Information Notice 2006-07, Inappropriate Use of a Single Parameter Limit as a Nuclear Criticality Safety Limit at Fuel Cycle Facilities
ML060580510 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 03/31/2006 |
From: | Pierson R NRC/NMSS/FCSS |
To: | |
References | |
IN-06-007 | |
Download: ML060580510 (6) | |
All licensees authorized to possess a critical mass of special nuclear material.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to alert
addressees to a concern arising from the inappropriate use of single-parameter limits as
nuclear criticality safety limits at fuel cycle facilities. It is expected that recipients will review the
information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid
similar problems. However, suggestions contained in this IN are not new NRC requirements;
therefore, no specific action nor written response is required.
Under 10 CFR Parts 70 and 76, certain licensees processing, storing, or handling critical
masses of fissile material are required to analyze accident scenarios leading to criticality and
provide safety limits that bound potential criticality events. A fuel cycle licensee relied on a
single-parameter limit from a national consensus standard as the safety limit for the
concentration of fissile material in a nonuniform aqueous solution stored in unsafe-geometry
tanks. The licensee took the single-parameter limit for concentration of uranium-235 in uranyl
nitrate solution from Table 1 of ANSI/ANS-8.1, Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with
Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors, and applied it as the concentration limit for a set of
large unsafe-geometry tanks used to store waste water.
The value chosen is considered to be always subcritical for a uniform solution and was
designated in the consensus standard as applying to uniform aqueous solutions. The waste
water solution was mixed and uniform on discharge to storage, but settled into solids on arrival
in the storage tanks, in a verifiable manner such that the solution was nonuniform while actually
in storage. Although the licensee had referred to the concentration limit in parameter studies, the limit was not discussed nor justified in criticality analyses for the systems and processes
Fuel cycle facilities licensed under Parts 70 and 76 have specific limits on subcritical margin
specified in their licenses or certificates. These limits on subcritical margin are typically
specified in terms of effective neutron multiplication or keff. The single-parameter limits in
Table 1 of ANSI/ANS-8.1 were based on a subcritical margin of between 1 and 2% k1 as
noted in technical documentation of the standard. The minimum subcritical margin allowed by
the license was 2% k, and the licensee did not otherwise specifically commit to this consensus
standard application in the facility license. As a result, the safety limit relied on by the licensee
for concentration control in this case exceeded the license limit on minimum subcritical margin
for normal and credible abnormal conditions.
NRC Regulatory Guide 3.71, Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards for Fuels and Material
Facilities, describes methods that the NRC staff considers generally acceptable for complying
with regulations. This regulatory guide endorses specific nuclear criticality safety standards
developed by the American Nuclear Societys Standards Subcommittee 8 (ANS-8), Operations
with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors. NRC endorsement of a consensus standard
applies to the use of information and methodology from the standard in licensing applications.
NRC endorsement of consensus standards does not supersede approved license conditions.
The NRC is concerned that licensees clearly understand the relationship of consensus
standards to the approved facility license. The facility license in this situation allowed the use of
experimental data to establish safety limits. Data from ANSI/ANS-8 series nuclear criticality
safety standards are typically calculated by computer methods and should, in most cases, be
considered analytical data.
In addition, NRC is concerned about the application of limits from consensus standards without
regard to their applicability. In this case, the standard required aqueous solutions to be uniform
for the limits to be applicable and the underlying basis for the standard noted that subcritical
margin may be as low as 0.01. Inappropriate use of a single-parameter limit exposes fuel cycle
licensees to the possibility of implementing inadequate nuclear criticality safety controls which, in this case, resulted in inadequate subcritical margin in an unfavorable geometry tank.
NRC criticality safety inspections typically include the review of the adequacy and applicability
of single-parameter limits used as safety limits, including the completeness and adequacy of
nuclear criticality safety analyses, to ensure that controlled parameters and their associated
limits are adequate to maintain fissile material operations within subcritical limits.
1 Nuclear Science and Engineering: 81, 371 (1982), Subcritical Limits for Uranium-235 Systems, ...three [calculational] methods were used to compute limits...a margin as small as
0.01 was occasionally considered acceptable, even though with no method was the margin as
great as 0.02. This IN requires no specific action nor written response. If you have any questions about the
information in this notice, please contact the technical contact listed below.
Robert C. Pierson, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety
and Safeguards
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contact:
Tamara D. Powell, NMSS
301-415-5095 E-mail:
1. Referenced Codes and Standards
2. List of Recently Issued NMSS Generic Communications This IN requires no specific action nor written response. If you have any questions about the
information in this notice, please contact the technical contact listed below.
Robert C. Pierson, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety
and Safeguards
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contact:
Tamara D. Powell, NMSS
301-415-5095 E-mail:
1. Referenced Codes and Standards
2. List of Recently Issued NMSS Generic Communications
NAME TPowell Ekraus by fax AMcIntosh MGalloway RPierson
DATE 3/ 3 /06 3/ 07 /06 3/ 09 /06 3/ 29 /06 3/ 31 /06
Attachment 1 Referenced Codes and Standards
American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society, ANSI/ANS 8.1-1998, Nuclear
Criticality Safety in Operations With Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors, ANS, LaGrange
Park, Illinois
Attachment 2 Recently Issued NMSS Generic Communications
Date GC No. Subject
01/26/06 RIS-02-15, NRC Approval of All authorized recipients and
Rev. 1 Commercial Data Encryption holders of sensitive unclassified
Products For the Electronic safeguards information (SGI).
Transmission Of Safeguards
01/24/06 RIS-06-01 Expiration Date for NRC- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Approved Spent Fuel Commission (NRC) licensees who
Transportation Routes transport, or deliver to a carrier for
transport, irradiated reactor fuel
(spent nuclear fuel (SNF)).
01/13/06 RIS-05-27, NRC Regulatory Issue All 10 CFR Parts 71 and 72 Rev. 1 Summary 2005-27, Rev. 1, licensees and certificate holders.
NRC Timeliness Goals, Prioritization of Incoming
License Applications and
Voluntary Submittal of
Schedule for Future Actions
for NRC Review
01/19/06 IN-06-02 Use of Galvanized Supports All holders of operating licenses
and Cable Trays with for nuclear reactors except those
Meggitt Si 2400 Stainless- who have permanently ceased
Steel-jacketed Electrical operations and have certified that
Cables fuel has been permanently
removed from the reactor vessel;
and fuel cycle licensees and
certificate holders.
Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public website,, under Electronic Reading Room/Document Collections.