MONTHYEARIR 05000142/19930011993-09-0303 September 1993 Forwards Orise Rept Also Being Identified as NRC Insp Rept 50-142/93-01.Areas Surveyed Appear to Meet Criteria of Reg Guide 1.86, Termination of OLs for Operating Reactors IR 05000142/19890011989-02-27027 February 1989 Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Confirmation That UCLA Met Requirements of Section 2.5 of Settlement Agreement & Status of Selected Commitments in Decommissioning Plan Phase 1 IR 05000142/19830021984-02-29029 February 1984 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts for Insps Conducted During 1975-1983.All Repts May Contain Proprietary Info Except for Rept 50-142/83-02 IR 05000142/19820021982-07-20020 July 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-02 on 820628-30.Noncompliance Noted: Addendum to Prestart Checkoff for 820111 Not Submitted to Director of Nuclear Energy Lab for Routine Review IR 05000142/19820011982-06-0909 June 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-01 on 820405-09.Noncompliance Noted: No Approved Written Procedures for Control & Calibr of Portable Radiation Survey Instruments IR 05000142/19810011981-07-28028 July 1981 IE Investigation Rept 50-142/81-01 on 810610.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Manipulation of Control of Reactor Regulating Blade by Unlicensed Science Students & by Util OL Trainees IR 05000142/19810021981-07-14014 July 1981 IE Insp Rept 50-142/81-02 on 810624-26.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit Function,Requalification Training,Procedures,Calibr & Experiments IR 05000142/19800031980-12-16016 December 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-03 on 801112-14.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Responses to IE Bulletin 79-19 & IE Circular 80-14 & Environ Protection,Environ Controls & Emergency Response Planning Programs IR 05000142/19800021980-03-0606 March 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-02 on 800104 & 0213-14.Noncompliance Noted:Logkeeping by Operators & Review by Supervisory Personnel Needs Improvement & Neutron Channel Calibrator Exceeded Tech Spec Requirement IR 05000142/19800011980-02-26026 February 1980 Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-142/80-01 & 70-0223/80-01 on 800211 & 12.No Noncompliance Noted.Insp Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) IR 05000142/19790031979-10-19019 October 1979 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-03 & on 790924-25.No Noncompliance Noted IR 05000142/19790041979-10-19019 October 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-04 on 790927-28.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:UCLA-based Group Concerns Re Excessive Ar-41 Exposure from Stack Effluent IR 05000142/19790021979-03-0505 March 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-02 on 790221-23.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit, Requalification Training,Procedures & Surveillance IR 05000142/19750031975-06-19019 June 1975 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-142/75-03 & 70-0223/75-01 on 750520 IR 05000142/19750011975-02-11011 February 1975 IE Insp Rept 50-142/75-01 on 750123-24.Noncompliance Noted: Error in Calibr Curve of Gaseous Effluent Monitor & Ventilation Exhaust Air Not Properly Diluted or Released 1993-09-03
[Table view] Category:NRC-GENERATED
MONTHYEARIR 05000142/19890011989-02-27027 February 1989 Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Confirmation That UCLA Met Requirements of Section 2.5 of Settlement Agreement & Status of Selected Commitments in Decommissioning Plan Phase 1 IR 05000142/19820021982-07-20020 July 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-02 on 820628-30.Noncompliance Noted: Addendum to Prestart Checkoff for 820111 Not Submitted to Director of Nuclear Energy Lab for Routine Review IR 05000142/19820011982-06-0909 June 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-01 on 820405-09.Noncompliance Noted: No Approved Written Procedures for Control & Calibr of Portable Radiation Survey Instruments IR 05000142/19810021981-07-14014 July 1981 IE Insp Rept 50-142/81-02 on 810624-26.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit Function,Requalification Training,Procedures,Calibr & Experiments IR 05000142/19800031980-12-16016 December 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-03 on 801112-14.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Responses to IE Bulletin 79-19 & IE Circular 80-14 & Environ Protection,Environ Controls & Emergency Response Planning Programs IR 05000142/19800021980-03-0606 March 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-02 on 800104 & 0213-14.Noncompliance Noted:Logkeeping by Operators & Review by Supervisory Personnel Needs Improvement & Neutron Channel Calibrator Exceeded Tech Spec Requirement IR 05000142/19790041979-10-19019 October 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-04 on 790927-28.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:UCLA-based Group Concerns Re Excessive Ar-41 Exposure from Stack Effluent IR 05000142/19790021979-03-0505 March 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-02 on 790221-23.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit, Requalification Training,Procedures & Surveillance IR 05000142/19750011975-02-11011 February 1975 IE Insp Rept 50-142/75-01 on 750123-24.Noncompliance Noted: Error in Calibr Curve of Gaseous Effluent Monitor & Ventilation Exhaust Air Not Properly Diluted or Released 1989-02-27
MONTHYEARIR 05000142/19890011989-02-27027 February 1989 Insp Rept 50-142/89-01 on 890131-0201.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Confirmation That UCLA Met Requirements of Section 2.5 of Settlement Agreement & Status of Selected Commitments in Decommissioning Plan Phase 1 ML20235Z2871984-06-12012 June 1984 Investigation Rept, ASLB - Allegations Re Three NRC Employees, Initiated in Response to Jh Frye in Considering Relicensing of Nonpower Reactor at Ucla.No Evidence of Willful Misrepresentation Found ML20028A9491982-11-22022 November 1982 PNS-V-82-003:on 821122,received Call Warning That Bomb Would Explode at Plant at 10:45 Am.Bldg Evacuated & Searched.No Bomb Found.Fbi & Emergency Svcs,State of CA Notified ML20062H5771982-07-22022 July 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820628-30 IR 05000142/19820021982-07-20020 July 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-02 on 820628-30.Noncompliance Noted: Addendum to Prestart Checkoff for 820111 Not Submitted to Director of Nuclear Energy Lab for Routine Review IR 05000142/19820011982-06-0909 June 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-142/82-01 on 820405-09.Noncompliance Noted: No Approved Written Procedures for Control & Calibr of Portable Radiation Survey Instruments ML20054J1611982-06-0909 June 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820405-09 IR 05000142/19810011981-07-28028 July 1981 IE Investigation Rept 50-142/81-01 on 810610.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Manipulation of Control of Reactor Regulating Blade by Unlicensed Science Students & by Util OL Trainees IR 05000142/19810021981-07-14014 July 1981 IE Insp Rept 50-142/81-02 on 810624-26.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit Function,Requalification Training,Procedures,Calibr & Experiments IR 05000142/19800031980-12-16016 December 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-03 on 801112-14.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Responses to IE Bulletin 79-19 & IE Circular 80-14 & Environ Protection,Environ Controls & Emergency Response Planning Programs IR 05000142/19800021980-03-0606 March 1980 IE Insp Rept 50-142/80-02 on 800104 & 0213-14.Noncompliance Noted:Logkeeping by Operators & Review by Supervisory Personnel Needs Improvement & Neutron Channel Calibrator Exceeded Tech Spec Requirement ML19323G7371980-03-0606 March 1980 Notice of Violation from Insp on 800104 & 0213-14 IR 05000142/19790041979-10-19019 October 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-04 on 790927-28.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:UCLA-based Group Concerns Re Excessive Ar-41 Exposure from Stack Effluent PNO-V-79-002, on 791003,UCLA-based Group,Committee to Bridge Gap,Is Holding Press Conference to Demand Shutdown of Facility.Central Issue Involves Excessive Radiation Exposures Allegedly Being Received by Persons in Area1979-10-0303 October 1979 PNO-V-79-002:on 791003,UCLA-based Group,Committee to Bridge Gap,Is Holding Press Conference to Demand Shutdown of Facility.Central Issue Involves Excessive Radiation Exposures Allegedly Being Received by Persons in Area ML19256C7551979-09-20020 September 1979 PNO-79-431:high Radiation Levels Noted in Portion of Soil Outside of Restricted Area Fence,But within owner- Controlled Property.Radiation Contamination as High as 20 Millirem Per Hour.Source Under Investigation ML19256C8541979-08-0808 August 1979 PNO-79-321:pneumatically Operated Closed Sys Used to Transfer Samples Into & Out of Reactor Became Slightly Contaminated.Decontamination Performed ML19270H6231979-04-30030 April 1979 PNS-79-040:on 790430,telephone Bomb Threat Was Received by UCLA Police Dept.Search Was Conducted.Apparent Hoax IR 05000142/19790021979-03-0505 March 1979 IE Insp Rept 50-142/79-02 on 790221-23.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Logs & Records,Review & Audit, Requalification Training,Procedures & Surveillance IR 05000142/19750011975-02-11011 February 1975 IE Insp Rept 50-142/75-01 on 750123-24.Noncompliance Noted: Error in Calibr Curve of Gaseous Effluent Monitor & Ventilation Exhaust Air Not Properly Diluted or Released 1989-02-27
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Inspection Report - - 1981002 |
Report No. En-147/R1-n?
Docket f!o. Rn 149 License No. R-71 Safeguards Group Licensee: univoreity nf California at i ns Anceles I ne Annnine. Cal i fnrni a 000?4
Facility Name:
nrtA poenarch ponctnr (Aronnant-10nvw)
Inspection at:
nctA cam ne Inspection conducted:
,1uno 24 76. lor 1 Inspectors:
/WL 7-/ ~3/
T. Young Jr., Reacto Inspect Date Signed V - [0im 7 - tv-8 i P. Morrill', Reactor ' Inspector Date Sigsted
Approved by:
T. Young Jr., Actin (Chief (/
Date Signed Reactor Projects Section 2 Reactor Operations Projects Branch Inspection on June 24-26, 1981 (Report No. 50-142/81-0'2)
Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of licensee's organization, logs and records, review and audit ful: tion, requalification training, i
procedures, calibrations, and experir a.its.
This inspection involved 32 inspector-hours on-site by two NRC iaspectors.
Results : No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
I l
I (
8108040526 8107r5 PDR ADOCK 0500019?
G PDR, RV Fonn 219 (2)
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Persons Contacted
- R. Reyes, Acting Health Physicist
- N. Ostrander, Manager, Nuclear Energy Laboratory
- A. Zane, Reactor Supervisor W. Parker, Assistant Chief Engineer, Physical Plant J. Evraets, UCLA Radiation Safety Officer
- K. Sime, Reactor Operator i
- Denotes those attending the exit interview.
Followup of Inspector Identified Items During inspection 50-142/80-02, it was observed that the licensee's
Pre-Startup Check Off Sheet did not fully check the area radiation monitors.
The inspector verified that the Prestartup Check Off Sheet
i was revised to ensure that the Area Radiation Monitors, including
the detectors, are verified operable before each Startup.
Item 80-02-01 is rlosed.
The inspector examined the corrective actions taken by the licensee in resronse to an item of noncompliance identified during inspection i
50-142/8v-02 which dealt with the lack of an emergency procedure for a dropped rod.
The inspector examined the licensee's " Procedures to Delineate Operator Actions," for " Failure of a Reactor Safety System,"
and for " Uncontrolled Reactivity Changes." The inspector also discussed the item of noncompliance and corrective actions identified in the I
licensee's letter of March 29, 1980, to verify appropriate corrective
actions had been taken.
Item 80-02-02 is closed.
During inspection 50-142/80-02,it was observed that the Failed Rabbit
l procedure was ambiguous in that it did not identify whether or not
a cracked rabbit cap was considered a failed rabbit.
The inspector examined the licensee's revised failed rabbit procedure to verify
that it was more explicit for operators.
Item 80-02-03 is closed.
During inspection 50-142/80-02, it was observed that the licensee's i
l surveillance of neutron channels occurred 13 months apart (December 8, 1978 to January 9,1980) as opposed to the 12 months written in the Technical Specifications.
Based on an examination of the licensee's j
letter response dated March 20, 1980, and followup corrective actions,
the inspector concluded that the licensee had taken appropriate corrective actions.
Item 80-02-04 is closed.
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-2-During inspection 50-142/80-02, it was observed that corrective actions to be taken as aresult of the " abnormal occurrence" which took place on December 19, 19'3, had not been completed.
The inspector verified that the Radiation Use Connittee had evaluated and accepted the changes and that these changes (i.e., automatic scram if the linear recorder is turned off, and controls set to drive roo 4 in with attendant audible alarm if any inhibit signal occurs during op' ration) were c;mpleted.
Item 80-02-05 is closed.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Followup on Licensee Reportable Itrg An " abnormal occurrence" (as defined by UCLA Technical Specifications)
took placa on January 20,1981 (see letter A. Zane to Director, D.0.R.,
January 26,1981).
The inspector examined the circumstances surrounding
+'? event and corrective actions taken or planned by the licensee.
sed on disussions with licensee personnel and examination of appropriate ecords, the inspector determined that the licensee's corrective actions were adequate and that the reactor was maintained in a safe condition.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Organization, Logs and Records Mr. Jack Horner, tne former Health Physicist (HP), has left the organization.
Mr. Bob Reyes was acting HP at the time of the inspection.
Two senior reactor operator license renewals and one reactor operator initial license were granted since the previous inspection.
The records of operations for the period since the last inspection (March, 1980) were examined.
These records included the operating procedures, the reactor operator log, pre-startup checklists, and maintenance and calibration logs.
The data of the 1980 Annual Report was also confinned.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Surveillance The inspector examined selected surveillance records and discussed these surveillances with licensee personnel.
Surveillances examined included:
rod worth, rod drop times, shutdown margin, excess reactivity, calibration of neutron instruments, and calibration of primary and secondary flow meters.
_ _ ~
t-3-The inspector examined the licensee's corrective actions based on a letter response, dated March 20, 1980, to an item of noncompliance identified during inspection 50-142/80-02.
This item of noncompliance
was based on conducting neutron channel calibrations 13 months apart
(December 8,1979 - January 9,1981) as opposed to 12 months written in the technical specifications. The inspector concluded that the licensee had taken appropriate corrective actions and observed that the proposed revised Technical Specifications allow a 25 percent (3 month) leeway on performing these surveillances. This item (80-02-04)
is closed.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Experiments i
The inspector examined 14 of the current experiments. The experiments are described and reviewed on Experimental Safety Analysis (ESA) forms in accordance with the Technical Specifications. The inspector observed that the licensee has made a change to the ESA form sir.ce the last inspection (50-142/80-02).
The ESA form now requires an estimate of the reactivity effect of the experiment prior to insertion into the reactor. The inspector also observed that the licensee is reviewing and rewriting ESAs on a yearly basis to keep the experiment log more current.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
i i
Procedures The inspector performed a review of the technical adequacy of procedures, and of adherence to these procedures by licensed operators.
Speci fically,
the inspector observed a checkout of the facility prior to operation, j
startup and operation at 100KW.
i l
l No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
l l
Requalification Training
l The inspec.;r, through review of records, verified that the requalification
program is being performed in accordance with the approved program.
Records indicated satisfactory completion of lecture attendance ano
l examinations by all participants.
There are also continuous records l
maintained of each operator's reactivity manipulations indicating l
that all have been actively engaged as operators or senior operators.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
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Review and Audit
The minutes of the Radiation Use Committee (RUC) meetings since the last inspection were reviewed to verify that the RUC review and audit
functions are consistent with the requirements of the Technical Specifications.
Meetings have been held at the frequency required by the Technical
Specifications, and the membership of each meeting satisfied quorum
- requirements.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Exit Interview i
The inspectors met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1)
at the conclusion of the inspection on June 26, 1981.
The inspectors
summarized the scope of the inspection and the findings.
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