L-PI-17-047, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Unit 2, Cycle 30, Revision 0

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Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Unit 2, Cycle 30, Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2017
From: Northard S
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17319A530 (29)


{{#Wiki_filter:1717 Wakonade Drive Welch, MN 55089 Xcel Energy@ 800.895.4999 RESPONSIBLE BY NATUR xcelenergy.com L-PI-17-047 TS 5.6.5.d NOV 15 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-001 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 2 Docket 50-306 Renewed License No. DPR-60 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Unit 2, Cycle 30, Revision 0 Pursuant to the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5.d, Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, hereby submits the COLR for the PINGP Unit 2, Cycle 30, Revision 0. The COLR provides the cycle-specific values of the limits established using NRC approved methodologies such that the applicable limits of the plant safety analysis are met. The COLR for PINGP Unit 2 Cycle 30, Revision 0, is provided in Enclosure 1. Summary of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments. <;54Ndt#J Scott Northard Site Vice President, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company- Minnesota Attachment cc: Regional Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, USNRC Resident Inspector, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, USNRC State of Minnesota


Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2; Cycle 30 Revision o PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT UNIT 2" CYCLE 30 REVISIONO Date: .-----'-{O-t-j-'11-'-(--'--/']__L___


Revi*ewed By: _<::::::::::J-===---~..____..._----:-"--~---- Date: _1_0/_1_8/_2_0_17~ Darius Ahrar Supervisor, Nuclear Analysis & Design Date: Iv {m ) I 7

  • Note; This teport is not part of the Technical Specifications This repo1t is referenced in the Technical Specifications Page 1 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 PRAIRill ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT UNIT 2- CYCLE 30 REVISIONO This report provides the values of the limits for Unit 2 Cycle 30 as required by Technical Specification 5.6.5. These values have been established using NRC approved methodology and are established such that all applicable limits of the plant safety analysis are met. The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below:

1. 2.1.1 Reactor Core Safety Lii:nits
2. 3 .1.1 ** Shutdown Margin Requirements
3. 3 .1.3 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient (ITC)
4. 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits
5. 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits
6. 3.1.8 Physics Tests Exceptions- MODE 2
7. 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(z))
8. 3 .2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (F~)
9. 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference (AFD)
10. 3.3.1 .React~r Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation Overtemperature L1T and Oyerpower L1T Parameter Values for Technical Specification Table 3.3.1-1 (Note 1 and Note 2)
11. 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow- Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits
12. 3.9.1 Refueling Boron Concentration
1. 2.1.1 Reactor Core SafetvLimits Reactor Core Safety Limits are shown in Figure 1.

Reference Technical Specification 2.1.1.

2. 3 .1.1 Shutdown Margin Requirements Minimum Shutdown Margin requirements are shown in Table 1.

Reference Technical Specification 3.1.1. Page2 of27

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0

3. 3.1.3 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient (ITC)

ITC Upper limit:

a. < 5 pcm/°F for power levels < 70% RTP; and
b. a line which slopes linearly from
i. 0 pcrnfF at a power level= 70% RTP to ii. -1.5 pcrnfF at a power level= 100% RTP ITC Lower limit:
a. -43.15 pcm/°F Reference Technical Specification 3.1.3.
4. 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits The shutdown rods shall be fully withdrawn.

Reference Technical Specification 3.1.5.

5. 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits The control rod banks shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figures 2, 3, and4.

The control rod banks withdrawal sequence shall be Bank A, Bank B, Bank C, and finally Bank D. The control rod banks shall be withdrawn maintaining 128 step tip-to-tip distance. Reference Technical Specification 3.1.6.

6. 3.1.8 Physics Tests Exceptions- MODE 2 Minimum Shutdown Margin requirements during physics testing are shown in Table 1.

Reference Technical Specification 3.1.8. Page3 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0

7. 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ..(Zll The Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor shall be within the following limits:

CFQ=2.50 K(Z) is a constant value= 1.0 at all elevations. The HFP W(Z) values are provided in Table 2 and Table 4. The W(Z) values in Table 2 are only applicable to Figure 5.

  • The W(Z) values in Table 4 are only applicable to Figure 6.

Th~ data in Tables 2 and 4 should be used independently; cross interpolation or extrapolation between W(Z) sets is prohibited. The Part Power W(Z) values for 75% ::; P < 85% and Part Power W(Z) values for 85 ::; P < 95% are provided in Table 6. The W(Z) values in Table 6 are only applicable to Figure 5. . The FwQ(Z) Penalty Factors associated with Figure 5 and Table 2 are provided in Table 3. The FwQ(Z) Penalty Factors associated with Figure 6 and Table 4 are provided in Table 5. The Axial Flux Difference (AFD) Band in Figure 6 is more restrictive than the AFD Band in Figure 5. Prior to switching from Figure 6 to Figure 5, FwQ(Z) must be confirmed to meet Technical Specification requirements .by one of the following methods:

1. Confirm FwQ(Z) meets the Technical Specification Limit with the Table 2 W (Z) values for the most recent surveillance performed.
2. Perform a new surveillance and confirm FwQ(Z) meets the Technical Specification Limit with the Table 2 W(Z) values.

The HFP W(Z) values are generated assuming that they will be used for full power surveillance. Part power W(Z) values are only required to be used when the part power surveillance is perfmmed using the moveable incore detector syste~. When a part power surveillance is perfmmed from BOC through 150 Page4 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 MWd/MTU and at a power level specified for Table 6, the W(Z) values provided in Table 6 should be used. When a part power surveillance is performed after 150 MWD/MTU, or at a power level other than those specified for Table 6, the HFP W(Z) values in Table 2 or Table 4 should be used. W(Z) values should be multiplied by the factor 1/P, when P > 0.5. When Pis::; 0.5, the W(Z) values should be multiplied by the factor 1/(0.5), or 2.0. This is consistent with the adjustment in the FQ(Z) limit at part power conditions. Reference Technical Specification 3.2.1.

8. 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor CEuf:l The Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor shall be within the following limits:

Fm ~ 1.77 x [1 + 0.3(1- P)] where: P is the fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER at which the core is operating. Reference Technical Specification 3 .2.2.

9. 3.2.3 AxialFluxDifference (AFD)

The indicated axial *flux difference shall be maintained within the allowed operational space defined by Figure 5 or the more restrictive operational space as defined by

  , Figure 6.

Both Figures 5 and 6 can be used any time during the cycle. Prior to switching to the more restrictive AFD envelope (Figure 6), it should be_ confirmed that the plant is within the specified AFD envelope. Reference Technical Specification 3.2.3. Page 5 of27

                                                                    *Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0
10. 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System CRTS) fustrume~tation Overtemperature t..T and Overpower .t..T Parameter Values for Technical Specification Table 3.3.1-1 (Note 1 and Note 2):

O:vertemperature .t.T Setpoint Overtemperature .t.T setpoint parameter values:

            .t.To  =     Indicated .t.T at RATED THERMAL POWER, %

T = Average temperature, op T' = 560.0 op p = Pressurizer Pressure, psig P' = 2235 psig K1 s 1.17 Kz = 0.014 /°F K3 = 0.00100 /psi

            'tl    =     30 seconds
            'tz    '-

4 seconds f(Al) = A function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of the power range nuclear ion chambers. Selected gains are based on measured instrument response during plant startup tests, where qt and qb are the percent power in the top and bottom halves of the core respectively, and qt + qb is total core power in percent ofRATED THERMAL POWER, such that (a) For qt- qb within -13, +8% f(AI) = 0 (b) For each percent that the magnitude of q1 - qb exceeds +8% the .t..T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by an equivalent of 1.73 % of RATED THERMAL POWER. (c) Pot each percent that the magnitude of q1 ~ qb exceeds -13 % the .t.T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by an equivalent of 3.846 % of RATED THERMAL POWER. Overpower t..T Setpoint Overpower .t.T setpoint parameter values:

           .t.To   =    Indicated .t.T at RATED THERMAL POWER, %

T = Averagetemperature, op T' = 560.0 op K4 s . 1.11 Ks 0.0275JDF for increasing T; 0 for decreasing T Kt; = 0.002JOF forT > T' ; 0 forT s T'

           't3     = 10 seconds Reference Technical Specification 3.3.1.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 . 11. 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow- Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits The DNB Limits are: Pressurizer pressure limit :::: 2190 psia RCS average temperature limit= 564°F RCS total flow rate limit= 178,000 gpm Reference Technical Specification 3 .4.1.

12. 3.9 .1 Refueling Boron Concentration.

The boron concentration of the reactor coolant system and the refueling cavity shall be sufficient to ensure that the more restrictive of the following conditions is met: a) Keff :S; 0.95 b) 2000ppm c) The Shutdown Margin specified in Table 1 Reference Technical Specification 3.9 .1. Page 7 of27

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30

                                                                                                         .Revision 0 REFERENCES (NRC Approved Methodologies for COLR Parameters)
1. NSPNAD-8101-A, "Qualification of Reactor Physics Methods for Application to Prairie Island,"

Revision 2, October 2000.

2. NSPNAD-8102-PA, "Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant Reload Safety Evaluation Methods for Application to PI Units," Revision 7, July 1999.
3. NSPNAD-97002-PA, "Northern States Power Company's "Steam Line Break Methodology,"

Revision 1, October 2000.

4. WCAP-9272-P-A, "Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology," July, 1985.

5.a WCAP-10054-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model using the NOTRUMP Code," August, 1985. 5.b WCAP-10054-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model using the NOTRUMP Code," Addendum 2 Revision 1, July 1997.

6. WCAP-16045-P-A Addendum 1-A, "Qualification of the NEXUS Nuclear Data Methodology,"

August 2007.

7. WCAP-10924-P-A, Volume 1, Revision 1, and Volume 2, Revision 2, "Westinghouse Large Break LOCA Best Estimate Methodology," September 2005.
8. XN-NF-77-57-(A), XN-NF-77-57, Supplement 1 (A), "Exxon Nuclear Power Distribution Control for Pressurized Water Reactors Phase II," May 1981.
9. WCAP-13677-P-A, "10 CFR 50.46 Evaluation Model Report: W-COBRA/TRAC 2-Loop tipper Plenum Injection Model Update to Support ZIRLOnr Cladding Options," Februruy 1994.
10. NSPNAD-93003-A, "Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 Transient Power Distribution Methodology,"

Revision 0, April1993. ll. NAD-PI-003, "Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant Requh*ed Shutdown Margin During Physics Tests," Revision 0, January 2001.

12. NAD-PI-004, "Prah*ie Island Nuclear Power Plant FwQ(Z) Penalty With Increasing [pCQ(Z) I K(Z)

Trend," Revision 0, Janumy 2001.

13. WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A, "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control/ FQ Surveillance Technical Specification," February 1994.

ZIRLOn' is a registered trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its Affiliates and/or its Subsidiaries in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Page 8 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0

14. WCAP-8745-P-A, "Design Bases for the Thermal Overpower D.T and Thermal Overtemperature AT Trip Functions," September 1986.
15. WCAP-11397-P-A, "Revised Thermal Design Procedure," April1989.
16. WCAP-14483-A, "Generic Methodology for Expanded Core Operating Limits Report," January 1999.
17. WCAP-7588 Rev. 1-A, "An Evaluation of the Rod Ejection Accident in Westinghouse

' Pressurized Water Reactors Using Spatial Kinetics Methods," January 1975.

18. WCAP-7908-A, "FACTRAN- A FORTRAN IV Code for Thermal Transients in a U02 Fuel Rod," December 1989.
 '19. WCAP-7907-P-A, "LOFTRAN Code Description," April1984.
20. WCAP-7979-P-A, "TWINKLE - A Multidimensional Neutron Kinetics Computer Code,"

January 1975.

21. WCAP-10965-P-A, "ANC: A Westinghouse Advanced Nodal Computer Code," September 1986.
22. WCAP-11394-P-A, Methodology for the Analysis of the Dropped Rod Event," J~nuary 1990.
23. WCAP-16045-P-A, '~Qualification of the Two-Dimensional Transport Code PARAGON,"

August 2004.

24. WCAP-12910 Rev. 1-A, "Pressurizer Safety Valve Set Pressure Shift," May 1993.
25. WCAP-14565-P-A, "VIPRE-01 Modeling and Qualification for Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis," October 1999.
26. WCAP-14882-P-A, "RETRAN-02 Modeling and Qualification for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Non-LOCA Safety Analyses," April1999.
27. WCAP-16009-P-A, "Realistic Large-Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using the Automated Statistical Treatment OfUncettainty Method (ASTRUM)," Revision 0, January 2005.
28. Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-SOP, "Improving Thermal Power Accuracy and Plant Safety While Increasing Operating Power Level Using the LEFM '1/' System," Revision 0, March 1997.
  • Caldon, Inc. Engineering Report-157P, "Supplement to Topical Report ER-80P: Basis for a Power Uprate With the LEFM '1/' Check or CheckPlus' System," Revision 5, October 2001.
30. WCAP-12610-P-A, "VANTAGE+ Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report," April1995.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0

31. WCAP-12610-P-A and CENPD-404-P-A, Addendum 1-A, "Optimized ZIRLO'," .July 2006.
32. 50.59 Screening 5455, Revision 0, "Unit 2 Cycle 30 Core Reload Modification."

Optimized ZIRLO' is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its Mfiliates and/or its Subsidiaries in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Page 10 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Tablel Minimum Required Shutdown Margin, %L1p Number of Chargirig Pumps Running** Model* 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0

  • 25000 MWdlMTU - - -

Mode2* 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0

  • 25000 MWdJMTU 1.7 1.7 1.7 Physics Testbig in Mode 2 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0 - 25000 MWdJMTU 0.5 0.5 0.5 Tave 2 520°F (Most Reactive Rod Out)

Mode3 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0

  • 25000 MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 350°F sTave< 520°F (Most Reactive Rod Out)

Mode3 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps OMWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 5000MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 8000 MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 14000 MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 17000MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 25000MWdJMTU 2.0 2.0 2.0 Operational Mode Definitions, as per TS Table 1.1-1.

  • For Mode 1 and Mode 2 withKeff;,::l.O, the minimum shutdown margin requirements are provided by the Rod Insertion Limits.
    • Charging pump(s) in service only pertains to steady state operations. It does not include transitory operations. For.example, operations such as starting a second charging pump in order to*

secure the operating pump would fall under the one pump in service column. Page 11 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 1, Continued Minimum Required Shutdown Margin, %Ap Number of Charging Pumps Running** 200°F < Tave. < 350°F (Most Reactive Rod Out) Mode4 0-1Pump 2Pumps 3Pumps OMWd/MTU 2.0 4.0 6.0 5000 MWd/MTU 2.0 4.0 6.0 8000 MWd/MTU 2.0 4.0 6.0 14000 MWd/MTU 2.0 3.0 5.0 17000 MWd/MTU 2.0 3.0 4.5 25000 MWd/MTU 2.0 2.0 2.5 68°F :5 Tave :5 200°F (Most Reactive Rod Out) ModeS 0-1Pump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0 MWd/MTU*** 2.5 4.5 7.0

  • SOOOMWd/MTU 2.0 4.5 7.0 8000 MWd/MTU. 2.0 4.5 6.5 14000 MWd/MTU 2.0 3.5 5.5 17000MWd/MTU 2.0 3.5 5.0 25000 MWd/MTU 2.0 2.0 3.0 Operational Mode Definitions, as per TS Table 1, 1-1.
    • Charging pump(s) in service only pe1tains to steady state operations. It does not include transitmy operations. For example, operations such as starting a second charging pump in order to secure the operating pump would fall under the one pump in service column.
      • These values are also applicable for the Unit 2 Cycle 29 end of cycle.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Number of Charging Pumps Running** 68°F:::; Tave < 200°F (ARI) Mode6 0-1Pump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0 MWd/MTU*** 5.129 5.129 7.0 5000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 6.5 8000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 6.5. 14000MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 5.5 17000MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 5.129 25000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 5.129 68°F::::; Tave < 200°F (ARO) Mode6 0-lPump 2Pumps 3Pumps 0 MWd/MTU*** 5.129 5.5 8.5 5000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.5 8.5 8000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 ' 8.0 14000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 7.5 17000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 7.0 25000 MWd/MTU 5.129 5.129 5.129 Operational Mode Defimtwns, as per TS Table 1.1-1.

    • Charging pump(s) in service only pertains to steady state operations. It does not include transitory operations. For example, operations such as starting a second charging pump in order to secure the operating pump would fall under the one _pump in service column.
      • These values are also applicable for the Unit 2 Cycle 29 end of cycle.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 2 ~ W(z) Values associated with Figure 5 (Top 10% and Bottom 8% excluded)* Height BU [MWd/MTU] [ft] 150 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 AQ., AO=* AO::: AO::: AO::: AO= AO= AO= AO= AO::: 1.79% 1.48% 0.90% .0.13% *0.62% -1.00% -1.43% -1.70% -2.08% -2.48% fBOTTOM11 0.00 1.0(:)0(:} 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1 .0000 2 0.20 1.0000 1.0()00 1*.0000 1.0000 1,0()00 1.0000 1.0000 1 .a00a 1,()(:)00 1. 0000 3 0.40 1.0000 1.0(:)(:)(:) 1 .0000 1.0000 1.000(:) 1.0000 1.00()0 1.1:l000 1. 0000 1.0000 4 (:) *~6(:) 1.0000 1.00(:)(:) 1.000(:) 1.00(:)0 1.1:l000 1.000(:) 1.()00(:) 1.M00 1. (:)(:)0(:) 1.0000 5 0.80 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.00(:)(:) 1.00(:)(:) 1 .l:l01:ll:l 1.1:l001:l 1. 0000. 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6 1.00 1.2494 1.2427 1 .2528 1.2316 1.2224 1.2327 1.2251 1. 21233 1.20755 1.19422 7 1.20 1.2428 1.2356 1.2452 1.2243 1 .2151 1.2250 1.2177 1.2050 1.2002 1 .1870 8 1.40 1.2349 1.2269 1.2359 1.2154 1 .2061 1 . 2155 1.21:l84 1 .1959 1 .1911 1.1781 9 1.60 1 .2261 1.2171 1.2255 1.2054 1 .1961 1.2049 1 .1981 1.1858 1 .1810 1.1682 10 1. 80 1.2167 1.2067 1.2143 1 .1947 1.1854 1.1936 1.1872 1.1751 1.1704 1 .1580 11 2.00 1.2065 1.1953 1.2022 1.1833 f.1740 1.1815 1 .1756 1 .1639 1.1593 1.1474 12 2.20 1.1961 1 .1837 1 .1898 1.1726 1.1630 1 .1692 1 .1638 1 .1524 1.1480 1.1365 13 2.40 1.1855 1 .1719 1.1772 1 .1619 1.1520 1 .1565 1.1515 1 .1406 1.1362 1.1251 14 2.60 1 .1753 1 .1604 1.1648 1 .1516 1.1439 1.1439 1.1393 1.1286 1 .1243 1.1135 15 2.8(:) 1 .1639 1.1483 1.1518 1.1447 1.1378 1.1318 1 .1279 1.118(:) 1.1139 1~.11:l40 16 3.00 1.1543 1.1386 1 .1416 1.1405 1 .1326 1 .1236 1 .1204 1 .1114 1.1079 1 .0991 17 3.20 1.1492 1.1346 1.1372 1.1350 1.1285 1.1208 1 .1177 1.1092 1.1(:)59 1.0976 18 3.40 1 .1430 1 .1336 1.1326 1.1291 1'.1239 1.1172 1.1143 1.1078 1.1029 1. (:)953 19 3,60 1.140(:) 1.1327 1.1308 1.1259 1.1186 1.1124 1.11:l96 1.1073 1.1021 1. 0951 20 3.80 1.1385 1.1313 1 .1300 1.1244 1.1158 1.1099 1.1079 1.1071 1.1017 1.0955 21 4.00 1.1359 1.1294 1.1281 1.1226 1.1149 1.1096 1.1(:)77 1.1063 1.1012 1.0958 22 4.20 1.1326 1 .1268 1.1257 1 .1203 1 .1130 1.1088 1.1074 1.1051 1.1014 1. 0958 23 4.40 1.1289 1.1239 1.1230 1.1176 1.1109 1.1076 1.1068 1.1035 1.1024 1.0971 24 4.60 1.1260 1.1207 1.1199 1.1146 1.1084 1 .1059 *1.1055 1.1028 1.1025 1.0979 25 4.80 1.1234 1.1174 1.1165 1*.1114 1.1057 1.1040 1 .11:l40 1.1022 1 .1021 1.0983 26 5.(:)0 1.1204 1.1134 1.1127 1.1074 1.1020' 1 .1013 1 .1015 1 .1008 1.1015 1.0984 27 5.20 1.1165 '1.1093 1 .1083 1.11:l39 1.11:l04 1.1:l999 1.11:l04 1.1000 1.11:l02 1.0980 28 5.40 1.1144 1.1082 1.1056 1.1036 1.1022 1.1(:)09 1.1022 1 .11:ll:l5 1.0993 1.0977 29 5.6(:) 1.1188 1.1122 1.1086 1.1068 1.1047 1.1037 1.1036 1 .1026 1.1018 1. 0991 30 5.80 1 .1239 1 .1164 1.113(:) 1.1116 1.1(:)90 1.11:l80 1.11:l75 1.1062 1 .1061 1.1016 31 6,(:)(:) 1.1291 1.1230 1.1183 1.1163 1.1147 1.1124 1.1127 1 .1104 1 .1106 1.1069 32 6.20 1.1351 1.1318 1 .1255 1.1223 1.1206 1 .1183 1.1173 1 .1161 1.1144 1.1143 33 6,40 1.1412 1 .1399 1.1339 1.1310 1 .1271 1 '1271:l 1.1217 1.1240 1.1181 1.1212 34 6. 61 1.1471:l 1.1477 1.1419 1.1394 1 '1341 1.1350 1 .1276 1.1313 1.1237 1.1278 ' 35 6. 81 1.1516 1.1542 1.1485 1.1464 1.1398 1 .1416 1.132(3 1.1372 1 .1280 1.1330 36 7.01 1.1555 1.1599 1 .1544 1.1528 1 .1448 1.1474 1.1367 1.1422 1.1308 1.1368 37 7.21 1.1585 1.1646 1.1594 1.1582 1 .1491 1 .1527 1.1406 1 .1469 1.1370 1.1440 38 7.41 1.1608 1 .1678 1.1629 1.1622 1.1530 1.1576 1 .1441 1.1512 1.1455 1.1534 . 39 7.61 1.1625 1.1695 1.1651 1 .1650 1.1563 1 .1618 1.1468 1.1548 1.1523 1.1610 40 7. 81 1.1627 1.1699 1 .1659 1.1664 1 .1583 1 .1648 1 .1493 1.1583 1.1581 1 .1677 41 8.01 1.1616 1.1687 1 .1652 1.1663 1 .1591 1 .1665 1 .1541 1 .1638 1.1628 1.1732 42 8.21 1.1588 1 .1658 1.1628 1.1646 1.1579 1 .1666 1.1586 1.1692 1.1661 1.1772 43 8.41 1.1544 1.1608 1.1587 1 .1611 1.1569 1.1653 1 .1616 1.1727 1 .1681 1.1798 44 8. 61 1.1477 1.1538 1 .1522 1 .1553 1 .1578 1.1619 1 .1631 1.1751 1.1682 1.1807 45 8.81 1.1399 1.1453 1.1444 1.1482 1.1576 1 .1574 1 .1637 1.1764 . 1.1672 1.1805 46 9.01 1.1381 1.1361 1.1440 1.1480 1.1595 1.1615 1.1688 1.1753 1.1696 1.1839 47 9.21 t .1358 1.1356 1.1480 1 .1530 1.1650 1 .1656 1 .1731 1.1731 1.1761 1.190(:) 48 9.41 1.1350 1.1397 1.1520 1.1570 1.1698 1.1706 1.1786 1.1757 1.1845 1.1953 49 9.61 1.1351 1.1430 1.1553 1.1607 1 .1745 1.1762 1.1846 1 .1831 1.1909 1.1999 50 9.81 1.1343 1 .1449 1.1581' 1.1646 1.1795 1 .1805 1.1892 1.1880 1.1964 1.2058 51 10.01 1 .1360 1.1486 1.1580 1.1657 1.1812 1.1864 1.1953 1 .1944 1.2031 1.2141 52 10.21 1.1347 1.15353 1.16(:)4 1 .1683 1.1847 1 .1940 1. 2021 1.2@36 1.2112 1.2248 53 10.41 1.1352 1.1602 1.1641 1.1710 1 .1868 1.1999 1.2(:)79 1 . 2135 1.221:l5 1.2354. 54 *10 .61 1.1393 1 .1683 1.1703 1.1769 1 .1918 1.2(:)72 1.2156 1.2232 1.2306 1.2455 55 10.81 1.1428 1.174(:) 1.1777 1 .1846 1.21:l01 1.2156 1.2242 1.23088 1.2383 1.2535 56 11 . 01 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0(:)00 1.0000 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0fl00 1. 0000 1.0000 57 11.21 1.0000 1.0000 1.0(:)0() 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1.0(:)00 1.0000 1. (:)000 1.0000 58 11.41 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 59 11.61 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1.0000 60 11.81 1. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 [TOPl 61 12.01 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1.000(:) 1.0000 1.0(:)00 1.0000 1.00(:)0 1.0000 1.(:)0(:)0 .

  • Lmear extrapolation based on a line between 20,000 MWD/MTU and 22,000 MWD/MTU IS adequate for addressmg burnups beyond 22,000 MWD!MTU.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 2 (cont.)- W(z) Values associated with Figure 5 (Top 10% and Bottom 8% excluded)* Height BU [MWd/MTU] [ft] 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 22000 AO= AO= AO= AO- AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO=

                         -2.83%      -3.00%       -2.70%     *2.04%   -1.33%    *0.76%     *0.64%      -0.75%    *0.96%      -1.35%

j_BOTTOM11 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2 0,20 1. 0000 1.00()0 1.flfl00 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.()00() 1.()000 1.()0()0 1.()000 3 0.4() 1.00()0 1.0000 1.fl00() 1.()000 1.0()00 1 .0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1. 0001'l 4 0.60 1.0000 1.0000 1.0001'l 1,0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.()000 1 .0000 1.0000 1 '0000 5 0.80 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.001'l0 6 1.00 1.1890 1.1856 1 .2025 1.1970 1.2282 1 '2311 1.2225 1.2294 1 .2093 1.2010 7 1.20 1 '1818 1.1782 1.1949 1.1894 1.2200 1.2232 1 '2146 1.2214 1.2017 1 .1931 8 1.40 1.1730 1.1690 1.1855 1.1801 1 .2099 1.2135 1 .2050 1. 2117 1.1924 1 '1838 9 1 .60 1 .1631 1 '1589 1 '1751 1.1698 1.1988 1 .2029 1 .1946 1 .2012 1.1826 1.1740 10 1.80 1 '1530 1 .1486 1 '1645 1.1594 1.1875 1.1922 1.1842 1.1909 1.1730 1 .1647 11 2.00 1.1425 1.1379 1 '1536 1.1488 1.1759 1.1813 1.1737 1 '1804 1.1635 1.1558 12 2.21'l 1 '1318 1 '1270 1 '1425 1.1379 1.1638 1.1701 1.1629 1.1695 1 .1536 1.1465 13 2.40 1.1206 1.1155 1.1307 1.1263 1.1509 1 '1579 1 '1509 1.1574 1.1424 1.1358 14 2,60 1.1090 1.1037 1 .1188 1.1141 1.1373 1.1453 1 .1386 1.1448 1 '1306 1 '1248 15 2.80 1.0999 1.1'l946 1 '1081 1.1054 1.1265 1 '1339 1.1279 1.1338 1.1210 1.1144 16 3,0() 1 '0955 1.0905 1 .0988 1.11'l28 1 '1207 1 .1232 1.1220 1.1253 1.1166 1.1102 17 3.20 1.1'l943 1.0894 1 ,0930 1 .1031 1.1183 1 '1149 1 '1211 1.1193 1.1165 1 .1119 18 3.41'l 1.0925 1.0874 1.1'l95() 1.1()36 1 .1152 1.1153 1 '1195 1.1186 1 .1155 1.1134 19 3,6() 1 '0911 1 ,()873 1 ,()969 1.1036 . 1 '1114 1 '1158 1 .1183 1 '1191 1.1136 1.1149 20 3,8() 1.0912 1.0882 1 .l'l982 1.1035 1 .1077 1 '1156 1.1168 1 '1201'l 1 .1131 1.1161'l 21 4.01'l 1.0923 1.0898 1.0994 1.1031'l 1.1052 1 '1154 1 .1152 1 '1203 1 .1145 1.1176 22 4.20 1.0937 1 '0911 1 .-1004 1 '1023 1 .1045 1.1148 1.1147 1.1203 1.1157 1 '1216 23 4.4() 1.0962 1.0932 1.1008 1 '1024 1.1044 1 .1137 1.1145 1.1195 1.1163 1.1245 24 4.60 1 '0977 1.0950 1 .1001 1.1022 1.1040 1 .1112 1.1127 1.1171 1 .1149 1.1252 25 4.80 1.0985 1. 0964 1.0990 1.1015 1.1027 1 .1()80 1.1102 1.1139 1 .1127 1.1248 26 5,()0 1. 0991 1. 0974 1 .0973 1 .10()4 1.1029 1.1fl49 1.1074 1.11()5 1.1104 1.1240 27 5.2e 1.0993 1. 0981 1 .0965 1.0992 1 '1044 1.1()28 1.1047 1.1079 1 .1088 1 .1230 28 5.4() 1. ()991 1 '0985 1 ,0974 1,0985 1.1054 1.1fl21 1 .1030 1 '1058 1.1077 1 .1213 29 5.60 1 '0991 1.()990 1 .l'l98() 1.()995 1.1060 1 .1016 1.1032 1.1038 1.1060 1.1190 30 5,8() 1 '1fl18 1 '1023 1.0997 1.1018 1 '1()61 1 .Hl23 1.1047 1 '107() 1.1080 1.1197 31 6.00 1.1057 1 '1()68 1.1032 1 '1046 1 '1064 1.1065 1 '1078 1 .1124 1.1168 1.1276 32 6,2() 1.1088 1.1105 1 '1fl88 1.1065 1 .1()84 1 '1124 1.1117 1.1188 1 .1291 1.1397 33 6.4() 1.1122 1.1146 1 . 1153 1.1108 1.1134 1.1188 1.1167 1 '1297 1 .14()5 1.1507 34 6.61 1 '1173 1.1207 1 '1213 1.1232 1 '1215 1 '1295 1 .1256 1 '1395 1.1514 1 .1611 35 6.81 1.1281 1.1322 1.1293 1.1337 1 '1292 1 . 1381 1.1323 1 '1469 1.1597 1 '1686 36 7.01 1.1390 1 '1436 1 .1381 1.1430 1.1359 1 '1455 1.1377 1 '1530 1.1666 1.1746 37 7.21 1 '1489 1 '1541 1 .1471 1.1520 1.1428 1.1525 1.1436 1 '1594 . 1.1729 1.1799 38 7.41 1.1582 1.1640 1 .156() 1.1600 1 '1497 1.1585 1 '1495 1 '1657 1 .1781 1.1842 39 7.61 1 '1665 1 .1729 1.1643 1.1671 1.1556 1.1634 1 .1543 1 '1708 1.1820 1 '1871'l* 40 7.81 1 '1737 1 .*18()6 1 .1715 1.1729 1.1605 1..1670 1.1579 1 '1745 1.1843 1 '1880 41 8,()1 1.1796 1.1870 1.1775 1.1773 1 '1641 1 '1691 1.1601 1 '1767 1.1848 1 '1873 42 8.21 1.1841 1.1920 1.1822 1.1804 1 '1665 1 '1697 1 '1611 1 .1775 1.1837 1 '1848 43 8.41 1.1872 1 '1954 1 '1856 1.1818 1.1674 1.1686 1 '1604 1 '1767 1.1804 1 '1801 44 8.61 1.1884 1 '1972 1.187'6 1 '1816 1 '1672 1 '1661 1.1590 1.1745 1.1761. 1 '1763 45 8.81 1.1888 1.1976 1 '1891 1.1809 1 '1677 1-.1649 1 '1601 1 '17()8 1.1736 1 '1789 46 9.01 1.1931 1 '1946 1 '1911 1.1819 1.1713 1 '166() 1 '162() 1 '1634 1.1676 1 '1772 47 9.21 1.2001 '1,1950 1.1917 1.1851 1.1736 1.1690 1.1622 1 '1607 1.1627 1 '1765 48 9.41 1 .2059 1 .2()05 1.1925 1 '1876 1 '1771 1 '1711 1.1634 1 '1601 1.1597 1 '1755 49 9,61 1 '2116 1 .207() 1 '1961 1 '189() 1 '1809 1 '1732 1.1652 1 '1611 1 '16()1 1.1733 50 9.81 1.2176 1 .212() 1 ,2()31 1 '1923 1 '1837 1.1748 1 '1656 1.1673 1.1653 1 '1735 51 10.01 1 .2219 1.2182 1 .2121 1.2()()7 1.1874 1 '1739 1.1668 1.1729 1.1.733 1 '1777 52 10.21 1 .232(:) 1.2246 1 .2207 1 .21()9 1 '1871 1.1808 1 '1706 1 '1781 1 '1813 1.1818 53 10.41 1 '2431 1 .2322 1 .2271 1.2208 1 '1888 1 '1904 1 '1763 1.1819 1.1888 1.1842 54 10.61 1.2533 1 '2411 1 ,2352 1.2306 1 '195() 1.199() 1.1832 1 '1875 1.1971 1 '1890 55 10.81 1.2615 1.2478 1.2442 1.2386 1 .20(:)2 1.2065 1.1888 1.1945 1.2042 1.1953 56 11 '01 1,00()0 1 ,_oeeo 1,0()0() 1 '0000 1.0000 1.000() 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 .1.0000 57 11.21 1.0000 1.0000 '1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.eoe0. 1 '0()00. 58 11 .41 1 '0()00 1.0000 1.00()0 1.0000 1.0()00 1 ,0()()() 1.()()0() 1.0000 1.0000 1.00()0 59 11 '61 1.0000 1 .0000 1 .0000 1.()000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 ,()0()() 1. 0000 1 .()000 60 11 '81 1.fl000 1.0000. 1.0000 1.0000 1.0()00 1. eo0e 1 .0000 1.0000 1.()000 1.0000 61 12.01 1 .!l000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.000(:) 1.0000 1 '0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 ,()()00

  • Lmear extrapolation based on a line between 20,000 MWD/MTU and 22,000 MWD/MTU is adequate for addressmg burnups beyond 22,000 MWD/MTU.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table3 Fw0 (Z) Penalty Factor associated with Figure 5 and Table 2** Cycle Burnup (MWD/MTU) FwQ(z) Penalty Factor 0 1.0200 14915 1.0200 15051 1.0202 15188 1.0200 25000 1.0200

    • Linear interpolation is adequate for intermediate cycle burnups.

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Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 T able 4 " W() z VI a ues assocm . t ed WI'thFigure 6 (Top 101ftoandB ot tom 81fto excIu d ed) BU [MWd/MTU] 150 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 Height [ft] AO= ,6.0= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= 1.79% 1.48% 0.90% 0.13% -0.62% -1.00% -1.43% -1.70% -2.08% -2.48% fBOTTOM111 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0800 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 2 0.20 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0080 1.0000 1.0080 1.8088 1.8888 1.8808 1 .8080 3 0.40 1. 8088 1.8008 1. 8800 1.0080 1,8800 1.8080 1; 8888 1.8888 1.8008 1.000@ 4 0.60 1.8080 1.8008 1.0801) 1.0000 1.8800 1.8@00 1.8080 1.0000 1 '0000 1.0088 5 0.80 1.8000 1.0000 1,0000 1. 0000 1.8808 1.8008 1. 8888 1.0008 1.8000 1.8008 6 1.00 1.1578 1.1931 1.2868 1.1826 1 .1735 1.1604 1.1523 1.1660 1.1689 1 '1474 7 1.20 1.1522 1.1871 1.2001 1.1765 1.1673 1.1544 1 .1465 1.1595 1.1545 1 .1411 8 1.40 1.1463 1.1797 1 .1919 1.1689 1.1597 1.1469 1.1393 1 .1516 1.1465 1 .1334 9 1.6@ 1.1404 1.1715 1.1827. 1.1685 1 .1512 1.1386 1.1314 1 .1427 1.1377 1 .1248 10 1.8@ 1.1348 1.1627 1.1728 1.1516 1 .1423 1.1308 1.1232 1.1335 1.1285 1.1160 11 2.@0 1.1291 1.1533 1.1623 1.1422 1 .1329 1.1210 1.1146 1.1238 1 .1191 1.1878 12 2.20 1.1237 1.1438 1.1516 1.1326 1.1235 1.1119 1 '1062 1 .1141 1.1094 1.0978 13 2.40 1.1187 1 .1341 1.1407 1.1230 1.1138 1.1033 1,0983 . 1.1040 1.0994 1.8882 14 2.60 1.1143 1.1247 1.1300 1 .1136 1.1844 1.8959 1. 0910 1 .0936 1.0892 1.0782 15 2.80 1.1097 1.1154 1.1193 1.1040 1,0952 1. 0881 1. 0834 1.0855 1.0811 1.0714 16 3.00 1.1067 1.1089 1.1100 1.8977 1.8982 1.8837 1.8794 1.0819 1.0767 1 .0694 17 3.20 1 '1064 1 '1075 1.1851 1.0972 1.8897 1.0842 1. 0803 1.0814 1.8744 1. 0696 18 3.48 1.1898 1.1883 1.1844 1.8958 1.8889 1.0868 1. 0833 1.0803 1. 0713 1 .0709 19 3.60 1.1117 1.1091 1 .1038 1 '8941 1.0879 1.8897 1.0867 1 .0803 1.0740 1.0748 20 3.88 1.1138 1.1095 1.1025 1.0916 1.8860 1.0924 1.0899 1 .083@ 1.@792 1. @776 21 4.e8 1.1154 1.1095 1.Hl08 1. 0900 1.0852 1.0947 1.0928 1 .0872 1.0832 1.0806 22 4.20 1.1162 1.1089 1. 0985 1.0921 1.0884 1.0965 1.0952 1.8906 1.8871 1.8834 23 4.40 1.1167 1 .1 081 1.8958 1. 0944 1.8917 1.8981 1.8973 1.8937 1.09@6 1.@858 24 4.6@ 1.1169 1.187@ 1.@967 1.@961 1.8942 1 ,899@ 1 .8986 1.0959 1.8932 1.8885 25 4.88 1 .1168 1.1858 1.8983 1. 0974 1.0964 1.0995 1.0995 1.0976 1.0953 1.8913 26 5.00 1 .1161 1.1039 1 .1086 1.0989 1.0980 *1.0995 1 .0998 1.0990 1.0970 1.8938 27 5.2@ 1.1146 1.1042 1 .1835 1 .1010 1,@997 1.0995 1.1@04 1.@998 1.0982 1.0960 28 5.40 1 '1144 1.1082 1 .1056 1.1036 1.1822 1.1009 1 . 1()22 1.1005 1. 0993 1.0977 29 5.. 60 1 '1188 1.1122 1 .1 @86 1.1068 1.1@47 1.1037 1 .1036 . 1.1026 1.1018 1. 0991 30 5,88 1.1239 1.1164 1 '1138 1 .1114 L1890 1.1080 1.1075. 1.1062 1.1061 1.1016 31 6.00 1.1291 1.1218 1 .1178 1 .1163 1 .1147 1.1124 1.1127 1.1184 1.1106 1 '1 069 32 6.2@ 1.1351 1.1277 1.1226 1.1214 1.1206 1.1183 1 '1173 1 '1161 1.1144 1.1143 33 6.4@ 1.1412 1.1337 1.1277 1.1257 1 '1271 1.127@ 1.1217 1 .1240 1.1181 1 .1212 34 6.61 1.1470 1.1393 1 '1334 1.1309 1.1341 1.1350 1 .1276 1 .1313 1.1237 1 .1278 35 6.81 1 .1516 1 .1437 1.138@ 1.1359 1.1398 1.1416 1.1326 1.1372 1.1280 1.1329 36 7.01 1.1555 1.1474 1 .1419 1 .1402 1 '1448 1 '1474 1.1367 1 '1422 1.1308 1.1368 37 7.21 1.1583 1.1501 1.1449 1.1436 1.1489 1 '1525 1.1406 1 '1469 1.1346 .1.1411 38 7.41 1 .1595 . 1.1514 1.1465 1.1458 1.1517 1.1563 1 .1441 1.1512 1.1373 1.1449 39 7.61 1 '1593 1 .1513 1 .'1469 1.1467 1.1533 1.1588 1.1468 1.1548 1 .1397 1.1477 40 7.81 1 .1577 1.1499 1.1459 1.1463 1.1535 1.1608 1.1484 1.1571 1.1446 1.1492 41 8.01 1.1546 1.1471 1 .1436 1 .1446 1.1524 1.1598 1.1484 1.1581 1.1489 1.1516 42 8.21 1.1498 1.1426 1.1397 1 .1413 1.1497 1.1588 1 .1491 1 .1576 1.1520 1 .1536 43 8.41 1.1429 1.1364 1 '1341 1 '1364 1 '1452 1.1544 1 .1502 1.1558 1.1539 1.1539 44 8,61 1.1340 1.1279 1.1264 1.1293 1.1386 1.1487 1.1493 1 .1519 1.1543 1.1526 45 8.81 1 .1237 1 .1182 1 .1174 1 .1210 1.1307 1.1417 1 '1473 1 .1469 1.1538 1.1580 46 9.01 1.1110 1.1147 1 .1141 1.1206 1 .1291 1.1415 1.1457 1.1498 1.1545 1 '1518 47 9.21 1.1056 1.1167 1 '1165 1.1253 1.1324 1.1455 1.1470 1.1528 1.1543 1.1550 48 9.41 1.1053 1.1191 1.1196 1.1309 1.1358 1.1494 1.1480 1.1568 1.1542 1 :1607 49 9.61 1.1049. 1.1212 1.1217 1 '1345 1.1389 1.1532 1.1479 1 .1614 1.1577 1.1658 50 9.81 1.1048 1 '1231 1 '1238 1.1377 1.1427 1.1574 1 .1498 1.1648 1.1651 1.1701 51 10.81 1.1856 1 .1221 1 '1229 1 .1424 1.1433 1.1585 1 .1542 1 .1697 1.1726 1.1758 52 10.21 1.1836 1.1238 1 .1237 1.1462 1 .1451 1.1610 1.1565 1.1734 1.1797 1.1805 53 10.41 1 .1810 1.1246 1 '1246 1 .1505 1 .1491 1.1632 1 .1593 1 .1772 1.1849 1.1875 54 10.61 1.0993 1.1263 1.1262 1.1568 1 .1548 1 .1650 1 .1658 1.1842 1.1917 1 .1969 55 18.81 1 . 0971 1.1313 1.1293 1.1583 1.1591' 1.1664 1 .1730 1 .1920 1.1997 1.2838 56 11 .01 1 .0880 1.00G0 1.0@00 1.0@08 1.080@ 1.0000 1.00B0 1.8080 1.@00,@ i .0080 57 11.21 1.0880 1. 0088 1.8000 1,0800 1.0@00 1.0808 1.0000 1.8000 1.00@0 1.00@0 58 11.41 1.@@00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0@00 *1.0000 1. @000 1.8008 1.0808 1.8000 1.0000 59 11.61 1.0800 1.0080 1.0880 1.0000 1.8000 1.0080 1.0000 1.0000 1.00@0 1.80@0 60 11 '81 1.@800 1.0800 1,00@@ 1 .000@ 1.0@00 1.@808 1.0000 1.0880 1.8000 1.0000 61 12.01 1.0000 1.0808 1.8000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.8008

  • Linear extrapolation based on a line between 20,000 MWD/MTU and 22,000 MWD/MTU is adequate for addressmg burnups beyond 22,000 MWD/MTU.

Page 17 o£27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 4 (cont.)~ W(z) Values associated with Figure 6 (Top 10% and Bottom 8% excluded)* Height BU [MWd/MTU] [ft] 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 22000 AO::: AO= AO= AO= AO= AO= AO::: AO= AO::: . AO=

                       -2.83%      -3.00%      -2.70%       -2.04%      -1.33%    -0.76%      *0.64%      -0.75%     -0.96%       -1.35%

fBOTTOM11 0,00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2 0,20 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3 0.40 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 4 0.60 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 5 0.80 1.0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6 1.00 1.1419 1.1379 1.1330 1.1437 1.1767 1.1551 1.1688 1.1742 1.1533 1 .1431 7 1.20 1.1357 1.1315 1 .1268 1.1375 1.1696 1.1488 1.1620 1.1674 1.1469 1.1365 8 ' 1.40 1.1280 1.1235 1.1190 1.1297 1.1608 1.1408 1.1537 1 .1590 1.1390 1 .1286 9 1.60 1.1194 1.1147 1.1104 1.1212 1 .1511 1.1322 1.1448 1.1501 1.1307 1.1204 10 1.80 1.1107 1 .1059 1 .1018 1.1127 1 .1414 1 .1237 1.1360' 1 .1414 1.1228 1.1130 11 2,00 1.1019 1.0968 1. 0931 1.1043 1.1315 1.1152 1.1274 1 .1329 1.1152 1 .1061 12 2.20 1.0928 1.0877 1.0843 1.0957 1.1214 1.1065 1 .1185 1.1240 1.1074 1.0989 13 2.40 1.0834 1.0781 1.0749 1.0865 1 .1104 1.0969 1.1087 1.1141 1.0984 1.0905 14 2.60 1. 0735 1.0679 1.0650 1.0768 1.0991 1.0866 1.0983 1,1037 1.0886 1.0816 15 2.80 1.0670 1.0615 1.0590 1.0699 1.0893 1.0799 1.0906 1.0948 1.0822 1.0747 16 3.00 1.0657 1.0604 1.0584 1.0680 1.0816 1.0785 1.()884 1.0880 1.0813 1. 0733 17 3.20 1. 0661 1.0609 1.()594 1.CJ685 1.078() 1.0785 1.0892 1.0846 1.()835 1.CJ777 18 3.4CJ 1.()67() 1.()614 1.0598 1.0690 1 .CJ811 1.0782 1.0897 1.0879 1. 0851 1.0826 19 3,60 1.0705 1.0652 1.()626 1.0723 1.0842 1.0792 1. 0901 1. 0915 1.0858 1.()871 20 3.80 1.0749 1.0702 1.0671 '1,0772 1.0866 1.0822 1.0921 1.0943 1.0875 1. 0910 21 4.00 1.0786 1.0744 1 .0717 1.0817 1.0891 1.0859 1.0955 1.0971 1.0909 1. 0951 22 4.20 1. 0821 1.0785 1.0761 1.0861 1 .0922 1.0892 1.0989 1.0996 1.0948 1 .1 004 23 4.40 1.0852 1.0822 1.()80() 1.09()1 1.0965 1.0920 1.1017 1.1015 1.0979 1.1060 24 4.60 1.0871 1.0846 1.0827 1.0926 1.0993 1.0932 1.1029 1.1017 1.0993 1.1095 25 4.80 1.0893 1.0871 1.0852 1.0944 1 .1013 1.0943 1 .1033 1 .1CJ11 1.()997 1.1117 26 5.0() 1.0919 1. 0901 1.. 0884 1.0960 1.1029 1.0961 1.1035 1.1003 1.1000 1.1138 27 5.20 1.0946 1.0933 1 .0919 1.0974 1 .1('{44 1.0982 1.1034 1 .1002 1 .1010 1 .1155 28 5.40 1.0968 1. 0961 1 .0950 1.0984 1.1054 1.1000 1.103() 1 .1010 1.1028 1.1168 29 5.60 1.0986 1.0984 1.0977 1.0994 1.1060 1 .1013 1.1032 1 .1026 1.1038 1 .1176 30 5,80 1.1018 1.1023 1.0997 1.1018 1.1061 1.1023 1.1046 1.1070 1.1080 1 .1183 31 6.00 1 .1057 1.1067 1.1032 f.1045 1 .1064 1 .1064 1.1078 1.1124 1 .1143 1 .1230 32 6.20 1.1088 1.1104 1 .1088 1.1065. 1.1084 1.1124 1 .1117 1.1172 1.1212 1 .1312 33 6.40 1.1122 1.1146 1.1153 1.1098 1 .1134 1.1180 1.1167 1.1218 1.1302 1.1394 34 6.61 1.1172 1.1202 1 .1213 1.1153 1.1215 1.1236 1 .1256 1.1268 1.1384 1 .1469 35 6,81 1.1215 1.1254 1.1258 1.1230 1 .1292 1.1294 1.1323 1.1316 1.1441 1 .1518 36 7,01 1.1290 1 .1335 1 .1291 1.1302 1 .1359 1.1343 1.1377 1.1356 1 .1486 1.1555 37 7.21 1.1370 1.1420 1.1332 1.1367 1 .1422 1.1386 1.1430 1.1397 1 .1525 1.1594 38 7.41 1.1437 1 .1493 1.1388 1.1424 1.1476 1.1420 1 .1472 1.1438 1.1555 1.1630 39 7.61 1.1496 1.1557 1.1449 1.1472 1.1520 1.1444 1.1504 '1 .1467 1 .1572 1.1652 40 .7.81 1.1643 1.1610 1.1499 1.16()9 1 .1552 1.1455 1.1622 1 .1484 1.1575 1.1660 41 8.CJ1 1.1579 1.1650 1.1637 1.1632 1.1669 1 .1451 1.1526 1.1487 1 .1561 1 .1651 42 8.21 1.1601 1 .1677 1 .1564 1.1542 1.1573 1.1434 1 .1516 1.1479 1.1634 1.1629 43 8.41 1.16()9 1.1689 1.1579 1.1538 1 .1661 1 .14()1 1 .1488 1.1462 1.1484 1 .1589 44 8.61 1.160() 1 .1683 1 .1581 1.1517 1.1535 1.1354 1.1449 1.1421 1.1429 1.1551 45 . 8.81 1.1577 1 .1666 1.1582 1.1483 1.1499 1.13()8 1.1419 1 .1421 1.1418 1.1651 46 9.CJ1 1.1694 1 .1691 1.1615 1.1496 1 .1464 1.13()() 1 .1391 1.1420 1.1395 1.1517 47 9.21 1.1638 1.1747 1.1645 1.1535 1 .1451 1 .1311 1.1378 1.1404 1.1387 1.1459 48 9.41 1.1691 1.1791 1.1689 1.1561 1.1424 1.1314 1 .1373 1.1400 1.1370 1.1418

 . 49        9.61     1.1740      1.1837      1 .1737      1.16()()    1.1416    1 .1331     1.1373      1.1400     1.1364       1.1377 50        9.81     1.1787      1.1882      1.1772       1.1676      1 .1473   1.1403      1.1386      1.139()    1.1401        1.1337 51       1(J. ()1  1.1846      1 .1891     1 .1817      1.1749      1.1562    1.1462      1 .1467     1 .1388    1.1447       1 .1347 52       1CJ.21    1.1893      1.1968      1.1897       1.1818      1 .1651   1 .1518     1 .1567     1 .1359    1.1489       1 .1376 53       10.41     1.1954      1.2069      1 .1981      1.1870      1 .1735   1 .1560     1.1642      1.1372     1 .1518      1.1401 54       10.61     1.2CJ40     1.2-162     1.2063       1 .1938     1 .1821   1.1620      1.1732      1 .1436    1.1568       1.1451 55       10.81     1.2111      1.2238      1.2129       1.2()18     1.1892    1.1693      1.18()7     1.1479     1.1632       1.1525 56       11. CJ1   1.0()()0   .1. 0CJCJCJ  1.0000       1.0()()()   1.()0()() 1.()00()    1.()0()()   1.CJCJ(J(J 1.CJ0(J(J    1. ()0()0 57       11.21     1.0()00     1.0()0()   .1. (J(J(J0   1.0000      1.CJ0CJ0  1.1'>0()0   1.00()0    1.00()()    1.()0()()    1. (J(J(J(J 58       11.41     1.CJ(J(J(J  1.0()()0    1.00()0      1.00()0     1.CJCJCJ0 1.CJ(J(J(J  1.0000     1.()00()    1.CJ(J(J(J   1.0()0()

59 11.61 1.0()00 1.0()()0 1 .000() 1.00()() 1.0000 1.0000 1.CJ00(J 1.()1'>00 1.0()()0 1.0()()0 60 11.81 1.0()00 1.0000 1 ..1'>()00 1. (J(J(J(J 1.0000 1.000() '1.()000 1.0000 ' 1 .CJCJCJ0 1. 0000 12.01 1.0CJ00 1.0()()() 1.0()00 1.0()00 1.CJ000 1.00()() '1.0()()0 1.0()0() 1.CJ0(J(J 1.00()() 61 Lmear extrapolation based on a lme between 20,000 MWD/MTU and 22,000 MWDIMTU is adequate for addressmg burnups beyond 22,000 MWD/MTU, * ' Page 18 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 TableS FwQ(Z) Penalty Factor associated with Figure 6 and Table 4** Cycle Burnup (MWD/MTU) FwQ(Z) Penalty Factor 0 1.0200

                           .25000                        1.0200
    • Linear interpolation is adequate forintermediate cycle burnups.

Page 19 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 6- W(z) Values Associated with Figure 5 for Part Power Surveillances* (Top 10% and Bottom 8% excluded) Height Part Power W(z) Functions (% of Hot Full Power) 8ot 9ott D-Bank @ 195 Steps* D-Bank @ 204 Steps* [ft] HFP AO =1.18% HFP AO =1.18% [BOTTOM] 1 0.00 1.0000. 1.0000 2 0,20 1.0000 1.0000* 3 0.40 1 ,0000 1.0000 4 0.60 1.0000 1.0000 5 0,80 1. 0000 1. 0000 6 1. 00 1.2742 1.2617 7 1.20 1.2644 1.2535 8 1.40 1.2540 1.2448 9 1.60 1.2420 1.2344 10 1 .80 ' 1 .2302 1.2234 11 2.00 1 .2177 1.2125 12 2.20 1.2043 1.2002 13 2.40 1.1907 1.1885 14 2.60 1 .1782 1.1768 15 2.80 1 .1654 1 .1646 16 3.00 .1.1536 1 .1543 17 3.20 1 .1463 1 .1478 18 3,40 1 .1373 1 .1401 19 3.60 1 .1329 1 .1364 20 3.80 1 .1292 1 .1342 21 4.00 1.1237 1 .1294 22 4.20 1 .1190 1.1254 23 4.40 1 .1124 1 .1209 24 4;60 1.1073 1.1166 25 4.80 1 .1042 1.1134 26 5.00 1 .0992 1.1104 27 5.20 1.0940 1 .1051 28 5.40 1.0906 1 .1024 29 5.60 1.0928 1.1060 30 5.80 1.0965 1.1104

  • W(z) values only valid for core average burnups s 150 MWd/MTU.

t 80% of full power W(z) values are applicable for powers 75% s P < 85%. tt 90% of full power W(z) values' are applicable for powers 85% s P < 95%.

j: Rod insertion is given as a target value. Use control rods as necessary to control to target AO.

Page20 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Table 6 (cont.)

  • W(z) Values Associated with Figure 5 for Part Power Surveillances*

(Top 10% and Bottom 8% excluded) Height Part Power W(z) Functions (%of Hot Full Power) aot sott D*Bank@ 195 Steps* D-Bank@ 204 Steps:J: [ft] HFP AO = 1.18% HFP AO i:: 1.18% 31 6.00 1 .1002 1 .1148 32 6.20 1.1047 1.1200 33 6.40 1. 1091 1.1253 34 6.61 1 .1140 1 .1302 35 6.81 1 . 1171 1 .1341 36 7.01 1 .1214 1 .1382 37 7.21 1 .1230 1.1405 38 7.41 1 .1253 1 .1428 39 7.61 1.1278 1. '1445 40 7.81 1 .1274 1 .1448 41 8. 01 1 .1271 1 .1438 42 8.21 1.1245 1 .1411 43 8.41 1 .1210 1 .1375 44 8.61 1.1164 1 .1315 45 8.81 1.1103 1 .1245 46 9.01 1 .1099 1 .1235 47 9.21 1.1113 1:1227 48 9. 41 1 .1133 1 .1233 49 9. 61 1 . 1167 1 .1255 50 9.81 1 .1194 1.1262 51 10.01 1 .1224 1 .1279 52 10.21 1 .1329 1 .1336 53 10.41 1.1419 1.1377 54 10.61 1.1503 1 .1453 55 10.81 1.1572 1 .1514 56 11.01 1.0000 1.0000 57 11 .21 1.0000 1.0000 58 11.41 1.0000 1.0000 59 11.61 1.0000 1.0000 60 11.81 1. 0000 1.0000 [TOP] 61 12.01 1.0000 1.0000

  • W(z) values only valid for core average burnups s 150 MWd/MTU.

t 80% of full power W(z) values are applicable for powers 75% s P < 85%. tt 90% of full power W(z) values are applicable for powers 85% s P < 95%.

j: Rod insertion is given as a target value. Use control rods as necessary to control to target AO.

Page21 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure 1 Reactor Core Safety Limits 680 H2425 nsi~ 1 660 'i-!-1. H2250 m ia

           ... 1'---
                             """""' " r- r-..

1'--- I""'- f.,. Unacceptable r 640 1'--- !-... "" ""' \.

                                                                    'r-.. !-...                         i\
                                                                                      '1'--- !-...

11850 osia I '\ '!\. ii:' " '!\. \ 0 0) 620 ...

                     "" " .... .....                                                                             1\ \
  • <<S " ~ ....... \

r- .... \ 1-(/)

                                                                                .... .....                                       \
                                                                                                   ..... ....                 1\ r\

(.) a:: 600 IAcceotabfe I

                                                                                             "                r- 1'-....         \     \

i\ 1\

                                                                                                                            \          \     !\.

I\ 580 1\ 1\ ' 1\ ' 1\ f\ I\ 560


I\ 540 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 Fraction of 1677 MWt Rated Thermal Power Page 22 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure2 Rod Insertion Limit, 128 Step Tip-to-Tip . 0 150+---------~----~~--r---------~----------~~-------l c.. Q) U) s:::~ 0 E0

 ~      100+---~~--~----------r---------~~~------~--------~
 § CQ 0               20              40             60             80                100 Power Level, % of Rated Thermal Power Ban1c Positions Given By:
  • Bank D;, (150 I 63) * (P -100) + 185
  • Ban1c C = (150 I 63) * (P- 100) + 185 + 128
  • Bank B = (150 I 63) * (P -100) + 185 + 128 + 128 NOTE: The top of the active fuel height correspond~ to 224 steps.

Page23 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure 3 Rod Insertion Limit, 128 Step Tip-to-Tip, One Bottomed Rod (Technical Specification 3.1.4, Condition B) 224 200 I I

                                                                                   .I I

I I I 150 8. Q) tJ5 c~ 0

.e(/) 100 0

0.. c ro* ro 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Power Level, % of Rated Thermal Power Bank Positions Given By:

  • BankD =(150 I 63) * (P- 90) + 224
  • Bank C = (150 I 63) * (P - 90) + 224 + 128 NOTE: The top of the active fuel height corresponds to 224 steps.

Page 24 of27

~~~~-*-----------------~-~----- Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure 4 Rod Insertion Limit, 128 Step Tip-to-Tip, One Inoperable Rod (Technical Specification 3.1.4, Condition A) 224 200

                                          /                                        /l
                                      /.ankC                                            I I

I I I I I 150 I I v (J) I* I 0.. (]) U5 I I IForbidden Operation in c~ I this Region 0 / I E(J) 100 I v 0 I 0.. I


I c I m I en I I 50 I I I I I I [ I 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Power Level, % of Rated Thermal Power Banlc Positions Given By:

  • BankD::::: (150 I 63) * (P -70) + 224
  • Bank C::::: (150 I 63) * (P - 70) + 224 + 128 NOTE: The top of the active fuel height corresponds to 224 steps.

Page25 of27

Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure 5 Flux Difference Operating Envelope associated with Table 2 and Table 6 110

                                -9                      8 100 IUnacceptable! JII                         \    f Unacceptablel 90 80                  I II

I I Acceptable -j \ r\ 70


60 I If


0 a. (f. 50 J \

             -22                                                            21 40 30 20 10 0
         -25     -20   -15    -10    -5      0     5      10      15      20       25 AI%

Page26 of27


Core Operating Limits Report Unit 2, Cycle 30 Revision 0 Figure6 Flux Difference Operating Envelope associated with Table 4

                                                     -6                 6 100 90 I Unacceptable I Iv I  Acceptable I
                                                                       \\      l_~na~_cep_ta~l~   I 80                      I                             \

70 Iv \\

                  .__  60
                                        *J                                            \




                               -19 I                                                   \      19 40 30 20         -
                       '10 0
                           *25   *20           *10            0      5    . 10      'f5     20        25 Lil%

Page27 of27}}