L-PI-03-118, Request for Relief No. 14, Revision 1 for the Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program

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Request for Relief No. 14, Revision 1 for the Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/2003
From: Solymossy J
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-PI-03-118, TAC MB7975
Download: ML033510659 (141)


N ooc Commtted to Nuclear ExcejlP Nuclear Management Company, LLC Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Dr. East

  • Welch MN 55089 December 12, 2003 L-PI-03-118 10 CFR 50.55a U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-282 LICENSE NO. DPR-42




On August 5, 1994 we submitted for review our third 10-year Inservice Inspection Examination Plan for Unit 1 and, on March 28,1995, a response to a request for additional information to that plan. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued its evaluation of the third 10-year Interval Program Plan on February 22, 1996.

On March 6, 2003 we submitted Unit 1 Relief Request No. 14, Revision 0, for "limited examinations" associated with that plan. The NRC, by letter dated July 22, 2003, sent a request for additional information (RAI). This letter responds to the RAI by submitting Revision 1 to Unit 1 Relief Request No. 14. The revised relief request addresses the concerns expressed in the RAI. Revision 1 supercedes Revision 0 in its entirety. We are requesting relief pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) due to the impracticality of obtaining "100%" examination coverage for the affected items.

This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Please contact Jack Leveille (651-388-1121, Ext. 4142) if you have any questions related to this letter.

ph M. Solymos

-ite Vice President, airie Island Nuclear Generating Plant cc: (see next page) 1717 Wakonade Drive East

  • Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1121 1jqL

USNRC NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC L-PI-03-1 18 Page 2 cc: Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region IlIl Project Manager, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, USNRC, NRR NRC Resident Inspector- Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Chief Boiler Inspector, State of Minnesota P. Fisher, Hartford Insurance


ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval, with attached examination reports and Procedure ISI-LTS-1, Revision 2, "Limitations to NDE" 1717 Wakonade Drive East . Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1121

ENCLOSURE NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-282 December 2003 ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval This enclosure consists of a 16 page write-up, entitled, "ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval" and the following attachments:

  • Attachment 1, Drawing No. ISI-49, 1 page
  • Attachment 2, Inspection Report No. 2002U074, 7 pages
  • Attachment 3, Inspection Report No. 96-0094, 8 pages
  • Attachment 4, Inspection Report No. 96-0095, 10 pages
  • Attachment 5, Inspection Report No. 96-0111, 10 pages
  • Attachment 6, Drawing No. ISI-29A, 1 page
  • Attachment 7, Inspection Report No. 2002U055, 4 pages
  • Attachment 8, Drawing No. ISI-24, 1 page
  • Attachment 9, Inspection Report No. 2002U062, 4 pages
  • Attachment 10, Inspection Report No. 2002U063, 3 pages
  • Attachment 11, Drawing No. ISI-3A, 1 page
  • Attachment 12, Inspection Report No. 2002U064, 4 pages
  • Attachment 13, Drawing No. ISI-2, 1 page
  • Attachment 14, Inspection Report No. 2002U066, 3 pages
  • Attachment 15, Inspection Report No. 2002U067, 4 pages
  • Attachment 16, Drawing No. ISI-19A, 1 page
  • Attachment 17, Inspection Report No. 2002U068, 4 pages
  • Attachment 18, Drawing No. ISI-3B, 1 page
  • Attachment 19, Inspection Report No. 2002U069, 4 pages
  • Attachment 20, Drawing No. ISI-12B, 1 page
  • Attachment 21, Inspection Report No. 2002U076, 5 pages
  • Attachment 22, Drawing No. ISI-13A, 1 page
  • Attachment 23, Inspection Report No. 2002UL077, 5 pages
  • Attachment 24, Drawing No. ISI-30B, 1 page
  • Attachment 25, Inspection Report No. 2002U096, 4 pages
  • Attachment 26, Drawing No. ISI-100A, 1 page
  • Attachment 27, Inspection Report No. 2002U052, 3 pages
  • Attachment 28, Drawing No. ISI-89A, I page
  • Attachment 29, Inspection Report No. 2002U061, 4 pages
  • Attachment 30, Drawing No. ISI-99B, I page
  • Attachment 31, Inspection Report No. 2002U086, 6 pages
  • Attachment 32, Drawing No. ISI-97C, 1 page
  • Attachment 33, Inspection Report No. 2002U089, 4 pages
  • Attachment 34, Xcel Energy Metals & Materials Resources North Procedure ISI-LTS-1, "Limitations to NDE", 12 pages

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval Limited Examination SYSTEM: Various CLASS: 1 and 2 CATEGORY: Various ITEM NO: Various Impractical Examination Requirements:

ASME Section Xl (1989 Edition, no addenda) Code requires full examination coverage of inservice inspection (ISI) components per Table IWB-2500-1, and IWC-2500-1. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 endorses the use of Section Xl Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds." This code case allows greater than 90% coverage of a weld to meet the "essentially 100%" requirement.

In addition, NRC Information Notice 98-42 "Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) Inservice Inspection requirements," dated Dec. 1, 1998, states, "The NRC has adopted and further refined the definition of 'essentially 100 percent' to mean 'greater than 90 percent' in 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) for required examination coverage of reactor pressure vessel welds.

This standard has been applied to all examination of welds or other areas required by ASME Section Xl.

The Prairie Island construction permit was issued in 1967. This facility was designed and constructed with limited accessibility due to component configurations and/or physical barriers for which 100% examination coverage is not achievable on some ISI components examined for the Third Ten Year Interval.

Basis for Relief:

This request is submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iv) which states, 'Where an examination requirement by the code or addenda is determined to be impractical by the licensee and is not included in the revised inservice inspection program as permitted by paragraph (g)(4) of this section, the basis for this determination must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission."

The regulation further states in 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(1) that, "For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued before January 1, 1971, components (including supports) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (g) (4) and (g)(5) of this section to the extent practical." 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) states, "Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, components (including supports) which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, set forth in Section Xl of editions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ... to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the components.

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ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval Prairie Island was designed and constructed prior to development of ASME Xl, therefore design for accessibility and inspection coverage is not in many cases, sufficient to permit satisfying the current Code requirements. Limitations to inspections are primarily due to design obstructions, component configurations and interference. Inthe case of circumferential welds a limitation from ultrasonic examination may exist simply because of weld joint configuration as with a pipe to valve or fitting weld.

A summary of the limited examinations are described below and also included in Table 1, Limited Examinations - Prairie Island Unit I - 2002 Refueling Outage."

Part A: Category B-A, "Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor Vessel" Reactor Vessel (RV) Weld (W-6), Head to Flange:

The RV head-to-flange weld is subject to volumetric and surface examination. In addition to Section Xl Code requirements the volumetric examination was performed pursuant to the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.150. The material of the head is A533 Grade B and the flange is A508 Class 1 carbon steel. The weld was examined, to the maximum extent practical, using a 0 degree longitudinal wave and 45 and 60 degree shear waves. Supplemental ultrasonic techniques were considered to extend examination coverage of the weld required volume (WRV). It was determined that no significant additional coverage could be obtained. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using magnetic particle and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002M027). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The ultrasonic reflectors recorded with this examination are within the outer 75% of through-wall thickness, are not surface related, and are not suspected of being cracks.

The required volumetric examination of the WRV was limited from the flange side of the weld due to weld joint configuration and close proximity of the flange to the intersecting radius of the reactor head. Inaddition, there are three 5.5 inch wide lifting lugs located approximately 120 degrees apart and 3 inches from the toe of the weld on the head that prevent 100% scanning and axial coverage from the head side of the weld, however, coverage of the WRV was approximately 94%. Due to the ramp radius from the flange side of the weld, axial scanning of the WRV was limited to approximately 38.9% using a 45 degree shear wave and 23.6% using a 60 degree shear wave. Circumferential scanning in the clockwise and counterclockwise 2 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3r Interval direction of the WRV was limited to 50% again by the flange and could only be performed on the head side of the weld.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 1, ISI Drawing ISI-49
  • Attachment 2, Examination Report Number 2002U074
  • Attachment 3, Examination Report Number 96-0094, 96-0094R1 & 96-0094R2
  • Attachment 4, Examination Report Number 96-0095, 96-0095R1 & 96-0095R2
  • Attachment 5, Examination Report Number 96-0111, 96-0111 R1 & 96-0111 R2 Part B: Category B-4, "Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping" Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-2) Safe-End to 450 Elbow:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vill, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The safe-end material is austenitic stainless Type 316 joined to a stainless type 316 45 degree piping elbow. The examination is limited to 50% in the axial and circumferential directions due to the safe-end to elbow weld joint configuration and proximity of the adjacent safe end to nozzle weld, The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50% in that only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) Appendix Vil procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P080). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 6, ISI Drawing ISI-29A
  • Attachment 7, Examination Report Number 2002U055.

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ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-21), Nozzle to Pipe:

This piping branch connection weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplement 2.

The examination was conducted using a 45 degree transducer. No 60 degree refracted longitudinal examination was performed due to technique limitations based on material thicknesses and component diameter considerations that are outside the qualified typical equipment parameters of Table 1 of the PDI document.

The branch nozzle connection to the reactor coolant piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the nozzle side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration of the branch connection to the process pipe. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix VIII procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P097). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 8, ISI Drawing ISI-24
  • Attachment 9, Examination Report Number 2002U062 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-18). Valve to Elbow This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the valve. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50 % and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code 4 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3 Interval WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vill procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P099). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 8, ISI Drawing ISI-24
  • Attachment 10, Examination Report Number 2002U063 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-1), Nozzle to Pipe:

This piping branch connection weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vil, Supplement 2.

The examination was conducted using a 45 degree transducer. No 60 degree refracted longitudinal examination was performed due to technique limitations based on material thicknesses and component diameter considerations that are outside the qualified typical equipment parameters of Table I of the PDI document.

The branch nozzle connection to the reactor coolant piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the nozzle side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration of the branch connection to the process pipe. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50 % and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vil procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P101). No relevant indications were detected.

5 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 11, ISI Drawing ISI-3A
  • Attachment 12, Examination Report Number 2002U064 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-9), Nozzle to Pipe:

This piping branch connection weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplement 2.

The examination was conducted using a 45 degree transducer. No 60 degree refracted longitudinal examination was performed due to technique limitations based on material thicknesses and component diameter considerations that are outside the qualified typical equipment parameters of Table 1 of the PDI document.

The branch nozzle connection to the reactor coolant piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the nozzle side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration of the branch connection to the process pipe. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50 % and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix VIII procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P1 13). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 13, ISI Drawing ISI-2
  • Attachment 14, Examination Report Number 2002U066 6 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-2). Nozzle to Pipe:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vill, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The nozzle and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in the axial direction from the piping side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the nozzle.

100% of the required circumferential scanning was performed. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 75% and only a single-sided axial examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix VIII procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P100). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 11, ISI Drawing ISI-3A

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vill, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 48.15% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the valve and the interference of a 1 inch drain line on the .

The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 48.15% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 92.6% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vil procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an 7 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P1 10). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 16, ISI Drawing ISI-19A

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The piping material is austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 86.55% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping downstream side of the weld due to 2 welded trunnions with one at 90 degrees and the other being at 270 degrees. Axial scanning on the downstream side of the weld was limited for 5 inches in the location of each trunnion and for 4.5 inches at each location for the circumferential scanning The total credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 86.55% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 95.8% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vil procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant. 91.7% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No. 2002P112). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

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ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval

  • Attachment 18, ISI Drawing ISI-3B
  • Attachment 19, Examination Report Number 2002U069 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-6LS2U), Elbow to Pump:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix 1II.The use of Appendix VilI, Supplement 10 was not required at the time the examination was performed. The examination was conducted using a 45-degree refracted longitudinal transducer. The pump and piping elbow material are cast austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in the axial direction and 90% in the circumferential direction from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the pump. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 70% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. In addition, the attenuation of the cast stainless material of the pump and elbow impedes the examination and use of other angles. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P087). No relevant indications were detected,.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 20, ISI Drawing ISI-12B
  • Attachment 21, Examination Report Number 2002U076 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-5), Red 500 Elbow to Nozzle:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix 1II. The use of Appendix Vil, Supplement 10 was not required at the time the examination was performed. The examination was conducted using a 45-degree refracted longitudinal transducer. The piping elbow material is cast austenitic stainless steel and the nozzle of the steam generator is cast WG 216 carbon steel joined by a 308L stainless weld. The examination is limited to 42.3% in the axial direction and 90% in the circumferential direction from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the nbzzle.

The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 66.15% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. In addition, the attenuation of the cast 9 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval stainless material of the elbow impedes the examination and use of other angles. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P127). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 22, ISI Drawing ISI-13A
  • Attachment 23, Examination Report Number 2002U077 Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-6). Bent Pipe to Safe End:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vil, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 70 degree transducers. The safe-end material and piping are austenitic stainless. The examination is limited to 64% in the upstream axial direction, 37.5% in the downstream axial direction. The required circumferential scans were not limited. The axial scanning limitation is due to the safe-end to pipe weld joint configuration. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 75.375%

in that only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vill procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds.

The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination.

As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P139). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

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ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval

  • Attachment 24, ISI Drawing ISI-30B
  • Attachment 25, Examination Report Number 2002U096 Part C: Category C-F-1 "Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping" Safety Iniection (SI) Weld (W-10), Pipe to Valve:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vil, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 70 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the valve. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vill procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No. 2002P072). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included inthe boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 26, ISI Drawing ISI-100A
  • Attachment 27, Examination Report Number 2002U052 Safety Iniection (SI) Weld (W-20), Pipe to Valve:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vill, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 60 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping elbow side of the weld due to -the weld joint configuration connection to the valve. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should 11 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vill procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P084). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 28, ISI drawing ISI-89A
  • Attachment 29, Examination Report Number 2002U061 Surveillance Safety Iniection (SI) Weld (W-14), Pipe to Valve:.

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vil, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 70 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 50% in both the axial and circumferential directions from the piping elbow side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the valve. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 50% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 100% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix Vil procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P134). No relevant indications were detected.

The weld is included in the boundary examined by VT-2 during pressure testing.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

12 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval

  • Attachment 30, IS Drawing ISI-99B
  • Attachment 31, Examination Report Number 2002U086 Safety Iniection (SI) Weld (W-18). Pipe to Valve:

This piping weld is subject to be examined by both volumetric and surface examination methods. The volumetric examination was performed using personnel and procedures qualified in accordance with Appendix Vil, Supplement 2. The examination was conducted using 45 and 70 degree transducers. The valve and piping material are austenitic stainless steel. The examination is limited to 33.5% in the axial and 50% in the circumferential directions from the piping side of the weld due to the weld joint configuration connection to the valve and welded support. The credited volumetric examination of the WRV was limited to 41.75% and only a single-sided examination could be performed. It should be noted that the volumetric examination was performed through 83.5% of the Code WRV, however, the PDI Appendix VilI procedure used is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single sided access examinations on austenitic stainless steel piping welds. The techniques employed for the examination provide for a best effort examination. As an alternative to the ultrasonic examination, radiography was considered and determined to be an unacceptable substitute due to radiological constraints, weld configuration, and the undue hardship imposed without offering a commensurate increase in safety with cost benefit.

The required surface examination was performed using liquid penetrant and was not limited. 100% of the required surface area was inspected (Inspection Report No.

2002P132). No relevant indications were detected.

The following supporting documentation is being provided:

  • Attachment 32, ISI Drawing ISI-97C
  • Attachment 33, Examination Report Number 2002U089 Additional Means of Establishing Component Integrity:

System integrity is monitored during normal operation by many direct and indirect methods, e.g., containment radiation monitoring, containment air monitoring, containment sump monitoring, containment temperature monitoring, system walk downs, surveillance testing, etc.

Alternate Examination:

The limitations have been noted on the ISI examination reports and are included in the 2002 ISI Outage Summary Report. NMC will continue to document limitations.

13 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval All in-service inspections at Prairie Island Unit 1 have been completed to the greatest extent practical. When limitations to required inspections are encountered, Xcel Energy Metals &

Materials Resources North procedure ISI-LTS-1 was applied. ISI-LTS-1 (Attachment 34) is used when an ASME Section Xl Code required examination results in less than 90%

coverage. It requires a review of the procedures to obtain maximum coverage and documentation of the limitation. The procedure also examines whether an alternative method could be used to obtain better coverage as allowed by the Code. This procedure was used for all the items identified above and the maximum inspection coverage was achieved.

Limitations are due to design, geometry, and materials of construction of the components.

NMC will continue to utilize the most current techniques available for future examinations.

14 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3rd Interval Table 1. Limited Examinations - Prairie Island Unit 1 - 2002 Refueling Outage Categoyy temNo.'[ .SYSTEM- .'.:'l SO Cmp D l Descriptin Method %Coverag eREPORT Linitatio 7

- 1'~
-_ '_____
; i -~ l^ 1 ,lummary #  ;: '--  : l_ ' l  :-

B-A B1.40 Reactor Vessel ISI-49 W-6 Head to Flange Volumetric 54.2% 2002U074 Limited to flange configuration 301095 UT (lifting lugs).

B-J B9.11 Reactor Coolant ISI-29A W-2 Safe-End to 45 Volumetric 50% 2002U055 Limited due to safe end 300900 degree Elbow UT configuration and proximity of adjacent safe end to nozzle weld.

B-J B9.31 Reactor Coolant ISI-24 W-21 Nozzle to Pipe Volumetric 50% 2002U062 Limited due to configuration 300656 UT and material attenuation.

B-J B9.11 Reactor Coolant IS1-24 W-18 Valve to Elbow Volumetric 50% 2002U063 Limited due to upstream valve.

300654 UT B-J B9.31 Reactor Coolant ISI-3A W-l Nozzle to Pipe Volumetric 50% 2002U064 Limited due to weld 300159 UT configuration and material attenuation.

B-J B9.31 Reactor Coolant ISI-2 W-9 Nozzle to Pipe Volumetric 50% 2002U066 Limited due to material 300136 UT attenuation and weld configuration.

B-J B9.11 Reactor Coolant ISI-3A W-2 Nozzle to Pipe Volumetric 75% 2002U067 Limited on nozzle side due to 300148 UT configuration.

B-J B9.11 Residual Heat Removal ISI-19A W-1 Valve to Pipe Volumetric 48.15% 2002U068 Limited due to 1" drain line at 300649 UT BDC.

B-J B9.11 Residual Heat Removal ISI-313 W-1 Elbow to Pipe Volumetric 86.55% 2002U069 Limited due to welded supports 300171 UT at 900 and 2700.

B-J B9.10 Reactor Coolant ISI-12B W-6LS2U Elbow to Pump Volumetric 70% 2002U076 Limited due on pump side due 300527 UT to configuration.

15 of 16

ISI Relief Request No. 14 (Rev. 1), Prairie Island Unit 1, 3 rd Interval Limited Examinations - Prairie Island Unit 1 - 2002 Refueling Outage Category. I-tem No.! - S CompID Description - Method 1/6CoveraiW REPORT.'

B-J B9.11 Reactor Coolant ISI-13A W-5 Red 500 Elbow Volumetric 66.15% 2002U077 Limited on upstream side due 300543 to Nozzle UT to taper configuration and downstream side due to configuration.

B-J B9.11 Reactor Coolant ISI-30B W-6 Bent Pipe to Volumetric 75.38% 2002U096 Limited due to joint 300926 Safe End UT configuration and proximity of safe-end taper from weld toe.

C-F-I C5.21 Safety Injection ISI-1OA W-10 Pipe to valve Volumetric 50% 2002U052 Limited on valve side due to 305081 UT configuration.

C-F-I C5.11 Safety Injection ISI-89A W-20 Pipe to valve Volumetric 50% 2002U061 Limited on valve side due to 301445 UT configuration.

C-F-I C5.21 Safety Injection ISI-99B W-14 Pipe to Valve Volumetric 50% 2002U086 Limited on valve side due to 305015 UT configuration.

C-F-i C5.21 Safety Injection ISI-97C W-18 Pipe to Valve Volumetric 41.75% 2002U089 Limited on valve side due to 303060 UT configuration and due to welded support.

16 of 16


REF: IFILE NO: 11149R03 MP (M&sP)- Pi 1 ISI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: APPOD:


_ DWG:

_ _ _ _ __ ISI-49 REV: 03

UT Vessel Examination Nl )__

Site/Unit: PNGP I P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-3A Outage No.: Pl1RFO2002 Summary No.: 301095 Procedure Rev.: 8 TCN 02-3 Report No.: 2002U074 Workscope: IS1 Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 7 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-A Location: Cont 715 Drawing No.: ISI-49


HEAD - FLANGE System ID: RV Component ID: W-6 Size/Length: 3.2" /41' Thickness/Diameter: 5.71"/13' Limitations: See Comments. Start Time: 1100 Finish lime: 1530 Examination Surface: Inside ] Outside 0 Surface Condition: Blended I Machined Lo Location: Centerline Stud Hole I Wo Location: Weld Toe Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 65 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA118, 2002CA119, 2002CA120 Angle Used 0 45 45T l 60 ; 60T Scanning dB 34.0 50.0 50.0 58.0 58.0 Indication(s): Yes i No a Scan Coverage: Upstream 0 Downstream i CW i CCW il Comments:

Scans 2,3,4 limited due to flange configuration, lifting lugs.

Results: NAD Ea IND 0 GEO D_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level III Signature' Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. , , / - 11/23/2002 Clay, Sean P. t L //n27 QQ Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Review '__ Signature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P. . LJ. ==-- I (- 7-6o.

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron Pmce l F7

Ultrasonic Indication Report

  • tJM Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-3A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 301095 Procedure Rev.: 8 TCN 02-3 Report No.: 2002U074 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 7 Wo WM=i Search Unit Angle: 45/60 0 O Piping Welds Wo Location: Weld CenterlIne Ferritic Vessels > 27T I A I r%1t,%Fn 'AntpttIna zh.l. UnIft - 0 Other MP Metal Path Wmax Distance From Wo To S.U. At MaxdmuResponse RBR Remaining Back Reflection W1 Distance From Wo At 20% Of WFoard)

L Distance From Datum W2 Distance From Wo At 20% Of wa(Porward)


'.X1 702 Scan Indication  % W Forward Backward t Li L L2 RBR Remarks No. Of Max 20% Oflef 20% Of S Of Max Of Amp.

DAC W MP W1 MP W2 MP Max Max 1 1 20% 2.5' 21"41 221" 221.5' 222" 45 Degree 1 2 20% 2.5" 2.51" 235" 237" 239" 45 Degree 1 3 20% 2.5" 2.41" 282.5" 285.5" 287" 45 Degree 1 1 35% 3.85" 3.84" 3.3" 3.38" 4.1" 4.15" 2138 222.5" 223' 60 Degree 1 2 35% 3.6" 3.69" 3.15" 3.22" 4.6" 4.45" 233" 235" 237' 60 Degree 1 3 35% 3.95" 3.61" 3.45" 3.15" 4.6" 4.22" 279" 284" 287" 60 Degree Examiner Level IlIl {. Ignature Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. J 11/23/2002 Clay, Sean P.

Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Review _ Signature Date N/A Wren Jerry9P. . V ,

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A IClow, Ron____________

PAGP e J t "7

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP I PM1 Procedure: ISI-UT-3A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 301095 Procedure Rev.: 8 TCN 02-3 Report No.: 2002U074 In-Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 7 fIL Description of Umitation:

Refer to previous data reports 96-0094,96-0095 and 96-0111 for limitation and determination of percent coverage data.

Sketch of Umitation: J:AIddeaLPhotos\Pl 1RF02002WT Photos\2002U074-1.bmp Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: N/A

Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Vessels Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-3A Outage No.: P11 RFO2002 IL Summary No.: 301095 Procedure Rev.: 8 TCN 02-3 Report No.: 2002U074 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 7 IAb 0 dee Pla nar Scan 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for 0 dog VIt 45 deg Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 94.000  % volume of length /100 = 94.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 38.900  % volume of length / 100 = 38.900  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /I 00 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 58.225  % total for 45 deg Other deg 60 Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 94.400  % volume of length / 100 = 94.400  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 23.600  % volume of length /100 = 23.600  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 54.500  % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # of angles to determine; 54.242  % Total for complete exam Note:

Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles / methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

Site Field Supervisor 6'i vi~11/T Date: lI -_D


Ned ~~~~~Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U074 Page: 5 of 7 SummaryNo.: 301095 Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IlIl Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: a l-2(

Examiner N/A Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: j('2-1-oZ.

Other: N/A Level: NIA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: l/l lo/z.

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:\Iddeal_Photos\PIIRFO2002\UT Photos\2002U074-2.bmp I


Initial Exam Rpt No: 96-0094; 96-0095 Procedure No: ISI-UT-3A (Rev 5) 96-0111 ISO No: ISI-49 Item No: W-6 Applicable Code Figure No: IWB.2500-5 0 dog Planar Scan 100 %length X 50 %volume of length 1100 = 60 %total for 0 deg 45 dog Scan 1100 %length X 94.0 % volume of length I100 = 94.0 % total for Scan 1 Scan 2100 %length X 38.9 %volume of length I100= 38.9 %total for Scan 2 Scan 3100 % length X 60.0 %volume of length I 100 u 50.0 %total for Scan 3 Scan4 100% lengthX 50.0 %volume of length 100 50.0 %total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans 58.2 %total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1100 %length X 94.4 %volume of length 1100l 94A %total for Scan 1 Scan 2100% lengthX 23.6 %volume of length/ 100I 23.6 %totalforScan2 Scan 3100 %length X 50.0 %volume of lengthI 100 - 50.0 %total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 %length X 50.0 %volume of length 1100 = 50.0 %total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 54.5 %total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine; 54.2 %total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

NSP Field Supervisor Date: Z 4eflct, 7-/$;3 .

I re_7OLuwb

Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U074 Page: 6 of 7 Summary No.: 301095 Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: Ill Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: I - a? c>

Q Examiner. N/A _ Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: //- 74-0 .

la Other. WA Level: NIA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: ///?Zd/e2.

b9 Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:.IddealPhotosXPI1IF0200o2xL Photos\2002U074-3.brrp Xcet Energy. tc.

Prairie Island Nudear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Dr. E.

Welch, MN 55089

@& XcelEnergy- November 25.002 Review of Indications Unit 1 2002 RFO Report # -2002U074 Iso # - ISI-49 Component ID - W-6 (Head to Flange) Indication(s) -#1 thru #6 Method - UT 45° and 60° Procedure - ISIAJT-3A Rev. 8 With TCN 02-3 Code - ASME Section Xl 89 with No Addenda NRC Reg. 1.150 Rev. I Discussion These Indications are being reviewed after being identified during the scheduled examination of weld W6 on 1112212002. The Indications have been previously identified during previous examinations and found to be acceptable.

The indications observed on 11122I2t02 are reported as linear with a maximum amplitude of-35%


Assumptions Based on nominal waft thickness and curvature correction the Indications are not within the Inner 25%

of the through-wan dimension. (see attached calculations)

Summarv The procedure referenced above Is intended to reflect the requirements of Reg. Guide 1.150 Rev.1.

Appendix A Altemative Method' paragraph 6.2 b.. alltows Reflectors which are at metal paths representing 25% and greater of the through-wall measured from the Inner surface should be recorded In accordance with the requirements of ASME Section Xl and characterized at 50% DAC. The reflectors in question are within the outer 75% of through-wall thickness, are sub- surface and are not suspected of being cracks. The amplitude of the subject refledors does not exceed 50% of DAC and therefore do not require characterization/comparlson to the code for an acceptancehrejection determination.

The Indications noted on report 2002UO74 are acceptable and require no further evaluation.

Prepared B13 _ 3 <

Sean Clay. LIT Level IlIl Reviewed By.

Jehq Wren. U I Level Ul Inspection Supervisor

N 1%b Supplemental Report Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U074 Page: 7 of 7 Summary No.: 301095 Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: Ill Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: 11l-W7-o2 Examiner W/A Level: WA Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: //- 2 -. ot Other: N/A 1 Level: N/A ANII Review-. Clow, Ron Date: /I/z0A2.

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: JAVddeal_Photos\PI1RFO2002\UT Photos\2002U074-4.bmp Indication Calculations Report # 2002U074 Radus

  • 66.9?

45 Measured Anal.

  • 45.9- f2002BS0061 60 Measured Areme - 62.4- 20028S0071 l Determination of correction factor Radius-66.93(RJ Surfacedistancetonmaxamppoint t7J(CJ.CdR..026 TAN.


  • 1.48 .COS * .999 .( R ICOS )-R- 0.022 cerrectionfactor.


  • 66.91 (R). Surface distance to max amp point
  • 1.8O ( CJ CI *.027 TAN.

2 IND 2 INVTAN1.tt COS* 9t9.(RICOS)-R-0.0242correctionfactor.

Radius*66.93 (R). Surfacedistance tomaxamppoint- 73(C.CIR- .026 TAN.


  • 1.48 .COS - g99. (R I COS) - R
  • 0.022 correction factor.

Radius 669l?(R. Surfacedistane tomaxamppolnt-3.68(C). Cmt* 0SS TAN.

iND*0160 INVTAN *J15.COS 998. (RICOS)-R*t O1jcorrection factor.

Radius *66.91 (R). Surface distance to max amp potnt

  • 94(CJCIR * .059 TAN IND#026 O'INVTAN 33t7 COS . .(RICOS)-R fl correctionfactor.

Radius-669 .9(RI.Surfac distancetomaxamppoint-3Z74(C) CmR-.056 TAN.


  • 984.(RICOS)-R.0j104corrnctionfactor.

I Determine the lower depth of the flaw from the exam surface l IN 1 45.2A (metal pathat20%lower)*COSfthle masuredangle459 *1.677 correction factor

  • t655 Inches deptht 1240 51 (metal path at 20% lower) *COS of the measured ange 459-*

IND 92 4S'correction factor -1 7 Inches depth.

45 LfI (mtal pathat2%lower)*cosof themeasuredangle45.9- *1.677 -

IND9 or cconfactor-1.655 kIctesdepth.

I j' (meta lpathat20%lowor) *COS ofthemeasuredangl6e *t S21 -

IND 160' correction factor *1.822 Inches depth.

2 6 0 I4,45 (metal path at 20% lower) *COS of the measured angle 62.4 - 2062 IND orrection factor - J46_ Inches deplh.

184 gX 08 6 0 22l:(metal path st20%lower) I COS of the mnasured angle 62.44-*195 correctlon factor -tl Inches depth.

IND *1 4V 71.02% From 10 Surface IND 02 45 69.83% From ID Surface ND4#3 45- 71.02% From 10 Surface iND #1 60- 68.10% Fromn i Surflce IND *2 60- 65.92% From 10 Surface IND #3 60 67.59% From ID Surface

IZZ Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Report# 96-0094 IL Operations & Maintenance Supt O ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc=B 1. 40 Q Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) S System ISO Item Item Description j

R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE I,..b Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition Z A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 70'F BLENDED Procedure W R Number ISI Contractr I Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev 5 Field Change

  • 9511339 L.,nT/ 01/16/96 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start @ 1132 hours Report Nmbr WDC-001 0' (Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End 8 1529 hours Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 11 dB 20% DAC 20% DAC Ref Std LMT-105 Scan Sensitivity 20 dB RESULTS NAD = No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S - Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual - Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC 1L IND LINEAR- 3.6 2.70 N/A 26.75 4.25 0.3" iL IND LINEAR 3.2 2.49 N/A 37;6 3.55 SPOT IL IND LINEAR 3.2 2.49 N/A 43.0 4.65 0.4" iL IND LINEAR 4.0 3.01 /A 195.75 2.60 SPOT IL IND LINEAR 3.7 2.88 N/A 251.3 5.40 0.2" LIMITATIONS: No automated exam from 71.6" to 85.6'; 203.7" to 217.6"; 333.9 to 346.0 due to lifting lugs. No automatcd cxam from 97.6" to 107.; 293.0w to 303.2" due to guidc stud. No downstream exam due to flangc configuration.

REMARKS: See aftached evaluation.

  • Procedure field change per 96-PIUI-I.

SKETCH I vel ve Contractor 1

  • Review: c=J k; 22t D/at,/e&

-to Date NSP /

J- .1 - A I I ANII~


  • I I


Review: ffitgX<~~~~~~~~~~4 Date w-',o' 4 EPor Ae ,R-L--Q' C , E S'roh 04OL.4- 9 / Page 1 of 4


) INDICATION DATA TABULATION b 4 EET Examination Report# 96-0094


  • 20% DAC or 50% Li 12 0° Ind Scan %of WMax Max Arnm MaxAmp 20% 20% Back DAC w S Div MP Wi S Div MP W2 S DivI MP DAC MAX DAC AmD REMARKS 1 1L 29 4.25 3.6 2.70 4.0 3.6 2.70 4.4 3.6 2.70 26.6 26.75 26.9 100 2 1L 20 3.55 3.2 2.49
  • 3.2 2.49
  • 3.2 2.49
  • 37.6
  • 95
  • SPOT IND 3 1L 27 4.65 3.2 2.49 4.3 3.2 2.49 4.85 3.2 2.49 42.7 43.0 43.1 70 4 1L 20 2.60 4.0 3.01 4.0 3.01
  • 4.0 3.01
  • 195.75 40
  • SPOT IND 5 1L 22 5.40 3.7 2.88 5.3 3.7 2.88 5.5 3.7 2.88 251.2 251.3 251.4 70

-- I - - a SCALED PLOT NOTE - For flaw Indications that peak at less than 20% DAC, dimensions are to be taken from the 50% Max Amp pts.

Date Date _ _ _26_

_ _ _ Page Z of 2 ATl6q r3

Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Reportt 96-0094R1 Operations & Maintenance Supt O ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) SIN 1095 System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 H- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length *Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 70 F Blended Procedure W R Number ,ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev 5 Field Change

  • 9511339 02/19/96 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e 1132 hours0.0131 days <br />0.314 hours <br />0.00187 weeks <br />4.30726e-4 months <br /> Report Nmbr WDC-001 0( Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End 9 1529 hours0.0177 days <br />0.425 hours <br />0.00253 weeks <br />5.817845e-4 months <br /> Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 11 dB 20% DAC 20% DAC Ref Std iFI 0 Scan Sensitivity 20OdB RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S Spot; M - Multiple GEO Geometry Visual Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC LIMTATIONS:

REMARKS: Sec attched evaluaion.

  • Proccdure field change per 96-PIUI-I SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner:

N/A L;e-eIl Examiner:

WA Contractor Review: ate NSP Review: . D ate Date ANII R e v ie w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Date Page 1 of

Pt-I Indication Review Rpt # 0094 ISO# IS149 Item # - W-6 (360 deg) Indication # - 1 through 5 L New Iso #-same New Item #-same Method - UT 00 Procedure - NSP-UT-3A Rev 5 wi FC 96-PIUi-1 Code - ASME Sect Xl '89 with No Addenda NRC Reg Guide 1.150 Rev I Discussion -

These indications are being evaluated as a result of an informational examination done during the Winter '96 outage. The reason for performing this examination was to clear up concerns about previous exams as to reference location for 0 deg and to obtain baseline automated examination data.

The indications were reported as "Linear, and the largest one measured 0.55' X 0.4" with a maximum amplitude of 29% DAC. Based on nominal wall thickness, the z indications are not within the inner 25% of the through-wall dimension. (see calculations below). The indication data with this report indicates that there was no complete loss of back associated with these indications that the recording of these indications was a result of amplitude in regard to DAC. In addition there were no indications that were greater than or equal to the remaining back reflection. Previous evaluations related to the examinations in this and the adjacent areas were performed in conjunction with report #940203 and the results were found to be acceptable.

Assumptions -

- There is no change in metal path associated with these indications, they are laminar in nature.

- Based on nominal wall thickness, the indications are not within the inner 25% of the through-wall dimension.

Code requirements -

The procedure noted above provided the examiner with criterion for evaluating and recording indications under circumstances determined from the following source documents; ASME Sect Xl IWA-2232 refers to Appendix I which refers to Sect V Art 4 with supplements (the supplements do not affect this evaluation). For laminar reflectors, T-441.3.2.9 (a) requires recording of "... all areas giving indications equal to or greater than the remaining back reflection' for determining interference with angle beam examinations. T-441.3.2.9 (b) requires recording of '... all areas where one or more discontinuities produce a continuous total loss of back reflection accompanied by continuous indications in the same plane' for acceptance. For planar reflectors found by straight beam, T-441.3.2.10 requires recording of" all reflectors that produce a response equal to or greater than 50% of the distance-amplitude correction (DAC).

The Reg Guide requirement for Indications without Changing Metal Path' (from I of 2 Flew _6-____Y_ _I

P1-1 Indication Review Appendix A) is to record when any continuous dimension exceeds one inch for the outer 75% of the through-wall dimension and, if the indication falls within the inner 25%

of the through-wall dimensions, recording should be at 20% DAC and evaluation peWformed at 50% DAC.


Summary -

The indications noted on report #96-0094 do not fall under these criterion and do not require further evaluation.

Calculations -

Determination of % through wall (depth from OD surface)

Ind #1 - 2.70' MP / 5.512' T = 0.4898 or 48.98%

Ind #2 - 2.49' MP 15.512' T = 0.4517 or 45.17%

Ind #3 - 2.49* MP /5.512' T = 0.4517 or 45.17%

Ind #4 - 3.01" MP /5.512' T = 0.5461 or 54.61%

Ind #5 - 2.88" MP 15.512" T = 0.5225 or 52.25%

MP stands for Metal Path taken from page I of the UT report.

The 5.512" T is the thickness of the component taken from the value on the UT report.

Prepared By 149 jc2r' Reviewed By__/(

2 of 2 I 9!_ _ _ _

I Prairie Island Unit 1 Reportl 96-0094R2 1QZ Northern States Power Company Operations & Maintenance Supt 0' ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes System ISO REPORT (3rd 10yr)

Item S/N Item Description 1095 qZ3 R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE ,Q Material A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 Size/Length 41' Thick/Dia 5.512 Temp

'F Surface Condition 11W Procedure W R Number ISI Contractor Exam Date Q11Z ISI-UT-3A Rev Field Change 12/12/97 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e hours Report Nmbr (Nominal) Exam End e hours Block RV-4A Ref Sensitivity dB M

Evaluation Level Reporting Level lCal

% DAC  % DAC Ref Std l Scan Sensitivity dB RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S - Spot; M - Multiple 43 GEO = Geometry Visual - Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp 9 N-_br ultType Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC (Zl-LIMITATIONS: Exam limitations further evaluated. See attached Pcrccnt Coverage Sheet.

REMARKS: Reportprovides additional limnitation infoffnation only.

SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner: 2 ~ P.OR1YX__ Leve-Level Examiner:


I Page 1 of AI

  • 5


(UT - Vessel)

Initial Exam Rpt No: 96-0094; 96-0095 Procedure No: iSI-UT-3A (Rev 5) 96-0111 ISO No: ISI-49 Item No: W-6 Applicable Code Figure No: IWB-2500-5 0 deg Planar Scan 100 % length X 50 % volume of length /100 = 50 % total for 0 deg t 45 deg Scan 1 100 % length X 94.0 % volume of length / 100 = 94.0 % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100 % length X 38.9 % volume of length / 100 = 38.9 % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length / 100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length / 100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 58.2 % total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1 100 % length X 94.4 % volume of length /100 = 94.4 % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100 % length X 23.6 % volume of length /100 = 23.6 % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length 100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length / 100 50.0 % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 54.5 % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine; 54.2 % total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

NSP Field Supervisor > Date:



-ro 2

0 V, DSRC fit (AiUNrI' xO-b. ppfl~ To SeALLE e.I qS.~~40 LtrrATIOI I

%A c0 (TI-

'74- o;1 (e qrp 0&?q 0s A \ 4

.- i,,, COO.E COr.C LIZ. DAVIS 1 *A14Z-Etf/A17 V*I


Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Report# 96-0095 Operations & Maintenance Supt 45- ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd loyr) SIN 1095 System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll I SA50 CL 3 41' 5.512 70'F BLENDED Procedure W R Number ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev 5 Field Change

  • 9511339 01/16/96 0A1r Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e 1635 hours0.0189 days <br />0.454 hours <br />0.0027 weeks <br />6.221175e-4 months <br /> Report Nmbr WDC-002 45' (Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End 6 1609 hours0.0186 days <br />0.447 hours <br />0.00266 weeks <br />6.122245e-4 months <br /> L

Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 11 dB 20% DAC 20% DAC Ref Std LMT-F0-5 Scan Sensitivity 23 dB WR RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S - Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual .- Non-Section XI Visual Examination s1 Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC 4

1 IND LINEAR 2.2 2.56 1.2 215.3 1.2 1.1" 30 1 IND LINEAR 2.2 2.57 1.1 220.1 1.1 0.5" 30 1 IND LINEAR 2.2 2.57 1.25 232.8 1.25 0.7" 25 l IND LINEAR 2.2 2.52 1.15 235.0 1.15 1.8" 40 1 IND LINEAR 2.2 2.49 1.05 237.4 1.05 0.3" 23 2 IND LINEAR 2.1 2.47 1.1 287.5 1.1 0.4" 24 2 NAD 3 NAD 4 NAD LIMTATIONS: No automated exam from 70.0" to 89.25"; 200.6" to 219.8"; 332.1 -to 350.4" due to lilting lugs. No automated exam from97.0"to107.5"; 291.8"to302.4"ductoguidcstuds. Thescareaswerescannedmanually.

REMARKS: Sccattachedevaluation. Examstartl/16/96.Exam end1/17/96.

  • Procedureficldchangeper96-PiUt-I. Indication#liswithinlimitationarea200.6to219.8". Indicationwasmeasuredmanually.

SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner: III Examiner:

W.D Cmi - - -% AL--, Level T.P. Blechinger r Level Contractor r '

Review: C}9 EP-1, I A& I Date NS P Review: / Date ANIP R evie w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

46E_~~~_ - Date W', - f* OF r-v, 7A 40e

/A " - c fl t , g of' 57wi) Iue-fI Page I of .2


) INDICATION DATA TABULATION bfEET Examination Report # 96-0095 0 MAX AMP 4.


  • 20% DAC or 50% Li L2 00 Ind Scan %of - r W Max - .4.-

Max AmD MaxAmp V - -

20% L 20% Back X *- -


W ..I -S Div -

MP __ WI S Div MP I W2 IS Div I MP DAC a ..

MAX ,-

DAC Amr r .....

REMARKS 1 1 30 1.2 2.2 2.56 1.2 l2.2 2.56 1.4 2.3 1 2.70 214.8 215.3 215.9 N/A THRUWALLOIM. 0.12 2 1 30 1.1 2.2 2.51 1.0 2.1 2.50 1.3 2.4 2.68 219.8 220.1 220.3 N/A THRU WALL DIM. 0.075 3 1 25 1.25 2.2 2.57 1.15 2.1 2.47 1.35 2.3 2.70 232.7 232.8 232.8 N/A THRU WALL DIM. 0.09O 4 1 40 1.15 2.2 2.52 0.95 2.1 2.45 1.6 2.5 2.84 234.8 235 236.6 N/A THRU WALL DIM. 0.16 5 1 23 1.05 2.2 2.49 1.0 2.1 2.49 1.10 2.2 2.52 237.3 237.4 237.6 N/A THRU WALL DIM. 0.02 6 1 24 1.1 2.1 2.47 1.1 2.1 2.47 1.3 2.2 2.62 287.4 287.5 287.8 N/A THRU WALL DIM. 0.06

= = = =-- = = ==- - - - . - =-


- -~1--

- - -DgtmO Lina 1> 1

  • NOTE - For flaw Indications that peak at less than 20% DAC, dimensions are to be taken from the 50% Max Amp pts.

Examiner n Date - 4AAq Page ... 2 of d A7-rdcHmeur q foAqg 'A OF ID

96-0095R1 Qj)

Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Report# 0_.

Operations & Maintenance Supt 45 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) S/N 1095 System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length *Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 70 E Blended EL Procedure W R Number ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-JT-3A Rev 5 Field Change

  • 9511339 02/19/96 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e 1635 hours0.0189 days <br />0.454 hours <br />0.0027 weeks <br />6.221175e-4 months <br /> Report Nmbr WDC-002 45- (Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End 6 1609 hours0.0186 days <br />0.447 hours <br />0.00266 weeks <br />6.122245e-4 months <br /> Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 11 dB 20% DAC 20% DAC Ref Std LMT-105 Scan Sensitivity 23 -dB ZZ-.

RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S - Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmnbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC LWITATIONS: Scaslimitedtolower60/a(apporx) fwcld, seeatached kethes 1 and 2.

REMARKS: See attached evaluation.

  • Procedure field change per 9-PUI-1 SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner:

N/A LI Zve Examiner:

N/A Ll;v-eI Contractor Review: / / _ / /

D~ate7 Review:

Date ANII Review: ;__________ _I______

11 ~~~Date Pag .of

Pi 1 Indication Review Rpt # 0095 Iso # - ISI-49 Item #- W-6 Indication # -1 through 6 New Iso # - same New Item # -same Method - UT 450 Procedure - NSP-UT-3A Rev 5 wI FC 96-PIUI-1 Code - ASME Sect Xl '89 with No Addenda NRC Reg Guide 1.150 Rev I Discussion -

These indications are being evaluated as a result of an informational examination done during the Winter '96 outage. The reason for performing this examination was to clear up concerns about previous exams as to reference location for 0 deg and to obtain baseline automated examination data.

The indications were reported as linearn with a maximum amplitude of 40% DAC.

Previous evaluations related to the examinations in this and the adjacent areas were performed in conjunction with reports #94-0240 and 90-323, and the results were found to be acceptable.

Assumptions -

- Based on nominal wall thickness, the indications are not within the inner 25% of the through-wall dimension. (see calculations below)

Summary -

The procedure referenced above is intended to reflect the requirements of Reg. Guide 1.150 Rev 1. Appendix A "Alternative Method' paragraph 6.2 b., allows that Reflectors which are at metal paths representing 25 percent and greater of the through-wall measured from the inner surface should be recorded in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section Xl and characterized at 50 percent DAC.' The reflectors in question are within the outer 75 percent of the through-wall thickness, are not surface related and are not suspected of being cracks. The amplitude of the subject reflectors does not exceed 50 percent DAC and do not require characterization/comparison to the code for an acceptance/rejection determination.

The indications noted on report #96-0095 are acceptable and require no further evaluation.

I of 2

PI 1 Indication Review Calculations - From calibraion report WDC-002 the 114 T hole is at 2.0 screen divisions and 1.86' metal path with a measured angle of 45 deg in the cal block.

Ind #1 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071 2.56"MP = 1.8102" depth from outer surface 1.8102' / 5.512" = 0.3284 or 32.84% through-wall L Ind #2 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071

  • 2.51"MP = 1,7748" depth from outer surface 1.7748' / 5.512" = 0.3220 or 32.20% throuah-wall Ind #3 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071 2.57"MP = 1.8172" depth from outer surface 1.8172" I 5.512" = 0.3297 or 32.97% through-wall Ind #4 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071 ' 2.52"MP = 1.7819" depth from outer surface 1.7819" 15.512" = 0.3233 or 32.33% throunh-wall ind #5 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071
  • 2.49'MP = 1.7607" dePth from outer surface 1.7607- I 5.512" = 0.3194 or 31.94% throunh-wall Ind #6 - cos 45 deg = 0.7071 0.7071
  • 2.47'MP = 1.7465" depth from outer 1 surface 1.7465" 15.512" = 0.3169 or 31.69% through-wall MP refers to metal path taken from pg 1 of the UT report.

The 5.512" T is the thickness of the component taken from the value on the UT report.

Prepared By________

Reviewed By / 6VŽ1 2of2 _ _6-_095_1


".I a-0e N)

.1 I A7TjHCNAI,vr- ' PA 66~ 1o oFlo

0 2I 0 RV 6e,L05URE 1~

OX0.. PIZOFIW lirr~ctimn6lvr q PA46 7 OF /o

S. S. I Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Reportl 96-009SR2 Operations & Maintenance Supt 45' ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr)S/N 1095 LL_

System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 'F '.19 Procedure W R Number ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev Field Change l Lo 12/12/97 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e hours Report Nmbr (

(Nominal) Exam End @ = hours Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block RV-4A Ref Sensitivity -dB

% DAC  % DAC Ref Std Scan Sensitivity dB RESULTS NAD = No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S = Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual = Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length IDAC LIMITATIONS: Exam limitations further evaluated. See attached Pcrcent Covcragc Shect.

REMARKS: Report provides additional limitation information only.

SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner: ee CJr - 1 Level Examiner:

N/A Lii-l A

I Page 1 of '.=


Initial Exam Rpt No: 96-0094; 96-0095 Procedure No: 1Sl-UT-3A (Rev 5) 96-0111 ISO No: ISI-49 Item No: W-6 Applicable Code Figure No: IWB-2500-5 0 dog Planar Scan 100 % length X 50 % volume of length I100 = 50 % total for 0 deg 45 dog Scan 1 100 % length X 94.0 % volume of length 1 00 94.0 % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100 % length X 38.9 % volume of length 1 00 38.9 % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length /100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length /100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 58.2 % total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1 100 % length X 94.4 % volume of length /100 = 94.4 % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100 % length X 23.6 % volume of length /100 = 23.6 % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length 1 100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length /100 50.0 % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 54.5 % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine; 54.2 % total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

NSP Field Supervisor: Date:




alb. Tpoflr- To5et

. . qr 14IT0a-e

. L

-i I"

4v(C. o-11 i R~of -A - olq 11.f3.s7 t.i

Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Reportf 96-0111 14.

Operations & Maintenance Supt 60* ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-D 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) S/N 1095 System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition tir A533grBcll / SA508 CL .3 41' 5.512 70'F BLENDED Procedure W R Number- ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev 5 Field Change

  • 9511339 LmT 01/17/96 kb Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start 8 1730 hour-Report Nmbr WDC-003 60- (Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End @ 1730 hourE Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 16 dE 20% DAC l 20% DAC Ref Std LMT-105 Scan Sensitivity 28 dE

~tn RESULTS NAD No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S = Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual -Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.50 2.6 215.5 2.6 0.5" 40 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.50 2.6 218.1 2.6 1.3" 40 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.57 2.5 222.7 2.5 SPOT 20 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.52 2.6 234.0 2.6 0.3" 24 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.52 2.6 236.9 2.6 0.4" 40 1 IND LINEAR 2.2 3.65 2.6 282.5 2.6 0.3" 23 1 IND LINEAR 2.2 3.71 2.7 285.4 2.7 0.3" 24 1 IND LINEAR 2.1 3.53 2.5 289.3 2.5 0.7" 33 2 NAD 3 NAD 4 NAD LIMITATIONS: Noautomatdeamfrom71.5"to9.1";200.9"to220.5";333.2"to35l.8"duetoliftinglugs. Noautomatedexamrfrom 98.0" to 107.8"; 293.0" to 303.8" due to guide studs. 1hcsc areas wer scanned manually.

REMARKS: Examstart /17/96.Examend 1/1196.

  • Procedureficldchangeper96PW -1. Indicationsl&2arewithnlimitationarea200.9"to220.5. Indications weremcasuredmanually.


Examiner: III Level Examiner: _lr- - - * / - -II--

T.P.Bcchihger I Level Contractor__ fi I /

Review: -CO I / (tt Date NSP Review: LI.YeIN

- o: Lz A'( -A fJ A7I1f Date 2a'D . C ~ e 1I -c o lo ) jtjj ANIII Review: ____________________

Date Page 1 of


) INDICATION DATA TABULATION tiEET Examination Report# 96-0111


  • 20% DAC or 50% Li L2 00 Ind Scan  % of W Max Max Amn Max AmP 20% 20% Back DAC w S Div MP W1 ISDiv MP W2 S Div I MP DAC MAX DAC Amn REMARKS w-gw@sr


1 1 40 2.6 2.1 3.50 2.1 1.9 3.30 2.6 3.1 3.50 215.3 215.5 215.8 N.A THRU WALLDIM.07 2 1 40 2.6 2.1 3.50 2.1 1.8 3.15 3.2 3.5 4.12 217.2 218.1 218.5 NA THRU WALL DIM.09 3 1 20 2.5 2.1 3.57

  • 222.7 _ N/A - SPOTINDICATION 4 1 24 2.6 2.1 3.52 2.3 1.9 3.32 2.8 3.2 3.70 233.8 234 234.1 N/A THRU WALLDIM.07 5 1 40 2.6 2.1 3.52 2.1 1.8 3.13 3.2 3.5 4.10 235.8 236.9 239.8 N/A THRU WALLDIM.17 6 1 23 2.6 2.2 3.65 2.3 2.0 3.37 2.8 3.4 3.80 282.3 282.5 282.6 N/A THRU WALLDIM.08 7 1 24 2.7 2.2 3.71 2.3 2.0 3.36 3.0 3.4 4.00 285.3 285.4 285.6 N/A THRU WALLDIM.11 5 1 33 2.5 2.1 3.53 2.1 1.9 3.20 3.3 3.6 4.32 288.9 289.3 289.6 N/A THRU WALLDIM.20

=== == == = == . = .-


  • NOTE - For flaw Indications that peak at less than 20% DAC, dimensions are to be taken from the 50% Max Amp pts.

Examiner e Date oa9 Page .. 2 of __

ArrACH/meur S PA6e 2Z or/O

Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Report# 96-0111RI Operations & Maintenance Supt 60- ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-Z 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) SN 1095 tL System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 70'F Blended Procedure W R Number .ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev 7 Field Change

  • 9511339 02/19/96 k Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e 1730 hours LU Calibration Beam Angle Report Nmbr DC-003 60' (Nominal) ISI-012 Exam End 6 1730 hours Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block 25A Ref Sensitivity 16 dB 20% DAC 20% DAC Ref Std T-3 Scan Sensitivity 28 dB RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities; L - Linear; S - Spot; M Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC LIMWTATIONS: Scans limited to lower 60% (approx) of weld, Sec attached sketches l and 2.

REMARKS: See Attached evaluation.

Procedure field change per 96-PIUI-I SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner:

NIA LE'vl Examiner:

N/A I eve Contractor Review: I r/ Date D

at~e NSP Review: Date Date Review: __ __ __ _ __ __ _

Page 1 of

Pi 1 Indication Review Rpt # 0111 Iso # -iSI49 Item # - W-6 Indication # - 1 through 8 Nw so #-same New Item # - same Method -UT 60 Procedure - NSP-UT-3A Rev 55 w I FC 96-PIUI-1 Q Code - ASME Sect Xl '89 with No Addenda NRC Reg Guide 1.150 Rev 1 Discussion--

These indications are being evaluated as a result of an informational examination done during the Winter '96 outage. The reason for performing this examination was to clear up concerns about previous exams as to reference location for 0 deg and to obtain i baseline automated examination data.

The indications were reported as 0LinearX with a maximum amplitude of 40% DAC.

Previous evaluations related to the examinations in this and the adjacent areas were Z performed in conjunction with reports #94-0241 and 90-324, and the results were found to be acceptable.

Assumptions -

- Based on nominal wall thickness, the indications are not within the inner 25% of the through-wall dimension. (see calculations below)

Summary -

The procedure referenced above is intended to reflect the requirements of Reg. Guide 1.150 Rev 1. Appendix A "Altemative Method' paragraph 6.2 b., allows that "Reflectors which are at metal paths representing 25 percent and greater of the through-wall measured from the inner surface should be recorded in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section Xl and characterized at 50 percent DAC.' The reflectors in question are within the outer 75 percent of the through-wall thickness, are not surface related and are not suspected of being cracks. The amplitudes of the subject reflectors do not exceed 50 percent DAC and do not require characterization/

comparison to the code for an acceptancelrejection determination.

The indications noted on report #96-0111 are acceptable and require no further evaluation.

1 of 2

Pi 1 Indication Review Calculations - From calibration report WDC-003 the 114 T hole is at 2.0 screen divisions and 2.65 metal path with a measured angle of 60 deg in the cal block.

Ind #1 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5

  • 3.5!MP = 1.75" depth from outer surface 1.75' / 5.512' = 0.3175 or 31.75% throuah-wall Ind #2 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5
  • 3.5MP = 1.75" depth from outer surface 1.75' / 5.512' = 0.3175 or 31.75% through-wall Ind #3 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5
  • 3.57'MP = 1.785" depth from outer surface 1.785" 5.5120 = 0.3238 or 32.38% through-wall Ind #4 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5
  • 3.52'MP = 1.76" depth from outer surface 1.76' / 5.512N = 0.3193 or 31.93% throunh-wall Ind #5 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5
  • 3.52'MP = 1.76" depth from outer surface 1.76 / 5.512' = 0.3193 or 31.93% through-wall Ind #6 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5 ' 3.65'MP = 1.825" depth from outer surface 1.825' / 5.512' = 0.3311 or 33.11% through-wall Ind #7 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5
  • 3.71'MP = 1.855" depth from outer surface 1.855' / 5.512 = 0.3365 or 33.65% through-wall Ind #8 - cos 60 deg = 0.5 0.5 ' 3.53'MP = 1.765" depth from outer surface 1.765 /5.512' = 0.3202 or 32.02% through-wall MP refers to metal path taken from pg 1 of the UT report.

The 5.512N T is the thickness of the component taken from the value on the UT report.

Prepared By ' f( Jon Reviewed By__ _


+/-0il AN

.00039) Cf I r/ 0 110 A7Yicmalnelr 5- P/66e4, OF /O

I I 0 1 2 i

O.b. PRoFIL.


Wel--D 5 I 61 oF Io

/1fl6H/~1CAur 5P*c

IL Northern States Power Company Prairie Island Unit 1 Reportl 96-011OR2 Operations & Maintenance Supt 60' ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Source Doc-B 1. 40 Materials & Special Processes REPORT (3rd 10yr) S/N 1095 IQ System ISO Item Item Description R.V. CLOSURE HEAD ISI- 49 W- 6 HEAD - FLANGE Material Size/Length Thick/Dia Temp Surface Condition A533grBcll / SA508 CL 3 41' 5.512 F Procedure W R Number ISI Contractor Exam Date ISI-UT-3A Rev Field Change _ aT 12/12/97 Calibration Beam Angle Temp Gauge S/N Exam Start e hours '4zJ Report Nmbr (Nominal] Exam End @ _ hours Evaluation Level Reporting Level Cal Block RV-4A Ref Sensitivity -dB

% DAC  % DAC Ref Std Scan Sensitivity dB RESULTS NAD - No Apparent Discontinuities, L = Linear; S = Spot; M - Multiple GEO - Geometry Visual - Non-Section XI Visual Examination Scan Res- Indication Sweep Metal Surf Circ Axial Indication Amp Nmbr ults Type Loc'n Path Dist Location Location Length %DAC LIMITATIONS: Exam limitations furthcr evaluated. Se attached Limitation Data Sheet.

REMARKS: Reportprovidesadditionallimitationinfonnationonly.

SKETCH PERSONNEL Examiner: _. j__ _ Lvl Level Examiner:

NIA L-e1e Contractor Review: DAE\k D I NSP ,:fi 7

N S ~ ~ ~~ ~ Sj 7~~ Date Review: ( i / e Review: . L 4 , /1 DE I Date Page 1 of -3

[E) MATERIALS & SPECIAL PROCESSES INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT I OUTAGE Determination of Percent Coverage Worksheet ':3-(UT - Vessel) t~J Initial Exam Rpt No: 96-0094; 96-0095 Procedure No: ISI-UT-3A (Rev 5) 96-0111 ISO No: ISI-49 Item No: W-6 Applicable Code Figure No: IWB-2500-5 k1 0 dog Planar '4)~

Scan 100 % length X 50 % volume of length /100 = 50 % total for 0 deg 45 deg ~Z-z Scan 1 100 % length X 94.0 % volume of length /100 = 94.0 % total for Scan I Scan 2 100 % length X 38.9 % volume of length /100 - 38.9 % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length /100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length / 100 = 50.0 % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 58.2 % total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1 100 % length X 94.4 % volume of length /100 = 94.4  % total for Scan I Scan 2 100 % length X 23.6 % volume of length /100 = 23.6  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length 100 = 50.0  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100 % length X 50.0 % volume of length /100 50.0  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 54.5 % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine; 54.2 % total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

NSP Field Supervisor Date:



fct Q COVER~AGE PLorLu fC fL o*o3C4*-


. s SCALE 2~~~~4 V. 0 ~~~~~~~~~ b~~~~Ut~ ~~~~~ce cIEJ:-

- O0s"CWolha t 86' ~co LoMrrA-noi I

-i 10 I1m

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T c~t * ' ~ o.Io ;e0 Z'%0 11.83. 7 Li. DA'15









REF:XH-106-335 IFinE NO: 1129AR02 MSP (M&sp)-Pi 1 IS DWN: TJH CHKD: , APPD: -/


_DWG: ISI-29A -i REV: 02

UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP I Pl1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RF02002 Summary No.: 300900 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U055 Workscope: Is' Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont Prz Vault Drawing No.: ISI-29A


SAFE END - 45" ELBOW System ID: RC Component ID: W-2 Size/Length: 1.1"/19" Thickness/Diameter .719"N 6" Limitations: No scans on sate end side due to configuration. Start Time: 1256 Finish Time: 1312 Examination Surface: Inside F Outside i Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Extradose of Elbow Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 85 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA1 00, 2002CA101 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 l l Scanning dB 58.0 58.0 76.0 Indication(s): Yes ° No 3 Scan Coverage: Upstream a Downstream 0 CW WJ CCW i Comments:

None Results: NAD i IND j GEO E Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level Ill Ign re Date Reviewer Signature Date BlechInger, Todd P. ,-,, 2 PJI-/ 11/19/2002 Clay, Sean P. ---- /*Z5- , - 2-6 Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Review - Signature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P. _/_

I-aiLJ 1

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron P, // /Ada AMrrc/-an4,5r 7 A466'I OF Y

Limitation Record N )_

Site/Jnit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-T-1 6A Outage No.: P1 RF02002 LL Summary No.: 300900 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U055 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Umitation: t4)

Safe end configuration and proximity of adjacent safe end to nozzle weld.

Sketch of Limitation: JAiddealPhotos\PI1 RF02002\[T Photos\2002U055-1 .bmp I,

--Z W

Z-1Z3Z W-z oetD .I bL/3OLAJ I


Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure [SI-UT-16A is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: 20 mR Examiner Level Ill Zn0ntuh Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. l Z/ 9/ 2002 Clay, Sean P. L, J/-

Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Review NSignature Date W/A Wren, Jerry P.. P A L1'J = lI-ZZ-6Za Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron Z .$ 12 VA z

Determination of Percent Coverage for NM UT Examinations - Pipe Site/Jnit: PNGP / P21 Procedure: ISI-UT-1 6A Outage No.: P1 RF02002 Summary No.: 300900 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U055 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4 '~1)


45 deg Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = . 50.000  % total for Scan 4 ziz Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg i~Z Other deq - 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add !9tals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 75.000-  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: ( ( 0 e7) Date: // c5 2.

M) Supplemental Report NMC )m Report No.: 2002U055 Page: 4 of 4 Summary No.: 300900 .

Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. Level: Ill Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: JL22. 2-A Examiner: N/A Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: //-2 2 UP -

Other: N/A Level: N/A ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: // 1.?2/02 Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:\lddeaLPhotos\PIIRFO2002\Mlsc Photos\bob\PIC00013.JPG JA'dddeal-PhotosPI I RF02002\Misc Photosfbob\ICO0O1 0.JPG

/ITTAC/1*?6Ar 7 p,qc&e F

COLD LEG LOOP 'B' O R CONT. ON 151-13C, 73;M EL 723-4 1/4w t-"

EL EL 708--1 NO CONT. 3/4-HANGER NO.





XH-106-316 XH-106-1156 REF: XH-106-3978 FILE NO: 11124R04 isp (M&SP)-Pi 1 isI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: ,of/ APPO: ,4/


UT Pipe Weld Examination N~6)__

Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: Pl1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300656 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U062 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont B Vault Drawing No.: ISI-24


NOZZLE TO PIPE System ID: RC Component ID: W-21 Size/Length: 1.2"/ 31.0" Thickness/Diameter: 2.0" /6.0" Limitations: One sided exam, no axial scans on downstream side of weld. Start Time: 1536 Finish Time: 1612 Examination Surface: Inside El Outside 0 Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Datum "0" Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 80 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA107 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 Scanning dB 53.0 59.0 Indication(s): Yes Dl No i Scan Coverage: Upstream 0 Downstream l CW i CCW i Comments:

None Results: NAD 0 IND a GEO a Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level I , Signture Date Reviewer Signature Date Knott, Brlan S-Of gS>Zg3-,

11/21/2002 Clay, Gfg Fail, Sean P. a!j@ )-

Examiner Level II - Signature Date Site Review Signature Date Stevermer, Aaron 7 ^ , 611/21/2002 Wren,JerryP. - 1 -oI7. 0 ll Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron /l/P7/dz A7Th0ct1,6VF9 'I ~6I6 £,F

Supplemental Report rim")

Report No.: 2002U062 Page: 2 of 4 Summary No.: 300656 Examiner. Knott, Bri -.. 4 0J Z Level: 11 Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. .

Date: iŽ21&Q.Z Examiner Steverme`-A;o ' Level: 11 Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: //-n?-o 0.

Other N/A Level: NIA ANII Review: Clow, Ron -


Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:'\ddeaLPhotos\PIlRF02002\UT Photos\2002U062-1.Jpg J-Vddeal-Photos\Pl 1RF02002\UT Photos\2002U0G2.2.Jpg

,liThH~neAJF- 9

Limitation Record SitelUnit PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PhiRF02002 Summary No.: 300656 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U062 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4 C Description of Umitation:

No scans on hot leg side of the weld due to configuration and attenuation. No 60 degree RL performed due to technique limitations based on thickness and diameter considerations falling outside typical equipment parameters of PDI Table 1 document Sketch of Umitation: J:UddeaLPhotos\P11 RF02002\UT Photos=2002U062-1 .bmp W-Z-11 f

<r, CalcJ Jt-z1-Ei-I-r- - - -N, I

Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISI-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: WA

tv*a>UDetermination of P ercent Coverage for UT Examin, ations - Pipe Z-.

Q SiteAJnit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300656 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U062 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 4 kb

_ 3~~~~~~

45 den Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 QK Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 143 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 00 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg Other den - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /1 00 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 50.000  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: Date: /[-.2(,0-CQ Date: __J 7

UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP / Pl1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 300654 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U063 Workscooe: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 3 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont B Vault Drawing No.: ISI-24


VALVE - ELBOW System ID: RC Component ID: W-18 Size/Length: 1.35"/21.0" Thickness/Diameter: .7 /6.0" Limitations: One sided exam, no axial or circ scans on valve side due to configuration. Start Time: 1520 Finish Time: 1534 Examination Surface: Inside M Outside 0 Surface Condition: Flat Topped Lo Location: Datum"0" Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 80 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA108,2002CA121 Angle Used 0 l 45 45T 60 Scanning dB 30.1 36.1 76.1 Indication(s): Yes fl No i Scan Coverage: Upstream a Downstream 0 CW i CCW 0 Comments:

RL Examination preformed on 11/24/2002. Exam times are 1018 - 1028.

Results: NAD 0 IND j GEO _

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level It . Date S Reviewer ignature s Signature Date Knott, Brian , 11/21/2002 Ho,,& g~yg> Clay, Sean P. -

  • Examiner LeieL2_</ Signature Date Site Review / Signature Date Stevermer, Aaron &11/21/2002 Wren, Jerry P. ( itL .....

-AJ(t. I 3 Z Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron*

A%7.4oqMQ~J7- /0 PA&6 6'& / oF F 3

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP 1 P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PIlRFO2002 Summary No.: 300654 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U063 40 Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 3 Description of Umitation:

No upstream scan 1 due to upstream valve Sl-9-1.

(0 Sketch of Umitation: J:%1ddeaLPhotoskP11 RF0200LXUT Photos'.202U063-1.bmp ku 1El i0v


, <IAt w _v D V ftC VA LN\ R-:

Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure lSl-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: NWA Examiner Level II - Signature Date Reviewer .s Signature *Date Knott, Brian 12112002 Clay, Sean P. )l j //-d7 25 Examiner evel ure Date Site Review ( Signature Date Stevermer, Aaron 1112112002 Wren, Jerry P. - L Other Level tVA / Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron H A C/2Slz

I n Determination of Percent Coverage for by =UT Examinations - Pipe Ll0 SiteUnit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI1-UT-I 6A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Q Summary No.: 300654 Procedure Rev.:

1 Report No.: 2002U063 M Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 3 kA

'lb it 45 deg 0

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 50.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 25.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 50.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 25.000  % total for Scan 4 c:1 Add totals and divide by # scans = 25.000 %total for 45 deg Other deg - 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000 %volumeoflength/100= 100.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 50.000  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor (= I L (?& J, 1 Date: I_-_?_____2 A.

O 723--0' HOT LEG 'A' CONT. ON ISI-12A


,- 19




s I I


I I-SI REF- XH-106-323 [FILE NO: .1113AR04


MP (M&SP)-Pi 1 ISI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: , rC APPD: '


.DWG: 1SI-3A I REV: 04

Rs UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT 16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 300159 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U064 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B.J Location: Cont A Vault Drawing No.: ISI-3A


NOZZLE - PIPE System ID: RC Component ID: W-1 Size/Length: 2.2" /40" Thickness/Dlameter: 2.4" /8*

Limitations: See Comments. Start Time: 1703 Finish Time: 1720 Examination Surface: Inside E Outside i Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 95 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA110 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 Scanning dB 67.6 67.6 Indication(s): Yes E No i Scan Coverage: Upstream a Downstream Pi CWW CCW 2 Comments:

Technique limitations encountered due to joint thickness and diameter. No scans on hot leg side of weld due to configuration.

Results: NAD f IND C GEO _

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed PrevIous Data: Yes Examiner Level Ill /I Si t re Date Reviewer H Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. sol 11/21/2002 Clay, Sean P. i,< 11-2 2r Examiner Level II Siopture Date Site Review . Signature Date Thomas, Travis 11/21/2002 Wren, JerryP. (P?.Jt_

/ /-ago. LJ.

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron IIgo)4 /a2.

Ar~hC/1AjTr A1L, Pall / SF yf

NIgi&). Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP I P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300159 Procedure Rev.: I Report No.: 2002U064 Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Umitation:

No scans on hot leg side of weld due to material attenuation and joint configuration. No 60 degree RL exam performed due to technique limitations based on thickness and diameter considerations falling outside typical equipment parameters of PDI Table 1 document.

Sketch of Umitation: J:XIddeaLPhotosIPl I RFO2002UJT Photos'X2O2UO84.1 .bmp V

VS fQ_



/1 I


.U I

4q(LciES e-y Oft$. fihrooe~ A~ 6y jtiA ck3 r U Oie for 4 bDe'iA, ef( ,rI-Radiation field: 80 rnR

N. ) Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U064 Page: 3 of 4 Summary No.: 300159 Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IlIl Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date:

Examiner: Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: IL -t-2za Other: N/A Level: N/A ANII Review, Clow, Ron Date: // / d,.d Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:\lddeal_Photos\PIlRF02002\UT Photos\2002U064-1.jpg J:\Iddeal-.PhotosPI1 RF02002\UT Phot0S\2002U064-2.jpg A7ITT4cH~n I /jr Iv /r6 r0-/z-UL6T- E- 3 6&F L

NtE- io Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-1 6A Outage No.: P1 RF02002 z_

Summary No.: 300159 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U064 Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of _4 45 deg Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 2 KI Q4 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 o.ooo  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 o.ooo  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 50.000  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervis or.e D)

Date: I I - )-I - I')-


'A' 1/40


EL704'-7' I- lsl

. ( NAYCO ) - WELD NO.


- BOLT NO; Il s NO CONT. PER IWC-1 220(e)



E. 04 A7rA/h/nrvr /3 P4667 / OF /

ml UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-1 6A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300136 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U066 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: I of 3 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B.J Location: Cont A Vault Drawing No.: ISI-2


NOZZLE- PIPE System ID: RC Component ID: W-9 Size/Length: 2.8' / 52.5' Thickness/Diameter: 2.80 /120 LUmitations: No scans on branch due to configuration. Start lime: 1609 Finish Time: 1629 Examination Surface: Inside f Outside 0 Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 80 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA112 Angle Used 0 45 1 45T 60 l Scanning dB 64.0 70.0 Indication(s): Yes Q No j Scan Coverage: Upstream 0 Downstream O CW R CCW R Comments:

See attached limitation record.

Results: NAD R IND C GEO E_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level II Siglature Date Reviewer Signature Date Thomas, Travis 11/22/2002 Clay, Sean P. / I ,.-Z Y-,2A-0 Examiner Level IIR Signature Date Site Review ,._ Signature Date VanRuler, Christopher D. 11/22/2002 Wren, Jerry P. I (- 221- 0 2.

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date 4

N/A Clow, Ron // 7/dL A7r4C/timAvr 1/1 tAA F

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 300136 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U066 IL Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 3 Description of Umitation:

No scans on cold leg side of weld due to material attenuation and Joint configuration. No 60 degree RL exam performed due to technique limitations based on thickness and diameter considerations falling outside typical equipment parameters of PDI Table 1 document Sketch of Limitation: J:\iddeaPhotos\Pl1RF02002\UT Photos\2002U066-1 .bmp I-u 4'Is z:I~z Limitations removal requirements:

WI.A c J PCOC4 IsIUTftoA46 WCcL..t. .Ik tI/AR glt- J At J d-eL 'o Boas AOi- thy cAikaj iac 0 Sl'^Q 5,'iJccl aae!s e oc4k's. Thc kchAe#0 p-vtd eS (o Radiation field: 135 mR/hr - General Area a d-(

Examiner Level II Sig[ ture Date Reviewer \Signature Date Thomas, Travis 02 Clay, Sean P.

11/22/20 H .

Examiner Level IIR / Sig aturr Date Site Review Sig ature Date VanRuler Christopher D. _ 221I2002 Wren, Jerry P. . l- 2S- i Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date WA Clow, Ron

MI,*,"1;%, Determination of Percent Coverage for

~~ ",,

N- UT Examinations - Pipe Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300136 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U066 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 3 I.2 45 deg Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg

,;zz Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.0o c  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length I 100 = o.ooo  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 50.000  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: Date:

Date: 11-2q UT Pipe Weld Examination No Site/Unit: PNGP / P1i Procedure: ISI-UT- 16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 300148 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U067 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: .1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont A Vault Drawing No.: ISI-3A


NOZZLE - PIPE System ID: RC Component ID: W-2 Size/Length: .9" / 27" Thickness/Diameter: .8" / 8" Limitations: No scans on nozzle side due to configuration. Start Time: 1645 Finish Time: 1701 Examination Surface: Inside E Outside S Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 95 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA113, 2002CA114 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 l l Scanning dB 46.0 52.0 78.0 Indication(s): Yes E No i Scan Coverage: Upstream M Downstream g3 CW PI CCW i Comments:

None Results: NAD i IND D GEO _

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level iii ,ignltle/- Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. '4 11121/2002 Clay, Sean P. ).,Or 2}-02 Examiner Level II Signature Date Site Review  ; Signature Date Thomas, Travis 11/21/2002 Wren, Jerry P. .Z. -Z-Jd\

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron (o Cu 2?

/ATrh4H1Y),AJr 1S5I tom-e- / is,= PJ

IMv Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 143-Summary No.: 300148 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U067 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 0N Description of Limitation:

No scans on nozzle side due to configuration.

Sketch of Limitation: J:\lddea1_Photos\PI 1RF02002\T Photos\2002U067-1 .bmp C fjA)


.0t P" &V Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISI-UT-16A Is not qualified forthe detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided bythis procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: N/A


Supplemental Report NM) Report No.: 2002U067

':3-Page: 3 of 4 LL Summary No.: 300148 Qj Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. Level: III Reviewer Clay, Sean P. Date: II-24-at M Examiner: Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review Wren, Jerry P. Date: I1-o78


Other N/A Level: N/A ANII Review. Clow, Ron Date: HI/R /4 k

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:M\ddeaLPhotosPII RF02002\UT Photos\2002U067. .jpg L~

Determination of Percent Coverage for NM,C Age UT Examinations - Pipe

'4' Site/IJnit: PNGP I P11 Procedure: ISI-UT- 6A Outage No.: P11 RF02002  ;

Summary No.: 300148 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U067 Workscope: [Si Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 4 i

- kb~A 45 deg Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length 1 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 75.000  % total for 45 deg Other deg - 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 o.0o0  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverane Add tojals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

-100000-  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: (2 (A)/\, _ Date: /X -_2

N 0

'lb it IZz-EL


Ned 0 ) = WELD NO.




UT Pipe Weld Examination NMr)

Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT- 16A Outage No.:. PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300649 Procedure Rev.: 021 Report No.: 2002U068 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont 695 Drawing No.: ISI-19A


VALVE - PIPE System ID: Rt N = 'Sr°;

Component ID: W-1 Size/Length: .8" / 27" Thickness/Diameter .8" 18" Limitations: No scans on valve side due to configuration, 1" drain line at 9DC. Start Time: 1516 Finish Time: 1532 Examination Surface: Inside E Outside R Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: - Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Ternmp.: 95 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA113, 2002CA114 AngleUsed 0 45 45T 60 l Scanning dB 46.0 52.0 78.0 Indication(s): Yes ° No R) Scan Coverage: Upstream M Downstream i CW 0 CCW 0 Comments:

None Results: NAD i IND FC GEO a Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level iII in tr Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. "I t 11/21/2002 Clay, Sean P. Li=Zj /242 Examiner Level Ii Sign ture Date Site Review Signature Date Thomas, Travis A 11/21/2002 Wren,JerryP. l Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron A 7TA CHkIA AJ fI /7 PA6C-- / OF y

PN% )b Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U068 Page: 2 of 4 Summary No.: 300649 Examiner. Blechinger, Tod Level: IIl Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: 1 -9q-0 Examiner Thomas, Travis Level: It Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: //-Z7- O -

Other NIA Level: N/A ANII Review, Clow, Ron Date:

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:\lddeaLPhotos\PIIRF02002\UT Photos\2002UOQSS1.Jpg J:'JddeaLPhotos\PI I RFO2002\UT Phot0S\2002UO6882.]pg ArrAcHM1evr /7 2161 A er

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP I P1 Procedure: IS14IT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 300649 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U068 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4 Description of Umitatlon:

No scans on valve side due to configuration. Coupling located at bottom dead center 1.3- from weld toe limits downstream W4J scan for 2-.

Sketch of Umitation: J.AldeaLtmfitos\P 1RF02002flJ Photos\2O02UO68-3.bmp ion:

rM~32230 143

  • coPLSA36 VA LV

__ v~~~~~~~~~~i, oP

\ / _ _ _ _ __-_ _ _ _


Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISI4JT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: N/A Examiner Level lII i-gnay9 Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. 1112112002 Clay, Sean P. M o o L I7 J/-.2'-O2.

Examiner Level 1l Signature Date Site Review Signature Date Thomas, Travis .2 wo)A - 1 11121/2002 Wren, Jerry P. ;)ry ,(k-t4iz ".Li2 l' ?2-0 2 Other Level WA Signature Date ANtI Review Signature Date NA Clow, Ron - ///2 'TV-7/1-

'An"idk Determination of Percent Coverage for P UT Examinations - Pipe Site/Unit: PNGP / Pl1 Procedure: ISl4JT-16A Outage No.: P11RF02002 Summary No: 300649 Procedure Rev. 1 Report No.: 2002U068 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 4 45 deeq Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length/ 100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 1 Scan 2 92.600  % Length X 100.000 %volume of length / 100 = 92.600 %total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000 %volume of length /1 00 = 50.000 %total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000 %volume of length /1 00 = 50.000 %total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by# scans = 48.150 %total for 45 deg Other deg - 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length /100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 1 Scan 2 92.600  % Length X 100.000 %volume of length /100 = 92.600 %total for Scan 2 Scan 3 o.ooo  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length/ 100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000 %Length X 0.000 %volume of length/ 100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 7:M000 %Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor I _ 2 L,} ( - Date: l


.-. -1





UT Pipe Weld Examination N o.)

Site/Unit: PNGP / Pit Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RF02002 Summary No.: 0M00171 Procedure Rev.: 10 Report No.: 2002U069 Workscope: is' Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont 695 Drawing No.: ISI-33


ELBOW- PIPE System ID: RH Component ID: W-1 Size/Length: 1.0" /27" Thickness/Diameter .8 /8" Limitations: Welded supports located at 90 degrees and 270 degrees. Start Time: 1606 Finish Time: 1626 Examination Surface: Inside a Outside 0 Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Extradose of Elbow Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 95 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA113, 2002CA114 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 Scanning dB 46.0 52.0 78.0 Indication(s): Yes E No 0 Scan Coverage: Upstream R Downstream 0 CW Pi CCW Comments:

60 Degree RL performed In areas of limitations only.

Results: NAD E IND D GEO D_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level il ,Illnatue Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. _ 11/21/2002 Clay, Sean P. It *_o I/...oDZ Examiner Level II Signattyre Date Site Review Signature Date Thomas, Travis P¢,, 11/21/2002 Wren, Jerry P. L/II 2.

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L t47T4C11M6_b7- / PA6E,/ O~F /

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP I P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: Pl1RF02002 Summary No.: 300171 Procedure Rev.: i Report No.: 2002U069 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Limitation:

Welded support limits exam at 90 degrees and 270 degrees for 5' at each location on the downstream scan and 4.5' at each location on the downstream side for the CW and CCW scans.

Sketch of Umitation: J:AlddealPhotos\P I RF02002\UT Photos\2002U069-1 .brnp I.


LVA lI.i a M Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: 20 mR

Determination of Percent Coverage for MM--) UT Examinations - Pipe tL Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 0z Summary No.: 300171 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U069 Workscope: IS! Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4 45 deq Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 63.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 63.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 91.600  % volume of length / 100 = 91.600  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4  % Length X 91.600  % volume of length /100 =  % total for Scan 4 k

100.000 91.600 Add totals and divide by # scans = 86.550 %total for 45 deg tLZ Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 86.550 %Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor _ _ __ Date: I__I - _GAq - & -,


Supplemental Report NMl) Report No.: 2002U069 Page: 4 of 4 Summary No.: 300171 Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IlIl Reviewer Clay, Sean P. Date: 02 Examiner Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: Z Other WA Level: NWA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: I1/2(./o7 Comments: None Sketch or.Photo: J-\ddeal_Photos\PI 1RF02002\UT Photos\2002U069-1 .jpg








/--,-s,--l NAVCO ) - WELD NO.


,. . _ . ._ . _ . . _ _ _ , 5. . . _ _ . . 5 XH-1-622 r_: .

REF: XH-1-104 IFILE NO: 111 28R01 M\P (M&sP)- Pi 1 ISI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: 6 APPD: -(


.DWG: ISI-12B lREV: 01 Ar,471CRWA 61,c' 6.,O P%

DA rf7 676 / OP$- /

UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-11A Outage No.: Pl1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300527 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U076 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 5 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont A Vault Drawing No.: ISI-12B


ELBOW- PUMP System ID: RC Component ID: W-6LS2U Size/Length: 2.0" /118" Thickness/Diameter: 2.90 /31 Limitations: No scans on downstream side due to configuration. Start Time: 1045 Finish Time: 1120 Examination Surface: Inside E Outside i Surface Condition: Machined Lo Location: Extradose of Elbow Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 75 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA124, 2002CA125, 2002CA126 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 Scanning dB 46.3 84.0 84.0 Indication(s): Yes Q No i Scan Coverage: Upstream 0 Downstream n CW 0 CCW 0 Comments:

Scanned at reference due to excessive grain noise.

Results: NAD i IND a GEO E Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level Ill Sign t re Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P.

Examiner Level N/A 1r.g4W Signalure 11/26/2002 Clay, Sean P.

Date Site Review t j Signature 1 12&y02 Date N/A Wren, Jerry P.*. c ) 7*

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron C/ r Id i~MqMW6 7-2~I )0,466 / 6 -5

Limitation Record N

Site/Unil: PNGP 1 P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-11 A Outage No.: Pl1RF02002 * )

Summary No.: 300527 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U076 IL z

Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 5 Description of Umitation: _ Qc No scans on pump side due to configuration.

Sketch of Umitation: J:MddealPhotos\PI1 RF02002\UT Photos\2002U076-1.bmp puf) P




-'I /~ ~ ~ -

I t / I j-

-T rtOK~/.

Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: 30 mR/hr Examiner Level ill [ignaturp I

  • Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. j i. 11/2612002 Clay, Sean P. B y -- 0 Examiner Level N/A Signaturd Date Site Review pignature Date WA Wren, Jerry P. ( IEd m y Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron (/2S/o A

i r~n Determination of Percent Coverage for Ad*/

"$16UT 'Mor Examinations - Pipe Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-11A Outage No.: Pl1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300527 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U076 Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 5 45 den Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 q Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 11 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 90.000  % volume of length /100 = 90.000  % total for Scan 3 41Z.-

Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 90.000  % volume of length / 100 = 90.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 70.000  % total for 45 deg lzl Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X o.ooo  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 o.ooo  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = o.ooo  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 70.000  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: __ __(__ }_ (\___ Date: _I__7_-__R

Supplemental Report Nmr--)h Report No.: 2002U076 Page: 4 of 5 '44' Summary No.: 300527 Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IlIl Reviewer. Clay, Sean P. Date: I%-a7-OD, 143 Examiner: WA Level: WA Site Review Wren, Jerry P. Date: tI-7f Other: NIA Level: WA ANII Review Clow, Ron Date: A /2 5GZ Comments: None I.u Sketch or Photo: J:\lddeal-PhotosXPl1 RF02002\UT Photos\2002U076-1.jpg

Supplemental Report NM) Report No.: 2002U076 Page: 5 of 5 LO)

Lt Summary No.: 300527 0

Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: Ill Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: I k- -2,7-0 1-f Examiner N/A Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: I 1,-Z8 - a Other N/A Level: NIA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: I/A /dA2-L3)

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:.lddealPhotos\PI1RFO2002\UT Photos\2002U076-3.jpg k l:lj U11






LINE: 29-RC-1l DWG. ISi-13A I REV: 02 Arr~numewr/U 2, FAce-

?,ebr / oF i

UT Pipe Weld Examination Nl Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT 11A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: . 300543 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U077 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 5 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont B Vault Drawing No.: ISI-13A


RED 50 ELBOW-NOZZLE System ID: RC Component ID: W-5 Size/Length: 2.0" /110" Thickness/Diameter 2.9" /29" Limitations: No downstream exams due to configuration. Up scan limited due to configuration. Start Time: 0935 Finish Time: 1020 Examination Surface: Inside [j Outside 0) Surface Condition: Machi ned Lo Location: Ton

. _, _Dead

_ _ _Center

_..._. Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 178 Surface Temp.: 90 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA124,2002CA125,2002CA126 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 1 1 Scanning dB 46.3 84.0 84.0 _

Indication(s): Yes D No i Scan Coverage: Upstream i Downstream D CWR1 CCW R Comments:

Scanned at reference due to excessive grain noise. Maintained 20% noise level during exam.

Results: NAD Ej IND fl GEO i:

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level iI I Sipnat e . Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. 3 id , 11/26/2002 Clay, Sean P. _ fA I, Examiner Level N/A Slgnatuy Date Site Review Signature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P. P LV1CJC l 2T-Ot \-

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron 0 2o ATT4C111n~tV7 ~3 PACE / F5

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP / P1i Procedure: ISI-UT-11A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 300543 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U077 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 5 Description of Umitation:

Sa. .oelbow limite due t o Scans on elbow limited due to taper configuration. No scans on nozzle due to configuration.

Sketch of Umitation: J-.%ddeaI_.Photos\PII RF02002\UT Phiotos\2002U077-1 bmp lie-IVP q




/ I l

rI a &./

Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: 60 mR/hr Examiner Level Ill (Signt Date Reviewer \ Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. a2 /2002Clay, Sean P. II- 7-02

/-nr Examiner Level NIA Signature Date Site Review Signature

/o Date NA Wren, Jerry P. (C2l8-_.l eta Z.

Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron

N ~ a Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe tL Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-11 A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Y Summary No.: 300543 Procedure Rev.: 4 Report No.: 2002U077 10 Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 5

. *. XE 45 dee Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 84.600  % volume of length /100 = 84.600  % total for Scan 1 1, Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 90.000  % volume of length / 100 = 90.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 90.000  % volume of length / 100 = 90.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 66.150 %total for 45 deg Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = o.ooo  % total for Scan 2

... Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length /100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 66.150 %Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: 9(a L V.. tX, Date: l )___- C)>

Supplemental Report NM - ) Report No.: 2002U077 Page: 4 of 5 IZ)

Summary No.: 300543 cz1 Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IIl Reviewer. Clay, Sean P. Date: IL-7-0D2-Examiner. N/A Level: WA Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: (l-7WY-02 Other. NIA Level: NWA ANII Review Clow, Ron Date: JIi/ 1oZ Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J.\ddeal-Photos\PI1RFO2002\UT Photos\2002U077-3.jpg IZQ

Supplemental Report N~nt) Report No.: 2002U077 Page: 5 of 5 Li.

Summary No.: 300543 Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. -

Level: III Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: I)-, 7-072o V2)

Examiner WA Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: I I O3-Other NWA Level: NWA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: ,/ /11I7t/6 '4 Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:.Uddeal-Photos\PI1 RF02002UT Photos\2002U077-2.jpg . I-:11 W

IZ, "Zt I 1' --I 1-1 V1:1.



( N - WELD NO.



ui fSIS REF: XH-106-316 (M&sP)-


Pi 1 IFILE NO: 1130BRO1 APPD: 7fi SYSTEM: SAFETY INJECTION, REACTOR COOLANT Isi 0 LINE: 4-RC-148, 6-RC-148, 6-SI-258 ID DWG: ISI-308 1REV: 01 I iT,4 C/If ) AT c yF Fn A~

10AG67 / 01= I

UT Pipe Weld Examination Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISt-UT.16A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 300926 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U096 Workscope: ISi Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: B-J Location: Cont Sand Plug Drawing No.: ISI-30B


BENT PIPE - SAFE END System ID: RC Component ID: W-6 Size/Length: .85" /13.75" Thickness/Diameter: .56" /4" Limitations: See attached limitation record. Start Time: 1140 Finish Time: 1157 Examination Surface: Inside ] Outside i Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 173 Surface Temp.: 80 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA146,2002CA147 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 7ORL Scanning dB 53.0 53.0 82.0 Indication(s): Yes rl No i Scan Coverage: Upstream O1 Downstream A CW R CCW 9 Comments:

70 Degree supplemental exam from upstream side utilized as a good practice.

Results: NAD 0 IND 2 GEO E_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level II ig ure Date Reviewer Signature Date Auer, Robert G. 11/30/2002 Clay, Sean P. z\ IZ2;71-0 Examiner Level N/A Sigrdfure Date Site Review Signature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P. U(<

JZJ4. L = 2-- a t Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review /- ,9 Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron 1.a/2/ A A7TACHOI6/T ~25 P-u 0&ge-I VT(= I OF I q

Limitation Record Not Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 IL Summary No.: 300926 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U096 0

Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Limitation: 0'X Joint configuration and proximity of safe-end taper limit scan 2 to 0.4" from weld toe.


Sketch of Limitation: J.\IddeaLPhotos\PI 1RF02002\LJT Photos\2002U096-1 .bmp W-G SAFE END A

FLOW Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: > 500 mR/hr Examiner Level 11 Sj Date Reviewer \ Signature Date Auer, RobertG. 1113012002 Clay, Sean P. Lvgl /gIV-6J71 Examiner Level WA 6.Signature Date Site Review Signature Date WA Wren, Jerry PJerr P, C/',z- I Z- -ao Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review A Signature Date NIA Clow, Ron 1/2/2 /a I

N1 Determination of Percent Coverage for N11fl}e 19 UT Examinations - Pipe LL Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RF02002 Summary No.: 300926 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U096 -

Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4

_  %~~~k

__ _ t 45 deg Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 64.000  % volume of length /1 00 = 64.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 37.500  % volume of length/ 100 = 37.500  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length/1 00 = 100.000 -%total for Scan3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length/ 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 75.375 %total for 45 deg


Other deg - 0 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 o.0o0  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 75.375  % Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor 5;) Date:


Supplemental Report N~) Report No.: 2002U096 Page: 4 of 4 Summary No.: 300926 Examiner Auer, Robert G. Level: If Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. Date: 10Z A^-02-)45 Examiner. N/A Level: WA Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: IZ#' <- g.1 Other. MNJA' Level: NWA ANII Review: Clow, Ron .. . Dale: /#2Z a A


Comments: Component drawing, photo not available due to location and ALARA concerns.


Sketch or Photo: J:\Iddeal_Photos\PIlRFO2002\UT Photos\2002U096-2.bmp S/

RPV not to scale



.DWG: IS1-100A I REV: 01 Armfql6-lur .2a PA~qf-G/ OF /

UT Pipe Weld Examination N.)_

Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 305081 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U052 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0210380 Page: 1 of 3 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: C-F-1 Location: Aux 695 Drawing No.: ISI-100A


PIPE -VALVE System ID: Si Component ID: W-10 Size/Length: .7" 10.9" Thickness/Diameter .438" /3" Limitations: No scans on valve due to configuration. Start Time: 1321 Finish Time: 1335 Examination Surface: Inside i] Outside D Surface Condition: Blended Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 90 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA094, 2002CA095 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 70 l Scanning dB 39.5 45.5 61.5 Indication(s): Yes E No i Scan Coverage: Upstream i Downstream a CW i CCW 0 Comments:

No previous data available.

Results: NAD i IND El GEO ,

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: N/A Examiner Level III ,-Slignture Date Reviewer Signature Date Biechinger, Todd P. A.JJ ,V H 11/13/2002 Clay, SeanP. H //-/9e-02 Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Site Review Signature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P.t , I4{, //_4 R>O Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron

,qr6/m61 27' P96w, oF3

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-1 6A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 305081 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U052 Workscope: 1SI Work Order No.: 0210380 Page: 2 of 3 Description of Umitation:

Valve Body Taper.

Sketch of Limitation: J.lddeal_Photos\PI1 RF02002\UT Photos\2002U052-1.bmp Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISI-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: < 1 mr Examiner Level iat Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. 4 Q 11/13/2002 Clay, Sean P. IV /8 cv4 Examiner Level tuA Signatury Date Site Review H e {I$ ignature Date N/A Wren, Jerry P. C&V, Cg//- 2CJd-at Other Level NWA Signature Date ANII Review gnature Date N/A Clow, Ron 1111?1142- I

N o%",Wfh~ Determination of Percent Coverage for N

r P; N -- , UT Examinations - Pipe L-Sitelnit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-JT-16A Outage No.: P1 RF02002 Summary No.: 305081 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U052 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0210380 Page: 3 of 3 LIJ 45 deq Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length/ 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg Other deg - 70 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length / 100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = o.ooo  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = o 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage 6 I' Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

%Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor. C  : (2 A a:

Date: -


i I


RHR PUMP 'A' DISCHARGE XH-1 06-1 75 REF: XH-106-327 C-C 2I ,9M66- / OC/

UT Pipe Weld Examination N..)

Site/Unit: PNGP / Pil Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 301445 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U061 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 1 of 4 Code: 1989 Code Cat.: C-F-1 Location: Cont 715 Drawing No.: ISI-89A


PIPE - VALVE System ID: Si Component ID: W.20 Size/Length: 1.0"K 21" Thickness/Diameterf .7"/6" Limitations: No scans on valve due to configuration. Start Time: 1000 Finish Time: 1019 Examination Surface: Inside g Outside 0 Surface Condition: Ground Smooth Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 134 Surface Temp.: 80 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA105, 2002CA106 Angle Used 00I45 45T 60 60 RL l Scanning dB 58.0 64.0 76.0 Indication(s): Yes z No E Scan Coverage: Upstream E Downstream O CW i CCW 0 Comments:

None Results: NAD i IND a GEO a Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level III CSinalpre I Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. _4Jf/' 11120/2002 Clay, Sean P. j A .

Examiner Level II Signature U Date Site Review Signature Date Thomas, Travis . 11/20/2002 Wren, Jerry P. *(U.t2*7.-o L Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron A7rhy//oiexo r0 eC16- / OF y

Limitation Record Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 301445 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U061 Q

Workscope: ISt Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Umitation:

Valve Body Configuration.

Sketch of Umitation: JAlddeaLPhotos\PI1 RF02002\UT Photos\2002UO61 1 .bmp k43 4Z~

fLDuJ X--

b We VA Ltj 4 Umitations removal requirements:

Single sided exam - Althought the examination was performed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISl-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld.

Radiation field: N/A Examiner Level '1l 1 Sigtature' Date Reviewer Signature Date Blechinger, Todd P. ./ nl 11/2012002 Clay, Sean P.

Examiner Level II Signature Date Site Review ignature Date Thomas, Travis 11120/2002 Wren, JerryP. ,.J _ I(- 2l -4i L Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date WA Clow,

_ _Ron_ _ Kc_*_ _ _/_ _-'

NMM-) Supplemental Report Report No.: 2002U061 Page: 3 of 4 Summary No.: 301445 Examiner Blechinger, Todd P. Level: IlIl Reviewer Clay, Sean P. Date: 1I-,,q-0, Examiner Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review Wren, Jerry P. Date: #/_Z)(o Other: N/A Level: N/A ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: ut/2U/d1 Comments: None Sketch or Photo: JAlddeaLPhotos\PIIRF02002\Misc Photos\bob\PIC00017.JPG J.\lddealPhotos\Pll RF02002\Misc Photos~bob\PIC0001 8.JPG fiTr/cfjmwr .;?7 oq46 3 oFjrf

N ~ Determination of Percent Coverage for

- e UT Examinations - Pipe Site/nit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI4JT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 301445 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U061 IL Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 4 1~0 45 den Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 100.000  % volume of length /100 = 100.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length/ 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 50.000  % total for 45 deg Other den - 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below Is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /1 00 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /1 00 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent comDlete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

. -. W-

-62.00 %Total for complete exam mte ltneS Site Field Supervisor: E l, W -( Date: //- 4 e6 2

111/AS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O *i CONT. ON ISI-97A EL. 718'-111/2" M-3 SIH5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

EL 708'-1 3/4"- \

09\~~~~_____ / - HANGER NO.


REF: NF-39332-1 & 2 IFILE NO: 1199BR01 MP (M&sP)- Pi 1 IsI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: Ad APPD: X SYSTEM: SAFETY INJECTION 12 DISCHARGE to . LINE: 3-SI-155B, 4-SI-158 W DWG: ISI-99B REV: ol i9TcWH1*A)r 3s Ae6Es/ OF/

UT Pipe Weld Examination IMC6)_

Slte/Unit: PNGP / Pi' Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RF02002 Summary No.:  :

305015 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U086 rnIn MAt . Age . DEGAS. 4 -8 a~

VVorKs5UopUe . 1.01 vvuI1% %.JurrPifO._ UZVUaou ragye. I lI Code: 1989 Code Cat.: C-F-1 Location: Cont outer Anu Drawing No.: ISt-99B


PIPE - VALVE System ID: Si Component ID: W-14 Size/Length: .80/11M Thickness/Diameter .42"/3" Limitations: One sided exam due to valve 32eT*- IV- ?,2.0o74. a t lj b3 Start lime: 1507 Finish Time: 1517 Examination Surface: Inside El Outside 0] Surface Condition: As WEeIded Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 173 Surface Temp.: 70 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA141, 2002CA142.

Angle Used 0 45 l 45T l 60 l 70 l l Scanning dB 56.0 56.0 N/A 83.0 Indication(s): Yes i No El Scan Coverage: Upstream il Downstream a CW R CCW i Comments:

Single sided exam - Although the examination was perfomed through 100% of the code required volume. Procedure ISI-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by this procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side oftheweld. OJD pVY~t 0WS Ck-*o.

  • VT2\O3 Results: NAD a IND E GEO 0 Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: N/A IqrnqdHnATAF 3 q6-/O

Ultrasonic Indication Report Site/Unit: PNGP / P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: -'l1RFO2002 Summary No.: 305015 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U086 Workscope: IS! Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 6 Wo WW Search Unit Angle: 70 Q (3 Piping Welds Wo Location: Weld Centerline o Ferritic Vessels > 2T IL WI W2 Lo Location: Top Dead Center o Other .I .-.

l MP Metal Path Wmax Distance From Wo To S.U. At Maximum Response

..--- DATU74 RBR Remaining Back Reflection WI Distance From Wo At 20% Of Max (Forward)

L Distance From Datum W2 Distance From Wo At 20% Of Max (Forward)

Comments: None I I ~

Scan Indication  % W Forward Backward Ll L L2 RBR Remarks No. Of Max Of Max Of Max of Max Of Amp.

DAC W MP WI MP W2 MP Max Max 1 1 50% 0.9 1.0 2.2 Root Geometry Examiner Level II1,l1J% Date Reviewer Signature' Date Auer, Robert G. 11/27/2002 Clay, Sean P. .

Examiner Level IISignature Date Site Review Signature Date Thomas, Travis 11/27/2002 Wren, JerryP KtXN... ' ' ~ I--o&

Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Signature. Date N/A IClow, Ron PA6E A. &F4

Supplemental Report Ne) Report No.: 2002U086 LI-Page: 3 of 6 Summary No. 305015 K%)

Examiner: Auer, Robert G. Level: II Reviewer Clay, Sean P. Date: //1-30-°2 Examiner. Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: /;'- -° -

.... Other: NIA Level: NIA - ANII Review Clow, Ron -* .* ' -Date:- Iz h b x.

Comments: Root Geometry Sketch or Photo: J:Uddeal_Photos\PI 1RF02002'UT Photos\2002U086-1 .bmp



£ W /4 I

I VALVE .. .I t~~~~~~~~


. r.-... .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


NM%. Limitation Record SiteUnit: PNGP I P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 Summary No.: 305015 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U086 Li 3

Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 4 of 6 Description of Limitation:

No scan on valveside due to configuration. See photo.

Sketch of Umitation: J-.ddeaI-Photos\PtIRF02002\AJT Photos=0O2UO86-2.bMp W 14 12 I /

  1. ~~~~~~~~~ /

FLOy Limitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: NWA Examiner Level ii ,

Auer, RobertG.

Examiner Level It Z 4tignature Date 11/27/2002 Date Reviewer Clay, Sean P.

Site Review C Signature

.looms gyature Date 11-30-il Date Thomas, Travis 11/27/2002 Wren, Jerry P. e L (a10 L Other Level NWA Signature Date ANII Review Signature Date N/A Clow, Ron

.r- N-> Determination of Percent Coverage for

.4mc-/ -~ UT Examinations - Pipe CZ)

Site/Unit: PNGP I Pl1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: PI1RFO2002 Summary No.: 305015 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U086 Workscope: IS! Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 5 of 6 b 45 deg Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 P0f Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Al Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length/ 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans = 25.000  % total for 45 deg 1::

Other deg - 70 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below Is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 100.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length /100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 50.000 %Total for complete exam Lu, iC Site Field Supervisor. Sit FeldSu ervso. D te Date: ll-<O-

Supplemental Report M) Report No.: 2002U086 Page: 6 of 6 IL Summary No.: 305015 Examiner. Auer, Robert G. Level: II Reviewer: Clay, Sean P. ____ Date: ILI S 2)

Examiner. Thomas, Travis Level: II Site Review- Wren, Jerry P. ____ Date: f 0-/-oZ Other NIA ._______ Level: N/A ANII Review; Clow, Ron -- Date: _/__ __

Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:.JddeaLPhotos\PlI RF02002\UT Photos\2002U086-3.bmp 1-I.

i" U

"I -;. -1 "I Z, -if,




XH-106-493 REF:XH-106-511 IFILE NO: 1197CR01 ISP (M&SP)- Pi 1 ISI DWN: CADWorks CHKD: APPD: -


0 IDWG: ISI-97C IREV: 01 A MICHIn 64)7- 3? rr-,n60-/ FI

UT Pipe Weld Examination NMQ)

Site/Unit: PNGP / Pl1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: _ 303060 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U089 1111-1 st III- . nAneA-A Dunn- 4 of A VVorKscopU; woruK vvu r NO.: _UBUUoU rage; I u 'W Code: 1989 Code Cat.: C-F-1 Location: Cont 715 Drawing No.: ISI-97C


PIPE - VALVE System ID: Si Component ID: W-18 Size/Length: 0.5" 17.5" Thickness/Diameter .30' /2" Limitations: See Comments. Start Time: 1620 Finish Time: 1630 Examination Surface: Inside g Outside 0 Surface Condition: As Welded Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline of Weld Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #00143 Temp. Tool Mfg.: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 173 Surface Temp.: 70 OF Cal. Report No.: 2002CA139,2002CA140 Angle Used l 0 45 45T 60 70 Scanning dB 62 62 85 Indication(s): Yes a No i Scan Coverage: Upstream i Downstream o CW R CCW i Comments:

No scan on valve due to configuration. No axial scan on bottom 2.5" due to stantion from support 1-RSIH-383. See attached limitation sheet.

Results: NAD 0 IND j GEO a_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: N/A Ar7icw~1Y)U1U7 :33 P2466- / p:.9

Limitation Record NMo)__

Site/Unit: PNGP / P1 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11RFO2002 Summary No.: 303060 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U089 Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 2 of 4 Description of Limitation: 8 <

Single sided exam - Although the examination was performed through 4W of the code required voiume. Procedure ISI-UT-16A Is not qualified for the detection of flaws on the far side of single side access exams. The techniques provided by thl-procedure were used for a best effort examination for flaws on the far side of the weld. U N

Sketch of Limitation: J\lddeal_Photos\PII RF02002\UT Photos\2002U089-1 .bmp (Y) wie8 P/PI VALVE FLOW Limitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: < 2 mR/hr 144

N-M- >, Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe IL Site/Unit: PNGP I P11 Procedure: ISI-UT-16A Outage No.: P11 RF02002 l)

Summary No.: 303060 Procedure Rev.: 1 Report No.: 2002U089 m Workscope: ISI Work Order No.: 0200860 Page: 3 of 4 45 deg Sl Scan 1 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 100.000  % Length X 50.000 %volume of length /100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 50.000 %volume of length / 100 = 50.000  % total for Scan 4 -

Add totals and divide by # scans = 25.000 %total for 45 deg .a

- W~~~~~~~~~

Other deg - 70 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan I 67.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 33.500  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 67.000  % Length X 50.000  % volume of length / 100 = 33.500  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 0.000  % Length X 0.000 %volume of length / 100 = 0.000 %total for Scan 3 Scan 4 0.000  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length / 100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine; 41.750 %Total for complete exam Site Field Supervisor: J ( ---.- Date: /j - 02

Supplemental Report NMb) Report No.: 2002U089 Li.

Page: 4 of 4 Summary No.: 303060 0 Examiner Auer, Robert G. Level: 11 Reviewer Clay, Sean P. Date: 1I - -02 . Lui Examiner: NWA Level: N/A Site Review: Wren, Jerry P. Date: 42, l-d Zi Other: N/A Level: NA ANII Review: Clow, Ron Date: 2 /2/o7t Comments: None Sketch or Photo: J:-ddealPhotos\P1IRFO2002\UT Photos\2002U089-2.bmp




Superintendent M&MRNtI EFFECTIVE DATE: / k 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instruction for identifying, quantifying and recording of limitations encountered while performing examinations under the ISI program.


R This procedure complies with the applicable portions of the following referenced documents:

2.1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code:

  • Sections V and XI, 1986 edition, no addenda (Monticello - Third Interval)
  • Sections V and XI, 1989 edition, no addenda (Prairie Island - Third Interval) 2.2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide - 1.150 "Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Vessel Welds during Preservice andinservice Examinations", (Rev. 1 dated Feb. 1983).

2.3 Code case N-460 Alternative Examtnation Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds - Section XI, Division 1 .

2.4 ISI NDE Manual procedure

  • ISI-NDE-0 Equipment, Personnel and Material Reporting".

2.5 Metals and Materials Resources Procedure

  • MMRN 2.3 "ISI Examination Program".

2.6 ISI Administrative Manual procedures

  • ISIA-1.4 "Preparation of Relief Request from ASME Section Xl Code Requirements'
  • ISIA-2.2 "ISI Field Activities - Preparation and Control Page 1 of 12
  • XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE l TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 3.0 APPLICABILITY 3.1 This procedure is applicable to examinations performed at Xcel Energy's Nuclear Generating Plants.

3.2 This procedure is to be followed when It has been determined that there is a limitation which prevents obtaining full coverage of an area or volume as stated by the applicable examination procedure.

  • For ultrasonic examinations, this would mean less than all of the required scans and/or a reduction of required scan path for one or more scans.

4.0 DEFINIONS 4.1 Limitation - something that limits, restraint: An obstacle to the performance of an examination procedure.

4.2 Evaluation - to determine the significance, worth, or condition of, usually by careful appraisal and study 4.3 Practical - T of, relating to, or manifested in practice or action: not theoretical or ideal; concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions. Useful." For this application this is interpreted to mean, for a specific case the benefits of a proposed action outweigh the negative aspects of that action.

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 Personnel Requirements

  • Examination personnel certification and eye examinations shall be documented in accordance with ISI-NDE-0.
  • Nondestructive examination personnel shall be certified to a minimum of Level I in the appropriate method to operate equipment and Level II to interpret test results.

6.0 EQUIPMENT This item is not applicable to this procedure. If alternate methods are required to augment coverage, that work shall be done under a separate procedure.

Page 2 of 12

I I -

XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 7.0 INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 Initial Examination Where the examiner is not able to complete a full examination as dictated by applicable procedure, the following steps shall be taken;

  • Complete original examination on accessible portions
  • Make sketch which includes dimensions defining location and size of limitations using a report format similar to that shown in Fig 3.
  • Describe the limitation including what it is and how it interferes with the exam.

State what appears to be required to remove the limitation using a report format similar to that shown in Fig 3.

  • For volumetric examinations, construct a surface profile using a surface contour l gauge and perform a thickness profile (typically one reading each 1/2" in a line) of the area that encompasses the code required volume. For UT that would include the available scanning surface.
  • Record radiation field information on the report (this may require assistance from the health physics group).
  • Sign and date the data sheet then forward it to the Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor.

7.2 Evaluation

  • The data gathered by the initial examiner shall be reviewed by the Xcel Energy's field supervisor/ designee to determine if alternate methods may be used to achieve additional coverage.
  • If alternate methods would provide additional coverage, a review of the benefit versus the required resources (radiation dose, time, cost etc.) to achieve that coverage shall be performed by the Xcel Energy's field supervisor to determine if that action Is practical (see para 7.3).
  • If it is determined that the entire examination volume or area cannot be examined due to interference by another component or part geometry, a reduction in examination coverage on any Class 1 or Class 2 weld may be accepted provided the reduction in coverage for that weld is less than 10%. The applicable examination records shall identify both the cause and percentage of reduced examination coverage (see para 7.4).

Page 3 of 12


  • For surface examinations, MT and PT may be interchanged / intermixed as appropriate to the material and the conditions.
  • For volumetric examinations, RT may be substituted for or augment UT assuming the ability to drain the line, and that the wall thickness I diameter is within a practical range.
  • For UT, use of other angles, full node or node and one half calibrations, skewed scans or approach from another surface to achieve additional coverage shall be I considered. '

7.4 Determining Coverage Achieved When evaluation of initial and alternate examination methods results in examinations which do not provide full coverage, a determination of percent coverage shall be made. The required examination coverage is defined by E applicable figures in ASME Sect Xl.

  • For surface examinations, a worksheet similar to that shown in Fig 4 shall be completed.
  • For volumetric examinations, a worksheet similar to that shown in Fig 5 or 6 (ultrasonic examinations) shall be completed.

7.5 Should the evaluation show that 90% weld coverage has been achieved, attach all related information to the original NDE report and no further action is required.

7.6 Contractor procedures for performing examinations utilizing automated equipment (e.g. reactor vessel and nozzle safe-end exams) shall be reviewed by an Xcel Energy's level Ill in the appropriate method to ensure the requirements for identifying, quantifying and recording of limitations encountered are adequately addressed.

7.7 When it has been determined that the maximum examination coverage practically achievable for a code required item is less than required; a relief request is required to be submitted to the NRC (refer to ISIA 1.4).

8.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This item is not applicable to this procedure.

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I . -

l XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH 1 INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE l TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 9.0 REPORTING 9.1 Information addressed in Fig's 3, 4, 5 and 6 (as applicable) shall be reported.

9.2 Information for examinations that are required to meet Reg. Guide 1.150 shall also include the following from Appendix A - Alternate Method; 7.c "The best estimate of the portion of the volume required to be examined by the ASME Code that has not been effectively examined such as volumes of material near each surface because of near-field or other effects, volumes near I interfaces between cladding and parent metal, volumes shadowed by laminar material defects, volumes shadowed by part geometry, volumes inaccessible to the transducer, volumes affected by electronic gating, and volumes near the surface opposite the transducer. Sketches and/or descriptions of the tools, fixtures and component geometry which contribute to incomplete coverage should be included.'

9.3 Reference System L Recording of limitations shall be based on the reference system shown in the original examination procedure.

9.4 Documentation A picture of the limitation should be taken and added to the description, preferably in a digital format.

10.0 RECORDS 10.1 Inservice inspection examinations shall be incorporated in the ISI records. See Metals and Materials Resurces North Procedure 2.3 'ISI Examination Program'.

10.2 Records of other examinations shall be the responsibility of the organization requesting the examination.

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0 Ep E

Page 6 of 12


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0 W go1, H'X-Page 7 of 12

I - r I


[SO # Item #

Description of Umitation ro-K Sketch of Limitation Umitation removal requirements Radiation field Examiner Date:

Page 8 of 12

I - l XCEL ENERGY METALS &MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH I INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE I TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 Figure 4 Determination of Percent Covera-ie for Surface Examinations This Is a sample form only Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO # Item #

Applicable Code figure #

ry) k Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)


  • Width -

= Total area required square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined sq. in. / Total area required (100%) sq. in.

= Percent coverage  % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter *(Pi) 3.1416

= Length inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 5027 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4.5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 1 1 Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor:, Date:

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I - t XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH l INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-ITS-1 Revision 2 Figure 5 Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pige This Is a sample form oniy Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO # Item # _

Applicable Code figure #

45 deqg Scan 1  % length X  % volume of length / 100 = _  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2  % length X  % volume of length /100 = _ % total for Scan 2 Scan 3  % length X___  % volume of length /100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4  % length X  % volume of length/ 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 45 deg Other deg - .. (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2  % length X  % volume of length /1 00 = _ % total for Scan 2 Scan 3  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

% total for complete exam Example - 45 deg scan I = 63% plus supplemental 60 deg scan I = 28% (of remaining required scan volume) for total of 91% coverage for scan 1 volume. Repeat for the remaining scans, add together and divide by the # of scans (typically 4).

Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor _ Date:

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I l XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 Figure 6 Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Vessels This is a sample form onl, Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO# Item # __

Applicable Code figure # 1 0 deg Planar Scan  % length X  % volume of length /100 = _ % total for 0 deg 45 deg Scan 1  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2  % length X  % volume of length / I00 =  % total for Scan 2 E Scan 3  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 -_  % total for Scan 3 l Scan 4  % length X___ % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =.  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 _  % length X  % volume of length /1 00 = _  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine;

% total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor _ Date:

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I t -




OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Title block changed NSP to Xcel Energy and Materials & Special Processes to Metals &

Materials Resources North.

2.1 Added no addenda to code years.

Changed O&MS to MMRN, two places.

k Changed NSP to Xcel Energy's, seven places.

"UI, Page 12 of 12