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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,changing Tech Spec 3/ Re Conductor Overcurrent Devices
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/1990
From: Morgan W
Shared Package
ML20028G965 List:
NUDOCS 9010050001
Download: ML20028G964 (3)



Commonwealth Edison

. p 1400 opus Place

, Downers Grove. Illinois 60515 September 21,1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Sub}ect: LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Application for Amendment to Fac!!!to Operating Licenses NPF il and NPk 18 Ap:>endix A, Technicsl Specifk,ations

. NFC_ Docket 3L4_

Dear Sirs:

Pursuant to 10CFR 50, Commonwealth Edison's LaSalle County Station is hereby applying for an amendment to Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF 18 Apandix A, Technical Specifications. The purpose of this amendment request is to extend tw requirements of Technical Specification 3/ for Primary Containment Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protection Devices to circuit breakers recently installed for the drywell eno!!ng modifications.

Attachment A contains background information and ustification for the proposed change. Attachment B contains the proposed changes to t w Technical Specifications.

The proposed change has been reviewed and approved by both on-site and off site review in accordance with Commonwealth Edison Company Procsdures. This amendmont request has been evatuated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.92 Ic) and was determined that no significant hazards consideration exists. That evaluation is documented in Attachment C.

Commonwealth Edison is notifying the State of Illinois of our application for this amendment by transmitting a copy of this letter and its attachments to the designated State Official.

Please direct any questions you may have regarding this matter to this office.

Very Truly Yours, W. r n Nuclear Licensing Administmtpr cc: Regional Administrator, Rill Robe t Pulsifer - Project Manager NRR Senior Resident inspector - LaSalle Office of Nuclear Facility - IDNS

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ID 45-19

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Technical Soecification ChangeEnqueit f

i LaSalle_ County Station _ Units 1 and 2  ;

Backgtnund_and_Discusalon BA011GBODNQ i

Modifications M 1-184-074 and M 12-84-119 installed six cooling units in the upper regions of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 drywells. These modifications were installed as  ;

, part of a commitment to the NRC to restore design redundancy to the drywell ventilation

! system. This propo 3d amendment to the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications is i requested to extend the requirements of Technical Specification 3/ to the primary >

containment penstration conductor overcurrent protective devices associated with the '

new cooling units.

DISCMSSLOr2 Currently, all 6.9 KV,4.16 KV and 480 voit electrical penetrations into the primary containment are protected by either: ,

+ de-energizing those circuits not required during reactor operation, or L

  • by demonstrating the operability of the primary and backup overcurrent protection circuit breakers, associated with an electrical penetration, by periodic surveillance ,

testing,  ;

The limiting conditions for operation contalned in Technical Specification 3/, i Primary Containment Penetration Condector Overcurrent Protective Devices," requie that di protective devices, shown in Table, be operable in operational i Of these conditions aenetrations 1.2, and to are found If inoperable, one or more of the the LCO protective requires that thedevices at in an) fected penetrat ,

as de energized. The surveillance requirements of this technical specification require that a test pro ram be established to select and test a representative semple (at least ,

10%)of each pe of breakr on a rotating basis such that all of the breakers listed are L tested periodic ily. Additionally, the sacification requires that the sample size be increased if any failures, occur. In adcition to the test program, it is required that each I

circuit breaker be periodically subjected to an inspection and preventive maintenance j' program as recommended by the breaker manufacturer.


l i

2 i

in order to ensure that the new overcurrent protective devices associated with the new cooling units are properly controlled and tested, it is yoposed that the following listed breakers, be added to Table, of the techa cal specifications:

j- 1) MCC 1 (2) 34X-2 (Compt. H1) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SB

2) MCC 1 (2) 34X 2 (Compt. H2) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SC
3) MCC 1 (2) 34X 2 (Compt. J1) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SF
4) MCC 1 (2) 33 2 (Compt. AC1) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SA 1

l 5) MCC 1 (2) 33 2 (Compt. AP2) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SD 1

l 6) MCC 1 (2) 33 2 (Compt. AB1) VP/Drywell Cooler 1 (2) VP15SE ,

Currently, the following administ ative controls are in effect to ensure that the above listed circuit breakers are properly controlled in accordance with Technical Specification l- 3/

1) Direction has been given to the station operating staff in accordance with Station Procedure LAP-16001, "Special Operating Orders," to apply the requirements of >

Technical Spedfication 3/ to the control of the above listed breakers.

These spec'ai orders will be renewed semi annually in accordance with the procedure until approval of the technical specification amendment is received.

2) The applicable station surveillance procedures have been revised to include the above listed circuit breakers in the test program for primary containment '

penetration protective devices.

These administrative controls will remain in effect until approval of this

l. amendinent request.

1 i
