L-PI-17-011, Revision 53 to Emergency Plan

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Revision 53 to Emergency Plan
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Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2017
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17138A253 List:
Download: ML17138A257 (486)


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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page ii Record of Revision Date of Revision Revision Number Title Page i February 2017 53 Record of Revision Page ii February 2017 53 Emergency Plan Body including Attachments February 2017 53 Annex A Page February 2017 53

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 1of158 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page TITLE PAGE .............................. ~ ........ *.... ~ ....................................................................... i RECORD OF REVISION ...........................................................................*....................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......... :........................................................................................ 1 1.0 DEFINITIONS .................. ,.................................................................*................... 7 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE .................................................................................... 11 3.0


...............................................:............ ,............................................. 13 4.0      EMERGENCY CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 15 4.1    Classification System ............................................................................... 15 4.1.1   Notification of Unusual Event ....................................................... 15 4.1.2   Alert .... ~ ......................................................................................... 16
4. 1.3 Site Area Emergency ................................................................... 16 4.1.4 Gen.era! Emergency ............................................................. ~ ....... 17 5.0 ORGANIZATONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES ......................................... 19 5.1 Normal Site Organization ......................................................................... 19 5.2 Normal Plant Organization ....................................................................... 19 5.3 Plant Emergency Organization ................................................................ 20 5.3.1 Direction and Coordination ........................................................... 20 5.3.2 Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators ............................... 29 5.3.3 Plant Shift Organization ............................................................... 32 5.3.4 Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups .............................. 35 5.4 EOF Organization .................................................................................... 38 5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control ........................................................... 38 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group ..................................................... 40 5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group .................................... 40 5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff .......................................................... 41

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 2of158 5.5 Recovery Organization.: .......................................................................... 42 5.6 Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations .................... 42 5.6.1 Offsite Support Response ............................................................ 42 5.6.2 Monticello Radiation Protection Group Support*******:******************* 43 5.6.3 Westinghouse Support ................................................................. 43 5.6.4 Local Support Services ................................................................ 44 5.7 Coordination with Governmental Response Organizations ...................... 47

5. 7 .1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) .................................................................. 4 7 5.7.2 Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) ...................................... 47
5. 7 .3 Wisconsin Emergency Management.. .......................................... 48 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health & Family $ervices (DHFS) ....... 48 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) ........................ 48 5.7.5 Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs ............................. 49 5.7.6 Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management .................... ~ ................................... :.... 49 5.7.7 Prairie Island Indian Community .................................................. 49 5.7.8 Minnesota State Patrol. ................................................................ 50
5. 7 .9 Minnesota Department of Transportation ..................................... 50 5.7.10 CP Line Railroad (Sao Line) ........................................................ 50 5.7.10 Canadian Pacific Railway-GP Railway (Soo Line) ....................... 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Inc. Railroad ................................................. 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington N<?rthern Sante Fe (BNSF) Railway ............................ 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway ............................ 50
5. 7 .12 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Lock & Dam
                          #3 .................................... :............................................................ 50 5.7.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ................................ ~ ...... 51 5.7.14 Department of Energy (DOE).: .............. :************************************** 52 5.7.15 Institute Of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) ......... ~ ................... 52 6.0      EMERGENCY MEASURES ............................................................................... 53 6.1    Activation of Emergency Organization ..................................................... 53

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 3of158 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations .................................. 53 6.1 .2 Notification Scheme ..................................................................... 54 6.1.3 Communicators ............................................................................ 56 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications ............................ 59 6.2 Record Keeping ...............................................................................:....... 59 6.3 Summary of Site Response Actions ........................................................ 60 6.4 Assessment Actions:................................................................................ 63 6.4.1 Dose Projections .......................................................................... 63 6.4.2 Radiological Surveys ..................................... :.............................. 68 6.5 Corrective Actions ............... *..................................................................... 69 6.6 Protective Actions .................................................................................... 69 6.6.1 Evacuation and Sheltering ........................................................... 69 6.6.2 Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies .................................. 73 6.6.3 Contamination Control Measures ................................................. 79 6.7 Aid to Affected Personnel ........................................................................ 81 6.7.1 Emergency Personnel Exposure .................................................. 81 6.7.2 Decontamination and First Aid ..................................................... 82 6.7.3 Medical and Public Health Support .......... :.................................... 83

6. 7.4 Whole Body Counting Facilities ................................................... 84 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT .................................................. 85 7 .1 Emergency Control Centers ..................................................................... 85 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) .................................................. 85 7.1.2 Operational Support Center (OSC) ***************:****************************** 90 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF ........................................... 92 7.1.4 Control Room ............................................................................... 97 7 .2 Communications ...................................................................................... 98 7.2.1 Onsite Communications ............................................................... 98 7.2.2 Offsite Communications ............................................................... 99 7.2.3 Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) ............................. 103 7.3 Assessment Facilities ............................................................................ 104 7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment.. ............................................... 104

PRAIRIE ISL~ND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 4of158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring .......................... 125 7.4 Protective Facilities and Equipment ....................................................... 127 7.4.1 Assembly Points ........................................................................ 127 7.4.2 Operational Support Center ....................................................... 127 7.4.3 Emergency Operations Facility .................................................. 127 7.4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System ........................................................ 128 7.4.5 Red Wing Fire Station ................................................................ 128 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker. ........................... 128 7.5 First Aid and Medical Facilities .............................................................. 128 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies ............................................. 128 8.'0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ..................... :...................... 129 8.1 Organizational Preparedness ............ ~ ................................................... 129 8.1.1 . Emergency Response Training .................................................. 129 8.1.2 Exercises, Drills, and Tests ........................................................ 130 8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures ................................ 133

  • 8.2.1 Organization of Plan:****************************************************************** 133 8.2.2 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies .................................~ ....................................................134 9.0 RECOVERY .........................................................,............................................ 135 9.1 Investigation of Incidents ....................................................................... 135 9.2 Recovery Procedures: ........................................................................... 135 9.3 Criteria for Resumption of Operations .......... ;........................................ 136 9.4 Long Term Recovery***********************************************************************:***** 136 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A ...................................................... Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 139 Attachment 8 ..................................................... :.................. Summary of Em~rgency Supplies 144 Attachment C ......................................................... NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference 148

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 5of158 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Prairie Island Plant Emergency Organization ................................................ 21 Figure 2 Prairie Island EOF Organization ................................... :....................... ;........ 39 Figure 3 Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface ................... 57 Figure 4 HAB Communications ................................................................................... 58 Figure 5 Containment Dose Rate Versus Time ........................................................... 66 Figure 6 Plan View of TSC .......................................................................................... 87 Figure 7 Plan View of EOF Command Center. ............................................................ 95 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization ..................... 22 Table 2 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency

  • Organization ................................................................................................... 25 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency ...... 74 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume ............................................................. 76 Table 5 Contamination Limits ..................................................................................... 79 Table 6 Prairie Island Site Communications Matrix .................................................. 102 Table 7 . Seismographic Monitoring Devices ................................... :......................... 111 Table 8 Radiation Monitors ...................................................................................... 112 Table 9 Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices ........................................... 117 Table 10 Instruments Available for Monitoring Major Systems .................................. 118 Table 11 Offslte Meteorological Equipment ............................................................... 126 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision ....................................... 158


. PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 7of158 1.0 DEFINITIONS Listed below are some terms in this plan along with the definitions that should be applied to these terms when they are used in this plan. 1.1 Assessment Action - Actions taken during or after an accident to obtain and process information necessary to make decisions regarding emergency measures. 1.2 Corrective Actions - Emergency measures taken to terminate an emergency situation at or near the source in order to prevent or minimize a radioactive release, e.g., shutting down equipment, firefighting, repair and damage control, etc. 1.3 Emergency Action Level (EAL) - A predetermined, site-specific, observable threshold for a plant Initiating Condition (IC) that places the plant in a given emergency class. An EAL can be: an instrument reading; an equipment status indicator; a measurable parameter (onsite or offsite); a discrete, observable event; results of analyses; entry into specific emergency operating procedures; or another phenomenon which, if it occurs, indicates entry into a particular emergency class. 1.4 Emergency Class: - One of a minimum set of names or titles, established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), for grouping of normal nuclear power plant conditions according to (1) their relative radiological seriousness, and (2) the time sensitive onsite and off site radiological emergency preparedness actions necessary to respond to such conditions. The existing radiological emergency classes, in ascending order of seriousness, are called: Notification of Unusual Event (UE), Alert, Site Area Emergency (SAE), and General Emergency (GE). 1.5 Emergency Director (ED) - The Plant Manager or design"ee. This individual has overall responsibility and authority for managing the emergency effort within the plant. This person will also manage efforts external to the plant until the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization can relieve the ED of external tasks. 1.6 Emergency Manager (EM) - A designated member of site management. This person has the authority and responsibility for the management of (NSPM) Northern States Power Company- Minnesota overall response to an emergency. The EM will assume command and control at the Emergency Operations Facility and direct the NSPM response efforts.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 8of158 1.7 Emergency Planning Zones - a defined area around the plant to facilitate emergency planning by state and local authorities, to assure that prompt and effective actions are taken to protect ttie public in the event of a release of radioactive material. It is defined for: 1.7.1 Plume Exposure Pathway- a 10 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure source is: (1) whole body exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and from deposited material; and (2) internal exposure from the inhaled radionuclides deposited in the body (Short Term Exposure). 1.7.2 Ingestion Exposure Pathway- a 50 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure would be from the ingestion of contaminated water or foods such as milk or fresh vegetables (Long Term Exposure). The ingestion exposure pathway includes the plume exposure pathway. 1.8 Emergency Worker - Any individual involved in mitigating the consequences of an emergency situation and/or minimizing or preventing exposure to the offsite population. The emergency worker category includes emergency workers at the plant as well as individuals who are engaged in public service emergency activities - firemen, policemen, medical support, and certain public officials. These are people who voluntarily place themselves as emergency workers. 1.9 Exclusion Area - The area surrounding the plant that is under direct Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant control. This includes the Corps of Engineering land north of plant and the islands located in the Mississippi River east of plant. It is sized such that any individual located on its boundary would not exceed 25 REM whole body or 300 REM thyroid from 1-131 for two hours immediately following the design basis accident (approximately 2340 feet out to boundary). 1.10 Initiating Condition (IC): - One of a predetermined subset of nuclear power plant

  • conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or suc.h an emergency has occurred.

1.11 Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) d/b/a Xcel Energy - Operator of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. 1.12 Protective Actions - Emergency measures taken before or after a release of radioactive materials in order to prevent or minimize radiological exposures to the population.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN . REV: 53 Page 9of158 1.13 Protective Action Guides (PAG) - Projected dose to individuals, that warrants protective action prior to and/or following a radioactive release. 1.14 Recovery Actions - Actions taken after an emergency to restore the plant to normal. 1.15 Xcel Energy - Operating Utility of Northern States Power Company - Minnesota.


'd':ii ;'r'~;E.B                       EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV:     53 Page 10.of 158 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK


                                                                                            .E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV:     53 Page 11of158 2.0     SCOPE AND PURPOSE In accordance with license conditions, 10CFR Part 50, and NRC guidance, the Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) has developed and implemented a*

radiological emergency response plan for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) and a joint off-site plan for the PINGP and the Monticello Nuclear G~nerating Plant. As asset owner NSPM, and Xcel Energy, the operating utility, retain all owner obligations. This Emergency Plan is applicable to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP), Units 1 and 2.

  • In any emergency situation at Prairie Island, the initial response to activate the Emergency Plan is accomplished by the plant staff and, if needed, immediate actions may be required by local support agencies. The plant, during initial stages of the emergency situation, must function independently coordinating both onsite and offsite activities: It is expected that within approximately 1 to 2 hours, the plant staff will be* augmented by other segments of the overall Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) Offsite Emergency Response Organization (EOF staff, Monticello Field Teams and other company support staff). The augmented response organization will assume those tasks external (offsite) to the plant, thus allowing the plant staff to be responsible for all onsite activities. This plan covers the actions and responsibilities of the PINGP Emergency Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility Organization.
  • The purpose of the plan is to describe the following:

2.1 Organization and actions within the plant to control and limit the consequences of an accident. 2.2 Organization and actions controlling site and offsite activities in the event of an uncontrolled release of radioactive material. This includes notification of and coordination with required offsite support agencies. 2.3 Identifying and 'evaluating the consequences of accidents that may occur and affect the public and plant personnel. 2.4 Describing the protective action levels and actions that are required to protect the public and plant personnel in the event of an accident.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 12 of 158 2.5 Consideration necessary for the purpose of reentry and short-term recovery. 2.6 Arrangements required for medical support in the event of injury. . 2.7 Arrangements required for fire fighting support in the event of major fires requiring outside support. 2.8 The training necessary to assure adequate response to emergencies. The Emergency Plan is dependent upon various standing plant operating, abnormal operating, emergency operating, plant safety, radiological control and security procedures and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for the implementation of the plant's response to the spectrum of ~mergency situations. PINGP has procedures in place that implement on-site protective actions and personnel accountability during security events that are appropriate for plant and environmental conditions. Coordination between plant, state, local and tribal authorities is defined in the Minnesota and Wisconsin state emergency operations plans, Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce county emergency plans and the Prairie Island Indian Community's emergency plan. Goodhue,

  • Dakota and Pierce Counties have, formulated for their respective areas, individual eyacuation plans which are included in the respective state plans.

Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) offsite response is detailed in the Corporate Nuclear Emergency Plan.



Abnormal events, both realized and potential, requiring emergency preparedness response are classified into four classes of Emergency Action Levels. The four levels of emergency classes, in increasing order of severity are: 3.1 Notification of Unusual Event (UE) 3.2 Alert 3.3 Site Area Emergency (SAE) 3.4 General Emergency (GE) Each class requires specific immediate actions on the part of the plant staff in order to protect the public, plant personnel and property. As the severity level of the emergency increases, so does the response of the offsite agencies, in order to protect the public. The lowest clC1SS (least severe) is the Notification of Unusual Event, and will be handled mainly by plant personnel, with only advisory notification to local and state authorities. The Alert Classification requires prompt notification of local and state authorities, which will place their various organizations in a standby mode. In both the Notification of Unusual Event and the Alert Classification, the plant staff is expected to restore the situation to normal without further or minimum involvement of offsite authorities. The two higher severity classes, the Site Area and General Emergency, (the General Emergency being the most severe), requires prompt notification of offsite authorities with immediate involvement of those organizations to assess the emergency situation and to implement the required protective actions for the general public. During an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant will automatically activate their site and offsite support emergency response organizations. The normal site organization will staff the Plant Emergency Response Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization. The offsite organization will be staffed by members of the MT & Pl Offsite Organization and be located at the Minnesota Emergency Operations Center. MT & Pl Offsite Organization will communicate to the plant* via the EOF Organization. The EOF Organization will support emergency response for the plant and relieve plant personnel of offsite activities who may be needed for plant activities.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 14 of 158 When plant conditions stabilize and the potential for future degradation of plant conditions is small, the plant may terminate the emergency classification. If severe equipment or core damage h.as occurred, a transition to a recovery phase may be warranted. In general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without transition to Recovery while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate a planned transition to Recovery and the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage the overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to return the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status. PINGP has and maintains the capability to assess, classify, and declare an emergency condition within 15 minutes after the availability of indications to plant operators that an EAL has been exceeded. Upon identification of the appropriate emergency classification level the emergency condition will be promptly declared.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 15of158 4.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.1 Classification System Four Emergency Classification Levels (ECLs) are established, according to severity, taking into consideration potential as well as actual events in progress. Initiating Conditions (ICs) are predetermined subset of plant conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or such an emergency has occurred. Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are plant-specific indications, conditions or instrument readings that are utilized to classify emergency conditions. Annex A contains the Emergency Action Level (EAL) scheme as established by NEI 99-01, Revision 4 with the exception of the Security EALs. The Security EALs are based on those Security EALs described in the NRC endorsed guidance cif NEI 99-01, Revision 5. It should be noted that various events could require a graded scale of response. A minor incident could increase in severity and advance to the next class of emergency. This Emergency Plan is constructed to provide for a smooth transition from one class to another. 4.1.1 Notification of Unusual Event (UE) Notification of Unusual Events are events that are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant or indicate a security threat to facility protection has been initiated. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs. The purpose of the Notification of Unusual Event action level is to: (1) have the operating staff come to a state of readiness from the standpoint of emergency response in the event the handling of the initiating condition requires escalation to a more severe action level class; and (2) provide for systematic handling of unusual event information, i.e., to provide early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more s~rious consequences given operator error or equipment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN __ REV: 53 Page 16 of 158 4.1.2 Alert At the Alert action level, events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant or a security event that involves probable life threatening risk to site personnel or damage to site equipment because of HOSTILE ACTION. It is the lowest level when some necessity for emergency planning and response offsite is* necessary. Any radioactive release will be limited to a small fraction of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels. The purpose of the Alert action level is to: (1) assure that emergency personnel are readily available to respond if the situation becomes more serious or to perform confirmatory radiation monitoring if required; and (2) provide offsite authorities current status information, i.e., early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized. 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency The Site Area Emergency action level describes events that are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failure of plant functions needed for protection of the public or HOSTILE ACTION that result in intentional damage or malicious acts; (1) toward site personnel or equipment that could lead to the likely failure of or; (2) that prevent effective access to equipment needed for the protection of the public. It reflects conditions where significant offsite releases are likely to occur or are occurring but where a core melt situation is not expected although severe fuel damage may have occurred. Any radioactive releases are not expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels except near the s_ite boundary.

  • In this situation full mobilization of emergency personnel in the near-site environs is warranted, as well as, dispatch of monitoring teams and associated communications.
  • The purpose of the Site Area Emergency action level is to: (1) assure that response centers are manned; (2) assure that monitoring teams are dispatched; (3) assure thatpersonnel required for evacuation of near-site areas are at duty stations if the situation becomes more serious; (4) provide current information for and consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.


                                                                                                                      .E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV:    .53.

Page 17of158 4.1.4 General Emergency The General Emergency action level describes events in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential for loss of containment integrity or HOSTILE ACTION that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility. Radioactive releases can be reasonably expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area. The purpose of the General Emergency class is to: (1) initiate predetermined protective actions for the public; (2) provide continuous assessment of information from licensee and offsite organization measurements; (3) initiate additional measures as indicated by actual or potential releases; (4) provide consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 19 of.158 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES 5.1 Normal Site Organization The normal site organization is comprised of the plant organization and several other site support organizations. The normal site organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page. Responsibilities and authorities of the various

              .functional groups are delineated in plc,mt Administrative Work Instructions.

5.2 Normal Plant Organization The normal plant operating crew is staffed and qualified to perform all actions that

              *may be necessary to initiate immediate protective actions and to implement the emergency plan and is designated as the responsible group for such actions. The normal plant organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page.

The Plant Manager has overall responsibility for the safe, efficient operation of the plant and for compliance with operating license requirements. The Plant Manager SHALL select, train and supervise a qualified staff.

  • The Shift Manager reports directly to the Assistant Operations Manager who reports directly to the Operations Manager who reports directly to the Plant Manager. The Shift Manager is responsible for the direction and coordination of the Shift Supervisors on his/her shift to perform operations in accordance with the administrative controls and operating procedures: The Shift Manager coordinates activities with other plant groups as required to maintain the safe operation of the plant.

The Shift Supervisor reports to the Shift Manager. The Shift Supervisor is the single focal point for directing and coordinating the operations group, maintenance group

  • and the pl~nt security activities during his/her shift. The Shift Supervisor SHALL assume the primary management responsibility for the safe operation of the plant under all .conditions during his/her shift. The responsibility and authority of the Shift Supervisor SHALL be to maintain the broadest perspective of operational conditions affecting the safety of the plant as a.matter of highest priority at all times when on duty in the Control Room.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 20 of 158 5.3 Plant Emergency Organization A plant emergency organization is designated to augment the normal operating I crew. Provisions have been made for rapid assignment of plant personnel to the plant emergency organization during emergency situations. ThePrairie Island Plant I Emergency Organization is shown in Figure 1. Various areas of responsibility are assigned to segments of the plant staff.during emergency situations as depicted in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 show~ the personnel available on-shift and the capability for additional personnel within 30 minutes and 60 minutes of notification. *Table 1 follows the guidance developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emerency Plan On-Shift Staffing. 5.3.1 Direction and Coordination During the initial stages of an emergency condition at Prairie Island

                         . Nuclear Generating Plant, the Emergency Director has overall coordinating authority for Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM). The Emergency Director alone has the authority and responsibility to immediately initiate any emergency actions, including providing protective action recommendations to offsite authorities responsible for implementing offsite emergency measures.
  • When the* Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization is activated,
                          *the Emergency Manager (EM) and EOF staff will relieve the Emergency Director of all offsite responsibilities as soon as practical and assume the responsibility for the management of NSPM's overall response to the emergency. The Emergency Director can then direct the plant's efforts towards management of the onsite responsibilities.

The Shift Supervisor, of the affected unit, u*ntil properly relieved, SHALL remain in the Control Room at all times during accident situations, to direct the activities of control room operators. Twenty-four (24) hour coverage for the Emergency Director position is provided by the Duty Shift Manager who assumes the responsibility of the interim Emergency Director at the onset of any emergency condition. If necessary, the Shift Supervisor of the unaffected unit may function as an alternate Emergency Director backing up the Shift Manager.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 22 of 158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60 min Plant Operations and Shift Manager/ED 1 Shift Supervisor (SRO): Unit Supervisors 2 Assessment of Control Room Reactor Operational Aspects Reactor Operators (RO): 4 Auxiliary Operators: 6 Notification/ Notify State, local Shift Emergency Communication and Federal Communicator: 2 personnel & maintain communication Radiological Accident Emergency Operations Emergency Manager Assessment and Facility (EOF) (as per duty roster): Support of Director Operational Accident Assessment Offsite Dose Radiological Assessment Emergency Coordinator: Offsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: 2 Onsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: (out-of-plant) In-plant Surveys Plant Operators and/or Radiation Protection Specialist: 1 (1,3)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 23of158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60min Chemistry/ Radiochemistry Chemistry Technician: Plant System Technical Support Shift Technical Advisor Engineering, Core/Thermal: Electrical: Mechanical: Repair and Repairs and Mechanical Maintenance: Corrective Actions Corrective Actions Rad Waste Operator: Electrical Maintenance: Instrument Control: Protective Actions Radiation Radiation Protection Specialist 2 (In-Plant) Protection: and/or Plant Operators:

a. Access Control
b. HP Coverage for repair, corrective actions, search and rescue, first-aid &


c. Personnel monitoring
d. Dosimetry

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 24 of 158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60 min Fire Fighting Fire Brigade Local Support per F5 Rescue Operations and First Aid zC1) Local Support Site Access Control Security, firefighting Security Personnel: As per and Personnel communications, Security Accountability personnel Plan accountability TOTAL 18 9 15 1 ( l May be provided by shift personnel assigned other functions. (Z) Monticello RPG will arrive within approximately 2-3 hours to augment and relieve the Prairie Island RPG of offsite surveys. 3 ( l Chemistry Technicians are cross-trained in Radiation Protection and chemistry/radiochemistry. The non-licensed plant operators are fully trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys, during the first hour of the emergency.

  • The above table was developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emergency Plan On-Shift Staffing Analysis.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 25 of 158 Table 2 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency Organization 0 (I) c ca c

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                                   "' "'                               "'p I-Plant Operations               p                                 p Emerg Direction & Control      p Notification and Comm          s          p       s s                               s Offsite Dose Assessment        s              p                               p                   s Offsite Surveys                s              p                                                    p Onsite (Out-of-Pit) Surveys    s              p                  s                                 p In-Plant Surveys               s              p                  s            p                    p Chem-Radiochemistry            s              p                               p                    p Protective Action              p              p Recommendations Over-exposure Authorization    p              p Technical Support              s     p        s   p                                                               p Repair and Corrective Actions  s              s   p     p        p                                       p   p Radiation Protection           s              p                                p                   p Fire Fighting                  s                                 p                         p             s First-Aid                      s                        p        p                   p              p    s s Search & Rescue                p                        p        s                  s      p        p    s s Site Access Control            s                                                     p Accountability                 s                            s                        p Logistics Support              s                                                                                          p

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 26of158 The Shift Manager SHALL be relieved of the Emergency Director responsibilities when the designated Emergency Director arrives onsite. The Plant Manager or Designee SHALL be the designated Emergency Director and will be available with a pager on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. When the Plant Manager is unavailable, (e.g., out of town), the designated Emergency Director responsibility will be passed onto another Plant Manager designee who is a member of senior plant management. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Director position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Shift Manager SHALL start the tasks assigned to the Emergency Director, (e.g., notification, activating onsite centers, etc.). These tasks SHALL be accomplished promptly and cannot wait for the designated individual to arrive at the plant site. The Emergency Director'.s responsibilities are as follows: A. Activation of onsite emergency organization -

1. Direct the activation of the onsite emergency response* centers and monitor their habitability, and
2. Coordinate response of the plant onsite emergency organization.
  • B. Personnel accountability - During a plant evacuation the Emergency Director SHALL account for all personnel onsite within thirty minutes of the Site Area or. General Emergency requiring the evacuation so that a search for missing personnel can be conducted. A continuous personnel accountability SHALL be maintained throughout the emergency. This responsibility may be delegated to a designated individual with assistance from the security force.

C. Radiological monitoring - The Emergency Director SHALL direct radiological monitoring of all personnel onsite and at the onsite assembly area, for contamination and/or excessive exposure. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiation Protection

                             . Specialists or to a qualified operations member.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 27 of 158 D. Exposure - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to authorize overexposures in excess of the normal limits (this responsibility may not be delegated). E. Radiation Survey Teams - The Emergency Director SHALL direct the Radiation Survey Teams to obtain the necessary onsite and offsite samples. and/or radiation surveys. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Ernergency Coordinator. F. Offsite Dose Projections - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to project dose rates to the offsite population. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. G. Protective Action -The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible for authorizing offsite Protective Action Recommendations (this responsibility may not be delegated and is relinquished to the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated and operational). H. Notification - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to. ensure that the necessary offsite notifications are initiated and completed. This responsibility may be delegated to the Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC). The SEC may designate offsite communications to a qualified Communicator.

1. Immediate (within 15 minutes)

The initial notification message to State, local and tribal authorities, from the plant, SHALL contain the following information: a Class of emergency b Whether radioactivity is being released and in what form (liquid or gas) c Potentially affected populace and area, if any d Necessity of protective measures e Brief description <.>f the event Other information, i.e., meteorological data, etc., are available to these authorities via the follow-up notification messages.


2. Subsequent Messages The plant will continue to provide updating information to offsite authorities. As soon as possible after the initial notification of an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, as much of the following information that is known and appropriate will be forwarded to offsite authorities:

a Location of incident b Name and telephone number of caller c Date/time of incident d Class of emergency e Type of release (airborne, liquid, surface spill) and estimated duration f Estimate of noble gas, iodine, and particulate release rates g Prevailing weather conditions (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, atmospheric stability class, precipitation, if any) h Actual or projected dose rates at site boundary Projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5 and

                                       * . 1o miles and the Sectors affected.

Survey results of offsite dose rates or any surfa9e contamination k Plant emergency response actions in progress I Request for onsite support from offsite support organizations m Prognosis for worsening or termination of event based on plant information To provide ease in supplying the aforementioned information, a standardized form is used and incorporated into the implementing procedures. I. Protracted Emergency Shift Coverage - The Emergency Director, with assistance from and coordination with other group Managers and Supervisors, SHALL ensure that work force requirements for all subsequent work shifts are determined and the necessary personnel are scheduled for the specific time period.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 29 of 158 5.3.2

  • Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators A. Technical Support Center Coordinator The Technical Support Center (TSC) Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation and coordination of activities in the Technical Support Center (TSC). Specific personnel assignments to the TSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory.

The responsibilities of the TSC Coordinator are:

1. Establish and verify radiological monitoring for the TSC;
2. Assist personnel performing the accountability check; .
                             . 3. Coordinate activities of plant and non-plant personnel located in the TSC;
4. .Periodically update personnel located in the TSC with appropriate information;
5. *Maintain any necessary status boards;
6. Ensure technical guidance is provided to the Emergency Director and Control Room Operators on plant operations; .
7. Establish or ensure that communications are established between all onsite emergency facilities and the EOF.
8. Ensure the Emergency Response Data System data link is established with the NRC's emergency center.


8. Operational Support Center Coordinator The Operational Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation, and coordination of activities in the Operational Support Center (OSC). Specific personnel assignments to the OSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory.

The responsibilities of the OSC Coordinator are:

1. Establish and verify radiological monitoring for the OSC and the Control Room; *
2. Coordinate activities of plant personnel located in the OSC to support plant operations as requested by the Control Room and TSC.
3. Assist personnel performing the accountability check in the OSC and the Control Room. *
4. Maintain the communication systems in the OSC. A person may be designated to act as a communicator.
5. Periodically update personnel located i.n the OSC with appropriate information.
6. Control the use of equipment located in the emergency locker.

C. Assembly Point Coordinator The Assembly Point Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general operation of the assembly area. Specific personnel assignments to the Assembly Point Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the Assembly Point Coordinator are: *

1. Verify that radiological monitoring has been established for the Assembly Point.
2. Coordinate activities of all personnel (plant and non-plant) located at the Assembly Point.
3. Assist the Emergency Director in performing the accountability check, as necessary.


  • Maintain the communication systems. A person may be designated as the communicator, if necessary.
5. Control the use of equipment located in the Emergency Locker.
6. Update all personnel with appropriate information when directed by the Emergency Director.
7. Provide instructions to personnel when they are released from the assembly point for reentry or transport offsite.

D. Radiological Emergency Coordinator The Radiological Em~rgency Coordinator (REC) SHALL be responsible for radiological accident assessment, onsite and offsite. The REC should report to the Technical Support Center when the TSC is activated. Upon activation of the EOF, the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor will assume responsibility for the offsite activities. The offsite survey teams will initially be comprised of individuals from the Prairie Island Plant. Upon activation of the EOF, the offsite survey teams will be comprised of individuals from the

                            *Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. The REC should transfer the responsibility for offsite accident assessment to the Radiation
  • Protection Support Supervisor at the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory.

The responsibilities of the REC are:

1. Offsite dose assessment
2. Formulating offsite protective action recommendations
3. Offsite surveys
4. Onsite surveys
5. Chemistry
6. Radiochemistry
7. Onsite Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d First-aid e Personnel monitoring and decontamination f

  • Dosimetry

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 32 of 158 5.3.3 Plant Shift Organization The following groups comprise the plant's shift organization. Brief descriptions of their emergency responsibilities are included. A. Operations Group The Operations Group consists of the Operations Manager, Asst. Operations Manager, Shift Managers, Shift Technical Advisors, Shift Supervisors, and all operators. The Operations Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Plant Operations and assessment of operational aspects of the emergency.
2. Rad Waste equipment operation
3. Emergency radiation surveys
4. Short term damage control and repair for electrical, mechanical, and l&C equipment.

B. Security Group The Security Group consists of the Security Manager, the Security Staff, and the contract Security Force. The Security Force SHALL:

1. Carry out the plant security and Access Control program.
2. Maintain strict personnel accountability onsite.
3. Assist communications efforts when necessary.
4. Assist in first aid treatment.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 33 of 158 C. Shift Manager The Shift Manager (SM) SHALL be onsite continuously. The Shift Manager SHALL assume overall coordination and control in the Control Room and provide direction as necessary to the Shift Supervisor. The Shift Manager SHALL:

1. Assume the duties of the interim Emergency Director until relieved by the designated Emergency Director. Portions of the E-Plan implementation may be delegated to other members of the plant staff as the condition of the plant dictate.
2. Assess the emergency condition, event evaluation, and safety related aspects of the plant.

D. Shift Technical Advisors Provide technical and engineering support in the area of accident assessment. E. Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) The Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) SHALL be onsite continuously. The SEC is responsible for initial notification to the offsite agencies and maintaining communications during emergency conditions. The SEC may designate offsite communications to a qualified Communicator.

1. When the EOF Organization is activated and the EOF is functional, communications with the offsite agencies and personnel will be maintained by the EOF
2. As the emergency organization is activated, additional communicators from TSC support personnel should augment the plant staff to assist in communication efforts.

F. Fire Brigade The Fire Brigade should consist of:

1. Brigade Chief - Unit 1 Turbine Building APEO or as designated by the Shift Manager.
2. Assistant Chief - Any Qualified APEO.


                                                                                         , E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN                                   REV:    . 53 Page 34 of 158
3. Fire Fighters - BOP Operators.
4. Runner - As designated to accompany fire department, operate equipment, bring additional equipment to fire scene.

The Fire Brigade SHALL be responsible for firefighting and primary responders for Search and Rescue, as necessary. The Red Wing Fire Department should provide emergency assistance and SHALL be called immediately on report of fire. Other plant personnel on site may be called on for emergency work or called to plant for emergency service. G. Radiation Protection Specialist The Radiation Protection Organization consists of two Radiation Pro~ection Specialists (RPS) onsite at all times. The RPS is responsible for conducting routine and special surveys, maintaining Access Control, writing RWP's and providing job coverage as required. Qualified operations personnel on-shift are also trained to perform radiation surveys during emergency conditions. H. Chemistry Technician One Chemistry Technician is onsite at all times. The Chemistry Technician is responsible for chemistry, radiochemistry, dose assessments, and offsite dose projections. The Chemistry

                            . Technician is also cross-trained to support the Radiation Protection Specialist functions described in Section G above.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 35 of 158 5.3.4 Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups A. Maintenance Group The Maintenance Group consists of all mechanical maintenance personnel, all plant electricians and l&C Specialists. The onsite Emergency Organization includes the Maintenance Manager, who should report to the Technical Support Center (TSC); and the Maintenance Supervisors (mechanical, electrical and l&C), and designated Electricians who should report to the Operational Support

                           * . Center (OSC). The mechanical, electrical and l&C maintenance staff in the OSC can be further augmented or decreased as emergency conditions dictate.
  • The Mechanical, Electrical, and l&C Maintenance Group SHALL have responsibility for: *
1. Supporting the repair and corrective actions for the mechanical,
                                    *electrical, and l&C systems in support of emergency response and recovery actions.
2. Supporting the Search and Rescue effort.
                      . B. Radiation Protection Group and Chemistry Group The Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups consists of the Radiation Protection Manager & Chemistry Manager and all members of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups. Radiation Protection and Chemistry Managers and other designated group members should report to the Technical Support Center. Other Radiation Protection Specialists and Chemistry Technicians should report to the Operational Support Center.

The responsibilities of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry

                             .Groups are:
1. Offsite Dose Assessment
2. Offsite Surveys
3. . Onsite Surveys
4. Chemistry


5. Radiochemistry
6. Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d First aid e Fire fighting f Personnel monitoring and decontamination g Dosimetry C. Engineering Group The Engineering Group consists of Systems, Programs, Design and Equipment Reliability. Upon activation of the onsite emergency organization, Systems and Programs Engineering Managers and designated engineers assigned to the emergency organization should report to the Technical Support Center. Other designated engineers may be requested to further augment engineering support in the TSC. The Engineering Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Providing technical support for plant system engineering on electrical/mechanical systems.
2. Providing technical support for operating radioactive waste control systems.
3. Providing core parameter analysis to determine current core status.
4. Providing plant parameter trending and analysis utilizing the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS).
5. Projecting possible loss of key equipment and its consequences.
6. Providing technical support for emergency repairs and corrective actions on electrical/mechanical systems.
7. Update TSC staff of potential problems and developments.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 37 of 158 D. Logistics Support Group The Logistics Support Group consists of Business Support Group (Administration Services and Document Control), Plant Services, and Site Materials. Business Support Group SHALL supply logistical support in their area of expertise. Personnel in these areas may be called in to - provide support for emergency response on an "as needed" basis. Site Materials SHALL provide assistance in retrieving the parts necessary for an emergency response. Plant Services SHALL support an emergency response by providing necessary assistance by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 38of158 5.4 EOF Organization The EOF (Emergency Operations Facility) Organization consists of a Direction and Control Group and three subordinate groups. The EOF Organization is staffed by personnel from the site's Engineering and Project Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. The Prairie Island EOF Organization is shown in Figure 2.

  • The EOF should be staffed and ready to assume its emergency responsibilities from the TSC within about 1 hour of notification. Transfer of these responsibilities from the TSC to the EOF will be coordinated between the TSC and EOF and depend on the status of the TSC's emergency response. Actual transfer of offsite emergency response responsibilities to the EOF should occur within 60 to 90 minutes of notification.

5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control The Emergency Manager is responsible for overall direction and control of NSPM's emergency response effort. Designated members of management staff the Emergency Manager position in the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Manager position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Emergency Manager relieves the Emergency Director of the following responsibilities: A. Off-site dose projections and coordination and direction of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams. B. Authorization of emergency classification changes. The Emergency Director retains the primary responsibility for re-classifications and makes recommendations to the Emergency Manager who has the responsibility to review and authorize the new classification. C. Authorization of offsite Protective Action Recommendations. D. Communications with'off-site authorities including Federal, State, Local and Tribal authorities and MT & Pl Offsite executive management located at the Minnesota State Emergency Operations Center.


                                             -FAXING                           EVENT EVALUATOR OFFSITE DOSE             -COPYING r----*     ASSESSMENT TRENDING
                                             - SWITCHBOARD                        TEAM LEADER OPERATOR COUNT ROOM                                                 ERCS OPERATOR CHEMISTRY                MESSENGER TECHNICIAN                                                  EVENT STATUS BOARD KEEPER EOF RADIATION MONITORING RADIATION PROTECTION                                                 CR-TSC-EOF TECH SPECIALIST OR                                                COMMUNICATOR CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN TECH CORPORATE COMMUNICATOR FIELD TEAMS &                                                   (EOF-JIC)


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 40 of 158 Other responsibilities of the Emergency Manager include: A. Coordinate the emergency response efforts of other offsite support personnel assisting the plant organization. B. Obtain and coordinate the services of outside consultants and vendors. C. Advise utility management on matters related to emergency response efforts and needed resources to support the effort. 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group The EOF Technical Support Group consists of select personnel from the site 1s Engineering and Project Management groups and Training Center staff. The Technical Support Supervisor is staffed by senior personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Technical Support Group is responsible for trending critical parameters, engineering evaluation in support of the TSC Engineering Group, technical assessment and advising the Emergency Man'ager on technical matters *related to the event. 5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group The EOF Radiation Protection Support Group is staffed by select personnel from the Training Center, plant Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups and Emergency Plan Group. The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor position is staffed by senior personnel qualified in radiation assessment and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Radiation Protection Support Group includes plant Chemistry personnel for off-site dose projection and EOF Count Room operation and Nuclear Plant Service Attendants who function as sample couriers and drivers for off-site radiological monitoring teams. Radiation Protection Support Group responsibilities include:

  • A.
  • Direction and coordination of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams.

B. Off-site dose projection.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 41of158 C. EOF Count Room activation and operation. D. EOF habitability, personnel monitoring and decontamination (as necessary). E. Communications with state assessment groups on matters,related to dose projections and off-site protective action recommendations. F. Staffing the Health Physics Network (HPN) and communications with the NRC (as necessary). The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor advises the Emergency Manager on matters related to actual or potential radiological impact on the environment, off-site protective action recommendations, and EOF . habitability. 5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff The EOF General Support Staff consists of the EOF Coordinator, emergency communicators, administrative and security support personnel. The EOF Coordinator position is staffed by senior Training Center or site Engineering and Project Management personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The EOF Coordinator is responsible for activation and operation of the EOF and assists the Emergency Manager with administrative duties. The emergency communicators, EOF Security. Coordinator and Administrative Staff report to the EOF Coordinator. The emergency communicators are responsible for communications with offsite agencies as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Administrative Staff is responsible for emergency document control, recording and document distribution at the EOF. An EOF Coordinator Assistant is responsible for general logistics support and assisting the EOF Coordinator. The EOF Security Coordinator reports to the EOF Coordinator. Responsibilities of EOF Security include EOF access and dosimetry issuance to EOF personnel.


                                        *EMERGENCY PLAN                                    REV:     53 Page 42 of 158 5.5     Recovery Organization The establishment of the Recovery Organization will be dependent upon the nature and severity of the event or plant conditions. In general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without establishing a special Recovery Organization while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage
  • th~ overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to returri the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status.

The Recovery Manager is mainly responsible for management of the recovery phase and will perform their initial tasks as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Recovery Manager will report to the Emergency Operations Facility and begin to prepare for the transition to Recovery, as necessary. If Recovery is imminent, the Recovery Manager will establish a recovery or post-accident outage organization following the site's plant event recovery protocols. 5.6 Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations 5.6.1 Offsite Support Response The emergency response plan for Prairie Island NGP is designed to be initially implemented independent of any offsite support. However, the onsite. effort will be augmented with offsite support resources as described in the MT & Pl Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan. It is the purpose of the offsite support organization to augment the onsite response effort with offsite support resources as soon as practical and as needed by the Prairie Island Site staff.

  • Such areas of support include:

Government Agency Interface, Logistics Support, News Media Interface and Utility Executive Management Interface.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 43of158 5.6.2 Monticello Radiation Protection Group Support The Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is located approximately 100miles northwest of Prairie Island NGP. The Monticello Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups are available for supporting the Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group with personnel and equipment during any emergency condition at Prairie Island. Designated individuals from the Monticello plant would arrive at Prairie Island in approximately two hours with all the equipment necessary to assume responsibility for offsite monitoring. The Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group may then dedicate their activities to onsite responsibilities. *The Monticello Radiation Survey Teams will be under the control of the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor (RPSS), as directed by the Emergency Manager, as soon as the EOF has been activated. 5.6.3 Westinghouse Support Westinghouse emergency.assistance is available on a twenty-four hour per day, seven day per week basis. Westinghouse will activate all appropriate features of the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan to support the plant needs. When activated, the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan becomes a functioning organization, comprised of individuals with unique technical, managerial and communication skills and experience, necessary to: A. Make an early assessment of the situation B. Provide early assistance to the utility

                       . C. Mobilize appropriate Westinghouse critical skills and functions D. Initiate timely, accurate communications to involved and interested parties A Site Response Team may be dispatched to the site to obtain a first hand assessment of actual conditions and establish communications from the site to the Westinghouse response center, as deemed necessary.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 44 of 158 5.6.4 Local Support Services A. Fire Fighting The Red Wing Fire Department will provide assistance in the event of a fire occurring at the plant. The duties and responsibilities of the Plant Fire Brigade, insuring complete coordination with the Fire Department, are covered in the Operations Manual, Section F5, Fire Fighting. The Red Wing Fire Department will be the lead fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) agency for all emergencies. The Red Wing

                           . Fire Department maintains mutual aid agreements with other area ambulance and fire departments as specified in the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Response Plan. These agreements provide that the City may call upon other resources to assist in responding to an emergency, including a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. For a HAB event, Red Wing Fire Department will deploy a representative to the Incident Command Post dependent upon type, location, and scope of the incident, once scene safety is established.

The Red Wing Fire Department has various firefighting apparatus and water pumping equipment available for use. All Red Wing Fire Department apparatus can perform both fire fighting tasks, including rescue, and non-fire fighting tasks, including spraying to contain radiological releases and pumping water into the plant for refilling and cooling purposes. In all cases, such operations can begin once the radiological and security threats are mitigated to insure the safety of both plant personnel and fire fighters.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 45 of 158 B. Hospital and Medical Support Medical support and treatment for non:..radiological injuries is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System, both of which are located in Red Wing, Minnesota. Radiological related injuries are treated at the medical center which is the primary treatment facility. Emergency

                            . plans have been prepared, and training of medical center personnel is accomplished on an annual basis.

Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota is designated as the definitive care center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport service. C. Ambulance Service

  • The Red Wing Ambulance Service will provide service to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Training and participation in drills ensures that personnel involved in the transportation of radiation victims are knowledgeable in use of proper procedures and handling methods. Procedures are covered in the Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty Care.


                                                                               . NUMBER:

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 46of158 D. Local Law Enforcement For a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) Security Condition and an Alert and Site Area Emergency Hostile Action Based (HAB) event at PINGP, the City of Red Wing Police Department is the lead law enforcement agency. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The pre-designated ICP locations have been identified; however, selection will depend on the incident. The City of Red Wing Police Department maintains the list of potential ICP sites and will be responsible for designating the site during a response and telling the other agencies responding to the location. Unified Command should be established and includes city, county, state, federal ar)d utility expertise. Communication will be established between the Incident Commander and plant security and operations as soon as possible. The Red Wing Police Department has the ability to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies (i.e. the primary source of additional resources will be the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office with the ability to request assistance from other neighboring agencies as necessary) to assist them in response to any Prairie Island contingency situation, including a HAB event. The initial hostile action response goals are; maintain vital plant systems to prevent a release of radioactive materials, protection of on-site workforce, neutralizing the adversaries, and restoring plant operating conditions. Tactical operational priorities supported by Law Enforcemment include; securing a perimeter around the site, containment of vital areas, sweep and securing of vital areas, safe movement of critical workers on the site, neutralizing adversaries, protection/evacuation of the on-site workforce, and sweep of

  • protected area and owner controlled area.

The Incident Command Post will support tracking resources and

  • personnel at or near the site and the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will support tracking resources and personnel off-site in accordance with the Radiological Emergency Plan. In the event that NSPM has declared a General Emergency as defined in the City/County Plan, the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office shall assume operational control over all emergency operations.


5. 7 Coordination with Governmental Response Organizations 5.7.1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM)

The Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has the responsibility for notification and coordination of Minnesota State Agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island.

  • The MN HSEM is notified by Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at the plant, the MN duty officer will immediately call the MN Department of Health, the Governor's Authorized Representative and other state agencies with emergency assignments to coordinate the implementation of any emergency procedures. The state agencies responsible for emergency procedure*s have established a system of
  • twenty-four hour communications.

5.7.2 Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) The Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) is responsible for providing radiological expertise in the State Emergency Operations Center in conjunction with the MN HSEM. The Minnesota Department of Health will interpret data and participate in recommending protective actions to the Governor's Authorized Representative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 48 of 158 5.7.3 Wisconsin Emergency Management The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM), has the responsibility for


notification and coordination of Wisconsin state agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at the plant,*Prairie Island NGP will notify the WEM duty officer who will notify the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Radiation Protection Section) and other state agencies with emergency assignments, to coordinate the implementation of any emergency procedures. The state agencies responsible for emergency

                      . procedures have established a system of twenty-four hour communications.

5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS)

  • The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) is responsible to prevent exposure to ionizing radiation in amounts which are detrimental to health according to nationally accepted standards.

The Wisconsin DHS, Radiation Protection Section, is responsible for coordination of radiation response activities in the State of Wisconsin. In the event of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP, DHS, Radiation Protection Section will be concerned with monitoring the air and water about the plantto assure*that the public is not exposed to levels of radioactive pollutants potentially detrimental to public health. DHS's facilities are located in Madison~ Wisconsin.


5. 7.5 Goodhue. Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs The Sheriff's Departments will notify all necessary local emergency response groups in the event of an accident. The Sheriff is responsible for protection of the general public and can provide personnel and equipm~nt for evacuation,* relocation and isolation.

Goodhue County and the Sheriff also has agreements in place to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies, including resources needed to respond to a HAB event. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The Goodhue County Sheriff's Office Tactical Response Team will be the lead tactical* response operations group coordinator and coordinate the tactical law enforcement response with Command. Goodhue County Sheriff's Office can request tactical team resources as needed from: Minnesota State Patrol Special Response Team, Dakota County ERT, FBI SWAT and Washington County ERT. 5.7.6 Goodhue. Dakota. Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management The Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management Organizations have the responsibility for notification and providing direction to residents in the event of a major emergency that affects their respective area of responsibility. 5.7.7 . Prairie Island Indian Community The Prairie Island Indian Community has an Emergency Operations Plan that includes the description of tribal responsibilities during a nuclear plant declared event. The Prairie Island Nuclear Generation Plant conducts emergency notifications to the Treasure Island Casino security dispatch center who, in turn, notifies appropriate members of the Prairie Island Indian Community and their organization.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 50of158 5.7.8 Minnesota State Patrol The Minnesota (MN) State Patrol has the responsibility to protect the general public by providing personnel and equipment to re-route traffic in the event of an emergency situation. Plans have been made for re-routing federal and state highways. Signs and equipment required for re-routing will be stored in the areas where they would be needed to facilitate

  • highway closings. The MN Department of Transportation would be notified by the MN State Patrol to erect the signs.

5.7.9 Minnesota Department of Transportation The MN Department of Transportation will assist the MN State Patrol in blocking and re-routing traffic around the plant site. In addition to the necessary personnel; vehicles, signals, and barriers for setting up and maintaining detour routes are available.

5. 7 .1 O Canadian Pacific Railway-GP Railway (Soo Line)

In an emergency situation, CP Rail will make every reasonable effort to expedite unblocking the road/railroad cro~sing near Prairie Island NGP. The dispatcher will also provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP. 5.7.11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway The dispatcher will provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP as per the Minnesota State emergency operations plan.

5. 7 .12 Department of the Army. Corps of Engineers. Lock & Dam #3 The Corps of Engineers at Lock & Dam #3 will be notified by the Minnesota Duty Officer of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP. The Lock and Dam personnel will notify all tows within radio range of impending evacuations and assist in evacuation of personnel at the Lock and Dam.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 51 of 158 A complete description of response capabilities, organizational resources, activation plans, designations of emergency operations centers and letters of agreement are available in Minnesota and Wisconsin's state emergency

  • operations plans.

5.7.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) The basic responsibilities of the NRC are to monitor, assess, and, if necessary, direct the utility to take actions to protect the health and safety of the public. For a radiological incident at a commercial power plant, the NRC is the Lead Federal Agency (LFA). The LFA is responsible for coordinating all Federal onscene actions. The NRC will coordinate Federal assistance to States and local organizations. A principal role of the LFA is to assist the State in interpretation and analysis of technical information as a basis for making decisions about protective actions. This assistance will begin early in an incident from the NRC Operations Center in Rockville, MD, and later, from the utility's emergency operations facility on scene. The NRC is an independent reviewer of the actions the utility is taking to correct the initiating and related problems. The NRC will assess actual or potential offsite impacts as well, and will make an independent evaluation of Protective Action Recommendations, if necessary. As the LFA, the NRC has the responsibility for coordinating the release of Federal information to the media and others. The NRC will conduct most public information activities from the utility's Joint Information Center (JIC). The NRC also will keep the White House and Congress informed on all aspects of the event. The NRC is responsible for giving the best possible advice at a given time to the States and will not limit its involvement to presenting a series of options. The NRC also administers the Price-Anderson Act to ensure that the public that is affected by the event has adequate financial assistance to address most emergency needs.


                                                                                          *E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN                                    REV:     53 Page 52of158 5.7.14   Department of Energy (DOE).

Among its responsibilities as a support agency, DOE will coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring and assessment for the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) and the State during the initial phases of the emergency. It will maintain a common set of offsite radiological data and provide an appropriate interpretation of the data to the LFA and the State. DOE will manage the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC), which is a multi-agency facility. DOE will conduct environmental monitoring, including air, ground, and water. Their immediate objective is to rapidly dispatch a Radiological Assistant Program (RAP) Team to the scene to assess the hazard to the public and make recommendations to the authorities for the protection of the public. The Planning Chief in the State EOC is the designated Minnesota authority to request RAP assistance, as stated in the Minnesota state plan, and the Wisconsin DH, Radiation Section, is the designated Wisconsin authority to request RAP assistance for Wisconsin, as stated in the Wisconsin state plan. 5.7.15 Institute Of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) INPO will coordinate requests from other utility INPO members and participants. They will notify NEI and. EPRI of events, maintain an emergency resource capability and information on industry assistance capabilities coordinate the delivery of persons and materials under its Nuclear Power Plant and Transportation Agreements, and provide member

  • communications to facilitate the flow of technical information about the emergency.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 53of158 6.0 EMERGENCY MEASURES This section will describe the activation of the Emergency Organization. Various detailed and specific emergency measures that will be taken by the plant staff are further delineated in the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures. 6.1 Activation of Emergency Organization 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations The Shift Manager will be responsible for activating any part of the emergency organization. During the normal work week, the plant and training center public address systems will be used to activate the organizations. During the off-shift hours, activation of the emergency organizations will be accomplished using the ERO (Emergency Response Organization) Pager Network and the ERO Auto Dial System. Personal pagers are carried by the following personnel who are considered members of the emergency organization: A. Radiation Survey Team Members B. Plant Operating Review Committee Members C. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) D. l&C Supervisors E. Designated Engineers & Technical Personnel The ERO Pager Network is a personal pager system activated by a phone call. Upon receipt of a notification, it will be the responsibility ofthe supervisors to contact any additional personnel in their respective groups which may be required to report to the plant site, to staff the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility or to initiate offsite monitoring. The ERO Auto Dial System is an automatic dialing telephone network with multiple outgoing telephone lines. When activated, it will call and deliver an emergency message to the Plant and EOF Organization's home telephones.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 54 of 158 The ERO Auto Dial System and ERO Pager Network are two notification system(s) used to activate the onsite emergency organization. One system is the backup of the other system. Both will be activated for ERO notification. Telephone numbers of all key emergency organization personnel are published in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory.

  • If the event involves a credible security threat, EOF staff may be directed to staff the Backup EOF. In this case, the onsite ERO may be directed to the Red Wing Service Center until it is safe to staff the onsite OSC and TSC.

The Red Wing Service Center is to be used as the Alternative Facility during a security threat or event. The RWSC has communication links with the Control Room, EOF, and Security. 6.1.2 Notification Scheme When an abnormal condition is identified by the Operating Staff/Shift Supervisor, the Shift Supervisor will contact the Shift Manager and the Shift Emergency Communicator. An assessment of the safety significance will be performed, and a determination of the emergency classification will be made using the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures. Upon declaring an emergency condition, the Shift Manager will activate portions of the Emergency Pl~n as appropriate to respond to the declared. emergency. During a Notification of Unusual Event, the Emergency Director position usually will not be activated and the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator or other qualified communicator to make the necessary notifications of offsite state and local authorities. The Emergency Director position will be activated during an Atert,*a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. The Shift Manager will assume the rote as Emergency Director until relieved by the individual

                      . designated to relieve him.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 55of158 The Shift Manager/Emergency Director, will designate the Emergency Communicator or qualified designee to make notification calls to the following individuals or agencies, as detailed in the plant's implementing procedures. A State of Minnesota HSEM B. State of Wisconsin Emergency Management C. Local Authorities (Wisconsin & Minnesota)

1. Dakota County Sheriff
2. Pierce County Sheriff
3. Goodhue County Sheriff D. Prairie Island Indian Community Representatives via Treasure Island Casino Security Dispatch Center E. Plant Manager (designated Emergency Director)

F. Emergency Manager G. Electric Utility System Operations Dispatcher H. NRC Resident Inspectors A more detailed call list of agencies and individuals, listing phone numbers, is included in the implementing procedures. The Shift Manager/Emergency Director will ensure that the NRC Duty Officer is notified of the emergency by a qualified individual within one (1) hour of emergency declaration. Eventually the Emergency Manager, in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), will relieve the Emergency Director of offsite communications and protective action recommendations. At that time offsite notification calls will be initiated by the EOF. The Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency

  • Organization Interface is shown in Figure 3.

. PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 56 of 158 6.1.3 Communicators It is the responsibility of all individuals in the emergency organization to ensure that any information transmitted or received over any communication channel is formal, clear, and concise so that there will be no misunderstanding. Dedicated communicators will be assigned at each emergency operations center assuring a uniform transfer of information between segments of the onsite and offsite emergency response organizations. Initially, this responsibiiity rests with the Shift Emergency Communicator or qualified designee located in the Technical Support Center and subsequently with all backup communicators assigned these responsibilities. Emergency Response Facilities such as the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center, Control Room, Assembly Area and EOF will have dedicated communicators. Communicators will be assigned to specific communication duties, for example:

  • A. ENS Hotline - licensed operator or designee B. HPN Hotline - Radiation Protection personnel when requested by the NRC following facility activation.

C. NRC Security Bridge - Security personnel when requested by the NRC following facility activation. D. Offsite State and Local Agency Notifications - Shift Emergency Communicator and Emergency Communicators* E. Survey Teams - Radiological Emergency Coordinator or Radiation Protection Support Supervisor and/or designee F. Emergency Operating Centers - Operating Center Coordinators and/or designees G. Others as deemed necessary


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                   '.r . - ,
                             >'                                            EMERGENCY PLAN                                                                   REV:      53 Page 57 of 158 Figure 3           Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface TREASURE ISLAND NRC CASINO SECURITY OFFICE DISPATCH CENTER (LOCAL ISLAND RESIDENTS)


  • EMERGENCY MANAGER assumes offsite responsibilities when the EOF Organization is activated .

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 58of158 Figure 4 HAB Communications IQS PINGP HAB Communications '~ ..... , '" /,/. CA$ Unified Command; LE, Fire, Security,

                        *Pl~GP Operation~;


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Primary offsite authorities provide a 24 hour per day manning of communication links, as follows: A. Wisconsin authorities

1. State of Wisc. (WEM) - State Patrol District 1 Dispatcher
2. Pierce County - Pierce County Sheriff's Dispatcher


1. State of Minnesota - Minnesota Duty Officer (MOO)
2. Goodhue County - Goodhue County Sheriff's Dispatcher
3. Dakota County-Dakota County Sheriff's Dispatcher C. Tribal Authorities - Treasure Island Security Dispatch 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications Communication, for the purpose of notifying offsite agencies that an emergency condition exists, SHALL be authenticated before offsite agency action is initiated. The authentications will be accomplished in accordance with the offsite agencies specific emergency plans.

6.2 Record Keeping It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the emergency organization to ensure that accurate and complete records are maintained throughout the emergency situation. Emergency records may serve the following purposes: 6.2.1 . Official documentation used to reconstruct the emergency for critique or analysis; 6.2.2 Check to ensure that necessary actions are completed during the course of an emergency; 6.2.3 Information and data collection during an emergency; and 6.2.4 Documentation of actions for legal purposes. All activities performed by the operations staff SHALL be logged in the applicable reactor log .. All other information and activities SHALL be maintained by the Emergency Director, Emergency Manager and various coordinators (e.g., individuals in charge of various emergency operating centers, radiation survey teams, etc.) for permanent plant records.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 6.3 Summary of Site Response Actions Summarized below are the actions required by the site staff for each of the four emergency classifications. For each class of emergency, appropfiate state, local, and tribal authorities will be notified. Depending on the emergency level classification, they will activate the segment(s) of their emergency organizations, according to their individual plans and based on the information received in the notification. NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of unusual event status and the reason for the Unusual Event as soon as discovered.
2. Augment on-shift resources as needed.
3. Assess and respond to Unusual Event.
4. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities or
5. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Alert status and reason for Alert as soon as discovered.*
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC) and onsite Operational Support Center (OSC). The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and key offsite emergency organization personnel will be activated.
3. Assess and respond to the Alert condition.
4. Dispatch onsite or offsite survey teams and associated communications as needed.
5. Provide periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities.
6. Provide periodic meteorological assessments to offsite authorities and, if any releases are occurring, dose estimates for actual releases.


7. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities.


8. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Site Area Emergency status and reason for emergency as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to the Site Area Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel.
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis.
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual release via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.


11. Escalate to General Emergency class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of General Emergency status, appropriate offsite protective action recommendations and reason for emergency as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to General Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel.
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis. *
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 63 of 158 6.4 Assessment Actions 6.4.1 Dose Projections Dose projections may be performed by using the standard dose projection program RASCAL (Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis). Radioactive effluent release and meteorological data is procured from the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS) and entered into RASCAL for real time dose assessments during inadvertent release of radioactive materials. The RASCAL program may be run from terminals that are located in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Meteorological data is stored and processed in the ERCS. The onsite 60 meter meteorological tower supplies the following: A. Wind speed (10 and 60 meters) B. Wind direction (1 O and 60 meters)

                       *C. Ambient Temperature                     \

D. DT (between 10 and 60 meters) E. Rainfall A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the EOF, and supplies the following: A. Wind speed (22 meters) B. Wind direction (22 meters)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 64 of 158 Redundant instrumentation is provided on the onsite 60 meter meteorological tower, and may be designated as primary and secondary sensors. The 22 meter backup tower provides a set of tertiary sensors. The ERGS continuously collects the meteorological data. Meteorological data from all three sets of instruments are displayed simultaneously as well as the calculated stability class (derived from the temperature readings). If all met data is unavailable, manual entry of met data may be made for accident calculations. Surveillances and quality checks are performed on the meteorological tower equipment and data to ensure emergency responders will have

  • access to representative onsite meteorological data. A daily review of a week's trend of meteorological data is performed. The meteorological tower instruments are functionally tested monthly and calibrated at least annually.

Radiological effluent monitor data is also stored and processed in the ERGS. The effluent monitor reading, the calibration conversion factor and the vent flow rate result in a release rate. Effluent concentrations may also be manually entered into the computer if monitor data is not automatically available to the ERGS. With meteorological and effluent release data available, calculations of offsite radiation dose, air concentration, ground deposition, and external dose rate from the plume can be made. Dose calculations are made for Total Effective Dose Equivalents (TEDE) and Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalents (Thyroid COE). Results of all calculations can be printed in report format and, in most cases, displayed graphically. Isopleths can be displayed of any or all calculated outputs. Projected calculations take into account values of time of release and duration of release. The isopleth displayed is based on the assumption that the release continues for a predetermined duration time. This gives a display in which the plume overlays the region of potential highest dose. The dose assessment computer allows quick accident dose calculations to be made, before any results from the Radiation Survey Teams are received. Radiation Survey Team results will be used to verify the dose calculations.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 65 of 158 In case of potential release from the containment, the activity available for a release may be obtained from the containment high range dome monitors, as illustrated in Figure 5. The containment dome monitor reading and applicable calibration curve results in an activity available for release, and using an estimated release rate, an offsite dose calculation within the plume exposure pathway may be projected. The activity available in containment may also be obtained directly from sample analysis. The containment dome monitors are also used as indicators for relative amounts of core damage, as illustrated in Figure 5. The indicated radiation levels in the containment gives an estimate of the gaseous radioactive concentrations in containment. Using the time after shutdown and the radiation levels, an estimate of the relative amount of core damage may be made. This must be used in a confirmatory sense, that is, as backup to other measurements of fission product release and other indicators.


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EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV: 53 Page 66of158 Figure 5 Containment Dose Rate Versus Time 1-z


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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 67 of 158 The capability for remote interrogation of the meteorological data will be provided to NRG by either the Emergency Response Data System (EROS) or direct telephone access to the individual responsible for making offsite dose projections. Implementing procedures will detail this activity. A hand calculation methodology for offsite dose calculations is available in case of computer system and/or meteorological system failure. Additionally, meteorological data may be obtained from local offsite locations. Atmospheric stability class and weather forecast information is available from the National Weather Service Twin Cities. The capability to estimate the total offsite population dose (manrem) received during a release is available. The offsite dose assessment

  • computer will supply the projected dose rates or doses at selected distances from the plant. Radiation Survey Team results may also be used to determine the offsite dose rates. Population distribution charts comprised of the geopolitical subareas are available. The Radiological Emergency Coordinator in the TSC or the Radiological Protection Support Supervisor in the EOF may determine the applicable dose rates in the geopolitical subarea and multiply dose rate times the exposure time, times the population in the geopolitical subarea of interest, thereby calculating an estimated total population dose.

The Emergency Director SHALL ensure that radiological information (both actual and potential) and recommendations for protective actions are transmitted to the offsite authorities. Upon activation of the EOF Organization, the responsibility for offsite accident assessment is transferred to the EOF. The EOF will serve as a base of operations for all site environmental surveillance, receipt and analysis of all field monitoring data, offsite dose projection and recommendations for offsite protective actions.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 68 of 158 6.4.2 Radiological Surveys The Radiation Protection Group SHALL be responsible for all radiological surveys and personnel monitoring both onsite and offsite. The non-licensed operators of the Operations Group are also trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys during the first hour of the emergency. The Emergency Director has the responsibility for directing all radiation safety during the emergency. The Radiation Protection Specialists may be divided into three emergency Radiation Survey Teams. Two teams are assigned offsite duties such as radiation surveys, air samples, or liquid sampling. The two offsite survey teams will conduct a search for the plume and obtain dose rates, .and iodine, particulate or gaseous samples at pre-designated sample locations. Plume exposure pathway maps with pre-designated sample locations are contained in the emergency survey kits. The third team is assigned duties onsite such as radiation surveys, sampling (airborne or liquid) and sample analysis using the equipment available onsite and/or the EOF Count Room facility. Silver zeolite adsorbers are used to collect airborne iodine samples, both onsite and offsite .. Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of entrapped noble gases oh the iodine adsorber, allowing a much lower detection sensitivity. Iodine samples may be analyzed in the EOF Counting Room. The Radiation Survey Teams are activated via the ERO Auto Dial System and/or the ERO Pager Network or the telephone system. If the emergency occurs during normal working hours, the teams will be activated and

  • respond within 10 minutes. If the emergency occurs during off hours, the teams will be activated and respond within thirty (30) minutes. Designated Emergency Lockers contain emergency survey kits, which include portable instruments, battery operated air samplers, liquid sampling equipment, and communication equipment.

After the initial offsite surveys are completed, the teams assigned offsite

                       .duties may be relieved by Monticello Radiation Protection Specialists who
  • will continue to perform any offsite surveys assigned by the Emergency Manager. The Prairie Island Survey Team members may concentrate their efforts and resources to onsite responsibilities.


                                      , EMERGENCY PLAN REV:      53 Page 69 of 158 6.5     Corrective Actions Certain actions may be taken by the Prairie Island staff during an emergency which may minimize the severity of the accident and lessen the amount of offsite releases.

These actions are outlined in the various standing plant abnormal operating, emergency operating, and plant safety procedures. Repair and Damage Control is the responsibility of the Emergency Director and Shift Supen.iisors. During the onset of the emergency, plant operators are responsible for minor damage repair and control. Upon activation of the Plant Emergency Organization, equipment repair activities are the responsibility of the Maintenance Group, the l&C Group, the Electrical Group, and the Operations Group depending upon the extent and type of damage. Repair and damage control on radioactive or contaminated systems will be monitored by the Radiation Protection Group. The Fire Brigade is composed of personnel in accordance with NRC requirements and is directed by a Fire Brigade Chief. Backup support is from the Red Wing Fire Department. All onsite Fire Brigade members are trained in the use of onsite fire fighting equipment and in proper fire fighting procedures. The Fire Brigade will be placed in action under the direction of the Brigade Chief. 6.6 Protective Actions 6.6.1 Evacuation and Sheltering In the course of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP when there is an actual or potential release of radioactive material to the environs in excess of normal operating levels, the Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to ensure that an assessment is made of the projected doses to persons onsite and offsite. Upon activation of the EOF, the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for ensuring that all assessments are made of the projected doses to the offsite population.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 70of158 The Protective Action Guides (PAG's), promulgated by the EPA, set dose guides for the offsite population. The Emergency Director also has the responsibility to ensure that protective actions are also taken to maintain exposure to onsite personnel within the PAG's. The Emergency Director or the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated SHALL be responsible to recommend to the state and local authorities any protective actions for the offsite population whether the protective. actions be based on predetermined Emergency Action Levels (EALs) or projected offsite dose assessment. Plant Emergency Organization personnel fall into the category of "Emergency Workers" to which higher PAG's apply. The Emergency Director: has the responsibility of maintaining doses within these PAG's. A. Plant Site The primary protective measure for non-essential onsite personnel during a Site Area or General Emergency and possibly during an Alert, is evacuation to a suitable assembly area where the personnel can be monitored for contamination. The Emergency Director or Shift Manager, prior to ordering an evacuation SHALL determine the habitability of the assembly area (wind direction, magnitude of release, etc.). If the normal onsite assembly area is determined to be uninhabitable, the Emergency Director will select a location farther from the plant site and designate the route to this location. The Control Room operator will sound the evacuation alarm and . announce the designated assembly area. If a location offsite is selected, the traffic route and area SHALL be announced. Once non-essential personnel are accounted for and monitored for contamination, they may be released from the assembly area.* The evacuation routes from the assembly areas are limited to two directions: County 18 to Etter to Hwy 316 or County 18 to Hwy 61. High water conditions may make the Etter route unusable, leaving only the County 18 to Hwy 61 route available. Prairie Island NGP vehicles and personal cars will be used to transport all personnel. If conditions (meteorological or radiological) make land routes unavailable, evacuation by alternate means, (e.g., aircraft or

                            .watercraft) may be a viable alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 71of158 All non-essential personnel SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. The plant security force will assist in the evacuation by directing people to the proper assembly area. The Security Force SHALL direct employees to badge out of the Protected Area while exiting the Protected Area. The Security Force will perform an immediate check of the Protected Area to ensure that all personnel did indeed hear the evacuation alarm. The Security Force will perform a check of the Owner Controlled Area and warn all personnel of the evacuation in progress. Radiation Survey Team Members, extra on-shift operators, group managers, Maintenance Supervisors, l&C Supervisors, Lead Maintenance Personnel and Station Electricians SHALL report to the Operational Support Center or the Technical Support Center, as applicable. Plant staff without emergency assignments SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. NRG Resident lnspector(s) may proceed to the Technical Support Center or Control Room. Designated individuals SHALL complete an accountability check of personnel remaining within the Protected 'Area by verifying a list of personnel remaining in the Protected Area. The Emergency Director accepts responsibility for solving any discrepancies found during the accountability. The Emergency Director SHALL direct the necessary follow-up actions. The Radiation Protection Group or qualified personnel SHALL monitor personnel at the assembly area for contamination, and any exposure determinations SHALL be completed, as conditions warrant. The emergency locker contains material necessary for decontamination of personnel under Radiation Protection Group supervision. The assembly area SHALL remain in contact with the Emergency Director or designee via the telephone system or portable radio supplied in the emergency locker. The individual assigned as the Coordinator at the assembly area will be the contact point for all personnel. *

  • The Emergency Director SHALL release non-essential personnel for departure from the site when conditions allow or demand this action.

The Emergency Director will designate the proper traffic routes to follow during the departure.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 72 of 158 Onsite Protective Actions designed for protection of onsite personnel as described above may be inappropriate for a Hostile Action Event. Alternate actions as described in NSIR/DRP-ISG-01 Section IV.F have been developed and proceduralized. B. Offsite Areas The primary protective actions for the offsite population are sheltering or evacuation. The Emergency Director SHALL recommend the necessary protective actions to offsite authorities based on predetermined protective actions for a General Emergency Classification or results of offsite dose assessment. Upon activation of the EOF, the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for recommending protective actions for the offsite population. If protective actions are warranted prior to augmentation of state emergency response organizations, the Emergency Director SHALL recommend directly to county and tribal authorities the necessary protective actions. In both cases, total responsibility for carrying out the protective actions rests with offsite authorities. Prairie Island NGP SHALL make the recommendations and supply the required dose assessments. C.

  • Protective Action Guides (PAG's)

Table 3 and Table 4 provide guidelines and action levels to be used in the formulation of protective action recommendations for the offsite population and. plant personnel. The specific protective actions carried out by the offsite authorities are contained in their respective emergency plans. D. Evacuation Time Estimates (ETE)- Plume Exposure EPZ. Time estimates for evacuation of the plume exposure EPZ are referenced in an appendix to the Off-site Nuclear Emergency Plan and in the Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure for making off-site protective action recommendations. PINGP and the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin use the ETE to develop pre-determined protective action recommendations.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 73 of 158 6.6.2 Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies A. Onsite Respiratory Protection and Protective Clothing Protective clothing or respiratory protection for onsite personnel SHALL be as designated by the Radiation Protection Group or the Emergency Director. Respiratory Protection will be used as necessary to reduce the inhalation of radioactive material. During emergency conditions, it may become impossible to maintain normal respiratory protection guidelines. An internal exposure program, whole body counting and/or bioassay program, SHALL be activated to ensure that all internal exposure is determined as assigned to the individual. Respiratory equipment is stored in the OSC and TSC emergency lockers, Unit 1 695' Turbine Building Chem. Feed Station Area, Fire Brigade equipment room, and Access Control. Access Control is the main storage area for respiratory equipment. The respiratory equipment available is a combination of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBAs), and full face canister respirators.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency The following situations require urgent actions by offsite officials. Conditions are based on Control Room indications with no dose projections required. The following protective action recommendations SHALL be made within 15 minutes. Prerequisite: Plant Staff Detects GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. If wind is~ 5 mph: (1) IF HAB Event concurrent with GE - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles tO 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles.

(2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold. (20%

Clad Damage) i.e. 1(2) R-48 or 49 reading > 800 R/hr OR

b. An Offsite Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the site boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 10 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, SHELTER Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles, extend SIP 5-10 Mile if PAG.S exceeded at 5 Mile and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2. ___ _J

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 75of158 Met Data from 22 meter tower OR wind < 5 mph OR unknown? (1) IF HAB Event concurrent with GE - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate ALL From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold (20% Clad Damage) i.e.

1(2) R-48 or 49 reading > 800 R/hr OR

b. A RASCAL Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 10 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2.

2. Continue with dose assessment throughout the emergency and revise initial Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with the protective action guidelines in Table4.

The protective action recommendations described above are based on NRC Response Technical Manual, RTM-96, Vol. 1, Rev. 5, October 2002 and EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 76of158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Early Phase Projected Doses Offsite Projected Recommended Doses (mrem) Protective Actions Comments TEOE < 1000 No recommended The states of MN and WI may choose to Thyroid COE < 5000 protective actions implement sheltering or precautionary evacuation for the general public at their discretion. TEOE 2 1000 Evacuate those sectors Evacuation should be recommended in Thyroid COE 2 5000 and distances where the absence of local constraints. MN and WI PAG is exceeded. Use may choose to shelter if evacuation were 0-2, 0-5 & 0-10 mile not immediately possible due to offsite distances. Shelter for constraints (severe weather, competing known impediments to disasters or local traffic constraints). evacuation and/or controlled puff release. Notes: 1. TEDE =Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Thyroid COE= Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent

2. Based on EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992
3. The Skin COE PAG for evacuation of the general public is 50,000 mrem
4. Offsite projected doses include exposure from radioactive plume (external & internal) and 4 day exposure to ground contamination.
5. Known impediments to evacuation are conditions which make evacuation of the public impractical. Conditions include inclement weather (ice/snow storms where driving would be dangerous), and known impacts on the ability to execute public evacuations (severe damage to roads/infrastructures, etc.).
6. Controlled puff release exists when there is assurance that the release is short term (puff release) and the area near the plant cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 77of158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Emergency Workers TEDE Dose Limit (mrem) Activity Condition 5,000 All emergency activities This dose limit applies when a lower dose is not practicable through application of ALARA practices. 10,000 Protecting valuable Lower dose not practicable property 25,000 Life saving or protection Lower dose not practicable of large populations >25,000 Life saving or protection Doses in excess of this dose limit of large populations SHALL only be on a voluntary basis to persons fully aware of the risks involved. Notes: 1. Based on EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992

2. These are doses to non-pregnant adults from external exposure and intake during an emergency.
3. Exposures to the lens of the eye should be limited to 3 times the values listed and doses to the skin and/or extremities and any other organ should be limited to 10 times the values listed.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 78of158 B. Radioprotective Drug The use of a stable iodine thyroid blocking agent,* Potassium Iodide (Kl), for plant staff and personnel assigned to onsite emergency operating centers is recommended in situations where airborne iodine concentrations have or could increase to unacceptable concentrations resulting in thyroid doses greater than 25 Rem (final recommendation by the Food and Drug Administration). The Radiological Emergency Coordinator SHALL recommend the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Emergency Director SHALL then direct the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Potassium Iodide (Kl) tablets are stored in the TSC Emergency Locker, EOF Emergency Locker, and in the Field Survey Kits. The tablets will be distributed per the applicable implementing procedure. C. Shielding All plant personnel, who are required to occupy the emergency operating centers, (i.e., Tech Support Center and the Control Room), are protected from intense radiation fields and high airborne radioactivity levels by shielding and/or emergency air handling equipment. All reactor coolant system sampling and radiochemical analysis may be completed using the shielded sampling system with reach rods in the hot sample room and a lead brick shielded work area in the hot cell area. D. Offsite Areas There are no plans for the distribution of respiratory protective equipment and/or protective clothing for the general public. The distribution of thyroid blocking agents is the responsibility of the offsite officials. All Protective Actions to be taken for the general public are described in the offsite emergency plans.


  • A. Onsite Areas The Emergency Director SHALL designate the Radiation Protection Group responsible for controlling or minimizing direct or subsequent internal exposure from radioactive materials deposited on the ground or other surfaces. The Radiation Protection Group SHALL be responsible for determining the extent of contamination in controlled and normally uncontrolled areas. During an emergency, guidelines to follow for contamination limits are shown in Table 5.

The Radiation Protection Group with assistance from the Security Force will establish new secondary access control points at the

                             , boundaries of the new controlled areas to ensure that all personnel entering the areas*are properly badged and clothed.

The Radiation Protection group SHALL advise all personnel that contamination levels in some uncontrolled areas may significantly exceed normal levels. Without protective clothing, personnel will have to take precautions to avoid personal contamination. Limits for personal contamination will remain at the normal limits which will minimize the chance of ingestion of radioactive material. Table 5 Contamination Limits I LARGE AREA LOOSE SURFACE WIPE FIXED I Authorized Limits (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma I Alpha)/ 100 sq cm .1 (Circle One) (GM pancake probe) (GM pancake probe)

                                < 100/10 dpm/100 cm 2 NORMAL                                                     < 100 ccpm          < 100 ccpm I

2 ELEVATED < 1000/20 dpm/100 cm < 100 ccpm < 100 ccpm I

                              < 5000/100 dpm/100 cm 2 EMERGENCY                                                      < 500 ccpm          < 500 ccpm I

Based on Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Accidents, EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992, Table 7-7. I Frisker response: 1 mR/hr ~ 5000 cpm Cs 137.


                                                                                       . Page 80of158 Particular attention will be given to radioiodine contamination of the skin. Oxidizing agents, e.g., Beta dyne or Radiac Wash, are available in the decontamination kits to treat iodine skin contamination.

The Radiation Protection Group SHALL have the responsibility of controlling all onsite food and water supplies during the emergency. Whenever a plant evacuation takes place involving radiological hazards onsite, all food and water supplies within the evacuation area may be considered contaminated and not for use: Material decontamination SHALL be performed by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants or designated personnel under supervision of the Radiation Protection Group.* Procedures and equipment for material decontamination are listed in the Decontamination Procedures of the Operations Manual, Sections F-2 and D-13, and in the Radiation

  • Protection Manual RPIP's.

Before any water or food can be consumed, the Radiation Protection Group will check and verify that the food itself and the eating surfaces are below the limits of Section F-2 of the Operations Manual (previously recorded). Random samples of food containers may be analyzed via the GEM Detector for low level contamination not detected by other methods. During the recovery phase, all areas of the plant will be returned to the original low levels of surface contamination prior to their release for unrestricted entry. B. Offsite Areas Contamination control in offsite areas is the responsibility of offsite officials with assistance from Prairie Island NGP. Required protective actions are delineated in Protective Actions guides and criteria are listed in the respective state emergency plans.


6. 7 Aid to Affected Personnel The Emergency Director is responsible for the protection of personnel from exposure to radiation and contamination and arranging for treatment of radiologically induced or contaminated
                                                   .      injuries.
                                                                . This responsibility may be del~gated to the Radiation Protection Group.
6. 7 .1 Emergency Personnel Exposure The Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group has the necessary equipment and personnel required to provide continuous capability to control and determine. radiation exposures of emergency organization
                        . personnel. The equipment consists of the following:
                       . A. portable radiation detection instruments B. electronic dosimeters C. high and low range dosimeters D. TLD's E. extra high range dosimeters F. record keeping equipment Contractor and vendor representatives may also be present to assist in exposure control and augment the Radiation Protection Group capabilities.

In an emergency situation, all onsite personnel, some offsite support personnel and some local governmental emergency response personnel will be issued TLD's and/or self-reading pocket dosimeters or electronic dosimeters. Exposure records will be maintained for all emergency response personnel issued dosimetry. During accident situations, higher radiation exposures may be authorized by the Emergency Director in order to protect life and property. The emergency exposure guidelines established are based on the Environmental Protection Agency's "PAGs for Emergency Workers", as listed in Table 4.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 82of158 Emergency workers (volunteers) may be allowed to exceed the 10CFR20 . limits with specific authorization of the Emergency Director when performing activities to protect life and property. In certain instances, it may be necessary to exceed 25 Rem exposure during lifesaving operations. All personnel involved SHALL be on a volunteer basis and will be advised of the effects of acute exposures and reasonable considerations of the relative risks. In all circumstances, every effort SHALL be made to keep exposures within the annual limits of 10CFR20 (5 Rem Total Effective Dose Equivalent). 6.7.2 Decontamination and First Aid The Emergency Director SHALL delegate the responsibility for personnel decontamination to the Radiation Protection Group. Decontamination procedures and contamination limits are spelled out in the Radiation Protection Manual RPIP's and the Radiation Safety and Medical Support Sections of the Operations Manual, which SHALL be followed for both normal and emergency situations involving personnel injury and personnel contamination. The primary decontamination facility is located at access control. Two

                      . showers and a double sink are located there. Special decontamination solutions are also available at access control.

When facilities at access control are not available, the assembly area emergency lockers contain equipment for personnel decontamination and personnel monitoring. Supplies include containers for liquid and solid waste. The decontamin~tion kits contain oxidizing agents for decontamination of the skin due to radioiodines. Decontamination operations at the assembly area will be confined to minor decontaminations because of limited resources. If necessary, individuals will be furnished with protective clothing and transported to alternate facilities. Contaminated clothing will be disposed of as radioactive waste. The EOF has a decontamination shower with associated liquid retention system. Equipment for small decontaminations is also available along with personnel monitoring equipment.

                                                                  ---- ____________ _J


  • EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 83of158 Contaminated individuals may be provided whole body counting analysis, as determined by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. Whole body counting systems are located at Pl & MT NGPs and/or mobile units which can be transported on or near the site.
  • Emergency First Aid will be applied to all injuries including contaminated injuries since contamination will not be life threatening whereas the lack of first aid could be life threatening.

First aid kits are located at the primary emergency centers in the plant. The First Aid responsibility will be assigned to the Security Officer/EMT when they arrive on the scene. Selected members of the Security Force and plant staff are trained in Advanced First Aid and/or Emergency Medical Training (EMT). The skill level of the staff is sufficient until offsite medical personnel arrive or until the victim is transported to the local hospital for further medical treatment. The Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty care, contains specific procedures .for first aid situations complicated by contamination.

6. 7 .3 Medical a._nd Public Health Support Medical support and treatment for radiological and non-radiological injuries*
  • is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System located in Red Wing, Minnesota.

Mayo Clinic Health System has a staff of physicians and hospital personnel trained in the proper methods of contamination control. At least one physician has been offered special courses on the treatment of radiological injuries. Prairie Island NGP conducts yearly training sessions with hospital personnel assuring a knowledge of radiation and contamination control pro_cedures.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 84of158 Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota is designated as the definitive care center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport service. Medical definitive care centers are offered periodic radiological contamination control training by the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) according to their plan. Monitoring instruments and supplies are located at Mayo Clinic Health System to aid in radiation monitoring and contamination control (e.g., TLD's, self-reading pocket dosimeters, protective clothing, survey meters, etc.).

  • All casualties on site will be administered emergency First Aid and radiation casualties will be decontaminated to every extent possible prior to departure from the plant site to the hospital. Proper application of first aid will take precedence over decontamination efforts.

Transportation of radiation casualties from Prairie Island NGP will be provided by the Red Wing Ambulance Service. In addition to the Red Wing Ambulance, a plant vehicle could be used as an emergency vehicle for transportation of victims to the hospital. Procedures to be used at the plant and at the hospital in treating victims of an accident involving radiation exposure and/or personnel contamination are established and delineated in Section F4 of the Plant Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. In addition Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, WI is prepared and will support. request for assistance in response to an emergency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant. Sacred Heart Hospital will serve as a radiation accident receiving hospital and has. a decontamination room and trauma treatment rooms with isolation capabilities. 6.7.4 Whole Body Counting Facilities A whole body counter is available at the Prairie Island NGP for determining the uptake of radioactivity. If this area becomes uninhabitable, the person may be transported to Monticello NGP where another whole body counter is available. Additional mobile whole body counters may be brought near or on the site if conditions make it a viable or necessary alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 85 of 158 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 7.1 Emergency Control Centers 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) The Technical Support Center (TSC) is located across the Turbine Building from Units 1 & 2 Control Room. A plan view of the TSC is shown in Figure 6. The Technical Support Center (TSC) will serve as a center outside the Control Room from which the plant management, technical, and engineering support personnel will: A. Support the Control Room command and control functions B. Assess the plant status and potential offsite impact C. Coordinate emergency response actions The Technical Support Center has the following capabilities: A. Working space for about twenty-five people on the main floor and working space for additional people on the other floor. B. Shielding and ventilation cleanup system (PAC filter) to provide habitability under accident conditions. C. An emergency locker containing monitoring equipment (radiation and airborne), respiratory protection equipment and thyroid blocking agent tablets. D. Communication channels to all onsite and offsite emergency response centers (primary and backup). E. A complete set of as-built drawings and other records such as plant layout drawings. * ,







PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 89 of 158 F. The capability to record and displax the following:

1. Plant System Parameters a Reactor Coolant System b Secondary System c ECCS System d Containment
2. In-Plant Radiological Parameters a Reactor Coolant System b Containment c Effluent Treatment d Release Paths e Area Monitors
3. Offsite Radiological Parameters a Meteorology b *Offsite Radiation Levels The Technical Support C~nter SHALL be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared.

The Technical Support Center Coordinator SHA.LL be responsible for coordinating activities in the TSC. This individual SHALL be responsible for establishing the monitoring of direct radiation and airborne activity in the Technical Support Center. Communications SHALL be established between the TSC, OSC, Control Room and EOF. If activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during normal work hours, instructions to report to the TSC will be received over the plant public address system. If activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during the off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the *shift Emergency Communicator to contact the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by phone and/or ERO Pager Network and request them to report to the Technical Support Center.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 90 of 158 7 .1.2 Operational Support Center (OSC) The Operational Support Center will provide a center to assemble the . necessary Operators, Radiation Protection Specialists, Instrument and Control, Electrical, Nuclear Plant Service Attendants, and Maintenance personnel to support the operations of the plant under emergency conditions without causing undue congestion in the Control Room. The Operational Support Center is located in t.he New Administration Building. The Operational Support Center will be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared. The Operational Support'Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the activation and coordination of activities in the OSC. The OSC Coordinator may designate a communicator to establish lines of communications between the Operational. Support Center, the Control Room and the Technical Support Center. If activation of the OSC occurs during a normal working day, instructions to* report to the OSC will be received over the plant public address system. Any Operations shift personnel on site that are not assigned to normal shift duty SHALL report to the OSC immediately. The following personnel will also report to the OSC if on site (additional personnel will be contacted as necessary): A. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) B. Designated Lead Station Electricians and Maintenance personnel C. Instrument and Control Supervisors D. Radiation Survey Team Members. E. Nuclear Plant Service Attendants

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 91 of 158 If activation of the Operational Support Center occurs during off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator to activate the onsite emergency organization to establish an initial complement of support personnel to assist in the emergency (additional personnel will be contacted as necessary): A. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical)

8. Designated Lead Station Electricians C. Instrument & Control Supervisors .

D. Radiation Survey Team Members E. Designated Purchasing & Inventory Control Personnel F. Nuclear Plant Service Attendants Instrumentation is stored in the emergency locker which provides for monitoring both direct radiation and airborne radioactive contaminants. An emergency locker located in the OSC contains all eq1,.1ipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes but is not limited to both waterproof and paper coveralls, respiratory protection (SCBAs ), dosimeters, radiation detection meters, air samplers, decontamination and first aid equipment. Communication equipment (radio and telephone) is available for contacting designated sections of the emergency response organizations.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 92 of 158 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is a required emergency response facility located near the plant site to provide continuous. coordination and evaluation of activities during an emerg~ncy having, or potentially having, environmental consequences. A plan view of the EOF Command Center is shown in Figure 7. The EOF will be activated during an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency. The functions of the EOF will be: A. Management of the .overall NSPM's offsite emergency response in support of plant activities;

  • B. Evaluate the magnitude and effects of actual or potential radioactive releases from the pl.ant; C. Recommend appropriate offsite protective measures, in conjunction with the TSC personnel; D. Coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring during emergencies and recovery operations; E. Coordinate emergency response activities with those. of local, State, Tribal, and Federal emergency response organizations; F. Provide current information on conditions potentially affecting the
  • public to the NRC and to offsite emergency response agencies; G. Act as the post-accident recovery management center for both onsite
                            . and offsite activities, if necessary.

The EOF will be activated and staffed by personnel from the Engineering and Projects Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. Activation and various re.sponsibilities within the EOF are described fully in Section F8 of the EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 93of158 The EOF has been constructed and designed in accordance with the guidance of NUREG 0696. The building has been designed to serve primarily as a Training Center on a regular basis with the capability for prompt conversion to the EOF function when required and, if needed, will serve as the Recovery Center. The EOF is constructed in a manner which provides habitability in an accident situation. Shielding and ventilation treatment systems have been installed to maintain an acceptable environment. The EOF section of the training building is a concrete structure that contains sufficient shielding to exceed a protection factor of 5. The ventilation system has an emergency mode of operation that will pressurize the building through a High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA) filtration system. The general layout of the building's entrances and exits have been given consideration for operation of the building in an emergency mode. Radiological monitoring and alarming are provided for the EOF portion of the building. Extensive communication equipment is installed in the building to provide primary and backup means of communication with outside agencies, offsite survey teams, TSC and the Control Room. The EOF portion of the building is served by a dual source power supply for those services necessary to make the EOF functional. The EOF provides office space for each plant support group, key supervisors, state, local and tribal officials, and the NRC, as well as functioning as a command center. Each space is provided with furnishings necessary to perform routine office functions. The plant support groups and governmental representatives will perform their respective functions in these assigned offices.* The command center is intended to function as a work space for the Emergency Manager, Radiation Protection Support Group, Technical Support Group, and for related critical communications. These activities are assigned to this area, due to the high volume of activity and the importance of the information handled. Additionally, this area is the central area for displaying plant status, offsite survey status, conducting accident assessment and directing the activities of the offsite Emergency Response Organization ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 94 of 158 The EOF is supplied with the equipment necessary to fulfill its function as an offsite emergency response center. Radiation monitoring and decontamination equipm~nt has been provided to supply offsite monitoring teams. Normal and emergency data acquisition is made available via the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS). Office equipment such as facsimile machines, copy machines, microfiche readers, computers and printers connected.to the Local Area Network are provided to facilitate administrative duties and technical reference work. General office supplies are stocked in adequate numbers. Operating procedures detailing the methods to activate the EOF, conduct routine administrative operations, surveys and accident assessment, analyze offsite survey samples, provide security and deactivate the Emergency Organization are developed and are available in the EOF. Other organization's procedures, plans and reference* documents are also available to EOF personnel. If there is a need for expanded support facilities* such as trailer space or communication hook-ups for vendors and support contractors, it may be provided at the EOF. Because the EOF is located within the 1O mile EPZ, a Backup EOF exists in case an evacuation of the EOF is necessary. Equipment and facilities necessary to carry out this function are located at Xcel Energy corporate offices in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. A description of the Backup EOF facility is described in* the Monticello & Prairie Island Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan.






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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 97 of 158 7.1.4 Control Room The Control Room SHALL be the initial onsite center of emergency control. Control Room personnel must evaluate and effect control over the initial aspects of the emergency and initiate ~esponses necessary for coping with the initial phases of an emergency until such time that the onsite emergency centers can be activated. These activities SHALL include: A. Continuous evaluation of the magnitude and potential consequences of an incident B. Initial corrective actions All plant operations are controll~d from here by the Shift Manager with direction from the management personnel located either in the Control Room or Technical Support Center. The Control Room contains the necessary instrumentation (process and radiological) to evaluate all plant conditions. Habitability is maintained by shielding and the special ventilation system (PAC Filter), which is capable of operating in a cleanup or recycle mode. All emergency equipment is supplied power from the emergency diesel generators with vital instrumentation powered from inverters connected to the storage batteries located in the battery rooms. 7.1.5 The Red Wing Service Center (RWSC) is to be used as an Alternative Facility during a hostile action or security event in the event that response to the site is unsafe. The RWSC will be used by TSC and OSC personnel until it has been determined that it is safe to return to the plant site. This facility is accessible in the event of an onsite Hostile Action and provides the a~ility to perform the following functions:

  • Communication with the Control Room and onsite Security Forces.
  • Notification of offsite Emergency Response Organizations / '
  • Engineering Assessment Activities including damage control team preparation and planning.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 98 of 158 7.2 Communications Various onsite and offsite communication systems are described in the following sections.* Table 6 depicts the various communication links that may be established. 7.2.1 Onsite Communications All emergency operating facilities have at least two means of

  • communications: (1) portable or installed radio systems; and (2) normal telephone communications.
                       *The normal onsite communications during an emergency will be made via the plant telephone system with a public address system option. The telephone system is powered by noninterruptible power. The public address system includes about 175 loudspeakers located throughout the entire plant area.

A separate paging system has 20 handsets located at strategic plant areas.* At approximately 120 locations in the plant, jackboxes are located for the sound powered system. Each box contains six independent circuits for sound powered headsets. A jackbox is located in the Technical Support Center and Control Room.

  • The* Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a multi-channel radio system console for communications. At least 50 portable radios are available for use throughout the plant during emergency conditions.
  • The plant evacuation alarm consists of a 125 VDC operated siren, manually started from the Control Room. This tone consists of a signal starting at approximately 600 cycles per second rising to a peak of approximately 1450 cycles per second, then returning slowly to the low value of 600 cycles per second and repeating. The Control Room operator can remove the siren tone for emergency voice communication over the loudspeaker PA system.*

The plant fire alarm consists of a modulating signal interrupted continuously to give a Yip-Yip-Yip sound. This is activated manually from the Control Room.

  • During an emergency, designated individuals will be responsible for the ,

communications at each .of the emergency facilities, as delineated in Section 6.1.3.


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 7.2.2 Offsite Communications Both normal and alternate communication links are provided to offsite agencies. Individuals designated to staff the offsite agency communication links are delineated in Section 6.1.3. The Xcel Energy telephone network provides normal communications to offsite agencies through telephone lines via the Red Wing US West telephone Exchange, or via Xcel Energy fiber optic SONET communications network. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF have a dedicated Xcel Energy radio channel link to the Xcel Energy System Control Center, the Backup EOF, and the Minnesota HSEM Emergency Operating Center in St. Paul, Minnesota; The Technical Support Center and EOF have a National Warning System (NAWAS) extension to the Wisconsin Emergency Management EOC at Madison, the Regional Warning Center at Eau Claire and the Pierce County EOC .at Ellsworth; Wisconsin. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a portable cellular phone and satellite phone for emergency communication use, as necessary. The Technical Support Center has access to a computerized auto dial system used for notification of the site's Emergency Response Organization (ERO). This system consists of a telephone network of several outgoing telephone lines. When ~ctivated, it will call an_d deliver an emergency message to the plant's emergency organization's home telephones. The plant also has an Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Pager Network. Designated members of the site's emergency organization carry personal pagers which can be activated from the Technical Support Center, Control Room or alternate facility (RWSC). A special emergency code is displayed on the pager. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF have multi-channel radio system for communication with all Plant Radiation Survey Teams, Plant Operations Personnel, Plant Security Areas, county sheriffs, county EOC's, and Treasure Island Casino (Prairie Island Indian Tribe).

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 100 of158 A telecopying network is set up between the TSC, EOF, state & county Eoc~s and Prairie Island Indian Tribe for the purpose of telecopying update information. f\n emailing network is s~tup between the offsite agencies for the purpose of emailing the emergency notification form. Auto ring lines link the Technical Support Center to the EOF and the Technical Support Center to the Minnesota State EOC. Communication links are maintained with medical facilities, both fixed and mobile. The plant can update the hospital via the telephone network of the status of any injuries. Communication channels are provided between the hospital and the ambulance service via the radio system while the victim(s) are enroute. The plant site also supports the NRC's Emergency Telecommunications System (ETS). The dial tone for the Prairie Island 1OOG PETS circuits are provided*by Xcel Energy's corporate communication network. The ETS provides for reporting emergencies and other significant events to the NRC, Incidence Response Center in Rockville, Maryland. Using the Xcel Energy's private network should avoid the public switched network blockage anticipated during a major emergency. The following NRC essential emergency communications functions will be provided by the ETS voice service. A. Emergency Notification System (ENS): Initial notification by the licensee, as well as ongoing information on plant systems, status, and parameters. The ENS (Red Phone) is located in the Control Room, with extensiOns in the Technical Support Center (TSC) and EOF. B. Health Physics NetWork (HPN): Communication with the licensee on radiological conditions (in-plant and off-site) and meteorological conditions, as well as their assessment of trends and need for protective measures on-site and off-site. NRC regional office or NRC Headquarters will announce their decision to establish the HPN link over the ENS. The 'HPN phones are located in the TSC and EOF.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PlAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 101 of 158 C. Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRG site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRG discussions on plant and equipment conditions separate from the licensee, and without interfering with the exchange of information between the licensee and NRG. This is the channel by which the NRG Operations Center

  • supports NRG reactor safety personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Reactor Safety Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The RSCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF.

D. Protective Measures Counterpart Link (PMCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRG site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRG discussions on radiological releases and meteorological conditions, and the need for protective actions separate from the licensee and without interfering with the exchange of information between the licensee and NRG. This is the channel by which the NRG Operations Center supports NRG protective measures personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Protective Measures Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The PMCL phones are located in theTSC and EOF ..

                       . E. Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Channel: This dedicated computer network is a direct near real-time electronic data link between the plant's on-site ccimputer system and the NRC Operations Center that provides for the automated transmission of a limited data set of selected parameters. The plant activates the ERDS within one hour after declaring an emergency class of Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency. The ERDS supplements the existing voice transmission over the ENS.

F. Management Counterpart Link (MCL): Established for any internal discussions between the Executive Team Director or Executive Team members and the NRG Director of Site Operations or top level licensee management at the site. The MCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF. G. Local Area Network (LAN) Access: Established with the base team and the NRG site team for access to any of the products or services provided on the NRG Operations Center's local area network. This includes technical projections, press releases, status reports, E-Mail, and various computerized analytical tools" The LAN access points are located in the TSC and EOF.



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J Control Room x x x x x x x x x Tech Support Center x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ops Support Center x x x x Emerg Op Facility x x x x x x x x x x x x x Backup EOF x x x x x x x x Xcel/ System Ops x x x x Monticello NGP x Pl Plant Areas x x x x x Pl Monitoring Teams x x Pl Indian Tribe x x x x MN/HSEM-EOC x x x x x Goodhue Co. Sheriff x x x x Goodhue-Red Wing EOC x x x x Dakota Co. Sheriff x x x x Dakota EOC x x x x Wl/WEM-EOC x x x x Wl/WEM-Eau Claire x x Pierce Co. Sheriff x x x x x Pierce EOC x x x x x Red Wing Police/Fire x Red Wing Hospital x x USN RC/HQ x x x x x USNRC/REG Ill x x x x USNRC/Resident lnsp. x x x Pl Emerg. Personnel x x x MN/State Patrol x WI/State Patrol x x National Weather Service x


                              . 'l           ;*<~,:'
     "--* ,~*;\ ::~~t:*, ~* ,~~Lj~~~~(: :~ -:~z~~~1:,:                                                                   Page 103of158 7 .2.3              Alert and Notification System (ANS)

Within the Plume Exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) there exist provisions for alerting and providing notification to the public. It is the responsibility of state and county governments to activate this system.

  • The plant maintains a basic fixed siren system for essentially 100%

coverage of the offsite population within 5 miles of the plant and population center coverage for the 5-10 mile zone. To reach persons not covered by these population center sirens, state, county and city emergency vehicles will be directed to alert the affected downwind geo-political sub-areas. A special electronic siren is maintained near the Prairie Island Indian Community Center. The TSC has the capability to activate the siren with a special "stutter tone at the declaration of a Site Area Emergency for the purpose of quickly notifying Prairie Island's lndiari tribal leaders except during a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. The siren would also be activated with the normal "Alert" tone by the Goodhue County Sheriff's Department during a General Emergency as part of the normal Public Alert and Notification System activation. To supplement PANS, emergency alert radios have been installed in various commercial, institutional, and educational facilities in the 10-mile zone. These locations may harbor large groups of people during all or part of a day, justifying radio alert service, even though many of these facilities are already covered by state and county emergency warning plans. The emergency radios will either be activated by the National Weather Service or by the local county sheriff's dispatch office. In the event of an emergency condition, alert and notification information will be relayed through established communication links described in the Minnesota and Wisconsin emergency response plans. Upon receiving notification of the emergency, offsite governments will, if necessary, activate public warning and information procedures which include the State Emerge_ncy Alert System (EAS). With this system, essentially 100% of the population in the 1O mile EPZ will be alerted within 15 minutes In the event a county primary sireri activation system fails to operate, each county has a backup siren activation process on a separate activation system utilizing a different tower and controls for activation of the sirens. In the event a siren or sir.ens fail to receive the activation signal and/or function properly, each affected county will initiate backup route alerting and has maps, directions and instructions for notifying the public in the areas where the siren(s) did not function.


              .The plant instrumentation and monitors perform indicating, recording and protective functions. The Reactor Protection System and associated plant instrumentation provide the ability to maintain plant safety from shutdown to full power operations and to monitor and maintain key variables such as reactor power, flow, temperature, .

and radioactivity levels within predetermined safe limits at both steady state conditions and during plant transients. Plant instrumentation and control systems also provide means to cope with abnormal operating conditions. The control and display of information of these various systems are centralized in the main Control Room. This instrumentation would provide the basis for initiation of protective actions. 7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment A. Geophysical Phenomena Monitors

1. Meteorological Prairie Island has a 60 meter onsite meteorological tower located approximately 0.5 miles northwest of the plant: The tower is equipped with primary and secondary redundant sensors for the 1O and 60 meter temperatures, wind speeds, and wind diredions powered by a primary and secondary power source. The following meteorological information is supplied by the tower:

a Wind Direction (10 and 60meter) b Wind Speed (10 and 60 meter) c Ambient Temperature d /j,, T betw~en 1O and 60 meter temperature indications e

  • Precipitation A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the
                                    .EOF. The backup meteorological tower provides the following:

All meteorological data is processed via the ERCS, and may be displayed in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Barometric pressure is also available in the Control Room.


2. Seismic The Control Room has an installed earthquake detection system with a three step graded severity level of alarms:

a Seismic Event - 3 percent vertical or horizontal acceleration b Operational Basis Earthquake - 4 percent vertical or 6 percent horizontal acceleration (No equipment failure) c Design Basis Earthquake - 8 percent vertical or 12 percent horizontal acceleration (possible equipment failure) A visual and audible alarm will sound in the Control Room. Upon activation, the accelerometers and accelerographs listed on Table 7 will be automatically recorded for future investigation.

3. Hydrologic River water level is available from two sources:

a Indicators in Control Room which receive a signal from capacitance level probes located in several locations in the river water canals and the intake.screenhouse. b Lock and Dam #3 (located about 1.6 miles SE) which would give essentially the same indication as at Prairie Island NGP. B. Radiation Monitoring Equipment Onsite radiation monitoring equipment at Prairie Island NGP can be categorized into the following groups:

1. Process radiological monitoring system
2. Effluent radiological monitoring system
3. Airborne radioactivity monitoring system
4. Area radiation monitoring system
5. Portable survey and counting room equipment

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 106of158 Table 8 lists all the area, process, and effluent monitors. Table 9 lists the general types of portable survey; count room, airborne monitoring and personnel monitoring equipment. C. Process Monitors I Adequate instrumentation monitoring capability exists to properly access the plant status during all modes of operation, i.e., instrumentation is available to the operator to determine plant status, aid in emergency classification determination, and aid in post accident assessment. Table 10 lists available instrumentation, ranges and their indicator locations. D. Fire Detection The fire detection system consists of various types of detectors/flow devices throughout the main power building and in most of the outbuildings. Ionization, flame and thermal type fire detectors are located throughout safety related structures. Audible alarming is on the Control Room annunciator panel system for actuation or trouble. The Control Room fire panel system will indicate zone location of the alarm. On receipt of the annunciator panel alarm, the fire panel is checked for location and operator assigned to effected area is called for immediate investigation. Further details of the fire detection system are given in the plant safety procedures, Section F5 Appendix K, "Fire Detection and Protection Systems." E. . Post Accident Liquid Sampling A post-accident liquid sampling system is installed atPrairie Island with associated procedures to provide the capability to obtain the following samples:

1. Sample of raw reactor water
2. Diluted samples of reactor water (boron, chloride, isotopic analysis, pH, ~tc.) *
3. Dissolved gas sample for isotopic analysis (noble ga_ses)
4. Dissolved hydrogen sample I

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 107of158 The sampling system includes the following exposure reduction equipment:

1. Shielded sample lines and shielded drain lines in the Hot Sample Room.
2. Shielded sample panel which allows collections and analysis of a reactor coolant sample for hydrogen and isotopic analysis.
3. Shielded sample carriers for transporting samples to remote facilities (Hot Cell).
4. Remote analysis lab (Hot Cell) located on 695' elevation in the Turbine Building.
5. Shielded work area in the Hot Cell with an exhaust hood installed, which discharges through a PAC filter unit.
6. Remote counting labs with geometries for counting extremely high level radioactivity samples.

This system allows sample collection and analysis within the radiation exposure guidelines given in NUREG 0578. F. Containment Air Sampling Following an accident, a containment air sample may be obtained, utilizing the gas analyzer to extract a sample via the Hydrogen Post LOCA System for determination of:

1. Hydrogen content
2. Isotopic analysis (noble gas)

All sampling will be completed within the exposure guidelines of NUREG 0578. G. Shield Building Vent Sample The Shield Building Stack Hi-Range Monitor (located in the third floor of the turbine building) extracts a sample from the Shield Building stack and pumps it through a large sample chamber which houses the radiation detector. The hi-range detector reading is in mR/hr and is easily converted to mCi/cc via the applicable calibration curves.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 108of158 Prior to entering the sample chamber, the sample flow is directed through a particulate filter and a silver zeolite adsorber. The particulate filter and silver zeolite adsorber are manually removed and prepared for analysis in the counting labs. Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of entrapped noble gases on the iodine adsorber allowing a much lower detection sensitivity. In addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further eliminate the entrapped noble gases. In instances of monitor failure or offs.ca le readings, procedures are available to allow the dose rate on the sample chambers to be measured using portable survey meters. The release concentration can then be calculated by converting the dose rate to concentration utilizing applicable calibration curves. H. Containment High Range Area Monitors Two channels of Containment High Range Dome monitors are installed in the containments. Full scale reading on these monitors is 108 R/hr. This allows personnel to estimate the amount of activity in containment available for release and the severity of the accident from the applicable calibration curves.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT , EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 109of158 I. In-Plant Iodine Determination During emergency conditions, it will be necessary for emergency personnel to rapidly and accurately determine or estimate the airborne iodine activity in areas of the plant including all operating centers. Samples for iodine activity are obtained with portable air sa'mplers (AC and battery operated) and continuous air monitors (CAM's). The iodine is collected on silver zeolite adsorbers. , The use of silver zeolite adsorbers reduces the amount of noble gases entrapped on the adsorber. This reduces the minimum sensitivity level of iodine on the adsorber. In addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further reduce the amount of entrapped noble gases. The silver zeolite adsorbers may be analyzed using the GEM system in the onsite counting room or the EOF Counting Room. The adsorbers could also be analyzed with portable instrumentation. The Control Room, Operational Support Center, Technical Support Center and EOF have continuous air monitors (CAM's) available to monitor the airborne iodine levels. A detector is continuously analyzing the activity (iodine) trapped on the carbon-impregnated filter paper. This combination of equipment allows iodine determinations under all plant accident conditions. An Iodine Monitoring program, acceptable to the NRC, was described in letters from LO. Mayer, NSP, to Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated December 31, 1979, "Lessons Learned Implementation" and March 13, 1980, "1/1/80 Lessons Learned Implementation Additional Information."

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 110 of158 J. Steam Line Monitors The steam line radiation monitor in conjunction with the ERCS (Emergency Response Computer System) computer will supply a value for noble gas activity released via the steam headers (steam dumps and safeties). An alternate steam header release calculation procedure exists which allows the determination to be made with portable radiation equipment and applicable calibration curves. This will allow a backup method for release determination during instances of monitor failure. Normally the air ~jector discharge is routed to the Shield

                   *.;;;;;:/*;; 7 ::.*1 Building Exhaust stacks which are monitored by the low and high range stack radiation monitors.
  • K. Air Ejector Noble Gas Release Releases through the air ejectors are quantified via: (1) the installed air ejector radiation monitor and applicable calibration curves; (2) the Shield Building Exhaust Stack monitors (low and high range) and their applicable calibr;:ition curves; or (3) by local sample analysis.


  • REV: 53 Page 111of158 Table 7 Seismographic Monitoring Devices Triaxial Accelerometers (1) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (2) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (3) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (4) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 Triaxial Accelerogra12hs (1) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (2) Aux Bldg Spent Fuel Pool N.8/9.0/755 (3) Aux Bldg Fan Floor J.0/9.0/755 (4) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (5) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (6) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 (7) Unit 2 Containment Low
  • 29/95/697 .5 (8) Turbine Building Ground Floor C.9/8.4/695 (9) Turbine Building Operating Floor C.6/8.8/735 (10) Screenhouse Low l C1 .0/81.8/670 (11) Screenhouse High C1 .0/81.8/695 (12) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping B1 .9/91.5/680 (13) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping C1 .5/91.7/692 (14) Screenhouse Cooing Water Piping C1 .5/81.3/692 (15) Aux Bldg Chem & Vol Control piping L. 1/7.01741 (16) Aux Bldg Aux Feedwater H.7/6.9/709


  • E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 112 of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-1 GM/Control Room 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-3 GM/Radiochem Lab 0.1-104 mr/hr R-4 GM/Charging Pumps Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr R-5 GM/Spent Fuel Pool 0.1-104 mr/hr R-6 GM/Hot Sample Room 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-7 GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-7 GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-8 GM/Waste Gas Valve Gallery 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-9 GM/Letdown HX Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-9 GM/Letdown HX Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-28 Scint/New Fuel Pit 1.0-105 mr/hr R-29 Scint/Shipping Receiving 0.1-104 mr/hr R-32 Scint/Rad Waste Control Station 0.1-104 mr/hr

'R-33 Scint/Rad Waste Bldg/2"d Floor 0.1-104 mr/hr R-36 Scint/Charging Pumps Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 1R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 2R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr 2R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 113of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 West.Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr. 1-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 114of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-65 Oper Support Center 0.1-107 mr/hr R-66 D1 Dsl Gen Room 0.1-107 mr/hr R-67 Inst and Control Shop 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-68 Tech Support Center Rad 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-69 Guardhouse 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 1-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 8 2-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-10 R/hr 2-R-72 D6 Cable Spreading Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-73 D6 Bus 26 4KV SWGR Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-74 D6 Bus 221 & 222 480V SWGR Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 115of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-11 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 1 2-R-11 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 2 1-R-12 GM/Containment and Shield Bldg Gas Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-12 GM/Containment and Shield Bldg Gas 101-106 cpm Unit2 1-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-16 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Disch Unit 1 & Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-18 Scint/Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent 101-106 cpm 1-R-19 Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 1 101-106 cpm 6 2-R-19 Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 2 101-10 cpm R-21 Scint/Circulating Water Dsch 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-106 cpm 2-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101 -10 6 cpm R-23 GM/Control Room Vent 101-106 cpm R-24 GM/Control Room Vent 101-106 cpm

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 116of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-25 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 101-10 6 cpm R-26 GM/11 /21 RHR Cubicle Vent 101-10 6 cpm R-27 GM/12/22 RHR Cubicle Vent 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-30 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-106 cpm 2-R-30 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-31 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 101-106 cpm R-35 GM/Rad Waste Bldg Vent Gas 101-106 cpm 1-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-106 cpm 2-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-38 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Dsch Unit 1 & Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-41 GM/Waste Gas High Level Loop 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-50 Ion Chamber/Shield B,ldg Vent Gas Unit 1 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-50 Ion Chamber/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-51 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop A b.1-105 mr/hr 1-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop B 0.1-105 mr/hr 2-R-51 . GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop A 0.1-105 mr/hr 2-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop B 0.1-105 mr/hr

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 117 of158 Table 9 Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices Portable Survey Instruments Types Range(s) GMs 0-70,000 cpm 0-1000 R/hr Ion Chambers 0-50 R/hr Scintillation 0-500,000 cpm Tissue Equivalent .001 mR/hr-999 R/hr Proportional Counter .001 mR-999 R/hr Portable Air Sampling Equipment Types Range(s) Continuous Air 50-50,000 cpm Monitors 10-106 cpm Air Samplers 2.5-20 CFM 0-80 LPM Analysis Equipment Types Tritium Liquid Scintillation Detection Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Proportional Alpha/Beta Counters GM Counter Personnel Monitoring Equipment Types Range(s) Self-Reading Dosimeters 0-200 mR 0-1 R 0-5 R 0-100 R Electronic Dosimeters 1 mR-1000 R TLD's All Ranges Finger Rings All Ranges Portal Monitors 0-30,000 cps Exact quantities and locations are described in the plant's

                          **.* surveillance program procedures.


1. Source Range Neutron Level Log scale System cabinets indicator, Recorder Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Startup Rate Linear scale -0.5to 5 DPM Main Control Boards indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel Neutron Flux Log Scale 10*1 to 105 cps System cabinets Monitor (N51/N52) Linear Scale -1to7 DPM ERCS Computer
2. Intermediate Range Neutron Level Log scale System cabinets indicator, Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 10*11 to 10*3 Main Control Board Amp Startup Rate Linear scale -0.5 to 5 DPM Main Control Boards indicator ERCS Computer
3. Power Range Neutron Level Linear scale 0-120% Full Power System cabinets.

indicator, Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 0-120% Full Power Main Control Boards Neutron Flux Log Scale 10-B to 100% System cabinets Monitor (N51/N52) Linear Scale -1to7 DPM ERCS computer Linea.r Scale 10 to 200%


4. RC System Hot Leg Linear scale recorder, 50-700°F Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature Computer output Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Cold Leg Linear scale recorder 50-700°F Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature ERCS Computer Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Subcooling Digital Scale Variable ERCS Computer Temperature Inadequate Core Cooling and pressure Monitoring Cabinet ERCS SAS Display Avg. Linear scale 520-620°F Main Control Boards Temperature indicator recorder, ERCS Computer Computer output ERCS SAS Display
       . Temp.              Linear scale                   0-150%       Main Control Boards Difference         indicator, recorder                         ERCS Computer (Delta T)          Computer output Pressure           Linear scale                 0-3000 psig    Main Control Boards indicator, recorder                         Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output                             ERCS Computer Low Range          Linear scale                 0-750psig      Main Control Boards Pressure           recorder Flow               Linear scale              0-110% rated flow Main Control Boards indicator,                                  ERCS Computer Computer output


5. Pressurizer Level (cold) Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, ERCS Computer Recorder, Computer output, Annunciator Temperature Linear scale 0-700°F Main Control Boards (Vapor indicator, ERCS Computer temperature and Computer output liquid temperature)
6. RWST Level Linear scale indicator, 0-100% Main Control Boards Computer output, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light Main Control Boards
7. Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Recorder, ERCS Computer Annunciator Wide Range Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer Pressure Linear scale 0-1400 psig Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer
8. Station Electric Distributio.n Linear scale 0-5000 Volts Main Control Boards (Safeguards indicator, Indicator 0-600 Volts ER.CS Computer AC and DC) light, Computer output


9. Aux. FW Status Flow Linear scale indicator, 0-250 gpm Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer Pressure Linear scale indicator, 0-2000 psig
  • Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer
10. Containment Vessel Pressure Linear scale 0-60 psia Main Control Boards indicator, 0-30 psia ERCS Computer Computer output, Annunciator, Recorder 8

Post-Accident Log scale 1-10 R/hr System cabinets Radiation (R-48) indicator, ERCS Computer (Containment) Computer output Water Level Linear scale (Sump B) 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator (Containment) 0-12 ft Isolation Status Indicator light, ----------- Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Temperature Computer output, 0-400°F ERCS Computer Air Recirc. Fan Indicator light, ------------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer Air Cooling Indicator light ---------- Main Control Boards System Status Air Cooling Indicator light, Flow Status Computer output ------------- Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Spray Pump & Indicator light, Valve Status Computer output ------------- Main Control Boards ERCS Computer


11. Safety Injection Flow Linear scale
  • 0-500 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-1000 gpm ERGS Computer Computer output Pump & Valve Indicator light, Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer
12. Resident Heat Removal Flow(RHR) Linear scale 0-3000 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-6000 gpm ERCS Computer Computer output Pressure Linear scale indicator 0-750 psig Main Control Boards Pump & Valve Indicator light, -------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERGS Computer Emerg. Sump Indicator light, Main Control Boards
  • Valve .Status Computer output ERGS Computer Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Pump Suction recorder, ERCS Computer Temperature Annunciator Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Cooler Outlet recorder, ERGS Computer Temperature Annunciator


13. Accumulator Accumulator Linear scale 0-800 psig Main Control Boards Pressure indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output printout Annunciator Accumulator Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards Level indicator, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light, Main Control Boards Annunciator
14. Emergency Ventilation System Fan & Damper Indicator light, Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERGS Computer
15. Reactor Vessel Digital Scale Variable Inadequate Core Cooling Level Instrument Monitoring Cabinet System Computer


1. Steam Generator A Level (wide range) 0-100%
2. Steam Generator B Level (wide range) 0-100%
3. Pressurizer (cold) Level 0-100%
4. Steam Generator A Pressure 0-1400 psig
5. Steam Generator B Pressure 0-1400 psig
6. Letdown Valve Status and Control Indicating Lights
7. Auxiliary Feedwater Control and Status Indicating Lights
8. Charging Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights
9. Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg Temperature 50-700°F
10. Reactor Coolant System Cold Leg Temperature 50-700°F
11. Wide Range Reactor Coolant System Pressure 0-3000 psig
12. Pressurizer Heater Control and Status Indicating Lights
13. Boric Acid Transfer Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights 5
14. Neutron Flux Level 0.1-10 cps
15. Steam Generator PORV Controls

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER:' E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN* REV: 53 Page 125of158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring A. Meteorological Several locations, exterior to the plant site, can be used to obtain offsite meteorological conditions. Locations and outputs are summarized in Table 11. B. Assessment Equipment

1. The EOF Count Room contains a GEM detector system and Geiger-Mueller counter to analyze offsite samples.
2. The emergency lockers in the Assembly Points have the equipment necessary to collect and analyze air samples (particulate and iodine) and portable instruments for measuring radiation levels.
3. The hospital emergency kit at Mayo Clinic Health System has instruments for measuring radiation levels and contamination levels of radiation casualties arriving at the medical center for medical treatment.
4. All Monticello Nuclear Plant counting room and portable radiation detection equipment is available for analysis of samples from Prairie Island NGP. Some equipment will be brought with the Monticello Radiation Protection Group members arriving onsite to augment tlie Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group in performing offsite surveys and sampling.
5. There are TLD badges and airborne particulate and iodine sampling stations installed in areas surrounding the plant. The badges and air sampling stations are installed as part of the Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program. During an emergency, these badges and/or air sampling filters or cartridges may be used for dose assessment purposes.
6. All onsite portable equipment and count room equipment at Prairie Island NGP may be used for required offsite radiation surveys or analysis of offsite samples (liquid or airborne).


                        . Table 11          Offsite Meteorological Equipment
1. Lock and Dam #3 (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Speed Meteorological information from Lock and Dam #3 is available on a twenty-four hour per day basis.
2. National Weather Service Twin Cities
  • Local Area (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Speed (d) Stability Class




                          \                                                               REV:      53 Page 127of158 7.4     Protective Facilities and Equipment 7 .4.1    Assembly Points The primary protective facility for onsite personnel is the evacuation to an assembly point. Either the Distribution Center or the North Warehouse may be used for an assembly point depending on wind direction. The
  • Emergency Director SHALL designate which one is to be used.

The assembly area emergency locker contains equipment that will be used for personnel contamination checks, personnel decontamination, radiation detection equipment to assess conditions at the assembly area and

                      . communication equipment for contact with the Emergency Director.

7.4.2 Operational Support Center. The Operational Support Center locker contains all the equipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes protective clothing, respiratory protection, monitoring devices, and radiation meters. Air sampling and contamination survey equipment is available for onsite surveys. Decontamination .and first aid equipment is available for

                       . treatment of onsite personnel.

7.4.3 Emergency Operations Facility The EOF can be designated as an alternate assembly area. Facilities are available for gathering personnel into a specific area. An emergency locker contains equipment necessary for determining personnel contamination and for decontamination of individuals. A decontamination shower and retention system is available for collection of contaminated waste. A spare Field Survey Team Equipment Kit is located at the EOF. Communication equipment.(radio and telephone) is availaQle for contacting emergency personnel both onsite and offsite.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 128of158 7 .4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System Mayo Clinic Health System has the equipment required to handle medical emergencies complicated by radioactive contamination. Monitoring equipment, decontamination materials and waste storage (solid and liquid) are available. 7.4.5 Red Wing Fire Station All fire trucks, ambulances, and cars at the Fire Station are assigned pocket dosimeters for use by Fire Department staff. They are stored in the glove box, the door compartment panels or visors. In addition, the ambulances have TLD's for use by Fire Dept. staff. A dosimeter charger is stored at the dispatcher's station. All dosimeters and TLD's are maintained by plant personnel. 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker The Technical Support Center emergency locker contains the necessary survey instruments, dosimetry and protective clothing to allow reentry or access into the plant during emergency conditions. 7.5 First Aid and Medical Faciliti.es First Aid Kits are available at various emergency lockers in the plant. Any injury requiring medical treatment will be treated at the local medical center. All medical support is covered by Section F4 of the Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies

             *The maintenance area has a completely supplied machine shop with equipment necessary to machine all but the largest pieces of equipment, (e.g., turbine rotors).

One shop area, located in the Auxiliary Building, is for contaminated items. The other shop, located in the Service Building, is for non-contaminated items.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 129of158 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 8.1. Organizational Preparedness 8.1.1 Emergency Response Training To achieve and maintain an acceptable level of emergency preparedness, training SHALL be conducted for members of the on-site Emergency Response Organization in accordance with the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Emergency Plan Training Program. Training for all on-site Emergency Response Organization members consists of a review of the Emergency Plan in the form of a general overview. In addition to Emergency Plan overview training, personnel assigned key on-site emergency response positions SHALL receive training specific to their position .. Key Emergency Response Organization members SHALL receive Emergency Plan training on an annual basis.

                       *Monticello & Prairie Island offsite support will make provisions for the training of those off-site organizations who may be called upon to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 130of158 8.1.2 Exercises, Drills, and Tests The conduct of periodic drills and exercises are conducted in accordance with the guidance provided in FP-EP-Wl-14, Emergency Preparedness Drill and Exercise Manual and FP-EP-Wl-24, Emergency Preparedness Drill and Exercise Objectives. A. Exercises Exercises which test the integrated capability and a major portion of the basic elements existing within the Emergency Plan SHALL be conducted at least every 2 years. This exercise may be included in the full participation biennial exercise which tests the offsite emergency plans. B. Drills Drills are supervised instructional periods aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation and are a part of the continuous training program. , In order to ensure that adequate emergency response capabilities are maintained during the interval between biennial exercises, drills SHALL be conducted including at least one drill, during the off exercise year, involving a combination of some of the principal functional areas of the onsite emergency response capabilities. The principal functional areas of emergency response include activities such as management and coordination of emergency response, accident assessment, protective action decision making, and plant system repair and corrective actions. During these drills, activation of all of the Emergency Plan's response facilities (TSC, OSC, and EOF) would not be necessary, opportunities to consider accident management strategies would be given, supervised instruction would be permitted, operating staff would have the opportunity to resolve problems (success paths) rather than have controllers intervene, and the drills could focus on orisite training objectives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 131 of 158 Drills SHALL be conducted in the following areas at the designated minimal frequency. Additional drills may be scheduled by plant management if dictated by response of personnel to previous drills.

1. Fire Fire drills SHALL be conducted in accordance with Prairie Island Administrative Work Instructions (AWis) and/or the NSPM's Quality Assurance Topical Report.
2. Medical Emergency Medical emergency drills involving the transport of a simulated contaminated individual causing the participation of local support agencies SHALL be conducted annually.
3. Radiological The periodic radiological and health physics drills described below may be conducted as part of the annual Radiation Protection Specialist continuing training program in the form of walkthroughs or job performance measured activities. These drills may also be conducted as part of an annual plant wide full scale drill or facility drill.

a Health Physics Drills which involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and/or liquid samples and direct radiation measurements in the environment SHALL be conducted semi-annually. b Radiological monitoring drills which include the collection and analysis of environmental samples for the purpose of ground deposition assessment SHALL be conducted annually. c Post accident sampling drills which include the analysis of in-plant liquid samples (with simulated elevated radiation levels) including the use of the Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) SHALL be conducted annually.


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4. Security Hostile Action Drills will be conducted to verify readiness to mitigate after a terrorist event. These drills will be conducted in accordance with FP-EP-Wl-14 and FP-EP-Wl-24.
5. Emergency Organization Augmentation Semi-annual Emergency Organization Augmentation Drills are conducted to provide an ongoing verification that the emergency organization can augment the shift organization in a timely fashion.
  • C. Tests A test is a functional test of equipment to verify that the equipment is operable.
1. Communications with state, local and tribal governments within the plume exposure pathway SHALL be tested monthly.
2. Communications with Federal resp9nse organizations and State governments within the ingestion pathway SHALL be tested quarterly.
3. Communications between Prairie Island, Minnesota and Wisconsin Emergency Operating Centers and all local
  • Emergency Operations Centers, and radiation monitoring teams SHALL be checked annually.
4. Communication from the Control Room, TSC and EOF to the NRC Operations Center SHALL be tested monthly.
  • The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) SHALL be tested on a quarterly basis.
6. The fixed siren portion of Public Alert and Notification System
                                                                     .(PANS) SHALL be tested and verified operational on a weekly.

and monthly basis.


  • 53 Page 133of158
                    >**:** *:'*2lrh?e1 These communication tests SHALL be used not only to check the equipment operation but also that the various phone numbers and links are correct and 2-way communication can be established.

8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures The Plant Manager has authority and responsibility for the Prairie Island Emergency Plan and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. The Plant Manager has the responsibility for the development and updating of the Emergency Plan, the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and coordination of the plan with offsite response organizations. ' The Emergency Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure it is current according to the plant's controlled procedure program. The update will take into account changes identified during drills and exercises. Quarterly, all telephone numbers contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures SHALL be verified correct and updated as a result of the required communication tests. 8.2.1 Organization of Plan The organization of the Emergency Plan is reviewed and updated yearly by the Emergency Preparedness Manager. Reorganization may be necessary as the result of the following:

  • A. drills or exercises indicating need for changes B. changes in key personnel C. changes in the plant's organization structure D. changes in the organization ofoffsite response agencies E. experience gained under actual emergency situations


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E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 134of158 8.2.2 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies Radiation protection equipment at each of the emergency facilities is checked monthly for operability according to surveillance and testing program. Emergency plan portable radiation instruments SHALL receive a Channel Check and Channel Operational Test monthly and a Channel Calibration at least every 24 months. If any emergency plan portable radiation instrument is foun_d inoperable, then immediate actions SHALL be initiated to restore operability or replacement. All supplies are inventoried quarterly and dated equipment and material are periodically replaced according to surveillance and testing program.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR.GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 135of158 9.0 RECOVERY In general, the plant will be responsible for the short term recovery, that is recovery from an emergency condition in which no core damage or serious release of radioactivity to the environments has occurred. If it is clear that a high potential exists for core damage and/or a serious release of radioactivity to the environment, a Recovery Phase will be activated to provide for the long-term recovery actions and for establishing support arrangements. In general, before re-occupying buildings after an emergency, certain recovery criteria must be satisfied: (1) There must be assurance that the problem encountered is solved and that this same incident cannot immediately recur; (2) The general occupancy areas must be free of significant contamination; (3) Radiation areas and High Radiation areas must be properly defined; and (4) Airborne radioactivity must be eliminated or controlled. 9.1 Investigation of Incidents All incidents SHALL be investigated in conjunction with corporate.event response procedures. 9.2. Recovery Procedures All recovery operations SHALL be performed in accordance with written procedures. These procedures SHALL include the following activities: A Investigation of the cause of the incident B. Investigation of plant conditions following an accident C. Repair and restoration of facilities

  • D. Testing and startup of restored facilities Methods for determining the extent of radioactive contamination and general
  • protective measures to be taken for personnel performing recovery operations are established in Section F2, Radiation Safety, of the Operations Manual, and in the Radiation Protection Manual, RPIP's.

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 136of158 Written procedures for recovery of the facility from the specific post accident conditions will be prepared by qualified plant staff members and submitted to the Plant Operating Review Committee. Plant Operating Review Committee approval of all such procedures is required prior to their initiation. 9.3 Criteria for Resumption of Operations If the plant is shutdown as the result of an emergency, it will be restarted only when: A. The conditions which caused the ~,mergency are corrected. B. The cause of the emergency is understood. C. Restoration, repair and testing is completed as required. D. No unreviewed safety questions exist. E. All conditions of the license and technical specifications are satisfied. 9.4 Transition to Recovery If it is clear that extensive plant damage exists and contamination of plant systems have occurred, then a recovery phase may be necessary. Transition to the recovery phase will take place in an incremental manner as the functions change from operational to engineering/construction. The decision to make the transition from the emergency phase to the recovery phase should be a joint decision by the ED and EM. The Recovery Manager should possess the qualifications of an Emergency Manager. This position should be occupied by personnel representing the company executive level. Should transition to the recovery phase become necessary, the site engineering/construction staff would provide the nucleus of the organization.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN . NUMBER:* E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 137of158 This plant staff would be augmented as required by specialists from the site organization and the offsite support groups. In addition, appropriate assistance would be secured frorri the Architect-Engineer and the NSSS vendor organizations. This support could be broadened ~s required by consultant help from the several organizations familiar with Prairie Island NGP's organization. The overall .

  • organization envisioned for a substantial Recovery Phase would be a blend of site staff, and appropriate vendor and consultant personnel. On a prior basis it is counterproductive to define in detail the extensive organization that might be involved in a sizable Recovery Phase because of the unlimited variation of conditions that could result from plant emergencies. However, the nucleus organization has been identified together with guidelines on how the organization might be expanded to meet the requirements demanded at the time.

When the Emergency Manager and Emergency Director agree that the onsite emergency condition has been terminated, a complete transfer of the responsibilities for offsite support may be made to the Recovery Organization. The EOF would then become the Recovery Center and function as Command Center for the Recovery Organization and the recovery effort. Details of Recovery Organization activation and implementing criteria are contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 139of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures A.1 PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F3 procedures (Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures) which SHALL be used by plant emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency plan. This may not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development. Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-1 Onsite Emergency Organization 5.3, 5.4 F3-2 Classifications of Emergencies 4.0 F3-3 Responsibilities During a Notification of Unusual Event 6.1, 6.3, 6.7 F3-4 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency 6.7 F3-5 Emergency Notifications 5.3.3(D), 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 7.2 F3-5.1 Switchboard Operator Duties 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4 F3-5.2 Response to False Siren Activation 6.1.2 F3-5.3 Deleted F3-6 Activation and Operation of Technical Support Center 5.3, 7 .1.1 F3-7 Activation and Operation of Operational Support 5.3, 7.1.2 Center F3-8 Recommendations for Offsite Protective Actions 6.4, 6.6 F3-8.1 Deleted F3-9 Emergency Evacuation 6.6.1, 7.4.1


  • Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-10 Personnel Accountability 6.6.1 F3-11 Search and Rescue
  • 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-12 Emergency Exposure Control 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-13 Offsite Dose Calculations 6.4, 6.6' F3-13.0 Deleted F3-13.1 Rad & Met Data for Dose Projections 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.2 Deleted F3-13.3 Manual Dose Calculations 6.4, 6.6 F3-13.4 Deleted F3-13.5 Alternate Meteorological Data 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.6 Weather Forecasting Information 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-14.1 Onsite Radiologjcal Monitoring 6.4, 7.3 F3-14.2 Operation Emergency Surveys 6.4.2 F3.:15 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Airborne Release F3-16 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Liquid Release F3-17 Core Damage Assessment 6.4.1 F3-17.1 Core Damage Determination F3-17.2 Long Term Cooling F3-18 Thyroid Iodine Blocking Agent (Potassium Iodide) 6.6.2

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 141 of 158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-19 Personnel and Equipment Monitoring and 6.6.3, 6.7.2 Decontamination F3-20 Determination of Radioactive Release Concentrations 6.4, 7.3 F3-20.1 Determination of Steam Line Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 I F3-20.2. Determination of Vent Stack Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 F3-21 Establishment of a SecondaryAccess Control Point 6.6.3 F3-22 Prairie Island RPG Response to a Monticello 5.6.2, 6.1 Emergency F3-23 Emergency Sampling 7.3 F3-23.1 Emergency Hotcell Procedure 7.3 F3-23.2 Deleted F3-23.3 Deleted F3-23.4 Deleted F3-23.5 Deleted F3-23.6 Deleted F3-23.7 Deleted F3-23.8 Deleted F3-24 Record Keeping During an Emergency 6.2 .F3-25 Re-Entry .7.3, 9.0 F3-26 Deleted

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 142of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-26.1 Operation of the ERCS Display 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.2 Radiation Monitor Data on ERCS 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.3 EROS - NRC Data Link 6.4, 7.2.2.E F3-27 Response to Railroad Grade Crossing Blockage 5.6.4(0) F3-28 Deleted F3-29 Emergency Security Procedures 5.3, 6.1 F3-30 Transition to Recovery 9.0 F3-31 Response to Security Related Threats 5.3, 6.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 143of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures A.2 EOF EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F8 procedures (EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures) which SHALL be used by EOF emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency. This may not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development. Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section FB:-1 Emergency Operations Facility Organization 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 F8-2 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency in the EOF 6.7 F8-3 Activation and Operation of the EOF 5.4, 7.1.3 F8-4 Emergency Support and Logistics 5.6, 5.7 F8-5 Offsite Dose Assessment and Protective 6.4, 6.6 Action Recommendations F8-6 Radiological Monitoring and Control at 6.6, 6.7, 7.4 the EOF F8-8 Offsite Agency Liaison Activities 5.6, 5.7 F8-9 Event Termination or Recovery 5.5, 9.0 FB-10 Record Keeping in the EOF 6.2 FB-11 Transfer to the Backup EOF 7.1.3 FB-12 Emergency REMP 7.3.2


1. NPD Office Building and Emergency Vehicle Field Survey Kits A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kits (2)
1. Airborne Sample Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sample Equipment C. Personnel c;>osimetry D. Portable Communication Radios E. Foul weather gear F. Protective clothing G. Potassium Iodide Potassium Iodide (Kl)
2. North Warehouse and Distribution Center Assembly Points (each location)

A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Portable Communications Radio C. 1 Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) D. Personnel Decontamination Kit E. Airborne Sample Equipment F. Small First Aid Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor* H. Protective Clothing


  • Attachment B Summary of Emergency Supplies
3. Operational Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Air Sampling Equipment (Battery and AC Powered)

C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radios (located in Control Room) E. Area Radiation Monitor F. Portable Lanterns and Batteries G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) H. Plant Floor Plans I. Protective Clothing (Including Waterproof) J. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) and spare bottles K. First Aid Kit L. Continuous Air Monitor (Control Room and OSC} M. Drager Toxic Chemical Air Sampler N. Full Face Respirators and Iodine Canisters

4. Technical Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Airborne Sampling Equipment C. Personnel dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radio.

E. Area Radiation Monitor


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~**.\:,~::::~~i;,4'.f~[0\;;~~' }2~ ~ Page 146of158 Attachment B Summary of Emergency Supplies F. Continuous Air Monitor G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3)

H. Protective Clothing I. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) and spare *bottles J. Plant Floor Plans K. Potassium Iodide (Kl) Distribution

5. Red Wing Fire Station A. Personnel Dosimetry
6. Mayo Clinic Health System A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Personnel dosimetry C. Copy of Operations Manual F-4 D. Supplies (Disposable clothing, solid waste containers, and liquid waste containers)
7. Hot Cell A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Protective clothing C. Alpha Survey Meter D. Sample team communication gear E. Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (F-3)


8. Fire Brigade Dress Out Area A. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
9. Emergency Operations Facility A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kit (1)
1. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sampling Equipment C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Local)

E. Portable Communication Radios F. Personnel Decontamination Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor H. Continuous Air Monitor I. GEM Detector for Isotopic Analysis of Samples J. Decontamination Shower K. Potassium Iodide (Kl) Distribution

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN . REV: 53 Page 148of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) A. Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control) A.1.a 5.6, 5.7 A.1.b 5.6, 5.7 A.1.c Figure 3 A.1.d 1.5, 1.6, 5.3.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.1.e 5.2, 5.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.3, Table 1 A.2.a State/Local Plans A.2.b State/Local Plans A.3 MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.4 5.3.1 B. Onsite Emergency Organization B.1 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 B.2 5.3.1 B.3 5.3.1 8.4 5.3.1 B.5 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, Table 1, 5.4 8.6 5.6, 5. 7; Figure 4 B.7 Table 1, 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.a 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.b 5.4, 5.5 B.7.c 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.d MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.8 5.6.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.9 5.6.4, 5.7, 6.7.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 149of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) C. Emergency Response Support and Resources C.1.a 5.3.1 i C.1.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan I C.1.c MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.2.a State/Local Plan C.2.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.3 Attach A.2, (F8-4 ), MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.4 Attach A.2 (F8-4 ), 5.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

  • D. Emergency Classification System D.1 4.0 D.2 4.0, Annex A D.3 State/Local Plan D.4 State/Local Plan E. Notification Methods and Procedures E.1 6.1.2, 6.1.4 E.2 6.1.1 E.3 5.3.1 E.4 5.3.1
  • E.4.a 5.3.1 E.4.b 5.3.1 E.4.c 5.3.1 E.4.d 5.3.1 E.4.e 5.3.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 150of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) E. Notification Methods and Procedures (cont'd) E.4.f 5.3.1

            . E.4.g                              5.3.1 E4.h                               5.3.1 E.4.i                              5.3.1 E.4.j                              5.3.1 E.4.k                              5.3.1 E.4.1                              5.3,1 E.4.m                              5.3.1 E.4.n                              5.3.1 E.5                                7 .2.3, State/Local Plan E.6                                5.3.1, 7.2.3, State/Local Plan E.7                                MT & Pl Offsite Plan F. Emergency Communications F.1.a                              6.1.2, 6.1.3, Table 6 F.1.b                              6.1.2, 6.1.3, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.c                              Table 6 F.1.d                              72.2., Table 6 F.1.e                              6.1.1, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.f                              7.2.2, Table 6 F.2                                7.2.2 F.3'                               8.1.2 I

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 151of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) G. Public Education and Information G.1 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.2 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.b

  • Attach A (F8-8)

MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.c MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.5 MT & Pl Offsite Plan

        . H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment H.1                                7. 1.1, 7 .1 .2 H.2                                7.1.3 H.3                                State/Local Plan H.4                                6~ 1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.5                                7.3 H.5.a                              7.3.1, Table 7, Table 11 H.5.b                              7.3.1, Table 8, Table 9 H.5.c                              7.3.1, Table 10 H.5.d                              7.3.1 H.6.a                              7.3.2, Table 11 H.6.b                              7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.6.c                              7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan


  • NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section)

H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment (cont'd) H.7 7.3.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.6, Attach B. H.8 6.4, 7 .3.1, 7.3.2, Table 11 H.9 7.1.2, 7.4.2, Attach B H.10 8.2.2 H.11 Attach B H.12 7.1.3 I. Accident Assessment 1.1 Annex A, Table 7 Table 8, Table 10 1.2 6.4, 7.3.1 1.3.a 6.4 1.3.b 6.4.1 1.4 6.4.1 1.5 6. 4.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.2 Table 11 1.6 6.4.1 1.7 6.4.2 1.8 6.4.1, 6.4.2 1.9 6.4.2 1.10 . 6.4.1 1.11 State Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 153of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) J. Protective Response J.1.a 6.6.1 (A) J.1.b 6.6.1 (A) J.1.c 6.6.1 (A) J.1.d 6.6.1 (A) J.2 6.6.1 (A) J.3 6.6.1 (A) J.4 6.6.1 (A) J.5 5.3.1, 6.6.1 (A) J.6.a 6.6.2 (A) J.6.b 6.6.2 (A) J.6.c 6.6.2 (8) J.7 6.6.21 Tables 3 and 4 J.8 6.6.1 (0), MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.9 State/Local Plan* J.10.a 6.4.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.b 6.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.c 7.2.3 J.10.d State/Local Plan J.10.e State/Local Plan J.10.f State/Local Plan J.10.g State/Local Plan J.10.h State/Local Plan J.10.i State/Local Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 154of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) J. Protective Response [Cont'd] J.10.j State/Local Plan J.10.k State/Local Plan J.10.1 State/Local Plan. J.10.m 6 .6.1 I Tables 3 and 4 J.11 State Plan J.12 State/Local Plan K. Radiological Exposur~ Control K.1.a 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.b 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.c 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.d 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.e 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.f 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.g 6.7.1, Table 4 K.2 6.7.1 K.3.a 6.7.1 K.3.b 6.7.1 K.4 State/Local Plan K.5.a 6.6. 3, Table 5 K.5.b 6.7.2 K.6.a 6.6.3 (A) K.6.b 6.6.3 (A) K.6.c 6.6.3 (A) K.7 6.6.3, 6.7.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 155of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) L. Medical and Public Health Support L.1 5.6.4 (B), 6.7.3 L.2 6.7.2 L.3 State Plan L.4 5.6.41, 6.7.2, 6.7.3 M. Recovery and Re-entry Planning and Post Accident Operations M.1 5.5, 9.0 M.2 5.5, 9.4 M.3 5.5,9.4 M.4 6.4.1 N. Exercises and Drills N.1.a 8.1.2 N.1.b 8.1.2 N.2.a 8.1.2 N.2.b 8.1.2 N.2.c 8.1.2 N.2.d 8.1.2 N.2.e (1) 8.1.2 N.2.e (2) 8.1.2 N.3.a Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.b

  • Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.c Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.d
  • Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.e Site Drill/Exercise Manual

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 156of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) N. Exercises and Drills (cont'd) N.3.f Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.4 Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.5 Site Drill/Exercise Manual

0. Radiological Emergency Response Training 0.1 8.1.1 0.1.a 8.1.1 0.1.b State/Local Plan 0.2 8.1.1, 8.1.2 Site Drill/Exercise Manual 0.3 8.1.1 0.4.a 8.1.1 0.4.b 8.1.1 0.4.c 8.1.1 0.4.d 8.1.1 0.4.e 8.1.1 0.4.f 8.1.1 0.4.g MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.h 8.1 .1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.i MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.j 8.1.1 0.5 8.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 157of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) P. Resgonsibilitv for the Planning Effort: Develogment, Periodic Review and Distribution of Emergency Plans P.1 MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.2 8.2 P.3 8.2 P.4 8.2.1

             .P.5                                  MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.6                                  2.0, MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.7                                  Attach A P.8                                  Table of Contents Attach C P.9                                  MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.10                                 8.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 158of158 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision Section Change Section 5.6.4 Spelled out acronym HAB to state Hostile Action Based (HAB). Section 5.7.4 Removed paragraph discussing Wisconsin Radiation Protection response teams. Table 8 Deleted reference to "R-42, Scint/Heating Boiler Condensate, 101-106 cpm". Various. Updated references to OSC location.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN ANNEX A I NUMBE"' E-PLAN I REV: 53 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL MATRIX The site-specific Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are presented in the attached Emergency Action Level Matrix. These EALs are based on the NEI 99-01 EAL scheme. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Classification of Emergency also contains the same Emergency Action Level Matrix. Page 1 of 1

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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page ii Record of Revision Date of Revision Revision Number Title Page i February 2017 53 Record of Revision Page ii February 2017 53 Emergency Plan Body including Attachments February 2017 53 Annex A Page February 2017 53

PRAIRIE ISLAND .NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 1of158 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page TITLE PAGE ...............*........... :................................................ ~ ........................................ i RECORD OF REVISION ..................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS'. .............. ~ .................................................................................. 1 1.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................ ? 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE .................................................................................... 11 3.0


~*** ..................................................................................................... 13 4.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 15 4.1 . Classification System ........................................................... *.:****************** 15 4.1.1 Notification of Unusual Event ............................ ~ .......................... 15 4.1.2 Alert .............................................................................................. 16 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency .............................. ~ .................................... 16 4.1.4 General Emergency ..................................................................... 17 5.0 ORGANIZATONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES ......................................... 19 5.1 Normal Site Organization ......................................................................... 19

         . 5.2     Normal Plant Organization ....................................................................... 19 5.3     Plant Emergency Organization *****************************************'********************** 20 5.3.1   Direction and Coordination ......................... ~ ................................. 20 5.3.2   Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators***************:*************** 29 5.3.3   Plant Shift Organization ............................................................... 32 5.3.4   Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups .......................... '. ... 35 .

5.4 EOF Organization .................................................................................... 38 5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control ... , .................................. , .................... 38 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group ..................................................... 40 5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group ................................... .40 5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff .......................................................... 41

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 2of158 5.5 Recovery Organization ..................................., ........................................ 42 5.6 Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations*.*****'************* 42 5.6.1 Offsite Support Response ....................................................,....... 42 5.6.2 Monticello Radiation Protection Group Support ...............-............ 43


5.6.3 Westinghouse Support ....................... :......................................... 43 5.6.4 Local Support Services ................................................................ 44 5.7 Coordination with Governmental Response Organizations ...................... 47

5. 7 .1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) ................. ~ ................... :............................ 47 5.7.2 Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) ....................................*.. 47 5.7.3 Wisconsin Emergency Management.. ....... , .........)~1,........................ 48 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Ser.vices (DHFS) .: ..... 48 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) ........................ 48 q.7.5 Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs ............................. 49 5.7.6 Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing
  • Emergency Management ............................................................. 49 5.7.7 Prairie Island Indian Community .................................................. 49 5.7.8 Minnesota State Patrol. ................................................................ 50 5.7.9 Minnesota Department of Transportation ..................................... 50
5. 7 .1 O CP Line Railroad (Soo Line) ........................................................ 50 5.7.10 Canadian Pacific Railway-GP Railway (Sao Line) ....................... 50 5.7.11 Burlington Northern Inc. Railroad***************************:********************* 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway ............................ 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway ............... ~ ............ 50
5. 7 .12 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Lock & Dam
                          .#3 .................... :............................................................................ 50 5.7.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) ....................................... 51 5.7.14 Department of Energy (DOE) ........................................................ 52 5.7.15 Institute Of NuclearPower Operations (INPO) ............................. 52 6.0      EMERGENCY MEASURES ........ ~ ................................ , ..................................... 53
  • 6.1 Activation of Emergency Organization .............. c************************************** 53

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 3of158 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations .................................. 53 6.1.2 Notification Scheme .............................. ~ ...................................... 54 6.1.3 Communicators ............................................................................ 56 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications ............................ 59 6.2 Record Keeping ...................,. ................................................................... 59 6.3 Summary of Site Response Actions ........................................................ 60 6.4 Assessment Actions ................................................................................. 63 6.4.1 Dose Projections ...................... ,.......... ,........................................ 63 6.4.2 Radiological Surveys ............. :...................................................... 68 6.5 Corrective Actions .................................................................................... 69 6.6 Protective Actions .................................................................................... 69



  • Evacuation and Sheltering ........................................................... 69 6.6.2 Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies .................................. 73 6.6.3 Contamination Control Measures ................................................. 79 6.7 Aid to Affected Personnel ................................................. ~ ...................... 81 6.7.1 Emergency Personnel Exposure .................................................. 81 6.7.2 Decontamination and First Aid ......................... :........................... 82
6. 7 .3 Medical and Public Health Support .............................................. 83
6. 7.4 Whole Body Counting Facilities ................................................... 84 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. ................................................. 85 7.1 Emergency Control Centers ................... ,............... :................................. 85 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) *************************'************************ 85 7.1.2 Operational Support Center (OSC) .............................................. 90 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF ........................................... 92 7.1.4 Control Room ............................................................................... 97 7.2 Communications ........... :.......................................................................... 98 7.2.1 Onsite Communications ............................................................... 98 7.2.2 Offsite Communications ............................................................... 99 7.2.3 Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) ............................. 103 7.3 Assessment Facilities ............................................................................ 104*

7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment.. ............................................... 104

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 4of158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring .......................... 125 7.4 Protective Facilities and Equipment.. ..................................................... 127 7.4.1 Assembly Points ........................................................................ 127 7.4.2 Operational Support Center ....................................................... 127 7.4.3 Emergency Operations Facility .................................................. 127 7.4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System ........................................................ 128 7.4.5 Red Wing Fire Station ................................................................ 128 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker. ........................... 128 7.5 First Aid and Medical Facilities .............................................................. 128 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies ............................................. 128 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ............................................ 129 8.1 Organizational Preparedness ................................................................ 129 8.1.1 Emergency Response Training .................................................. 129 8.1.2 Exercises, Drills, and Tests ........................................................ 130 8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures*********-~---****************** 133 8.2.1 Organization of Plan ............................................................... ~.-- 133 8.2.2 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies ..................................................................................... 134 9.0 RECOVERY ..................................................................................................... 135 9.1 Investigation of Incidents ....................................................................... 135 9.2 Recovery Procedures ............................................................................ 135 9.3 Criteria for Resumption of Operations ................................................... 136 9.4 Long Term Recovery .............................................. :.. :........................... 136 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A. ...................................................... Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 139 Attachment 8 ........................................................................ Summary of Emergency Supplies 144 Attachment C ......................................................... NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference 148

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 5of158 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Prairie Island Plant Emergency Organization ................................................ 21 Figure 2 Prairie Island EOF Organization .................................................................... 39 Figure 3 Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface ................... 57 Figure 4 HAB Communications ................................................................................... 58 Figure 5 Containment Dose Rate Versus Time ........................................................... 66 Figure 6 Plan View of TSC .......................................................................................... 87 Figure 7 Plan View of EOF Command Center. ............................................................ 95 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization******'.************** 22 Table 2 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency Organization .................................................................................................. 25 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency ...... 74 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume ............................................................. 76 Table 5 Contamination Limits ..................................................................................... 79 Table 6 Prairie Island Site Communications Matrix .................................................. 102 Table 7 Seismographic Monitoring Devices ............................................................. 111 Table 8 Radiation Monitors ...................................................................................... 112 table 9 Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices ........................................... 117 Table 1O Instruments Available for Monitoring Major Systems *******************************'** 118 Table 11 Offsite Meteorological Equipment ............................................................... 126 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision ....................................... 158


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 7of158 1.0 DEFINITIONS Listed below are some terms in this plan along with the definitions that should be applied to these terms when they are used in this plan. 1.1

  • Assessment Action - Actions taken during or after an accident to obtain and process information necessary to make decisions regarding emergency measures.

1.2 Corrective Actions - Emergency measures taken to terminate an emergency situation at or near the source in order to prevent or minimize a radioactive release,

  • e.g., shutting down equipment, firefighting, repair:and damage control, etc.

1.3 Emergency Action Level (EAL) - A predetermined, site-specific, observable threshold for a plant Initiating Condition (IC) that places the plant in a given emergency class. An EAL can be: an instrument reading; an equipment status indicator; a measurable parameter (onsite or offsite); a discrete, observable event; results of analyses; entry into specific emergency operating procedures; or another phenomenon which, if it occurs, indicates entry into a particular emergency class. 1.4 Emergency Class: - One of a minimum set of names or titles, established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG), for grouping of normal nuclear power plant conditions according to (1) their relative radiological seriousness, and (2) the time sensitive onsite and off site radiological emergency preparedness actions necessary to respond to such conditions. The existing radiological emergency classes, in ascending order of seriousness, are called: Notification of Unusual Event (UE), Alert, Site Area Emergency (SAE), and General Emergency (GE). 1.5 Emergency Director (ED) - The Plant Manager or designee. This individual has overall responsibility and authority for managing the emergency effort within the plant. This person will also manage efforts external to the plant until the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization can relieve the ED of external tasks. 1.6 Emergency Manager (EM) - A designated member of site management. This person has the authority and responsibility for the management of (NSPM) Northern States Power Company - Minnesota overall response to an emergency. The EM will assume command and control at the Emergency Operations Facility and direct the NSPM response efforts.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 8of158 1.7 Emergency Planning Zones - a defined area around the plant to facilitate emergency planning by state and local authorities, to assure that prompt and effective actions are taken to protect the public in* the event of a release of radioactive material. It is defined for:

  • 1.7.1 Plume Exposure Pathway- a 10 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure source is: (1) whole body exposure to gamma radiation from the plume and from deposited material; and (2) internal exposure from the inhaled radionuclides deposited in the body (Short Term Exposure).

1.7,2 Ingestion Exposure Pathway - a 50 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure would be from the ingestion of contaminated water or foods such as milk or fresh vegetables (Long Term Exposure). The ingestion exposure pathway includes the plume exposure pathway. 1.8 Emergency Worker - Any individual involved in mitigating the consequences of an emergency situation and/or minimizing or preventing exposure to the offsite population. The emergency worker category includes emergency workers at the plant as well as individuals who are engaged in public service emergency activities - firemen, policemen, medical support, and certain public officials. These are people who voluntarily place themselves as emergency workers.

  • 1.9 Exclusion Area - The area surrounding the plant that is under direct Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant control. This includes the Corps of Engineering land north of plant and the islands located in the Mississippi River east of plant. It is sized such that any individual located on its boundary would not exceed 25 REM whole body or 300 REM thyroid from 1-131 for two hours immediately following the design basis accident (approximately 2340 feet out to boundary).

1.1 O Initiating Condition (IC): - One of a predetermined subset of nuclear power plant conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or such an emergency has occurred. 1.11 Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) d/b/a Xcel Energy - Operator of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. 1.12 Protective Actions - Emergency measures taken before or after a release of radioactive materials in order to prevent or minimize radiological exposures to the population.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 9of158 1.13 Protective Action Guides (PAG) - Projected dose to individuals, that warrants . protective action prior to and/or following a radioactive release. 1.14 Recovery Actions - Actions taken after an emergency to restore the plant to normal. 1.15 Xcel Energy - Operating Utility of Northern States Power Company- Minnesota.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: . 53 Page 11of158 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE In accordance with license conditions, 10CFR Part 50, and NRC guidance, the Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) has developed and implemented a radiological emergency response plan for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) and a joint off-site plan for the PINGP and the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. As asset owner NSPM, and Xcel Energy, the operating utility, retain all owner obligations. This Emergency Plan is applicable to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP), Units 1 and 2. In any emergency situation at Prairie Island, the initial response to activate the Emergency Plan is accomplished by the plant staff and, if needed, immediate actions may be required by local support agencies. The plant, during initial stages of the emergency situation, must function independently coordinating both onsite and offsite activities. It is expected that within approximately 1 to 2 hours, the plant staff will be augmented by other segments of the overall Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) Offsite Emergency Response Organization (EOF staff, Monticello Field Teams and other company support staff). The* augmented response organization will assume those tasks external (offsite) to the plant, thus allowing the plant staff to be responsible for all onsite activities. This plan covers the actions and responsibilities of the PINGP Emergency Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility Organization. The purpose of the plan is to describe the following: 2.1 Organization and actions within the plant to control and limit the consequences of an accident.. 2.2 Organization and actions controlling site and offsite activities in the event of an uncontrolled release of radioactive material. This includes notification of and coordination with required offsite support agencies. 2.3 Identifying and evaluating the consequences of accidents that may occur and affect the public and plant personnel. 2.4 Describing the protective action levels and actions that are required to protect the public and plant personnel in the event of an accident.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN . REV: 53 Page 12 of 158 2.5 Consideration necessary for the purpose of reentry and short-term recovery. 2.6 Arrangements required for medical support in the event of injury. 2.7 Arrangements required for fire fighting support in the event of major fires requiring outside support. 2;8 The training necessary to assure adequate response to emergencies. The Emergency Plan is dependent upon various standing plant operating, abnormal operating, emergency operating, plant safety, radiological control and security procedures and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for the implementation of the plant's response to the spectrum of emergency situations. PINGP has procedures in place that implement on-site protective actions and personnel accountability during security events that are appropriate for plant and environmental conditions. Coordination between plant, state, local and tribal authorities is defined in the Minnesota and Wisconsin state emergency operations plans, Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce county emergency plans and the Prairie Island Indian Community's emergency plan. Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce Counties have, formulated for their respective areas, individual evacuation plans which are included in the respective state plans. Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) offsite response is detailed in the Corporate Nuclear Emergency Plan.



Abnormal events, both realized and potential, requiring emergency preparedness response are classified into four classes of Emergency Action Levels. The four levels of emergency classes, in increasing order of severity are: 3.1 Notification of Unusual Event (UE) 3.2 Alert 3.3 Site Area Emergency (SAE) 3.4 General Emergency (GE) Each class requires specific immediate actions on the part of the plant staff in order to protect the public, plant personnel and property. As the severity level of the emergency increases, so does th.e response of the offsite agencies, in order to protect the public. The lowest class (least severe) is the Notification of Unusual Event, and will be handled mainly by plant personnel, with only advisory notification to local and state authorities. The Alert Classification requires prompt notification of local .and state authorities, which will plc;ice their various organizations in a standby mode. In both the Notification of Unusual Event and the Alert Classification, the plant staff is expected to restore the situation to normal without further or minimum involvement of offsite authorities. The two higher severity classes, the Site Area and General Emergency, (the General Emergency being the most severe), requires prompt notification of offsite authorities with immediate involvement of those organizations to assess the emergency situation and to implement the required protective actions for the general public. During an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant will automatically activate their site and offsite support emergency response organizations. The normal site organization will staff the Plant EmergencyHesponse Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization. The offsite organization will be staffed by members of the MT & Pl Offsite Organization and be located at the Minnesota Emergency Operations Center. MT & Pl Offsite Organization will communicate to the plant via the EOF Organization. The EOF Organization will support emergency response for the plant and relieve plant personnel of offsite activities who may be needed for plant activities.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 14 of 158 When plant conditions stabilize and the potential for future degradation of. plant conditions is small, the plant may terminate the emergency classification. If severe equipment or core damage has occurred, a transition to a recovery phase may be warranted. lri general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without transition to Recovery while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate a planned transition to Recovery and the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage the overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to return the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status. PINGP has and maintains the capability to assess, classify, and declare an emergency condition within 15 minutes after the availability of indications to plant operators that an EAL has been exceeded. Upon identification of the appropriate emergency classification level the emergency condition will be promptly declared.


  • EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 15 of 158 4.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.1 Classification System Four Emergency Classification Levels (ECLs) are established, according to severity, taking into consideration potential as well as actual events in progress.

Initiating Conditions (ICs) are predetermined subset of plant conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or such an emergency has

  • occurred.

Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are plant-specific indications, conditions or instrument readings that are utilized to classify emergency conditions. Annex A contains the Emergency Action Level (EAL) scheme as established by NEI 99-01, Revision 4 with the exception of the Security EALs. The Security EALs are based on those Security EALs described in the NRC endorsed guidance of NEI 99-01, Revision 5. It should be noted that various events could require a graded scale of response. A minor incident could increase in severity and advance to the next class of emergency. This Emergency Plan is constructed to provide for a smooth transition from one .class to another. 4.1.1

  • Notification of Unusual Event (UE)

Notification of Unusual Events are events that are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant or indicate a security threat to facility protection has been initiated. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs. The purpose of the Notification of Unusual Event action level is to: (1) have the operating staff come to a state of readiness from the standpoint of emergency response in the event the handling of the initiating condition requires escalation to a more severe action level *class; and (2) provide for systematic handling of unusual event information, i.e., to provide early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 16of158 4.1.2 Alert At the.Alert action level, events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant or a security event that involves probable life threatening risk to site personnel or damage to site equipment because of HOSTILE ACTION. It is the lowest level when some necessity for emergency planning and response offsite is necessary. Any radioactive release will be limited to a small fraction of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels. The purpose of the Alert action level is to: (1) assure that emergency personnel are readily available to respond if the situation becomes more serious or to perform confirmatory radiation monitoring *if required; and (2) provide offsite authorities current status information, i.e., early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized. 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency The Site Area Emergency action level describes events that are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failure of plant functions needed for protection of the public or HOSTILE ACTION that result in intentional damage or malicious acts; (1) toward site personnel or equipment that could lead to the likely failure of or; (2) that prevent effective access to equipment needed for the protection of the public. It reflects conditions where significant offsite releases are likely to occur or are occurring but where a core melt situation is not expected although severe fuel damage may have occurred. Any radioactive releases are not expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels except near the site boundary. In this situation full mobilization of emergency personnel in the near-site environs is warranted, as well as, dispatch of monitoring teams and associated communications. The purpose of the Site Area Emergency action level is to: ( 1) assure that response centers are manned; (2) assure that monitoring teams are dispatched; (3) assure that personnel required for evacuation of near-site areas are at duty stations if the situation becomes more serious; (4) provide current information for and consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 17of158 4.1.4 General Emergency The General Emergency action level describes events in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential for loss of containmentintegrity or HOSTILE ACTION that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility. Radioactive releases can be reasonably expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area. The purpose of the General Emergency class is to: (1) initiate predetermined protective actions for the public; (2) provide continuous assessment of information from licensee and offsite organization measurements; (3) initiate additional measures as indicated by actual or

                      . potential releases; (4) provide consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATINq PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 19 of 158 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES 5.1 Normal Site Organization The normal site organization is comprised of the plant organization and several other site support organizations.* The normal site organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page. Responsibilities and authorities of the various functional groups are delineated in plant Administrative Work Instructions. 5.2 Normal Plant Organization The normal plant operating crew is staffed and qualified to perform all actions that may be necessary to initiate immediate protective actions and to implement the emergency plan and is designated as the responsible group for such actions. The normal plant organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page. The Plant Manager has overall responsibility for the safe, efficient operation of the plant and for compliance with operating license requirements. The Plant Manager SHALL select, train and supervise a qualified staff. The Shift Manager reports directly to the Assistant Operations Manager who reports directly to the Operations Manager who reports directly to the Plant Manager. The Shift Manager is responsible for the direction and coordination of the Shift Supervisors on his/her shift to perform operations in accordance with the administrative controls and operating procedures. The Shift Manager coordinates activities with other plant groups as required to maintain the safe operation of the plant. The Shift Supervisor reports to the Shift Manager. The Shift Supervisor is the single focal point for directing and coordinating the operations group, maintenance group and the plant security activities during his/her shift. The Shift Supervisor SHALL assume the primary management responsibility for the safe operation of the plant under all conditions during his/her shift. The responsibility and authority of the Shift Supervisor SHALL be to maintain the broadest perspective of operational conditions affecting the safety of the plant as a matter of highest priority at all times when .on duty in the Control Room.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 20 of 158 5.3 Plant Emergency Organization A plant emergency organization is designated to augment the normal operating crew. Provisions have been made for rapid assignment of plant personnel to the plant emergency organization during emergency situations. The Prairie Island Plant Emergency Organization is shown in Figure 1. Various areas of responsibility are assigned to segments of the plant staff during emergency situations as depicted in Table 1 and Table 2. Table.1 shows the personnel available on-shift and the capability for additional personnel within 30 minutes and 60 minutes of notification. Table 1 follows the guidance developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emerency Plan On-Shift Staffing. 5.3.1 Direction and Coordination During the initial stages of an emergency condition at Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, the Emergency Director has overall coordinating authority for Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM). The Emergency Director alone has the authority and responsibility to immediately initiate any emergency actions, including providing protective action recommendations to offsite authorities responsible for implementing offsite emergency measures. When the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization is activated, the Emergency Manager (EM) and EOF staff will relieve the Emergency Director of all offsite responsibilities as soon as practical and assume the responsibility for the.management of NSPM's overall response to the emergency. The Emergency Director can then direct the plant's efforts towards management of the onsite responsibilities. The Shift Supervisor, of the affected unit, until properly relieved, SHALL remain in the Control Room at all times during accident situations, to direct the activities of control room operators. Twenty-four (24) hour coverage for the Emergency Director position is provided by the Duty Shift Manager who assumes the responsibility of the interim Emergency Director at the onset of any emergency condition. If

  • necessary, the Shift Supervisor of the unaffected unit may function as an alternate Emergency Director backing up the Shift Manager.


                                           *TECHNICAL       RADIOLOGICAL I


                                                                      ' LOGISTICS I I SUPPORT LEADER I                            I ELECTRICAL                  MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE                 MAINTENANCE l&CGROUP

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 22of158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30min 60 min Plant Operations and Shift Manager/ED 1 Shift Supervisor (SRO): Unit Supervisors 2 Assessment of Control Room Reactor Operational Aspects Reactor Operators (RO): 4 Auxiliary Operators: 6 Notification/ . Notify State, local Shift Emergency Communication and Federal Communicator: 2 personnel & maintain communication Radiological Accident Emergency Operations Emergency Manager Assessment and Facility (EOF) (as per duty roster): Support of Director Operational Accident Assessment Offsite Dose Radiological Assessment Emergency Coordinator: Offsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: 2 Onsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: (out-of-plant) In-plant Surveys Plant Operators and/or Radiation Protection Specialist: 1 (1,3)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 23_ of 158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60 min Chemistry/ Radiochemistry Chemistry Technician: Plant System Technical Support Shift Technical Advisor Engineering, Corerrhermal: Electrical: Mechanical: Repair and Repairs and Mechanical Maintenance: 1_ Corrective Actions Corrective Actions Rad Waste Operator: Electrical Maintenance: Instrument Control: Protective Actions Radiation Radiation Protection Specialist 1 2 2(1,3) (In-Plant) Protection: and/or Plant Operators:

a. Access Control
b. HP Coverage for repair, corrective actions, search and rescue, first-aid &


c. Personnel monitoring
d. Dosimetry


                       ,*,                                                                                                                       E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN                                                                REV:      53 Page 24of158 Table 1          Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area                    Major Tasks                 Position Title or Expertise       On-Shift         30min             60 min Fire Fighting                                                                                                 Fire Brigade             Local Support per FS Rescue Operations and First Aid                                                                                                                          Local Support Site Access Control                      Security, firefighting            Security Personnel:                    As per and Personnel                            communications,                                                         Security Accountability                            personnel                                                                 Plan accountability TOTAL                                      18              9               15 (11 May be provided by shift personnel assigned other functions.

(Z) Monticello RPG will arrive within approximately 2-3 hours to augment and relieve the Prairie Island RPG of offsite surveys. 3 <l Chemistry Technicians are cross-trained in Radiation Protection and chemistry/radiochemistry. The non-licensed plant operators are fully trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys, during the first hour of the emergency. The above table was developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emergency Plan On-Shift Staffing Analysis.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 25of158 Table 2 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency Organization

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Ill (I) w r/) r/) a::: 0 <C 0 r/) (.) r/) :5 ~ w Plant Operations p p p Emerg Direction & Control p Notification and Comm s p s s s Offsite Dose Assessment s p p s Offsite Surveys s p p Onsite (Out-of-Pit) Surveys s p s p In-Plant Surveys s p s p p Chem-Radiochemistry s p p p Protective Action p p Recommendations Over-exposure Authorization p p Technical Support s p s p p Repair and Corrective Actions s s p p p p p Radiation Protection s p p p Fire Fighting s p p s First-Aid s p p p p s s Search & Rescue p p s s p p s s Site Access Control s p Accountability s s p Logistics Support s p


  • The Shift Manager SHALL be relieved of the Emergency Director responsibilities when the designated Emergency Director arrives onsite.

The Plant Manager or Designee SHALL be the designated Emergency Director and will be available with a pager on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. When th13 Plant Manager is unavailable, (e.g., out of town), the designated Emergency Director responsibility will be passed onto another Plant a Manager designee who is member of senior plant management. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Director position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Shift Manager SHALL start the tasks assigned to the Emergency Director, (e.g., notification, activating onsite centers, etc.). These tasks SHALL be accomplished promptly and cannot wait for the designated individual to arrive at the plant site. The Emergency Director's responsibilities are as follows: A. Activation of onsite emergency organization -

1. Direct the activation of the onsite emergency response centers and monitor their habitability, and
  • 2. Coordinate response of the plant onsite emergency organization.

B. Personnel accountability - During a plant evacuation the Emergency Director SHALL account for all personnel onsite within thirty minutes of the Site Area or General Emergency requiring the evacuation so that a search for missing personnel can be conducted. A continuous personnel accountability SHALL be maintained throughout the emergency. This responsibility may be delegated to a designated individual with assistance from the security force. C.

  • Radiological monitoring - The Emergency Director SHALL direct
                             *radiological monitoring of all personnel onsite and at the onsite
                             *assembly area, for contamination and/or excessive exposure. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiation Protection Specialists or to a qualified operations member.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 27 of 158 D. Exposure - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to authorize overexposures in excess of the normal limits (this responsibility may not be delegated). E. Radiation Survey Teams - The Emergency Director SHALL.direct the Radiation Survey Teams to obtain the necessary onsite and offsite samples and/or radiation sur\teys. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Er:nergency Coordinator. F. Offsite Dose Projections - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to project dose rates to the offsite population. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. G. Protective Action - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible for authorizing offsite Protective Action Recommendations (this responsibility may not be delegated and is relinquished to the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated and operational). H. Notification -The.Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to ensure that the necessary offsite notifications are initiated and completed. This responsibility may be delegated to the Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC). The SEC may designate offsite _communications to a qualified Communicator.

1. Immediate (within.15 minutes)

The initial notification message to State, local and tribal authorities, from the plant, SHALL contain the following information: a Class of emergency b Whether radioactivity. is being released and in what form (liquid or gas)

  • c Potentially affected populace and area, if any d Necessity of protective measures e Brief description of the event Other information, i.e., meteorological data, etc., are available to these authorities via the follow-up notification messages.


2. Subsequent Messages r

The plant will continue to provide updating information to offsite authorities. As soon as possible after the initial notification of an Alert, Site Area, or Gen~ral Emergency, as much of the following information that is known and appropriate will be forwarded to offsite authorities: a Location of incident b Name and telephone number of caller c Date/time of incident

                                  *d     Class of emergency:

e Type of release (airborne, liquid, surface spill) and. estimated duration f Estimate of noble gas, iodine, and particulate release rates g Prevailing weather conditions (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, atmospheric stability class, precipitation, if any) h Actual or projected dose rates at site boundary Projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5 and 10 miles and the Sectors affected. Survey results of offsite dose rates or any surface contamination k Plant emergency response actions in progress I Request for onsite support from offsite support organizations m Prognosis for worsening or termination of event based on plant information To provide ease in supplying the aforementioned information, a standardized form is used and incorporated into the implementing* procedures. I. Protracted Emergency Shift Coverage - The Emergency Director, with assistance from and coordination with other group Managers and Supervisors, SHALL ensure that work force requirements for all subsequent work shifts are determined and the necessary'personnel are scheduled for the specific time period.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 29 of 158 5.3.2 Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators A. Technical Support Center Coordinator The Technical Support Center (TSC) Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation and coordination of activities in the Technical Support Center (TSC). Specific personnel assignments to the TSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the TSC Coordinator are:

1. Establish and verify radiological monitoring for the TSC;
2. Assist personnel performing the accountability check;
3. Coordinate activities of plant and non-plant personnel located in the TSC;
4. Periodically update personnel located in the TSC with appropriate information;
5. Maintain any necessary status boards;
6. Ensure technical guidance is provided to the Emergency Director and Control Room Operators on plant operations;
7. Establish or ensure that communications are established between all onsite emergency facilities and the EOF,
8. Ensure the Emergency Response Data System data link is established with the NRC's emergency center.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 30 of 158 B. Operational Support Center Coordinator The Operational Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation, and coordination of activities in the Operational Support Center (OSC). Spe_cific personnel assignments to the OSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory.

                            .The responsibilities of the OSC Coordinator are:
1. tstablish and verify radiological monitoring for the OSC and the Control Room;
2. Coordinate activities of plant personnel located in the OSC to support plant operations as requested by the. Control Room and .


3. Assist personnel performing the accountability check in the OSC and the Control Room.
4. Maintain the communication systems in the OSC. A person may be designated to act as a communicator.
5. Periodically update personnel located in the OSC with appropriate information.
6. Control the use of equipment located in the emergency locker.

C. Assembly Point Coordinator The Assembly Point Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general operation of the assembly area. Specific personnel assignments to the Assembly Point Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl NOclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the Assembly Point Coordinator are:

1. Verify that radiological monitoring has been established for the Assembly Point
2. Coordinate activities of all personnel (plant and non-plant) located at the Assembly Point
3. Assist the Emergency Director in performing the accountability check, as necessary.


4. Maintain the communication systems. A person may be designated as the communicator, if necessary.
5. Control the use of equipment located in the Emergency Locker.
6. Update all personnel with appropriate information when directed by the Emergency Director.
7. Provide instructions to personnel when they are released from the assembly point for reentry or transport offsite.

D. Radiological Emergency Coordinator The Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC) SHALL be responsible for radiological accident assessmeht, onsite and offsite. The REC should report to the Technical Support Center when the TSC is activated. Upon activation of the EOF, the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor will assume responsibility for the offsite activities. The offsite survey teams will initially be comprised of individuals from the Prairie Island Plant. Upon activation of the EOF, the offsite survey teams will be comprised of individuals from the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. T.he REC should transfer the responsibility for offsite* accident assessment to the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor at the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the REC are:

1. Offsite dose assessment
2. Formulating offsite protective action recommendations
3. Offsite surveys
4. Onsite surveys
5. Chemistry
6. Radiochemistry
7. Onsite Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d

  • First-aid e Personnel monitoring and decontamination f Dosimetry

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 32 of 158 5.3.3 Plant Shift Organization The "following groups comprise the plant's shift organization. Brief descriptions of their emergency responsibilities are included. A. Operations Group The Operations Group consists of the Operations Manager, Asst. Operations Manager, Shift Managers, Shift Technical Advisors, Shift Supervisors, and all operators. The Operations Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Plant Operations and assessment of operational aspects of the .


2. Rad Waste equipment operation*
3. Emergency radiation surveys
4. Short term damage control and repair for electrical, mechanical, and l&C equipment.

B. Security Group The Security Group consists of the Security Manager, the Security Staff, and the contract Security Force. The Security Force SHALL: .

1. Carry out the plant security and Access Control program.
2. Maintain strict personnel accountability onsite.
3. Assist communications efforts when necessary.
4. Assist in first aid treatment.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 33 of 158 C. Shift Manager The Shift Manager (SM) SHALL be onsite continuously. The Shift Manager SHALL assume overall coordination and control in the Control Room and provide direction as necessary to the Shift Supervisor. The Shift Manager SHALL:

1. Assume the duties of the interim Emergency Director until relieved by the designated Emergency Director. Portions of the E-Plan implementation may be delegated to other members of the plant staff as the condition of the plant dictate.
2. Assess the emergency condition, event evaluation, and safety related aspects of the plant.

D. Shift Technical Advisors Provide technical and engineering support in the area of accident assessment. E. Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) The Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) SHALL be onsite continuously. The SEC is responsible for initial notification to the offsite agencies and maintaining communications during emergency conditions. The SEC may designate offsite communications to a qualified Communicator.

1. When the EOF Organization is activated and the EOF is functional, communications with the offsite agencies and personnel will be maintained by the EOF personnel.
2. As the emergency organization is activated, additional communicators from TSC support personnel should augment the plant staff to assist in communication efforts.

F. Fire Brigade The Fire Brigade should consist of:

1. Brigade Chief - Unit 1 Turbine Building APEO or as designated by the Shift Manager. *
2. Assistant Chief - Any Qualified APEO.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 34of158 Usually the APEO from the affected building SHALL fulfill the duties of the Brigade Chief in his absence.

3. Fire Fighters - BOP Operators.
4. Runner - As designated to accompany fire department, operate equipment, bring additional equipment to fire scene.

The Fire Brigade SHALL be responsible for firefighting and primary responders for Search and Rescue, as necessary. The Red Wing Fire Department should provide emergency assistance and SHALL be called immediately on report of fire. Other plant personnel on site may be called on for emergency work or called to plant for emergency service.

  • G. Radiation Protection Specialist The Radiation Protection Organization consists of two Radiation Protection Specialists (RPS) onsite at all times. The RPS is responsible for conducting routine and special surveys, maintaining Access Control, writing RWFs and providing job coverage as required. Qualified operations personnel on-shift are also trained to perform radiation surveys during emergency conditions.

H. Chemistry Technician One Chemistry Technician is onsite at all times. The Chemistry Technician is responsible for chemistry, radiochemistry, dose assessments, and offsite dose projections. The Chemistry Technician is also cross-trained to support the Radiation Protection Specialist functions described in Section G above.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 35 of 158 5.3.4 Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups A. Maintenance Group The Maintenance Group consists of all mechanical maintenance personnel, all plant electricians and l&C Specialists. The onsite Emergency Organization includes the Maintenance Manager, who should report to the Technical Support Center (TSC); and the Maintenance Supervisors (mechanical, electrical and l&C), and designated Electricians who should report to the Operational Support Center (OSC). The mechanical, electrical and l&C maintenance staff in the OSC can be further augmented or decreased as emergency conditions dictate. The Mechanical, Electrical, and l&C Maintenance Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Supporting the repair and corrective actions for the mechanical, electrical, and l&C systems in support of emergency response and recovery actions.
2. Supporting the Search and Rescue effort.

B. Radiation Protection Group and Chemistry Group The Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups consists of the Radiation Protection Manager & Chemistry Manager and all members of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups. Radiation Protection and Chemistry Managers and other designated group members should report to the Technical Support Center. Other Radiation Protection Specialists and Chemistry Technicians should report to the Operational Support Center. The responsibilities of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups are:

1. Offsite Dose Assessment
2. Offsite Surveys
3. Onsite Surveys
4. Chemistry


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Page 36 of 158

5. Radiochemistry
6. Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d First aid e Fire fighting f Personnel monitoring and decontamination g Dosimetry C. Engineering Group The Engineering Group consists of Systems, Programs, Design. and Equipment Reliability. Upon activation of the onsite emergency organization, Systems and Programs Engineering Managers and designated engineers assigned to the emergency organization should report to the Technical Support Center. Other designated engineers may be requested to further augment engineering support in the TSC. The Engineering Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Providing technical support for plant system engineering on electrical/mechanical systems.
2. Providing technical support for operating radioactive waste control systems.
3. Providing core parameter analysis to c!etermine current core status.
4. Providing plant parameter trending and analysis utilizing the Emergency Response Computer System (ERGS).
5. Projecting possible loss of key equipment and its consequences.
6. Providing technical support for emergency repairs and corrective actions on electrical/mechanical systems.
7. Update TSC staff of potential problems and developments.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 37 of 158 D. Logistics Support Group The Logistics Support Group consists.of Business Support Group (Administration Services and Document Control), Plant Services, and Site Materials. Business Support Group SHALL supply logistical support in their area of expertise. Personnel in these areas may be called in to provide support for emergency response on an "as needed" basis. Site Materials SHALL provide assistance in retrieving the parts necessary for an emergency response. Plant Services SHALL support an emergency response by providing necessary assistance by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 38 of 158 5.4 EOF Organization The EOF (Emergency Operations Facility) Organization consists of a Direction and Control Group and three subordinate groups. The EOF Organization is staffed by personnel from the site's Engineering and Project Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. The Prairie Island EOF Organization is shown in Figure 2. The EOF should be staffed and ready to assume its emergency responsibilities from the TSC within about 1 hour of notification. Transfer of these responsibilities from the TSC to the EOF will be coordinated between the TSC and EOF and depend on the status of the TS C's emergency response. Actual transfer of offsite emergency response responsibilities to the EOF should occur within 60 to 90 minutes of notification. 5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control The Emergency Manager is responsible for overall direction and control of NSPM's emergency response effort. Designated members of management staff the Emergency Manager position in the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Manager position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Emergency Manager relieves the Emergency Director of the following responsibilities: A. Off-site dose projections and coordination and direction of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams. B. Authorization of emergency classification changes. The Emergency Director retains the primary responsibility for re-classifications and makes recommendations to the Emergency Manager who has the responsibility to review and authorize the new classification. C. Authorization of offsite Protective Action Recommendations. D. Communications with off-site authorities including Federal, State, Local and Tribal authorities and MT & Pl Offsite executive management located at the Minnesota State Emergency Operations



                                          -FAXING                          EVENT EVALUATOR OFFSITE DOSE             -COPYING ASSESSMENT TRENDING
                                          *SWITCHBOARD                        TEAM LEADER OPERATOR COUNT ROOM                                                 ERCS OPERATOR CHEMISTRY               MESSENGER TECHNICIAN                                                 EVENT STATUS BOARD KEEPER EOF RADIATION MONITORING RADIATION PROTECTION                                                CR-TSC-EOF TECH SPECIALIST OR                                               COMMUNICATOR CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN TECH CORPORATE COMMUNICATOR FIELD TEAMS &                                                  (EOF-JIC) f***


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 40of158 Other responsibilities of the Emergency Manager include: A. Coordinate the emergency response efforts of other offsite support

  • personnel assisting the plant organization.

B. Obtain and coordinate the services of outside consultants and vendors. C. Advise utility management on matters related to emergency response efforts and needed resources to support the effort. 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group The EOF Technical Support Group consists of select personnel from the site's Engineering and Project Management groups and Training Center staff. The Technical Support Supervisor is staffed by senior personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Technical Support Group is responsible for trending critical parameters, engineering evaluation in support of the TSC Engineering Group, technical assessment and advising the Emergency Manager. on technical matters related to the event. 5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group The EOF Radiation Protection Support Group is staffed by select personnel from the Training Center, plant Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups and Emergency Plan Group. The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor position is staffed by senior personnel qualified in radiation assessment and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Radiation Protection Support Group indudes plant Chemistry personnel for off-site dose projection and EOF Count Room operation and Nuclear Plant Service Attendants who function as sample couriers and drivers for off-site radiological monitoring teams. Radiation Protection Support Group responsibilities include: A. Direction and coordination of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams. B. Off-site dose projection.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 41of158 C. EOF Count Room activation and operation. D. EOF habitability, personnel monitoring and decontamination (as necessary). E. Communications with state assessment groups on matters related to dose projections and off-site protective action recommendations. F. Staffing the Health Physics Network (HPN) and communications with the NRC (as necessary).* The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor advises the Emergency

  • Manager on matters related to actual or potential radiological impact on the environment, off-site protective action recommendations, and EOF
  • habitability.

5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff The EOF General Support Staff consists of the EOF Coordinator, emergency communicators, administrative and security support personnel. The EOF Coordinator position is staffed by senior Training Center or site Engineering and Project Management personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The EOF Coordinator is responsible for activation and operation of the EOF and assists the Emergency Manager with administrative duties. The emergency communicators, EOF Security Coordinator and Administrative Staff report to the EOF Coordinator. The emergency communicators are responsible for communications with offsite agencies as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Administrative Staff is responsible for emergency document control, recording and document distribution at the EOF. An EOF Coordinator Assistant is responsible for general logistics support and assisting the EOF Coordinator. The EOF Security Coordinator reports to the EOF Coordinator. Responsibilities of EOF Security include EOF access and dosimetry issuance to EOF personnel.



                                                                                        . Page 42of158
     . 5.5     Recovery Organization The establishment of the Recovery Organization will be dependent upon the nature and severity of the event or plant conditions. In general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without establishing a special Recovery Organization while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage the overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to return the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status.

The Recovery Manager is mainly responsible for management of the recovery phase and will perform their initial tasks as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Recovery Manager will report to the Emergency Operations Facility and begin to prepare for the transition to Recovery, as necessary. If Recovery is imminent, the Recovery Manager will establish a recovery or post-accident outage organization following the site's plant event recovery protocols. 5.6 Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations 5.6.1 Offsite Support Response The emergency response plan for Prairie Island NGP is designed to be initially implemented independent of any offsite support. However, the onsite effort will be augmented with offsite support resources as described in the MT & P.1 Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan. It is the purpose of the offsite support organization to augment the onsite response effort with offsite support resources as soon as practical and as needed by the Prairie Island Site staff. Such areas of support include: Government Agency Interface, Logistics Support, News Media Interface and Utility Executive Management Interface. *~


                       *The Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is located approximately 100 miles northwest of Prairie Island NGP. The Monticello Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups are available for supporting the Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group with personnel and equipment during any emergency condition at Prairie Island. Designated individuals from the Monticello plant would arrive at Prairie Island in approximately two hours with all the equipment necessary to assume responsibility for offsite monitoring. The Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group may then dedicate their activities to onsite responsibilities. The Monticello Radiation Survey Teams will be under the control of the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor (RPSS), as directed by the Emergency Manager, as soon as the EOF has been activated.

5.6.3 Westinghouse Support Westinghouse emergency assistance is available on a twenty-four hour per day, seven day per week basis. Westinghouse will activate all appropriate features of the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan to support the plant needs. When activated, the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan becomes a functioning organization, comprised of individuals with unique technical, managerial and communication skills and experience, necessary to: A. Make an early assessment of the situation B. Provide early assistance to the utility C. Mobilize* appropriate Westinghouse critical skills and functions D. Initiate timely, accurate communications to involved and interested parties A Site Response Team may be dispatched to the site to obtain a first hand assessment of actual conditions and establish communications from the site to the Westinghouse response center, as deemed necessary.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 44 of 158 5.6.4 Local Support Services A. Fire Fighting The Red Wing Fire Department will provide assistance in the event of a fire occurring at the plant The duties and responsibilities of the Plant Fire Brigade, insuring complete coordination with the Fire Department, are covered in the Operations Manual; Section F5, Fire Fighting. The Red Wing Fire Department will be the lead fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) agency for all emergencies. The Red Wing Fire Department maintains mutual aid agreements with other area ambulance and fire departments as specified in the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Response Plan. These agreements provide that the City may call upon other resources to assist in responding to an emergency, including a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. For a HAB event, Red Wing Fire Department will deploy a representative to the Incident Command Post dependent upon type, location, and scope of the incident, once scene safety is established. The Red Wing Fire Department has various firefighting apparatus and water pumping equipment available for use. All Red Wing Fire Department apparatus can perform both fire fighting tasks, including rescue, and non-fire fighting tasks, including spraying to contain radiological releases and pumping water into the plant for refilling and cooling purposes. In all cases, such operations can begin once the radiological and security threats are mitigated to insure the safety of both plant personnel and fire fighters.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 45of158 B. Hospital and Medical Support Medical support and treatment for non-radiological injuries is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System, both of which are located in Red Wing, Minnesota. Radiological related injuries are treated at the medical center which is the primary treatment facility. Emergency plans have been prepared, and training of medical center personnel is accomplished on an annual basis. Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota is designated as the definitive care center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport service. C. Ambulance Service The Red Wing Ambulance Service will provide service to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Training and participation in drills ensures that personnel involved in the transportation of radiation victims are knowledgeable in use of proper procedures and handling methods. Procedures are covered in the Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty Care.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 46of158 D. Local Law Enforcement For a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) Security Condition and an Alert and Site Area Emergency Hostile Action Based (HAB) event at PINGP, the City of Red Wing Police Department is the lead law enforcement agency. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The pre-designated ICP locations have been identified; however, selection will depend on the incident.

  • The City of Red Wing Police Department maintains the list of potential ICP sites and will be responsible for designating the site during a response and telling the other c;igencies responding to the location. Unified Command should be established and includes city, county, state, federal and utility expertise. Communication will be established between the Incident Commander and plant security and operations as soon as possible.

The Red Wing Police Department has the ability to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies (i.e. the p*rimary . source of additional resources will be the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office with the ability to request assistance from other neighboring agencies as necessary) to assist them in response to any Prairie Island contingency situation, including a HAB event. The initial hostile action response goals are; maintain vital plant systems to prevent a release of radioactive materials, protection of on-site workforce, neutralizing the adversaries, and restoring plant operating conditions. Tactical operational priorities supported by Law Enforcemment include; securing a perimeter around the site, containment of vital areas, sweep and securing of vital areas, safe movement of critical workers ori the site, neutralizing adversaries, protection/evacuation of the on-site workforce, and sweep of protected area and owner controlled area. The Incident Command Post will support tracking resources and personnel at or near the site and the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will support tracking resources and personnel off-site in accordance with the Radiological Emergency Plan. In the event that NSPM has declared a General Emergency as defined in the City/County Plan, the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office shall assume operational control over all emergency operations ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: . 53 Page 47 of 158 5.7 *Coordination with Governmental Response Organizations

5. 7 .1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM)

The Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has the responsibility for notification and coordination of Minnesota State Agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island. The MN HSEM is notified by Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at the plant, the MN duty officer will immediately call the MN Department of Health, the Governor's Authorized Representative and other state agencies with emergency assignments to coordinate the implementation of any emergency procedures. The state agencies responsible for emergency procedures have established a system of twenty-four hour communications .

             . 5.7.2    Minnesota Department of Health (MOH)

The Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) is responsible for providing radiological expertise in the State Emergency Operations Center in conjunction with the MN HSEM. The Minnesota Department of Health will interpret data and participate in recommending protective actions to the Governor's Authorized Representative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 48 of 158 5.7.3 Wisconsin Emergency Management The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM), has the responsibility for notification and coordination of Wisconsin state agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at the plant, Prairie Island NGP will notify the WEM duty officer who will notify the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Radiation Protection Section) and other state agencies with emergency assignments, to coordinate the implementation of any emergency procedures. The*state agencies responsible for emergency procedures have established a system of twenty-four hour communications. 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) is responsible to prevent exposure to ionizing radiation in amounts which are detrimental to health according to nationally accepted standards. The Wisconsin OHS, Radiation Protection Section, is responsible for coordination of radiation response activities in the. State of Wisconsin. In. the event of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP, OHS, Radiation Protection Section will be concerned with monitoring the air and water about the plant to assure that the public is not exposed to levels of radioactive pollutants potentially detrimental to public he-alth. DHS's facilities are located in Madison, Wisconsin.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 49of158 5.7.5 Goodhue. Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs The Sheriff's Departments will notify all necessary local emergency response groups in the event of an accident. The Sheriff is responsible for protection of the general public and can provide* personnel and equipment for evacuation, relocation and isolation.

  • Goodhue County and the Sheriff also has agreements in place to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies, including resources needed to respond to a HAB event. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The Goodhue County Sheriff's Office Tactical Response Team will be the lead tactical response operations group coordinator and coordinate the tactical law enforcement response with Command. Goodhue County Sheriff's Office can request tactical team resources as needed from:

Minnesota State Patrol Special Response Team, Dakota County ERT, FBI SWAT and Washington County ERT. 5.7.6 Goodhue. Dakota. Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management The Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management Organizations have the responsibility for notification and providing direction to residents in the event of a major emergency that affects their respective area of responsibility. 5.7.7 Prairie Island Indian Community The Prairie Island Indian Community has an Emergency Operations Plan that includes the description of tribal responsibilities during a nuclear plant declared event. The Prairie Island Nuclear Generation Plant conducts emergency notifications to the Treasure Island Casino security dispatch center who, in tum, notifies appropriate members of the Prairie Island Indian Community and their organization ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 50 of 158 5.7.8 Minnesota State Patrol The Minnesota (MN) State Patrol has the responsibility to protect the general public by providing personnel and equipment to re-route traffic in the event of an emergency situation. Plans have been made for re-routing federal and state highways. Signs and equipment required for re-routing will be stored in the areas where they would be needed to facilitate highway closings. The MN Department of T~ansportation would be notified by the MN State Patrol to erect the signs.

5. 7 .9 Minnesota Department of Transportation The MN Department of Transportation will assist the MN State Patrol in blocking and re-routing traffic around the plant site. In addition to the necessary personnel; vehicles, signals, and barriers for setting up and maintaining detour routes are available.

5.7.10 Canadian Pacific Railway-CP Railway (Soo Line) In an emergency situation, CP Rail will make every reasonable effort to expedite unblocking the road/railroad crossing near Prairie Island NGP. The dispatcher will also provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP.

5. 7.11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe CB NSF) Railway The dispatcher will provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP as per the Minnesota State emergency operations plan.
5. 7 .12 Department of the Army. Corps of Engineers. Lock & Dam #3 The Corps of Engineers at Lock & Dam #3 will be notified by the Minnesota Duty Officer of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP. The Lock and Dam personnel will notify all tows within radio range of impending evacuations .

and assist in evacuation of personnel at the Lock and Dam.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 51 of 158 A complete description of response capabilities, organizational resources, activation plans, designations of emergency operations centers and letters of agreement are available in Minnesota and Wisconsin's state emergency operations plans. 5.7.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) The basic responsibilities of the NRC are to monitor, assess, and, if necessary, direct the utility to take actions to protect the health and safety of the public. For a radiological incident at a commercial power plant, the NRC is the Lead Federal Agency (LFA). The LFA is responsible for coordinating all Federal onscene actions. The NRC will coordinate Federal assistance to States and local organizations. A principal role of the LFA is to assist the State in interpretation and analysis of technical information as a basis for making decisions about protective actions. This assistance will begin early in an incident from the NRC Operations Center in Rockville, MD, and later, from the utility's emergency operations facility on scene. The NRC is an independent reviewer of the actions the utility is taking to correct the initiating and related problems. The NRC will assess actual or potential offsite impacts as well, and will make an independent evaluation of Protective Action Recommendations, if necessary. As the LFA, the NRC has the responsibility for coordinating the release of Federal information to the media and others. The NRC will conduct most public information activities from the utility's Joint Information Center (JIC). The NRC also will keep the White House and Congress informed on all aspects of the event. The NRC is responsible for giving the best possible advice at a given time to the States and will not limit its involvement to presenting a series of options. The NRC also administers the Price-Anderson Act to ensure that the public that is affected by the event has adequate financial assistance to address most emergency needs.


                *5.7.14   Department of Energy (DOE)

Among its responsibilities as a support agency, DOE will coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring and assessment for the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) and the State during the initial phases of the emergency. It will maintain a common set of offsite radiological data and provide an appropriate interpretation of the data to the LFA and the State. DOE will manage the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC), which is a multi-agency facility. DOE will conduct environmental monitoring,. including air, ground, and water. Their immediate objective is to rapidly dispatch a Radiological Assistant Program (RAP) Team to the scene to. assess the hazard to the public and make recommendations to the authorities for the protection of the public. The Planning Chief in the State EOC is the designated Minnesota authority to request RAP assistance, as stated in the Minnesota state plan, and the Wisconsin DH, Radiation Section, is the designated Wisconsin authority to request RAP assistance for Wisconsin, as stated in the Wisconsin state plan. 5.7.15 Institute Of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) INPO will coordinate requests from other utility INPO members and participants. They will notify NEI and EPRI of events, maintain an emergency resource capability and information on industry assistance capabilities coordinate the delivery of persons and materials under its Nuclear Power Plant and Transportation Agreements, and provide member communications to facilitate the flow of technical information about the emergency.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 53of158 6.0 EMERGENCY MEASURES This section will describe the activation of the Emergency Organization. Various detailed and specific emergency measures that will be taken by the plant staff are further delineated in the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures. 6.1 Activation of Emergency Organization 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations The Shift Manager will be responsible for activating any part of the emergency organization.* During the normal work week, the plant and training center public address systems will be used to activate the organizations. During the off-shift hours, activation of the emergency organizations will be accomplished using the ERO-(Emergency Response Organization) Pager Network and the ERO Auto Dial System. Personal pagers are carried by the following personnel who are considered members of the emergency organization: A. Radiation Survey Team Members B. Plant Operating Review Committee Members C. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) D. l&C Supervisors E. Designated Engineers & Technical Personnel The ERO Pager Network is a personal pager system activated by a phone call. Upon receipt of a nqtification, it will be the responsibility of the

  • supervisors to contact any additional personnel in their respective groups which may be required to report fo the plant site, to staff the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility or to initiate offsite monitoring.

The ERO Auto Dial System is an automatic dialing telephone network with multiple outgoing telephone lines. When activated, it will call and deliver an emergency message to the Plant and EOF Organization's home telephones.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 54of158 The ERO Auto Dial System and ERO Pager Network are two .notification system(s) used to activate the onsite emergency organization. One system is the backup of the other system. Both will be activated for ERO notification. Telephone numbers of all key emergency organization personnel are published in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. If the event ir)Volves a credible security threat, EOF staff may be directed to staff the Backup EOF. In this case, the onsite ERO may be directed to the Red Wing Service Center until it is safe to staff the onsite OSC and TSC. The Red Wing Service Center is to be used as the Alternative Facility during a security threat or event. The RWSC has communication links with the Control Room, EOF, and Security. 6.1.2 Notification Scheme When an abnormal condition is identified by the Operating Staff/Shift Supervisor, the Shift Supervisor will contact the Shift Manager and the Shift Emergency Communicator. An assessment of the safety significance will be performed, and a determination of the emergency classification will be made using the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures. Upon declaring an emergency condition, the Shift Manager will activate portions of the Emergency Plan as appropriate to respond to the declared emergency. During a Notification of Unusual Event, the Emergency Director position usually will not be activated and the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator or other qualified communicator to make the necessary notifications of offsite state and local authorities. The Emergency Director position will be activated during an Alert, a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. The Shift Manager will assume the role as Emergency Director until relieved by the individual designated to relieve him.


                                                                                           . E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN                                    REV:      53 Page 55 of 158 The Shift Manager/Emergency Director, will designate the Emergency Communicator or qualified designee to make notification calls to the following individuals or agencies, as detailed in the plant's implementing procedures.

A. State of Minnesota HSEM B. State of Wisconsin Emergency Management C. Local Authorities (Wisconsin & Minnesota)

1. Dakota County Sheriff
2. Pierce County Sheriff *
3. Goodhue County Sheriff D. Prairie Island Indian Community Representatives via Treasure Island Casino Security Dispatch Center E. Plant Manager (designated Emergency Director)

F. Emergency Manager G. Electric Utility System Operations Dispatcher H. NRC Resident Inspectors A more detailed call list of agencies and individuals, listing phone numbers, is included in the implementing procedures. The Shift Manager/Emergency Director will ensure that the NRC Duty Officer is notified of the emergency by a qualified individual within one (1) hour of emergency declaration. Eventually the Emergency Manager, in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), will relieve the Emergency Director of offsite communications and protective action recommendations. At that time offsite notification calls will be initiated by the EOF. The Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface is shown in Figure 3.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 56 of 158 6.1.3 Communicators It is the responsibility of all individuals in the emergency organization to ensure that any information transmitted or received over any communication channel is formal, clear, and concise so that there yvill be no misunderstanding. Dedicated communicators will be assigned at each emergency operations center assuring a uniform transfer of information between segments of the onsite and offsite emergency response organizations. Initially, this responsibility rests with the Shift Emergency Communicator or qualified designee located in the Technical Support Center and subsequently with all backup communicators assigned these responsibilities. Emergency Response Facilities such as the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center, Control Room, Assembly Area and EOF will have dedicated communicators. Communicators will be assigned to specific communication duties, for example: A. ENS Hotline - licensed operator or designee B. HPN Hotline - Radiation Protection personnel when requested by the

  • NRC following facility activation.

C. NRC Security Bridge - Security personnel when requested by the NRC following facility activation. D. Offsite State and Local Agency Notifications - Shift Emergency Communicator and Emergency Communicators E. Survey Teams - Radiological Emergency Coordinator or Radiation Protection Support Supervisor and/or designee F. Emergency Operating Centers - Operating Center Coordinators and/or designees G. Others as deemed necessary


  • EMERGENCY. MANAGER assumes offSite responsibilities when the EOF Organization is activated

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 58 of 158 Figure 4 HAB Communications PINGP HA.B Communications CR ICP Unified Command, LE, Fire, Securit)I,

          - - - - * *PINGP      Op{lration~,

RP Primary offsite authorities provide a 24 hour per day manning of communication links, as follows:

  • A. Wisconsin authorities
1. State of Wisc. (WEM) - State Patrol District 1 Dispatcher
2. Pierce County - Pierce County Sheriff's Dispatcher


1. State of Minnesota - Minnesota Duty Officer (MDO)
2. Goodhue County - Goodhue County Sheriff's Dispatcher
3. Dakota County - Dakota County Sheriff's Dispatcher C. Tribal Authorities - Treasure Island Security Dispatch 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications Communication, for the purpose of notifying offsite agencies that an emergency condition exists, SHALL be authenticated before offsite agency action is initiated. The authentications will be accomplished in accordance with the offsite agencies specific emergency plans.

6.2 Record Keeping It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the emergency organization to ensure that accurate and complete records are maintained throughout the emergency situation. Emergency records may serve the following purposes: 6.2.1 Official documentation used to reconstruct the emergency for critique or analysis; 6.2.2 Check to ensure that necessary actions are completed during the course of an emergency; 6.2.3 Information and data collection during an emergency; and 6.2.4 Documentation of actions for legal purposes. All activities performed by the operations staff SHALL be logged in the applicable reactor log. All other information and activities SHALL be maintained by the Emergency Director, Emergency Manager and various coordinators (e.g., individuals in charge of various emergency operating centers, radiation survey teams, etc.) for permanent plant records.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 60 of 158 6.3 Summary of Site Response Actions Summarized below are the actions required by the site staff for each of the four emergency classifications. For each class of emergency, appropriate state, local, and tribal authorities will be notified. Depending on the emergency level classification, they will activate the segment(s) of their emergency organizations, according to their individual plans and based on the information received in the notification. NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of unusual event status and the reason for the Unusual Event as soon as discovered.
2. Augment on-shift resources as needed.
3. Assess and respond to Unusual Event.
4. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities or
5. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Alert status and reason for Alert as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC) and onsite Operational Support Center (OSC). The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and key offsite emergency organization personnel will be activated.
3. Assess and respond to the Alert condition.
4. Dispatch onsite or offsite survey teams and associated communicati9ns as needed.
5. Provide periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities.
6. Provide periodic meteorological assessments to offsite authorities and, if any releases are occurring, dose estimates for actual releases.


7. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities.


8. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Site Area Emergency status and reason for emergency as soon as discovered ..
2. Augment respurces by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to the Site Area Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel.
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis.
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual release via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.


11. Escalate to General Emergency class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of General Emergency status, appropriate offsite protective action recommendations and reason for emergency as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to General Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel. *
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis.
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 63 of 158 6.4 Assessment Actions 6.4.1 Dose Projections Dose projections may be performed by using the standard dose projection program RASCAL (Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis). Radioactive effluent release and meteorological data is procured from the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS) and entered into RASCAL for real time dose assessments during inadvertent release of radioactive materials. The RASCAL program may be run from terminals that are located in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Meteorological data is stored and processed in the ERCS. The onsite .60 meter meteorological tower supplies the following: A. Wind speed (10 and 60 meters) B. Wind direction (10 and 60 meters) C. Ambient Temperature D. nT (between 10 and 60 meters) E. Rainfall A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the EOF, and supplies the following: A. Wind speed (22 meters) B. Wind directio.n (22 meters)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . EMERGENCY PLAN . NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 64 of 158 Redundant instrumentation is provided on the onsite 60 meter meteorological tower, and may be designated as primary and secondary sensors. The 22 meter backup tower provides a set of tertiary sensors. The ERCS continuously collects the meteorological data. Meteorological data from all three sets of instruments are displayed simultaneously as well as the calculated stability class (derived from the temperature readings). If all met data is unavailable*, manual entry of met data may be made for accident calculations. Surveillances and quality checks are performed on the meteorological tower equipment and data to ensure emergency responders will have access to representative onsite meteorological data. A daily review of a week's trend of meteorological data is performed. The meteorological

                      . tower instruments are functionally tested monthly and calibrated at least annually.

Radiological effluent monitor data is also stored and processed in the* ERCS. The effluent monitor reading, the calibration conversion factor and the vent flow rate result in a release rate. Effluent concentrations may also be manually entered into the computer if monitor data is not automatically available to the ERCS. With meteorological and effluent release data available, calculations of

                      . offsite radiation dose, air concentration, ground deposition, and external dose rate from the plume can be made. Dose calculations are made for Total Effective Dose Equivalents (TEDE) and Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalents (Thyroid COE). Results of all calculations can be printed in report format and, in most cases, displayed graphically. Isopleths can be displayed of any or all calculated outputs. Projected calculations take into account values of time of release and duration of release. The isopleth displayed is based on the assumption that the release continues for a predetermined duration time. This gives a display in which the plume overlays the region of potential highest dose.
  • The dose assessment computer allows quick accident dose calculations to be made, before any results from the Radiation Survey Teams are received. Radiation Survey Team results will be used to verify the dose calculations.


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E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 65of158 In case of potential release from the containment, the activity available for a release may be obtained from the containment high range dome monitors, as illustrated in Figure 5. The containment dome monitor reading and applicable calibration curve results in an activity available for release, and using an estimated release rate, an offsite dose calculation within the plume exposure pathway may be projected. The activity available in containment may also be obtained directly from sample analysis. The containment dome monitors are also used as indicators for relative amounts of core damage, as illustrated in Figure 5. The* indicated radiation levels in the containment gives an estimate of the gaseous radioactive concentrations in containment. Using the time after shutdown and the radiation levels, an estimate of the relative amount of core damage may be made. This must be used in a confirmatory sense, that is, as backup to other measurements of fission product release and other indicators.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 66 of 158 Figure 5 Containment Dose Rate Versus T ime 106 t-z 6 105 w 10 -'


lo.. 10 4 8...., 105


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                               --~--{--:--~-~~rr w          . _-.. . . . :. . .
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                                                                                       - 10.!.1 10         100       1000      10000 TIME - HOURS AFTER SHUTDOWN

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 67of158 The capability for remote interrogation of the meteorological data will be provided to NRC by either the Emergency Response Data System (EROS) or direct telephone access to the individual responsible for making offsite dose projections. Implementing procedures will detail this activity. A hand calculation methodology for offsite dose calculations is available in case of computer system and/or meteorological system failure.

  • Additionally, meteorological data may be obtained from local offsite locations. Atmospheric stability class and weather forecast information is available from the National Weather Service Twin Cities.

The capability to estimate the total offsite population dose (manrem) received during a release is available. The offsite dose assessment computer will supply the projected dose rates or doses at selected distances from the plant. Radiation Survey Team results may also be used to determine the offsite dose rates. Population distribution charts comprised of the geopolitical subareas are available. The Radiological Emergency Coordinator in the TSC or the Radiological Protection Support Supervisor in the EOF may determine the applicable dose rates in the geopolitical subarea and multiply dose rate times the exposure time, times the population in the geopolitical subarea of interest, thereby calculating an estimated total population dose. The Emergency Director SHALL ensure that radiological information (both actual and potential) and recommendations for protective actions are transmitted to the offsite authorities. Upon activation of the EOF Organization, the responsibility for offsite accident assessment is transferred to the EOF. The EOF will serve as a base of operations for all site environmental surveillance, receipt and analysis of all field monitoring data, offsite dose projection and recommendations for offsite protective actions.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 68of158 6.4.2 Radiological Surveys The Radiation Protection Group SHALL be responsible for all radiological surveys and personnel monitoring both onsite and offsite. The non-licensed operators of the Operations Group are also trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys during the first hour of the emergency. The Emergency Director has the responsibility for directing all radiation safety during the emergency. The Radiation Protection Specialists may be divided into three emergency Radiation Survey Teams. Two teams are assigned offsite duties such as radiation surveys, air samples, or liquid sampling. The two offsite survey teams will conduct a search for the plume and obtain dose rates, and iodine, particulate or gaseous samples at pre-designated sample locations. Plume exposure pathway maps with pre-designated sample locations are contained in the emergency survey kits. The third team is assigned duties onsite such as radiation surveys, sampling (airborne or liquid) and sample analysis using the equipme*ntavailable onsite and/or the EOF Count Room

                       *facility. Silver zeolite adsorbers are used to collect airborne iodine samples, both onsite and offsite. Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of entrapped noble gases on the iodine adsorber, allowing a much lower detection sensitivity. Iodine samples may be analyzed in the EOF Counting Room.

The Radiation Survey Teams are activated via the ERO Auto Dial System and/or the ERO Pager Network or the telephone system. If the emergency occurs during normal working hours, the teams will be activated and respond within 1O minutes. If the emergency occurs during off hours, the

  • teams will be activated and respond within thirty (30) minutes. Designated Emergency Lockers contain emergency survey kits, which include portable instruments, battery operated air samplers, liquid sampling equipment, and communication equipment.

After the initial offsite su*rveys are completed, the teams assigned offsite duties may be relieved by Monticello Radiation Protection Specialists who

  • will continue to perform any offsite surveys assigned by the Emergency Manager. The Prairie Island Survey Team members may concentrate their efforts and resources to onsite responsibilities.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: . E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 69 of 158 6.5 Corrective Actions Certain actions may be taken by the Prairie Island staff during an emergency which may minimize the severity of the accident and lessen the amount of offsite releases. These actions are outlined in the various standing plant abnormal operating, emergency operating, and plant safety procedures. Repair and Damage Control is the responsibility of the Emergency Director and Shift Supervisors. During the onset of the emergency, plant operators are responsible for minor damage repair and control. Upon activation of the Plant Emergency Organization, equipment repair activities are the responsibility of the Maintenance Group, the l&C Group, the Electrical Group, and the Operations Group depending upon the extent and type of damage. Repair and damage control on radioactive or contaminated systems will be monitored by the Radiation Protection Group.

  • The Fire Brigade is composed of personnel in accordance with NRC requirements and is directed by a Fire Brigade Chief. Backup support is from the Red Wing Fire Department. All onsite Fire Brigade members are trained in the use of onsite fire fighting equipment and in proper fire fighting procedures. The Fire Brigade will be placed in action under the direction of the Brigade Chief.

6.6 Protective Actions 6.6.1 Evacuation and Sheltering In the course of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP when there is an actual or potential release of radioactive material to the environs in excess of normal operating levels, the*Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to ensure that an assessment is made of the projected doses to persons onsite and offsite. Upon activation of the EOF, the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for ensuring that all assessments are made of the projected doses to the offsite population ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 70of158 The Protective Action Guides (PAG's), promulgated by the EPA, set dose guides for the offsite population. The Emergency Director also has the responsibility to ensure that protective actions are also taken to maintain exposure to onsite personnel within the PAG's. The Emergency Director or the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated SHALL be responsible to recommend to the state and local authorities any protective actions for the offsite population whether the protective actions be based on predetermined Emergency Action Levels (EALs) or projected offsite dose assessment. Plant Emergency Organization personnel fall into the category of

                       -"Emergency Workers" to which higher PAG's apply. The Emergency Director has the responsibility of maintaining doses within these PAG's.

A. Plant Site The primary protective measure for non-essential onsite personnel during a Site Area or General Emergency and possibly during an Alert, is evacuation to a.suitable assembly area where th*e personnel can be monitored for contamination. The Emergency Director or Shift Manager, prior to ordering an evacuation SHALL determine the habitability of the assembly area (wind direction, magnitude of release, etc.).

  • If the normal onsite assembly area is determined to be uninhabitable, the Emergency Director Y'fill select a location farther from the plant site and designate the route to this location.

The Control Room operator will sound the evacuation alarm and

  • announce the designated assembly area. If a location offsite is selected, the traffic route and area SHALL be announced ..

Once non-essential personnel are accounted for and monitored for contamination, they may be released from the assembly area. The evacuation routes from the assembly areas are limited to two directions: County 18 to Etter to Hwy 316 or County 18 to Hwy 61. High water conditions may make the Etter route unusable, leaving only the County 18 to Hwy 61 route available. Prairie Island NGP vehicles and personal cars will be used to transport all personnel. If conditions (meteorological or radiological) make land routes unavailable, evacuation by alternate means, (e.g., aircraft or watercraft) may be a viable alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 71 of 158 All non-essential personnel SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. The plant security force will assist in the evacuation by directing people to the proper assembly area. The Security Force SHALL direct employees to badge out of the Protected Area while exiting the Protected Area. The Security Force will perform an immediate check of the Protected Area to ensure that all personnel did indeed hear the evacuation alarm. The Security Force will perform a check of the Owner Controlled Area and warn all personnel of the evacuation in progress. Radiation Survey Team Members, extra on-shift operators, group managers, Maintenance Supervisors, l&C Supervisors, Lead Maintenance Personnel and Station Electricians SHALL report to the Operational Support Center or the Technical Support Center, as applicable. Plant staff without emergency assignments SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. NRG Resident lnspector(s)may proceed to the Technical Support Center or Control Room. Designated individuals SHALL complete an accountability check of personnel remaining within the Protected Area by verifying a list of personnel remaining in the. Protected Area. The Emergency Director accepts responsibility for solving any discrepancies found during the accountability. The Emergency Director SHALL direct the necessary follow-up actions. The Radiation Protection Group or qualified personnel SHALL monitor personnel at the assembly area for contamination, and any exposure determinations SHALL be completed, as conditions warrant. The emergency locker contains material necessary for decontamination of personnel under Radiation Protection Group supervision. The assembly area SHALL remain in contact with the Emergency Director or designee via the telephone system or portable radio supplied in the emergency locker. The individual assigned as the Coordinator at the assembly area will be the contact point for all personnel. The Emergency Director SHALL release non-essential personnel for departure from the site when conditions allow or demand this action. The Emergency Director will designate the proper traffic routes to follow during the departure.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 72 of 158 Onsite Protective Actions designed for protection of onsite personnel as described above may be inappropriate for a Hostile Action Event. Alternate actions as described in NSIR/DRP-ISG-01 Section IV.F have been developed and proceduralized. B. Offsite Areas The primary protective actions for the offsite population are sheltering or evacuation. The Emergency Director SHALL recommend the necessary protective actions to offsite authorities based on predetermined protective actions for a General Emergency Classification or results of offsite dose assessment. Upon activation of the EOF, the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for recommending protective actions for the offsite population. If protective actions are warranted prior to augmentation of state emergency response organizations, the Emergency Director SHALL recommend directly to county and tribal authorities the necessary protective actions. In both cases, total responsibility for carrying out the protective actions rests with offsite authorities. Prairie Island NGP SHALL make. the recommendations and supply the required dose assessments. *** C. . Protective Action Guides (PAG's) Table. 3 and Table 4 provide guidelines and action levels to be used in the formulation of protective action recommendations for the offsite population and plant personnel. The specific protective actions carried out by the offsite authorities are contained in their respective emergency plans. D. Evacuation Time Estimates (ETE) - Plume Exposure EPZ. Time estimates for evacuation of the plume exposure EPZ are referenced in an appendix to the Off-site Nuclear Emergency Plan and in the Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure for making off-site protective action recommendations. PINGP and the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin use the ETE to develop pre-determined protective action recommendations. .

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 73 of 158 6.6.2 Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies A. Onsite Respiratory Protection and Protective Clothing Protective clothing or respiratory protection for onsite personnel SHALL be as designated by the Radiation Protection Group or the Emergency Director. Respiratory Protection will be used as necessary to reduce the inhalation.of radioactive material. During emergency conditions, it may become impossible to maintain normal respiratory protection guidelines. An internal exposure program, whole body counting and/or bioassay program, SHALL be activated to ensure that all internal exposure is determined as assigned to the individual. Respiratory equipment is stored in the OSC and TSC emergency lockers, Unit 1 695' Turbine Building Chem. Feed Station Area, Fire Brigade equipment room, and Access Control. Access Control is the main storage area for respiratory equipment. The respiratory equipment available is a combination of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBAs), and full face canister respirators.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page.74of158 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency The following situations require urgent actions by offsite officials. Conditions are based on Control Room indications with no dose projections required. The following protective acti.on recommendations*SHALL be made within 15 minutes. Prerequisite: Plant Staff Detects GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. If wind is .:: 5 mph: (1) IF HAB Event concurrent with GE - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles.

(2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold (20%

Clad Damage) i.e. 1(2) R-48 or 49 reading > 800 R/hr OR

b. An Offsite Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the site boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 10 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles jo 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, SHELTER Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles, extend SIP 5-10 Mile if PAGS exceeded at 5 Mile and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 75 of 158 Met Data from 22 meter tower OR wind < 5 mph OR unknown? (1) IF HAB Event concurrent with GE - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate ALL From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold (20% Clad Damage) i.e.
  • 1(2) R-48 or 49 reading > 800 R/hr
b. A RASCAL Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 10 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. * (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2.

2. Continue with dose assessment throughout the emergency and revise initial Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with the protective action guidelines in Table4.

The protective action recommendations described above are based on NRC Response Technical Manual, RTM-96, Vol.1, Rev. 5, October 2002 and EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 76of158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Early Phase Projected Doses Offsite Projected Recommended Doses {mrem) Protective Actions Comments TEOE < 1000 No recommended The states of MN and WI may choose to Thyroid COE < 5000 protective actions implement sheltering or precautionary evacuation for the general public at their discretion. TEOE;::.: 1000 Evacuate those sectors Evacuation should be recommended in Thyroid COE;::.: 5000 and distances where the absence of local constraints. MN and WI PAG is exceeded. Use may choose to shelter if evacuation were 0-2, 0-5 & 0-10 mile not immediately possible due to offsite distances. Shelter for - constraints (severe weather, competing known impediments to disasters or local traffic constraints). evacuation and/or controlled puff release. Notes: 1. TEDE =Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Thyroid COE= Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent

2. Based on EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992
3. The Skin COE PAG for evacuation of the general public is 50,000 mrem
4. Offsite projected doses include exposure from radioactive plume (external & internal) and 4 day exposure to ground contamination.
5. Known impediments to evacuation are conditions which make evacuation of the public impractical. Conditions include inclement weather (ice/snow storms where driving would be dangerous), and known impacts on the ability to execute public evacuations (severe damage to roads/infrastructures, etc.). *
6. Controlled puff release exists when there is assurance that the release is short term (puff release) and the area near the plant cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 77 of 158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Emergency Workers TEDE Dose Limit (mrem) Activity Condition 5,000

  • All emergency activities This dose limit applies when a lower dose is not practicable through application of ALARA practices.

10,000 Protecting valuable Lower dose not practicable property 25,000 Life saving or protection Lower dose not practicable of large populations >25,000 Life saving or protection Doses in excess of this dose limit of large populations SHALL only be oil a voluntary basis to persons fully aware of the risks


Notes: 1. Based on EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992 .

2. These are doses to non-pregnant adults from external exposure and intake during an emergency.
3. Exposures to the lens of the eye should be limited to 3 times the values listed and doses to the skin and/or extremities and any other organ should be limited to 10 times the values listed.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 B. Radioprotective Drug The use of a stable iodine thyroid blocking agent, Potassium Iodide (Kl), for plant staff and personnel assigned to onsite emergency operating centers is recommended in situations where airborne iodine concentrations have or could increase to unacceptable concentrations resulting in thyroid doses greater than 25 Rem (final recommendation by the Food and Drug Administration). The Radiological Emergency Coordinator SHALL recommend the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Emergency Director SHALL then direct the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Potassium Iodide (Kl) tablets are stored in the TSC Emergency Locker, EOF Emergency Locker, anq in the Field Survey Kits. The tablets will be distributed per the app(icable implementing procedure. C. Shielding All plant personnel, who are required to occupy the emergency operating centers, (Le., Tech Support Center and the Control Room), are protected from intense radiation fields and high airborne radioactivity levels by shielding and/or emergency air handling equipment. All reactor coolant system sampling and radiochemical analysis may be completed using the shielded sampling system with reach rods in the hot sample room and a lead brick shielded work area in the hot cell area. D. Offsite Areas There are no plans for the distribution of respiratory protective equipment and/or protective clothing for the general public. The distribution of thyroid blocking agents is the responsibility of the offsite officials. All Protective Actions to be taken for the general public are described in the offsite emergency plans.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 79of158 6.6.3 Contamination Control Measures A. Onsite Areas The Emergency Director SHALL designate the Radiation Protection Group responsible for controlling or minimizing direct or subsequent internal exposure from radioactive materials deposited on the ground or other surfaces. The Radiation Protection Group SHALL be responsible for determining the extent of contamination in controlled and normally uncontrolled areas. During an emergency, guidelines to follow for contamination limits are shown in Table 5. The Radiation Protection Group with assistance from the Security Force will establish new secondary access control points at the

                                .boundaries of the new con.trolled areas to ensure that all personnel
                              .:'~~Jei"ing the areas are properly badged and clothed.
                            ~'* ...-.'*~(~ *.!..~

The Radiation Protection group SHALL advise all personnel that contamination levels in some uncontrolled areas may significantly exceed normal levels. Without protective clothing, personnel will have to take precautions to avoid personal contamination. Limits for personal contamination will remain at the normal limits which will minimize the chance of ingestion of radioactive material. Table 5 Contamination Limits LARGE AREA LOOSE SURFACE FIXED WIPE Authorized Limits (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma I Alpha)/ 100 sq cm (Circle One) (GM pancake probe) (GM pancake probe) NORMAL < 100/10 dpm/100 cm 2 < 100 ccpm < 100 ccpm ELEVATED < 1000/20 dpm/100 cm 2 < 100 ccpm < 100 ccpm EMERGENCY < 5000/100 dpm/100 cm 2 < 500 ccpm < 500 ccpm Based on Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Accidents, EPA400-R-92-001, May 1992, Table 7-7. Frisker response: 1 mR/hr R! 5000 cpm Cs 137.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 80 of 158 Particular attention will be given to radioiodine contamination of the skin~ Oxidizing agents, e.g., Beta dyne or Radiac Wash, are available in the decontamination kits to treat iodine skin contamination. The Radiation Protection Group SHALL have the responsibility of controlling all onsite food and water supplies during the emergency. Whenever a plant evacuation takes place involving radiological hazards onsite, all food and water supplies within the evacuation area may be considered contaminated and not for use. Material decontamination SHALL be performed by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants or designated personnel under supervision of the Radiation Protectio!l Group. Procedures and equipment for material decontamination are listed in the Decontamination Procedures of the Operations Manual, Sections F-2 and D-13, and in the Radiation Protection Manual RPIP's. Before any water or food can be consumed, the Radiation Protection Group will check and verify that the food itself and the eating surfaces are below the limits of Section F-2 of the Operations Manual (previously recorded). Random samples of food containers may be analyzed via the GEM Detector for low level contamination not detected by other methods. During the recovery phase, all areas of the plant will be returned to the original low levels of surface contamination prior to their release for unrestricted entry. B. Offsite Areas Contamination control in offsite areas is the responsibility of offsite officials with assistance from Prairie Island NGP. Required proteetive actions are delineated in Protective Actions guides and criteria are listed in the respective state emergency plans.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 81 of 158 6~ 7 Aid to Affected Personnel The Emergency Director is responsible for the protection of personnel from. exposure to radiation and contamination and arranging for treatment of radiologically induced or contaminated injuries. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiation Protection Group. 6.7.1 Emergency Personnel Exposure The Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group has the necessary equipment and personnel required to provide continuous capability to control and determine radiation exposures of emergency organization

  • personnel. The equipment consists of the following:

A portable radiation detection. instruments B. electronic dosimeters C. high and low range dosimeters D. TLD's E. extra high range dosimeters F. record keeping equipment Contractor and vendor representatives may also be present to assist in exposure control and augment the Radiation Protection Group capabilities.

  • 1n an emergency situation, all onsite personnel, some offsite support personnel and some locar governmentai emergency response personnel will be issued TLD's anq/or self-reading pocket dosimeters or electronic dosimeters. Exposure records will be maintained for all emergency response personnel issued dosimetry.

During accident situations, higher radiation exposures may be authorized by the Emergency Director in order to protect life and property. The emergency exposure guidelines established are based on the Environmental Protection Agency's "PAGs for Emergency Workers", as listed in Table 4.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 82of158 Emergency workers (volunteers) may be allowed to exceed the 10CFR20 limits with specific authorization of the Emergency Director when performing activities to protect life and property. In certain instances, it may be necessary to exceed 25 Rem exposure during lifesaving operations. All personnel involved SHALL be on a volunteer basis and will be advised of the effects of acute exposures and reasonable considerations of the relative risks. In all circumstances, every effort SHALL be made to keep exposures within the annual limits of 10CFR20 (5 Rem Total Effective Dose Equivalent).

  • 6.7.2 Decontamination and First Aid The Emergency Director SHALL delegate the responsibility for personnel decontamination to the Radiation Protection Group. Decontamination procedures and contamination limits are spelled out in the Radiation Protection Manual RPIP's and the Radiation Safety and Medical Support Sections of the Operations Manual, which SHALL be followed for both normal and emergency situations involving personnel injury and personnel contamination.

The primary decontamination facility is located at access control. Two showers and a double sink are located there. Special decontamination solutions are also available at access control. When facilities at access control are not available, the assembly area emergency lockers contain equipment for personnel decontamination and personnel monitoring. Supplies include containers for liquid and solid waste. The decontamination kits contain oxidizing agents for decontamination of the skin due to radioiodines. Decontamination operations at the assembly area will be confined to minor decontaminations because of limited resources .. If necessary, individuals

                       .will be furnished with protective clothing and transported to alternate facilities. Contaminated clothing will be disposed of as radioactive waste.

The EOF has a decontamination shower with associated liquid retention system. Equipment for small decontaminations is also available along with personnel monitoring equipment.



E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 83 of 158 Contaminated individuals may be provided whole body counting analysis, as determined by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. Whole body counting systems are located at Pl & MT NGPs and/or mobile units which can be transported on or near the site. Emergency First Aid will be applied. to all injuries including contaminated* injuries since contamination will not be life threatening whereas the lack of first aid could be life threatening .

                      . First aid kits are located at the primary emergency centers in the plant.

The First Aid responsibility will be assigned to the Security Officer/EMT

  • when they arrive on the scene. Selected members of the Security Force and plant staff are trained in Advanced First Aid and/or Emergency Medical Training (EMT).

The skill level of the staff is sufficient until offsite medical personnel arrive or until the victim is transported to the local hospital for further medical treatment. The Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty care, contains specific procedures for first aid situations complicated by contamination.

  • 6.7.3 Medical and Public Health Support Medical support and treatment for radiological and non-radiological injuries is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System located in Red Wing, Minnesota.
                       *Mayo Clinic Health System has a staff of physicians and hospital personnel trained in the proper methods of contamination control. At least one physician has been offered special courses on the treatment of radiological injuries. Prairie Island NGP conducts yearly training sessions with hospital personnel assuring a knowledge of radiation and contamination control procedures.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 84 of 158 Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota is designated as the definitive care

                       .center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other '

non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport seNice. Medical definitive care centers are offered periodic radiological contamination control training by the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) according to their plan. Monitoring instruments and supplies are located at Mayo Clinic Health System to aid in radiation monitoring and contamination control (e.g., TLD's, self-reading pocket dosimeters, protective clothing, suNey meters, etc.). All casualties on site will be administered emergency Fifst Aid and radiation casualties will be decontaminated to every extent possible prior to departure from the plant site to the hospital. Proper application of first aid will take precedence over decontamination efforts. Transportation of radiation casualties from Prairie Island NGP will be provided by the Red Wing Ambulance SeNice. In addition to the Red Wing Ambulance, a plant vehicie could be used as an emergency vehicle for transportation of victims to the hospital. Procedures to be used at the plant and at the hospital in treating victims of an accident involving radiation exposure and/or personnel contamination are established and delineated in Section F4 of the Plant Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. In addition Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, WI is prepared and will support request for assistance in response to an emergency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant.

  • Sacred Heart Hospital will seNe as a radiation accident receiving hospital and has a decontamination room and trauma treatment rooms with isolation capabilities.

6.7.4 Whole Body Counting Facilities A whole body counter is* available at the Prairie Island NGP for determining the uptake of radioactivity. If this area becomes uninhabitable, the person may be transported to Monticello NGP where another whole body counter is available. Additional mobile whole body counters may be brought near or on the site if conditions make it a viable or nece,ssary alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 85 of 158 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 7 .1 Emergency Control Centers *. 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) The Technical Support Center (TSC) is located across the Turbine Building from Units 1 & 2 Control Room. A plan view of the TSC is shown in Figure 6. The Technical Support Center (TSC). will serve as a center outside the Control Room from which the plant management, technical, and engineering support personnel will: A. Support the Control Room command and control functions B. Assess the plant status and potential offsite impact C. Coordinate emergency response actions The Technical Support Center has the following capabilities: A. Working space for about twenty-five people on the main floor and

  • working space for additional people on the other floor.

B. Shielding and ventilation cleanup system (PAC filter) to provide habitability under accident conditions. C. An emergency locker containing monitoring equipment (radiation and airborne), respiratory protection equipment and thyroid blocking agent . tablets. D. Communication channels to all onsite and offsite emergency response centers (primary and backup). E. A complete set of as-built drawings and other records such as plant layout drawings.




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EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV: 53 Page 87 of 158 Figure 6 Plan View of TSC OFFSTTE

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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 89 of 158 F. The capability to record and display the following:

1. Plant System Parameters a Reactor Coolant System b Secondary System c ECCS System d Containment
2. In-Plant Radiological Parameters a Reactor Coolant System b Containment c Effluent Treatment d Release Paths e Area Monitors
3. Offsite Radiological Parameters a Meteorology b Offsite Radiation Levels The Technical Support Center SHALL be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared.

The Technical Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for coordinating activities in the TSC. This individual SHALL be responsible for establishing the monitoring of direct radiation and airborne activity in the Technical Support Center. Communications SHALL be established between the TSC, OSC, Control Room and EOF. If activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during normal work hours, instructions to report to the TSC will be received over the plant public address system.

                       *1f activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during the off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator to contact the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by phone and/or ERO Pager Network and request them to report to the Technical Support Center.

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 90 of 158 7.1.2 Operational Support Center (OSC) The Operational Support Center will provide a center to assemble the necessary Operators, Radiation Protection Specialists, Instrument and Control, Electrical, Nuclear Plant Service Attendants, and Maintenance personnel to support the operations of the plant under emergency conditions without causing undue congestion in the Control Room. The Operational Support Center is located in the New Administration Building. The Operational .Support Center will be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared. The Operational Support* Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the activation and coordination of activities in the OSC. The OSC Coordinator

  • may designate a communicator to establish lines of communications between the Operationa.1 Support Center, the Control Room and the Technical Support Center.
  • If activation of the OSC occurs during a normal working day, instructions to report to the OSC will be received over the plant public address system.

Any Operations shift personnel on site that are not assigned to normal shift duty SHALL report to the OSC immediately. The following personnel will also report to the OSC if on site (additional personnel will be contacted as necessary): A. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical)

  • B. Designated Lead Station Electricians and Maintenance personnel C. Instrument and Control Supervisors D. Radiation Survey Team Members E. . Nuclear Plant Service Attendants

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 91 of 158 If activation of the Operational Support Center occurs during off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator to activate the onsite emergency organization to establish an initial complement of support personnel to assist in the emergency (additional personnel will be contacted as necessary): A. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) B. Designated Lead Station Electricians C. Instrument & Control Supervisors D. Radiation Survey Team Members E. Designated Purchasing & Inventory Control Personnel F. Nuclear Plant Service Attendants Instrumentation is stored in the emergency locker which provides for monitoring both direct radiation and airborne radioactive contaminants. An emergency locker located in the OSC contains all equipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes but is not limited to both waterproof and paper coveralls, respiratory protection (SCBAs), dosimeters, radiation detection meters, air samplers, decontamination and first aid equipment. Communication equipment (radio and telephone) is available for contacting designated sections of the emergency response organizations.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 92of158 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility <EOFl The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is a required emergency response facility located near the plant site to provide continuous coordination and evaluation of activities during an emergency having, or potentially having, environmental consequences. A plan view of the EOF Command Center is shovvn in Figure 7. The EOF will be activated during an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency. The functions of the EOF will be: A. Management of the overall NSPM's offsite emergency response in support of plant activities; B. Evaluate the magnitude and effects of actual or potential radioactive releases from the plant; C. Recommend appropriate offsite protective measures, in conjunction with the TSC personnel; D. Coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring during emergencies and recovery operations; E. Coordinate emergency response activities with those of local, State, Tribal, and Federal,emergency response organizations; F. Provide current information on conditions potentially affecting the public to the NRC and to offsite emergency response agencies; G.* Act as the post-accident recovery management center for both onsite and offsite activitie~. if necessary. The E:OF will be activated and staffed by personnel from the Engineering and Projects Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. Activation and various responsibilities within the EOF are described fully in Section F8 of the EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 93 of 158 The EOF has been constructed and designed in accordance with the, guidance of NUREG 0696. The building has been designed to serve

                       , primarily as a Training Center on a regular basis with the capability for prompt conversion to the EOF function when required and, if needed, will serve as the Recovery Center.                    ,

The EOF is constructed in a manner which provides habitability in an accident situation. Shielding and ventilation treatment systems have been installed to maintain an acceptable environment. The EOF section of the training building is a concrete structure that contains sufficient shielding to exceed a protection factor of 5. The ventilation system has an emergency mode of operation that will pressurize the building through a High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA) filtration system. The general layout of the building's entrances and exits have been given consideration for operation of the building in an emergency mode. Radiological monitoring arid alarming are provided for the EOF portion of the building. Extensive communication equipment is installed in the, building to provide primary and backup means of communication with outside agencies, offsite survey teams, TSC and the Control Room. The EOF portion of the building is served by a dual source power supply for those ser\iices necessary to make the EOF functional. The EOF provides office space for each plant support group, key supervisors, state, local and tribal officials, and the NRG, as well as functioning as a command center. Each space is provided with furnishings necessary to perform routine office functions. The plant support groups and governmental representatives will perform their respective functions in these assigned offices. The GQmmand center is intended to function as a work space for the Emergency Manager, Radiation Protection Support Group, Technical Support Group, and for related critical communications. These activities are assigned to this area, due to the high volume of activity and the importance of the information handled. Additionally, this area is the central area for displaying plant status, offsite survey status, conducting accident assessment and directing the activities of the offsite Emergency Response Organization:,



  • REV: 53 Page 94of158 The EOF is supplied with the equipment necessary to fulfill its function as an offsite emergency response center. Radiation monitoring and decontamination equipment has been provided to supply .offsite monitoring teams. Normal and emergel')cy data acquisition is made available via the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS). Office equipment such as facsimile machines, copy machines, microfiche readers, computers and printers connected to the Local Area Network are provided to facilitate administrative duties and technical reference work. General office supplies are stocked in adequate numbers. Operating procedures detailing the methods to activate the EOF, conduct routine administrative operations, surveys and accident assessment, analyze offsite survey samples, provide security and deactivate the Emergency Organization are developed and are available in the EOF. Other organization's procedures, plans and reference documents are also available to EOF personnel. If there is a need for expanded support facilities such as trailer space or communication hook-ups for vendors and support contractors, it may be provided at the EOF.

Because the EOF is located within the 10 mile EPZ, a Backup EOF exists in case an evacuation of the EOF is necessary. Equipment and facilities necessary to carry out this function are located at Xcel Energy corporate

  • offices in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesot~. A description of the Backup EOF facility is described in the.Monticello & Prairie Island Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan.
                                                 . "\


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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 97 of 158 7.1.4 Control Room Th.e Control Room SHALL be the initial onsite center of emergency control. Control Room personnel must evaluate and effect control over the initial aspects of the emergency and initiate responses necessary for coping with the initial phases of an emergency until such time that the onsite emergency centers can be activated. These.activities SHALL include: A. Continuous evaluation of the magnitude and potential consequences of an incident B. Initial corrective actions All plant operations are controlled from here by the Shift Manager with direction from the management personnel located either in the Control Room or Technical Support Center.

              )         The Control Room contains the necessary instrumentation (process and radiological) to evaluate all plant conditions. Habitability is maintained by shielding and the special ventilation system (PAC Filter), which is capable of operating in a cleanup or recycle mode.

All emergency equipment is supplied power from the emergency diesel generators with vital instrumentation powered from inverters connected to the storage batteries located in the battery rooms. 7.1.5 The Red Wing Service Center (RWSC) is to be used as an Alternative Facility during a hostile action or security event in the event that response to the site is unsafe. The RWSC will be used by TSC and OSC personnel until it has been determined that it is safe to return to the plant site. This facility is accessible in the event of an onsite Hostile Action and provides the ability to perform the following functions:

  • Communication with the Control Room and onsite Security Forces
  • Notification of offsite Emergency Response Organizations
  • Engineering Assessment Activities inCluding damage control team preparation and planning:

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 98 of 158 7.2 Communications Various onsite and offsite communication systems are described in the following sections. Table 6 depicts the various communication links that may be established. 7.2.1 Onsite Communications All emergency operating facilities have at least two means of communications: (1) portable or installed radio systems; and (2) normal telephone communications. The normal onsite communications during an emergency will be made via the plant telephone system with a public address system option. The telephone system is powered by noninterruptible power. The public address system includes about 175 loudspeakers located throughout the entire plant area.

  • A separate paging system has 20 handsets located at strategic plant areas.

At approximately 120 locations in the plant, jackboxes are located for the sound powered system. Each box contains six independent circuits for sound powered headsets. A jackbox is located in the Technical Support . Center and Control Room. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a . multi-channel radio system console for communications. At least 50 portable radios are available for use throughout the plant during emergency conditions. The plant evacuation alarm consists of a 125 VDC operated siren, manually started from the Control Room. This tone consists of a signal starting at approximately 600 cycles per second rising to a peak of approximately 1450 cycles per second, then returning slowly-.to the low value of 600 cycles per second and repeating. The Control Room operator can remove the siren tone for emergency voice communication over the loudspeaker PA system~.

  • The plant fire alarm consists* of a modulating signal interrupted continuously to give a Yip-Yip-Yip sound. This is activated manually from
                       .the Control Room.
  • During an emergency, designated individu9ls will be responsible for the
                      . communications at each of the emergency facilities, as delineated in Section 6.1.3.

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 99 of 158 7 .2.2 Offsite Communications Both normal and alternate communication links are provided to offsite agencies. Individuals designated to staff the offsite agency communication links are delineated in Section 6.1.3. The Xcel Energy telephone network provides normal communications to offsite agencies through telephone lines via the Red Wing US West telephone Exchange, or via.Xcel Energy fiber optic SON ET communications network. The Control Room, Technical Support Center ahd EOF have a dedicated Xcel Energy radio channel link to the Xcel Energy System Control Center, the Backup EOF, and the Minnesota HSEM Emergency Operating Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Technical Support Center and EOF have a National Warning System (NAWAS) extension to the Wisconsin Emergency Management EOC at Madison, the Regional Warning Center at Eau Claire and the Pierce County EOC at Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a

  • portable cellular phone and satellite phone for emergency communication use, as necessary.

The Technical Support Center has access to a computerized auto dial system used for notification of the site's Emergency Response Organization (ERO). This system consists of a telephone network of several outgoing telephone lines. When activated, it will call and.deliver an emergency message to _the plant's emergency organization's home telephones. The plant also has an Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Pager Network. Designated members of the site's emergency organization carry personal pagers which can be activated from the Technical Support Center, Control Room or alternate facility (RWSC). A special emergency code is displayed o.n the pager. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF have multi-channel

  • radio system for communication with all Plant Radiation Survey Teams, Plant Operations Personnel, Plant Security Areas, county sheriffs, county EOC's, and Treasure Island Casino (Prairie Island Indian Tribe).

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 100of158 A telecopying network is set up between the TSC, EOF, state & county EOC's and Prairie Island .Indian Tribe for the purpose of telecopying update information. An emailing network is setup between the offsite agencies for the purpose of emailing the emergency notification form. Auto ring lines link the Technical Support Center to the EOF and the Technical Support Center to the Minnesota. State EOC. Communication links are maintained with medical facilities, both fixed and mobile. The plant can update the hospital via the tel~phone network of the status of any injuries. Communication channels are provided between the hospital and the ambulance service via the radio system while the victim(s) are enroute. The plant site also supports the NRC's Emergency Telecommunications System (ETS). The dial tone for the Prairie Island 1OOG PETS circuits are provided by Xcel Energy's corporate communication network. The ETS provides for reporting emergencies and other significant events to the NRC, Incidence Response Center in Rockville, Maryland. Using the Xcel Energy's private network should avoid the public switched network blockage anticipated during a major emergency. ~ The following NRC essential emergency communications functions will be provided by the ETS voice service. . A. Emergency Notific;ation System (ENS): Initial notification by the licensee, as well as ongoing *information on plant systems, status, and parameters. The ENS (Red Phone) is located in the Control Room, with extensions in the Technical Support Center (TSC) and EOF. B. Health Physics Network (HPN): Communication with the licensee on

  • radiological conditions (in-plant and off-site) and meteorological conditions, as weir as their as.sessment of trends and need for protective measures on-site and off-site. NRC regional office or NRC Headquarters will announce their decision to establish the HPN .link over the ENS. The.,HPN phones are located in the TSC and EOF.

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 101 of 158

                       . C. Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRC site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRC discussions on plant and equipment conditions separate from the licensee, and without interfering with the exchange of information between the licensee and NRC. This is the channel by which the NRC Operations Center supports NRC reactor safety personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Reactor Safety Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The RSCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF.

D. Protective Measures Counterpart Link (PMCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRC site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRC discussions on radiological releases and meteorological conditions, and the need for protective actions separate from the licensee and without interfering with the exchange of information between the licensee and NRC. This is the channel by which the NRC Operations Center supports NRC protective measures personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Protective Measures Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The PMCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF. E. Emergency Response Data System (EROS) Channel: This dedicated computer network is a direct near real-time electronic data link between the plant's on-site computer system and the NRC Operations Center that provides for the automated transmission of a limited data set of selected parameters. The plant activates the EROS within one hour after declaring an emergency class of Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency. The EROS supplements the existing voice transmission over the ENS. F. Management Counterpart Link (MCL): Established for any internal discussions between the Executive Team Director or Executive Team members and the NRC Director of Site Operations or top level licensee management at the site. The MCL phones are located in the

                             , TSC and EOF.                                                   .

G. Local Area Network (LAN) Access: Established with the base team and the NRC site team for access to any of the products or services provided on the NRC Operations Center's local area network. This includes technical projections, press releases, status reports, E-Mail, and various computerized analytical tools. The LAN access points are located in the TSC and EOF.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN. REV: 53 Page 102of158 Table 6 Prairie Island Site Communications Matrix z (!) c s...J (.) 0

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C_c (.) E ro ..12 Cl.. ca ca (/) (/) ca "S i5 0:: Cl) UJ Cl.. 0 Cl.. a: z LL.  ::J ::J <( UJ Cl...  ::J Control Room x x x x x x x x x Tech Support Center x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ops Support Center x x x x Emerg Op Facility x x x x x x x x x x x x x Backup EOF x x x x x x x x Xcel/ System Ops x x X. x Monticello NGP x Pl Plant Areas x x x x x Pl Monitoring Teams x x Pl Indian Tribe x x x x ' MN/HSEM~EOC x x x x x Goodhue Co. Sheriff .x x x x Goodhue-Red Wing EOC x x x x Dakota Co. Sheriff x x x x Dakota EOC x x x x Wl/WEM-EOC x x x x Wl/WEM-Eau Claire x x Pierce Co. Sheriff x x x x x Pierce EOC x x x x x Red Wing Police/Fire x Red Wing Hospital x x USN RC/HQ x x x x x USNRC/REG Ill x x x x USNRC/Resident lnsp. x x x Pl Emerg. Personnel x x x MN/State Patrol x ' WI/State .Patrol x x National Weather Service x

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 103of158 7.2.3 Alert and Notification System (ANS) Within the Plume Exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) there exist provisions for alerting and providing notification to the public. It is the responsibility of state and county governments to activate this systerp. The plant maintains a basic fixed siren system for essentially 100% coverage of the offsite population within 5 miles of the plant and population center coverage for the 5-10 mile zone. To reach persons not covered by these population center sirens, state, county and city emergency vehicles will be directed to alert-the affected downwind geo-political sub-areas. A special electronic siren is maintained near the Prairie Island Indian Community Center. The TSC has the capability to activate the siren with a special "stutter" tone at the declaration of a Site Area Emergency for the purpose of quickly notifyi_ng Prairie Island's Indian tribal leaders except during a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. The siren would also be activated with the normal "Alert" tone by the Goodhue County Sheriff's Department during a General Emergency as part of the normal Public Alert and Notification System activation. To supplement PANS, emergency alert radios have been installed in various commercial, institutional, and educational facilities in the 10-mile zone. These locations m_ay harbor large groups of people during all or part of a day, justifying radio alert service, even though many of these facilities are already covered by state and county emergency warning plans. The . emergency radios will either be activated by the National Weather Service or by the local county sheriffs dispatch office. In the event of an emergency condition, alert and notification information will be relayed through established communication links described in the Minnesota and Wisconsin emergency response plans. Upon receiving notification of the emergency, offsite governments will, if necessary, activate public warning and information procedures which include the State Emergency Alert System (EAS). With this system, essentially 100% of the population in the 1O mile EPZ will be alerted within 15 minutes In the event a county primary siren activation system fails to operate, each county has a backup siren activation process on a separate activation

  • system utilizing a different tower and controls for activation of the sirens.

In the event a siren or sirens fail to receive the activation signal and/or function properly, each affected county will initiate backup route alerting and has maps, directions and instructions for notifying the public in the areas where the siren(s) did not function.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 104of158 7.3 Assessment Facilities The plant instrumentation and monitors perform indicating, recording and protective functions. The Reactor Protection System and associated plant instrumentation provide the ability to maintain plant safety from shutdown to full *power operations and to monitor and maintain key variables such as reactor power, flow, temperature, and radioactivity levels within predetermined safe limits at both steady state conditions and during plant transients. Plant instrumentation and control systems also provide means to cope with abnormal operating conditions. The control and display of information of these various systems are centralized in the main Control Room. This instrumentation would provide the basis for initiation of protective actions. 7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment A. Geophysical Phenomena Monitors

1. Meteorological Prairie Island has a 60 meter onsite meteorological tower located approximately 0.5 miles northwest of the plant. The tower is equipped with primary and secondary redundant sensors for the 1O and 60 meter temperatures, wind speeds, and wind directions powered by a primary and secondary power source. The following meteorological information is supplied by the tower:
  • a Wind Direction (10 and 60 meter) b Wind Speed (10 and 60 meter)
                                    .c . Ambient Temperature d     AT betWeen 10 and 60 meter temperature indications e     Precipitation A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the EOF. The backup rneteorological tower provides the following:

All meteorological data is processed via the ERCS, and may be displayed in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Barometric pressure is also available in the Control Room.


2. Seismic The Control Room has an installed earthquake detection system with a three step graded severity level of alarms:

a Seismic Event - 3 percent vertical or horizontal acceleration b

  • Operational Basis Earthquake - 4 percent vertical or 6 percent horizontal acceleration (No equipment failure) c Design Basis Earthquake - 8 percent vertical or 12 percent horizontal acceleration (possible equipment failure)

A visual and audible alarm will sound in the Control Room. Upon activation, the accelerometers and accelerographs listed on Table 7 will be automatically recorded for future investigation.

  • Hydrologic River water level is available from two sources:

a a Indicators in Control Room which receive signal from capacitance level probes located in several locations in the river water canals and the intake screenhouse. b Lock and Dam #3 (located about 1.6 miles SE) which would give essentially the same indication as at Prairie Island NGP. B. Radiation Monitoring Equipment Onsite radiation monitoring equipment at Prairie Island NGP can be categorized into the following groups:

1. Process radiological monitoring system
2. Effluent radi<?logical monitoring system
3. Airborne radioactivity monitoring system
4. Area radiation monitoring system
5. Portabl~ survey and counting room equipment

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 106of158 Table 8 lists all the area, process, and effluent monitors. Table 9 lists the general types of portable survey, count room, airborne monitoring and personnel monitoring equipment.

  • C. Process Monitors Adequate instrumentation monitoring capability exists to properly access the plant status during all modes of operation, i.e.,

instrumentation is available to the operator to determine plant status, aid in emergency classification determination, and aid in post accident assessment. Table 10 lists available instrumentation, ranges and their indicator locations. D. Fire Detection The fire detection system consists of various types of detectors/flow devices throughout the main power building and in most of the outbuildings. Ionization, flame and thermal type fire detectors are located throughout safety related structures. Audible alarming is on the Control Room annunciator panel system for actuation or trouble. The Control Room fire panel system will indicate zone location of the alarm. On receipt of the annunciator panel alarm, the fire panel is checked for location and operator assigned to effected area is called for immediate investigation. Further details of the fire detection system are given in the plant safety procedures, Section F5 Appendix K, "Fire Detection and Protection Systems." E. Post Accident Liquid Sampling A post-accident liquid sampling system is installed at Prairie Island with associated procedures to provide the capability to obtain the following samples:

1. Sample of raw reactor water
2. Diluted samples of reactor water (boron, chloride, isotopic analysis, pH, etc.)
3. Dissolved gas sample for isotopic analysis (noble gases)
4. Dissolved hydrogen sample


           ; '"'"~~'>>!;~~~1;'.;," 'c NUMBER:

91(.*;t:~ E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 107of158 The sampling system includes the following exposure reduction equipment:

1. Shielded sample lines and shielded drain lines in the Hot Sample Room.
2. Shielded sample panel which allows collections and analysis of a reactor coolant sample for hydrogen and isotopic analysis.
3. Shielded sample carriers for transporting samples to remote facilities (Hot Cell).
4. Remote analysis lab (Hot Cell) located on 695' elevation in the Turbine Building.
5. Shielded work area in the Hot Cell with an exhaust hood installed, which discharges through a PAC filter unit.
6. Remote counting labs with geometries for counting extremely high level radioactivity samples.

This system allows sample collection and analysis within the radiation exposure guidelines given in NUREG 0578. F. Containment Air Sampling Following an accident, a containment air sample may be obtained, utilizing the gas analyzer to extract a sample via the Hydrogen Post LOCA System for determination of:

1. Hydrogen content
2. Isotopic analysis (noble gas)

All sampling will be completed within the exposure guidelines of NUREG 0578. G. Shield Building Vent Sample The Shield Building Stack Hi-Range Monitor (located in the third floor of the turbine building) extracts a sample from the Shield Building stack and pumps it through a large sample chamber which houses the radiation detector. The hi-range detector reading is in mR/hr and is easily converted to mCi/cc via the applicable calibration curves.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 108of158 Prior to entering the sample chamber, the sample flow is directed through a particulate filter and a silver zeolite adsorber. The particulate filter and silver zeolite adsorber are manually removed and prepared for analysis in the counting labs. Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of entrapped noble gases on the iodine adsorber allowing a much lower

  • detection sensitivity. In addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further eliminate the entrapped noble gases.

In instances of monitor failure or offscale readings,* procedures are available to allow the dose rate on the sample chambers to be measured U$ing portable survey meters .. The release concentration can then be calculated by converting the dose rate to concentration utilizing applicable calibration curves. H. Containment High Range Area Monitors Two channels of Containment High Range Dome monitors are installed in the containments. Full scale reading on these monitors is 108 R/hr. This allows personnel to estimate the amount of activity in containment available for release and the severity of the accident from the applicable calibration curves.



E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 109of158 I. In-Plant Iodine Determination During emergency conditions, it will be necessary for emergency personnel to rapidly and accurately determine or estimate the airborne iodine activity in areas of the plant including all operating centers. Samples for iodine activity are obtained with portable air samplers * (AC and battery operated) and continuous air monitors (CAM's). The iodine is collected on silver zeolite adsorbers. The use of silver zeolite adsorbers reduces the amount of noble gases entrapped on the adsorber. This reduces the minimum sensitivity level of iodine on the adsorber. In

                           .. addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further reduce the amount of entrapped noble gases.

The silver zeolite adsorbers may be analyzed using the GEM system in the onsite counting room or the EOF Counting Room. The adsorbers could also be analyzed with portable instrumentation. The Control Room, Operational Support Center, Technical Support Center and EOF have continuous air monitors (CAM's). available to monitor the airborne iodine levels. A detector is continuously analyzing the activity (iodine) trapped on the carbon-impregnated filter paper.

  • This combination of equipment allows iodine determinations under all plant accident conditions.

An Iodine Monitoring program, acceptable to the NRC, was described in letters from LO. Mayer, NSP, to Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated December 31, 1979, "Lessons Learned Implementation" and March 13, 1980, "1 /1 /80 Lessons Learned Implementation Additional Information."

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 110of158 J. Steam Line Monitors. The steam line radiation monitor in conjunction with the ERGS (Emergency Response Computer System) computer will supply a value for noble gas activity released via the steam headers (steam dumps and safeties). An alternate steam header release calculation procedure exists which allows the determination to be made with portable radiation equipment and applicable calibration curves. This will allow a backup

  • method for release determination during instances of monitor failure.

Normally the air ejector discharge is routed to the Shield Building Exhaust stacks which are monitored by the low and

                   "'\/***,**"*'*'**I high range stack radiation monitors.

K. Air Ejector Noble Gas Release Releases through the air ejectors are quantified via: (1) the installed

                                             *air ejector radiation monitor and applicable calibration curves; (2) the Shield Building Exhaust Stack monitors (low and high range) and their applicable* calibration curves; or (3) by local sample analysis.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT* EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 111of158 Table 7 Seismographic Monitoring Devices Triaxial Accelerometers (1) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (2) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (3) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (4) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 Triaxial Accelerogra12hs (1) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (2) Aux Bldg Spent. Fuel Pool N.8/9.0/755 (3) Aux Bldg Fan Floor J.0/9.0/755 (4) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (5) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (6) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 . (7) Unit 2 Containment Low 29/95/697 .5 (8) Turbine Building Ground Floor C.9/8.4/695 (9) Turbine Building Operating Floor C.6/8.8/735 (10) Screenhouse Low C1 .0/81.8/670 (11) Screenhouse High

  • C1 .0/81.8/695 (12) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping B1 .9/91.5/680 (13) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping C1 .5/91.7/692 (14) Screenhouse Cooing Water Piping C1 .5/81.3/692 (15) Aux Bldg Chem & Vol Control Piping L.1/7.0/741 (16) Aux Bldg Aux Feedwater H.7/6.9/709

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 112of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-1 GM/Control Room 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-3 GM/Radiochem Lab 0.1-104 mr/hr R-4 GM/Charging Pumps Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr

*R-5                        GM/Spent Fuel Pool                         0.1-104 mr/hr R-6                        GM/Hot Sample Room                         0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-7                      GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 1                0.1--104 mr/hr 2-R-7                   _- GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 2                0.1-104 mr/hr R-8                        GM/Waste Gas Valve Gallery                 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-9                      GM/Letdown HX Unit 1                       0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-9                      GM/Letdown HX Unit 2                       0.1-104 mr/hr R-28                       Scint/New Fuel Pit                         1.0-105 mr/hr R-29                       Scint/Shipping Receiving                   0.1-104 mr/hr R-32                       Scint/Rad Waste Control Station            0.1-104 mr/hr

- R-33 Scint/Rad Waste Bldg/2"d- Floor 0.1-104 mr/hr R-36 -Scint/Charging Pumps Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 1R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 2R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr_ 2R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT. EMERGENcY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 113of158 Tables Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 West Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 East Area .. 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 East Area* 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 West Area . 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 8 WqJ~~i1%{::~~i1-:-1"f;?H?: *!>s'J,;: All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 114of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr R-65 Oper Support Center 0.1-107 mr/hr R-66 01 Osl Gen Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-67 Inst and Control Shop 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-68 Tech Support Center Rad 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-69 Guardhouse 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 1-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-72 06 Cable Spreading Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-73 06 Bus 26 4KV SWGR Rooni 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-74 06 Bus 221 & 222 480V SWGR Room 0.1-10 7 mr/hr All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN . REV: 53 Page 115of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-11 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 1 2-R-11 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 2 1-R-12 GM/Containment and Shield Bldg Gas Unit 1 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-12 GM/Containmentand Shield Bldg Gas 1a1-1as cpm Unit2 1-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 1 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 2 1a1-1as cpm i R-16 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Disch Unit 1 & Unit 2 1a1-1 as cpm R-18 Scint/Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent 1a1-1 as cpm 1-R-19 Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 1 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-19 Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-21 Scint/Circulating Water Dsch 101-10s cpm 1-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 1a1-1 as cpm 2-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 1a1-1as cpm R-23 GM/Control Room Vent 101-1 as cpm R-24 GM/Control Room Vent 101-10s cpm

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 116of158 Table 8 . Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-25 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 1a1-1as cpm R-26 GM/11/21 RHR Cubicle Vent 1a1-1 as cpm R-27 GM/12/22 RHR Cubicle Vent 1a1-1as cpm 1-R-3a GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1

  • 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-3a GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 1a1-1as cpm R-31 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 1a1-1 as cpm R-35 GM/Rad Waste Bldg Vent Gas 1a1-1as cpm 1-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 1a1-1 as cpm R-38 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Dsch Unit 1 & Unit 2 1a1-1as cpm 1-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 1 1a1-1as cpm 2-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 2 1a1-1as cpm R-41 GM/Waste Gas High Level Loop 1a1-1as cpm 1-R-5a _Ion Chamber/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 a.1-1a1 mr/hr 2-R-5a Ion Chamber/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 a.1-1a7 mr/hr 1-R-51 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop A a.1-1a5 mr/hr 1-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop B a.1-1a5 mr/hr 2-R-51 GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop A* 0.1-1 a5 mr/hr 2-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop B a.1-1a5 mr/hr

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 117of158 Table 9 Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices Portable Survey Instruments Types Range(s) GMs 0-70,000 cpm 0-1000 R/hr Ion Chambers 0-50 R/hr Scintillation 0-500,000 cpm Tissue Equivalent .001 mR/hr-999 R/hr Proportional Counter .001 mR-999 R/hr Portable Air Sampling Equipment Types Range(s) Continuous Air 50-50,000 cpm Monitors 10-106 cpm Air Samplers 2.5-20 CFM 0-80 LPM Analysis Equipment Types Tritium Liquid Scintillation Detection Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Proportional Alpha/Beta Counters GM Counter Personnel Monitoring Equipment Types Range(s) Self-Reading Dosimeters 0-200 mR 0-1 R 0-5 R 0-100 R Electronic Dosimeters 1 mR-1000 R TLD's All Ranges Finger Rings All Ranges Portal Monitors 0-30,000 cps

                     ~  * ' ' '*  . *.'"'*' >>

iYN'is:1f~f;,. Exact quantities and locations are described in the plant's

                                                    . surveillance program procedures.

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1. Source Range 6

Neutron Level Log scale 0 to 10 cps System cabinets indicator, Recorder Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Startup Rate Linear scale -0.5 to 5 DPM Main Control Boards indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel Neutron Flux Log Scale 10-1 to 105 cps System cabinets

  • Monitor (N51/N52) . Linear Scale -1to7 DPM ERGS Computer
2. Intermediate Range Neutron Level Log scale 10-11 to 10-3 System cabinets indicator, Amp Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 10-11 to 10-3 Main Control Boarq Amp
      . Startup Rate Linear scale             -0.5 to 5 DPM   Main Control Boards indicator                                ERCS Computer
3. Power Range Neutron Level Linear scale 0-120% Full Power System cabinets indicator, Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 0-120% Full Power Main Control Boards Neutron Flux Log Scale 10-B to 100% System cabinets Monitor (N51/N52) Linear Scale -1to7 DPM ERCS computer Linear Scale 10to 200%


4. RC System Hot Leg Linear scale recorder, 50-700°F Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature Computer output Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Cold Leg Linear scale recorder 50-700°F Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature ERCS Computer Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Subcooling Digital Scale Variable ERCS Computer Temperature Inadequate Core Cooling and pressure Monitoring Cabinet ERCS SAS Display Avg. Linear scale 520-620°F Main Control Boards Temperature indicator recorder, ERCS Computer Computer output ERCS SAS Display Temp. Linear scale 0-150% Main Control Boards Difference indicator, recorder ERCS Computer (Delta T) Computer output Pressure Linear scale 0-3000 psig Main Control Boards indicator, recorder Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer Low Range Linear scale 0-750 psig Main Control Boards Pressure recorder Flow Linear scale 0-110% rated flow Main Control Boards .

indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output.


5. Pressurizer Level (cold) Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERGS Computer Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, ERGS Computer Recorder, Computer output, Annunciator Temperature Linear scale 0-700°F Main Control Boards (Vapor indicator, ERCS Computer temperature and Computer output liquid temperature)
6. RWST Level Linear scale indicator, 0-100% Main Control Boards Computer output, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light Main Control Boards
7. Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Recorder, ERCS Computer Annunciator Wide JRange Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERGS Computer Pressure Linear scale 0-1400 psig Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer
8. Station Electric Distribution Linear scale 0-5000 Volts Main Control Boards (Safeguards indicator, Indicator 0-600 Volts ERGS Computer AC and DC) light, Computer output


9. Aux. FW Status Flow Linear scale indicator, 0-250 gpm Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer Pressure Linear scale indicator, 0-2000 psig Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer
10. . Containment Vessel Pressure Linear scale 0-60 psia
  • Main Control Boards indicator, 0-30 psia ERCS Computer Computer output, Annunciator, Recorder Post-Accident Log scale 1-108 R/hr System cabinets Radiation (R-48) indicator, ERCS Computer (Containment) Computer output Water Level Linear scale (Sump B) 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator (Containment) 0-12 ft Isolation Status Indicator light, ------------ Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Temperature Computer output, 0-400°F ERCS Computer Air Recirc. Fan Indicator light, ----------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer Air Cooling Indicator light ------------- Main Control Boards System Status Air Cooling Indicator light, Flow Status Computer output ------------- Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Spray Pump & Indicator light, Valve Status Computer output ------------- Main Control Boards ERCS Computer


11. Safet\i Injection Flow Linear scale o-500 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-1000 gpm ERCS Computer Computer output Pump & Valve Indicator light, ----------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer
12. Resident Heat Removal Flow(RHR) Linear scale 0-3000 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-6000 gpm ERGS Computer Computer output Pressure Linear scale indicator 0-750 psig Main Control Boards Pump & Valve Indicator light, --------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERGS Computer Emerg. Sump Indicator light, Main Control Boards Valve Status Computer output ERGS Computer*

Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Pump Suction recorder, ERCS Computer Temperature Annunciator Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Cooler Outlet recorder, ERCS Computer Temperature Annunciator


13. Accumulator Accumulator Linear scale 0-800 psig Main Control Boards Pressure indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output printout Annunciator Accumulator Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards Level indicator, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light, Main Control Boards Annunciator
14. Emergency Ventilation System Fan & Damper Indicator light, Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERGS Computer
15. Reactor Vessel Digital Scale Variable Inadequate Core Cooling Level Instrument Monitoring Cabinet System Computer


1. Steam Generator A Level (wide range) 0-100%
2. Steam Generator B Level (wide range) 0-100%
3. Pressurizer (cold) Level 0-100%
4. Steam Generator A Pressure 0-1400 psig
5. Steam Generator B Pressure 0-1400 psig
6. Letdown Valve Status and Control Indicating Lights
7. Auxiliary Feedwater Control and Status Indicating Lights
8. Charging Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights
9. Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg Temperature 50-700°F
10. Reactor Coolant System Cold Leg Temperature 50-700°F
11. Wide Range Reactor Coolant System Pressure 0-3000 psig
12. Pressurizer Heater Control and Status Indicating Lights
13. Boric Acid Transfer Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights 5
14. Neutron Flux Level 0.1-10 cps
15. Steam Generator PORV Controls

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 125 of 158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite,Monitorinq A. Meteorological Several locations, exterior to the plant site, can be used to obtain offsite meteorological conditions. Locations and outputs are summarized in Table 11. B.. Assessment Equipment

1. The EOF Count Room contains a GEM detector system and Geiger~Mueller counter to analyze offsite samples.
2. The emergency lockers in the Assembly Points have the equipment necessary to collect and analyze air samples (particulate and iodine) and portable instruments for measuring radiation levels.
3. The hospital emergency kit at Mayo Clinic Health System has instruments for measuring radiation levels and contamination levels of radiation casualties arriving at the medical center for medical treatment.
4. All Monticello Nuclear Plant counting room and portable radiation detection equipment is available for analysis of samples from Prairie Island NGP. Some equipment will be brought with the Monticello Radiation Protection Group members arriving onsite to augment the Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group in performing offsite surveys and sampling.
5. There are TLD badges and airborne particulate and iodine sampling stations installed in areas surrounding the plant. The badges and air sampling stations are installed as part of the Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program. During an emergency, these badges and/or air sampling filters or cartridges may be used for dose assessment purposes.
6. All onsite portable equipment and count room equipment at
  • Prairie Island NGP may be used for required offsite radiation surveys or analysis of offsite samples (liquid or airborne).


1. Lock and Dam #3 (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Sp~ed
2. National Weather Service Twin Cities Local Area (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Speed (d) Stability Class

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER:. E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 127of158 7.4 Protective Facilities and Equipment 7.4.1 Assembly Points The primary protective facility for onsite personnel is the evacuation to an assembly point. Either the Distribution Center or the North Warehouse may be used for an assembly point depending on wind direction. The Emergency Director SHALL designate which one is to be used. The assembly area emergency locker contains equipment that will be used for personnel contamination checks, personnel decontamination, radiation detection equipment to assess conditions at the assembly area and communication equipment for contact with the Emergency Director. 7 .4.2 Operational Support Center The Operational Support Center locker contains all the equipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes protective clothing, respiratory protection, monitoring devices, and radiation meters. Air sampling and contamination survey equipment is available for onsite surveys. Decontamination and first aid equipment is available for treatment of onsite personnel. 7 .4.3 Emergency Operations Facility The EOF can be designated as an alternate assembly area. Facilities are available for gathering personnel into a specific area. ,An emergency locker contains equipment necessary for determining personnel contamination and for decontamination of individuals. A decontamination shower and retention system is available for collection of contaminated waste. A spare Field Survey Team Equipment Kit is located at the EOF. Communicatioh equipment (radio and telephone) is available for contacting emergency personnel both onsite and offsite.


                                                                                           . E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN .

REV: 53 Page 128of158 7 .4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System Mayo Clinic Health System .has the equipment required to handle medical emergencies complicated by radioactive contamination. Monitoring equipment, decontamination materials and waste storage (solid and liquid) are available. 7 .4.5 Red Wing Fire Station All fire trucks, ambulances, and cars at the Fire Station are assigned pocket dosimeters for use by Fire Department staff. They are stored in the glove box, the door compartment panels or visors. In addition, the ambulances have TLD's for use by Fire Dept. staff. A dosimeter charger is stored at the dispatcher's station. All dosimeters and TLD's are maintained by plant personnel. 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker The Technical Support Center emergency locker contains the necessary survey instruments, dosimetry and protective clothing to allow reentry or access into the plant during emergency conditions. 7.5 First Aid and Medical Facilities First Aid Kits are available at various emergency lockers in the plant. Any injury requiring medical treatment will be treated at the local medical center. All medical support is covered by Section F4 of the Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies The maintenance area has a completely supplied machine shop with equipment necessary to machine all but the largest pieces of equipment, (e.g., turbine rotors). One shop area, located in the Auxiliary Building, is for contaminated items. The other shop, located in the Service Building, is for non-contaminated items.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 129of158 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 8.1 Organizational Preparedness 8.1.1 Emergency Response Training To achieve and maintain an acceptable level of emergency preparedness, training SHALL be conducted for members of the on-site Emergency ' Response Organization in accordance with the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Pl~nt Emergency Plan Training Program. Training for all on-site Emergency Response Organization members consists of a review of the Emergency Plan in the form of a general overview. In addition to Emergency Plan overview training, personnel assigned key on-site emergency response positions SHALL receive training specific to their position. Key Emergency Response Organization members SHALL receive Emergency Plan training on an annual basis. Monticello & Prairie Island offsite support will make provisions for the training of those off-site organizations who may be called upon to provide assistance in the event of an emergency..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 130of158 8.1.2 Exercises. Drills. and Tests The conduct of periodic drills and exercises are conducted in accordance with the gt,Jidance provided in FP-EP-Wl-14, Emergency Preparedness Drill and Exercise Manual and FP-EP-Wl-24, Emergency Preparedness Drill and Exercise Objectives.

  • A.* Exercises Exercises which test the integrated capability and a major portion of the basic elements existing within the Emergency Plan SHALL be conducted at least every 2 years. This exercise may be included in the full participation biennial exercise which tests the offsite emergency plans.

B. Drills Drills are supervised instructional periods aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation and are a part of the continuous training program. In order to ensure that adequate emergency response capabilities are maintained during the interval between biennial exercises, drills SHALL be conducted including at least one drill, during the off exercise year, involving a combination of some of the principal functional areas of the onsite emergency response capabilities. The principal functional areas of emergency response include activities such as management and coordination of emergency response, accident assessment, protective action decision making, and plant

                           . system repair and corrective actions. During these drills, activation of all of the Emergency Plan's response facilities (TSC, OSC, and EOF) would not be necessary, opportunities to consider accident management strategies would be given, supervised instruction would be permitted, operating staff would have the opportunity to resolve .

problems (success paths) rather than have controllers intervene, and the drills could focus on onsite training objectives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 131of158 Drills SHALL be conducted in the following areas at the designated minimal frequency. Additional drills may be scheduled by plant management if dictated by response of personnel to previous drills.

1. Fire Fire drills SHALL be conducted in accordance with Prairie Island Administrative Work Instructions (AWis) and/or the NSPM's Quality Assurance Topical Report.
2. Medical Emergency Medical emergency drills involving the transport of a simulated contaminated individual causing the participation of local support agencies SHALL be conducted annually.
3. Radiological The periodic radiological and health physics drills described below may be conducted as part of the annual Radiation Protection Specialist continuing training program in the form of walkthroughs or job performance measured activities. These drills may also be conducted as part of an annual plant wide full scale drill or facility drill.

a Health Physics Drills which involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and/or liquid samples and direct radiation measurements in the environment SHALL be conducted semi-annually. b

  • Radiological monitoring drills which include the collection
                                          .and analysis of environmental samples for the purpose of ground deposition assessment SHALL be conducted annually.

c Post accident sampling drills which include the analysis of in-plant liquid samples (with simulated elevated radiation levels) including the use of the Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) SHALL be conducted annually.


4. Security Hostile Action Drills will be conducted to verify readiness to mitigate after a terrorist event. These drills will be conducted in accordance with FP-EP-Wl-14 and FP-EP-Wl-24.
5. Emergency Organization Augmentation Semi-annual Emergency Organization Augmentation Drills are .

conducted to provide an ongoing verification that the emergency organization can augment the shift organization in a timely fashion. C. Tests A test is' a functional test of equipment to verify that the equipment is operable. ,

1. Communications with state, local and tribal governments within the plume exposure pathway SHALL be tested monthly.
2. Communications with Federal response organizations and State governments within the ingestion pathway SHALL be tested quarterly.
3. . Communications between Prairie Island, Minnesota and Wisconsin Emergency Operating Centers and all local Emergency Operations Centers, and radiation monitoring teams SHALL be checked annually.
4. Communication from the Control Room, TSC and EOF to the NRC Operations Center SHALL be tested monthly.
5. The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) SHALL be tested on a quarterly basis.
6. The fixed siren portion of Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) SHALL be tested and verified operational on a weekly and monthly basis.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 133of158 These communication tests SHALL be used not only to check the equipment operation but also that the various phone numbers and links are correct and 2-way communication can be established. 8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures The Plant Manager has authority and responsibility for the Prairie Island Emergency Plan and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. The Plant Manager has the responsibility for the development and updating of the Emergency Plan, the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and coordination of the plan with offsite response organizations. The Emergency Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure it is current according to the plant's controlled procedure program. The update will take into account changes identified during drills and exercises. Quarterly, all telephone numbers contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures SHALL be verified correct and updated as a result of the required communication tests. 8.2.1 Organization of Plan The organization of the Emergency Plan is reviewed and updated yearly by the Emergency Preparedness Manager. Reorganization may be necessary as the result of the following: A. drills or exercises indicating need for changes B. changes in key personnel C. changes in the plant's organization structure D. changes in the organization of offsite response agencies E. experience gained. under actual emergency situations

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 134of158 8.2.2 Maintenance and lnvenforv of Emergency Equipment and Supplies Radiation protection equipment at. each of. the emergency facilities is checked monthly for operability according to surveillance and testing program. Emergency plan portable radiation instruments SHALL receive a Channel Check and Channel Operational Test monthly and a Channel Calibration at least every 24 months. If any emergency plan portable radiation

  • instrument is found inoperable, then immediate actions SHALL be initiated to restore operability or replacement. .

All supplies are inventoried quarterly and dated equipment and material are periodically replaced according to surveillance and testing program.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 135of158 9.0 RECOVERY In general, the plant will be responsible for the short term recovery, that is recovery from an emergency condition in which no core damage or serious release of radioactivity to the environments has occurred. If it is clear that a high potential exists for core damage and/or a serious release of radioactivity to the environment, a Recovery Phase will be activated to provide for the long-term recovery actions and for establishing support arrangements. In general, before re-occupying buildings after an emergency, certain recovery criteria must be satisfied: (1) There must be assurance that the problem encountered is solved and that this same incident cannot immediately recur; (2) The general occupancy areas must be free of significant contamination; (3) Radiation areas and High Radiation areas must be properly defined; and (4) Airborne radioactivity must be eliminated or controlled. 9.1 Investigation of Incidents All incidents SHALL be investigated in conjunction with corporate event response procedures. 9.2 Recovery Procedures All recovery operations SHALL be performed in accordance with written procedures. These procedures SHALL include the following activities: A. Investigation of the cause of the incident B. Investigation of plant conditions following an accident C. Repair and restoration of facilities

  • D. Testing and startup of restored facilities
                                                                                         \.I Methods for determining the extent of radioactive contamination and general protective measures to be taken for personnel performing recovery operations are established in Section F2, Radiation Safety, of the Operations Manual, and in the Radiation Protection Manual, RPIP's.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 136of158 Written procedures for recovery of the facility from the specific post accident conditions will be prepared by qualified plant staff members and submitted to the Plant Operating Review Committee. Plant Operating Review Committee approval of all such procedures is required prior to their initiation. 9.3 Criteria for Resumption of Operations If the plant is shutdown as the result of an emergency, it will be restarted only when: A. The conditions which caused the emergency are corrected.

8. The cause of the emergency is understood.
                *c. Restoration, repair and testing is completed as required.

D. No unreviewed safety questions exist. E. All conditions of the license and technical specifications are satisfied. 9.4 Transition to Recovery If it is clear that extensive plant damage exists and contamination of plant systems have occurred, then a recovery phase may be necessary. Transition to the recovery phase will take place in an incremental manner as the functions change from operational to engineering/construction. The decision to make the transition from the emergency phase to the recovery phase should be a joint decision by the ED and EM. The Recovery Manager should possess the qualifications of an Emergency Manager. This position should be occupied by personnel representing the company executive level. . Should transition to the recovery phase become necessary, the site engineering/construction staff would provide the nucleus of the organization. I

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 137of158 This plant staff would be augmented as required by specialists from the site organization and the offsite support groups. In addition, appropriate assistance would be secured from the Architect-Engineer and the NSSS vendor organizations.

  • This support could be broadened as required by consultant help from the several organizations familiar with Prairie Island NGP's organization. The overall organization envisioned for a substantial Recovery Phase would be a blend of site staff, and appropriate vendor and consultant personnel. On a prior basis it is counterproductive to define in detail the extensive organization that might be involved in a sizable Recovery Phase because of the unlimited variation of conditions that could result from plant emergencies. However, the nucleus organization has been identified together with guidelines on how the organization might be expanded to meet the requirements demanded at the time.

When the Emergency Manager and Emergency Director agree that the onsite emergency condition has been terminated, a complete transfer of the responsibilities for offsite support may be made to the Recovery Organization. The EOF would then become the Recovery Center and function as Command Center for the Recovery *Organization and the recovery effort. Details of Recovery Organization activation and implementing criteria are contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 139of158 Attachment A Emergency.Plan Implementing Procedures A.1 PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F3 procedures (Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures) which SHALL be used by plant emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency plan. This may not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development.: Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section

  • F3-1 Onsite Emergency Organization 5.3, 5.4 F3-2 Classifications qf Emergencies 4.0 F3-3 Responsibilities During a Notification of Unusual Event 6.1, 6.3, 6.7 F3-4. Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency 6.7 F3-5 Emergency Notifications 5.3.3(D), 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 7.2 F3-5.1 Switchboard Operator Duties . 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4 F3-5.2 Response to False Siren Activation 6.1.2 F3:-5.3 Deleted F3-6 Activation and Operation of Technical Support Center 5.3, 7.1.1 F3-7 Activation and Operation of Operational Support 5.3, 7.1.2 Center F3-8 Recommendations for Offsite Protective Actions 6.4, 6.6 F3-8.1 Deleted F3-9 Emergency Evacuation 6.6.1, 7.4.1


                                                                                    *Page 140of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number         Procedure Title                                       Affected Plan Section F3-10     I     Personnel Accountability                              6.6.1

. F3-11 Search and Rescue 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-12 Emergency Exposure Control 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-13 Offsite Dose Calculations 6.4, .6.6 F3-13.0 Deleted F3-13.1 Rad & Met Data for Dose Projections 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.2 Deleted F3-13.3 Manual Dose Calculations 6.4, 6.6 F3-13.4 Deleted F3-13.5 Alternate Meteorological Data 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.6 Weather Forecasting Information 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-14.1 Onsite Radiological Monitoring 6.4, 7.3 F3-14.2 Operation Emergency Surveys 6.4.2 F3-15 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Airborne Release F3-16 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Liquid Release F3-17 Core Damage Assessment 6.4.1 F3-17.1 Core Damage Determination F3-17.2 Long Term Cooling F3-18

  • Thyroid Iodine Blocking Agent (Potassium Iodide) 6.6.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 141 of 158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-19 Personnel and Equipment Monitoring and 6.6.3, 6.7.2 Decontamination F3-20 Determination of Radioactive Release Concentrations 6.4, 7 .3 F3-20.1 Determination of Steam Line Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 F3-20.2 Determination of Vent Stack Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 F3-21 Establishment of a Secondary Access Control Point 6.6.3 F3-22 Prairie Island RPG Response to a Monticello 5.6.2, 6.1 Emergency F3-23 Emergency Sampling 7.3 F3-23.1 Emergency Hotcell Procedure 7 .3 F3-23.2 *Deleted F3-23.3 Deleted F3-23.4 Deleted F3-23.5 Deleted F3-23.6 Deleted F3-23.7 Deleted F3-23.8 Deleted F3-24 Record Keeping During an Emergency 6.2 F3-25 Re-Entry 7.3, 9.0 F3-26 Deleted



EP EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV: 53 Page 142of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-26.1 Operation of the ERGS Display 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.2 Radiation Monitor Data on ERGS 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.3 EROS - NRG Data Link 6.4, 7.2.2.E F3-27 Response to Railroad Grade Crossing Blockage 5.6.4(0) F3-28 Deleted F3-29 Emergency Security Procedures 5.3, 6.1 F3-30 Transition to Recovery 9.0 F3-31 Response to Security Related Threats 5.3, 6.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 143of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures A.2 EOF EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F8 procedures (EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures) which Sl:fALL be used by EOF emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency. This may not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development. Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F8-1 Emergency Operations Facility Organization 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 F8-2 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency in the EOF 6.7 F8-3 Activation and Operation of the EOF 5.4, 7.1.3 FS-4 Emergency Support and Logistics 5.6, 5.7 FS-5 Offsite Dose Assessment and Protective 6.4, 6.6 Action Recommendations F8-6 Radiological Monitoring and Control at 6.6, 6.7, 7.4 the EOF FS-8 Offsite Agency Liaison Activities 5.6, 5.7 F8-9 Event Termination or Recovery 5.5, 9.0 F8-10 Record Keeping in the EOF 6.2 FS-11 Transfer to the Backup EOF 7.1.3 F8-12 Emergency REMP 7.3.2


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EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV: 53 Page 144of158 Attachment B Summary of Emergency Supplies

1. NPD Office Building and Emergency Vehicle Field Survey Kits A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kits (2)
1. Airborne Sample Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sample Equipment C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Portable Communication Radios E. Foul weather gear F. Protective clothing G. Potassium Iodide Potassium Iodide (Kl)
2. North Warehouse and Distribution Center Assembly Points (each location)

A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Portable Communications Radio C. 1 Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) D. Personnel Decontamination Kit E. Airborne Sample Equipment F. Small First Aid Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor H. Protective Clothing


3. Operational Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Air Sampling Equipment (Battery and AC Powered)

C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radios (located in Control Room) E. Area Radiation Monitor F. Portable Lanterns and Batteries G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) H. Plant Floor Plans I. Protective Clothing (Including Waterproof) J. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) a~d spare bottles K. First Aid Kit L Continuous Air Monitor (Control Room and OSC) M. Drager Toxic Chemical Air Sampler N. Full Face Respirators and Iodine Canisters

4. Technical Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Airborne Sampling Equipment C. Personnel dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radio E. Area Radiation Monitor

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 146of158 Attachment B Summary of Emergency Supplies F. Continuous Air Monitor G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) H. Protective Clothing I. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) and spare bottles J. Plant Floor Plans K. Potassium Iodide (Kl) Distribution

5. Red Wing Fire Station A. Personnel Dosimetry
6. Mayo Clinic Health System A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Personnel dosimetry C. Copy of Operations Manual F-4 D. Supplies (Disposable clothing, solid waste containers, and liquid waste containers)
7. Hot Cell A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Protective clothing C. Alpha Survey Meter D. Sample team communication gear E. Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (F-3) .


8. Fire Brigade Dress Out Area A. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
9. Emergency Operations Facility A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kit (1)
1. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sampling Equipment C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Local)

E. Portable Communication Radios F. Personnel Decontamination Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor H. Continuous Air Monitor I. GEM Detector for Isotopic Analysis of Samples J. Decontamination Shower K. Potassium Iodide (Kl) Distribution

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 148of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) A. Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control) A.1.a 5.6, 5.7 A.1.b 5.6, 5.7 A.1.c Figure 3 A.1.d 1.5, 1.6, 5.3.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.1.e 5.2, 5.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.3, Table 1 A.2.a State/Local. Plans A.2.b State/Local Plans A.3 MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.4 5.3.1 B. Onsite Emergency Organization B.1 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 B.2 5.3.1 B.3 5.3.1 B.4 5.3.1 B.5 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, Table 1, 5.4 B.6 5.6, 5.7, Figure 4 B.7 Table 1, 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.a 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.b 5.4, 5.5 B.7.c 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.d MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.8 5.6.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.9 5.6.4, 5.7, 6.7.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 149of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) C. Emergency Response Support and Resources C.1.a 5.3.1 C.1.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.1.c MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.2.a State/Local Plan C.2.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.3 Attach A.2, (F8-4 ), MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.4 Attach A.2 (F8-4 ), 5.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan D. Emergency Classification System D. 1 4.0 D.2 4.0, Annex A D.3 State/Local Plan D.4 State/Local Plan E. Notification Methods and Procedures. E.1 6.1.2, 6.1.4 E.2 6.1.1 E.3 5.3.1 E.4 5.3.1 E.4.a 5.3.1 E.4.b 5.3.1 E.4.c 5.3.1 E.4.d 5.3.1 E.4.e 5.3.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 150 of 158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) E. Notification Methods and Procedures (cont'd) E.4.f 5.3.1 E.4.g 5.3.1 E.4.h 5.3.1 E.4.i 5.3.1 E.4.j 5.3.1 E.4.k 5.3.1 E.4.1 5.3.1 E.4.m 5.3.1 E.4.n 5.3.1 E.5 7.2.3, State/Local Plan E.6 5.3.1, 7.2.3, State/Local Plan E.7 MT & Pl Offsite Plan F. Emergency Communications F.1.a 6.1.2, 6.1.3, Table 6 F.1.b 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.c Table 6 F.1.d 72.2., Table 6 F.1.e 6.1.1, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.f 7.2.2, Table 6 F.2 7.2.2 F.3 8.1.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 151of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference . NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) G. Public Education and Information G.1 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.2 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.b Attach A (F8-8) MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.c MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.5 MT & Pl Offsite Plan H. .Emergency Facilities and Equipment H.1 7. 1.1, 7 .1 .2 H.2 7.1.3 H.3 State/Local Plan H.4 6.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.5 7.3 H.5.a 7.3.1, Table 7, Table 11 H.5.b 7.3.1, Table 8, Table 9 H.5.c 7.3.1, Table 10 H.5.d 7.3.1 H.6.a 7.3.2, Table 11 H.6.b 7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.6.c 7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 152of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment (cont'd) H.7 7.3.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.6, Attach B. H.8 6.4, 7 .3.1, 7.3.2, Table 11 H.9 7.1.2, 7.4.2, Attach B H.10. 8.2.2 H.11 Attach B H.12 7.1.3 I. Accident Assessment 1.1 Annex A, Table 7 Table 8, Table 10 1.2 6.4, 7.3.1 1.3.a 6.4 1.3.b 6.4.1 1.4 6.4.1 1.5 6. 4.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.2 Table 11 1.6 6.4.1 1.7 6.4.2 1.8 6.4.1, 6.4.2 1.9 6.4.2 1.10 6.4.1 1.11 State Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 153of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) J. Protective Response J.1.a 6.6.1 (A) J.1.b 6.6.1 (A) J.1.c 6.6.1 (A) J.1.d 6.6.1 (A) J.2 6.6.1 (A) J.3 6.6.1 (A) J.4 6.6.1 (A) J.5 5.3.1, 6.6.1 (A) J.6.a 6.6.2 (A) J.6.b 6.6.2 (A) J.6.c 6.6.2 (8) J.7 6.6.21 Tables 3 and 4 J.8 6.6.1 (D), MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.9 State/Local Plan J.10.a 6.4.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.b 6.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.c 7.2.3 J.10.d State/Local Plan J.10.e State/Local Plan J.10.f State/Local Plan J.10.g State/Local Plan J.10.h State/Local Plan J.10.i State/Local Plan I I I L_ ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 154of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) J. Protective Response [Cont'd] J.10.j State/Local Plan J.10.k State/Local Plan J.10.1 State/Local Plan J.10.m 6 .6.1 I Tables 3 and 4 J.11 State Plan J.12 State/Local Plan K. Radiological Exposure Control K.1.a 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.b 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.c 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.d 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.e 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.f 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.g 6.7.1, Table 4 K.2 6.7.1 K.3.a 6.7.1 K.3.b 6.7.1 K.4 State/Local Plan K.5.a 6.6. 3, Table 5 K.5.b 6.7.2 K.6.a 6.6.3 (A) K.6.b 6.6.3 (A) K.6.c 6.6.3 (A) K.7 6.6,3, 6.7.2 _j

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 155of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) L. Medical and Public Health Support L.1 5.6.4 (B), 6.7.3 L.2 6.7.2 L.3 State Plan L.4 5.6.4 I, 6.7.2, 6.7.3 M. Recovery and Re-entry Planning and Post Accident Operations M.1 5.5, 9.0 M.2 5.5, 9.4 M.3 . 5.5,9.4 M.4 6.4.1 N. Exercises and Drills N.1.a 8.1.2 N.1.b 8.1.2 N.2.a 8.1.2 N.2.b 8.1.2 N.2.c 8.1.2 N.2.d 8.1.2 N.2.e (1) 8.1.2 N.2.e (2) 8.1.2 N.3.a Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.b Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.c Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.d Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.e Site Drill/Exercise Manual

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 156of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) N. Exercises and Drills (cont'd) N.3.f Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.4 Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.5 Site Drill/Exercise Manual

0. Radiological Emergency
              . Response Training 0.1                                  .8;1.1                                        .

1 0.1.a 8.1.1 0.1.b State/Local Plan 0.2 8.1.1, 8.1.2 Site Drill/Exercise Manual 0.3 8.1.1 0.4.a 8.1.1 0.4.b 8.1.1 0.4.c 8.1.1 0.4.d 8.1.1 0.4.e 8.1.1 0.4.f . 8.1.1 0.4.g MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.h 8.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.i MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.j 8.1.1 0.5 8.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan l

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 157of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) P. Responsibility for the Planning Effort: Development. Periodic Review and Distribution of Emergency Plans P.1 MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.2 8.2 P.3 8.2 P.4 8.2.1 I P.5 MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.6 2.0, MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.7 Attach A P.8 Table of Contents Attach C P.9 MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.10 .. 8.2 L_.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 158of158 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision Section Change Section 5.6.4 Spelled out acronym HAB to state Hostile Action Based (HAB). Section 5.7.4 Removed paragraph discussing Wisconsin Radiation Protection response teams. Table 8 Deleted reference to "R-42, Scint/Heating Boiler Condensate, 101-106 cpm". Various Updated references to OSC location.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN ANNEX A I NUMBER' E-PLAN I REV: 53 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL MATRIX The site-specific Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are presented in the attached Emergency Action Level Matrix. These EALs are based on the NEI 99-01 EAL scheme. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Classification of Emergency also contains the same Emergency Action Level Matrix. Page 1 of 1

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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page ii Record of Revision Date of Revision Revision Number Title Page i February 2017 53 Record of Revision Page ii February 2017 53 Emergency Plan Body including Attachments February 2017 53 Annex A Page February 2017 53

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 1of158 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page TITLE PAGE ........ ;.......................................................................................................... i RECORD OF REVISION ................................................................ ,................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................~ ................................................ 1 1.0 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................... 7 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE ...................................... ~ ............................................. 11 3.0


......................................................................................................... 13 4.0      EMERGENCY CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 15
4. 1 Classification System ............................................................................... 15 4.1.1 Notification of Unusual Event.. ..................................................... 15 4.1.2 Alert ....................................................................................~ ......... 16 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency ............................................................ ~ ...... 16 4.1.4 General Emergency ..................................................................... 17 5.0 ORGANIZATONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES ......................................... 19 5.1 Normal Site Organization .......... :***************************************--********************* 19 5.2 Normal Plant Organization*************************************************:********************* 19 5.3 Plant Emergency Organization ................................................................ 20 5.3.1 Direction and Coordination ...........................................:................ 20 5.3.2 Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators ............................... 29 5.3.3 Plant Shift Organization ............................................................... 32 5.3.4 Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups ...............................35 5.4 EOF Organization ............................... ~., .............. ,................................... 38 5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control ........................................................... 38 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group ..................................................... 40 5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group .................................... 40 5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff ............................. :............................ 41


                                           ' EMERGENCY PLAN REV:      53 Page 2of158 5.5    Recovery Organization ............................................................................ 42 5.6    Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations .................... 42 5.6.1    Offsite Support Response ............................................................ 42 .

5.6.2 Monticello Radiation Protection Group Support ........................... 43 5.6.3 Westinghouse Support ......................................... :....................... 43 5.6.4 Lo<?al Support Services ................................................................ 44 5.7 Coordination with Governme~tal Response Organizations ...................... 47

5. 7.1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) .................................................................. 4 7
                 .5.7.2    Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) ...................................... 47 *
5. 7 .3 Wisconsin Emergency Management.. .......................................... 48 5.7.4
  • Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services (DHFS) ....... 48
5. 7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) ........................ 48
5. 7 .5 Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs ............................. 49 5.7.6 Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management ............................................................. 49 5.7.7 Prairie Island Indian Community .................. _ ................... :........... , 49
5. 7 .8 Minnesota State Patrol. ................................................................ 50
5. 7 .9 Minnesota Department of Transportation ..................................... 50 5.7.10 CP Line Railroad (Soo Line) ........................................................ 50
5. 7 .1 O Canadian Pacific Railway-GP Railway (Soo Line) ....................... 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Inc. Railroad ................................................. 50
5. 7 .11 Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF) Railway ............................ 50 5.7.11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway ............................ 50
5. 7 .12 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Lock & Dam
                           #3 ................................................................................................. 50 5.7.~3    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) ....................................... 51
5. 7 .14 Department of Energy* (DOE) ............................................*........... 52
                *5.7.15 Institute Of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) ............................. 52 6.0     . EMERGENCY MEASURES ..................................................................*........ ~ .... 53 6.1   Activation of Emergency Organization ........................... :......................... 53

I PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 3of158 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations ................. ~ ................ 53 6.1.2 Notification Scheme .............................................................. :...... 54 6.1.3 Communicators ............................................................................ 56 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications ............................ 59

         . 6.2   Record Keeping .....................................................................................;.. 59 6.3   Summary of Site Response Actions ................ :....................................... 60 6.4   Assessment Actions ................................................................................. 63 6.4.1   Dose Projections .......................................................................... 63 6.4.2   Radiological Surveys .................................................................... 68.

6.5 Corrective Actions .................................................................................... 69 6.6 Protective Actions .................................................................................... 69 6.6.1 Evacuation and Sheltering ........................................................... 69 6.6.2 Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies .................................. 73 6.6.3 Contamination Control Measures ................................................. 79 6.7 Aid to Affected Personnel*******************************************************:**************** 81 6.7.1 Emergency Personnel Exposure ..................................: ............... 81

6. 7 .2 Decontamination and First Aid ..................................................... 82 6.7.3 Medical and Public Health Support .............................................. 83
6. 7 .4 Whole Body Counting Facilities ................................................... 84 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT .................................................. 85 7 .1 Emergency Control Centers ..................................................................... 85 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) .................................................. 85 7.1.2 Operational Support Center (OSC) .............................................. 90 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF ........................................... 92 7.1.4 Control Room ............................................................................... 97 7.2 Communications ................................................................... .' .................. 98 7.2.1 Onsite Communications, .. ~ ........................................................... 98 7.2.2 Offsite Communications ............................................................... 99 7.2.3 Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) ...................... '. ...... 103 7.3 Assessment Facilities ..................... :...................................................... 104 7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment.. ....................................... .'....... 104

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN. REV: 53 Page 4of158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring*****************:******** 125 7.4 Protective Facilities and Equipment.. ..................................................... 127 7.4.1 Assembly Points ........................................................................ 127 7.4.2 Operational Support Center ....................................................... 127 I 7.4.3 Emergency Operations Facility .................................................. 127 7.4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System ..................................... ~ .................. 128 7.4.5 Red Wing Fire Station ................................................................ 128 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker. ........................... 128 7.5 First Aid and Medical Facilities .............................................................. 128 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies ............................................. 128 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ............................................ 129 8.1 Organizational Preparedness ................................................................ 129 8.1.1 Emergency Response Training .................................................. 129

8. 1.2 Exercises, Drills, and Tests ........................................................ 130 8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures ................................ 133 8.2.1 Organization of Plan ................................................................... 133 8.2.2 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies.....................................................*................................. 134 9.0 RECOVERY ..................................................................................................... 135 9.1 Investigation of Incidents ................................................... ~ ................... 135 9.2 Recovery Procedures*********************************************************************'****** 135 9.3 Criteria for Resumption of Operations ................................................... 136 9.4 Long Term Recovery**************************************:*:.................................... 136 i..IST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A. ....................................... ~ .... :......... Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 139 Attachment 8 ........................................................................ Summary of Emergency Supplies 144 Attachment C ......................................................... NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference 148

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 5of158 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Prairie Island Plant Emergency Organization ................................................ 21 Figure 2 Prairie Island EOF Organization .................................................................... 39 Figure 3 Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface ................... 57 Figure 4 HAB Communications ................................................................................... 58 Figure 5 Containment Dose Rate Versus Time ........................................................... 66 Figure 6 Plan View of TSC .......................................................................................... 87 Figure 7 Plan View of EOF Command Center.. ................................................ ~ .......... 95 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization ..................... 22 Table 2 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency Organization .................................................................................................. 25 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency ...... 74 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume ............................................................. 76 Table 5. Contamination Limits ..................................................................................... 79 Table 6 Prairie Island Site Communications Matrix .................................................. 102 Table 7 Seismographic Monitoring Devices .......... :.................................................. 111 Table 8 Radiation Monitors ... :................. :................................................................ 112 Table 9 Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices ........................................... *117 Table 1O *instruments Available for Monitoring Major Systems .................................. 118 Table 11 Offsite Meteorological Equipment ............................................................... 126 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision ....................................... 158


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 7of158 1.0 DEFINITIONS Listed below are some terms in this plan along with the definitions that should be applied to these terms when they are used in this plan. 1.1 Assessment Action - Actions taken during or after an accident to obtain and process

             . information necessary to make decisions regarding emergency measures.

1.2 Corrective Actions - Emergency measures taken to terminate an emergency situation at or near the source in order to prevent or minimize a radioactive release, e.g., shutting down equipment, firefighting, repair and damage control, etc. 1.3 Emergency Action Level (EAL) - A predetermined, site-specific, observable threshold for a plant Initiating Condition (IC) that places the plant in a 'given emergency class. An EAL can be: an instrument reading; an equipment status indicator; a measurable parameter (onsite or offsite); a discrete, observable event; results of analyses; entry into specific emergency operating procedures; or another phenomenon which, if it occurs, indicates entry into a particular emergency class. 1.4 Emergency Class: - One of a minimum set of names or titles, established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG), for grouping of normal nuclear power plant conditions according to (1) their relative radiological seriousness, and (2) the time sensitive onsite and off site radiological emergency preparedness actions

  • necessary to respond to such conditions. The existing radiological emergency classes, in ascending order of seriousness, are called: Notification of Unusual Event (UE), Alert, Site Area Emergency (SAE), and General Emergency (GE).

1.5 Emergency Director (ED) - The Plant Manager or designee. This individual has overall responsibility and authority for managing the emergency effort within the plant. This person will also manage efforts external to the plant until the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization can relieve the ED of external tasks. 1.6 Emergency Manager (EM) - A designated member of site management. This person has the authority and responsibility for the management of (NSPM) Northern States Power Company- Minnesota overall response to an emergency. The EM will assume command and control at the Emergency Operations Facility and direct the NSPM response efforts.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 8of158 1.7 Emergency Planning Zones - a defined area around the plant to facilitate emergency planning by state and local authorities, to assure that prompt and effective actions are taken to protect the public in the event of a release of radioactive material. It is defined for:. 1.7.1 Plume Exposure Pathway- a 10 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure source is: (1) whole body exposure to gainma radiation from the plume and from deposited material; and (2) internal exposure from the inhaled radionuclides deposited in the body (Short Term Exposure). 1.7.2 Ingestion Exposure Pathway - a 50 mile radius around the plant where the principal exposure would be from the ingestion of contaminated water or foods such as milk or fresh vegetables (Long Term Exposure). The ingestion exposure pathway includes the plume exposure pathway. 1.8 Emergency Worker - Any individual involved in mitigating the consequences of an emergency situation and/or minimizing or preventing exposure to the offsite population. The emergency worker category includes emergency workers at the plant as well as individuals who are engaged in public service emergency activities*- firemen, policemen, medical support, and certain public officials. These are people who voluntarily place themselves as emergency workers. 1.9 Exclusion Area - The area surrounding the plant that is under direct Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant control. This includes the Corps of Engineering land

  • north of plant and the islands located in the Mississippi River east of plant. It is sized such that any individual located on its boundary would not exceed 25 REM whole body or 300 REM thyroid from 1-131 for two hours immediately following the design basis accident (approximately 2340 feet out to boundary).

1.1 O Initiating Condition (IC): - One of a predetermined subset of nuclear power plant conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or such an emergency has occurred.

  • 1.11 Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) d/b/a Xcel Energy -

Operator of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. 1.12 Protective Actions - Emergency measures taken before or after a release of radioactive materials in order to prevent or minimize radiological exposures to the population.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 9of158 1.13 Protective Action Guides (PAG) - Projected dose to individuals, that warrants protective action prior to and/or following a radioactive release. 1.14 Recovery Actions - Actions taken after an emergency to restore the plant to normal. 1.15 Xcel Energy- Operating Utility of Northern States Power Company- Minnesota.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 11of158 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE . In accordance with license conditions, 10CFR Part 50, and NRC guidance, the Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM) has developed and implemented a radiological emergency response plan for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) and a joint off-site plan for the PINGP and the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. As asset owner NSPM, and Xcel Energy; the operating utility, retain all owner obligations. This Emergency Plan is applicable to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP), Units 1 and 2. In any emergency situation at Prairie Island, the initial response to activate the Emergency Plan is accomplished by the plant staff and, if needed, immediate actions may be required by local support agencies. The plant, during initial stages of the emergency situation, must function independently coordinating both onsite and offsite activities. It is expected that within approximately 1 to 2 hours, the plant staff will be augmented by other segments of the overall Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) Offsite Emergency Response Organization (EOF staff, Monticello Field Teams and other company support staff). The augmented response organization will assume those tasks external (offsite) to the plant, thus allowing the plant staff to be responsible for all onsite activities. This plan covers the actions and responsibilities of the PINGP Emergency Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility Organization.

  • The purpose of the plan is to describe the following:

2.1 Organization and actions within the plant to control and limit the consequences of an accident. 2.2 Organization and actions controlling site and offsit~ activities in the event of an* uncontrolled release of radioactive material. This includes notification of and coordination with required offsite support agencies. 2.3 Identifying and evaluating the consequences of accidents that may occur and affect the public and plant personnel. 2.4 Describing*the protective action levels and actions that are required to protect the public and plant personnel in the event of an accident.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 12 of 158 2.5 Consideration necessary for the purpose of reentry and short-term recovery. 2.6 Arrangements required for medical support in the event of injury. 2.7. . Arrangements required for fire fighting support in the event of major fires requiring outside support. 2.8 The. training necessary to assure adequate response to emergencies. The Emergency Plan is dependent upon various standing plant operating, abnormal operating, emergency operating, plant safety, radiological control and security procedures and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for the implementation of the plant's response to the spectrum of emergency situations. PINGP has procedures in place that implement on-site protective actions and personnel accountability during security events that are appropriate for plant and environmental conditions. Coordination between plant, state, local and tribal authorities is defined in the Minnesota and Wisconsin state emergency operations plans, Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce county emergency plans and the Prairie Island Indian Community's emergency plan. Goodhue, Dakota and Pierce Counties have, formulated for their respective areas, individual evacuation plans which are included in the respective state plans. Monticello & Prairie Island (MT & Pl) offsite response is detailed in the Corporate Nuclear Emergency Plan.



Abnormal events, both realized and potential, requiring emergency preparedness response are classified into four classes of Emergency Action Levels. The four levels of emergency classes, in increasing order of severity are: 3.1 Notification of Unusual Event (UE) 3.2 Alert 3.3 Site Area Emergency (SAE) 3.4 General Emergency (GE) Each class requires specific immediate actions on the part of the plant staff in order to protect the public, plant personnel and property. As the severity level of the emergency increases, so does the response of the offsite agencies, in order to protect the public. The lowest class (least severe) is the Notification of Unusual Event, and will be handled mainly by plant personnel, with only advisory notification to local and state authorities. The Alert Classification requires prompt notification of local and state authorities, which will place their various organizations in a standby mode. In both the Notification of Unusual Event and the Alert Classification, the plant staff is expected to restore the situation to normal without further or minimum involvement of offsite authorities. The two higher severity classes, the Site Area and General Emergency, (the General Emergency being the most severe), requires prompt notification of offsite authorities with immediate involvement of those organizations to assess the emergency situation and to implement the required protective actions for the general public. During an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant will automatically activate their site and offsite support emergency response organizations. The normal site organization will staff the Plant Emergency Response Organization and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization. The offsite organization wiil be staffed by members of the MT & Pl Offsite Organization and be located at the Minnesota Emergency Operations Center. MT & Pl Offsite Organization will communicate to the plant via the EOF Organization. The EOF Organization will support emergency response for the plant and relieve plant personnel of offsite activities who may be needed for plant activities.


  • When plant conditions stabilize and the potential for future degradation of plant conditions is small, the plant may terminate the emergency classification. If severe equipment or core
      . damage has occurred, a transition to a recovery phase may be warranted. In general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without transition to Recovery while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate a planned transition to Recovery and the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage the overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to return the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status.

PINGP has and maintains the capability to assess, classify, and declare an emergency condition within 15 minutes after the availability of indications to plant operators that an EAL has been exceeded. Upon identification of the appropriate emergency classification level the emergency condition will be promptly declared.


                                                                                                                   . E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN                                        REV:*    53
      , <: *<<~~t?:i~0i~h , ,~o :nf(f ~ ,:;~~;
        , > **'x,~::\: v,    ~ , ~(~                                                                            Page 15 of 158 4.0     EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.1                Classification System Four Emergency Classification Levels (ECLs) are established, according to*

severity, taking into consideration potential as well as actual events in progress. Initiating Conditions (!Cs) are predetermined subset of plant conditions when either the potential exists for a radiological emergency, or such an emergency has occurred. Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are plant-specific indications, conditions or instrument readings that are utilized to classify emergency conditions. Annex A contains the Emergency Action Level (EAL) scheme as established by NEI 99-01, Revision 4 with the exception of the Security EALs. The Security EALs are based. on those Security EALs described in the NRC endorsed guidance of NEI 99-01, Revision 5.

  • It should be noted that various events could require a graded scale of response. A minor incident could increase in severity and advance to the next class of emergency. This Emergency Plan is constructed to provide for a smooth transition from one class to another.

4.1.1 Notification of Unusual Event (UE) Notification of Unusual Events are events that are in process or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant or indicate a security threat to facility protection has been initiated. No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs. The purpose of the Notification of Unusual Event action level is to: (1) have the operating staff come to a state of readiness from the standpoint of emergency response in the event the handling of the initiating condition requires escalation to a more severe action level class; and (2) provide for systematic handling of unusual event information, i.e., to provide early and prompt notification of minor events which c9uld lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 16of158 4.1.2 Alert At the Alert action level, events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant or a security event that involves probable life threatening risk to site personnel or damage to site equipment because of HOSTILE ACTION. It is the lowest level when some necessity for emergency planning and response offsite is necessary. Any radioactive release will be limited to a small fraction of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels. The purpose of the Alert a'ction level is to: (1) assure that emergency personnel are readily available to respond if the situation becomes more serious or to perform confirmatory radiation monitoring if required; and (2) provide offsite authorities current status information, i.e., early and prompt notification of minor events which could lead to more serious consequences given operator error or equipment .failure or which might be indicative of more serious conditions which are not yet fully realized. 4.1.3 Site Are.a Emergency The Site Area Emergency action level describes events that are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failure of plant functions needed for protection of the public or HOSTILE ACTION that result in intentional damage or malicious acts; (1) toward site personnel or equipment that could lead to the likely failure of or; (2) that prevent effective access to equipment needed for the protection of the public. It reflects conditions where significant offsite releases are likely to occur or are occurring but where a core meltsituation is not expected although severe fuel damage may have occurred. Any radioactive releases are not expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels except near the site boundary. In this situation full mobilization of emergency personnel in the near-site environs is warranted, as well as, dispatch of monitoring teams and

  • associated communications.

The purpose of the Site Area Emerg~ncy action level is to: (1) assure that response centers. are manned; (2) assure that monitoring teams are dispatched; (3) assure that personnel required for evacuation of near-site areas are at duty stations if the situation becomes more serious; (4)

                       .provide current information for and consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 17of158 4.1.4 General Emergency The General Emergency action level describes events in process or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential for loss of containment integrity or HOSTILE ACTION that results in an actual loss of physical control of the facility. Radioactive releases can be reasonably expected to exceed the EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area.

  • The purpose of the General Emergency class is to: (1) initiate predetermined protective actions for the public; (2) provide continuous assessment of information from licensee and offsite organization measurements; (3) initiate additional measures as indicated by actual or potential releases; (4) provide consultation with offsite authorities; and (5) provide updates for the public through offsite authorities.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 19 of 158 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL OF EMERGENCIES 5.1 .Normal Site Organization The normal site organization is comprised of the plant organization and several other site support organizations. The normal site organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page. Responsibilities and authorities of the various functional groups are delineated in plant Administrative Work Instructions. 5.2 Normal Plant Organization The normal plant operating crew is staffed and qualified to perform all actions that may be necessary to initiate immediate protective actions and to implement the emergency plan and is designated as the responsible group for such actions. The normal plant organization can be accessed on the Prairie Island web page. The Plant Manager has overall responsibility for the safe, efficient operation of the plant and for compliance with operating license requirements. The Plant Manager SHALL select, train and supervise a qualified staff. The Shift Manager reports directly to the Assistant Operations Manager who reports directly to the Operations Manager who reports directly to the Plant Manager. The Shift Manager is responsible for the direction and coordination of the Shift

              . Supervisors on his/her shift to perform operation~ in accordance with the administrative controls and operating procedures, The Shift Manager' coordinates activities with other plant groups as required to maintain the safe operation of the plant.                                                               ,

The Shift Supervisor reports to the Shift Manager. The Shift Supervisor is the single focal point for directing and coordinating the operations group, maintenance group and the plant security activities during his/her shift. The Shift Supervisor SHALL assume the primary management responsibility for the safe operation of the plant under all conditions during his/her shift. The responsibility and authority of the Shift Supervisor SHALL be to maintain the broadest perspective of operational conditions affecting the safety of the plant as a matter of highest priority at all times when on duty in the Control Room.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 20of158 5.3 Plant Emergency Organization A plant emergency organization is designated to augment the normal operating crew. Provisions have been made for rapid assignment of plant personnel to the plant emergency organization during emergency situations. The Prairie Island Plant Emergency Organization is shown in Figure 1. Various areas of responsibility are assigned to segments of the plant. staff during emergency situations as depicted in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 shows the personnel available on-shift and the capability for additional personnel within 30 minutes and 60 minutes of notification. Table 1 follows the guidance developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix ~- This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emerency Plan On-Shift Staffing. 5.3.1 Direction and Coordination During the initial stages of an emergency condition at Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, the Emergency Director has overall coordinating authority for Northern States Power Company - Minnesota (NSPM). The Emergency Director alone has the authority and responsibility to immediately initiate any emergency actions, including providing protective action recommendations to offsite authorities responsible for implementing offsite emergency measures. When the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Organization is activated, the Emergency Manager (EM) and EOF staff will relieve the Emergency Director of all offsite responsibilities as soon as practical and assume the responsibility for the management of NSPM's overall response to the emergency. The Emergency Director can then direct the plant's efforts towards management of the onsite responsibilities. The Shift Supervisor, of the affected unit, until properly relieved, SHALL remain in the Control Room at all times during accident situations, to direct the activities of control room operators. Twenty-four (24) hour coverage for the Emergency Director position is provided by the Duty Shift Manager who assumes the responsibility of the interim Emergency Director at the onset of any emergency condition. If necessary, the Shift Supervisor of the unaffected unit may function as an alternate Emergency Director backing up the Shift Manager.


                                                                    - I_ I _ _ __ _ _ _ ,




PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 22 of 158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60 min Plant Operations and Shift Manager/ED 1 Shift Supervisor (SRO): Unit Supervisors 2 Assessment of Control Room Reactor Operational Aspects Reactor Operators (RO): 4 Auxiliary Operators: 6 Notification/ Notify State, local Shift Emergency Communication and Federal Communicator: 2 personnel & maintain communication Radiological Accident Emergency Operations Emergency Manager Assessment and Facility (EOF) (as per duty roster): Support of Director Operational Accident Assessment Offsite Dose Radiological Assessment Emergency Coordinator: Offsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: 2 2 (2) Onsite Surveys Radiation Protection Specialist: (out-of-plant) Jn-plant Surveys Plant Operators and/or Radiation Protection Specialist: 1 (1,3)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 23of158 Table 1 . Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30 min 60min Chemistry/ Radiochemistry Chemistry Technician: Plant System Technical Support Shift Technical Advisor Engineering, Core/Thermal: Electrical: Mechanical: Repair and Repairs and Mechanical Maintenance: Corrective Actions Corrective Actions Rad Waste Operator: Electrical Maintenance: Instrument Control: Protective Actions Radiation Radiation Protection Specialist 1 2 2(1,3) (In-Plant) Protection: and/or Plant Operators:

a. Access Control
b. HP Coverage for repair, corrective actions, search and rescue, first-aid &


c. Personnel monitoring
d. Dosimetry

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 24of158 Table 1 Guidance for Augmentation of Plant Emergency Organization Capability for Additions Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title or Expertise On-Shift 30min 60 min Fire Fighting Fire Brigade Local Support perF5 Rescue Operations and First Aid Local Support Site Access Control Security, firefighting Security Personnel: Asper and Personnel communications, Security Accountability personnel Plan accountability TOTAL 18 9 15 c11 May be provided by shift personnel assigned other functions. 2

<>  Monticello RPG will arrive within approximately 2-3 hours to augment and relieve the Prairie Island RPG of offsite surveys.


<l  Chemistry Technicians are cross-trained in Radiation Protection and chemistry/radiochemistry. The non-licensed plant operators are fully trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys, during the first hour of the emergency.

The above table was developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. This staffing analysis is documented in F3-1.1, Emergency Plan On-Shift Staffing Analysis.


           * * :,:.;;;;{ * **                                                                                                   Page 25 of 158 Table 2                 Primary and Secondary Responsibilities of Plant Emergency Organization
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                                                                                                                               . *gi w

Plant Operations p p p Emerg Direction & Control p Notification and Comm s p s s s Offsite Dose Assessment s p p s Offsite Surveys s p p Onsite (Out-of-Pit) Surveys s p s p In-Plant Surveys s p s p p Chem-Radiochemistry s p p p Protective Action p p Recommendations Over-exposure Authorization p p Technical Support s p s p p Repair and Corrective Actions s s p p p p p Radiation Protection s p p p Fire Fighting s p p s First-Aid s p p p p s s Search & Rescue p p s s p p s s Site Access Control s p Accountability s s p Logistics Support s p

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 26 of 158 The Shift Manager SHALL be relieved of the Emergency Director responsibilities when the designated Emergency Director arrives onsite. The Plaht Manager or Designee SHALL be the designated Emergency Director and Will be available with a pager on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. When the Plant Manager is unavailable, (e.g., out of town), the designated Emergency Director responsibility will be passed onto another Plant Manager designee who is a member of senior plant management. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Director position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Shift Manager SHALL start the tasks assigned to the Emergency Director, (e.g., notification, activating onsite centers, etc.). These tasks SHALL be accomplished promptly and cannot wait for the designated individual to arrive at the plant site. The Emergency Director's responsibilities are as follows: A. Activation of onsite emergency organization -

1. Direct the activation of the onsite emergency response centers and monitor their habitability, and
2. Coordinate response of the plant onsite emergency organization.

B. Personnel accountability - During a plant evacuation the Emergency Director SHALL account for all personnel onsite within thirty minutes of the Site Area or General Emergency requiring the evacuation so that a search for missing personnel can be conducted. A continuous personnel accountability SHALL be maintained throughout the emergency. This responsibility may be delegated to a designated individual with assistance from the security force. C. Radiological monitoring - The Emergency Director SHALL direct radiological monitoring of all personnel onsite and at the onsite assembly area, for contamination and/or excessive exposure. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiation Protection Specialists or to a qualified operations member.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 27 of 158 D. Exposure - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to authorize overexposures in excess of the normal limits (this responsibility may not be delegated). E. Radiation Survey Teams - The Emergency Director SHALL direct the Radiation Survey Teams to obtain the necessary onsite and offsite samples and/or radiation surveys. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. F. Offsite Dose Projections - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible fo project dose rates to the offsite population. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator.

                       *G. Protective Action - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible for authorizing offsite Protective Action Recommendations (this responsibility may not be delegated and is relinquished to the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated and operational).

H. Notification - The Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to ensure that the necessary offsite notifications are initiated and completed. This responsibility may be delegated to the Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC). The SEC may designate offsite communications to a qualified Communicator.

1. Immediate (within 15 minutes)

The initial notification message to State, local and tribal authorities, from the plant, SHALL contain the following information:. a Class of emergency b Whether radioactivity is being released and in what form (liquid or gas) c Potentially affected populace and area, if any . d Necessity of protective measures e Brief description of the event Other information, i.e., meteorological data, etc., are available to these authorities via the follow-up notification messages.


2. Subsequent Messages The plant will continue to provide updating information to offsite authorities. As soon as possible after the initial notification of an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, as much of the following information that is known and appropriate will be forwarded to offsite authorities:

a Location of incident b Name and telephone number of caller c Date/time of inCident d Class of emergency e Type of release (airborne, liquid, surface spill) and estimated duration f Estimate of noble gas, iodine, and particulate release rates g Prevailing weather conditions (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, atmospheric stability class, precipitation, if a~ . h Actual or projected dose rates at site boundary Projected dose rate and integrated dose at 2, 5 and 10 miles and the Sectors affected. j* Survey results of offsite dose rates or any surface contamination k Plant emergency response actions in progress I Request for onsite support from offsite support organizations m Progno~is for worsening or termination of event based on plant information To provide ease in supplying the aforementioned information, a standardized form is used and incorporated into the implementing procedures. I. Protracted Emergency Shift Coverage - The Emergency Director, with assistance from and coordination with other group Managers and Supervisors, SHALL ensure that work force requirements for all subsequent work shifts are determined and the necessary personnel are scheduled for the specific time period.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 29 of 158 5.3.2 Plant Emergency Organization Coordinators A. Technical Support Center Coordinator The Technical Support Center (TSC) Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation and coordination of activities in the Technical Support Center (TSC). Specific personnel assignments to the TSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the TSC Coordinatorare:

1. Establish and verify radiological monitoring for the TSC;
2. Assist personnel performing the accountability check;
3. Coordinate activities of plant and non-plant personnel located in the TSC;
4. Periodically update personnel located in the TSC with appropriate information;
                            . 5. Maintain any necessary status boards;
6. Ensure technical guidance is provided to the Emergency Director and Control Room Operators on plant operations;
7. Establish or ensure that communications are established between all onsite emergency facilities and the EOF.
8. Ensure the Emergency Response Data System data link is established with the NRC's emergency center.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 30 of 158 B. Operational Support Center Coordinator The Operational Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general activation, operation, and coordination of activities in the Operational Support Center (OSC). Specific personnel assignments to the OSC Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the OSC Coordinator are:

1. .Establish and verify radiological monitoring for the OSC and the Control Room;
2. Coordinate activities of plant personnel located in the OSC to support plant operations as requested by the Control Room and TSC.
3. Assist personnel performing the accountability check in the OSC and the Control Room.
4. Maintain the communication systems in the OSC. A person may be designated to act as a communicator.
5. Periodically update personnel located in the OSC with appropriate information.
6. Control the use of equipment located in the emergency locker.

C. Assembly Point Coordinator The Assembly Point Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the general operation of the assembly area. Specific personnel assignments to the Assembly Point Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the Assembly Point Coordinator are:

1. Verify that radiological monitoring has been established for the Assembly Point.
2. Coordinate activities of all *personnel (plant and non-plant) located at the Assembly Point.
3. *Assist the Emergency Director in performing the accountability check, as necessary.


4. Maintain the communication systems. A person may be designated as the communicator, if necessary.
5. Control the use of equipment located in the Emergency Locker.
6. Update all personnel with appropriate information when directed by the Emergency Director.
7. Provide instructions to personnel when they are released from the assembly point for reentry or transport offsite.

D. Radiological Emergency Coordinator The Radiological Emergency Coordinator (REC) SHALL be responsible for radiological accident assessment, onsite and offsite. The REC should report to the Technical Support Center when the TSC is activated. Upon activation of the EOF, the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor will assume responsibility for the offsite activities. The offsite survey teams will initially be comprised of individuals from the Prairie Island Plant. Upon activation of the EOF, the offsite survey teams will be comprised of individuals from the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. The REC should transfer the responsibility for offsite accident assessment to the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor at the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Radiological Emergency Coordinator are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The responsibilities of the REC are:

1. Offsite dose assessment
2. Formulating offsite protective action recommendations
3. Offsite surveys
4. Onsite surveys
5. Chemistry
6. Radiochemistry
7. Onsite Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d First-aid e Personnel monitoring and decontamination f Dosimetry


  • 5.3.3 Plant Shift Organization The following groups comprise the plant's shift organization. Brief descriptions of their emergency responsibilities are included.

A. Operations Group The Operations Group consists of the Operations Manager, Asst. Operations Manager, Shift Managers, Shift Technical Advisors, Shift Supervisors, and all operators. The Operations Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Plant Operations and assessment of operational aspects of the emergency.
2. Rad Waste equipment operation
3. Emergency radiation surveys
4. Short term damage control and repair for electrical, mechanical, and l&C equipment.

B. Security Group

                            . The Security Group consists of the Security Manager, the Security Staff, and the contract Security Force .

The Security Force SHALL:

1. Carry out the plant security and Access Control program.
2. Maintain strictpersonnel accountability onsite.
3. Assist communications efforts when necessary.
4. Assist in first aid treatment.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 C. Shift Manager The Shift Manager (SM) SHALL be onsite continuously. The Shift Manager SHALL assume overall coordination and control in the Control Room and provide direction as necessary to the Shift Supervisor. The Shift Manager SHALL:

1. Assume the duties of the interim Emergency Director until relieved by the designated Emergency Director. Portions of the E-Plan implementation may be delegated to other members of the plant staff as the condition of the plant dictate.
2. Assess the emergency condition, event evaluation, and safety related aspects of the plant.

D. Shift Technical Advisors Provide technical and engineering support in the area of accident assessment. E. Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) The Shift Emergency Communicator (SEC) SHALL be onsite continuously. The SEC is responsible for initial notification to the offsite agencies and maintaining communications during emergency conditions. The SEC may designate offsite communications to a qualified Communicator. When the EOF Organization is activated and the EOF is functional, communications with the offsite agencies and personnel will be maintained by the EOF personnel.

2. As the emergency organization is activated, additional communicators from TSC support personnel should augment the plant staff to assist in communication efforts.

F. Fire Brigade The Fire Brigade should consist of:

1. Brigade Chief - Unit 1 Turbine Building APEO or as designated by the Shift Manager.
2. Assistant Chief- Any Qualified APEO.


3. Fire Fighters - BOP Operators.
4. Runner - As designated to accompany fire department, operate equipment, bring additional equipment to fire scene.

The Fire Brigade SHALL be responsible for* firefighting and primary responders for Search and Rescue, as necessary. The Red Wing Fire Department should provide emergency assistance and SHALL be called immediately on report of fire. Other plant personnel on site may be called on for emergency work or called to

  • plant for emergency service.

G. Radiation Protection Specialist The Radiation Protection Organization consists of two Radiation Protection Specialists (RPS) onsite at all times. The RPS is responsible for conducting routine and special surveys, maintaining Access Control, writing RWP's and providing job coverage as required. Qualified operations personnel on-shift are also trained to perform radiation surveys during emergency conditions. H. Chemistry Technician One Chemistry Technician is onsite at all times. The Chemistry Technician is responsible for chemistry, radiochemistry, dose assessments, and offsite dose projections. The Chemistry Technician is also cross-trained to support the Radiation Protection Specialist functions described in Section G above.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 35 of158 5.3.4 Plant Emergency Staff Augmentation Groups A. Maintenance Group The Maintenance Group consists of all mechanical maintenance personnel, all plant electricians and l&C Specialists. The onsite Emergency Organization includes the Maintenance Manager, who should report to the Technical Support Center (TSC); and the Maintenance Supervisors (mechanical, electrical and l&C), and designated Electricians who should report to the Operational Support Center (OSC). The mechanical, electrical and l&C maintenance staff in the OSC can be further augmented or decreased as emergency conditions dictate. The Mechanical, Electrical, and l&C Maintenance Group SHALL have responsibility .for:

1. Supporting the repair and corrective actions for the mechanical, electrical, and l&C systems in support of emergency response and recovery actions.
2. Supporting the Search and Rescue effort.

B. Radiation Protection Group and Chemistry Group The Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups consists of the Radiation Protection Manager & Chemistry Manager and all members of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups. Radiation Protection and Chemistry Managers and other designated group members should report to the Technical Support Center. Other Radiation Protection Specialists and Chemistry Technicians should report to the Operational Support Center. The responsibilities of the Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups are:

1. Offsite Dose Assessment
2. Offsite Surveys
3. Onsite Surveys
4. Chemistry


5. Radiochemistry
6. Radiation Protection for:

a Access Control b Damage control and repair c Search and rescue d First aid e Fire figh ting f Personn el monitoring and decontamination g Dosi metry - C. *Engineering Group The Engineering Group consists of Systems, Programs, Design and Equipment Reliability. Upon activation of the onsite emergency organization, Systems and Programs Engineering Managers and designated engineers assigned I to the emergency organization should report to the Technical Support Center. Other designated engineers may be requested to further augment eng_ineering support in the TSC. The Engineering Group SHALL have responsibility for:

1. Providing technical support for plant system engineering on electrical/mechanical systems.
2. Providing technical support for operating radioactive waste control systems.
3. Providing core parameter analysis to determine current core status.
4. Providing plant parameter trending and analysis utilizing the Emergency Response Computer System (ERGS).
5. Projecting possible loss of key equipment and its consequences.
6. Providing technical support for emergency repairs and corrective actions on electrical/mechanical systems.
7. Update TSC staff of potential problems and developments.


                                 '*             EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV:      53 Page 37 of 158 D. Logistics Support Group The Logistics Support Group consists of Business Support Group (Administration Services and Document Control), Plant Services, and Site Materials.

Business Support Group SHALL supply logistical support in their area of expertise. Personnel in these areas may be called in to provide support for emergency response on an "as needed" basis. Site Materials SHALL provide assistance in retrieving the parts necessary for an emergency response. Plant Services SHALL support an emergency response by providing necessary assistance by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 38of158 5.4 EOF Organization The EOF (Emergency Operations Facility) Organization consists of a Direction and Control Group and three subordinate groups. The EOF Organization is staffed by

             . personnel from the site's Engineering and Project Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. The Prairie Island EOF Organization is shown in Figure 2.

The EOF should be staffed and ready to assume its emergency responsibilities from the TSC within about 1 hour of notification. Transfer of these responsibilities from the TSC to the EOF will be coordinated between the TSC and EOF and depend on the status of the TSC's emergency response. Actual transfer of offsite emergency response responsibilities to the EOF should occur within 60 to 90 minutes of notification. 5.4.1 EOF Direction and Control The Emergency Manager is responsible for overall direction and control of NSPM's emergency response effort. Designated members of management staff the Emergency Manager position in the EOF. Specific personnel assignments to the Emergency Manager position are found in the MT & Pl Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. The Emergency Manager relieves the Emergency Director of the following responsibilities: *

  • A. Off-site dose projections and coordination and direction of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams.

B. Authorization of emergency classification changes. The Emergency Director retains the primary responsibility for re-classifications and makes recommendations to the Emergency Manager who has the responsibility to review and authorize the new classification. C. Authorization of offsite Protective Action Recommendations. D. Communications with off-site authorities including Federal, State, Local and Tribal authorities and MT & Pl Offsite executive management located at the Minnesota State Emergency Operations Center.


                                        -FAXING                           EVENT EVALUATOR OFFSITE DOSE            -COPYING ASSESSMENT TRENDING
                                        - SWITCHBOARD                        TEAM LEADER OPERATOR COUNT ROOM                                                ERCS OPERATOR CHEMISTRY               MESSENGER TECHNICIAN                                                 EVENT STATUS BOARD KEEPER EOF RADIATION MONITORING RADIATION PROTECTION                                                CR-TSC-EOF TECH SPECIALIST OR                                               COMMUNICATOR CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN TECH CORPORATE COMMUNICATOR FIELD TEAMS &                                                  (EOF-JIC)


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 40of158 Other responsibilities of the Emergency Manager include: A. Coordinate the emergency response efforts of other offsite support personnel assisting the plant organization. B. Obtain and coordinate the services of outside consultants and vendors . C. Advise utility management on matters related to emergency response efforts and needed resources to support the effort. 5.4.2 EOF Technical Support Group The EOF Technical Support Group consists of select personnel from the site's Engineering and Project Management groups and Training Center staff. The Technical Support Supervisor is staffed by senior personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Technical Support Group is responsible for trending critical parameters, engineering evaluation in support of the TSC Engineering .Group, technical assessment and advising

                       , the Emergency Manag~r on technical matters related to the event.

5.4.3 EOF Radiation Protection Support Group The EOF Radiation Protection Support Group is staffed by select personnel from the Training Center, plant Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups and Emergency Plan Group. The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor position is staffed by senior personnel qualified in radiation assessment and reports to the Emergency Manager. The Radiation Protection Support Group .includes plant Chemistry personnel for off-site dose projection and EOF Count Room operation and Nuclear Plant Service Attendants who function as sample couriers and drivers for off-site radiological monitoring teams. Radiation Protection Support Group responsibilities include: A. Direction and coordination of the utility off-site radiological monitoring teams. B. Off-site dose projection.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 41 of 158 C. EOF Count Room activation and operation. D. EOF habitability, personnel monitoring and decontamination (as necessary). E. Communications with state assessment groups on matters related to dose projections and off-site protective action recommendations. F. Staffing the Health Physics Network (HPN) and communications with the NRG (as necessary). The Radiation Protection Support Supervisor advises the Emergency Manager on matters related to actual or potential radiological impact on the environment, off-site protective action recommendations, and EOF habitability.

  • 5.4.4 EOF General Support Staff The EOF General Support Staff consists of the EOF Coordinator, emergency communicators, administrative and security support personnel.

The EOF Coordinator position is staffed by senior Training Center or site Engineering and Project Management personnel and reports to the Emergency Manager. The EOF Coordinator is responsible for activation and operation of the EOF and assists the Emergency Manager with administrative duties. The emergency communicators, EOF Security Coordinator and Administrative Staff report to the EOF Coordinator. The emergency communicators are responsible for communications with offsite agencies as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Administrative Staff is responsible for emergency document control, recording and document distribution at the EOF: An EOF Coordinator Assistant is responsible for general logistics support and assisting the EOF Coordinator. The EOF Security Coordinator reports to the EOF Coordinator. Responsibilities of EOF Security include EOF access and dosimetry issuance to EOF personnel.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 42 of 158 5.5 Recove..Y Organization The establishment of the Recovery Organization will be dependent upon the nature and severity of the event or plant conditions. In general terms, an Unusual Event or Alert may be terminated without establishing a special Recovery Organization while a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency will probably necessitate the establishment of a Recovery Organization. The Recovery Organization will manage the overall recovery or post-accident outage plans as work is done to return the plant to a normal operational or shutdown status. The Recovery Manager is malnly responsible for management of the recovery phase and will perform their initial tasks as directed by the Emergency Manager. The Recovery Manager will report to the Emergency Operations Facility and begin to prepare for the transition to Recovery, as necessary. If Recovery is imminent, the Recovery Manager will establish a recovery or post-accident outage organization following the site's plant event recovery protocols. 5.6 Augmentation of Plant and EOF Emergency Organizations 5.6.1 Offsite Support Response The emergency response plan for Prairie Island NGP is designed to be initially implemented independent of any offsite support. However, the onsite effort will be augmented with offsite support resources as described in the MT & Pl Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan. It is the purpose of the offsite support organization to augment the onsite response effort with offsite support resources as soon as practical and as needed by the Prairie Island Site staff. Such areas of support include: Government Agency Interface, Logistics Support, News Media Interface and Utility Executive Management Interface.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 43 of 158 5.6.2 Monticello Radiation Protection Group Support The Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant is located approximately 100 miles northwest of Prairie Island NGP. The Monticello Radiation Protection and Chemistry Groups are available for supporting the Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group with personnel and equipment during any emergency condition at Prairie Island. Designated individuals from the Monticello plant would arrive at Prairie Island in approximately two hours

  • with all the equipment necessary to assume responsibility for offsite monitoring. The Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group may then dedicate their activities to onsite responsibilities. The Monticello Radiation Survey Teams will be under the control of the Radiation Protection Support Supervisor (RPSS), as directed by the Emergency Manager, as soon as the EOF has been activated.

5.6.3 Westinghouse Support Westinghouse emergency assistance is available on a twenty-four hour per day, seven day per week basis. Westinghouse* will activate all appropriate features of the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan to support the plant needs. When activated, the Westinghouse Emergency Response Plan becomes a functioning organization, comprised of individuals with unique technical, managerial and communication skills and experience, necessary to: A. Make an early assessment of the sih.1ation ( B. Provide early assistance to the utility C.

  • Mobilize appropriate Westinghouse critical skills and functions D. Initiate timely, accurate communications to involved and interested parties A Site Response Team may be dispatched to the site to obtain a first hand assessment ofactual conditions and establish communications from the site to the Westinghouse response center, as deemed necessary.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 44 of 158 5.6.4 Local Support Services A. Fire Fighting The Red Wing Fire Department will provide assistance in the event of a fire occurring at the plant. The duties and responsibilities of the Plant Fire Brigade, insuring complete coordination with the Fire Department, are covered in the Operations Manual, Section F5, Fire Fighting. The Red Wing Fire Department will be the lead fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) agency for all emergencies. The Red Wing Fire Department maintains mutual aid agreements with other area ambulance and fire departments as specified in the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Response Plan. These agreements provide that the City may call upon other resources to assist in responding to an emergency, including a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. For a HAB event, Red Wing Fire Department will deploy a representative to the Incident Command Post dependent upon type, location, and scope of the incident, once scene safety is established. The Red Wing Fire Department has various firefighting apparatus and water pumping equipment available for use. All Red Wing Fire Department apparatus can perform both fire fighting tasks, including rescue, and non-fire fighting tasks, including spraying to contain radiological releases and pumping water into the plant for refilling and cooling purposes. In all cases, such operations can begin once the radiological and security threats are mitigated to insure the safety of both plant personnel and fire fighters.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 45 of 158 B. Hospital and Medical Support Medical support and treatment for non-radiological injuries is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System, both of which are located in Red Wing, Minnesota. Radiological related injuries are treated at the medical center which is the primary treatment facility. Emergency plans have been prepared, and training of medical center personnel is accomplished on an annual basis. Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota is designated as the definitive care center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport service. C. Ambulance Service The Red Wing Ambulance Service will provide service to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Training and participation in drills ensures that personnel involved in the transportation- of radiation victims are knowledgeable in use of proper procedures and handling methods. Procedures are covered in the Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty Care.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 46of158 D. Local Law Enforcement For a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) Security Condition and an Alert and Site Area Emergency Hostile Action Based (HAB) event at PINGP, the City of Red Wing Police Department is the lead law enforcement agency. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The pre-designated ICP locations have been identified; however, selection will depend on the incident. The City of Red Wing Police Department maintains the list of potential ICP sites and will be responsible for design_ating the site during a response and telling the other agencies responding to the location. Unified Command should be established and includes city, county, state, federal and utility

  • expertise. Communication will be established between the Incident Commander and plant security and operations as soon as possible.

The Red Wing Police Department has the ability to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies (i.e. the primary source of additional resources will be the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office with the ability to request assistance from other neighboring agencies as necessary) to assist them in response to-any Prairie Island contingency situation, including a HAB event.

  • The initial hostile action response goals are; maintain vital plant systems to prevent a release of radioactive materials, protection of on-site workforce, neutralizing the adversaries, and restoring plant operating conditions. Tactical operational priorities supported by Law Enforcemment include; securing a perimeter around the site, containment of vital areas, sweep and securing of Vital areas, safe movement of critical workers on the site, neutralizing adversaries, protection/evacuation of the on-site workforce, and sweep of protected area and owner controlled area.

The Incident Command Post will support tracking resources and personnel at or near the site and the City of Red Wing/Goodhue County Emergency Operation Center (E'.OC) will support tracking resources and personnel off-site in accordance with the Radiological Emergency Plan. In the event that NSPM has declared a General Emergency as defined in the City/County Plan, the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office shall assume operational control over all emergency operations. j

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 47 of 158 5.7 Coordination with Governmental Response Organizations 5.7.1 Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) The Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has the responsibility for notification and coordination of Minnesota State Agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island. The MN HSEM is notified by Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at the plant, the MN duty officer will immediately call the MN Department of Health, the Governor's Authorized Representative and other state agencies with emergency assignments to coordinate the implementation of any emergency procedures. The state agencies responsible for emergency procedures have established a system of twenty-four hour communications. 5.7.2 Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) The Minnesota Department of Health (MOH) is responsible for providing radiological expertise in the State Emergency Operations Center in conjunction with .the MN HSEM. The Minnesota Department of Health will interpret data and participate in recommending protective actions to the Governor's Authorized Representative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 5.7.3 Wisconsin Emergen.cy Management The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM), has the responsibility for notification and coordination of Wisconsin state agencies in the event of a major emergency at Prairie Island NGP. In the event of an emergency situation at.the plant, Prairie Island NGP will

                       . notify the WEM duty officer who will notify the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Radiation Protection Section) and other state agencies with emergency assignments, to coordinate the implementation of any I

emergency procedures. The state agencies responsible for emergency procedures have established a system of twenty-four hour communications. 5.7.4 Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (OHS) is responsible to prevent exposure to ionizing radiation in amounts which are detrimental to health according to nationally accepted standards. The Wisconsin OHS, Radiation Protection Section, is responsible for coordination of radiation response activities in the State of Wisconsin. In the event of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP, OHS, Radiation

                       -Protection Section will be concerned with monitoring the air and water about the plant to assure that the public is not exposed to levels of radioactive pollutants potentially detrimental.to public health. DHS's facilities are located in Madison, Wisconsin.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 49 of 158 5.7.5 Goodhue. Dakota and Pierce County Sheriffs The Sheriff's Departments will notify all necessary local emergency response groups in the event of an accident. The Sheriff is responsible for protection of the general public and can provide personnel and equipment for evacuation, relocation and isolation. Goodhue County and the Sheriff also has agreements in place to request additional response resources from neighboring agencies, including resources needed to respond to a HAB event. For a HAB event, the Red Wing Police Department will set up an Incident Command Post (ICP) near the site. The Goodhue County Sheriff's Office Tactical Response Team will be the lead tactical response operations group coordinator and coordinate the tactical law enforcement response with Command. Goodhue County . Sheriff's Office can request tactical team resources as needed from: Minnesota State Patrol Special Response Team, Dakota County ERT, FBI SWAT and Washington County ERT. 5.7.6 Goodhue. Dakota .. Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency Management The Goodhue, Dakota, Pierce County and City of Red Wing Emergency I I. Management Organizations have the responsibility for notification and I providing direction to residents in the event of a major emergency that affects their respective area of responsibility. 5.7.7 Prairie Island Indian Community The Prairie Island Indian Community has an Emergency Operations Plan

  • that includes the description of tribal responsibilities during a nuclear plant declared event. *The Prairie Island Nuclear Generation Plant conducts emergency notifications to the Treasure Island Casino security dispatch center who, in turn, notifies appropriate members of the Prairie Island Indian Community and their organization.


                                                                                         . Page 50of158
5. 7 .8 Minnesota State Patrol The Minnesota (MN) State Patrol has the responsibility to protect the general public by providing personnel and equipment to re-route traffic in the event of an emergency situation. Plans have been made for re-routing federal and state highways. Signs and equipment required for re-routing will be stored in the areas where they would be needed to facilitate highway closings. The MN Department of Transportation would be notified by the MN State Patrol to erect the signs.

5.7.9 Minnesota Department of Transportation The MN Department of Transportation will assist the MN State Patrol in blocking and re-routing traffic around the plant site. In addition to the necessary personnel; vehicles, signals, and barriers for setting up and maintaining detour routes are available.

5. 7 .1 O Canadian Pacific Railway-GP Railway (Soo Line)

In an emergency situation, CP Rail will make every reasonable effort to expedite unblocking the road/railroad crossing near Prairie Island NGP. The dispatcher will also provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP.

  • 5.7.11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway The dispatcher will provide routing assistance during an emergency at Prairie Island NGP as per the Minnesota State emergency operations plan.
5. 7 .12 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. Lock & Dam #3 The Corps of Engineers at Lock & Dam #3.will be notified by the Minnesota Duty Officer of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP. The Lock and Dam personnel will notify all tows within radio range of impending evacuations and assist in evacuation of personnel at the Lock and Dam.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: 1------ E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 51 of 158 '---"-"'--'-'-'-'"'-"--'-'-'-~~~.L....,,..-------------------..J.._---- A complete description of response capabilities, organizational resources, activation plans, designations of emergency operations centers and letters of agreement are available in Minnesota and Wisconsin's state emergency operations plans. 5.7.13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) The basic responsibilities of the NRC are to monitor-, assess, and, if necessary, direct the utility to take actions to protect the health and safety of the public. For a radiological incident at a commercial power plant, the NRC is the Lead Federal Agency (LFA). The LFA is responsible for coordinating all Federal onscene actions. The NRC will coordinate Federal assistance to States and local organizations. A principal role of the LFA is to assist the State in interpretation and analysis of technical information as a basis for making decisions about

  • protective actions. This assistance will begin early in an incident from the NRC Operations Center in R6ckville, MD, and later, from the utility's emergency operations facility on scene. The NRC is an independent reviewer of the actions the utility is taking to correct the initiating and
  • related problems. The NRC will assess actual or potential offsite impacts as well, and will make an independent evaluation of Protective Action Recommendations, if necessary. As the LFA, the NRC has the responsibility for coordinating the release of Federal information to the media and others. The NRC will conduct most public information activities from the utility's Joint Information Center (JIC). The NRC also will keep the White House and Congress informed on all aspects of the event.

The NRC is responsible for giving the best possible advice at a given time to the States and will not limit its involvement to presenting a series of options. The NRC also administers the Price-Anderson Act to ensure that the public that is affected by the event has adequate financial assistance to address most emergency needs.


                                 ,.,~/                                                                         REV:      53
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               ,' ,>$l:O-* '\3~~~2 Page 52 of 158 5.7.14                       Department of Energy (DOE)

Among its responsibilities as a support agency, DOE will coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring and assessment for the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) and the State during the initial phases of the emergency. It will maintain a common set of offsite radiological data and provide an appropriate interpretation of the data to the LFA and the State. DOE will manage the Federal Radiological Monitor.ing and Assessment Center (FRMAC), which is a multi-agency facility. DOE will conduct environmental monitoring, including air, ground, and water. Their immediate objective is to rapidly dispatch a Radiological Assistant Program (RAP) Team to the scene to assess the hazard to the public and make recommendations to the authorities for the protection of the public. The Planning Chief in the State EOC is the designated Minnesota authority to request RAP assistance, as stated in the Minnesota state plan, and the Wisconsin DH, Radiation Section, is the designated Wisconsin authority to request RAP ?JSSistance for Wisconsin, as stated in the Wisconsin state plan.

  • 5.7.15 Institute Of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

INPO will coordinate requests from other utility INPO members and participants. They will notify NEI and EPRI of events, maintain an emergency resource capability and information on industry assistance capabilities coordinate the delivery of persons and materials under its Nuclear Power Plant and Transportation Agreements, and provide member communications to facilitate the flow of technical information about the emergency ..

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 53 of .158 6.0 EMERGENCY MEASURES This section will describe the activation of the Emergency Organization .. Various detailed and specific emergency measures that will be taken by the plant staff are further delineated,in the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures. 6.1 Activation of Emergency Organization 6.1.1 Activation of Plant and EOF Organizations The Shift Manager will be responsible for activating any part of the emergency organization. During the normal work week, the plant and training center public address systems will be used to activate the organizations. During the off-shift hours, activation of the emergency organizations will be accomplished using t~e ERO (Emergency Response Organization) Pager Network and the ERO Auto Dial System. Personal pagers are carried by the following personnel who are considered members of the emergency organization: A. Radiation Survey Team Members B. Plant Operating Review Committee Members C. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) D. l&C Supervisors E. Designated Engineers & Technical Personnel The ERO Pager Network is a personal pager system activated by a phone call. Upon receipt of a notification, it will be the responsibility of the supervisors to contact any additional personnel in their respective groups which may be required to report to the plant site, to staff the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility or to initiate offsite monitoring. The ERO Auto Dial System is an automatic dialing telephone network with multiple outgoing telephone lines. When activated, it will call and deliver an emergency message to the Plant and EOF Organization's home telephones.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 54 of 158 The ERO Auto Dial System and ERO Pager Network are two notification system(s) used to activate the onsite emergency organization. One system is the backup of the other system. Both will be activated for ERO notification. Telephone numbers of all key emergency organization personnel are published in the MT & Pl.Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory. If the event involves a credible security threat, EOF staff may be directed to staff the Backup EOF. In this case, the onsite ERO may be directed to the Red Wing Service Center until it is safe to staff the onsite OSC and TSC. The Red Wing Service Center is to be used as the Alternative Facility

  • during a security threat or event. The RWSC has communication links with the Control Room, EOF, and Security.
  • 6.1.2 Notification Scheme When an abnormal condition is identified by the Operating Staff/Shift Supervisor, the Shift Supervisor will contact the Shift Manager and the Shift Emergency Communicator. An assessment of the safety significance will be performed, and a determination of the emergency classification will be made using the plant's emergency plan implementing procedures.

Upon declaring an emergency condition, the Shift Manager will activate portions of the Emergency Plan as appropriate to respond to the declared emergency. During a Notification of Unusual Event, the Emergency Director position usually will not be activated and the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator or other qualified communicator to make the necessary notifications of offsite state and local authorities. The Emergency Director position will be activated during an Alert, a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. The Shift Manager will assume the role as Emergency Director until relieved by the individual designated to relieve him.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 55 of 158 The Shift Manager/Emergency Director, will designate the Emergency Communicator or qualified designee to make notification calls to the following individuals or agencies, as detailed in the plant's implementing procedures. A. State of Minnesota HSEM B. State of Wisconsin Emergency Management C. Local Authorities (Wisconsin & Minnesota)

1. Dakota County Sheriff
2. Pierce County Sheriff
3. Goodhue County Sheriff*

D. Prairie Island Indian Community Representatives via Treasure Island . Casino Security Dispatch Center E. Plant Manager (designated Emergency Director) F. Emergency Manager G. Electric Utility System Operations Dispatcher H. NRG Resident Inspectors A more detailed call list of agencies and individuals, listing phone numbers, is included in the implementing procedures. The Shift Manager/Emergency Director will ensure that the NRG Duty Officer is notified of the emergency by a qualified individual within one (1) hour of emergency declaration. Eventually the Emergency Manager, in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), will relieve the Emergency Director of offsite communications and protective action recommendations. At that time offsite notification calls will be initiated by the EOF. The Prairie Island Onsite/Offsite Emergency Organization Interface is shown in Figure 3.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN *REV: 53 Page 56of158 6.1.3 Communicators It is the responsibility of all individuals in the emergency organization to ensure that any information transmitted or received over any communication channel is formal, clear, and concise so that there will be no misunderstanding. Dedicated communicators will be assigned at each emergency operations center assuring a uniform transfer of information between segments of the onsite and offsite emergency response organizations. Initially, this responsibility rests with the Shift Emergency Communicator or qualified designee located in the Technical Support Center and subsequently with all backup communicators assigned these responsibilities. Emergency Response Facilities such as the Technical Support Center, Operational Support Center, Control Room, Assembly Area and EOF will have dedicated communicators. Communicators will be assigned to specific communication duties, for example: A. ENS Hotline - licensed operator or designee B. HPN Hotline - Radiation Protection personnel when requested by the NRC following facility activation. C. NRG Security Bridge - Security personnel when requested by the NRG following facility activation. D. Offsite State and Local Agency Notifications - Shift Emergency Communicator and Emergency Communicators E. Survey Teams- Radiological Emergency Coordinator or Radiation Protection Support Supervisor and/or designee F. Emergency Operating Centers - Operating Center Coordinators and/or designees G. Others as deemed necessary r*


  • EMERGENCY MANAGER assumes offsite responsibilities when the EOF Organization is activated .

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 58 of 158 Figure 4 HAB Communications HAJ3 Communications ICS Unified Command; LE, Fire, Security,

                        *p1~GP  Operationef:;,

RP* Primary offsite authorities provide a 24 hour per day manning of communication links, as follows: A. Wisconsin authorities

1. State of Wisc. (WEM) - State Patrol District 1 Dispatcher
2. Pierce County - Pierce County Sheriff's Dispatcher


           *v:,£f~1;zy;~L* c*

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 59of158 B. Minnesota authorities

1. State of Minnesota - Minnesota Duty Officer (MOO)
2. Goodhue County - Goodhue County Sheriff's Dispatcher
3. Dakota County - Dakota County Sheriff's Dispatcher C. Tribal Authorities -Treasure Island Security Dispatch 6.1.4 Authentication of Emergency Communications Communication, for the purpose of notifying offsite agencies that an emergency condition exists, SHALL be authenticated before offsite agency action is initiated. The authentications will be accomplished in accordance with the offsite agencies specific emergency plans.

6.2 Record Keeping It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the emergency organization to ensure. that accurate and complete records are maintained throughout the emergency situation. Emergency records may serve the following purposes: 6.2.1 Official documentation used to reconstruct the emergency for critique or analysis; 6.2.2 Check to ensure that necessary actions are completed during the course of an emergency; 6.2.3 Information and data collection during an emergency; and 6.2.4 Documentation of actions for legal purposes. All activities performed by the operations staff SHALL be logged in the applicable reactor log. All other information and activities SHALL be maintained by the Emergency Director, Emergency Manager and various coordinators (e.g., individuals in charge of various emergency operating centers, radiation survey teams, etc.) for permanent plant records.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: 1----- E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 6.3 Summary of Site Response Actions Summarized below are the actions required by the site staff for each of the four emergency classifications. For each class of emergency, appropriate state, local, and tribal authorities will be notified. Depending on the emergency level classification, they will activate the segment(s) of their emergency organizations,

  • according to their individual plans and based on the information received in the notification.
1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of unusual event status and the reason for the Unusual Event as soon as discovered.
2. Augment on-shift resources as needed.
3. Assess and respond to Unusual Event.
4. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities .


5. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Alert status and reason for Alert as soon as discovered. *
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC) and onsite Operational Support Center (OSC). The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and key offsite emergency organization personnel will be activated.
3. Assess and respond to the Alert condition.
4. Dispatch onsite or offsite survey teams and associated communications as needed.
5. Provide periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities.
6. Provide periodic meteorological assessments to offsite authorities and, if any releases are occurring, dose estimates for actual releases.


7. Terminate by contacting offsite authorities.


8. Escalate to a more severe class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of Site Area Emergency status and reason for emergency as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to the Site Area Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel.
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. *Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis.
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual release via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.


11. Escalate to General Emergency class.


1. Promptly inform offsite authorities of General Emergency status, appropriate offsite protective action recommendations and reason for emergency as soon as discovered.
2. Augment resources by activating onsite Technical Support Center (TSC), onsite Operational Support Center (OSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).
3. Assess and respond to General Emergency.
4. If radiological or environmental conditions permit, evacuate onsite, nonessential personnel. *
5. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey teams and associated communications.
6. Provide a dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities.
7. Make senior technical and management staff onsite available for consultation with NRC and State on a periodic basis.
8. Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual.
9. Provide release and dose proje.ctions based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
10. Terminate emergency class by contacting offsite authorities and initiate recovery phase.


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EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 63of158 6.4 Assessment Actions 6.4.1 Dose Projections Dose projections may be performed by using the standard dose projection program RASCAL (Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis). Radioactive effluent release and meteorological data is procured from the Emergency Response Computer System (ERGS) and entered into RASCAL for real time dose assessments during inadvertent release of radioactive materials. The RASCAL program may be run from terminals that are located in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Meteorological data is stored and processed in the ERGS. The onsite 60 meter meteorological tower supplies the following: A. Wind speed (10 and 60 meters) B. Wind direction (10 and 60 meters) . C. Ambient Temperature D. DT (between 10 and 60 meters) E. Rainfall A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the EOF, and supplies the following: A. Wind speed (22 meters) B. Wind direction (22 meters)

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 64 of 158 Redundant instrumentation is provided on the onsite 60 meter meteorological tower, and may be designated as primary and secondary sensors. The 22 meter backup tower provides a set of tertiary sensors. The ERCS continuously collects the meteorological data. Meteorological data from all three sets of instruments are displayed simultaneously as well as the calculated stability class (derived from the temperature readings). If all met data is unavailable, manual entry of met data may be made for accident calculations. Surveillances and quality checks are performed on the meteorological tower equipment and data to ensure emergency responders will have access to representative onsite meteorological data. A daily review of a week's trend of meteorological data is performed. The meteorological tower instruments are functionally tested monthly and calibrated at least annually._ Radiological effluent monitor data is *also stored and processed in the ERCS. The effluent monitor reading, the calibration conversion factor and the vent flow rate result in a release rate. Effluent concentrations may also be manually entered into the computer if monitor data is not automatically available to the ERCS. With meteorological and effluent release data available, calculations of offsite radiation dose, air concentration, ground deposition, and external dose rate from the plume can be made. Dose calculations are made for Total Effective Dose Equivalents (TEDE) and Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalents (Thyroid COE). Results of all calculations can be printed in report format and, in most cases, displayed graphically. Isopleths can be displayed of any or all calculated outputs. Projected calculations take into account values of time of release and duration of release. The isopleth displayed is based on the assumption that the release continues for a predetermined duration time. This gives a display in which the plume overlays the region of potential highest dose. The dose assessment computer allows quick accident dose calculations to be made, before any results from the Radiation Survey Teams are received. Radiation Survey Team results will be used to verify the dose calculations. *


E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV; 53 Page 65 of 158 In case of potential release from the containment, the activity available for a release may be obtained from the containment high range dome monitors, as illustrated in Figure 5. The containment dome monitor reading and applicable calibration curve results in an activity available for release, and using an estimated release rate, an offsite dose calculation within the plume exposure pathway may be projected. The activity available in containment may also be obtained directly from sample analysis. The containment dome monitors are also used as indicators for relative amounts of core damage, as illustrated in Figure 5. The indicated radiation levels in the containment gives an estimate of the gaseous radioactive concentrations in containment. Using the time after shutdown and the radiation levels, an estimate of the relative amount of core damage may be made. This must be used in a confirmatory sense, that is, as backup to other measurem1:3nts of fission product release and other indicators.



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                                      . EMERGENCY PLAN REV:      53 Page 67 of 158 The capability for remote interrogation of the meteorological data will be provided to NRG by either the Emergency Response Data System (EROS) or direct telephone access to the individual responsible for making offsite dose projections. Implementing procedure.swill detail this activity.

A hand calculation methodology for offsite dose calculations is available in case of computer system and/or meteorological system failure. Additionally, meteorological data may be obtained from local offsite locations. Atmospheric stability class and weather forecast information is availaqle from the National Weather Service Twin Cities. The capability to estimate the total offsite population dose (manrem) received during a release is available. The offsite dose assessment computer will supply the projected dose rates or doses at selected distances from the plant. Radiation Survey Team results may also be used to determine the offsite dose rates. Population distribution charts comprised of the geopolitical subareas are available. The Radiological Emergency Coordinator in the TSC or the Radiological Protection Support Super-Visor in the EOF may determine the applicable dose rates in the geopolitical subarea and multiply dose rate times the exposure time, times the population in the geopolitical subarea of interest, thereby calculating an

                       *estimated total population dose.

The Emergency Director SHALL ensure that radiological information (both actual and potential) and recommendations for protective actions are

                       *transmitted to the offsite authorities. Upon activation of the EOF Organization, the responsibility for offsite accident assessment is transferred to the EOF. The EOF will serve as a base of operations for all site environmental surveillance, receipt and analysis of all field monitoring data, offsite dose projection and recommendations for offsite protective actions.


  • 53 Page 68 of 158 6.4.2 Radiological Surveys The Radiation Proteetion Group SHALL be responsible for all radiological surveys and personnel monitoring both onsite and offsite. The non-licensed operators of the Operations Group are also trained to conduct post-accident in-plant surveys during the first hour of the emergency. The Emergency Director has the responsibility for directing all radiation safety during the emergency.

The Radiation Protection Specialists may be divided into three emergency Radiation Survey Teams. Two teams are assigned offsite duties such as radiation surveys, air samples, or liquid sampling. The two offsite survey teams will conduct a search for the plume and obtain dose rates, and* iodine, particulate or gaseous samples at pre-designated sample locations. Plume exposure pathway maps with pre-designated sample locations are contained in the emergency survey kits. The third team is assigned duties onsite such as radiation surveys, sampling (airborne or liquid) and sample analysis using the equipment available onsite and/or the EOF Count Room facility. Silver zeolite adsorbers are used to collect airborne iodine samples, both onsite and offsite. Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of

  • entrapped noble gases on the iodine adsorber, allowing a much lower detection sensitivity. Iodine samples may be analyzed in the EOF Counting Room.

The Radiation Survey Teams are activated via the ERO Auto Dial System and/or the ERO Pager Network or the telephone system. If the emergency occurs during normal working hours, the teams will be activated and respond within 10 minutes. If the emergency occurs during off hours, the teams will be activated and respond within thirty (30) minutes. Designated Emergency Lockers contain emergency survey kits, which include portable instruments, battery operated air samplers, liquid sampling equipment, and communication equipment. After the initial offsite surveys are completed, the teams assigned offsite duties may be relieved by Monticello Radiation Protection Specialists who will continue to perform any offsite surveys assigned by the Emergency Manager. The Prairie Island Survey Team members may concentrate their efforts and resources to onsite responsibilities.


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fi-~ ~--;:<.,,* E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 69of158 6.5 Corrective Actions Certain actions may be taken by the Prairie Island staff during an emergency which may minimize the severity of the accident and lessen the amount of offsite releases. These actions are outlined in the various standing plant abnormal operating, emergency operating, and plant safety procedures. Repair and Damage Control is the responsibility of the Emergency Director and Shift Supervisors. During the onset of the emergency, plant operators are responsible for minor damage repair and control. Upon activation of the Plant Emergency Organization, equipment repair activities are the responsibility of the Maintenance Group, the l&C Group, the Electrical Group, and the Operations Group depending upon the extent and type of damage. Repair and damage control on radioactive or contaminated systems will be monitored by the Radiation Protection Group. The Fire Brigade is composed of personnel in accordance with NRC requirements and is directed by a Fire Brigade Chief. Backup support is from the Red Wing Fire Department. All onsite Fire Brigade members are trained in the use of onsite fire fighting equipment and in proper fire fighting procedures. The Fire Brigade will be placed in action under the direction of the Brigade Chief. 6.6 Protective Actions 6.6.1 Evacuation and Sheltering In the course of an emergency at Prairie Island NGP when there is an actual or potential release of radioactive material to the environs in excess of normal operating levels, the Emergency Director SHALL be responsible to ensure that an assessment is made of the projected doses to persons onsite and offsite. Upon activation of the EOF, the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for ensuring that all assessments are made of the projected doses to the offsite population.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT. EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 70of158 The Protective Action Guides (PAG's), promulgated by the EPA, set dose guides for the offsite population. The Emergency Director also has the responsibility to ensure that protective actions are also taken to maintain exposure to onsite personnel within the PAG's. The Emergency Director or the Emergency Manager when the EOF is activated SHALL be responsible to recommend to the state and local authorities any protective actions for the offsite population whether the protective actions be based on predetermined Emergency Action Levels (EALs) or projected offsite dose assessment. Plant Emergency Organization personnel fall into the category of UEmergency Workers" to which higher PAG's apply. The Emergency Director has the responsibility of maintaining doses within these PAG's. A.

  • Plant Site
                             *The primary protective measure for non-essential onsite personnel during a Site Area or General Emergency and possibly during an Alert, is evacuation to a suitable assembly area where the personnel can be monitored. for contamination. The Emergency Director or Shift Manager, prior to ordering an evacuation SHALL determine the habitability of the assembly area (wind direction, magnitude of release, etc.).

If the normal onsite assembly area is determined to be uninhabitable, the Emergency Director will select a location farther from the plant site and designate the route to this location. The Control Room operator will sound the evacuation alarm and announce the designated assembly area. If a location offsite is selected, the traffic route and area SHALL be announced. Once non-essential personnel are accounted for and monitored for contamination, they may be released from the assembly area. The evacuation routes from the assembly areas are limited to two directions: County 18 to Etter to Hwy 316 or County 18 to Hwy 61. High water conditions may make the Etter route unusable, leaving only the County 18 to Hwy 61 route available. Prairie Island NGP* vehicles and personal cars will be used to transport all personnel. If conditions (meteorological or radiological) make land routes unavailable, evacuation by alternate means, (e.g., aircraft or watercraft) may be a viable alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 71of158 All non-essential personnel SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. The plant security force will assist in the evacuation by directing people to the proper assembly area. The Security Force SHALL direct employees to badge out of the Protected Area while exiting the Protected Area. The Security_ Force will perform an immediate check of the Protected Area to ensure that all personnel did indeed hear the evacuation alarm. The Security Force will perform a check of the Owner Controlled Area and warn all personnel of the evacuation in progress. Radiation Survey Team Members, extra on-shift operators, group managers, Maintenance Supervisors, l&C Supervisors, Lead Maintenance Personnel anc:I Station Electricians SHALL report to the Operational Support Center or the Technical Support Center, as applicable. Plant staff.without emergency assignments SHALL evacuate to the designated assembly area. NRC Resident lnspector(s) may proceed to the Technical Support Center or Control Room. Designated individuals SHALL complete an accountability check of personnel remaining within the Protected Area by verifying a list of personnel remaining in the Protected Area. The Emergency Director accepts responsibility for solving any discrepancies found during the accountability. The Emergency Director SHALL direct the necessary follow-up actions. The Radiation Protection Group or qualified personnel SHALL monitor personnel at the assembly area for contamination, and any exposure determinations SHALL be completed, as conditions warrant. The emergency locker contains material necessary for decontamination of personnel under Radiation Protection Group supervision. The assembly area SHALL remain in contact with the Emergency Director or designee via the telephone system or portable radio supplied in the emergency locker. The individual assigned as the Coordinator at the assembly area will be the contact point for all personnel. The Emergency Director SHALL release non-essential personnel for departure from the site when conditions allow or demand this action.

  • The Emergency Director will designate the proper traffic routes to follow during the departure.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 72of158 Onsite Protective Actions designed for protection of onsite personnel

                            . as described above may be inappropriate for a Hostile Action Event.

Alternate actions as described in NSIR/DRP-ISG-01 Section IV.F have been developed and proceduralized. B.

  • Offsite Areas /

The primary protective actions for the offsite population are sheltering or evacuation. The Emergency Director SHALL recommend the necessary protective actions to offsite authorities based on predetermined protective actions for a General Emergency Classification or results of offsite dose assessment. Upon activation of the EOF,. the Emergency Manager SHALL be responsible for recommen.ding protective actions for the offsite population. If protective actions are warranted prior to augmentation of state emergency response organizations, the Emergency Director SHALL recommend directly to county and tribal authorities the necessary protective actions. In both

                                                       . cases, total responsibility
                                                                                .       for carrying out the protective actions rests with offsite authorities. Prairie Island NGP SHALL make the recommendations and supply the required dose assessments.

C. Protective Action Guides .(PAG's) Table 3 and Table 4 provide guidelines and action levels to be used in the formulation of protective action recommendations for the offsite population and plant personnel. The specific protective actions carried out by the offsite authorities are contained in their respective emergency plans. D. Evacuation .Time Estimates (ETE)- Plume Exposure EPZ. / Time estimates for evacuation of the plume exposure EPZ are referenced in an appendix to the Off-site Nuclear Emergency Plan

                           . arid in the Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure for making off-site protective action recommendations. PINGP and the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin use the ETE to develop pre-determined protective action recommendations.


                 <*~                                                                   Page 73 of 158 6.6.2   Use of Protective Equipment and Supplies A. Onsite Respiratoi-Y Protection and Protective Clothing Protective clothing or respiratory protection for onsite personnel SHALL be as designated by the Radiation Protection Group or the Emergency Director.

Respiratory Protection will be used as necessary to reduce the inhalation of radioactive material. During emergency conditions, it may become impossible to maintain normal respiratory protection guidelines. An internal exposure program, whole body counting and/or bioassay program, SHALL be activated to ensure that all internal exposure is determined as assigned to the individual. Respiratory equipment is stored in the OSC and TSC emergency lockers, Unit 1 695' Turbine Building Chem. Feed Station Area, Fire Brigade equipment room, and Access Control. Access Control is the main storage area for respiratory equipment. The respiratory

  • equipment available is a combination of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBAs), and full face canistefrespirators.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 74of158 Table 3 Initial Protective Action Recommendation During a General Emergency The following situations require urgent actions by offsite officials. Conditions are based on Control Room indications with no dose projections required. The following protective action recommendations SHALL be made within 15 minutes. Prerequisite:. Plant Staff Detects GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. If wind is~ 5 mph: (1) IF HAB Event concurrent with GE- Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles.

(2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold (20%

Clad Damage) i.e. 1(2) R-48 or 49 reading> 800 R/hr OR

b. An Offsite Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the site boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 10 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, SHELTER Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles, extend SIP 5-10 Mile if PAGS exceeded at 5 Mile and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate Downwind From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle affected Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2.




                       .:<.~; ,~* .;                                                                               REV:       53 Page 75 of 158 Met Data from 22 meter tower OR wind < 5 mph OR unknown?                  (1)        IF HAB Event concurrent with GE - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 2 Miles, Evacuate ALL From 2 Miles to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles.

(2) IF Rapidly progressing severe accident with all of the following: This PAR is the initial after a GE has been declared AND There is LOSS of the containment barrier per the Emergency Action Levels AND Either of the following:

a. Greater than or equal to Containment High Range Radiation Monitor Potential Loss Threshold (20% Clad Damage) i.e.

1(2) R-48 or 49 reading > 800 R/hr OR

b. A RASCAL Dose Estimate indicates greater than PAGs at the boundary is occurring or is likely to occur in an hour.

Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 10 Miles and Circle Al:.L Subareas From 2 Miles to 10 Miles. (3) IF Ongoing Rad release> EPA PAGs expected to be< 1 hour - Issue PAR to SHELTER ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles to 5 Miles. (4) Issue PAR to Evacuate ALL out to 5 Miles and Circle ALL Subareas From 2 Miles out to 5 Miles. (5) Advise Remainder of Plume EPZ to Monitor EAS Broadcasts. (6) Continue with Step 2.

2. Continue with dose assessment throughout the emergency and revise initial Protective Action Recommendations in accordance with the protective action guidelines in Table4.

The protective action recommendations described above are based on NRC Response Technical Manual, RTM-96, Vol. 1, Rev. 5, October 2002 and EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR. GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 76 of 158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Early Phase Projected Doses Offsite Projected Recommended Doses (mrem) Protective Actions Comments TEOE < 1000 No recommended The states of MN and WI may choose to Thyroid COE < 5000 protective actions implement sheltering or precautionary evacuation for the general public at their discretion. TEOE :2: 1000 Evacuate those sectors Evacuation should be recommended in Thyroid COE :2: 5000 and distances where the absence of local constraints. MN and WI PAG is exceeded. Use may choose to shelter if evacuation were 0-2, 0-5 & 0-1 O mile not immediately possible due to offsite distances. Shelter for

  • constraints (severe weather, competing known. impediments to disasters or local traffic constraints).
  • evacuation and/or controlled puff release.

Notes: 1. TEDE =Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Thyroid COE =Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent

2. Based on EPA400-R-92-001, May 1992
3. The Skin COE PAG for evacuation of the general public is 50,000 mrem *
4. Offsite projected doses include exposure from radioactive plume (external & internal} and 4 day exposure to ground contamination.
5. Known impediments to evacuation are conditions which make evacuation of the public impractical. Conditions include inclement weather (ice/snow storms where driving would be dangerous), and known impacts ori the ability to execute public evacuations (severe damage to roads/infrastructures, etc.).
6. Controlled puff release exists when there is assurance that the release is short term (puff release} and the area near the plant cannot be evacuated before the plume arrives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 77 of 158 Table 4 Recommended Protective Action to Avoid External and Internal Dose from Exposure to a Gaseous Plume PAGs for Emergency Workers TEDE Dose Limit (mrem) Activity Condition 5,000 All emergency activities This dose limit applies when a lower dose is not practicable through application of ALARA practices. 10,000 Protecting valuable Lower dose not practicable property 25,000 Life saving or protection Lower dose not practicable bf large populations >25,000 Life saving or protection Doses in excess of this dose limit of large populations SHALL only be on a voluntary basis to persons fully aware of the risks involved. Notes: 1. Based on EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992 . *

2. These are doses to non-pregnant adults from external exposure and intake during an emergency. *
3. Exposures to the lens of the eye should be limited to 3 times the values listed and doses to the skin and/or extremities and any other organ should be limited to 10 times the values listed.


                                                                                             .E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV:      53 Page 78 of 158 B. Radioprotective Drug The use of a stable iodine thyroid blocking agent, Potassium Iodide (Kl), for plant staff and personnel assigned to onsite emergency operating centers is recommended in situations where airborne iodine concentrations have or could increase to *unacceptable concentrations resulting in thyroid doses greater than 25 Rem (final recommendation by the Food and Drug Administration).

The Radiological Emergency Coordinator SHALL recommend the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Emergency Director SHALL then direct the distribution of Potassium Iodide (Kl). The Potassium Iodide (Kl) tablets are stored in the TSC Emergency Locker, EOF Emergency Locker, and in the Field Survey Kits. The tablets will be distributed per.the applicable implementing procedure. C. Shielding All plant personnel; who are required to occupy the emergency operating centers, (i.e., Tech Support Center and the Control Room), are protected from intense radiation fields and high airborne radioactivity levels by shielding and/or emergency air handling equipment.

  • All reactor coolant system sampling and radiochemical analysis may be completed using the shielded sampling system with reach rods in the hot sample room and a lead brick shielded work area in the hot cell area.

D. . Offsite Areas . There are no plans for the distribution of respiratory protective equipment and/or protective clothing for the general public. The distribution of thyroid blocking agents is the responsibility of the offsite officials. All Protective Actions to be taken for the general public are described in the offsite emergency plans.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 79 of 158 6.6.3 Contamination Control Measures A. Onsite Areas The Emergency Director SHALL designate the Radiation Protection Group responsible for controlling or minimizing direct or subsequent internal exposure from radioactive materials deposited on the ground or other surfaces. The Radiation Protection Group SHALL be

  • responsible for determining the extent of contamination in controlled and normally uncontrolled areas. During an emergency, guidelines to follow for contamination limits are shown in Table 5.

The Radiation Protection Group with assistarice from the Security Force will establish new secondary access control points at the boundaries of the new controlled areas to ensure that all personnel entering the areas are properly badged and clothed. The Radiation Protection group SHALL advise all personnel that contamination levels in some uncontrolled areas may significantly exceed normal levels. Without protective clothing, personnel will

  • have to take precautions to avoid personal contamination. Limits for personal contamination will remain at the normal limits which will minimize the chance of ingestion of radioactive material.

Table 5 Contamination Limits LARGEAREA LOOSE SURFACE FIXED WIPE Authorized Limits (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma) (Beta-Gamma I Alpha)/ 100 sq cm (Circle One) (GM pancake probe) (GM pancake probe) NORMAL < 100/1 o dpm/100 cm 2 < 100 ccpm < 100 ccpm ELEVATED < 1000/20 dpm/100 cm 2 < 100 ccpm_ < 100 ccpm EMERGENCY < 5000/100 dpm/1 oo cm 2 < 500 ccpm < 500 ccpm Based on Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Accidents, . EPA 400-R-92-001, May 1992, Table 7-7. Frisker response: 1 mR/hr ~ 5000 cpm Cs 137.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 80 of 158 Particular attention will be given to radioiodine contamination of the skin. Oxidizing agents, e.g., Beta dyne or Radiac Wash, are available in the decontamination kits to treat iodine skin contamination. The Radiation Protection Group SHALL have the responsibility of controlling all onsite food and water supplies during the emergency. Whenever a plant evacuation takes place involving radiological hazards onsite, all food and water supplies within the evacuation area may be considered contaminated and not for use.

  • Material decontamination SHALL be performed by the Nuclear Plant Service Attendants or designated personnel under supervision of the Radiation Protection Group. Procedures and equipment for material decontamination are listed in the Decontamination Procedures of the Operations Manual, Sections F-2 and D-13, and in the Radiation Protection Manual RPIP's.
  • Before any water or food can be consumed, the Radiation Protection Group will check and verify that the food itself and the eating surfaces are below the limits of Section F-2 of the Operations Manual (previously recorded). Random samples of food containers may be analyzed via the GEM Detector for low level contamination not detected by other methods.

During the recovery phase, all areas of the plant will be returned to the original low levels of surface contamination prior to their release for unrestricted entry. B. Offsite Areas Contamination control in offsite areas is the responsibility of offsite officials with assistance from Prairie Island NGP. Required protective actions are delineated in Protective Actions guides and criteria are* listed in the respective state emergency plans.


6. 7 Aid to Affected Personnel The Emergency Director is responsible for the protection of personnel from
  • exposure to radiation and contamination and arranging for treatment of radiologically induced or contaminated injuries. This responsibility may be delegated to the Radiation Protection Group. 1 6.7.1 Emergency Personnel Exposure The Prairie Island Radi~tion Protection Group has the necessary equipment and personnel required to provide continuous capability to control and determine radiation exposures of emergency organization personnel. The equipment consists of the following:

A. portable radiation detection instruments B. electronic dosimeters C. high and low range dosimeters D. TLD's E. extra high range dosimeters F.

  • record keeping equipment Contractor and vendor representatives may also be present to assist in exposure control and augment the Radiation Protection Group capabilities.

In an emergency situation, all onsite personnel, some offsite support . personnel and some local governmental emergency response personnel will be issued TLD's and/or self-reading pocket dosimeters or electronic dosimeters. Exposure records will be maintained for all emergency response personnel issued dosimetry. During accident situations, higher radiation exposures may be authorized by the Emergency Director in order to protect life and property. The emergency exposure guidelines established are based on the Environmental Protection Agency's "PAGs for Emergency Workers", as listed in Table 4.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 82 of 158 Emergency workers (volunteers) may be allowed to exceed the 10CFR20 limits with specific authorization of the Emergency Director when performing activities to protect life and property. In certain instances, it may be necessary to exceed 25 Rem exposure during lifesaving operations. All personnel involved SHALL be on a volunteer basis and will be advised of the effects of acute exposures and reasonable considerations of the relative risks. *

         *         *;~*</                         '\;~\}g,;       In all circumstances, every effort SHALL be made to keep Y/flf!.Jfjts:                                  i'.;'*     exposures within the annual limits of 10CFR20 (5 Rem Total
       .~ ".. * * * , *. l .. :::.~;,:} Effective Dose Equivalent).

k"*v*~ *~ ; >>;* ::/,>>-'.'., : "{;;J ~4(<~,~fJ'.:":[. 0:**~ 6.7.2 Decontamination and First Aid The Emergency Director SHALL delegate the responsibility for personnel decontamination to the Radiation Protection Group. Decontamination procedures and contamination limits are spelled out in the Radiation Protection Manual RPIP's and the Radiation Safety and Medical Support Sections of the Operations Manual, which SHALL be followed for both normal and emergency situations involving personnel injury and personnel contamination. The primary decontamination facility is located at access control.* Two showers and a double sink are located there. Special decontamination solutions are also available at access control. When facilities at access control are not available, the assembly area emergency lockers contain equipment for personnel decontamination and personnel monitoring. Supplies include containers for liquid and solid waste. The decontamination kits contain oxidizing agents for decontamination of the skin due to radioiodines. Decontamination operations at the assembly area will be confined to minor decontaminations because of limited resources. If necessary, individuals will be furnished with protective clothing and transported to alternate facilities. Contaminated clothing will be disposed of as radioactive waste. The EOF has a decontamination shower with associated liquid retention system. Equipment for small decontaminations is also available along with personnel monitoring equipment.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 83 of 158 Contaminated individuals may be provided whole body counting analysis, as determined by the Radiological Emergency Coordinator. Whole body counting systems are located at Pl & MT NGPs and/or mobile units which can be transported on or near the site. Emergency First Aid will be applied to all injuries including contaminated injuries since contamination-will not be life threatening whereas the lack of first aid could be life threatening. First aid kits are located at the primary emergency centers in the plant. The First Aid responsibility will be assigned to the Security Officer/EMT when they arrive on the scene. Selected members of the Security Force and plant staff are trained in Advanced First Aid and/or Emergency Medical Training (EMT). The skill level of the staff is sufficient until offsite medical personnel arrive or until the victim is transported to the local hospital for further medical


The Operations Manual, Section F4, Medical Support and Casualty care, contains specific procedures for first aid situations complicated by contamination. *

  • 6.7.3 Medical and Public Health Support Medical support and treatment for radiological and non-radiological injuries is provided by the Mayo Clinic Health System located in Red Wing, Minnesota.*

Mayo Clinic Health System has a staff of physicians and hospital personnel trained in the proper methods of contamination control. At least one physician has been offered special courses on the treatment of radiological injuries. Prairie Island NGP conducts yearly training sessions with hospital personnel assuring a knowledge of radiation and contamination control procedures.


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E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 84 of 158 Regions Hospital in.St. Paul, Minnesota is designated.as the definitive care center for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Regions Hospital may be used for radiation casualties, severe burn casualties, and other. non-radiation injuries with use of an appropriate medical air transport service. Medical definitive care centers are offered periodic radiological contamination control training by the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) according to their plan. Monitoring instruments and supplies are located at Mayo Clinic Health System to aid in radiation monitoring and contamination control (e.g., TLD's, self-reading pocket dosimeters, protective clothing, survey meters, etc.). All casualties on site will be administered emergency First Aid and radiation casualties will b.e decontaminated to every extent possible prior to departure from the plant site to the hospital. Proper application of first aid will take precedence over decontamination efforts .

                                                ., Transportation of radiation casualties from Prairie Island NGP will be provided by the Red Wing Ambulance Service. In addition to the Red Wing
                                                  .Ambulance, a plant vehicle could be used as an emergency vehicle for transportation of victims to the hospital.

Procedures to be used at the plant and at the hospital in treating victims of an accident involving radiation exposure and/or personnel contamination are established and delineated in Section F4 of the Plant Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. In addition Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, WI is prepared and will support request for assistance in response to an emergency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant. Sacred Heart Hospital will serve as a radiation accident receiving hospital and has a decontamination room and trauma. treatment rooms with isolation capabilities. 6.7.4 Whole Body Counting Facilities A whole body counter is available at the Prairie Island NGP for determining the uptake of radioactivity. If this area becomes uninhabitable, the person may be transported to Mbnticello NGP where another whole body counter is available. Additional mobile whole body counters may be brought near or on the site if conditions make it a viable or necessary alternative.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 85 of 158 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 7.1 Emergency Control Centers 7.1.1 Technical Support Center (TSC) The Technical Support Center (TSC) is located across the Turbine Building from Units 1 & 2 Control Room. A plan view of the TSC is shown in Figure 6. The Technical Support Center (TSC) will serve as a center outside the Control Room from which the plant management, technical, and engineering support personnel will: A. Support the Control Room command and control functions B. Assess the plant status and potential offsite impact C. Coordinate emergency response actions The Technical Support Center has the following capabilities: A. Working space for about twenty-five people on the main floor and working space for additional people on the other floor. B. Shielding and ventilation cleanup system (PAC filter) to provide habitability under accident conditions. C. An emergency locker containing monitoring equipment (radiation and airborne), respiratory protection equipment and thyroid blocking agent tablets. D. Communication channels to all onsite and offsite emergency response centers (primary and. backup). E. A complete set of as-built drawings and other records such as plant layout drawings.




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                                                                                                      .      DD WRlG TABLE



TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER~COMMAt~D CENTER UPPER LEVEL ENGH. RESOURCE ARl':A D EMERGENCY ri------------------------------__:---~~-----------_;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t___ _*_*_c~o=Nr=R=oL=*======:::::IJ'I TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER LOWER LEVEL


. PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 89 of 158 F. The capability to record and display the following: *

1. Plant System Parameters a Reactor Coolant System b Secondary System c ECCS System d Containment
                               . 2. In-Plant Radiological Parameters a     Reactor Coolant System b     Containment c     Effluent Treatment d     Release Paths e     Area Monitors
3. Offsite Radiological Parameters a Meteorology b Offsite Radiation Levels The Technical Support Center SHALL be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared.

The Technical Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for coordinating activities in the TSC. This individual SHALL be responsible for establishing the monitoring of direct radiation and airborne activity in the Technical Support Center. Communications SHALL be established between the TSC, OSC, Control Room and EOF. If activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during normal work hours, instructions to report to the TSC will be received over the plant public address system. If activation of the Technical Support Center occurs during the off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator to contact the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by phone and/or ERO Pager Network and request them to report to the Technical Support Center.


                      . The Operational Support Center will provide *a center to assemble the necessary Operators, Radiation Protection Specialists, Instrument and Control, Electrical, Nuclear Plant Service Attendants, and Maintenance personnel to support the operations of the plant under emergency conditions without causing undue congestion in the Control Room.

The Operational Support Center is located in the New Administration Building. The Operational Support Center will be activated when an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency is declared. The Operational Support Center Coordinator SHALL be responsible for the activation and coordination of activities in the OSC. The OSC Coordinator may designate a communicator to *establish lines of communications between the Operational Support Center, the Control Room and the Technical Support Center. If activation of the OSC occurs during a normal working day, instructions to report to the OSC will be received over the plant public address system. Any Operations shift personnel on site that are not assigned to normal shift duty SHALL report to the OSC immediately. The following personnel will also report to the OSC if on site (additional personnel will be contacted as necessary): A. Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) B. Designated Lead Station Electricians and Maintenance personnel C. lnstru_ment and Control Supervisors D. Radiation Survey Team Members E. Nuclear Plant Service Attendants

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 91 of 158 If activation of the Operational Support Center occurs during off duty hours, the Shift Manager SHALL designate the Shift Emergency Communicator to activate the onsite emergency organization to establish an initial complement of support-personnel to assist in the emergency (additional personnel" will be contacted as necessary): A Maintenance Supervisors (Mechanical and Electrical) B. Designated Lead Station Electricians C. Instrument & Control Supervisors D. Radiation Survey Team Members E. Designated Purchasing & Inventory Control Personnel F. Nuclear Plant Service Attendants Instrumentation is stored in the emergency locker which provides for monitoring both direct radiation and airborne radioactive contaminants. An emergency locker located in the OSC contains all equipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes but is not limited to both waterproof and paper coveralls, respiratory protection (SCBAs), dosimeters, radiation detection meters, air samplers, decontamination and first aid equipment. Communication equipment (radio and telephone) is available for contacting designated sections of the emergency response organizations.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 92 of 158 7.1.3 Emergency Operations Facility (EOFl The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) is a required emergency response facility located near the plant site to provide continuous coordination and evaluation of activities during an emergency having, or potentially having, environmental consequences. A plan view of the EOF Command Center is shown in Figure 7. The _EOF will be activ~ted during an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency.

  • The functions of the EOF will be:

A *Management of the overall NS PM's offsite emergency response in support of plant activities; B. Evaluate the magnitude and effects of actual or potential radioactive

  • releases from the plant; C. Recommend appropriate offsite protective measures, in conjunction with ~he TSC personnel; D. Coordinate the offsite radiological monitoring during emergencies and recovery operations; E. Coordinate emergency response activities with those of local, State, Tribal, and Federal emergency response organizations; F. Provide current information on conditions potentially affecting the public to the NRC and to offsite emergency response agencies; G. Act as the post-accident recovery management center for both onsite and offsite activities, if necessary.

The EOF will be activated and staffed by personnel from the Engineering and Projects Management groups and Prairie Island Training Center staff. Activation and various responsibilities within the EOF are described fully in Section F8 of the EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.



E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 ,<*~.*;::~::;;:~::;c- ,\~C\l~:;:.'. ~\::'V>,;:Kf~f:*i:;!'0J. d}'. '.:.t,">";-'.~: *-. * ** ,~S'*" ~.\:, >~~:;;~~ -'~' ~ Page 93 C?f 158

                                                                 .The EOF has been constructed and designed in accordance with the
  • guidance of NUREG 0696. The building has been designed to serve primarily as a Training Center on a regular basis with the capability for prompt conversion to the EOF function when required and, if needed, will serve as the Recovery Center.

The EOF is constructed in a manner which provides habitability Jn an accident situation. Shielding and ventilation treatment systems have been installed to maintain an acceptable environment. The EOF section of the training building is a concrete structure that contains sufficient shielding to exceed a protection factor of 5. The ventilation system has an emergency mode of operation that will pressurize the building through a High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA) filtration system. The general layout of the building's entrances and exits have been given consideration for operation of the building in an emergency mode. Radiological monitoring and alarming are provided for the EOF portion of the building. Extensive communication equipment is installed in the building to provide primary and backup means of communication with outside agencies, offsite survey teams, TSC and the Control Room. The EOF portion of the building is served by a dual source power supply for those services necessary to make the EOF functional. The EOF provides office space for each plant support group, key supervisors, state, local and tribal officials, and the NRC, as well as functioning as a command center. Each space is provided with furnishings necessary to perform routine office functions. The plant support groups

                                                                 *and governmental representatives will perform their respective functions in these assigned offices .. The command center is intended to function as a work space for the Emergency Manager, Radiation Protection Support Group, Technical Support Group, and for related critical communications.

These activities are assigned to this area, due to the high volume of activity and the importance of the information handled. Additionally, this area is the central area for displaying plant status, offsite survey status, conducting accident assessment and directing the activities of the offsite Emergency Response Organization.*





Page 94 of 158 The EOF is supplied with the equipment necessary to fulfill its function as an offsite emergency response center. Radiation monitoring and decontamination equipment has been provided to supply offsite monitoring teams~ Normal and emergency data acquisition is made available via the Emergency Response Computer System (ERCS). Office equipment such

  • as facsimile machines, copy machines, microfiche readers, computers and printers connected to the Local Area Network are provided to facilitate administrative dutie.s and technical reference work. General office supplies are stocked in adequate numbers. Operating procedures detailing the methods to activate the EOF, conduct routine administrative operations, surveys and accident assessment, analyze offsite survey samples, provide security and deactivate. the Emergency Organization are developed and are available in the EOF. Other organization's procedures, plans and.

reference documents are also available to EOF personnel. If there is a need for expanded support facilities such as trailer space or communication hook:...ups for vendors and support contractors, it may be provided at the EOF. Because the EOF is located within the 1O mile EPZ, a Backup EOF exists in case an evacuation of the EOF is necessary. Equipment and facilities necessary to carry out this function are located at Xcel Energy corporate offices in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. A description of the Backup EOF facility is described in the Monticello & Prairie Island Offsite Nuclear Emergency Plan.

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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 97 of 158 7.1.4 Control Room The Control Room SHALL be the initial onsite center of emergency control. Control Room personnel must evaluate and effect control over the initial aspects of the emergency and initiate responses necessary for coping with the initial phases of an emergency until such time that the onsite emergency centers can be activated. These activities SHALL include: A. Continuous evaluation of the magnitude and potential consequences of an incident B. Initial corrective actions All plant operations are controlled from here by the Shift Manager with direction from the management personnel located either in the Control Room or Technical Support Center. The Control Room contains the necessary instrumentation (process and radiological) to evaluate all plant conditions. Habitability is maintained by shielding and the special ventilation system (PAC Filter), which is capable of operating in a cleanup or recycle mode. All emergency equipment is supplied power from the emergency diesel generators with vital instrumentation powered from inverters connected to the storage batteries located in the battery rooms. 7.1.5 The Red Wing Service Center (RWSC) is to be used as an Alternative Facility during a hostile action or security event in the event that response to the site is unsafe. The RWSC will be used by TSC and OSC personnel until it has been determined that it is safe to return to the plant site. This facility is accessible in the event of an onsite Hostile Action and provides the ability to perform the following functions:

  • Communication with the Control Room and onsite Security Forces
  • Notification of offsite Emergency Response Organizations
  • Engineering Assessment Activities including damage control team preparation and planning.

. PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 98 of 158 7.2 Communications Various onsite and offsite communication systems are described in the following sections. Table 6 depicts the various communication links that may be established. 7.2.1 Onsite Communications All emergency operating facilities have at least two means of communications: (1) portable or installed radio systems; and (2) normal telephone communications. The normal onsite communications during an emergency will be made via the plant telephone system with a public address system option. The telephone system is powered by noninterruptible power. The public address system includes about 175 loudspeakers located throughout the entire plant area. A separate paging system has 20 handsets located at strategic plant areas.

  • At approximately 120 locations in the plant, jackboxes are located for the sound powered system. Each box contains six independent circuits for sound powered headsets. A jackbox is located in the Technical Support Center and Control Room.

The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a multi-channel radio system console for communications. At least 50 portable radios are available for use throughout the plant during emergency conditions.


The plant evacuation alarm consists of a 125 VDC operated siren, manually started from the Control Room. This tone consists of a signal starting at approximately 600 cycles per second rising to a peak of approximately 1450 cycles per second, then returning slowly to the low value of 600 cycles per second and repeating. The Control Room operator can remove the siren tone for emergency voice communication over the loudspeaker PA system. The plant fire alarm consists of a modulating signal interrupted continuously to give a Yip-Yip-Yip sound. This is activated manually from the Control Room. During an emergency, designated individuals will ~e responsible for the communications at each of the emergency facilities, as .delineated in Section 6.1.3.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 99 of 158 7.2.2 Offsite Communications Both normal and alternate communication links are provided to offsite agencies. Individuals designated to staff the offsite agency communication links are delineated in Section 6.1.3. The Xcel Energy telephone network provides normal communications to offsite agencies through telephone lines via the Red Wing US West telephone Exchange, or via Xcel Energy fiber optic SON ET communications network. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF have a dedicated Xcel Energy radio channel link to the Xcel Energy System Control Center, the Backup EOF, and the Minnesota HSEM Emergency Operating Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

  • The Technical Support Center and EOF have a National Warning System (NAWAS) extension to the Wisconsin Emergency Management EOC at Madison, the Regional Warning Center at Eau Claire and the Pierce County EOC at Ellsworth, Wisconsin.
  • The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF each have a portable cellular phone and satellite phone for emergency communication use, as necessary.

The Technical Support Center has access to a computerized auto dial system used for notification of the site's Emergency Response Organization (ERO). This system consists of a telephone network of several outgoing telephone lines. When activated, it will call and deliver an emergency message to the plant's emergency organization's home telephones. The plant also has an Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Pager Network. Designated members of the site's emergency organization carry personal pagers which can be activated from the Technical Support Center, Control Room or alternate facility (RWSC). A special emergency code is displayed on the pager. The Control Room, Technical Support Center and EOF have multi-channel radio system for communication with all Plant Radiation Survey Teams, Plant Operations Personnel, Plant Security Areas, county sheriffs, county EOC's, and Treasure Island Casino (Prairie Island Indian Tribe).

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN* NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 100of158 A telec~pying network is set up between the TSC, EOF, state & county EOC's and Prairie Island Indian Tribe for the purpose of telecopying update information. An emailing network is setup between the offsite agencies for the purpose of emailing the emergency notification form. Auto ring lines link the Technical Support Center to the EOF and the Technical Support Center to the Minnesota State EOC. Communication links are maintained with medical facilities, both fixed and mobile .. The plant can update the hospital via the telephone network of the status of any injuries. Communication channels are provided between the hospital and the ambulance service via the radio system while the victim(s) are enroute. The plant site also supports the NRC's Emergency Telecommunications System (ETS). The dial tone for the Prairie Island 1DOG PETS circuits are provided by Xcel Energy's corporate communication network. The ETS provides for reporting emergencies and other significant events to the NRC, Incidence Response Center in Rockville, Maryland. Using the Xcel Energy's private network should avoid the public switched network blockage anticipated during a major emergency. The following NRC essential emergency communications functions will be provided by the ETS voice service.

  • A. Emergency Notification System (ENS): Initial notification by the licensee, as well as ongoing information on plant systems, status, and parameters. The ENS (Red Phone) is located in the Control Room, with extensions in the Technical Support Center (TSC) and EOF.


  • Health Physics Network (HPN): Communication with the licensee on radiological conditions (in-plant and off-site) and meteorological conditions, as well as their assessment of trends and need for protective measures on-site and off-site. NRC regional office or NRC Headquarters will announce their decision to establish the HPN link over the ENS. The HPN phones are located in the TSC and EOF.


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,::;:d NUMBER: i~~,-~* E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 101 of 158 C. Reactor Safety Counterpart Link (RSCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRC site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRC discussions on plant and equipment conditions separate from the licensee, and without interfering with the exchange of information between the .licensee and NRC. This is the channel by which the NRC Operations Center. supports NRC reactor safety personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Reactor Safety Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The RSCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF. D. Protective Measures Counterpart Link (PMCL): Established initially with the base team, and then with the NRC site team representatives once they arrive at the site, to conduct internal NRC discussions on radiological releases and meteorological conditions, and the need for protective actions separate from the licensee and without interfering with the exchange of information between the licensee and NRC. This is the channel by which the NRC Operations Center supports NRC protective measures personnel at the site. In addition, this link may also be used for discussion between the Protective Measures Team Director and licensee plant management at the site. The PMCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF. E. EmergencyResponse Data System (EROS) Channel: This

                                              . dedicated computer network is a direct near real-time electronic data link between the plant's on-site computer system and the NRC Operations Center that provides for the automated transmission of a limited data set of selected parameters. The plant activates the EROS within one hour after declaring an emergency class of Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency. The EROS supplements the existing voice transmission over the ENS.

F. Management Counterpart Link (MCL): Established for any internal discussions between the Executive Team Director or Executive Team members and the NRC Director of Site Operations or top level licensee management at the site. The MCL phones are located in the TSC and EOF. G. Local Area Network (LAN) Access: Established with the base team and the NRC site.team for access to any of the products or services provided on the NRC Operations Center's local area network. This includes technical projections,. press releases, status reports, E-Mail, and various computerized analytical tools. The LAN access points are located in the TSC and EOF.


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PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 103of158 7.2.3 Alert and Notification System (ANS) Within the Plume Exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) there exist provisions for alerting and providing notification to the public. It is the responsibility of state and county governments to activate this system.

  • The plant maintains a basic fixed siren system for essentially 100%

coverage of the offsite population within 5 miles of the plant and population center coverage for the 5-1 O mile zone. To reach persons not covered by these population center sirens, state, county and city emergency vehicles will be directed to alert the affected downwind gee-political sub-areas. A special electronic siren is maintained near the Prairie Island Indian Community Center. The TSC has the capability to activate the siren with a special "stutter" tone at the declaration of a Site Area Emergency for the purpose of quickly notifying Prairie Island's Indian tribal leaders except during a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event. The .siren would also be activated with the normal "Alert"' tone by the Goodhue County Sheriff's Department during a General Emergency as part of the normal Public Alert and Notification System activation. To supplement PANS, emergency alert radios have been installed in various commercial, institutional, and educational facilities in the 10-mile zone. These locations may harbor large groups of people during all or part of a day, justifying radio alert service, even though many of these facilities are already covered by state and county emergency warning plans. The emergency radios will either be activated by the National Weather Service or by the local county sheriff's dispatch office. In the event of an emergency condition, alert and notification information will be relayed through established communication links described in the Minnesota and Wisconsin emergency response plans. Upon receiving notification of the emergency, offsite governments will, if necessary, activate public warning and information procedures which include the State. Emergency Alert System (EAS). With this system, essentially 100% of the population in the 10 mile EPZ will be alerted within 15 minutes In the event a county primary siren activation system fails to operate, each county has a backup siren activation process on a separate activation system utilizing a different tower and controls for activation of the sirens. In the event a siren or sirens fail to receive the activation signal and/or function properly, each affected county will initiate backup route alerting and has maps, directions and instructions for notifying the public in the areas where the siren(s) did not function.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 104of158 7.3 Assessment Facilities The plant instrumentation and monitors perform indicating, recording and protective functions. The Reactor Protection System and associated plant instrumentation provide the ability to maintain plant safety from shutdown to full power operations and to monitor and maintain key variables such as reactor power, flow, temperature, and radioactivity levels within predetermined safe limits at both steady state conditions arid during plant transients. Plant instrumentation and control systems also provide means to cope with abnormal operating conditions. The control and display of information of these various systems are centralized in the main Control Room. This instrumentation would provide the basis for initiation of protective actions .. 7.3.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment A. Geophysical Phenomena Monitors

1. Meteorological Prairie Island has a 60 meter onsite meteorological tower located approximately 0.5 miles northwest of the plant. The tower is equipped with primary and secondary redundant sensors for the 1o and 60 meter temperatures, wind speeds, and wind directions powered by a primary and secondary power source. The following meteorological information is supplied by the tower:

a Wind Direction (10 and 60 meter) b Wind Speed (10 and 60 meter) . c Ambient Temperature d LiT between 10 and 60 meter temperature indications e

  • Precipitation
  • A 22 meter backup meteorological tower is located near the EOF. The backup meteorological tower provides the following:

All meteorological data is processed via the ERGS, and may be displayed in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, and Backup EOF. Barometric pressure is also available in the Control Room. I


2. Seismic The Control. Room has an installed earthquake detection system with a three step graded severity level of alarms:

a Seismic Event - 3 percent vertical or horizontal acceleration b Operational Basis Earthquake - 4 percent vertical or 6 percent horizontal acceleration (No equipment failure) c Design Basis Earthquake - 8 percent vertical or 12 percent horizontal acceleration (possible equipment failure) A visual and audible alarm will sound in the Control Room. Upon activation, the accelerometers and accelerographs listed on Table 7 will be automatically recorded for future investigation.

3. Hydrologic River water level is available from two sources:

a Indicators in Control Room which receive a signal from capacitance level probes located in several locations in the river water canals and the intake screenhouse. b Lock and Dam #3 (located about 1.6 miles SE) which would give essentially the same indication as at Prairie Island NGP. B. Radiation Monitoring Equipment Onsite radiation monitoring equipment at Prairie Island NGP can be categorized into the following groups:

1. Process radi61ogical monitoring system
2. Effluent radiological monitoring system
3. Airborne radioactivity monitoring system
4. Area radiation monitoring system
5. Portable survey and counting room equipment


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          .: >;'.~{i< :~~+.;                                                                    Page 106of158 Table 8 lists all the area, process, and effluent monitors. Table 9 lists the general types of portable survey, count room, airborne monitoring and personnel monitoring equipment.

C. Process Monitors Adequate instrumentation monitoring capability exists to properly access the plant status during all modes of operation, i.e., instrumentation is available to the operator to determine plant status, aid in emergency classification determination, and aid in post accident assessment. Table 10 lists available instrumentation, ranges and their indicator locations. D. Fire Detection The fire detection system consists of various types of detectors/flow devices throughout the main power building and in most of the outbuildings. Ionization, flame and thermal type fire detectors are located throughout safety related structures. Audible alarming is on the Control Room annunciator panel system for actuation or trouble. The Control Room fire panel system will indicate zone location of the. alarm. On receipt of the annunciator panel alarm, the fire panel is checked for location and operator assigned to effected area is called for immediate investigation. Further details of the fire detection system are given in the plant safety procedures, Section F5 Appendix K, "Fire Detection and Protection Systems." E. Post Accident Liquid Sampling A post-accident liquid sampling system is installed at Prairie Island with associated procedures to provide the capability to obtain the following samples:

1. Sample of raw reactor water
2. Diluted samples of reactor water (boron, chloride, isotopic analysis, pH, etc.)
3. Dissolved gas sample for isotopic analysis (noble gases)
4. Dissolved hydrogen sample

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 107of158 The sampling system includes the following exposure reduction equipment:

1. Shielded sample lines and shielded drain lines in the Hot Sample Room.
2. Shielded sample panel which allows collections and analysis of a reactor coolant sample for hydrogen and isotopic analysis.
3. Shielded sample carrfers for transporting samples to remote facilities (Hot Cell).
4. .Remote analysis lab (Hot Cell) located on 695' elevation in the Turbine Building.
5. Shielded work area in the Hot Cell with an exhaust hood installed, which discharges through a PAC filter unit.
6. Remote counting labs with geometries for counting extremely high level radioactivity samples.

This system allows sample collection and analysis within the radiation exposure guidelines given in NUREG 0578. F. Containment Air Sampling Following an accident, a containment air sample may be obtained, utilizing the gas analyzer to extract a sample via the Hydrogen Post

  • LOCA System for determination of:
1. Hydrogen content
2. Isotopic analysis (noble gas)

All sampling will be completed within* the exposure guidelines of NUREG 0578. G. Shield Building Vent Sample The Shield Building Stack Hi-Range Monitor (located in the third floor of the turbine building) extracts a sample from the Shield Building stack and pumps it through a large sample chamber which houses the radiation detector. The hi-range detector reading is in mR/hr and is easily converted. to mCi/cc via the applicable calibration curves.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 108of158 Prior to entering the sample chamber, the sample flow is directed through a particulate filter and a silver zeolite adsorber. The particulate filter and silver zeolite adsorber are manually removed and prepared for analysis in the counting labs. - Silver zeolite adsorbers eliminate the problem of entrapped noble gases on the iodine adsorber allowing a much lower detection sensitivity. In addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further eliminate the entrapped noble gases. In instances of monitor failure or offscale readings, procedures are available to allow the dose rate on the sample chambers to be measured using portable survey meters. The release concentration can then be calculated by converting the dose rate to concentration utilizing applicable calibration curves. H. Containment High Range Area Monitors Two channels of Containment High Range Dome monitors are installed in the containments. Full scale reading on these monitors is 108 R/hr. This allows. personnel to estimate the amount of activity in containment available for release and the severity of the accident

                            . from the applicable calibration curves.


                                           . EMERGENCY PLAN REV:    53 Page 109of158
  • I. In-Plant Iodine Determination During emergency conditions, it will be necessary for emergency personnel to rapidly and accurately determine or estimate the airborne iodine activity in areas of the plant including all operating centers.

Samples for iodine activity are obtained with portable air samplers (AC and battery operated) and continuous air monitors (CAM's). The iodine is collected on silver zeolite adsorbers.

                             ** The use of silver zeolite adsorbers reduces the amount of noble gases entrapped on the adsorber. This reduces the minimum sensitivity level of iodine on the adsorber. In addition, air or N2 may be used to blow out the adsorber to further reduce the amount of entrapped noble gases.

The silver zeolite adsorbers may be analyzed using the GEM system in the onsite counting room or the EOF Counting Room. The adsorbers could also be analyzed with portable instrumentation. The Control Room, Operational Support Center, Technical Support Center and EOF have continuous air monitors (CAM's) available to monitor the airborne iodine levels. A detector is continuously analyzing the activity (iodine) trapped on the carbon-impregnated filter paper. This combination of equipment allows iodine determinations under all plant accident conditions. An Iodine Monitoring program, acceptable to the NRG, was described in letters from LO. Mayer, NSP, to Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated December 31, 1979, "Lessons Learned Implementation" and March 13, 1980, "1/1/80 Lessons Learned Implementation Additional Information." I

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 110of158 J. Steam Line Monitors The steam line radiation monitor in conjunction with the ERGS (Emergency Response Computer System) computer will supply a value for noble gas activity released via the steam headers (steam dumps and safeties). An alternate steam header release calculation procedure exists which allows the determination to be madewith portable radiation equipment and applicable calibration curves. This will allow a backup method for release determination during instances of monitor failure. Normally the air ejector discharge is routed to the Shield Building Exhaust stacks which are monitored by the low and high range stack radiation monitors. K. Air Ejector Noble Gas Release Releases through the air ejectors are quantified via: (1) the installed air ejector radiation monitor and applicable calibration curves: (2) the Shield Building Exhaust Stack monitors (low and.high range) and their applicable calibration curves; or (3) by local sample analysis. I -

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 111of158 Table 7 Seismographic Monitoring Devices Triaxial Accelerometers (1) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (2) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (3) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (4) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 Triaxial Accelerographs (1) Aux Bldg Ground Floor J.0/9.0/695 (2) Aux Bldg Spent Fuel Pool N.8/9.0/755 (3) Aux Bldg Fan Floor J.0/9.0/755 (4) Unit 1 Containment Low 32.5/210/697.5 (5) Unit 1 Containment High 32.5/210/765.5 (6) Unit 2 Containment High 29/95/765.5 (7) Unit 2 Containment Low 29/95/697 .5 (8) Turbine Building Ground Floor C.9/8.4/695 (9) Turbine Building Operating Floor C.6/8.8/735 (10) Screenhouse Low C1 .0/81.8/670 (11) Screenhouse High C1 .0/81.8/695 (12) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping 81 .9/91.5/680 (13) Screenhouse Cooling Water Piping C1 :5/91.7/692 (14) Screenhouse Cooing Water Piping C1 .5/81.3/692 (15) Aux Bldg Chem & Vol Control Piping L.1/7.0/741 (16) Aux Bldg Aux Feedwater H.7/6.9/709

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT .* EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 112of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-1 GM/Control. Room 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-2 GM/Containment Vessel Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-3 GM/Radiochem Lab 0.1-104 mr/hr R-4 GM/Charging Pumps Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr R-5 GM/Spent Fuel Pool 0.1-104 mr/hr R-6* GM/Hot Sample Room

  • 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-7 GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 1 0.1-104 .mr/hr 2-R-7 GM/lncore Seal Table Unit 2 0.1-104 rnr/hr R-8 GM/Waste Gas Valve Gallery 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-9 GM/Letdown HX Unit 1 0.1-104 mr/hr 2-R-9 GM/Letdown HX Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr R-28 Scint/New Fuel Pit 1.0-105 mr/hr R-29 Scint/Shipping Receiving 0.1-104 mr/hr R-32 Scint/Rad Waste Control Station 0.1-104 mr/hr R-33 Scint/Rad Waste Bldg/2"d Floor 0.1-104 mr/hr R-36 Scint/Charging Pumps Unit 2 0.1-104 mr/hr 1-R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 1R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 1 1-108 R/hr 2R-48 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr 2R-49 Ion Chamber/Containment Vessel Unit 2 1-108 R/hr

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 113of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-53 SI Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 1 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-54 CS Pump Area, Unit 2 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-55 Aux Bldg 695 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 West Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-56 Aux Bldg 695 East Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-57 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-58 Aux Bldg 715 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-59 Aux Bldg 715 Pent/Ltdn Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-60 Aux Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-61 A Stm Line Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-62 Aux Bldg 755 West Area 0.1-107 mr/hr All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR.GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 114of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Area Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range .

  • 1-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 West Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-63 Aux Bldg 755 East Area 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 2-R-64 Turb Bldg 735 North Area 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-65. Oper Support Center 0.1-107 mr/hr R-66. 01 Osl Gen Room 0.1-107 mr/hr R-67 Inst and Control Shop 0.1-10 7 mr/hr R-68 Tech Support Center Rad 0.1-107 mr/hr R-69 Guardhouse 0.1-10 7 mr/hr 1-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 1-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-70 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-71 RCS Hot Leg in SG Vault 1-108 R/hr 2-R-72 06 Cable Spreading Room 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-73 06 Bus 26 4KV SWGR Room 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-74
  • 06 Bus 221 & 222 480V SWGR Room 0.1-107 mr/hr
                      . , All Area Monitors on this page have Ion Chamber type detectors.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 115of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range 1-R-11 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 1 Scint/Containment and Shield Bldg Particulate Unit 2 GM/Containment and Shield Bldg Gas Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-12 GM/Containment and Shield _Bldg Gas 101-10 6 cpm Unit2 1-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-15 Scint/Condenser Air Ejector Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-16 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Discti Unit 1 & Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-18 Scint/Waste Disposal Liquid Effluent 101-106 cpm 1-R-19 Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 1 101-106 cpm 2-R-19

  • Scint/Steam Generator Slowdown Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-21 .Scint/Circulating Water Dsch 101-106 cpm 1-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-106 cpm 2-R-22 GM/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101-106 cpm R-23 GM/Control Room Vent 101-10 6 cpm R-24 GM/Control Room Vent 101-106 cpm

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 116of158 Table 8 Radiation Monitors Process Monitors Radiation Channel No. Detector/Location Instrument Range R-25 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 10 1-10 6 cpm R-26 GM/11/21 RHR Cubicle Vent 101-10 6 cpm R-27 GM/12/22 RHR Cubicle Vent 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-30 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-30 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-31 GM/Spent Fuel Pit Vent 101-10 6 cpm R-35 GM/Rad Waste Bldg Vent Gas 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-37 GM/Aux Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-38 Scint/Fan Coils Wtr Dsch Unit 1 & Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 1 101-10 6 cpm 2-R-39 Scint/Component Cooling Liquid Unit 2 101-10 6 cpm R-41 GM/Waste Gas High Level Loop 101-10 6 cpm 1-R-50 Ion Chamber/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 1 0.1-107 mr/hr 2-R-50 Ion Chamber/Shield Bldg Vent Gas Unit 2 0.1-107 mr/hr 1-R-51 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop A

  • 0.1-105 mr/hr 1-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 1, Loop B 0.1-10 5 mr/hr 2-R-51 GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop A 0.1-105 mr/hr 2-R-52 GM/Steam Line Unit 2, Loop B 0.1-105 mr/hr


                . -~, .


    *.EP                                   EMERGENCY PLAN REV:    53 Page 117of158 Table 9          Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Devices Portable Survey Instruments Types                                                Range(s)

GMs 0-70,000 cpm 0-1000 R/hr Ion Chambers 0-50 R/hr Scintillation 0-500,000 cpm Tissue Equivalent .001 mR/hr-999 R/hr Proportional Counter .001 mR-999 R/hr Portable Air Sampling Equipment Types Range(s) Continuous Air 50-50,000 CPl'Tl Monitors 10-106 cpm Air Samplers 2.5-20 CFM 0-80 LPM Analysis Equipment Types Tritium Liquid Scintillation Detection Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Proportional Alpha/Beta Counters GM Counter Personnel Monitoring Equipment Types Range(s) Self-Reading Dosimeters 0-200 mR 0-1 R 0-5 R 0-100 R Electronic Dosimeters 1 mR-1000 R TL D's All Ranges Finger Rings All Ranges Portal Monitors 0-30,000 cps Exact quantities and locations are described in the plant's surveillance program procedures.


1. Source Range Neutron Level Log scale
  • System cabinets indicator, Recorder Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Startup Rate Linear scale -0.5to 5 DPM Main Control Boards indicator, ERCS Computer
  • Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel 1

Neutron Flux Log Scale 10- to 105 cps System cabinets Monitor (N51/N52) Linear Scale -1to7DPM ERGS Computer

2. Intermediate Range Neutron Level Log scale 10-11 to 10-3 System cabinets indicator, Amp Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 10-11 to 10-3 *Main Control Board Amp Startup Rate Linear scale -0.5to 5 DPM Main Control Boards indicator ERGS Computer
3. Power Range Neutron Level Linear scale 0-120% Full Power System cabinets indicator, Main Control Boards Computer output ERGS Computer Neutron Level Recorder 0-120% Full Power Main Control Boards Neutron Flux Log Scale 10-8 to 100% System cabinets Monitor (N51/N52) Linear Scale -1to7 DPM ERGS computer Linear Scale 10 to 200%


4. RC System Hot Leg Linear scale recorder, 50-700°F Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature Computer output Main Control Boards ERGS Computer
        *Cold Leg           Linear scale recorder         50-700°F      Hot Shutdown Panel Temperature        ERGS Computer                               Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Subcooling         Digital Scale                 Variable      ERCS Computer
        *Temperature                                                    Inadequate Core Cooling and pressure                                                   Monitoring Cabinet ERCS SAS Display Avg.               Linear scale                 520-620°F      Main Control Boards Temperature        indicator recorder,                         ERCS Computer Computer output                             ERGS SAS Display Temp.              Linear scale                   0-150%       Main Control Boards Difference         indicator, recorder                         ERCS Computer (Delta T)          Computer output Pressure           Linear scale                0-3000 psig     Main Control Boards indicator, recorder                         Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output                             ERGS Computer Low Range          Linear scale                 0-750 psig     Main Control Boards Pressure           recorder Flow               Linear scale             0-11 0% rated flow Main Control Boards indicator,                                  ERGS Computer Computer output


5. Pressurizer Level (cold) Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, ERCS Computer Recorder, Computer output, Annunciator Temperature Linear scale 0-700°F Main Control Boards (Vapor indicator, ERGS Computer temperature and Computer output liquid temperature)
6. RWST Level Linear scale indicator, 0-100% Main Control Boards Computer output, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light ---------- Main Control Boards
7. Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Recorder, ERCS Computer Annunciator Wide Range Level Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer Pressure Linear scale 0-1400 psig Main Control Boards indicator, Hot Shutdown Panel Computer output ERCS Computer
8. Station Electric Distribution Linear scale 0-5000 Volts Main Control Boards (Safeguards indicator, Indicator 0-600 Volts ERGS Computer AC and DC) light, Computer output




                                                                                              *REV:     53 Page 121of158 Table 10         Instruments Available for Monitoring Major Systems MEASURED PARAMETER    TYPE OF READOUT         INDICATOR RANGE         INDICATOR LOCATION
9. Aux. FW Status Flow Linear scale indicator, 0-250 gpm Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer Pressure Linear scale indicator, 0-2000 psig Main Control Boards Computer output Hot Shutdown Panel ERCS Computer
10. Containment Vessel Pressure Linear scale 0-60 psia Main Control Boards indicator, 0-30 psia ERCS Computer Computer output, Annunciator, Recorder Post-Accident Log scale 1-108 R/hr System cabinets
  • Radiation (R-48) indicator, ERCS Computer (Containment) Computer output Water Level Linear scale (Sump B) 0-100% Main Control Boards indicator (Containment) 0-12 ft Isolation Status Indicator light, Main Control Boards Computer output ERCS Computer.

Temperature Computer output, 0-400°F ERCS Computer Air Recirc. Fan Indicator light, Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer Air Cooling Indicator light Main Control Boards System Status Air Cooling

  • Indicator light, Flow Status Computer output Main Control Boards ERCS Computer Spray Pump & Indicator light, Valve Status Computer output *Main Control Boards ERCS Computer


11. Safety Injection Flow Linear scale 0-500 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-1000 gpm ERCS Computer Computer output Pump & Valve Indicator light, ---------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer
12. Resident Heat Removal Flow(RHR) Linear scale 0-3000 gpm Main Control Boards indicator, 0-6000 gpm ERGS Computer Computer output Pressure Linear scale indicator 0-750 psig Main Control Boards Pump & Valve Indicator light, --------- Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer Emerg. Sump Indicator light, Main Control Boards Valve Status Computer output ERCS *Computer Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Pump Suction recorder, ERCS Computer Temperature Annunciator Decay Heat Linear scale 50-400°F Main Control Boards Cooler Outlet recorder, ERCS Computer Temperature Annunciator


13. Accumulator Accumulator Linear scale 0-800 psig Main Control Boards Pressure indicator, ERCS Computer Computer output printout Annunciator Accumulator Linear scale 0-100% Main Control Boards Level indicator, ERCS Computer Annunciator Valve Status Indicator light, Main Control Boards Annunciator
14. Emergency Ventilation System Fan & Damper Indicator light, Main Control Boards Status Computer output ERCS Computer
15. Reactor Vessel Digital Scale Variable Inadequate Core Cooling Level Instrument Monitoring Cabinet System Computer


1. Steam Generator A Level (wide range) 0-100%
2. Steam Generator B Level (wide range) 0-100%
3. Pressurizer (cold) Level 0-100%
4. Steam Generator A Pressure 0-1400 psig
5. . Steam Generator B Pressure 0-1400 psig
6. Letdown Valve Status and Control Indicating Lights
7. Auxiliary Feedwater Control and Status Indicating Lights
8. Charging Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights
9. Reactor Coolant System Hot Leg Temperature 50-700°F
10. Reactor Coolant System Cold Leg Temperature 50-700°F
11. Wide Range Reactor Coolant System Pressure 0-3000 psig
12. Pressurizer Heater Control and Status Indicating Lights
13. Boric Acid Transfer Pump Control and Status Indicating Lights
14. Neutron Flux Level
15. Steam Generator PORV Controls

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 125of158 7.3.2 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring A. Meteorological Several locations, exterior to the plant site, can be used to obtain offsite meteorological conditions. Locations and outputs are summarized in Table 11. B. Assessment Equipment

1. The EOF Count Room contains a GEM detector system and Geiger-Mueller counter to analyze offsite samples.
2. The emergency lockers in the Assembly Points have the equipment necessary to collect and analyze air samples (particulate and iodine) and portable instruments for measuring radiation levels.
3. The hospital emergency kit at Mayo Clinic Health System has instruments for measuring radiation levels and contamination levels of radiation casualties arriving at the medical center for medical treatment.
4. All Monticello Nuclear Plant counting room and portable radiation detection equipment is available for analysis of samples from Prairie Island NGP. Some equipment will be brought with the Monticello Radiation Protection Group members arriving onsite to augment the Prairie Island Radiation Protection Group in performing offsite surveys and sampling.
5. There are TLD badges and airborne particulate and iodine sampling stations installed in areas surrounding the plant. The badges and air sampling stations are installed as part of the Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program. During an emergency, these badges and/or air sampling filters or cartridges may be used for dose assessment purposes.
6. All onsite portable equipment and count room equipment at Prairie Island NGP may be used for required offsite radiation surveys or analysis of offsite samples (liquid or airborne).


                    <~-~~--  :*: , ' ~ *.                                                            NUMBER:
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 }eJ>                                                          EMERGENCY PLAN E-PLAN REV:     53 Page 126 of 158 Table 11          Offsite Meteorological Equipment
1. Lock and Dam #3 (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Speed Meteorological information from Lock and Dam#3 is available on a twenty-four hour per day basis.
2. National Weather Service Twin Cities Local Area (a) Temperature (b) Wind Direction (c) Wind Speed (d) Stability Class

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 127of158 7.4 Protective Facilities and Equipment 7.4.1 Assembly Points The primary protective facility for onsite personnel is the evacuation to an assembly point. Either the Distribution Center or the North Wareho'use may be used for an assembly point depending on wind direction. The Emergency Director SHALL designate which one is to be used. The assembly area emergency locker contains equipment that will be used for personnel contamination checks, personnel decontamination, radiation detection equipment to assess conditions at the assembly area and communication equipment for contact with the Emergency Director. 7.4.2 Operational Support Center The Operational Support Center locker contains all the equipment necessary for reentry into the plant. This includes protective clothing, respiratory protection, monitoring devices, and radiation meters. Air sampling and contamination survey equipment is available for onsite surveys. Decontamination and first aid equipment is available for treatment of onsite personnel. 7 .4.3 Emergency Operations Facility The EOF can be designated as an alternate assembly area. Facilities are available for gathering personnel into a specific area. An emergency locker contains equipment necessary for determining personnel contamination and for decontamination of individuals. A decontamination shower and retention system is available for collection of contaminated waste. A spare Field Survey Team Equipment Kit is located at the EOF. Communication equipment (radio and telephone) is available for contacting emergency personnel both onsite and offsite.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 128of158 7.4.4 Mayo Clinic Health System Mayo Clinic Health System has the equipment required to handle medical emergencies complicated by radioactive contamination. Monitoring equipment, decontamination materials and waste storage (solid and liquid) are available. 7.4.5 Red Wing Fire Station All fire trucks, ambulances, and cars at the Fire Station are assigned pocket dosimeters for use by Fire Department staff. They are stored in the glove box, the. door compartment panels or visors. *In addition, the ambulances have TLD's for use by Fire Dept. staff. A dosimeter charger is stored at the dispatcher's station. All dosimeters and TLD's are maintained by plant personnel. 7.4.6 Technical Support Center Emergency Locker The Technical Support Center emergency locker contains the necessary survey instruments, dosimetry and protective clothing to allow reentry or access into the plant during emergency conditions. 7.5 First Aidand Medical Facilities First Aid Kits are available at various emergency lockers in the plant. Any injury requiring medical treatment will be treated at the local medical center. All medical support is covered by Section F4 of the Operations Manual, Medical Support and Casualty Care. 7.6 Damage Control Equipment and Supplies The maintenance area has a completely.supplied machine shop with equipment necessary to machine all but the largest pieces of equipment, (e.g., turbine rotors). One shop area, located in the Auxiliary Building, is for contaminated items. The other shop, located in the Service Building,*is for non-contaminated items.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 129of158 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 8.1. Organizational Preparedness 8.1.1 Emergency Response Training To achieve and maintain an acceptable level of emergency preparedness, training SHALL be conducted for members of the on-site Emergency Response Organization in accordance with the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Emergency Plan Training Program. Training for all on-site Emergency Response Organization members consists of a review of the Emergency Plan in the form of a general overview. In addition to Emergency Plan overview training, personn~I assigned key on-site emergency response positions SHALL receive training specific to their position. Key Emergency Response Organization members SHALL receive Emergency Plan training on an annual basis. Monticello & Prairie Island offsite support will make provisions for the training of those off-site organizations who may be called upon to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 130of158 8.1.2 Exercises. Drills. and Tests The conduct of periodic drills and exercises are conducted in accordance with the guidance provided in FP-EP-Wl-14, Emergency Preparedness Drill ahd Exercise Manual and FP-EP-Wl-24, Emergency Preparedness Drill and Exercise Objectives. A. Exercises Exercises which test the integrated capability and a major portion of the basic elements existing within the Emergency Plan SHALL be conducted at least every 2 years. This exercise may be included in the full participation biennial exercise which tests the offsite emergency plans. B. Drills

  • Drills are supervised instructional periods aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation and are a part of the continuous training program.

In order to ensure that adequate emergency response capabilities are maintained during the interval between biennial exercises, drills SHALL be conducted including at least one drill, during the off exercise year, involving a combination of some of the principal functional areas of the onsite emergency response capabilities. The principal functional areas of emergency response include activities* such as management and coordination of emergency response, accident assessment, protective action decision making, and plant system repair and corrective actions. During these drills, activation of all of the Emergency Plan's response facilities (TSC, OSC, and EOF) . would not be necessary, opportunities to consider accident management strategies would be given, supervised instruction would be permitted, operating staff would have the opportunity to resolve problems (success paths) rather than have controllers intervene, and the drills could focus on onsite training objectives.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 131of158 Drills SHALL be conducted in the following areas at the designated minimal frequency. Additional drills may be scheduled by plant management if dictated by response of personnel to previous drills.

1. Fire Fire drills SHALL be conducted in accordance with Prairie Island Administrative Work Instructions (AWis) and/or the NSPM's Quality Assurance Topical Report.
2. Medical Emergency Medical emergency drills involving the transport of a simulated contaminated individual causing the participation of local support agencies SHALL be conducted annually.
3. Radiological The periodic radiological and health physics drills described below may be conducted as part of the annual Radiation Protection Specialist continuing training program in the form of walkthroughs or job performance measured activities. These drills may also be conducted as part of an annual plant wide full scale drill or facility drill.

a Health Physics Drills which involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and/or liquid samples and direct radiation measurements in the environment SHALL be conducted semi-annually. b Radiological monitoring drills which include the collection and analysis of environmental samples for the purpose of ground deposition assessment SHALL be conducted


c Post accident sampling drills which include the analysis of in-plant liquid samples (with simulated elevated radiation levels) including the use of the Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) SHALL be conducted annually.


4. Security Hostile Action Drills will be conducted to verify readiness to mitigate after a terrorist event. These drills will be conducted in accordance with FP-EP-Wl-14 and FP-EP-Wl-24. I
5. Emergency Organization Augmentation Semi-annual Emergency Organization Augmentation Drills are conducted to provide an ongoing verification that the emergency organization can augment the shift organization in a timely fashion.

C. Tests A test is a functional test of equipment to verify that the equipment is operable.

1. Communications with state, local and tribal governments within the plume exposure pathway SHALL be tested monthly.


2. Communications with Federal response organizations and State governments within the ingestion pathway SHALL be tested quarterly.
3. Communications between Prairie Island, Minnesota and Wisconsin Emergency Operating Centers and all local Emergency Operations Centers, and radiation monitoring teams SHALL be checked annually.
4. Communication from the Control Room, TSC and EOF to the NRG Operations Center SHALL be tested monthly.
5. The Emergency Response Data System (EROS) SHALL be tested on a quarterly basis.
6. The fixed siren portion of Public Alert and Notification System (PANS) SHALL be tested and verified operational on a weekly and monthly basis.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 133of158 These communication tests SHALL be used not only to check the equipment operation but also that the various phone numbers and links are correct and 2-way communication can be established. 8.2 Review and Updating of the Plan and Procedures The Plant Manager has authority and responsibility for the Prairie Island Emergency Plan and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. The Plant Manager has the responsibility for the development and updating of the Emergency Plan, the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and coordination of the plan with offsite response organizations. The Emergency Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure it is current according to the plant's controlled procedure program. The update will take into account changes identified during drills and exercises. Quarterly, all telephone numbers contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures SHALL be verified correct and updated as a result of the required communication tests. 8.2.1 Organization of Plan The organization of the Emergency Plan is reviewed and updated yearly by the Emergency Preparedness Manager. Reorganization may be necessary as the result of the following: A. drills or exercises indicating need for changes B. changes in key personnel C. changes in the plant's organization structure D. changes in the organization of offsite response agencies E. experience gained under actual emergency situations

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 8.2.2 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies Radiation protection equipment at each of the emergency facilities is checked monthly for operability according to surveillance and testing program: Emergency plan portable radiation instruments SHALL receive. a Channel Check and Channel Operational Test monthly and a Channel Calibration at least every 24 months. If any emergency plan portable radiation instrument is found inoperable, then immediate actions SHALL be. initiated to restore operability or replacement. All supplies are inventoried quarterly and dated equipment and material are periodically replaced according to surveillance and testing program.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 135of158 9.0 RECOVERY In general, the plant will be responsible for the short term recovery, that is recovery from an emergency condition in which no core damage or serious release of radioactivity to the environments has occurred.

  • If it is clear that a high potential exists for core damage and/or a serious release of radioactivity to the environment, a Recovery Phase will be activated to provide for the long-term recovery actions and for establishing support arrangements.

In general, before re-occupying buildings after an emergency, certain recovery criteria must be satisfied: (1) There must be assurance thatthe problem encountered is solved and that this same incident cannot immediately recur; (2) The general occupancy areas must be free of significant contamination; (3) Radiation areas and High Radiation areas must be properly defined; and (4) Airborne radioactivity must be eliminated or controlled. 9.1 Investigation of Incidents All incidents SHALL be investigated in conjunction with corporate event response procedures.

  • 9.2 Recovery Procedures All recovery operations SHALL be performed in accordance with written procedures. These procedures SHALL include the following activities:

A. Investigation of the cause of the incident B. Investigation of plant conditions following an accident C.

  • Repair and restoration of facilities D. Testing and startup of restored facilities Methods for determining the extent of radioactive contamination and general protective measures to be taken for personnel performing recovery operations are established in Section F2, Radiation Safety, of the Operations Manual, and in the Radiation Protection Manual, RPIP's.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 136of158 Written procedures for recovery of the facility from the specific post accident conditions will be prepared by qualified plant staff members and submitted to the Plant Operating Review Committee. Plant Operating Review Committee approval of all such procedures is required prior to their initiation .

        . 9.3    Criteria for Resumption of Operations If the plant is shutdown as the result of an emergency, it will be restarted only when:

A. The conditions which caused the emergency are corrected. B. The cause of the emergency is understood. C. Restoration, repair and testing is completed as required. D. No unreviewed safety *questions exist. E. All conditions of the license and technical specifications are satisfied. 9.4 Transition to Recovery If it is clear that extensive plant damage exists and contamination of plant systems have occurred, then a recovery phase may be necessary. Transition to the recovery phase will take place in an incremental manner as the functions change from operational to engineering/construction. The decision .to make the transition from the emergency phase to the recovery phase should be a joint decision by the ED and EM. The Recovery Manager should possess the qualifications of an Emergency Manager. This position should be occupied by personnel representing the company executive level. Should transition to the recovery phase become necessary, the site engineering/construction staff would provide the nucleus of the organization. I

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 137of158 This plant staff would be augmented as required by specialists from the site organization and the offsite support groups. In addition, appropriate assistance would be secured from the Architect-Engineer and the NSSS vendor organizations. This support could be broadened as required by consultant help from the several organizations familiar with Prairie Island NG P's organization. The overall organization envisioned for a substantial Recovery Phase would be a blend of site staff, and appropriate vendor and consultant personnel. On a prior basis it is counterproductive to define in detail the extensive organization that might be involved in a sizable Recovery Phase because of the unlimited variation of conditions that could result from plant emergencies. However, the nucleus organization has been identified together with guidelines on how the organization might be expanded to meet the requirements demanded at the time.


When the Emergency Manager and Emergency Director agree that the onsite emergency condition has been terminated, a complete transfer of the responsibilities for offsite support may be made to the Recovery Organization. The EOF would then become the Recovery Center and function as Command Center for the Recovery Organization and the recovery effort. Details of Recovery Organization activation and implementing criteria are contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.


PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 139of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures A.1 PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F3 procedures (Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures) which SHALL be used by plant emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency plan. This may not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development. Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-1 Onsite Emergency Organization 5.3, 5.4 F3-2 Classifications of Emergencies 4.0 F3-3 Responsibilities During a Notification of Unusual Event 6.1, 6.3, 6.7 F3-4 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency 6.7 F3-5 Emergency Notifications 5.3.3(D), 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 7.2 F3-5.1 Switchboard Operator Duties 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4 F3-5.2 Response to False Siren Activation 6.1.2 F3-5.3 Deleted F3-6 Activation and Operation of Technical Support Center 5.3, 7.1.1 F3-7 Activation and Operation of Operational Support 5.3, 7 .1.2 Center F3-8 Recommendations for Offsite Protective Actions 6.4, 6.6 F3-8.1 Deleted F3-9 Emergency Evacuation 6.6.1, 7.4.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 140 of 158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-10 Personnel Accountability 6.6.1. F3-11 Search and Rescue 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-12 Emergency Exposure Control 6.6.1, 6.7.1 F3-13 Offsite Dose Calculations 6.4, 6.6 F3-13.0 Deleted F3-13.1 Rad & Met Data for Dose Projections 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.2 Deleted F3-13.3 Manual Dose Calculations 6.4, 6.6 F3-13.4 Deleted F3-13.5 Alternate Meteorological Data 6.4, 6.6, 7.3 F3-13.6 Weather Forecasting Information 6.4, 6.6, 7 .3 F3-14.1 Onsite Radiological Monitoring 6.4, 7.3 F3-14.2 Operation Emergency Surveys 6.4.2 F3-15 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Airborne Release F3-16 Responsibilities of the Radiation Survey Teams During 6.4.2 a Radioactive Liquid Release F3-17 Core Damage Assessment

  • 6.4.1 F3-17.1 Core Damage Determination F3-17.2 Long Term Cooling F3~18 Thyroid Iodine Blocking Agent (Potassium Iodide) 6.6.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 141of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-19 Personnel and Equipment Monitoring and 6.6.3, 6.7.2 Decontamination F3-20 Determination of Radioactive Release Concentrations 6.4, 7.3 F3-20.1 Determination of Steam Line Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 F3-20.2 Determination of Vent Stack Dose Rates 6.4, 7.3 F3-21 Establishment of a Secondary Access Control Point 6.6.3 F3-22 Prairie Island RPG Response to a Monticello 5.6.2, 6.1 Emergency F3-23 Emergency Sampling 7.3 F3-23.1 Emergency Hotcell Procedure 7.3 F3-23.2 Deleted F3-23.3 Deleted F3-23.4 Deleted F3-23.5 Deleted F3-23.6 Deleted F3-23.7 Deleted F3-23.8 Deleted F3-24 Record Keeping During an Emergency 6.2 F3-25 Re-Entry 7.3, 9.0 F3-26 Deleted

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 142of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F3-26.1 Operation of the ERGS Display 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.2 Radiation Monitor Data on ERGS 7.1, 7.3 F3-26.3 EROS - NRG Data Link 6.4, 7.2.2.E F3-27 Response to Railroad Grade Crossing Blockage 5.6.4(0) F3-28 Deleted F3-29 Emergency Security Procedures 5.3, 6.1 F3-30 Transition to Recovery 9.0 F3-31 Response to Security Related Threats 5.3, 6.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN ,*: ; ~ ~ :::: . \'.'. '.'.S0:CF'~-::, ~:*:,:* :hlf~~ ," .*.;ER' NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN 0 * ,' ~~-"4J<l *.*, < REV: 53 Page 143of158 Attachment A Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures A.2 EOF EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES The following is a listing of F8 procedures (EOF Emergency Plan lmpiementing Procedures) which SHALL be used by EOF emergency organization personnel to implement the emergency. This niay not be a complete detailed procedure list but is meant to serve as a basis for procedure development. Procedure Number Procedure Title Affected Plan Section F8-1 Emergency Operations Facility Organization 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 F8-2 Responsibilities During an Alert, Site Area 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, or General Emergency in the EOF 6.7 F8-3 Activation and Operation of the EOF 5.4, 7.1.3 F8-4 Emergency Support and Logistics .5.6, 5.7 F8-5 Offsite Dose Assessment and Protective 6.4,*6.6 Action Recommendations F8-6 Radiological Monitoring and Control at 6.6, 6.7, 7.4 the EOF F8-8 Offsite Agency Liaison Activities 5.6, 5.7 F8-9 Event Termination or Recovery 5.5, 9.0 F8-10 Record Keeping in the EOF 6.2 FS-11 Transfer to the ,Backup EOF 7.1.3 F8-12 Emerge~cy REMP 7.3.2


1. NPD Office Building and Emergency Vehicle Field Survey Kits A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kits (2)
1. Airborne Sample Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sample Equipment C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Portable Communication Radios E. Foul weather gear F. Protective clothing G. Potassium Iodide Potassium Iodide (Kl)
2. North Warehouse and Distribution Center Assembly Points (each location)

A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Portable Communications Radio C. 1 Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) D. Personnel Decontamination Kit E. Airborne Sample Equipment F. Small First Aid Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor H. Protective Clothing


3. Operational Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Air Sampling Equipment (Battery and AC Powered) .

C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radios (located in Control Room) E. Area Radiation Monitor F. .Portable Lanterns and Batteries G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) H. Plant Floor Plans I. Protective Clothing (Including Waterproof) J. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) and spare bottles K. First Aid Kit L. Continuous Air Monitor (Control Room and OSC) M. Drager Toxic Chemical Air Sampler N. Full Face Respirators and Iodine Canisters

4. Technical Support Center A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Airborne Sampling Equipment C. Personnel dosimetry D. Portable Communications Radio E. Area Radiation Monitor

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 146of158 Attachment B Summary of Emergency Supplies F. Continuous Air Monitor G. Copies of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (F-3) H. Protective Clothing I. Respiratory Protection (SCBA's) and spare bottles J. Plant Floor Plans K.

  • Potassium Iodide (Kl) Distribution
5. Red Wing Fire Station A. Personnel Dosimetry
6. Mayo Clinic Health System A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Personnel dosimetry C. Copy of Operations Manual F-4 D. Supplies (Disposable clothing, solid waste containers, and liquid waste containers)
7. Hot Cell A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Protective clothing C. Alpha Survey Meter D. Sample team communication gear E. Copy of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (F-3)


8. Fire Brigade Dress Out Area A. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
9. Emergency Operations Facility A. Beta Gamma Survey Meters B. Offsite Sample Kit (1)
1. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Particulate, Iodine, Gaseous)
2. Liquid Sampling Equipment C. Personnel Dosimetry D. Airborne Sampling Equipment (Local)

E. Portable Communication Radios F. Personnel Decontamination Kit G. Area Radiation Monitor H. Continuous Air Monitor I. GEM Detector for Isotopic Analysis of Samples

           .J. Decontamination Shower K. Potassiu~  Iodide (Kl) Distribution

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 148of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) A. Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control) A.1.a 5.6, 5.7 A1.b 5.6, 5.7 A.1.c Figure 3 A.1.d 1.5, 1.6, 5.3.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.1.e 5.2, 5.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.3, Table 1 A.2.a State/Local Plans A.2.b State/Local Plans A.3 MT & Pl Offsite Plan A.4 5.3.1 B. Onsite Emergency Organization B.1 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 B.2 5.3.1 B.3 5.3.1 B.4 5.3.1 B.5 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, Table 1, 5.4 B.6 5.6, 5~ 7, Figure 4 B.7 Table 1, 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.a 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.b 5.4, 5.5 B.7.c 5.4, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.7.d MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.8 5.6.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan B.9 5.6.4, 5.7, 6.7.3, MT & Pl Offsite Plan


  • NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section)

C. Emergency Response Support and Resources C.1.a 5.3.1 C.1.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.1.c MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.2.a State/Local Plan C.2.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.3 Attach A.2, (F8-4 ), MT & Pl Offsite Plan C.4 Attach A.2 (F8-4 ), 5.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan D. Emergency Classification System D.1 4.0 D.2 4.0, Annex A D.3 State/Local Plan D.4 State/Local Plan E. Notification Methods and Procedures E.1 6.1.2, 6.1.4 E.2 6.1.1 E.3 5.3.1 E.4 5.3.1 E.4.a 5.3.1 E.4.b 5.3.1 E.4.c 5.3.1 E.4.d 5.3.1 E.4.e 5.3.1

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 150of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) E. Notification Methods and Procedures (cont'd) E.4.f 5.3.1 E.4.g 5.3.1 E.4.h 5.3.1 E.4.i 5.3.1 E.4.j 5.3 ..1 E.4.k 5.3.1 E.4.1 5.3.1

  • E.4.m 5.3.1 E.4.n 5.3.1 E.5 7 .2.3, State/Local Plan E.6 5.3.1, 7.2.3, State/Local Plan E.7 MT & Pl Offsite Plan F. Emergency Communications F.1.a 6.1.2, 6.1.3, Table 6 F.1.b 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.c Table 6 F.1.d 72.2., Table 6 F.1.e 6.1.1, 7.2.2, Table 6 F.1.f 7.2.2, Table 6 F.2 7.2.2 F.3 8.1.2.
    . PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT                                         EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER:

E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 151of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) G.. Public Education and Information G.1 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.2 MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.3.b Attach A (F8-8) MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.a MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4.b MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.4~c MT & Pl Offsite Plan G.5 MT & Pl Offsite Plan H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment H.1 7. 1.1, 7 .1 .2 H.2 7.1.3 H.3 State/Local Plan H.4 6.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.5 7.3 H.5.a 7.3.1, Table 7, Table 11 H.5.b 7.3.1, Table 8, Table 9 H.5.c 7.3.1, Table 10 H.5.d 7.3.1 H.6.a 7.3.2, Table 11 H.6.b 7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan H.6.c 7.3.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan L___

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 152of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment (cont'd) H.7 7.3.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.6, Attach B. H.8 6.4, 7 .3.1, 7.3.2, Table 11 H.9 7.1.2, 7.4.2, Attach B H.10 8.2.2 H.11 Attach B H.12 7.1.3 I. Accident Assessment 1.1 Annex A, Table 7 Table 8,Table 10 1.2 6.4, 7.3.1 1.3.a 6.4 1.3.b 6.4.1 1.4 6.4.1 1.5 6. 4.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.2 Table 11 1.6 6.4.1 1.7 6.4.2 1.8 6.4.1, 6.4.2 1.9 6.4.2 1.10 6.4.1 1.11 State Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 153of158 Attachment C . NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE {by Section) J. Protective Response J.1.a 6.6.1 (A) J.1.b 6.6.1 (A) J.1.c 6.6.1 (A) J.1.d 6.6.1 (A) J.2 6.6.1 (A) J.3 6.6.1 (A) J.4 6.6.1 (A) J.5 5.3.1, 6.6.1 (A) J.6.a 6.6.2 (A) J.6.b 6.6.2 (A) J.6.c 6.6.2 (8) J.7 6.6.21 Tables 3 and 4 J.8 6.6.1 (D), MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.9 State/Local Plan J.10.a 6.4.2, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.b 6.6, MT & Pl Offsite Plan J.10.c 7.2.3 J.10.d State/Local Plan J.10.e State/Local Plan J.10.f State/Local Plan J.10.g State/Local Plan J.10.h State/Local Plan J.10.i State/Local Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN E~; ' ' , '/f,"> EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 154of158 Attachment C .NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) J. Protective Response [Cont'd] J.10.j State/Local Plan J.10.k State/Local Plan J.10.I State/Local Plan J.10.m 6 .6.1 I Tables 3 and 4 J.11 State Plan* J.12 State/Local Plan K. Radiological Exposure Control K.1.a 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.b 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.c 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.d 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.e 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.f 6.7.1, Table 4 K.1.g 6.7.1, Table 4 K.2 6.7.1

                . K.3.a                                  6.7.1 K.3.b                              6.7.1 K.4                                State/Local Plan K.5.a                              6.6. 3, Table 5 K.5.b                               6.7.2 K.6.a                               6.6.3 (A)

K.6.b 6.6.3 (A) K.6.c 6.6.3 (A) K.7 6.6.3, 6.7.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 155of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) L. Medical and Public Health Support L.1 5.6.4 (B), 6.7.3 L.2 6.7.2 L.3 State Plan L.4 5.6.4 I, 6.7.2, 6.7.3 M. Recovery and Re-entry Planning and Post Accident Operations M.1 5.5, 9.0 M.2 5.5, 9.4 M.3 5.5,9.4 M.4 6.4.1 N. Exercises and Drills N.1.a 8.1.2 N.1.b 8.1.2 N.2.a 8.1.2 N.2.b 8.1.2 N.2.c 8.1.2 N.2.d 8.1.2 N.2.e (1) 8.1.2 N.2.e (2) 8.1.2 N.3.a Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.b Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.c Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.d Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.3.e Site Drill/Exercise Manual

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT . EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 156of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) N. Exercises and Drills (cont'd) N.3.f Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.4 Site Drill/Exercise Manual N.5 Site Drill/Exercise Manual

0. Radiological Emergency Response Training 0.1 8.1.1 0.1.a 8.1.1 0.1.b State/Local Plan 0.2 8.1.1, 8.1.2 Site Drill/Exercise Manual 0.3 8.1.1 0.4.a 8.1.1 0.4.b 8.1.1 0.4.c 8.1.1 0.4.d 8.1.1 0.4.e 8.1.1 0.4.f 8.1.1 0.4.g MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.h 8.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.i MT & Pl Offsite Plan 0.4.j 8.1.1 0.5 8.1.1, MT & Pl Offsite Plan

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 157of158 Attachment C NUREG-0654/PI E-Plan Cross Reference NUREG-0654 ELEMENT Pl E-PLAN REFERENCE (by Section) P. Resgonsibilitv for the Planning Effort: Develogment, Periodic Review and Distribution of Emergency Plans P.1 MT & Pl OffsitePlan P.2 8.2 P.3 8.2 P.4 8.2.1 P.5 MT & Pl Offsite Plan I P.6 2.0, MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.7 Attach A P.8 Table of Contents Attach C P.9 MT & Pl Offsite Plan P.10 8.2

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: E-PLAN EMERGENCY PLAN REV: 53 Page 158of158 Table 12 Significant Changes From the Previous Revision Section Change Section 5.6.4 Spelled out acronym HAB to state Hostile Action Based (HAB). Section 5. 7.4 Removed paragraph discussing Wisconsin Radiation Protection response teams. Table 8 Deleted reference to "R-42, Scint/Heating Boiler Condensate, 101-106 cpm". Various Updated references to OSC location.

PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT EMERGENCY PLAN NUMBER: ANNEX A E-PLAN REV: 53 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL MATRIX The site-specifiq Emergency Action Levels (EALs) are presented in the attached Emergency Action Level Matrix. These EALs are based on the NEI 99-01 EAL scheme. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Classification of Emergency also contains the same Emergency Action Level Matrix. Page 1 of 1}}