CPSES-200203803, License Amendment Request (LAR) 02-11, Revision of Operating License, Appendix B Environmental Protection Plan

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License Amendment Request (LAR) 02-11, Revision of Operating License, Appendix B Environmental Protection Plan
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/2002
From: Walker R
TXU Energy, TXU Generation Co, LP
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CPSES-200203803, TXX-02198
Download: ML023300505 (137)


t TXU Ref: 10CFR50.90 TXU Energy C.Lance Terry Comanche Peak Steam Senior Vice President &

Electric Station Principal Nuclear Officer P.O Box 1002 (E0I)

Glen Rose,TX 76043 Tel. 254 897 8920 Fax.254 897 6652 lance terry@txu com CPSES-200203803 Log # TXX-02198 File # 00236 November 19, 2002 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555




Pursuant to 10CFR50.90, TXU Generation Company LP (TXU Energy) hereby requests an amendment to the CPSES Unit 1 Operating License (NPF-87) and CPSES Unit 2 Operating License (NPF-89) by incorporating the attached changes into Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan". This change request applies to both units.

This license amendment request proposes changes to the CPSES Operating Licenses as follows: revise Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan" to replace references to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The EPA has delegated environmental controls for CPSES (i.e., the NPDES permit) to the State of Texas, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (currently the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), in accordance with the rules and regulations of both agencies. The EPA's NPDES permit for CPSES is expired and no longer valid; the NPDES provisions have been incorporated into the current Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit.

This request also proposes other minor administrative changes to the Environmental Protection Plan to be consistent with the provisions of the current TPDES permit and the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage.

A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Callaway

  • Comanche Peak
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde - South Texas Project
  • Wolf Creek

STXU TXX-02198 Page 2 of 3 provides a detailed description of the proposed changes, a safety analysis of the proposed changes, TXU Energy's determination that the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazard consideration, a regulatory analysis of the proposed changes and an environmental evaluation. Attachment 2 provides the affected pages from the Operating Licenses marked-up to reflect the proposed changes. Attachment 3 provides retyped Operating License pages which incorporate the requested changes. Enclosure 1 provides copies of Attachment 1 references 1,3,5 and 6.

TXU Energy requests approval of the proposed License Amendment by October 15, 2003 to be implemented within 30 days of the issuance of the license amendment.

The approval date was administratively selected to allow for NRC review but the plant does not require this amendment to allow continued operation.

In accordance with 10CFR50.91(b), TXU Energy is providing the State of Texas with a copy of this proposed amendment.

This communication contains no new or revised commitments.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Connie Wilkerson at (254) 897-0144.

I state under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on November 19, 2002 Sincerely, TXU Generation Company LP By: TXU Generation Management Company LLC Its General Partner C. L. Terry Senior Vice President and Principal Nuclear Officer By: 4 l Roge* . Waiker Regulatory Affairs Manager CLW/clw Attachments 1. Description and Assessment

2. Markup of Operating Licenses (Appendix B pages)
3. Retyped Operating Licenses (Appendix B pages) . Copy of Attachment 1 References 1, 3, 5 and 6

- TXU TXX-02198 Page 3 of 3 c - E. W. Merschoff, Region IV (w/o encl.)

W. D. Johnson, Region IV (w/o encl.)

D. H. Jaffe, NRR Resident Inspectors, CPSES (w/o encl.)

Mr. Authur C. Tate (w/o encl.)

Bureau of Radiation Control Texas Department of Public Health 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas .78704


5. REGULATORY SAFETY ANALYSIS 5.1. No Significant Hazards Consideration 5.2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/criteria
8. PRECEDENTS to TXX-02198 Page 2 of 8


1.1 By this letter, TXU Generation Company LP (TXU Energy) requests an amendment to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) Unit I Operating License (NPF-87) and CPSES Unit 2 Operating License (NPF-89) by incorporating the attached changes into Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan".

License Amendment Request (LAR)-02-11 proposes changes to the Environmental Protection Plan as follows: revise references to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPAs) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit; continuing provisions of the EPA's NPDES permit have been incorporated into a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit.

This LAR also proposes other minor administrative changes to make the Environmental Protection Plan's description consistent with provisions of the current TPDES Permit and the NRC's Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL).

1.2 No changes to the CPSES Final Safety Analysis Report are anticipated as a result of this LAR.


The proposed changes will revise Operating License Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan" to revise and replace references to the EPA's NPDES permit. The EPA delegated the provisions of the NPDES permit for CPSES to the State of Texas, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (currently the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), in accordance with the rules and regulations of both agencies. The EPA's NPDES permit for CPSES is expired and no longer valid; its continuing provisions are now incorporated into the current State of Texas TPDES permit for CPSES.

Additional minor administrative changes to the Environmental Protection Plan's description are also proposed to be consistent with provisions of the current TPDES Permit and the FES-OL.


The Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for CPSES is described in Appendix B to both Unit 1 and Unit 2 Operating Licenses. The purpose of the EPP is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

Verify that the facility is operated in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL) and other NRC environmental impact assessments to TXX-02198 Page 3 of 8

° Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State, and local requirements for environmental protection Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality are regulated by way of the licensee's NPDES permit. For CPSES this regulation has historically been accomplished through the provisions of the EPA's NPDES permit No. TX-0065854.

On September 14, 1998, the EPA approved (Reference 1) the application submitted by the State of Texas to administer and enforce the NPDES program for regulating discharges of pollutants into waters of the State. This approval effectively delegated the EPA's authority to the approved State program, i.e., the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) program administered by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (currently the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality).

On April 29, 1999, TU Electric (currently TXU Energy) submitted an application (Reference 2) to the TNRCC, with a copy to the NRC, for renewal of the existing State of Texas Wastewater Discharge Permit No. 01854 for CPSES. The application had the additional purpose of renewing and replacing the existing NPDES permit for CPSES.

On May 18, 2001, the TNRCC approved and made effective (Reference 3) the current TPDES Permit No. 01854 for CPSES under provisions of Section 402 of the Clean Water Act and Chapter 26 of the Texas Water Code. This TPDES permit is a renewal of the previously existing State of Texas Wastewater Discharge Permit No. 01854 and also renews and incorporates the continuing provisions of the NPDES Permit for CPSES.

The current TPDES Permit No. 01854 for CPSES expires March 1, 2004. A copy was submitted to the NRC in November, 2001 (Reference 4).


This proposed revision to Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan" of the Operating Licenses is an administrative corrective action to replace the outdated references to the EPA's NPDES permit with references to the current State of Texas TPDES permit. Other minor administrative changes to the Environmental Protection Plan's description are proposed to be consistent with the current TPDES permit requirements and the NRC's Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL). The other minor changes are as follows:

(1) Replace reference to "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region VI)"

with "Texas Commission on Environmental Quality" (Section 2.1 and 5.4.1);

(2) Delete references to "the State certification" (Table of Contents and Section 3.2). This wording is redundant to "TPDES Permit";

Attachment I to TXX-02198 Page 4 of 8 (3) Delete reference to "the Section 316(b) demonstration requirement" (Section 2.1). This requirement was an issue in the EPA's NPDES Permit last renewed on September 30, 1994; however, the required demonstration study has since been completed and was therefore not incorporated as a requirement in the current TPDES permit for CPSES. Completion of the Section 316(b) demonstration study is documented in a letter from the EPA's Region VI office to TU Electric (Reference 5);

(4) Clarify the reporting of outages of the onsite water treatment facility (Section 4.2.2 (2)). The phrase "if these outages are accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding 30 gpm." is clarified to read "if groundwater is used to supplement the supply of treated surface water during the outage and is accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding 30 gpm." Clarified to indicate that water treatment system outage reporting is only required if groundwater is used to supplement the plant make-up system during these outages. This clarification is consistent with the conditions recommended by the NRC staff in FES-OL Summary Conclusion 9.C (Reference 6).

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality are typically regulated by way of the licensee's NPDES permit. For CPSES this has historically been accomplished through the provisions of the EPA's NPDES Permit No. TX-0065854. This NPDES permit was last renewed on September 30, 1994; however it has since expired and is no longer valid. The provisions of NPDES Permit No. TX-0065854 were renewed and incorporated into the current State of Texas TPDES Permit No. 01854 effective May 18, 2001 (see Background Section discussion above).

The EPA delegated their wastewater monitoring and control authority for CPSES (i.e., the NPDES permit) to the TNRCC under the applicable laws and regulations of both agencies (Reference 1). The TNRCC approved and issued the current TPDES permit for CPSES under provisions of Section 402 of the Clean Water Act and Chapter 26 of the Texas Water Code (Reference 3).

The change in permit authority has no impact on the environmental regulation for CPSES as the continuing provisions contained in the expired EPA NPDES permit are renewed and continued in the current State of Texas TPDES permit.

The other minor changes proposed above to the Environmental Protection Plan's description are administrative in nature. They are proposed to maintain consistency with the provisions of the current State of Texas TPDES permit (items 1-3) and the conclusions stated in the NRC's FES OL (item 4).

to TXX-02198 Page 5 of 8 5.0 REGULATORY SAFETY ANALYSIS 5.1 No Significant Hazards Consideration TXU Generation Company LP (TXU Energy) has evaluated whether or not a significant hazards consideration is involved with the proposed amendment by focusing on the three standards set forth in 10CFR50.92, "Issuance of amendment," as discussed below:

I1. Do the proposed changes involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?

Response: No The requested changes involve an administrative correction to the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) Operating Licenses, Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan" to replace references to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with references to the current Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit. The continuing environmental regulatory provisions of the NPDES permit are incorporated and renewed in the current State of Texas TPDES permit. The change in permit issuing authority was achieved in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations of both the EPA and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (currently the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality).

Other minor changes proposed in the Environmental Protection Plan's description are administrative in nature and provide consistency with the provisions of the current TPDES permit and the NRC's Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage.

This request involves administrative changes only. No actual plant equipment or accident analyses will be affected by the proposed change. Therefore, the proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

2. Do the proposed changes create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?

Response: No This request involves administrative changes only. No actual plant equipment or accident analyses will be affected by the proposed changes and no failure modes not bounded by previously evaluated accidents will be created. Therefore, the to TXX-02198 Page 6 of 8 proposed changes do not create a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

3. Do the proposed changes involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety?

Response: No Margin of safety is associated with confidence in the ability of the fission product barriers (i.e., fuel and fuel cladding, Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary, and containment structure) to limit the level of radiation dose to the public. This request involves administrative changes only.

No actual plant equipment or accident analyses will be affected by the proposed changes. Additionally, the proposed changes will not relax any criteria used to establish safety limits, will not relax any safety systems settings, or will not relax the bases for any limiting conditions of operation. Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety.

Based on the above evaluations, TXU Energy concludes that the proposed amendment presents no significant hazards consideration under the standards set forth in 10CFR50.92 (c) and, accordingly, a finding of "no significant hazards consideration" is justified.

5.2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Criteria The applicable regulatory requirements related to this proposed LAR are as follows:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission document NUREG-0775 for CPSES: Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL), This document was issued in September, 1981 and provides the NRC's final assessment of environmental issues related to the operation of CPSES Units 1 and 2.

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. TX-0065854 for CPSES. This NPDES permit was issued in support of the initial licensing of CPSES and authorized the licensee to treat and dispose of wastes/waste waters from CPSES. This NPDES permit was last renewed on September 30, 1994.

Section 402 "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System" of the Clean Water Act.

The Act establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States. Section 402 contains provisions for State permitting.

State of Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. 01854 for CPSES. This TPDES permit was approved/issued by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) on May 18, 2001 and authorized the licensee to treat

Attachment I to TXX-02198 Page 7 of 8 and dispose of wastes/waste waters from CPSES. The current, renewable TPDES Permit expires on March 1, 2004 and is a renewal and combination of the previously existing TNRCC Waste Water Permit No. 01854 issued July 3, 1995 and NPDES Permit No. TX 0065854 issued September 30, 1994.

Chapter 26"Water Quality Control" of the Texas Water Code. The Texas Water Code, Chapter 26 establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the State of Texas including provisions for Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permitting.

Analysis The CPSES Operating Licenses, Appendix B "Environmental Protection Plan" (EPP) refer to the EPA's NPDES permit. The NPDES permit for CPSES (No. TX-0065854) has historically served as the regulatory basis for addressing environmental concerns which relate to water quality matters identified in the FES-OL. The U. S. EPA and the State of Texas have related rules and regulations in effect (i.e., Section 402 of the Clean Water Act and Chapter 26 of the Texas Water Code) which conditionally allow the EPA to delegate NPDES permit regulation to cognizant State government agencies.

By application (Reference 2) dated April 29, 1999, TXU Energy applied to the TNRCC to renew the existing Texas Waste Water Permit No. 01854 for CPSES. The application had the additional purpose of renewing and replacing the existing NPDES permit for CPSES.

On May 18, 2001, the TNRCC approved and issued TPDES Permit No. 01854 for CPSES (Reference 3) in accordance with the provisions of the above U. S. and State regulations.

The current TPDES permit for CPSES cross-references prior NPDES Permit No. TX 0065854 and incorporates its continuing provisions.

The other minor changes proposed in this request provide consistency with the provisions of the current TPDES permit and conclusions of the FES-OL.

Conclusion Appropriate environmental regulation for CPSES is maintained by the current provisions of the State of Texas TPDES Permit No. 01854. A change in EPP references from the EPA's NPDES permit to the State's TPDES permit is consistent with U.S. and State regulations and is an administrative correction only. The other minor changes proposed in this request to the EPP's description are administrative in nature as they provide consistency with the current TPDES permit and the FES-OL.

to TXX-02198 Page 8 of 8


The proposed amendment is confined to administrative type changes. Accordingly, the proposed amendment meets the eligibility criterion for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(10). Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.


1. Federal Register, Volume 63, No. 185, p. 51164-51201 dated September 24, 1998.
2. TU Electric letter logged TXX-99108 from James J. Kelley, Jr. to Executive Director, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, dated April 29, 1999 "Application for Renewal of Permit to Discharge, Deposit or Dispose of Waste(s)

Into or Adjacent to Water in the State" 3 Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. 01854 for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station approved and issued by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission effective May 18, 2001 and expiring March 1, 2004.

4 TXU Electric letter logged TXX-01 190 from C. L. Terry to U. S. NRC Document Control Desk dated November 19, 2001 "Environmental Protection Plan Renewal/Replacement of CPSES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit"

5. EPA Region VI letter from Phillip Jennings to TU Electric's James J. Kelly, Jr.

dated December 13, 1995 RE: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, NPDES Permit No. TX-0065854, 316(b) Demonstration Report

6. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission document NUREG-0775: Final Environmental Statement related to the operation of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, issued September, 1981.

8.0 PRECEDENTS None cited.


License No. NPF-87, Appendix B Pages License No. NPF-89, Appendix B Pages


Amendment No. 90


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan ............................................. 1-1 2.0 Environmental Protection Issues ..................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues ........................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues ...................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 Consistency Requirements ......................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Plant Design and Operation .................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to the NPBES TPDES Permit and State Cerifaton .................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations ...................................................................... 3-2 4.0 Environmental Conditions ........................................................................... A-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events ........................................ A-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring .......................................................................... 4-1 5.0 Administrative Procedures ............................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit .................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Records Retention ............................................................................. .5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan ............................................. 5-1 5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements ................................................................ 5-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-11, Original]

1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

(1) Verify that the facility is operated in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL) and other NRC environmental impact assessments.

(2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State, and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality matters are regulated by way of the licensee's NPES TPDES permit.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 1-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-12 Original]

2.0 Environmental Protection Issues In the FES-OL, dated September 1981, the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the two-unit Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). Certain environmental issues were identified which required study or license conditions to resolve environmental concerns and to assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.1 Aquatic Issues The aquatic issues identified by the State in the FES-OL were as follows:

(1) Effects of the intake structure on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Section

(2) Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES OL Sections,, and

The second issue above, "Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and," no longer applies because the service water and circulating water chlorination system is no longer used at CPSES and the EPA NPDES TPDES permit no longer requires that such a study be performed.

Aquatic matters are addressed by the effluent limitations; and monitoring requirements,-and-the Section 316(b) de,,onstraton requrement contained in the effective NP*,E TPDES permit issued by the U. G. Envirnmental *rotection Agency (Rfeg*c VI) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The NRC will rely on this agency for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota.

2.2 Terrestrial Issues The terrestrial issue identified by the staff in the FES-OL was as follows:

(1) Potential impacts resulting from the use of groundwater by the station during operation (FES-OL Section

NRC requirements with regard to the terrestrial issue are specified in Subsection 4.2 of this EPP.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 2-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-13, Original]

3.0 Consistency Requirements 3.1 Plant Design and Operation The licensee may make changes in station design or operation or perform tests or experiments affecting the environment provided such activities do not involve an unreviewed environmental question and do not involve a change in the EPP*. Changes in station design or operation or performance of tests or experiments which do not affect the environment are not subject to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed by Subsection 3.3 are not subject to the requirements of this Section.

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may significantly affect the environment, the licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity.

Activities are excluded from this requirement if all measurable nonradiological environmental effects are confined to the onsite areas previously disturbed during site preparation and plant construction. When the evaluation indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental question, the licensee shall provide a written evaluation of such activity and obtain prior NRC approval. When such activity involves a change in the EPP, such activity and change to the EPP may be implemented only in accordance with an appropriate license amendment as set forth in Subsection 5.3 of this EPP.

A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, in environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level; or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in facility design or operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to this Subsection. These records shall include written evaluations which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental question or constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0. The licensee shall include as part of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of such changes, tests, and experiments.

3.2 Reporting Related to the NPDEG TPDES Permit and State etf-cat"on Changes to, or renewals of, the NPBES TPDES permit or the State cefcation shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change or renewal is approved. If a permit o eertifleation, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.

  • This provision does not relieve the licensee of the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-1 Amendment No. 12

[CPSES/01 - Page 111-10, Original]

The licensee shall notify the NRC of changes to the effective N'PDES TPDES permit that are proposed by the licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at the same time it is submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC with a copy of the application for renewal of the NPDES TPDES permit at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency.

3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plant design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal, State, and local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Subsection 3.1.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-15, Original]

4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples of such events: excessive bird impaction events, onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, fish kills, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions, and unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Groundwater Levels and Station Water Use Monitoring Groundwater levels in the onsite observation wells identified as OB-3 and OB-4 in the FES-OL (Figure 4-3) shall be monitored and recorded monthly when the groundwater pumpage rate by CPSES is less than or equal to 30 gallons per minute (gpm) and weekly when the CPSES average monthly rate exceeds 30 gpm for the previous month. Water levels shall be read and recorded on approximately the same day of the month when monitoring monthly and on the same day of the week when monitoring weekly (an aid in interpreting the results by minimizing the influence of cyclic water use patterns of the aquifer by others on the observed water levels).

A monthly record of the total number of gallons pumped from each of the onsite production wells shall be maintained, including an average monthly pumpage rate in gpm.

A monthly record showing the rate and total amount of surface water processed by the onsite water treatment facility shall be maintained by the licensee on a monthly basis. This record shall include the process rate in gallons per minute and the total amount in gallons.

The licensee shall include the results of this monitoring program as part of the Annual Operating Report (see Subsection 5.4.1).

4.2.2 Water Treatment Facility Outages Impact Assessment and Reporting The following outages of the onsite water treatment facility shall be reported to the NRC:

(1) Routine or unplanned outages that exceed 30 consecutive days.

(2) Any outage of at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration, beginning with the third such outage in a calendar year, if these outages are groundwater is used to supplement the supply of treated surface water during the outage and is accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding 30 gpm. When it is determined that either routine or unplanned outages will exceed 30 consecutive days and when the groundwater pumpage rate will be greater than 30 gpm when averaged over the outage period, the licensee will prepare and submit a report to the NRC within 15 days Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-16, Original]

after a determination of the extended outage is made. This report shall include (1) a discussion of the reason for the extended outage, (2) the expected duration of the outage, (3) an estimate of the date or the time required to return the onsite water treatment facility to operation, (4) a determination of the potential for lowering the groundwater levels in offsite wells, (5) an assessment of the impact of the projected groundwater level decline, and (6) a proposed course of action to mitigate any adverse effects.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-17, Original]

5.0 Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit The licensee shall provide for review and audit of compliance with the EPP. The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for performing the specific activity.

A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit function and the results of audit activities shall be maintained and made available for inspection.

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of station operation shall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspection. These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.

Records of modifications to station structures, systems, and components determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environment shall be retained for the life of the station. All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retained for 5 years or, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of other agencies.

5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Requests for changes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC aproval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the operating license. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the operating license.

The report shall include summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of this EPP for the report period, including a comparison with related preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous nonradiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of trends toward irreversible damage to the environment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of mitigating action.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-1

[CPSES/01- Page 1-18, Original]

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(1) A list of EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them.

(2) A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

(3) A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

(4) A summary list of NPBEG TPDES permit-related reports relative to matters identified in Subsection 2.1 which were sent to the U. ,. E.nvironmental Protection Agency Region V1 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality during the report period.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event.

The report shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems; and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other Federal, State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those reporting requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided with a copy of such a report at the same time it is submiffed to the other agency.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-2

[CPSES/OL Page 1-19, Original]


APRIL 6,1993 Amendment No. 90


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section age 1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan ........................ 1-1 2.0 Environmental Protection Issues .................................... 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues ............................................ 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues ........................................... 2-1 3.0 Consistency Requirements ........................................... 3-1 3.1 Plant Design and Operation ................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to the NPBES TPDES Permit "afd State C3erfification........................................ 3-1 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations .................................... 3-2 4.0 Environmental Conditions .......................................... 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events ......................... 4-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring ....................................... 4-1 5.0 Administrative Procedures ......................................... 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit............................................ 5-1 5.2 Records Retention ....................................... 5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan .................... 5-1 5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements .............................. 5-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-38, Original]

1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

(1) Verify that the facility is operated in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL) and other NRC environmental impact assessments.

(2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State, and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality matters are regulated by way of the licensee's NPBES TPDES permit.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 1-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-39, Original]

2.0 Environmental Protection Issues In the FES-OL, dated September 1981, the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the two-unit Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). Certain environmental issues were identified which required study or license conditions to resolve environmental concerns and to assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.1 Aquatic Issues The aquatic issues identified by the State in the FES-OL were as follows:

(1) Effects of the intake structure on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Section

(2) Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and

The second issue above, "Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and," no longer applies because the EPA, PjDeE-G TPDES permit no longer requires that such a study be performed.

Aquatic matters are addressed by the effluent limitations; and monitoring requirements, and the Section 316(b) de..nstration "e..ui .emen. contained in the effective NP)'ES TPDES permit issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region VI)Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The NRC will rely on this agency for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota.

2.2 Terrestrial Issues The terrestrial issue identified by the staff in the FES-OL was as follows:

(1) Potential impacts resulting from the use of groundwater by the station during operation (FES-OL Section

NRC requirements with regard to the terrestrial issue are specified in Subsection 4.2 of this EPP.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 2-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-40, Original]

3.0 Consistency Requirements 3.1 Plant Design and Operation The licensee may make changes in station design or operation or perform tests or experiments affecting the environment provided such activities do not involve an unreviewed environmental question and do not involve a change in the EPP*. Changes in station design or operation or performance of tests or experiments which do not affect the environment are not subject to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed by Subsection 3.3 are not subject to the requirements of this Section.

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may significantly affect the environment, the licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity.

Activities are excluded from this requirement if all measurable nonradiological environmental effects are confined to the onsite areas previously disturbed during site preparation and plant construction. When the evaluation indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental question, the licensee shall provide a written evaluation of such activity and obtain prior NRC approval. When such activity involves a change in the EPP, such activity and change to the EPP may be implemented only in accordance with an appropriate license amendment as set forth in Subsection 5.3 of this EPP.

A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, in environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level; or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in facility design or operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to this Subsection. These records shall include written evaluations which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental question or constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0. The licensee shall include as part of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of such changes, tests, and experiments.

3.2 Reporting Related to the NP1DES TPDES Permit and State . ert"fication Changes to, or renewals of, the NP.-ES TPDES permit or the State ceriification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change or renewal is approved. If a permit oi certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.

  • This provision does not relieve the licensee of the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-41, Original]

The licensee shall notify the NRC of changes to the effective NPEE TPDES permit that are proposed by the licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at the same time it is submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC with a copy of the application for renewal of the NPES TPDES permit at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency.

3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plant design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal, State, and local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Subsection 3.1.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-42, Original]

4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples of such events: excessive bird impaction events, onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, fish kills, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions, and unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Groundwater Levels and Station Water Use Monitoring Groundwater levels in the onsite observation wells identified as OB-3 and OB-4 in the FES-OL (Figure 4-3) shall be monitored and recorded monthly when the groundwater pumpage rate by CPSES is less than or equal to 30 gallons per minute (gpm) and weekly when the CPSES average monthly rate exceeds 30 gpm for the previous month. Water levels shall be read and recorded on approximately the same day of the month when monitoring monthly and on the same day of the week when monitoring weekly (an aid in interpreting the results by minimizing the influence of cyclic water use patterns of the aquifer by others on the observed water levels).

A monthly record of the total number of gallons pumped from each of the onsite production wells shall be maintained, including an average monthly pumpage rate in gpm.

A monthly record showing the rate and total amount of surface water processed by the onsite water treatment facility shall be maintained by the licensee on a monthly basis. This record shall include the process rate in gallons per minute and the total amount in gallons.

The licensee shall include the results of this monitoring program as part of the Annual Operating Report (see Subsection 5.4.1).

4.2.2 Water Treatment Facility Outages Impact Assessment and Reporting The following outage of the onsite water treatment facility shall be reported to the NRC:

(1) Routine or unplanned outages that exceed 30 consecutive days.

(2) Any outage of at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration, beginning with the third such outage in a calendar year, if these eutages are groundwater is used to supplement the supply of treated surface water during the outage and is accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-43, Original]

30 gpm. When it is determined that either routine or unplanned outages will exceed 30 consecutive days and when the groundwater pumpage rate will be greater than 30 gpm when averaged over the outage period, the licensee will prepare and submit a report to the NRC within 15 days after a determination of the extended outage is made. This report shall include (1) a discussion of the reason for the extended outage, (2) the expected duration of the outage, (3) an estimate of the date or the time required to return the onsite water treatment facility to operation, (4) a determination of the potential for lowering the groundwater levels in offsite wells, (5) an assessment of the impact of the projected groundwater level decline, and (6) a proposed course of action to mitigate any adverse effects.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-2

[CPSES/OL Page 1-44, Original]

5.0 Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit The licensee shall provide for review and audit of compliance with the EPP. The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for performing the specific activity.

A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit function and the results of audit activities shall be maintained and made available for inspection.

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of station operation shall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspection. These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.

Records of modifications to station structures, systems, and components determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environment shall be retained for the life of the station. All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retained for 5 years or, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of other agencies.

5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Requests for changes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC approval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the operating license. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the operating license.

The report shall include summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of this EPP for the report period, including a comparison with related preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous nonradiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of trends toward irreversible damage to the environment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of mitigating action.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-1

[CPSES/01- Page 1-45, Original]

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(1) A list of EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them.

(2) A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

(3) A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

(4) A summary list of NPBES TPDES permit-related reports relative to matters identified in Subsection 2.1 which were sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VI Texas Commission on Environmental Quality during the report period.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event.

The report shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems; and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other Federal, State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those reporting requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided with a copy of such a report at the same time it is submitted to the other agency.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-2

[CPSES/OL Page 1-46, Original]

ATTACHMENT 3 to TXX-02198 RETYPED PAGES FOR OPERATING LICENSES License No. NPF-87, Appendix B Pages License No. NPF-89, Appendix B Pages


Amendment No. 90


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan ............................................. 1-1 2.0 Environmental Protection Issues ..................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues ........................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues ...................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 Consistency Requirements ............................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Plant Design and Operation .................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to the TPDES Permit ................................................ 3-1 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations ...................................................................... 3-2 4.0 Environmental Conditions ............................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events ............................................. 4-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring .......................................................................... 4-1 5.0 Administrative Procedures ............................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit .................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Records Retention .................................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan ............................................. 5-1 5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements ................................................................ 5-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-11, Original]

1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

(1) Verify that the facility is operated in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL) and other NRC environmental impact assessments.

(2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State, and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality matters are regulated by way of the licensee's TPDES permit. I Appendix B - Comanche Peak 1-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-12 Original]

2.0 Environmental Protection Issues In the FES-OL, dated September 1981, the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the two-unit Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). Certain environmental issues were identified which required study or license conditions to resolve environmental concerns and to assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.1 Aquatic Issues The aquatic issues identified by the State in the FES-OL were as follows:

(1) Effects of the intake structure on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Section

(2) Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and

The second issue above, "Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and," no longer applies because the service water and circulating water chlorination system is no longer used at CPSES and the TPDES permit no longer requires that such a study be performed.

Aquatic matters are addressed by the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements contained in the effective TPDES permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The NRC will rely on this agency for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota.

2.2 Terrestrial Issues The terrestrial issue identified by the staff in the FES-OL was as follows:

(1) Potential impacts resulting from the use of groundwater by the station during operation (FES OL Section

NRC requirements with regard to the terrestrial issue are specified in Subsection 4.2 of this EPP.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 2-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-13, Original]

3.0 Consistency Requirements 3.1 Plant Design and Operation The licensee may make changes in station design or operation or perform tests or experiments affecting the environment provided such activities do not involve an unreviewed environmental question and do not involve a change in the EPP*. Changes in station design or operation or performance of tests or experiments which do not affect the environment are not subject to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed by Subsection 3.3 are not subject to the requirements of this Section.

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may significantly affect the environment, the licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity.

Activities are excluded from this requirement if all measurable nonradiological environmental effects are confined to the onsite areas previously disturbed during site preparation and plant construction.

When the evaluation indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental question, the licensee shall provide a written evaluation of such activity and obtain prior NRC approval. When such activity involves a change in the EPP, such activity and change to the EPP may be implemented only in accordance with an appropriate license amendment as set forth in Subsection 5.3 of this EPP.

A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, in environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level; or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in facility design or operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to this Subsection. These records shall include written evaluations which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental question or constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0. The licensee shall include as part of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of such changes, tests, and experiments.

3.2 Reporting Related to the TPDES Permit Changes to, or renewals of, the TPDES permit shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change or renewal is approved. If a permit, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.

  • This provision does not relieve the licensee of the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-1 Amendment No. 12

[CPSES/01- Page 111-10, Original]

The licensee shall notify the NRC of changes to the effective TPDES permit that are proposed by the I licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at the same time it is submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC with a copy of the application for renewal of the TPDES permit at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency. I 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plant design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal, State, and local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Subsection 3.1.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-15, Original]

4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples of such events: excessive bird impaction events, onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, fish kills, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions, and unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Groundwater Levels and Station Water Use Monitoring Groundwater levels in the onsite observation wells identified as OB-3 and OB-4 in the FES-OL (Figure 4-3) shall be monitored and recorded monthly when the groundwater pumpage rate by CPSES is less than or equal to 30 gallons per minute (gpm) and weekly when the CPSES average monthly rate exceeds 30 gpm for the previous month. Water levels shall be read and recorded on approximately the same day of the month when monitoring monthly and on the same day of the week when monitoring weekly (an aid in interpreting the results by minimizing the influence of cyclic water use patterns of the aquifer by others on the observed water levels).

A monthly record of the total number of gallons pumped from each of the onsite production wells shall be maintained, including an average monthly pumpage rate in gpm.

A monthly record showing the rate and total amount of surface water processed by the onsite water treatment facility shall be maintained by the licensee on a monthly basis. This record shall include the process rate in gallons per minute and the total amount in gallons.

The licensee shall include the results of this monitoring program as part of the Annual Operating Report (see Subsection 5.4.1).

4.2.2 Water Treatment Facility Outages Impact Assessment and Reporting The following outages of the onsite water treatment facility shall be reported to the NRC:

(1) Routine or unplanned outages that exceed 30 consecutive days.

(2) Any outage of at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration, beginning with the third such outage in a calendar year, if groundwater is used to supplement the supply of treated surface water during the outage and is accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding 30 gpm. When it is determined that either routine or unplanned outages will exceed 30 consecutive days and when the groundwater pumpage rate will be greater than 30 gpm when averaged over the outage period, the licensee will prepare and submit a report to the NRC within 15 days Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-16, Original]

after a determination of the extended outage is made. This report shall include (1) a discussion of the reason for the extended outage, (2) the expected duration of the outage, (3) an estimate of the date or the time required to return the onsite water treatment facility to operation, (4) a determination of the potential for lowering the groundwater levels in offsite wells, (5) an assessment of the impact of the projected groundwater level decline, and (6) a proposed course of action to mitigate any adverse effects.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-17, Original]

5.0 Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit The licensee shall provide for review and audit of compliance with the EPP. The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for performing the specific activity. A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit function and the results of audit activities shall be maintained and made available for inspection.

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of station operation shall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspection. These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.

Records of modifications to station structures, systems, and components determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environment shall be retained for the life of the station. All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retained for 5 years or, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of other agencies.

5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Requests for changes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC aproval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the operating license. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the operating license.

The report shall include summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of this EPP for the report period, including a comparison with related preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous nonradiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of trends toward irreversible damage to the environment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of mitigating action.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-1

[CPSES/01- Page 1-18, Original]

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(1) A list of EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them.

(2) A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

(3) A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

(4) A summary list of TPDES permit-related reports relative to matters identified in Subsection 2.1 which were sent to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality during the report period.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event.

The report shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems; and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other Federal, State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those reporting requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided with a copy of such a report at the same time it is submitted to the other agency.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-2

[CPSES/OL Page 1-19, Original]


APRIL 6,1993 Amendment No. 90


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section ERAg 1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan ........................ 1-1 2.0 Environmental Protection Issues .................................... 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues ............................................ 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues ........................................... 2-1 3.0 Consistency Requirements ........................................... 3-1 3.1 Plant Design and Operation ................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to the TPDES Permit ......................... 3-1 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations .................................... 3-2 4.0 Environmental Conditions .......................................... 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events ......................... 4-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring ....................................... 4-1 5.0 Administrative Procedures ......................................... 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit ............................................ 5-1 5.2 Records Retention ....................................... 5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan .................... 5-1 5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements .............................. 5-1

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-38, Original]

1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of nonradiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows:

(1) Verify that the facility is operated in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the Final Environmental Statement - Operating License Stage (FES-OL) and other NRC environmental impact assessments.

(2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State, and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility construction and operation and of actions taken to control those effects.

Environmental concerns identified in the FES-OL which relate to water quality matters are regulated by way of the licensee's TPDES permit. I Appendix B - Comanche Peak 1-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-39, Original]

2.0 Environmental Protection Issues In the FES-OL, dated September 1981, the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the two-unit Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). Certain environmental issues were identified which required study or license conditions to resolve environmental concerns and to assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.1 Aquatic Issues The aquatic issues identified by the State in the FES-OL were as follows:

(1) Effects of the intake structure on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Section

(2) Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and

The second issue above, "Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation (FES-OL Sections,, and," no longer applies because the TPDES permit no longer requires that such a study be performed.

Aquatic matters are addressed by the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements contained in the effective TPDES permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The NRC will rely on this agency for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota.

2.2 Terrestrial Issues The terrestrial issue identified by the staff in the FES-OL was as follows:

(1) Potential impacts resulting from the use of groundwater by the station during operation (FES-OL Section

NRC requirements with regard to the terrestrial issue are specified in Subsection 4.2 of this EPP.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 2-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-40, Original]

3.0 Consistency Requirements 3.1 Plant Design and Operation The licensee may make changes in station design or operation or perform tests or experiments affecting the environment provided such activities do not involve an unreviewed environmental question and do not involve a change in the EPP*. Changes in station design or operation or performance of tests or experiments which do not affect the environment are not subject to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed by Subsection 3.3 are not subject to the requirements of this Section.

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may significantly affect the environment, the licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity.

Activities are excluded from this requirement if all measurable nonradiological environmental effects are confined to the onsite areas previously disturbed during site preparation and plant construction.

When the evaluation indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental question, the licensee shall provide a written evaluation of such activity and obtain prior NRC approval. When such activity involves a change in the EPP, such activity and change to the EPP may be implemented only in accordance with an appropriate license amendment as set forth in Subsection 5.3 of this EPP.

A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, in environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level; or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in facility design or operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to this Subsection. These records shall include written evaluations which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental question or constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0. The licensee shall include as part of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of such changes, tests, and experiments.

3.2 Reporting Related to the TPDES Permit Changes to, or renewals of, the TPDES permit shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change or renewal is approved. If a permit, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.

  • This provision does not relieve the licensee of the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-41, Original]

The licensee shall notify the NRC of changes to the effective TPDES permit that are proposed by the I licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at the same time it is submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC with a copy of the application for renewal of the TPDES permit at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency.

3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plant design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal, State, and local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Subsection 3.1.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 3-2

[CPSES/OL, Page 1-42, Original]

4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples of such events: excessive bird impaction events, onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, fish kills, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions, and unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Groundwater Levels and Station Water Use Monitoring Groundwater levels in the onsite observation wells identified as OB-3 and OB-4 in the FES-OL (Figure 4-3) shall be monitored and recorded monthly when the groundwater pumpage rate by CPSES is less than or equal to 30 gallons per minute (gpm) and weekly when the CPSES average monthly rate exceeds 30 gpm for the previous month. Water levels shall be read and recorded on approximately the same day of the month when monitoring monthly and on the same day of the week when monitoring weekly (an aid in interpreting the results by minimizing the influence of cyclic water use patterns of the aquifer by others on the observed water levels).

A monthly record of the total number of gallons pumped from each of the onsite production wells shall be maintained, including an average monthly pumpage rate in gpm.

A monthly record showing the rate and total amount of surface water processed by the onsite water treatment facility shall be maintained by the licensee on a monthly basis. This record shall include the process rate in gallons per minute and the total amount in gallons.

The licensee shall include the results of this monitoring program as part of the Annual Operating Report (see Subsection 5.4.1).

4.2.2 Water Treatment Facility Outages Impact Assessment and Reporting The following outage of the onsite water treatment facility shall be reported to the NRC:

(1) Routine or unplanned outages that exceed 30 consecutive days.

(2) Any outage of at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> duration, beginning with the third such outage in a calendar year, if groundwater is used to supplement the supply of treated surface water during the outage and is accompanied by an increase in the monthly average groundwater pumpage to a rate exceeding Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-1

[CPSES/OL Page 1-43, Original]

30 gpm. When it is determined that either routine or unplanned outages will exceed 30 consecutive days and when the groundwater pumpage rate will be greater than 30 gpm when averaged over the outage period, the licensee will prepare and submit a report to the NRC within 15 days after a determination of the extended outage is made. This report shall include (1) a discussion of the reason for the extended outage, (2) the expected duration of the outage, (3) an estimate of the date or the time required to return the onsite water treatment facility to operation, (4) a determination of the potential for lowering the groundwater levels in offsite wells, (5) an assessment of the impact of the projected groundwater level decline, and (6) a proposed course of action to mitigate any adverse effects.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 4-2

[CPSES/OL Page 1-44, Original]

5.0 Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit The licensee shall provide for review and audit of compliance with the EPP. The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for performing the specific activity. A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit function and the results of audit activities shall be maintained and made available for inspection.

5.2 Records Retention Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of station operation shall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspection. These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.

Records of modifications to station structures, systems, and components determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environment shall be retained for the life of the station. All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retained for 5 years or, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of other agencies.

5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Requests for changes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC approval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the operating license. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the operating license.

The report shall include summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of this EPP for the report period, including a comparison with related preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous nonradiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of plant operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of trends toward irreversible damage to the environment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of mitigating action.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-1

[CPSES/01- Page 1-45, Original]

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(1) A list of EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them.

(2) A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

(3) A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

(4) A summary list of TPDES permit-related reports relative to matters identified in Subsection 2.1 which were sent to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality during the report period.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event.

The report shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems; and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other Federal, State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those reporting requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided with a copy of such a report at the same time it is submitted to the other agency.

Appendix B - Comanche Peak 5-2


I e7j Thursday (c pee") September 24, 1998 w C M CM

=i-Part III Environmental Protection Agency State Program Requirements; Approval of Application to Administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program; Texas; Notice

51164 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Description, and Statement of Legal Lubbock Avalanche Journal; Forth AGENCY Authority) are accessible on the Internet Worth Star Telegram; Odessa American; through the EPA Region 6 Water Quality San Antonio Express; Wichita Falls


Protection Division's web page http:// Record-News; Abilene Reporter News; State Program Requirements; www.epa.gov/earthlr6/6wq/6wq.htm 10 San Angelo Standard-Times; Dallas Approval of Application to Administer and the TNRCC web page http:// Morning News; Amarillo News; the National Pollutant Discharge www. tnrcc.state.tx.us. Beaumont Enterprise; Houston Elimination System (NPDES) Program; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chronicle; Corpus Christi Caller-Times; Texas TNRCC expects to have a toll-free Daily Sentinel (Nacogdoches);

number for people to call with questions Brownsville Herald; Laredo Morning AGENCY: Environmental Protection regarding the TPDES program Times; and Longview News Journal.

Agency (EPA). operational by September 21. 1998. The As a part of the public participation ACTION: Approval of the Texas Pollutant TNRCC number is 1-888-479-7337. process, both a public meeting and Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section hearing were held in Austin, Texas, on under the Clean Water Act. 402 of the CWA created the NPDES July 27, 1998. The public meeting program under which EPA may issue provided as an informal question and


On September 14. 1998. the permits for the point source discharge of answer session, and began at 1:00 p.m.

Regional Administrator for the pollutants to waters of the United States The hearing started at 7:00 p.m. Oral Environmental Protection Agency under conditions required by the Act. comments were recorded during the (EPA), Region 6. approved the Section 402(b) requires EPA to authorize hearing and are contained In the application by the State of Texas to a State to administer an equivalent state administrative record supporting this administer and enforce the National program, upon the Governor's request, action. Comments were accepted by Pollutant Discharge Elimination System provided the State has appropriate legal EPA on all aspects of the TPDES (NPDES) program for regulating authority and a program sufficient to program authorization through the close discharges of pollutants Into waters of meet the Act's requirements. of the public comment period, which the State. The authority to approve State On February 5, 1998, the Governor of was extended by the Hearing Officer to programs is provided to EPA in Section Texas requested NPDES major category August 10, 1998. EPA also accepted 402(b) of the Clean Water Act (CWA). partial permit program approval ' for comment through August 24, 1998 on The approved state program, i.e., the those discharges under the authority of some more detailed clarifying Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination the TNRCC. Supplements to the State information on resources for the TPDES System (TPDES) program, is a partial application were received by EPA program, provided in TNRCC's program to the extent described In this Region 6 on February 12, March 16, comments submitted at the July 27, Notice (see section titled "Scope of the April 15, and May 4, 1998. EPA Region 1998. public hearing. All comments TPDES Program"). The TPDES program 6 determined that Texas' February 5, presented during the public comment will be administered by the Texas 1998, approval request, supplemented process, either at the hearing or in Natural Resource Conservation by this additional Information, writing, were considered by EPA in its Commission ('NRCC). In making its constituted a complete package under decision. EPA's responses to the Issues decision. EPA has considered all 40 CFR 123.21, and a letter of raised during the comment period are comments and issues raised during the completeness was sent to the Chairman contained in the Responsiveness public comment periods. Summaries of of the TNRCC on May 7. 1998. EPA then Summary provided in this notice. A the comments and EPA responses are proceeded to consider the approvability copy of EPA's decision and its contained in this notice. The comments of the complete program application Responsiveness Summary has been sent and public hearing record are contained package. to all commenters and interested parties in the administrative record supporting The documents were described in the (those persons requesting to be on the this notice. Federal Register Notice of June 19, mailing list for EPA actions in Texas).

EFFECTIVE DATE: Pursuant to 40 CFR 1998, (63 FR 33655) In which EPA requested comments and gave notice of The Regional 6 Administrator notified 123.61(c), the TPDES program the State of the program approval authorization was approved and became public hearing. Further notice was also provided by way of notices published in decision by letter dated September 14.

effective on September 14, 1998 1998. Notice of EPA's final decision Is the following nineteen newspapers on ADDRESSES FOR VIEWINGIOBTAINING being published in the newspapers in various dates from June 21-26, 1998:

COPIES OF DOCUMENTS: The which the public notice of the proposed Tyler Morning Telegraph; Austin Administrative Record (Docket 6WQ American Statesman; El Paso Times; program appeared (listed above). As of 98-1) and copies of the final program September 14, 1998, EPA suspended documents for the TPDES program are IMajor category partial permit program approval issuance of NPDES permits in Texas available to the public during normal is provided for under Section 402(n)(3) of the CWA. (except for those permits which EPA business hours, Monday through Friday, Pursuant to that section. EPA may approve a partial retained jurisdiction as specified below excluding holidays, at EPA Region 6's permit program covering a major category of in the section titled "Scope of the 12th Floor Library, 1445 Ross Avenue, discharges If the program represents a complete permit program and covers all of the discharges TPDES Program").2 Dallas, Texas 75202. A copy is also under the jurisdiction of the agency seeking available for Inspection from 8.00 a.m. approval, and if EPA determines the program 2Had EPA been unable to meet the statutory to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, represents a significant and identifiable part of the deadline for action on the pending NPDES program State program required by Section 402(b) of the Act. authorization request (September 14. as extended excluding state holidays, at Record As discussed below under "Scope of the Partial by the TNRCC), then EPA would have had to Services, Room 1301. Building F, Program." TNRCC seeks permitting authority for all suspend the issuance of NPDES permits on that TNRCC, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin, facilities that have discharges within Its date (other than for those activities retained by EPA Texas 78753. You may contact Records jurisdiction However. TNRCC does not have via our Memorandum of Agreement) However, jurisdiction over all discharges within the State of failure to meet the deadline would not have meant Services at (512) 239-0966. Texas A small portion of the State's discharges fall that the TNRCC automatically gained NPDES Copies of the principal TPDES under the Jurisdiction of the Texas Railroad authority It is EPA's interpretation that a State program documents (MOA, Program Commission agency would not gain NPDES authority unless and

51-3 51165 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices Scope, Transfer of NPDES Authority, playas as waste treatment units before prior to program approval, with the and Summary of the TPDES Permitting July 10, 1991, could claim exemption following exceptions:

Program from State water quality standards in a. Jurisdiction over those discharges limited circumstances-effectively covered by permits already issued by A. Scope of the PartialProgram EPA, but for which variances or removing them from the jurisdiction of The TPDES program is a partial the TPDES program. This Issue is evidentiary hearings have been program which conforms to the discussed In detail In the response to requested prior to TPDES program requirements of Section 402 (n) (3) of the comments sections of today's notice. approval. Jurisdiction over these CWA. The TPDES program applies to all EPA is simply taking this opportunity to discharges, including primary discharges covered by the authority of Inform the public that the Agency will enforcement responsibility (except as the TNRCC. This includes most retain NPDES jurisdiction over any such provided by paragraph 3 below discharges of pollutants subject to the CAFO that falls outside of TNRCC's Facilities with Outstanding Compliance federal NPDES program (e.g., municipal jurisdiction under the TPDES program. Issues), will be transferred to the State wastewater and storm water point once the variance or evidentiary hearing source discharges, pretreatment, most TNRCC does not have, and did not seek, the authority to regulate request has been resolved and a final industrial wastewater and storm water effective permit has been issued.

point source discharges, and point discharges In Indian Country (as defined b. Jurisdiction over all existing source discharges from federal in 18 U.S.C. 1151). EPA retains NPDES discharges of storm water associated facilities), including the disposal of permitting authority and primary with industrial or construction activity sewage sludge (in accordance with enforcement responsibility over Indian

[40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)], Including Section 405 of the Act and 40 CFR Part Country in Texas.

allowable non-storm water, authorized 503). B. Transfer of NPDESAuthority and to discharge as of the date of program The TNRCC has the authority to PendingActions approval under one of the NPDES storm regulate discharges from industrial water general permits issued by EPA facilities covered by all Standard Authority for all NPDES permitting prior to approval of the TPDES program Industrial Classification (SIC) codes activities, as well as primary The storm water general permits except for those facilities classified as responsibility for NPDES enforcement affected are: Construction storm water 1311. 1321, 1381, 1382, 1389, 4922, and activities, within the scope of TNRCC's general permit (63 FR 36490), NPDES 4925, which are regulated by the Texas jurisdiction, have been transferred to the permit numbers TXR10*###; Baseline Railroad Commission. Some activities at State, with some exceptions. EPA and non-construction storm water general facilities within these SIC codes are the State agreed to these exceptions In permit (57 FR 41297). NPDES permit regulated by the TNRCC, and a list of the MOA signed September 14, 1998. In numbers TXROO*###; and Multi-sector the ten facilities currently affected is addition to the exceptions listed below, storm water general permit (60 FR included In Appendix 2-A of the EPA retains, on a permanent basis, its 51108, as modified) 4, NPDES permit TPDES application. EPA retains NPDES authority under Section 402(d) of the numbers TXR05*###. (For an individual permitting authority and primary CWA to object to TPDES permits facility's permit number, the

  • is a letter responsibility for enforcement over all proposed by TNRCC, and if the and the #Vsare numbers, e.g.,

discharges not under the jurisdiction of objections are not resolved, to issue TXROOZ999). Jurisdiction over these TNRCC and therefore not subject to the federal NPDES permits for those storm water discharges, including TPDES program, Including those within discharges. EPA also retains, on a primary enforcement responsibility the jurisdiction of the Texas Railroad permanent basis, Its authority under (except as provided by paragraph 3 Commission. The TNRCC has authority Sections 402(o)and 309 of the CWA to below-Facilities with Outstanding to regulate discharges of storm water file federal enforcement actions in those Compliance Issues), will be transferred associated with Industrial activity and Instances in which It determines the to TNRCC at the earlier of the time the discharges of storm water from State has not taken timely or EPA-issued general permit expires or municipal separate storm sewer appropriate enforcement action. TNRCC issues a replacement TPDES systems, except at facilities regulated by permit, whether general or Individual.

the Texas Railroad Commission (see 1. Permits Already Issued by EPA

c. Jurisdiction over new discharges of above). The TNRCC has primary 40 CFR 123.1 (d)(1) provides that EPA storm water associated with industrial responsibility for implementing a retains jurisdiction 3 over any permit or construction activity, Including Pretreatment Program and a Sewage that it has issued unless the State and allowable non-storm water, eligible for Sludge Program. The TNRCC has EPA have reached agreement in the coverage under one of the NPDES storm authority to regulate discharges from MOA for the state to assume water general permits issued by EPA publicly owned and privately owned responsibility for that permit. The MOA prior to TPDES approval and listed treatment works and for discharges from between EPA and the TNRCC provides above. Facilities eligible for but not concentrated animal feeding operations that the TNRCC assumes, at the time of currently covered by one of these (CAFOs) within the TNRCC's program approval, permitting authority 4 jurisdiction. and primary enforcement responsibility The Multi-sector general permit was modified EPA retains permitting authority and over all NPDES permits Issued by EPA on August 7, 1998, to clarify permit coverage for primary enforcement responsibility over storm water discharges covered under Sector G.

Metal Mining A further modification Is currently discharges from any CAFOs not subject 3 40 CFR 123.1 (d)(1) uses the term "Jurisdiction'" awaiting publication in the Federal Register to to TNRCCjurisdiction. EPA and TNRCC to describe the fact that EPA may retain expand the scope of coverage to all types of are currently unaware of any CAFOs administration over any permits Issued by EPA. and facilities previously covered under the 1992 that are not under the jurisdiction of for that reason, the term "'Jurisdiction" Is used in baseline general permit However, because permit TNRCC. However, there Is the potential this section. However, use of this term does not modification does not trigger the transfer of permit mean that EPA retains permit Issuance authority for jurisdiction under this section, the Multi-sector that certain CAFOs that began using new permits, or that TNRCC does not have storm water general permit will remain under EPA's authority to Issue TPDES permits for discharges jurIsdiction until It expires or Is replaced by a until EPA approves the State program, consistent covered by the permits over which EPA retains TNRCC permit regardless of whether It is modified with CWA 402(b), and 40 CFR 123 1. administration prior to program approval.

IZILj 51166 Federal Register/Vol. 63. No. 185/Thursday. September 24. 1998/Notices general permits may continue to apply and less confusing for permit applicants TPDES program will exceed Federal to EPA for coverage. Jurisdiction over and the public, the State of Texas and requirements. Because the federal these storm water discharges. including EPA entered into an MOA that extends requirements are geared to ensure primary enforcement responsibility the time frame for transfer of permit continuous environmental (except as provided by paragraph 3 issuing authority over those permits that improvement, this ensures continues below-Facilities with Outstanding EPA has already proposed for public water quality improvement under the Compliance Issues), will transfer to comment, but which are not yet final at TPDES program. As part of its oversight TNRCC at the earlier of the time the the time of program approval. role (including quarterly program EPA-issued general permit expires or Permitting authority and primary reviews), EPA will review the TNRCC issues a replacement TPDES enforcement responsibility will be Implementation of the TPDES program permit, whether general or Individual. transferred to the State as the permits to ensure that the program is fully and Except as provided in paragraphs 2 are finalized. properly administered and 3 below, EPA does not retain, even The following is a summary of the on a temporary basis, jurisdiction over 3. Facilities with Outstanding Compliance Issues issues raised by persons commenting on discharges from individual storm water TNRCC's application for authorization permits; storm water outfalls in waste EPA will temporarily retain primary of the TPDES program and EPA's water permits; and storm water NPDES enforcement responsibility for responses to those issues. Due to the discharges designated by the State in those facilities which have any interconnected nature of many issues accordance with 40 CFR 122.26(a)(1)(v). outstanding compliance issues. EPA EPA received comment on, a degree of The state has jurisdiction and will retain jurisdiction of these facilities repetitiveness was unavoidable in the permitting authority, Including primary until resolution of these Issues is responses to comments. In an attempt to enforcement responsibility, over these accomplished in cooperation with the minimize redundancy, while still discharges. State. Files retained by EPA for the allowing those interested in a particular

d. Jurisdiction over all discharges reasons given above will be transferred aspect of an issue to find an answer to covered by large and medium Municipal to the state as the actions are finalized. their question, the responsiveness Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Facilities will be notified of this summary was structured by subject area.

permits issued by EPA prior to TPDES retained jurisdiction and again when the This resulted in related aspects of program approval. Jurisdiction over file Is transferred to the State. Permitting several issues being addressed in more EPA-issued MS4 permits, including authority over these facilities will than one subject area. Unless otherwise primary enforcement responsibility transfer to the State at the time of noted, all references to "MOA,"

(except as provided by paragraph 3 program approval. "statement of legal authority," "program below-Facilities with Outstanding A list of existing Permittees that will description," and "chapter [1-81" refer Compliance Issues), will transfer to temporarily remain under EPA to the corresponding documents In the TNRCC at the earlier of the time the permitting jurisdiction/authority is TPDES program submittal by TNRCC.

EPA-issued permit expires or TNRCC included as part of the public record Likewise, "TPDES application" or issues a renewed, amended or and available for review. Texas will "application" refers to the TPDES replacement TPDES permit. continue to provide state-only permits program submittal as a whole. Unless for those dischargers over which EPA otherwise indicated, "the Federal

2. Permits Proposed for Public Comment temporarily retains permitting authority, but not yet Final Register notice" when used without and which need state authorization to reference to a specific date or citation EPA temporarily retains NPDES discharge.

permitting authority, (except as refers to the June 19, 1998, notice of No changes were made to the Texas's application for NPDES provided by paragraph 3 below proposed TPDES program documents Facilities with Outstanding Compliance based on information obtained in the authorization (63 FR 33655-33665).

Issues), over all general or individual public comments received. However, OverallSupport/Opposition Comments NPDES permits that have been proposed TNRCC did provide some updates to its for public comment by EPA but have 1. Issue: General Statements of Support Continuing Planing Process (CPP) prior or Opposition not been issued as final at the time of to its approval on September 10. 1998.

program approval. Although Section More information on the CPP and these Many industries, trade groups, and 402(c)(1) of the Act establishes a 90-day updates are found in comments and regulated entities In the State of Texas deadline for EPA approval or responses in the Responsiveness expressed strong support for approval of disapproval of a proposed state program Summary section of today's notice. the TNRCC application to administer and, if the program is approved, for the the NPDES program in Texas. Most of transfer of permit issuing authority over Responsiveness Summary these letters of support looked forward those discharges subject to the program EPA received a large number of to the opportunity to reduce the from EPA to the state, this provision comments on this authorization request. additional confusion, time and expense was intended to benefit states seeking Many comments expressed the concern of dealing with two regulatory agencies NPDES program approval. As a result, that the TNRCC may not be able to with largely duplicative permitting and in the interest of an orderly and Implement the program as described in systems. Several citizens and public smooth transition from federal to state their application package (e.g., due to Interest groups sent in strong letters of regulation, the time frame for transfer of possible future resource constraints). opposition, requesting EPA disapprove permitting authority may be extended While EPA appreciates the concerns TNRCC's application. Many of these by agreement of EPA and the state. See, expressed in these comments, citizens and organizations believe the for example, 40 CFR 123.21 (d), which conjecture on future actions is not a checks and balances of two permitting allows a state and EPA to extend by basis for program disapproval. Texas programs afford the State's ecosystems agreement the period of time allotted for has made a solid commitment to this and waters, and its citizens, a greater formal EPA review of a proposed state program and has demonstrated that It level of protection than one system run program. In order to render meets minimum EPA requirements. by the State. Many of the letters EPA programmatic transition more efficient TNRCC is not required to show that its received were form letters from citizens

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51167 opposing the authorization of the still separate State and EPA permits. "authorizations" pursuant to new or TPDES program and highlighting two EPA appreciates all of the input It modified permits, nor provide a shield major concerns: (1) adequacy of received on the ten areas it specifically to citizen suits. See also specific TNRCC's resources and commitment to requested comments on in the Federal comment on emergency orders and implement and enforce the program, Register Notice. The comments below temporary orders. EPA will also be and (2) concerns about public summarize all of the issues, provided a copy of draft emergency and participation under the Texas-run information, and concerns which EPA temporary orders for review and program. Several comments, both for received during the comment period; approval in accordance with MOA and against, related their information they include those on these ten specific section IV.C.6.&7. The temporary and and issues directly to EPA's specific topics and others of concern to the emergency orders also provide for request in the Federal Register for public. public notice, public comment, and the public input on ten aspects of the In addition, EPA has reviewed ability of affected parties to request a proposed TPDES program (63 FR comments that were submitted during public hearing. EPA does not agree with 33662). the process of reviewing the TPDES the comment's claim that this authority Response: EPA agrees with the program for completeness. Although could be used to "immunize" violators.

regulated public that a single regulatory these were sent prior to the official agency eliminates duplicative efforts by comment period, EPA has reviewed the 3. Issue: Defenses Under TWC 7.251 both the regulated public and the issues and information in those letters, Limit Use of Citizen Suits governmental agencies trying to provide and incorporated all relevant issues in One comment maintained that the protection for our natural resources. It this response to comments. EPA has defense under Section 7.251 of the was clearly Congress' intent that states done this to ensure the public is Texas Water Code limits the use of the have every opportunity to directly provided with all the information federal citizen suit provisions. The administer the NPDES program and that germane to EPA's decision. This comment argues that federal law, unlike EPA's main role would be providing responsiveness summary serves as Texas law, does not provide excuses national consistency and guidelines in EPA's response to comments on the from violations and requires the an oversight role. EPA was only authorization of the TPDES program. operator to be prepared for reasonable intended to run the NPDES program worst case conditions. See also until states could develop programs Issues on Which EPA Specifically comments on strict liability.

Requested Public Input Response: TWC § 7.251 provides only adequate to protect the waters of the U.S. To this end. EPA had never been PublicParticipation a narrow defense for innocent parties.

fully funded to do all the jobs required As interpreted by the Texas Attorney for full direct implementation of the 2. Issue: Limits on Use of Federal General, TWC § 7.251 in effect requires NPDES program. This is the Citizen Suits the operator to be prepared for responsibility of State-run programs, One comment argued that provisions reasonable worst case conditions, and provides incentives for states to in Texas law would limit the ability of because it does not excuse violations take over the program. States that wish the public and local governments to use that could have been avoided by the to directly ensure protection of its State the citizen suit provisions of the Clean exercise of due care, foresight, or proper resources, and equitable treatment of its Water Act. Suggested first is that planning, maintenance or operation. In regulated public will take over the TNRCC's provisions for temporary addition, the provision does not shield responsibilities of the NPDES program orders or emergency orders could be a party from liability if that party's as Texas has applied to do. EPA does used to authorize what would otherwise action or inaction contributed to the understand the concern citizens may be a violation, in effect immunizing a violation. There is a violation where a have about State agencies replacing the violator from a citizen suit for the permittee allows a discharge to federal presence. Some citizens are violation. The comment asserts that continue, in cases where the permittee concerned that states are more easily orders issued in the past under Chapter could have taken steps to stop the influenced by political pressures. Some 7 of the Texas Water Code "often" discharge from continuing, but failed to enjoy the double opportunity to authorized discharges of partially do so. There appears to be no reason separately participate in the regulatory treated or untreated wastewater or why the existence of the narrow defense process at both the State and Federal wastewater with constituent in this law would impair citizens' right level to ensure protection of the natural concentrations in excess of permit to bring suit.

resources important to their health, standards. Moreover, CWA § 505(a) (1) allows livelihood, and recreation. Response: Texas SB 1876 citizens to bring suit against any person EPA believes that the program consolidated various statutory alleged to be in violation of an effluent outlined by the State of Texas will provisions governing emergency and standard or limitation. As discussed in provide protection of these resources. temporary orders under new TWC the Federal Register notice, EPA and EPA intends to work closely with the Chapter 5. Subchapter L. Although some the courts have interpreted the CWA as State in an oversight role to ensure the categories of orders might have been a strict liability statute. The defenses described program is Implemented in used in the past regarding pre-TPDES outlined in TWC § 7.251 are not accordance with the requirements of the permits to provide exemptions under recognized in the federal law.

CWA. EPA's continued authority to State law, Chapter 5 contains specific Accordingly, EPA does not believe that review and approve water quality provisions making this authority the authority in CWA § 505(a)(1) would standards, the Continuing Planning inapplicable to provisions approved be affected by TWC § 7.251.

Process (CPP), and Water Quality under the federal NPDES program. TWC Management Plans, oversee State-issued § 5.509. (See also 30 TAC 35.303). 4. Issue: Potential for Use of Penalties permits (and object if necessary), Accordingly, the situations under which Not Recovering Economic Benefit to directly inspect dischargers. and over TNRCC will be able to use Chapter 5 Block Citizen Suits file State enforcement actions affords emergency orders and temporary orders One comment suggests that Texas law the same level of CWA protection to the under the TPDES program (see 23 TX does not require TNRCC to consider surface waters in Texas as if there were Reg 6907) will not result in economic benefit in determining the

51168 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices e) _0 amount of a penalty. Therefore, the is no case law holding that a more reviewable, and the exercise of which comment concludes, TNRCC can bring restrictive State evidentiary rule would do not raise due process issues. (See and has brought civil enforcement apply In a federal action brought under Hecklerv. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821, 832 actions that seek less than the economic the CWA. (1985))

benefit and can thereby block civil Response: EPA does not agree that the

7. Issue: Overview of Public enforcement actions brought by citizens Texas Audit-Privilege Law may apply to Participation Issues or EPA. EPA enforcement actions or citizen suits Response: On page 2 of its July 27, that raise federal questions under the EPA received comments from seven 1998, comments, TNRCC states that the CWA in federal court. The law is an different individuals or groups, TNRCC statutory and regulatory evidentiary rule that applies to concerning the public participation authority as Interpreted In its policy for administrative and judicial actions aspects of the proposed Texas NPDES penalties (included in Its TPDES under State law. EPA believes that this authorization. Four similar comments application as Appendix 6) "does rule would not apply in a federal action, expressed the opinion that Texas had consider and account for all the factors brought by EPA or a citizen's group, and established regulations and procedures required by state and federal law, that under Federal Rule of Evidence that provided extensive public Including the economic benefit gained 501, federal procedural requirements participation and, in fact, provided through noncompliance." TNRCC also would be controlling. EPA's more opportunity to participate than asserts that, although the TNRCC does Information-gathering authority under required by the federal rules. One not use the same method of penalty federal law, including CWA 308. is comment stated that there were calculation as EPA, under its policy, the broad and allows the Agency to obtain extensive deficiencies in the State's actual penalties assessed will be Information as required to carry out the statutes and rules in a number of appropriate, will not be generally or objectives of the Act. There is nothing separate areas regarding public consistently less than those assessed by In section 308 or 309 of the Act that participation requirements. These EPA, and will be consistent with federal suggests a State evidentiary rule could included issues regarding State standing law. EPA believes that the TNRCC's be used to block EPA's use of this not being as broad as federal standing, penalty authority does not prevent the information. inadequate rules and procedures program from satisfying the requirement There Is no reason to think that if the governing notice and comment for In 402(b) of the Act and 40 CFR 123.27 issue came before a federal court, the permitting and enforcement actions, and that States have enforcement authority, court would apply a more restrictive the State's inability to provide adequate including civil and criminal penalties, State evidentiary rule rather than the information In a timely manner when adequate to abate violations of a permit federal rule. EPA believes it unlikely claimed confidential by a permittee.

or the permit program. that the Texas Audit-Privilege Law will Two additional comments raised As noted in the Federal Register be held applicable In federal concerns about the State failing to notice (63 FR at 33664), Texas is not enforcement actions, and the mere adequately address complaints and required to follow EPA's penalty policy. "possibility" cited by the comment is respond to comments, and one was The comment did not argue that the therefore not a sufficient basis upon concerned about the adequacy of the statutory and regulatory requirements which to deny authorization of the Texas standing statute and regulations.

for approval require that TNRCC's Texas program. If in the future EPA Response: Responses are provided in statutory and regulatory procedures for were to receive an adverse decision on the sub-issues below.

assessing penalties be identical to this issue, the Agency could consider its

8. Sub-issue on Public Participation:

EPA's. Accordingly, the comment has options at that time, Including Inadequate Notice and Comment of not provided any specific reasons why requesting Texas to revise its law.

Permitting Actions the TNRCC's authority Imposes an

6. Issue: Public Comment on Inspections Several comments expressed concern inappropriate limitation on citizen access to CWA § 505. A comment expressed the concern that Texas' requirements for public The same response also applies to the that by deferring negotiation of the notice and comment of permitting extent that the comment is arguing that annual inspection plan, the public has actions were not adequate for program TNRCC's statutory and regulatory no opportunity to comment, thereby assumption.

penalty authority imposes an "deny[ing] Texas citizens due process of Response: EPA believes that they are Inappropriate limitation on EPA ability law." adequate. EPA has carefully reviewed, to bring an enforcement action. In Response: EPA does not believe that based on the issues raised by the addition, as noted in the Federal the regulations define, with no comments, Texas' requirements for Register notice. EPA may over-file as flexibility, a precise number or type of public notice and comment of necessary to assure that appropriate inspections that must occur. Rather, as permitting actions found at 30 TAC penalties are collected nationwide. EPA explained elsewhere, the regulations Chapters 55 and 80. These provisions reserves the right to over-file If a state require States to show that they have were enacted to ensure that Texas could "procedures and ability" to inspect all meet the requirements of 40 CFR 123.25.

has taken enforcement action but assessed a penalty that EPA believes is major discharges and all Class I sludge As several comments asserted, TNRCC too low, consistent with CWA §§ 309 management facilities, where has enacted several revisions to its and 402(i). applicable. 40 CFR 123.26(e) (5). Thus, notice and comment procedures and the regulations require a showing of EPA has found that the Texas

5. Issue: Texas Audit Privilege Act capacity and a commitment to a level regulations in this area meet the Limits Access to Audit Documents In of-effort for inspections, reserving requirements of 40 CFR 123.25. One Citizen Suit Proceedings discretion to the two sovereign comment stated that there were A comment maintained that the Texas governments to decide what number of differences between EPA's rules and Audit-Privilege Law could be used to inspections to undertake, and the TNRCC' rules concerning notice and block EPA or a citizen from getting an Identity of the facilities to be inspected. comment In this area but did not audit through discovery. More These judgments are matters of identity what those differences were, generally, the comment noted that there enforcement discretion, which are not and EPA in its review of the matter

51-7 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51169 could not identify any such differences. providing assurances that it will (1) EPA and the Department of Justice One comment also noted that TNRCC investigate and provide written provide for notice of its civil judicial had streamlined Its public participation responses to all citizen complaints, (2) settlements in the Federal Register.

procedures so as to "get government off not oppose permissive intervention, and Registers provide a place where all the back of industry," thereby (3) provide 30 days' notice and citizens may go to inform themselves of eliminating public participation. Once comment on any proposed settlement of actions proposed by various again, there was no specific TNRCC rule an enforcement action. (See 40 CFR governmental bodies. TNRCC's use of or policy identified and no statement as 123.27) TNRCC has procedures and/or this system is appropriate and provides to what specific authorization enacted regulations to implement all of effective public participation by using requirement of EPA's Is not being met. these requirements. (See 30 TAC 80.105, this statewide method to inform its Our review of Texas rules has not 109, and 254; see also Texas Water Code citizenry of its proposed settlements.

identified any such conflict and Ann. § 5.177 for complaint process)

14. Sub-issue on Public Participation:

TNRCC's rules, as identified above, 12. Sub-issue on Public Participation:

meet CWA requirements. Permissive Intervention in Enforcement Definition of Settlement in Enforcement Actions

9. Sub-issue on Public Participation: Actions Some comments stated that the TNRCC Consideration of Public One comment stated that the above permissive Intervention provision in 80 Comments on Permitting Actions rules failed to define "settlement" and TAC 109 was inadequate because the Several comments expressed doubt therefore were too vague to provide rule stated that intervention would not that TNRCC will sincerely consider effective public participation. be allowed where it would unduly delay public comments on permitting actions. Response: EPA does not find this to or prejudice the adjudication.

Response: TNRCC is clearly required be a defect in the Texas program. First, Response: EPA disagrees with this by § 55.25(c) to consider and, where it should be noted that the term assertion. Rule 24 (b) of the Federal "settlement" is not defined in EPA appropriate, make changes to proposed Rules of Civil Procedure contains the permitting actions based on public regulations. EPA also notes that both very same language. In addition, EPA's comments. If an aggrieved party feels EPA and TNRCC regulations state that own rules on Intervention found at 40 that TNRCC does not act appropriately, there will be notice and comment upon CFR 22.11 (c) contain the very same "settlement of enforcement actions."

the party can often appeal the decision language. It is important for to the appropriate civil court (TWC (See. 40 CFR 123.27(d) (2) (1ii) and 30 administrative law judges and officers to

§ 5.351). In addition, EPA will be TAC 80.254) EPA believes this provides have the ability to protect the rights of providing oversight of the Texas NPDES a sufficient definition of the type of all parties and ensure that cases are program, as it does every authorized settlement covered (i.e., any agreement administrated appropriately. Contrary to program, to help ensure compliance between parties resolving an agency the comment's assertion, undue delay or with the authorization requirements. enforcement action). Also, TNRCC prejudice have well-defined meanings stated in its preamble In adopting 30 in the case law. EPA does not feel that

10. Sub-issue on Public Participation: TAC 80.254 that, while "settlement" the use of these two terms creates a Adherence to Federal Requirements for was not defined in the regulations, it public participation problem. EPA fully Notice and Comment of Permitting believed that settlement has a well expects that the state administrative law Actions known meaning and stated settlement officers will appropriately apply these One comment stated that Texas' means "the resolution of issues in standards.

program was deficient because the controversy by agreement instead of Texas program does not strictly adhere adjudication." EPA does not find this 15. Sub-issue on Public Participation to all elements of EPA's policy or definition to be at odds with the intent TNRCC Executive Director's Control provisions of 40 CFR Part 25 involving of its authorization criteria in this area. Over Enforcement Petitions public participation. EPA does note that the comment did not A comment expressed concern about Response: EPA disagrees Texas is state what kind of "settlement" of an the provision In the Texas regulation deficient in this area. Requirements on enforcement action the TNRCC was that states only the Executive Director public participation for authorized failing to notice and comment, but it is may amend or add to the violations programs are Included in 40 CFR Part clear the proper regulation is In place alleged In the petition. See 80 TAC 115.

123. State Program Requirements. and TNRCC's interpretation of the rule Response: EPA disagrees with the including requirements for permitting, is acceptable. comment that this prevents effective compliance evaluation and enforcement and meaningful public participation. As efforts. Neither the early 1981 EPA 13. Sub-issue on Public Participation: seen above, permissive intervention policy statement nor the full content of Publication of Notices Only in the Texas may have certain justifiable restrictions.

40 CFR Part 25 cited in the comment Register It would seem that TNRCC seeks to constitute requirements for state One comment noted that TNRCC's reserve its enforcement discretion in programs. decision to publish notice and ask for determining which violations it will comments on proposed settlements of pursue with Its enforcement resources.

11. Sub-issue on Public Participation: enforcement actions in the "Texas In addition, an intervening party has Opportunities for Public Participation in Register only" does not provide full rights to present evidence, Enforcement Actions effective notice. especially as to the appropriate penalty One comment stated that Texas law Response: EPA believes that the use of amount and, even more importantly, the does not provide the required the Texas Register provides adequate appropriateness of any required opportunities for public participation In notice and meets the intent of the compliance or corrective action that enforcement actions. authorization criteria. While the may be Included in a settlement or order Response: EPA disagrees. Texas has comment does not explain reasons for Issued to bring the facility into full elected, in accordance with 40 CFR this view that the Texas Register Is not compliance with the regulations. In 123.27, to provide for public adequate, EPA finds notice in the Texas addition, CWA § 505 allows a citizen to participation in enforcement actions by Register to be acceptable and, indeed, bring suit in federal court with regard to

51170 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices any violation of the approved state appeal a settlement on that basis. EPA NPDES programs regarding "judicial program which the state Is diligently believes as a policy matter that It is review of approval or denial of prosecuting. This ensures an effective important for the public to be able to permits." 40 CFR 123.30, as follows:

process whereby violations not raise concerns and issues regarding the "States * *

  • shall provide an opportunity addressed by the state agency may be settlement of enforcement cases so as to for judicial review in State Court of the final resolved. give the prosecuting agency an approval or denial of permits by the State
16. Sub-issue on Public Participation: opportunity to reconsider Its settlement that is sufficient to provide for, encourage, decision If new, significant and material and assist public participation in the TNRCC Authority to Promulgate facts are brought to light. Having said permitting process. * *
  • A State will meet Regulations Affecting Public this, an enforcement settlement this standardIfState law allows an Participation in Enforcement Actions opportunityforjudicialreview that is the agreement is significantly different from Two comments also raised the issue same as that available to obtainjudicial a permitting action. The safeguards to review in federal court of a federally-issued that TNRCC did not have statutory ensure public participation also can be NPDESpermit [see § 509 of the Clean Water authority to promulgate the regulations different. 40 CFR 123.27(d) (2) (iii) Act]. A State will not meet this standard if and that there were certain procedural regarding administrative enforcement it narrowly restricts the class of persons who defects in the promulgation of some of settlements does not require that an may challenge the approval or denial of its regulations. There was a specific appeal process be available. In 40 CFR permits * * `"

concern regarding the state regulation 123.30, EPA specifically requires that Id. (emphasis added) EPA was concerned allowing permissive Intervention in civil judicial appeals of permitting during its review of Texas' draft NPDES enforcement actions decisions be provided by authorized submissions that the State law governing Response: TNRCC has broad authority states. There are other safeguards or citizen standing in TexasJudicial under the Texas Water Code §§ 5.102, public participation avenues available proceedings would not meet the applicable 5.103, and 5.112 and Chapter 26 to such as the right to permissive standard. In response to issues, the State promulgate rules to protect the waters of intervention and anyone who intervenes Attorney General examined applicable law the State and to provide for public and gave his opinion that Texas law is clearly has a right to appeal the substantially equivalent to the federally participation in carrying out this settlement decision in a case to which prescribed standard. This opinion can be legislative purpose. Clearly it was he or she Is a party. The Agency found in the Statement of Legal Authority by TNRCC's intent, when it added the believes that another significant the Texas Attorney General. The Texas permissive intervention rule, to meet safeguard that provides assurances that Attorney General has stated that civil judicial EPA's requirement for public comments will be properly considered standing in the Texas courts is the same as participation in enforcement actions. is that prior to final entry of the associational standing in the Federal courts The Texas Attorney General has Issued settlement a judge (in a civil action) or and very similar to the federal requirement an opinion stating that TNRCC has the the administrative law officer or for Individual standing The AG has authority to implement the federal supported his opinion by reviewing the commissioners must approve a Texas case law In this area Considenng the NPDES program. Promulgations are settlement. (See TWC § 7.075) These current state of the case law, EPA finds the entitled to a presumption of regularity officials normally have broad authority AG's evaluation sufficient to support the and EPA accepts the state's assurances to take notice of any fact or information, Agency's conclusion that the program meets that they were valid. Further, these Including public comments, to ensure the requirements of 40 CFR 123 30, and gives regulations have been fully promulgated that any settlement they recommend or the evaluation deference. According to the and are currently effective, and, sign is in the public Interest and not Attorney General, an Attorney General therefore, this could not be a basis on contrary to law or statute. This is Opinion carries the weight of law unless and which to deny authorization. If the State certainly the case in the federal courts. until It is overruled by a state court is challenged in court on this matter and Citizens for a Better Environment, 718 (Attorney General Dan Morales, "Legal Matters" (last modified July 1998)) -http //

receives an adverse ruling striking down F.2d 1117, 1128 (D.C. Cir.) 1983, cert. www.oag state.tx us/WEBSITE/NEWS/

the permissive intervention regulation denied467 U.S. 1219 (1984). LEGALMAT/9807opin.htm-An Attorney or any other state regulation required to It should also be noted that CWA civil General Opinion is entitled to great weight in maintain this federally authorized judicial settlements are not required by courts See Jessen Assoc., Inc. v. Bullock, 531 program, the State would be required to statute to be subject to notice and S.W.2d 593, 598 fn6 (rex. 1975);

remedy any defect in order to maintain comment, but notice and comment is Commissioners' Court of El Paso County v. El program authorization. provided for In accordance with 28 CFR Paso CountySherifrs Deputies Ass'n, 620 50.7 and this Department of Justice S W. 2d 900. 902 (Tex. App.-El Paso 1981,

17. Sub-issue on Public Participation: regulation does not provide for an writ ref.n.r.e.); Royaltyv. Nicholson, 411 Public's Right to Appeal Settlement of S W. 2d 565, 572 (Tex. App.-Houston [14th an Enforcement Action appeal process. Dist.] 1973, writ ref. n r.e. The Attorney
18. Sub-issue on Public Participation: General's authority to Issue legal opinions is A comment stated the State did not governed by the Texas Constitution, Article provide a right to appeal a settlement of Texas "Standing" Requirements 4, section 22. and the Texas Government an enforcement action subsequent to the Several comments expressed concern Code §§ 402.041-045.

notice and comment period. that Texas' requirements for "standing" It should be noted that State law Response: EPA does not believe this in permitting and enforcement provides two avenues of appeal of an raises an authorization problem. 40 CFR procedures limited public participation. NPDES permit: (1) the evidentiary 123.27(d)(2)(iii) does not require the Response: As one comment pointed hearing process, which is subject to state to provide an appeal procedure out, EPA has been concerned with state appeal In accordance with Texas based on public comment in the standing requirements and EPA believes Administrative Procedure Act (APA),

settlement of an enforcement action. that "broad standing to challenge Texas Government Code Ann.

Nor does EPA provide such an appeal permits In court to be essential to § 2001.001 et. seg. and (2) a direct right In its administrative cases. In fact, meaningful public participation in appeal to state court based on comments EPA does not provide for notice and NPDES programs." (61 FR 20976, May TWC § 5.351. The "affected person" comment on CWA administrative case 8, 1996) EPA issued a rule providing the provisions of TWC § 5.115 (a) and 30 settlements at all, much less a right to standard for States that administer TAC 55.29 apply only to evidentiary

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51171 hearings and not to an appeal of an In both agencies, confidentiality if EPA believes that it will clarify the NPDES permit directly to state court decisions are made by the legal office. issue.

based on comments. The court would not the permit program. The permitting Of the two comments opposed to decide standing based on State case law; authority has little control over how or approval on the basis of TWC § 5.123, therefore, EPA is determining approval when this determination will be made. one alleges that because § 5.123 allows of this element of the Texas program on This issue has arisen from time to time TNRCC to waive any state standard or the basis that at a direct appeal to civil during EPA's permitting process and requirement, including water quality judicial courts is provided for EPA, where It is reasonable to do so, has standards and reporting requirements, permitting actions under Texas law and suspended permit issuance during the EPA cannot approve the Texas program.

the civil courts will determine standing resolution of claims of business The comment also states that EPA based on the common law. The public confidentiality for permit application cannot approve a program that includes is not required to file for an evidentiary data. The facts surrounding these claims § 5.123 because the regulatory flexibility hearing. Therefore, there is a direct should be reviewed carefully by permit given to TNRCC makes it impossible for avenue of appeal via the public issuing entities. Actions should be taken EPA to determine what standards comment process (IWC section 5.351). to ensure information is made available TNRCC will apply in any situation. The and EPA is basing Its evaluation of to the public and that confidentiality comment also notes that the phrase "not standing on that appeal right. 5 claims do not prevent the public from inconsistent with federal law" is not As part of EPA oversight of this being able to make informed comments. defined In TWC § 5.123. Furthermore, program, we will be carefully reviewing TNRCC can and should examine the the comment claims that the assurances any state court rulings in this area that equities of doing so, but this is not a given by the Texas Attorney General may be handed down to ensure that program authorization issue. Similarly, and TNRCC are insufficient to repeal or standing and the appeal process the comment correctly asserts that "on nullify the clear language in a Texas continue to meet the requirements of 40 paper TNRCC's central records system law. The other comment opposes CFR 123.30. Should the Texas Supreme could be adequate," but then complains approval because of the flexibility given Court, which has not yet directly that In fact it is not, noting "a history to TNRCC to exempt firms from State addressed the question of individual of problems with the management of statutory and regulatory requirements.

standing, ultimately articulate a test that files" by that agency. The comment Response: In the Federal Register is more restrictive than the federal asserts that TNRCC has implemented a Notice, EPA discussed the Implications standard, EPA will need to reconsider record "retention" policy, a feature of of TWC § 5.123, which, as discussed the adequacy of the public participation most public record systems, including above, gives TNRCC flexibility to elements of the Texas NPDES program. EPA's (e.g., see 40 CFR 2.105(b)). We exempt from State statutory or agree with the comment that TNRCC has regulatory requirements an applicant

19. Issue: Impediments to Public Access proposing an alternative method or made recent efforts to improve its to Permitting and Enforcement record's management, filing, and public alternative standard to control or abate Information responsiveness and EPA will continue pollution. As part of Its application, One comment asserts that public to review this process during program Texas submitted a supplemental access to permitting and enforcement oversight to ensure that any barriers statement from its Attorney General Information may be impaired where which might arise to timely public stating that TWC § 5.123 does not confidentiality claims or state agency access to information are addressed. authorize TNRCC to "grant an information processes slow access or exemption that is Inconsistent with the prevent access to information. Texas' Regulatory Flexibility Under requirements for a federally approved Response: The comment correctly Texas Water Code 5.123 program." This statement of the asserts that "Texas law for public access 20. Issue: Texas' Regulatory Flexibility Attorney General is persuasive and to Information is generally equivalent to under Texas Water Code 5.123 (Senate entitled to consideration. See Jessen the federal law," and instead complains Bill 1591) Associates,Inc. v. Bullock, 531 S.W. 2d about perceptions of information 593 (TX 1975). TNRCC also submitted a EPA received several comments letter from TNRCC Commissioner Ralph mismanagement. These are not Issues indicating that TWC § 5.123 (Senate Bill which impede authorization of the state Marquez, clarifying TNRCC's position 1591) does not affect EPA's ability to that TWC § 5.123 does not authorize program (TPDES), but do present approve the TPDES program. TWC matters which state and federal TNRCC to grant permits or take other

§ 5.123 gives TNRCC flexibility to actions that vary from applicable federal environmental officials will want to exempt from State statutory or monitor during program requirements. Because TNRCC is regulatory requirements an applicant charged with implementing TWC implementation. The comment asserts proposing an alternative method or that the state environmental agency is § 5.123, its interpretation is also entitled alternative standard to control or abate to great weight. (Yates Ford,Inc. v.

unwilling to summarily deny claims of pollution. EPA also received two business confidentiality or, in some Ramirez, 692 S.W.2d 51 (TX 1985)).

comments claiming that § 5.123 would In MOA Section III.A.22. TNRCC cases, fails to do so in a timely manner. prevent EPA from approving the TPDES states that "The regulatory flexibility EPA has determined that Texas Open program. One comment in support of authority in Senate Bill 1591 will not be Records Act and EPA's regulations (40 approval believes that the assurances used by TNRCC to approve an CFR Part 2) are substantially equivalent. from the Texas Attorney General and application to vary a federal TNRCC are sufficient to address EPA's requirement or a State requirement

'Although it was not necessary for EPA to review the standing requirements of the evidentlary concerns, and that implementation of which implements a federal program hearing process, the Agency notes with approval § 5.123 should not Interfere with the requirement under § 402(b) of the Clean the recent Texas Court of Appeals decision In Heat approval of Texas' application to Water Act, EPA regulations Energy Advanced Technology, Inc et al . v. West administer the NPDES program In implementing that Section, or this Dallas Coalitionfor EnvironmentalJustice,962 S W.2d 288 (1998 Tex. App) regarding standing in Texas. The two other comments MOA, including but not limited to the evidentiary hearing process under the "affected expressed belief that the MOA language Inspection, monitoring or information person" provisions of 30 TAC section 55 29. is unnecessary, but support its addition collection requirements that are

kI-1o 51172 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday. September 24, 1998/Notices required under § 402(b) of the Clean vary federally approved programs State law for establishing violations Water Act. EPA regulations without EPA approval as follows under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, implementing that Section or this MOA The commission * *

  • reiterates that shall be no greater than the burden of to carry out implementation of the orders entered under the authorizing statute, proof or degree of knowledge or intent approved federal program." Failure to Water Code § 5.123, and this rule will not EPA must provide when it brings an comply with the terms and conditions conflict with legal requirements for federally action under the appropriate Act." In of the MOA is grounds for withdrawal delegated or authorized programs. Neither other words, State law should not of the NPDES program from Texas (40 the authorizing statute nor this rule include additional elements of proof for CFR 123.63). authorizes the commission to grant an civil violations.

Based on the foregoing, EPA believes exemption that is inconsistent with the The comment further suggests that that the assurances and interpretations requirements for a federally approved program. The attorney general of Texas has approving a Texas program that given by the Texas Attorney General so informed EPA, In his letter dated March includes TWC § 7.251 countervenes an (the chief law officer of the State) and 13, 1998, concerning the commission's EPA interpretation set out in a 1982 TNRCC are sufficient to assure that application for NPDES authorization. As EPA settlement agreement with NRDC.

TNRCC will not use TWC § 5.123 to points out In its comment, to vary the Finally, the comment suggests that the approve an application to vary a federal required elements of a federally authorized defenses under Texas law will restrict requirement or a State requirement program without federal approval would citizens' ability to file citizen suits for which Implements a federal program violate (that is, be Inconsistent with) federal violations.

requirement under section 402(b) of the law. As the attorney general noted, the Response: The comment's major Clean Water Act, or the EPA regulations authorizing statute does not authorize this.

concern appears to be that the defenses Implementing section 402(b). If This interpretation by TNRCC Is also in TWC § 7.251 are "inconsistent with TNRCC's ability to vary state statutes entitled to great weight. Yates Ford,Inc. federal requirements for holding a and regulations does not Include those v. Ramlrez, 692 S.W. 2d 51 (TX 1985). permittee responsible for the release of statutes or regulations which encompass While It may have been clearer to the pollutants." EPA raised similar the federally approved TPDES program, public and the regulated community questions during Its review of the there would be no effect on the federally had the TNRCC included in the TNRCC program authorization package.

approved TPDES program. If there regulations EPA's suggested language on In response to those concerns, the State would be no effect on the federally this point, EPA is satisfied that the provided two clarifications: an approved TPDES program. there is no State's interpretation is consistent with addendum to its Attorney General's reason to disapprove the Texas EPA's. As part of our oversight function, statement and a letter from TNRCC application on this basis. EPA will ensure that the Texas Commissioner Ralph Marquez, both of Furthermore, both the Texas Senate Regulatory Flexibility Rules are which are included in the and House Committee Reports for S.B. Implemented in a manner that fully administrative record to this action.

1591 (TWC § 5.123) support this conforms to the interpretation set out in As interpreted by the Texas Attorney conclusion. According to these Reports, the preamble to those rules, and in the General, TWC § 7.251 provides an the purpose of S.B. 1591 was to give letters to EPA referenced above. affirmative defense under State law only TNRCC the authority to exempt if the event causing the discharge was companies from those state Texas'Defense to Liability for Acts of God, War, Strike, Riot, or Other completely outside the control of the requirements which exceed federal person otherwise responsible for the requirements (emphasis added). The Catastrophe discharge, and only If the discharge alternative requirements would have to 21. Issue: Texas' Defense to Liability for could not have been avoided by the be at least as protective of the Acts of God. War. Strike, Riot, or Other exercise of due care, foresight, or proper environment and public health as Catastrophe planning, maintenance or operation.

current standards. As the Reports state: Section 7.251 of the Texas Water Code Section 7.251 does not shield a party

"-Thislegislation provides specific provides that if an event that would from liability if that party's action or statutory authorization for state programs otherwise be a violation of a statute, Inaction contributed to the violation, which exceed federal law to serve as models rule, order or permit was caused solely and it would not prevent the imposition for regulatory flexibility. This authorization is important for delegation of the federal Title by an act of God, war, strike, riot, or of penalties for a violation persisting V air-permitting program to Texas. so Texas other catastrophe, the event is not a after the original force majeure event can allow flexibility in those areas where violation of that statute, rule, order, or ceases to be the sole cause of the Texas law exceeds federal law." (Senate permit. One comment asserts that Texas discharge (e.g., in the case of a Committee Report-Bill Analysis (S.B. law creates defenses to violations that continuing discharge).

1591)-4/4/97; House Committee Report are not compatible with EPA's Under State law, the State of Texas Bill Analysis (S.B 1591)-4/29/97) minimum federal requirements for state would have the ability to bring an Because the language and the NPDES programs. Specifically, the enforcement action to address violations legislative history of TWC § 5.123 do not comment argues that States must have when the facility owner or operator support an argument that this provision authority to seek injunctions for should have taken steps to prevent the would allow the State to waive federal violations and to assess or seek civil discharge by care and foresight, proper requirements, we conclude that TWC penalties appropriate to the violation. planning, or maintenance. For example,

§ 5.123 does not render the TPDES The comment argues that the affirmative if the event could have been program unapprovable. defense in TWC § 7.251 creates a barrier anticipated-such as a 50-year flood in In addition, TNRCC recently to that enforcement authority, and is a 50-year flood plain, or the need to published regulations implementing therefore prohibited. provide training on pollution control TWC § 5.123 (23 TexReg 9347, The comment also asserts that the equipment for replacement workers September 11. 1998). In the preamble to State application violates 40 CFR used during a strike- and the owner those regulations, the TNRCC addressed 123.27(b) (2), which requires that "the did not take proper precautions, then the issue of whether the regulations burden of proof and degree of the failure to have done so could subject could be interpreted to allow TNRCC to knowledge or intent required under the owner or operator to an enforcement

N) 1?I-JI Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51173 action. 6 The Agency disagrees with the the discharge was caused entirely by health, and some resources may be comment's statement that "vandalism other persons or by factors over which shifted to Inspect them Any shift in can be used as a defense, apparently, they had no control, and that the resources must be negotiated and agreed even if such an action could have been discharge was not reasonably upon between EPA and TNRCC anticipated or if the entity responsible foreseeable or preventable. As noted in annually.

for the discharge did not take an the Federal Register notice, even EPA Under the terms of the proposed appropriate response to the risk of would rarely seek penalties In such MOA, the TNRCC will develop an vandalism to minimize the size or cases. annual inspection plan that establishes impact of the discharge." Such a As to the comment's assertion that the priorities, lists the major and minor scenario contemplates a discharge that Texas law Is inconsistent with an dischargers to be inspected, and could have been prevented through alleged EPA interpretation set out in a demonstrates that the plan is proper planning and foresight, and the 1982 settlement agreement with NRDC, substantially equivalent to the annual owner or operator's failure to exercise without more specific information, EPA inspection of all major dischargers and that planning or foresight would render has been unable to locate this reference. Class I sludge management facilities, the defense unavailable to him. However, as discussed above, the where applicable. The TNRCC will have The State has also demonstrated that interpretation of Texas laws by the to inspect majors at some regular TNRCC has the authority to enjoin any Attorney General recognizes that the Interval while expending resources on discharges or to order the cleanup of federal CWA Is a strict liability statute, minors equivalent to 100% of the majors those discharges. As discussed in EPA's and the Texas statute does not affect annually. As discussed in more detail Federal Register notice, the Attorney that standard of liability. below, the TNRCC will also have to General's Statement explains that TWC EPA also disagrees that the defenses demonstrate environmental benefits of

§ 7.251 does not affect a court's under Texas law will restrict citizens' inspecting other facilities, such as, authority to issue an injunction to ability to file citizen suits for violations. improved compliance of targeted enforce any TWC requirement or As noted above, the affirmative defense facilities In priority watersheds and prohibition, including the requirement language of TWC § 7.251 will not be decreased loadings of pollutants of that a party comply with any permit, incorporated into NPDES permits. Texas concern. Under the proposed MOA, if rule or order issued by the TNRCC. The could not allow discharges disallowed EPA and the TNRCC are unable to reach TNRCC can enjoin by suit in state court by federal law; accordingly, TWC agreement on the universe of majors/

any violation or threat of violation of a § 7.251 would not remove violations of minors to be inspected under the annual statute, rule or permit under the TPDES federal law from the scope of CWA inspection plan by the beginning of the program. Thus, the Agency believes that § 505(a). Thus, the CWA's citizens suit following fiscal year, TNRCC agrees to the State had demonstrated adequate provision affords those in Texas the inspect 100% of the majors and all Class authority to seek injunctions as required same right and opportunity to bring I sludge management facilities.

In 40 CFR 123.27. citizens suits as those in other States. EPA has reviewed the resource TWC § 7.251 applies only to actions allocation for inspections, and believes Inspections that the 27 existing FTEs (full time brought under state law, but does not provide a defense to enforcement 22. Issue: Inspection Commitments equivalent, e.g., one person working 40 actions brought by EPA or citizens hours per week or two people working Some comments expressed support 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> per week), 12 new FTEs which pursuant to the federal CWA. As for the TNRCC inspection strategy, discussed in the Federal Register notice will be hired following authorization, stating that inspections should be and 14 (nine existing and five of the TPDES application (63 FR 33662). focused on those facilities not meeting additional) inspectors dedicated to the federal CWA Is a strict liability permit limitations, and on Impaired statute recognizing as a defense to sludge, CAFOs and pretreatment, will watersheds. However, others State that be adequate. In discussions with TNRCC liability only the federal upset defense TNRCC should be required to perform regarding their July 27, 1998, submittal, (at 40 CFR 122.41 (n)), which is a very inspections on 100% of the "majors" TNRCC staff stated that the 30 narrow affirmative defense for and Class I sludge facilities annually. inspections referenced assumes there violations of technology-based effluent They also state that TNRCC does not are other activities that the staff must limitations. have adequate resources to Inspect the EPA does not view TWC § 7.251 as a perform annually. If these factors were required universe of facilities. In not taken into consideration, then defense to liability under the federal addition they State that TNRCC has inspectors would be able to perform CWA, and indeed, the Attorney General failed to allocate resources to inspect more than the indicated 30 inspections has stated that the language of § 7.251 enough CAFOs, pretreatment programs. per year. The federal regulations do not will not be placed into TPDES permits. "92-500 minors" (smaller municipal require a State to make specific EPA also does not view § 7.251 as wastewater treatment plants built with commitments for CAFO, pretreatment or affecting the burden of proof for federal construction grants authorized minor Inspections. Additionally, in its establishing a violation under State law. under Public Law 92-500), and to July 27, 1998, submittal providing The burden of proof is unchanged from adequately respond to citizen the federal system, and the elements of additional detail, TNRCC indicated that complaints. they would inspect approximately 24%

proof are unchanged. Rather, § 7.251 Response: In Chapter V of the MOA merely establishes a potential of the pretreatment facilities In the first TNRCC states it has the procedures and year and 38% In the second year. As affirmative defense under State law. The ability in place to inspect the facilities part of annual inspection negotiations person asserting the defense must of all major dischargers and Class I EPA will further discuss the adequacy assume the burden to plead and prove sludge facilities. TNRCC's statement Is of these inspection numbers.

the defense. This means showing that consistent with 40 CFR 123.26 (e) (5).

However, EPA's guidance on inspection 23. Issue: Potential Misuse of Annual 6

These general comments should not be coverage recognizes that minor Inspection List construed as an opinion on any specific set of facts.

such as In the Crown Central case cited in the Permittees may also cause significant Some comments oppose a proposed comment. risks to the environment and human annual agreement between EPA and

kl 51174 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices TNRCC regarding inspection time, these efforts do not show such permits, and other authorizations no commitments in which an inspection improvements, then EPA and the matter the size of the permitted entity.

plan would be developed that would list TNRCC will reassess the proper the facilities to be inspected annually. 27. Issue: TNRCC Commitment to Use allocation of Inspection resources They believe that such a list would between major and minor dischargers as EPA's SNC Criteria allow the regulated community to know part of the annual inspection plan One comment stated that TNRCC has which facilities would be inspected negotiations. not committed to use EPA's significant annually, thereby reducing the incentive Timely and AppropriateEnforcement noncompliance criteria (SNC), and has for compliance. not developed the procedures or ability Response: EPA and TNRCC annually 25. Issue: Timely Enforcement to utilize the national database, the work together in developing a list of Permit Compliance System in a timely major and minor dischargers which will Some comments assert that TNRCC will not complete enforcement actions manner.

be inspected. The Agencies will continue to do so as described in In a timely manner and has only Response: TNRCC has committed to Chapter V of the MOA. TNRCC committed to initiating such actions in prepare the Quarterly Noncompliance currently has and will continue to have a timely fashion. While some comments Reports (QNCR) in accordance with the a notification policy under which a assert that TNRCC does have a program federal regulations at 40 CFR 123.45. In facility is notified one to two weeks that will ensure that timely and order to prepare the QNCR, TNRCC will prior to a State inspection. However, appropriate actions will be taken, they be required to report facilities in any facility that will be inspected by also note that EPA does not In all cases reportable noncompliance (RNC), per 40 EPA or Inspected jointly by EPA and take timely and appropriate action. CFR 123.45. The more serious (due to TNRCC will not be notified. Further, Response: EPA encourages States to magnitude or duration) Significant EPA does not agree that the list of adopt its guidance on timely and Noncompliance (SNC) violations make facilities to be inspected will be known appropriate enforcement actions, up a subset of RNC violations. As a prior to the inspections. Texas however, the federal regulations do not result, TNRCC will have to use the SNC Government Code, Chapter 552, require States to adopt EPA guidance. definition as SNC facilities in Texas will describes the circumstances under To address EPA's concerns with TNRCC be automatically flagged by PCS.

which information can be withheld in these areas, language is included in Training of TNRCC staff on the under the Texas Public Information Act. the MOA that states that in cases where operation of PCS has been ongoing, and The Texas Attorney General makes this TNRCC cannot meet the timely and the Region 6 offices will continue to decision. This is addressed on Page 6 of appropriate criteria in EPA's Oversight provide necessary training and support the MOA. Under the Federal Freedom of Guidance, TNRCC agrees to notify EPA. after program assumption by TNRCC.

Information Act, the list of inspections EPA reserves Its right to take timely and to be performed are considered appropriate enforcement if TNRCC falls TPDES Penalties enforcement confidential and are not to finalize Its actions in a timely manner 28. Issue: Adequate Penalties released to the public. (see MOA Part V.E.). In cases where

24. Issue: Discrepancy between MOA EPA believes a formal action must be Some comments expressed belief that and Federal Register Notice Regarding taken, EPA initiates timely and TNRCC does not have the procedures to Inspection Plan appropriate action. However, there are assess adequate penalties and to collect instances when formal action is not economic benefit gained through the One comment noted that there was a appropriate, e.g., facility has returned to violations. Others state that the TNRCC discrepancy between the Federal compliance, facility is on a long-term penalty authority is adequate and does Register notice and the MOA regarding construction schedule and is compliant ensure that no party gain an unfair the proposed inspection plan. with the schedule, etc. economic advantage by avoiding Specifically. the Federal Register notice noncompliance, but support EPA's right indicated TNRCC would have to 26. Issue: Enforcement on Small to over-file.

demonstrate water quality Businesses improvements as a result of shifting Response: Although EPA urges the resources from major inspections to One comment states that TNRCC has states to implement penalty authority in "not committed to enforce adequately minor inspections. The MOA does not a manner equivalent to EPA's, it is not specifically State this. against small businesses, given the required by the regulations or the Clean Response: The inspection plan limitations In Chapter 2006, Subchapter Water Act. While authority to collect discussed in the MOA will be the "Aof the Texas Water Code." economic benefit exists, TNRCC's policy framework for annual negotiations of a Response: Chapter 2006, Subchapter allows for mitigation of penalties to zero comprehensive enforcement agreement "Aof the Texas Government Code In some instances. Therefore, there is no between the two agencies regarding the requires a state agency that is guarantee that economic benefit, at a number and type of Inspections, type of considering adoption of a rule that minimum, will be collected by TNRCC facilities to be inspected, location of would have an adverse economic effect in all cases. Through its oversight role facilities (watersheds) etc. If TNRCC on small businesses to reduce that effect EPA will work with the TNRCC to proposes to shift some inspection If doing so is legal and feasible. EPA ensure that the penalties collected resources from major to minor does not find this subchapter limits under the TPDES program are consistent dischargers, It must demonstrate to EPA TNRCC's ability to enforce against small with those required by the NPDES that this strategy-in conjunction with businesses. Subchapter A of Chapter program including, where appropriate, other water program efforts set forth in 2006 does not apply to enforcement the collection of an economic benefit. In their plan-will result in environmental actions brought against "small cases where EPA believes appropriate benefits over time, such as improved businesses" as defined by the Texas penalties have not been assessed, EPA compliance rates of targeted facilities in Government Code. There is nothing to has reserved its right to over-file in priority watersheds and decreased indicate the TNRCC is not committed to accordance with CWA §§ 309 and loadings of pollutants of concern. If over enforcing its statutes, rules, orders, 402(i).

PI-13 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51175

29. Issue: TNRCC SEP Policy to recover civil penalties for violation of also stated that there was no objection One comment implied that TNRCC's any NPDES permit condition, filing to EPA and TNRCC clarifying this issue Supplemental Environmental Project requirement, regulation, or order as well in the MOA.

(SEP) Policy is inconsistent with EPA's as to assess civil penalties which are Response: EPA appreciates the policy. appropriate to the violation. Section support expressed by the comments and Response: TNRCC is not required by 10(d) (5) of the Texas Audit privilege act repeats the Agency's position for the regulation or statute to have a SEP [Tex. Civ. Statute art. 4447cc (1998)] benefit of those members of the public policy that is equivalent to the EPA allows recovery of civil or that did not review the June 19, 1998, policy. In any event, on pages 6-14 of administrative penalties for "substantial Federal Register notice. In a brief filed the TPDES Enforcement Program economic benefit which gives the February 12, 1998, in the U.S. Court of Description. TNRCC has cited potential violator a clear advantage over Its Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on behalf SEP projects that are comparable to business competitors." This language of the State of Texas and the Texas projects that would be approved under will enable Texas to obtain civil Railroad Commission In Texas Mid the EPA policy. In cases where TNRCC penalties appropriate to the violations, ContinentalOil & Gas Association v.

approves an inappropriate SEP that including those resulting in a EPA (No. 97-60042 and Consolidated results in an inadequate penalty, EPA substantial economic benefit. For those Cases), the Texas Attorney General took reserves its right to over-file in dischargers engaged in business the position that EPA did not have the accordance with CWA 309 and 402(1). competition, the law would also require authority to include water quality-based proof of clear advantage deriving from effluent limitations In an NPDES permit

30. Issue: Appropriate Penalties that economic benefit. Under section unless technology-based effluent One comment stated that EPA 10(g) of the law, the enforcement guidelines had been developed penalties against builders and authority does not bear the burden of (emphasis added). EPA vigorously developers are excessive. In addition proof concerning exceptions to disagrees with this position and they are concerned with EPA's ability to Immunity stated In section 10(d). continues to maintain that under the over-file because they would "never CWA, technology-based and water
32. Issue: Improper Barrier to Recovery quality-based effluent limitations are really know" what the penalty amounts of Penalties for Continuous and Repeat would be for specific violations. independently applicable in Violations determining appropriate effluent Response: The Clean Water Act sets statutory maximum penalties that One comment expressed concerns limitations for an NPDES permit.

would be used in litigation, and EPA that the Texas audit privilege act would While confident that the Texas utilizes its Clean Water Act Settlement impose barriers to recovery of penalties Attorney General's position on EPA's Penalty Policy to calculate the for continuous and repeat violations. authority to independently require minimum penalty for which the Agency Response: There is no civil or compliance with water quality would be willing to settle a case. The administrative penalty immunity under standards will not be upheld by the policy has provisions for addressing Texas Civil Statutes Article 4447cc if courts, EPA also believes It was not type of violation, duration, size of the disclosure "has * *

  • repeatedly or necessary to wait for a final ruling by business, and ability of business to pay continuously committed significant the courts before acting on the TPDES a penalty. This penalty policy is applied violations, and * *
  • not attempted to program proposed by TNRCC. The equally to all CWA enforcement bring the facility or operation into Texas Attorney General's statement including the construction "industrial compliance, so as to constitute a pattern confirms that TNRCC has full authority activity" category (x) as found at 40 CFR of disregard of environmental [law]." To under State law to impose effluent 122.26(b) (14) (x). Due to EPA retaining show a "pattern," the entity must have limitations for any discharge as "committed a series of violations that necessary to insure compliance with administration of EPA-issued MS4 and storm water general permits. TNRCC were due to separate and distinct events approved water quality standards. In responsibility for enforcement of the within a three-year period at the same addition, the following language is bulk of the storm water program will not facility or operation." By its terms, this included in Section IV.B of the MOA:

begin for approximately two years provision provides Texas with authority "Water quality based effluent limitations (when the first of these permits expires). to address continuous violations and are part of the federally approved program At that time, EPA will review the repeat violations. Texas also retains and the State will impose such limitations in penalties assessed In these actions as authority to address all violations by TPDES permits unless technology-based issuing administrative orJudicial effluent limitations are more stringent."

part of its oversight authority, to assure that the penalty amounts are adequate to consent orders and by seeking penalties Therefore, the proposed TPDES abate violations of a permit or permit for any subsequent violation of such program will function in a manner program (40 CFR 123.27), EPA has orders. consistent with EPA's interpretation of reserved its right to over-file If they IndependentApplicability of Water the requirements of the CWA and its believe an adequate penalty has not Quality-BasedLimits implementing regulations.

been assessed. TPDES Resource Needs

33. Issue: Application of Water Quality
31. Issues: Improper Barrier to Recovery Standards for Discharges Not Subject to 34. Issue: Generic Comments on of Penalties Where Violator Gained a Technology-Based Effluent Guideline Adequacy of TNRCC Resources Economic Benefit From Violation Several comments supported EPA's Some comments stated belief that One comment alleged that the Texas conclusion that TNRCC had the TNRCC had provided adequate audit privilege act establishes an authority, and had actually committed information to address funding issues.

improper barrier to recovery of penalties to apply water-quality based effluent Other comments expressed concern over for violations where the violator gained limitations regardless of whether or not TNRCC's ability to run their TPDES an economic benefit from the violations there was a promulgated technology program without the use of federal Response: 40 CFR 123.27(a) and (c) based effluent guideline for a particular funds. They also claimed that TNRCC require the State to have the authority discharge. However, these comments had not adequately demonstrated that

fPI-HL 51176 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices they had sufficient resources or staffing operate the program on day one, and adequate resources to implement the to assume the program on the day of determined that TNRCC has the NPDES program in Texas.

program assumption. capacity to administer the program As a sub-point, a comment expresses Response: Pursuant to the upon assumption. As part of EPA's concern that the application does not requirements of 40 CFR 123.22(b), the oversight responsibilities, the agency account for the resources necessary to State of Texas submitted a description will monitor the resources TNRCC is process the approximately 3,000 NPDES of the cost of establishing and devoting to the TPDES program to applications now pending at EPA administering the proposed TPDES ensure compliance with the regulatory Region 6 that are to be transferred to the program for the first two years after requirements for a state-run program. State. In response, as the comment program approval in Chapter 7 of its concedes, it is somewhat unfair to ask application. That submittal Indicated 35. Issue: Under-Funding of TNRCC's the State to show readiness to pick up that 217 full time employees would be Permitting Program an entire program prospectively and to tasked with different aspects of the Several of the comments contend that demonstrate that it can eliminate a program, and that $12.3 million in the water quality permitting program Is backlog not of its own creation; other funding would be available to run the woefully underfunded. In Its August states seeking authorization have not program. Prior to the comment period 27th comments, the State provided an been asked to make such a showing on the proposed TPDES program, the explanation of how the resources However, it is EPA's understanding that Agency received letters from two dedicated will be marshaled to Texas does plan to eliminate the backlog concerned parties suggesting that more administer the NPDES program. over the course of one permitting cycle detail was needed to fully understand Response: In its July 27 letter, the (five years). Under the status quo pre how the personnel and funds set out in TNRCC discussed with great specificity authorization, every discharger that has the Texas application were to be used. why the resources described in Chapter (or should have) a Federal NPDES EPA agreed that It would be helpful to 7 of Its application would be sufficient permit has (or should have) a water understand more fully such information to administer the NPDES program In permit under State law. Thus, as the and, thus, asked the State to provide Texas. In Exhibit A of that letter, the State proceeds to renew or issue permits additional detail (63 FR 33664). TNRCC used "the number of [permit] (in accordance with the State watershed The State did so in comments applications processed" as the most priority system approved by EPA), it submitted at the public hearing on the accurate measure of the work they could will in effect replace two permits (one proposed State program approval on process. Looking at the prior ten-year State and one Federal) with one State July 27, 1998, and made copies available period, the TNRCC found that an issued TPDES permit. The TNRCC to many of the attendees. The State's average of 727 applications were explained its plan to address the EPA comments were also made available on processed each year, not Including backlog as follows:

July 28, 1998, at both the TNRCC and NPDES permits processed for EPA "In effect, EPA has allowed a situation EPA offices. EPA further took the step under a Federal grant. While noting that where a significant number of discharges of sending copies of the State submittal permit applications in some areas of the were never authorized under NPDES. These to all persons who had attended the State (principally central Texas) had public hearing or who had commented applications are to be passed to TNRCC for increased, TNRCC expected the total processing. This load of applications is on the State program. To allow time for number of permits required state-wide assumed to equate to applications for the any additional comment on the resource would remain relatively constant. same discharges also received by the state. As question, the Agency extended the TNRCC pointed to the workload TNRCC works on Its own applications, it will comment period on that single Issue leveling effect of its basin permitting also be combining the workload and from August 10 until August 24, 1998 rule and Its intent to expand use of eliminating EPA's backlog" (July 27 letter, Chapters 2, 6, 7, and Appendix 7-A. Exhibit A., p.2) of the Program Description provided general permits as justification for this detailed information on TNRCC's assumption. Based on the total number 36. Issue. Workload Analysis organizational structure, positions, of permits, they estimate approximately 651 permit renewals per year. Using Some public comments argued that projected costs, and sources of funding.

including a projection of enforcement these figures, the TNRCC concludes that States must provide a detailed workload resource needs. TNRCC has It has adequate staff to handle the needs analysis as required by EPA guidance.

of the NPDES program: Response: EPA agrees that its acknowledged, on page 8 of the MOA, guidance asks that States set out their that it is their responsibility after "Assuming that the permitting universe resources in the form of a workload program approval to run and manage will remain static at 3256 permits [given the analysis; however, this is not a the TPDES, Pretreatment and Sewage movement toward Issuing general-rather than Individual-permits and other reasons requirement of statute or regulation. In Sludge programs with or without the any event, the State provides a workload assistance of Federal funding. The set out by TNRCC]. TNRCC predicts that an average permit writer would need to be analysis in response to EPA's request for Federal regulations require States responsible for processing 30 renewal additional detail on the application.

seeking program approval to submit an permits each year (651+21.5). Ample staffing (See July 27 letter, Exhibit D.)

itemization of the sources and amounts is available to additionally process incoming of funding, "including an estimate of new or amendment requests, since an 37. Issue: Future Resources for Storm Federal grant money," expected to be existing staff of 18.5 has historically Water Program available for the first two years of processed an average of 39 permits/person/ One comment expressed concern that program administration (40 CFR year (727+18 5)." Uuly 27, 1998, letter, TNRCC does not currently have 123.22(b)(3)); the State of Texas has Exhibit A.) resources to operate the storm water provided this information. The TNRCC went on to explain that program in Texas and has not "laid out EPA has reviewed the resources new personnel positions in several any clear plan for obtaining them over TNRCC will devote to the TPDES categories have been funded in order to a specified period of time." This program, the staffing requirements and carry out the NPDES program. Taken comment also expressed concern that qualifications, and the training together, the information provided by TNRCC would not Immediately have necessary to utilize existing staff to the State appears to demonstrate adequate resources for inspection of

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51177 storm water permittees they will full State implementation of the NPDES 39. Issue: Resources Beyond 2 Years administer upon authorization. In storm water program using the existing response to EPA's request for public permitting options available to TNRCC. Some comments assert that more input on future resource needs, TNRCC For FY 2000, TNRCC has requested $3.4 detail is required on those resources that submitted comments that contained an million and 58 additional positions For will be required to run the storm water acknowledgment that additional FY 2001, the request increases to $4.2 program, administration of which will resources will be needed when EPA million and a total of 80 positions. pass to Texas in the fall of the year issued storm water general permits and These staffing levels and budget 2000. Others allege that despite the fact municipal separate storm sewer system estimates are based on the existing that TNRCC has not yet submitted its permits expire and administration limitations In State law regarding the legislative appropriations request for transfers to the State. TNRCC pointed use of general permits for storm water 2000-2001, the TNRCC should have out that the Texas legislature has discharges (which could easily exceed submitted at least reasonably detailed already authorized increases in permit the current 500,000 gallons per day cap projections of wastewater permitting, fees, contingent upon NPDES allowed for a general permit issued by data management and field inspection authorization. TNRCC also stated in its TNRCC under TWC § 26.040). Both resource needs for FY 2000, which the comments that "* *

  • appropriations agencies understand that this initial comment sees as the second year of any for the storm water permitting program request is subject to change If the TPDES program that could be elements initiated In fiscal year 2001 current statutory limits on the use of authorized at this point.

will be an exceptional item request in general permits are removed or Response: The federal regulations the TNRCC LAR [legislative modified. only require the State to provide appropriations request] for 2000-2001." information on the first two years of the Response: At the time of program 38 Issue: Statements to the Legislature program-I.e., FY 1999 and FY 2000.

assumption. EPA will only transfer Several comments assert that See 40 CFR 123.22. The State submitted administration of those storm water TNRCC's statements seeking additional a complete package on May 5, 1998, discharges included as part of an funding for deficient parts of the Water triggering EPA's statutory review period individual Industrial permit to TNRCC. Quality Program (which the comment which was to end on August 3, 1998.7 EPA will continue to administer describes as "core elements of the The State provided resource information discharges authorized under municipal NPDESfITPDES program") demonstrate for the two fiscal years running from separate storm sewer permits and storm that the proposed TPDES program Is September 1, 1998 to August 31, 1999, water general permits for some time underfunded. and from September 1, 1999 to August after program authorization. Response: In TNRCC's letter of July 31, 2000. The federal regulations do not Administration of discharges covered by require States to submit resource data EPA's multi-sector storm water general 27, the TNRCC explains that wastewater permitting is only one of the State's for more than two years.

permit transfers by October 1, 2000. For the "out years" (more than two Administration of discharges covered by water resource programs, and that permitting discharges covered by years after approval), as EPA noted in EPA's construction storm water general the June 19 Federal Register notice, the permit transfers by July 6, 2003. NPDES is only part of the wastewater permitting program (other water State will need to provide adequate Administration of discharges covered by resources for this period in a timely EPA's permits for the nineteen programs include the development of surface water standards, water quality manner, and the State (in its July 27 municipal separate storm sewer systems letter) expressed the intention to do so.

in Texas starts to transfer In 2000, but assessment, modeling, etc.). According most of these permits will not expire to TNRCC, the legislative initiative Specifically, the TNRCC indicated that referred to by the comments "related to it would seek-above and beyond the until 2003. Therefore, TNRCC will not base budget of FY 1999, which already need additional resources for permitting other aspects of the [the State's] water and enforcement on storm water-only programs," other than TPDES. Includes some Increases-appropriation discharges right away. Since With specific regard to the NPDES authority for administration of storm administration passes at the time each program, the State indicated that "the water permits in FY 2001. (If a state storm water permit expires, or earlier If funding and positions (44 FTEs) had were to fail to ensure adequate resources TNRCC issues a replacement permit, already been determined and authorized to administer an authorized program, TNRCC's permit fee program would be by the Legislature"; the reference to the there could be potential grounds for available to provide resources. Under NPDES program, and the 44 new FrEs program withdrawal under 40 CFR TNRCC's current procedures for associated with It, was Included to make 123.63.)

conducting inspections, storm water clear that the resource needs for the 40. Issue: Resources for Laboratory outfalls at industrial facilities (the water quality programs were In addition Chemists permits that would transfer to TNRCC at to the resources already authorized for program authorization) are routinely NPDES. One comment stated that TNRCC does included in the overall inspection of the The TNRCC letter also points out that not have an adequate number of facility. the testimony before the State laboratory chemists to perform TPDES EPA also notes that while, as with any legislature expressed a lack of financial program functions, and provides no governmental agency, TNRCC is support that affects the agency's ability details on the personnel and positions.

dependent on funding by a legislature to fulfill its statutory responsibilities at that has sole power on appropriations, "optimal levels," not Its ability to run 7 By letters dated July 10. 1998. and July 28. 1998, it has committed to seek additional its water programs at levels that meet EPA and TNRCC agreed to extend the deadline by which EPA must make a final decision on the resources for these resource needs. On federal standards. Virtually all State's request for approval of the TPDES program August 19, 1998, the TNRCC formally agencies-including EPA-frequently until September 1. 1998 In an August 31. 1998, adopted its Legislative Appropriations make the case for additional resources letter from Jeffery Salgas. TNRCC Executive Request (LAR) for the 2000-2001 without implying that they are not Director, to Gregg Cooke. EPA Regional Administrator, the TNRCC agreed to give EPA biennium. Included Is a request for performing their duties on an acceptable additional time (until September 14. 1998) to additional appropriation authority for level. complete Its approval review.

51178 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices Response- TNRCC provided 42. Issue: Adequacy of Resources for Response: The TPDES application and information on the allocation of Compliance Monitoring associated supplemental documentation resources for the laboratory in Figure 2 One comment alleges that TNRCC is reflected in TNRCC's application for 1, Tables 1 and 2, of the Program analyzed the adequacy of its resources FY 99 funding in support of its overall Description, which shows the staffing for "compliance monitoring" on the water quality program. Much of this level for the laboratory will be nine basis of only doing reporting for majors, funding is expected to be obtained chemists, one laboratory manager, and significant minors and 92-500s, or through TNRCC's Performance one Quality Assurance Specialist. The approximately 718 facilities. The Partnership Grant (PPG). Commitments description of these personnel and comment notes that compliance associated with the PPG are included in positions are included in Appendix 7 monitoring functions must be TNRCC's FY 99 Performance A and 7-B of the Program Description. performed, however, for all NPDES Partnership Agreement (PPA). The PPA EPA finds that this level of laboratory permits for which TNRCC takes action, is a carefully negotiated document support does not prevent the TPDES and that TNRCC, therefore, seriously which Is designed to be consistent with program from functioning, especially understated the universe of facilities all statutes, regulations, and formal since laboratory services could also be that the reporting staff must cover. agreements associated with affected Response: NPDES states are only programs. Accomplishment of contracted out, if necessary due to required to track majors,92-500 minor commitments Included in the PPA and intermittent surges in demand.

facilities, and significant minors in PCS. achievement of environmental results

41. Issue: Comparisons with Other TNRCC has indicated in their July 27, related to those commitments is State's Program Resources 1998, submittal that they have three reported by TNRCC and tracked by an additional positions available that can oversight team at EPA. Any identified One comment states that TNRCC has be used for compliance monitoring problems are addressed through a much higher facility to FTE ratio than functions. Based on the July 27, 1998, renewed negotiation and appropriate either Louisiana or Oklahoma, and that submittal and the original package, EPA follow-up actions.

this Indicates the TPDES program is has determined that TNRCC has the EnvironmentalJustice underfunded. capacity to perform compliance Response: As discussed above, EPA monitoring on those facilities which 45. Issue: Concerns Regarding does not agree that the TPDES program they will receive during the first two Environmental Justice in is underfunded at this time. In addition years. Implementation of the TPDES Program to the facility to FTE comparison, EPA FundingSources Available for the A few comments raised the issue of also reviewed the resource allocations TPDES Program environmental justice. One comment for the enforcement program by job asserted that EPA has failed to carry out functions such as inspections and 43. Issue: Funds Raised From Increased its legal responsibilities under the Permit Fees President's Executive Order on compliance monitoring. As stated in the response to comments regarding Some comments indicate Environmental Justice (E.O. 12898) In inspection commitments, EPA believes encouragement regarding the State that EPA did not consider the Impacts that the 27 existing FTEs for Legislature's support for increased of approval of Texas' application on Inspections, the 12 new FTEs which funding for the TPDES Program through minority and low-income communities.

will be hired following authorization, an Increase on the annual cap related to This same comment also noted E.O.

and 14 inspectors dedicated to sludge, wastewater fees. Others commented that 12898 is based on Title VI of the Civil any increases in fees should be related Rights Act, and that EPA has CAFOs, and pretreatment, will be promulgated regulations implementing adequate to run the NPDES Inspection to services actually rendered to that permittee. Title VI. Another comment asserted E.O.

program. EPA did however, have some Response: EPA can only require that 12898 requires EPA to reject Texas' concerns regarding the adequacy of the TPDES program be adequately NPDES application, unless TNRCC can FTEs allocated for compliance funded. Choices as to the sources of the demonstrate that it has "made monitoring activities and as a result, fund, e.g., general revenue taxes, permit environmental justice part of its mission requested additional information from fees, etc., are at the discretion of the by identifying and addressing, as TNRCC. In TNRCC's July 27, 1998, Texas Legislature. It would be neither appropriate, disproportionately high submittal of additional detail, TNRCC appropriate, nor constitutional, for the and adverse human health and indicated that in addition to the seven federal government to dictate exactly environmental effects of its programs, FTEs already available for compliance how a State government must fund its policies, and activities on minority monitoring, they had three FTEs that State programs. TNRCC also has the populations and low-income could provide additional support If authority to raise fees assessed on populations. * * *" (E.O. 12898, § 1 needed. EPA agrees with the comment numerous permittees who currently pay 101).

that the facility to FTE ratio is higher in a fee far below the $25,000/year cap set Response: EPA is committed to Texas than In Louisiana and In by the Texas Legislature, should federal upholding the principles of Oklahoma, but based on the original grant funds decrease substantially. environmental justice contained in the submittal, the July 27, 1998 President's Executive Order on

44. Issue: Funds for Water Quality Environmental Justice and to ensuring clarification, and the fact that only Programs about 54.5% of the minors, 94.6% of the compliance with Title VI of the Civil Some comments also expressed Rights Act. as amended, by recipients of 92-500 minors, and 52.7% of the major concerns that a permit fee-based EPA assistance. EPA believes that It has facilities will be transferred to TNRCC funding mechanism would not within the first two years, EPA believes carried out its legal responsibilities and adequately account for increased maintains that it has advocated that TNRCC will have the capacity to funding needs related to general water environmental justice to the full extent administer the program for the first two quality programs which are not tied of Its legal authority in this action. EPA years directly to a single permit. notes that nothing in the Clean Water

Rl-1-7 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51179 Act, E.O. 12898, or Title VI of the Civil of discharges that are prohibited under Governor George Bush on May 1, 1995, Rights Act requires the Agency to reject federal law. In particular, the comment was not, or is not, in compliance with Texas' application for lack of an argues that Section 26.121 (a) of the Federal requirements for State environmental justice program. As one Texas Water Code does not enable programs.

comment noted, the Clean Water Act TNRCC to prohibit discharge of Response: Section 304 (1)(2) (D) of the and EPA's implementing regulations do pollutants that do not (1) qualify as Clean Water Act and 40 CFR 123.25(c) not require that a State have a specific sewage or recreation, agricultural, or constitute the Federal authorities for the program or method for addressing industrial wastes or (2) qualify as "other proposition that no State board or body environmental justice issues. Thus, EPA waste," within the meaning of Section with authority to approve permit may approve a program that lacks an 26.121 (b), because they do not meet the applications shall include (or will environmental justice program entirely. definition of "pollution" found in include at the time of approval of the EPA has encouraged TNRCC to include Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code. State permit program) as a member any an environmental justice program as Section 26.001 defines "pollution" to person who receives, or who has part of its proposed TPDES program. In mean "the alteration of physical, received during the past two years, a a letter dated February 6, 1998, TNRCC thermal, chemical, or biological quality significant portion of his income indicated that it did have an of, or the contamination of, any water in directly or indirectly from permit environmental justice program, the State that renders the water harmful, holders or applicants. Specifically, 40 although that program is not a part of detrimental, or injurious to humans, CFR 123.25(c) states:

the TPDES application. animal life, vegetation, or property or to "State NPDES programs shall ensure that Additionally, EPA notes that the the public health, safety or welfare, or any board or body which approves all or obligations of E.O. 12898 to make impairs the usefulness or the public portions of permits shall not include as a "environmental justice part of its member any person who receives, or has enjoyment of the water for any lawful or mission by identifying and addressing, reasonable purpose." The comment during the previous two years received, a as appropriate, disproportionately high significant portion of income directly or argues that the showing of harm, indirectly from permit holders or applicants and adverse human health and detriment, or injury required by this for a permit" environmental effects of Its programs. definition impermissibly renders the policies, and activities on minority scope of the Texas discharge prohibition EPA's analysis of the Texas Water populations and low-income less expansive than required by federal Code, specifically Sections 5.052, 5.122, populations * * *" apply to Federal law. 5.053, 5.054, 5.059 and 5.060, as well as agencies, not the TNRCC, as was Response: EPA agrees that the 30 TAC 50 33 satisfies the Agency that suggested by one comment. (E.O. 12898, definition of "pollution" found In the State has met the Federal conflict of

§ 1-101). Furthermore, the obligations of Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code interest requirements. Specific attention E.O. 12898 are to be implemented in a was given to the appointment of Rafael renders the prohibitions found in manner consistent with, and to the Section 26.121 (a) of the Code less B. Marquez as Commissioner of the extent permitted by, existing law. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation.

expansive than federally required; TWC § 5.053(b), which is effective upon Executive Order does not, by its own however, Texas has resolved this terms, create any new rights, benefits, or problem by enacting revised Sections authorization of NPDES permit trust responsibility, substantive or 26.001 and 26.121 that take effect upon authority, states:

procedural. (E.O. 12898, §§ 6-608, 6 NPDES program authorization. The "In addition to the eligibility requirements 609). Thus, EPA cannot go beyond the revised Section 26.121 contains a in subsection (a) of this section, persons who authority granted to it by the Clean subsection (d) that states: are appointed to serve on the Commission for Water Act in making its decision to terms which expire after August 31, 2001, "Except as authorized by the commission, must comply at the time of their appointment approve or reject Texas' proposed no person may discharge any pollutant, with the eligibility requirements established program. sewage, municipal waste, recreational waste. under 33 U.S.C. Sections 1251-1387, as Finally, as one comment noted, EPA agricultural waste, or industrial waste from amended."'

has promulgated Title VI Implementing any point source Into any water in the state." The terms of all Commissioners regulations that prohibit the recipients of EPA assistance from using criteria or While the sewage and waste currently appointed to the TNRCC methods of administering federally definitions remain unchanged, the expire on or before August 31, 2001.

revised Section 26.001 adds a definition However, only Commissioner Marquez funded programs In a manner that results in discriminatory effects based of "pollutant" (as opposed to was not subject to the current conflict of "pollution") that matches, almost word Interest rule at the time of his on race, color, or national origin. See, 40 for-word, our appointment. Commissioner Marquez CFR Part 7. Also, EPA can provide definition of "pollutant" TNRCC help in complying with the non found at 40 CFR 122.2. Accordingly, was appointed and confirmed in May, Section 26.121 (d) of the Texas Water 1995 and during that calendar year discrimination provisions of Title VI of Code enables Texas to prohibit the full received a significant portion of his the Civil Rights Act. These scope of pollutants that Texas must be Income from Monsanto Company, his implementing regulations also set forth able to prohibit under federal law. former employer and a permit holder.

the process by which aggrieved parties Since 1995, Commissioner Marquez has may file complaints with the EPA. This 46. Issue: Conflicts of Interest received no portion of his income from is the proper process to by which to One comment contended that "Texas a permit applicant or a permit holder.

address individual claims under Title does not meet the requirements for Therefore, more than two years have VI. conflicts of interests and other ethical passed since a potential conflict of Other Statutory and Legal Issues limitations for TNRCC decision-makers interest could have existed.

for NPDES programs." The comment Accordingly, we believe the provisions Issue: TNRCC Authority Over Discharge also specifically asserted that the of Section 304 (1)of the Clean Water Act of Pollutants appointment of Rafael B. Marquez as have been satisfied in that more than One comment asserted that Texas Commissioner of the Texas Natural two years have passed since lacks the authority to prohibit the range Resource Conservation Commission by Commissioner Marquez last received

51180 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices significant income from a permit holder. Next, the comments contend that the describing the Texas program His first participation in the TPDES program would not meet the application was merely intended to process will take place after a two-year requirements of 402(n) (4) because indicate that EPA believed that there period in which he received no portion TNRCC does not commit to assume was the potential (discussed in the of his income from a permit applicant jurisdiction over the discharges response to specific comments on this or a permit holder. Furthermore, since regulated by the Texas Railroad issue) that certain CAFOs that began his term expires prior to August 31, Commission. Nonetheless, the operation prior to July 10, 1991, could 2001, the provisions of Section 5.053(b) comments also assert that the Texas fall outside the authority of the TNRCC.

of the Texas Water Code regarding program would still be phased. They The Agency's intent was merely to compliance "at the time of * *

  • contend that various alleged provide notice to the public that any appointment" are inapplicable as to Mr. Inadequacies In TNRCC authority and such CAFOs would remain under the Marquez. It should also be noted that, resources leave the agency with no jurisdiction of EPA. Accordingly, the under Section 5.054, Commissioners choice but to phase-in parts of the Agency believes that the program may be removed for failure to maintain proposed program. described in the TPDES application the qualifications required for their Response: CWA § 402(n) (3) allows covers all discharges within the appointment. EPA to approve a "major category jurisdiction of the TNRCC and, The State of Texas has provided other partial permit program," while therefore, qualifies as a major category assurances that the Federal conflict of authorization of a "major component partial permit program under subsection interest provisions will be carried out. partial permit program" Is permissible 402(n)(3).

Commissioners' standards of conduct under CWA § 402(n) (4). A major Nonetheless, the comments assert that are set forth in Chapter 572 of the Texas category partial permit program Is the Texas program would be Government Code, which requires commonly called a "partial program" impermissibly phased because TNRCC personal financial disclosure and and CWA 402(n)(3) describes that a allegedly (1) lacks the resources and prohibits conflicts of interest. These State (or agency of a state) may apply for staff, and (2) has failed to issue general safeguards closely resemble Federal that portion of the NPDES program for permits necessary to administer parts of standards of conduct and set forth which It hasjurisdiction, as long as It the described program. Subsection similar procedures for oversight and reflects all of that agency's jurisdiction, 402(n) (4) of the Act provides that a State reporting. and includes a significant number of the regulatory agency may phase into its point source categories regulated under program permitting authority for those EPA Region 6 has also received the NPDES. A major component partial types of point source discharges over Texas Attorney General's opinion permit program [CWA 402(n)(4)] is which It does not yet have jurisdiction.

regarding conflict of interest issues commonly called "phased" because it While the TNRCC has agreed under 40 associated with the contemplated allows a State to take that portion of the CFR 123.1 (d) (1) that EPA would retain assumption of NPDES authority by the NPDES program for which It has jurisdiction to administer particular State of Texas. Based on this opinion, jurisdiction, so long as it commits and storm water permits that have already and our own assessment, we are sets forth a plan for obtaining authority been issued, TNRCC proposes to satisfied that no conflict of interest to regulate (consistent with CWA) the Immediately assume permitting exists. rest of the point source categories under authority over all types of point source

47. Issue: Improper Partial Phased the CWA within a 5-year period. These discharges within its jurisdiction. The Program two options were included in the CWA fact that the EPA has retained to allow states like Texas, with more jurisdiction to administer certain storm Some citizens and organizations than one agency regulating categories of water permits that have already been commented that the proposed TPDES point sources, to apply for NPDES issued does not mean that the State partial program is Improperly "phased." program authorization for at least one of Program is "phased" the State Program The comments reach this conclusion by its agencies, and follow, either in the would be "phased" within the meaning arguing that (1) the Texas program, phased approach, or completely of subsection 402(n) (4) only if it although partial. would not be a "major separately, Its other regulatory agencies. proposed to assume jurisdiction to issue category partial program" within the Since the program described by Texas in permits for an entire class of point meaning of subsection 402(n) (3), and (2) Its application covers all discharges source discharges at some date after the program, although not a "major subject to the NPDES program that are program approval. Under 30 TAC component partial program" within the under the authority of the TNRCC, the 281.25, Texas adopted by reference 40 meaning of subsection 402(n) (4), would TPDES program is a "major category, CFR 122.26, requiring NPDES permits still be phased. partial permit program" (i.e.. partial) for storm water discharges. As noted The comments first assert that the and not a "major component partial above, TNRCC would have the authority program would be partial because it program" (i.e., phased). to issue permits for all types of point would not cover those discharges The Texas application does describe a source discharges within its jurisdiction regulated by the Texas Railroad program for the regulation of CAFO, on the date of program approval; Commission. Nonetheless. the storm water, and all wastewater accordingly the program, although comments contend that the program discharges under the authority of the partial, would not be phased.

would not meet the requirements of TNRCC. Texas describes the processes subsection 402(n) (3) because it would for issuing and enforcing all permits in 48. Issue: TNRCC Emergency Orders not cover all discharges within the the program description and makes the and Temporary Orders jurisdiction of TNRCC. In particular, the necessary commitments to Issue needed One comment included examples of contention is that the proposed Texas general and individual permits in the how TNRCC has, and uses, the authority program does not cover discharges from MOA (see Part LII.A of the MOA). to issue temporary or emergency orders CAFOs into play as, certain Municipal Moreover, the Texas program would not under TWC Chapters 5 and 26 to Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) categorically exclude coverage of any authorize discharges in excess of permit discharges, and storm water discharges class of CAFO discharges. The language limitations or where there is no permit associated with industrial activity. in the Federal Register Notice to authorize a discharge. The comment

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51181 noted that under federal law, a facility in Morris County (TNRCC neither EPA nor TNRCC is aware, at this discharge cannot be made except in Docket No. 97-0746-IWD). As a result time, of a CAFO facility which is not compliance with the authorization of the specific restrictions in 30 TAC subject to TNRCC authority.

granted by a permit. The comment 35.303 that become effective upon Additionally, EPA has very limited expressed concern that such orders TPDES program authorization. TNRCC authority over radioactive wastes under would authorize what would otherwise is aware that Its authority to Issue NPDES. TNRCC has at least the same be a violation of an existing permit and emergency and temporary orders cannot authority to regulate those wastes now could be used to authorize a discharge be used under the TPDES program In all addressed in the NPDES permits.

without following the procedures and situations allowable under the pre TNRCC's authority in this area is requirements for permits (including TPDES State permitting program. While discussed in the MOA and in Chapter II, requiring compliance with technology TNRCC has used temporary and page 2-5, of the TPDES application.

and water quality standards). The emergency orders In the past to EPA believes TNRCC's authority over comment further indicated that such authorized discharges in ways that CAFOs, oil and gas facilities and actions by Texas would eliminate could not be allowed under the NPDES radioactive waste discharges is reporting requirements for violations of program, EPA and TNRCC agree that adequately described. In order to ensure the original permit (limiting availability procedures under the new TPDES that permittees are not confused about of information to the public) and would program must be consistent with federal their NPDES regulatory authority after also "immunize" a violator from a requirements. EPA therefore believes this authorization, EPA is providing citizen suit for the violation. that the existing rules and finalization of separate notice by letter to the regulated Response: On July 3, 1998, Texas the proposed rules, and use of facilities affected by this authorization, proposed regulations implementing temporary and emergency orders by notifying each of its status under either TWC, Chapter 5. Subchapter L, TNRCC in the context of the TPDES EPA or transfer to TNRCC authority.

concerning temporary and emergency program will be consistent with the EPA does not believe there Is any matter orders (23 TexReg 6899). EPA has CWA. of division of authority that must be reviewed these proposed regulations With regard to the comment's resolved before TNRCC can be and has found them to be consistent expressed concerns regarding the 40 approved.

with requirements to authorize the CFR 123.29 (and CWA § 402(a)(5))

TPDES program. Specific restrictions on prohibition on a State Issuing a permit 50. Issue: TNRCC Using EPA Guidance the use of temporary and emergency when EPA objects, EPA would like to and Policy Only to Extent it Does Not orders to anticipated bypasses in the point out that emergency orders Conflict With State Law or Policy TPDES program, consistent with CWA authorizing bypasses of TPDES facilities One comment expressed concern that requirements, have been continued In will not be permits, but temporary Section III.A.7 of the MOA states that the proposed revisions to 30 TAC emergency exceptions to the "TNRCC will utilize EPA national and 35.303. Under 30 TAC 305.21 enforcement of some TPDES permit regional policies and guidance to the (Consolidated Permits), TNRCC would conditions. EPA agrees that the State extent there is no conflict with Texas also have the authority to allow may not issue a TPDES permit over the statutes, a specific State policy, or temporary or emergency orders for objection of EPA, but as discussed guidance adopted by TNRCC." The discharges to waters-subject to the above, TNRCC will not have the comment stated that this was backwards restrictions of the 30 TAC 35.303 authority to issue permit-type discharge in that Texas was required to section on water quality permits. authorizations via emergency or demonstrate equivalency with the TNRCC will only use emergency orders temporary orders under the TPDES federal requirements.

to provide authorization for bypasses program. Response: Since policies and which meet the conditions of 40 CFR guidance are not legal requirements, 122.41. Any other use of emergency or 49. Issue: Identification of Discharges TNRCC's is not bound to follow them temporary orders would be outside the Not Under TNRCC Jurisdiction exactly. For example, EPA has a policy scope of an approved program. One comment stated that TNRCC that the application requirements for The comments may have been the must provide Identification of large and medium municipal separate result of concerns related to provisions discharges not in TNRCC jurisdiction. storm sewer systems contained In 40 in the proposed regulations, which The comment insisted that TNRCC list CFR 122.26(d) were intended to apply provide TNRCC authority in other all permitted facilities which EPA only to first-time permit issuance, and programs, to "* *

  • by these orders permits but the State does not, and less information is required for permit issue temporary permits or temporarily further explain why each such facility is re-Issuance. While TNRCC will be suspend or amend permit conditions." not permitted under TNRCC's program. following this EPA policy, If State law Also, in the past, temporary and It was stated that this information Is separately and specifically requires all emergency orders have been used, or necessary to understand the division of this information, TNRCC could not proposed for use, in the pre-TPDES jurisdiction between EPA and TNRCC legally ignore State law simply to follow State water quality permitting program with respect to CAFO discharges, an EPA policy. A State's right to have for purposes such as an emergency discharges from oil and gas related requirements more stringent or order authorizing discharge of Industries, and radioactive waste. extensive than those of in the federal contaminated non-process wastewater at Response: TNRCC is not required to NPDES program is recognized in 40 CFR pollutant levels exceeding permit provide such lists for approval of the 123.1(1).

limitations from an ammonium TPDES program, and in fact EPA phosphate and ammonium thiosulfate believes the request to be onerous and 51. Issue: TNRCC Authority To Assume fertilizer manufacturing plant in unnecessarily burdensome. The MOA Existing NPDES Permits Pasadena (TNRCC Docket No. 98-0320 clearly states which Standard Industrial One comment indicated that TNRCC IWD); and a temporary order Classification (SIC) codes are not within had no authority to assume or enforce authorizing the discharge of storm water the regulatory authority of TNRCC EPA's permits and particularly had no associated with Industrial activity from (regulated by the Texas Railroad authority to adopt or enforce an EPA a steel manufacturing and fabrication Commission). As previously stated. Issued general permit that did not limit

51182 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices discharges to the 500,000 gallons per April 15, and May 4), constituted a amount of funding did not change. The day limit imposed on TPDES general complete package under 40 CFR 123.21, dollars specified in the tables are permits. I.e., one containing all the element different, but only to reflect changes Response: 30 TAC 305.533 necessary for EPA to make a decision on made by TNRCC (unrelated to TPDES) specifically provides for the State to approvability. That package included a in initiating career ladders, etc. EPA and adopt EPA-issued permits and chapter on resources to run the program the public were simply afforded a pretreatment programs upon (Chapter 7), with numbers of State deeper understanding of the direction assumption of the TPDES permit employees and funds that would be and management of those resources by program. This conforms with common devoted to the running of the program. the applicant State agency.

practice in the NPDES State Thus, there was information on authorization process for a State and resources, but members of the public 53. Issue: Appropriateness of Basing EPA to make arrangements In the MOA (and then EPA) asked for additional Approval Decision on Information for the State to assume responsibility for detail on the source of these funding Received During the Public Comment EPA-Issued permits. (See 40 CFR 123). resources and the precise use of Period EPA does agree that the current personnel so that a more informed One comment argued that "EPA must limitations on maximum discharges that decision could be made about the make its authorization decision on the can be authorized under a general sufficiency of those resources-the materials In the application, not on permit issued by TNRCC could affect approvability question. some new information submitted by the manner In which NPDES general The structure of the federal TNRCC after the comment period has permits transferred to the State for regulations themselves makes clear that begun."

administration will be handled at their the completeness determination is . Response: EPA does not agree. On its expiration. TNRCC will be notifying distinct from the approvability face, the comment appears to suggest dischargers authorized under the EPA determination. The regulations first that EPA is limited in its consideration issued general permits it assumes that require a decision as to whether or not to only the application, and may not their authorization to discharge in a package has been received that consider any information that came in excess of 500,000 gallons per day will Includes all required elements (the during the comment period; such a not be available under the replacement Governor's letter, program description, reading would negate the purpose of the TPDES general permit, when it Is Attorney General's statement, applicable comment period and cannot be correct.

issued, and they will need to apply for State laws and regulations, etc.), as Further, it Is not correct that EPA can coverage under an individual permit required at 40 CFR 123.21(a). Once EPA consider the comments of all members should they need authorization for decides that the State Program of the public other than the State. The discharges over that amount. The submission is complete, the statutory State is perhaps the most directly general permits with the most potential review period "for formal EPA review of affected member of the public on this to be authorizing discharges exceeding a proposed State Program under CWA" application, and has a great deal of 500,000 gallons per day are the storm shall be deemed to have begun (40 CFR information and insight Into the water general permits that EPA will be 123.21(b)(1)). EPA then embarks on a application package that might be administering until they expire (or second decision as to whether the helpful to EPA in reaching a decision earlier if replaced by a TPDES permit). complete package should be approved. and avoiding erroneous interpretations As discussed in responses to comments This distinction between the (especially of TNRCC statements); EPA on program resources for the storm completeness determination and the believes strongly that the State, like water program, TNRCC has requested approvability determination is also every other part of the public, is the additional resources to administer discussed in EPA guidance. welcome to file comments on this notice the storm water program using The regulations go on to provide that of a proposed program. Indeed, here individual permits due to the 500.000 if, during the statutory review period, as in almost every such case-the gallons per day limitation on its there Is a "material change" in a Agency specifically asked the State and authority regarding general permits. package previously determined to be other Interested parties to comment on complete, then the statutory review the many issues at stake in the approval

52. Issue: Appropriateness of EPA's period shall begin again upon receipt of decision.8 Completeness Determination the revised information (40 CFR If. as the comment suggests, the Several comments asserted that 123.21 (c)). This is consistent with receipt of mere clarifying comments additional information provided in generally accepted principles of notice (like those provided by the TNRCC) act comments submitted by TNRCC on July and-comment rulemaking. See Section to require the restarting of the statutory 27, 1998, indicate that the TPDES 553(b)-(d) of the Administrative review period and a new 45-day public application was not complete at the Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.A. § 553 (b)-(d); comment period, then the Agency and time of EPA's completeness ParalyzedVeterans of America v. West, the public would be faced with a never determination on May 7, 1998. 138 F.3d 1434 (1988); Asiana Airlinesv. ending do-loop of notice and comment Response: Contrary to the assertion of FAA, 328 US App. D.C. 237, 134 F.3d periods. As the courts have recognized these particular comments, EPA does 393 (1988); NationalElectric Mfrs. Assn. in the context of notice-and-comment not view the supplemental detail v. EPA, 321 US App. D.C. 319, 99 F.3d rulemakings, an agency must be able to provided by the State to call into 1170 (1996); FertilizerInst. v. US EPA, learn from the comments it receives question the completeness of the State's 290 US App. D.C. 184, 935 F2d 1303 without facing the peril of starting a application. There is a distinction (1991). However, EPA does not view the new round of comment. International between the "completeness" of the clarifications submitted by Texas as application and the "approvability" of constituting a material change in the SSee, e g. 63 FR at 33662 ("EPA will consider all the application. On May 7, 1998, the application. The additional detail comments on the TPDES program and/or its Agency determined that Texas' February provided was merely corroborative of approval in Its declslon"); 63 FR at 33664 ("EPA 5, 1998 program approval request (as the original application-the number of intends to seek clarification from the TNRCC regarding certain aspects of the Information supplemented by additional information persons assigned to the proposed provided Any additional comments by the public received on February 12, March 16, TPDES program did not change, and the will also be considered * * *.1)

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51183 HarvesterCo. v. Ruckelshaus, 478 F.2d of waters of the United States to waste under some circumstances, be 615, 632 n. 51 (D.C. Cir. 1973); City of treatment systems, perhaps because a considered a waste treatment system, Stoughton, Wis. v. U.S. EPA, 858 F.2d portion of 40 CFR 122.2, as codified, rendering discharges to that playa 747. 753 (D.C. Cir. 1988). Here, the appears to prohibit such conversions. beyond the ambit of CWA § 301(a) (but Agency concluded that the clarifying That portion of the regulation has been sometimes subjecting them to regulation information was not a material change long suspended. See 45 FR 48680 (July under other authority, e.g., the Resource in the application; however, because the 21, 1980). Currently, nothing in CWA Conservation and Recovery Act).

Agency had alerted the public that the § 402 or EPA's implementing Determining whether a specific playa additional details might be important to regulations perse prohibits using lake is a water of the United States or the final decision, EPA did provide impounded portions of naturally a waste treatment system is thus a interested parties an additional occurring surface waters as waste highly case-specific undertaking opportunity to provide comment to the treatment systems or, as sometimes requiring substantial judgment on the Agency on that information. Whereas a occurs, using an entire isolated water part of a permitting or enforcement 45-day comment period had been body as a waste treatment system. authority. See, e.g., 58 FR 7610, 7620 provided for public review of the entire Construction of improvements to 7621 (February 8. 1993).

4106-page application, members of the convert waters of the United States to As pointed out in the comment, there public had up to 27 days (for those at waste treatment systems frequently was a time when Texas viewed playas the public hearing) or up to 14 days requires an authorizing permit issued as privately owned waters not subject to (those notified only by mall) in which under CWA § 404, however, and may regulation under TWC, even though the to submit comments on the 20 pages of also be subject to regulation under State definition of "waters in the State" at detail provided by the State. EPA or local laws, such as TWC Chapter 11 TWC § 26.001 and "Surface water in the believes that this procedure gave all prohibition on impoundment or state" at 30 TAC 307.2(40) were (and interested parties a fair and ample diversion of State waters unless are) plainly broad enough to encompass opportunity to review the State's permitted. isolated waters. Since 1990, however, clarifying information on resources. EPA has promulgated no regulations the State has interpreted that statutory and little guidance on distinguishing definition as encompassing playas.

54. Issue: Use of Surface Waters as waste treatment systems from waters of Because Texas requires no interstate or Treatment Units Under State Law the United States. Whether or not a foreign commerce nexus, its assertion of Several comments contend that EPA particular discharge Is to a waste permit jurisdiction over playas is should disapprove the TPDES program treatment system or a water of the arguably broader than CWA's. Its because the universe of surface waters United States may occasionally thus current "Playa Lake Policy Statement" protected by Texas law is allegedly raise issues for resolution in permit or (Appendix 3-E of the Program Approval narrower than the universe protected by enforcement actions under NPDES Request), moreover suggests TNRCC CWA. According to these comments, programs. In In re Borden Inc., Colonial will not regard "new discharges of TNRCC allows some operators to use Sugars, 1 EAB 895,908-912, NPDES industrial and municipal wastewater to impoundments of naturally occurring Appeal No. 83-8 (September 25, 1984), playa lakes not previously authorized to waters and isolated waters (e.g. playa for instance, EPA rejected a discharger's be used as wastewater treatment or lakes for waste treatment purposes). claim that an unimpounded portion of retention facilities before July 10, 1991" They contend that the CWA prohibits a swamp was a .waste treatment as discharges to waste treatment such uses of "waters of the United system" in a permitting action, holding systems, a factor which arguably renders States" and that Texas's permitting that segregation of waste from the the State's policy more protective of the practices allow dischargers to avoid surrounding environment during ecological values and functions of imposition of appropriate regulatory treatment was an Indispensable natural playas than CWA and EPA controls. They claim EPA should condition for waste treatment. TNRCC regulations.

require TNRCC to adopt enforceable has a definition of waste treatment In one somewhat limited situation, regulations prohibiting the use of waters system in 30 TAC Chapter 307. EPA has however, TNRCC may be able to afford of the United States for waste treatment no reason to believe TNRCC's lack of less permit protection to playas than systems and procedures for identifying detailed guidance on waste treatment EPA. As pointed out by the comment, and correcting its past errors in allowing systems will render it unable to resolve TWC § 26.048 prohibits TNRCC from such use; several specific examples of such issues In TPDES permit actions. regulating animal feeding operation such alleged errors were provided. EPA acknowledges that difficult discharges to playas which commenced Response: As a practical matter, all issues may arise from application of the before the State asserted jurisdiction NPDES permitting agencies must waste treatment system exclusion to over them, an apparent legislative distinguish between waste treatment playa lakes (a.k.a. "playas") under both attempt to minimize potential systems and protected waters. federal and State law. In their natural disruption arising from changes in the Otherwise, they could not identify the state, playas are frequently ephemeral State's jurisdictional views. EPA physical location at which effluent and hydrologically separated from other considers such State laws in its own limitations apply. For this reason, EPA's surface waters. Under the CWA, isolated case-specific decisions on whether or definition of "waters of the United intrastate waters like playas are "waters not a given playa Is a waste treatment States" at 40 CFR 122.2 excludes "waste of the United States" only if their "use, system, but they are not necessarily a treatment systems" even though some of degradation, or destruction could affect controlling factor. See 58 FR 7621.

those systems have characteristics foreign." a factor which renders federal Hence. TNRCC may be statutorily similar to protected waters. With one jurisdiction over them case-specific (40 prohibited from regulating some animal exception Identified below, the CFR 122.2). Many playas possess the feeding operation discharges to playas comment's description of TNRCC's requisite commerce nexus, but those which EPA would find subject to regulatory practices appears consistent that lack It are not generally subject to regulation under CWA.Section III.B.8 of with that exclusion. regulation under the CWA. Moreover, the EPA/TNRCC MOA addresses this The comment incorrectly assumes an entire playa which would otherwise potential problem, essentially providing CWA affirmatively prohibits conversion be a water of the United States may, that EPA will continue to regulate

51184 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices R1 I discharges from concentrated animal discharges by allowing the use of the violations that are dealt with feeding operations to playa lakes which typically more efficient and faster inadequately by the State, and can are waters of the United States when general permit mechanisms. reconsider its approval of any program TNRCC lacks jurisdiction to apply the While EPA prefers to handle storm should the state prove unable to enforce TPDES program to them. Regulation of water discharges with general permits, federal requirements.

such discharges Is not a part of the Texas is not required to do so, provided TNRCC program EPA has approved In all discharges are regulated one way or 57. Issue: Improper Barrier to Criminal accordance with CWA § 402(n) (3). The the other. Once Texas has assumed Enforcement/Investigations comment provided examples of specific administration of the NPDES program, it One comment asserted that Texas law situations in which TNRCC has is required to fully implement and placed an improper barrier on criminal apparently applied a waste system adequately fund the approved program. enforcement and investigation.

treatment exclusion. In this response, Texas has made this commitment in Response: 40 CFR 123.27(a) and (b)

EPA Region 6 is not determining Section III.B.l. of the MOA which require the State to have specified whether or not those specific states: "It Is recognized that it is the authority to seek criminal remedies, applications were consistent with CWA TNRCC's responsibility after program including criminal fines. The amended or TWC. They may warrant further approval to run and manage the TPDES, Texas law does not impose barriers to consideration in future TPDES actions, Pretreatment, and Sewage Sludge criminal enforcement or impair the however. Programs with or without the assistance State's ability to use audit Information of federal funding." So long as these in a criminal investigation or

55. Issue: Statutory Limitations on objectives are fully met, EPA has no TPDES General Permits proceeding. The 1995 Texas audit authority to tell Texas that it cannot privilege act was specifically amended Both the regulated community and choose to use Individual permits in lieu In 1997 to limit application of the public interest groups expressed of general permits. Likewise, EPA privilege to "civil or administrative concerns over the impact of TNRCC's cannot preclude TNRCC from requiring proceedings," which cannot reasonably current lack of authority to issue general a shorter (i.e., more restrictive) Notice of be read as encompassing criminal permit authorizing more than 500,000 Intent period for its general permits (see investigations. Furthermore, new gallons per day. Those in the regulated 40 CFR 123.1(i)(1)). section 9(b) of the law removes any community were primarily concerned 56. Issue: Failure to Require Texas To limit on the state's ability to review any with the Impact this would have in Acknowledge EPA Interpretations of the information that is required to be made effective and timely permitting of storm Audit Privilege Act in its Application available under federal or state law water and CAFO discharges, which. for NPDES Authorization prior. Those requirements encompass depending on rainfall and size of a virtually all information that is relevant facility, could easily require One comment asserted that EPA should have required TNRCC to to program operation, leaving the state authorization for more than 500,000 explicitly with ample authority to conduct both gallons of runoff in a single day. The agree to EPA's interpretation of the Texas Audit privilege act In Its civil and criminal investigations lack of resources to write individual application for NPDES authorization. without the encumbrance of a prior permits for storm water discharges and Response: This comment does not hearing to determine whether or not the larger CAFOs and the resulting impact make clear what EPA interpretations of material can be viewed.

on TNRCC's other permitting activities the Texas audit privilege act [Tex. Civ.

was a major concern for public interest 58. Issue: Improper Barrier to Statute art. 4447cc (1988)] the State Emergency Orders/Injunctive Relief groups. Other limitations on TNRCC's must acknowledge In Its NPDES current general permit authority, authorization application. Texas has One comment asserted that Texas law especially the requirement for 30 days submitted a Statement of Legal established an improper barrier to advance notice of intent to be covered Authority for the Texas National emergency orders and injunctive relief.

by a TPDES general permit was a Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Response: 40 CFR 123.27(a) requires particular concern for developers and Program (including the March 13, 1998, the State to have the authority to the construction industry. supplement) (Texas Legal Statement) restrain immediately unauthorized Response: EPA agrees that the current and related program implementation activities which are endangering or limitations on TNRCC's general permit documents. These documents describe causing damage to public health or the authority placed on it by statute could the content of the Texas audit privilege environment and to seek In court to hamper effective Implementation of act as well as the process by which EPA enjoin any threatened or continuing especially the storm water program. and the State discussed needed changes violation of any program requirement.

This Is one of the primary reasons that to the 1995 Texas audit privilege act, Neither the original 1995 Texas law nor EPA agreed to retain administration of which were ultimately enacted by the the 1997 amendments have any Impact storm water permits that it had already Texas Legislature in 1997. The Texas on the State's ability to issue emergency issued at least until they expire. This Legal Statement certifies that Texas law orders or obtain injunctive relief.

will give Texas the time to choose how (including the audit privilege act) Section 10 of the law provides to best administer the storm water provides the State with adequate Immunity from administrative and civil permitting program. For example, Texas authority to operate the NPDES penalties, and the definition of could choose to provide TNRCC with program, and EPA agrees that the state "penalty" in section 3(a) excludes the the resources that would be required to law can reasonably be read as providing concept of injunctive authority.

issue Individual permits to the large the State with such authority. Further, Furthermore, section 10(b) does not number of storm water discharges in a EPA can correct any problems which extend immunity to situations which timely manner. Alternatively, Texas may arise in the Implementation of pose an imminent and substantial risk could choose to change the statutes needed authorities through its oversight of serious injury or harm to human limiting TNRCC's general permit role once an NPDES program is health or the environment, as provided.

authority; creating the option to reduce authorized. Under federal law, as As noted above, Texas can obtain access the resources that TNRCC would need explained above, EPA can take to all information required to be made for the large number of storm water independent action to address any available.

51185 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday. September 24, 1998/Notices

59. Issue: Limits on TNRCC's Ability to section 308 of the Clean Water Act, 33 reasonable diligence after discovery of Review of Certain Audit Documents (No U.S.C. 1318. In particular, section 308 noncompliance." Section 5(d) also Authority to Copy or Use Information) provides EPA with broad authority to allows persons who participate in the One comment asserted that the Texas inspect, monitor, enter, and require audit and observe physical events of reports to verify compliance with Clean noncompliance to testify about those Audit privilege act improperly limited Water Act effluent limitations and events. Section 9(c) of the Texas law the ability of TNRCC to copy or use gives the public the right to obtain any standards. In addition, 40 CFR 123.25(a) information in audit documents. requires the State to have the authority information in the State's possession Response: Section 402(b) of the Clean to issue and to administer the program required to be made available under Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1342(b), requires federal or Texas law, irrespective of consistent with specific permitting the State to have the authority to requirements, including requirements of whether or not it Is privileged under inspect, monitor, enter, and require 40 CFR 122.41 to allow the permitting Texas law.

reports to the same extent as EPA under authority access to determine section 308 of the Clean Water Act, 33 62. Issue: TNRCC Has Not Determined compliance. See also 40 CFR 123.26. Who Has Used the Law or How it Has U.S.C. 1318. See also 40 CFR 123.26. Section 8(a) (1) of Texas's audit privilege Section 8 (a) (1) of Texas's law provides Affected TNRCC Enforcement act provides that privilege does not that privilege does not apply to apply to "information required by a One comment asserted that TNRCC "information required by a regulatory regulatory agency to be collected, had not determined who had used the agency to be collected, developed, developed, maintained, or reported Texas Audit privilege act or assessed its maintained, or reported under a federal under a federal or state environmental effect on TNRCC enforcement.

or state environmental * *

  • law." This * *
  • law." Section 9(b) of the statute Response: A condition precedent to exclusion applies to information. gives the State the opportunity "to obtaining Immunity from civil penalty, including data, required to be collected, review Information that is required to be Is to provide notice to the TNRCC of the developed, maintained, or reported to available under a specific state or intent to conduct an audit. This notice the State or the public. Section 9(b) of federal law * * *." The Texas Legal must precede the audit. TNRCC then the Texas statute also gives the State the Statement also certifies that the State makes a record of this notice and makes opportunity "to review information that has the authority to apply recording, this information available to the public is required to be available under a reporting, monitoring, entry, inspection, upon request. Furthermore, when a specific state or federal law * * *"'The and sampling requirements. (See page company intends to disclose violations review does not waive the existing 15 and following.) These aspects of discovered In an audit, this is provided privilege for this Information. The Texas Texas law provide the State with to TNRCC in the form of a second law, however, also contains relevant adequate authority to access evidence to notice. TNRCC also records this constraints on this narrow privilege. determine whether or not violations information and makes this available to Section 7(a) (3) makes the privilege have been corrected. the public if requested. TNRCC unavailable where "appropriate efforts maintains an inventory of these two to achieve compliance with the law 6 1. Issue: Improper Barrier to Public notices in the form of an were not promptly initiated and Participation in State Enforcement Due "Environmental Audit Log" which is pursued with reasonable diligence after to Privilege Afforded to Information updated monthly and, upon request, is discovery of noncompliance" so that Required To Be Made Public mailed to individuals who ask to be access Is provided to information One comment asserted that the Texas added to the mailing list for this log.

needed to verify such compliance. audit privilege act's limitations on what EPA does not receive information Section 5(d) also allows persons who Information regarding the audit was specific to how TNRCC is or Is not participate in the audit and observe required to be made public placed tracking the impact of this law on physical events of noncompliance to Improper barriers to public participation enforcement. The State Is, however, testify about those events. in State enforcement actions. conducting an audit of general Thus, in general under the Texas law, Response: As discussed above, section enforcement and has included steps to the State may review, obtain, and use 8(a) (1) of Texas's law provides that review Impacts of the audit privilege required information. In limited privilege does not apply to "Information act. Caroline Maclay Beyer of the circumstances, however, where the required by a regulatory agency to be TNRCC Is the contact for this audit in information Is not required to be collected, developed, maintained, or the Office of Internal Audit. This audit collected, developed, maintained, or reported under a federal or state should be complete and a report should reported, but is otherwise required to be environmental * *

  • law." This be available for public review in early made available, the State may still exclusion applies to information, September 1998. This is an issue which obtain access to that information. Including data, required to be collected. EPA may address, as appropriate, in developed, maintained, or reported to oversight of the Texas NPDES program
60. Issue: Improper Barrier To Access the State or the public. Section 9(b) of Evidence To Determine Whether the Texas statute also gives the State the 63. Issue: TNRCC Direction to Violations Have Been Corrected opportunity "to review information that Employees to Not Seek Audits Due to One comment asserted that the Texas Is required to be available under a Risk of Criminal Sanctions Audit privilege act placed improper specific state or federal law * * *." The One comment alleged that TNRCC barriers to accessing evidence to review, however, does not expressly had instructed its employees not to seek determine whether violations waive the existing privilege for this access to audits because of fears that discovered during a self-audit had been Information. The Texas law, however, such request would result in criminal corrected. also contains relevant constraints on liability under the Texas Audit privilege Response: Section 402(b) of the Clean this narrow privilege. Section 7(a) (3) act.

Water Act, 33 U.S C. 1342(b), requires makes the privilege unavailable where Response: The TNRCC guidance the State to have the same authority to "appropriate efforts to achieve document on audits states that no inspect, monitor, enter, and require compliance with the law were not employee should request, review, reports to the same extent as EPA under promptly Initiated and pursued with accept, or use an audit report during an

R I 2Lt 51186 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices inspection without first consulting the certain specified elements. Within 30 reviewing applications submitted by the Legal-Litigation Division. days of receiving such a submission, States of Arkansas, Louisiana and

64. Issue: Limitations on Whistleblower EPA is required to notify the State as to Oklahoma, and did not preclude the Protections whether or not the State's submission is public from participating In the process.

complete (any material change in the The State's final application, Including One comment asserted that the Texas States' submission restarts the clock). If any changes or supplements submitted Audit privilege act restricted EPA declares the submission complete, as a result of discussions with EPA, was whistleblower protection afforded EPA has 90 days from the date of receipt noticed in the Federal Register, and the employees under Federal Law. of the State's submission to make a public was given ample opportunity to Response: Section 6(e) of the Texas decision as to whether to approve or comment, both in writing and at the audit privilege act, as added in 1997, disapprove the program. Once a public hearing held on July 27, 1998.

provides as follows: "Nothing in this submission is declared complete, 40 Moreover, as discussed earlier, section shall be construed to circumvent CFR 123.61 requires EPA to publish interested parties were given an the protections provided by Federal or notice of the State's request for program additional opportunity of up to four state law for Individuals that disclose approval in the Federal Register, weeks to comment on the State's July information to law enforcement 27th clarifications regarding information authorities." Thus, it preserves all provide a comment period of not less than 45 days, and provide for a public on programmatic resources.

employee disclosure protections hearing to be held within the State not currently afforded under state or federal 66. Issue: Improper Conditional law. Federal law protects individuals less than 30 days after notice is Approval published in the Federal Register. EPA who report violations or illegal activity, Some comments note that States are must approve or disapprove the State's or who commence, testify or assist In required to have the statutory and legal proceedings from liability, program based on the requirements of the CWA and Part 123, and taking Into regulatory authority necessary to criminal prosecution, or adverse Implement the NPDES program in place employment actions. See 33 U.S.C. consideration all comments received.

and lawfully adopted at the time of

§ 1367 (CWA). In addition, federal EPA has followed all of the authorization, and argue that EPA disclosure protection provisions have procedures set forth by the CWA and should disapprove the TPDES program been interpreted so broadly as to EPA regulations in making a decision on because the TNRCC does not currently include employee disclosures to local the State of Texas' application for have the regulatory authority to authorities, the media, citizens' approval of the TPDES program. EPA administer the program for which it organizations, and internal employee finished Its completeness review within seeks authorization. The comments disclosures to the employer. See e.g., 30 days of receipt of the last material contend that EPA does not have the Dodd v. PolysarLatex, 88-SWD-4 change in the State's application, authority to "conditionally approve" the (Sec'y Sept. 22, 1994); Helmstetterv. published the proposed program for a program, contingent on promises of PacificGas & Electric Co.. 91-TSC-1 45-day public comment period in the future legislation.

(Sec'y Jan. 13, 1993); Nunn v. Duke Federal Register, and held a public The comments base this argument on Power Co.. 84-ERA-27 (Sec'y July 30, hearing in Austin, Texas, on July 27, a contention that although Texas 1987); Poulosv. AmbassadorFuel Oil, 1998, more than 30 days after Indicates that it Intends to regulate some 86-CAA-1 (Sec'y Apr. 27, 1987); publication of notice of the hearing in discharges by general permit or rule, it Wedderspoonv. City of CedarRapids, the Federal Register. It is true that, does not currently have in place any Ia., 80-WPC-1 (Sec'yjuly 28, 1980). following the State's submittal of the general permits or adequate permits by Thus, under section 6(e), all of these program approval application, EPA rule. In addition, these comments argue federal protections remain. continued to ask questions of the State that because TNRCC has the authority to (e.g., citations to State law) and seek issue general permits only for

65. Issue: Improper Procedures for clarifying information (e g., further Review of the Texas Application discharges less than 500,000 gallons in details on the management of dedicated any 24-hour period, TNRCC cannot Some comments contend that EPA resource), and as a result, clarifications assume administration of EPA-issued violated the procedures set forth in the have been provided by the State to EPA. general permits. Further, the comments CWA and EPA regulations by engaging However, there is nothing in either the contend that even If TNRCC did have in predecisional negotiations with the CWA or 40 CFR Part 123 which the authority to assume administration TNRCC over certain aspects of the State prohibits such an ongoing exchange of of EPA-issued permits, it would not Program. The comments argue that these information between EPA and a State have authority to enforce those permits.

predecisional negotiations created an seeking NPDES authorization. Open Response: EPA does not propose to unreasonable barrier to public communication between EPA and the "conditionally approve" the TPDES participation in the authorization State regarding questions of State law or program, contingent on promises of process. policy is critical to EPA's ability to future legislation. Section 402(b) of the Response: Section 402(b) of the CWA make an informed and accurate decision CWA requires that all of the authorities requires EPA to approve a State's on authorization. Such communication listed under that section must be In full request for NPDES authorization also plays an essential role in helping force and effect before EPA may approve provided the State has appropriate legal States meet the requirements of the a State Program. The authorities listed authority, procedures, and resources to CWA and 40 CFR Part 123, thereby under Section 402(b) Include, among meet the requirements of the Act. The enabling EPA to authorize states In other things, the authority to issue regulatory requirements for State accordance with Congress' intent that permits which apply, and insure Program approval, including the states be primarily responsible for compliance with, applicable procedures EPA must follow in administering the NPDES program. The requirements of the CWA. As noted on approving or denying a State's request, procedures followed by EPA Region 6 in page 4 of the Texas Attorney General's are set out at 40 CFR Part 123. 40 CFR reviewing the State of Texas' Statement, State law gives the TNRCC 123.21 requires a State to submit to EPA application were consistent with the the authority to issue permits for the a program submission containing procedures used by the Region in discharge of pollutants by existing and

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday. September 24, 1998/Notices 51187 new point sources to the same extent as 67. Issue: Authority to Regulate (Reckless Unauthorized Discharge and the permit program administered by Discharges Such as Storm Water by Endangerment), and 26.121 to enforce EPA, with the exception of those Individual Permit any license, certificate, registration, discharges not within the TNRCC's Some comments contend that TNRCC approval or other form of authorization regulatory jurisdiction. See TWC does not have the regulations necessary issued under any statute within the

§ 26.027 (Text of section effective upon to regulate discharges such as storm TNRCC's jurisdiction or a rule, order or authorization of NPDES permit water by Individual permit. permit issued under such a statute.

authority), which provides that the Response: In 30 TAC 281.25(4), Therefore, the TNRCC has authority to TNRCC may issue permits for the TNRCC adopted by reference EPA's enforce EPA-Issued permits adopted by discharge of waste or pollutants into or storm water regulations found at 40 CFR the TNRCC.

adjacent to water in the state, and TWC 122.26. 69. Issue: Added Burden of Proving

§ 26.121(d) (Text of section effective Harm to Receiving Waters upon authorization of NPDES permit 68. Issue: Authority To Enforce EPA authority, which provides that any such Issued Permits Some comments argue that EPA discharge not authorized by the Some comments argue that EPA should disapprove the TPDES program Commission is a violation of the Code). should disapprove the TPDES program because Texas law limits the ability of because the TNRCC lacks the authority the TNRCC to enforce against certain In addition, as discussed on pages 6 unpermitted discharges, because of the and 7 of the Attorney General's to enforce EPA-issued NPDES permits. added burden of proving harm to the Statement, TWC § 26.040 gives TNRCC The comments argue that the Texas receiving waters.

authority to issue general permits Water Code gives the TNRCC the Response: EPA assumes the Section 26.040 also allows the TNRCC authority only to enforce permits comments are concerned with the text to continue to authorize some "issued by the commission," and that, of TWC § 26 121 (a) (Text of section discharges by permits by rule. The fact as a result, TNRCC does not have the effective until authorization of NPDES that TNRCC states in the MOA that It authority to assume primary permit authority). which prohibits may exercise this general permitting enforcement authority over certain certain discharges that by themselves or authority at some point In the future is permits already Issued by EPA, as in conjunction with other discharges or not, in EPA's view, a violation of CWA provided for In the proposed MOA. activities, cause, continue to cause or

§ 402(b). If for some reason, the These comments also contend that will cause pollution of any water in the permitting of these discharges by TNRCC cannot enforce the federal state. This section would be problematic general permit turns out to be general permits for CAFOs and storm if It were to remain in effect after inappropriate, TNRCC still has the water, which EPA assumes to be the NPDES authorization. However, the authority, as required by § 402(b), to same issue. Texas legislature amended TWC issue Individual permits for these Response: 30 TAC 305.533 states that § 26.121 in 1977 to include subsections discharges (See Attorney General's on the date of TNRCC's assumption of (d) and (e) effective upon authorization Statement at page 7). Nothing in the the NPDES permit program, the State of the NPDES program. Subsection (d) of CWA requires a State to permit by adopts all EPA permits, except those Texas Water Code 26.121 (Text of general permit. over which EPA retains jurisdiction as section effective upon authorization of specified in the MOA. Section 305.533 NPDES permit authority) provides that With regard to the contention that was adopted under the authority of TNRCC cannot assume administration no person may discharge any pollutant, TWC § 26.121, under which discharges sewage, municipal waste, recreational of EPA-issued general permits because to surface water are prohibited except TNRCC has the authority to issue waste, or industrial waste from any by authorization of the TNRCC. Such point source into any water of the state, general permits only for discharges less "authorization of the TNRCC" is not than 500,000 gallons In any 24-hour except as authorized by the TNRCC. As limited to permits Issued by the TNRCC. discussed in the Attorney General's period, EPA disagrees. 30 TAC 305.533 Sections 5.102 and 5.103 of the Texas specifically provides that TNRCC adopts Statement, pp. 4-5. the definitions of Water Code authorize the TNRCC to "pollutant" and "point source" are all EPA permits. While it Is true that adopt rules necessary to carry out its Texas Water Code 26.040 precludes found at TWC § 26.001(13) and (21), and powers and duties and to perform any those definitions track the definitions TNRCC from issuing general permits for act necessary and convenient to exercise discharges of more than 500,000 gallons found in CWA § 502 and 40 CFR 122.2.

its powers under the Water Code and Therefore, given the amendments to in any 24-hour period, this does not other laws. This Includes permits issued preclude TNRCC from assuming EPA's TWC § 26.121 that became effective by EPA, including federal general upon authorization of the NPDES general permits covering discharges permits for CAFOs and storm water. The over 500,000 gallons as part of the program, EPA does not believe that TNRCC has authority under Chapters 7 Texas law provides for an added burden assumption of the NPDES program. and 26 of the Texas Water Code, After the EPA-issued permits expire, of showing harm to the receiving waters.

specifically sections 7.001 (Definitions),

TNRCC will be required to Issue 7.002 (Enforcement Authority), 7.032 70. Issue: Reporting and Enforcement individual permits to those facilities (Injunctive Relief), 7.051 for Spills more Limited under State law that are not eligible for TNRCC-issued (Administrative Penalty), 7.101 general permits. Some comments argue that EPA (Violation), 7.105 (Civil Suit), 7.145 should disapprove the TPDES program Finally, as to the comments' argument (Intentional or Knowing Unauthorized because reporting and enforcement for that, even if TNRCC did have the Discharge), 7.146 (Discharge from a spills In Section 26.039 is linked to a authority to assume administration of Point Source), 7.147 (Unauthorized determination of harm (i.e., cause EPA-issued permits, it would not have Discharge), 7.152 (Intentional or pollution) and is therefore more limited authority to enforce those permits, the Knowing Unauthorized Discharge and than EPA's minimum federal TNRCC's authority to enforce EPA Knowing Endangerment), 7.153 requirements for State NPDES programs.

issued permits is discussed in detail (Intentional or Knowing Unauthorized Response: TWC § 26.039 does speak later In EPA's response to comments. Discharge and Endangerment), 7.154 to and provide reporting requirements

51188 Federal Register/Vol. 63. No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices for accidental discharges or spills that no. TWC § 26.121(d) (see text effective 73. Issue: TNRCC Has Promulgated cause or may cause pollution. However, upon authorization of NPDES permit Invalid Rules this provision does not limit the authority) provides that no person may TNRCC's authority to enforce against One comment argues that TNRCC has discharge, among other things, any promulgated invalid rules regulating those who violate the Texas Water Code, pollutant from any point source into any a TNRCC rule, permit, order or other water and air pollution under the water of the state, except as authorized requirements of Texas law. The authorization. Section 26.039(d) states, by the TNRCC. This subsection was "nothing in this section exempts any comment contends that TNRCC failed to added by the Texas legislature to index its rules to the statutes upon person from complying with or being address discharges under the NPDES subject to any other provision of this which they are based as required by program, and is controlling over all Texas Government Code, Section chapter." The TNRCC can still enforce against a person who violates Texas point sources regulated under that 2001.004. and as a result, that most of Water Code 26.121. TWC § 26.121 (d) program and within the regulatory the regulations referenced in the TPDES provides that no person may discharge jurisdiction of the TNRCC. Point source program are invalid under State law and any pollutant, sewage, municipal waste, dischargers discharging in violation of thus do not satisfy the requirements for recreational waste, or industrial waste Section 26.121(d) would be subject to State permit programs.

from any point source into any water of civil and criminal penalties under the Response: Since the TNRCC rules that the state, except as authorized by the TPDES program regardless of whether or are referenced in the TPDES application TNRCC. All point sources regulated not they were acting in compliance with have not been ruled to be invalid in a under the NPDES program and within an approved water pollution and court of law, they may be relied on to the regulatory jurisdiction of the TNRCC abatement plan. meet the statutory requirements of a are subject to this provision, and thus State permit program. According to may discharge only in compliance with 72. Issue: State Law Controlling Over TNRCC, all rules adopted by the TNRCC authorization from the TNRCC. 30 TAC Federal Law cite the statutory authority under which 305.125 sets out standard permit they are adopted in the preamble to the Some comments contend that the rule (published in the Texas Register) conditions for permits Issued by the MOA impermissibly states that, in case TNRCC, which include requirements, and this citation serves as an Index to including reporting requirements, of inconsistency, State law controls over the statutory basis.

consistent with the minimum federal federal law. The comments base this requirements found at 40 CFR 122.41. argument on Section III.A.7 of the MOA, 74. Issue: Unconstitutional Delegation of which provides that "TNRCC will Texas Legislative Power All TPDES permittees would be subject to these reporting requirements, which utilize EPA national and regional One comment contends that the are not linked to a determination of policies and guidance to the extent there legislative authority TNRCC cites under harm and are therefore not more limited is no conflict with Texas statutes, a the Texas Water Code and the Texas than EPA's minimum federal specific State policy, or guidance Health and Safety Code is so broad and requirements for State NPDES programs. adopted by TNRCC." ill-defined as to constitute an unconstitutional delegation of

71. Issue: Legal Authority or Procedures Response: Section 402(b) of the CWA legislative power. The comment To Assess and Collect Adequate requires a State seeking NPDES references Attorney General Opinion Penalties authorization to have statutory and DM474 (1998) as providing that the Some comments argue that Texas has regulatory authority at least as stringent Texas Legislature may delegate its not shown that it has the legal authority as the federal requirements set out powers to State agencies, but only if it or procedures to assess and collect under that section and 40 CFR 123.25. establishes "reasonable standards to adequate penalties because TNRCC's The State of Texas has demonstrated the guide the entity to which the powers are authority to seek civil and criminal required statutory and regulatory delegated." The comment argues that penalties for violations by federal authority. Also, in cases where both the delegated authority cited by the facilities and cities does not appear to State and federal permits are effective TNRCC (e.g., § 5.103 of the Texas Water be resolved. for the same discharge or where Code, which states that "It]he Response: EPA is not aware of any generally State and federal law apply, Commission shall adopt any rules outstanding concerns over TNRCC's the State assures that TNRCC will fulfill necessary to carry out its powers and authority to seek civil and criminal the requirements of the CWA and duties under this code and other laws of penalties for violations by federal federal regulations and any other State this state") does not establish such facilities or cities. Due to the vagueness provisions that are more stringent. See, reasonable standards. As a result, the of the comment, EPA can only surmise e.g., MOA, Chapter 1, p. 13 (Section comment contends that the TNRCC has that the comments may be concerned III.C.2. b). Although for the sake of limited standing to promulgate the about TWC § 26.121 (a) (2) (B), which national consistency EPA strongly regulations necessary to satisfy the provides that except as authorized by encourages States Implementing an requirements for approval.

the TNRCC, no person may discharge NPDES program to do so in accordance Response: The Texas Attorney certain wastes meeting certain General has opined in his Statement of conditions, unless the discharge with EPA policies and guidance, there is nothing In either the CWA or 40 CFR Legal Authority for the TPDES complies with a person's "water application that Texas laws provide the pollution and abatement plan approved Part 123 that requires them to do so. required legal authority to administer by the Commission." A question has Therefore, TNRCC's statement in the the program. Neither TNRCC nor EPA been raised in the past as to whether or MOA that it will utilize EPA's policies have the authority to determine the not this provision acts to shield persons and guidance only to the extent they do Constitutionality of laws passed by the discharging in compliance with an not conflict with Texas law or policy or Texas Legislature. These laws are in approved water pollution and TNRCC guidance is not in conflict with effect until either ruled unconstitutional abatement plan from enforcement under the requirements for NPDES in a court of law or repealed by the the TPDES program. The short answer is authorization. Texas Legislature.

el-11 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51189 Program Element-Specific Issues permits at any time for any storm water 77. Issue: TPDES Permit Application Storm Water discharge determined to be contributing Requirements for Storm Water to violation of a water quality standard Discharges

75. Issue: Storm Water Program Not or to be a significant contributor of One municipality asked whether Specifically Mentioned in Scope of pollutants to waters of the United States TPDES application requirements for Authorization CWA § 402(p) (6) required EPA to individual permits for storm water One comment expressed concern that promulgate regulations identifying discharges and TNRCC's processing the TPDES application did not which of the remaining storm water program for these permits would be specifically identify the NPDES storm discharges would be regulated in order reviewed and approved by EPA and water program in the Scope of to protect water quality. Regulations for whether or not there would be Authorization section of the MOA. this "Phase II" of the storm water opportunity for public comment.

Response: The NPDES storm water program were proposed January 9, 1998, Response: As stated in the TPDES program under CWA § 402(p) (40 CFR (63 FR 1536) and are expected to be permitting program description (Chapter 122.26) is simply a subset of the basic finalized In March 1999. 3, Section A.1), TNRCC will utilize NPDES permitting program established Nowhere does the CWA totally EPA's existing application format for by CWA § 402 (40 CFR 122). By exempt smaller municipal separate Municipal Separate Storm Sewer requesting authorization to administer storm sewer systems from NPDES System (MS4) applications from the NPDES permitting program, TNRCC permit requirements; it only delays medium or large municipal systems.

when applications are due and requires Any permit application forms used by by definition included a request for EPA to issue regulation defining the authorization for the storm water TNRCC, while not necessarily Identical universe of dischargers that will be to the forms used by EPA, will require component of NPDES. The MOA (e.g.. regulated under Phase II. Municipal Section II.A.2.d), permit program the same information required by 40 Separate Storm Sewer Systems, as CFR 122.26. TNRCC will update Its description (e.g..Section I.A.), and the defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b), may be statement of legal authority (e.g., page 3) owned or operated by one or more regulations (required by 40 123.62) and of the TPDES application all contain application forms (as needed) after municipal entities, including some that promulgation of new NPDES numerous references to TNRCC's are under the 100,000 population cutoff, authority and procedures to regulate regulations, including those for Phase II provided the population served by the of the storm water program. Failure of storm water discharges and how NPDES entire system is 100,000 or more.

storm water permits will be transferred the State to update regulations to Therefore, EPA and NPDES-authorized conform to new Federal statutes or to TNRCC for administration. TNRCC states have always had full authority to adopted EPA's 40 CFR 122.26 storm regulations is one of the grounds for regulate any size of municipal separate withdrawal of program authorization water regulations by reference at 30 storm sewer systems and any storm TAC 281.25(4). under 40 CFR 123.63(a)(1)(i).

water point source discharges on a case TNRCC has adopted 40 CFR 122.26 by

76. Issue: TNRCC's Authority Over by-case basis, reference at 30 TAC 281.25(4).

MS4s As specifically provided in 40 CFR Therefore, application requirements for 123.1 (i), a State is not precluded from TPDES individual storm water permits One comment noted that Texas has adopting or enforcing requirements that authority to regulate municipal separate are more stringent than those required are the same as those for NPDES storm sewers from municipalities with permits. TNRCC's application forms are under the NPDES program. The State is found in Appendices 3-A and 3-B of as few as 10,000 population and also not precluded from operating a requested an explanation of the reason the TPDES application. Both sets of program with a greater scope of documents were provided for EPA of this apparent inconsistency with the coverage than the NPDES program.

NPDES storm water program. Another review and for public comment as part EPA's decision on program approval can of the TPDES application. Revisions of comment noted that while TNRCC has only be based on whether or not the authority to regulate municipal an approved State Program, including minimum criteria for a State Program those necessary to respond to future storm water discharges under State law, have been met, and the fact that a State the regulatory process under TWC changes in controlling statutes or may have the authority to regulate regulations are subject to the EPA

§ 26.177 was not consistent with NPDES discharges not regulated by the NPDES requirements. An explanation of how approval, public notice, and public program is immaterial. TNRCC has comment requirements of 40 CFR the two programs would Integrate was committed to implement the TPDES requested. The comment also 123.62.

program in a manner consistent with There is no special processing questioned whether or not TNRCC's Federal requirements and has adopted authority extended to municipalities program for storm water permits. All the NPDES storm water regulations at 40 TPDES permits follow the processing, under 10,000 population. CFR 122.26 by reference via 30 TAC Response: First, EPA would like to EPA review, and public comment 281.25(4). procedures described in the MOA and eliminate any misunderstandings TWC § 26.177(a) provides that the regarding NPDES authority over the permitting program description TNRCC may require a city of more than (Chapter 3 of the TPDES Application).

municipal separate storm sewer 10,000 population to establish a water systems. In 1987. Congress added pollution control and abatement 78. Issue: TPDES Regulation of State section 402(p) to the CWA, specifically program for "water pollution that is and Federal Storm Water Discharges requiring EPA to move forward, in attributable to non-permittedsources A municipality asked whether federal phases, with permitting of point source * * *." (emphasis added). Thus, any and State facilities engaged in industrial discharges of storm water under the source of water pollution that is activities normally regulated under the NPDES program. Section 402(p)(I) required to be permitted Is outside the federal NPDES storm water program outlined the discharges that would be scope of the municipal water pollution would also be required to obtain permits required to be permitted in Phase I. but control and abatement program under the TPDES program.

section 402 (p)(2) (E) specifically implemented by TNRCC under TWC Response: All facilities subject to provides the authority to require §26.177. regulation under the NPDES program

51190 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices that are under the jurisdiction of TNRCC CAFOs has invalidated the State's Subchapter K will require TPDES permits. There is no 81. Issue: Concentrated Animal Feeding rules, a potential outcome of the special exemption for federal or State Operations (CAFOs) Not Within litigation cited by the State in this facilities under the TPDES program. TNRCC's Jurisdiction portion of the MOA. Although EPA is (See 30 TAC 281.25(4) and 40 CFR concerned that the State has lost one of 122.26) Some citizens and TNRCC question its regulatory mechanisms to provide EPA's assertion that it (EPA). will retain facilities with coverage under their State

79. Issue: TPDES Public Education and jurisdiction over CAFOs for which Program, It Is not an impediment to Outreach TNRCC may not have authority. Citizens TNRCC adopting EPA's CAFO permit have expressed concern that the MOA is for these point sources. If any facility One comment asked whether TNRCC unclear on this point. They also express would provide some type of education concern over parts of the MOA (Section believes it would have discharges and outreach program focused on the III.C.4.) in which the State commits to totaling 500,000 gallons in a 24-hour TPDES regulated community? making only those changes to period it would still be eligible for the EPA CAFO permit administered by Response: While EPA certainly Subchapter B and K rules consistent TNRCC. When the EPA-issued general supports outreach and public education, with NPDES requirements. The permit expires, these facilities should such programs are not a required comment expresses the opinion that notify TNRCC and obtain individual element of a State Program. However, EPA and the State have proposed a TPDES permit coverage.

TNRCC does have a Compliance scheme which will allow the State to State programs are dynamic and are Support Division which is responsible adopt equivalent regulations after always changing in accordance with for hosting technical assistance related program assumption. changes to NPDES regulations and workshops and conferences to those Response: EPA agrees that the needs of the State. Changes in State regulated by the TNRCC and for portions of the MOA which describe programs must be reviewed and manning a technical assistance hotline TNRCC's jurisdiction over CAFOs may approved by EPA. This provision in the to assist tnorcement local government. TNRCC's not be clear to persons who are MOA describes a mechanism to ensure localigovisiont.

alo pr s unfamiliar with Texas statutes which Enforcement Division also provides "grandfather" older CAFOs discharging that any changes would be appropriate technical assistance. (TPDES Chapter 2. into playa lakes under certain under the CWA. EPA believes it is clear page 2-13). EPA recommends conditions Pursuant to State statute (see from this provision that any changes to contacting TNRCC directly with TWC Section 26.048), CAFOs that the Subchapter B and K rules would requests for public education and before July 10, 1991 (the effective date have to be approved by EPA as outreach programs to meet specific of TNRCC's adoption of related consistent with NPDES requirements needs of the regulated community. revisions to the Texas Surface Water before it would be Implemented in the TPDES program.

80. Issue: Access to Storm Water Notice Quality Standards, 30 TAC Chapter 307) of Intent Databases were authorized by TNRCC to use, and 82. Issue: Invalidated Subchapter K actually used. a playa lake. that does not Rules One comment asked whether TNRCC feed into any other surface water in the Several comments express concern would maintain a TPDES database [on State, as a wastewater retention facility that Texas requirements under facilities authorized under a storm water are not subject to water quality Subchapter K were Invalidated by the general permit] accessible to the public, standards or other requirements for court, and therefore, the program cannot such as the Region 6 storm water Notice discharges to waters In the state. This be fully effective at the time of of Intent database. statute effectively restricts TNRCC's authorization.
EPA will continue to authority over these discharges. On the Response: Subchapter K is a TNRCC Response: e multi neral other hand, regardless of the historical administer the multi-sector general usasatemntytmoepaa authorization by rule which allows sormasociaed ith permt fr ate use as a treatment system, some playa animal feeding operations to meet their permit for storm water associated with lakes are considered to be waters of the industrial activity and the construction United States Therefore, under the State requirements, but it is not a general permit for runoff from CWA, CAFOs may not have TPDES permitting action. In the MOA, construction projects until they expire TNRCC agreed to assume and unpermitted discharges to such playas. administer the Region 6 CAFO general in September 2000 and July 2003, EPA and Texas were aware that, If one respectively (or earlier if replaced by a permit, when finalized, and may modify of these "grandfathered" CAFOs Is this permit to include State provisions TPDES permit). EPA will continue to found to be discharging to a playa lake maintain and make available its NOI that is also considered to be a water of that are more stringent than EPA general permit provisions. Individual facilities database during this period and will the U.S., TNRCC may not have the will be required to seek either an provide TNRCC with updates of the authority to take permitting or individual permit or authorization by database periodically. All Information enforcement action with respect to those rule if the facility Is not included as part on TPDES permits will generally be discharges to the playa. While neither of the category of discharges allowed available from TNRCC under the Texas EPA nor TNRCC are aware of any under the general permit. As to Public Information Act (Local grandfathered CAFOs which fit this authorizations by rule, Subchapter K Government Code Chapter 552) and 30 exemption, and both agencies hope that was the subject of litigation pending in TAC 305.45-305.46. EPA recommends no CAFO is discharging to a water of the State district court, and has been contacting TNRCC directly with U.S. in violation of the CWA, both Invalidated by judicial order.

requests for setting up procedures for agencies determined to err on the side EPA has proposed an NPDES CAFO accessing any TNRCC NOI databases of caution and clearly outline that EPA general permit for the State of Texas and that may be created in the future, would have jurisdiction over any CAFO TNRCC will take over administration of TNRCC currently has a mechanism for discharges that were not legally within the permit when it becomes effective in permit databases to be provided to the the jurisdiction of TNRCC. accordance with sections III.C.3.c and public, through its Information With regard to MOA provisions In III.C.7. of the EPA/TNRCC MOA. This Resources Division. Section III.C.4., the State district court will provide an appropriate NPDES

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday. September 24, 1998/Notices 51191 mechanism for facilities in Texas. The NPDES authorization. TNRCC will incineration activities. Further state may also issue individual site adopt the EPA CAFO general permit clarification is provided by 40 CFR specific permits for facilities it when it is finalized. This rule was not 503.3(a) (1) which Texas adopted and is determines are not appropriately submitted by TNRCC as part of the referenced in the Continuing Planning addressed by a general permit. In the TPDES program. This provision, as it Process. This regulation requires all event TNRCC amends Subchapter B and applies to the state permitting program "treatment works treating domestic K with the intent to authorize facilities prior to TPDES approval, Is not sewage" be permitted. Treatment works under the approved TPDES program, considered in the approval decision. are defined as all TPDES facilities those rules will be subject to EPA discharging to waters of the United

84. Issue: Senate Bill #19 10 (Chicken review to insure they are consistent States and those facilities generating Litter Bill) and Subchapter 0 Rules sewage sludge but without a discharge with CWA requirements (see MOA Section III.C.4). One comment stated that Senate Bill to waters of the United States. In
  1. 19 10 was "torn to pieces" prior to addition, it covers facilities changing
83. Issue: Exceptions for CAFOs being passed by the Texas legislature the quality of sewage sludge. These A comment from several public and that TNRCC did nothing to keep the operations include blending, interest groups expressed concern that bill intact. The comment appeared to be stabilization, heat treatment, and statutes adopted and proposed TNRCC expressing concern that TNRCC would digestion. The definition of "treatment regulations provide an exemption for not actively regulate animal waste such works" also includes surface disposal CAFOs which would have an as chicken litter. Comments received by site owners/operators, and sewage established water quality management EPA early in the process (prior to the sludge incinerator owners/operators.

plan developed by the Texas State Soil comment period) expressed concern The TNRCC's authority over solid and Water Conservation Board about exemptions in TNRCC rules for waste disposal, including beneficial use (TSSWCB). They express the opinion aquaculture (30 TAC 321, Subchapter of sewage sludge, is found in Chapter that these facilities would not be 0). 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code considered point sources. This same Response: As mentioned above, when (THSC). 30 TAC 312.4(c) and 312.12 comment expressed concern that CAFO TNRCC assumes authorization of the provide requirements to be followed in facilities with less that 1000 animal NPDES program, the Agency retains the registration of land application sites.

units would be exempted from applying oversight authority. Part of EPA's The Texas program is more stringent for a permit with the TNRCC if they oversight role includes review of TPDES than the minimum program required by obtain an "independent audit." permits for Industrial (i.e., poultry the Federal regulations. Texas requires Response: Although the comment did processing plants) and municipal registrations be obtained by persons not supply specific references to the operations proposed by the TNRCC, to responsible for the land application regulations or statutes of concern, EPA ensure compliance with applicable operations and the sites onto which the believes it refers to a statute, which was regulations and guidelines as sewage sludge or domestic septage is adopted in 1993 as Senate Bill 503 established in the Clean Water Act. EPA land applied for beneficial reuse. The (Texas Agricultural Code 201.026), that has reviewed Subchapter 0 and finds it Part 503 regulations do not describes regulation of agricultural and is consistent with EPA's regulations at automatically require land appliers of silvicultural nonpoint source discharges 40 CFR 122.24 and 122.25. sewage sludge to obtain any type of of pollution. The statute notes that official authorization for land facilities which may contribute Sludge application operations unless nonpoint source pollution, and which 85. Issue: Statutory Requirements for specifically requested to do so by the have an established water quality Sludge Permitting Are More Stringent permitting authority to protect human management plan developed by the Than the TNRCC Rules health and the environment.

Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board are exempted from regulation by One comment expressed concern that ContinuingPlanningProcess TNRCC unless the TSSWCB or TNRCC the TPDES program plan provides for ImplementationProcedures-Water determines they are a point source. permitting and registration for sewage QualityStandards Since this applies only to those facilities sludge disposal. The comment stated that the statutory basis for sludge 86. Issue: Lowering Stream Standards of classified by the State as NPS, it is not East Texas inconsistent with EPA regulations found regulation is found in the Texas Water at 40 CFR 122.23 (regulations applying Code, which allegedly provides for One comment alleges that the three to point sources of pollution). (i.e., sludge permitting only, not sludge appointed commissioners of the applies to TWC 26.121(b) and not to registration. The comment asserted that, TNRCC, and others, conceived the 26.121(d) or (e)). The exemption is not since the statutory requirements for policy of lowering the stream standards available for facilities defined In CWA sludge permitting are more stringent of East Texas in order to accommodate

§ 502 (14). than the TNRCC rules promulgated for polluting wastewater facilities. The Although the comment again did not a sludge site registration and the TNRCC comment asserts that due to citizens' specify the statute or regulation to has no authority to adopt less stringent outcry and "EPA's logic," the policy which It Is referring, EPA can find only program requirements, there is no valid was overruled by the EPA. The one provision in the State's regulations statutory basis under Texas law for rules implication of the comment was that that correlates to the comment about an regulating registration of sludge sites. TPDES authorization would allow "independent audit'; which refers to Consequently. the comment contended TNRCC to take such actions in the CAFOs under 1000 animal units (30 that the TPDES program plan on this future.

TAC 321, Subchapter B). This is point does not provide for adequate Response: After state program "authorization by rule" for coverage authority as required by 33 USC authorization, EPA maintains program under State requirements and will not 1342(b). oversight authority to ensure (cannot) be used by TNRCC after Response: 30 TAC 312.4(a) states compliance with requirements and approval of the TPDES program. permits are required for all sewage regulations of the Clean Water Act. The Coverage under this rule is not an sludge processing, storage, disposal. and Agency also maintains the authority for

0~-30 51192 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices review and approval of any revisions to requirements in the IP and were address the process for developing water quality standards and/or criteria required by EPA to make the IP technology-based effluent limits, to listed and unlisted waterbodies of approvable. The changes were: effluent limits at least as stringent as Texas (CWA §§ 303(c) (2) (A) and a. Procedures to suspend the use of those required by CWA Section 301 303(c) (3)). biological surveys in the IP. (b)(1) and (b)(2), and 33 U.S.C. 1311

b. Procedures for cessation of lethality (e) (3)(A). The comment further states
87. Issue: No Approvable Continuing during a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation that the MOA does not describe a Planning Process c. Conditions for use of alternate test process for developing effluent One comment states that the (NPDES species. limitations and schedules of Program) application may not be d. Calculation of Dioxin/Furan permit compliance.

approved because TNRCC does not have limits.

an approved, or approvable Continuing e. Development of water quality-based Response: Series 21 of the CPP states:

Planning Process (CPP). effluent limitations for discharges into "[t]echnology-based permit limits will Response: EPA approved the Texas the Rio Grande. be at least as stringent as Best Practical CPP on September 10, 1998. The CPP f. Final Limitations In TPDES Control Technology Currently Available and Water Quality Standards permits-consistency with the EPA (BPT), Best Available Technology Implementation documents do contain approved Water Quality Management Economically Achievable (BAT). and certain procedures which EPA has Plan (including any applicable Total Best Conventional Pollutant Control determined are not consistent with, or Maximum Daily Loads). Technology (BCT) limits In accordance do not fulfill the requirements of the g. No variance from water quality with Effluent Limitations and Standards Clean Water Act, as interpreted by EPA standards will be used to establish an as promulgated for categorical Region 6. However, these issues have effluent limitation for a TPDES permit Industries and found In federal been resolved to EPA's satisfaction via until the standards variance has been regulations (40 CFR Parts 400 to 471), as the MOA, which was signed by both reviewed and approved by EPA. referenced in 30 TAC 305.541.

TNRCC and EPA concurrently with h. TNRCC evaluation of TPDES Production-based limitations will be TPDES program authorization. general permits for compliance with based on a reasonable measure of actual

88. Issue: No Prior Approval of the water quality requirements, including production levels at a facility. Mass Continuing Planning Process (CPP) whole effluent toxicity. limitations for concentration-based I. Water Quality Standards guideline limits will be developed using A comment raised concerns that Implementation Procedures subject to the appropriate wastewater flows as Texas did not have a CPP that was EPA review and approval after program required by regulations. Municipal approved prior to consideration of the assumption and while TNRCC is permit limits will be consistent with application for permit program authorized to administer the NPDES Wasteload Evaluation/Allocations, the approval. Specific issues raised in the program. Water Quality Management Plan, comment included the length of time for EPA does not believe It has Watershed Protection Rules (30 TAC public review of the three documents circumvented or frustrated the public Chapter 311). and at least as stringent as and "conditional approval" of the CPP review and comment process by its requirements found in 30 TAC 309.1-4 by EPA. approval process. The changes to the (secondary treatment)." Additional Response: EPA regulations do not Implementation procedures listed above requirements for secondary treatment require approval of the CPP prior to the are mechanisms that will result in are specified by 30 TAC 305.535(d).

date a State submits an application for permits more protective than what the This outlines what technology based program authorization. Regulations at state program previously required. Prior effluent limitations must be considered 40 CFR 130.5(c) state that "[t]he to program authorization, all aspects of and what variables must be used to Regional Administrator shall not the CPP, IP and MOA reflected a calculate effluent limitations.

approve any permit program under Title program that contains all the elements IV of the [Clean Water] Act for any state In addition, Series 18 provides an necessary to fulfill all of the outline of the Texas Water Quality which does not have an approved requirements of the Clean Water Act for continuing planning process." The Standards. This includes describing the NPDES permitting. General Criteria found in 30 TAC 307.4 Texas CPP was approved on September 10, 1998-before the decision on 89. Issue: Changes to CPP Not Validly which defines the general goals to be program authorization was made. Adopted by TNRCC attained by all waters in the State. It also The primary elements of the CPP lists the procedure to address and One comment stated that the addressed in this section of comments, proposed changes to the CPP set out in permit facilities discharging to those the Water Quality Standards and the IP, the proposed MOA, even if they were waterbodies that are unclassified and were adopted by TNRCC and submitted otherwise adequate, were not validly therefore do not have site-specific to EPA for approval on March 19, 1997 adopted by TNRCC.

criteria established at the time the and August 23, 1995, respectively. Response: As stated above, the MOA permit Is developed.

Thus, both of these documents have and the changes to the IP therein were Regarding schedules of compliance, been In use and available for public available for public review and Series 21 of the CPP states that permits review for over a year. The MOA was comment for a period of 52 days will be developed to be consistent with made available for public review and beginning June 19, 1998. State statutes including Title 30 TAC comment on June 19, 1998. The official 307.2(0. This statute allows the TNRCC comment period for the package was 45 90. Issue: CPP Is Not Approvable to establish interim discharge limits to days, and was subsequently extended by Because of Inadequate Process for allow a permittee time to modify one week. The MOA does contain nine Effluent Limitations effluent quality in order to attain final changes to the IP, all identified and One comment states that the CPP does effluent limits. The duration of any listed at Section IV.B., Permit not provide an adequate process for Interim limit may not be longer than Development, pages 24-27 of the MOA. developing effluent limitations, citing three years from the effective date of the These changes supersede certain the CWA requirements for the CPP to permit issuance.

PI-31 51193 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices

91. Issue: Inadequate TMDL Program revised TMDL development has been 94. Sub-Issue on Water Quality One comment asserts that the CPP through an extensive public Standards: With Regards to does not include an adequate process participation process to generate the Antidegradation, the IP Fails To Set Out for developing Total Maximum Daily 1998 303(d) list. a Process for Assuring the Application Loads (TMDLs) and individual water of the Highest Statutory and Regulatory
92. Issue: Inadequate Process for Requirements for All New and Existing quality based effluent limitations in Establishing Implementation of New or Point Sources and all Cost-Effective and accordance with Section 303(d) of the CWA. Indeed, TMDL development Is Revised Water Quality Standards Reasonable Best Management Practices only addressed in the CPP In the context Comments raised three sub-issues for Nonpoint Source Control of toxic parameters. See Series 20. Even regarding implementation of new or for toxic pollutants, that discussion is Response: Antidegradation is revised quality standards. discussed at 30 TAC 307.5 of the 1995/

grossly inadequate because It fails to establish a process for developing a list Response: Responses to each of the 1997 Texas Water Quality Standards.

of waters for which technology-based three sub-issues raised in comments are which have been fully approved by limitations are not adequate, fails to provided below. EPA, in accordance with the federal establish a process for ranking those regulation. In particular, items (b)(2),

93. Sub-Issue on Water Quality waters by priority, fails to establish a (b)(4) and (b)(5) of Section 307.5 directly Standards: The IP Purports To Apply process for submission of such lists to address the comment's issues:

Tier Two protection * *

  • Only to EPA, and fails to establish a process for (b)(2)-No activities subject to Waters Classified as High or Exceptional developing a schedule for preparation regulatory action which would cause Aquatic Life, Based Almost Exclusively and Implementation of TMDLs. See 33 on Dissolved Oxygen Levels degradation of waters which exceed U.S.C. 1313(d) (setting out requirements fishable/swimmable quality will be for the TMDL process); 40 CFR 130.7. Response: The TX WQS presume a allowed unless it can be shown to the The CPP fails even to address the TMDL high quality aquatic life use for all commissioner's satisfaction that the issue with respect to other pollutants. perennial water bodies An intermediate lowering of water quality Is necessary Response: In a letter from TNRCC for important economic or social or limited aquatic life use may only be Executive Director Jeffrey Saitas to EPA development. Degradation Is defined as adopted for a specific water body only Region 6 Administrator Gregg Cooke a lowering of water quality to more than when justified with a Use Attainability dated September 4, 1998, TNRCC has a de minimis extent, but not to the Analysis (UAA). The focus of a UAA Is recently modified its TMDL program, extent that an existing use is impaired.

and assures that the approved process to determine what is the attainable use applies to all pollutants, not just toxics based on the physical, chemical and Water quality sufficient to protect (attached to CPP). The modified biological characteristics of the water existing uses will be maintained.

program meets all EPA requirements body. As part of a UAA, data collected Fishable/swimmable waters are defined and addresses the concerns stated in the for a specific water body is compared as waters which have quality sufficient comment. The Information has been with a reference (un-impacted) segment. to support propagation of Indigenous submitted as an attachment to the CPP, This ensures that the designated use Is fish, shellfish, and wildlife and and will be Incorporated Into the next based on the attainable use rather than recreation In and on the water.

revision of the CPP. TNRCC developed based on the conditions with existing (b)(4)--Authorized wastewater guidance for screening and assessing sources of pollution. The Intermediate discharges or other activities will not state waters (attached to CPP). This and limited aquatic life uses are result In the quality of any water being information was presented at three considered to be existing uses and are lowered below water quality standards Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP) Basin also subject to antidegradation review. without complying with federal and Steering Committee meetings during EPA has not mandated whether state laws applicable to water quality December 1997. Subsequently, criteria standards amendment.

States/Tribes apply "Tier 2" on a and guidance for listing and prioritizing parameter-by-parameter basis or on a (b) (5)-Anyone discharging waterbodies was developed (attached to CPP) and distributed January 23, 1998, waterbody-by-waterbody approach as wastewater which would constitute a for review via the TNRCC Internet Texas does. This Issue Is open for new source of pollution or an Increased website, the Texas CRP and various discussion in the Advanced Notice of source of pollution from any industrial, meetings across the state. After Proposed Rule-Making (ANPRM) for the public, or private project or comments and revisions, the second Water Quality Standards Regulation (see development will be required to provide draft list was similarly advertised. After 63 FR 36742). EPA will accept comment a level of wastewater treatment further comment, the final draft list was on the ANPRM through January 4, 1999. consistent with the provisions of the approved by the Commissioners and The ANPRM is a separate action from Texas Water Code and the Clean Water sent out for a 30-day formal public Texas's assumption of the NPDES Act (33 United States Code 1251 et seq).

comment period (March 13-April 13, program. As necessary, cost-effective and 1998). Written responses to public and reasonable best management practices The antidegradation review may EPA comments were prepared and established through the Texas water initially focus on dissolved oxygen:

distributed (attached to CPP). The 1998 quality management program shall be however, all pollutants are subject to achieved for nonpoint sources of 303(d) list and methodology (attached to review.

CPP) were finalized and approved by pollution.

the Commissioners, and the final list Therefore, under the TPDES program, was submitted to EPA for approval on implementing the approved water April 23, 1998 (attached to CPP). The quality standards includes final list was available on the TNRCC implementing the prohibitions on website on June 26, 1998 and approved degradation of water quality contained by EPA on July 27, 1998. Thus, the therein.


51194 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices

95. Sub-Issue on Water Quality municipal sewage sludge. The dischargers in a basin then rotate on a Standards: The IP Fails To Address regulations listed in the CPP which five-year basis. The Basin Permitting Implementation of Narrative Standards Texas will follow regarding the Rule is found at 30 TAC 305.71. The
  • *
  • and Storm Water Discharges permitting of all residuals follows: (1) process is also referenced in the CPP, Response: Narrative criteria (both 30 TAC Chapter 312-Sludge Use, under Series 21 -Point Source conventional and toxics) are addressed Disposal, and Transportation; Texas Permitting in permit actions. Page 6 of the IP states: Health and Safety Code Chapter 361; 30 TAC Chapters 330, 332-Disposal in a 98. Issue: Use of EPA Test Methods for New permit applications, permit renewals, TPDES Program Municipal Solid Waste Landfill; and (2) and permit amendments will be reviewed to 40 CFR Parts 122, 257, 258, 501, and The comment requested clarification ensure that permitted effluent limits will 503. concerning Item IV.B.3 in the proposed maintain in stream criteria for dissolved 30 TAC 312.4 (a) states permits are memorandum of agreement between oxygen and other parameters such as fecal coliform bacteria, phosphorus, nitrogen, required for all sewage sludge TNRCC and EPA Region 6 concerning turbidity, dissolved solids, temperature, and processing, storage, disposal, and the use of alternate test methods and toxic materials Assessment of appropriate Incineration activities. Further alternate test species for measurement of uses and criteria for unclassified waters will clarification is provided by federal Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET). The be conducted in accordance with the regulations 40 CFR 503.3(a) (1) which comment expressed concern about previous sections. Texas adopted and is referenced in the terminology in the memorandum of This evaluation will also include a Continuing Planning Process. This agreement, specifically, the term "EPA determination of any anticipated impacts regulation requires all "treatment works approved" tests and species, which from ambient or baseline conditions, in order treating domestic sewage" be permitted. permittees could use if TNRCC to implement antidegradation procedures Treatment works are defined as all (see following section). Conditions for the approved such use during the permit evaluation of impacts will be commensurate TPDES facilities discharging to waters of application process. The comment with ambient or baseline conditions * *
  • the United States and those facilities provided a specific example of generating sewage sludge but without a allowance for an ionic adjustment of an Extensive requirements for total discharge to waters of the United States effluent sample under certain toxicity testing are found on pages 40 In addition, it covers facilities changing circumstances.

56 of the IP and pages 24-26 of the the quality of sewage sludge. These Response: NPDES State program MOA. These requirements address operations include blending, regulations applicable to permitting protection of narrative water quality stabilization, heat treatment, and cross reference to certain, specific standards for toxics and other pollutants digestion. The definition of "treatment NPDES regulations that apply to EPA through the Whole Effluent Toxicity works" also includes surface disposal issued permits, including the program. Storm water is not site owners/operators, and sewage regulations that require the use of differentiated from other wastewater sludge incinerator owners/operators. 30 analytic test procedures approved at 40 discharges in the permit limitation TAC 312.4(c) and 312.12 provide CFR Part 136 (40 CFR 123.25(a) (4), (12) derivation procedures. requirements to be followed in the & (15); 40 CFR 122.21, 122.41 & 122.44).

96. Issue: No Process for Assuring registration of land application sites Recently. EPA approved testing Controls Over All Residual Waste From The Texas program is more stringent methods to measure WET and published Water Treatment Processing than the minimum program required by those methods at 40 CFR Part 136.

the Federal regulations. Texas requires EPA acknowledges the existence of One comment expressed the opinion registrations be obtained by persons WET testing protocols that use other test that EPA rules and the Clean Water Act responsible for the land application species, or that differ from the require that a CPP include a process for operations and the sites onto which the procedures in the WET tests that EPA assuring adequate controls over the sewage sludge or domestic septage is published at Part 136. Those disposition of all residual waste from land applied for beneficial reuse. The regulations, at 40 CFR 136.4 (b), provide any water treatment processing. The Part 503 regulations do not that:

TNRCC CPP fails even to acknowledge automatically require land appliers of this issue. "When the discharge for which an sewage sludge to obtain any type of alternative test procedure is proposed occurs Response: Series 21 of the CPP states official authorization for land within a State having a permit program the TNRCC will require all industrial application operations unless approved pursuant to Section 402 of the Act, wastewater permits (including water specifically requested to do so by the the applicant shall submit his application to treatment plant permits) to contain permitting authority to protect human the Regional Administrator through the conditions for the safe disposal of all health and the environment. Director of the State agency having industrial sludges, including hazardous responsibility for issuance of NPDES permits waste, and that it be managed and 97. Issue: No Process for Determining within such State.

disposed of in accordance with 30 TAC Priority Issuance of Permits These procedures are designed to Chapter 335 and any applicable One comment indicated that EPA optimize coordination in the approval requirements of the Resource rules require that a CPP include a process between the applicant, the Conservation and Recovery Act. This process for determining the priority of State, and EPA. Item IV.B.3. of the includes the adopted regulations 40 CFR issuance of permits, but the TNRCC CPP proposed memorandum of agreement, Part 257 and 258 referenced below fails to even acknowledge this issue. therefore, merely formalizes the State of which regulates non-hazardous water Response: EPA believes TNRCC has Texas' role in the process for approval treatment plant residual wastes. Series addressed the priority of permit of alternative test procedures (and 21 of the CPP further outlines that issuance via Its watershed approach to alternative test species). Through this permits will be developed to be permitting. This approach identified process, the Commission will determine consistent with state and federal and prioritized the Texas drainage the acceptability of any alternative test statutes, regulations and rules and also basins, and requires all permits in a procedures prior to forwarding the incorporate state and federal policies particular basin be issued during the proposal to EPA Region 6 for review and regulating the safe disposal and reuse of same year. Permitting activities for all approval.

ki-3 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24. 1998/Notices 51195 In response to the comment's specific authority over a municipality, all cross-border issues; (3) TNRCC has not example regarding Ionic adjustment of NPDES permits associated with that committed to provide notice to the effluent samples. EPA refers the public municipality will be retained by EPA. government of Mexico for the purpose to: Short-Term Methods For Estimating Where a municipality also owns an of soliciting comments on permits and The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents And industrial facility (public utility) those other decisions that may affect Mexico; Receiving Water To Marine And facilities will not be considered as part and (4) TNRCC lacks adequate Estuarine Organisms (EPA-600-4-91 of the municipality, but will be procedures to comply with Section 402 003) in Section 8.8 and Methods for considered as an Individual facility. (b)(5) of the Clean Water Act as It relates Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Facility inspections will continue to be to Mexico.

Effluents and Receiving Waters to coordinated between the two agencies to Response: It Is difficult to address this Freshwater and Marine Organisms ensure minimum duplication of effort. overly broad and vague comment (EPA/600/4-90/027F) in Section 9.5. 100. Issue: Definition of Enforcement because the comment failed to identify These provisions describe the Action any applicable provision within any appropriate use of salinity adjustments international agreements or executive for whole effluent toxicity testing for One comment states the "NPDES orders. Hence, we can only assume WET testing for discharges into marine application must clearly describe when which international agreements and waters. the commission will use different types executive orders they are referencing.

Consistent with the requirements and of orders." The comment asserts this (1) International environmental recommendations in the Part 136 WET information Is essential to EPA's ability agreements, such as the La Paz testing methods, EPA Region 6 has to determine If TNRCC will take timely Agreement, between the U.S. and provided technical support to TNRCC and appropriate enforcement action. Mexico require the U.S. to consult with regarding ionic manipulation of effluent Response: Due to the many variables Mexico on certain specified samples. The approved manipulations of assessing violations, EPA cannot environmental issues. However, the apply only to samples used for the 24 require the state to provide this level of environmental agreements between the Hour LC5 o WET test. Under Texas Water detail. Through our oversight of the U.S. and Mexico and executive orders, Quality Standards (30 TAC TPDES program and review of the do not specifically require the U.S. to 307.6(e) (2) (B)). TNRCC requires a 24 quarterly noncompliance reports EPA consult with Mexico about Hour LC5o WET test under certain will be able to determine whether or not authorization of a program, like the circumstances. The WET tests that EPA enforcement actions are timely and NPDES program, to a state, such as published in Part 136 do not include a appropriate. Texas. Moreover, EPA retains significant 24-Hour LC5o test. Under CWA section 101. Issue: Noncompliance Follow-up oversight authority over Texas NPDES 510, however, States may Impose water permitting activities pursuant to the quality requirements that are more One comment states that TNRCC Clean Water Act. Consequently, stringent and/or more prescriptive than prefers informal resolution to formal Mexico's ability to consult with the U.S.

documented enforcement and also states those required by EPA. as required under current EPA notes that Texas law does not that EPA needs to be able to track resolution of violations where no formal environmental agreements is not allow for ionic manipulations of effluent reduced concerning any NPDES samples when pollutants listed in Table action was taken.

Response: TNRCC will be required to environmental issues after authorization 1 of 30 TAC 307.6(c) are present in the of the NPDES program to the State of effluent or source waters. Finally, EPA enter all enforcement actions into the Permit Compliance System (PCS). This Texas.

notes that 30 TAC 307.4 (g)(3) provides (2) There are many fora and that "Concentrations and their relative will include both informal and formal enforcement actions. Informal actions mechanisms for the Mexican ratios of dissolved minerals such as Government to raise environmental chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved can include telephone calls, site visits.

warning letters, corrective action plans. Issues, involving the State of Texas, solids will be maintained such that with the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Department etc. During EPA's semi-annual audits of attainable uses will not be impaired." of State and the U.S. Department of Therefore, while Texas law does allow the TPDES program. EPA will further evaluate TNRCC's response to Justice. These Include the Commission for adjustments to the 24-hour LC5o test for Environmental Cooperation, Border conditions under some circumstances, If noncompliance. Environment Cooperation Commission, the discharge causes the relative ratios 102. Issue: Failure To Comply With the meetings mandated pursuant to the La of dissolved solids to be changed International Treaties and Agreements Paz Agreement, and through other sufficient to impair the attainable uses, A public interest group commented bilateral, and multilateral meetings and the discharge would also have to be that EPA had failed to carry out its legal organizations.

evaluated for whether or not changing responsibilities under international (3) We are unaware of any mandatory the relative ratios of dissolved solids in treaties and executive orders to consult obligations on the part of the State of fact would impair the attainable uses. with the government of Mexico and to Texas to provide notice of an NPDES Other Specific Issues seek Input from Mexico on changes that permitting activity to the Government of would occur as a result of approval of Mexico.

99. Issue: Overlapping EPA/TNRCC the TPDES program. The comment (4) Section 402(b)(5) of the Clean Requirements contended that: (1) EPA failed to consult Water Act does not apply to foreign One comment raised the question of with Mexico on the Impacts of NPDES countries and specifically not to how TNRCC and EPA will address authorization to Texas on the Rio Mexico. The word "State" In the duplicate efforts regarding permit Grande as required by the following provision applies to a State of reporting/inspection requirements. environmental agreements between the the United States and does not confer Response: When EPA retains U.S. and Mexico; (2) EPA failed to upon Mexico the same right to submit enforcement authority, the facilities will consider what impacts the authorization recommendations, as the statute continue to report to EPA and TNRCC. will have on the ability of Mexico to provides to a State. The following is the Where EPA retains enforcement comment on activities with potential text of the statute.

51196 ki-I3L Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday. September 24. 1998/Notices CWA 402 (b)(5) provides that: To comments were especially concerned considered, and that appropriate ensure that any State (other than the that maintaining a single copy of the file measures, including conservation permitting State), whose waters may be in Austin would not allow timely access measures, may be considered as affected by the issuance of a permit may by TNRCC field personnel investigating appropriate. Facilitating communication submit written recommendations to the complaints and doing Inspections. between EPA, the Services and the State permitting State (and the Administrator) Response: TNRCC staffs have is one of the most fundamental steps with respect to any permit application confirmed that all files transferred to that can be taken to promote the and, if any part of such written TNRCC by EPA will be electronically conservation of listed species.

recommendations is not accepted by the imaged and then made available to both Moreover, EPA has stated that It may permitting State, that the permitting the public and to field personnel. EPA object to State permits that fail to ensure State will notify such affected State (and supports this decision by TNRCC to take compliance with water quality the Administrator) in writing of its advantage of opportunities current standards which, among other things, failure to so accept such Imaging and information distribution preclude adverse toxic effects to listed recommendations together with Its technology offer to actually Improve species. Thus, EPA may use its reasons for so doing. public access to permit and enforcement objection authority, in appropriate 103. Issue: Additional Documents That information over that currently available circumstances, to address such adverse Should Be Added to the Administrative through EPA paper-based file system. effects, even if the State permits are not Record The actual paper files will be archived. likely to jeopardize the continued According to TNRCC staff, the whole existence of a listed species.

In the Federal Register notice. EPA process of imaging the files and setting requested that the public provide input 106. Issue: Limitations on TNRCC's up the TNRCC procedures for accessing Ability To Agree to Measures for on any document relevant to EPA's the file information is expected to be decision on the TPDES program that Insuring Protection of Threatened and completed within two months after Endangered Species they felt should have, but had not, been program authorization.

included in the official record. One Some comments assert that EPA comment suggested that all previous Endangered Species cannot approve the TPDES program applications for NPDES authorization by 105. Issue: ESA Requirement for EPA To because EPA and TNRCC cannot, Texas; all written correspondence Insure Protection of Threatened and consistent with American Forest&

between EPA and Texas regarding those Endangered Species PaperAssoc. v. U.S. EPA, 137 F.3d 291 previous applications; all documents (5th Cir. 1998) (AFPA)and TWC prepared since January 1, 1990, Some comments assert that Section § 26.017. "agree to regulatory involving grants from EPA to Texas for 7(a) (2) of the Endangered Species Act procedures necessary to Insure that water pollution control including, but (ESA) requires that EPA insure, in jeopardy and adverse modification to not limited to grant documents, consultation with the U.S. Fish & critical habitat are avoided...or to contracts for grants, and evaluations of Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Implement reasonable and prudent Texas actions under such grants. Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) measures and alternatives." The Response: EPA's decision on approval (collectively, the Services), that its comments identify no specific threat to of a State's request for NPDES approval of the TPDES program is not listed species from program approval authorization must be based on the likely to Jeopardize the continued and recommend no specific procedures State's application that has been existence of threatened and endangered to avoid or minimize threats.

determined to be complete, and after species. The contention is that ESA Response: No extraordinary considering any information provided § 7(a) (2) compels EPA to disapprove a procedural agreements between EPA during or as a result of the public state program request if FWS finds and TNRCC are required to insure comment period. It would not be approval might result in jeopardy. These jeopardy is unlikely to arise from appropriate to base this decision on comments also assert that, if EPA TPDES program approval or to what was, or was not, in previous approves this program, EPA would fail minimize incidental takes anticipated in applications. Therefore. Information on to carry out its obligation under section FWS' biological opinion. Texas' water past applications is not a required part 7(a) (1) to conserve listed species. quality standards require that permits be of the administrative record. However, Response: EPA has engaged in written in such a manner that would information on past applications by consultation under section 7(a) (2) of the avoid jeopardy to aquatic and aquatic Texas is available to the public via the ESA regarding its approval action. FWS dependent wildlife (including listed Freedom of Information Act. has issued a biological opinion finding species) and EPA will use its standard Information on previous grants to the that the program is not likely to CWA procedures for review of state State of Texas is likewise not germane jeopardize the continued existence of permit actions (including actions to EPA's decision. Correspondence listed species or result in the brought to its attention by the Services) regarding the FY-1999 grants process destruction or adverse modification of to assure the standards are applied. EPA has been added to the administrative designated critical habitat, and NMFS and the Services will use procedures record. has concurred in EPA's finding that its that, In all the agencies' views, are action is not likely to adversely affect adequate to ensure that listed species 104. Issue: Availability of NPDES Files listed species. Regarding section 7(a)(1), are not likely to be jeopardized and Transferred to TNRCC to the extent it could even be argued minimize incidental take. The State has A public interest group questioned that this provision imposes a specific an independent obligation to ensure that how TNRCC would make the permits obligation on EPA to take actions in the standards are applied in TPDES permits and enforcement files for the TPDES context of this approval action, EPA has and EPA has committed, when program (including the existing NPDES met this obligation. The very premise of authorized by CWA, to object to any files EPA transfers to the State) available the coordination procedures developed State permit that is likely to jeopardize for use by TNRCC Inspectors and other by EPA and the Services is to ensure any listed species if the State fails to employees in the fifteen District offices that effects of State permitting decisions comply with that obligation and to across the State and to the public. The on listed species are adequately considering carefully sub-jeopardy

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices5 51197 issues. For these reasons, EPA and the the protection afforded listed species by themselves sufficient may be assessed Services have concluded that approval CWA. While the comment expresses only in the context of an individual of the TPDES program is unlikely to some concerns with how TNRCC would permit action jeopardize listed species or result in the Implement some of its water quality EPA is not relying on application of destruction or adverse modification of standards, EPA is satisfied that it has technology-based effluent limitations In critical habitat. the authority to ensure, through its TPDES permits to protect listed species.

107. Issue: Adequacy of Texas Water oversight role, that water quality Section 301 (b) (1)(C) of the CWA and Quality Standards To Protect standards are applied in permits issued EPA regulations require that limitations Threatened and Endangered Species by the State. Including those standards more stringent than technology-based that protect listed species. requirements shall be imposed Some comments assert that the water EPA agrees that TNRCC has not whenever necessary to meet water quality standards that EPA would rely adopted detailed implementation quality standards. Where such more upon in its oversight of TNRCC procedures for all of its standards, but stringent limitations are not needed, permitting actions are not adequate to disagrees that such procedures are ensure the protection of listed species. however, TNRCC's application of always necessary or even desirable. technology-based effluent limitations These comments assert that "there has Although detailed Implementation never been a full consultation process would necessarily provide some degree measures generally assure that of additional protection to aquatic life, on the adequacy of the water quality standards are objectively applied In a standards." They also contend EPA's if any, in a receiving stream.

manner that addresses common water reliance is misplaced because TNRCC quality problems, uncommon or 108. Issue: ESA § 7 Consultation does not implement the antidegradation unforseen situations may arise that Requirement for the CPP policy of its standards for pollutants require additional measures to assure assigned numerical criteria and has no Some comments claim that ESA protection of aquatic uses. States are obliges EPA to engage in a separate implementation procedures for other thus free to supplement the criteria in narrative standards, including 30 TAC consultation with the Services on its their standards and the procedures of approval of Texas' Continuing Planning

§ 307.6(b) (4). They also contend that their Implementation plans to EPA cannot rely on application of Process (CPP) and that the Agency accommodate the needs of specific cannot approve the TPDES program technology based standards in TPDES situations. See generallyPLID No. I of permit actions because EPA's effluent until those separate consultations occur.

Jefferson County v. Washington Dept. of limitations guidelines are not premised Ecology, 511 U.S. 700 (1994). Adoption Response: Review and approval of a on protecting listed species in Texas. In of broadly narrative supplemental CPP is a necessary prerequisite to EPA's support of their assertion on standards without detailed approval of a state NPDES program. See nonimplementation of the implementation procedures is one way CWA § 303(e); 40 CFR § 130.5(c).

antidegradation policy, the comments states may provide such flexibility. Reviewing some elements of a CPP. e.g.,

provided a copy of TNRCC answers to 30 TAC§ 307.6(b)(4) Is an example of an implementation plan showing how a written interrogatories in a State permit such a supplemental standard. It is one state intends to apply its water quality adjudication ("contested case hearing"). of four narrative criteria in § 307.6 (b) standards in permit actions, may Response: This comment appears to prohibiting toxicity In Texas waters. moreover be necessary to judge whether argue that, since some of Texas' water The three other criteria address acute a proffered state program complies with quality standards have not been subject and chronic toxicity from the standpoint other statutory requirements for to section 7 consultation, then EPA is of aquatic life and human health and program approval, e.g., CWA § 402(b) precluded from approving the State's their implementation relies on using (1)(A). CPPs are not collections of dusty application to administer the NPDES standardized test methods to assure documents adopted, approved, and program. While EPA does not compliance with objectively calculated archived some time in the distant past.

necessarily agree that it must, or even effluent limitations controlling specific however; the states update them may, consult on the State's water quality toxic pollutants and/or whole effluent frequently as they adopt new ways to standards, EPA believes there's simply toxicity. Those test methods and meet changing water quality needs.

no basis for the assertion that the state limitations are in turn based on Water quality management plans, for standards are inadequate to ensure that scientific knowledge on how toxicity instance, may change each time a state listed species will be protected. This generally affects aquatic life and develops and applies a new effluent issue has been fully evaluated by EPA humans, but do not address each and limitation in an individual permitting and the Services. EPA provided a every potential effect Imaginable. action. Maintaining the currency of complete copy of TNRCC's program Potential gaps are filled by § 307.6(b) (4), CPPs thus requires significant approval request, Including copies of which provides: administrative efforts by multiple the State's water quality standards and As interpreted by TNRCC, this agencies in each state and by EPA as continuing planning process, to the standard requires it to impose case well. EPA Region 6 reviewed and Services in the consultations on its specific conditions in TPDES permits to approved the most up-to-date CPP in program approval. It has moreover protect aquatic and aquatic-dependent connection with its program approval discussed the standards and their effect species (including listed species) from decision, thus ensuring its decision was at some length with FWS and provided the toxic effects of discharges when based on the most current Information.

it with TNRCC interpretation on State Texas' other toxic criteria and While EPA does not concede that standards of particular interest. EPA and Implementation procedures provide consultation on the CPP is required, the FWS both believe that EPA's action insufficient protection. The lack of EPA did provide to FWS and NMFS approving the State's submission Is specified implementation measures for as part of the consultation on NPDES consistent with the requirements of this supplemental standard leaves program approval-copies of the State's section 7 of the ESA. TNRCC free to develop and apply ad program approval submission, which EPA will continue, however, to hoc permit conditions specifically included CPP provisions affecting consult on changes to Texas' standards tailored to a specific problem. Whether application of Texas' water quality and to work with Services on Improving or not specific ad hoc conditions are standards.

51198 Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices R 1-3&

109. Issue: Objection To Adoption of Services and is designed to facilitate the permit. In either case, the MOA Procedures To Insure Protection of coordination among the federal agencies makes clear that EPA would only object Threatened and Endangered Species and timely communication of where authorized by the CWA to do so.

The American Forest and Paper information and recommendations to Thus, while the procedures developed Association states that it objects to the State. The State is not, however, by EPA and the Services articulate how EPA's adoption of procedures to protect required to follow any particular EPA and the Services will work endangered and threatened species. procedures In evaluating comments from the Services, or to defer to their together, and with the State, to resolve AFPA states Initially that it supports the issues that arise, the State has not procedures contained in the draft judgment. The State's only obligation is to Issue permits that comply with the agreed to "consult" with the Services, or Memorandum of Agreement between take any other actions not required by EPA and the State. which would procedural and substantive requirements of the CWA and the State the CWA, as a "condition" for obtaining provide that the Fish and Wildlife EPA's approval of its program. EPA is Service and National Marine Fisheries program approved by EPA. Indeed, The EPA/TNRCC MOA AFPA supports has hopeful that the procedures will Service (the Services) may comment on facilitate sharing of Information among draft State permits and coordinate with not changed as a result of consultation.

the Agencies with the State, so that the the Service to attempt to resolve the Thus, it appears that AFPA may have State will have the benefit of timely issue. If the Issue is not resolved, EPA misunderstood the coordination federal agency input when it makes its may object to the permit under any one procedures in the draft national EPA/

permitting decisions.

of the grounds for EPA objections under FWS MOA, which are the same in all section 402(d)(2) of the CWA. While material respects to the EPAITNRCC 2. Section 7 Consultationis Not AFPA supports these procedures as MOA AFPA supports, and consist of the Requiredfor EPA's Approval Action being within EPA's authority under the following basic elements: (1) An CWA and consistent with the AFPA opportunity for the Services to comment AFPA argues that section 7 does not decision, AFPA objects to procedures on State permits; (2) an opportunity for apply to EPA's action approving the being developed based upon a draft the Services to contact EPA if their State's application to administer the MOA developed by headquarters' comments are not adequately addressed NPDES program. AFPA has taken this offices of EPA and the Services. AFPA by the State; and (3) an opportunity for position in several cases challenging contends that these procedures require EPA to object to the permit If it falls to EPA's decision to consult when it the State to "consult" with the Services, meet the requirements of the CWA. approved the programs submitted by and that they would impermissibly Specifically, the procedures first note Louisiana and Oklahoma. The Fifth condition EPA's approval on the State's that TNRCC Is required under 40 CFR Circuit in AFPA did not address the following procedures to protect 124.10(c) (1) (iv) to provide copies of applicability of the procedures under endangered species. AFPA also asserts draft permits to the Services. This section 7 to EPA's approval action for that the procedures are impermissible obligation is not altered or augmented Louisiana. See 137 F.3d 298, n.5. EPA because EPA is only authorized to object under the procedures; EPA has simply believes that section 7 does apply to its to State permits based upon the specific made the commitment to ensure that the action, for the reasons explained in its authorities specified in the CWA. State carries out its CWA obligation in briefs in that case and in a similar case Finally, AFPA argues that EPA was not this regard. The procedures also state (AmericanForestPaperAssoc. v. U.S required to undergo section 7 that EPA will "encourage" the State to EPA, No. 97-9506 (10th Cir. 1998)),

consultation with regard to approval of highlight those permits most in need of which are incorporated in this response Texas' program. Service review based on potential by reference. Moreover, even if EPA was Response: The procedures ultimately impacts to federally listed species: the not required by law to consult with the adopted by EPA and the Services are State, however, is not obligated to Services, EPA believes It was within Its reflected in [cite relevant documents]. provide this Information. Where the discretion to do so.

EPA believes that these procedures are Service has concerns that the draft permit Is likely to adversely affect a AFPA also argues that formal consistent with Its authorities and the federally listed species or critical consultation was not required because AFPA decision. Each of AFPA's EPA's action was not likely to adversely assertions is addressed below. habitat, the Service or EPA will contact the State, preferably within 10 days of affect listed species, a contention with

1. EPA Has ConditionedIts Approval on receipt of the notice of the draft permit, which EPA Region 6 initially agreed.

State'sAgreement To "Consult" With and Include relevant information to the Under the Service's section 7 the Services State. If the Service is unable to resolve regulations, however, formal AFPA is Incorrect in asserting that its comments, the Service will contact consultation is required unless the EPA has impermissibly conditioned its EPA within 5 days, and EPA will Service concurs in writing that the approval action on the State's agreement coordinate with the State to ensure that action is not likely to adversely affect to "consult" with the Services. the permit meets applicable CWA listed species. NMFS agreed with EPA's "unlikely to adversely affect" "Consultation" under section 7 of the requirements. Where EPA believes that Endangered Species Act Is a process the permit is likely to adversely affect a determination, based in part on study of that imposes certain procedural federally listed species or critical sea turtle mortality in Texas waters, obligations on the agency consulting habitat, EPA may make a formal indicates current marine water quality with the Services. See 50 CFR Part 402. objection, where consistent with its in Texas is unlikely to adversely affect While EPA and the Services have CWA authority, or take other sea turtles in NMFS trusteeship. FWS, developed procedures for ensuring the appropriate action. Where a State permit faced with a materially different protection of endangered and threatened is likely to jeopardize the continued situation for listed species It protects, species, those procedures do not impose existence of a listed species or result in declined to concur with EPA's obligations, procedural or otherwise, on the destruction or adverse modification determination. EPA thus consulted the State. Indeed, the agreement for of critical habitat, EPA will use the full formally with FWS, which has rendered coordination is between EPA and the extent of Its CWA authority to object to a "no jeopardy" biological opinion.

Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 185/Thursday, September 24, 1998/Notices 51199

3. EPA Does Not Have Authority To full extent of its CWA objection administering the TPDES program Object to a Permitfor Failureto Comply authority to avoid likely jeopardy. consist solely of complying with the With the ESA However, in these cases, EPA would not procedural and substantive obligations The MOA between EPA and TNRCC, use its objection authority to enforce under section 402(b) of the CWA and as well as the procedures developed by requirements of the Endangered Species relevant CWA regulations. These EPA and the Services, make clear that Act. Instead, EPA intends to consider include the obligations to provide EPA will only object to a State permit the needs of listed species in deciding copies of draft permits to the Services where doing so would be within its whether to object to a State permit that (40 CFR 124.10(c) (1) (iv)), consider the authority under the CWA. Section fails to ensure compliance with State Services' views in its permitting 301(b) (1)(C) of the CWA and 40 CFR water quality standards and which is, decisions (40 CFR 124.59(c)) and Issue 122.44(d)(1) require that any permit consequently, outside the guidelines permits that ensure compliance with ensure compliance with State water and requirements of the CWA. EPA will water quality standards (40 CFR quality standards. Under 40 CFR also Inform FWS If it believes, based on 122.44(d) (1)). Nothing in the 123.44(c) (8), EPA is authorized to object Its review of a permit action, that there coordination procedures to which the to a State permit that fails to satisfy the may be an adverse impact on listed various agencies have agreed, or In any requirements of section 122.44(d). Texas species aspect of EPA's approval action, has water quality standards are designed to 4. The ProceduresAre Inconsistent With augmented the obligations the CWA ensure the protection of aquatic and the Fifth CircuitDecision in AFPA imposes on the State. Moreover, these aquatic-dependent species, including procedures are consistent with AFPA any such species that are listed as EPA believes that the endangered because, as explained previously, EPA endangered or threatened. See Letter species coordination procedures are would only object to State permits that from Margaret Hoffman, TNRCC, to fully consistent with the AFPA decision. EPA determines are outside the Lawrence Starfield, EPA (une 29. 1998). The court found in that case that EPA guidelines and requirements of the The State's standards Include a lacked statutory authority to condition CWA.

requirement that "Water In the state its approval of a State application to Conclusion shall be maintained to preclude adverse administer the NPDES program on toxic effects on aquatic and terrestrial factors not enumerated in section 402(b) The written agreements of this wildlife * *

  • resulting from contact, of the CWA. EPA has, In fact, approved authorization process will formalize the consumption of aquatic organisms, the State's program based solely on the partnership which has existed between consumption of water or any criteria contained in section 402(b) of EPA and TNRCC for many years, and combination of above." 30 Texas the CWA and implementing regulations. will provide the structure for the side Administrative Code 307.6(b) (4). Thus, Moreover, as explained previously, EPA by-side relationship between the two if EPA were to find that a proposed state has not "conditioned" its approval of agencies. Region 6 will continue to be permit would allow pollutant Texas" application on any factors ready and available in its new oversight discharges that would adversely affect related to endangered species role to work with TNRCC and the aquatic life in the receiving water that protection. The procedures developed citizens of Texas to ensure the happened to be listed as endangered or in consultation consist of commitments environment is protected.

threatened, the Agency would have the between EPA and FWS to provide authority to object to the permit for information and recommendations to The TPDES program, the 44th state failure to ensure compliance with State each other and the State In a timely program to be authorized under CWA water quality standards. If the adverse fashion, and statements by EPA § 402, includes point source discharges, effects were so severe as to likely regarding how it intends to exercise Its pretreatment, federal facilities and jeopardize the continued existence of oversight authority In the future. The sewage sludge.

the species, EPA intends to utilize the State of Texas' obligations in BILUNG CODE 6560-60-P

51200 Federal Register/Vol. 63. No. 185/Thursday. September 24. 1998/Notices STATE NPDES PROGRAM STATUS 09/14/98 Approved State Approved to Approved State General NPDES Permit Regulate Federal Pretreatment Permits Facilities program Alabama 10/ 19179 10/19/79 10119179 06M26/91 Arkansas 11/01/86 11/01/86 11/01186 11/01/86 California 05/14n73 05/05/78 09122/89 09/22/89 Colorado 03/27/75 03/04/82 Connecticut 09/26173 01/09/89 06/03/81 03/10/92 Delaware 04/01174 10123/92 Florida 05/01/95 05/01/95 05101/95*

Georgia 06128174 12/08/80 03/12/81 01/28/91 Hawaii 11/28/74 06/01n79 08/12/83 09/30/91 Illinois 10/23n7 09/20/79 01/04184 Indiana 12/09/78 04/02/91 Iowa 08110/78 08/10/78 06/03/81 08/12/92 Kansas 06128/74 08/28/85 11124/93 Kentucky 09/30/83 09/30/83 09/30/83 09/30/83 Louisiana 08/27/96 08/27/96 08M27/96 08/27/96 Maryland 09105n74 11/10/87 09/30/85 09/30/91 Michigan 10/117/3 12/09/78 04/16/85 11/29/93 Minnesota 06/30174 12/09178 07/16/79 12/15/87 Mississippi 05/01174 01128/83 05/13/82 09/27/91 Missouri 10/30174 06/26/79 06/03/81 12/12/85 Montana 06/10174 06/23/81 04/29/83 Nebraska 06/12174 11/02/79 09/07/84 07/20/89 Nevada 09/19/75 o8/31n8 07/27/92 New Jersey 04/13/82 04/13/82 04/13/82 04/13/82 New York 10128175 06/13/80 10/15/92 North Carolina 10/19n75 09/28/84 06/14/82 09/06/91 North Dakota 06113175 01122/90 01f22/90 Ohio 03/1 174 01128/83 07)27/83 08/17/92 Oklahoma** 11/19/96 11/19/96 09/11/96 11/19/96 Oregon 09126173 03102/79 03/12/81 02f23/82 Pennsylvania 06/30/78 06/30/78 08/02/91 Rhode Island 09/17/84 09/17/84 09/17/84 09/17/84 South Carolina 06/10175 09/26/80 04/09/82 09/03/92 South Dakota 12/30/93 12/30/93 12/30/93 12/30/93 Tennessee 12128177 09/30/86 08/10/83 04/18/91 Texas

  • 09/14/98 09/14/98 09114/98 09/14/98 Utah 07/07/87 07/07/87 07/07/87 07/07/87 Vermont 03/1 174 03/16/82 08/26/93 Virgin Islands 06/30/76 Virginia 03/31n5 02/09/82 04/14/89 04120/91 Washington 11/14/73 09/30/86 09/26/89 West Virginia 05/10/82 05/10/82 05/10/82 05/10/82 Wisconsin 02/04074 11126/79 12/24/80 12/19/86 Wyoming o113ot5 05o1/81 09/24/91 Jd *


Federal Register/Vol. 63. No. 185/Thursday. September 24, 1998/Notices 51201 Other Federal Statutes standards are in fact applied, the statutes and Executive Orders that A. NationalHistoricPreservationAct particularly In waters on which listed apply to rulemaking action are not species depend. This effort will result in applicable here. Among these are Pursuant to Section 106 of the more attention, particularly of minor provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility National Historic Preservation Act, 16 state permit actions, than EPA devotes Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. Under USC § 470(0. federal agencies must to oversight of any other state NPDES the RFA, whenever a Federal agency provide the Advisory Council of program in Region 6. Both EPA and proposes or promulgates a rule under Historic Preservation opportunity for FWS are additionally committed to section 553 of the Administrative comment on the effects their seeking even more protection for listed Procedure Act (APA), after being undertakings may have on the Nation's species by continuing to consider their required by that section or any other law historic properties. EPA has provided needs in EPA's review of revisions to to publish a general notice of proposed such an opportunity In Its review of the Texas' water quality standards. Region 6 rulemaking, the Agency must prepare a TPDES program approval request by believes these actions will increase the regulatory flexibility analysis for the consulting with the Advisory Council's overall protection CWA affords listed rule, unless the Agency certifies that the delegate, the Texas Historical species in Texas. rule will not have a significant Commission. No feasible measures for C. CoastalZone ManagementAct economic impact on a substantial further reducing potential adverse number of small entities. If the Agency effects on historic properties were Pursuant to Section 307(c) (1)(C) of the does not certify the rule, the regulatory developed. Region 6 understands, Coastal Zone Management Act, Federal flexibility analysis must describe and however, that the Texas Historical agencies carrying out an activity which assess the impact of a rule on small Commission is independently affects any land or water use or natural entities affected by the rule.

discussing means of improving its resource within the Coastal Zone of a coordination with TNRCC under State state with an approved Coastal Zone Even if the NPDES program approval law. Management Plan must determine were a rule subject to the RFA, the whether that activity is, to the Agency would certify that approval of B. EndangeredSpecies Act the State's proposed TPDES program maximum extent practicable, consistent Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered with the enforceable requirements of the would not have a significant economic Species Act (ESA), 33 USC 1536(a)(2), Plan and provide its determination to Impact on a substantial number of small requires that federal agencies insure, in the state agency responsible for entities. EPA's action to approve an consultation with the United States Fish Implementation of the Plan for review. NPDES program merely recognizes that

&Wildlife Service (FWS) and/or Texas' approved Coastal Zone the necessary elements of an NPDES National Marine Fisheries Service Management Plan is administered by program have already been enacted as a (NMFS), that actions they undertake, the General Land Office and, more matter of State law; it would, therefore, authorize, or fund are unlikely to particularly, by its Coastal Coordination impose no additional obligations upon jeopardize the continued existence of Council. TNRCC permit actions are those subject to the State's program.

listed threatened and endangered themselves subject to consistency Accordingly, the Regional species or result in destruction or review under 31 TAC 505(l 1)(a) (6); thus Administrator would certify that this adverse modification of critical habitat. approval of TNRCC's TPDES program program, even If a rule, would not have EPA consulted with both FWS and does not affect Texas' coastal zone and a significant economic impact on a NMFS in reviewing the TPDES program is consistent with the enforceable substantial number of small entities.

approval request. Difficult issues arose requirements of Texas' Coastal Zone and were resolved in Its consultation Notice of Decision Management Plan.

with FWS. I hereby provide public notice of the After careful consideration in formal D. RegulatoryFlexibilityAct Agency's approval of the application by consultation, FWS concluded in a Based on General Counsel Opinion the State of Texas for approval to biological opinion that approving the 78-7 (April 18, 1978), EPA has long administer, in accordance with 40 CFR TPDES program is unlikely to considered a determination to approve 123, the TPDES program.

jeopardize listed species if applicable or deny a State NPDES program water quality standards are fully applied submission to constitute an adjudication Dated: September 14. 1998.

in TPDES permits, despite some loss of because an "approval," within the Gregg A. Cooke, federal authority In some situations. meaning of the APA, constitutes a Regional AdministratorRegion 6.

With FWS assistance, EPA will use its "license," which, in turn, is the product IFR Doc. 98-25314 Filed 9-23-98; 8.45 am]

oversight procedures to assure the of an "adjudication." For this reason, BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

9 e re, -e.c e. . 3 '" I

(:Y7 pA)esýj TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION TPDES PERMIT ISSUED Permit No: 01854 Facility: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Effective Date: May 18, 2001 Expiration Date: March 1, 2004 Comments: Changes have been made to reflect the process at the new domestic waste treatment facility.

twcfin.cov yellow

R-3-2 TPDES PERMIT NO. 01854

[For TNRCC office use only EPA I.D. No. TXOO6584i TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION This is a renewal of TNRCC Permit P. 0. Box 13087 No. 01854, issued on July 3, 1995, and Austin, Texas 78711-3087 NPDES Permit No. TX006584, issued on September 30, 1994.

PERMIT TO DISPOSE OF WASTES under provisions of Section 402 of the Clean Water Act and Chapter 26 of the Texas Water Code TXU Electric Company whose mailing address is c/o Timothy A. O'Shea Energy Plaza 1601 Bryan Street Dallas, Texas 75201-3411 is authorized to treat and dispose of wastes from the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (SIC 4911) located on the west side of Squaw Creek Reservoir along State Highway 56, approximately four and one half (4.5) miles northwest of the City of Glen Rose, Somervell County, Texas from the plant into Squaw Creek Reservoir; thence to Squaw Creek, thence to the Paluxy River/North Paluxy River in Segment 1229 of the Brazos River Basin, or to Squaw Creek Reservoir, thence to Lake Granbury in Segment 1205 of the Brazos River Basin only according to effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in this permit, as well as the rules of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), the laws of the State of Texas, and other orders of the TNRCC. The issuance of this permit does not grant to the permittee the right to use private or public property for conveyance of wastewater along the discharge route described in this permit. This includes, but is not limited to, property belonging to any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity. Neither does this permit authorize any invasion of personal rights nor any violation of federal, state, or local laws or regulations.


It is the responsibility of the permittee to acquire property rights as may be necessary to use the discharge This permit shall expire at midnight on March 1,2004.

IS SU E D D ATE : MAY 1 8 2 00 1 ,r7--- .

For the Commission

EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Outf'all Number 001 I. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge once-through and auxiliary cooling water and previously monitored effluents (* 1)subject to the following effluent limitations:

The daily average flow of effluent shall not exceed 3,168 million gallons per day (MGD). The daily maximum flow shall not exceed 3,168 MGD.

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Self-Monitoring Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

(lbs/day) mg/i (lbs/day) mg/i mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A Continuous (*3) Record Temperature, (1F) (*2) (113) (116) (116) Continuous Record Free Available Chlorine (*4) (440) 0.2 (1101) 0.5 0.5 I/week (*6) Grab Total Residual Chlorine (*5) N/A (880) 0.2 0.2 I/week (*6) Grab

(*1) Effluent previously monitored at Outfall 004 may be discharged through Outfall 001.

(*2) See Other Requirements, Item No. 4.

(*3) Flow rates shall be obtained from pump curve data.

(*4) See Other Requirements, Item No. 6.

(*5) See Other Requirements, Item No. 5.

(*6) Samples shall be representative of periods of chlorination.

2. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.
3. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 001, where once-through cooling water and previously monitored effluents (* 1) are discharged from the discharge canal to Squaw Creek Reservoir.

I Page 2 of T'DES Permit No. 01854 TXU Electric Company


1. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge from the Safe Shutdown Impoundment (SSI) containing cooling water, low-volume wastes (*1) (service water) and stormwater runoff subject to the following effluent limitations:

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Self-Monitoring Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

mg/I mg/I mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A 1/day (*2) Estimate Total Suspended Solids 30 100 100 I/week (*2) Grab Oil and Grease 15 20 20 1/week (*2) Grab

(*1) See Other Requirements, Item No. 7.

(*2) When discharge occurs.

2. The pl1 shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored 1/week (*2), by grab sample.
3. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.
4. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 002, where (SSI) effluents are discharged to Squaw Creek Reservoir.

Page 2a of TPDES Permit No. 01854 TXU Electric Company


1. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated sanitary sewage effluent subject to the following effluent limitations:

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Self-Monitoring Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

mg/I mg/I mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A I/day .(*1) Estimate Biochemical Oxygen 20 45 45 2/month Grab Demand (5-day)

Total Suspended Solids 20 45 45 2/month Grab Fecal Coliform (200) (400) N/A I/week Grab (cfu/i00 ml) (*2)

(*1) Flow monitoring may be suspended on weekends and holidays. Flow rates for weekends and holidays shall be averaged from the flow totalizer readings taken the next working day.

(*2) Fecal coli form daily average shall be reported as the geometric mean of the values for the effluent samples collected during the calendar month.

2. The plI shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored 2/month, by grab sample.
3. Disinfection of the effluent is provided by ultraviolet radiation (UV). In the event that the UV system is taken out of service, an alternative chlorination disinfection system shall be used. When the alternate chlorination disinfection is used, the effluent shall contain a chlorine residual ofat least 1.0 mg/I and a maximum chlorine residual of 4.0 mg/I after a detention time of at least 20 minutes (based on peak flow), and shall be monitored five times per week, by grab sample.
4. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.

from the sewage

5. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 003, where sanitary sewage effluents are discharged treatment plant prior to Squaw Creek Reservoir.

I TXU Electric Company Page 2b ofTPI)FS iermit No. 01854


1. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge low-volume wastewater (*1) and previously monitored effluents subject to the following effluent limitations:

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Self-Monitoring Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

mg/I mg/I mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A I/day (*2) Estimae 100 100 i/week (*2) Grab (*3)

Total Suspended Solids 30 20 20 1/week (*2) Grab (*3)

Oil and Grease 15

(*1) See Other Requirements, Item No. 7.

(*2) When discharge occurs.

(*3) Since more than one source may be associated with this particular waste category, grab samples from each source may be either physically combined into a single flow weighted sample for analysis and reporting or individually analyzed and the results mathematically combined into a single flow weighted result for reporting.

2. The p1i shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored I/week (*2), by grab sample (*3).
3. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.


4. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 004, where low-volume wastewater and previously effluents are discharged prior to mixing with the once-through cooling water and/or Squaw Creek Reservoir.

!X TXU Electric Company Page 2c of TPDES Permit No. 0 1854

EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Out1fall Number 005 I. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge waters contained in Squaw Creek Reservoir subject to the following effluent limitations:

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Selff-Monitormng Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

mg/I mg/I mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type.

Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A I/day (*2)(*3) Estimate Temperature, (*F) (*1) N/A (93) (93) 1/day (*3) Grab Total Dissolved Solids N/A 4,000 4,000 1/month (*3) Grab

(* 1) See Other Requirements, Item No. 4.

(*2) Flow rates shall be obtained from pump curve data.

(*3) When discharging.

2. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.
3. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 005, located at Squaw Creek Reservoir Dam, prior to discharge to Lake Granbury.

Page 2d of TPDES Permit No. 01854 TXU E'lectric Company


1. During the period beginning upon date of issuance and lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge metal cleaning wastes (*1) on an intermittent, flow variable basis subject to the following effluent limitations:

Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations Minimum Self-Monitoring Requirements Daily Avg. Daily Max. Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.

mg/I mg/I mg/I Measurement Frequency Sample Type Flow (MGD) (Report) (Report) N/A l/day (*2) Estimate

!.0 1.0 1.0 I/week (*2) Grab Iron, Total 0.5 1.0  !.0 l/week (*2) Grab Copper, Total

(* I) See Other Requirements, Item No. 8.

(*2) When discharge occurs.

2. The p1l, total suspended solids, and oil and grease limits shall apply at Outfall 004 and shall be monitored at Outfall 004, by grab sample (*2).
3. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of visible oil.
4. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location: At Outfall 104, where metal cleaning wastes are discharged from the retention ponds or temporary treatment facilities prior to mixing with low-volume waste stream prior to discharge via Outfall 004.

Page 2e of TPDIES Permit No. 01854 TXU Electric Company

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARD PERMIT CONDITIONS As required by Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 305, certain regulations appear as standard conditions in waste discharge permits. 30 TAC §§ 305.121 - 305.129, Subchapter F, "Permit Characteristics and Conditions" as promulgated under the Texas Water Code §§ 5.103 and 5.105. and the Texas Health and Safety Code §§ 361.017 and 361.024(a), establish the characteristics and standards for waste discharge permits, including sewage sludge, and those sections of40 Code ofFederal Regulations (CFR) 122 adopted by reference by the Commission. The following text includes these conditions and incorporates them into this permit. All definitions in Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code and 30 TAC Chapter 305 shall apply to this perrmt and are incorporated by reference. Some Specific definitions of words or phrases used in this permit are as follows:

1. Flow Measurements
a. Annual average flow - the arithmetic average of all daily flow determinations taken within the preceding 12 consecutive calendar months. The annual average flow determination shall consist of daily flow volume determinations made by a totalizing meter, charted on a chart recorder and limited to major domestic wastewater discharge facilities with a 1 million gallons per day or greater permitted flow.
b. Daily average flow - the arithmetic average of all determinations of the daily discharge within a period ofone calendar month. The daily average flow determination shall consist of determinations made on at least four separate days. If instantaneous measurements are used to determine the daily discharge, the determination shall be the arithmetic average ofall instantaneous measurements taken during that month. Daily average flow determination for intermittent discharges shall consist of a minimum of three flow determinations on days of discharge.
c. Daily maximum flow - the highest total flow for any 24-hour period in a calendar month.
d. Instantaneous flow - the measured flow during the minimum time required to interpret the flow measuring device.
e. 2-hour peak flow (domestic wastewater treatment plants) - the maximum flow sustained for a two-hour period during the period of daily discharge. Multiple measurements of instantaneous maximum flow within a two-hour period may be compared to the permitted 2-hour peak flow.
f. Maximum 2-hour peak flow (domestic wastewater treatment plants) - the highest 2-hour peak flow for any 24-hour period in a calender month.
2. Concentration Measurements
a. Daily average concentration - the arithmetic average of all effluent samples, composite or grab as required by this permit, within a period ofone calendar month, consisting of at least four separate representative measurements. When four samples are not available in a calendar month, the arithmetic average of the four most recent measurements or the arithmetic average (weighted by flow) of all values taken during the month shall be used as the daily average concentration.
b. 7-day average concentration - the arithmetic average of all effluent samples, composite or grab as required by this permit, within a period of one calendar week. Sunday through Saturday.
c. Daily maximum concentration - the maximum concentration measured on a single day, by composite sample unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this permit, within a period of one calender month.
d. Daily discharge - the discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in terms of mass. the "daily discharge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the sampling day. For pollutants with limitatiorn expressed in other units of measurement, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the sampling day.

The "daily discharge" determination of concentration made using a composite sample shall be the concentration of the composite sample. When grab samples are used, the "daily discharge" determination of concentration shall be the arithmetic average (weighted by flow value) of all samples collected during that day.

e. Fecal coliform bacteria concentration - the number of colonies of fecal coliform bacteria per 100 milliliters effluent.

The fecal coliform bacteria daily average is a geometric mean of the values for the effluent samples collected in a calendar month. The geometric mean shall be determined by calculating the nth root of the product of all Page 3

TXU Electrc Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 measurements made in a particulai period of time. For example in a month's time, where n equals the number of measurements made; or. computed as the antilogarithm of the sum of the logarithm of each measurement made. For any measurement of fecal coliform bacteria equaling zero, a substituted value of one shall be made for input into either computation method.

3. Sample Type
a. Composite sample - for domestic wastewater a sample made up of a minimum of three effluent portions collected in a continuous 24-hour period or during the period of daily discharge if less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and combined in volumes proportional to flow, and collected no closer than two hours apart. For industrial wastewater a composite sample is a sample made up of a minimum of three effluent portions collected in a continuous 24-hour period or during the period of daily discharge if less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and combined in volumes proportional to flow, and collected no closer than one hour apart.
b. Grab sample - an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes.
4. Treatment Facility (facility) - wastewater facilities used in the conveyance, storage. treatment, recycling, reclamation and/or disposal of domestic sewage, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, recreational wastes, or other wastes including sludge handling or disposal facilities under the jurisdiction of the Commission.
5. The term "sewage sludge" is defined as solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in 30 TAC Chapter 312. This includes the solids which have not been classified as hazardous waste separated from wastewater by unit processes.
6. Bypass - the intentional diversion of a waste stream from any portion of a treatment facility.


1. Self-Reporting Monitoring results shall be provided at the intervals specified in the permit. Unless otherwise specified in this permit or otherwise ordered by the Commission, the permittee shall conduct effluent sampling and reporting in accordance with 30 TAC §§ 319.4 - 319.12. Unless otherwise specified, a monthly effluent report shall be submitted each month, to the location(s) specified on the reporting form or the instruction sheet, by the 20th day of the following month for each discharge which is described by this permit whether or not a discharge is made for that month. Monitoring results must be reported on the approved TPDES self-report form. Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form EPA No. 3320-I, signed and certified as required by Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 10.

As provided by state law, the permittee is subject to administrative, civil and criminal penalties, as applicable, for negligently or knowingly violating the Clean Water Act, the Texas Water Code, Chapters 26, 27, and 28, and Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 361, including but not limited to knowingly making any false statement, representation, or certification on any report, record, or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance, or falsifying, tampering with or knowingly rendering inaccurate any monitoring device or method required by this permit or violating any other requirement imposed by state or federal regulations.

2. Test Procedures Unless otherwise specified in this permit, test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall comply with procedures specified in 30 TAC §§319.11 - 319.12. Measurements, tests and calculations shall be accurately accomplished in a representative manner.
3. Records of Results
a. Monitoring samples and measurements shall be taken at times and in a manner so as to be representative of the monitored activity.
b. Except for records of monitoring information required by this permit related to the permittee's sewage sludge use and disposal activities, which shall be retained for a period of at least five years (or longer as required by 40 CFR Part 503), monitoring and reporting records, including strip charts and records of calibration and maintenance, copies of Page 4

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 all records required by this permit, records of all data used to complete the application for this permut, and the certification required by 40 CFR § 264.73(b)(9) shall be retained at the facility site and/or shall be readily available for review by a TNRCC representative for a period of three years from the date of the record or sample. measurement.

report, application or certification. This period shall be extended at the request of the Executive Director.

c. Records of monitoring activities shall include the following:
i. date, time and place of sample or measurement; ii. identity of individual who collected the sample or made the measurement.

iii. date and time of analysis:

iv. identity of the individual and laboratory who performed the analysts;

v. the technique or method of analysis; and vi. the results of the analysis or measurement and quality assurance/quality control records.

The period dunng which records are required to be kept shall be automatically extended to the date of the final disposition of any administrative or judicial enforcement action that maybe instituted against the permittee.

4. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the perrnttee monitors any pollutant at the location(s) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit using approved analytical methods as specified above, all results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values submitted on the approved TPDES self-report form. Increased frequency of sampling shall be indicated on the self-report form.
5. Calibration of Instruments All automatic flow measuring and/or recording devices and/or totalizing meters for measuring flows shall be accurately calibrated by a trained person at plant start-up and as often thereafter as necessary to ensure accuracy, but not less often than annually unless authorized by the Exesutive Director for a longer period. Such person shall verify in writing that the device is operating properly and giving accurate results. Copies of the verification shall be retained at the facility site and/or shall be readily available for review by a TNRCC representative for a period of three years.
6. Compliance Schedule Reports Reports ofcompliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of the permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date to the Regional Office and the Manager of the Water and Multimedia Section (MC 149) of the Enforcement Division.
7. Noncompliance Notification
a. In accordance with 30 TAC § 305.125(9) any noncompliance which may endanger human health or safety, or the environment shall be reported by the permittee to the TNRCC. Report of such information shall be provided orally or by facsimile transmission (FAX) to the Regional Office within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of becoming aware of the noncompliance.

the A written submission of such information shall also be provided by the permittee to the Regional Office and Manager of the Water and Multimedia Section (MC 149) of the Enforcement Division within five working days of becoming aware of the noncompliance. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause; the potential danger to human health or safety, or the environment; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue: and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance, and to mitigate its adverse effects.

b. The following violations shall be reported under Monitoring and Reporting Requirement 7.a.:
i. Unauthorized discharges as defined in Permit Condition 2(g) ii. Any unanticipated bypass which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit.

iii. Violation of a permitted maximum daily discharge limitation for pollutants listed specifically in the Other Requirements section of an Industrial TPDES permit.

c. In addition to the above, any effluent violation which deviates from the permitted effluent limitation by more than 40% shall be reported by the perrmittee in writing to the Regional Office and the Manager of the Water and Multimedia Section (MC 149) of the Enforcement Division within 5 working days of becorming aware of the noncompliance.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

d. Any noncompliance other than thai specified in this section, or any required informaanon not submitted or submitted incorrectly, shall be reported to the Water Quality Management Information Systems Team (MC 224) of the Enforcement Division as promptly as possible. This requirement means to report these types of noncomphance on the approved TPDES self-report form.
8. In accordance with the procedures described in 30 TAC §§ 305.21. 305.22 and 305.23 (relating to Emergency Orders.

Temporary Orders and Executive Director Authorizations) if the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior nonce by applying for such authorization.

9. Changes in Discharges of Toxic Substances All existing manufacturing, commercial, mining, and silvicultural permittees shall notify the Regional Office, orally or by facsimile transmission within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and both the Regional Office and the Manager of the Water and Multimedia Section (MC 149) of the Enforcement Division in writing within five (5) working days, after becoming aware of or having reason to believe:
a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent basis, of any toxic pollutant listed at 40 CFR Part 122, Appendix D.Tables II and III (excluding Total Phenols) which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following "notification levels":
i. One hundred micrograms per liter (100 lag!L);

ii. Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 yig!L) for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter (500 ;LgIL) for 2.4-dinitrophenol and for 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter (1 mgiL) for antimony; iii. Five (5) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application: or iv. The level established by the TNRCC.


b. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in any discharge, on a nonroutine or infrequent of a toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following "notification levels":
i. Five hundred micrograms per liter (500 gig/L);

ii. One milligram per liter (I mg/L) for antimony; iii. Ten (10) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application: or iv. The level established by the TNRCC.

10. Signatories to Reports in the manner All reports and other information requested by the Executive Director shall be signed by the person and required by 30 TAC § 305.128 (relating to Signatories to Reports).
11. All POTWs must provide adequate notice to the Executive Director of the following:


a. Any new introduction of pollutants into the POTW from an indirect discharger which would be subject to section or 306 of the CWA if it were directly discharging those pollutants; by a source
b. Any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into that POTW introducing pollutants into the POTW at the time of issuance of the permit; and
c. For the purpose of this paragraph, adequate notice shall include information on:
i. The quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the POTW; and from the POTW.

ii. Any anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent to be discharged Page 6

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 0 1854 PERMIT CONDITIONS

1. General
a. When the permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in an application or in any report to the Executive Director. it shall promptly subrmt such facts or information.
b. This permit is granted on the basis ofthe information supplied and representations made by the permittee during action on an application in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 50 and the application process in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 281, and relying upon the accuracy and completeness of that information and those representations in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 305. After notice in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 39 and opportunity for a hearing in accordance with 30 TAC §§ 55.21 - 55.31, Subchapter B, "Hearing Requests, Public Comment", this permut may be modified, suspended. or revoked, in whole or in part in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 305 Subchapter D, during its term for cause including but not limited to, the following:
i. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit; ii. Obtaining this perrmt by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or iii. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge.
c. The permittee shall furnish to the Executive Director, upon request and within a reasonable time, any information to determine whether cause exists for amending, revoking, suspending or terminating the permit. The permittee shall also furnish to the Executive Director, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by the permit.
2. Compliance
a. Acceptance of the permit by the person to whom it is issued constitutes acknowledgment and agreement that such person will comply with all the terms and conditions embodied in the permit, and the rules and other orders of the Commission.
b. The permittee has a duty to comply with all conditions of the permit. Failure to comply with any permit condition constitutes a violation of the permit and the Texas Water Code or the Texas Health and Safety Code, and is grounds for enforcement action, for permit amendment, revocation or suspension, or for denial of a permit renewal application or of an application for a permit for another facility.
c. It shall not be a defense for a perrnxttee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of the permit.
d. The perrmttee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal or other permit violation which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment.
e. Authorization from the Commission is required before beginning any change in the permitted facility or activity that may result in noncompliance with any permit requirements.
f. A permit may be amended, suspended and reissued, or revoked for cause in accordance with 30 TAC §§ 305.62 and 305.66 and the Texas Water Code Section 7.302. The filing of a request by the permruttee for a permit amendment.

suspension and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any permit condition.

g. There shall be no unauthorized discharge of wastewater or any other waste. For the purpose of this permit, an unauthoriied discharge is considered to be any discharge of wastewater into or adjacent to waters in the state at any location not permitted as an outfall or otherwise defined in the Other Requirements section of this permit.
h. In accordance with 30 TAC § 305.535(a), the permittee may allow any bypass to occur from a TPDES permitted facility which does not cause permitted effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if the diversion is also for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation.
i. The permittee is subject to administrative, civil, and criminal penalties, as applicable, under Texas Water Code §§ 26.136, 26.212, and 26.213 for violations including but not lImited to negligently or knowingly violating the federal Clean Water Act, §§ 301, 302, 306, 307, 308. 318, or 405, or any condition or limitation implementing any sections Page 7

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 approved under the in a permit issued under the CWA § 402, or any requirement imposed in a pretreatment program CWA §§ 402 (a)(3) or 402 (b)(8).

3. Inspections and Entry
a. Inspection and entry shall be allowed as prescribed in the Texas Water Code Chapters 26. 27. and 28, and Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 361.


b. The members of the Commission and employees and agents of the Commission are entitled to enter any public to the private property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating quality of water in the state or the compliance with any rule, regulation, permit or other order of the Commission.

Members, employees, or agents of the Commission and Commission contractors are entitled to enter publicthere or private or, if the responsible party is not responsive or is an property at any reasonable time to investigate or monitor to the quality of immediate danger to public health or the environment, to remove or remediate a condition related acting under this authority who enter water in the state. Members, employees, Commission contractors, or agents and fire private property shall observe the establishment's rules and regulations concerning safety, internal security, then in charge protection, and if the property has management in residence, shall notify management or the person exhibit proper credentials. If any member, employee, Comrmssion contractor, or agent is of his presence and shall invoke this authority, the Executive Director may refused the right to enter in or on public or private property under the remedies authorized in Texas Water Code Section 7.002.

4. Permit Amendment and/or Renewal physical alterations or
a. The permittee shall give notice to the Executive Director as soon as possible of any planned amendment or result in a additions to the permitted facility if such alterations or additions would require a when. permit violation of permut requirements. Notice shall also be required under this paragraph whether a facility
i. The alteration or addition to a permitted facility may meet one of the criteria for determining and New Dischargers); or is a new source in accordance with 30 TAC § 305.534 (relating to New Sources of pollutants discharged.

ii. The alteration or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity in the permit, nor to This notification applies to pollutants which are subject neither to effluent lunitations adopted by 30 TAC § notification requirements in Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No. 8 and as forTPDES Perrmts);

305.531 (a) (relating to Establishing and Calculating Additional Conditions and Limitations use or disposal practices. and iii The alteration or addition results in a significant change in the permittee's sludge that are different from or such alteration, addition, or change may justify the application of permit conditions permit, including notification of additional use or disposal sites not reported during the absent in the existing plan.

permit application process or not reported pursuant to an approved land application

b. Prior to any facility modifications, additions and/or expansions of a peruitted facility that will increase the plant and obtain proper authorization from the capacity beyond the permitted flow, the permittee must apply for Commission before commencing construction.

of the existing permit in

c. The permittee must apply for an amendment or renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration to continue such actiity order to continue a permitted activity after the expiration date of the perrmt. Authorization will terminate upon the effective denial of said application.

or which would result in a

d. Prior to accepting or generating wastes which are not described in the permit application report the proposed changes significant change in the quantity or quality of the existing discharge, the penruttee must apply for a permut amendment reflecting any necessary changes in perrmt to the Commission. The permittee must by this permit.

condition§, including effluent limitations for pollutants not identified and limited notice of which shall be given to the

e. In accordance with the Texas Water Code § 26.029(b). after a public hearing, cause. in accordance with applicable permittee. the Commission may require the permittee. from time to time, for good laws, to conform to new or additional conditions.

specified in such effluent standard

f. If any toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance for a toxic pollutant which is present in or prohibition) is promulgated under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act the pollutant in this permit. this the discharge and that standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation on standard or prohibition. The effluent permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued to conform to the toxic Page 8

ý3-I5 TXU` Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 permittee shall comply with efflueht standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that established those standards or prohibitions.

even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement.

5. Permit Transfer
a. Prior to any transfer of this permit. Commission approval must be obtained. The Commission shall be notified in writing of any change in control or ownership of facilities authorized by this permit. Such notification should be sent to the Water Quality Applications Team (MC 148) of the Registration & Evaluation Division.
b. A permit may be transferred only according to the provisions of 30 TAC § 305.64 (relating to Transfer of Permits) and 30 TAC § 50.33 (relating to Executive Director Action on Application for Transfer).
6. Relationship to Hazardous Waste Activities This permit does not authorize any activity of hazardous waste storage, processing, or disposal which requires a permit or other authorization pursuant to the Texas Health and Safety Code.
7. Relationship to Water Rights Disposal of treated effluent by any means other than discharge directly to the waters in the state must be specifically authorized in this permit and may require a permit pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Texas Water Code.
8. Property Rights A permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege.
9. Permit Enforceability The conditions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstances, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit, shall not be affected thereby.


1. The perirttee shall at all times ensure that the facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, solids and disposal are includes the regular, periodic examination of wastewater within the properly operated and maintained. This as described treatment plant by the operator in order to maintain an appropriate quantity and quality of solids inventory accepted industry standards for process control such as the in the various operator training manuals and according toControl Tests for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facilities."

Commission's "Recommendations for Minimum Process TNRCC Process control records shall be retained at the facility site and/or shall be readily available for review by a representative for a period of three years.

in order

2. Upon request by the Executive Director, the permittee shall take appropriate samples and provide proper analysis ordered by the to demonstrate compliance with Commission rules. Unless otherwise specified in this permit or otherwise TAC § § 312.1 - 312.13 concerning sewage sludge use Commission. the permittee shall comply with all provisions of 30 and disposal and 30 TAC §§ 319.21 - 319.29 concerning the discharge of certain hazardous metals.
3. Domestic wastewater treatment facilities shall comply with the following provisions:

The permittee shall notify the Executive Director in care of the Wastewater Permitting Section (MC 148)least of the Water

a. at 90 days Permits & Resource Management Division, in writing of any closure activity or facility expansion prior to conducting such activity.

regulated by this

b. Closure activities include those associated with any pit, tank, pond, lagoon, or surface impoundment permit.

of the Wastewater

c. As part of the notification, the permittee shall submit to the Municipal Permits Team (MC 148)has been developed Permitting Section of the Water Permits & Resource Management Division, a closure plan which Page 9

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No 01854 in accordance with the "Closure Guidance Documents Nos. 4 and 5" available through the Publications Inventory and Distribution Section (MC 195) of the Agency Commumcations Division.

4. The permittee is responsible for installing prior to plant start-up, and subsequently maintaining, adequate safeZuards to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes during electrical power failures by means of alternate power sources, standby generators, and/or retention of inadequately treated wastewater.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the permittee shall provide a readily accessible sampling point and, where applicable, an effluent flow measuring device or other acceptable means by which effluent flow may be determined.
6. The permirtee shall remit an annual waste treatment fee to the Commission as required by 30 TAC Chapter 305 Subchapter M and an annual water quality assessment fee to the Commission as required by 30 TAC Chapter 320. Failure to pay either fee may result in revocation of this permit.
7. Documentation For all written notifications to the Commission required of the perrmttee by this permit, the permittee shall keep and make available a copy of each such notification under the same conditions as self-monitoring data are required to be kept and made available. Except for applications, effluent data, permits, and other data specified m 30 TAC § 305.46, any information submitted pursuant to this permit may be claimed as confidential by the subrmrtter. Any such claim must be asserted in the manner prescribed in the application form or by stamping the words "confidential business information" on each page containing such information. If no claim is made at the time of submussion, information may be made available to the public without further notice.
8. Facilities which generate domestic wastewater shall comply with the following provisions; domestic wastewater treatment facilities at permitted industrial sites are excluded.
a. Whenever flow measurements for any domestic sewage treatment facility reach 75 percent of the permitted daily average or annual average flow for three consecutive months, the permrttee must initiate engineering and financial planning for expansion and/or upgrading of the domestic wastewater treatment and/or collection facilities. Whenever, the flow reaches 90 percent of the permitted daily average or annual average flow for three consecutive months, the permittee shall obtain necessary authorization from the Commission to commence construction of the necessary additional treatment and/or collection facilities. In the case ofa domestic wastewater treatment facility which reaches 75 percent of the permitted daily average or annual average flow for three consecutive months, and the planned population to be served or the quantity of waste produced is not expected to exceed the design limitations of the treatment facility, the permittee shall submit an engineering report supporting this claim to the Executive Director of the Commission.

If in the judgement of the Executive Director the population to be served will not cause permit noncompliance, then the requirement of this section may be waived. To be effective, any waiver must be in writing and signed by the Director of the Water Permits & Resource Management Division (MC 148) of the Commission, and such waiver of these requirements will be reviewed upon expiration of the existing permit; however, any such waiver shall not be interpreted as condoning or excusing any violation of any permit parameter.

b. The plans and specifications for domestic sewage collection and treatment works associated with any domestic permit must be approved by the Commission, and failure to secure approval before commencing construction of such works or making a discharge is a violation of this permit and each day is an additional violation until approval has been secured.
c. Permits for domestic wastewater treatment plants are granted subject to the policy of the Commission to encourage the development of area-wide waste collection, treatment and disposal systems. The Commission reserves the right to amend any domestic wastewater permit in accordance with applicable procedural requirements to require the system covered by this permit to be integrated into an area-wide system, should such be developed; to require the delivery of the wastes authorized to be collected in, treated by or discharged from said system, to such area-wide system: or to amend this permit in any other particular to effectuate the Commission's policy. Such amendments may be made when the changes required are advisable for water quality control purposes and are feasible on the basis of waste treatment technology, engineering, financial, and related considerations existing at the time the changes are required.

exclusive of the loss of investment in or revenues from any then existing or proposed waste collection, treatment or disposal system.

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rq3-17 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No 01854

9. Domestic wastewater treatment plants shall be operated and maintained by sewage plant operators holding a valid certificate of competency at the required level as defined in 30 TAC Chapter 325.
10. For publicly owned treatment works, the 30-day average (or Monthly average) percent removal for BOD and TSS shall not be less than 85 percent. unless otherwise authorized by this permit.
11. Facilities which generate industrial solid waste as defined in 30 TAC § 335.1 shall comply with these provisions:
a. Any solid waste generated by the permittee during the management and treatment of wastewater, as defined in 30 TAC

§ 335.1 (including but not limited to such wastes as garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment, water supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility, discarded materials, discarded materials to be recycled, whether the waste is solid, liquid, or sermisolid) must be managed in accordance with all applicable provisions of 30 TAC Chapter 335, relating to Industrial Solid Waste Management.

b. Industrial wastewater that is being collected. accumulated, stored, or processed before discharge through any final discharge outfall, specified by this permit, is considered to be industrial solid waste until the wastewater passes through the actual point source discharge and must be managed in accordance with all applicable provisions of 30 TAC Chapter 335.
c. The permittee shall provide written notification, pursuant to the requirements of 30 TAC § 335.6(g), to the Corrective Action Section (MC 127) of the Industrial and Hazardous Waste Division informing the Commission of any closure activity involving an Industrial Solid Waste Management Unit. at least 90 days prior to conducting such an activity.
d. Construction of any industrial solid waste management unit requires the prior written notification of the proposed activity to the Waste Evaluation Section (MC 129) of the Industrial and Hazardous Waste Division. No person shall dispose of industrial solid waste, including sludge or other solids from wastewater treatment processes, prior to fulfilling the deed recordation requirements of 30 TAC § 335.5.
e. The term "industrial solid waste management unit" means a landfill, surface impoundment, waste-pile, industrial furnace, incinerator, cement kiln, injection well, container, drum, salt dome waste containment cavern, or any other structure vessel, appurtenance, or other improvement on land used to manage industrial solid waste.
f. The permittee shall keep management records for all sludge (or other waste) removed from any wastewater treatment process. These records shall fulfill all applicable requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 335 and must include the following, as it pertains to wastewater treatment and discharge:
i. Volume of waste and date(s) generated from treatment process; ii. Volume of waste disposed of on-site or shipped off-site; iii. Date(s) of disposal; iv. Identity of hauler or transporter;
v. Location of disposal site; and vi. Method of final disposal.

The above records shall be maintained on a monthly basis. The records shall be retained at the facility site and/or shall be readily available for review by authorized representatives of the TNRCC for at least five years.


12. For industrial facilities to which the requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 335 do not apply, sludge and solid wastes, Health and tank cleaning and contaminated solids for disposal, shall be disposed of in accordance with Chapter 361 of the Safety Code of Texas.

TNRCC Revision 3/2000 Page II

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 OTHER REQUIREMENTS

1. Violations of daily maximum limitations for the following pollutants shall be reported orally to TNRCC Region 4 within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the violation, followed by a written report within five days:

Total Copper

2. Test methods utilized to determine compliance with the permit limitations shall be sensitive enough to detect the following parameters at the minimum analytical level (MAL). Permit compliance/noncompliance determinations will be based on the effluent limitations contained in this permit with consideration given to the MAL for toxic organic and toxic inorganic parameters. When an analysis of an effluent sample for the following parameters results in a measurement of less than the MAL, that parameter shall be reported as

"<(MAL value)" and this shall be interpreted as a value of zero (0) for compliance purposes.


Copper (Total) 10

3. There shall be no discharge of transformer fluid containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds.
4. Daily average temperature is defined as the flow weighted average temperature (FWAT) and shall be computed and recorded on a daily basis. FWAT shall be computed at equal time intervals not greater than two hours.

The method of calculating FWAT is as follows:



"Daily average temperature" shall be the arithmetic average of all FWAT's calculated during the calendar month.

"Daily maximum temperature" shall be the highest FWAT calculated during the calendar month.

5. The term "total residual chlorine" (or total residual oxidants for intake water with bromides) means the value obtained using the amperometric method for total residual chlorine described in 40 CFR Part 136.

Total residual chlorine may not be discharged from any single generating unit for more than two hours per day unless the discharge demonstrates to the permitting authority that discharge for more than two hours is required for macroinvertebrate control.

Simultaneous multi-unit chlorination is permitted.

6. The term "free available chlorine" shall mean the value obtained using the amperometric titration method for free available, chlorine described in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater".

Free available chlorine may not be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day.

7. The term "low volume waste sources" means, wastewaters from, but not limited to: wet scrubber air pollution control systems, ion exchange water treatment system, water treatment, evaporator and boiler blowdown, laboratory and sampling streams, floor drainage, cooling tower basin cleaning wastes and blowdown from recirculation house service water systems. Sanitary and air conditioning wastes are not included.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

8. The term "metal cleaning waste" rmeans any wastewater resulting from cleaning (with or without chemical compounds) any metal process equipment including, but not limited to, boiler tube cleaning, boiler fireside cleaning, and air preheater cleaning.

The term "chemical metal cleaning waste" means any wastewater resulting from the cleaning of any metal process equipment with chemical compounds, including, but not limited to, boiler tube cleaning.

9. A monthly effluent report must be submitted each month by the 25' day of the following month for each discharge which is described by this permit whether or not a discharge is made for that month. This provision supersedes and replaces Monitoring and Reportin2 Provision #1 on page 4 of this permit.
10. Chronic toxic criteria apply at the edge of the mixing zone. The mixing zone for Outfall 001 is defined as a volume within a radius of 100 feet from the point of discharge to Squaw Creek Reservoir.

Chronic toxic criteria apply at the edge of the mixing zone. The mixing zone for Outfall 005 is defined as a volume within a radius of 100 feet from the point of discharge to Lake Granbury.

t1. Subsequent to this permit issuance date, all process wastewater ponds shall be lined in compliance with one of the following requirements:

a. Soil Liner: The soil liner shall contain at least 3 feet of clay-rich (liquid limit greater than or equal to 30 and plasticity index greater than or equal to 15) soil material along the sides and bottom of the pond compacted in lifts of no more than 9 inches, to 95% standard proctor density at the optimum moisture content to achieve a permeability equal to or less than I x 10' cm/sec.
b. Plastic/Rubber Liner: The liner shall be either a plastic or rubber membrane liner at least 30 mls"in thickness which completely covers the sides and the bottom of the pond and which is not subject to degradation due to reaction with wastewater with which it will come into contact. If this lining material is vulnerable to ozone or ultraviolet deterioration it should be covered with a protective layer of soil of at least 6 inches. A leak detection system is also required.
c. Alternate Liner: The permittee shall submit plans for any other pond lining method. Pond liner plans must be approved in writing by the Executive Director of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission prior to pond construction.

The permittee shall notify the TNRCC Regional Office upon completion of construction of the pond and at lest a week prior to its use. Certification of the lining specifications shall be provided by a Texas liscensed professional engineer and shall be available for inspection by Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission personnel upon request. For new construction, the certification and the test results of solid forming the bottom and sides of the pond shall be submitted to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Wastewater Permitting Section and Regional Office for review prior to discharging any wastewaters into the pond. Permeability tests shall be made with material typical of the expected use.

d. All wastewater retention ponds shall be operated in such a manner as to maintain a minimum freeboard of two feet.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 CHRONIC BIOMONITORING REQUiREMENTS: FRESHWATER The provisions of this Section apply to Outfall 001 for whole effluent toxicity testing (biomonitonng).

1. Scope, Frequency and Methodology
a. The permittee shall test the effluent for toxicity in accordance with the provisions below. Such testing will determine if an appropriately dilute effluent sample adversely affects the survival, reproduction.

or growth of the test organism(s). Toxicity is herein defined as a statistically significant difference at the 95% confidence level between the survival, reproduction, or growth of the test organism(s) in a specified effluent dilution compared to the survival, reproduction, or growth of the test organism(s) in the control (0% effluent).

b. The permittee shall conduct the following toxicity tests utilizing the test organisms, procedures and quality assurance requirements specified in this Part of the permit and in accordance with "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Third Edition" (EPA-600-4-91-002), or the most recent update thereof:

I) Chronic static renewal survival and reproduction test using the water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia)

(Method 1002.0 or the most recent update thereof). This test should be terminated when 60% of the surviving adults in the control produce three broods. This test shall be conducted once per six months.

2) Chronic static renewal 7-day larval survival and growth test using the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) (Method 1000.0 or the most recent update thereof). A minimum of five replicates with eight organisms per replicate shall be used in the control and in each dilution.

This test shall be conducted once per six months.

The permittee must perform and submit a valid test for each test species during the required reporting period for that species. A minimum of five replicates with eight organisms per replicate shall be used in the control and each dilution. An invalid test is herein defined as any test failing to satisfy the test acceptability criteria, procedures, and quality assurance requirements specified in the test methods and permit.

c. The permittee shall use five effluent dilution concentrations and a control in each toxicity test. These additional effluent concentrations are 32%, 42%, 56%, 75%, and 100% effluent. The critical dilution, defined as 100% effluent, is the effluent concentration representative of the proportion of effluent in the receiving water during critical low flow or critical mixing conditions.
d. This permit maybe amended to require a Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) limit, Chemical-Specific (CS) limits, a Best Management Practice (BMP), additional toxicity testing, and/or other appropriate actions to address toxicity. The permittee may be required to conduct additional biomonitoring tests and/or a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) ifbiomonitonng data indicate multiple numbers of unconfirmed toxicity events.
2. Required Toxicity Testing Conditions
a. Test Acceptance - The permittee shall repeat any toxicity test, including the control and all effluent dilutions, which fails to meet any of the following criteria:

I) a control mean survival of 80% or greater; Page 14


TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

2) a control mean number of Ceriodaphnia dubia neonates per surviving adult of 15 or greater;
3) a control mean dry weight of surviving fathead minnow larvae of 0.25 mg or greater;
4) a control Coefficient of Variation percent (CV%) of40 or less in between replicates for the young of surviving females in the Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction and survival test; and the growth and survival endpoints in the Pimephales promelas growth and survival test.
5) a critical dilution CV% of 40 or less for young of surviving females in the Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction and survival test; and the growth and survival endpoints for the Pimephales promelas growth and survival test. However, if statistically significant lethal or nonlethal effects are exhibited at the critical dilution, a CV% greater than 40 shall not invalidate the test.
b. Statistical Interpretation I) If the conditions of test acceptability are met and the survival of the test organism is equal to or greater than 80% in the critical dilution and all dilutions below that, the test shall be considered a passing test. The permittee shall report an No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) of not less than the critical dilution for the reporting requirements.
2) For the Ceriodaphnia dubia survival test, the statistical analyses used to determine if there is a significant difference between the control and the critical dilution shall be Fisher's Exact Test as described in the "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Third Edition" (EPA/600/4-91/002), or the most recent update thereof.
3) For the Cenodaphnia dubia reproduction test and the fathead minnow larval survival and growth tests, the statistical analyses used to determine if there is a significant difference between the control and the critical dilution shall be in accordance with the methods for determining the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) as described in the "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Third Edition" (EPA/600/4-91/002), or the most recent update thereof.
c. Dilution Water
1) Dilution water used in the toxicity tests shall be the receiving water collected at a point upstream of the discharge as close as possible to the discharge point, but unaffected by the discharge..
2) Where the receiving water proves unsatisfactory as a result of preexisting instream toxicity (i.e.

fails to fulfill the test acceptance criteria of item 2.a.), the permittee may substitute synthetic dilution water for the receiving water in all subsequent tests provided the unacceptable receiving water test met the following stipulations:

a) a synthetic lab water control was performed (in addition to the receiving water control) which fulfilled the test acceptance requirements of item 2.a; b) the test indicating receiving water toxicity was carried out to completion (i.e., 7 days);

c) the permittee submitted all test results indicating receiving water toxicity with the reports and information required in Part 3 of this Section.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 The synthetic dilution watef shall have a pH, hardness, and alkalinity similar to that of the receiving water or a- natural water in the drainage basin that is unaffected by the discharge, provided the magnitude of these parameters will not cause toxicity in a synthetic dilution water control that has been formulated to match the pH, hardness, and alkalinity naturally found in the receiving water. Upon approval, the permittee may substitute other appropriate dilution water with chemical and physical characteristics similar to that of the receiving water.

d. Samples and Composites
1) The permittee shall collect a minimum of three flow-weighted 24-hour composite samples from Outfall 001. The second and third 24-hour composite samples will be used for the renewal of the dilution concentrations for each toxicity test. A 24-hour composite sample consists of a minimum of 12 effluent portions collected at equal time intervals representative of a 24-hour operating day and combined proportionally to flow, or a sample continuously collected proportionally to flow over a 24-hour operating day.

The permittee shall combine the effluent composite samples in proportion to the average flow from each outfall defined in item l.a for the day the sample was collected. The permittee shall perform the toxicity test on the flow-weighted composite of the combined outfall samples.

2) The permittee shall collect the 24-hour composite samples such that the samples are representative of any periodic episode of chlorination, biocide usage, or other potentially toxic substance discharged on an intermittent basis.
3) The permittee shall initiate the toxicity tests within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> after collection of the last portion of the first 24-hour composite sample. The holding time for any subsequent 24-hour composite sample shall not exceed 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Samples shall be maintained at a temperature of 4 degrees Centigrade during collection, shipping, and storage.
4) If flow from the outfall being tested ceases during the collection of effluent samples, the requirements for the minimum number of effluent samples, the minimum number of effluent portions, and the sample holding time, are waived during that sampling period. However, the permittee must have collected an effluent composite sample volume sufficient to complete the required toxicity tests with daily renewal of the effluent. When possible, the effluent samples used for the toxicity tests shall be collected on separate days if the discharge occurs over multiple days. The effluent composite sample collection duration and the static renewal protocol associated with the abbreviated sample collection must be documented in the full report required in Part 3 of this Section.
3. Reporting All reports, tables, plans, summaries, and related correspondence required in any Part of this Section shall be submitted to the attention of the Water Quality Assessment Team (MC 150) of the Water Permits &

Resource Management Division.

a. The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results of all tests conducted pursuant to this permit in accordance with the Report Preparation Section of "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms, Third Edition" (EPA 600/4 91/002), or the most recent update thereof, for every valid and invalid toxicity test initiated whether carried to completion or not. All full reports shall be retained for 3 years at the plant site and shall be available for inspection by TNRCC personnel.

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R,3-23 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

b. A full report must be submitted with the first valid biomonitoring test results for each test species and with the first test results any time the permittee subsequently employs a different test laboratory. Full reports need not be submitted for subsequent testing unless specifically requested. The permittee shall routinely report the results of each biomonitoring test on the Table I forms provided with this permit.

All Table 1 reports must include the information specified in the Table I form attached to this permit.

I) Annual biomonitoring test results are due on or before January 20th for biomonitoring conducted during the previous 12 month period.

2) Semiannual biomonitoring test results are due on or before July 20th and January 20th for biomonitoring conducted during the previous 6 month period.
3) Quarterly biomonitoring test results are due on or before April 20th, July 20th, October 20th, and January 20th, for biomonitoring conducted during the previous calendar quarter.
4) Monthly biomonitoring test results are due on or before the 20th day of the month following sampling.
c. Enter the following codes on the DMR for the appropriate parameters for valid tests only:
1) For the water flea, Parameter TLP3B, enter a "1" if the NOEC for survival is less than the critical dilution; otherwise, enter a "0."
2) For the water flea, Parameter TOP3B, report the NOEC for survival.
3) For the water flea, Parameter TPP3B, report the NOEC for reproduction.
4) For the fathead minnow, Parameter TLP6C,enter a "1" if the NOEC for survival is less than the critical dilution; otherwise, enter a "0."
5) For the fathead minnow, Parameter TOP6C, report the NOEC for survival.
6) For the fathead minnow, Parameter TPP6C, report the NOEC for growth.
4. Persistent Lethality The requirements of this Part apply only when a toxicity test demonstrates significant lethality at the critical dilution. Significant lethality is defined as a statistically significant difference, at the 95% confidence level, between the survival of the test organism in a specified effluent dilution when compared to the survival of the test organism in the control.
a. The permittee shall conduct a total of two additional tests (retests) for any species that demonstrates significant lethality at the critical dilution. The two retests shall be conducted monthly during the next two consecutive months. The permittee shall not substitute either of the two retests in lieu of routine toxicity testing. All reports shall be submitted within 20 days of test completion. Test completion is defined as the last day of the test.
b. If one or both of the two retests specified in item 4.a. demonstrates significant lethality at the critical dilution, the permittee shall initiate the TRE requirements as specified in Part 5.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

c. The provisions of item 4.a. are suspended upon completion of the two retests and submittal of the TRE Action Plan and Schedule defined in Part 5 of this Section.
5. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation
a. Within 45 days of the last test day of the retest that confirms significant lethality at the critical dilution, the permittee shall submit a General Outline for initiating a TRE. The outline shall include, but not be limited to, a description of project personnel, a schedule for obtaining consultants (if needed), a discussion of influent and/or effluent data available for review, a sampling and analytical schedule, and a proposed TRE initiation date.
b. Within 90 days of the last test day of the retest that confirms significant lethality at the critical dilution, the permittee shall submit a TRE Action Plan and Schedule for conducting a TRE. The plan shall specify the approach and methodology to be used in performing the TRE. A Toxicity Reduction Evaluation is a step-wise investigation combining toxicity testing with physical and chemical analysis to determine actions necessary to eliminate or reduce effluent toxicity to a level not effecting significant lethality at the critical dilution. The TRE Action Plan shall lead to the successful elimination of significant lethal effects at the critical dilution for both test species defined in item 1.b. As a minimum, the TRE Action Plan shall include the following:

I) Specific Activities - The TRE Action Plan shall specify the approach the permittee intends to utilize in conducting the TRE, including toxicity characterizations, identifications, confirmations, source evaluations, treatability studies, and/or alternative approaches. When conducting characterization analyses,.the permittee shall perform multiple characterizations and follow the procedures specified in the document entitled, "Toxicity Identification Evaluation:

Characterization of Chronically Toxic Effluents, Phase I" (EPAI600/6-91/005F), or alternate procedures. The permittee shall perform multiple identifications and follow the methods specified in the documents entitled, "Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations, Phase II Toxicity Identification Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity" (EPA/60 O0R-92/080) and "Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations, Phase IlI Toxicity Confirmation Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity" (EPA/600/R 92/081). All characterization, identification, and confirmation tests shall be conducted in an orderly and logical progression;

2) Sampling Plan - The TRE Action Plan should describe sampling locations, methods, holding times, chain of custody, and preservation techniques. The effluent sample volume collected for all tests shall be adequate to perform the toxicity characterization/ identification/ confirmation procedures, and chemical-specific analyses when the toxicity tests show significant lethality.

Where the permittee has identified or suspects specific pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity, the permittee shall conduct, concurrent with toxicity testing, chemical-specific analyses for the identified and/or suspected pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity;

3) Quality Assurance Plan - The TRE Action Plan should address record keeping and data evaluation, calibration and standardization, baseline tests, system blanks, controls, duplicates, spikes, toxicity persistence in the samples, randomization, reference toxicant control charts, as well as mechanisms to detect artifactual toxicity; and
4) Project Organization - The TRE Action Plan should describe the project staff, project manager, consulting engineering services (where applicable), consulting analytical and toxicological services, etc.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

c. Within 30 days of submittal of the TRE Action Plan and Schedule, the perrnittee shall implement the TRE with due diligence.
d. The permittee shall submit quarterly TRE Activities Reports concerning the progress of the TRE. The quarterly reports are due on or before April 20th, July 20th. October 20th, and January 20th. The report shall detail information regarding the TRE activities including:
1) results and interpretation of any chemical specific analyses for the identified and/or suspected pollutant(s) performed during the quarter;
2) results and interpretation of any characterization, identification, and confirmation tests performed during the quarter;
3) any data and/or substantiating documentation which identifies the pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity;
4) results of any studies/evaluations concerning the treatability of the facility's effluent toxicity;
5) any data which identifies effluent toxicity control mechanisms that will reduce effluent toxicity to the level necessary to meet no significant lethality at the critical dilution; and
6) any changes to the initial TRE Plan and Schedule that are believed necessary as a result of the TRE findings.

Copies of the TRE Activities Report shall also be submitted to the U.S. EPA Region 6 office (6WQ-PI) and the TNRCC Region 4 office.

e. During the TRE, the permittee shall perform, at a minimum, quarterly testing using the more sensitive species; testing for the less sensitive species shall continue at the frequency specified in Part 1.b. If the effluent ceases to effect significant lethality (herein as defined below) the permittee may end the TRE.

A "cessation of lethality" is defined as no significant lethality at the critical dilution for a period of 12 consecutive months with at least monthly testing. At the end of the 12 months, the permittee shall submit a statement of intent to cease the TRE and may then resume the testing frequency specified in Part L.b.

This provision does not apply as a result of corrective actions taken by the permittee. "Corrective actions" are herein defined as proactive efforts which eliminate or reduce effluent toxicity. These include, but are not limited to, source reduction or elimination, improved housekeeping, changes in chemical usage, and modifications of influent streams and/or effluent treatment.

The permrittee may only apply this cessation of lethality provision once. If the effluent again demonstrates significant lethality to the same species, then this permit will be amended to add a WET limit with a compliance period, if appropriate. However, prior to the effective date of the WET limit, the permittee may apply for a permit amendment removing the WET limit, in lieu of an alternate toxicity control measure, by identifying and confirming the toxicant and/or an appropriate control measure.

f. The permittee shall complete the TRE and submit a Final Report on the TR.E Activities no later than 28 months from the last test day of the retest that confirmed significant lethal effects at the critical dilution. The permittee may petition the Executive Director (in writing) for an extension of the 28 month limit. However, to warrant an extension the permittee must have demonstrated due diligence in their pursuit of the TIE/TRE and must prove that circumstances beyond their control stalled the Page 19

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TIE/TRE. The report shall pfovide information pertaining to the specific control mechanism(s) selected that will, when implemented, result in reduction of effluent toxicity to no significant lethality at the critical dilution. The report will also provide a specific corrective action schedule for implementing the selected control mechanism(s). Copies ofthe Final Report on the TRE Activities shall also be submitted to the U.S. EPA Region 6 office (6WQ-PI) and the TNRCC Region 4 office.

g. Based upon the results of the TRE and proposed corrective actions, this permit may be amended to modify the biomonitoring requirements where necessary, to require a compliance schedule for implementation of corrective actions, to specify a WET limit, to specify a BMP, and/or to specify Chemical-Specific (CS) limits.

Page 20

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TABLE I (SHEET 1 OF 4)


Composites Collected No. 2 FROM: TO:

No. 3 FROM: TO:

Test initiated: am/pm -date Dilution water used: Receiving Water _ Synthetic Dilution Water NUMBER OF YOUNG PRODUCED PER ADULT AT END OF TEST Percent effluent (%)

REP 0% 32% 42% 56% 75% 100%





Sum"v Mean To m, =MesI CV%* I11

  • coefficient of variation = standard deviation x 100/mean (calculation based -on young of the surviving adults)

Designate males (M), and dead females (D), along with number of neonates (x) released prior to death.

Page 21

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TABLE I (SHEET 2 OF 4)

BIOMONITORING REPORTING CERIODAPHNIA DUBIA SURVIVAL AND REPRODUCTION TEST I Dunnett's Procedure or Steel's Many-One Rank Test or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (with Bonferroni adjustment) or t-test (with Bonferroni adjustment) as appropriate:

Is the mean number of young produced per adult significantly less (p=0.05) than the number of young per adult in the control for the % effluent corresponding to significant nonlethal effects?

CRITICAL DILUTION (100%): ___ YES NO PERCENT SURVIVAL Percent effluent (%)

Time of Reading 0% 32% 42% 56% 75% 100%

24h 48h End of Test 2.- Fisher's Exact Test:

Is the mean survival at test end significantly less (p=0.05) than the control survival for the % effluent corresponding to lethality?


3. Enter percent effluent corresponding to each NOEC below:

a.) NOEC survival =  % effluent b.) NOEC reproduction =  % effluent Page 22

R3-2-q TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TABLE I (SHEET 3 OF 4)


Composites Collected No. 2 FROM: TO:

No. 3 FROM: TO:

Test initiated: _ am/pm -date Dilution water used: Receiving Water _ Synthetic Dilution Water FATHEAD MINNOW GROWTH DATA Effluent Average Dry Weight in milligrams Mean Concentration (%) in replicate chambers Dry Weight CV%*

A B C D E_ _





75% 7_:


  • coefficient of variation = standard deviation x 100/mean
1. Dunnett's Procedure or Steel's Many-One Rank Test or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (with Bonferroni adjustment) or t-test (with Bonferroni adjustment) as appropriate:

Is the mean dry weight (growth) at 7 days significantly less (p=0.05) than the control's dry weight (growth) for the % effluent corresponding to significant nonlethal effects?


R'3-39 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TABLE I (SHEET 4 OF 4)



(%) A B C D E 24h 48h 7 day 0%






  • coefficient of variation = standard deviation x 100/mean
2. Dunnett's Procedure or Steel's Many-One Rank Test or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (with Bonferroni adjustment) or t-test (with Bonferroni adjustment) as appropriate:

Is the mean survival at 7 days significantly less (p=0.05) than the control survival for the % effluent corresponding to lethality?


3. Enter percent effluent corresponding to each NOEC below:

a.) NOEC survival =  % effluent b.) NOEC growth =  % effluent Page 24

TXU Electric Company TPIDES Permit No. 0 1854*

24-HOUR ACUTE BIOMONITORING REQUIREMENTS: FRESHWATER The provisions of this Section apply individually and separately to Outfall 001 for whole effluent toxicity testing (biomonitoring). No samples or portions of samples from one outfall may be composited with samples or portions of samples from another outfall.

Scope, Frequency and Methodology

a. The permittee shall test the effluent for lethality in accordance with the provisions in this Section. Such testing will determine compliance with the Surface Water Quality Standard, 30 TAC §307.6(e)(2)(B),

of greater than 50% survival of the appropriate test organisms in 100% effluent for a 24-hour period.

b. The toxicity tests specified shall be conducted once per six months. The permittee shall conduct the following toxicity tests utilizing the test organisms, procedures, and quality assurance requirements specified in this section of the permit and in accordance with "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity ofEffluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, Fourth Edition" (EPA 600/4-90/027F), or the most recent update thereof:
1) Acute 24-hour static toxicity test using the water flea (Daphnia Pulex). A minimum of five replicates with eight organisms per replicate shall be used in the control and in each dilution.
2) Acute 24-hour static toxicity test using the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). A minimum of five replicates with eight organisms per replicate shall be used in the control and in each dilution.

A valid test result must be submitted for each reporting period. The permittee must report, then repeat, an invalid test during the same reporting period. The repeat test shall include the control and all effluent dilutions and use the appropriate number of organisms and replicates, as specified above. An invalid test is herein defined as any test failing to satisfy the test acceptability criteria, procedures, and quality assurance requirements specified in the test methods and permit.

C. In addition to an appropriate control, a 100% effluent concentration shall be used in the toxicity tests.

Except as discussed in item 2.b., the control and/or dilution water shall consist of a standard, synthetic, moderately hard, reconstituted water.

d. This permit may be amended to require a Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) limit, a Best Management Practice (BMP), Chemical-Specific (CS) limits, additional toxicity testing, and/or other appropriate actions to address toxicity. The permittee may be required to conduct additional biomonitoring tests and/or a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) if biomonitoring data indicate multiple numbers of unconfirmed toxicity events.
e. If the biomonitoring dilution series specified in the Chronic biomonitoring requirements includes a 100% effluent concentration, those results may fulfill the requirements of this Section. The results of any test with a 100% effluent concentration performed in the proper time interval may be substituted in lieu of performing a separate 24-hour acute test. Compliance will be evaluated as specified in item
a. The greater than 50% survival in 100% effluent for a 24-hour period standard applies to all tests utilizing a 100% effluent dilution, regardless of whether the results are submitted to comply with the minimum testing frequency defined in item b.

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TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854

2. Required Toxicity Testing Conditions
a. Test Acceptance - The permittee shall repeat any toxicity test, including the control, if the control fails to meet a mean survival equal to or greater than 90%.
b. Dilution Water - In accordance with item l.c., the control and/or dilution water shall normally consist of a standard, synthetic, moderately hard, reconstituted water. If the permittee utilizes the results of a 48-Hour Acute test or a Chronic test to satisfy the requirements in item L.e., the permittee may use the receiving water or dilution water that meets the requirements of item 2.a. as the control and dilution water.
c. Samples and Composites
1) The permittee shall collect one flow-weighted 24-hour composite sample from Outfall 001. A 24-hour composite sample consists of a minimum of 12 effluent portions collected at equal time intervals representative of a 24-hour operating day and combined proportional to flow, or a sample continuously collected proportional to flow over a 24-hour operating day.
2) The permittee shall collect the 24-hour composite samples such that the samples are representative of any periodic episode of chlonnation, biocide usage, or other potentially toxic substance discharged on an intermittent basis.
3) The permittee shall initiaie the toxicity tests within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> after collection of the last portion of the 24-hour composite sample. Samples shall be maintained at a temperature of 4 degrees Centigrade during collection, shipping, and storage.
4) If the Outfall ceases discharging during the collection of the effluent composite sample, the requirements for the minimum number of effluent portions are waived. However, the permittee must have collected a composite sample volume sufficient for completion of the required test.

The abbreviated sample collection, duration, and methodology must be documented in the full report required in Part 3 of this Section.

3. Reporting All reports, tables, plans, summaries, and related correspondence required in any Part of this Section shall be submitted to the attention of the Water Quality Assessment Team (MC 150) of the Water Permits &

Resource Management Division.

a. The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results of all tests conducted pursuant to this permit in accordance with the Report Preparation Section of "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Manne Organisms, Fourth Edition" (EPA 600/4 90/027F), or the most recent update thereof, for every valid and invalid toxicity test initiated. All full reports shall be retained for three years at the plant site and shall be available for inspection by TNRCC personnel.
b. A full report must be submitted with the first valid biomonitoring test results for each test species and with the firz: rest results any time the permittee subsequently employs a different test laboratory. Full reports need not be submitted for subsequent testing unless specifically requested. The permittee shall routinely report the results of each biomonitoring test on the Table 2 forms provided with this permit.

All Table 2 reports must include the information specified in the Table 2 form attached to this permit.

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R3-33 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 I) Semiannual biomonitoring test results are due on or before January 20th and July 20th for biomonitonng conducted during the previous 6 month period.

2) Quarterly biomonitoring test results are due on or before January 20th, April 20th, July 20th, and October 20th, for biomonitonng conducted during the previous calendar quarter.
c. Enter the following codes on the DMR for the appropriate parameters for valid tests only:
1) For the water flea, Parameter TIE3D. enter a "0" if the mean survival at 24-hours is greater than 50% in the 100% effluent dilution; if the mean survival is less than or equal to 50%, enter a "1."
2) For the fathead minnow, Parameter TIE6C, enter a "0" if the mean survival at 24-hours is greater than 50% in the 100% effluent dilution; if the mean survival is less than or equal to 50%. enter a it . "
4. Persistent Mortality The requirements of this Part apply when a toxicity test demonstrates significant lethality, here defined as a mean mortality of 50% or greater to organisms exposed to the 100% effluent concentration after 24-hours.
a. The permittee shall conduct two additional tests (retests) for each species that demonstrates significant lethality. The two retests shall be conducted once per week for two weeks. Five effluent dilution concentrations in addition to an appropriate control shall be used in the retests. These additional effluent concentrations are 6%, 13%, 25%, 50% and 100% effluent. The first retest shall be conducted within 15 days of the laboratory determination of significant lethality. All test results shall be submitted within 20 days of test completion of the second retest. Test completion is defined as the 24th hour.
b. If one or both of the two retests specified in item 4.a. demonstrates significant lethality, the permittee shall initiate the TRE requirements as specified in Part 5 of this Section.
5. Toxicity Reduction Evaluation
a. Within 45 days of the retest that demonstrates significant lethality, the permittee shall submit a General Outline for initiating a TRE. The outline shall include, but not be limited to, a description of project personnel, a schedule for obtaining consultants (if needed), a discussion of influent and/or effluent data available for review, a sampling and analytical schedule, and a proposed TRE initiation date.
b. Within 90 days of the retest that demonstrates significant lethality, the permittee shall submit a TRE Action Plan and Schedule for conducting a TRE. The plan shall specify the approach and methodology to be used in performing the TRE. A Toxicity Reduction Evaluation is a step-wise investigation combining toxicity testing with physical and chemical analysis to determine actions necessary to eliminate or reduce effluent toxicity to a level not effecting significant lethality at the critical dilution.

The TRE Action Plan shall lead to the successful elimination of significant lethality forboth test species defined in item l.b. As a minimum, the TRE Action Plan shall include the following:

I) Specific Activities - The TRE Action Plan shall specify the approach the permittee intends to utilize in conducting the TRE, including toxicity characterizations, identifications, confirmations, source evaluations, treatabiliry studies, and/or alternative approaches. When conducting characterization analyses, the permittee shall perform multiple characterizations and follow the procedures specified in the document entitled, "Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Page 27

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 Evaluations: Phase I Toxicity Characterization Procedures" (EPA/600/6-91/003), or alternate procedures. The permittee shall perform multiple identifications and follow the methods specified in the documents entitled, "Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations, Phase II Toxicity Identification Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity" (EPA/60 O/R-92/080) and "Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations, Phase IIn Toxicity Confirmation Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity" (EPA/600/R 92/081). All characterization, identification, and confirmation tests shall be conducted in an orderly and logical progression;

2) Sampling Plan - The TRE Action Plan should describe sampling locations, methods, holding times, chain of custody, and preservation techniques. The effluent sample volume collected for all tests shall be adequate to perform the toxicity characterization/ identification/ confirmation procedures. and chemical-specific analyses when the toxicity tests show significant lethality.

Where the perinittee has identified or suspects specific pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity, the permittee shall conduct, concurrent with toxicity testing, chemical-specific analyses for the identified and/or suspected pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity;

3) Quality Assurance Plan - The TRE Action Plan should address record keeping and data evaluation, calibration and standardization, baseline tests, system blanks, controls, duplicates, spikes, toxicity persistence in the samples, randomization, reference toxicant control charts, as well as mechanisms to detect artifactual toxicity; and
4) Project Organization - The TRE Action Plan should describe the project staff, project manager, consulting engineering services (where applicable), consulting analytical and toxicological services, etc.
c. Within 30 days of submittal of the TRE Action Plan and Schedule, the permittee shall implement the TRE with due diligence.
d. The permittee shall submit quarterly TRE Activities Reports concerning the progress of the TRE. The quarterly TRE Activities Reports are due on or before April 20th, July 20th, October 20th, and January 20th. The report shall detail information regarding the TRE activities including:

I) results and interpretation of any chemical-specific analyses for the identified and/or suspected pollutant(s) performed during the quarter-,

2) results and interpretation of any characterization, identification, and confirmation tests performed during the quarter;
3) any data and/or substantiating documentation which identifies the pollutant(s) and/or source(s) of effluent toxicity;
4) results of any studies/evaluations concerning the treatability of the facility's effluent toxicity;
5) any data which identifies effluent toxicity control mechanisms that will reduce effluent toxicity to the level necessary to eliminate significant lethality; and
6) any changes to the initial TRE Plan and Schedule that are believed necessary as a result of the TRE findings.

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I3-35 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 Copies of the TRE Activities Report shall also be submitted to the U.S. EPA Region 6 office (6WQ-PI) and the TNRCC Region 4 office.

e. During the TRE, the permittee shall perform, at a minimum, quarterly testing using the more sensitive species; testing for the less sensitive species shall continue at the frequency specified in Part I.b. If the effluent ceases to effect significant lethality (herein as defined below) the permittee may end the TRE.

A "cessation of lethality" is defined as no significant lethality at the critical dilution for a period of 12 consecutive weeks with at least weekly testing. At the end of the 12 weeks, the permittee shall submit a statement of intent to cease the TRE and may then resume the testing frequency specified in Part I.b.

This provision does not apply as a result of corrective actions taken by the permittee. "Corrective actions" are herein defined as proactive efforts which eliminate or reduce effluent toxicity. These include, but are not limited to, source reduction or elimination, improved housekeeping, changes in chemical usage, and modifications of influent streams and/or effluent treatment.

The permittee may only apply this cessation of lethality provision once. If the effluent again demonstrates significant lethality to the same species, then this permit will be amended to add a WET limit with a compliance period, if appropriate. However, prior to the effective date of the WET limit, the permittee may apply for a permit amendment removing the WET limit, in lieu of an alternate toxicity control measure, by identifying and confirming the toxicant and/or an appropriate control measure.

f. The permittee shall complete the TRE and submit a Final Report on the TRE Activities no later than 18 months from the last test day of the retest that demonstrates significant lethality. The permittee may petition the Executive Director (in writing) for an extension of the 18-month limit. However, to warrant an extension the permittee must have demonstrated due diligence in their pursuit of the TIE/TRE and must prove that circumstances beyond their control stalled the TIE/TRE. The report shall specify the control mechanism(s) that will, when implemented, reduce effluent toxicity as specified in item 5.g. The report will also specify a corrective action schedule for implementing the selected control mechanism(s). The permittee shall also submit copies of the Final Report on the TRE Activities to the U.S. EPA Region 6 office (6WQ-PI) and the TNRCC Region 4 office.
g. Within three years of the last day of the test confirming toxicity, the permittee shall comply with 30 TAC 307.6.(e)(2)(B), which requires greater than 50% survival of the test organism in 100% effluent at the end of 24-hours. The permittee may petition the Executive Director (in writing) for an extension of the 3-year limit. However, to warrant an extension the permittee must have demonstrated due diligence in their pursuit of the TIE/TRE and must prove that circumstances beyond their control stalled the TIE/TRE.

The requirement to comply with 30 TAC 307.6.(e)(2)(B) may be exempted upon proof that toxicity is caused by an excess, imbalance, or deficiency of dissolved salts. This exemption excludes instances where individually toxic components (e.g. metals) form a salt compound. Following the exemption, the permit may be amended to include an ion-adjustment protocol, alternate species testing, or single species testing.

h. Based upon the results of the TR.E and proposed corrective actions, this permit may be amended to modify the biomonitonng requirements where necessary, to require a compliance schedule for implementation of corrective actions, to specify a WET limit, to specify a BMP, and/or to specify a Chemical-Specific (CS) limit(s).

Page 29

TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 01854 TABLE 2 (SHEET I OF 2)

WATER FLEA SURVIVAL GENERAL INFORMATION I. T I1 Time (am/pm) Date Composite Sample Collected Test Initiated PERCENT SURVIVAL Time Rep Percent effluent (%)

0% 6% 13% 25% 50% 100%

A 24h B C


IL _ MEAN' Enter percent effluent corresponding to the LC50 below:

24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> LC50 (Daphnia or Ceriodaphnia) =  % effluent (circle appropriate genus) 95% confidence limits:

Method of LC50 calculation:

If 24-hour survivorship data from the chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia test is being used, the mean survival per dilution for all 10 replicates shall be reported on this row.

Page 30

R 07 TXU Electric Company TPDES Permit No. 0 1854 TABLE 2 (SHEET 2 OF 2)

FATHEAD MINNOW SURVIVAL GENERAL INFOWMATION I Time (am/Dm) Date Composite Sample Collected Test Initiated PERCENT SURVIVAL Time Rep Percent effluent (%)

0% 6% 13% 25% 50% 100%

A 24h B C


MEAN Enter percent effluent corresponding to the LC50 below:

24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> LCS0 (Pimephales) -  % effluent 95% confidence limits:

Method of LC50 calculation:

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&efoce- ý


James J. Kelly, Jr., Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Support TU Electric 1601 Bryan St.

Dallas, TX 75201-3411 RE: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station NPDES Permit No. TX0065854 316(b) Demonstration Report

Dear Mr. Kelly:

I have completed review of the 316(b) Demonstration Report for the Comanche Peak nuclear facility. The report was required by EPA to provide information on impacts to the fish community of Squaw Creek Reservoir due to impingement and entrainment. Squaw Creek Reservoir serves as the cooling water supply to the facility.

The study sampling design was appropriate to develop accurate results, with impingement measured by collecting fish washed from the traveling screens. Results indicated that impacts due to impingement of larger fish on the traveling screens were similar to other similarly designed and operated facilities, with threadfin shad, a forage species, comprising 96%

of all fish recovered. Entrainment of eggs, larvae and juvenile fishes was conservatively measured by replicate suspended net filtration. This sampling Indicated losses due to entrainment were at an acceptable level, with forage species again comprising the majority of losses.

Submission of this report completes the 316(b) requirements for Squaw Creek Reservoir found at Item M on Page 15 of Part II of NPDES Permit No. TX0065854 . If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (214) 665-7538.

Sincere r I**~a P ill' enning AIndust 1 Toxi~ity Coordinator DEC 1 ýq 1995 TU " .

eO 'd"- dS6SVt'I*i8 'ON XV1A 60 OAS AN3 LIMO fM~ S6-2-03G]

S5 NUREG-0775 Final Environmental Statement related to the operation of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446 Texas Utilities Generating Company U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation September 1981 0-




AND CONCLUSIONS This environmental statement, related to operation of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2, was prepared by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (the staff).

1. The action is administrative.
2. The proposed action is the issuance of operating licenses to the Texas Utilities Generating Company for the startup and operation of Units 1 and 2 of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446) located on Squaw Creek Reservoir in Somervell County, Texas, about 7 km north-northeast of Glen Rose, Texas, and about 65 km southwest of Fort Worth in north-central Texas.

The facility will employ two pressurized-water reactors to produce 3411 megawatts thermal (MWt) per unit. A steam turbine-generator will use this heat to provide 1159 megawatts electric (MWe) per unit. The maximum design thermal output of each unit is 3565 MWt, with a corres ponding maximum calculated electrical output of 1203 MWe. The exhaust steam will be condensed by cooling water taken from and returned to Squaw Creek Reservoir; makeup and blowdown water (i.e. water to replace that lost by evaporation and water to control the buildup of dissolved solids, respectively) for the reservoir will be taken from and discharged to Lake Granbury.

3. The information in this environmental statement represents the second assessment of the environmental impact associated with the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station pursuant to the guidelines of the National Environ mental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's Regulations. After receiving an application in June 1973 to construct this station, the staff carried out a review of impact that would occur during its construction and operation. This evaluation was issued as a Final Environmental Statement - Construction Phase in June 1974. After this environmental review, a safety review, an evaluation by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, and public hearings in Glen Rose, Texas, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (now U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) issued construction permits Nos. CPPR-126 and CPPR-127 on December 19, 1974 for the construction of Units 1 and 2 of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. As of December 31, 1980, the construction of Unit 1 was about 87% complete and Unit 2 was about 50% complete. With a target fuel-loading date of December 1981* for Unit 1 and December 1983 for Unit 2, the applicant has applied for operating licenses for both units and in January 1979, submitted the required safety and environmental reports in support of the applications.
  • Based on a site visit in October 1980, the NRC staff projects a fuel loading date of December 1982 for Unit 1 and December 1984 for Unit 2.


4. Major Issues and Areas of Controversy
a. Issues in Controversy in the Operating License Hearing Two contentions of the intervenors related to the following aspects of environmental impacts of operation of CPSES are issues in controversy in that proceeding:

(1) Effects of radioactive release on the general public (Sec. 5.8.1).

(2) Cost/benefit balance (Sec. 5.16).

It is not certain whether the above issues will actually be litigated during the operating license hearing since, under the summary disposi tion procedures in the NRC Rules of Practice (10 CFR 2.749), issues to which there is no genuine issue as to any-material fact can be determined by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board rather than by conducting an evidentiary hearing.

b. Other Outstanding Issues The following issues relating to the environmental impacts of the operation of CPSES have not been completely resolved either by the NRC staff or by the applicant:

(1) Use of groundwater by CPSES during operation. The staff has recommended that a condition be imposed in the operating license on this subject (Sec. and

(2) Effects of the intake structure on aquatic biota during opera tion. A study to determine these effects will be performed during plant operation under the requirements of the NPDES permit for CPSES (Sec. 5.5.2).

(3) Effects of the circulating water chlorination system on aquatic biota during operation. A study to determine the minimum amount of chlorine to be used at CPSES and the effects on the receiving water biota will be performed during plant operation under the requirements of the NPDES permit (Sec.

5. The staff has reviewed the activities associated with the proposed opera tion of the station and the potential impacts, both beneficial and adverse, are summarized as follows:
a. Increased baseload generating capacity will support the increased energy demand and, to a lesser extent, the peak load demand of the combined systems and will result in increased system and regional reliability (Sec. 2.4). The increased electrical-energy production resulting from operation of CPSES 1, 2 will have lower production costs than any other generation alternative and will also reduce dependence on oil- and gas-fired generation. The addition of nuclear fueled capacity to the TUCS system, where there was none before the addition, will diversify the fuel mix from gas and lignite, both of iv

'I which have limited future availability and higher costs than nuclear fuel (Sec. 2.2).

b. Impoundment of Squaw Creek Reservoir at the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station site has created a lake that will serve various recreational purposes (Secs. and 5.7.3).
c. Conversion of about 3100 ha for the site and about 185 ha for the transmission-line corridors has been necessary (Sec. 4.3.1). About 1480 ha will be used for the station and its cooling pond (Sec. 4.3.1).
d. The heat-dissipation system will result in an average consumptive3 use (by evaporation from the cooling reservoir) of 0.81 m /s.

During a dry year, net diversions from Lake Granbury 3 will be 47.2 million m3 ; during an average year, 32.3 million m ; and during a wet year, 10.9 million m . These diversions will not interfere 3

with water use and quality in Lake Granbury (Sec. 5.3.3).

e. Heat and chemical and sanitary wastes discharged into Squaw Creek Reservoir and Lake Granbury-in accordance with the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) .

issued for the plant will be rapidly assimilated; thus, no adverse impacts on downstream water users or aquatic biota are expected (Secs. 5.3 and 5.5).

f. Heated water released through the modified circulating-water dis charge canal into the Squaw Creek Reservoir will be rapidly diluted; thus, the blowdown discharge will have an insignificant effect on water temperature in Lake Granbury (Sec. 5.3.3).
g. No measurable radiological impact on man or biota other than man is expected to result from routine operation (Sec. 5.8.1). The risk associated with accidental radiation exposure is very low (Sec. 5.8.2).
h. The implementation of the applicant's postconstruction landscaping plan will enhance the quality of the terrestrial environment in the vicinity of the plant (Sec. 5.2).
i. The impacts on terrestrial resources from plant operation and trans mission-line right-of-way (ROW) maintenance will be acceptable.

However, there exist potential adverse impacts as a result of the following: ice-loading of local vegetation resulting from steam fog from the cooling pond during cold weather (Sec. 5.4.1).

j. The increased total dissolved solids in the return water flow from SCR to Lake Granbury will raise the already high levels in Lake Granbury and Squaw Creek Reservoir, but is not believed to be unaccep table for this area (Sec. 5.5.2).
k. No significant social or economic impacts on nearby communities are expected as a result of plant operation (Sec. 5.7.4).
1. The potential effects of impingement and entrainment on the fish population in Squaw Creek Reservoir as a result of the high circu lating-water intake velocity when both units are operational remain v

to be determined by prescribed testing and monitoring programs (Secs. 5.5.2 and 5.10).

6. The accident-analysis section has been revised to include severe acci dents and the lessons learned from the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (Sec. 5.8.2).
7. The analysis of the health effects of the uranium fuel cycle has been revised to include the latest information (Sec. 5.8.3).
8. The draft environmental statement was made available to the public, to the Environmental Protection Agency, and to other specified agencies in May 1981 (Sec. 7). A list of the Federal, state, and local agencies, groups, and individuals that submitted comments on the draft environmental statement, and copies of their comments, are appended in this final environmental statement in Appendix A. The staff has considered these comments; the responses are contained in Section 8.
9. On the basis of the analysis and evaluation set forth in this environmental statement, and after weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits against environmental and economic costs and after consid ering available alternatives at the operating-license stage, it is con cluded that the action called for under NEPA and 10 CFR Part 51 is the issuance of operating licenses for Units I and 2 of the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, subject to the following conditions recommended by the staff for the protection of the environment:
a. Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities that may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated or that is significantly greater than that evalu ated in this environmental statement the applicant shall provide written notification of such activities to the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and shall receive written approval before proceeding with such activities.
b. The applicant shall carry out the environmental monitoring programs outlined in this environmental statement as modified and approved by the staff and implemented in the environmental protection plan and the technical specifications incorporated in the operating licenses for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (Sec. 5.11.3).
c. The applicant shall be required to restrict the use of groundwater for CPSES operation to that amount needed for potable and sanitary purposes and for supplementing the supply of treated surface water during short periods of peak demand when station requirements exceed the capacity of the reverse-osmosis surface-water-treatment plant because of peak demand or treatment plant outage (Sec. and
d. If.harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage are detected during the operating life of the station, the applicant shall pro vide the staff with an analysis of the problem and a proposed course of action to alleviate it.
