L-PI-05-079, Prairie Lsland Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2, Corrections to Emergency Core Cooling Svstem (ECCS) Evaluation Models

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Prairie Lsland Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2, Corrections to Emergency Core Cooling Svstem (ECCS) Evaluation Models
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/2005
From: Thomas J. Palmisano
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2010-0209, L-PI-05-079, TAC MC4643, TAC MC4644
Download: ML052430398 (13)


N Committed to Nuclear Exceilence M ~ Prairie lsland Nuclear Generating Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC AUG 3 0 2005 L-PI-05-079 10 CFR 50.46 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Prairie lsland Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Dockets 50-282 and 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42 and DPR-60 Corrections to Emergency Core Cooling Svstem (ECCS) Evaluation Models


(1) Letter L-PI-04-11I,dated September 24,2004, "Clarification of Actions for Corrections to Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Evaluation Models," from Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC), to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

(2) Letter, dated March 2, 2005, "Prairie lsland Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Corrections to Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS)

Evaluation Models Re: (TAC Nos. MC4643 and MC4644) from NRC to NMC Attached is a report of changes to the Prairie lsland Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP)

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Evaluation Models. This report is being submitted in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50, Section 50.46, as a 30-day report.

The report includes Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) changes reported by Westinghouse. There were no changes to the Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) analysis.

The Unit 1 LBLOCA Peak Clad Temperature (PCT) change is due to a model application error designated as "SECY Cold Leg Nozzle Expansion." The change since the last PCT submitted to the NRC on December 14,2004 is + I 3 OF. The PCT (2039 OF, see Attachment I) for LBLOCA analysis continues to remain below the 10 CFR 50.46 PCT acceptance criterion. However, the accumulated absolute value of the PCT changes and errors since the original 1995 baseline Analysis of Record is 795 O F .

The Unit 2 LBLOCA Peak Clad Temperature (PCT) changes are due to the following three changes:

A model application error designated as "SECY Cold Leg Nozzle Expansion"

(+I 3 degree penalty) 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

Document Control Desk Page 2 A change associated with a reactor head assembly upgrade completed during the Spring 2005 refueling outage (+3 degree penalty)

An adjustment for the Cycle 23 initial core burnup, which was greater than assumed in the Safety Analysis Transition Program (SATP) (+7 degree penalty)

The Unit 2 changes since the last PCT submitted to the NRC on August 5,2004 add to

+23 OF. The PCT (2017 OF, see Attachment I ) for LBLOCA analysis continues to remain below the 10 CFR 50.46 PCT acceptance criterion. However, the accumulated absolute value of the PCT changes and errors since the original 1995 baseline Analysis of Record is 773 OF.

NMC has committed by letter (see Reference I ) to provide a new LBLOCA analysis for PlNGP by March 31,2006. The NRC found this schedule acceptable (see Reference 2).

The summary sheets attached to this letter need not be withheld from public disclosure.

Summaw of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Thomas J. Palmisano Site Vice President, Prairie lsland Nuclear Generating Plant cc Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region Ill Project Manager, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, USNRC, NRR NRC Resident Inspector - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Enclosure

ENCLOSURE LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summaries Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (includes plant specific changes and non-zero non-plant specific changes) 10 Pages Follow (Attachment 1 - Prairie Island Unit 1 LBLOCA - 5 pages)

(Attachment 2 - Prairie Island Unit 2 LBLOCA - 5 pages)

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit 1 Utility Name: Nuclear Management Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 129/05 Analysis Information EM: SECY UP1 WCJT Analysis Date: 3/1/95 Limiting Break Size: C d = 0.4 FQ: 2.4 FdH: 1.77 Fuel: OFA SGTP (%): 15 Notes: ZirlorM, OSG SGTP Evaluated up to 24.64% (see also Note 0;Fq increased ro 2.5 (Item A. 10);RSG Study at 10% SGTP.

Clad Temp ( O F ) Ref. Notes LICENSING BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT MARGIN ALLOCATIONS (Delta PCT)

A. PRIOR PERMANENT ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS I . Fixed Heat Transfer Node Assignment ErrorlAccumulator Water Injection Error (1995 Repon) 2 . I-D Transition Boiling Heat Transfer Error (1997 Report) 3 . Vessel Channel DX Error (1997 Repon) 4 . Illput Consistency (1997 Repon) 5 . No Items for 1996 & 1998 Reports 6 . Accumulator LindPressurizer Surge Line Data / Plant Specific Arcumulator Level & Line Volume I Plant Specific Restan Error:

Reanalysis (I999 Report) 7 . Modeling Updates and Unheated Conductor Input Corrections (Plant Specific, 2000 Report) 8 . Accur~lulatorPrcssure +/- 30 psi Ral~ge(Plan1 Specific. 2001 Repon) 9 . LHSl Error Evaluation (Plant Specific. 2002 Repon) 10 . Sensitivity Study for FQ=2.5. LHSl Correction, etc. (aslisted in note (6)) (Plant Specific. 2003 Repon)

I 1 . Broken Loop Nozzle Loss Coefficient (Plant Specific) (2003 Report)

B. PLANNED PLANT CHANGE EVALUATIONS I . Sensit~vityStudy for Steatn Generator Tuhe Plugging Increase to 25%

2 . Accumulator Water Volume +I-25 h3 Range 3 . Accun~ulatorPressure Ex~endedlo +I- 5.5 psi Range 4 . 5 Rrconstituted Rods Evaluation Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 5 . SATP Core Average Burnup 6 . Sensitivtty Study for Framatome RSG 7 . HAUP LOCA Evaluation C. 2005 PERMANENT ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS I . SECY Cold Leg Nozzle Expansion Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit I Utility Name: Nuclear Management Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 12910.5 D. TEMPORARY ECCS MODEL ISSUES*

I . None E. OTHER I . Removal of Reference 14 LHSI Error Evaluation S<< flk-LICENSING BASIS PCT + MARGIN ALLOCATIONS PCT = 2042 (2034) g* rhe

  • It is recommended that lhex temporary PCT allocations which addresscurrent LOCA model ~ssuesnot he considered P"'.4.u4, 1

p 3 8 .

with respect to 10 CFR 50.46 reporting requirements.

I r


I . 95NS-G-0021. "Updated UP1 LBLOCA." March 24. 1995.

2 . WCAP-13919, Addendurn 1. "Prairie lsland Units 1 and 2 WCOBRAITRAC Best Estimate UP1 Large Break LOCA Analysis Engineering Report Addendum I : Updated Results." December 1996.

3 . NSP-96-202. "Northern Stales Power Company Praine lsland Un~tsI and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting." February 20. 1996.

4 . NSP-97-201, "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting." April 17, 1997.

5 . NSP-98-012. "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Report~ngfor 1997," Fehruary27. 1998.

6 . NSP-99-010. "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 1998," April 29. 1999.

7 . NSP-00-005. "Northern Sutes Power Company Prairie lsland Unils I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 1999," February 2000.

8 . NSP-00-057. "Northern States Power Co~npanyPrairie lsland Units I and 2 LOCA Evaluation o f 25% SGTP with Other Modeling Updates." December 11. 2000.

9 . 00NS-G-0076lCAB-00-390,"Prairie lsland Unit I Cycle 21 LOCA Reload Confir~nationand FCEPChecklis." December 15, 2000.

10 . NSP-01-006. "Nonhern Slates Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 2000." March 6.2001.

I I . Rothrock (NMCl to Swigat (W). "Prairie lsland Unit I LOCA PCT." May 30.2001.

12 . NSP-02-9. "Nuclear Management Company Pralrir lsland Units 1 and 2 LBLOCA Accumulator Pressure and Volume Ranges Evaluation." February IS. 2002.

13 . NSP-02-5. "Nuclear Managemen1Company Prairie lsland Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting lor 2001 ." March 2002.

14 . NSP-02-59LTR-ESI-02-194. "Final Evaluation oCLarge Break LOCA Error." December 2002 Official record electronicalty approved in E D M A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 IS . NSP-03-19. "Nuclear Maeagen~rlnCompany Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 2002," March 2003.

16 . MP92-TAH-0394 I ET-NSL-OPL-1-92-518. "NSPC Pra~rielsland Units I and 2, SC Tube flow Area Reduction under LOCA / SSE - Final Report". October 2 I . 1992.

17 . NSP-04-10 "Safety Analysis Transition Program Transmittal of Engineering Report." February 20,2004.

18 . NSP-93-513. Rev IIET-NSL-OPL-1-93-313. Rev. I. Letter fromT. A. Hawley (W) to K. E. Higar (NSP). "Final Transnlittal of Assumptions to be used for the Large and Small Break LOCA Analyses, Rev. I July 7. 1993. Confirmed by : Letter from K. E. Higar (NSP) to Mr. T. Hawley (W)."Acceptance of NSP0930513. Rev I". July 30.1993.

19 . NSPW-38. "Nuclear Manage~nentCompany Prairie Island Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 2003." March 2004.

20 . WCAP-16206-P. "SATP Engineering Report for Prairie Islasd," Fehruary 2004.

Official record electronically approved in EDNS A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit I Utility Name: Nuclear Management Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 I29105 21 . NF-NMC-04-49, "Nuclear Management Company Pra~nelsland Unit 1 Cycle 22 Final RSE." April 2004.

22 . NSP-04-65. "Nuclear Managemeot Company Prairie lsland Units 1 & 2 Safety AnalysisTransidon Program Response to 10 CFR 50.46 Inquiry." April 2 1.2004.

23 . NF-NMC-04-129. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie lsland Unit I.Cycle 23 Final RSE," August 2004.

24 . NSP-04-1 14. "Nuclear Managenlent Company Prairie lsland Units I & 2. Safety AnalysisTransition Program. Transni~ttal o f LBLOCA Replacement Steam Generator (RSG) Eng~neeringReport Addendum." (WCAP-16206-P-Addendum 1).June 25 . NSP-05.155, "Nuclear Management Company, Reactor Vessel Head Replacen~entProject. Prairie lsland Units 1 & 2." May 18.2005.

26. Misc. SECY Error Transn~ittal.August 2005.


(a) P-bar-HA increased fro111I .57 to 1.59

( b ) Reanalysis for all listed issues (c) Reanalysis for both issues (d) Related JCO i n existence (NSP-OI -030). N M C cogniwnt o f uncenainty application and PCT sheet categorization (e) Reconstitution for Cycle 21 recanted per Reference 11.

(0 It i s assunled hat N M C is applying the 0.36% SGTP allowance factor branch o f the SG LOCA ISSE issue (Reference 16).

Thus the 25% SCTP Study (Item B.1) supports a net SCTP limit of 24.64%.

(g) Sensitivity Study for: FQ=2.50. PAD 4.0 Implementation, Restoration of LHSl to Reference 18 values. SGlLoop AP Re-tuning, Core Power Restoration.

(h) The note (g) sensitivity study allows for the removal o f the Reference 14 engineering assessment.

(i) Items A. I 0 and A. II presented as aggregate -66 "Fentry prior to Reference 22 decomposition.

Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFL Group company

W e s t i n g h o u s e P r o p r i e t a r y Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit 2 Utility Name: Nuclear Managenlent Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 129105 Analvsis Information EM: SECY UP1 W C m Analysis Date: 3/1/95 Limiting Break Size: Cd = 0.4 FQ: 2.4 FdH: 1.77 Fuel: OFA SGTP (% ): 15 Notes: ZirloTM,S G T P Evaluated up lo 24.64% (see also Note e); Fq increased t o 2.5 (Item A. 10)

Clad Temp (OF') Ref. Notes LICENSING BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT 2180 13 (a)


A. PRIOR PERMANENT ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS I . Fixed Heat Transfer Node Assignment ErrorlAccumulator Water -175 3 Injection Error (1995 Rrport) 2 . l -DTransition Boiling Heat Transfer Error ( 1997 Report) 59 5 3 . Vessel Channel DX Error (1997 Repon) -14 5 4 . Input Consistency (1997 Report) -66 5 5 . No Items for 1996. 1990 & 2004 Reports 0 4.6.23 6 . Accumulator LinelPressurizer Surge Line Data I Plant Specific Accumulator Level & Line Volume I Plant Specific Restart Error:

Reanalysis (1999 Report) 7 . Modeling Updates and Unheated Conductor Input Correct~ons(plant -147 8.9 specific) (2000 Repon) 8 . Accumulator Pressurn +/- 30 p s ~Range (Plant Specific) (2001 Report) 8 10.1 1 9 . LHSl Error Evaluation (Plant Specific) (2002 Report) 30 12.13 10 . Sensitivity Study for FQ=2.5. LHSI Correction. etc. (as listed ln note (0) 47 15.17.18 (Plant Specific) (2003 Report)

I I . Broken Loop Nozzle Loss Coefficient (Plant Specific) (2003 Report)

B. PLANNED PLANT CHANGE EVALUATIONS I . Sensitivity Study for Steam Generator Tube Plugging Increase to 25%

2 . Accumularor Water Volume +I- 25 ti3 Range 12 10 3 . Accumula~orPrrssurr Extended to +I- 55 psi Range 21 10 4 . Cycle 22 SATP Core Average Burnup 17 19 Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 5 . HAUP LOCA Evalualiot~

6 . SATP Core Average Burnup Extension for Cycle 23 Redesign C. 2005 PERMANENT ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS I . SECY Cold Leg Nozzle Expansion D. TEMPORARY ECCS MODEL ISSUES*

I . Nonc Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFL Group company

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie Island Unit 2 Utility Name: Nuclear Management Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 129105 E. OTHER 1 . Removal o f Reference 12 LHSl Error Evaluation -30 IS LICENSING BASIS PCT + MARGIN ALLOCATIONS PCT= 2017

  • I t is recornnlended that these temporary KT allocations which address current LOCA model issues not be considered with respect to I 0 CFR 50.46 reporting require~wnts.


I . 95NSG002 I."Updated UP1 LBLOCA." March 24. 1995.

2 . WCAP-13919. Addendurn 1. "Prairie Island Units I and 2 W C O B R m R A C Best Estimate UP1 Large Break LOCA Analysis Engineerink Rcpon Addendum I : Updated Results," Decemher 1996.

3 . NSP-96-202. "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and ? 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting." February 20. 1996.

4 . NSP-97-201. "Ntxtkrn States Power Company Prairie lsland Units Iand 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Report~rrg."A p r ~ 17.

l 1997.

5 . NSP-98-012, "Nonhern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 1997." February 27. 1998.

6 . NSP-99-010, "Nonhern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units Iand 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notifica~ionand Reporting for 1998.' April 29. 1999.

7 . NSPOO-005. "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units Iand 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 1999.' February 20W.

8 . NSPOO-057. "Nonhern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 LOCA Evaluation of2S% SGTP with Orher Modeling Updates." December 1I.2000.

9 . NSP-OI-006. "Northern States Power Company Prairie lsland Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and R r p ~ ~ t rfor

~ i 2000."

g March 6.2001.

10 . NSP-02-9. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 LBLOCA Accumulator Pressure and Volume Ranges Evaluation." February 15.2002.

II . NSP42-5. "Nuclear Managemen1Company Rairie lsland Units I and 2 10CFR 50.46 Annual Notification and Reporting for 2001." March 2002.

12 . NSP-02-59LTR-ESI-02-194. "Final Evaluatio~io f Large Break LOCA Error." December 2002.

13 . NSP-02-19. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie lsland Units I and 2 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Notificadon and Reporting for 2002." March 2003.

14 . MP92-TAH-0394 IET-NSL-OPL-1.92-518. "NSPC Prairie lsland Units I and 2. SG Tuhe R o w Area Reduction under LOCA 1 SSE - Ftnal Report". October 2 1. 1991.

Official record dectronically approved i n EDMS A BNFL Group company

Weslinghouse Proprietary Class 2 15 . NSP-04-10 "Safety AnalysisTransition ProgramTransmittal of Engineering Report." Fehruary 20.2004 16 . NSP-93-513. Rev IIET-NSL-OPL-1-93-313.Rev. 1, Letter fromT. A. Hawley (W) to K. E. Higar (NSP). "Final Transmittal of Assunipt~onsto be used for the Large and Snlall Break LOCA Analyses. Rev. I ".July 7. 1993. Confirmed hy : Letrrr from K E. H~gar(NSP) to Mr. T Hawley (W). "Acceptance of NSP09305 13. Rev I July 30. 199.1 17 . NSP-04-38. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie lsland Units 1 and 2 10CFR 50.46 Annual Not~fica~ion and Reporting for 2003." March 2 W .

I8 . WCAP- 16206-P. "SATP Engineering Report for Prairie Island," February 2004.

19 . NF-NMC-04-50. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie Island Unit 2 Cycle 22 Rnal RSE." April 2004.

20 . NSP-04-65, "Nuclear Management Company Prairie Island Units I & 2 Safety AnalysisTransition Program Repsonse to 10CFR 50.46 Inquiry." April 21.2004.

21 . NSPOS-155. "Nuclear Management Company. Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Project. Prairie Island Units 1 & 2." May 18.2005 Official record dectronicdly approved in E D M A BNFL Group company

W e s t i n g h o u s e P r o p r i e l a r y Class 2 Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for SECY UP1 Large Break Plant Name: Prairie lsland Unit 2 U t i l i t y Name: N u c l e a r M a n a g e m e n t Company, LLC Revision Date: 7 /29/05 22 . NF-NMC-05-38 Rev. I. "Pra~rielsland Unit 2 Cycle 23 Final RSE." May 13.2005 23 . NSP-05-65. "Nuclear Management Company Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 10CFR 50.46 Annual Nolification and Reporting for 2004." April 2005.

24 . Misc. SECY Errors Transmittal, August 2005 Notes:

(a) P-bar-HA increased From 1.57 to 1.59 (h) Reanalysis for all I~rtedissues (c) Reanalysis for both issues (d) Related JCO in existence (NSP-01-030). NMC cogniwnt of uncertainty application and PCT sheet categorization.

(e) I t is assu~~wd that NMC is applying the 0.36% SGTP allowance factor branch of the SG LOCA I SSE issue (Reference 14).

Thus the 25% SGTP Study (Item B.1) supports a net SGTPlimir of24.649E.

(0 Sens~ti\~ty Study for. FQ=2.50. PAD 4.0 Implenxntation. Restoration ofLHS1 to Reference 16 values. SGLoop AP Re-tuning. Core Power Restoration (p) The note (0 sensitivity study allows for the re~novalof the Reference I2 engineering assessment.

(h) Ilen~sA.10 and A.I 1 presented as aggregate -66 "F entry prior 10 Rekrencc 20 dccomposition.

Official record electronically approved in EDMS A BNFl Group company