IR 05000223/1985002

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Insp Rept 50-223/85-02 on 850805-07.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Health Physics & Radiological Controls Programs,Including Posting & Labeling,Instrument & Monitor Calibr & Surveys & Sampling
Person / Time
Site: University of Lowell
Issue date: 08/27/1985
From: Holsopple K, Pasciak W
Shared Package
ML20134L758 List:
50-223-85-02, 50-223-85-2, NUDOCS 8509030413
Download: ML20134L779 (5)







Report N /85-02

' Docket N License N R-125 Priority ---- Category F Licensee: University of Lowell 1 University Avenue Lowell,~ Massachusetts Facility Name: University of Lowell Reactor Inspection At: Lowell, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: August 5-7, 1985 Inspectors:

K. Ho h NM le, Radiation Specialist 8-27'86 date l


Approved by: Ud(; ;

ir' Pasciak, Chief, BWR Radiological dat( )

l ~ Protection Section l


Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 5-7, 1985 (Report No. 50-223/85-02)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the licensee's Health Physics.and Radiological Controls programs. Areas inspected included posting and labeling, instrument and monitor calibration, surveys and sampling, dosi-metry and exposure control, controls during experimentation, reports and audits, and personnel training. The inspection involved 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> onsite by one region-based inspecto Results: No violations were identifie $5000




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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted During the course of this routine inspection, the following licensee

< . personnel were contacted or interviewed:

  • Dr. L. Beghian Mr. G. Chabot, Radiation Safety Officer

'Mr. T. Wallace, Nuclear-Reactor Supervisor

  • Mr. H. Jo, Hcalth Physics Technician


Other licensee employees were also contacted or interviewed during this inspectio Also, Dr. W. Pasciak*, Chief, BWR Radiological Protection Section accom-panied the inspector and provided management supervision during the in-spectio * Attended' exit interview on August 7, 1985 2.0 Purpose The purpose of this routine inspection was to review the licensee's health physics and radiological controls programs with respect to the following elements:

I t

- Status of Previously Identified Items

- Posting and Labeling

- Instrument and Monitor Calibration

- Surveys and Sampling

- Dosimetry and Exposure Control

- Controls during Experimentation

- Reports and Audits

- Personnel Training 3.0 Status of Previously Identified Itemn 3.1 (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (50-223/84-03-04):

Review implementation of improved radiation survey documentatio The inspector reviewed the licensee's radiation and contamination surveys (see Section 6.1 of this report) and determined the licensee has modified its radiation' survey documentation. The contamination survey now includes individual contamination swipe count results and the radiation survey now provides the serial number of the survey meter as well as prevides(the proper units of tne readings. The licensee's modifications to their survey program are consistent with ANSI-N13.6-196 t J



4.0 Posting and Labeling The inspectors toured the University of Lowell Reactor (ULR) following the entrance interview. Posting of the facility and labeling of radio-active materials were in accordance with 10 CFR 20.203 requirement .0 Instrument and Monitor Calibration The inspector evaluated the licensee's program for calibration of radiation detection instrumentation by the following methods:

Review of calibration procedures and records for the radiation monitoring equipment included in the Technical Specification *

Review of the calibration procedure and records for the portable radiation survey instrument * Discussion with licensee personne The inspector determined that the radiation monitoring equipment is being calibrated adequately and where applicable, in accordance with the Tech-nical Specification No violations were identified in this are .0 Surveys and Sampling 6.1 Surveys Routine and job-specific radiation and contamination surveys of the ULR facility are performed by the Health Physics staff. The inspec-tor reviewed selected facility surveys performed during 1985 and found them to be adequate in scope and content to meet the require-

...ents of 10 CFR 20.20 .2 Effluent Sampling The inspector reviewed the licensee sampling methods for the waste storage tanks and the liquid release data for 1985. Samples are taken from the waste storage tanks and analyzed by the licensee to determine if the tank contents meet allowable limits for discharge to the sanitary system. The releases reviewed were below the 10 CFR 20.303 limit The inspector also reviewed the gaseous effluent release data and de-termined that the licensee was within the Technical Specification limi However, the inspector noted that on two occasions, the strip chart obtained from the gaseous effluent monitor was illeg-ible. The inspector stated that more attention should be given to the strip chart during surveillance of the gaseous effluent monitor

, . _ _ _ -- . . - . . . __ _ _ - . __ .-





to ensure that legible gas effluent records are obtaine This item will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection (50-223/


7.0 Dosimetry and Exposure Control Film badges for personnel radiation monitoring are provided for the users of the ULR by the Health Physics Office. The University contracts with Landauer to provide film badge and badge processing services.

The inspector reviewed selected exposure records for users.of the ULR from January 1985 through June 1985 and noted that the majority of personnel showed no detectable exposure and all individuals were within 10 CFR 20.101 limits.


The inspector also discussed the calibration of the licensee's self-reading dosimeters (SRD). The licensee indicated that no calibration procedures exist for the SR0s nor are they sent to an outside vendor for calibration. The inspector stated that the SRDs should be calibrated j


(preferably in accordance with ANSI N322-1977) so that confidence can be placed on the readings of the SRD and eliminate any false sense of security that could potentially aris The inspector stated that this item will be reviewed in a subsequent inspection (50-223/85-02-02).

8.0 Controls During Experimentation The inspector evaluated the licensee's implementation of radiological controls during the performance of irradiation experiments by review of the following:


Procedure R0-4, Adding or Removal of Samples to the Core

  • Procedure R0-11, Handling of Irradiated Fuel

Procedure E0-1, Emergency Operating Procedures -Radiation


Emergency l

  • Standing Order 7, Sample Handling Procedures i Within the scope of the above review it was determined that the licensee l

is adequately controlling the performance of irradiation experiments.

( 9.0 Reports and Audits The following reports were reviewed during the course of this inspection:

Reactor Safety Subcommittee meeting minutes for the time period from March, 1984 to May, 198 *

Annual Report for the time period from July 1,1983 to June 30, 1985.

l The inspector noted that the Reactor Safety Subcommittee was meeting at i least quarterly which is in accordance with the Technical Specifications.




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During the review of the Annual Report the inspector noted that the section which described the gaseous waste provided the total activity released for the reporting period but did not provide monthly summaries as required in the Technical Specifications. The licensee stated that they would provide monthly summaries for the gaseous waste releases in their annual repor The inspector stated that this area will be reviewed in a subsequent inspection (50-223/85-02-03).

1 Personnel Training The licensee does not have a formal training program for the personnel who are using the facility. Rather, for an individual to gain unescorted access to the facility the Radiation Safety Officer must sign on a form which indicates his approval that the individual is properly traine All escorted personnel are accompanied by an individual who has gained un-escorted access status. To evaluate the training program with respect to 10 CFR 19.12 requirements, the inspector interviewed a Reactor Operator >

Trainee who had unescorted access to the facility for approximately two months. The individual showed that he had a firm understanding of the radiation hazards associated with the facility and was educated in the precautions, procedurcs, and regulations in effect to protect personnel from radiation exposure. Based upon the individual's responses to the inspector's questions and discussions with the licensee, the inspector determined that the licensee's training program meets the requirements of 10 CFR 19.1 . Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee personnel denoted in Section 1.0 a.t the conclusion of the inspection on August 7, 1985. The scope and findings of the inspection were discussed at that time. At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspect-tor.


