SRO Admin 5 - EAL Classification Page 9 ot 9 ReactorPower EAL Classification

TASK CONDITIONSIPREREQUISITES An open SRV resulted in an attempted manual scram. The following is the current plant status:

1. RPS failed to generate a reactor scram.
2. The manual scram pushbuttons and ARI failed to insert control rods.
3. Reactor power is 35% and steady.
4. Torus temperature is 160 degrees F.
5. Torus level is 15 feet.
7. Reactor pressure is 1000 psig and steady.
8. RPV level is being controlled between -120 inches and -140 inches.
8. There is NO radioactive release in progress and NO indication of fuel damage.
9. The TSC and EOF are not yet activated.

INITIATING CUE Part I of 2 As the Emergency Director, classify the event in accordance with ERP-101, Classification of Emergencies".

Attachment 1