NRC Inspection Manual 0609/Appendix G

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Shutdown Operations Significance Determination Process -

Att 1 Shutdown Operations Significance Determination Process Phase 1 Initial Screening and Characterization of Findings -
Att 2 Phase 2 Significance Determination Process Template for PWR During Shutdown -
Att 3 Phase 2 Significance Determination Process Template for BWR During Shutdown -

0609G-01 PURPOSE

Appendix G provides guidance for Phases 1 and 2 of the Significance Determination Process

(SDP) for shutdown operations. The SDP Phase 1 guidance, presented as Attachment 1 to

Appendix G, is a separate document in the manual chapter and consists of screening criteria

developed specifically for shutdown operations. When inspectors identify findings that affect

shutdown conditions, they will use the Phase 1 guidance for both pressurized water reactors

(PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs). Attachment 1 lists the criteria for types of findings

that would require further evaluation by Phase 2 or 3 of the SDP. After the inspector determines

that a Phase 2 or 3 analysis is needed, he or she will transition the evaluation to a Senior

Reactor Analyst (SRA) for further review. The guidance for Phase 2 is presented in Appendix G

as Attachments 2 and 3. Attachment 2 provides Phase 2 guidance for PWRs and Attachment 3

provides Phase 2 guidance for BWRs. These attachments are generic in nature for both reactor

types. Phase 3, detailed risk evaluation, analyses are referred directly to Headquarters staff to

be performed. The road map for shutdown inspection findings through SDP Phases 1 and 2 is

shown in Figure 1.


Shutdown operations in both PWRs and BWRs introduce a different spectrum of vulnerabilities

that may not be applicable during at-power operations. A shutdown plant is in a safe condition

as long as certain key safety functions are maintained and managed adequately. Those

functions are:

decay heat removal

• inventory control

• power availability

• reactivity control, and

• containment closure capability

Analysis of shutdown events has provided a better understanding of these vulnerabilities and

has informed the development of this SDP.

It is important to note that the scope of activities that each utility undertakes during a normal

refueling outage is large and diverse. Besides refueling, activities associated with preventive

and corrective maintenance, modifications, surveillance testing, in-service inspection, and the

administrative activities that support these tasks make outage planning and control a significant

challenge. The coordination of these activities, with the objective to manage risk and maintain

key safety functions, is essential and goes beyond compliance with technical specifications

requirements during shutdown. In addition, while the scope of activities for an unplanned or

forced outage is far less than that of a refueling outage, the same awareness of vulnerabilities

during shutdown conditions is required to safely conduct these outages. This SDP has been

developed to assist the agency in determining the safety significance of findings during

shutdown conditions taking into account the unique characteristics described above.

Issue Date: 01/08/20 2 0609 Appendix G



AC Alternating Current

BI Barrier Integrity

BWR Boiling Water Reactor

CCDP Conditional Core Damage Probability

CCW Component Cooling Water

CD Core Damage

CDF Core Damage Frequency

CETs Core Exit Thermocouples

CST Condensate Storage Tank

DC Direct Current

DHR Decay Heat Removal

ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System

ICCDP Incremental Conditional Core Damage Probability

IE Initiating Event

IEL Initiating Event Likelihood

IMC Inspection Manual Chapter

INDIC Indication

LOI Loss of Reactor Inventory Initiating Event

LOLC Loss of Level Control

LOOP Loss of Offsite Power

LORHR Loss of RHR Initiating Event

LOSDC Loss of Shutdown Cooling

LTOP Low Temperature Over-Pressurization

MS Mitigation Systems

OD Over Drain

OP Operator

OPDRV Operation with Potential to Drain Reactor Vessel

PORV Power Operated Relief Valve

POS Plant Operational State

PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment

PTS Pressurized Thermal Shock

PWR Pressurized Water Reactor

RCS Reactor Coolant System

RHR Residual Heat Removal

RHRSW Residual Heat Removal Service Water

ROP Reactor Oversight Process

RV Relief Valve

RWST Refueling Water Storage Tank

SD Shutdown

Issue Date: 01/08/20 3 0609 Appendix G


The following definitions apply to both PWRs and BWRs, unless otherwise specified.

Available - A piece of equipment is considered available if (1) it can be put into service within

half the time that is needed before the equipment will be used to perform its function, (2)

procedures or standing orders exist for using the equipment to meet its intended function, (3) all

necessary supporting systems (such as AC power, cooling water, and DC control power) can be

put into service within half the time that is needed before the equipment will be used to perform

its function, and (4) operators have been trained on using the equipment for the given situation.

Cavity Flooded - An RCS condition with the reactor head removed and the water level raised to

the refuel floor.

Core Damage - Core damage corresponds to a peak clad temperature above 1300 degrees

Fahrenheit. Above 1340 degrees Fahrenheit, phenomena such as clad oxidation and

ballooning affect core behavior. This definition is consistent with the definition of the onset of

core damage used in NUREG/CR 6144 Vol. 2, Part 1A, "Evaluation of Potential Severe

Accidents During Low Power and Shutdown Operations at Surry, Unit 1, Analysis of Core

Damage Frequency from Internal Events During Mid-Loop Operations."

Gravity Feed (PWR Only) - Gravity feeding is the process of adding water to the RCS from a

storage source (e.g., condensate storage tank or refuel storage tank) without an active

component (e.g., pump). It requires the water source to be higher than the reactor and the

reactor to be at or capable of reaching atmospheric pressure. Gravity feeding may be credited if

gravity feed is expected to be available AFTER RCS boiling initiates. To credit gravity feed, the

analyst needs to consider the following factors that can negate the elevation head provided by

the RWST or other sources of RCS inventory: (1) pressure drops in the surge line, (2) entrained

water accumulating in the pressurizer, (3) RCS vent paths that are restricted (to control loose

parts or control off gassing).

Mid-loop Operation (PWR Only) - Mid-loop conditions exist whenever the RCS water level is

below the top of the flow area of the hot legs at the junction with the reactor vessel.

Operation with Potential to Drain Reactor Vessel - A planned maintenance evolution that if it is

not conducted properly can lead to a loss of inventory event. Therefore, any issues with

operations with potential to drain the reactor vessel should be evaluated using the appropriate

LOI criteria.

SDC Shutdown Cooling

SDP Significance Determination Process

SG Steam Generator

SG PORV Steam Generator Power Operated Relief Valve

SRA Senior Reactor Analyst

TTB Time to Boiling

TW Time Window

TW-E Early Time Window, before refueling operation

TW-L Late Time Window, after refueling operation

Issue Date: 01/08/20 4 0609 Appendix G

Reduced Inventory Operation - An RCS inventory condition that results in a reactor vessel water

level lower than three feet below the reactor vessel flange. Mid-loop is a subset of reduced

inventory. Also, one or more fuel assemblies must be in the reactor vessel. PWR only.

RCS Vented - For PWR plants, the RCS is considered vented when (1) SG heat removal cannot

be sustained, and (2) a vent path has been established that is large enough to support feed and

bleed. Examples of vent paths include: open pressurizer manways, safety relief valve removal,

or vessel head removal. For BWR plants, the RCS is considered vented when (1) the vessel

head is removed OR (2) the vessel head is on, however, a sufficient RCS vent path exists for

decay heat removal.

RWST/CST Depletion - Occurs when RWST/CST level reaches the level that requires makeup

or recirculation to continue injection to the RCS.

Self-Limiting LOI - These are loss of inventory events where the leakage point is above the

location where the RHR system attaches to the RCS. Therefore, the leakage will stop without

human intervention before the RHR/SDC system is lost. For these types of LOIs there shall be

no reliance on manual or automatic actions.

Shutdown Operation - Shutdown operation exists during refueling outages, forced outages, and

maintenance outages starting when the plant has met the entry conditions for RHR/DHR and

cooling has been initiated, and ending when the plant is heating up and RHR/DHR has been


Phases of a Significance Determination

Phase 1 - Characterization and Initial Screening of Findings: Phase 1 is used to characterize the

important attributes of the inspection finding and to initially screen the finding to identify those

with very low significance (Green), or greater than very low safety significance. Findings

screened to be of very low significance can be dispositioned by the licensee’s corrective action


Phase 2 - Initial Risk Significance Approximation and Basis: Initial approximation of the risk

significance of the finding and development of the basis for this determination for those findings

that are not screened out in Phase 1 screening.

Phase 3 - Risk Significance Finalization and Justification: Also known as a detailed risk

evaluation, this is a review and as-needed refinement of the risk significance estimation results

from Phase 2, or development of any risk analysis outside of this guidance, by an NRC risk

analyst (any departure from the guidance provided in this document or IMC 0609, Appendix G

for Phase 1 or Phase 2 constitutes a Phase 3 analysis and must be performed by an NRC risk


Types of Shutdown Findings

Precursor Finding - Inspection findings that: (1) cause an event (e.g., a loss of the operating

train of RHR/DHR) or (2) increase the likelihood of an event.

Condition Finding - Inspection findings that involve a degradation of the licensee’s capability to

mitigate an event if an event were to occur. Findings affecting the standby train of RHR/DHR

are condition findings.

Shutdown Initiating Events

Loss of RHR (LORHR) - Includes losses of RHR/DHR resulting from failures of the RHR/DHR

system (such as a RHR/DHR pump failure) or failures of the RHR/DHR support systems other

than offsite power.

Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) - Includes losses of offsite power which cause a loss of the

RHR/DHR function.

Loss of Reactor Inventory (LOI) - Includes losses of RCS inventory that cause, or could cause,

a loss of the RHR/DHR function due to automatic isolation of RHR/DHR on low level for BWRs

or loss of RHR/DHR pump suction.

Loss of Level Control (LOLC) - This initiating event category includes: (1) the operator

overdrains the RCS to reach mid-loop conditions such that RHR/DHR is lost, and (2) the

operator fails to maintain level or flow control while in mid-loop such that the RHR/DHR function

is lost. (PWR Only)

Overdrain (OD) – Overdrain is a subset of LOLC. It is intended to capture those events where

while the RCS is being drained, from one target level range to a second lower range, the

evolution is not stopped within the desired final range. For example, starting level is one foot

below the reactor flange and the target range is six to twelve inches above the top of the hotleg.

If the drain down evolution was not stopped until level reached the top of the hotleg, then an

overdrain event has occurred.

PWR Plant Operational States (POSs)

POS 1 - This POS starts when the RHR/DHR system is put into service. The RCS is closed

such that a steam generator(s) could be used for decay heat removal, if the secondary side of

each available steam generator(s) has sufficient inventory to be considered available as a heat

sink. The RCS may have a bubble in the pressurizer. This POS ends when the RCS is vented

such that the steam generators cannot sustain core heat removal. This POS typically includes

Mode 4 (hot shutdown) and portions of Mode 5 (cold shutdown).

POS 2 - This POS starts when the RCS is vented such that: (1) the steam generators cannot

sustain core heat removal and (2) a sufficient vent path exists for feed and bleed. This POS

includes portions of Mode 5 (cold shutdown) and Mode 6 (refueling). Reduced inventory

operations and mid-loop operations with a vented RCS are subsets of this POS.

NOTE: Findings occurring during vacuum refill of the RCS require use of the POS 1 event trees

POS 3 - This POS represents the shutdown condition when the refueling cavity water level is at

or above the minimum level required for movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within

containment as defined by Technical Specifications. This POS occurs during Mode 6.

BWR Plant Operational States (POSs)

POS 1 - This POS starts when the RHR/DHR system is put into service. The vessel head is on

and the RCS is closed such that an extended loss of the RHR/DHR function without operator

Issue Date: 01/08/20 6 0609 Appendix G

intervention could result in an RCS re-pressurization above the shutoff head for the RHR/DHR


POS 2 - This POS represents the shutdown condition when (1) the vessel head is removed and

reactor pressure vessel water level is less than the minimum level required for movement of

irradiated fuel assemblies within the reactor pressure vessel as defined by Technical

Specifications OR (2) the vessel head is on, however, a sufficient RCS vent path exists for

decay heat removal.

POS 3 - This POS represents the shutdown condition when the reactor pressure vessel water

level is equal or greater than the minimum level required for movement of irradiated fuel

assemblies within the reactor pressure vessel as defined by Technical Specifications. This POS

occurs during Mode 5 (refueling).

Time Windows

Early Time Window (TW-E) - This time window represents the time before POS 3 is entered.

The decay heat is relatively high. The reactor is either in POS 1 or 2.

Late Time Window (TW-L) - This time window represents the time after POS 3 is entered. The

decay heat is relatively low.


04.01 SCOPE

Appendix G is applicable during refueling outages, forced outages, and maintenance outages

starting when the plant has met the entry conditions for RHR/DHR and cooling has been

initiated, and ending when the plant is heating up and RHR/DHR has been secured.

Note: If the licensee is in a refueling outage or forced outage and the plant is above RHR/DHR

entry conditions, then inspectors will use the full power SDP tools acknowledging: (1)

decay heat is less compared to full power, potentially allowing for more time for operator

recovery, (2) some mitigating systems may require manual operation versus automatic

operation, and (3) some containment systems may not be required to be operable

potentially increasing the likelihood of containment failure.

If the plant is shutdown and the entry conditions for RHR/DHR and RHR/DHR cooling have not

been met, then Appendix G does not apply. The inspectors shall contact the SRA for

assistance. Appendix G is used to evaluate two categories of findings: those that actually cause

an event or increase the likelihood of an event (i.e., precursor findings), and those that affect the

ability to mitigate an event (i.e., condition findings).

Typical events of interest are: losses of RHR/DHR, losses of RCS inventory, low temperature

over pressurization (LTOP) events, and reactivity events. Another category of events is losses

of level control, which are discussed in Section 4.3. Losses of RHR/DHR include (but may not

be limited to) those caused by RHR/DHR system isolation, LOOP, failure of the running pump,

failure of cooling to the respective RHR/DHR heat exchanger, failure of system flow (e.g., flow

divergence away from the RCS), etc. Losses of inventory may or may not progress to the point

of losing RHR/DHR. Regardless, all losses of inventory should receive an appropriate review.

Issue Date: 01/08/20 7 0609 Appendix G

Appendix G is used to screen shutdown findings for risk significance. When using this guidance

to assess a finding, there are two possible outcomes: (1) the finding requires quantitative

assessment (Phase 2 or Phase 3 analysis) to determine its risk significance, or (2) the finding

can be screened as having very low risk significance (Green). The road map for shutdown

inspection findings for SDP Phases 1 and 2 is shown in Figure 1.


Attachment 1 of this appendix contains screening questions in Exhibits 2-5 for shutdown

operation to ensure that the licensee is maintaining adequate mitigation capability. The

screening questions were developed to encompass all plant operational states defined by:

operational mode, time to boiling, reactor coolant system level, and reactor coolant system

configuration. To complete Exhibits 2-5 the inspector will need to use Table G1 in Exhibit 1 of

Attachment 1. In Table G1, there is a set of equipment, systems, instrumentation, policies, and

procedures that the staff expects the licensee to maintain during shutdown. Table G1 is

grouped by the five shutdown safety functions identified by NUMARC 91-06: decay heat

removal, inventory control, power availability, reactivity control, and containment. The inspector

should check to ensure that each applicable screening question in Exhibits 2-5 is being met. If

the applicable screening questions are not being met, then follow the direction in the exhibits for

either a Phase 2 or Phase 3 quantitative assessment. Findings not requiring quantitative

assessment may be screened as Green.


In addition to ensuring that the licensee minimizes events and maintains mitigation capability

during shutdown, the staff is also monitoring conditions or events that represent a loss of level

control. If the conditions, as described in Attachment 1 of this appendix occur, then the finding

needs to be quantitatively assessed. Losses of level control only apply to PWRs.


If a finding needs quantitative assessment, then the finding should be forwarded to the SRA.

The SRA will then decide if the finding should be forwarded to NRR for Phase 3 analysis or the

finding will be evaluated using the Phase 2 PWR and BWR templates located in Attachments 2

and 3, respectively. The SRA should be sent the completed Phase 1 evaluation associated with

the finding and a complete description of the finding.


SECY-97-168, “Issuance for Public Comment of Proposed Rulemaking Package for Shutdown

and Fuel Storage Pool Operation.”

NUMARC 91-06, “Guidelines for Industry Actions to Assess Shutdown Management.”

Generic Letter (GL) 88-17, “Loss of Decay Heat Removal10 CFR 50.54(f).”

Federal Register (dated February 4, 1999, Vol. 64, no. 23)

IMC 0308, Attachment 3, Appendix G, “Technical Basis for Shutdown Operations Significance

Determination Process.”

Information Notice (IN) 88-36, “Possible Sudden Loss of RCS Inventory During Low Coolant

Level Operation.”

EPRI NSAC-164L, “Guidelines for BWR Reactivity Control during Refueling,” 1992.

EPRI NSAC-183, “Risk of PWR Inadvertent Criticality during Shutdown and Refueling,” 1992.

EPRI 1003113 “An Analysis of Loss of Decay Heat Removal Trends and Initiation Event

Frequencies, (1989-2000),” 2001.

EPRI 1003465, “Low Power and Shutdown Risk Assessment Benchmarking Study,” 2002.

EPRI 1021176, “An Analysis of Loss of Decay Heat Removal and Loss of Inventory Event

Trends (1990–2009),” 2010.

NUREG/CR-5820, “Consequences of the Loss of Residual Heat Removal Systems in

Pressurized Water Reactors,” 1992.

NUREG/CR-6143, “Evaluation of Potential Severe Accidents during Low Power and Shutdown

Operations at Grand Gulf, Unit 1.” 1994

NUREG/CR-6144, “Evaluation of Potential Severe Accidents during Low Power and Shutdown

Operations at Surry, Unit 1.” 1994.

Issue Date: 01/08/20 9 0609 Appendix G

Figure 1: Road Map for Shutdown Findings

Issue Date: 01/08/20 Att1-1 0609 Appendix G

Attachment 1: Revision History Page






Issue Date

Change Notice

Description of Change Description of



And Completion


Comment Resolution and

Closed Feedback Form

Accession Number (PreDecisional, Non-Public


N/A 04/21/00

CN 00-007

IMC 609 supports the new Reactor Oversight

Program for the significance determination of

findings. The significance determination process

detailed in the manual chapter is designed to

characterize the significance of inspection findings

for the NRC licensee performance assessment

process using appropriate risk insights.


N/A 02/27/01

CN 01-005

IMC 0609 App G has been revised to reflect changes

based on comments by regional inspectors. These

include definition for entry conditions and instructions

to bring issues to the attention of the SRAs.


N/A 05/25/04

CN 04-015

IMC 0609 App G is revised to move the Phase 1

operational checklist that were previously in the main

body of Appendix G and place it in a new manual

chapter document. The new document is

Attachment 1 to Appendix G. The separation was

done to make Appendix G consistent with other SDP

appendices in the manual chapter. The main body of

Appendix G was changed to provide a “road map” of

how to navigate through the various attachments to

Appendix G. Attachments 2 and 3, which provide

SDP Phase 2 guidance for PWRs and BWRs,

respectively, are referenced in the revised Appendix



Issue Date: 01/08/20 Att1-2 0609 Appendix G






Issue Date

Change Notice

Description of Change Description of

Training Required

And Completion


Comment Resolution and

Closed Feedback Form

Accession Number (PreDecisional, Non-Public


N/A 02/28/05

CN 05-007

IMC 609 App G is revised to clarify the definition of

available. The revised definition states that

necessary support systems can be put into service

within half the time needed for the equipment to

perform its function.


N/A ML13050A933


CN 14-011

IMC 0609 App G is revised to enhance the usability

of this appendix, based on feedback received from

the SRA. The formatting was updated to be

consistent with IMC 0609 Appendix A. The

abbreviations section is a new addition and the

definitions section is updated to include many

additional useful terms. Figure 1 is updated to be

consistent with the revisions to 0609 Appendix G,

Att. 1. Table 1 was removed and the information is

included in Attachment 1. Incorporated feedback

from ROPFF 0609G-1323 and 0609G-1932. This is

a complete reissue no red line.

N/A ML13162A640





N/A ML19101A289


CN 20-004

Clarified loss of control is loss of level control and

only applies to PWR plants.

Revised the definition for Shutdown Operations to

align it with the scope of Appendix G.

Updated Figure 1 to clarify when analyses get sent

to headquarters for review. The updated Figure 1

now includes guidance on issues with open cold leg


No training is



Issue Date: 01/08/20 Att1-3 0609 Appendix G






Issue Date

Change Notice

Description of Change Description of

Training Required

And Completion


Comment Resolution and

Closed Feedback Form

Accession Number (PreDecisional, Non-Public


Added additional detail to the RCS Vented definition

to cover BWRs – taken from the POS 2 definition

for BWRs.

Removed the statement that LOOP findings are not

assessed in POS 3 since Attachment 1 still assess

them depending on timing of offsite power recovery.

Eliminated the Caution prior to section 04.02, it was

not necessary.

Revised the definition of “available” to make it clear

that equipment can be considered available if it can

be put in service within half the time before it will be

needed. Not to be confused with the PRA mission

time. This is also not the same “available” definition

as used for maintenance rule purposes.