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Exam Rept 50-223/OL-85-04 of Exam on 851203-04.Exam Results: One Reactor Operator Candidate Passed Oral Exam But Failed Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: University of Lowell
Issue date: 01/08/1986
From: Keller R, Kister H, David Silk
Shared Package
ML20198H312 List:
50-223-OL-85-04, 50-223-OL-85-4, NUDOCS 8601300268
Download: ML20198H324 (27)


{{#Wiki_filter:- _- _ .- -- . .- U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATION REPORT EXAMINATION REPORT NO. 85-04 (OL) FACILITY DOCKET NO. 50-223 ! FACILITY LICENSE NO. R-125 LICENSEE: University of Lowell 1 University Avenue Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 FACILITY: Lowell Technological Institute Reactor EXAMINATION DATES: December 3 and 4, 1985 CHIEF EXAMINER: /36 Javid M. Silk, Reacto Engineer (Examiner) Date REVIEWED BY: / 2[/I/ff Robert M. Keller, Chief, Projects Section 1C Date APPROVED BY: [ Hafry B. Kisf% Chief, Projects Branch No.1 / / Dath


One R0 candidate was examined. Candidate passed the written examination but failed the oral examination.

1 A o

                 -_,   - _.    . . . .                _ . _ - - ~ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _      _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _            _ _ _ .      ._.

O REPORT DETAILS TYPE OF EXAMS: Replacement X EXAM RESULTS: 1 RO l l Pass / Fail l I I I I I l Written Exam i 1/0 l l l l l l l 10ral Exam 1 0/1 I I I I I I I 10verall I 0/1 I I I I I i 1

2. Summary of generic strengths or deficiencies noted on oral exams:

Candidate displayed strong understanding of systems but lacked an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of an operator at a nuclear facility.

3. Personnel Present at Exit Interview:

NRC Personnel David Silk Facility Personnel Thomas Wallace


4. Summary of NRC Comments made at exit interview:

The oral examination was not a clear pass.


Answer No. Change Reason A.4 Answer should be: Modify answer Americium-Beryllium undergoes Key an alpha-neutron reaction which produces source neutrons. B.8 Answers should be: Modify answer a) 104 F Key b) 1300 GPM c) 8 inches below normal (23'11" above core centerline) D.I.b Delete Question Not applicable to facility


Written Examination and Answer Key (RO)

t. .

ke D U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION Facility: University of t.owell Reactor Type: 1 MtJ Research Reactor Date Administered: 12ba/85 Examiner: SliLK Candidate: An.s we r' f{e y


INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE Use separate paper for the answers. question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Write answers on one side only. Staple indicated'in parentheses after the question. Points for each question are least 70% in each category. The passing grade r,cquires at (6) hours after the examination-starts. Examination papers will be picked up six Category % of Candidate's Value  % of Total Score Cat. Value 16 _ _ 16 A. Principics of Reactor Operation 14.s 14.5

8. Features of Facility Design 13 _

13 C. General Operating Characteristics IT_ % W .0 Instruments and Controls 12.5 __12.5 _ E. Safety and Emergency Systems _ 13 _ 13 F. Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures 15 15 _ G. Radiation Control and Safety il 400-- - Final Grade  % All work done on this exam is my own. i have neither given nor received aid. i

                                                                                             '                        i 4

l Candidate's Signature

4 A. PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR OPERATION (16) A.1 As the moderator temperature of the reactor increases, would you expect the leakage f rom the core to increase or decrease? Briefly explain. (2.0) A.2 Using the mathematical relationship between subcritical multiplication and k-ef fective, show that a positive reactivity addition will cause an increase in the count rate (assume the reactor is still subcritical after the reactivity ) add i t ion) . (2.0) A.3 Briefly explain why and when maximum xenon poisoning i occurs in your core. (2.0) k- A.4 What neutron source is used for normal startup of Sour reactor? Briefly explain how this source produces neutrons. (2.0) i g A.5 Briefly describe what ef fect delayed neutrons have on the 4 a neutron flux decay following a scram f rom full power. (2.0) A.6 List the two major characteristics of light water that makes it a good moderator. (2.0) [ A.7 A reactor is shutdown by 57. ok/k and has a count rate of

                                  .                   10 CPS. A control blade is withdrawn and the count rate increases by a factor of 10. What is the new k-effective of the reactor? Show all work.                                                                                                                                            (2.0)                       / -

1 A.8 List four reasons your reactor is designed to have excess reactivity. (2.0) 1 i l 1 } i, . END OF CATEGORY A l l l i 4 L.

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l i i B. FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN (14 . 5) B.1 Briefly describe how makeup water is provided to the primary system. Include all major components starting with water from municipal sources. (2.5) l B.2 Briefly explain why the side plates on a fuel element are longer than the fuel plates. (1.0) i j B.3 What two features of the fuel element assure proper i orientation of the fuel element in the grid? (2.0) j B.4 a) The holdup tank is provided in the primary system i to allow what two short-life isotopes to decay? (1.0) .. b) Briefly describe to where the holdup tank is vented. (1.0) 4 B.5 Briefly describe the path that air exhausted from the pneumatic tube follows until it reaches the environment. (2.0) I j B.6 Why is it required that there be no unfilled grid , , positions in the grid plate during high power operation? (1.0) B.7 Briefly describe the reactor cleanup system. Include the three major components and identify where the primary water enters the cleanup system and to where it is returned. (2.5) B.8 Indicate the following values which could scram your reactor a while operating at full power. a) Maximum bulk pool temperature (0.5) b) Minimum primary coolant flow rate (0.5) c) Minimum reactor pool water level (0.5) i I L END OF CATEGORY B i 1 i l t i i



s l 1 i C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (13) C.1 a) The reactor power increases from 50 watts to 1 KW in 100 seconds. What is the reactor period? (Show all work) (1.0) b) If no operator action is taken, will the reactor continue on the period calculated in part (a) until 1 MW is reached? Briefly explain. (1.5) C.2 a) Sketch the regulating rod worth turve (integral worth) for your reactor (label the coordinates). (1.5) b) Give the reason for any changes in the reactivity per inch of any regulating rod or control blade calibration. (1.0) C.3 Indicate what effect (increase, decrease or none) each of the following has upon the k-ef fective of your reactor a) Placing a large steel canister next to the core (0.5) b) Irradiating an argon gas sample via the rabbit system (0.5) c) Removing a graphite reflector element f rom the core periphery (0.5)

                      ~ d)   Flooding a beamport with' water                            (0.5)

C.4 A step insertion of a small amount of positive reactivity is made to your reactor while critical in the very low power range. Describe the changes in neutron flux after the reactivity addition (assume no heating ef fects) . (2.0) C.5 over a period of time while operating at full power, the coolant temperature increased from 20*C to 28*C. Assuming the temperature coefficient of reactivity for the LTIR is -0.88 x 10-4 Ak/k/*C and the regulating rod 3 is worth .037. Ak/k per inch, how far and in what direction would the control rod move? (2.0) C.6 While withdrawing control rods while the reactor is subcritical, you note that the start up instrumentation requires a longer time af ter each rod withdrawal to level out. Briefly explain why. (2.0) END OF CATEGORY C i

4 i , . i i D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROL (16) D.1 a) Briefly describe the principle of operation of a 3 compensated ion chamber (CIC). (2.0) i 8klCk' b) _.How does-the Safety Channel Chamber-operat-lon-dif fer-f rom-j -that of a normal-CIC?- (1.0) D.2 Is y>ur startup channel used as absolute indication of 4 power level? Briefly explain. (2.0) l D.3 During automatic operation, the regulating rod is driven to the near-in position by an increasing reactivity j transient (i.e., xenon burnout). Explain what would happen if no operator action is taken. (2.0) 4


1 D.4 For the servo-controlled regulating rod drive system I a) What type of detector is used? (0.5)


b) What is the function of- the servo amplifier? (1.0) 1 c) What is the purpose of the power schedule device? (0.5) l D.5 a) Briefly describe how a conductivity cell measures j conductivity? (1.5) i b) List the location of the three conductivity cells l at your facility. (1.5) D.6 What is the function of the temperature controller in the Process Control Cabinet? (2.0)

,                                  D.7             List two interlocks that might prohibit withdrawal of the safety blades while trying to startup the
;                                                  reactor.                                     Assume no scram conditions exist.                                                                (2.0) l END OF CATEGORY D I

i i I; 4

   --ew.--*          -m,- --- ,        -.-,,-...,-._~---._--m-r-.----~.__,,,,----.,.,-,,.,,.,,m                                         - , . . - - . - - - , -           .,y-,,      - - ---.--                - - . - - - - . .


;                 E.1          Describe the flow path the exhaust follows in the                                                                           (2.2) l                               Emergency Exhaust System E.2         Briefly describe the dif ference between a period l                             clectronic scram and a period relay scram.                                                                                   (2.0)

E.3 The picoammeters in the Flux Level Safety Channels are equipped with three upscale trips. Briefly describe the function of each trip. (2.4) E.4 For the below listed parameters, indicate whether a scram occurs, an alarm occurs, or both occur. I a) Bridge Movement (0.5) A b) One Safety blade disengaged f rom magnet (0.5) c) Containment air lock doors open (0.5) d) liigh Volgage Failure (0.5) i E.5 Indicate which of the below listed electrical loads

,                            are powered by the Nuclear Center Emergency Generator when normal power is lost

-f a) The Air Compressor in the Reactor (0.4) ]' b) Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) near the ventilation exhaust plenum (0.4) j c) Primary Coolant Pump (0.4) I d) Console Power (0.4) - )> c) Secondary cooling Fan (0.4) f) Intercom and Public Address System (0.4) E.6 Briefly describe the design feature which protects the containment (when in a closed condition) f rom the results of j a large drop in the atmospheric temperature. Include any applicable minimum pressure differentials associated

with this design feature. (1.5) l i


F. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES (13) F.1 In accordance with E.O.1, Radiation Emergency a) Under what conditions does a potential radiation emergency exist? (1.0) b) What radiation conditions require that the reactor be manually shutdown? (1.5) F.2 In accordance with E.0.8, Loss of Electrical Power a) If the electrical failure is caused by a thunderstorm (with a probability of a series of interruptions), what special precaution should be taken? (1.0) b) If emergency power fails, what actions are taken to assure the reactor is shutdown? (1.0) F.3 Consider routine startup (R.O.5) a) When switching ranges to the next higher range on the picoammeter, the linear level safety channels should not read less than what percentage? (0.5) b) The Am-Be neutron sources must be removed if the reactor is taken above what power? (0.5) - c) When switching to "aute" the period must be greater than what value? (0.5) d) While in " Auto" and changinn power with the power schedule switch, the power will change with about what period? (0.5) 2 F.4 In accordance with R.O.6, Operation of Power and Adjustments In Power Level, what four steps must be taken if an unexpected increase in reactor power occurs? (2.0) F.5 Consider the situation described below (assume the reactor is operating at full power). Indicate which of the following actions are appropriate for each situation. i Scram or shutdown the reactor 11 Initiate building evacuation 111 Close the Containment System (Note that more than one action may be appropriate) a) An anonymous telephone call has been received u indicating that a bomb inside containment is set to go of f in 45 minutes. (1.25) b) An oily rag fire is discovered in the pump room. (1.25) TIIIS CATECORY CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

4 i i F.6 The reactor is in automatic and it is desired to change power from 50 KW to 800 KW. In accordance with Procedure R.O.5, Routine Startup, briefly explain how this is accomplished. (2.0) s. END OF CATEGORY F

G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY (15) G.1 Assuming equal absorbed doses, which type of radiation will have the greatest ef fect on the body; beta, gamma , o r thermal neutrons? Briefly explain your answer. (2.0) G.2 It is reported that a small piece of metal on the floor near the pool is reading 12 REM gamma per hour at one foot. What is the minimum distance from the source you could stand so that your dose rate would not exceed 100 mr/hr (show all work)? (2.0) G.3 An operator unintentionally entered a radiation area (as defined in 10 CFR 20) while concentrating on a job he was doing. lie worked in the radiation area for a half an hour. What is the maximum radiation dose he could expect to receive? (1.0) G.4 a) Discuss how Argon-41 is produced at your reactor. (Give equation for nuclear reaction) (1.0) b) Explain the najor hazard of A-41. (1.0) G.5 A radioactive sodium sample (half-life is 15 houri 4) reads 7-4.5 R/IIR at one meter when raised to the pool syrface. llow long must the experimenter wait before the sample reads 1 R/IIR at one meter? (Show all work) (2.0) G.6 Briefly explain the major dif ferences in characteristics. . between a portable monitoring instrument using a GM tube and an instrument using an Ion Chamber. (2.0) G.7 For the following radiation monitors, indicIte type of detector and type (s) of radiation detected. P a) Continuous Air Monitor (located on the third floor in the vicinity of the main ventilation room exhaust plenum) (1.0) b) Main Exhaust Plenum Radiation Detector. (1.0) G.8 Briefly describe the principle of operation of a pocket dosimeter. (2.0) END OF CATEGORY G

10 CFR 20 APPENDIX 8 W TABLE I TABLE !! ISOTOPE T l/2 MEV COL I COL II COL I COL iI AIR WATER AIR uc/ml WATER A-41 uc/ml uc/mi uc/mi 1.83 h 1.3 2x10-0 Co-60 5.3 y 4x10-8 3x10- I


4 2.5 lx10-5 l-131 8.1 d Ix10-8 5x10-5 0.36 9x10-9 6x10-5 Kr-85 10.8 y lx10-10 3x10~/ 0.04 lx10-5 NI-65 2.5 3x10-/ h 0.59 9x10-7 Sr-90 Itx10-5 3x10-8 lx10-4

                        '28         y lx10-9        lx10-5               3x10-Il Xe-135            9.2       h                                                                           3x10-/

i 0.25 4x10-6 Ix10-/ LINEAR ABSORPTION COEFFICIENTS (cm-I) ' Nnergy(MEV) Water Concrete 0.5 Iron Lead 0.090 0.21 h 1.0 0.067' O 15' 0.63 O . 4I, 1.7 l.5 0.057 ~ 0,77 0.13 0.40 0.57 2.0 0.048 0.11 0.33 2.5 0.042 0.51 0.097 i 0.31 , 0.49 P= Po e + P = 210 ' ~ ~4Y SUR  ?$ P = l%,o a T= 'w~' T= nf e s Tv + 'x " P - 7L- + $, i q ~

                                                                                                            ^         '

l = Io e ~'" /Y=& e

  • R/hr= RT C = hg 9 = h/M T T = $!A T
   /c , = 7th " //                                                      T = <rA T '

R D' = R, D' M = 7 'I8 gal.


g b b

    . _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ - . _ _ _                               _ . _          .. .. _ _ .              . _ _ _ ._~ __ _ _ _ _ _... _ _                 mm_

1 C. E. Robinson 12/85 l f i ANSWER SHEET (

!                                                                          UNIVERSITY OF LOWELL l


                                     ~ A.1          (Reference - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Lamarsh, pg. 279)

(0,5) Leakage would increase (1.5) Decreased Moderator density would increase average neutron diffusion length and slowing down length then an increase in leakage would occur. A.2 (Reference - Control of Nuclear Reactor and Power Plant, Schultz, pg. 16) (2.0) Count Rate = CS/(1-K-ef fective) (Note: M=1/(1-K-effective) i

Adding positive reactivity increases K-effective If K-effective increases, 1-K-effective decreases, I

therefore the count rate increases. I_ j A.3 (Reference - Introduction to Nucicar Engineering, Lanarsh, pg. 284) I (0.5) Maximum " xenon poisoning" occurs about about 8 to 10 (CAF) ' , hours after shutdown from full power. (1.5) A maximum occurs af ter shutdown because of a buildup of l xenon via decay of I-135 which occurs because the half-life of I-135 is shorter than the half-life of xenon. I

A.4 (Reference - FSAR pg. 4-4 and Control of Nuclear Reactors and i

1 Power Plants, Schultz, pg. 367) 4 ! (0.5) - An t4 mony-bery F1-lum- . i, i ~ , ll ~ fIl , a i 1

                                                          -(cal"They-may be- using-an- americinm-beryllium source)-

j (1.5) Antimony -is radioactive and gives of f a gamma ray.- Beryllium when bombarded by-a gamma- ray- gives -o f f a - neut ron- ) (y,n-reaction)- An ==., o Al,oa (GWs v.=ws.6 A ' ! A.5 (Reference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Glasstone and Sesonske, pg. 244) i j (2.0) The delayed neutrons determine the rate of flux decay following i a scram af ter the prompt neut rons have become inef fective. The flux will eventually decay on an 80 sec period established by the decay of the longest lived fission i h product neutron emitter. 1 i j A.6 (Reference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Classtone and Sesonske, j pg. 135) ! (1.0) The nucleus of the hydrogen aton in a molecule is not much bigger than a neutron. Therefore a large portion i l

of the neutron energy is transferred to the hydrogen per collision. (1.0) Water has a low absorption cross probability for neutrons. A.7 (Reference - Control of Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants, Schultz, pg. 16)

                      ~I (2.0)   K
                            =   0.05            K =   0.952 CPS 2       1.0 - 0.952
                              ~               =

0 K-e U = 0. m 2 CPS 1.0 - K-eff 1 A.8 (Reference FSAR, pg. 1-6, 1-7 and 4-61) (2.0) Any four of the following (0.5 for each) a) Xenon (or poisons) d) Buildup of fission products b) Temperature e) experiments c) Burnup f) margin for control h3 1

FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN (14.5) B.1 (Reference FSAR 4-22) (1.0) A float operated valve admits water through an organic removal exchanger (through an air gap) to a 1000 gallon make-up water tank. (1.5) A supply pump delivers water from this tank to a mixed-bed demineralizer and then to the clean up system-upstream of the postfilter. B.2 (1.0) (Reference FSAR, pg. 4-18) The additional length of the side plates provides an opening, or plenum, above and below the fuel zone. Core flow is directed from the plenum above the fuel plates to the plenum below. B.3 (Re fe rence ' FS AR , pg. 4-19) (1.0) Two chamfeied edges on the fuel element fit into matching openings in the core grid (provide approximate alignment) (1.0) Pads embossed in each corner of the side plates (Final alignment and spacing) B.4 ('R'e fe re nc e - FSAR, pg. 4-21) x a) (0.5) N-16 (0.5) 0-19 b) (1.0) The vented air is bled off under water in the reactor pool B.5 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 3-15 and Fig. 3.9) (2.0) Air is exhausted through absolute filters by in-line blowers (230 cfm) into a common duct leading to the 20-inch diameter blast valve and external duct which goes to the stack. B.6 (Reference - Tech Specs, pg. 22) (1.0) Assures that the quantity of primary coolant that flows through the element is sufficient to keep the elements within Tech. Spec. temperature limits. B.7 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-22) (1.5) pump, mixed bed demineralizer and a postfilter (0.5) removed f rom primary system af ter the heat exchange (0.5) returned to the pool

B.8 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 1-11, pg. 4-20, pg. 4-50) (0.5 a) -108* F-{pyl-11-)e107

  • Frpg 20r(CAF)- 10 4 ' F (0.5) b) t h i <.fD ,

0,3-x-1403-gpm =-l l 20-gpm-(al a rm-ancl -scram) (0.5) c) 4-1nches-below-normal-or-24125-f t-above-core-centerline-

                     ^' s 0<.ls c 3 It s cr 5h.n n, - l   3 ., o 5- >!

eag i 1

C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (13) C.1 (Reference - Introduction to Nucicar Engineering, Lamarsh, pg. 245) a) (1.0) P(t) = P(o) e ! In(20) = 100 sec/T T = 100 sec/in 20 = 33.4 seconds b) (0.5) NO (1.0) As the water temperature increases, the density decreases which increases the dif fusion and slowing down length thus decreasing K-ef fective (or reactivity) and thus lengthening the reactor period. (also will. accept negative temp. coefficient) C.2 (Reference - Eacility Curve and Control of Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants, Schultz, pg. 36) a) (1.5) See enclosed facility curve b) (1.0) Slope of curve changes because neutron flux is greater in the center of the core and less at the core edges. C.3 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-67) a) (0.5) decrease b) (0.5) none c) (0,5) decrease d) (0.5) increase C.4 (Keference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Classtone and Gesonske, pg. 243) (2.0) There is a " prompt jump" increase in neutron flux due to the immediate ef fects of prompt neutrons. Power then increases on a stable period (the value of which is determined by the amount of reactivity irtserted and the delayed neutron generation tine). C.5 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-67) l f (0.5) Rod moves out

                                   -4 (1.5)    -0.88 x 10       AK/K/*C    = 7.04 x 10 ~ AK/K

7.04 x 10 AK/K


2.35 inches

0.0003 AK/K/in 1
                ...           _ . - . _ -                           .                   .- - ~ --_-_ ~ _ - - - -.._ _ --                    . _ _ _ _ - .                   . . . . - . . - - . _ _ . - . - _ _ .           -

i I i

         .                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I
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C.6 (Reference - Control of Nuclear Reactor and Power Plants, Schultz, pg.16) { (2.0) The steady state multiplication of the neutron in the system can be represented by I ' a S(1 + K-eff + (K-eff) + ...) S

Thus as K-ef f approaches 1.0, many more of the
preceeding generations make a significant contribution to the multiplication factor. '

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I I D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROL (16) D.1 (Reference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Glasstone and Sesonske, pg. 31 3)

a) (2.0) The CIC is a double chamber detector with one chamber i

lined with boron thus detecting neut rons while both chambers detect gamma's. The signal from the unlined chamber is subtracted from the lined chamber's signal, thus giving a signal proportional to the neutron population. Ionization of gas in each chamber t produces a signal due to a voltage differential across l each chamber. i ible te --h)-( 1,0)-I n-e n-un compen s a t ed -l o n i e n t-l on-cha mb e r-on l y-t he- bo ro n - 1-ined-chamber-is-used r---Therefore;--a-signal proportional-to-neut rons plus gammal a-is-obtained.- D.2 (Reference - FSAR - pg. 4-10 and 4-41) i

;                                           (0.5) NO l                                            (1.5) This channel is usually used to detect changes in power level at low powers since the detector can be moved j

during operation. D.3 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-4 3) 1 (1.0) Powe'r would increase (1.0) Eventually the reactor would scram on high power 1 D.4 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-42) 1 a) (0.5) a gamma-com'pensated ionization chamber

,                                   b)     (1.0)     responds to the picoamneter signal and controls the speed and direction of the regulating rod motion through j                                                     a servo motor c)     (0.5) sets the reference power D.5   (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-58 and 4-59) i j                                    a)    (1.5) The coolant is examined for dissolved solids by measuring

! the resistivity of the water. (Resistance of the water { is measured by measuring the resistance to current flow across ' one centimeter of water) b) (0.5) holdup tank { (0.5) pool cleanup system 1 l (0.5) makeup system t l \ 1 ,, l

                                                                              '                                                                 I 4                                                                                                                                               )
1 1

i i

D.6 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-57 and Figure 4.11) (2.0) Actuates motor operated flow control valve 905 (cooling water from the heat exchanger) upon input from temperature element 901B (outlet temperature from core) in excess of setpoint. D.7 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-41) a) (1.0) '10 second delay period subsequent to reactor startup (1.0) when the log count rate meter is below the minimum number of counts per minute s k e l I e .,

E. SAFFTY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS (12.5) E.1 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 3-17 and Fig. 5) (2.2) An emergency system draws air through charcoal filters into a separate duct which passes through the containment uhell where the integral blast valve is located and then connects to the main exhaust downstream f rom all other valves in order to allow air passage up the stack. E.2 (REFERENCE - FSAR, pg. 4-49 and 4-51) a) (1.0) The electronics trip deenergizes the scram magnets via the logic unit and trip actuator amplifier h) (1.0) The period relay scram occurs when the period alarm relay in the I.og N period amplifier is deenergized E.3 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 4-44) a) (0.8) An upscale trip (which provides~a voltage signal when untripped) to the scran logic' unit b) (0.8) An upscale trip (providing an open relay contact when tripped) to the neram safety chain c) (0.8) An upscale trip used in the rod withdrawal prohibit circuit E.4 (Reference - FSAR. pg. 4-51) a) (0.%) alarm and scram h) (0.5) alarm c) (0.5) alarm and scram d) (0.5) alarm and scram E.5 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 6-15. 4-16) a) (0.4) Powered by Fmergency Generator b) (0.4) tiAF fE ' i~ ~Mid by '" * *e < '"c / ' J N

  • b( > ~

c) (0.4) Not powered by Eme rgency Generat or d) (0.4) Powered by Emergency Generator o) (0.4) Not powered by Energency Generator

1) (0.4) Powered by Emergency Generator ts

E.6 (Reference - FSAR, pg. 3-10) (1.0) A six-inch diameter vacuum relief valve is mounted on the shell to preclude the possibility of creating an appreciable vacuum in the shell. (0.5) The relief valve is designed to allow air to pass into the shell before the shell achieves a vacuum of 0.5 inch water column.

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6 4

F. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES (13) F.1 (Reference - E.O.1, Radiation Emergency) a) (1.0) A potential radiation emergency exists whenever the radiation monitoring signals an alarm f rom preset Icvels. b) (0.75) I rem /hr with no remedial action within 15 minutes (0.75) 100 times MPC (airborne) with no remedial action within 15 minutes F.2 (Reference - E.0.8, Loss of Electric Power) a) (1.0) The Emergency Generator should be 1ccked in the test mode. b) (1,0) Remove the reactor key and use a portable monitor and flashlight to visually assure that the control blades are in. F.3 (Reference R.O.5, Routine Startup, pgs. 2 and 3) a) (0,5) 15% b) (0,5) 10 KW c) (0.5) 30 seconds d) (0,5) 50 second period + F.4 (References R.O.6, Operation at Power and Adjustments in Power Level) a) (0.5) Start inserting control blades b) (0,5) Report details to Senior Operator c) (0.5) Take such other steps as are considered necessary d) (0,5) Along with the Senior Operator, proceed to determine cause of power change F.5 a) (1.25) Reference E.O.S. Sabotage Threat) (1) Shutdown the reactor (11) Initiate building evacuation b) (1.25) (Re'erence E.O.2, Fire) (1) Scram Reactor (ii) Initiate building evacuation (iii) Close containment F.6 (Reference R.O.5, pg. 3) w (0.4) Press the " MAN" switch (0.4) Change the range (0.4) Adjust the power schedule to desired power (0.4) change power manually to desired power (0.4) press auto switch

G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY (15) C.1 (Reference - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Lamarsh, pg. 371-373) a) (0.5) Thermal neutrons (1.5) Neutrons are very massive when compared to beta and gamma, and though not charged, the neutrons cause more tissue damage per absorbed dose (QF assigned to thermal neutrons is 2, which means that an absorbed dose of thermal neutrons will have about 2 times the effect on the body as an equal absorbed dose of beta or gamma). G.2 (P.eference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Glasstone and Sesonske, pg. 569) D D (2.0) 7 2 12,000 mr/hr , 100 mr/hr R R R 1 2 g 2 R 2


10.95 or 11 feet G.3 (Reference - 10 CFR 20) (1.0) Up to 50 mrem (above 100 mrem /hr a high radiation area exists) G.4 (Reference - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Lamarsh, pg. 4 72) u (1.0) a) Ar (n,Y)A (i.e., from ordinary air) (1.0) b) It is chemically inert and therefore poses an external or lung hazard G.5 (Reference - Introduction to Nucicar Engineering, Lamarsh, pg. 22)

                                      -At                .693 (2.0) A=A          e              A =                   1 = 4.5 e .693/15 L T

1/2 t = 32.56 hrs G.6 (Reference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Glasstone and Sesonske, pg. 534, 538, and 309) (1.0) GM instrument is more sensitive due to amplification of the ionization by the GM tube (1.0) The ion chamber gives an indication of the energy of the incident radiation (because the greater the energy, the more ionization there will be in the chamber). G.7 (Re ference - FSAR, pg. 7-27,and pg. 7-22) a) (0.5) End window G-M's (0,5) beta-gamma sensitive b) (0.5) GM tube (lead filtered, halogen quenched) (0.5) gamma sensitive

r C.8 (Reference - Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Glasstone and Sesonske, pg. 540) (2.0) An ionization chamber whose outer electrode is cylindrical and the inner electrode consists of a short wire to which is attached a flexible metal-coated quartz fiber. When the dosimeter is charged, the quartz fiber diverges from the wire, but when radiations enter the chamber, the deficction gradually decreases. u y w ** b
